Captured And Tamed – Part 09

Story by Vykk on SoFurry

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#9 of Captured And Tamed

NOTE!: This version is still UNEDITED or error checked. I am going to go back and clean it up but you may well find mistakes in it so if you do please try to ignore these or send me a note about it, I wou** ld greatly appreciate the help.**

Story Description: When it rains it pours, and right now it is pouring on kitten. Is the sun going to shine? Or are things going to become even darker for him?...

WARNING!!!** This is an M/M, Non consensual story (18 years or older please)**


The evening meal was already in full swing when Karin walked through the main entrance of the large mess tent, hauling bitch in behind Him by the leash attached to his collar. There was suddenly a loud chorus of cheers and hoots from the Slavers that were seated in rows at the rough wooden benches, seeing Their new slave being brought in on all fours. They could smell the cum on his face from the other end of the tent and one equine Slaver shouted..."Hey, which of You lucky Bastards got to hose the slut down?"...this caused a round of raucous laughter.

Karin merely gave a 'what can you do' type of shrug accompanied with a grin as He made His way to a space along one of the benches. He looks down at bitch as He reaches the table and growls at the wolf slave, His eyes blazing..."Get under the table slut and kneel like a good boy. If you behave you can have some food later."....With that Karin placed a booted footpaw on bitch's rump and pushed him under the table which set off another chorus of laughter around the tent. Karin then sat, trapping bitch under the table and signalled to one of the slaves that was serving the food.

bitch was inwardly writhing with heat due to the aphrodisiac and the events that had happened to him in the last couple hours. But even that didn't stop him from whimpering in abject humiliation as he was forced to enter the mess tent on all fours, hearing the laughter made his ears sag and he couldn't bring his eyes up off the floor from the shame of it all.

How he desperately wanted to stand up. he wanted to stand up and shout...'Fuck you' Karin's face before ripping His throat out with his teeth. But he couldn't, he knew he couldn't. It wasn't just because he knew as soon as he stood up all the Slavers would beat him down again, he could have dealt with that, pain was not so important anymore. It was because he feared Gheran's retribution. If he angered Karin, or anyone else, while the Leader was away then as soon as He got back He would be told; then the Tiger would recapture his packmates and he couldn't risk that.

_ That isn't the only reason is it_...bitch's eyes widen as that voice echo's around his skull again...Sure, you fear for your Klan's safety. Sure you want to kill all of Them and avenge the loved-ones They murdered. But you also want Them to fuck you. you want Them to cum over your face and in your muzzle, you want to feel Their powerful dicks throbbing inside that slutty tailhole of yours. you know I'm right.

You are wrong...replied the spooked lupine within the confines of his mind...Now leave, I will not speak with you. you are nothing but an imagination.

_ Of course I am; I am you. I am the part of you that doesn't try to suppress desires and needs. This isn't the first time you've heard me. I spoke to you during the Klan battle against the Retsam Pack, when you held back from killing your opponent. I spoke to you then, urging you to kill your enemy. But you didn't, you let him go after seeing the fear of death in his eyes. You were punished for that, you should have listened to me._

bitch flinches at the memory the voice had evoked. he remembered that fight well. The young wolf he had fought had only just turned twenty-two winters, too young to fight for his Klan and certainly too young to die for it. But the lupine clung to one indisputable fact...I resisted you then, I shall do the same now.

The voice laughed viciously...Yes, indeed you did. Although, things are just a little bit different now aren't they. Still, I tire of arguing with you. Just wait, we'll see just who is right in the end. Remember this though, even if They never manage to make you completely submissive, you can't stop from becoming Their cum addicted slut.

The inside of the wolf slave's ears turned red as Karin forced him under the table then sat down, blocking his exit. his psychological argument had not taken more than a second. bitch had turned around as soon as he was pushed under the table in an attempt to get out but found Karin's legs blocking his way out. With no other option he stayed where he was, on all fours, surrounded by a sea of legs and after a second the masculine scent of a dozen different Slaver's reached him. It was obvious that all the Slavers near the slave were keen on the idea of having him under Their table because Their smell started to change, giving off the unmistakable, musky scent of arousal which, despite his humiliation, caused bitch to swoon.

bitch bites his lip to hold back an angry growl when he feels someone rest a booted foot on his rump, trying to turn around and dislodge the foot without touching it, but the press of legs was getting tighter, as if each Slaver was trying to rub Their feet or legs against him and he could not move. With an inward sigh the wolf resigns himself to the situation and just tries to get as comfortable as he could, trying to ignore the fact that his chin was practically resting in Karin's lap again. If he dipped his head and inch or two he would end up with his muzzle against His crotch. What was even more worrying; was that he could distinctly smell Karin's cock even through all the other scents of aroused males, food, alcohol and various narcotics.

Karin leans back as a small cervid slave comes up to serve Him His food, placing the tray down carefully along with a large flagon of beer. With a bow the slave trots away quickly to serve another Slaver, and to avoid any random groping that might befall him should he stay in one place too long. Karin then sets about His dinner with relish, the herashi had given Him a serious apatite and it had been a while since He last had food anyway.

"So, you jammy bastard, what did you have the bitch do first?"...The voice surprised Karin out of His silent study of the cervid slave's butt which was currently being slapped by a large bear with a scarred face. The wolf looked over the table toward the speaker as the cervid was forcefully pulled into the bear's lap, finding he was now looking up into the black eyes of a dark scaled lizard. The lizard was sitting opposite Karin, devouring a plate of unidentifiable meat and occasionally stopping to duck his head and cast a look under the table at the wolf slave trapped there.

It took Karin's muzzy brain a couple of seconds to remember just who the lizard was but eventually the neurons fired and with a toothy grin to the scaled one he replied..."First? What do you mean? I haven't done anything to him yet."

"What are you talking about? You've had the slut for at least two hours now. If I were you I would have skipped the chow and would be force feeding him as much of my cum as possible. I know you're still taking that little wonder potion Argent keeps making, everyone is. Hell, since bitch came on the scene that potion is harder to get hold of than black lotus; although why anyone would want any of that horrible shit is beyond me. Why has everyone gone so crazy for this new slave anyway...he's kinda cute in a naïve, feral way but he is far too stubborn; give me an out n' out cock-slut any day."

Karin didn't know if it was the herashi or not but it seemed like the lizard was talking for an epoch. He just stared, with a blank expression at the forked tongue of the lizard as it darted back and forth between his small, sharp front teeth as he spoke. When he did finally finish Karin took a moment to remember just what the scaled one had been droning on about before replying..."First off, you're not me, and I'm not you, thank the gods. Second, yes I am taking the potion, who isn't? And finally, I don't know why everyone seems to have their eye on our new pet; all I know is that he is mine for the next couple of days."

"So, back to my original question Karin, just what are you going to do with him?"...asked the lizard who Karin finally remembered was called Sethis, a little taken aback by the lupine's hostile tone of voice; or maybe it was the herashi talking, you could smell it a mile off and the slightly glazed look in the wolf's eyes was another easily identifiable indication.

Having to force back a growl at being questioned further and with a mental roll of his eyes Karin replied..."I haven't decided yet, right now I am concerning myself with filling my belly. I have a mind to utterly humiliate him though, it's a sorry day when a slave can hurt me and think there will not be any repercussions."

The lizard wasn't quite sure what 'repercussions' meant but his eyes shone at the thought of Karin publicly humiliating the slave, that was something not to be missed, everyone knew about the mean streak the wolf had which was laughable to a few of the slavers because although Karin could just about handle himself in a scrap, he was hardly the scariest or most toughest Slaver in the Band, in fact he was probably amongst the weakest..."Well I'll hang around for that then, you need any help with your humiliation routine just holla."

bitch's ears rose as he heard the Sethis talking with Karin, his face flushing as he heard them talk about him as if he wasn't there...of course, being polite was hardly becoming of a Slaver and so he just listened to the conversation, it was always worth paying attention to your surroundings; you never knew what you might learn.

It was hard not to snarl when he felt a foot rub against his side, he turned his head to see who it was but from this position all he could see was a muscular leg. The feet on his rear shifted slightly as the slaver using him as a footstool got comfy again and bitch couldn't help but give a growl of dissent at being treated in such a way. he was expecting the thump on his butt as the Slaver brought His foot up and down again in a very heavy 'slap', it make him grunt softly as his body was rocked from the force of the blow but he made no further sounds of protest, what was the point, they would only be answered in pain.

When Karin mentioned humiliating him to the lizard Slaver bitch's blood ran cold...just what the hells did He have in mind? Wasn't being used as a sex object humiliation enough? his heart was racing in trepidation when Sethis left, His spot on the bench instantly being filled by the Slaver that had been sitting next to Him and he felt another foot start to rub up and down between his thighs. Biting his lip bitch tried to close his legs but the foot just forced its way between them and continued to torment him.

Karin watched the lizard leave, idly wondering where Gheran had found Him before He turns His thoughts back to the far more interesting problem of just what He was going to do with bitch now that He had brought him to the mess tent. Originally He had planned on having some food then just throwing the whore over one of the benches and fucking the living day lights out of him in front of everyone else; then when He was finished with using the slut He was going to let the Lads have Their fun with him, for a short while anyway.

He had something else in mind now, He no longer fancied sharing bitch out amongst the rest of the Band; They could have him when Gheran said so, the chances of having the Band's new slave as His own personal slut for three days weren't likely to come around again for a very long time so He had damn well better make the most of it. Besides, making everyone else jealous was always something He enjoyed and there was always the chance that some of the Lads might offer a pretty penny to use the whore after He was finished.

An idea suddenly hit Karin and a predatory grin slowly spread over the wolf's muzzle...Ohhh yeah! Secretly the wolf moved a paw under the table and undid the tab in the front of His trousers before unbuttoning His fly, deftly freeing his sheath and running His thumb over the slick tip of His emerging length before rubbing the same thumb over bitch's nose. Karin knew full well what He was doing, that would be enough for His scent to be all the little cock-warmer could smell and so He moved His paw above the table again and took another drink. The thought of the plan He had just cooked up was already causing His cock to harden in anticipation and He could feel it growing, right in front of bitch's face. This was going to be a re-run of the cage motif except now there would be no biting, and there was going to be one very appreciative audience.

When Karin's paw moved below the table bitch immediately expected a slap around the muzzle yet when he saw the Slaver undoing the front of His trousers he knew he should have guessed what would happen. As soon as the wolf's sheath was uncovered the scent of His arousal hit him like a hammer, not surprising really because his head was resting between Karin's thighs, right in front of the wolf's crotch. The thumb firmly rubbing across his nose intrigued him for a second, if it was an affectionate touch, it was a bizarre one and if it was a reprimanding touch it was hardly the most painful sensation he had ever felt, it just tickled a little. The next time he breathed in the scent of Karin's tool filled his head, almost completely blocking out the aroused scent of all the other Males around him and the wolf's scheme suddenly became clear.

With an inward groan bitch felt his own cock start to slide from his sheath, it was an instinctive reaction to the scent of Karin's cock and there was not a damned thing he could do to stop it. Well, at least no one would notice it due to him being under the table.

This was going to be hard, in fact, this was going to be torture. Karin was an evil bastard alright, He knew what effect this move was going to have on bitch and it made the slave's hackles rise in loathing for the lupine sitting above him. Without realising what he had done bitch found that his nose was now almost touching the head of Karin's cock, there is no way that the Slaver wouldn't be able to feel his breath against His growing erection. Gods it was happening already, he could feel his heart racing in his chest, feel his body growing tense as the thought of plunging the Slaver's dick into his mouth and throat solidified in his mind.

Starting to pant now, bitch's eyes locked on the length of male flesh that was now pulsing right in front of his nose, seeing it twitch in time with Karin's heart beat, each time a pulse went through His cock it would bounce upward and brush against the end of bitch's muzzle; it didn't even occur to the slave to pull his head back. Rather he actually pushed his head forward, closing his eyes and feeling a heavy jolt running through him as the end of Karin's dick rubbed firmly against his nose and lips...Fuck, I can't help it! FUCK!

Karin closed His eyes and bit down on His tongue lightly when He felt bitch press his muzzle against the head of His shaft. He bit His tongue to both quell the moan of pleasure that threatened to issue from His lips and the bolt of laughter that almost rip from His throat. This was going to happen even sooner than He had anticipated; bitch must, on some level, be beginning to enjoy seeing to the needs of the rest of the Band. It was just so easy now. Then again, the poor slut had been forced to 'serve' a large number of Slavers in the past few days since his capture and that meant a lot of cum, with a lot of Argent's potion in it.

Not surprising really then that the slave was now starting to run his tongue up and down the length of Karin's cock, tracing along the heavy semen duct which ran on the underside of the Slaver's dick then swirling around the pointed tip before it began its long, slow lick back down to the root of His shaft. Karin let this continue for a while, leisurely finishing His meal and downing the dregs of His beer before signalling a nearby slave for another.

When the slave returned with a fresh wooden tankard Karin snatched it from her and waved her away without so much as a nod of recognition before returning concentrating on the sensations given to him by bitch's tongue. It was almost time; the puppy would be deep in heat now and no amount of willpower would be able to prevent him from begging to suck. Just as Karin gathered the breath to speak He felt bitch's muzzle close around the first couple of inches of His cock and the breath came out as a loud, surprised grunt. As Slavers and slaves alike turned to look at Him in confusion over His outburst He thought..._Ah well, better get this show on the road..._and reached beneath the table.

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, FUCK!...Was all that was going through bitch's mind as he felt himself start to travel up and down Karin's dick. But even that was beginning to be lost under a fog of more base and instinctive feelings. The way the Wolf's smooth column felt and tasted was kicking his hind brain into overdrive and that now familiar feeling of rising heat was starting to spread through his body, causing his nerves to tingle and his pulse to race.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world when he wraps his lips around the head of Karin's cock, gently running his tongue over the underside of His glans before he slowly starts to push his head downward, gradually sliding more of the Slaver's pride into his muzzle. That was when strong fingers closed around the chain secured around his neck and he was hauled out bodily from under the table. One second he was in the dim under a table, surrounded by the leather and armour clad legs of a bunch of Slavers with a cock in his mouth and the next he was blinking in the comparatively bright light with a surprised look on his face and Karin's paw gripping his chain collar tightly.

Karin growls as He hauls bitch up from the floor where he was blinking like someone who has just been jerked out of a drunken dream and climbs up onto the table, kicking plates and tankards away as He drags the wolf up with Him. Forcing bitch back down onto his knees after he finally managed to struggle up onto the rough wood of the table top, Karin's keeps his tight grip on the slave's collar and looks around at the upturned faces that were staring at Him from all around the mess tent..."I know I am a kind and generous kinda guy but this little whore just took a major liberty. No branded, cock-sucking slut is going to touch Me without My permission!"

With a growl Karin turns His attention down to the upturned face of the wolf staring up at Him, drawing the other lupine closer by his collar as He growls in his face..."Hear me, bitch? You don't start sucking on My cock unless I say it is okay? Got that?!"...Looking back out toward the now grinning and expectant looking crowd he continues..."So, seeing as I am such a kind and generous kinda guy I am going to show this little whore who is boss, and I invite you all to watch me do it!"

Turning His attention back to bitch Karin grips his lower jaw tightly, forces bitch's mouth open and pushes His cock into the slave's muzzle, knowing full well that despite the shock and humiliation that the other wolf would be feeling right now he would soon go back to sucking on His length as like a dehydrated man sucks on an empty water skin. It was already starting to happen and Karin gives a theatrical moan, placing His free paw on top of his pet's head and scratching behind his ears in way of a reward and encouragement, relishing the knowledge that a very sizable crowd was watching everything.

Oh gods, you rotten bastard...bitch thought as he knelt on top of the table, feeling the eyes of a whole tent-full of Slavers and slaves on him, observing his every move. The way his chest rose and fell rapidly, the ways his ears twitched back and forth, the look of surprise and panic that swam in his eyes and the way his tail smoothly slid back and forth in its raised position behind him....For fuck sake, did they really think this was real? Did they really think Karin would have allowed him to open His fly, get out His dick and coax it to an erection if He hadn't really wanted it? Why wait until He was hard enough to split wood before hauling him out from under the table?...That was when he realised that it didn't matter one bit if they really believed it or not. No one was making a move to stop it and he could almost feel the anticipation emanating from the watchers. Yet the worst part was the fact that he knew that when Karin made him suck Him off he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

There was precious little he could do when Karin forcefully plants His twitching length back into his muzzle, his mouth coming alive with the taste of the wolf's cock and His pre which He was already producing in copious amounts. It was impossible to stop his body from responding, try as he might and he soon felt his lips close snugly around Karin's member, he felt his tongue begin to curl around the underside of His pride and he all he could do was try and displace his mind from the situation, knowing that it would soon be clouded by a fog of lust and if he didn't secure himself away now he would be caught up in the shameful acts he was being forced to commit.

It did not go the way he planed though, the more bitch tried not to think about what he was doing and experiencing the more he found himself focusing on details. The way Karin's column felt so smooth and hot against his tongue, the way it pulsed inside his mouth in time with the Slaver's heart-beat, the way His paw came down to rub behind his ears in that pseudo-comforting way and the feeling of everyone in the tent watching. All of these only served to root in him the moment and before he realised it bitch was caught up in it all. Closing his eyes he found himself starting to bob his head over Karin's dick, sucking in time with the movement of his head, which only brought more encouraging ear rubs and moans from the delighted Slaver he was servicing.

Argent stood quietly at the back of the mess tent watching the 'show' Karin had designed. He knew Karin had not seen Him as He was far too involved with humiliating the wolf slave and acting up to the Slavers watching. Folding His arms the Jackal watched intently, just praying that Karin would do something that would give Him an excuse to take the poor slave away from Him and into His own keeping until Gheran came back. It was not purely selfless reasons that the healer and swordsman did this. While it was true He did not like the way bitch was being so publicly humiliated He also wanted to be the one holding his leash for a while; the young wolf seemed to be everything He wanted in a pet. But for now He could do nothing to intervene, all He could do was watch and wait and hope.

Karin's face lit up when bitch starts sucking hungrily on His cock, just resting His paw on the top of the slave's head to continue giving the ear rubs that seemed to spur the slut on. This was better than He had imagined, the feeling of power from thoroughly dominating the little whore knelt before Him in front of all these Slavers was incredible and He did not want it to end..."Ohh, that's right you little slut, I know you love sucking cock so make sure you give all these fine people a good show."...The Slaver looked around the crowd again, seeing most of them moving to stand either side of the table so they could get a good view of Karin's cock sliding in and out of bitch's hungry mouth, making Him grin and lash His tail...Gods, I feel like a KING!

The humiliation bitch felt at being treated in such a way was having the opposite effect he thought it would. While he reasoned that such feelings would make him withdraw and fight he found it was actually bringing him further into heat. Fire of the best kind was flowing through every part of his body, making him squirm and pant on the wooden table. The rising scent of his heat was another betrayer of just how much was starting to enjoy what was happening to him and while he knew that this was bad, very bad, he could no longer hold back the soft, yowling moans that slipped out of his throat as he moved his head back and forth over the Slaver's rigid cock. Soon he found he wanted the Slaver to cum in his mouth, he did not know why, perhaps it was that addiction quality that he had been threatened with since his capture but he found that he wanted, he needed, to bring Karin to an orgasm and so he even reaches up without prompting and begins to gently caress the other wolf's balls.

Turning his head to the side a little bitch pushes his head forward; taking Karin's cock all the way into his muzzle and feeling the Slaver's length begin to slide down into his throat. bitch's eyes close again as he closes his lips around the root of Karin's dick, using his mouth and throat muscles to massage His thickness, feeling his ears perk as he heard a cheer go up from the crowd, the noise sounding like it was a hundred miles away even though They were crowding ever closer to watch. Holding himself there for a moment to let the Slaver enjoy the feel of having His entire length buried in his muzzle bitch then pulls back until the head of His cock was pressed into his lips, teasing Karin for a moment before he started to run his tongue up and down the length of His hard rod, feeling pre and his own saliva smear into his fur but that just made him hotter...See, I told you you would start to give in and enjoy being used like this. Look at you, you fucking slut!...This time when that voice appeared inside his head bitch had no retort, he knew the voice was right and he hated himself for it.

Karin was amazed when bitch actually deep throated Him, he was doing a better job than some of the slaves who had been broken for years and would beg most Slavers the chance to suck Their dicks...Heh, maybe I gave him a bit too much...The Slaver thought as He recalls the aphrodisiac He slipped into the wolf's water before bringing him here. Still the little slut's efforts were bringing Him to the brink, when bitch pulled back and began licking all over His cock it was all He could do not to cum. Looking down at him Karin saw the look of rapture on the whore's face as he pleasured Him, it looked as if he didn't even remember just Who's erection he was licking so hungrily.

That was what done it for Karin. He had intended this to go on for a lot longer but He was too caught up in the moment, the pleasurable sensations bitch was giving Him, the look on his face and the feeling of power and dominion as the entirety of the mess tent watched Him being serviced all came to a head. Grabbing bitch's head tightly in both paws Karin forced the wolf's face up hard against His cock, almost trying to bury the tip of His length in the unfortunate slave's eye for a second before He eased off slightly. Tilting His head back He gave an alpha's howl of victory and came hard, laying two heavy jets of spunk over bitch's face and muzzle before He jammed His cock back into his mouth..."You fucking whore! Swallow it ALL!"...The Slaver shouted as He sheathed His rod in bitch's throat once more, His hardness throbbing heavily each time He gave up another load of cum to the slave at His feet.

After almost a full minute Karin felt His orgasm begin to fade and His flow of semen start to decline, the potion He had taken before coming here had really done the trick; He felt like He could fuck and cum all night! He slowly pulls bitch's head back and off His erection before returning to rubbing it against the soft fur on the slut's face. He was panting as He came down from His climax, only now the cheers and hoots from the watching Slaver's reached Him and He turns slightly glazed eyes toward His admiring public and gives Them a satisfied grin. Looking down to bitch again He see's the little wolf's face is a sticky mess, some of his fur was matted and sticking up in spikes from where He had rubbed His cum into it and there were still long streaks of cream painted over the rest. With a contended sigh Karin says..."Wow, you actually did well. I'll make a cock-loving slut out of you yet, bitch. Now be a good boy and clean Me up."

Suddenly bitch felt those large paws on his head clamp down hard and pull him violently against the tip of the shaft he was servicing. he struggled when he felt Karin digging His length against his eye and started to pull back but the paws held him tightly, thankfully the pressure on his eye ceased. he thanked the gods he kept it closed though because the next second he felt a heavy blast against that side of his face followed by a stick, wet heat that happened again before the erupting cock was forced into his mouth and down his throat once more. Trying not to gag or choke was hard as the thick shaft was jammed down his muzzle, his body shaking as he tried to synchronise his breathing and swallowing with the jets of cum that filled his mouth.

It didn't matter that Karin ordered him to swallow, he didn't have much choice, it was either swallow or drown and his body made his mind up for him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard that voice again...Heh, another load of cum, another dose of that potion, another satisfied customer. If you keep swallowing all this spiked cockslime you are really going to be in trouble you know, I hope you know what you're doing...It was impossible not to hear the smug, sarcastic and condescending tone of that voice; just whose fucking voice was it anyway?

Karin seemed to cum forever, there was no way that could be natural, could it? When the steady stream of semen finally started to dwindle and the dick in his throat was pulled back and pressed once more against his face he was left panting heavily with a worryingly pleasurable feeling of fullness and repletion. His body continued to squirm, lost in heat when Karin drags His spurting cock over his face, making sure his fur was thoroughly marked by His scent before he heard Karin order him to begin licking Him clean. Without hesitation he set about his task, once again running his tongue over the Slaver's pride and cleaning it of any trace of pre or cum that may still be clinging to it. bitch knew he was still dangerously in heat but Karin's orgasm had also relieved something inside him and he found he could think a little more clearly, ever so slightly coming out of that lust-crazed fog.

"Well, I hope everyone enjoyed that as much as I did."...Karin grins triumphantly as he looks round to the expectant crowd. Karin laughs cruelly and looks back to bitch's cum-soaked, upturned face. Even now, with spunk painted all over his features the little bastard looked innocent; it just wanted to make you cum all over his face again just to defile him more..."Now though, I think this slut needs to be reminded of his place. It seems to Me he is enjoying himself a bit too much for a new slave right now so I had better remind him just whose boss. Get ready whore, here comes your first proper marking!"...Karin's free paw reached down and roughly grabs bitch's chain leash, making sure he couldn't go anywhere as He aimed His member with His other paw so it was pointed directly between the slave's eyes.

"Whoa, Karin, You think that's a good idea? I mean Gheran is going to be mighty pissed if You mark the new fuck toy before even He has."...Karin didn't know Who had spoken, He was too intent on watching bitch's face absorb this news but upon hearing it He turned His head sharply and growled in the direction the voice had come from..."Gheran placed this little bastard under My keeping for the next three days saying I could do as I pleased so long as I did not harm him. I am not going to harm him, I am going to MARK him; Gheran said nothing about that!"...Just as Karin started to relax in order to relieve Himself over bitch's face it all went wrong.

The sound of Karin's voice broke through to him finally and bitch slowly turned his face upward to look up at the Wolf towering above him. It took him a moment to understand what the Slaver was saying but it cemented itself in his mind when Karin grabbed his leash and then aimed His cock right at his face. Finally he managed to summon enough willpower to fight against all the things that were happening to his mind and body. Karin was dreaming if He thought he was broken enough to simply allow himself to be marked like that.

bitch didn't even hear the comment made by one of the Slavers but he was already moving when Karin finished making His reply. Even if Karin had managed to start pissing at that point it wouldn't have mattered, bitch was already rising, a fist clenched and squarely aimed at Karin's jaw. Everyone saw him go for it and the sudden silence that descended only made things sweeter for him, everyone was about to see Karin get laid out, He had left Himself wide open.

If bitch had thought about it he would have aimed his fist at Karin's balls, it was such an obvious target; they were right there, well within reach and it would completely buckle the Slaver. But pride had gotten the better of him, bitch didn't want to sack the other Wolf, he wanted to knock Him out and that was his mistake. he had totally forgotten that Karin was gripping his leash, he was not used to considering having one on, and so part way through his ascent the slack in the leash ran out and jerked on Karin's arm. Karin reacted instinctively by pulling down hard with His body weight and the result was that bitch's head was savagely snapped downward again, his body following it after an instant until he slammed back down onto his knees on top of the wooden table.

It all happened so fast, one second He was about to piss, the next He felt the arm holding the leash move up then tug downward of it's own accord. He had held slave's leashes long enough to know when one of them was moving in a way that spelt danger and thankfully He wasn't so high that His body didn't respond. That was when the realisation of what just transpired hit Him and the fury spread through His entire being...The little fuck was about to punch me!

Before He even realised what He was doing Karin gave bitch a ringing open palmed slap, making sure He delivered maximum surface area by using His fingers too. He felt the skin on bitch's face split and give way under one of His claws, smelt the blood and a second later heard the ripple of murmurs that went around the tent...H, have I just scarred bitch? Oh, fuck! Gheran is going to ki...

Then the whole world exploded sideways before it went pitch black.

Argent saw the slap, but when He smelt the blood He was moving before He knew it. Crossing the tent in a second the Jackal coiled and then leapt like a hunter pouncing on prey, slamming into Karin's side and taking Them both over the table to the floor. Thankfully Karin dropped the leash in surprise and so bitch was left kneeling on the table, one second looking up at a Wolf that had just slapped him and the second looking at the tent ceiling.

Karin didn't even have time to struggle when the Jackal slammed His head down against the ground, knocking Him out cold. With a grunt of satisfaction Argent got up, looking down at the amusing picture of the other Slaver K.O.'ed on the ground, His now limp cock hanging pathetically out of His fly.

Guessing that He had better give some kind of explanation for His action as some of the assembled Slavers were looking at Him in shock and bewilderment He climbs up onto the table and takes possession of bitch's leash, seeing that a cougar Slaver was already eyeing it up. Holding His free paw up Argent says..."Everyone saw Karin injure bitch. Gheran forbade Him from doing that yet He did it anyway. You two," the Jackal points at two of the camp's Guards that had come in to watch the show..."take Him back to His tent and watch Him. He is not to leave His tent until Gheran returns and decides His punishment; make sure food and water are brought to Him."...Argent waited until the unconscious Karin had been dragged out of the tent before speaking again..."As Karin's temporary ownership of bitch has ended I, as second in command of this Band, will keep him until Gheran returns. If anyone has issue with this then speak now."...Argent put on His best 'Do not fuck with Me' face and cast His gaze around the watching Slavers, seeing that none indeed had any issue with the situation..."Good. Now then, the show is over, get back to your dining."

Argent got down from the table, pulling bitch down with Him then forcing him back down onto his knees before He waited once again until things had returned to normal in the hectic confines of the mess tent. When they had He looked down at bitch's upturned and thoroughly messy face, seeing that the cut Karin had given him was not so bad and would probably heal with only a small scar if at all. Still, He needed to get it cleaned up and so He grips the slut's leash firmly and leans down a little, making sure bitch was giving Him his full attention before speaking..."You are going to be staying with Me for the next couple of days. you will obey Me and had better not give Me any reason to give a bad account of your behaviour. Got it, bitch?"

Stunned would have been the understatement of the century as far as bitch was concerned, Master Argent appeared out of nowhere and dive tackled Karin. One second He was there, the next He was on the ground with the Jackal on top of Him slamming His head into the ground. bitch could only watch, literally gobsmacked, as Master Argent told the crowd what was going to happen with Karin and that He was now going to keep him until Master Gheran returned...Wait, Master Argent? Fuck, He didn't even prompt me, I just recognised Him as a Master..._the wolf thought only to hear a smug voice simply reply..._See.

Determined not to let such a thing happen again bitch looks over to Argent, half falling, half climbing onto the floor when the Jackal tugs him down, looking back and forth as the mess tent returned to some semblance of normality, if Slaver's groping slaves whilst eating a meal was your idea of normality. When everyone had forgotten about the little altercation Argent turned down to look him squarely in the eye, feeling the Healer tug firmly on his leash, making sure he kept eye contact with Him as He spoke.

Given the choice, bitch would have stayed with Argent over Karin every day of the week and so it was not difficult for him to nod when Argent asked if he understood. Damn, it didn't seem like he was going to be on easy street at all though; he may have a less malicious Master now, but it seemed like Argent would demand more respect and obedience than Karin had.

When Argent was satisfied that bitch understood his position He doubled His grip on the slut's leash and began walking purposefully out of the tent, hearing a few hoots and whistles follow Him and His new temporary pet out...Bastards, they know only too well just why I am leaving. Heh, still the joke's on Them, I am the One holding the leash of the hottest young slut We have had for a long time.

Once He exited the tent the large white Jackal looked over His shoulder at bitch and sighed; the wolf was tugging and biting at his leash again even though it was made out of thick chain, clearly hating being tugged around like a dog but it was something he had better get used to in a hurry. When slaves were walking around, they had a leash on; it's just how things were.

With a snarl Argent pulled down firmly on the leash, tugging bitch's head down at the same time as growling..."Remember what I taught you slut, you walk on all fours when travelling through the camp. That tail is to be kept high as is your head; you are to be proud that you belong to the One holding your leash and you are to show it!"...To show He was serious Argent glares at the slave until he did just as he was told. Gods he was a picture, walking just behind his temporary Master, on all fours with his tail lifted as high as it will go and his head held up and proud. The final touch though was the fact that his face was still plastered with Karin's cum, giving everyone who had not been witnessed what had transpired in the mess tent all the evidence they would need to believe the re-telling of it later. Even if the whore was doing it under duress and because he was ordered to it gave a great preview of just what he would look like when he was finally broken in and a fully tamed pleasure slave.

Wishing for a bowl of water to wash his face was what was going through bitch's mind as he was pulled out of the tent, however his attention was quickly drawn to the leash he was on and something primal kicked in and he found himself fighting against it. he growled and clamped his teeth down on the chain, tugging firmly at it while trying in vain to bite through it, thankfully for his gnashers though Argent soon noticed what was going on and called him on it.

As if he had not been humiliated enough this day now he was being forced to walk and behave like a proud pet. Knowing that Argent could break him in half without trying and knowing He would get His way, whether he wanted to comply or not he thought it would be best to just obey. Besides, Gheran would not be pleased to hear that he had been disobedient or anything less than well behaved when He got back so there was precious little choice for him. Things in his life sure had changed, one thing was for sure, he knew he had to try and hold on to this temporary state of anger and rebellion.

Ignoring the stares and leers of the Guards and Slaver's milling around the camp on Their own agendas bitch did as he was told and got down on all fours and lifted his tail high so it waved like a flag above him. All he wanted was for the world to swallow him as he held his head up, feeling the blood burning in his ears as he blushed horribly, hearing the crude comments coming from the Slaver's watching him being paraded through the camp...Fuck, I really wish I could wash my face, all I can taste and smell is that bastard Karin.

What shocked him to his core though was that even as he was forced into walking like this he could smell the rising of his own heat and there was an undeniable warmth growing in his sheath. Biting his lip hard he tried not to think about it, there was no fucking way he could be getting turned on from being treated like this. The betrayal of his body was indisputable though and soon enough Argent noticed his scent and gave him a large, satisfied and obscenely smug smile whilst saying..."There's a good bitch."

Practically beaming with excitement and expectation Argent finally came to His tent after taking a much extended route. However this fact didn't bother bitch too much, in fact he was pleased for it, it gave him time. Since the moment he had woken up in a cage he had been frantically trying to learn the layout of the camp during his brief trips outside, as after all you never new when such knowledge could come in handy. Ducking His head the white Jackal stepped into the comfortably furnished tent, pulling bitch in after Himself and lowering the door flap. Some panels of the tent roof were clarified, the animal hide scrapped back and then treated so they let in light but were strong enough to hold up to severe weather so there was no need to light any lamps.

Argent walked to the centre of the living area and fastened bitch's leash to the arm of His chair, testing that it was secure before going over to His healing area and began to collect the items He needed to clean and tend to the cut on bitch's face. Once He had all He needed Argent walked back over to His chair and sits down with a satisfied sigh, bitch had instinctively moved into a sitting position and was now crouched very much like a dog in front of the Jackal's chair. The sight made Argent grin, trust a feral slave to sit like an animal. Still, it certainly was cute and it reinforced the slut's wild quality so Argent didn't tell him to kneel like a bred slave would.

"Now then, let's get you cleaned up. I'll bet you're not too thrilled with having Karin's cum all over your face. We need to tend that cut too, you might get a small scar from it. "...Says Argent before leaning forward with a bowl of water and a clean rag, setting to work cleaning the area around the cut then the cut itself. It would need stitches after all He realised as He washed the cut but He was good with a needle, being the Healer to a band of Slaver's you had to be; when a raid was over there was always quite a number of both Captors and captured who needed cuts and slashes sewn up.

It took no time to put a few stitches on bitch's cheek, the cut was angled down across the wolf's eyebrow and down onto the top part of his cheek. Thankfully Karin had not intentionally used His claw and so only the tip had cut into bitch's flesh, leaving quite a small slash. Argent was impressed that the slave didn't whimper or cry out in pain, he grimaced but made no sound, this little guy was actually pretty tough. Leaning back once more the Healer inspected His handiwork; it should heal up fine and if it did leave a scar, well, it would probably only further enhance the slut's feral quality which He, and every other Slaver, seemed to really appreciate..."There, all done. Clean the rest of your face now, I am not cleaning up Karin's mess for you."...Argent placed the bowl of water at bitch's feet and dumped the rag in it.

There was no reason to fight Him when Argent leaned close and started to tend to his wound, he realised that the white Canine was doing something kind for him and he knew when he should be thankful. When it came to the stitches he did his best to hold still and be quite, it hurt like all the hells but it was the least he could do to thank Argent. Being ordered to clean his face was also not a chore and so he obeyed Argent again, gladly cleaning the spunk from his fur, feeling it had already started to dry out. While he was cleaning his face he felt the Jackal's eyes on him, watching his every move. Not knowing what to do bitch kept his eyes down and concentrated on cleaning himself up, his eyes flicking up once or twice but never far enough to make contact with Argent's, unsure as to whether that would be a good thing or not.

Unfortunately he could not spend the rest of the day cleaning his face and after giving it a very thorough scrubbing, and then some more he realised he would have to do something and so he laid the rag down in the now cloudy water and flicked his eyes up to Argent's, seeing that the Healer was staring right back at him, causing him to swallow heavily and setting that burning off once again in his ears as he blushes. When the Jackal didn't say anything his heart started to race, obviously insecure about what to do, or if something was expected of him or not. his eyes darted about a bit, flicking down to Argent's boots then up again, wondering why the Slaver wasn't saying anything. Eventually the silence became unbearable and bitch sought to break it, for better or worse and so he looks up to Argent and says in a quiet, slightly nervous voice..."Um, thank You for healing my wound, and for what You did to Karin."

Inwardly Argent couldn't help but smirk as He watched the little slut grow more and more nervous about the silence He was intentionally creating. It was a useful ploy, one He had used on stubborn slaves before, He found it worked like a charm most of the time and set the slave off on the back foot. His ears perked when He heard bitch speak and replied with a nod whilst saying evenly..."It is my job bitch, but you are welcome. By the way, slut, remember that when you address a member of this Band you are to call Them Master. In fact you are to refer to any non-slave as Master or Mistress. Clear?"

"Yes, Master Argent, bitch understands."...Bollocks, he wasn't going to get away with not saying it then, even if he was doing his best not to think it. bitch remembered the lessons that Argent had given him before though and so he had hastily recalled that he was to refer to himself as 'bitch', not 'I'. Argent seemed please with his words and rubbed behind his ear by way of reward.

"Good boy, I see you haven't forgotten everything I have taught you. And don't worry my precious little whore, you may be calling me Master now because you know there will be, repercussions, if you don't; but in the fullness of time you will be calling me Master because you want to."...Replied Argent with a predatory smile and another rub behind the slave's ear..."I saw you in there, I saw how much you were enjoying sucking Karin's dick. Incredible really considering how small that Wolf is. I bet you wished it had been Gheran's cock you were worshiping. Or maybe mine? If I remember correctly you seemed to enjoy yourself a great deal when you serviced Me."...The Jackal gave a hungry and slightly lusty growl as He sat forward in His chair, His free paw undoing bitch's leash from His chair then wrapping it around His fist, shortening the slack and leaving His muzzle only inches away from the wolf slave in front of Him..."Well you're going to be in luck bitch, you're now Mine until Gheran comes back and I don't plan on letting you out of My sight."...With that Argent reaches down and easily picks bitch up before carrying him over to the pile of furs He used as a bed and setting him down on his back. The Jackal planted Himself over the prostrate slave, baring His fangs as He gives a dominant growl and pins the slave down with one large paw..."Gods I have waited for this moment ever since you were caught. Now I have you and I am going to make you MY bitch. I am going to fuck you so much and pump you full of so much cum that you are going to beg for the chance just to sit in my lap. I know Gheran has His eye on you and as Chief that is His right, but I am going to prove to you that you belong to Me as well!"

The small glow of pride that bitch felt when Argent praised him was something he was not expecting and while it unnerved him to feel it; he couldn't deny that he enjoyed it as well. he kept looking up to Him as Argent continued to talk, feeling that treacherous heat grow in his ears as he blushes in reaction to His words, tying to take the time to concentrate on that small clearance in the lust-filled fog of his mind. It wasn't easy but he found that he could control himself right now. True nothing sexual was happening at the moment but he felt that this was a big victory and step in the right direction...Now if I can just hold on to it.

It got a lot harder though when Argent reminded him just how positively he had reacted to his treatment in the mess tent moments ago. The shame he felt at his own actions helped to thicken that fog in his head and that was something that frightened him; just why did he feel that tingle of heat every time he was humiliated like that?

When Argent leans forward and takes the leash into His paw bitch couldn't help but lean away from Him until the slack was used up and the Jackal's nose was hovering in front of his own. his body tensed when he processed what Argent had said and feels a lump of fear develop in his throat, his tail thumping nervously on the ground once before the Healer leant down and picked him up bodily. Trying to squirm his way out of the white Jackal's grip soon became a useless effort, the more he wriggled the tighter the Slaver gripped him and bitch knew He wasn't even using half of His strength.

By the time Argent laid him on the bed bitch's heart was thundering in his red, flushed ears, his yellow eyes wide as he looks up to Argent imploringly, searching His face in vain for some hint that this was just a game and that what the Jackal was really going to do was let him lie down and have a nap for a few hours...Ha, there is no way you want to go to sleep now, you are just aching for your new Master to fuck you and claim you as His.

bitch was concentrating so intently on blocking that voice out of his head that he barely even heard what Argent said and certainly didn't process His words until the Jackal had pinned him down and declared that He was about to make him His bitch as well...For fuck sake, will this never stop?!...bitch thinks in desperation, wondering sardonically why everyone was suddenly so interested in him, he had never had this kind of attention in his Klan, he just melted into the back ground. That was all different now though it seemed...Oh gods, what is He going to do? Please Gods, don't let me fall into heat this time.

_ Heh, pray. Pray all you like. There is no god that is going to come and whisk you away from all this. These Slavers are your Gods now and you know you will end up worshiping all of Them_...replied that voice, that gods awful fucking voice which always seemed to turn up at the worst time. Yet the worst part was that while his inner dialogue was going on bitch remained for all intents and purposes paralysed on the furs underneath Argent.

bitch's lack of motor function did not go unnoticed by Argent and a slow, knowing smirk spread across His muzzle as He smiles to Himself. Moving gradually, so as not to jerk bitch out of his temporary, self-induced trance, Argent gets to His feet and places a booted foot firmly on the prone wolf's chest. The pressure snapped bitch out of his reverie in a flash but it was already too late, the Jackal put all of His weight down on the slut's chest and he quickly stopped moving. A good thing too, He hadn't even put any force behind it and didn't want to in case He broke something.

Keeping the slave pinned with His foot Argent unfastened His gear, carefully dropping His swords onto the furs under Him before unbuckling the straps on His chest and shoulder armour which then joined the swords on the furs. The leg pieces and crotch plate were deftly removed next leaving the Jackal standing there in just His shirt and trousers. Argent keeps His gaze fixed on the slave's eyes, seeing that the little whore can't look away, and gives a grin that is lustful, dominating and predatory all at the same time. It was a well practiced look and He knew how well it worked on slaves who refused to accept their place.

It only took a second for the large Jackal to remove His shirt, revealing His well toned and cut form to the now very nervous and undeniably heated slut under His foot. With a certain amount of ceremony He undoes the buckle on His belt and shrugs His trousers off, the foot He had on the floor stepping out of the trouser leg but He kept the other foot pinning bitch in place so the garment was now trapped between the slave and the Slaver. He would have to move His foot in order to take it off completely.

The grin vanishes from Argent's face as He glares down at bitch, fixing Him to the spot with a well practiced 'Don't even think about it' look before slowly lifting His foot from the wolf's chest and kicking off His trousers, leaving Him wearing just His boots. Argent decides to torment the whore a bit, just for shits and giggles, knowing either way, He can't loose at this game so He leaves His boot hovering a foot above bitch's chest and waits.

Suddenly Argent was standing and He had one of His booted feet against his chest, keeping him pinned to the floor. As soon as he realised this bitch writhed, trying to dislodge the Slaver, about to batter His ankle with a hefty hammer swung fist before He stood down on top of him and all the air was forced from his lungs. his arm dropped in mid arc, falling onto the furs as he struggled to breathe, not even noticing that he had stopped struggling, he was far too concerned about getting air into his lungs. The pressure ceased a bit and he drew in a ragged and very welcome breath, almost putting his paws on Argent's ankle with the intent on pushing up and giving himself some space to breathe, literally.

After a heartbeat he came to the conclusion that that would be a very unwise course of action and so he decided against such a thing. There was little for him to do but lay there as he was forced to watch the Healer undress. It dawned on the wolf when Argent had removed His arms and armour and was pulling off His shirt that this was going to be the first time he had seen any of the Slavers with no clothes or armour on. he hated to admit it, but the Jackal was a very impressive sight. The strength and power of the Healer was clear from the size and tone of His muscles but there was something more to Him that caused Him to radiate dominance.

The trousers predictably followed but the Slaver couldn't get them off fully without lifting His foot off his chest. Every muscle on bitch's body relaxes in readiness for swift movement when Argent lifts His foot, kicking His trousers away before leaving it hovering slightly above his torso...Right, this is your time. It doesn't matter if it goes wrong, it doesn't matter if He punishes you. What matters is that you do it and show Him you are not some broken and tamed pet...bitch felt himself fill up with a new strength that seemed to blast the fog away like tornado and he kicked every muscle into gear as he launched himself upward, knowing he was going to knock into Argent's foot on the way up but planning on using that to unbalance Him as he made a bid for freedom.

Too predictable...Argent thought simply when He felt bitch start to rise from the furs toward Him...Does he really think he has a chance of hitting Me, or escaping, or anything from that position? Still at least he went for it, got to give the little bastard that much...The Jackal had been waiting for this move and so was not caught off guard or off balance, easily bringing His foot down again, this time using the strength in His leg as well as His body weight to crush bitch back down into the furs. His ears twitched on hearing the gasp the feisty slut gave as all the air was forcefully expelled from his lungs.

Leaning down Argent snarls at bitch, keeping the pressure on His leg so the slave was pinned firmly, he had stopped moving already but the Jackal wanted to make sure bitch knew He did not approve of his actions. Well, to a certain degree He was, secretly Argent was proud of the wolf for giving it a go, but he had to learn that he was a slave now and slaves had to learn that they did what they were told. He loved bitch's spirit, there were not many people who could have gone through all the things his mind and body had been put through lately and not be completely broken. Oh he was definitely starting to break but Argent never wanted him to break fully, He didn't think anyone did, the fight was half the fun with this whore, it made the final conquest of bringing him into heat against his will, fucking him and making him submit all the sweeter.

"That's right, lie still you little bitch. I think its time you understood just W/who was in control here."...Argent growled as He glared at bitch. Those huge, frightened eyes stared back at Him, the wolf's mouth opening and closing slightly as he tried to draw a larger breath but Argent held His foot there for a second or two longer before He eased the pressure once again, allowing bitch to breathe more easily..."So now, I'm going to show you W/whose in control here."...With that Argent all but pounced on top of the slut beneath Him, grabbing his wrists and pinning them over his head as He sits on top of him, the Jackal's large sheath and balls pressing into bitch's face..."Now, that mouth of yours has been used a lot today. I was watching when you pleasured those Guards, I was watching in the mess tent, so you are to rest your tongue and mouth. But you had better get Me hard, and quick, I have waited long enough to fuck you. Get to it, My pretty little wolf."

The world turned black, and then red before lights exploded in front of his eyes when Argent stamped down on top of him, the air being driven out of his lungs as if he were in a vice. Although in reality Argent's boot pressed down into his chest for only a few seconds to bitch it seemed like an eternity and when crush was lifted his next breath felt like heaven. To think such a little thing as breathing could be so good!

bitch knew Argent was talking, he could hear His voice but he did not understand what He was saying as he battled the encroaching blackness that threatened to wash over him. Thankfully with each breath his vision cleared and he felt himself coming away from the abyss that is unconsciousness. There was no time to resist when Argent sat on his chest and pinned his paws over his head, leaving the Swordman's package right in his face. The scent of Argent's sheath almost made him swoon, his nose was pressing under it and he could already feel the steady swelling and pulsing that indicated the Slaver was becoming aroused.

Having recovered his breath he could understand Argent more clearly when He spoke again, reminding bitch of the shameful things he had done today and causing the flush to rise again in his ears...Gods, was that really today? It seems like that happened a couple of years ago!...Now he was being forced to give Him a hard-on without kissing or licking His length, that meant he would have to just, well, nuzzle, the Jackal's groin until He became aroused.

With eyes that were drenched in humiliation, degradation, fear and heat bitch looked up at Argent, again searching for something on the Healer's face that would tell him it was all a big joke. But it was not there; Argent was deadly serious and ground His crotch into his face by way of a 'gentle' reminder that he was to be quick. Keeping his eyes turned up toward Him, guessing that the Jackal would probably be enjoying the pained and confused look in his eyes and thus make his task easier, bitch started to try and give Him an erection.

It was quite hard to do, bitch found that he literally did have to nuzzle and rub his face against Argent's swelling sheath, there was nothing else he could do but then again it was definitely working, so maybe there was nothing else he needed to do. Pretty soon the tip of Argent's dick appeared from its furry casing and began to extend at a steady rate, the heavy scent of His arousal growing stronger and thicker in correlation to His engorging member. bitch then found himself sliding his muzzle along the slick, smooth flesh of the Slaver's cock and he felt that jolt go through him that he knew meant he was coming into heat, the shame that knowledge brought just making it burn hotter. Argent was obviously greatly appreciating bitch's attentions because He soon started loosing jets of precum over his face which almost instantly became smeared into his fur... Aw gods, I can't keep my face clean for more than a minute... thought bitch for a second before he got hit by another wave of that fog and returned to rubbing his muzzle and cheek up and down the length of the Argent's cock before he closed his eyes and turned his attention to His balls. The thick tube-steak of Slaver dick lay heavily on top of bitch's muzzle with the tip of His length pressing firmly against his forehead when the wolf pressed his nose and mouth against His balls, feeling intoxicated from the heavy scent of the Jackal's musk. Determining that licking Argent's balls would be considered a use of his tongue and therefore against the Healer's imposed rules bitch refrained from doing it; so far Argent had not chastised him and he didn't really want to give Him an excuse to.

Argent was now grinning like a triumphant villain, which in a sense He was, as He watches bitch rub and grind his face and muzzle against His now fully erect cock. The little slut's face was already matted with precum again and the Jackal was only too pleased to matt it some more, making sure He ground any fresh jet of pre deep into bitch's fur, He wanted it so that the lupine slave would reek of His scent. Even though He didn't plan on letting him out of His tent until Gheran returned to take possession of him once again He wanted it clear that bitch belonged to HIM for the time being and the main individual he wanted to impress this upon was bitch himself.

When the wolf started to nuzzle His balls Argent gloried in the whole experience, to have such a slave, suffering such internal turmoil and strife behave this way was delicious and He was determined to savour it. The Jackal's eyes blaze as He looks down toward the prone slut, getting a rather obscured view of bitch's pre-matted face as he continues to brush his muzzle against His most intimate of areas. After a while though He grew impatient, He was now so hard it hurt and the sensation of bitch's muzzle was no longer enough to satisfy Him so Argent decided to move things along to the next step. Leaning forward He grips bitch's wrists once more, the slut hadn't moved them from before so they were still above his head and keeps him pinned to the furs as He slowly lifts His hips and begins to slide His body down along bitch's own. The feeling of His slippery column sliding down against the wolf's silken fur was heavenly, as was the sight of the thick trail of pre it left staining his fur. Eventually the Jackal moved until He was poised over the wolf, keeping his arms held above his head and moving so His ankles were pinning down his legs. The most significant part of this new position though was that it brought the Healer's groin flush with the slave's and Argent couldn't help but give a deep chuckle when He saw the look of surprise and confusion cross over bitch's face. That expression soon changed to include pleasure as well when Argent started to rub and grind His sizable package against bitch's own smaller one, feeling the slut's sheath begin to swell rapidly in response and a few seconds later He felt the slave's own burning cock-flesh slide against His.

The Healer did something then that took bitch's breath away, leaning down a little the Jackal crushed His lips against the wolf's, kissing him roughly and forcing His tongue past the whore's lips and into his muzzle. This was no gentle kiss between lovers; it was a vigorous and aggressive display of dominance. Argent had never done this before with a slave, and judging from the way his body went rigid beneath Him, bitch hadn't done it with anyone! Argent's motives for doing it went beyond physical gratification; usually this kind of intimacy was a soft, gentle way of receiving pleasure at the same time as giving it, and almost always shared between mates or those who cared about each other. However Argent was using it to show that every part of bitch was to be used for Others enjoyment and to make His point He growls deeply at the prone slut and grinds His cock hard into bitch's own, prompting the smaller slave to struggle beneath Him and whimper but it was a sound that was a confused mix of protest, pleasure and arousal.

The scent of musk and heat was growing strong in the air around them now and the Jackal knew that there was no way the slave would be able to resist coming into heat; He had pumped the little whore full of enough of His cum during their last time together to make certain of that. Armed with the knowledge that bitch would be unable to resist His advances Argent deepens the kiss, exploring the wolf's mouth with His tongue and growling hotly to the slut pinned beneath Him, feeling his silken furred body squirm against His muscular one. Eventually bitch's feeble attempts at escape died down to nothing and the Jackal felt a grin spread over His muzzle as bitch's tongue begins to brush experimentally against His own...Heh, that's right My precious little slut, don't fight it...Opening His eyes He saw that bitch's were now closed and he was giving quiet, breathless moans as he started to kiss the Slaver back, rolling his toned body up against His and shivering every time their throbbing cocks slid wetly across each others...Oh, you are so Mine now, bitch.

The change in position surprised bitch; wondering just what the Jackal was up to as he couldn't help but watch, almost hypnotised, as Argent slid His body down his own, feeling the wet heat of His cock against his fur as it ran against his fur. By now the only thing he could smell was the Slaver's arousal and the now familiar internal battle to control his rising heat had commenced. The slave braced himself for the moment when Argent would flip him over, pull his rear up and mount him and was therefore caught off guard when instead He laid His crotch very precisely on top of his own. This was new, and frightening; no Slaver had done this yet and he had no idea what to expect.

By the time Argent started to grind His cock down into his sheath it was already beginning to swell thanks to the scent of the Slaver's arousal and this new, unexpected sensation very swiftly brought him to full hardness. Nothing in his experience could equate to the feeling of the Jackal's slick, ample member sliding wetly against his own but he had no time to dwell or even enjoy it because another, entirely unexpected event happened right afterwards, the Slaver kissed him!

In his youth bitch had lightly kissed a few girls of course, and while he had attracted a potential mate this year, their relationship had never been cemented and it was a tradition of his Klan that full kissing was only to be shared between individuals who had been bound as mates for life. Therefore this was the first time he had ever felt a tongue in his mouth and the sensation caused his heat to burn out of control. This whole situation was throwing him completely off guard, no Slaver had shown this kind of intimacy with him yet, they had just used him as a fuck toy. And while the Jackal's kiss was anything but soft and loving, it was a new sensation, something not yet experienced and it was sending him into heat. Before he even knew what he was doing bitch had started to sweep his tongue along the Slaver's, pressing his lips up against His own. his cock was now so hard it ached and as Argent rocked His hips and slid His erection over his he found himself pushing his hips up to increase and prolong the contact of their sticky, burning members...It's over you know, you can't win. Just look at you now, moaning and writhing in heat against one of your own Captors. Before long you will be acting just as They promised you would; begging for Their cocks, and loving it...That evil voice sounded in his head but this time he had no come back or argument for it and what was more frightening was that the voice was getting louder and stronger in his head.

Argent's own arousal was burning at a fever pitch now as well and with a growl that was very nearly a roar He breaks the rough kiss and smirks down at the heated puppy beneath Him..."Heh, I would say you're ready now, bitch. Fight Me if you want but we both know your struggles won't last. I am going to claim you as Mine now and after you have been stuffed full of My cock and taken My seed inside you will always hunger for My 'attentions'."...That being said He pushes Himself up and reaches over with one arm, keeping the wolf's wrists pinned in one paw and slowly breaking the contact between their groins, using His legs to push bitch's apart. Taking a long leather thong from the small pile He kept beside His sleeping furs and dexterously bound bitch's wrists together above his head; growling threateningly to the slut to keep still, and he got the message loud and clear. The Jackal then knelt back between the slave's spread legs and swiftly grabs his ankles, gripping them tightly and pulling them up until they were on either side of His waist. With a lustful growl Argent then pulls bitch toward Him by his legs, bringing his curved butt to press firmly into His groin and gritting His fangs at the pleasure of feeling His dick grinding against the wolf's flanks. Leaning forward once more the larger Canine props Himself up on His elbows and laid His powerful body against bitch's slim one before He slipped his arms over His head; now that the slave's wrists were bound together he was left with his arms around Argent's neck. This left them muzzle to muzzle, the Jackal's eyes glowing with hunger and a confident, smug smile painted over His face. The wolf's eyes on the other hand were glazed in heat and shame and other than an expression of apprehension the only thing painted over bitch's face was precum.

Lowering His mouth until their lips were almost touching Argent says in a low, husky voice..."Hmmh, you have no idea how much I have been looking forward to this, my little lupine whore."...With that He shifts His weight and supports Himself on one arm whilst reaching doing to His crotch with the other, wrapping His fingers around the root of His swollen tool and angling it slowly, purposefully rubbing the slick head up between the curved cheeks of the slut's ass until it was pressed hard against his vulnerable tailhole, coating it in His warm pre. Now that He was ready to go Argent found it was hugely difficult to hold Himself back but He wanted to give bitch some time to really think about what was happening. He wanted this moment to etch itself into his mind; this was the moment when he would become His slut.

The whole thing seemed to be happening as if he were in a dream. That thick, heat induced fog that filled his mind at times like this made keeping up with everything that was happening impossible. Instead he got more of a snap-shot style string of images and sensations; seeing Argent lean back, feeling Him move his legs, feeling Him tie his wrists together and definitely feeling His swollen dick pressing into the soft valley of his rear. The next time he truly came back to himself was when the Jackal laid against him once more and placed his bound paws over His neck, leaving his arms wrapped around His thick neck. Argent's face was so close to his, the scent and feel of Him was all he could think about and all he could do was twist and writhe in heat against Him.

It took a couple of seconds to understand just what the Slaver had said when He spoken but just as bitch deciphered it he felt the molten tip of Argent's cock pressing insistently against his tailhole...QUICK, SNAP OUT OF IT! DO SOMETHING!...The other voice, the honourable voice, the voice he thought of as 'his' screamed inside his head. But he could not move, the situation seeming to have paralyzed him. All he could do was lie there, his body continuing its shameful display of heat by twitching and grinding back and against the Jackal's, his tailhole even flexing in what could be called anticipation. Yet he felt the fog clearing thanks to the scream of that voice. He needed a minute, just a minute to get his mind clear; then he could resist the Jackal properly. Just a minute to collect himself enough to put up a fight...Heh, that's right. Just a minute...

A few heartbeats later though the temptation was too much for Him and Argent was done waiting, with a firm grip on the base of His rod the Jackal pushes forward firmly with His hips, feeling the slave's tailhole tighten up instinctively in response to the increased pressure but there was no way it was strong enough to keep Him out...Christ, no army in the world is strong enough to keep Me out of My new slut!...and eventually bitch's tailhole relented and accepted the wide, pointed head of the Jackal's cock inside his body, the slave giving a yowling moan of shameful gratification. And once the wolf had taken the first inch or so of the Slaver's impressive length there was no way to stop the rest of His thickness from being buried inside his ass.

The pleasure was incredible; no slut had ever felt so hot and tight before. bitch's moan only grew deeper and more sincere, his ass gripped and hugged the entire length of His achingly hard cock as Argent sheathed it inside the slave, almost as if it was welcoming it into his body. Well, from the look of pain and shock on the whore's face He was pretty sure that 'welcome' was a bit of an exaggeration but the way he moaned and shivered beneath Him let Argent know that there was definitely a great deal of pleasure being felt there as well. The Jackal didn't stop until His groin was pressed firmly up against bitch's inverted butt cheeks and the whole of His proud malehood was filling the slut's tailhole. His voice growling and breathless as He whispers to the slave, their lips still hovering above each others..."Ohhh Gods, you were, certainly worth the wait, My beautiful, feral slut. You're all Mine now."...Seeing the slave's misted eyes open slowly His lips fell onto bitch's like an eagle falls from the sky to catch a meal, His tongue forcing it's way home once again into the wolf's mouth in another searing, dominating kiss.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, time moved at a snail's pace as Argent pushed forward and the head of His ample cock forced its way into his body. For a just a brief moment the fog polluting bitch's mind was blasted away and he felt every detail of the Jackal's pride as it slowly sunk into his body... You fucking idiot, it's too late now...The usually comforting voice in his head said, the volume of it decreasing as it spoke until it could barely be heard, like it was being smothered with something. It became clear what had done the smothering when the fog started to roll back in and the other voice spoke, louder than it had ever been before and in a tone so smug and self-satisfied it should have been illegal... There you go, well done, 'bitch'. Now hold on, you are going to love this. Heh, I'll make sure of that...By the time the voice finished speaking the fog of heat had completely filled his head and the next time his tailhole twitched around Argent's cock a surge of bliss tore through him.

It would have been easier to hold back a glacier than it would to have tried to stop the moan that escaped from his lips in response to Argent's cock being sheathed inside him. Sure it hurt, it hurt a lot but there was more than enough pleasure there to get past it and when the fur from the Slaver's muscular hips ground into his butt bitch's whole body wriggled against Argent's in heat, the knowledge that the Jackal had just buried the entire length of His hefty cock inside him making him squirm even more. Feeling the Slaver's hips come to a stop bitch tried to adjust to the feel of being filled with the Jackal's dick but it was impossible, it just felt too good.

Eventually though he became aware of the Argent's breath against his mouth, his ears twitching as he hears the words that were just spoken but it takes his lust fuddled brain to actually listen to what He said. The resulting waves of pleasure, humiliation and shame made him tremble and slowly his yellow eyes open, looking up at the Slaver, trying to muster the strength to at least shake his head in denial. Yet before he could even perform that simple act the Slaver plants His lips against his own and all thought was driven from bitch's mind, leaving his body to react by its own and it's reaction was to make him moan again and to curl his tongue around His, accepting His kiss.

Keeping His lips pressed firmly against those of the wolf slut beneath Him Argent begins to rock His hips, slowly at first but very quickly growing to a steady rhythm. Every time bitch's tailhole gripped His cock Argent let out a rough growl in the slave's mouth, the sensation making His entire body shudder in ecstasy; this was soon becoming the best fuck of His life! Moving His paw up away from His groin, there was certainly no need to steady His prick anymore, Argent moves it up until His fingers were tangled in bitch's hair, propping Himself up on both elbows once more.

Argent's movements started to become more ardent, the raw animal lust He felt for this slave was taking over and His kisses became rougher, His paw gripping the slut's hair tightly. His breathing became more ragged and His growls deepened as He began pumping harder and harder with His hips. Soon He felt the whore's hips start to rock and move in time with His own and Argent moved by instinct, grabbing bitch by the back of the head in one paw and snaking His other arm underneath him. On the next backward stroke of His hips Argent stops, leaving just the head of His cock inside the slave before He sits up, resting on His knees and pulling bitch up with Him until the slut was sitting in His lap, His powerful arm tightening around the slave's torso just as His grip tightened in his hair, holding him fast against His muscular frame.

Pulling His lips away Argent growls in bitch's face; this was better than He could have ever imagined and the way the slut was responding was better than He could have planned. Then again, with the amount of potions and aphrodisiacs coursing through the poor slave's body it was hardly surprising he was behaving this way. Still, He wasn't about to complain, He was very glad in fact that He was the one that had managed to coax bitch into this state, the whore would certainly remember this! Better make sure though, and He knew how. He could feel that His knot was starting to swell; soon He would have to tie with the wolf and claim Him fully. But rather than force it into him, Argent had the despicable plan of making bitch take it on his own. An almost demonic smile of enjoyment crossed Argent's muzzle as He looks down to the slut who fit so perfectly in His lap, the tone of His voice was low and dominant as He growled out..."That's My bitch, now push yourself down all the way, slide My knot into that cock-hungry tailhole of yours and show to Me just what a good girl you are."

By the time he had started moving his hips in time with those of the Slaver fucking him bitch couldn't have even told you his own name. There seemed to be nothing else in the world other than Argent, the way His length felt, hot and hard inside him, the feel of His tongue dancing with his own, the firm grip He had on his slim, toned body. Suddenly the world rotated through ninety degrees and he found himself sitting on the Jackal's lap, straddling His thighs and resting his weight on his knees. Only the thick, pointed tip of the Slaver's cock was currently filling his rear, and he found that shockingly, his body ached to push himself down onto it. All that prevented him from doing it was Argent's tight grip on him and that was when he realised that his body fitted perfectly against the Jackal. he had never noticed just how much bigger He was than himself. The wolf's heat glazed eyes had never left the Slaver's during the change in position and he found that he had had to tilt his head back in order to look up to Him, it made him feel smaller, more vulnerable and right now, that equated to even more fuel for his blazing heat.

The words Argent spoke eventually settled into place inside his head and he couldn't help but whimper breathlessly in response. What kind of whimper it was he probably couldn't have told you himself but certainly made the Slaver's grin even more triumphant. His grip on him relaxed enough for him to slide down His thick column just an inch but it the pleasure it caused to rip through him was enough to convince him that doing just as the Slaver ordered was definitely the right thing to do. his head seemed to have no say in the matter, his body had complete control and his hips pushed themselves down all by themselves. With his paws still tied together he couldn't remove them from around Argent's neck and as he eased himself down onto His huge tool he found his arms tightening around the Slaver's neck, at the same time he moved himself up from his knees and wrapped his legs around the Jackal's waist; practically clinging onto Him.

When his tailhole met Argent's swelling knot bitch's hips didn't hesitate, with a sudden movement he thrust them down hard, taking all of the Slaver's growing knot inside him. Thankfully His knot had only just begun to grow so it was not much thicker than the rest of Argent's length but as soon as bitch's tailhole closed around the very root of the slick cock filling him it started to swell rapidly...That's it, good 'girl'...Mocked that evil voice from within him but there was nothing bitch could do to answer it or even pay it any heed. It's taunts just couldn't penetrate that layer of hazing fog, all the unfortunate wolf slave could feel was heat, pleasure and shame.

Victory! But even that wasn't a good enough word to describe how Argent felt. This was heaven and as He felt the slut's tailhole close around His knot the Jackal tilted his head back and gave a howling roar of conquest. Keeping His tight grip on the slave Argent starts to buck His hips up against the tight ass that had locked His dick inside it, His hindbrain taking over as animal instinct dictated He cum inside His new bitch and claim her totally. It didn't take long for His knot to grow to its full size and very soon it would have been impossible to separate the two, without doing serious and irreparable harm to bitch anyway, and Argent knew this was coming to an end; but what an end!

When His pleasure reached a crescendo and His orgasm hit the Jackal's second roar was even deeper and bestial than the first but it was also louder and must have carried over the entire camp and into the Wilds beyond; a declaration to the world. His arms clamp onto the slut on His lap with a grip that no crowbar could break, holding bitch immobile as He forces His hips up, ensuring the entirety of His dick was sheathed inside him as He finally lets loose the torrent of cum He had purposefully saved up for just this occasion.

The stream of semen lasted for long minutes; not only had Argent refrained from ejaculating since bitch had pleasured Him orally but He had also taken more of His more potent 'potion'; with the strength of the potion and the amount of cum together it was a sure bet that the little slut wouldn't be able to come into heat from just the scent of His fur. Not to mention that now He was tied with the slave it would ensure that a great deal of His cum would be absorbed. Knowing that experiences like this did not present themselves often He decided to grab it with both paws and really live it to the full and so He leans down, His lips hovering above the whore's ear before whispering hoarsely..."Good girl. You're going to enjoy being my bitch, bitch."

With the stupendously smug, self-satisfied smile spread across His muzzle again Argent sees that bitch is about to pass out and so he leans forward again and captures bitch's mouth again with a dominant, claiming kiss. Grinding His lips into the slave's the Healer growls hungrily, wanting to fill every one of the slut's senses with Him, wanting him to hear His growl, wanting him to feel His cock, wanting him to taste His tongue, wanting him to smell His musk, wanting him to see His eyes. As He saw the light in bitch's eyes fade and his eyelids fall He knew He had won. A second later the slave was laying against Him, limp in His arms yet his tailhole staying as tight as ever around His knot, trapping His precious load inside him. Giving a sigh reserved only for the utterly content and fulfilled Argent hold's on to His bitch, planning to stay tied to him all night He slowly, carefully lays back, holding His precious pet securely in His arms, letting him sleep.

Even if he had been totally clear headed and in control of himself there would have been nothing bitch could do to stop this scenario from reaching its final, inevitable, conclusion once Argent's knot had swollen inside him. he could feel it stretching him out, the Jackal's cock filling him totally, Gods it was all he could think about and he barely even heard the howl Argent gave, nor could he stop himself as his hips began to grind down, rubbing his ass shamefully down against the Slaver's thighs. However when the Jackal began to pump His cock hard and fast into his ass with short, hard jabs he gave up moving his hips and concentrated solely on hanging on, clutching at the huge Canine as He hammered away at him.

Although it was rough, the hammering didn't last long and the nail was well and truly buried by the time the Slaver's orgasm hit its peak. It was all bitch could do to hang on as the cock inside his ass suddenly erupted, filling him with a frightening amount of hot, thick cum. Well, maybe not all he could do, his body reacted instinctively by grinding his butt down into Argent's groin, his hungry tailhole gripping and squeezing around the entire length of His dick and each time it did it drew the Slaver's seed deeper into his body. The bliss of being claimed in this way prompted him to tilt his head back and give an answering howl, a howl that was filled with shameful heat and submission. And the ecstasy of feeling each jet of cockslime being pumped into his rather willing tailhole soon became overwhelming and a blackness started to fill the outside of his vision, making its way steadily to the centre. The sound of Argent's voice filled his head, in fact his head seemed to be filled with nothing but the Slaver but the words were beyond him now. The last thing bitch felt were His lips crushing into his own once again and as the blackness finally claimed him he heard a spiteful, malignant voice right on the edge of hearing...This battle is over, and I have won. The war is still going on, but I have triumphed here. So far you have become Gheran's kitten and you are now Argent's bitch. I wonder what will be next? Oh but don't worry, bitch, I will make sure you act properly, just remember to listen to me.


To Be Continued

Captured And Tamed - Part 08

Hey everyone, Right well here it is, Part 08. Again please accept this puppy's apologies for keeping you all waiting for so long. I know that nothing will live up to a 2 year wait, but hells, I would rather try and pick up the story and keep it going...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 07

Hey everyone, Sorry for keeping you waiting for the next Part. This Part of the story is long, about 3,000 words longer than the usual size Parts so sorry for that. vykk did try and find a place to cut it into two Parts but there was just no-where...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 06

Greetings A/all \*Smiles and swishes tail\* Okies, Part 06 up for You with Part 07 almost finished... A warning that this one is maybe a bit more violent than the others, so please be aware of that. Hopefully thought You will enjoy this Part,...

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