Goggles Part 1

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(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.)

Part 1

The Little Pony With A Weird Name

Jake thought to him self, as he made his way through Ulsock Forest, about what had happened in the last few hours. The best day of his life with the orphan boy had ended in hatred and yelling. Frustrated and upset, the young palomino had fled his foal friend and was now worried about him. He now feared for his young buddy and his connection with the boy's mind.

At last, the structure he'd been looking for stood before him. A huge clock-tower, windmill,

clubhouse. It was here that the palomino, Jake, had met for the first time the orphaned stallion, Goggles. He found it by accident and wandered in thinking no one was around, but to his surprise he found a child living on his own inside. Jake visited with the youngling every chance he could and over the course of three weeks they formed a small bond.

Jake ran his hand through his mane once then approached the ladder that lead up to the front door. He could very easily remember the boy's excitement when he had asked him to come to the County Fair just yesterday. Jake had bought the two some tickets and some clothes for Goggles and they rode rides together all day. Jake pulled himself from the ladder onto the door arch platform. They'd returned late last night only to find the club house in shambles and ransacked. Not much was missing, and very little was broken, but it still looked awful.

Jake was twelve and had very few friends, his mother was never usually home because she's the head of the bank and his dad's a lazy ex-race horse. The boy cleared his throat. "Goggles?" He always found it useless to knock since the door was made of cardboard, instead he'd call out at the front door. "Go away!" Came a voice from inside. "It wasn't my fault, I didn't know this was going to happen." He complained. "If you hadn't taken me away from my home it wouldn't have been destroyed." the voice told him. "But it was fun, wasn't it? You can't blame me for wanting to show my best friend a good time." Two minutes passed with out a response. Then five, then eight, ten, when it seemed like he wasn't going to answer, the door slid open an inch. It hesitated, then slid open a foot and the pony peered out at the older horse. Perched on top of his head, as always, were what gave him his odd name, blue tinted and lined with a brass rim, his goggles.

The child wore them all the time, in fact, he never took them off unless he was taking a shower or going to bed or on some occasions where he didn't feel like wearing them. The small stallion put his arms around his only friend and nuzzled his jacket silently. "Come on, let's go inside before someone sees you." He said, pushing the naked boy inside. Goggles never had the money to buy himself clothes and the only things he was wearing when he ran away from the orphanage had become too small long ago. Jake sat on the beanbag he had brought the boy a few days ago and pulled him onto his lap. With his hand he gently smoothed the pony's chest fur so that the white zigzag of fur was even all across the boy's chest and licked the tear stains from his cheeks. "There, all clean and tidy now." He said with a smile. He could feel his own sheath start to spread as he held the slim stallion in his lap and immediately lifted him up, stood and set the boy down on the seat.

"You don't have to give up your seat for me Jake, you bought it for me, you can sit here if you like."

"Nah" He said casually. "It's fine, I'll stand. What did you think of the Fair last night?" "Oh, I enjoyed it, but the clothes you got me were really itchy. I hate wearing them." He said innocently, scratching his noticeably large ball sack. "What brought you here so early today?" He asked in return.

"You usually wait till noon." Blushing, Jake rubbed his hands together, thinking of a good way to explain. "Um, dad decided to wave his 'three feet long' around the house today. It's really not so bad watching him do it." He explained idly, more to himself rather than to Goggles. "He strokes it all day long so it's nice and hard. I get to touch it, even suck on it, and I love getting him to make a mess everywhere, but when he tries to get me to bend over I have to make up and excuse to get out of the house." "You mean your dad has foot long candies that you like to suck on? Doesn't your mom get mad about the messes?" Goggles was confused, he didn't know anything related to yiffy activity, so he just assumed Jake's father was giving him candy to suck on. Jake blushed more. "Uh, never mind about that." He looked into his friends curious eyes and smiled. For the last week he had wanted to see what it would have been like to kiss the foal, but he was to shy to try something like that. "Oh, hey, what time it is?" He asked, trying to look a little concerned. "It's on nine and one-five. Why?"

He answered, looking at the clock Jake had bought him. "That means it's 9:15, and that means I have to go, mom wanted me to stop by the store and get her something. I should be back at ten sharp. That means when the long one is on the twelve at the top and the short one is at ten. Alright?"

Goggles nodded simply and got up to go play.

Jake dodged past trees and away from Goggles' place. He hadn't really needed to pick anything up for his mom, he just lied as an excuse to get away from the boy and let his hard-on die down. He turned left when he reached his street and headed for the mall. He knew his other friends would be there and maybe this time they'd like to hang out with him. The horse looked into each of the separate stores as he walked through the thickly cluttered crowed, in search of a sign to where his friends were. His eyes stopped when he glanced into an electronics store and spotted Sue. He could recognize this cow anywhere for Sue never went out in public without a full attire of matching pink. She was in the back looking through a naughty book where no one could see her. Walking in, Jake spotted the muscular form of Stanley, a large black bull, almost 18 and the only thing girls talked about. Clutched in his hand was Halo 3, the price was twice as much as he had in his other hand. Jake had came to know this bull very well, for it was required that you paw him off once a week if you wish to stay his friend.

Jake watched Stanley feel up coon boy standing next to him, for money. Larry the raccoon allowed his 'boss' to search him until he found nothing and shoved the twelve year old aside and made his way to the back. Sue hardly noticed him as he approached her, she was too interested in the book she was holding. Her nipples were hard and it showed through her tight shirt. The palomino stallion watched the female he used to have a crush on get a searching, especially around her large, full chest. Jake walked up as the bull finished searching the bovine girl and greeted his friends. "Hey gang, what's up?" He said with a smile. "I'm low on cash, that's what." Stanley replied, sourly in his deep voice. "Say, you have money, Jake-ie, don't you? I'll give you half of what ever I get if you lend me some." Jake smiled once more and nodded, handing the bull three tens from his jeans pocket.

After paying for the game Stanley removed the game manual for Halo 3, tore it in half and handed part of it to Jake. "There you go kiddo." He laughed and left with Sue and Larry.

Stunned, Jake dropped the ruined book and chased after the gang. He trotted up behind the muscular con-artist and began to complaining. "Stan, that's not fair, you said we'd share." But the bull merely laughed and kept walking. "No, I said you'd get half of what ever I bought with your money. I bought the game with my half of the money and that little book with your half. And I gave you half the book." Jake blinked. "Wait, hold on." He said and dashed past the group and stopped in front of them to block their path. "That's still not fair! I should at least get the change back." He stated, holding out his hand. "Hey, jerk, quit pushing me!" Stanley yelled. The horse pulled back his hand. "But I never even touched you." The bull smirked. "Hey, asshole, I asked you to stop shoving me!" He yelled again, giving the horse boy a hard push backward causing him to lose his balance and fall down a flight of stairs he'd been standing in front of.

Jake's body hit the bottom with a thud. The palomino got to his feet, ready to fight back, but was too overwhelmed by heartbreak and begun crying. Amidst the laughter of people around him and his three 'friends' the broken-hearted pony ran from the mall. Jake burst through the front door to his house, sobbing, and buried his muzzle in the couch. "No one likes me!" He cried. As the tears rolled down his cheeks he remembered, he'd left behind a young boy by the name of Goggles. He could feel his heart leap at just the thought of the boy, the same way it had done for Sue. He rushed into the bathroom and washed the tear stains from his face and went into his room to grab a comic off the top of his stack and tucked it in his jacket. "Jake? Is that you?" Came his father's voice. "Yes daddy, it's me." He called. He handed the brush to his dad and turned around to receive a brushing. "Going out to see that Bottles kid again?" He asked his son, while brushing his mane. Jake looked down and noticed his father's cock was nudging his small hand, Jake smiled and began stroking the long thick shaft as his father continued to brush. "Daddy, I told you, his name is Goggles." He whined. "Alright sexy, lookin good, go get him." His father said with a small moan, and pushed his son towards the door.

Jake bounded out the front door and down the street as fast as his legs could carry him. On the way, he began to wonder what the boy thought of him. He also began to wonder how the boy looked horny. Jake blushed and hurried back to make up lost time and was surprised to find the little foal waiting for him right behind the door. "How long were you standing there?" He asked. "Almost the whole time." Was the answer. "I really missed you." The small brown pony blushed a little. Jake pulled a comic book out from behind his jacket and handed it to his friend. "Here, I'd like you to have this. I've already read this enough times to recite the whole thing, word for word, so I figure I could do something more useful with it." The young stallion looked puzzled. "It's yours now." He told him. The foal's eyes lit up as he took it over to a table to set it up for reading later. "Wow, thank you! It's about super heroes too! This is awesome!" He exclaimed as he positioned a lamp over the book and tested the bulb only to find it was burned out. As he changed the bulb, Jake un-zipped his pants and pulled his semi-limp cock out into view, he then approached the child slowly. "Hey Goggles?" He asked, taking another step closer. "Yes?" He replied, not taking his eyes from the lamp as he removed the old bulb. The older horse shivered in nervousness and cleared his throat. "Would... would you like to see something else?" Goggles tested the new bulb and smiled to himself when light shone upon his new comic. "Of course I would!" He told him, as he dusted the table and lamp with his old feather duster and sat back in his rotatable office chair to observe his comic desk. Jake moved in closer, he was now only a foot from the omni-naked stallion, his half limp cock level with the boy's head. "Turn around and I'll show it to you." He said, trying to hold back the nervous shivers. Goggles turned his chair around, coming face to flesh with the seven inch limp meat. His eyes widened. "What's that?" Jake shivered and blushed deeply. "It's..." He stuttered. "It's my penis." The foal blushed at the word. "Your penis?" The boy repeated. "Yeah. Touch it." Jake replied shyly. The boy looked up at the palomino. "Touch it?" He echoed. Jake nodded. The young orphan lifted one hand to the flesh and gently felt it with his finger tips. As curiosity grew in the pony he began stroking it with his palm, enjoying its soft, warm feel.

Jake closed his eyes as his shaft hardened in the boy's hands, causing the little one to eep.

"Jake, your penis is growing! It's getting longer and harder, and thicker too!" Goggles exclaimed in wonderment. He smiled down at the boy who's eyes were widening as the pink flesh stretched five more inches and hardened out completely. "Yeah, it does that." He explained, popping his balls out of his pants. "It means I like it." Goggles blinked. "You mean you like it when people touch your penis?" He watched as his older friend shyly dropped his pants and slid out of his jacket, revealing his slim physique. He tilted the child's chin up so his could look into his eyes. "Actually, you're the first one to ever touch it, and the thing is, I like it." He bent over to kiss the cheek of the foal who's eyes widened once more. The brown pony squirmed as Jake's hand cupped one of his massive orbs and gently squeezed. "Now let me see yours." He said to the youngling and fingered his sheath. Within seconds the palomino's prodding had the child standing horny for the first time in his life. A blush spread across either of the horses' face as they both stood erect and naked in front of each other. "I can't believe yours is bigger than mine." Jake said admiringly, stroking the long, thick shaft.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even know I had one." Goggles admitted sheepishly. "S-stop touching it like that it feels so weird." Jake ignored him and continued to stroke the massive shaft. The pony squirmed more. "Jake, stop touching my penis." He whined. "Alright." Jake said with a sigh and pulled the horny child back over to the beanbag to cuddle up to him. The young stallion blushed deeper watching his best friend nuzzle deep into his chest fur.

The pale horse cuddled with the dark one for what seemed like half an hour before Goggles began to get curious again. "Jake, why are hugging me like this for so long?" He asked. "You don't like it?" Jake felt a little hurt. "Well no, I don't. It's weird." Jake cuddled tighter and brushed over his white zigzag with his muzzle. "Look what I found." He said, licking a nipple in a final attempt to unearth the child's curiosity. The boy quivered, getting curious about his friend's actions. "Jake, you've never done this stuff before. And why are your clothes off?" He whined. To answer, the older boy merely licked at the foal's muzzle. Frustrated, the young horse pushed against his friend, trying to make him stop, but the licking only increased. "Quit it! Get off me! Stop licking me you big dumb jerk!" He yelled, and would have kept yelling but a pair of lips pressed against his own, stopping him completely. After a moment, they parted, leaving the child stunned and blushing deeply. "J-Jake... you... you just kissed me." Goggles stammered, utterly confused.

The palomino stood. "Yes, I did, but I see you hate me now. I'm really sorry if you didn't like any of that, I was just... never mind, you wouldn't understand it." The older male said, turning to leave, but a hand wrapped tightly around his tail prevented it. "Don't go. Please, tell me, why did you kiss me like that?" The older horse turned to refuse but noticed the little one was still blushing from it and was already becoming aroused again. The light-furred horse knelt in front of the boy and kissed his limp shaft. "I like you... a lot. I met you only a few weeks ago and already you've allowed me to hang out with you more times than my other friends have. It's only been a little while, and already I like you a lot more than friends I've had for years."He confessed. "But why are you doing these weird things? Why did you show me your penis? Why did you lick me?" The youngling wondered aloud. The older horse sighed and slipped up next to the foal once more. "To put it in a way you can understand, I think I'm... in love. In love, with you." He said, blushing deeply. The child was astonished, he knew everything about love, and knew what it mean to feel love for someone.

The poor, confused creature was too stunned to speak. Jake watched the boy's mouth hang open and his breathing go shallow. "Goggles... I'm sorry again... I shouldn't have said anything." He said and tried to stand again, but the boy grabbed his arm to stop him once more. "I feel the same about you." Goggles said, looking away, obviously shy. Their eyes met. "Back at the Orphanage everyone was mean to me, the only toy I ever got to play with in the day time was what I wear on my head all the time." He flipped his goggles onto the floor. "I never expected to find you when I ran away." Jake merely smiled at his friend and pulled him close. The older male licked over the foal's nose and stroked a hand over his small naked rear. "There's something I want to try on you. Dad told me how to do this." He said, standing up. "Turn away from me and bend over." The child did as told and readied himself. Jake coated his own cock in as much saliva as he could with his hand and bent to press it against his friend's tail hole. "Eep! J-Jake, what is that? What are you doing? It's wet!" Goggles cried, moving his ass away to avoid the touch. "That was my penis and I'm going to yiff your tail hole, so get that back here, please?" Blushing, the boy obeyed and moved his rear back into the hands of his friend. "This might hurt at first, but, it will feel really really good after that. If it starts to hurt too much for you, let me know and I'll stop." He said softly, pressing his long, thick boner into the boy's back entrance a little, causing him to cry out in both shock and pain. The stallion braced himself, knowing now the intent of his palomino friend, and he was going to play the game from beginning to how ever it may end. "You ok there, Goggles? You're so tight in there I can't stand it." The pale horse moaned and pressed in a little deeper. "I don't know what this is, this yiff, but even though it hurts, it feels right." The pony muttered weakly. A loud cry escaped the boy as his friend's rod thrust the rest of the way in, leaving the child gasping. "Sorry, are you still alright? I fell, I didn't mean to do that." The larger one apologized. "No... don't stop, I'm fine!" Goggles protested, the feeling of his best friend's large member stretching him in an interesting place made him blush. He could feel an odd sensation, kind of like a squirt. "Wow, you've already got me close. I just pumped a lot of pre into you. If your ready, the fun can start." He said, rubbing the orphan's brown back. With a nod from the boy to confirm, Jake slowly began pulling out. The boy's fingers dug into the beanbag as pain drained away, replaced with pleasure.

The retreating rod halted and slowly made its way back in, hilting once more in the foal's body. It hesitated once more then retreated once again, this time it moved back further before changing direction and beginning another journey back in side. "How's that feel for you, buddy?" The city boy asked, taking hold of the rear. "That feels wonderful. More than that. It's outstanding!" The younger one moaned as his friend's member rehilted once again and begun to pick up speed as it pulled out once more, this time nearly all the way, only to begin another round back in. The older boy's hips moved with some difficulty as he worked at the virgin boy, more pre leaking out. The two moaned together, both enjoying their first time. Jake started moving faster, his balls knocking against those of the small orphan's whose were much larger than his. "Jake... I need to confess. This feels more right than anything I've done in my life. This feels like it was supposed to be this way." The boy whined, his fingers digging in deeper, making long pits in the beanbag. "So you feel it too huh?" Was the male's simple reply. They both smiled at the sound of the other's heated grunting and the contact between their bodies.

The moment was interrupted when the bigger horse cried out in pleasure and hilted once more to released a thick load of hot cum into the rear of his close friend. He moaned to the little blushing horse and lay himself across his back, still squirting, filling the small tail hole. "What's that?" The orphan asked quickly, but his friend only smirked. "You mean what you're feeling right now?" He asked, the orgasm coming to an end. "Oh don't worry, I intend to show you. Roll over." He said, pulling out of his friend's body. Obeying again, the lad turned over and gazed at the older male who was still panting from the ordeal. His eyes followed the boys hands to his cock and watched as they begun to move up and down his cock firmly. Goggles moaned again, his friends paws were soft and smooth and felt wondrous against the sensitive skin. He could feel the pink rod pulse and twitch with every stroke, the pleasure growing more and more intense with every motion. Jake teased only a little, stopping shortly or lightening his grip on the boy. Pretty soon it was too unbearable for the the boy to even utter a word. His fists clenched and his shaft tensed up as his young body hit his first ever climax.

The orphan groaned long and deep, erupting all over his friend's chest, face, and all over the floor before the shaft was slid into Jake's mouth, who then swallowed the rest of the white goo. The boy's cheeks swelled as he took a whole mouth-full, swallowed, received another mouth-full and swallowed that too, and repeated the process a third time before it finally ended. Jake directed the last few squirts to his balls before he let the spent shaft go, licking his lips clean. "Is that what you did?" Goggles asked the cum soaked horse. Jake smiled and nodded laying in the boy's arms. He was all sticky, but the foal didn't mind, he was happy to have his friend in his arms this time. Their cocks pressed against each other's stomachs side by side and pinned between the two horses. The boys let their lips touch again, their mouths locking together. After a good kiss, they pulled back to smile at each other. "Still hard I see. Me too." The older one said and giggled. "But shouldn't you get yourself cleaned up before you go home?" The small boy asked. "Nope. I'm not going home tonight. I'm going to stay here with you." He said, wiping away the cum with his shirt and cuddling close with the boy. "But it's not even close to night time." "So?" He said, cuddling closer. "I don't care." Jake said. The orphan smiled and nuzzled his friend. "Then I don't care either." He said simply and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

To Be Continued

Goggles Part 2

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 2** **Jake's Adventure** It had already been two days since Jake Wildgale had spent his first night with the...

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