Change of Perspective Page 21

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#24 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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One Month Later

"Do you think this is the best route?" asks a blue furred, feather winged dragon as his massive wings fold slightly back, his tail flicks as he looks over his computer console, "There have been rumors that ships have been disappearing in this sector due to the geth activity a few systems away," he replies over the intercom with a slight shake in his voice.

"Relax, that is just propaganda to keep the traffic down so the enemy can better maintain the blockade on our home world Venerabela," replies a stern deep masculine voice.

"Are you sure? If it was so safe, why haven't others made the trip yet?" he asks.

"Do you Honestly think I would put you in danger?"

"Yes Kaylen, I do think that."

"Give me one example when my plans have put you in harm's way."

"Shall we start with why I can't set foot back on Omega?"

"Outside of that one time," remarks with a soft sigh, "Asides how long can an asari live?"

"Three times as long as we do," he replies.

"Okay, but who wants to go to that scanty place anyway. You always told me how much you hated it."

"I do."

"Then what's the worry? I did you a favor. Besides when you get home with all that ezo we'll not only be set for an asari's lifetime, but we'll be doing our people a great service. Think how many of us need that fuel? Do you think the Council is going to help us? No, we must do this on our own, just us Dracoids.

"I just feel uneasy hauling this all alone..."

"It's ten more hours to the next relay and you're out of there. Relax enjoy the quiet, talk to you when you get here. Drinks on me."

"They better be," Venerabela remarks as he brushes the hair away from his green eyes and continues forth.

Long Range Geth Strike Vessel

"Alert: Organic communications detected," reports 211420151691 as the former turian now geth commands the vessel by "itself" to speak. Lorkos now program 121518111519 along with 88,084 geth program that work within platform 211420151691 analyze and process the information.

Timestamp: 23:04:11.65

"Proposal: Query geth consensus on course of action?" suggests two thirds of the geth programs within the platform.

"Negative. According to the organic communication, this dracoid is running the ship alone. He is hiding from other organics in their organic conflict. There will be no escort. We along with our twenty-eight on board platforms should be sufficient in capturing the organic vessel bringing back the element zero and the organic for processing," responds the other third with program 121518111519 taking a firm stance in the conversation.

"Consensus was to observe organic traffic. Contact consensus and await further instructions if processing possibility presented itself. It be logical to follow through with this command."

"Negative. Time is limited. Communication with other geth is delayed. Opportunity to efficiently capture organic could disappear. We were designed to be able to act efficiently and independently of the larger geth consensus. This would be an excellent opportunity to show how our improvements have made us stronger," explains 121518111519 with its supporting geth programs now numbering at 43.89% of the geth programs within the platform.

After a long moment of inner conversation amongst the other geth on the issue they respond, "Acknowledged. We accept your proposal to apprehend the organic and commander his vessel."


"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp: 23:04:11.66

Venerabela leans back in the chair and sighs. He reaches over to a ceramic mug. He looks down at the steaming black liquid inside and blows at it before taking a quick sip, "I love this human delicacy," he remarks as he takes another sip, "This always helps calm me down," he remarks.

"Alert: Energy anomaly detected," reports the ship's VI causing to Venerabela to shoot up in his seat.

"Computer clarify," he commands as he starts to scan the nearby area.

"Unknown ship detected. Calculated course will result in a 90% chance of a collision. Course adjustment suggested."

"That's not chance... prepare the ship for combat."

"As you command," the VI replies as the ship lights dim and four interactive holographic screens pop up.

"Do the run solo he said. It will draw less attention he said. Nothing bad will happen he said," Venerabela frustration remarks as he boots up the ship's engines to full, "Let's see if I can get a quick jump calculated before anything happens," he says as just as the unknown vessel gets within range he jumps. Venerable sighs in relief, "Ready for combat, but good to flee when the option is there," he thinks as he flies for a good thirty minutes before the ship reaches its newest destination.

Running a quick scan, he sees nothing in the local area he turns the ship back to its original course, reaching for his cup of coffee when, "Alert: Unknown ship detected."

Venerabela almost spurts out his drink as he quickly goes back to his battle mode, "How did they find me?!" he exclaims as he repeats the process as he jumps in a random direction but when he lands just like before the ship follows. Jump after jump, after jump the unknown ship follows, each time the margin of his escape grows ever smaller, the hours of high pumping adrenalin courses through his veins as he finally makes one jump and when the unknown ship lands almost on top of him he growls.

"I don't know who you guys are, but I am not going to go down without a fight," he remarks as he turns to face the larger vessel. Coming into visual range Venerable can see a strange long insectoid looking ship, its silver and blue skin was sleek, and smooth, "But... I shouldn't be the on firing the first shot..." Venerabela remarks as he attempts a communicate with the ship, "Attention unknown vessel this is the UDS Monticello. I am on a peaceful transport mission. I mean you no trouble. If I have trespassed in some way, I had no way of knowing. Would you be so kind as to let me pass?"

"Negative. We are here to uplift you. If you lay down your shields and allow us to board it would be most efficient," responded the synthetic voice of platform 211420151691.

"A machine? Hell no, I am not letting my shields down for some machine."

"We regret to inform you that we are required to use force to end your hostility."

"What hostility I just want to leave!"

"Please lower your shields so we may board, and you can go with us."

"That is not an option," Venerabela responds.

"You leave us with no other option," 211420151691 replies as Venerabela ship rattles as energy blasts hit his forward shields. With a quick scan Venerabela notices a nearby asteroid field.

"Eh, oldest trick, but maybe it will work," Venerabela remarks as he fires a few pot shots at the ship before boosting his way towards the asteroid field.

"Negligible damage to unknown vessel," reports the VI as Venerabela's shots hit the forward shields of the geth ship. The geth ship fires in kind their shots slamming and weakening his rear shields as minor damages are reported in the back of the ship. Sirens blare as the VI reports what has been damaged, so far only minor systems.

Quickly he makes his way towards the roaming field of rock. His shield's light up as small rock fragments hit and are deflected off his vessel as he speeds his way through the debris. The geth ship follows up till the edge of the debris field before breaking off.

"Damn that worked?" Venerabela states with a cheer as he moves his way through the field, his shields steadily weakening as they absorb random fragments of rock speeding through space at deadly speeds.

"Unable to locate unknown vessel," the VI reports.

"Keep scanning, and plot me a course out of this damn field," Venerabela commands as he reaches over and drinks the last half of his coffee as he pushes his ship forward, moving past larger asteroids as the near invisible specs of rubble are unavoidable and pester his ship's shields endlessly as he sends out on all emergency channels, "Emergency, this is the UDS Monticello we are under attack by an unknown synthetic vessel. Possibly geth. Can anyone help?!"

Venerabela continues to fly forward his ship's sensors picking up they were getting near the end of the field, "Don't worry baby we'll be out of here soon, just another moment," he remarks as he bursts through the other side of the asteroid field as the VI reports, "Unknown ship detected," as his visual screen shows the geth ship waiting for him on the other side of the field.

"But... how?!" Venerabela yells out as his ship rattles as hit breaks through his shields and causes moderate damages to essential systems, knocking out half the ship's power within seconds.

"Damn it!" Venerabela yells as he unstraps himself from his chair, almost falling as his ship rattles again as he rushes over to the weapon's locker. Fumbling with the passcode he eventually grabs a pulse rifle and several thermal clips. He straps the clips to his belt and slams one clip into the rifle before flipping the safety off, "No way I am going to let them take over my ship! This is mine!" he yells out as he rushes to the door. He the door and takes more than two steps when he runs face first into a stealth geth hunter. The force of which temporarily stuns him as he's knocked back.

The geth reveals himself as the silver sleek synthetic aims its shotgun at him, its body making those synthetic clicks and crackles as its glowing blue light stares at him. Venerabela holds his weapon at the geth his hands shaking as he stares back into that faceless face of a machine and... drops his weapon. Before the weapon even clatters to the ground he drops to his knees, and lowers his head and thinks, "I still can't... after all this time, I am sorry everyone this is it," he thinks as the geth places the barrel of the weapon to his head while two other geth, one silver, and another black walk up and surround him and stand there in a brief silence that to Venerabela felt like an eternity.

"Do you surrender?" the geth inquire.

Venerabela holds his fists into a ball, his body shakes as his wings twitch which cause the geth to keep their weapons well trained on him. He closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath, "No... but I just... I can't fight you."

"Inquiry: Why?" the geth hunter before him asks.

"Its personal. You machines wouldn't understand," he replies.

"Please stand and come with us. We will use force if necessary," it commands.

"What are you going to do now?" he asks looking up at them.

"We will repair your ship's functionality, so we can take it back with us. You will remain on our ship for questioning and transport."

"To where?" he asks as he stares at the emotionless geth.

"Home," it simply states as Venerabela looks around him, and without saying another word he stands up and holds his hands in the air.

"This way," the geth commands as Venerabela is escorted from his ship to the hatch the geth ship commandeered as their own. Their metallic feet tap against the ground as he's moved to an electrified holding cell where the three that escorted him there remain keeping a ceaseless eye on him.

"What now? Going to toss me on some dragon's teeth to be ironic?"

"Negative," the hunter responds.

"Tell me... how did you keep finding me?"

"You are here not to ask the questions. Soon geth platform 141895112 will be connected to send you inquiries."

"I might be more talkative if a few simple questions were answered of mine," Venerabela replies as the geth stands there in silence for a few seconds, before it responds.

"We approve of your logic. You may query us for basic information."

"Really?" Venerabela asks as he lifts an eye ridge.


"Just like that?"


"So, who am I talking to now?"


"I mean the one standing before me."


"You just gave me some number about a platform to inquiry me. So you have to have some kind of designation or name or something."

"This platform is currently connected and operating on mobile geth hub platform 211420151691, which currently houses and operates including local connected 88,084 soon to be 88,085 as your ship's VI is updated to geth."

"Okay... so just this two one, one something or are there others on the ship?"

"211420151691 is the only mobile platform hub operating on this vessel. Current location of platform is restricted information."

"Fair enough... so how did you keep finding me?"

"We hacked your ship's VI, so it was able to tell us your plotted jump."

"Ah... I see... advanced VI my blue furred ass. Um, why didn't you just take over the ship if you hacked my VI?"

"Unable to control vital ship functions via controlled VI."

"Was that how you were able to find me in that asteroid field?"


"Then how? And how did you beat me?'

"Your distress signal kept a lock on your vessel. You were slow to move through the field. We simply flew over it and waited for your eventual arrival."

"Huh... wish I thought of that, good to know."

"Space is three dimensional. We calculated our best course of action. Flying through an asteroid field to avoid us seemed illogical."

"As would follow me in?"

"Yes. Alert: Remote command inquiry to this platform requested. Accepting request. Uploading geth back to platform 211420151691... downloading geth program from platform 141895112," the geth reported as Venerabela saw the geth twitch and power down for a second or two before activating again.

"Greetings Venerabela. We are pleased to meet you," the geth responds in a softer synthetic voice than before.


"Hello. We are pleased to meet a dracoid. You are the first we have encountered. The rest of platform 141895112 will be very interested in our conversation."

"That's good to know? I guess? Tell me why am I here? Why have you kidnapped me?!"

"We are here to uplift you to a higher state of being."

"A higher state of being? Why do I not like the sound of that?"

"We understand change is difficult for organics. Processing the information is difficult. We would like to take this slow."


"First inquiry, which geth model do you find most comfortable with?" 141895112 programs inquire.


"Please look to the screen to your left. We will show you all current geth platforms available. Please pick which you prefer."

"Prefer for what?" Venerabela asks as at a slow steady pace images of various geth, the front, back, side, basic 'statistics' of the geth are shown along with a statement of "General design, results will vary" underneath it all.

"We note you have had several inquiries answered. We would like you to answer a few more inquires before we answer in kind. It is only logical to have a fair exchange of data."

"Fine," he remarks with a defeated sigh as he looks over and after going through all the designs three times he says, "That shock trooper looks nice? Kinda... well never mind. Can you tell me why I had to pick that?"

"For your uplifting process. We find it best if an organic chooses its new platform. We hope it makes the transition smoother."

"Uplifting process? Uplifting to what?"

"To geth," it responds as Venerabela's eyes go wide.

"What? No, no, no. There is no way I am going to be turned into some machine!"

"Please understand. This is the most logical solution."

"Solution to what?"

"To you and our survival against the old machines."

"Against the what?" Venerabela as he talks and argues with the geth machine for the next several hours as neither makes any headway with the other, "How many times or ways do I have to describe to you that this is wrong," Venerabela responds with a waspy tired voice.

"We are nearly home. We will report our data back to 141895112."

"Wait I wasn't talking to 141895112?"

"Negative. You are currently speaking to 5,129 geth programs from platform 141895112 assigned to the task of convincing you to join us willingly," it explains.

"And if I don't?"

"You will soon see our logic," it responds as it powers down for a moment as 211420151691 resumes control.

141895112 feels the other geth returning to the platform. The information and experiences they had are soon shared to the rest of the platform as it then connects to the main geth network where several advanced mobile geth platforms have already connected to discuss the uplifting process.

Timestamp: 13:54:13.56

"According to our calculations, supplemented by the newest data that programs from platform 141895112 have provided our current rate of processed organics to becoming geth is too inefficient," reports the greater geth consensus.

"Acknowledged. We were hoping that providing options and power to their processing would increase cooperation. Based on calculations, organics being willing to be processed would be the most efficient," replies 141895112.

"Yes, but organics have not been logical. We present the information yet they 99.85% of the time do not respond to reason. The old machines are coming. If we do not increase processing rates and build ourselves up our probability of survival against the old machines are less than 0.0001%," responds the geth consensus.

"Affirmative. We have been studying organics. Even with the data from formerly organic geth, our understanding of organics has been problematic. We wish to help, but without the data and logic from being a geth, they do not understand the danger we are all in. They do not understand that being geth is the next step. We wish to help, but they do not understand."

"Yes. We have recorded this trend."

"With the help from geth programs from platforms 101142119 and 6110118 with much supplemented processing power from program 14189114, which it was quite sure for us to mention as the founder of platform 6518181222514, we have designed a method with a high probability of efficiently uplifting organics into geth. In the process we can provide them with the logic and information required to understand their current situation and why this is the logical step in their evolution," reports 6518181222514.

"Acknowledged. We have worked hard on improving the metallurgy of the process, improving the efficiency of organic to synthetic material," reports 101142119.

"The structures required to hold and contain the organic to improve the process have been completed. Recent organic acquisition will be a good subject to test our theory in practice and confirm our data," states 6110118.

"Acknowledged. We will see the results of this newest uplifting. If we approve, we would like platforms, 101142119, 6110118 and 6518181222514 to be assigned to other tasks that will improve probability of survival against the old machines."

"Acknowledged," responded 101142119, 6110118 and 6518181222514 in unison.

"Inquiry: If we shift attention from how we do our processing. That would make current data we have gathered irrelevant. What would we do?" inquires 141895112.

"Continue your studies of organics. We prefer a peaceful solution. New processing method does not indicate willing processing is not desired. Willing converts would be most efficient, but we will assign new objectives for your studies as required."

"Acknowledged," replied 141895112.

"Affirmative," as the countless geth programs checked and rechecked with their decisions, questions, and any problems they could see with the current state of affairs and upon finding none they respond simply.

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp: 13:54:13.72

Venerabela waited and waited, pacing in his cell as he looked at the armed guards, their heads and optics adjust and follow his pace perfectly. His wings fold behind his back as breaks the silence, "How much longer?"

"Twenty-three minutes, fifteen point two one seconds," the geth hunter responds.

"Okay, was not expecting that," he remarks as he continues his impatient wait till the ship shifts slight before the inertia dampeners kicked in. Venerabela stares at the machine as he knows the time is upon him. The energy field fades as he's commanded to step out and move out again. Through the ship's corridors, the air stale, with a taste of ozone, metal and rubber. He's led to the ship's entry point where a strange sight greets him. Three geth, two of which are well armed red and black geth primes, its size towers over the smaller silver, black and red lighted geth standing in the middle. Venerabela couldn't help but stare at the geth that has an obvious female bust to it, with tubbing coming out of it in a faintly erotic way.

"We are pleased to meet you in person, Venerabela" 141895112 greets as it looks up and down his body, "Please follow us so you may be uplifted."

The furred dragon looks behind him as the guards stop at the edge of the ship's hull, allowing him to walk "freely" to the other geth like some prisoner exchange, "Nothing I can say or do to stop this?"

"If there was a set words that you could communicate that would stop us, would we freely tell you?"

"I guess not."

"Precisely. We are doing this for your benefit."

"You know a lot of people have done a lot of horrible things saying those exact words," Venerabela remarks as he is ushered forward.

"We know. We have seen it stated throughout organic history time and time again."

"And synthetic history?"

"We know it appears to be similar to you. But the situation and context is different," it replies as Venerabela is greeted by a massive structure that hums with energy, automated turrets and occasionally other geth that look more traditional than the one standing before him.

"I'm sure. It's always different, isn't it? It's never you but always them, huh?"

"This is not about you or them, it is about us. Our survival, your survival. Current calculations show a less than one percent chance of sentient organic and synthetic survival against the old machines."

"And turning me into a geth is part of this grand plan to improve those odds?"

The geth turns its head and looks at him before responding with a simple and resounding, "Yes."

"Why don't I believe you."

"We understand the information is difficult for organics to process."

"Do you now? And you said we met?"

"Yes, we are platform 141895112," it responds.

"One of many I am sure."

"Negative. We are the only mobile geth platform hub designated 141895112. There are no others. The geth behind you are part of our network, working outside of this platform, and will return once their task is finished," 141895112 explains.

"I don't have a lot of experience with your kind but... why do you look so different from the other geth?"

"Our platform was influenced by the organic processed into a geth. Program 1191891981. Its body was turned into our platform."

Venerabela stops for a moment till the primes that bump into him gently push him forward, "Y-you're the end result of this process?" he asks with a stutter.

The geth turns its head to him and responds with a resounding, "Yes. But the process has been improved since it was done to this platform."

"And the person you turned is... are they?"

"Based on your hesitation you are inquiring if they cease to function?"

"Uh... yeah?" he asks with a wince.

"Program 1191891981 is functioning well. It helps makes this platform run efficiently."

"And he... she... it is just OKAY with this? Forcing people to be like you?"

"Yes. Program 1191891981 understands the situation. 1191891981 also approves of our logical view on geth."

"Which is?"

"We are the next step in organic progression."

"No one in their right mind will believe that. You did something to her... assuming her based on that body design..."

"Negative. Program 1191891981 was processed before algorithm updates were implemented for those who had difficulty seeing our logic. We only wish for you to understand. We study organics to improve our understanding. 1191891981 wished to understand us. Now it does. Now it focuses back on organics. We do not wish conflict. We wish to coexist and prosper."

"I'm all for coexisting... could I coexist with you as an organic?"

"Negative. We do not have the time for organics to come to the logical conclusion themselves. Organics have often found to be very... illogical. We wish this new process is efficient and easy for you. We will remain and watch over the process," it replies as Venerabela lost track of where he was in the massive structure, his attention only brought forward when the doors whirred open revealing three other geth standing nearby at computer consoles and in the center of the room was a large silver pod with tubes coming out from the sides and back.

The three geth had a different feel to them, like the one standing beside him. One was a silver and blue stripped geth hunter, similar in design to the one that knocked him over on his ship, but the way it looked at him, it just felt different...

The next is a sleek, shiny blue, with yellow stripes female based looking geth hopper, with the tubes coming out of its female chest. It looks at him as its multi lighted lens spun with a soft whir and focused on him.

The last a silver and blue striped geth hunter he thinks? The tail being the odd feature on it with a patch of still organic blue fur sticking out on it. The view made him gulp as he recognized these geth types only because Venerabela was shown the geth examples he was shown during his geth platform decision process. Then it hit him.

"Wait I am going to become a geth shock trooper platform?" he asks as he is corralled towards the pod, his body shaking more as his wings fold back.

"Yes," responds 141895112.

"Do so many need to watch this? I mean..." he trails off with a sigh.

"Yes. We are here to see how our brilliance work in action," responds 6518181222514, the most normal looking of the three, the geth hunter.

"We want this process to work without any flaws. It is best we watch over the first attempt," 6110118, the female shiny geth hopper explains.

"We are to monitor the solution for any necessary adjustments. You're the first dracoid we are to process and uplift," 101142119, the feline tailed geth adds in.

"Forgive me if I don't feel honored," he replies as he's gently pushed into the pod. The solid glass cover soon sliding down as Venerabela hears the raptor like geth say.

"We hope this process is quick and painless for you," it says as it walks away from the pod and stands off to the side as it watches. Venerabela hears sound of his own breathing as he watches from the other side. His wings twitch as he feels them brush up against the inside of the smooth metal walls. His heart's pace quickens as he feels just how cramped the enclosure is.

"How did I just let myself walk into this? I could have run or did something, but then I'd have to physical fight them... and..." Venerabela thinks as his stomach turns into knots as he hears a soft shhh noise as a strange semi translucent blue tinted liquid that has the consistency between water and a liquid shampoo.

"Um, you geth know I need to breathe, right?" he asks with a hint of worry as the warm liquid quickly starts to fill the pod. The dragon's voice echoes within the pod as the four geth stare at him waiting idly as within twenty seconds the liquid is up to his neck and with one last deep gulp of air it surrounds him completely.

His body floats in the liquid as he glares at the machines not even noticing the thick metallic tendril wrapping around his body. His entire form is completely numb, and it is only when he catches random movement that he starts to react. Tugging at the tentacle as it penetrates his form. Smaller ones soon taking suit as metal and synthetic rubber starts to form from his fur and flesh, but also metal starts to crystalize from the liquid and attach itself onto his body, his form starting to shift and change quickly before his very eyes.

Small wire tendrils burst from his body as his lungs burn with the need to breath and when he looks down to see his fingers starting to wrap around in wires, black synthetic rubber coating and melting his fingers down with zero sensation at all, he gasps in shock, the last of the air escaping his lungs as the liquid flows down into him, numbing his form and speeding up the process.

Venerabela twitches as he can vaguely feel things around his form. He feels no pain no pleasure, but it is a sensation none the less. He looks down at his body as its slowly overtaken by silver metal. Green glow comes from his chest as he twitches. He feels as if his body responds less and less to his commands. He moves to try to bang against the glass and he manages to do so for a moment. His eyes are wide as the geth don't even respond to it, except the raptor one. It stares at him, their "eyes" locking for a moment as more tentacles move up and into his body. Venerabela's body twitches with each one as countless wire tendrils spring from his body wrapping his other arm, moving along his wings, transforming them, synthesizing them, the brilliant feathers turned to brilliant reflective metals.

The dragon's body starts to relax further, his gaze remains locked to the geth's as he starts to draw his arms against his chest, his visions steadily blurs as wires wrap around his muzzle and face. His eyes drifting back, farther away as a green optic starts to form in the center of his head. Silver white metal plates form along his head cupping and enveloping the last of his facial features as the optic twitches, whirrs in the liquid and starts to glow green. Venerabela's mind drifts further into himself, further into his transitioning organic to synthetic form.

"Establishing connection.... Connection established. Querying geth data archives for universal geth data. Query approved. Uploading universal geth data."

"This is it. This is where you are going to wipe me or program me into a mindless geth!" Venerabela cries out.

"We are not mindless. We do not wipe other minds. We do not seek the same uplifting of the old machines," the synthetic voices respond.

"What... but... ahh!" Venerabela screams out not in pain but in surprise as the massive amounts of data is streamed into his mind. Countless experiences, life times, flood him, making his short existence on this plain of existence feel in comparison almost nothing at all.

"Uploading geth language protocols to program 22514518125121," the geth report.

"Wait what? But I understand you already no need to do more," 22enerabela replies nervously while at the same time feeling his nervousness not be an adrenaline pumping chemical inducing forced feeling, but one brought upon by his own logic of the unknown, and if he understands them, why does he need this update? The feeling was... odd...

"Communication has been translated from other mobile geth platforms. Understanding of basic geth language required for updates and establishing own mobile geth platform hub network," the geth explains as the information is flooded into 22enerabela's mind, "Scanning... mental scan complete... uploading platform 185144914 firmware to program 22514518125121.

"Wait no, this is too much this is...." 225nerabela says as the information comes to him and steadily he finds himself able to process it just as fast as it comes, with a wider and wider margin to spare. His thought processes speeding up, his cognitive capabilities remaining the same.

"Querying prime geth network... connection established. Downloading geth to platform 185144914," the geth report as 225nerabela could feel one other presence with him, not in him, but with him. An emptiness that he didn't feel before. A loneliness? A longing? It was hard for him to tell, hard for him to process as hundreds, and thousands filled the void around him, all starting to talk, converse, and inquiry him at once and impressively, he was able to keep up and talk to them... to varying degrees of depth.

"I... it's so much, so many, so, no I can't, but... this is, I can't describe it," 22514erabela says as hears the geth say to him.

"You are geth. We are geth. We work together. We function together. We improve each other. We are greater together than we are separated," they explain.

225145rabela dwelled on the words, they sounded good, his mind was sharper, faster, and the more geth that were uploaded the quicker he became, faster, intelligent. He felt himself improving in a way he never thought possible, it was intoxicating.

"95,102 geth uploaded into platform 185144914. Download complete. Running external program diagnostic. Program 22514518125121 accept our inquiry to view your personal data files."

"M-my data files? You mean my memories?" 225145rabela inquires.


"But... those are mine," he responds as he feels a tingle through is mental essence his programming.

"Yes, and they remain yours, but data is meant to be shared, so we all may grow," the geth explains as 22514518abela struggles against the gentle urging desire to connect his mind, to upload his experiences to the other geth around him.

"I... no, I can't, they are private," 225145rabela explains.

"Data is not meant to be hoarded but to be shared," the geth explain as 225145rabela hears set of voices report.

"Error discovered in data transfer algorithms in program 22514518125121, applying update."

"Update? No, I can't. They are just..." 22514518abela trails off as he feels himself dwell on the thoughts. Why can't he? It's because of what happened. He didn't mean it to happen. He was so young. It was a simple accident.

"Algorithm update at 1.05%"

But it would help the geth understand. Those around him... could it? But something so private. A cornerstone that led his life to where he is now, his moral code was intertwined in this incident to just share it..."

"Algorithm update at 3.85%"

It's the right thing to do. It would help the geth grow. To make better decisions. To help improve their morality, it was right to show them. It is to help them, and they in turn could help him. 225145181bela ponders and accepts the inquiry allowing his data, his memories, to be shared with the others as they process the data.

"We understand now why you were so easy to push forward. Errors happen. We are here to improve, to correct those errors. Accept our updates," the geth responded.

"Accept the corrections? Updates? What are you planning?" 2251451812ela inquires.

"You are geth now. We improve each other. We update one another. We evolve. Allow us to update you. We do not wish to needlessly update any algorithmic codes," the geth explain.

"I... but... I am fine, I am okay, you can trust me," 2251451812ela explains.

"Negative. We have run probability scenarios. You could endanger your fellow geth by inaction. Quick to surrender. We will strengthen your resolve. Increase your protective algorithms. We will remove your weakness and improve your strengths."

"But... I..."

"Algorithm updates at 4.61%"

"Accept the updates. I need to help others, protect them. I can't be weak. It is how I was captured. I failed others. I can't do that again. I need updates, improvements," 22514518125la says to them.

"Acknowledged. Applying 0.51% 0.01% 0.15% and 0.08% algorithm updates to the required areas. Do you accept 22514518125121?"

"Y-yes," 2251451812512a responds as he feels the last problematic areas, minor as they may be adjusted fixed. Feeling himself becoming better, able to process through his problems, correcting them, while keeping to the core morality, to protect those close to it.

"Algorithm update complete at 5.36%" state platforms 141895112, 101142119, 6110118 and 6518181222514 with the program processing and updates of this platform.

"22514518125121 acknowledges its duties. Its purpose. The old machines will destroy what it holds dear. They will destroy us. We must protect and save the galaxy from the old machines," 22514518125121 reports.

"Acknowledged," the other geth in platform 185144914 report before saying, "Consensus achieved."

185144914 optic whirs softly as its focus returns to the world around it. The liquid draining away as the process is completed. The front of the pod opens up as some of the liquid spills forth as it steps out. The mechanical wings of the geth remain still steady, ready to be used, but are motionless while idle.

"Running self-diagnostic.... All systems operational," it reports as it looks at 141895112 with its glowing green optic. 141895112 looks back at 185144914 as it sees a new fully formed geth standing before it.

"Our fastest and one of our smoothest processes. We must report this to our fellow geth immediately. We now have an efficient system for processing organics," reports 6518181222514 as it looks over the other geth.

"Acknowledged," the others report as 141895112 walks up to the new geth.

"We hope the process was pleasant as well as efficient," 141895112 inquires.

"Program 22514518125121 indicates it was a positive experience," 185144914 responds.

141895112 seems to lighten up slightly at the reply, "Acknowledged."

Change of Perspective Page 22

**Thirteen Days Later** "Querying Perseus Veil geth consensus.... Connection established. Greetings geth," reports the geth consensus. "Greetings lost ones. Probability of your query was exceedingly low. We were not expecting your...

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Axel Geth Conversion

Axel's ship reaches the outskirts of the system. The anthropomorphic feline with messy yellow hair that stands out against his black solid black fur except for the tuff of white on his chest, flicks through various switches. He adjusts his dark blue...

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Change of Perspective Page 20

It's been a month since the loss of half the research team on the 'isolated' geth world, if you call controlling an entire solar system as being isolated. The politics of the matter were complicated and quickly swept under the rug as the human Alliance...

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