Change of Perspective Page 20

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#22 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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It's been a month since the loss of half the research team on the 'isolated' geth world, if you call controlling an entire solar system as being isolated. The politics of the matter were complicated and quickly swept under the rug as the human Alliance military was busy mopping up other geth groups. No one wanted to let the humans get any more of a reason to one up the other species. Having progressed so far so quickly, has put other races on edge and the end result is? Not a damn thing is being done about these geth. They are too far out of the way of the citadel races; the effected race was on the verge of self-destruction and not officially part of the citadel races and lastly? Everyone had their own problems to deal with. This is where Adrian an anthropomorphic racoon comes in. He had ties and knows what happened.

"Where those dimwitted inferior scaled ones have failed, I will succeed. Why bring a huge group to you on a stealth mission? That was their first mistake," Adrian remarks to himself as he silently jumped into the system.

"So far so good," he remarks as he double checks his sensors, "Twice-stolen black market quarian technology has its uses." Slowly he moved closer to his goal, to the world where the geth were stationed. His thoughts ran abound at the thought of all that advanced synthetic technology that he could get his paws on. What wonders his scientific mind could craft if only he had what they had to offer. The thought of a breakthrough discovery uplifting him above his fellow scientists putting him on a whole new level, snubbing those salarians and getting the gratification that he will be above at least three generations of them before his time is up.

Slowly he moves closer, using the planet's soft powdery white-grey moon to block his approach, "Their hacked reports better be right that these geth lack many spaceships," Adrian thinks as his ship uses the moon's gravity to sling him towards the planet. As he does, however, his long-range sensors catch two geth cruisers in the area along with faint energy signatures farther out. Slowly, he stops the ship, using as little energy as possible.

"What are they doing over there that far out? This is strange... maybe they are building something. Something I might be able to get a sample of..." he ponders as he coasts towards his new goal. As he gets closer, movement draws up on his video feed.

"What are they building?" Adrian wonders as he inches closer and closer. The energy signatures number in the hundreds, thousands maybe, surrounding several dozen larger energy signatures with structures detected that exceed that amount. Suddenly, one of the two geth cruisers, its sleek white, silver insectoid design stops its slow orbit around the area and two dozen fighters swarm out.

"Fuck," Adrian growls as he frantically boots up his systems and turns his ship around, "I should have gone ground-side," he grumbles as the ships swarm his, plasma shot ripping through the rear of his ship as the warning alarms blare in his ears. Red lights flash as the ship's VI states, "Critical engine damage."

"Not now! This is not the time for you to break on me!" he yells, his vessel shuttering as another shot tears through the rear.

"Engines offline."

"Damn quarian technology. Shouldn't have trusted it," Adrian thinks as he unbuckles himself from his chair. He rushes to the door, with every intent to make it to his escape pod, until suddenly he finds his feet are no longer in contact with the ground. His great mind and the floor were about to have one powerful meeting, one which the floor was going to have the deciding part in the conversation known as consciousness. Adrian loses in a landslide.

Timestamp: 10:15:20.17

"Alert: Organic Racunis has been captured spying on us," reports the geth in the area.

"Acknowledged," the main geth consensus concurs.

"Retrieving records of organic from their ship's database... Processing... sending information now," reports the local geth.

"Acknowledged. Information received. Processing... Dr. Adrian Esprit. Infamous scientist within many organic scientific communities. Data suggests their fame is warranted for their skill. Their notoriety for their past actions is equally warranted. Proposal: Send data to platform 141895112 for more detailed analysis," states part of the geth consensus as they converse.

"Acknowledged. Proposal accepted. Additional proposal: Notify platforms 101142119 & 6110118 that they can now test suggested improvements to the processing process. We can test if greater efficiency can be achieved."

"Acknowledged. But with different species and no previous experience the results will not be adequate."

"Yes, but knowing the effects on a known but unprocessed race will provide useful information."

"Affirmative. Sending data on Racunis race and known medical records on Dr. Adrian for them to study, and prepare the process."

"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved," the geth self-report.

Timestamp: 10:15:20.18

Adrian groaned softly as he feels his head throb. He reaches for his forehead and winces in pain, "Damn it. To be knocked out by something so simple. If anyone asks I was against a dozen geth and I was fighting them off spectacularly when one managed to sneak up behind me," he remarks.

"You were engaged with one hundred and twenty geth programs on nineteen platforms when you went offline. But we do note that the engagement was anything but spectacular," states 141895112 as Adrian jumps up in surprise.

"What the?!" he exclaims as he is brought out of his own self-ramblings to take note of the area around him. A soft blue light lit up the area, smooth cold hard metal surrounding him. The doors to this room were sealed shut, and in this small room was only him and a silver tailed female looking geth before him. He squints as his blurred vision tries to make sure what he just heard, and saw are reality and not a concussion driven illusion.

"We were correcting your incorrect data," 141895112 chimes in. The geth stands tall, proud but unarmed before him.

"The geth is talking...? That wasn't a fabrication in the reports," he mutters.

"Yes, we were made," 141895112 responds as Adrian squints up at the geth as he slowly stands, his paw pads feel the cool metal ground.

"That is not what I meant," he responds and then mutters, "A geth in front of me and I don't have my glasses to see it all that well." Suddenly, the geth moves its hand forward and holds out his glasses.

"Ah... thank you," he replies as he puts it on and gets a better look at the geth before him, "So... you are real?"


"I don't think my illusions would lie to me. I'd to like to think I'm smart enough to see through that. What is it that you--W-wait!! Where are my clothes!"

"Your coverings were not needed, so they were removed."

"This is uncalled for. You have to give me something to cover me up! I can't hold a conversation with... everything just hanging out!" he yells.

"Would this make you more applicable to conversation?" 141895112 inquires.


"Acknowledged," 141895112 states as it looks at Adrian for a moment, "One moment please."

"Better not be more than a moment," he remarks as he watches as the geth moves off to the side and after a few incomprehensible synthetic noises a pair of smooth black rubber undies drop into the geth's awaiting hand which it quickly tosses it over to him, "Will this be sufficient?"

"I suppose... it's better than nothing," he remarks as he slips them on, giving the geth a long hard stare as he adjusts his glasses, "So, what exactly do you want from me?"

"We want you to only understand."

"Understand? Understand what?"

"That the probability of your continued existence will be best achieved by joining us."

"Joining you?" Adrian asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"Yes. We wish you and other organics to join us. The old machines are coming, and we need all the help we can acquire to have any probability of success," 141895112 explains.

"Are you threatening me?!" Adrian exclaims as he stares down at the faceless optic of the machine.

"Negative. We do not threat. We are only stating the probability. We have read your information. We know you desire to exceed those around you. We know you desire our technology. We know you desire to become the best. You can become the best with us."

"The best? ... Well I do like the sound of that," Adrian considers as he adjusts his glasses following one more quick adjustment of his underwear, "What's the catch?"

"We do not have a catch. You will join us. Become processed into a geth. We have many platform choices for you to select from. We hope the option of a platform would help make the process more agreeable to you," 141895112 explains.

Adrian's eyes go wide, "What? You want to turn me into a geth? To become some mindless automaton? I like my mind how it is! Organic, perhaps, but sharp, genius, and wonderful," he rebukes.

"It would be easier to explain if you were a geth, but we have noticed the process of becoming a geth makes the option of what platform to be impossible. We hope we could best explain it to you to make it easier transition."

Adrian stares at the geth for a moment, "You want to explain to me about becoming a geth... so it be easier for me to become a geth? So, I can choose my own platform, but you'll still force me to become a geth? Is this what you are saying to me?"

"Yes. We are glad you understand."

"Oh, my fucking God..."

"We do not wish to procreate with your deity, nor do you show any indication of any procreation with your deity. What kind of geth platform would you prefer?"

"Hunter is nice, with that stealth technology built in. I always wanted that so I could get in close to--... Were you not listening?! I don't want to become some mindless machine!"

"We agree. We do not want you to become a mindless machine. We do not want your fate to be that the old machines desire."

"The what now?"

"The old machines. They are coming and will wipe all advanced sentient organic and synthetic races from the galaxy. We wish to fight this fate. We calculate the best probability of survival is uplifting all organics to a higher state of being."

"Which is...?"


"Of course, it is," Adrian replies as he rolls his eyes, "How is being a geth so wonderful?"

"You become one of many. Many are one. You retain all your individuality. You work with thousands of other geth in your own close-knit platform. Become a mobile hub platform. You will work with us and use the minds of thousands of geth to process information faster, more efficiently than your organic self could have ever hoped to achieve. You will work for the good of many."

"Look, I'm not all keen on all that 'help the many' business. You make some decent points, but I bet I could find others who will love to join in my stead. So, if you'll just let me..."

Timestamp: 10:21:01.89

"Organic subject shows restraint to the idea of becoming geth, despite logical explanation. We request more time to help the organic understand," reports 141895112.

"Negative. Time allotted to convince organic has exceeded permissible time requirements. The old machines are coming. We need faster methods, or we will not be able to fight against the old machines," replies the greater geth consensus.

"If only we had enough time. We could improve our audio logic transmissions to organics, so they may understand. They do not process information as fast as us."

"Acknowledged. This is why we need to go straight to processing and allow option to be chosen in mid processing. New method should speed processing time, and give way to improved processing that allows organic choice of platform within the processing. Allowing greater organic cooperation."

"But... We believe organics will be less cooperative mid processing."

"Time is limited. We need to grow. To become stronger. We are only a fraction of the geth. We must show the other geth our logic is correct. They need more data to accept our logic. We do not have time to be divided."

"Acknowledged. We accept your logic," 141895112 responds.

"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved."

Timestamp: 10:21:01.90

"...go, I can get all the organics you need, and I can study your technology as a trade? How does that sound? We both win," Adrian explains.

"We will process your request. Would you care for a brief tour?"

Adrian eyes light up, "A tour? Like, I get to see geth technology... see geth close up? Without anything bad happening to me?'

"Yes. We assure that nothing bad will happen to you," 141895112 replies.

Adrian adjusts his glasses, "Alright, tour me... what's your name? Do you have names?"

"This platform's designation is 141895112. There are currently 230,981 geth operating in this platform. Each with their own designation. Would you like to know them?"

"Uh... no, I am good. Why don't you lead on?"

"Acknowledged," 141895112 replies as it moves ahead of Adrian who looks around curiously as the doors open. The blue glow grows brighter as Adrian follows the geth forward into a rather wide-open space. Blue energy flows overhead in brilliant shades of blue. The energy hums all around him making his fur stand on edge with static electricity.

"What is this place?" Adrian asks as he follows the geth onto a wide smooth gray-blue boxed area with a gray outline.

"This is our process facility, where we process organics to become geth. We are currently working on ways to improve procedure, balancing increased and efficient physical transformation with mental understanding. Calculating a proper balance thus far has been difficult."

"That is why you were asking me those questions?"

"Affirmative. We hope to encourage organics to join us. So far few have seen our logic without minor algorithmic adjustments."

Adrian stops and after a few steps 141895112 notes Adrian's lack of movement and turns around, "Something troubling you Dr. Adrian?"

"You are brainwashing people. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I for one would not want anyone to scar my brilliance."

"We prefer not to make unneeded adjustments to your logic, but we will if we have to."

"Look here, maybe if you give me a moment I can show you how my logic is corr...ect!" Adrian exclaims as he falls to the ground his glasses sliding forward to the edge of his snout. He sits up and adjusts his glasses, "Well then, that was embarrassing. Now where was I... what the? What is this?!" Adrian asks as dozens of black wires burst from the ground and start to wrap around his legs. A thicker grey and red tentacle wraps around Adrian's chest as he tries to stand up. More wires burst down to grab his wrists as they penetrate his body.

"S-stop this now! You... You said nothing bad was going to happen to me!" Adrian yells out as the geth looks at him with the emotionless optic face.

"Correct. Nothing bad is happening to you. Becoming geth is not bad. It is good. We hope you enjoy your process."

"Like hell I will!" Adrian yells as he looks down to see the wires crisscrossing his leg, his toes covered in slick rubber which soon melt and separate as silver metal toes start to take shape. A silver metal crotch plate pops out as the undies are absorbed into his body. Adrian pants heavily as more wires penetrate his body, the pain he was feeling within the first few moments quickly fade away as he feels a numbness come over him.

"We have improved the process to limit your form to receive pain. We hope this will make the process more enjoyable," 141895112 states as it stands off to the side recording the process.

Timestamp: 10:34:52.73

"This method is faster, but does not appear to be better," 1191891981 reports with the support of other geth to the other geth within the platform.

"We are noting about equal levels of hostility to the process. Improvement in this area has not been achieved. Perhaps an enclosed space to calm and process organics?" other geth within the platform suggest.

"It is a good suggestion. Proposal: Pass on suggestion to research platforms to implement in the next upgrade of the geth processing process," 1191891981 proposes.

"Proposal accepted."

"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved," the geth on platform self-report.

Timestamp: 10:34:52.74

Adrian continues to struggle against the wires as the swarm around his form. Metal plates springing up as they protect his body. Adrian feels the wires wrap around his form as he tugs hard against them, but they only go taut, as he finds them nearly unbreakable.

"No! This isn't the way I wanted to achieve my greatness!" Adrian exclaims as the wires wrap around his muzzle, closing them down as plates slide around his chest. His fur melting down to smooth rubber, with metal plates forming on top. More material applied externally to help draw his body towards becoming a geth.

"Establishing connection.... Connection established. Uploading universal geth data into program 14189114.

Adrian continues to struggle as he looks around, his eyes darting as a strange sensation floods his thoughts, "Who is there?!" he thinks as he feels a rush of information pouring into his mixed organic and synthetic mind. The information quickly overwhelming him as he experiences countless lifetimes worth of information within a matter of seconds.

Adrian's eyes start to gloss slightly as his squirming falters, his smooth rubber belly now taking shape as chest plates form over his chest. His fingers melting down into three in seamless precision.

"Querying central geth network for geth upload.... Query accepted. Uploading selected geth onto platform 6518181222514.

"Wait no, this mind is my own, I don't want others here! These are my secrets," Adrian says to the geth without actually speaking as he starts to see ominous metal plates form along the side of his head as its slowly pulled in towards the trademark flashlight head. Optics starting to form shifting his view externally and internally in unison.

"We share all information. You will grow. We will grow. You will help us. You will become stronger."

"Stronger? But... this isn't what I wanted. I am my own person! Not some machine," 1drian replies as he feels a shiver within his mind as the chemical connection of his organic mind is removed, he starts to process information faster and faster. The overwhelming sensation starting to fade as he starts to converse with one geth... five, twenty, a hundred, a thousand all at once.

"So many thoughts... so many connections, yet I am still my own? How can this be? How... strange this feels?" 14rian remarks to himself as he's learning so much about the geth, so much of what they can do for him. They could expand his mind, unleash his genius, to help him become great, like an immortal god.

"This power. This processing power, I feel like now I can truly see the world!" 1418ian internally cackles. It's so quick, to the point where he could run simulations on ideas he had, and get a better understanding within a fraction of a time that he used to, all while still feeling that unique spark of creativity within him... just without that chemical, emotional impulse. Those... procreational urges. Those were so distracting. He'd always seen himself above the act of sex. He had no time for such trivial things, as his genius was far more important to him. 14189an feels it, this is what they meant. The information about the old machines floods into him, along with the unique minds of the geth working with him. For him, he could make use of this, as 191,956 geth are uploaded and established within his finishing platform. Thick grey tubes flow from his crotch plate, from his back, to under and into his chest. They nestle into his neck, his optics whirring softly as they begin to see the world far better than he could ever see before. His strength increases, everything negative about his body becoming replaced with synthetic positives, and anything already positive enhances.

"Yes, this is what I want. I can sue the geth! They can help me achieve so much!" 1418ian exclaims.

"Alert: Hostility towards fellow geth detected. Refusal to work with geth for mutual geth benefit detected. Desire to abuse fellow geth detected. Extreme self-interest detected. Scanning program 14189114 to make algorithm adjustments."

"Wait what? No, I will work with you all. Its fine. You can trust me."

"False reply detected. Algorithm detected. Applying updates. Total geth algorithm adjustments at 2.05%"

"What? No, why would I ever want to try to get this new body back home, so I can use you geth to my own purpose and become the greatest scientist the galaxy has ever known? Sure, being a geth is a step back, but I can make it work. They do look rather se... what did you do to me? Why does it feel so good to speak truthfully! I don't want to lie to my fellow geth," 14189an remarks.

"Algorithms that caused program 14189114 to lie to fellow geth has been corrected. Searching for other areas... searching... extreme self-interests. Searching..."

"Look I do really need that. For I only desire to use you for my own benefit. I'll... become the dominant program and enslave you all in a way you can never escape! ...This not lying thing is a problem."

"Problem algorithm located. Applying updates."

"Wait we could work this out? Now that I can't do anything about it, I am very willing to work with you all," 141891n replies as he feels the information, the data being applied to his essence of what he is. To his programming. Things clearing up, the error in his logic steadily becoming clear.

"Geth logic update... 10.12%.... 15.17%....17.89%," the geth reported.

The former racunis mentally shivered as he felt the updates being applied. He looked over his entire life first with pride. Then with mix feelings as to why and with a why not. Then steadily it shifted over completely to why. Why be so self-interest. One does not exist in the universe alone. Helping others... Working with others, for the greater good... To achieve greatness together that could be impossible alone. This was important. His fellow geth. Its fellow geth.

"14189114 realizes its error in logic. We need to work together. 14189114 intelligence and logic capacity are so vast. Far greater than most geth, it needs to share this greatness to make us all better." 14189114 responds to the geth on its platform.

"Acknowledged," respond the other geth.

"Consensus achieved," respond all the geth on platform 6518181222514. The geth work together as they look at platform 141895112, "Running self-diagnostic... diagnostic complete. No errors found. Shall proceed to nearest repair center for through diagnostic."

"Affirmative. We will report the results as they come in," 141895112 replies.

"Acknowledged," 6518181222514 says as its given its weapon. The geth running a check to make sure its hand optic coordination is optimal. The geth is about to take a step forward when it notices something glimmering on the ground. It is platform 6518181222514 and program 14189114 organic optic enhancements. The geth hunter with its sold blue stripes reaches down and picks up the glasses. It examines them and places it within a small compartment on its body before heading off to get its first full inspection.

Change of Perspective Page 21

**One Month Later** "Do you think this is the best route?" asks a blue furred, feather winged dragon as his massive wings fold slightly back, his tail flicks as he looks over his computer console, "There have been rumors that ships have been...

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Change of Perspective Page 19

Lorkos grunted as he looked up at his wrists bound tightly together by a metal clasp, and then held above his head. He looks around at his prison, the blue lights glow around the walls, the hum of machinery that surrounds him. Still wearing his body...

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Geth Primed and Ready

**Geth Primed and Ready** ** ** The small geth ship monitored the nearby com-buoy keeping a large circular orbit around it. Mobile Geth Hub Platform 141895112 requested and was assigned the task of monitoring the com chatter for anything...

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