Willing Volunteer ...for anonymous

Story by Tagenar on SoFurry

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"Willing Volunteer"

by Tagenar

The fox is lying on cold steel. As he opens his eyes he observes the individual plates that comprise the floor. Each one is about a meter square and held in place with flush rivets.

He blinks away a headache, tries to move his arms. They're tightly bound behind his back. Feels like a clamp is holding his wrists together. The fox tries to move his wrists, but he doesn't expect them to budge. He only moves them to prove his guess is right. They're immobile.

The fox shifts around and tries to stand. He doesn't have a lot of traction on the steel floor, so he slides around on his side. Quickly he realizes his legs are not bound, but something is blocking much of his leg movement.

The fox raises his head off the floor. Looks around. A mirror takes up an entire wall. Obviously one-way. Still fighting a headache he lifts his head all the way up. The small room is lit by a single, dim light recessed into the ceiling. He sees his reflection in the mirror. The fox slides around the floor and finally raises his torso off the steel. He sits down and looks straight into the mirror.

His testicles are the size of watermelons. His limp penis rests on the cold steel. It's as big around as his leg. The fox gawks at it in the mirror. He doesn't look down for some time.

After panting for several minutes, the fox gathers the courage and looks down at himself. It's not a trick of the light.

He struggles and brings his legs in. He raises himself to his knees. His testicles lift off the steel. They're as heavy as watermelons and just as solid. His penis is too long to lift all the way, but it's as weighty as it looks.

He wishes he could feel it with his hands, and struggles against the clamps, but they don't budge. They don't even rattle. He wishes he could see what's holding them together. As he struggles his testicles sway and bob. Their weight pulls him down.

Finally he gives up and settles back to kneeling in front of the mirror, balls dangling, limp penis slumped over them like a sleeping bag. He pants for a while.

Gathering more courage, he brings his legs together and stands up all the way. His testicles hang to mid-thigh. His penis dangles by his knees. They're incredibly heavy, but the longer he stands the lighter they feel.

He takes a step. His massive equipment bounces around. He walks around the metal room. He kicks his own penis a few times. It's the weirdest thing he's ever done. He approaches the mirror and tries to peer through it. He doesn't honestly expect to see anyone, but he can't think of anything else to do.

There's a change in the air. The fox smells it. He raises his snout and checks the air again. He doesn't know what that scent is, but it makes him feel funny.

He wanders around the room, taking careful steps to accommodate his genitals. The more he moves about, the less he notices them.

The air is becoming oppressive with that strange scent. He pants as he takes it in. The funny feeling is rising...

He gasps. He remembers that feeling. He looks down.

The sleeping bag is expanding. It lengthens first, dropping down to the cold floor. It expands. Slithers along the floor. Approaches the far wall with the mirror. It puffs out, doubles in girth. It lifts off the floor and rises up...up...up. It scrapes the mirror as it rises even further.

The fox blissfully watches it. The expansion of his own member, filling up to its fullest, it makes him proud.

Finally it reaches its fullest. Easily three times longer than his body and thick as his waist. He pants as he observes it. It's hard to believe this is part of him. It doesn't feel like it should be, and his eyes don't believe how far it reaches.

His penis moves. The fox freezes. He didn't tell it to do that.

The massive head curves backwards, as if looking back at the fox. He takes a step back, instinctually trying to put distance between himself and it.

His penis slithers through the air, heading straight for the fox. He tries to raise his arms in defense, but they're bound. It shoots past his hip, curls around and pushes under his tail. The fox feels something happen at the. It tingles, and feels extraordinarily good. It quickly pulses and moves down his shaft. Down. Down...the fox moans in ecstasy. He feels it exit the tip. Wet and warm. It's pre. The penis uses it. Pushes under his tail, spreading the fox open.

It's an enormous shock--the fox has never encountered anything this large before, and it brings him to his knees, his twin watermelons dangle and collide with the fall. His penis opens him all the way and slips inside.

The fox hangs his head, bound hands pointed straight up at the ceiling and gasps for air. He moans as it slithers deep inside him. It pauses. The fox breathes. Then it slithers another foot inside. The fox heaves forward and gasps. His penis tingles more and more. The tingling spreads over his whole body. His penis slides another foot in.

It pulses. He's cumming. The pulses build and build over the whole length, magnifying every time. He moans louder and louder as it moves further and further down the cobra and into himself.

It slides in more as it finishes deep inside him. The fox drops from his knees and lands snout down on the floor. His enormous balls are keeping his rear in the air, and his tail raised. His penis slides the rest of the way inside as it pulses one last time. The fox pants. He groans and moans.

Suddenly it grows. The fox cums again as it does, gasping at the same time. He doesn't believe that's what the feeling means, so he rolls over to his side. It happens again, and now he sees it happen. His penis lengthens from his body and slides deeper into him. It throbs. He's still cumming. His testicles squeeze each time he cums, matching the ripples in his member as it runs down the whole length, around his waist and deep into him.

It grows about six inches with each squeeze, and those six new inches slide deeper into him. The fox lies on his side. His eyes roll around from the pleasure.

A sickening feeling enters his gut. Two throbs later is rises higher. He gasps and panics, but as quickly as he does his muzzle is forced open. It slithers out his mouth half a foot every couple seconds, gushing semen with every expansion.

The fox pants through his nose. His moans and grunts of primal pleasure are muffled by his own member. It slithers down his torso six inches at a time, back around his waist, and under his tail again.

The fox's eyes widen.

It pushes him open a second time. The fox rolls onto his back from the force, legs as far apart as possible and looks down his stomach. All he can see are his testicles, squeezing like twin hearts. He's covered in semen.

It stretches him out again and slides inside him easily. It slides alongside itself back up through the fox's guts in bursts. Each burst fills him up deeper and deeper. All he can do is lie on the floor and let it happen.

The queasy feeling rises up through his throat again. Semen gushes out his muzzle as it rises from his throat. It makes room for itself as it grows out. It grows all the way out and slides down his abdomen again. It slides down, covering his fur in semen along the way, wraps back around and positions itself under his tail again.

The fox eagerly waits to be penetrated again. This is what he volunteered for. Nothing to be afraid of.

It penetrates him a third time. In no time it emerges from his muzzle, wraps around and enters him a fourth. His own penis has tied him up. He and the metal room are covered in semen. He waits for it to emerge...

...and moments later it does. It slithers down his stomach. It's about to enter him again.

It feels unbelievably good, but like always it leaves him unsatisfied. Nothing has ever satisfied the urge, the need. They promised to finally satiate his desire, and he can only hope that they will. Wrapped up in his own erection, the fox rolls to his side and awaits phase two.

Teammates ...for Nudog

"Teammates" for Nudog by Tagenar Damian knocked on the door. He shifted his shoulder bag and looked around the suburban neighborhood. The sun was setting. Streetlights were just starting to switch on. There...

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"Vartech" by Tagenar Copyright 2010 \*1 The alarm clock buzzed at 6:45. A furry black arm slid from under the sheets and groped around for the clock. After a few empty gropes it found the clock and hit the snooze. The arm retreated under the sheets...

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