Between MILFs & a Drake (part seven)

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Sasha and Lyla find some fetish attire to take home to play with Sasha's adult son, Kao, for a little play with light domination and submission...

Why not explore a touch more kink, after all?

Oops, looks like I missed one of the last Christmas ones and never uploaded it! Here you go, guys!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

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Between MILFs & a Drake

Part Seven

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Lyla laughed, the dragoness light of heart as she headed down the main shopping street in the city with Sasha. It was an older city, one that had sprawled out and out, though she was, most of the time, very glad to live on the outskirts, close to the schools and, of course, her friends too. It took some time to travel there too from the quieter suburbs that she more usually frequented, tucked away in all their own little communities, but it was good to see a different view from time to time too.

The dragoness turned heads too, even though she laughed it off and told her friend, Sasha, that there was no way that they were looking at her. With a strapless top, her golden koi-like markings were on show, along with the long, soft tendrils trailing from her muzzle. Although her family had moved to the States a long time ago, some still looked twice at a dragon bearing more Eastern heritage about their face and muzzle. The rest of her was not something that Lyla all that often let anyone else see.

Well, one drake had gotten up close and personal with her. Her cheeks warmed, stilling in conversation as they paused outside a shop that sold summer dresses. The heat tickled at her scales and she exhaled softly, fanning herself delicately with her hand. It didn't do her much good at all, though the dragoness still felt compelled to do it.


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"That would look pretty on you," Sasha said, sidling in close and brushing Lyla's tail with her own. "Short enough too, to show off your legs."

Lyla chuckled and glanced at the dress.

"It's not my colour," she said, "but I may just wear something a little shorter again..."

Sasha leaned into her and, without thinking, Lyla put her arm around her. They were, kind of, more than friends, but with very variable, flexible parameters to their relationship. There was an issue with the fact that Lyla's husband was still married to her and they were, supposedly, in a relationship that was okay enough, not harmful to either of them...but he was never home. That was the problem. Their relationship had drifted further and further apart, even though they would have both said that they were married, if asked.

Lyla didn't know what her husband got up to while she was away. And yet she was not such a fool as to assume that he did not have needs too. Even though he had worked so hard, before, to look after her and their son, she'd wished he had taken care of her needs as well. But they could have been in a far worse situation and she was grateful for all that she had and the life that she had led so far.

That didn't mean that enjoying other things, like fucking Sasha's adult son after exploring her sexuality more with Sasha, wasn't on the table too...

They continued and Sasha hesitated, dawdling at a shop that had some more risqué outfits in the window. They were skirting the line of what was acceptable in a fashion sense, fishnets and dipping cleavages enticing the eye.

But what caught Sasha's eye on a leather outfit was not how dangerously exposed her breasts would have been if she had worn it but the collar at the neck of the mannequin. There was no head on the mannequin, as was standard for most clothing mannequins around there, but her eyes were on the collar and the collar alone.

A rich, deep purple, it even boasted a ring at the front, as if a leash was meant to be attached to it. In all honesty, it didn't look as if it was complete without a leash, as if the very outfit itself was begging to be leashed and taken, perhaps down on its knees, longing for more. Sasha gave a throaty little purr, not shy at all about showing such things in front of Lyla, her tail flicking back and forth as her dirty mind wandered.

Of course, the dragoness would have said that she had a sexy imagination, though it was a quip that she had rather overdone too.

"What're you looking at?" Lyla asked, her head tilting. "That skirt... We'd have nowhere to wear something like that!"

Sasha laughed.

"Oh, no," she agreed, for the skirt part of the outfit really wasn't her style, even if she did like leather too. "The collar... Hah, oh, goodness, it reminds me of the younger days."

Lyla giggled, taking a step back to better take in the outfit.

"Hah... Yeah, I can't believe I used to wear things like that back then," she laughed. "I was a real punk, had these spiked earrings and everything. Or perhaps I was not as punk as I thought, for everything turned out to just be a phase back then."

"That's not a bad thing," Sasha said, licking her lips. "But...I did some crazier things when I was younger. Hanging out with friends,"

Her eyes trailed meaningfully back to the collar and Lyla gulped, rubbing the back of her neck shyly.

"Oh... Oh! Oh, I see what you mean now," Lyla said. "I don't think I did anything all that wild, I met my husband and did some stuff with him when I was in my early twenties, but I wasn't all that adventurous."

"You, on the other side," Lyla added with a mischievous grin, "I can imagine with that collar on, doing everything that someone wants of you..."

The meaning behind her words was obvious and Sasha rumbled a happy growl, her tail bumping into Lyla's as it swayed back and forth. Others had to walk around them on the pavement outside the shop window, cars passing further back behind them, though neither dragon cared. It didn't matter when they were too caught up in what they were doing, even if their shopping trip and day out was going to change drastically all of a sudden.

"I'm sure you'd like to see that, darling," Sasha purred, leaning in close to Lyla and whispering in her ear, a shiver rising to the other dragoness' soft, smooth skin. "But maybe you wouldn't be the one holding a leash to me then."

Lyla squeaked and blushed, holding her left arm with her right paw, curling her fingers around as her arm braced across her body. Oh, she hadn't expected Sasha to say anything at all as naughty as all that! Just where had that come from?

"Oh, um... Wow... Sasha, you can't say things like that to me in public!"

Smacking Sasha lightly on the arm, she tried to play it all off, but Sasha had already caught the tiniest glimpse of another side to the dragoness, a side to her she very much wanted to drag out, to delve into more and more, more than she had ever seen into the kinky depths of her friend before. There were always more ways to explore and it didn't make any sense at all that they were slowing down on that just because they were older with adult dragon children.

Sometimes, however, Sasha still had to be the one to take the lead.

"If we head into the mall," Sasha suggested with a sidelong look and a knowing poke of her tail into Lyla's ribs. "Well... There's a shop there, just for adults. And they'll have much more than just a fashion outfit, like this, inside."

She smirked, drawing back, enjoying the blush tinting Lyla's cheeks. With the lighter scales adorning her muzzle, it was easier for her to see when heat was rising there. Sasha was sometimes rather glad for her darker blue scales, which took on a deeper shade in winter too.

"Yeah... Yeah, let's do that," Lyla said, grinning a bit, though it was a softer smile, the kind of smile that didn't spread across her muzzle quite as readily. "Kao's going to lose his mind when he sees us!"

Sasha's smirk deepened.

The adult shop, thankfully, was not too intimidating, even though the windows were blocked off, so those outside the shop could not see what was inside. It had to be so for privacy and the adult shop was not on the main street either but a little more tucked away so that it was a lot harder to simply stumble across it. Lyla hadn't been to that one before, though she didn't mind dipping into lingerie shops and sex toy shops whenever she was out and away from her home area. It wasn't something that the dragoness usually had felt like she had time for there.

There, they had much nicer outfits, though Lyla pawed curiously at the latex, eyeing up a skirt that caught the light beautifully, gleaming wherever it hit. That was something that she hadn't tried before, though it reminded of the type of outfits and outlines that her clothes had made when she'd been younger. She'd had exposed midriffs back then, her collarbones exposed, rarely more of her cleavage. Her tail swung back and forth and she twitched her hips back, the phantom sensation of tail loops, sewn onto clothing, around it. Most of her clothes those days had slits in the back of them specially designed for tails, so that they could be fastened closely around the base. The difference between the clothes that she wore then and the clothes that she had worn all those years ago was that it had been a lot easier to take off those that she'd worn before.

Sasha lifted a cut-out bra, which expose the nipples, from a rack, checking the size with a happy hum.

"Hm, perfect... But we haven't decided yet who needs to try a collar on."

Lyla rolled her eyes.

"Oh, are you so shy about it now?" She teased, having grown a little in confidence and "sassiness" on her way over to the shop, the quiet inside reassuring her a little more too. "You were trying to tease me right out there in the street... Now, you don't want to put it on?"

Sasha grinned.

"I think it might be cuter on you."

"Anything looks good on me."

Even though Lyla often tailored her clothes closely to the colours of her koi-like scales, so smooth that there was no sense at all of her being covered in scales, she admitted that there was little that she couldn't pull off. Maybe it was the fact that she looked a little different from the Westernised dragons that were mostly around that city and the neighbouring towns. There were few like her and, when younger, Lyla had put even more pride in her appearance, wanting to look the part and, of course, to fit in. Along the way, she had found her own sense of style and enjoyed transforming her look from one outfit to another.

What look would she have if she donned the collar? It wouldn't match her strapless shirt, to be fair, but that wasn't the point, not as she scoffed at Sasha, who was busy egging her on, bumping her insistently with her elbow.

"Oh, alright then," Lyla said, pushing Sasha away with her tail, shuffling her wings against her back. "I'll try it on..."

The collar that she chose from the selection at the shop was silver with a black band running across the middle of it, double stitched in a complementary colour. Lyla pursed her lips softly as she ran her fingers along it. It was surprisingly good quality, though was more adult, surely, than the one in the shop. But she could have seen it being a part of a nice outfit if she was going out to an art event, a nightclub or anything more adult-orientated...

That wasn't why she wanted to put it on, however. Merely touching the leather had an electric thrill zinging through her veins, panting very lightly as breath fluttered in her windpipe and lungs. Her tail twitched, but the dragoness tried not to let her interest show outwardly too much, bringing the collar up around her neck.

"Unff... It's kinda buckle..."

But that was only because it was not something that Lyla had done on herself for a long, long time - and it had been chokers she had been more used to wearing before. Sasha was less practised at putting collars on others but was more than happy to lend a paw.

"Here, let me."

Sasha licked her lips, enjoying the sight of her friend very much in the collar, tightening it enough around her neck so that it sat flush to her skin without jutting forward. The last time that she had had a collar on her neck was before she had met her husband, though that relationship had not ended in the way she had expected. But the early days and the times before...they had had some wilder leanings to them too.

The last time that she had a collar on, she had been pounded from behind, climaxing without the aid of a paw or a toy on her clit. Sasha shivered at the memory. Damn, that had been an exceptionally good time indeed.

But she wanted to make more good times, as they both chose a collar for the other, even if they were just basic collars. They didn't need to go all in right away, of course, and push themselves too far, even though they had been experimenting with Kao for a good few months already. And they had been having sex and playing with each other for even longer still...

Times could change, however, only for the better. That was all either dragoness wanted, exchanging a look as they took their bag from the cashier, the collars and a couple more items tucked away inside.

"You ready?"

They would have to come back to that particular shop, or at least take a good look online, for toys too, at some point. Until then, they had a little to be getting on with in the meantime and plenty to experiment with. Just being in the adult shop had given Sasha more than a few ideas!


"What are you two up to?"

Kao eyed the older dragonesses suspiciously as they headed upstairs together, the younger drake tucked into the corner of the sofa with a comic book. He'd really gotten into a particular series of late, sort of horror-fantasy, as it had been made into a TV series too, though Kao wasn't typically the sort to curl up with a good book. Maybe if it was on an eReader but it was the sort of thing that entirely depended on his mood.

Sasha shook her head at him as she headed upstairs, pressing her finger to her lips. His tail flicked back and forth, hanging off the seat of the sofa, and he lifted his head a little more, enticed already. His nostrils twitched and he wondered, even though his sense of smell was not all that refined, not compared to some other dragons, if he could smell their arousal. It was a light, tantalising kind of musk, though he could have caught a whiff of their perfume too, or any other scents they were wearing.

Or maybe the younger drake was just imagining it because he was hard and horny and he wanted to have more than a little fun with the sexy dragonesses. It had been an entire week without fucking them and, well, he was getting more than a little pent-up. With summer in full swing, he didn't have anything else to do and his mother had advised that he take on a small summer job and otherwise rest up for however he decided to take his studies forward in the Autumn.

That wasn't something that gripped his mind all that much, however. No, he was already imagining just how hot it was going to be to slide his cock into his mother, pinning her on her back on the bed while Lyla watched, ready and waiting to take his cock next. The drake chuffed lightly, nostrils puffing out with air, but tried to be quiet, not wanting to draw attention to himself - not yet, at least. There was something building, definitely, but Kao wasn't going to score any points at all with Lyla and Sasha if he rushed in headlong and spoiled whatever they had in mind.

And he knew too that even if they wanted to have sex with each other and not him, that was entirely their choice too. He was lucky enough to be chosen by them both to have sex with them, even though their relationships would have to remain secret.

The drake smirked softly, palming his erection through his jeans. It was all about consent, one thing that his mother had instilled strongly in him. Still, that didn't mean that the younger drake didn't want to be included and was worked up already by simply imagining all the things that they were going to do.

"Oh, Kao..."

He would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't already so worked up and ready, chuffing lightly under his breath as he forced air out through his muzzle. It was a little reaction that he hadn't been able to stop himself from making, more and more since he had started sleeping with Lyla as well as his mother.

Still, his need led him up and to the foot of the stairs, peering up as his tail curled back and forth.


He had to play a little hard to get, smirking and showing his teeth briefly, though he was very interested in what they had in mind for him.

"Meet us in the bedroom, Kao..."

He would have followed his mother's voice anywhere and not for the reasons that most in the world with a close relationship with their mothers would. No... His hard-on told the tale of more as he walked awkwardly up the stairs, his jeans pulling uncomfortably over his crotch and the telltale bulge there. Kao put it from his mind, however, not needing to worry about something like that as he made his way to the bedroom and stopped in his tracks.


The young drake let out an appreciative growl as he approached, though their position did not make things easier for him when it came to softening his raging hard-on. And neither did Kao want his erection to go down, no, not at all.

Sasha and Lyla knelt next to one another, their knees slightly apart, Lyla in blue lingerie that highlighted her breasts and especially her cleavage, hiding her pussy from view, if only for a time. Sasha had gone racier that time, wearing a cut-out bra so that her blue nipples perked up nice and full, her panties barely there at all and not really covering all that much. But she had just been going for a certain look and, frankly, that was all the dragoness needed to do.

Around their necks rested matching collars: one violet, on Sasha, and one a light, almost metallic blue, like ice, on Lyla. They were complemented by black hardware and fittings, the buckles neatly tucked around at the backs of their necks, out of sight. Each one boasted a medium-weight O-ring at the front, black and hanging down neatly.

Or, the O-rings would have been hanging down if not for the leashes clipped to them, which bumped them up slightly from the dragoness' collarbones and clavicles. Kao's eyes widened and yet the dragonesses knew that their presentation had had exactly the desired effect by how his tail longingly lashed back and forth behind him.

Lyla purred, pushing her shoulder blades back a little, her shoulders lifted. Delicately, her fingers brushed her collarbone and trailed down, into the dip of her cleavage, though her eyelids were semi-lowered, peering up at him through her eyelashes. That time, it was not even something that the dragoness had to think about, the seductiveness in such a position coming naturally to her.

"We thought you'd like something special tonight, Kao," Sasha purred, her long tongue flicking out to caress her lips. "And there's only one drake who we would like to hold our leashes..."

Lyla sucked in a tiny breath, looking up at him. They extended their leashes to Kao, fingers curled lightly around the leather loops at the ends, though there was no question at all in their minds whether Kao would accept their offer.

"Mm..." He growled, accepting the leashes as he tightened them slowly, testing the resistance, whether or not Sasha and Lyla pulled back against them. "I didn't think... Damn, this is hot."

He didn't have to be particularly eloquent in a moment like that, no, not at all, not as he fumbled and tried to unzip his jeans at the same time. Lyla, however, was quick to serve him and shuffled in swiftly on her knees, sliding her paw up his leg to the inside of his thigh. The back of her paw teased resolutely over the part of his jeans where his balls were tucked away and behind, the drake shuddering faintly.


Lyla, however, was more than happy to serve, slipping easily into her role as she unzipped his jeans fully and unbuttoned them. In that way, the dragoness smoothly freed her dominant's erection, the three of them getting into their places in the room, relaxing into it, heat simmering from their bodies. Lyla felt it all the more stringently with her soft skin, arching her back as she slid his jeans down.

The ladies didn't have to disrobe all that much, being in underwear only, but Sasha rose at Kao's beckoning to help him out of his T-shirt. It was a good thing that he wasn't wearing too much that day, getting nude and down to his bare scales swiftly, the drake taking his mother's leash first and tugging her insistently to the bed.

It was not the kind of play that the three dragons were used to, Kao unsure and testing out just how much pressure he was to put on the leash, whether he was supposed to keep it taut all the time. Everyone there, however, was in a good position to speak up if they didn't like something or something was a bit too rough, so it was not something that they thought about all that much.

No... When there were open lines of communication, things were so much easier. And that was something that Kao would carry on with him throughout the rest of his life.

"Hm... You look good like this..."

He ran his hand over Sasha's backside, still knowing that she was his mother but not truly seeing her as such in that moment. The collar changed things and he ached to curl his fingers around it, even as he was working out just what was acceptable and allowed in the moment.

"Mmmm..." Kao's tail snaked back and forth as he ran his paw down Sasha's back and groped her arse, squeezing her flesh and muscles through her scales. "How can I just take you when Lyla is right here, mom?"

Sasha smirked, though still willingly arched her back for him and spread her legs. Kao took only a moment to free his erection, disrobing and kicking his clothes out of the way, so that they would not tangle around his feet while he was doing what had quickly become his favourite thing to do.

"There are some more things in the bag, Kao," Lyla said, her tone low and silky. "Would you like me to get them out for you?"

"Mm... Good girl."

Lyla shivered. Oh, that was hot, so very hot, being called that. She caught Kao glancing at her and didn't mind him seeing in the slightest. She wanted him to know her, to see her, to feel all those little things that she had missed over the years, just so she could have even more experiences in her life.

The moment was what it was all about, after all. She had planned and she had worked hard and enjoyment had not always been at the forefront of her mind.

So, it was high time that came through, she thought, as she set out the toys that they had bought on the bed, the dildos that they had picked up and the nice, big vibrator with the rabbit ears on it that was aptly named. There was also a small bullet vibe and a butt plug, though she was more curious about the latter. It had been a long time since she had had a sex toy up under her tail.

Sasha moaned, her son pulling aside her underwear to push into her, though he left her bra with the cut-outs over the nipples in place. After all, Kao could already reach everything that he wanted there, so it was of no consequence to him. He thrust strongly, powerfully, putting the full force of his body behind every single stroke, glutes tensing. All she had to do was to take every thrust, his thick shaft spreading her open, her folds hugging him as if her body was welcoming her son back inside her after only a few days since the last time that they had come together.

"Oh... Ohhhh!"

And yet sex had a different flavour to it with a collar around her neck. It awakened feelings in her she had not paid attention to for a long time, a swirling sense of submission and tingling excitement. Not having to be in control and leaving that control to her son too... Oh, that was intoxicating!

So, she leaned into it, her pussy clenching around him, arching back, her feet braced on the carpet and her torso lying flat on the bed. The mattress squeaked with every one of her son's thrusts as she took him, his hips bouncing off her buttocks with every stroke, as deep as he could go.

Yet Kao had his attention split, even as he took her powerfully, tightening his grip on the leash to draw it all the way taut. For there was Lyla, shimmying sexily out of her lingerie on the bed for him, spreading her legs lustfully. And there was a selection of toys there, just for them, all for them, so he could make sure they were stuffed and full.

The young drake snarled and snapped at the empty air, thrusting harder, though he was quick to snatch up the rabbit vibrator to warm Lyla up too. She shivered and hooked her legs up towards her chest, her knees bending, though she didn't quite have the flexibility of a younger dragoness.

That was okay though, for she was already wet enough for Kao to rub the toy, on a low vibration setting, against her pussy, circling it over her folds and teasing up to her clit as Lyla whined.

"Oh, please..." She begged, though Lyla didn't think that she had ever before begged. "Please... Stuff it in me!"

She'd never been one for crude words either, but she wanted to do more, to go further. If she was on the end of his leash, maybe that meant that she could uncover a new side of her, even though it would only be sexual, of course...

Only time would tell, though it was simply divine as she took the vibrator. It was a little tight, as it had not been lubed up before sliding into her, her pussy tight around the thick silicone. The vibrating function pulsed and her toes twitched as it ground up against her G-spot, although that was merely a happy accident. It was impossible for Kao to be that accurate when he was powering into his mouth, grunting thickly in the back of his throat as the dragon's tail lashed and he shuffled his wings against his back.

Need coursed through her and she tried to relax into the moment, to take in everything. And yet it was impossible when she was peering up at the dragon through her eyelashes, her tail curling and twisting, gripping his ankle. It was not Lyla's place to lay any kind of claim over Kao, not then and not ever, though she was more than content to wait there, to allow him to grind the vibrator into her with a saucy twist of his paw to make her cry out.

"Ohhhhh, yes! Please!"

Lyla's jaws hung open, panting heavily, the ears of the vibrator pressing up to her clit. Oh, that was divine, but she wanted more, so much more, whimpering and twisting, wanting his dick. A toy was good, but...she wanted Kao's cock too!

She whined and squirmed and groaned longingly, though she had to wait, had to be patient. Even as Kao brought his mother off into a squalling, shrieking orgasm, Sasha's eyes closed and a look of pure euphoria crossing her muzzle. Lyla had never seen a look like that on her mother's face before and she longed to feel whatever Sasha was feeling for herself too. Maybe that was greedy but, well, she didn't mind that in the slightest.

She could be greedy if she wanted to be. Maybe that was exactly why, in the end, Kao could be there too, all to keep her in line for him.

He groaned, pulling out of Sasha as his mother heaved and panted, her arms stretched out in front of her. She had been trying to reach for a pillow to hug to her chest but hadn't managed to get there in time. Not that it mattered as her son left her pussy empty and dripping with her arousal, a slick bubble of her fluids marking her sex. Sasha only longed for her son to cum in her again, her dominant of the moment.

I'll have to do some reading... She thought through a post-orgasmic haze. For there were texts on BDSM that could lend another edge to their play, if they wanted to explore further - or simply get some ideas that could spice up their more general time in the bedroom.

No one wanted to get bored, after all, when they had already pushed the boundaries between them to such an extent with fucking a younger drake and, in Sasha's case, her own son too.

Kao licked his lips, pressing and twisting the vibrator within Lyla's pussy.

"Get down on your knees first," he said, his voice an octave deeper than usual. "Taste my cock."

He rarely dropped into such plain, open commands, though there was little concern for anything going too far there. Lyla quivered, catching Sasha's eye as she moved into position down on her knees, the dragoness' pussy leaking her own arousal. Yet Kao was swift to slide a toy into her, a dildo that was shaped with ridges along the length and a big, thick knot at the base. The knot was too large to sink into her straight away, though Sasha may well have warmed up in a little.

It was so unfortunate, in that matter, that his submissive partners of the evening were going to be far more interested in his cock than anything he could use on them that was made by a dragon... As interesting as it would prove to double stuff them in the future, that was.

Lyla whined, her tongue snaking out around his cock, dragging from the base to the tip and swirling around the sensitive head. Oh, how she could taste her friend's juices on it, her arousal... Did Sasha tremble that much when she was lapping Lyla's arousal from Kao's shaft too?

She had never noticed, though she wished she could tell, grunting as Kao tugged on her leash and tightened his grip, the collar pressing on the back of her neck. Obligingly, she swallowed down his dick into the back of her mouth, pressing over her tongue, allowing him to take a more dominant paw than usual as he closed his fingers around the back of her head and forced her head back and forth.

Slowly, powerfully. She grunted as he pressed her tongue down between the lines of teeth in her lower jaw, allowing him as much room as possible within her mouth. While he was using her mouth like a hole, she didn't need to twist and twirl her tongue, not in the slightest, grunting, groaning, moaning around him. She was even surprised that she was making sounds like that, panting heavily, when she had had so much sex before that she'd thought was the best she would get.

Well, every time kind of felt like it was the best, always finding some small new way to make it hot to her, flowing through like liquid electricity in her veins. Lyla whined, taking his cock deep - but, of course, Kao had eyes for her pussy alone.

She'd clenched to leave the toy inside her, humping lightly against it, though Kao didn't even get her up on the bed. He snarled as he pinned her to the floor, the paw holding the leash pinning her wrists up above her head in a move so swift and so fluid that it took her breath away. His raw power was all that she craved, so desperately, his tail curling up to neatly tug the toy from her pussy, leaving her bare and empty, if only for a moment.

Lyla spread her legs readily for him as he groaned, ploughing into her. He snatched up her leash in his jaws with a lewd smirk, pounding into her roughly, deeply, using every inch of his cock. His thighs pressed against hers, pinning her to the bedroom carpet in a mating press, completely and utterly dominating her.

And Kao was doing it all instinctively! As if it was something that had been buried deep down, intrinsic within his DNA. He growled, eyes flashing, tightening his grip with his jaws on the leash, his teeth digging in. The drake did not care that he was leaving marks in it, no, only that he had her, could take her, greedily shoving his face down against her neck and down to her tits. Curling his neck at that an angle, however, hurt when he did it for too long, pulling the muscles lining his spine where his neck connected to his back.

But that was okay, because he was there in the moment, her pussy squeezing his cock ferociously, milking him of his seed. The drake snarled around the leash, though didn't want to let go of it, as if he had clamped down and locked his jaw, holding on for dear life. But that was not the case, no, not as he relished in the tightness around his cock, the dragoness under him whining and trying to buck up against him, but he already had her pinned far, far too well for that.

All as it should be. Especially as he relinquished his hold on his need, spending his seed inside her. Long, thick ropes of dragon cum filled her and he briefly lamented that he had not seeded his mother first, although there would be more rounds to come, yes. He was enjoying having two dragonesses to please him and for him to tease, working out just what new kinks they could twist into their regular fun.

His mother really had taught him well when it came to sex and he would always thank her for that.

Sasha purred as Kao helped Lyla up, a caring partner even when they were changing things a little bit between them, for that night at least. It was fun and it was still good, to her, to see him looking after and caring for the partners he was in bed with.

"Mmm... What are you going to do with us now, dear?"

Sasha purred and licked her lips but, that time, it seemed that Kao didn't need any direction at all. He didn't seem to want to relinquish his hold on their leashes, which was just fine by her, keeping them slack in his paw while he worked a dildo in and out of their pussies. Slick and wet already, each having had one orgasm, the dildos moved easily, both smooth with a firm, rounded tip, not shaped at all like a cock that they would have found on a drake. Yet they didn't have to be anything more than what they were, pleasing them, Lyla pushing her hips up needily as she bore her feet down into the bed. Her claws caught in the top sheet of the bed, but no one noticed, if they even cared.

"Ooof... Mmmm!"

Lyla moaned and Sasha watched her intently, focusing on the moment, how everything flowed and pulsed, moving over and through them. She parted her lips, yet her need was growing even then, watching her strong, vital son harden up all over again. Sasha only paused for a heartbeat of a moment before reaching out to stroke his cock, from the base to the tip, collecting the bead of pre-cum at the head.


Kao grunted, glancing at her, though his surprise quickly morphed into a seductive smirk.

"You're getting very touchy there, girl..."

She shivered. That was hot. But she challenged him with her stare, forcing him to make a choice.

"Then why don't you put me in my place?" She suggested, sprawling out on the bed and rocking her hips up to the dildo wedged inside her. "If you think you're so tough..."

Kao laughed - yet there was nothing amusing about how he pounced on his very own mother. On the contrary, it was feral and ferocious, forcing her left leg up as she lay on her right side, pushing her knee up towards her chest. With the leash yanked taught, he had her pinned, the dildo slipping from her wet pussy as he presented the head of his cock crudely to her snatch.

Sasha didn't even have time to say anything more, not as he thrust inside, a pounding, ruthless pace claiming her pussy. The dragoness cried out, a breathless, gasped shriek, yet it came out strangled and all she could do was take it, every stroke and every thrust, rolling through in how her body trembled.

"Oh... Ohh... Ohhhh!"

She moaned and tried to rock up against him but the position that she was in was not conducive for that, leaving her with a delicious sense of helplessness, even though Sasha knew she was safe there too. Every stroke rocked her to her core, reverberating through her, and she groaned aloud, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

It would have been even better if she had been blindfolded.

It would have been even better still if she had had her paws cuffed.

Maybe next time.

He slammed into her, giving his mother every crude stroke that he knew she could handle, though Lyla was not forgotten. Not as he worked Sasha closer and closer to orgasm without even using his paws, taking the clean, sterile butt plug and swapping it for the dildo against Lyla's pussy. The drake smirked, not wanting to push it into her cunny, but smearing and rubbing it back and forth through her arousal, using her natural slickness, and the cum that he had unloaded inside her, to lubricate the butt plug.

Then and only then did he push it into her tail hole, a little rougher than he could have, but it was hard to be slow when it slipped in so easily, the dragoness giving a needy little buck back up against him. Lyla grunted, paws clenched, though she relaxed quickly when he trailed his fingers up through her pussy to her clit, circling it teasingly.

"You're going to be so tight when I take your pussy with that inside you..."

Lyla whined, though Kao was in his element. He took longer to cum the second time, though relished in every thrust, taking his time. Where was the rush, after all? His mother groaned as he fucked her, his balls smacking against her lower buttock as he held her leg up to his chest, leaving Lyla to squirm on the butt plug, the dildo still half-stuffed into her pussy.

His mother howled through climax, her head thrown back, and he fucked her through it ardently, her juices soaking his cock, marking his scales, the aroma of her lingering there until he next took a shower. But Kao liked that - especially so when he pulled out of her pussy with his cock dripping with his mother's arousal.

Lyla needed attention and he slid into her slowly, making her squirm and whine, begging for it. Her hips rocked up as he pinned her, though he let her linger in it, long, slow strokes devouring her cunny. The drake's skilled fingers found her clit again, even though it was a little awkward with their bodies coming up so close to each other, rubbing and teasing, making her tense and squeeze around his dick and the butt plug.

He huffed and panted, heat rising from his scales, trying to hold back. It was harder than the drake had anticipated, though the reward was better still as she climaxed on him, his pussy gripping him so hard that Kao thought he was going to lose control and seed her right then in that moment. Somehow, with his shoulders rounded painfully and a feral grunt breaking his lips, he held off, languishing there as she soaked his dick in her arousal, slick and wet around him. Lyla moaned, stretching out, her tongue flicking along the side of her muzzle and drawing back in, though slowly, as if all the energy had left her body.

Finally, he grabbed his mother's leash and took her on all fours, to best spend his seed into her pussy. He wouldn't have wanted to leave Sasha, after all, without a good dose of her son's seed to fill her with his creamy essence, exploding inside her with a snarl that made his lips pull back from his teeth and his head spin in a way that it had never done before. His legs wobbled a little, but the young drake put it down to the bed not being the most stable of bases, refusing to admit, not even to himself, that perhaps he needed something more of a break between rounds too. When he had so much pleasure to take and lust to give of his own, Kao wasn't willing to pace himself.

Again and again, he spent his seed inside his mother and Lyla, making sure to treat each of them fairly, though he did sometimes want to linger with Lyla, considering that he lived with his mother still. It was easy to want what he didn't have every day, after all.

But they had one another that night, their secret relationship, as he fucked them both bareback repeatedly.

The collars never once left their necks and would surely be seen again in their rampant, illicit play...