Chasing the Sun - Chapter 45: The Light You Showed

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#46 of Chasing the Sun

Not me putting horny this far in the story kek

Sometimes, he felt tired during the weekends even though all he did was laze around all day.

Tom yawned, resting his head against his palm. Today was Sunday, the clock was showing that it was a few minutes past 13, and he'd been watching the television mindlessly since he ate breakfast a few hours ago. On his lap was Max, lying down on the sofa using his thigh as a pillow whilst scrolling Instaram. He was tempted to do the same, or even take a nap, but he could get a headache when he woke up.

"Oh yeah." Max spoke up. "We gotta go shopping later."

Tom just mrf'ed an affirmation, too lazy to answer.

Max poked his thigh, but Tom just batted the dog's hand away with his tail.

He repositioned his tail again and continued watching the television, his hand absent-mindedly petting Max's big ears. The flat was already clean, the laundry was all done, and all the small maintenance tasks were also done. He made sure that the bathroom was all clean and spotless. The only things left were shopping and cooking. They already made a list of what to buy, and they could cook afterwards.

His phone beeped on the table, and he leant forward to take it. There was a message from Octo.

Octo Zoccarato: "Hey Tom, iirc you're going shopping with Max today, right? To the Aldo just across the main road?"

He typed his reply. "Yeah, u wanna come along?"

Octo Zoccarato: "Nah, I'm good. Though I'd recommend not to shop there today"

Tom raised his brow in confusion. He was typing his answer when another message appeared.

Octo Zoccarato: "Better go to the Cayman near Asjeneberg Square. It's a bit far but they're having weekend sale tomorrow"

Octo Zoccarato: "And they just got new noodles"

Reading those, the wolf calmed down. "Alright sure wkwkwk thanks for the info ??????" He sent his reply, giggling a bit.

Octo Zoccarato: "Ywyw"

"What is it?" Max asked him, noticing that he giggled.

Tom put his phone back down. "Just Octo. There's a weekend sale in the Cayman near Asjeneberg Square tomorrow. Let's just go there instead." He paused. "But what about dinner and breakfast?"

"Eh, I'll get us some food later." The dog shrugged, then went back to playing with his phone.


He watched the television again, though his mind couldn't help but wonder. This was the second time Octo did this; a week ago he also told him to shop tomorrow at a different location instead. The reason was also the same, that another store had a sale the next day. It was rather curious how the panther knew about discounts, he thought, but maybe the panther was just short on money lately and he'd been looking around for discounts.

Wait... there was no way Octo would be short on money.

He furrowed his brows. He also remembered that he'd been feeling like he was being watched. It was less intense nowadays, but still. Occasionally he would feel like someone was watching him when he was walking home from work or when he was in the metro or tram. He would really just ignore this as just one of his episodes, but... his guts rarely failed him.

His phone beeped again, but this time with an email. Tom just stared at it, at the screen lighting up showing a new notification, then turning back off. Octo telling him to not shop twice at the same time as he felt that he had been being watched was rather... conveniently timed, so to say.

"Well, since we're not gonna shop today," Max suddenly said, waking him up from his musings. The dog sat up beside him. "wanna do movie night? Well, movie afternoon? We can binge watch till late at night." He nudged the wolf and smiled. "I'll pay for our little at-home date."

Tom chuckled. "So you're gonna pay for my Furflix subscription?"

"Dude you're not even subscribed to Furflix."

"Eh..." Tom shrugged. "Sure, sure."

"What do you want for the snack? I'll order it right now."

"The usual."


"When are we gonna start, by the way?"

Done ordering the food, Max put his phone down. "Let's just do it now. I'm getting too lazy so I gotta do something." replied the dog, stretching his arms then slumping forward. He turned his head to the wolf and gave a sheepish smile with half-lidded eyes.

Seeing the dog like that, Tom couldn't help but put his arm around the dog's wide back and pull his bigger build close. "Maybe you want to start our date with something more... active?" He said rather seductively, one hand clasping the dog's shoulder and another gently squeezing his pec.

Max's ears went down. "My ass still hurts from last night... so go easy alright?"

Tom leant forward to sniff the dog's neck, then he began nibbling. Shy and submissive Max always made his mind go wild. It was a nice switch from his usual forward and teasing air. Even more, he loved it when Max wore his gym tank top, mainly because it did a poor job of covering his body.

Also, it was musky in a good way.


He began giving the dog's neck some bites.


He gently bit the dog's neck.

"Fuck, Tom..."



Gripping Max's waist, Tom pulled him to sit on his lap. Of course, with Max being bigger and heavier than him, he couldn't let the dog stay there for long. Still, looking up at the dog's bashful smile with lowered ears was something he really enjoyed. As he ran his hands up the dog's sides as well as ground his semi-hard member against the dog's arse, he couldn't help but feel dominant. Especially when Max put his hands on his shoulders.

Growling threateningly, Tom leant forward again and put the dog's neck in his maw, and Max gripped his shoulders tightly with his body trembling slightly.

"Never thought you'd love it when your neck is in my maw." He said to the dog, letting his neck go.

Max looked away and replied in a meek voice. "Don't tell anyone."

"Why would I?" Tom nipped on the dog's upper pecs. "My masochist~"

"I'm not a masochist!--I..." He took a breath. "Aren't you the one who got so horny and told me to put your neck in my maw in the first place?"

Tom just shrugged nonchalantly.

Max ground his arse again. "You're rubbing off on me, you evil, dirty wolf."

"But I'm your evil, dirty wolf."

"That's--!" The dog's ears lowered again. "That's not an excuse!"

"Mrf." Tom went back to nipping on Max's upper pecs, then up to his shoulder, then all the way up to his jaw, and finally he kissed the dog fervently. Still gripping Max's sides, he pulled the dog closer into his hold until he could feel his hard-on against his stomach.

They separated, licking their muzzles. He licked the dog's nose, then kissed the dog again. His hand went into the dog's shirt and explored his wide back, while another went into his pants, tugging the base of his tail and cupping his arse cheeks.

Max groaned. "Going right... for my arse, I see."

Tom chuckled. "Who can blame me?" He licked the dog's nose again. "Now get off me, my legs almost died."

"Oh, it's my turn now?" Hearing that, Max moved off him and sat back down on the sofa. Only, he put his hands on the wolf's sides and pulled him to sit on his lap, reversing their positions. He grinned at the wolf, grinding his now hard member against his arse. "It's my turn now."

Tom put his hands on Max's shoulders. "What will you d--hmph."

Max suddenly kissed him hungrily, but he was quick to join the kiss. He gripped the dog's shoulders, tilting his head and leaning deeper into the kiss. Max's tongue dominated his mouth easily, and he was getting weaker in his hold. When Max grunted and growled, he could feel vibrations going down his body.

Letting him go from the kiss, Max moved to nip and bite at his muzzle, then down to his jaw and his neck. Meanwhile, his hands went into his shirt and ran all over his upper body. Tom groaned and moaned, letting the dog feel and taste him. Then, when Max also ground his now hard dick against his arse, he couldn't help but lean fully onto the dog's front body in submission. Oh, how much he really wanted that dick up his arse...

Of course, Max had to stop. "Heh, guess that turned you on?"

He straightened up and licked the dog's nose. "Nah, it's not. I think you need to do more of it." He grinned playfully.

"I was right, you're an evil, horny wolf." The dog growled as he licked the wolf's shoulder. "And evil, horny wolves deserve to be punished." He said before gently biting Tom's shoulder.

Tom shuddered. He felt that he leaked a little.

The doorbell then rang, making him jump on the dog's lap. He nervously turned to the door with ears still down. "Uhh..."

"Oh, it's the Over Food guy. Lemme just tell him to open the door and put the food inside." said Max carefully, checking his phone.

Tom squeaked. "N-no!"

"Hehe, kidding, kidding. Now, do you wanna move over and let this poor dog take that?" The dog asked playfully, hands caressing his sides

Tom did so, though with some reluctance. "You need to take that back, you're the evil, horny doggo."

Max just laughed, then ruffled his head fur and stood up. Tom watched the dog as he opened the door and took the food with fur dishevelled and smelling like him. His tail waved gently, betraying how he was just a few moments ago.

Tom just chuckled, then took his laptop to look for a film to watch.

Richard held his files, focusing his attention on Signora Lucia. In one corner of the room was Signore Octo, fortunately no longer looked like he was going to murder someone in cold blood. Still, the panther did not look approachable at all.

As discussed in the past meetings in the last month, the operation would still be conducted similarly to Operation Red Wolf 1, but this time they would be cleaner and more careful about it. They wanted to divert and bait Red Wolf, then to avoid what happened, someone was to hide and shoot Red Wolf when he came into range. This way, it would be quick and clean.

Honestly, Richard wondered why the... grandiose? Five people could do that well enough... heck, even he himself could do that. They were risking so much by doing this in broad daylight. Did it have something to do with how Signore Ludwig acted a few days ago when he saw him in the meeting room? Or was that merely an indication amongst many?

"The area has been cleared and surveyed. It should be almost deserted by the time Red Wolf goes out. We will attack after midday after the lunch rush clears out." Lucia said.

"Still." Signore Boulder, Big Boss' left henchman spoke up, making almost everyone turn to him. "Red Wolf changed plans four times in the last weeks. Usually I'd say that it was only a coincidence, but it happened more than thrice." He looked up. "I know better than to suspect any of you, but still, it was too peculiar to ignore."

The room went silent. Ludwig looked around. Richard leant back on the chair silently.

"If anyone has something to say about that, speak now before you will not be able to."

Almost everyone turned to Octo. The panther didn't move at all, still leaning on his chair and looking at them intently. Richard was taken aback; wow, even with only one sentence, the panther still managed to deliver a threat. He looked around and furrowed his brows. Signore Boulder just insinuated that there was a traitor, and Signore Octo doubled down on that. Richard himself, while he had doubts about the operation, would not think to do such a thing, yet by some stares he was getting, he was sure that some suspected him just because he did the on-field reconnaissance.

A minute or two passed by, and no one said anything. Octo then continued, "Ludwig, as confident as I am in this operation, I cannot help but to take matters into my own hand. Tomorrow I'll be a sniper in addition to the plans."

Without question, Signore Ludwig nodded. Signora Lucia continued her presentation. "Signore Octo is going to be another sniper in addition."

"Then, everything has been explained. We will meet again before mobilisation at 9 tomorrow for final briefing and any last-minute adjustments. Fuck's sake please let tomorrow be the last one. Pacal, talk to me after this. Signore Octo, Pacal will fill you in a bit later." The bear continued.

Octo nodded.

"Is there any question?"

No one answered.

"If there's no questions, then I shall call this meeting adjourned. If you have any questions, you can contact your superior." Big Boss said. "Signore Octo, would you like to add anything?"

Octo shook his head. "That is all."

"Then this meeting is adjourned."

Richard gave a sigh as he stood up and stretched his body. He was about to leave the room, but a look from Signore Octo stopped him. The panther was walking towards him, but not in a threatening way. Still, the panther's body language was as blank as the sheet of paper on the table in front of him, so Richard couldn't help but be wary.

However, Pacal beat him to it. "Richard, a word." The jaguar beckoned him over to his table where his other subordinates and also were. Signore Ludwig was also leaving the table when Richard neared.

"Yes, signore?"

"I want Richard, Klaus, and Jarl to come along tomorrow as I and Signore Octo prepare the location. Come here before 8."


"Jarl, do we have any more sniper guns ready?"

"Yes, sir. We still have three and all are ready in the training grounds in preparation since last week. Should I give one to Signore Octo?"

"I'll have Richard do it while you go with me later. Richard, accompany Signore Octo to the training grounds. I don't doubt his ability but better safe than sorry."

"That is an excellent observation."

They all perked up when they heard Octo say. The panther was walking towards them. Immediately, Pacal stood up. "Signore."

"I might need to reacquaintance myself with sniper rifles. It's been a while since I had my hands on one, anyway." Octo said. "Also, do you have a spare dagger or knife? I feel more comfortable with either of them to protect myself than guns."

"Of course. We'll prepare one for you. And Richard right here can take you to the training grounds."

"Very well." He then turned to Richard. "Richard, when you are done, I will be behind that door."

The hyena nodded, but before he could say anything, Pacal spoke up. "Ah, he's free if you need him, sir. I was just telling them the preparations for tomorrow."

Octo looked at the jaguar. "Oh, right. When do I have to come tomorrow?"

"Preferably before 8."

"Right. I'm taking Richard for now, unfortunately I'm short on time today."

"Yes, sir."

As they walked away from the meeting room, Richard found himself being more and more awkward and his ears went down more and more. This felt comforting at first, but as he remembered what happened in the meeting earlier in addition to how the panther looked the last time he saw him, he tensed up. It was clear that Octo had a lot of things on his mind, and he didn't want to be any part of it.

Especially being suspected as a traitor.

"Richard?" Octo said, jolting him up a bit.

"Y-yes, sir?"

The panther smiled, and even offered a chuckle, instantly making him feel at ease. "Lead the way."

Unlike before, this chuckle was full of emotion. Octo really had a way of concealing his emotions. Not even Signore Boulder could read him, despite his position as head interrogator. But, somehow, the panther was always expressive to him when there were only a few of them, like a few times when he, Richard, and Pacal had a small private meeting.

Inside the lift, he stared at the panther's wide and sturdy back. Surprisingly, he noticed that the panther always preferred to walk either beside him or behind him. He never walked in front of him, which was why the sight of the panther's back was so rare. Richard didn't notice it at first, but right now, somehow, it was comforting. It was as if that wide back belonged to someone who truly cared.

And he was. Richard wouldn't mind working under him.

He led the panther to the weapons storage area. They quickly made their way to where the weapons were saved. "We have three of them here, they're all the same model." He said, opening the containers.

Octo crossed his arms, immediately recognising the model. He took one of the rifles and weighed it. "Tango 72, huh? This will do. Do we have a shooting range?"

"Over here, sir. It's underground."

"Richard, there are just the two of us here. Just Octo is enough."

The hyena looked down. "Ah, right, Octo."

In the shooting range, Octo immediately took the 250-metre target. Richard stepped aside, letting the panther take care of his business. He was quite curious about the panther's ability to handle firearms, not that he himself was very good at it. He knew how to shoot a gun, but that was it.

"Apparently, I'm not as rusty as I thought."

Wait, what?

Richard looked at the panther with his ears straight. When did the panther shoot? Was he really that deep in thought or was the panther simply that quiet? And, looking at the target, did the panther just shoot right at the central target just by one shot?!

Octo shot another bullet at another target on his left. It didn't hit the central target, but still. Damn. The hyena could only watch him in admiration.

"Would you like to try, Richard?"

"Um... I'm good."

Letting out another chuckle, Octo stepped aside. His satisfied expression then turned to mournful as he sat down on a chair. Richard wanted to ask, but he held back.

Eventually, he sat down next to the panther. "Are... are you okay?"

That felt weird, really weird.

"No. Not really." The panther took a deep breath. "Listen, Richard. Do not tell this to anyone, okay?"

He nodded. "I will tell no one about this."

"I will intentionally miss tomorrow." Octo said, then continued without giving him a chance to voice his surprise. "I will not kill someone, let alone without a good reason." The panther pinched the base of his muzzle again, his tiredness and dissatisfaction visible. "I take it you already met my father?"

The hyena furrowed his brows. "Signore Giuseppe?"

"Yes, him. Then am I safe to assume that you know that... I'm to lead this operation in the future?"

Well, he never thought about that. He always thought that he and his father led the operation together... if that could even work. All that he knew was this entire operation was under the Zoccarato family.

"Tell me honestly, Richard." Octo took a deep breath. "Are you glad to be a part of this?"

Taken aback, Richard could only stare at his hands. Was this... a sort of loyalty test? He was conflicted. On one hand, he certainly couldn't tell him that he would quit given the chance, but on the other hand, Octo was expecting an honest answer. It also didn't help that the panther himself supported Signore Boulder's suspicion of a traitor in their ranks.

His eyes went to the sniper rifle between them and how the panther seemed to dislike it. Despite his fearsome reputation and name, this Octaviano Zoccarato seemed to be an honest man. He seemed to be the man you wanted to run into when you ran away from home. The man who would make sure you took care of yourself.

What would happen if on that day he ran into Octo instead?

So, he trusted the panther and answered honestly. "I... I'm not glad to be here." He gulped, closing his eyes. He was putting his life at the stake just by saying this. "I'm here because I had to." He gave a sigh. "At first, it was fun and thrilling, but down the road, it's... I'm fine with the part we're lending money although the interests are rather steep, but the drug trafficking..."

Octo did not answer. He didn't feel his gaze on him, either. Eventually, the panther let out a sigh and answered. "You are in the right direction."

The hyena looked up, surprised.

"Tomorrow, Richard, I have a plan. I know Red Wolf, and I don't feel like he deserved to be killed. I will not kill him. I will intentionally miss, then I will call the police. And then I..." He took a deep breath. "I would take you and those who are willing out of this Cosa Nostra."

The hyena stared at him in horror and confusion. Octo was... betraying the operation? How? Why? He couldn't even dream of not obeying Big Boss' orders! It was in the initiation ritual to never betray the family!

W-wait, could it be possible that Octo was the traitor?!

But, Octo had more authority than that bear. The panther surely knew more about this operation than Big Boss ever could. He surely knew every aspect about this to have come to such a conclusion. Maybe, Octo wasn't betraying the operation, but instead Signore Ludwig was the one who did and Octo was simply doing what he needed to do as the owner, albeit discreetly.

Richard gulped; every day, Octo seemed to be more and more dangerous, yet he found himself trusting the panther more and more. The fact that they share the same goals and interests was just a coincidence.

Richard could only look away, wondering what he should do now.

"But that doesn't matter to you for now. For now, just follow the operation and follow Pacal's orders. You will know when the time comes." Octo continued, straightening up in his chair. He looked at the hyena and smiled sadly. "You seem to be a good guy, Richard. I believe we're all good guys inside. We just went through different lives."

Richard could only look at him, astounded. Octo put his hand on his shoulder. He then took the rifle and stood up. "Don't think too much about it, and I trust you not to tell anyone about this." His gaze turned serious.

That meant Octo trusted him more than anyone else here. The hyena gulped, then nodded, touched by the gesture. "Yes, sir. You have my word."

The panther nodded and smiled again at him, then beckoned him to go back. "I will have to leave now. Thanks, Richard."

Walking behind him, the hyena took a deep breath as an exit from hell just presented itself. "You're welcome, Octo."