Head in the Clouds

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#1 of Crux

This is a different commission for lateinshowing where their character a intersexed mad scientist silver dragon named Nimbus is in the process of making a horrible... or horribly wonderful discovery. Depends on your point view actually. But what happens? Well some mad over the top shenanigans with a crux no less!

icon done by slug with permission, originally commissioned by lightningfire

Head in the Clouds

Far away from anything considered civilized was something quite odd indeed. A European style medieval castle stood atop a sheer cliff face facing the endless ocean as waves crash against the rocks below. Almost as if planned, the backdrop for this seemingly random castle was a dark volcano, spewing out ash and the occasional bit of fire and leaving a permanent gloom about the place as lightning played in the dark clouds above. It was here that a science lab was built, nice, quiet, and perfect for a great, wonderful, completely and totally not mad at all scientist who happened to go by Nimbus. Nimbus, a silver scaled blue finned anthropomorphic dragon, quickly moves about her lab with bubbling beakers, items buzzing with electricity, computers hum, a typical scene for a scientist of her mindset. Her white lab coat stands out against her silver scales, her pale blue fins fan out slightly as she lets out a huff of air through her nostrils. Her wings spread slightly as she slowly pours a green fluid into a red fluid beaker that releases a puff of violet smoke that moves up and brushes up against her white thick busty chest scales and along her distinctly not feminine bulge down below, both barely contained by her lab coat.

"This is not what I wanted at all!" Nimbus exclaims as she smacks her claws onto the table causing the glasses to rattle, "I wanted lavender smoke!" she continues to shout as she leans back sighing in frustration, "I don't want to be smelling violet but lavender! Alas I guess my bath soaps will have to wait, back to my other experiments," she remarks to no one but herself, going over to a set of complex looking machinery.

One of her other bubbling vials gave another puff of smoke and the dragon's nose wrinkled, wings twitching around her shoulders. "I hate that smell... if only my brilliant concoction worked then I wouldn't have to deal with it. Damn you brilliance, you need to work better! Or at least when I tell you to work!" she says to herself as she goes to a nearby computer she starts to type in a set of complex algorithms, mumbling under her breath with excitement, "The universe is chaos... now if I can only harness the power of chaos I will then be able to harness the power of the universe! Then all my wonderful plans shall come to ultimate fruition, picking and choosing which bits of chaos I want instead of letting the universe choose.... like getting my original...," she says trailing off grumbling a bit as she adjusts her white lab coat.

"With any luck I can even draw out the essence of pure chaos with this machine and with that essence I can condense it, crystalize it giving me an endless portable power source. With this I can do all my experiments unhindered, anywhere, anytime! I shall call them chaos crystals!" she declares cackling out loud for a moment before stopping, "Why does that name sound so familiar... no matter! Time to get this show on the road~" she says as she types a few more things into the computer before starting the large calculation. Hurrying along, she rushed over to a series of levers, pulling each one in sequence, the spherical machine with wires, and rods jutting out of it which hovers in the middle of the room crackles with greater energy as each lever is pulled.

Nimbus rushes to the other side of the room grabbing thick tanks of colored liquids of blues, blacks, violets, pinks, greens, which seem to glow and pulsate, she slides them into slots which then start to pump the liquid up through clear tubes straight into the center of the machine. The air buzzed with energies as bolts of what looked like lightning shot from the tips of the metal rods to the ceilings, walls, and floor, everything that wasn't inside the protective bubble of the large faraday cage Nimbus set up prior.

Running over to another part of the room, the silver dragoness went to a heavy metal switch, grunting as she pushes it upwards. The switch slammed into place, sparking fly as it connects as the creaking and turning of cogs allows the ceiling of the laboratory to open up to the constantly lightning crackling sky caused by the volcanic clouds. Then Nimbus went to an even larger switch beside the previous and pushes it into position, the machine's hum growing to a deafening roar louder as a small video screen built into the device right above the switch shows a series of steam powered electric generators that harness the near endless amounts of geothermal energy caused by the hot magma of the earth and the cool ocean surrounding the island. The turbines in the image spin faster and faster as a towering rod is lowered into place over the sphere allowing bolts of lightning to strike the rod and shoot the power straight into the sphere.

"Almost there!" she yells out gleefully as she ran over to the last side of the room turning several knobs, causing yet another machine to hum and turn to life as icy cold blue liquid flows through thick clear plastic tubes from the wall to the machine. Water condensed over the thick plastic and started to freeze almost instantly, forming small icicles that then melted as the heat of the room spiked as the energy levels built up. "Don't want my precious machine to overheat now~," she cackles as she goes back to her control panal off center of the room facing the experiment. She types in a key pad a ten digit code which causes a nearby sliding door to open on the panel and raise up where a key hole is shown.

"Now where did I put that..." she grumbles as she searches her pockets, "It was just here a moment ago," she grunts as she pats herself down, "Aha here it is!" she yells as she pulls the key out from her front chest pocket, a long silver elegant key with an engraving of Nimbus' head at the end. She slides the key into the keyhole turning it with a click as a small plastic cover right beside this clicks. Nimbus with a flick of a finger pops open the cover to a small red thumb sized button. "Time to harness the power of ultimate chaos!" she yells out and presses the button.

The sphere glows bright, energy sparks all around it, electrical currents arch as Nimbus pulls down a pair of thick tinted goggles. Her hands run across each other as she watches with greater interest, "Yes... yes...." she says just as the thing suddenly implodes, the entire device collapses upon itself for a few brief moments before exploding outwards causing Nimbus to hit the floor as pieces of shrapnel whiz by.

"What the heck happened!" she declares out loud hitting her hand against the floor before standing back up, "Oh... I forgot the blast shield!" she says as she flips a small switch next to the button with a little sticky note placed on it that says "don't forget".

"Good job sticky note, where were you when I needed you!" she growls as she crumples up the piece of paper and tossing it behind her, "Note to self, making talking sticky notes. Maybe I can salvage something from this mess."

"Salvage what?" inquires a a hyena-like voice from behind.

"My project to harness chaos that's what... wait who said that?" Nimbus asks as she turns around to see a strange dark blue black striped creature with piercing yellow eyes. Nimbus jumps back at the sight of it, the fur seems to shine as its thick long tail is crooked and curled into itself at seemingly impossible or painful angles. With its long muzzle, huge ears jutting out away from each other with curled black ends, it this slender creature was nothing she has ever seen before.

"I did!" the creature said as it smiled showing off its sharp teeth and pair of fangs in the front. It waved to Nimbus, "Hi!" it says quickly as Nimbus notices the slight jittery movements of the creature as it stood before her.

"Who... what? How did you get in here! This is a private lab and you need to be certified by me to be allowed in here and I know I didn't certify you! I don't certify anyone but prisoners and I didn't have any scheduled for today!"

"How did I get in here? Don't know. I just appeared here," the creature replied as it started to roam around the lab, stepping over the random broken pieces of machinery, "This lab is horrible, everything is broken," it comments as it's thick crooked tail twitches.

"One of my experiments had a little technical difficulties, I'll fix it in no time, wait, no that does not explain how you got in here. Tell me how did you come to be here?"

"How I came to be?" the creature asks as it looks over his shoulder at Nimbus with a crazy grin.


"Well first there was this zipper and then I was around, though I am sure there are other methods. I've seen them, they look like fun, but I was wondering, how to procreate and then a bright light and bam! I was here."

"That doesn't explain anything! What are you."

"For a scientist you don't seem to know much."

"Answer the question!"

"I'm a crux."

"What's a crux?"

"I am."

"Yes but what is it?" Nimbus asks.

"It is what I am."

"Can you define to me what a crux is?"

"A crux is a crux. What other definition do you need?" the crux asks tilting his head.

"So are all cruxes like you?"

"Like me? All cruxes are cruxes."

"I mean look like you."

"Well..." he says as he turns around bouncing his tail for a moment before jumping closer, "No some are different. Well many are different."

"I see... it appears you come with some kind of rubber or latex look."

"It could be vinyl."

"It's not vinyl."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I know," replies Nimbus.

"What's the difference between vinyl and latex or rubber for you to be so sure?"

"Well you see... wait I don't have to answer that to you!"

"You just don't know then," the crux says as he heads out of the room.

"Hey where are you going!" Nimbus exclaims as she gives chase.

"I'm looking around! This place looks neat," the crux replies as he disappears into the next room which is filled with all kinds of chemicals, beakers, items bubbling, spinning through winding glass tubes. The crux oo's and ah's what he sees his image becoming distorted as he peers through the glasses.

"Don't touch anything these are valuable experiments!" Nimbus yells as she sees the Crux is halfway across the room his large tail brushing against several glass beakers causing them to jingle, "Damn how did he get that far so fast?" Nimbus thought as she rushes over to him.

"Touch what?" the Crux asks as his tail knocks over several glasses causing them to shatter to the ground, their liquids splattering on the hard surface and causing reactions, bubbling along the smooth floor, "You should clean that up," he laughs similar to that of a hyena before bouncing off once again.

"No! Stop!" Nimbus yells as she reaches the spot where glasses were shattered, "My precious-!" she yells as she sees lavender smoke rise up from the mixed liquids, "Oh lavander what I wanted... wait this is not the time! Crux first!"

Nimbus bolts out of the room into the next where there are dozens of mice, lab rats, bunnies and other cute and cuddly animals perfect for her experiments. In the the center of the room is the crux holding a brown and white furred mouse by the tail dangling it over his head, his mouth wide open, revealing his slick long dark blue rubber like tongue.

"Wait! Don't eat that one!" she exclaims as the crux drops the mouse into his mouth, his jaws closing down on it as the crux turns his attention back to her, the mouse's tail dangling out of his mouth as it wiggles before slurping it down, "Don't do it!" she yells.

"Why?" the crux asks tilting his head.

"That is... was...is my assistant!"

"Mice make horrible assistances," the crux replies.

"They got turned into a mouse last week. They don't mind, I'm sure. Not that they can complain if they DO mind, not in a way I can understand at least~"

"Oh let me put them back then," he says as he seemingly like a magic trick pulls the mouse out of nowhere puts him back in his cage.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"The thing with the mouse? I saw you eat it."

The crux shrugs and runs off once again.

"I need to put a leash on that thing, or a tracking collar, not sure if a shock collar would work," Nimbus comments as she sprints after the shiny blue and black crux. The next room looks like something out of a techno horror movie. Random robotic machines are strewn across work benches. Half built or destroyed anthropomorphic robots hang with wires and dangling limbs, all the results of either failed experiments in creating something sentient before or something that succeeded and then went mad and had to be put down.

"Now where did you go? Here crux, come to Nimbus. I won't hurt you, I promise..." Nimbus says as she crosses her claws behind her back as she looks around. As she looks under one of the tables she hears a clatter of metal from elsewhere in the room. The dragoness jumped up, eyes alert but saw nothing out of the ordinary. "Where could you go? This room is a dead end," she mumbles to herself as she hears a clatter of metal behind causing her to spin around.

"Rawr!" the crux yells as his claws were out mouth wide, his body covered in sparking damaged wires and robotic parts hanging off of its body, the exposed live wires cause Nimbus to jump back in shock and surprise, "I got you!" cackles the crux as he twitches causing the metal items wrapped all round him to clatter.

"No... how are you not dead?! That's high voltage AND current!"

"Electricity doesn't do much for me, it's the rubber."

"I was right! You do have rubber skin."

"I do? How are you so sure?"

"You just told me!"

"I did?" the crux asks tilting his head.

"Yes you did!"

"You sure?"


"Well I am no crux expert, so it's not like I know what it is, I could be wrong, whatever you say I said," he replies.

"Listen I just about had it with all these random shenanigans!" Nimbus exclaims as she points a claw at the crux, "Now you get out of my equipment this instant, a lot of it is very sensitive and I don't want to go through all that sorting and recalibration and explosions, that all takes a lot of my valuable time you hear... me?" Nimbus says as she looks at the pile of robotic parts perfectly outlining where the Crux was, "How in the world did he do that?" she mumbles to herself as she lets out a huff of air causing the crux shaped pile of parts to crumble to the floor.

"This room is boring I'm going to see what else is around, bye!" yells the Crux from over by the door.

"How in the blazes did he, you know never mind I'll figure it out once I capture it," Nimbus remarks as she renews her pursuit after the blue and black squeaky thing. Her body as it was now wasn't the best for fast chases anymore. She had ample.... assets, breasts bouncing under the quick movement, her tight form fighting lab coat brushes against her scales as she gives full sprint after the crux which somehow always manages to be two steps ahead of her despite her home ground advantage. Just as she enters one room she gets to see it leave the next, confounding the poor mad scientist.

"It has to be toying with me! I am sure of it!" Nimbus thinks as she goes through the previous labs jumping over or sliding under tables, cages and whatever could be in her way, the crux having made an utter mess of each of the rooms as if a hurricane had blown through.

"You are going to pay dearly for creating this mess!"

"What? But I am not charging you for it."

"Wha... what is that supposed to mean!?" yells Nimbus as she returns to the main lab where this all began, "Just for the love of science please just stop for one moment," Nimbus pants as she leans against the door frame. She looks across the lab at the crux who standing right before the door leading to other parts of castle, "What? You..... stopped? Just like that."

"Well you did say please," he replies.

Nimbus just stares at the creature across the way for a good moment as the crux cackles and laughs to himself, but that was the time she needed to reach for a lever by the door and give it a pull. The Crux tilts his head watching for a moment before a clattering of metal and a heavy thud as a thick metal cage drops down onto the crux trapping him within the thick steel bars. Something she installed since the last 'heroes' tried to invade her domain.

"Hey no fair! You didn't say you were going to capture me if I stood still!" the crux yells.

"What did you think I was trying to do all this time? Especially after that little rampage you did all through my labs?" Nimbus states as she catches her breath and with it her composure. She saunters over to the cage as the crux holds the bars tightly in his hands.

"This was not part of the deal."

"What deal was that? I've made no deals with you."

"The deal if you let me out I'll show you all that I know about us cruxes."

"Didn't you say earlier you knew nothing about cruxes, despite being one?"

"I did? I don't recall that."

"You said it only ten minutes ago. How could you have forgotten?!"

"Can I forget things sometimes? Keep this up and I might forget not to let you out of this cage."

"Out of the cage? Bold, but you're the one who' in the cage."

"It's all matter of perspective," cackles the crux as he softly cackles to himself as Nimbus moves close to the cage but outside of arm's reach of the crux.

"What's so funny now?"

"Nothing... except how off your own perspective is," replies the crux.

"Just what do you mean by that?" she ask as the crux just gives a big toothy smile with his elongated snout, his ears curly ended ears twitch as he bounces on his feet. Now he was getting somewhere.... maybe. The ravings and the doublespeak were just starting to tick the dragoness off, less funny and now just pushing towards frustrating.

"You'll see in five... four... three... two..."

"I don't have time for this, talk to me when you've cooled-" Nimbus responds as she turns and takes a step away from the crux only to hit face first into a set of bars with a resounding clang.

"And one," the crux replies with a continued soft cackle as Nimbus turns around to find herself now in the spot where the crux was and the crux standing outside of the cage waving happily.

"This makes no sense! How did you get outside? How am I inside?!"

"As I said it's all matter of perspective. When you saw me through the bars you saw me on the inside, but that was your perspective. When I saw you through the bars I saw you on the inside which was my perspective and my perspective is right, so here we are."

"Your perspective? That makes no sense! There is no absolute perspective so you can't have a right perspective. And who says your perspective is right anyway?"

"Me and my perspective."

"That... that makes no sense! W.. What are you really?" Nimbus inquires as she stares intently at the crux. She wanted to know, needed to know, this individual, this THING kept tickling her mind with possibilities and then breaking anything she figured was correct or right.

"As I said, I'm a crux."

"I don't know what that is."

"A crux is a crux of course, and a crux can't be anything but a crux."

"You do things that make no sense, it defies every law of physics that I know of. Your moves and actions are so chaotic... wait a sec..."


"Not you!"


"I'm not... forget about it."

"Forget what?"


"Hard to forget nothing, I don't know what it is I should be forgetting."

"You are so confusing..."

"Maybe if you had my perspective things would become clearer."

"Your perspective? Unless I can see through your eyes that is not happening... and now get me out of here!"

"I could fix both of those things..."

"Yeah? And just how could you do that?'

"If you ask nicely I will show you."

"Ask nicely?"

The crux gives a smile.

"Fine..." Nimbus replies with a long drawn out sigh, "Can you please get me out of here and help me see from your perspective?"

"Why certainly! With my handy dandy zipper!"

Nimbus looks at the crux with an absolutely dumbfounded look on her face, her mouth slightly ajar as she lets out a long drawn out sigh, "This is the worst day of my life... second worst day of my life."

"Oh no this is about to be the best day of your life," the crux says with a laugh, "Be ready for a whole new you!" he exclaims as Nimbus facepalms.

"For the the love all that is scientific," she remarks as she looks again at the crux to see a long silver zipper in his hands, worse yet he is now in the cage with her, "What is that?" she asks as she points to the zipper, fearing the most obvious answer.

"Your way out of your shell that you've been trapped in all this time," the crux explains with a chuckle as he moves ever closer.

"You're absolutely mad."

"Yes and soon so shall you," the crux says as she slaps the zipper onto Nimbus' chest starting from her neck down.

"What? This makes no sense, how does it even stick to me? There's no adhesive to it." Nimbus inquires as she feels an odd tingle coursing through her body, the cool zipper moving against her scales, cold even to her own normally icy nature.

"It will all make sense soon," the crux says as he grips the top of the zipper and starts to pull down. The zipper teeth partin gone by one as a shiver courses through Nimbus' body, discomfort immediately flushing through her mind, through her skin.

"This feels.... weird," she remarks as her body stiffens. Every notch the zipper is pulled down, the silver dragoness felt less at home, her skin growing looser around her whole body as she felt something... deep inside that squirmed. It was an odd feeling but yet she didn't feel scared.... heck she felt excited to figure out what this was about as every notch made her blue and silver scales peel back, like she was wearing a bodysuit of a dragon. "Yes feel and see like I do!" exclaims the crux as he pulls the zipper all the way down, letting Nimbus' head roll back as Nimbus pushes out of her own body. Her dragon skin rolls back and slumps to the ground, lab outfit, scales everything as a silver and pale blue striped crux steps out from the dragon suit, shaking and shuddering with delight.

"Yes let your inner crux come forth and be free of the confines of whatever mortal form that you were!" exclaims the crux with a cackle. He laughs loudly as Nimbus steps completely out of her own skin wiggling her foot, kicking her outer form away as she looks over her busty smooth crotch furry self,

"Well that is just mildly inconvenient," she remarks as her words cause the crux to stop mid-cackle.

"You don't feel any different?" he asks tilting his head.


"Not even a little bit?"

"Not that I can tell," Nimbus remarks as the new found crux continues to look over herself, looking behind herself at her new crooked tail. This however resulted in her turning in a few circles, chasing her tail as there was just so much of it to examine.

"Well... that's never happened to me before."

"You've done this before?"

"Of course, its how I came to be. There are many ways to crux, from the book, to natural 'reproduction' but I? Have the best method of all, the zipper!" he exclaims holding a dangling zipper in his paws.

"That makes no sense what so ever... how do you even get that thing?"

"What this?" he asks as she looks over to the zipper with his yellow eyes, "It just comes out of when I need it."

"So you just whip it out when you want?"

"Oh yes, I whip it out good. Long to boot."

"Someeeeeeething tells me you're compensating for something."

"Compensating for what?" he asks tilting his head.

"Never mind," Nimbus replies with a sigh as she looks over himself, "You know I wanted to move in the other direction for gender."

"What you aren't female?"

"No I was originally a male but after one accident I was rather intersexed thank you very much."

"My suit was female myself, not that I mind anymore," he chuckles.

"Well I would like to be a little closer to my original gender, but I somehow don't think that's possible... or is it?"

"Here let me help you," the crux says as he slaps a smaller zipper onto Nimbus' crotch.

"What more zippers? Now you stop that, I don't need more zippering and the thing and the whats," Nimbus says as the crux unzippers her crotch to reveal a rather modestly heft pair of balls and sheath, the former dragoness and now crux giving a grunt.


"Well... yes but can't you do something about the rest of me?"



"Dunno, just can't."

"How refreshing... now how do we get out of here?" Nimbus asks as she looks around to see they are still in the cage.

"Out of where?"

"The cage we are in?"

"Aren't we out already?"

"No we are not... out... already," Nimbus says as she looks around to see they are standing where Nimbus stood initially when she dropped the cage on the crux, but this time the crux was standing right next to her.

"How... you have to teach me how to do that."

"To do what?"

"The thing with the jumping in and out of reality and you know the thing!"

"I told you all a matter of perspective."

"Like its that easy if I just perceive I am inside of the cage and I am there... wait how the world?" Nimbus blinks as she finds herself back in the cage, "This is maddening!"

"I know isn't it great?" the crux chuckles.

"Actually... yes it is, this is rather fun," she replies with a big toothy crux grin as she imagines herself out of the cage and finds herself out of it once more.

"This is so chaotic... and fun. So are you telling me I can make others like this? Like us?"

"Yes, that's have the fun of being a crux, making others into wonderfully mad cruxes!"

"Well I wouldn't consider myself mad, I am rather happy about this," Nimbus replies.

"That's not what I... oh I see," the crux replies with another chuckle as he bounces around a bit, "So what do I get for this?"

"Get? What do you mean get?"

"Well after all this hard work I've done, I think I deserve something. Maybe co-scientist? You do have a fun place here, I wouldn't mind staying for a bit."

"Co-scientist? How about assistant?"

"Assistant? That sounds so dull."

"How about head assistant?"

"Hmm can you make it better?"

"Senior assistant?"

"Keep going."

"Senior assistant first class?"

"Keep going?"

Nimbus sighs and rubs the back of her head, "Senior head mad-crux-scientist platinum-diamond first class assistant."

"Now that sounds like a job position I'd like to have," he replies with a huge grin.

"Well congrats the job is yours."

"Wonderful, so what do I do?"

"Do what I tell you to do and respond to everything I say with either, "As you command. Yes Mistress. Excellent idea Mistress. Or some kind of equivalent like that."


"Okay what?"

"Okay... dokey?" the crux responds tilting his head.

Nimbus gives a long drawn out sigh before her thick crooked crux tail twitches, her ears raise as she turns to her fellow crux, "So I can make others like this?"

"Why of course you can!"

"Do I have those other methods you aforementioned or just the zipper thing?"

"Don't know, never tried the other methods, possibly?"

"So why don't you have any dangly bits between your legs?"

"And ruin this wonderfully smooth crotch? Hell no. I love the feeling of the pleasure build up. The delight desire, unable to get off, it's so delightful," he chuckles.

"Sounds maddening to me."


"I'm starting to see how you think and I like it," Nimbus responds with a grin.

"Of course you would. Cruxes love to think alike," he chuckles.

"Tell me how does this zipper thing work exactly?"

"Well first you pull it out like so," the crux replies as he pulls the zipper out of nowhere.

"I can see it, but like a magic trick I don't know how is done."

"Just pull it out, whip it out good."

"What just like that? I just pull it out like this and..."Nimbus says as she looks in her crux clawed hands to see a long metal zipper, "just like that it comes out."

"See its that easy."

"That almost takes all the fun out of it, almost," Nimbus replies with a grin as the zipper dangles in her hands.

"What will you do now?"

"Test out this zipper thing on my former head assistant," Nimbus replies with a cruxy grin.

"Sounds like a promotion is in order for them, Junior mad-crux-scientist gold second class assistant."

"A lovely title," Nimbus replies with a hyena-like cackle as she heads towards her lab where her former 'assistant' is being kept, ready to give him a brand new body with an upgraded perspective on the world.


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The Rise of Equality

**The Rise of Equality** Arrows stick out all over Cynder Drone like quills on a porcupine, Belikr holds his spear with all his might as he drives it in deeper into Cynder Drone's rubbery smooth flesh. Cynder Drone stands there...

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