
Story by Dragonizu on SoFurry

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Yes, yes. Sorry for the long delay, college is a bitch. This chapter will be about Johns training as a Lycan; His powers are slowly developing, but becoming much more harder to control over time.. Oh, and this is part 1, just so ya know. :)

Minors, please leave, I can't stress this rule enough people! Someone farts in the background Ah.. Thats better..

To the story, and someone please play sad music.


The magic John shot bounced off Ruby as the pair sparred to help control John's growing magical power, it was coming along very slowly, but as Ruby taught her husband the fundamentals, the easier it became. "Good. Some of the basics of using magical energy would be the even control of spiritual energy within the body, mind, and spirit. You can't cast magic every two minutes without having SOME weird-ass type of drawback, spell backfiring, or unintentional metamorphism" She continued as some small sparks of lightning blew past her head from John and one veered off course, narrowly zapping her clear on her forehead that made her emit a yelp of pain, the mark was black, but it didn't look like it hurt to much. Maybe a sting at the most, unless John was getting even stronger. "Ouch! Alright, thats enough for right now." Ruby whined and brooded for a while as she licked her wounds. John went over to her and whispered with a calm hand over her side "Waiss Heill." new, unmarked, red skin had formed over her as a result of his medium level healing magic that made John grin slightly. The dragoness smiled and gave her husband a passionate kiss. It seemed to last forever, as their tongues slipped into each others mouths and they finally, but reluctantly parted, with Ruby seemed to be drinking in the sight of her husband, then pounced on him with a drunken 'hiccup'. She shoved her vagina in his face and came right on top of him with the sudden contact of his little body; Ruby looked down under her at John with puppy dog eyes that almost begged him to lick her, and was even harder for him to resist saying 'No'.. John shrugged his shoulders a bit and transformed into a Lycan, then his long tongue snaked out of his maw and slowly slid into her vagina and softly licked her and probed around. Ruby gasped with the sudden contact and shoved her sex even closer to him, her claws dug deeper into the ground, splitting quite a bit of the lawn apart. She got off of John with a satisfied, weary smile from the magick practuce and said with some hesitation in her feminine tone "You know, the Lycans that live in the Dark Forest are alot more proficient with magic than I am. They may teach you something useful." John considered this a moment, he didn't want to leave his children. But if he wanted more control over his power, he would have to leave his friends and family. Ruby seemed to sense his overwhelming sadness and gave him a long lick across the face and nuzzled him "Don't worry. We'll be fine. Go, get things settled, and come back to us soon." John nodded and gave a sorrowfuly smile, John and Ruby had another another kiss with a much longer duration of the last one, as they would not see each other for a long period of time. When their mouth and muzzle slowly but swiftly parted. Ruby followed as John started back and went inside his small, three-room house with such a sorrowful expression on his face as he watched his young children play with each other in the livingroom with such love and child-like innocence that a tear almost came to his eye and another comforting nuzzle with Ruby's snout and she folded her dove-like wings around him as John looked at her and said in a sad tone.

"Don't worry. I promise, this will not be the last time we see each other." Ruby loosed him from her grasp and slowly nodded her made a quick prayer to God and took his weapons, armor, and some provisions and walked along the path. He was quite excited to know that there were other Lycans beside him in the world, but he felt the fear of meeting them as well. John was probably going to be considered an abomination to them, because he could transform back and forth from his human form to his Lycan form. As he went on, the forest got darker, and the trees, fog, and other features of the forest much more dense each passing second. A voice caught his attention:

"Halt! Who trespasses on the lands of Lycia, the homes of the ones who live in the night?!"

John drew his sword Fenrisulfur Hiruq and replied cautiously "John, of the kingdom of Lore, I humbly ask permission to pass into these lands into the Lycan city."

There was a sudden pause and some whispers that could be made out. "Say, Biggs, that sword.. Only a Lycan can use that. But this human is able to use it."

A sharper tone replied to the other person "I see that, Wedge. This boy is a Lyun, not a Lycan. The child of a full blooded Lycan and a full blooded human.. How interesting. You may pass into our lands, but speak with the elders first, as they may have much interest in you, youngling." John nodded to whoever spoke, but kept his sword at the ready. The fog seemed to dissapate and two dark figures came into view as his eyes quickly adjusted to the surroundings. They were Lycans! They looked like black furred versions of John's lycan form, but with several differences in size and build; His was tall and muscular while their bodies were slender and short. They reached behind them and chanted a few magical words John did not recognize and a city shimmered into sight and, taking a nod from the guards, stepped inside.

The sight was amazing, Lycans and Werecats moved around the city, much to his amazement. Several heads turned into his direction and their noses flaired in a form of a sniff. After a few seconds, they went back to their business. 'Wow, a human in this city might cause to much attention.' John thought and went into an alleyway which only contained a sleeping drunk. He quickly and swifly transformed and stepped out of the alleyway and was shocked. Before, he came up to their shoulders, but now John stood a healthy 2 feet above them 'Wow..Uh..Thats' John shrugged and walked through the town and saw an old, weathered, Lycan sitting there with a staff in its hands. When he came over, the elder's eyes shifted towards him "Well now.. Here is something I never have seen in a loooonnng time." the tone was definately female, but John shuddered as she smiled a LITERALLY toothless smile and John cleared his throat.

"I am John from the Kingdom of Lore, and here to--"

"I know why you have come, young one. Your magic grows to great, and you do not wish to unintentionally harm your family others."

John nodded his large head and she warily continued in her wheezy "The Fenrisulfur Hiruq, the sword that was bound in the mouth of the wolf god Fenrir. I see it has accepted you as its new master and granted you full use of its magical energy." He nodded again "Then, we will assist you in your training. The sword unlocks the full potential of a Lycan, and you must learn to use it wisely." John nodded with awe, she could almost read his thoughts, but he could feel a tendril of her thought gently prodding his mind and sifted through his memories and thoughts. "Youngling, you may be destined to do great things. But, as a Lycan, you must fashion a new name for yourself in our community. Mako Gyal it will be. My name is Jinna, if you wish to know." John bowed with solemn respect for the elderly women, and she gave another toothless smile and motioned to the bed that was on the other side of her hut "You will rest here for tonight. You have come a long way, and are weary.."

John thanked laid down on the cot, stroking a fairth of his family and children. He was dreadfully homesick and worried about his family's safety, but, all he could do just for the moment was keep them in his Prayers and ask God to protect. "Don't worry, I WILL come back. I swear it." John whispered and rolled over. "Wow this cot is extremely itchy." He moaned and went to sleep, despite the fact that he was scratching at fleas.


Part two, hopefully coming soon! (If papers don't prevent me from writing.)

Rate, Question, and comment!

One more thing, if anyone has a suggestion for a chapter, I'm open to it. ^_^