Slave To The Wager: Chapter 2 - Sunday Morning

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#9 of Kink

What happens when you lose a bet...

This story is 18+ as it contains themes of sex, bondage, watersports and BDSM.

Read chapter one here:

12:30am, Sunday

I pull in futility against my binds, the metal of the cuffs clanking nosily against the frame I'm attached to. I look around, but the rubber mask still obscures all my vision, the darkness of the room ensuring there's nothing I can see.

My mind wanders. How the hell did I lose that bet, I chastise myself, casting my mind back to the silly errors I had made. I should have taken his queen when I had the chance, while I realise now that I shouldn't have started so aggressively. I should never have sacrificed those first three pawns, with the irony now being I'm merely a pawn to his king.

I yawn, the rubber around my face tightening against the motion. My cock twitches in response. My jaw snaps shut and I inhale the warming scent of rubber once again, intermixed with the earthy smell of spunk. My sheath gets tighter knowing it's so tantalising close to my face, yet just too far away from my hungry tongue. I console myself in the knowledge I'd likely be swallowing some later.

I am broken out of my reverie by the opening of the door. I breathe out heavily, preparing myself to be used once again, my tailhole pulsating against the plug in my ass. The light flicks on and I can see a shadow through my rubber screen, yet I don't know to whom it belongs. I bow my head down in submission, waiting for the inevitable, yet the inevitable never comes.

"Now then, boy," I hear the voice of my Master punctuating the silence. "It's a great party. It's such a shame you're missing it. But your presence has been requested. Would you like to join us for a drink?"

I hear the sound of a key entering a lock, followed by the loosening of one of my cuffs. A second one follows and I stretch my arms out tentatively in an attempt to shake out the stiffness.


I yelp as a sharp pain suddenly shoots across my ass.

"Did I say you could move?" he demands.

I bow my head in shame. "No, Master," I reply.

"Then stay where you are," he says as I shift my paws back to their original position.

"Better," he says as he circles behind me, undoing the locks on my ankle cuffs. He then attaches a short lead to my collar and drags me away from the frame.

My legs are quite stiff as I crawl out of the playroom and down the hallway. I hear the sound of merriment in one of the rooms and I contemplate the delight of having a drink with my friends. However, Master walks me beyond the hubbub, leading me to what I assume is the bathroom. This is confirmed when the carpeted surface becomes tile, the hardness of the floor jarring my knees while its coldness is transmitted through my aching paw pads.

"Into the shower," he commands, pushing me in its general direction. I blindly scrabble at the floor, trying to find the base of the cubicle. It takes me a while to locate it, but once I do, it's an easy climb into the unit.

"Kneel," he says and I do as I'm told before I hear him padlocking my ankles together.

"Paws behind your back," he demands and I oblige once again, hearing the sound of a second lock holding them in place. I then feel my hands being pulled down until they meet my feet, with a third lock securing the hogtie in place.

"Comfortable?" he asks and I nod in agreement, tugging in futility at my current predicament. He then turns me around 180 degrees and pushes me deeper into the cubicle.

"Shuffle back further," he says as I feel my neck being jerked closer to the wall. The clanking of my lead around the shower tap confirms my worst fear as I can no longer shift from my current position. I breathe heavily yet methodically, getting used to my bondage.

I see the shadow of my Master moving closer to my face, his hot breath condensing lustfully on the rubber. It mixes with the spunk in a horny concoction and I growl softly to myself in complete intoxication.

"We can't have you going anywhere, now, can we?" he says deviously. "Your friends need you after all."

I tilt my head inquisitively, but the lead makes it spring back into place. I grumble in frustration, but Master ignores me.

"Open wide," he says before I feel a pipe being shoved deep into my muzzle. A strap is then brought up and over my head, with a second one secured across my snout to keep it firmly in place. I breathe through the funnel, knowing now exactly what he meant by 'a drink'.

"It's been a fun evening, but a lot of beer has been drunk. Not by me I might add, I have to look after you, but our friends seem to be having a good time. They did say they wanted to share a drink with you and what kind of host would I be if I refused? And they did seem so desperate, so I was happy to oblige, as I am sure you will be when they pay you a visit."

Master's shadow then melts into darkness as I feel an increased tightness over my eyes. Behind me, a strap is pulled tight before the familiar click of a lock secures the blindfold in place. I can't help but feel it's somewhat unnecessary, but I am nothing but an object under the paws of my Master.

"Some of them were a little worried when they heard your moans earlier, so I'm sure they'll be relieved to see you. In more ways than one."

He chuckles to himself, patting me on the head.

"See you later, toilet," he says before I hear the light switch flick off. Five minutes later, the extractor fan stops humming and I'm again left alone with my thoughts.

I don't have long to wait before I am needed, the fan heralding the start of a lengthy procession. I hear a zip being undone in front of my face before a contented sigh floats somewhere above my head. Seconds become minutes as I wait for the inevitable, my heart beating in my throat as I hope I can swallow his load.

The gentle patter of water against plastic focuses my mind, followed as it is by the first acrid drops on my tongue. It tastes strong, but not too strong, as the pattering increases and liquid begins to flow into my muzzle. I close my eyes and settle into a rhythm, hearing the sound of water upon water as the funnel starts to fill up.

I scrunch my eyes and concentrate on drinking, gulping down mouthfuls as fast as it comes. The tinkling in the funnel becomes rather hypnotic, with my chugging becoming more percussive as I attempt to beat the ordeal.

I ball my hands into fists as I keep guzzling his gold, my stomach becoming increasingly swollen by the fluid inside it. I pray that my friend will stop urinating soon, but he seems to have had a few beers and shows no sign of letting up.

I keep breathing heavily, hoping it will negate the pain as I focus on serving my Master. The desire to not let him down guides me through and soon the splashing subsides, signifying the end of the stream.

My head is tipped back to capture the last drops of piss before I am able to breathe through my mouth once again. To my left, I hear the tap being run as my friend washes his paws, before I feel a gentle foot stroking my engorged sheath. I murmur softly, the salty flavour in my mouth reminding me of my submission as my cock grows increasingly hard.

Suddenly the foot is gone and the light is switched off, as again I am left alone with my thoughts. I breathe heavily, enjoying the taste in my muzzle, while I also sense a faint smell of piss coming out of my funnel.

I pull against my binds but still they hold fast. I sigh in contentment, happy to serve. I know this will only be the first of many this evening.

3am, Sunday

I am released from my bondage a few hours later, Master again undoing my locks and clipping a leash onto my collar. The hubbub from the party has died down, with a few of our friends having already left. I can hear the inflating of air mattresses by those who are staying, while I already know that my cage is where I'll be spending the night.

Master guides me to the playroom and takes off my collar, with my cuffs not far behind.

"Stand," he commands and I follow the order, before I hear the unclipping of the lock on the back of my suit. He then undoes the zip and pulls down the hood. The light blinds me and I need to scrunch up my eyes, blinking them a few times to become accustomed to it again.

"Take it off," he says and I peel myself out of the suit, folding it up on the side to be washed in the morning. I place my paws behind my back and look down at the floor, adopting the stance of submission that has been drilled into me.

He smiles. "At ease," he says and I reach out to hug him, a hug that he is more than happy to return.

"How are you?" he asks and I tell him how I feel, saying I am enjoying the submission, but I would like a short break. He consents and passes me some water, ensuring I am not too dehydrated after my evening in rubber.

We talk for a while, partly about the scenes and partly about ephemera, using our time to become a couple once again. I value these half hours in the middle of our play as they make me feel more secure when the bondage resumes.

"Time's up," he says with a lascivious smirk as I get down on my knees and assume my usual position. I hear his trousers unzip and he thrusts his cock in my mouth, letting me bob up and down on it for fifteen seconds or so. He then pulls away and I whimper sadly, my muzzle feeling cold and empty without its hot treat.

"Maybe tomorrow," he tells me. "Now get in the cage."

I crawl over to the pen and clamber inside, the gate swinging behind me once I'm fully contained. A padlock across the lock ensures I cannot escape. He pulls the plug out of my ass and a trail of semen follows, dribbling onto the mat which will be my bed for the night.

"Naughty," he chastises as he puts the plug to one side, before petting me softly between my ears.

"Good boy," he says. "Now get some sleep."

I curl up in the confined space as I try to get comfortable, hoping the angles can give me a reasonable night's rest. Master flicks off the light and heads into bed himself, a contented sigh heralding the end of a good day.

"Goodnight pup," he says and I bark in response. It isn't long before I fall contentedly asleep.

9am, Sunday

I am awoken to the clatter of metal as a bowl is pushed clumsily through the door of my cage. I look down at the brown slop contained within and grimace. I yawn at it before addressing my Master for the first time.

"Rise and shine," he says in a voice that is unusually cheery for this time of day.

I look down at the bowl and whimper disapprovingly, nuzzling it away to show my contempt.

"It's all you're getting so eat up" Master replies. "Puppies need the right nutrients for a nice glossy coat."

I move my muzzle towards the gloop, sniffing it suspiciously. I can pick up the faint whiff of meat, but little else. I look back up at Master, imploring him to reconsider. He stares back at me unmoved, before eventually conceding.

"Here, let me help you," he says as he grabs the bowl and takes it away. My heart skips for a second before it sinks as I hear the undoing of his fly. I stare at him intently, wishing his cock was nearer my mouth than my food. I lick my lips at the thought but my arousal turns to horror as he starts to piss into the bowl.

I whimper louder and he looks back at me.

"What's wrong?" he says. "You liked piss last night."

The stream is thick and yellow, far stronger than anything I had last night. My whimpers grow as he shakes himself off and pushes the bowl back through the cage. I look down and notice a yellow film floating on top of the contents, like oil sitting on top of water. I sniff again but all I can smell now is the caustic aroma of morning pee. I sigh and start lapping it up, the taste of piss the strongest flavour. I shudder.

"Good boy," he continues as he watches me eat my slop. I look up at him and growl before burying my muzzle deeper into the bowl. Master pretends not to hear.

"Would you like a treat?" he says as he rattles the bars above me. I look up and see his magnificent cock arching over me, framed by his tight stomach and thighs. I move up to meet it but he pulls it away.

"Ah ah ah, beg for it," he says. I assume my submissive position and whimper.

"Would you like this?" he continues, waving it hypnotically above me. I bark in affirmation, moving a paw up to try and grab it. He moves it further away, taking a step back as he does.

"I don't know, I'm not convinced."

I bark louder, my tongue lolling as my tail wags excitedly. Master smiles, moving closer before ruffling my head fur.

"Go on then," he says as he moves his cock towards my tongue. I open my mouth to accommodate it as he places his paws on either side of my face. He pulls my muzzle closer to his crotch and I catch a whiff of his excitement, my own cock swelling in return. He glances down and chuckles.

"No release for you today, boy," he says as he baps me with a paw.

I gruff as I delicately wrap my tongue around his meat. He starts to move my face backwards and forwards, riding my mouth like the cheapest of toys. I close my eyes, enjoying his manhood gliding up and down my muzzle, my saliva slickening it from the base to the tip. It's effortless, even when he slips it deep down my throat, my gag reflex fully trained. I've been practising and this elicits a strong sense of pride, his gasps of pleasure warming my heart.

I lap down the first salty drops of pre as his rhythm increases, both of us desperate for him to spill his seed as the scent of arousal thickens the air. I marf, choking on his length as my own stands proudly erect. Droplets of drool form on my lips, which start to dribble slowly onto the floor of my cage.

I feel the tension in his cock as he gets closer and closer, his breathing becoming more jagged as he tips closer to the edge.

"Turn around, ass up," he rasps and I dutifully oblige, swiftly pushing my cheeks against the bars of the cage. He quickly drops to his knees and mounts me. My eyes widen as he thrusts deep into my hole a few times before exploding ribbons of cum deep inside me. I hear his panting behind me, echoed by my own, as my muzzle collapses into the floor. Knotted, we stay still for a few minutes before he eventually pulls out, a trail of spunk following in tow.

He looks down at the mess on the floor, displeased.

"Lick it up!" he demands and I obediently follow, ensuring every last drop is cleaned. I swallow, enjoying the saltiness wash over my tongue as my Master cleans himself up.

"Good boy," he says before unlocking and opening the cage door. He clips the leash to my collar as my tail wags happily.

"Wait!" he demands as I look up at him and smile. "We've got to get you ready. We have a busy day ahead..."

To be continued...