Koslov's Prize 4 - Delicacies

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#41 of Recontextualize

The bear didn't allow her to bathe but did allow her to rest. He carried her back to her room. She closed her eyes to sleep while wearing a dirty diaper. It was one way to stave off some torment.

"This feels nice," she mumbled with her eyes closed. Something made her feel warm and fuzzy. Her eyes widened when she felt something surging up her rear. It took her a moment to realize that Koslov had his cock up her tailhole. He removed her diaper while she was asleep. "What the hell?" She tried to struggle away.

"Do you not like it?" Koslov asked. "Didn't it feel good earlier?"

"That's not the point!"

"Are you in pain?"

She shook her head. "Get off me."

"I wanted to surprise you." He finished pumping his seed into her. "What's the problem?"

"I was asleep!"

"You're awake now." Koslov took that as permission to start round two. "Was it a pleasant dream?" The bear's pace was just right. He wasn't too gentle or too rough with his thrusts. Given everything he had done to her, this counted as one of their tender moments. "You have friends visiting soon."

She had to hastily put on clothes. The bear didn't allow her to clean up. Only by some miracle, she didn't run into any of her siblings on the way out. Right on schedule, the police officers dropped by for a rimjob. Bear cum leaked into her new panties.

"I'm so happy that you remembered," Judy said as she greeted the two officers outside her home. "Why don't you come inside?" The scent of bear cum likely still wafted off of her. She had to act as if she was happy in rimming the officers. At least, they weren't in uniform anymore.

Once more, she was lucky enough not to run into her family as the officers followed her inside.

"I've been meaning to ask - what if someone isn't completely clean," Officer Carrotpatch said.

"That's what her tongue is for," Koslov said.

"But that means she's eating..."

"Do you think they cared what a sex slave thought?"

"But she's free now."

"And she wants to do this. Why, just look at her holes."

Judy undressed, giving the police officers a good view of her tailhole leaking bear cum.

"Happy to help." Officer Carrotpatch sounded uncertain, regardless he undressed and pointed his dirty tailhole in Judy's face.

"Do you know how to wipe?" Judy said. Even with her nose filled with bear cum, the scent already hit her even though she was still a good distance away.

"You aren't coercing her, are you?"

"It's fine, just... I thought you would be cleaner. You have one of the dirtiest tailholes that I've ever seen, and some of them left theirs that way intentionally."

"We had an emergency call," Officer Carrotfield said.

"Oh no." Judy started heaving as her imagination took hold. She panted to regain her composure.

"Is he making you do this?"

Judy shook her head. "He saved me, and so much more. We formed a bond back then." She pointed to the brand on her chest. It still labeled her as Koslov's Slut in capital letters. The bear branded her back then and it would never go away. "I allowed him to do this," she lied. "It's just that I imagined myself in that scenario - on the job while on the toilet and needing to respond to an emergency. Thank you for your service." Once more she sniffed, trying to make the scent not bother her.

She never liked rimming others, and back then, she didn't have to pretend that she liked it. Slowly, she extended her tongue to the messy tailhole. The taste still bothered her enough even though she had done this countless times already.

"Do you like it?" She desperately hoped that it was something he wasn't into, so she would have a reason to stop.

"It feels weird. Keep going."

Once more her tongue dove into that musky hole. She scooped up bitter clumps of scat and swallowed. With some scat gone, she sniffed again. Bear cum was all she could smell once more. Her pace became faster and faster as licking his tailhole became less of an obstacle.

"You were great," Carrotpatch said.

She kissed his tailhole at the end. "Thank you." She put on her best fake smile.

"You were a bit slow," Koslov said. "It took him thirty minutes to cum. Do you want her to do anything else? In the past, she could make someone cum as fast as five minutes."

"That's quite all right," Carrotpatch said.

"My turn," Carrotfield said. He took off his pants too and got down on all fours. Unlike his partner, he was clean. He was a bit skittish so she had to pry his butt cheeks apart to lick his.

"Where are you going?" Koslov asked.

"I need to use the little bunny's room. Something that I ate disagreed with me," Carrotpatch said.

"Are you sure you don't want to use her?"

"Is that all right?"

"She needs to make it up to you for the lackluster rimjob."

"I'm in the middle of something," Judy said. She didn't want to swallow someone's scat.

"You can fuck her while she takes care of your partner," Koslov said.

"Ass not pussy." She didn't want to deal with another pregnancy.

"She's already leaking," Carrotfield said.

Carrotpatch said, "Be adventurous for a change, come on!"


She got down on all fours to service Carrotpatch, but Carrotpatch wanted an experience similar to using a toilet so he wanted to sit on her face. In the end, she lay on her bed with Carrotpatch's tailhole looming above her, and Carrotfield preparing to fuck her ass.

Judy moaned as he thrust his cock inside once. "Too rough."

"Sorry." He was gentler this time and he went slower.

She opened her mouth and waited for Carrotpatch to go. He really had to go as a torrent of liquid scat rained down on her. Quickly, she raised her lips to his tailhole to form a seal, drinking everything he had to give to keep her bed clean.

While she was doing that, Carrotfield was busy pounding away at her tailhole, and she didn't dare to scream. It took a good thirty seconds for him to empty his bowels. She drank everything like a good slut should. The bitter taste lingered in her mouth.

"Clean me," Carrotpatch said.

She had to ignore the pain so she could lick Carrotpatch. Tears flowed out of eyes but no one was looking. Carrotfield shot his seed deep into her tailhole. The residual scat didn't really bother her given how much she swallowed already.

The officers weren't done with her just yet. Since her tailhole got Carrotfield's cock dirty, he wanted her to clean his. What choice did she have but to obey?

She tasted her own tailhole along with Koslov's cum and the rabbit's cum. A thought crept into her mind that the bear's cum tasted better than the rabbit's or maybe she had grown used to its scent by now. That still didn't make the taste pleasant by any means.

"Look at the time," Carrotpatch said. "We should be going."

"I hope we can do this again in the future," Judy said. She used her claw to gather up scat near her face and then sucked it clean.

"Would anyone like to clean her up?" Koslov asked.

"Sure, where's the bath?" Carrotpatch said.

"With your tongue."

"Ew, no." Both officers declined at once.

"Suit yourself." Koslov retrieved the dirty diaper from the nearby garbage can this time. He diapered Judy with it. "Thank you for your help. If you want to watch her clean her diaper with her mouth, just let me know."

"We'll keep it in mind," Carrotfield said.

"Is she willing to do that?" Carrotpatch asked.

"It would be my pleasure." Judy hoped they wouldn't ask for a show here and now. Still, she made more of a show of cleaning her face.

"Maybe another time."

They escorted the officers outside. On that way out, her scent attracted the attention of a few of her siblings. She had to explain that she had scat on her face.

Just as the officers left, Koslov wanted to visit Gideon given her performance earlier. The bear didn't allow her to wear anything except a dirty diaper. Not only that, she didn't want her to clean herself anymore. At least, the bear cum in her nose helped block out the more offensive scents.

He drove her to Gideon's house. The exterior looked like a pie itself. Quite the unique design as far as houses went. His truck had gone all in with the pie motif too.

The bear rang the doorbell and waited for Gideon to answer. "Greetings, Gideon Grey. Your pies are legendary, I must say," Koslov said. "My boss wants a continuous supply of them. Only a few of them are for sale in Zootopia."

Gideon sniffed the air. He studied Judy and the bear. Judy was naked save for a diaper while the bear was wearing a business suit. "Why don't you come in? Judy, what are you doing here?"

"My sources tell me that you went through quite a traumatic childhood thanks to this bunny. She's here to make amends by doing anything you want her to."

"Can we talk alone, Gideon?" Judy said.

Koslov was kind enough to step outside.

"He abuses me in my home. I'm terrified of him. Can you get rid of him? He only allowed me to wear this dirty diaper. Worse, he didn't want me to lick myself clean. I have scat on my face."

"I will." Gideon sniffed again and coughed. "You can count on me."

Gideon went outside to talk to Koslov. Only for the bear to step back inside after a few minutes.

"She loves me," Koslov said.

"You abuse her," Gideon repeated.

"Judy doesn't want me to leave her alone forever."

"I want you to stop forcing me to do things," Judy said.

"What did I force you to do?"

"You forced me to have sex with my siblings. You forced me to swallow soap. You threaten my family if I disobey, and before coming here, you forced me to give the officers a rimjob."

"I didn't realize you loved my cum."

"I do not!" Judy fired back.

"Then why didn't you complain about it?"

"To keep the list to the point. You've raped me in my sleep."

"I gave you a nice surprise, then you stopped struggling when we went for round two. Are you that bothered by rimming your siblings?"

"I hate you!"

"Yet, you didn't list cleaning my cum with your tongue as one of the problems. I enjoy seeing you submit. The face you make when you swallow stuff also turns me on. Now, make him happy like a good slut should. Why else would you have this on your chest?" He pointed to the brand on her chest.

"Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but did you know that cum is a delicacy? Bunnyburrow has plenty of horny rabbits, and well, I have an oven just for this stuff," Gideon said. "A few customers come with ... unusual requests. Like a pie filled with cum. I was taken aback at first, but I did learn. A few even wanted to spice their food up or to surprise their potential mates."

"Surprise?" Judy shouted. "You helped them do that? What were you thinking? That's disgusting!"

"And yet, quite a few wanted to try it from the source after that experience. It's one of the established methods to find love."

"There's no way that I would want to do that! It's disgusting and immoral to surprise someone that way."

"Everyone is different. Since you don't want him to leave, I want to see if my cooking skills would help."

"I'd like to see you try!" Judy said sarcastically.

Gideon took that on as a challenge. "From my understanding, you force her to swallow stuff and enjoy watching her."

Koslov said, "Yes."

"What if she enjoyed it?"

"That's fine."

"If you please, provide me with what you want to watch her eat." Gideon retrieved a cup from a room.

"You still have some inside you, don't you?"

Judy nodded. She pushed the cum inside her tailhole into the cup. The viscous white fluid tainted with brown flecks slowly filled the cup.

"Is there anything else?" Gideon asked.

"I will not enjoy this, Gideon."

"Most do."

"He also wants me to swallow his piss. Not even you can make that pleasant. I did it back when I was a sex slave, but now I'm free."

"Let me grab another cup." Gideon retrieved another cup.

Koslov pissed into this one, filling it with musky yellow fluid.

"I would ask for three attempts since it's my first time working with bears."

"Great," Judy said. "Can't wait to taste it."

"Don't worry, I'll make two pies in case one isn't to your liking. Just give me some time. Like two hours," Gideon said.

"Can't we help?"

"I'd rather not risk messing up the recipe. Koslov, if she wants you gone, you are out of here."

The bunny and bear sat at the table while Gideon worked in the kitchen.

"You've been quite the bad bunny," Koslov said. "If you wanted a spanking, all you have to do is ask."

She hadn't resisted as the bear bent her over his lap.


The first swat caused her enough pain. "One."

He waited a bit before delivering the second one.

"Two." Tears fell from her eyes.

"You secretly want this."

"I don't..."

The bear set her down on the floor. "You just need to be true to yourself."

Judy cried, on the floor alone. Loud enough for Gideon to hear.

He came outside. "What have you done?"

"I spanked her," Koslov said. "She didn't resist."

"She's afraid of you!"

"She's a police officer that can arrest me. Now, she will beg for another."

Judy sniffled but did do as Koslov instructed. "Please, spank me again," she said.

Once more, she offered no resistance as Koslov bent her over his lap, and delivered another swat.

"You, see?" Koslov said.

"Why don't you ask her what she wants?" Gideon said.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"You to be nice," Judy said.

"Aren't I? You lived in the mansion when you broke up with Nick."

"Fuck you."

"Words, little bunny."

Judy stared at him. Gideon thought it was safe enough to go back into the kitchen. She didn't dare sit anymore since it hurt.

Of all the places she could go, she did crash where Koslov lived instead of finding an apartment.

"I get what I want. You learn to be happy, or I choose one of your siblings instead," Koslov said.

"You're going to rape them just like me."

"I surprised you. You liked it."

"Not this again."

Gideon was listening still - since he came out of the kitchen briefly. "If you need help, Judy, I can."

They waited for the pies to be ready.

"You should go clean up so something doesn't fall into the pie," Gideon said as he noticed they were just staring at each other.

Koslov used this as an opportunity to have Judy eat more scat. Judy had to use her saliva to get rid of the scat around her face then she had to swallow it by bringing it into her mouth. The bear pleasured himself while she was doing that.

Dried scat tasted worse than scat when it was fresh. Not that she ever wanted to learn this fact. Slowly, she swallowed the bitter clumps. It was only then that the bear allowed her to wash her nose of bear cum.

"We seem to have made a mess." Koslov pointed to the cum on the floor.

"Clean it up then."

Koslov planned to force Judy's face into the mess.

"I'm not licking that up."

"That's what you think."

"This is my house," Gideon said. "You will not force her to do anything."

"Don't you want to watch her clean it up?" Koslov asked.


"You don't know what you're missing."

"Thank you, Gideon." Judy cowered behind Gideon for protection. As if he could protect her from the bear if the bear used force. "Can I stay with you?"

"Sure." Gideon allowed her to follow him into the kitchen. Both pies were baking in the oven.

She sniffed the air, and couldn't smell anything resembling bear cum or piss. They were waiting for the pies to be ready.

Gideon hadn't asked her to do anything perverse, they just waited inside the kitchen.

Both pies were ready, and she helped Gideon carry one of them outside. The two pies looked similar on the outside, with one containing a very nasty filling.

"This is the blueberry pie." Gideon pointed to the one Judy was carrying. "And that is the special one."

He brought out three plates - one for everyone. Next, he brought out two different knives to cut the pies. First, he cut the special pie into three, revealing its sinister blue filling - far different from what Judy expected.

"Did you make a mistake?" Judy said. "You're giving yourself a portion, and him too?"

"It is a delicacy."

The other pie remained untouched.

"What are you playing at, fox?" Koslov said.

"There are no tricks," Gideon said. He took a bite of the pie. "Not sweet enough. Not bad at all."

Judy took a bite out of the pie. "This is blueberry."

The bear cut the other pie, it had a yellow and white filling along with blueberries. "You mixed them up."

"I did not," Gideon insisted.

He cut a portion for Judy. "Eat."

Judy apprehensively brought a portion of the pie that she thought was dripping with bear cum to her mouth. She sniffed, and it smelled just like blueberries. As she got a taste - it was even better - it was sweet just like most of the blueberry pies she had eaten before.

"Do you think you can trick me?" Koslov finally took a bite of the first pie. "You're going to eat more of this one." He finished his portion without an issue. "Fox, you're mistaken."

"Don't mind if I do." Judy cut herself another portion of the pie. It just looked unappetizing but tasted great.

"I wasn't lying," Gideon said. "You ate a pie filled with the cum and piss from earlier."

"Prove it." Koslov cut a small portion of the pie filled with yellow and white filling for Gideon.

"No problem." The fox ate that up. "It is blueberry. You won't know until you taste it yourself."

Koslov finally ate a portion of the unappetizing pie. "You were telling the truth?"

"Food coloring does wonders."

"I had to lie to her about the food having bear cum, and you..."

"I am a chef. Slowly, a few learn that they can consume stuff right from the tap."

"There is no way that I would like that," Judy said. "It doesn't matter if it was bear cum, bear cum tastes nothing like it." Bear cum was bitter and unpleasant. "His piss tastes even worse."

"Do you have room for dessert?" Gideon asked.

Judy nodded.

This time, Gideon fetched a cup from the kitchen. He pissed into it. The musky aroma of fox piss filled the room.

He just left that on the table. When he returned, he had three vanilla ice cream cones. One for each of them as always - and he had the audacity to pour fox piss on each of them. Just as before - he was the first to have a taste, daring Judy to try it next.

"Are you out of your mind?" Judy said.

"Trust me."

She ate up that ice cream without a problem. It was sour - like lemon. The taste of fox piss was there but not to the point that it truly offended her or maybe because she had a taste of Nick's piss and could stomach it now.

"I am not eating this," Koslov said. "Why don't you thank him for all he's done for us today?"

"Thank you, Gideon."

"Not like that."

"No," Judy said.

Koslov ignored her. "Is there anything you want her to do? She could lick your feet, armpit, tailhole, cock, anything at all."

"What's your relationship with her?" Gideon asked.

"I saved her - and she keeps me around because she loves me. If I get a discount on those pies, she'll make you very happy."

"But she's not happy..."

"She'll be dripping wet by the end of it. Why do you care if she's happy anyway? You suffered during your childhood because of her. After all, you've done today, she doesn't even want to repay you. Some friend she is. She secretly loves it as much as she tries to deny it."

"And if she's not dripping wet, I'll have you arrested for tricking me."

"Get to it," Koslov ordered.

"Did I offend you, Gideon?" Judy said.

Gideon put a condom on to not make a mess. He sat in one of those chairs that allowed for rimming. She started rimming him. His musk was different from Nick's but reminded her of Nick just the same. He was a red fox after all. Rimming wasn't ever pleasant. Worse, he wasn't perfectly clean, so she tasted some scat that she also swallowed. Remembering the fox's expectations from earlier, she had to pleasure herself while she rimmed him. Not that it was easy while wearing a diaper. There was no way she would get off to rimming him alone.

"Not as good as a vixen," Gideon said.

"Vixen? You live alone," Judy said.

"You wouldn't believe how horny some mammals are. She offered me a rimjob, just to have a taste of me. I've quite the name in Bunnyburrow."

"And who is she?"


"Who is she?"

"Scarlett White."

"Continue," Koslov growled.

Judy resumed licking Gideon's tailhole. She was sure to paw herself to give off the appearance that she enjoyed it.

"Far from the best," Gideon said after he finally cummed. "Not even the best rabbit, I might add."

Gideon's comments stirred up a sense of competitiveness within her. "How many blowjobs have you had? I'll give you one that you won't forget," Judy said.

He got up from the chair and turned towards her. Wanting to check if Koslov was right, he reached into the diaper and fingered Judy's pussy. "You were right. She is enjoying this."

"How about it?"

"Let my knot go down first."

Without any orders from Koslov, she reached for the condom on his cock. She made a show of drinking all the cum inside and licked her lips lustily. It was only because she had been with Nick that she was able to put on such a show without displaying her distaste. The cum was bearable.

"If you're that thirsty, here." Gideon presented his finger for her to suckle clean.

She suckled on it until his knot subsided.

"Let's see that mouth in action."

Maybe because she had been with Nick, his scent didn't bother her. She used all the techniques she remembered from her days as a sex slave. Eagerly, she licked the tip of his penis. More than anything, she wanted to prove that she was the best. Knowing that foxes formed knots at the height of their pleasure, she had him knot her mouth. There was no way another rabbit was better than her.

He rewarded her efforts with yucky fox cum. Quickly, she swallowed to not choke on everything he had to give.

"If only you learned your place sooner, I wouldn't have suffered. Slut." Gideon viciously clawed both her cheeks.

She looked at him with teary eyes.

"You have no idea how much I hate you right now."

All she could do was look at the enraged fox who had his knot in her throat. And she thought everything was going so well.

Koslov's Prize 5 - The Secret Is Out

Judy looked upwards at the fox that just scratched her. She couldn't talk with his knot in her mouth. All she could do was wait for his knot to shrink. Once she could talk, she said, "I'm not a slut, Gideon." The taste of his cum lingered in her...

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The Mythical Incursion 20 - A Foxy Guide

Janet had a urinal cake soaked with piss inside her mouth that was likely poisonous. When others saw her predicament, they decided to aim their piss at it. The upside-down bunny couldn't spit the foul treat out. What little reprieve she had required...

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Koslov's Prize 3 - Gaslighting

The bear never returned for the night so Judy went to sleep with the ball in her mouth and her sister's panties covering her nose. She didn't dare disobey the bear's commands for fear of what he may do. Not that she could really sleep given her...

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