Goggles Part 2

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(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.)

Part 2

Jake's Adventure

It had already been two days since Jake Wildgale had spent his first night with the orphan Goggles and already, he missed the omni-naked stallion. The boy sighed and leaned his head against the window and watched the world whiz by. Terri took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on her son's leg, sensing pain. "What's the matter my wonderful son? Do you miss Goggles?" She asked, her crystal voice causing his ear to perk up. He looked over at his mom, a beautiful palomino mare, she still wore her tight, red office uniform that exposed the slim figure underneath. Her beautiful, shining hair hung beside her cheeks adding to her sweet smile and deep, piercing blue eyes, turned momentarily from the road to give her only child a reason to smile. "Don't worry, we're going to have lots of fun camping this week." She put her eyes back on the road and her hand back on the wheel. The pickup pulled to a halt at the Wildgale Private campsite and they got out. "Three-hundered miles away from home, not a single person within those 176,000 feet in any direction. And now it's starting to get late, lets set up the tents, shall we?" Terri said, digging through the trailer of her truck and pulling up the supplies for building two tents. She giggled when she noticed Jake had already pulled out the bag of marshmallows. "You're such a cute little colt aren't you?" She laughed. "Mom, I'm twelve, you can't call me that anymore." Jake whined. She took the bag from him and set it on the table. "Aww, why not? I like to think of you as my little baby still." The mare started pitching Jake's tent. "You can call me that, but it will cost you ten marshmallows." He snickered. "If you help me get these tents up, we'll have four before we get to bed." Satisfied, the young palomino joined his mother and helped get the tents ready.

Once they were set up Terri gathered up wood and started a fire to roast their marshmallows. Crickets began their chirping as the sun fell beyond sight and day faded to night, the two laughing and telling jokes. "Done with your marshmallows? Good, come on." She motioned towards the tents. They cleaned up, packed everything up for the night, and put out the fire. Jake slipped into his tent and changed into his pajamas as his mother pretended to rummage though her stuff and waited for him to settle into his sleeping bag. "Uh oh." She lied, "Jake, hunny, I think I forgot to bring my own sleeping bag and pillow." "Oh, that's ok mommy." He replied. "You can share mine, it's pretty big." The door to his tent flopped open and she stepped inside, but little did Jake know, she'd left her sleeping things behind on purpose. She hung up her special flashlight and turned it on so they could see. "Thank you dear." She said sweetly and slipped into her son's bag right next to him. Jake gave his mom a smirk and rolled over, facing away from her and closed his eyes. "Take as long as you need with the light mom, I can wait." The boy said. "Alright, just give me a moment to get comfy." The woman said, wrapping her arms around her boy and pressing her chest against his back. She then tugged his pants off with her foot, pretending it was an accident when he eeped. "Oops, I'm sorry son, I think my foot got caught on your pants." Jake blushed. "Cover your eyes and let me put them back on." He said, blushing deeper. The mare caught the boy's arm as he reached down to hunt for his pajama pants and stopped him. She opened up the sleeping bag and slowly lifted his shirt which had been tucked between his leg just before he attempted to find his pants. His mother lifted his shirt up and off and they blushed together as she looked over her son's naked body. "M-m-mom, l-let me get dressed." The young horse stammered, but she merely ignored him, sat up, and spread his legs. Her blush increased when she felt over his balls. "Y-you're right, I can't call you a colt anymore. You're a big boy now, a s-stallion now, go on, put your clothes back on." She stuttered and looked away while she waited for her son to get dressed. "But mommy, I... I don't want to be a stallion, I wanna be your little colt." He spoke softly to his mother, touching her arm as his shaft pressed its way out already. "Please mommy? Can I please be your baby still?" The female palomino looked at her son, then down at his crotch. "Is my little colt hot for his mommy? I didn't mean anything by it, I just wanted to take a look and see my boy's growth." She smiled, gently fingering his cock. The young male just blushed and look away from his mom's hands.

The woman placed her hands on her button-up pajama top and undid the button. Jake's horny little cock grew harder and harder with the anticipation as he watched his mother's hand move to the second button, then the third, the fourth, and at last came to rest on the fifth and final button only halting for a moment before slowly wiggling it loose. "Don't tell daddy." She said and pulled the shirt off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, revealing large, plump, beautiful breasts. The young horse's erection was full within seconds and his eyes grew wide. "Are those y-your..." She cut him off. "Yes my dear, these are my boobs. Do you like what you see?" He nodded in response. "You want them don't you baby?" She said sweetly, receiving another nod. She moved a little closer to her horny, naked son. "They're all yours, under one condition. You must do what ever I ask of you from now on, alright?" Her son nodded again. "Good, then go ahead and touch them, my boy." Jake hesitated, blushing deeply, and reached a trembling hand up and felt one of his mother's large breasts. But as quickly as it had all happened, it all came to an end. The child passed out.

The gentle melodious sound of his mother humming cut through his night's dream and caused him to open his eyes. The palomino boy glanced around the walls of the tent and determined it was morning and could smell breakfast. Eggs and bacon, cooking out side the tent where his mom was now. He flung open his sleeping bag to find he was dressed. The pony stretched and scratched his fur before standing up and stepping out side. He rubbed his eyes and looked in the direction of the humming. The female sat on a stool, fully dressed in her pajamas, and barefooted, preparing food. "Ah, there's my baby." Her voice rang out softly, pleasing to the young one's ears. "Did you sleep well?" Jake nodded and walked over as she got a plate of food for her child. "Eat up, baby, you've earned it." She her pure voice sounded almost as if she were singing. The boy looked at the plate as he took it from his parent, extra eggs, scrambled, and three extra strips of bacon. She smiled and handed him a fork as she made her own plate and poked the fire with a stick, to keep it burning well. "Mom? What happened last night." He asked and took a bite. "Oh, not much, you fainted." The woman giggled. They sat in silence, eating breakfast and drinking hot chocolate together. After a while, Jake finished and stood. "I'll be right back mama, I have to pee really bad." He said and started to leave to find a tree. "Hang on baby, where are you going?" The adult asked. "I'm going to find a tree cause I have to pee, really bad." He replied and continued to leave. "Why?" She asked. "Why not just do it here? Come on, don't be afraid. Turn around so mommy can see you, and just go." She told him softly. "But..." The boy started. "Jake, you don't have to be shy about showing me your peepee. Just turn around, pull it out and go." Her boy nodded and turned to face her, he pulled out his limp cock and started to pee. The mare watched her colt urinate all over the campsite ground. "That's so cute!" She giggled. "Mommy likes watching her baby pee?" Jake asked shyly, receiving a nod in response. When he was done, she walked over, examined the wet spot on the ground, then she hugged Jake and smiled. When he hugged back she reached down to tug off his pants once more. "Want another chance with mommy?"She asked, straightening back up, ready to unbutton her shirt again. The palomino boy nodded, his mother then lead him to a soft patch of green grass, and took off her shirt, watching as the boy erected again. "Are you ready this time, big boy?" She watched him nod and pulled off her pants as Jake removed his shirt. The two looked at each other's naked bodies, becoming more and more horny. "You have such a big cock my son." She said, trailing a finger down the underside and gave his balls a gentle squeeze. She then lifted the stallion's hand and cupped her right breast with it, resting its full weight in the boy's small hand. "Don't faint my baby. Mommy's counting on you." The boy blinked and blushed deeply, feeling the hefty breast of his beloved mom in his hand. The two cuddled that way for most of the day, went sight seeing and returned, full from dinner, and climbed into bed together. "Should I leave my clothes on tonight ma?" The boy asked his parent. "Do what ever you want, I'm yours now, my son." She said with a sweet loving smile. "But why mama, why are you doing all this? Why do you keep touching my penis? Why were you naked and showing me?" He begged. "Well, dad does it, right?" Terri sighed. "If you must know, it's because I'm in love with you son, and I want to spend intimate time with you... I wanted this trip to make you and me closer together. I wanted to make you my boyfriend." The boy stared hard at the female, his mother, in complete confusion. "I'd been trying to show you my feelings for a year now, but on the day I mustered up the courage to divorce your father and come clean to you, you come home and tell me you have feelings for this boy, Goggles. I was so devastated that I ran into my room and cried all night, I couldn't sleep for hours, I think I finally cried myself to sleep at around one AM though." She ended there seeing the the boy's expression. Jake gently touched his mother's cheek with his small hand as tears welled up in his eyes. "I was in love with you too mommy, but you were married to dad, I was afraid that if you knew, I would get in trouble." He sobbed as tears streamed down his face. Terri hugged her boy tight.

Once again, the gentle melodious sound of his mother humming cut through his night's dream and caused him to open his eyes. The pony scrambled to his feet and rushed out of the tent. "Mommy!" The horse looked up with a sweet smile and waved to her son. "I want you both." He cried. The female blinked and took a moment to determine what he meant. "Oh, no, that's ok son, you don't have to do that, just take Goggles, I'm sure the boy will make you very happy." She replied with another smile. Jake stormed up to his mother and looked her in the eyes, making her turn her attention from breakfast once more. "No mommy, I want you too." He complained. The horse looked back down at her cooking and thought carefully. "Son, I'll be fine. I'm a grown woman, I can handle it. You and Goggles..." But she was cut short when a pair of hands took her by the collar of her shirt and pulled her out of her seat. "No mom!" Jake yelled, making his mom look at him. "Goggles can share. I will have both of you, damn it!" The woman stared at her son, her mouth gaping. Jake released his mother and backed up, covering his mouth. "Al-alright, Jake, I won't pressure you to change your mind." She said, surprised, and sat back down. When breakfast was done cooking, the horse girl dished it out for her and her son and they ate in silence. Jake finished slower than his mother and when he was finally done he spoke up. "Mama, I'm sorry I cussed. I can go get you a spanking stick if you want." He said lowering his ears, but the female pulled him close to her. "No, my baby, you know I don't do that. Just forget about it. I'll let you have us both under two conditions." She spoke softly. "One, you must treat both of us equally, no matter what. And two... let mommy carry you in her belly again... please? It will only be for a while." The horse boy looked at his mother confused. "I-I want you to climb back in the way you came out... y-you know how birth works right? This is just like that, only reverse." He blinked and looked at her slender figure, watching as she undressed once more. "Of course mommy, anything for you. But are you sure you can fit me?" The pony answered, getting a giggle from his mother. "Hunny, I've practiced for a whole year, I can fit as many as two pillows and a wadded up blanket in there, and can carry plenty of weight comfortably." She said and walked over to the grassy patch from before, completely naked and helped her son undress. Terri looked at her son, the cute foal she'd given birth to twelve years ago and moved forward to kiss his lips gently. Before Jake could kiss back she sat down, then leaned back, and spread her legs, ready. "Muzzle first, my son, just push your way in... wiggle your feet if you have any problems at all ok?" She watched her baby lean in close and shyly press his nose against her shaved slit, causing her to moan softly.

Soon Jake was pushing his muzzle deep into her body, looking up into his mother's beautiful, pleasured face one last time before his face vanished into the dark, wet hole. The female pressed his arms close to his chest in a fetal pose as his shoulders neared the entrance, causing her to moan loudly. She leaned back once more to allow an easy passage as her only child squirmed his way in more, her fingers digging into the ground, contractions starting in her body to help pull the palomino boy back in the way he'd left so long ago. She panted and groaned, the boy moving inch by inch gradually forcing an orgasm out of his mother, which squirted wildly passed him, lubricating him up just enough to squeeze his shoulders in real quick. She cried out in pleasure, rubbing the pony's rear with her foot as the contractions pulled along in rhythm with his wiggling. Soon she could see the bulge in her stomach starting as his head re-entered her womb and it bulged even further as his shoulders pressed passed her cervix, causing her minor pain. The mother watched her pale impregnated stomach expand only more, her child digging his hooves into the ground to give himself more leverage and force more of his body into his mother's.

After what seemed like an hour to Terri, Jake had already made his way in, only his feet stuck out beyond her cervix, but that didn't last very long for the boy, using his strong leg muscles, pulled himself the rest of the in and curled himself up into a fetal position once more. The mare, stronger than she appeared, picked herself up slowly and moaned softly, enjoying the feeling of the weight of life in her body once again. "Jake, sweetie, if you can hear me, I want to thank you for being Mommy's unborn baby again." She called, stroking her bulging abdominal area. "You're welcome mommy, I love you." Came her child's muffled voice from inside her body. The mare smiled softly and dug out her largest shirt and slipped it on. "Oh shoot, I really should have went and got dinner for us before you went in there, because we have nothing to eat tonight and it's going to take about ten hours to get back to any form of civilization, it's about seven AM now, so it will be about 5:30 PM when we get there, lending half an hour to our lunch break." She explained, packing lunch for the two of them and set it carefully into the back of her truck. "Go ahead and catch up on some sleep Jake, it's going to be a while, and you'll have nothing to do." She called, gently squeezing her large body into the driver side.

She was glad she got the kind with enough space for an adjustable seat. She ignored the seat belt, because she knew it might hurt Jake, adjusted her naked rear, and started the engine. As she traveled down the road she felt the boy relax and she knew he'd fallen asleep. Time seemed to last just as long as the road, but after a long ride and a cheerful half hour lunch with her son whom was now sleeping once again, she arrived at the shop she was looking for. It was a small one, about five miles passed the nearest town. The parking lot was empty of cars except two, one, she suspected, belonged to the person who worked there, and the other could have been a customer. She pushed the door open and blushed deeply, feeling the cool AC against her exposed lower section and looked around as she approached the front counter. "I-I'm sorry I'm not fully dressed sir." She spoke softly to the dragon behind the counter so as not to alert the other customer and wake her child. "I'm pregnant, and I can't find a pair of pants that fit this size." "Not a problem, sexy. I don't mind. Exactly how many kids are in there?" He asked. "Oh, only one, he's twelve." The horse said with a shy smirk and went to gather supplies for the rest of the week. She noticed the customer was looking at her. "Oh! I'm sorry ma-am." She said, looking away from the mare. "I just couldn't help but notice you were pregnant, I didn't mean to be impolite." Terri could see that the woman was an alligator, her breasts were quite large and hard nipples were visible though her tight shirt. "Hi, my name's Christy, pleasure to meet you, Mrs..." She held out her hand for a hand shake. "Wildgale, Terri Wildgale and I believe the pleasure is making its self known." She replied with a giggle, pointing at the female's hardened nipples. The gator blushed and wrote down her phone number and handed it to the palomino. "Call me sometime, I'd love to chat with a fellow mother." She said with a smile and walked up to the front to pay. When Terri had rounded up all the things she'd need she headed back to the counter herself and greeted the clerk with a smile as he did his routine duty. "That'll be $32.50 ma-am." He replied with a smile.

Goggles looked up his parents, they stood over him, showing him with praise and affections. He rubbed his eyes and looked back up at them, for some reason, he could see his parents, but he couldn't tell what they looked like. He could hear their voices and could tell what they were saying, but he realized he couldn't figure out what they sounded like. The two stroked his cheeks with out touch. He smiled happily, warm and fuzzy, no longer alone. "I love you mom and dad, I'm so glad to have you with me." He nuzzled the intangible fur. "We love you too Goggles. And tomorrow we'll take you to the carnival. Won't that be fun?" "Yeah, that'll be awesome!" Suddenly the child looked puzzled. "Why did you call me by that name? Don't you know my real name? And how did you know my nickname? I got that from a bunch of the kids at..." He paused and blinked. "...the Orphanage." He looked up at the formless masses that made up his parents and finally understood. Goggles awoke in his bed and sat up, alone. He hadn't been able see or feel them, because they weren't real, it was all a dream. Tears sprang to his eyes as the well lit room, willed with joy and company gave way heavily to a dark, lonely, sad room. He threw his blanket aside in spite and placed his right arm on his left shoulder and sobbed, empty and forgotten. He began to wonder how much of his life had been a dream and the thought made him cry even more.

Suddenly, a pair of gentle arms encircled the boy's waist and he could feel someone's muzzle nudging his long hair. "It's ok. I'm here for you." Came Jake's familiar voice. He didn't ask why Jake was there so late, he didn't want to make things awkward. Instead, he leaned back against his only friend returned as much of the embrace as he could manage.


Goggles Part 3

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 3** **Welcome to the 5th Grade** "School?" Goggles asked, looking up from the comic he'd been reading....

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Goggles Part 1

(Apologies in advance for my lousy writing skills. I wrote pretty poorly back then, and missed mistakes often.) **Part 1** **The Little Pony With A Weird Name** Jake thought to him self, as he made his way through...

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