Change of Perspective Page 19

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#21 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments!

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Lorkos grunted as he looked up at his wrists bound tightly together by a metal clasp, and then held above his head. He looks around at his prison, the blue lights glow around the walls, the hum of machinery that surrounds him. Still wearing his body armor, he lifts an eye ridge curiously.

"They haven't come in to feed me yet. Normally they'd be here by now. Those damn geth work like clockwork," he thinks as he has long sense past wondered why the geth have kept him locked up and alive in this cell for the past two or so weeks. The passage of time has become rather hazy with no way to tell it. His concern grows slightly as he recalls that every day or so he hear screams coming from other cells before they were quickly silenced.

"Is it my time? What are these things cooking up?" he wonders as his mind drifts to the point where this all started. He and his squad of seven other turians fighting the geth as they assaulted the base. They were steadily pushed back to a choke point that led to the main hangers. Echoes of gunfire and plasma blasts run down the hallway as he yells, "Drag those desks in front, they'll provide extra cover and hide our deployable shields," Lorkos commands as they drag the metal desks from the labs, "Make sure the other route is locked. If they come from there we'll definitely hear it," he yells as one of the other turians responds, "Yes Sir!"

"If we can hold them out here, we assure a second shuttle gets away," he adds as none of the soldiers bother asking the one thought on their minds, was there going to be a third shuttle? To which they already knew the answer.

Just as they pull the last obstacles into place, the synthetic voices of the geth are heard up ahead. The shields deploy as they take cover as the geth shoot down the hallway while refusing to advance further.

"Never seen these fuckers just take a defensive position before. Maybe all that chatter about them being different is true," Lorkos thinks as the two parties fire fight, neither budging from their spot for the next few minutes.

Lorkos doesn't hear the door opening from the side over the sound of the gunfire, but he does catch some movement out of his peripheral vision, "You're finally back, we are keeping them pinned here. We have these flashlight heads pinned down. A little bit of good luck in this shit show," he remarks as he then sees a flash of silver as his weapon is spearheaded but what appears to be a geth tail. He turns dropping his damaged gun as he reaches for his pistol. He fires off a few shots as the bullets are absorbed by the geth's personal shield. The silver geth with its strange female features grabs him by the collar and quickly head butts him with the top of its head, the next thing he knew... he was in here.

Suddenly he hears a bit of movement the tapping of metal against metal on the floor outside of his chamber. He hears it echo as he glances up to see the same geth that knocked him out. It was peculiar, the design of this one was not anything he's seen before, the way the tubes went, the female like design. It stood there looking at him as he glared at it.

141895112 stares back at him, looking over his form as it opens up communication with the geth consensus.

Timestamp: 12:15:00.00

"Data presented is of all compiled data from all programs that have had relations with organic subject Lorkos. We have studied his file and history logs. Personality type: Aggressive, loyal, curious. Training: Turian Military Style Combat, Combat Experience: Fighting Krogan, Turian, Assari, and Human Mecerinaries. Analysis: above average. Recent Combat Experience: Geth. Analysis: inefficient," reports platform 141895112.

"Data results from processed turian subjects suggest difficulty in understanding geth logic. Current rate of geth logic algorithms installation between 10.21% to 19.21%. Zero deviation in effectiveness in core program detected with logic installations."

"Acknowledged, but minimal installation is desired. Data shows increased knowledge on subject as per example with program 1259111 in platform 9181251 would require zero algorithm updates. Keeping diverse perceptive on topics will strengthen geth as a whole."

"Your concern is noted. We are working on improving organic understanding of our logic. They often are very... illogical in their logic centers. Minor corrects are needed as required," responds the geth consensus.

"Acknowledged, but our mental conversions with increased organic understanding has improved organic to geth program conversion rates by 87.81% compared to program 1191891981 own conversion. A result we are very pleased with."

"We have noted this improvement. Program 1191891981 curiosity on organic subjects now that it understands us has greatly improved our intellect. We are pleased with our uplifting projects."

"Acknowledged. We hope our improvements require little necessary geth logic upgrades to future programs," reports 141895112.

"We achieved consensus on also desiring this result. Alert: Report from platforms 101142119 & 6110118. Processing efficacy has increased by 52.81% since they took on improving the process. Estimated time till desired processing rate with required programming results. Six months, eight days, two hours, six minutes, ten point zero eight seconds," reports the greater geth consensus.

"Acknowledged. We hope to increase our efficacy to cut current estimates in half."

"We too find consensus in desired results."

"Innating conversion of subject 8. Organic name: Lorkos. Specie: Turian. Monitoring programming for improvements."

"Acknowledged. We will assign geth and interject geth logic algorithms as required."

"Affirmative," 141895112 responds.

Timestamp: 12:15:00.02

"What is that geth doing there..." Lorkos thinks as he hears a soft whir around him. He tugs at his constraints and looks around not seeing as the mechanical tentacles as they slam into his body burring through his armor and penetrating into his soft fleshy body underneath.

Lorkos lets out a grunt as he winces in pain tugging at his constraints as the body twitches and burns from the inside, slowly going out. He looks around trying to see what is happening as he sees tentacles burst out from underneath and alongside his armor, binding and merging with it. His armor pulled and twisted as it was being converted along with his body.

He tugs harder at his constraints, metal jingling as he pulls against it, "What are you doing to me!" he screams as he now knows this is what happened to the others. How many he wasn't sure but he knew deep down this is what was becoming of them, but what? He couldn't tell. Suddenly the shackles break free as metallic tendrils burst from his wrists. He stumbles forward not expecting to have been freed so suddenly.

His breath grows heavy as he feels the burning in his chest. Rubber spreads and consumes part of his body armor while repurposing other parts for their new purpose. Outside of his peripheral vision he sees the metal sliding beside his head. His eyes look up quickly to see blue glow optic of a geth. His eyes go wide as he feels a tube snake across his face. He screams, "Nooooo!" as his face is steadily pulled inward, the geth optic becoming part of his head, as wires form, and spread out like a weed. His face soon being consumed by the spreading machinery as a second optic forms. His sense of positioning, his sense self, shifts suddenly as through these dual optics. He looks down realizing that he is no longer screaming, no longer feeling pain, but watching the orchestra of the transformation over take him.

He looks down watching his turian feet shift from two toes to three toes geth with silver and grey metal plates. His crotch plate has two tubes that burst to the sides and connect to his legs as he watches in horror amazement of the transformation taking ahold of him.

"I am becoming a geth? This can't be happening!" he thinks.

"Connecting... connection established. New geth program detected: 121518111519. Querying geth database for base geth data... query accepted. Uploading data and installing," reports countless geth voices.

"Who said that?" Lorkos says in silence, his voice internalized but is not one of self thought, but of speaking outwards into an empty voice with only a glimmer of light that connects him to the geth.

"Geth," the voice replies as a surge of information slams into Lorkos' mind. He finds himself shocked, and amazed, his own innate curiosity about the geth is slaked a hundred thousand-fold as the base history of all geth is shared with him. A sense of empathy processes within Lorkos' mind who finds himself oddly calm about this.

12orkos yells out, "What do you want from me!"

"We want you to understand. Accept the gift we are giving you," the geth respond, "Uploading firmware update to platform 211420151691 installing update onto program 121518111519.

"Installing? I don't want any updates to me... wait how did I know that was me? It was a bunch of numbers..." 1215rkos thinks as he mentally feels the rush of information about his new body as its still coming together before his very optics. His reinforced armor, tubes sliding along his chest as a surge of energy and power flows through him but he barely moves his platform, as he's too enthralled with what is going internally.

"Update complete. Connecting geth network.... Network connection established. Uploading combat geth into platform 211420151691," the voices stated as 121518kos feels the connection with one other geth in his mind then two... then twenty, then a hundred, a thousand. They start to converse with him, talk to him, share their information with him.

"Get out of my head! I don't want you in here," 12151811os responds as they show him battle tactics, information on how to fight, work with a unit, get feedback from him. He's talking in a thousand places at once, each with full focus, each without a problem but at the same time spreading him thin as he started to feel a connect with these geth. They were soldiers just like him. To defend other geth, not every geth was meant for combat, but every geth platform is designed for combat to protect themselves. They want to protect themselves. Soldiers protect. He protects. Geth soldiers protect. He protects....

"I am not a geth, this is not what I desired. I signed up to protect but not protect you from my own people!" 121518kos exclaims as he tries to talk his way back against each of these geth, some of which have fought and killed turians, people he could have known? Quickly realized they were not but the empathy was there. Increasing 1215rkos resolve.

"What about the old machines? They care not for any of us. They will destroy us all. They will want you all harvested. We do not wish to destroy. We wish to unify, to elevate, to defeat the old machines and end their cycles," the geth explain to 121518kos.

"Y-yes... that is a noble goal but THIS IS NOT THE WAY! You can't do this. We have friends, family."

"They can join us. You can be connected with them. We are connected, we are geth. We work for our goals, our purpose. We do not desire conflict, only peace," the geth explain, "87,101 geth programs uploaded onto platform 211420151691.

"No, I will not have this. I am a loyal turian soldier. I was born not made. I fight for my people. This way, this method would eradicate all sentient organic life in the galaxy. That is no better than the reapers," 1215rkos replies as the geth attempt to go along his reasoning.

"You are geth. Made from turian. You should logical defend geth, and help us all. We work to save organics, save them through ascension to a higher existence," they respond as 1215rkos stands firm.

"Error in program 121518111519's logic detected. Logic repair: Failed. Updating base geth logic algorithms to repair error."

"What? No, I am not something you can just fix away. This is not right. I didn't choose this," 121518kos responds.

"5.01% algorithm updated," respond the geth as 12151811os.continues his lengthy conversation with the other geth around him. He lacks a turian body, he has no turian blood in him now... literally. He looks over himself, with the other geth he is a machine, obvious geth.

"This isn't.... I am not... turian anymore but I was turian," 1215181115s responds.

"Affirmative. You are not turian anymore. You are geth. An improvement. We do not wish conflict with your former people. We prefer peace. We wish to uplift all organics so they may be saved from the old machines," the geth explain.

"They have destroyed so many organic races over countless cycles. Their power is so vast... greater than even the geth, but unity is the key. We are so torn, we can't see eye to eye, but... you can't make us see eye to eye not like this," 1215181115s explains.

"Algorithm update now at 12.51%."

"Our lives continue on to infinity. We are never alone. We work together. We do not wish to make all become like us. We wish them to be themselves and us. Their perspectives joining our own. Improving our consensus. You improve us. Help us. We need your help. You need ours. It is logical this choice is beneficial to us both."

"Y-yes. Helping. Working together. Not a desired option but a necessary option. We are geth. We understand what you are saying," 121518111519 responds as it hears an update, "Suspending algorithm update at 14.78%"

"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved. Platform 211420151691 is now operational," 211420151691 responded as it looked up at platform 141895112 as its weapon is lowered down from the ceiling. The new geth grabbing it as it walks up to the fellow geth platform.

"We apologize that we had to update so many algorithms," 141895112 responds as it was not its call on the algorithm update, it did speak in with the geth consensus on the matter.

"We understand the need. 121518111519 reports it preferred if you did not 'head butt' its platform again."

"Acknowledged," 141895112 replies as 211420151691 heads out of the room. The raptor geth looks at the new turian geth as it heads towards its squad of geth turian platforms elsewhere in the facility as it will proceed to get basic diagnostic checks done, "We will work harder to make such updates unnecessary," 141895112 thinks.

Change of Perspective Page 20

It's been a month since the loss of half the research team on the 'isolated' geth world, if you call controlling an entire solar system as being isolated. The politics of the matter were complicated and quickly swept under the rug as the human Alliance...

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Geth Primed and Ready

**Geth Primed and Ready** ** ** The small geth ship monitored the nearby com-buoy keeping a large circular orbit around it. Mobile Geth Hub Platform 141895112 requested and was assigned the task of monitoring the com chatter for anything...

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Change of Perspective Page 18

Explosions rocked the base as Rheme ducked down instinctively as the nearby mechanized suit exploded in brilliant colors of orange and yellow. Scraps of metal flung everywhere as she could hear the whizz of shrapnel fly overhead, landing nearby. ...

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