By Her Reins (Commission)

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#61 of Commissions

What can be better than a date to an amusement park? The stuff that comes after.

A commission for AritheBunny. You can find stories like this and more on my Patreon and/or Subscribestar in advance. Top-tier followers get discounts on future commissions.


"Your palm is sweaty."

Blushing, Ari pulled his hand away. Sunshine kept her grip firm so he couldn't slip through her fingers. Anxiously biting his lip, the lop bunny turned to see her smiling face and apologized. "S-Sorry," he pulled at his blue shirt, letting the fabric drag at the hidden bra bracing his chest.

"What for?" the purple-maned mare asked, gently nudging his chin with a finger so he'd look her in the eyes. Ari knew hundreds of reasons why, most of them about how he must have made her uncomfortable with sweaty hands. Who enjoyed having wet and warm hands clasped around them? But her smile told him she didn't mind. That he was, again, overreacting to a comment. "Nervous, honey?"

He opened his mouth to speak only for excited screams around them to overshadow his next words. Sighing, the gray-furred bunny looked back to see one of the many roller coasters rushing occupants at mechanically safe breakneck speeds. He tried not to think about how he'd be going on one soon, though his mind didn't think of anything better to keep him on task. Fearful of prying eyes, Ari checked his belt buckle again to be sure it was still tight. He didn't want to risk his shorts slipping, revealing the matching pair of panties she'd given him that morning.

"A little," Ari said, not looking his girlfriend in the eyes. "Ok, a lot. I'm almost regretting coming here."

"Almost?" she asked.

He nodded. "Almost," it was his idea after all. Well, if he were to be honest his suggestion of a date was to let Sunshine push his limits. She chose to go to a theme park, and even paid for the tickets while dragging him through the front gate. There were so many people around, so many eyes that could see him do something embarrassing. Not to mention the rides and contraptions meant to simulate risk. "I want to do this, I really do, but I can't help but shake the nerves, ya know?"

Sunshine pecked his cheek with a soft kiss, "Well, that is why we're here, isn't it?" The mare pulled off her pink faux-leather jacket, exposing her white top over a denim skirt as she wrapped the jacket around her boyfriend, "Mind holding this for me? You look chilly."

He coiled her jacket around him like a cloak, ignoring the late spring weather hitting them. Ari swore several eyes glanced his way as they walked through the park, some with raised brows at his newest attire. Yet Ari felt safer, his girlfriend coiling her arm around him while thumbing the key at the end of her necklace as she looked at each attraction. "I'm thinking we should try at least one roller coaster, but I'm wondering what else. Oh, maybe one of those tower rides?"

"That might be too much for me." Ari would do it if she asked him to. Sunshine knew he would, rubbing the key mischievously while in thought. "Maybe something light in between? Isn't there a lazy river log ride or something?" he suggested.

Sunshine pouted. "That's for babies though."

"So?" Ari smiled back, "They can be relaxing."

The mare puffed her face then sighed and nodded. "Ok, ok. How about this? We'll do something intense then we'll do something relaxing, like a merry-go-round or something."


"What?" she asked.

"It's called a carousel normally. Well, I guess there's no real difference in the names so it might be-" Sunshine cut him off with a kiss. A long but innocent press of her lips against his while her hands held his head. His throat went tight, imagining a collar locked around it being pulled by a leash in her hands. "Sorry..." he said as she broke away, "I'm blabbering."

"It's cute when you do," Sunshine teased, "Gives me an excuse to silence you."

His arms hung limp while they waited in line. The rhythmic running and pattern of excited screams echoed against his hanging ears like clockwork. Sunshine let him sink into her while they waited, eagerly slipping a hand down his back pocket to dig four fingers and a thumb into his buttcheeks. By the time they reached the coaster, he sank into his seat like jello, letting his body get squished by the safety bar locking them in place.

Gravity pressed down on their ascension. He clenched her hand tight. "Remember to bring your arms up," Sunshine said as they reached the apex. Ari held his breath, waiting to start tumbling down. The longer he waited, the more the bunny noticed how small everyone was on the streets below. Like ants only without the order.

Rapid clicks sounded off with the ride's descent. The force from the speed pushed him into his seat. Ari's teeth clenched when everyone screamed. His fingers locked tight around the metal safety bar, not trusting its intended purpose. The cart jostled him side to side with sharp turns. He felt the tight compression of an invisible harness with every twist, turn, or loop, threatening to pull him off should he dare let go.

Grinding to a halt the coaster rocked forward then back with whiplash. Ari's body felt like wet noodles when the latch lifted off him, unable to move for fear of falling over. Sunshine pulled him out, saying something drowned out by the rapid thumping of his own heart.

Egged on by her own adrenaline, Sunshine pulled the bunny into a hidden corner and ravaged his mouth. He breathed her air while her tongue wrestled him into complete submission. Slipping her hand underneath his shirt, Ari gasped and clenched her sides tight as delicate fingers pushed and prodded his nipples through the fabric of his bra. Her knee pushed between his legs, grinding down against his cage.

"Fuck," Ari whispered breathlessly when Sunshine broke away. Her teeth brushed against his neck, giving tiny nicks of ownership across the bunny's shoulder-line. Next, he felt her hand squeeze the bulge of his baggy pants, adding to the unbearable pressure of his cage that compressed his failing erection. Ari leaned into it, wanting nothing more than her firm grip over every portion of his body until he was sure he'd be sore the next morning.

"Did you like it?" Sunshine asked, cupping her boyfriend's chin. Intoxicated with her touch, the bunny nodded, gasping at the hold over his balls. "I knew you would," she teased, kissing him one last time before letting go. "Do you still want to go on a kiddie ride or shall we keep this high going?"

They never made it to the 'kiddie' rides. The lines were so long between each attraction that their rush died down for another spike when reaching the front. From more coasters to high tower drops, and even a giant rubber slingshot that Ari never thought he'd ride in a million years. His muscles twitched and bones became rubber, but the rush let him soldier on.

By the time the sun had fallen, Ari found himself slumping into the passenger seat. His arms felt like noodles and his legs became lead. Sunshine let the radio play while driving home. "I'm thinking we should continue this when we get home."

In a haze, Ari blinked. "We don't have rides at home."

A smug grin appeared across her lips, followed by the soft undercut of playfully malevolent laughter. "Oh, I'm sure I'll find something," Sunshine slipped a finger down his pants and slowly rubbed it against his cage's slit. Just enough of his cock slipped through to make him gasp at her touch, sinking to a pleasured whimper as she spoke, "Or would you rather not have a little extra fun when we get home?"

His heart leaped. "No, I'd like that." Tired, Ari gambled that a quick nap on the ride home should be enough to get him back into sense. He didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend, nor stop any of the fun they were having, exhaustion be damned.

The rumbling of the road lulled him to sleep for the next hour. As soon as he closed his eyes, he woke up to see Sunshine had parked in their driveway. Green pastures surrounded a single-story house they'd been lucky to get. Their closest neighbor's land stretched out half a mile away and their home was surrounded by a small forest for privacy. Sunshine elected to get a big fence for the backyard to avoid any passing prying eyes.

Ari was just happy to have a place with her.

"Ok, you wait for me in the backyard, I'll get the gear. Feel free to get yourself ready." Sunshine kissed him quickly before rushing into the house. Exhausted despite his nap, Ari trudged through the open front door to the back, casting his clothes aside in lumps over the living room before sliding the glass door open. He yawned as the wind buffeted his body, with only pink panties, a bra, and his chastity cage for protection.

The bunny underestimated how much he ached. Normally he'd find a nice spot on the grass to rest his knees while waiting, but tonight Ari took to one of the chairs over the concrete porch. Immediately after sitting down, Ari knew he didn't want to get back up. But how would he tell Sunshine that? She looked excited to play, and he loved the bindings that came with their fun. Maybe he could push a little further. Just for her.

"Oh, someone's being naughty."

Ari turned to see his girlfriend naked. Her purple mane flowed freely in the soft evening breeze while the house lights showed off her grayish-white fur. Tossing a bag to the ground and unzipping it, Ari smelled leather before she pulled out his gear. "Someone's earned themselves a punishment for not waiting properly."

He smiled. "Well, I am a glutton for punishment."

"That you are, my adorable little bitch," her tone switched to sadistic glee at the drop of a hat. Ari sank into her touch as she stepped behind to caress his cheek, slowly urging his chin up to leave his neck exposed. Leather latched against his throat, tight enough so that he felt it with each breath without struggling to breathe. "Are you ready to be my pony, bitch?"

He nodded. She wrapped her hand tight around his chin. "I wanna hear you say it." Sunshine's whisper pooled over him as her grip held firm.

"Yes, Mistress," he said, breathlessly. Her infectious smile wracked his body as he pulled him up and stripped him out of his panties and bra. Ponies didn't need clothes, but the cage stayed on. Next, she latched a harness over his chest, followed by a leather sleeve that locked his arms behind him. He needed her help to balance with the boots, designed with fake hooves that forced him to balance on his toes. After that came a special head harness made of leather straps with built-in blinders and a bit-gag that could be tightened behind his teeth or hung loosely in case he needed to speak. Reins were latched at his shoulders and head, then tied to a pole to keep him standing.

The last piece was the most fun for both of them. Thanks to the blinders, he couldn't see behind him no matter how hard Ari turned his head. Sunshine's delicate hands braced his asscheeks and spread them, exposing his hole to her warm and wet tongue. She laid claim to that territory long ago and reminded him every day either by massage or a swift strike. He loved it all the same, with shallow breaths underneath his gag that heightened as cool lube spread over the hole. Her fingers sank in and stretched him, playfully thrusting inside with wet squelches as he tried not to whinny. Ari held his breath as a bulbous plug pushed into him, wider than even his girlfriend's favorite strap-on. "Every pony needs a tail," she snickered, patting his cheeks with satisfaction.

Knowing feral horses didn't nod, Ari huffed with his agreement. If she didn't understand that, the pre-cum dripping from his cage made it clear.

Ironically, Ari found bondage freeing. As Sunshine took his reins, the rabbit stood tall and kicked his knees high in mimicry of feral ponies without a thought. While his fists balled uselessly in their sleeve, the rabbit found himself excited to follow commands and keep pace with his trainer. Without restraints, he always second-guessed himself. Cuffs, leather, latex, really any bindings helped suppress that anxious voice in the back of his mind. He'd struggle against them, sure, bondage wasn't fun without a little rebellion. But Ari knew he could never break out of it. He would be at the mercy of someone else. Someone who knew better, to make him free from himself.

His fake hooves clopped along the pavement and dug into the grass as Sunshine led him around the backyard. Smiling, the mare twirled the riding crop she'd slung over her shoulder. Any mistake resulted in its sting across his flank. The question is whether his mistakes were purposeful or not. Halfway around the yard, and Ari found his legs still heavy despite the exhilaration of his bindings. He didn't stop, not with her enjoyment brightening his evening.

"Keep your legs up!" Sunshine commanded with glee, filling the air with cracks of the cop against his flank. Huffing into his gag, Ari squared his shoulders while raising his knees high, keeping himself to a trot. The crop continued to collide with each falter he made. Nothing short of perfection was acceptable.

That and Sunshine liked to make him squeal.

Painful reminders and the urge to please helped Ari master his rhythm by the third lap. Eyes forward, the bunny's legs burned with every kick up. The pounding of his heart threatened to blast it out from his chest. "Stop," his mistress called, giving him reprieve at the base of the porch.

Panting, he stayed still as her soft hand held his chin. "Such a good pony. So obedient. But are you capable of more? Down." following the direction of her crop, Ari rested his knees against the grass and dirt. Circling around him, the mare freed his arms from the bondage sleeve and pushed his back forward. "On all fours. Once around the yard."

Following through, the bunny braced his arms against the dirt, propping his back up for her to sit. Immediately he knew his front limbs weren't stable. They felt weightless, scarcely able to hold him. Gnawing into his bit, Ari took a deep breath as his mistress centered herself over him, slowly resting her bum over his back.

He fell. Face first into the dirt the moment she put weight on him. Guilt and exhaustion swirled into a miasma that choked his lungs while Sunshine shrieked. She yanked him up by his hair with an intensity she saved for their bedroom fun. Fear plastered over her face as she held him tight. "Are you ok? Is anything wrong?" her thumbs rubbed away the dirt and grass across his muzzle, forgetting until the last of it was gone to remove his gag so he could answer. "Ari, are you alright?"

"No." it felt so good to say despite his disappointment in himself. "I'm not sure I could do another lap. Wait, no, that's not a comment about your weight."

"Are you joking?" she looked on, flabbergasted. "You just fell face-first into the dirt and you're worried I'd be mad if you said I was heavy?" She didn't let Ari answer, already pulling him up and unlocking his gear. "Brain damage is more worrisome than an extra pound or two."

She was mad. Mad with worry. Ari cringed once his gear was gone, both thankful for it and saddened they had to stop. Sunshine's fierce eyes pierced his presence. "Why didn't you tell me you were exhausted? We have a safe signal for a reason."

"I didn't want to let you down," Ari confessed. Unable to keep her gaze, he stared down at her hooves. Pretty things his lips had kissed numerous times for both pleasure and affection. "You were having so much fun at the theme park, but after that, I was just drained. I figured napping on the ride home would be enough but I guess it wasn't."

"Didn't want to let me down?" Sunshine balked. Her eyes struggled between a soft look of concern and a hard scowl of anger. Ari gulped. "Honey, I don't want you to worry about letting me down when it comes to this kind of stuff. Are you not having fun?"

"No!" he clasped her hand with both of his, "I mean, yes I am having fun. I love it when we play, both in these sessions and just being with you. It's just...sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough."

"Why?" his girlfriend asked.

"I..." he blinked, "I don't know. Every day I wake up next to you I just feel so lucky. There's a part of me that wonders if you're just a dream and I'll wake up in an empty bed." Clasping tighter, Ari felt his body shiver as he laid his feelings bare. "You make me want to push myself. You give me so much happiness and I worry I don't give you enough. Some days I don't feel this. I'm confident knowing you're by my side. Others I see you shining with such jubilation I feel I'll burn out. And none of it is your fault! I just don't know how to say no. Really, today's the only time I've felt I couldn't go further."

Tears swelled in his eyes. Ari tried to stifle them, not wanting to seem like he was manipulating her. Everything he said was genuine and it scared him as it should have. Opening himself to someone was always hard, even if it was someone who knew him.

She cried too. He wanted to stop her tears and keep her happy. She hugged him close when he reached for her, "I worry about going too far with you all the time," she said, fingers digging into his back. "There's always this little voice in me that demands I push until you break, just to see how far you can bend. It's sick and I hate it, but it feels so good to indulge and you let me do it. Worst still, you listen."

Clutching his face, the mare kissed him softly. Euphoria filled his soul in the embrace, "But I don't want to break you. Whatever wounds I cause, I want to mend. I'm worried about going too far every time we play."

"I guess we both push our limits."

Sunshine nodded, tearful eyes closed. "Yeah. Look if you want to take a break I-"

"I don't," Ari cut her off, "From this relationship."

"I meant from play for the rest of the day. Not this relationship." The mare snickered.

"Oh," the bunny blushed, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean-"

The mare clutched his chastity cage and pulled him along inside, "Come on, I think we both need a drink, a warm bath, and a long conversation about the use of our safewords."

His heart leaped. "Yes, love." Ari wasn't sure what he did to deserve his ray of Sunshine, but the bunny knew damn well he would work hard to make her happy. Knowing that she'd do the same made it all the sweeter.

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