Leomon's Halloween Treat

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Sequel to "Secret Santa": https://www.sofurry.com/view/1935493

Leomon is living a happy and satisfying life with his two new slaves, and the Wargreymon twins are more than happy with their new life under their handsome master. Of course, the change of the two brothers surprised a lot of people, including Exveemon, who has been their friend since forever. He wants to know why his friends had such a change so sudden, as it just doesn't sits right with him. He decides to be a detective and investigate it, much to Leomon's annoyance. Luckily, Leomon thinks of a solution that will solve the problem. Exveemon will see a great trick, and Leomon might get himself a treat...

The Digi World really caught a lot of things from human culture, including their holydays.

Holydays like Christmas, when you traded all manners of presents with the people who you like the most, including people from your office who would love a good Christmas gift more than anything in this digital world the great lord Yggdrasil created.

Other holydays were also popular, including Halloween.

This holyday, which some said was created by humans to sell costumes and candy, was certainly pretty popular on the Digital World. A day where they celebrated fear and scare and all things supernatural. A day when the young ones (and those small and cute enough to pass as children) would go around wearing costumes of their favorite characters and ask for free candy. A day when it was okay to throw chicken eggs at the houses and cover them on toilet paper if they didn't gave you any good candy. A day when the adults would gather during the night on old abandoned places to celebrate with lots of booze and wearing costumes that children should definitely not be near of. A day when you would have fun by telling scary stories to your friends and try to get them as freaked out as possible.

Yes, it was a popular holyday in most of the Digi World, with the scare being in there to make others enjoy. Because even the meek ones can handle a little scare there on the Digi World, filled with all kinds of terrifying things all around the year.

Just like in Christmas, the whole Digi World was on the mood for celebrating, with black, purple and orange being all over the city, alongside with spooky statues, jack-o-lanterns, and all manners of spooky decorations both on stores and on houses. Costume and candy stores being the busiest they are on the entire year, as everyone was going on last minutes to get candy for the night and a costume to go to a party they had been invited to. Yes, everyone was on the mood for celebrating this holyday.

However, it was not all wine and roses. After all, the Digi World has always had some bad elements. And some of them saw holydays, Halloween, in particular, as a chance to disrupt the peace and create as much havoc as they wanted and oppress others with threats of destruction and suffering if they didn't had their demands satisfied.

Talk about someone who takes trick-or-treat to the extreme.

"You shall not stop me!" VenomMyotismon said as he flew into the air, hoovering over the city as he got ready to unleash his power over it. "My powers are at their peak with the Night of Fright coming close! I'll make an example out of this city and the Digi World will bow down to me!"

The way his body was swelling and emitting a powerful dark aura made it clear that his power was reaching its peak. He was much more powerful than he would be in any other day of the year. However, it was yet not Halloween, as it was still a few days away. In other words, VenomMyotismon was still NOT at his maximum power. What meant that the two other mega-level Digimon fighting him had a decent shot at winning.

So, they fought with all they could, flying around the giant evil Digimon, avoiding his blows while unleashing their own powerful attacks at him, causing him to cry out in pain and rage and try to swipe at them with his Tyrant Savage, only for them to block and fly out of the way and answer with a Dramon Tackle which hit him right on the chest and sent him flying several feet back.

Crying in rage, Venom tried to attack with his ultimate technique: Venom Infusion.

One hit from one of those claws would inject them with a deadly venom-like virus that would corrupt their programs to the core and destroy them from the outside until there was nothing more than pixels. That was why both Wargreymon and Blackwargreymon made sure to avoid those claws with everything they had. Especially because they were not wearing their armors.

After avoiding his blows, Blackie shoot forward, materializing balls of dark flames on his hands as he activated his Doramon Fire and thrusting those fireballs right on Venom's eyes, causing the evil Digimon to cry out in pure agony. A cry that the entire city could hear as he floated above it.

Blinded and using his great hands to hold his bleeding face, the Wargrey brothers had the opening they needed.

Flying one to each side of the Venom, they both gathered their power, activating their ultimate moves. Wargie used his Gaia Force, while Blackie activated his Terra Destroyer, and they both attacked, slamming their giant energy balls against each other. With VenomMyotismon right in the middle.

Light flashed on the sky, along with Venom's ungodly screech of agony as his whole body was annihilated on the pixel-level by the awesome surge of energy that attacked his body.

By the time the light subsided, VenomMyotismon was no more.

Once more, an evil Digimon who wanted to cause havoc on the city was destroyed by the two most powerful Digimon on the entire region.

Now, if this was one year ago, the brothers would reward themselves for a job well-done by going to their favorite bar to drink a hook up with some girls who would be eager to give the two heroes of the day some much deserved reward.

However, times change over the course of one year.

Instead of going to a bar, the two brothers flew across the city to the same place they were when VenomMyotismon first showed his face. There was already a crowd in there, all of them already applauding the two heroes for saving their city and everyone who lived in it. However, the two brothers were not paying too much attention on them all. Their attention was focused on one 'mon in particular among the crowd, who was waiting for the two of them with his arms crossed over his chest.

As they landed before the champion-level, suit wearing Digimon, the two mega-level 'mons, who wore nothing but speedos and matching collars around their necks bowed to him, getting on their hands and knees before him, seeming not to care if anyone could see them.

"Master, we defeated VenomMyotismon and saved the city." Wargie said, "We had no problem doing so."

"He was no match for us, Master." Blackie said as he was kneeling right by the side of his brother. "Did you saw us fight? We did good, didn't we?" He asked eagerly, looking like a child who was desperately looking for approval. Leomon, on his end, remained with his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the two groveling mega-levels.

"You two were too fancy." Leomon said to the two of them. "You dragged the fight for too long and this caused unnecessary risks for both yourselves and the city in general. Next time, you should try to get the battle as fast as possible and not give your opponents time to find an opening."

The two looked at him, and lowered their heads as they said sadly:

"Sorry, Master."

Leomon looked at the two of them. He kneeled before the two dragon-men and placed his hands on their chins, making them both look at him. He was smiling at the two of them.

"You two were amazing." Leomon said to the two of them. "You did an amazing job, and I'm glad neither of you got hurt."

Hearing this made the two very happy. If they were dogs and had tails, they would both be wagging them really hard right now.

"Thank you, Master!" They both chorused happily to their master, who gently scratched their necks as if they were pets, before he placed the leashes back on their collars.

"Okay, let's get going now." Leomon said, "I still need to see that guy about the additions to our... playroom." The lion-man said it with a mischievous tone as he looked at the two, and they both knew what he meant. Inside of their speedos, their cocks twitched from inside of the chastity cages that kept them from getting hard.

With this, Leomon left with his two obedient slaves following him from close behind on all fours like dogs, both of them seeming very happy for being there, while the crowd continued to applaud both the two heroes and their owner.

"I still can't believe it." Said a Bulkmon to a Renamon who was standing by his side. "Wargie and Blackie both becoming slaves? And to a GUY?"

"Well, life is full of surprises, ain't it?" the Renamon said in return, looking at the two departing megas. "I guess that you don't really knows what goes on a person's head, do you? All those years with everyone thinking they were a pair of invincible manly studs, and in truth they were craving to be someone else's playthings."

The Bulkmon agreed. He had certainly been thrown in a loop when it became public that the Wargrey Brothers had become someone else's slaves. He, like many, at first thought this meant they had been bested into battle by someone stronger than them and had no choice but to become their slaves. However, it turned out not to be the case.

Instead, they were both the slaves of someone far weaker than both of them! And they looked happier than anyone ever saw them before as they obediently followed Leomon around on leashes wearing only the bare minimum that decency demanded.

People certainly were shocked for finding out those two proudly mega-levels doing all of that for another, weaker 'mon with no sign of being forced at all. It certainly surprised all of the ladies who were with them in the past and who could tell for sure that they were two complete studs and alphas in the bedroom.

And it was obvious that Leomon was fucking the two. They didn't did anything indecent while out on the streets, but from the way that Leomon caressed the two and how they both clearly enjoyed his touches, it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that there was sex in the mix.

This came as an even bigger shock, for the two brothers had never, not even once, entertained the idea of being gay.

Guess Renamon was right. You really never knew what went on people's heads. No one would have predicted those two to ever do something like that. Some even raised the question that the two have been closeted their whole lives and only now were finally exploring their true sexuality and desires with a new master. Some even said that they were doing this because they lost a bet or something, but they seemed to enjoy it too much to be only doing it out of a bet.

"Maybe it started as a bet and they actually liked it." Someone said, and a lot of people agreed it could be a possibility.

One thing was for certain, the two brothers were definitely doing this because they wanted to. Because there was no way that those two powerful mega-level Digimon could be under some kind of threat or coercion to do this. Not from a Leomon, who was so much weaker than the two of them that they would squash him like a bug if he ever did anything that they didn't liked.

Everyone thought like that, so everyone just chalked it as two Digimon willingly giving themselves as slaves in order to fulfill a life-long, possibly recently discovered, fantasy of them with a Digimon who they knew they could trust and who they both liked.

All save for one.

One who could not believe that those two strong guys were doing it out of their own free will.

Who could not accept that his two friends would change their behavior just like that.

As he watched the two mega-levels following that dirty, perverted lion like a pair of dogs on leashes, Exveemon's fists clenched so hard that his nails threatened to break the skin on his palms and cause blood to leak down from between his fingers. However, he was able to hold himself from doing it. Instead, he focused all his anger on the back of the head of the lion whom he knew had done something with his best friends.

XV had known Blackie and Wargie since they all hatched. Literally, they had been his crib-neighbors back when they were all in Nursery Village. They were those two little things who shared the crib right by the side of his', and they would throw their toys away and one of them landed on his head, and this prompted the other baby to throw things back on the crib of the twins.

Humans could find it hard to remember things form when they were still babies, but Digimon could remember pretty much most of their lives, unless they were affected by some mental-scrambling effect or virus that would make them forget things. As a result, XV could remember very clearly those days back in Nursery Village, as well as all the days that followed, in which him and those twins on the crib grew up and evolved together. Back when he was Veemon and they were both different colors of Agumon, they were his best pals on the world. And they continued to be his pals even after they digi-volved into Greymon and then into MetalGreymon. They were like a pair of older brothers to him, always looking out for him and protecting him from all problems. They never picked on him for having taken so long to digi-volve, and always made sure to pummel anyone who would pick on their little friend.

Heck, XV was sure that he would have been deleted a long time ago if he didn't had those two looking after him and protecting him all along the way. They surely were the best friends someone could ever ask to have, and XV had been with them for long enough to know them better than any other person in the Digi World.

Which was why he knew something was very wrong with this whole situation.

Blackie and Wargie were both alphas, all the way down to their bones. They never, ever, submitted themselves to another person. They would never willingly give themselves to someone else as slaves. That was just not who they were. And having sex with a guy!? They were never gay! They were total ladies' men! And they were never "denying their true nature", as people were saying. They were both straight as arrows since they were all little ones and they both ogled the butts and breasts of the nurses.

However, there they were, acting like a pair of bitches to that lion who they never even saw before last Christmas. XV nearly fainted when he saw those two behaving like that after New Year's, after they had been missing for nearly two weeks after that one party on Christmas Eve. He went directly to them to ask them what was the big deal and if they were doing it because they lost a bet or something, and their answer was as shocking as their actions.

"We belong to Master Leomon now." Said Wargie, nuzzling on the leg of the lion. "We love him and we live to serve him."

"He is the most handsome and amazing man on the Digi World, and his cock tastes and feels sooooo good!" Blackie said as he nuzzled the other leg, his nose poking on the lion man's crotch, only for Leomon to tell him "not in public", to what Blackie apologized, before they were both taken away by Leomon, while XV watched in the most absolute shock.

Those two... were not acting like themselves.

Those were not the guys he knew during his entire life. They definitely weren't.

That lion had done something to them! XV just knew it. However, no one would hear him. Not his and the twins' mutual friends, not the people the higher ups with whom the two hanged out, not even the police.

People just seemed unable to believe that a champion-level would ever be able to do anything to a pair of mega-levels. Certainly not of making them his slaves against their will. They all insisted to him that the only explanation to this was that the two brothers were doing this out of their own free-will, and that they were willingly being slaves to the weaker Digimon, and that he should just accept it and move on with his life.

However, when he saw that lion taking the two of them to a night party wearing form-fitting dresses, XV knew that something was VERY off.

He could not accept what was happening, and he knew that was something fishy on this story. He didn't care what anyone else said, he knew his friends well enough to know they were not doing this willingly. He needed to find out what was happening, and that was why, for a few months now, he had been investigating Leomon.

He looked in every nook and crane in there, and he was checking everything he could on the lion-man's life to find out how he was forcing his two friends to be his slaves and fucktoys. He knew it needed to be something illegal, and once he found out what it was, he would be taking it to the police and have that lion pay for what he did to them.

He met a lot of dead ends during his personal investigation, and in many days it seemed that this whole investigation was a lost cause. Many would have gave up at this point, but Exveemon had the incentive of rescuing and bringing back his best friends in the world. So, no matter how many dead ends he encountered, he would continue to look as far and deep as he had to.

It was thanks for his insistence that, despite all of the false leads and dead ends that he found during the course of his investigation, he was finally able to cross paths with something real. It was a message in a forum on the deep digi-net, which Digimons used for communication in real time for talking about all manners of things that they didn't wanted the Digi-police to hear about.

This particular forum was about brainwashing. Most of it was referring to fetishes or roleplaying between some horny mons who had too much time on their hands and didn't had enough money to pay for a hooker. They also mentioned a lot of crimes that never made it to the news networks and were not investigated by the police, with a lot of people in there claiming to have committed those crimes or knowing the person who did.

This particular treat belonged to someone who offered a special type of service that could "make anyone yours forever". And this guy had been trading messages with someone called "WizyWizy99", who wanted to "give a special Christmas gift for his best pal in the world", and who very specifically asked if this method he was offering would work on mega-levels...

That was enough for XV to take a deeper look into this, and the more he looked, the more he knew that this had everything to do with whatever it was that happened to his friends, and the more undeniable the evidence became.

XV was looking into it as deep as he could, and he knew that, soon, he would have the decisive piece of evidence that would allow him to uncover the truth.

Unfortunately, someone noticed that there was someone pocking their nose where they shouldn't...

"Of course I am going to the party." Leomon said, "On the old hallow ground two miles from the temple ruins, yes. I know the place, I'll be there."

Leomon was talking on his phone, and BlackWeregarurumon was on the other side of the line, speaking to him about this party, and he said something that made Leomon laugh.

"Of course I'll be taking them! Why wouldn't I?" Leomon said, "What master would go to a BDSM Halloween party without his slaves? I even picked up some nice outfits just for the occasion. I know everyone will love it."

Leomon had always been a bit fascinate by bondage. It was part of the whole master/slave thing. Influence of his father, naturally. However, he never actually had much contact with people who actually practiced that on their daily lives and used it on sex. That is, until he got two slaves of his own.

As it turns out, once you become a slave owner, you end up going on places where other slave owners go, and they all welcome you into their community with open arms. Especially if you got some really impressive slaves like, let's say, a pair of famous mega-level 'mons. All masters and mistresses of the place were all over the twins, some of them were even making offers to buy them, offering Leomon hefty sums of money for one or both. They were even offering to trade them for some of their own slaves, which were "highly trained" and "remarkably durable".

However, Leomon would never sell nor trade his slaves. They were too precious to him. However, he was not against allowing others to "borrow" his slaves and make use of them. As long as Leomon was there to watch. It was really nice seeing how people made use of his slaves, and Leomon felt like he was learning a thing or two about the slave owner community on his own city.

And now, he was a proud member of them, being invited to all of their parties.

"No, I won't make them dance, they are not ready for that yet. Maybe on next Christmas party." Leomon said, as he continued talking with BlackWer on the phone. As he did, Wargie and Blackie were both on their knees servicing him with their mouths. Wargie was in front of him, taking his dick on his mouth and sucking as if his life depended on it. Meanwhile, Blackie was behind him, shoving his tongue as deep as he could on Leomon's tailhole while he made out with it.

"But they will definitely be wearing something festive for the Halloween party." Leomon assured BlackWer, as he placed a hand on Wargie's head, grasping on his hair and forcing him all the way down on his cock, making the dragon-man choke on Leo's dick. "Had them custom made. Costed me a pretty penny, but they got *grunt* very good. They tried it earlier, and they fit them both like gloves. *growl* I'm sure that they will *groan* be a huge success with everyone. They definitely... definitely... O-one moment, please."

Leomon growled as he grasped on Wargie's hair even harder as he continued to fuck his muzzle. Then, with a thrust and a roar, he cummed down his throat. Wargie was waiting for this, and he obediently swallowed everything his master gave him, moaning around is cock as he felt that warn semen run down his throat and end up on his stomach.

After cumming, Leomon sighed, and went back to talking to BlackWer.

"Sorry. Anyway, I think everyone will love their outfits." Leomon said very casually. "Say, will your cute brother be there as well?... Oh, of course he will. You owe him, after all. And he will be wearing that cute speedo you got custom made? The one with an open backside to let anyone use his tailhole? Great! I can't wait to fuck his ass again! That is, after you've had your turn on him, of course. I really don't mind the sloppy seconds. So, see you on Halloween."

With this, Leomon hang up the phone, and now he was just enjoying the sweet feeling of afterglow, made all the sweeter by the fact his two slaves were still servicing him. Wargie gently sucked his dick while Blackie continued to make out with his tailhole obediently.

Leomon felt like he could spend the entire day just enjoying it...

Then the piercing sound of his phone ringing called his attention.

Without opening his eyes, Leomon picked his phone, answering the call as he took the phone to his head so he could both hear and talk to the other person.

"If this is not important, then I'm hanging up right now." Leomon said, as he wanted nothing more than to continue enjoying his two slaves servicing him with their skilled tongues. However, the voice on the other end proved to have something interesting to say:

"Leo, its Wizardmon! We are screwed!"

Leomon opened his eyes, hearing what Wizardmon was saying, and knowing it was something serious just from the tone of his voice. Eventually, as he heard, he told Wargie and Blackie to stop what they were doing so he could focus properly on what Wizardmon was saying through the phone. So, they both only stood on their knees as they looked at their naked master, who walked across the room, pacing from one side to another as he talked to his friend on the phone.

"Okay, let me get this straight..." Leomon said, "The guy from whom you got the illegal program that turned the twins in my slaves is being investigated by someone else? And if he gets caught up, both of us could be go down with him?"

"Yes!" Wizardmon said from the other end of the line. "It is Exveemon! The Wargreys' old friend! Apparently, he is investigating why they started being your slaves all of a sudden! I don't know how, but he found a clue that I chatted with my guy online and got the program from him on that online forum about hypnosis and mind control! Now he is collecting evidences, and he is getting too close for comfort! Leo, this is serious. If they find out about the program, then we will all be fucked! My contact will go to jail for getting and dealing that kind of illegal program, I'll go to jail for requesting and using the program on someone, and even you will end up being arrested for accepting those two as your slaves when you knew I did something to them! It will be the end for all of us!"

Wizardmon spoke like he knew what he was talking about, and this was enough for Leomon to know this was serious.

"Master?" Wargie asked, as him and his brother both looked with worry at their master, who seemed serious enough for them to know something was wrong. Leomon silenced the two just by holding up a finger, and they just shut their mouths and allowed their master to continue what he was doing without being distracted.

"Is there anything we can do about it?" Leomon asked, "Anything to throw him off track? Or maybe to discredit him?"

"He has come too close to be thrown off the track now." Wizardmon said, "And he is so insistent that I'm afraid of what he might do if he cannot have this solved the legal way. My guy is worried too. I talked to him, and he said that, if it kept like that, he was going to hire a hitman and have XV deleted. Leo, he was not kidding, he has a record, and if they catch him again he could be sentenced to life in prison, he won't be taking any chances."

Leomon heard all of it. He knew how serious this all was. However, as someone who valued life, he was not keen on the idea of having an innocent 'mon murdered. After all, XV was only trying to get to the bottom to what happened to his two friends. Leomon would probably be going as deep as him if he was on his position and Wizardmon had been the one to go missing or suddenly start acting strange.

Still, he knew that, if XV was allow to continue down this path, then he would end up bringing all three of them down. Not only they would be arrested, but his and Wizardmon's lives would be destroyed. There was no way people would continue to look at them the same way after those news became public, even if they didn't actually went to prison.

Reputation was important in society, and being known as someone who committed this kind of crime was the type of thing that could ruin all of your current and future relationships. Not to mention that it could make it nearly impossible to walk proudly in society.

Leomon could just go back to living in the wilds, if worst come to worst, but Wizardmon's whole life was in the city, and it could be ruined if they didn't do anything to stop XV from going further.

Also, if he was being completely honest, Leo didn't want to lose his slaves.

I mean, can you blame the guy, he got two handsome slaves who loved and adored him and who would never dare to make anything to ever upset... wait!

Leomon blinked, and he looked at his kneeling slaves, who remained obediently silent as they waited for their master to finish his call. A plan was forming on his head.

"Wizardmon? You still there?" Leomon asked on the phone. "I think I had an idea... the program that your guy got and that you used on the twins... think he can get another one?"

"Yes!" Exveemon said, as he reviewed the documents that he managed to find. Documents that described a very specific type of program. The type that was completely illegal and that could land anyone who had it in problem just for having it on their possession.

It was all very technical and complex, but it was easy to get the gist. Basically, it was a program that, once applied to someone, would alter their personality on the way the person decided previously before adding the program. It could completely rewrite someone's personality on the most basically level, basically turning them into a completely new person. In some cases it could only add one simple aspect to their personality but, depending on what kind of aspect it was and how strong was it implanted in place, it could still completely rewrite their personalities around this new aspect.

They used it to make the dudes fall in love with that dirty lion! And he used this new "love" they had for him to turn them into his faggot sluts!

Those documents, coupled with the chats he found online and the other evidence he managed to compile was a proof that this Wizardmon has definitely done something to his two friends before giving them to that pervert! This was the proof that they brainwashed them both!

"There is no way the Digi Police will ignore this!" Exveemon said, as he reviewed all of the documents he had. He was pretty sure that, as soon as he turned those in, the Digi Police would be hunting that perverted cat and that criminal friend of his' and placing them both in jail for what they did to his friends. Then they would get someone who could undo what they did and change Wargie and Blackie back to what they used to be, and everything would be back to normal.

"Now, I just need to put it all on an e-mail and send..." Exveemon said, his hand moving indirection to the cursor, when suddenly, there was a loud sound coming from his door. Someone was banging on his door. And they were banging pretty hard.

XV, while shocked enough to nearly jump out of his clothes as he looked over at the door, soon was recovering, and he was going to the door.

"W-who is there!?" XV asked, trying to make his voice loud enough to hear above the incessant banging. "What do you want!? I can call the police, you know?!"

Then, the answer came from the other end. A familiar voice saying:

"Vee-vee? Are you there?"

XV's eyes widened. He knew that voice. He recognized it immediately. And, even if he didn't, there were only two people on the whole Digi World who called him "Vee-vee".

"Blackie!?" XV said, and the voice came once more.

"Vee-vee... please, open the door... I need your help... please!"

Hearing the distress on his old friend's voice, XV didn't wasted time on unlatching all of the locks on the door and swinging it open. He found Blackie on the other side, wearing nothing but a speedo and a collar, with disheveled hair and he was shivering from head to toe.

"H-help me..." Blackie said, before stumbling inside. XV caught him on his arms, and helped him inside of the house. Blackie was an actual mess, even though he didn't looked hurt in any way.

Soon, they were in the livingroom, with XV asking him what happened, and that was when Blackie said:

"I-I escaped... I escaped from Leomon..." He was shivering still. "T-the program... the one he used on us... there was something wrong with it, it bugged or something... I-I didn't worship him anymore. I could stand up to him. But, I still could not fight him. I couldn't. I wanted to attack him, but I couldn't. He ordered me not to attack him, so I could not..."

Blackie was stammering and making pauses to breathe very heavily, proving that he was, indeed, a complete nervous wreck. Well, can you blame him when he spent over ten months as the slave of a pervert?

"He ordered us to stay still as he talked to someone on the phone. I heard him talking... talking about... a better program... one that would turns us into actual mindless sluts... He ordered me to stay, but I could move. I could still escape. But... Wargie could not... I tried to get him to come with me while Leomon was distracted, but he could not move from where he was. He had to obey his orders... I think... I think that, because I have a virus attribute, I could resist it more than him. I had to escape. I knew I would not be able to disobey if he ordered me again. I had to escape so I could look for help, so I could save my brother... I-I came to you... you were the only one I could think of, Vee-vee..."

Blackie turned to XV.

"We have to go! He is going to use that new program on Wargie tonight!" Blackie said, holding on to XV's arms. "He will use the program on him and turn him into his slave forever! We gotta save him!"

XV was still processing everything he heard. He could sense all of the urgency and apprehension on Blackie's voice. He tried to calm him down and get him to come with him to the police station so they could have the cops help, but Blackie shook his head.

"We don't have time! If they use that new program on Wargie it will completely erase his mind! It will turn him into a mindless drone! And it will be irreversible! Please, we have to go before it's too late! We have to save my brother! Please! I know where they agreed to meet! I know the place! But we have to go now if we want to get there on time! Please!"

Blackie sounded so desperate. It was so strange seeing him, the most stoic and confident of the two Wargrey Twins, looking and sounding so desperate. There was no way that XV could ignore his pleas when he was like that. Not after all of the times that Blackie, along with Wargie, did so much to help him whenever he had a problem. XV couldn't even count all of the times that they literally saved his sorry blue tail from getting deleted, or worse...

Now it was his turn to help them both.

"Lead the way!" XV said, as Blackie nodded. On his way out, he picked his walled and his phone. He didn't bothered to pick up his keys, however, as he simply guided Blackie outside by the hands, and slammed the door on his way out. He barely minded if anyone went in as he was out, as now he was on a mission to save his two best friends from the claws of a depraved sicko...

He even forgot of his computer, with the prepared e-mail that he was about to send.

It just sat in there, on his apartment, still open on the window of XV's e-mail page, and ready to send the mail with all of the documentation and evidence attached to it.

Then, the computer buzzed to life.

The screen started to show commands as if someone was typing on the keyboard, even thought there was no one on the room actually tying any key.

The person who was accessing the computer remotely knew exactly what they were doing. They quickly cancelled and erased the mail ready to be sent, logged out of the e-mail, and then proceeded to delete all files that XV had saved on that computer that could be anything close to incriminating evidence. Then, just for safe measure, they deleted the entire mainframe of the computer.

But not before they were able to define the precise location of the computer through mapping system. In just thirty minutes, a pair of shady 'mons would make their way into the apartment to take that computer away and physically destroy it, to make sure no digital evidence would ever be retrieved for it.

They would be delighted for finding out that the door was left unlocked and their job was made all the easier.

"This is Exveemon, and I'm making this recording as a safety measure in case the worst happens." The blue dinosaur wearing white shirt and red shorts said as he recorded himself with his phone.

XV was flying pretty high above the city, which shone with all of the urban lights one would expect on that one night of Halloween. Down there, 'mons of all kinds, adults and children, went back and forth as they went to celebrate the night of Halloween on their own way. None of them thought of looking up. If they did, and squinted a little, they would be able to see two dark forms moving against the night sky.

Those were XV, flying into the air by flapping his wings, and Blackie, flying by his side through his natural levitation powers. They were going straight to the point where Leomon would be meeting with the criminal who would give him that new program to wipe out Wargie's freewill forever, hopefully before he had a chance to actually use it on his poor captive.

As they flew, XV continued recording on his phone, explaining all that was happening, where they were flying to and why, and all of the developments that led to that very moment.

"So, in case I go missing after tonight, I want whoever finds this recording to take it to the Digi Police and tell them to investigate that Leomon, because he is the one who either deleted me or did something to me and sold me as a fucktoy to one of his depraved friends. If I'm alive, then please, try to find a way to rescue me, if not, then please, make sure that perverted cat pays for what he did and that Wargie and Blackie are both restored to normal. This is all I ask. Exveemon out."

With this, Exveemon finished recording and placed his phone on his pocket. He would be sure to hide it somewhere in case things took a turn for the worst. He needed to make sure it was in a place where Leomon would not find it, but also that someone else would be able to find it.

However, he would worry about that only if worst came to worst. Now, all he had in mind was to rescue Wargie before Leomon could turn him into a braindead fuck-doll.

Luckily, Blackie knew exactly where was the place they wanted to meet to make the trade, for he heard them talking about it on the phone and he knew the place for the three of them had already been there on the past. XV certainly had good memories of the times when they were teenagers and went there when they wanted to do things they didn't wanted anyone to see, like smoking weed and trying booze despite not being legal.

There was a time in the past when this was once a sacred temple, dedicated to one of the legendary Digimon gods who served under the great creator Yggdrasil. Which one, hard to tell. However, it was certainly a very important temple, as it was easy to see on the level of detail and effort that one could see on the parts of the temple that had not fallen down from time or natural disasters. Since then, the temple had been an area surrounded in mysticism and mystery, where most of the young Digimon would go or a variety of reasons, from trying to make urban exploring or finding hidden treasures to just partying. It eventually got so bad that the city hall had to declare that as local patrimony and make it that anyone who was in there without permission would be legally fined.

Still, it didn't stopped people from going there if they wanted to.

For example, a Leomon who was after an illegal program to turn someone into a slave. That old, dark and abandoned temple ruins really seemed like the perfect place for a criminal like him to do his crime stuff.

Once they both landed, XV was the one who went first, instructing Blackie to stay close behind, but out of sight, and to let him handle it when the time came, since he himself was unable to attack Leomon.

"But be sure to hold back Wargie in case he tries to attack me to protect the pervert." XV said, not wanting to take any risks. He was sure he could take on another Champion-level Digimon, but that he would be instantly deleted if he tried to go against a mega-level, especially one whom he didn't wanted to hurt.

"I think they are not here, Vee-vee." Blackie said as he walked right behind Exveemon, right after they had looked on most of the old ruins and found absolutely nothing. "I don't feel anyone in here. I think they haven't arrived yet, but they probably will any moment."

XV was inclined to believe on the words of the mega-level, having faith that he had this mega-level, ninja-like perception of the world around him, which he heard about so much and of which the two brothers always bragged about to him since they reached their mega digi-evolution.

If he said there was no one in there, then it was probably truth. XV knew that this meant that they should hide somewhere and wait for them to arrive. XV even thought he could use the chance to call the police and have them surround the place to wait for them as well, but Blackie kept him from doing so, saying there was one thing he could do first.

"You know how we have to save the city on a monthly basis since we became mega-levels, right?" Blackie said, as he guided XV to a certain wall of the temple, and started removing some loose bricks. "Before Leomon used the program on us, we found something. Wargie wanted to give it to the police, but I thought it was better to keep it to use if we needed, you know me, right?"

Soon, as the bricks were pull out, they revealed an empty space inside of the wall, from which Blackie pulled something. It looked like a collar made of perfectly black material, with strange runes written all alongside the circumference of the outside of the collar.

"This is an antivirus." Blackie said to XV, "If you put it, it will make you immune to any kind of intrusive program, no matter how powerful. You can use it to protect yourself against the program, in case of Leomon or the other guy try to use it on you."

XV took the collar, looking at it. He though it looked strange, but he did believed Blackie's words. He even suggested for him to use it himself so he would be free from the program and would be able to kick Leomon's butt. However, the mega-level shook his head.

"I'm already infected by the program. This antivirus only protects you from programs that they try to use on you after it has been installed, not from the ones that you are already affected by. It also won't work to free Wargie from Leomon's influence. Our best bet is for you to wear it so you will be immune. If Leomon manages to affect you with the program too, it is all over. You will be his slave, just like us."

Yeah, XV surely didn't wanted that to happen. He could totally see where Blackie was coming from. So, under his insistence, XV decided to place it on himself. Just as Blackie instructed, he opened it and placed it on his neck, allowing the thing to latch close and tighten slightly around his throat, but not suffocating him in any way.

He only had to wait a few seconds before the collar activated. The red runes on it glowing even brighter, as the collar started working, the program that constituted it installing itself on Exveemon's main core. Exveemon could only sigh and try to relax. He knew how this went. He already started it, and he just needed to relax and let the program do its part and make him immune to whatever it was that Leomon tried to use against him.

He didn't even suspect that there was something wrong. Not even when he started to think Leomon was sexy when thinking about him. By the time he started to realize that something was off, it was too late.

His eyes opened, and they were glowing on the same red color of the runes on the color. His mouth was agape, but no sound was coming out. His mind had stopped working, as it rebooted as it went through an upgrade. His memories were left intact, as well as most of his personality. Only one thing changed. Something was added to his mind and character: a burning, absolute, borderline obsessive feeling of love and adoration for a certain Leomon, as well as the overwhelming desire to obey and give his all to him...

Meanwhile, Blackie just stood back and watched as XV went through the very same thing that him and his own brother went through months ago, when their lives changed forever and they were revealed that the purpose of their lives was to serve their beautiful master.

Then, he looked over his shoulder, as he sensed movement behind him. Leomon was coming from behind the columns he had been hiding, with Wargie coming right behind him.

"Well done, my dear slave." Leo said to Blackie, who immediately kneeled before him, seemingly forgetting about XV, who still stood stiff as a log, his arms, wings and tail twitching as the program worked its magic on him.

"Master, I did all you told me to." Blackie said to the lion-man, as he walked to him with Wargie in tow. "I tricked Vee-vee into coming and made him wear the collar as you instructed me. I had to improvise, but he trusted me enough to take my word and do as I asked of him. I didn't even needed to put the collar in him by force!"

"Yes, I noticed." Leomon said, looking at the blue winged-dinosaur Digimon. The runes on the collar were growing stronger now, the process would be complete soon. Leomon looked down at Blackie, who continued to look up at him. He caressed his head by ruffling his hair. "You did very good, Blackie. You are a very good boy."

Blackie certainly felt happy like a puppy as he heard that. Once more, he would be wagging his tail really fast if he just had one.

Then, XV shivered and gasped a strained sound coming from his throat as the programming completed its installation and his mind started to reboot. Leomon and the other two looked his way as they saw the collar vanishing, merging into his skin and disappearing completely, as it assimilated itself fully on Exveemon's programming, hardcoding itself in place in a manner that would be nearly impossible to get it out and undo what has been done. Not without a long and arduous hacking session to rewrite his programming from scratch.

For a long moment, XV just stood there, breathing softly as he looked at the ceiling. Then, he blinked, and looked around, catching sight of Wargie, standing there wearing only a collar and a speedo, standing there and looking at him. Of Blackie, wearing the same thing as his brother and standing on his hands and knees. But, most important of all, of Leomon.

"Exveemon?" Leomon asked, walking in direction to the winged dinosaur, who looked back at him for a few seconds, before falling to his hands and knees, bowing his head to him in a clear sign of submission.

"Master..." Exveemon said, his voice sounding strange. Leomon took a moment to realize that it sounded sad and remorseful.

"Master... I'm sorry..." Exveemon said, looking up to Leomon, his eyes were starting to water. "I'm so, so sorry..."

Leomon looked at him for a few moments.

"Oh?" He said, "You are sorry? What for?"

"For plotting against you!" Exveemon said, bowing his head and sounding like he was about to start crying. "I'm sorry for plotting to have you arrested! I'm so sorry! Please, forgive me!"

XV really sounded like he would start sobbing at any second. He really seemed like he regretted what he had done. Leomon, on his end, did felt bad for XV. Not only because of how bad he seemed right now, but because he genuinely felt bad about having to do this to him and turn him into a slave.

However, if he had not, then XV would have gone to the police and got not only Leomon, but Wizardmon and his program dealer in jail. That was a risk that Leomon could not take. So, this was the best option he could think of that didn't involve deleting poor XV.

"Exveemon..." Leomon said to him. "Look at me."

XV hesitated, and then he looked up. There was a single tear running down his cheek as he looked up to Leomon, who went down on one knee before him, and placed a hand on his face, wiping away the tear as he caressed the blue dino's face.

"I forgive you." Leomon said, and XV blinked and stared at him, nearly as if he could not believe what he has just heard.

"Master..." XV said, trembling, more tears threatening to come out. "Master!"

He threw his arms around Leomon. Not to attack him, but to pull him into a tight hug.

"Master." Exveemon said as he hugged Leomon, sobbing softly as he hugged his master, whom he loved and adored more than anything in the Digi World. Meanwhile, Leomon just hugged Exveemon back, telling him it was all okay.

All the while, Wargie and Blackie both watched. In part, they were a bit envious of Exveemon, who was receiving a hug from their master. On the other, they were admired at how forgiving and kind their master was, and this only made them love him even more.

After a while, Exveemon stopped sobbing, and he was smiling as Leomon broke the hug and looked him in the eye, asking about the evidence that Exveemon had on him.

"It is all in my computer!" XV said, "I'll fly back home and erase it all right away!" He tried to get up, but Leomon stopped him, telling him not to worry about that, because someone was already taking care of his computer. However, Leomon asked him if he had any other evidence, to what Exveemon told him about the video he made on his phone on the way there.

Upon Leomon's request, XV gave his phone on Leomon's hands, and the lion-man didn't hesitate to destroy it. He just tossed it in the air and used a King of the Beasts' Fist to explode the phone into smiterings. No video would be ever recover from that. All the while Exveemon continued on his knees before him.

"I'm so sorry, Master..." Exveemon said once more, with Leomon once more comforting him.

"It's okay, it is all fine now." Leomon said, gently making XV look up to him with a gentle hand on his chin. "I forgive you for everything. You are my slave now, and so everything is fine... but, if you really want to prove how sorry you are..."

Leomon said, and he opened his pants, pulling his cock out in the open.

"You can service me with your mouth as an apology."

Hey, this is a smut story! What the fuck were you expecting?

Exveemon locked eyes with that huge cock. His eyes widening as he stared at it. It was his master's cock. It looked so big and juicy. Exveemon's own dick throbbed inside of his pants.

The dinosaur leaned over, and he started to suck on the furry appendage as he took it on his mouth. It was pretty clear that he didn't had any experience sucking dick. He was sucking too hard and he was bobbing his head too fast. Typical rookie who thinks everything needs to be done in a hurry.

Leomon had to tell him to calm down and to take it easy. XV obeyed, and soon, he was sucking the cock lighter, bobbing his head slower as he ran his tongue all around the cock on his mouth, faithfully following the instructions of his beloved master. Soon, Leomon was purring as he was serviced by his newest slave, his cock slowly hardening and starting to leak pre on that warm mouth.

Leomon let out a sigh, greatly enjoying it now that Exveemon got the hang of it. He was impressed at how much of a quick learner the blue dinosaur was. It took him a few days before the twins could pleasure him the way he loved the most, but XV got it in mere minutes!

Leomon was starting to see the allure of having him as his new slave, if he was practically a natural like that.

Oh, speaking of slaves!

"Blackie." Leomon said, causing the dark brother to look at him. He threw something to the kneeling slave. Blackie caught it on his hand and then looked to see that it was a key.

The key to his chastity cage.

"Unlock yourself." Leomon said to him. "You earned a reward."

Blackie hesitated, such was his surprise, but he did as his master ordered. He would not waste this rare chance. After all, Master only allowed them to have their cocks free on special occasions or when they had really done something that satisfied him.

Soon, the cock-cage was unlocked and removed, falling to the ground. For the first time in months, Blackie's cock was free from its plastic confines, and the dragon-man could only sigh in relief. His cock then immediately started swelling into full hardness, as his body instinctively wanted to use the opportunity to make his dick hard once more.

He looked at Leomon, and the lion-man then said:

"Get behind Exveemon. You will be fucking him." He said, as he grasped XV's nose-horn and started using it as leverage to fuck his mouth. "Don't forget to make him slick first, don't want to hurt the guy."

"Yes, Master!" Blackie said, as he wasted no time in getting behind XV, who was still busy worshipping the cock of his new master. He was, however, aware enough of what was happening that he knew that he needed to help Blackie by lifting his legs to allow him to lower his pants and underwear all the way down to his knees and lift his tail to allow easy access to his tailhole.

His cock was hanging beneath, hard and throbbing with each beat of his heart. XV got an erection from the sheer thrill of being allowed to worship the cock of his magnificent master. Soon, however, his cock would be throbbing for other reasons.

Like the twins before him, XV was never one to do "butt stuff". Of course, he was the kind of guy who liked to do anal with some of the girls he was with, for a variety of reasons, but when it came to him being the one to have anything up his ass it was a no-go. He even dreaded prostate exams.

However, it seems that the programming also changed this, for XV shuddered and moaned around his master's cock as he felt that tongue being shoved into his ass. Blackie worked diligently on the butt of his friend, as he shoved it as deep as he could on XV's tailhole, and even found some time to rub it directly on the blue guy's prostate once he was sure he had found it.

Oh, by the great Yggdrasil! It felt so good! Why no one told him that having something on his ass felt so good! Oh, wait, the girls he was with told him. Oh, how he wished he had listened to them...

However, soon that tongue left his ass, as it was to be replace by something else.

Blackie rubbed his cock between XV's cheeks, holding on to his tail with his hand to keep it out of his way, and then he started pressing. Exveemon shuddered as he felt that cock-head pressing on his pucker, and let out a muffled yelp around the dick on his mouth as it slipped inside.

Being penetrated hurt a bit, but it was nothing that he could not handle. It was on the point where XV asked himself why he had been always so afraid of having anything crammed into his butt. Maybe because, deep down, he was afraid he would enjoy it?

Exveemon didn't delved in this for too long, for that was when Blackie, on his knees behind him, started to fuck him. The mega-level pounded on the tailhole of his blue friend, breeding him quite hard while, up-front, Leomon did the same to XV's muzzle. However, Leomon had the good grace of telling BlackWarGreymon to go easy on Exveemon, as not to hurt him. Following his orders, Blackie went slower and not so hard on the blue guy, but he was still being quite strong while fucking him. Enough to make XV rock back and forth as he was fucked from both ends.

And, of course, Leomon didn't forgot about Wargie, who was being left out of the fun. He ordered his other slave to get on his knees behind him and eat out his tailhole, what Wargie quickly and promptly obeyed.

This was one of the thing Leomon enjoyed the most, to have a warm mouth sucking his dick while a tongue probed on his tailhole. This was certainly one of the best sensations in the world for the lion-man.

In fact, it was so good that it sped up his coming orgasm, causing Leomon to roar as he buried his cock deep on Exveemon's mouth, causing him to gag around it as he was forced to choke down on Leomon's stick, fertile cum.

After the first few shots, Leomon realized that XV was actually chocking, and he then pulled his cock out. His cock, however, continued to throb and spasm, shooting more of his warm cum over the blue dino while he panted and coughed from the cock on his throat.

Eventually, Leomon's orgasm ended, and the lion-man sighed, before looking down at XV, who was still coughing slightly as his features were covered in white from Leomon's cum.

"M-Master *cough*..." He looked up at Leomon. "I *cough* I spilled your cum... sorry..."

"It's okay." Leomon said to him, "My fault for not warning you I was about to cum. You are very good with your mouth."

XV smiled.

"Thank you, master. You are so kiiiiIIIIAAAHHHH!" Exveemon's words turned into a long, drawn-out moan as he continued to be fucked by Blackie, who was grasping his tail pretty hard, hugging it to his chest as he continued to send his cock in and out of XV's tailhole, hitting his prostate with each thrust.

Leomon looked at them go, and he really couldn't help but enjoy the scene, as Exveemon remained on all fours being fucked by Blackie, moaning like a poor bitch in heat as he took it in the tailhole like a champ.

"Wargie." Leomon said, causing Wargreymon to stop what he was doing, as his master turned to look at him while stepping aside.

"Lick XV's face clean." Leomon said, and Wargie looked at Exveemon, who was moaning like a dying animal as he was fucked by his twin brother. Soon, he was doing as his master ordered him.

Wargie crawled forward on all fours, and he and XV locked eyes for a moment, before Wargie leaned forward and started to lick his face. The dragon-man was delighted to be able to taste his master's delicious cum from someone else's face. He did it many times with his own brother, after all.

Meanwhile, XV bushed hard, as this type of contact Wargie was having with him was pretty intimate, and it only added to the eroticism of that entire situation. This did made him shiver as his cock throbbed harder between his legs.

At one moment, after licking all of the cum from XV's features, Wargie started to lick the cum that leaked off his mouth, and was still hanging from his lip. In this, his and XV's tongues touched. From there, things flowed naturally, as the two soon were French kissing. Wargreymon also did it with his brother a lot of times, much to Leomon's enjoyment.

And Leomon continued to look at the scene before him, watching as Wargie and XV made out while Blackie fucked XV's mouth.

This was more than enough to turn him on.

His cock throbbed between his legs, slowly surging to life as he watched that scene, despite him having cummed just minutes before.

That was how much of a stud Leomon was, which was part of the reason why his devoted slaves loved and adored him so much.

Soon, Leomon was kneeling behind Wargie, groping and molding his bubble-butt while he told him to "keep kissing the blue boy". Soon, Wargie was moaning on XV's mouth as he felt the familiar sensation of having his master's cock hot-dogged between his ass-cheeks. Leomon's cock was still slick with spit, throat-slime and cum from fucking XV's muzzle. That would be more than enough lubing for him.

Soon, he was penetrating Wargie's ass, making him gasp and moan louder on XV's muzzle, while the blue dino moaned back to his as Blackie continued to fuck his tailhole with the power and enthusiasm of a wild stallion rutting a mare in heat. Soon, Leomon was doing the same to Wargie.

Anyone who came close to the old ruins on that night, would hear the loud moaning coming from inside, and they would be too scared to go inside, fearing it could be ghosts and that the place could really be haunted/cursed like the urban legends said. However, someone who would be brave enough to actually go inside of the ruins, would find quite the scene: an Exveemon and a Wargreymon, both on their hands and knees and making out like newlyweds, while they were each fucked by a Blackwargreymon and a Leomon, respectively.

The four of them continued this for several minutes, and they were all nearing the end. Blackwargreymon and Leomon both intensified their fucking, breeding their respective bitches as they continued to make out like their lives depended on it and moaned as if they were both dying.

Wargreymon and Exveemon cummed first. The blue dino shivered as his orgasm hit. His hard cock throbbed and spasmed as he spilled his load all over the floor, his ropes of cum flying wildly as his cock swung back and forth with the rough fucking, slapping on his own belly and smearing both it and his chest with his own cum. Wargreymon, on his end, could only have an anal orgasm due to his cock being locked in a chastity cage, resulting on his cum simply leaking out from the piss-slit as he moaned like a bitch from the rough massage his master was giving to his prostate.

Right after this, Blackie and Leo both hit their orgasms. Blackie moaned loudly, while Leo roared in pleasure as their orgasms hit. They both filled their respective bitches, making them both shudder as they felt their buttholes being filled to the brim by fertile male seed.

Wargie was feeling the luckier of the two, because it was his master's seed filling him, and this was enough to make him elated like a virgin who just got his cherry popped by the love of his life.

After a while, their orgasms all subsided, and they all sighed as they just stayed in there. Exveemon and Wargreymon were softly moaning as they made out tenderly, with Blackwargreymon and Leomon's cocks still lodged on their assholes.

Leomon then sighed, reaching out for his pocket and pulling out his phone. He checked the time and saw that it was still 19:47

"Yeah, we can make it to party." Leomon said to himself, as he pulled out from Wargie, who moaned louder around XV's mouth as he felt his asshole getting empty and the cum trickling down his ass-crack and dripping from his balls.

"Okay, boys, we have a party to go." Leomon said to them. "Wargie, go get the box, we gotta get dressed. Blackie, put your cage back."

The twins obeyed with a "yes, master", as Wargie went to pick up a box that was hidden behind some columns, while Blackie pulled out from XV's tailhole and went to pick up the chastity cage, so he could stuff his flaccid, cum-covered dick back inside.

This left XV on his knees with cum leaking from his tail-pipe. He looked up to Leomon.

"A-a party?" He asked, looking up to him, "C-can I go with you, Master? Please?"

Leomon could only smile at how cute XV looked while he begged.

"Why, of course you are coming, my dear." He said, gently petting his head. "After all, I do want to show everyone my newest slave. Oh, and remove those clothes, I have an outfit for you to wear. I didn't had time to order a custom-made one for you like I did for the twins, so I had to go for one of "general size", but I'm sure you will look as good as the boys. Anyways, when they see how skilled you are with that mouth of yours, I'm sure they are gonna love you."

Exveemon's tail wagged as he heard that, and he rushed to get rid of his clothes, literally ripping them off his body as Wargreymon returned with the box that contained all of their costumes, including XV's and their Master's. And XV was the first one to wear his costume, starting with the most important part of it.

"Allow me." Leomon said, as he placed the leather collar on XV's neck, making sure to buckle it tight. Not enough to suffocate, but enough that XV would not forget it was in there for the rest of the night. "And this one you will be keeping." He said to XV with a seductive smile that made the blue dino's cock throb between his legs as his tail wagged even harder.

Exveemon never felt happier on his entire life than on that one Halloween night...

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