Outward Dangers, Inward Pleasures

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Story (c) Amethyst Mare


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Outward Dangers, Inward Pleasures

Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

A bitter gust of wind rustled the leaves on the silver birch trees that lined the river, their weathered, aged bark curled and peeling in places - one of many betraying indicators of the hardships they had faced even in what was thought a moderate climate. The burble of the river flowing steadily and unconcernedly on its way provided a comforting backdrop to the erratic wind, there being otherwise no distinguishable sounds. It was this thought that caught the pale winged zebra that had chosen that morning to go for a walk, as part of an escape and a somewhat solitary expedition. The wild country was certainly a great change from the bustle of towns and cities so often frequented by hirself and the majority of furs and it was somewhere nice to visit occasionally. However, shi also knew that shi was one of the brave few who had the courage to walk out of the nearby town without any means of protecting hirself and entirely alone.

Shi was hermaphrodite, that much was clear, and hir clothing did not do much to hide the fact, despite hir being glad that shi had had the sense to wrap up a bit more than usual to go on this trek, having found that the Autumn morning had an unexpectedly icy edge to it. Hir practical clothing was both flattering and useful and shi was briefly glad that shi didn't follow the fashions and instead hir instincts on choosing jeans, a non-restricting but fitted dark shirt and hir thick, warm fleece coat earlier that morning. This was all chosen despite the attempted intervention of hir friend, who shi had bumped into on hir way out that morning, who had tried to insist that shi wore something a little more...revealing. The zebra had staunchly refused the advice of the clueless but good natured vixen, declining her suggestions as delicately as possible before excusing hirself, saying that shi had an appointment in town that shi must make on time.

The zebra couldn't make hirself feel guilty about the lie since it was not as if shi would be caught out with it. On these rare walks shi took, shi had never seen another fur; shi knew most were far too frightened to venture out this way. There were too many urban legends about furs who went out for a stroll up the river and never returned to their families and friends, vanishing completely in the span of a couple of hours. One of the many rumours about the disappearances was that there was a rogue pack of wolves around that were killing furs as they pleased. However, the zebra didn't believe any of these wild rumours - why should shi? There was no reason to be afraid when shi could easily fly away from any predators that appeared.

However, shi was not unduly reckless, shi stepped forward with both grace and care, the black of hir stripes gleaming in the sunshine, and ears pricked up sharply to pick up the slightest sound of danger. Although brave to venture out alone, shi was not stupid or throwing caution to the wind completely, no - shi just had needed some time far away from others, just to think. Sometimes the only place to do that was completely isolated and if that meant taking off without telling any other fur, well then, so be it, shi thought decisively to hirself.

Hir step quickened as the gurgle of the river reached her sensitive ears, flexing hir pale, feathered wings as the ache of thirst in hir throat. grew more and more pressing by the minute. Shi had brought a flask of water with hir, but it had disappeared surprisingly quickly into hir muzzle, making hir wish that shi had thought to carry two on this walk. At least shi had come to a river now and refill the flask and continue on with hir walk without needing to return earlier than hoped for.

It was a tight squeeze past the birch trees to reach the river but shi made it, rubbing some of the silver bark off on her clothes as shi did so, remaining uncaring of this as she padded through the lush grass to the riverbank. Frowning, shi saw that it was quite a drop to the water; it would not be as easy a task to refill the flask as shi had hoped. But perhaps... Hir ears perked up again as shi came up with a solution, slinging her shoulder pack down on the grass and then lying on her front, wriggling as close to the edge as shi dared. Once leaning over the edge precariously, shi took the flask in the paw nearest the water and lowered it carefully, stretching and then giving a pleased murr when shi managed to lower it just enough so that water began to flow into it.

Much better, shi thought, raising the flask again and sitting cross legged on the bank, taking a sip from the cool, clean fluid. It was actually quite comfortable sitting on the thick grass that seemed to extend from the river edge like a carpet. And it had such a sweet smell to it, shi mused to hirself, lifting the water to hir lips once more, not hearing the startled cry of a thrush as it tore from the nearby bushes.

Shi heard the twig snap in the bushes across from hir though, sounding deliberately loud in the sudden silence. Hir muzzle snapped up from the flask immediately and shi scanned the area, hir short, dark tail twitching nervously as shi sensed for the first time that shi was being watched. Shi shook hirself, trying to shake the feeling from hir fur - who could be watching hir out here? The only thing that could be out below the foothills was small animals, maybe a fox or two at the very most. Not the wolves from the rumours... Shi pushed the thought away with a repulsed shudder. No, there was nothing out there, shi was sure of it.

Relaxing again, shi was already mentally berating hirself for hir silliness in immediately assuming that there was something harmful nearby. Shi was fine, there was nothing there - shi kept repeating this phrase to hirself like a mantra, as if by repeating it, it could be made fact and shi could be certain of hir safety. It must have been an instinctual reaction to a normal noise in the bush, nothing more than that.

Just leftover instincts from being a prey animal, shi reasoned with hirself firmly, picking up hir pack with a small smile and slinging it back over hir shoulder casually. The physical motions helped and shi straightened hir fleece coat, looking around for a route to follow. Will follow the stream, like I usually do. Nothing could happen here.

So shi padded on alongside the river, eyes continuously straying to the gleaming surface and relaxing slowly as some faint warmth from the sun finally began to warm the darker parts of hir fur. Glancing up, shi guessed that it was nearing midday - shi had brought neither phone or watch with hir - and smiled happily to hirself. It really was becoming a truly beautiful day.

Little did shi know that shi had been entirely correct about something sinister, or more accurately someone, watching hir very closely as shi walked along the riverbank.

Behind the cover of a denser copse of trees, an emerald green dragoness lay quite still, only hir yellow eyes moving as shi followed the progress of the zebra down the river. Hir colouring had allowed hir to remain concealed, even when that silly zebra had heard the twig snap beneath hir clawed paw. Only once the zebra had strode almost out of sight did shi rise to hir feet slowly, taking more care this time to not raise attention to hir presence. Shi stretched to relieve the tension in hir muscles, hir heavy, overfilled ball sack swinging noticeably below hir belly, betraying hir dual gender to the world. Shi was a hermaphrodite, like that zebra was and shi wanted to see what that zebra was hiding beneath hir clothes.

Shi was going to have that zebra, but not for food.

As sly as a weasel, shi slunk from the cover of the trees and impenetrable vegetation, stepping out into the open. To catch this one, shi would probably need to attack from the air, shi decided. With those wings on the anthro, there was too much chance that shi would escape when pounced on from the tree line. Not to mention that zebra's were damn quick when they wanted to be and shi preferred hunting on the wing, anyway - it gave the perfect opportunity for hir to practice stealth. The raised hir wings, testing it for a second and sensing that it was just right as shi took off, pumping hir wings vigorously to rise quickly out of immediate eyesight, lest hir plan come to nothing. Soon shi found hirself gliding on a gentle wind that made hir ascension much less strenuous and allowed hir to focus on finding that zebra.

Shi circled, so high up that any fur on the ground could have easily mistaken hir for a large bird, perhaps an eagle; even if that zebra did chance to look up, shi would not be seen. The knowledge made a smirk play across hir reptilian muzzle, beating hir wings hard to gain a little more altitude, all the while scanning the ground carefully for hir target. The tree line seemed quiet, no movement there, and the nearby grassy slopes were devoid of any life, the feral creatures that lived there knowing exactly when the resident huntress was in the area. Sadly for some, anthros were not as in tune with their instincts - shi would not be sensed by any of them for sure.

There! The zebra had broken from the tree line and was striding across the open meadow, prancing through the thigh high, rich grass without a care in the world. Shi grinned widely, testing the wind with a tilt of hir wings and silently gliding so that hir form was directly above hir blissfully unaware prey. If the zebra had been paying attention as shi had been before, shi would have noticed the shadow advancing on hir own with deadly precision, sweeping across the grass with deadly precision. Readying hirself, the dragoness locked hir wings and dropped like a stone, plummeting to earth at a reckless speed, claws outstretched to capture hir prey.

The zebra squealed wildly as there was a rush of wind and shi was knocked muzzle first into the grass, the breath forced out of hir lungs from the impact. Hir wings were crushed against hir body and shi struggled faintly, trying to somehow evade the force weighing hir down. Wriggling around and looking up, shi was terrified to see the massive form of a green dragon upon hir back, scales catching the sunlight in a beautiful yet deadly fashion. Hir breath caught in hir throat as it lowered its muzzle towards hir, the feral grinning and baring its teeth at hir. Now shi knew where those other furs had disappeared to and the thought was not comforting in the slightest.

"Mmm," the dragoness purred, sliding hir tongue out to taste hir prey. "I haven't had zebra in a long time."

"Please don't eat me!" The zebra neighed plaintively, terrified at finding that shi could not move at all under the bulk that was now weighing down upon a good portion of hir body - only hir head was uncovered. A stronger ripple of fear washed through hir and the whites of hir eyes betrayed hir high emotion, even if hir squeals did not. For a second, it flashed through hir mind that it was very unlikely that shi would survive this experience.

"Please," shi managed to gasp out. "I'll do anything you want, just don't kill me."

Perhaps it was just instinct and the heady scent in the air, but the zebra's pleading made the dragoness' cock stir, the pink, tapered tip slowly beginning to slide from the plump sheath, ridges covering the emerging length. Of course, the zebra couldn't see it yet, quivering in a mixture of fear and desperation to find some method of escape. The dragoness snuffed the air, lowering hir muzzle to the zebra's crotch, where the bulge and scent had already betrayed this particular anthro's dual gender. Ignoring a squirm of repulsion from hir prey, shi nosed that obscenely large bulge, hir tongue snaking out to trace over the annoyingly placed cloth between the zebra's legs. There was a strange scent, something foreign to hir - at least where equines were concerned - and shi was curious to investigate it, thrusting hir snout right into the zebra's crotch, making hir scoot back a bit as shi squealed indignantly. The scent was intensifying, becoming something more feminine and alluring than the male musk shi had previously focused upon. And when shi realised just what it was, shi reared hir head back, snorting a puff of grey smoke with delight at the discovery.

The zebra was even in heat.

It was perfect.

This shall be even better than usual, shi purred inwardly, nuzzling at that warm mound so inconveniently concealed by the fur-made fabrics. The dragoness nipped at the offending material, earning a half-fearful and half-indignant yelp from the zebra, which reminded hir of the actual living fur shi was attempting to reach intimately in hir growing arousal. Shi eased back, allowing the zebra to scramble on to paws and knees once more before placing a heavy paw upon hir shoulders, ensuring that any further movements would not be permitted.

"I'll do anything, but don't kill me, please," the zebra repeated, straining to remain on all fours with the dragoness' paw on hir shoulders.

"Anything, little zebra," shi crooned, running one dangerously sharp claw down the zebra's spine, scratching threads from the coat. "What do you think you could possibly do for me?"

"I don't know," shi whimpered quietly, hanging hir muzzle down, hir wings trembling against hir sides as shi folded them in close in a futile attempt to protect hir body.

"Then it is good that I know," the dragoness purred silkily, dragging the zebra up to hir knees with a rough jerk upon hir coat.

"Take it off," shi said in a much more commanding tone, eyeing the striped prey in front of hir with a predator's hunger. The zebra was uncomprehending for a second, jaw hanging open in utter shock at the order.

"W-what?" Shi questioned weakly, wrapping hir wings around hirself like a protective shield, not that it would do much good in the long run. Seeing this, the dragoness frowned, as much as a feral could, and growled deep in hir throat.

"I said," shi snarled threateningly, "take it off."

And without waiting for an answer, shi lunged forward, claws tearing into the coat and shredding the thick material easily. Thinking shi was about to be eaten, the zebra shrieked and writhed away, leaping to hir feet and making as if to sprint away in escape. But the dragoness wasn't having any of that, making a neat pounce and pinning the zebra heavily to the ground with a single forepaw in the centre of hir back. Hir teeth made short work of the remainder of the coat, tossing it to the side where it fell over a large nearby rock, as the winded fur tried to regain hir breath from the rough and inconsiderate pounce.

"Oof," shi groaned weakly, trembling as shi felt the coat being systematically stripped away like meat from a kill. The ease with which shi made the comparison sickened hir.

"So, are you going to listen to me now, or shall we continue making this difficult?" The dragoness had finished hir task and sat back on hir haunches, eyeing the curvy form in front of hir with visible relish.

"What would you have me do?" The zebra asked in reply, keeping hir eyes lowered but rolling hir bruised body into a sitting position, leaning back on hir paws.

"Remove the rest of your clothes. You know what happens if you're not quick enough," the dragoness ordered coolly.

It wasn't much of a choice for the poor zebra, who was still unsure about what would happen to hir, so shi was still hesitant about complying with the dragon's wishes, despite hir apparent obedience. Gulping nervously, shi cast hir eyes about looking for an escape route and saw none; unfortunately, the dragoness saw this and narrowed hir eyes in anger.

"Not quick enough," shi hissed, growing impatient as the raging need in hir body grew increasingly pressing. With one agile movement, the dragoness reared up, pushing the zebra back again, the heavy forepaw coming down hard on hir voluptuous breasts. Chuffing furiously, the zebra tried to squirm away, only to be halted when that paw pushed down with increasing force, claws digging in to instantly quell hir efforts.

"Hey," shi protested weakly, squirming as much as shi could beneath that heavy paw. The very weight of it was beginning to make it difficult to breathe and even more difficult to talk, although shi had to try, had to find out what was happening and how shi might possibly escape from it. But shi had to stay calm. "What...what are you doing?"

"Oh, be quiet," the dragoness replied absentmindedly, far more concerned with running her fleshy, reptilian tongue over the zebra's exposed neck than listening, which elicited a rather startled whinny in reply. The dragoness shifted hir weight and a forepaw, exposing hir fully extended member, which hung imposingly below her stomach, the ridges ominous and the phallus already dripping with pre cum that flowed as water did from a faucet. It was monstrous at its full length and hardness, reaching a good few feet in total, likely just over four, if anyone had been around to make a valid estimate. The zebra's eyes grew wide and shi renewed thrashed under the dragoness' forepaw with frantic vigour.

"No! You can't! Please, don't do this to me!" Shi begged, trying to push the beast away with hir forepaws, uncaring of the meagre effect it had on the much larger being, which glared down at hir antics without any trace of amusement or consideration of releasing hir.

"I believe you said 'anything', zebby, so you'll do exactly as I please," shi growled in reply, digging hir claws in slightly for emphasis. "You are in no position to complain."

At the sharp pinpricks of pain, the zebra stilled again, although shi still panted heavily, eyes wide with fear and the knowledge of what was about to happen to hir. Shi shivered violently, though not from the cold, solid in the certainty that there was nothing shi to be done about hir fate now, completely helpless in the feral's grasp as shi was.

And what would become of hir after the feral's lust was sated?

Shi gulped and lay as still as possible, even though hir entire body trembled at the thought of having to take that phallus within hir.

It will tear me apart, shi thought miserably, but felt a sharp stab of annoyance with hirself when shi realised that this very scenario was close to the fantasies shi had in the privacy of hir bedroom. Shi had never dreamt of living it out and definitely not in this way! But being taken by a feral - specifically a dragon though - was one of the most erotic, submissive notions that had ever come to hir mind...well, just one of many erotic ideas, truth be told. But it was a fantasy and a desire, a sure one at that.

Maybe I can like this...maybe a bit, she thought nervously to hirself, running hir tongue around the inside of hir suddenly dry mouth. The heat in hir loins had been bothering hir all day and had been one of the reasons shi had had to escape for the day, even if shi was torn between accepting and utterly regretting that decision now. Maybe I can like it enough to survive and return home.

"You will not do anything else to me?" Shi asked hesitantly, afraid to raise or even turn hir muzzle to meet the dragoness' eyes. "You're not tricking me now so that you can eat me after this?"

"I'm hungry, zebra, but not for something to fill my belly," shi chuckled, the sound a low rumble emanating from hir chest. "Sate me here and I will leave you be after, I have no further use for you then."

The zebra's decision was made, rash and ludicrous as it was.

"Do what you will," shi said quietly, laying hir ears back and hoping furtively that shi would not regret hir decision here. The dragoness snorted a puff of smoke, pleased with the response and twitched her tail in anticipation.

"I can smell that you're in heat," shi rumbled lowly, hir tongue wandering up over the zebra's thinly covered breasts, making the nipples stand up and protrude noticeably against the thinner fabric. "You want this really."

The zebra shook gently, shaking hir muzzle in denial, even if hir body was starting to ache with the need to be filled and pounded to a screaming climax. It was moving too fast, far too quickly for hir liking. Shi cursed hirself - cursed the heat that was making hir consider taking pleasure from this, regardless of the fact that shi had no choice in the matter anyway. Shi would be taken whether shi liked it or not. But shi couldn't seem to place the unusual scent in the air, coming from this dragon; it was thick, heady and overwhelmingly intoxicating. Shi only noticed after a few seconds of contemplation that it was making hir own member twitch under the confines of hir clothing.

Shi must a hermaphrodite, like me, shi came to the conclusion with a start, smoothing hir paws down over hir remaining clothes worriedly. And if shi's also one in heat...but taking me as a male would...what will it take to sate hir?

The dragoness was privy to none of this, sitting back on hir haunches and leaving hir dripping shaft open for contemplation while she allowed the zebra to come to hir own decision about how this meeting would proceed. Of course, shi would be mated either way, but it didn't have to be entirely forced. Shi didn't mind if hir prey enjoyed the mating as least a bit, even if they couldn't derive as much pleasure from it as shi did, or so shi believed. Only when the zebra met hir eyes briefly and then dipped hir head in acknowledgement of what was to come, did shi advance, flicking hir tail tip delightedly at this conquest.

"Take the rest of your clothes off," the dragoness ordered with a smirk, slithering hir tail around to lift the zebra's muzzle up, making the equine look at hir directly. "And then, maybe, I'll do something nice for you."

"Something nice?" The zebra's muzzle wrinkled curiously as shi tried to fathom what good thing the dragoness could possibly do to hir in this situation. "What?"

"Do as I say and you will see. Maybe."

Shi was starting to grow more eager to comply, so shi threw hir shoes to one side and wriggled out of hir dark, fitted shirt, dropping it on the grass without care, where it was quickly followed by hir jeans and, after some hesitation, hir plain undergarments. So now shi stood completely naked and shivering in the cool air, self conscious under the unwavering predator's gaze, wondering what would happen. Nervously, shi tried to cover hirself up with hir paws, although considering the size of hir full breasts, this was a task that shi had no hope of accomplishing; they swelled far past the natural width of hir chest and being unrestrained by clothing left the dragoness to fully admire the assets before hir. Only managing to cover hir fat nipples with hir paws, the zebra blushed hard, shifting uneasily from hind paw to hind paw.

Being faintly surprised, the dragoness saw that the hermaphrodite sported male parts of a considerable size, which shi had believed before to be exaggerated by the heavy clothing and hir movements. Hir limp cock measured at a good two three long, looking as if it could easily gain considerably on that size, becoming as long as hirs. Shi didn't like to guess upon the thickness, but assumed it would serve any needy female - or male, for that matter - very well when the zebra used it well. And the most interesting feature of all concerning hir enormous stallion hood was the rich, blue colour they were imbued with. Fleetingly wondering how they could have become like that (and wondering how shi could acquire the ability to force it upon her hapless prey during future romps), shi stored the question in the back of hir mind for later, licking hir lips with a predator's hunger.

The zebra kept hir eyes lowered, the heat that had coloured hir cheeks quickly spreading to encompass hir own body, focusing on the point between hir legs where hir female sex was discretely nestled, feeling strangely hot and aroused by the greatly erotic and helpless situation. Although the cool eyes upon hir were unnerving and unrelenting in their hungry stare, shi couldn't resist feeling aroused; the dragoness salivated eagerly at the sight before hir - the sight which was all hirs for the taking exactly as shi pleased. It was a truly delicious feeling.

Ignoring the half-hearted "eep" the zebra gave in protest, shi dipped hir muzzle down and shoved it between the thighs of the herm, pushing hir overfilled balls out of the way and letting hir rough tongue drag teasingly over the already moist labia. A low moan was given in response and the feral smirked, rubbing the fleshy appendage against the small, dark nub of pulsing flesh that was the zebra's clitoris, tucked in close behind hir balls.

"Ah..." The zebra gasped, spreading hir legs instinctively and flagging hir tail as pleasure rocketed through from hir loins. "Please..."

"Please, what?" The dragoness murmured wickedly, hir tongue locating the zebra's vulva and darting a few inches into the slick, tight tunnel. The gasp and delighted whinny told hir that shi had hit the right spot inside that wonderfully constricting passage; shi then decided to test if hir prey was ready to go willingly, thrusting over a foot of the agile appendage into the narrow tunnel, writhing it furiously within the small body.

"You want this, don't you?" Shi demanded, pressing hir snout hard against the zebra's clitoris as shi said this. "Tell me. Tell me you want it. You want to be fucked raw by me until you can't move anymore. Tell me."

Seemingly incapable of speech at the present moment, the zebra merely moaned loudly in response, rubbing hir own breasts in circular motions. Hir nipples had hardened with arousal and were delighting in the attention from hir paws. Shi didn't seem to have realised that hir cock had become quickly and fully erect under this ruthless teasing, standing at a size to rival the dragoness' own, and the girth . . . The dragoness shivered, unable to deny the prominent thought that something of that girth would feel immensely good buried in hir hot, pulsing cunny. But shi had to have this zebra now.

"Say it," the dragoness hissed, goading the zebra on and ramming even more of hir tongue inside, wriggling against the zebra's cervix like a mindless snake, the very tip of it almost squeezing past the block. "Say you want it."

"I do... I want it," shi moaned quietly, humping against that wriggling tongue, trying to get the lithe muscle to hit that intense pleasure spot again. "Please...take me, fuck me, take what you want from me."

And that was exactly what the feral was impatient to hear.

The dragoness hooked one large paw under the zebra's stomach, lifting hir up and dumping hir unceremoniously on the rock where the long forgotten coat had been discarded earlier. Yelping, the zebra grabbed on to the rock as she was dumped there, sliding over the edge and bracing hir paws on the ground so that shi wouldn't make a neat, headfirst dive on to what suddenly seemed to be much more solid earth. With hir arms braced, shi gasped as hir cock rubbed up against the coat, allowing hir to grind hir gently against it. Shi gasped at the shock of pleasure this small motion gave hir and was prompted to grind against it softly, drooling pre cum liberally from the tip. Hir motions, however, unknowingly made hir lift hir tail high over hir buttocks, giving a clear and open invitation to be mounted like a mare.

Lust and instinct was making it difficult for the dragoness to hold back from ravaging hir temporary mate - who would not survive if ravaged with teeth and claws as well as a rampant prick. Instinct drove hir to step forward, rearing up so that hir forepaws clasped the zebra's waist and hir dripping member lined up perfectly with the zebra's rear. Beginning to breathe more heavily at the prospect of sating hirself, shi rolled hir hips forward to rub that spear of flesh all over the zebra's rear, smearing dollops of pre cum over hir fur and soft nether lips, listening to the wanton and no longer fearful moans coming from the anthro.

It was too much to hold back from.

Shi snarled ferociously, spreading hir wings wide as shi found hir mark and drove the tip of hir painfully throbbing cock deep into the zebra's most private orifice. The zebra yelped, feeling her inner walls parted and stretched more than ever before around that monstrous shaft, the initial pain of entrance soon overcome by an intense pleasure that emanated through hir entire being, far more potent that what had come of any mating shi had partaken in before. It was only after the initial shock of being penetrated that shi realised that only half of the dragoness' sock had sunk into hir folds, but it was difficult to feel either regretful or disappointed about this, for a reason yet unknown to hir.

It was uncanny and she whinnied plaintively as any remaining thought of resistance seemed to slide out of hir hold like water, the will to resist trickling through hir grasp when shi struggled to retrieve it. With hir muzzle hanging over the edge of the rock and hir breasts pressed heavily against the coat, shi gasped for breath, unconsciously squeezing hir inner walls around the ridged, draconic member violating hir. Unconsciously, shi contracted hir muscles around it, wanting more of it inside hir, although it was already pressed up to hir cervix. The tip of the dragoness' cock slammed against hir cervix as the dragoness drove forwards, the ridges stimulating the bunch on nerves inside hir passage wonderfully and making the zebra groan in heated pleasure.

The dragoness smirked, driving half hir length in and out with small grunts of satisfaction as the pre cum that had both an aphrodisiac and pain numbing effect seeped into the zebra's body, easing penetration and inflicting a heightened state of desire upon hir mind. It was a good evolution of the dragoness' particular kind and one that came in highly useful at times such as these, or at least, this was what shi thought from prior, pleasurable experiences. Soon, however, shi knew the same aphrodisiac would have an effect on hir mind, the scent thick and enticing in the air already . . . Shi breathed in deeply, eyes clouding over with mindless lust.

And knowing that only half of hir ridged shaft was shoved within an already tight and strained crevice, shi roared lustfully and slammed forward more aggressively, pounding in for a few strokes before forcing hir member through the zebra's cervix to kiss the back wall of hir womb with a spurt of pre. Shi panted with exhilaration at breaking the barrier and started to pump vigorously, jaws coming down to close around the back of the zebra's neck possessively in the mating bite of hir kind, marking hir for life.

The zebra only moaned in pure delight and exhilaration as hir cervix was so roughly penetrated and pushed past, feeling no pain but instead powerful spasms of pleasure take hir as shi hit hir first small orgasm, squirming and trying to thrust hir hips back at the hot meat-pole impaling hir cunny. The sensation of being forced open so wide and taken without care was more incredible that anything shi had ever known before; shi arched hir back the best shi could and rubbed hir back against the dragoness' bulk.

"Take me," shi gasped out wantonly, any trace of hir previous fear and inhibitions completely vanished as she squeezed hir cunny muscles around that powerful fuck-tool. "Fuck me like one of your kind! Make me sore and fill me with your cum!"

Murring through a haze of sexual ecstasy, the dragoness bit down harder on the zebra's neck, impatient to comply. Driving in even more deeply, shi rammed inside repeatedly and heard a sharp yelp at the hot spurt of pre shi shot into the zebra's womb, loving every second of this mating with such an unusually responsive partner. The zebra's pussy juices were leaking copiously from hir cunny, slickening the passage for the dragoness' rampant cock and allowing hir to thrust more easily, although still with a feral, reckless abandon for hir partner. Meanwhile, the zebra's cock rubbed against the coat between hir striped body and the rock, leaving trails of pre as it pulsed and twitched at the steadily increasing stimulation.

But it wasn't enough, the lust-crazed feral wanted to feel the entirety of hir pulsing rod encased in the zebra's tight flesh, but over half was shoved into the comparative hollowness of hir womb and, as erotic as it was, it was not receiving the stimulation shi craved. Shi hissed furiously, seeking a solution as shi ground hir hips forwards, hir seed filled ball sack slapping lewdly against the zebra's legs and balls with hir short thrusts. There was but one option.

Hissing more lowly, shi withdrew roughly, hir breathing harsh and ragged as shi released the zebra's neck from the grasp of hir sharp fangs. The zebra whinnied plaintively as shi moved back, turning hir muzzle eagerly to beg to be filled again when the tip of that cum and cunny juice streaked shaft was pressed to hir anal ring purposefully. Hir eyes barely had time to widen in lust-induced delight at being fucked there before hir tight little tail hole was forced open, making hir scream as another far more powerful orgasm took hir in its grasp.

Finally satisfied with the penetration, the dragoness thrust deeply with a pleased growl, the depth of hir thrust straightening the zebra's gut as shi was violated so wonderfully. Hir temporary mate was still writhing beneath hir in the throes of orgasm, cock dribbling a continuous flow of pre cum all over the rock, uncaring of the mess either was making. The ridges of the dragoness' cock rubbed against the zebra's prostate perfectly, causing hir erection to twitch and hir balls to tighten. Shi whimpered, flicking hir tail back and for against the dragoness' belly, hir body and member driven against the firm surface below by the force of the hungry yet purposeful thrusts. Through the daze of orgasm, the zebra had the vague realisation that shi was on the verge of another orgasm, although this time relief from hir male side.

The dragoness thrashed hir considerably longer and more powerful tail back and for, half climbing up on to the rock and driving forward even harder, hir breath ragged and a trail of smoke pouring from hir curved nostrils in excitement. Shi had no need for words, letting hir body move as it willed, and simply rejoiced in the concentrated waves of sexual gratification that were washing through hir body, the zebra wriggling beneath hir as shi neared hir peak. At the base of hir member, slick with the zebra's cunny juices and hir own creamy fluids, the knot had started to swell, rapidly inflating as shi moaned on the brink of a powerful climax. Shi pressed it forward against the zebra's tail hole, testing the resistance of the body shi was claiming.

Feeling that massive knot become swollen and firm - the first physical sign given of the dragoness' impending orgasm - the zebra's eyes became wide at the thought of that colossal bulge being forced into hir loosened but still tight tail hole. Having it rubbed against the outside of hir tail hole and rump felt amazingly good to hir, but inside . . . Inside it would stretch hir beyond what hir physical limits. Though...shi couldn't help but moan desirably at the thought of it being forced roughly in before the dragoness' seed was spilled within. Shi guessed shi would have no choice and at that present moment, shi didn't really care.

A harsh snarl from above hir bade hir look up and shi squealed as the dragoness' cock was dragged from hir tail hole, the ridges, which had become more raised and prominent during the rough mating, stroking delightfully against hir anal ring, and was then immediately thrust into hir sore cunny again. With hir cunny being spread so wide around the powerful shaft again, the zebra whinnied with need and ground hir hips against the rock, using whatever stimulation shi could get to gain release for hir aching balls, desperate for this release from any means necessary. Above hir, the dragoness hissed in frustration as she strived to shove hir knot in, hir heavy balls slapping against the striped legs with the renewed primal fucking, aggressively slamming hir knot against the zebra's vulva again and again in hir determination to tie.

Finally, with one rough, dominant push in which shi drove the zebra down forcefully against the rock, shi forced the knot inside and roared as shi hit hir release, the power of hir orgasm coming down on hir like a tidal wave. Hir long rod twitched and pulsed rhythmically as it pumped a heavy dose of seed into the zebra's womb, overfilling it quickly and making the soft walls expand to accommodate the fertile cream being poured in liberally, as if coming from a tap. The dragoness, shook hir muzzle and thrust hir cock back and for the few inches inside that shi could, purring at the intensity of hir release and hir partner's contractions squeezing hir shaft wonderfully.

A few moments after being knotted, the zebra threw hir muzzle back in the air and screamed like a feral equine hirself with the sheer power of hir climax, which was made even more potent as shi hit it on both ends simultaneously. Hir cunny was wracked with uncontrollable spasms and clenched down on the dragoness' member - the dragoness hissing appreciatively at this - while hir thick balls, which had promised to spill a hefty dose of zebra seed, erupted through hir cock, splashing all over the rock shi was pinned to where it poured down to the ground like water, so great was the amount. The mind blowing pleasure took the pair with unexpected intensity, stilling any intentional motions as they panted and whined through their climaxes, the zebra twitching and moaning occasionally as shi was filled with an excessive amount of cum over the course of several minutes.

Groaning blissfully as hir belly was inflated with cum, the zebra rubbed it with hir paws, seeing how it bulged out and became noticeably much larger. With hir orgasm coming to an end, shi released the last spurts of ejaculation into the already ankle deep pool around hir hind paws, which was spreading and soaking into the grass rapidly, betraying the amount. Upon the point of collapse, hir whole body was wracked with a bone deep ache and hir arms, which had been braced on the ground all this time, shook with the strain of holding hir body up.

Likewise exhausted, the dragoness slid backwards off the rock, pulling the zebra with hir, although the anthro had no more energy left to protest at being pulled backwards by the fat knot lodged in hir cunny. With a faint, satisfied smile to hirself, the zebra pressed hir back against the dragoness' belly, curling into a half-foetal position and slipping into unconsciousness, far too drained to remain awake for even a moment longer. Shi would deal with what came of this hasty liaison once shi was rested but now, shi would bask in sleep and hir afterglow to recover.

The dragoness realised that the zebra had fallen asleep and felt a flicker of concern for hir, as shi would not be able to cope with the cold like a dragon with fire in hir belly. Although the concern was short lived, shi lay down on hir side, sliding a wing under the zebra's body to keep hir off the hard groundwhile shi slept and the knot inside hir deflated over the course of the next few hours. But the dragoness couldn't berate hirself for tying in this mating - it had been too extreme and pleasurable not to tie with hir. And now was not the time to be worrying about silly things, shi reasoned tiredly, nuzzling the zebra's cheek as shi murmured incoherently in hir sleep. Shi wondered if shi could persuade the zebra to use hir cock in hir still slightly needy pussy when they had recovered sufficiently. Still being in heat, shi needed satisfaction on both ends to truly be sated.

"Maybe I'll keep you a while," shi purred quietly, the warm sense of satisfaction spreading through hir body as shi curled protectively around the passed out zebra, drawing hir in close to the warmth radiating from hir belly scales. "After all, this is one good thing that you cannot have too much of."

A Stallion Affair, Chapter Two: Outdoor Pursuits

**Outdoor Pursuits** _Cool and quiet, the stable yard was perfect for going for a ride on that calm summer afternoon. The chestnut stallion fur, Jason, trotted energetically across the yard, hooves clattering noisily against the paved surface outside...

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A Stallion Affair, Chapter One: Stallions after Hours

**Stallions after Hours** Jason yawned and stretched tiredly as he closed the door of the last stable, sliding both the upper and lower bolts into place. He was a six foot six inch tall stallion with a bright chestnut coat of fur and a long, flaxen...

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