Elements of a Shattered Past, Chapter 18: Prom Night(Part 1)

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#20 of Elements of a Shattered Past

After a long and tumultuous chain of events, prom night is finally here as a new relationship starts to take shape. A magical, once in a lifetime night lies ahead...

May 25, 2001

Jennings Residence

Colorado Springs, CO


I wasn't a fan of ties; I never had much occasion to wear one besides formal outings and it wasn't like I went to many of those. I was, however, bound and determined to do this. After what was likely the thirtieth try I got it right; with a pump of my fist in triumph I stood back and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror.

I was dressed in the clothes I had bought at the movie night over a month ago; a pair of black slacks, a light blue dress shirt, and the gray and black-patterned tie I had just spent the past fifteen minutes figuring out. I would likely stand out in a sea of tuxedos, but I still looked like I was about to head into a business meeting. I splashed on some of the British Sterling cologne my grandfather had given me for Christmas; I was just about ready.

I collected my wallet and keys off the counter, making sure I had some extra spending money just in case Holly and I decided to get some dinner after the prom. With that done I glanced at my watch; I needed to get on the road in a few minutes. For that, I would need to talk to my folks.

I ascended the stairs, making my way to the living room. My mom and stepdad were on the couch; a movie playing on the TV. As they heard me coming the volume was turned down, my mom practically beaming as I reached the top of the stairs. "Look at you!" she exclaimed, getting up from the couch to give me a hug. "Are you ready for your big night?"

"Just about," I answered, smiling at them. This would be a night of firsts. "I need to pick Holly up at around five-thirty, so I don't have a lot of time."

"Enough time for a photo with your mom?" Ben asked, picking up a camera that was sitting on the coffee table. He grinned, motioning for us to stand against the wall that separated the living room from the kitchen.

The snapshot was done quickly; I know they wanted some photos to remember prom and graduation, so Ben's camera would see more than its fair share of use. "I'm very happy for you," my mom stated, "I know it was a tough decision to do this, and I hope you have a wonderful time." She didn't know the half of it, but I would keep that particular chain of events to myself.

The next picture Ben took was of my mom handing the keys to her car over to me; then going down to the garage and sitting behind the wheel of the sleek, silver roadster. I adjusted the seat and mirrors before starting the car; the rumble of the big straight-six filling the garage before I started backing out. Ben snapped a few more photos as I waved to them, pulling the roadster into the street before driving away.

Spring was starting to turn into summer; even relatively late in the afternoon the weather was gorgeous. I pulled over a couple of blocks away to put the top down; seventy-two degrees was perfect convertible weather. I slid my sunglasses on and checked the clock; it was just after five and I had plenty of time to get to Holly's house.

I took side streets until I got reacquainted with the feeling of driving and shifting; the Z3's engine and gearbox forgiving enough to make a few mistakes. I gained enough confidence to make it out onto main streets, winding my way through traffic towards Holly's neighborhood.

The practically new BMW convertible blended into the neighborhood as I pulled onto Holly's street. A sudden, unprompted wave of nervousness came over me as I spotted her house; a wave that settled in the pit of my stomach as I pulled into the driveway. An incongruent mix of vehicles filled the driveway; a newer Toyota Camry with Nebraska license plates sat tucked off to the side while a newer Toyota Avalon and a black Trans Am filled the driveway; the Colorado vanity plates with the Army crest left no doubt as to what Holly's father drove.

I parked my mom's BMW behind the muscle car and shut it down; picking up the small plastic boxes my mom had set on the passenger seat. They were a matching corsage and boutonniere; Holly had been by our shop to place her order so it was a simple matter of making mine to match. I pinned the bout to my dress shirt; taking a deep breath I picked up the remaining box and exited the car. The front door was a short walk away, so I swallowed back the feeling of nervousness and approached it. I rang the doorbell and took a polite step back.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably more like a minute, the door opened. Holly's father was out of uniform, but his polo shirt and khaki slacks gave him an air of quiet professionalism. His eyes widened in mild surprise as he looked me over. "Holly said she had just started dating someone, but she didn't mention it was you! Welcome, c'mon in!" The Army officer stood aside and motioned me inside.

The house was fairly large and pretty modern, with pristine white carpet, an open floor plan and a large staircase that led to the bedrooms on the upper floor. It looked somewhat sterile, despite the décor thrown at it to make it look somewhat more lived in. Framed military certificates and shadowboxes with flags and mementos of service competed with landscape paintings and vases filled with silk flowers. I was distracted from the inspection by Holly's father extended his hand. "Good to see you again; Adam, right?" He shook my hand with the same steel grip I had experienced at the range. "How did you wind up with Holly?"

That was a tough question to be asked, but I had a quick IM conversation with her last night to make sure we had our stories straight. "Well, we were introduced by Julie, a mutual friend. We started studying together, and one thing led to another. I was a little surprised at the coincidence, to tell you the truth."

Colonel Meyers grinned. "Hey, you sound like a responsible young man; I won't speak too badly about her last boyfriend but you're already more respectful than he was. Did you have any plans after graduation; any schools you wanted to go to?"

I nodded. "I'm taking some time off before I really consider the college thing. I'm taking over as store manager at one of my family's shops; I figure it's a good way to get work experience and save up some money."

"It's a solid plan," Meyers replied. "Running a store will also be good leadership experience. Holly should be ready in a few minutes; Lisa's helping her with a few things. Have a seat if you'd like!" Holly's father led me down a short hallway to what looked like a family room. It was a little more lived-in than the living room; pictures lined the walls and there was a small couch, recliner, and TV set up.

One particular picture caught my eye; it looked like it was taken recently. An F-16 fighter jet was in the background, decked out in the iconic livery of the Air Force Thunderbirds. Three people stood in front of it; one obviously the pilot of the aircraft considering the fact she was decked out in a flightsuit and helmet; her fighter pilot garb all around her. She was giving a thumbs up to the camera. Holly was in the center of the picture, also decked out in a pilot's suit and helmet and grinning like she had just won a million dollars. Her father stood next to her in his military uniform, complete with the iconic headgear of the Green Berets. He caught me looking over the photo. "That was last summer; the Thunderbirds were doing some training at the Air Force Academy and Holly volunteered for an exhibition flight with Major Williams." He grinned as he slid into the recliner.

"So you're a Colonel in the Green Berets?" I asked, curiosity creeping into my tone. "How did you get into the Special Forces?"

"Very long story," Meyers admitted. "I was in ROTC through college and was commissioned into the Army; I was single and looking for adventure so it was a natural fit. I never quite stopped after I married Lisa and Holly came along; I'm grateful that they have been so patient and understanding about my bouncing them around the world. That life is just about over, though; I've put in for retirement. I've enjoyed being a CO, but not enough to play the politics necessary to go any further up the chain."

Before I could answer, an unfamiliar voice called into the living room. "Joe? Is our guest here?" A tall, redheaded woman walked into the room. "You must be Adam! Holly has told me a lot about you!" She reached down to shake my hand; unlike her husband her handshake was firm yet not made of hardened steel. "She is just about ready; she asked me to come and get you."

I followed her back out to the living room just in time to see one of the bedroom doors swing open. My eyes widened as Holly emerged from her room; her auburn hair cascading down her shoulders accentuated with dark blue highlights. Her dress was a captivating mixture of azure fabric and black lace; a matching corset completed a look that was slightly gothic without going over the top. She grinned as she noticed me at the bottom of the stairs; scrambling down n order to hug me tightly. "You look great!" she exclaimed, pulling away as she noticed her parents coming in from the family room.

"That dress looks amazing on you," I complimented as I presented the corsage to her. She took the box; it was probably a good idea to keep it there during our drive. "I understand why Julie wanted to keep it a secret. We should probably get going soon; I know we're running a few minutes behind."

"Before you go I want some photos of both of you." Lisa asked, pulling out a camera. It was a quick few snapshots; Holly and I together as well as separately, then ones with her parents. We made our way out onto the porch; I noticed her father glancing at my car.

"That looks like a fun ride for prom," he mentioned, motioning to the Z3. "One of the lieutenant colonels has an M Roadster, so I have an idea of how quick they are. I've seen you handle firearms safely, so please use the same level of care with that car." Holly gave me a confused look.

"I will, Colonel," I promised. "It's my mom's car so I'm going to be as careful as possible." With that we waved goodbye; I walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for Holly. She slid into the convertible as if it was made for her; fastening her seatbelt as I crossed over to the driver's seat.

I started the engine and slowly pulled out of the driveway, giving Holly a smile as I shifted into first and started off. We waved at her parents as we eased down the street; another confused look given to me as we started to make our way out of her neighborhood. "You're full of surprises, hon," she remarked. "You can drive stick and my dad said you handle guns safely? You just met him!"

I grinned at her as we reached the stoplight to get out of her neighborhood. "Well, I met your dad a couple of weeks ago at a shooting range; I was there with Mr. Schaeffer. He let me shoot a few of his guns."

"You didn't tell me that before we started dating!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with amused surprise. "He doesn't let anyone touch his guns, so you have made a great impression on him!"

"I'll take that as a good sign." I pulled the sports car out into traffic, focusing on taking the most direct route to the school. As I shifted through the gears I felt her hand fall on mine; a look of contentment on her face as she enjoyed the open air.

We pulled into the parking lot with a little time to spare; the parking lot was already starting to fill. I decided to park near the back of the lot to minimize the chance of someone running into the Z3 while we were inside. I put the ragtop up, latching it into place as Holly watched the procedure. I started to open the door, but was stopped by her hand wrapping around mine. "Please, could we wait just a moment?"

"Sure?" I answered, confusion creeping into my voice as I looked back at her. She didn't look distressed or angry; she looked as content as she did a few minutes ago. "Is everything okay, Holly?"

A smile lit up her face as she leaned forward. "It absolutely is. I just wanted to do this before we're surrounded by chaperones." She leaned forward, her lips seeking mine for a not so brief kiss. The feeling was electric; the outside world washed away for a moment as it coalesced upon the moment I shared with Holly.

We pulled away hesitantly, pulses quick and short of breath; her deep blue eyes gazing into mine. I took a quick glance down to the analog clock on the Z3's center console; it was almost time for the dance to start. "As much as I really enjoyed that," I managed, "we really should go in before we're late."

She winked at me as she reached for the door handle. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, cutie."