Sex Life Twenty-Four Seven: Helping Relatives

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#2 of Sex Life make some things clear.

Do... make some things clear.

Don't read if you're under 18 because this text has sex and incest stuff that children ARE NOT allowed to read without permission of papa and mama blablbla now you can't sue me.

Soon, I'll be back full time, so I'll just cut to the reason of this creation.

Even though its late, this is my traditional Christmas Special Story. And like everytime, its only reason of existence is sex. Though this one, in my opinion, is an exception, because you'll have to first go through some plot. I just can't write dick fucks vagina. No, I have to tell everybody WHY the dick fucks the poor vagina otherwise I'll feel bad as a human. And not following my tradition of romance, this once is quite rough. PS: I love you guys by the way. Don't know where that came from but I love yall.

Ah yeah...and this was made in roughly two hours so save your critiscm and just enjoy the ride God damn.

YEAH!! Now let's read. Yeah I'm gonna read it too -.-

Yours Masta G

It was at times like these that Cage would hate himself for smoking. His throat felt like it was filled with dirt, and the only thing that could help was to give it a cough.

Cage was one of the usual, a muscalar handsome looking black wolf with a laid back, and also a somewhat cool personality. He didn't look for trouble but could give trouble and of course, loved the opposite gender.

" the fuck..."

He opened his eyes only to be greeted by an unpleasant sunlight coming from his bedroom window.

Cage scratched his head, looking around his room, trying to remember what he had done, and what he planned to do.

Empty cans of beer were everywhere, his pillow was in front of the door for some reason, and the scent of something he knew all too well was in the room, making him look onto the small table near his bed.

"Damn...Did I smoke all that?" He whispered.

Cage stuck a cigarette into his mouth lighting it. His memory slowly recovered.

It was Sunday, and believe it or not, he had absolutely nothing to do. Well, more accurately, he probably did have something to do for example learning for school but that was something that didn't provoke his interest.

His life, simply put, was simple. The Wolf hated learning, loved hanging out, loved females, loved beer, loved to smoke, hated to be responsible and that was about it. Of course one would ask what the parents were thinking but in his case it was understandable. He lost his Mother when he was seven in a car crash and his Father was a hard working type who would appear rarely. That's why the house was mostly under Cages responsibility, even on weekends. The wolf was used to this life and if he was honest with himself, he was fed up of always having to recycle the same schedule everyday.

Cage got up, only now noticing that he hadn't even taken of his clothes. He then left to prepare himself in the bathroom.

After consuming a small breakfast in the kitchen, there was nothing else that he thought would be more useful than to switch on the TV and to relax on his coach in the living room.

"Awesome...." he said, smiling to himself. There was nothing better than some good anime like Devil May Cry.

It wasn't long before his seemingly peaceful morning would be interrupted. The wolfs cell phone rang.

After giving it an annoyed expression, he decided to pick it up.

"What the fuck does she want? Fuck...." he pressed the green button to accept the call, bringing the phone to his ear.


Then, a voice he knew all too well, could be heard.

"Hey, are you busy?"

"Yeah..." Cage answered cooly, making it obvious that he wasn't in the mood to talk or negotiate about anything.

"I need help with the Team preparations. Meet me at the Sport Center."

"Why the-"

It was too late. The connection was terminated.


The female that had called him was his cousin, somebody he had spent most of his childhood with. She was only 4 months older than him and was bluntly said the complete opposite. Good marks in school, no family issues and no interest in hanging out, drinking or smoking. Just an everyday hard working civilian, the type that parents were proud of. She was an elegant white furred wolf named Chloe.

"Ah man...Just as I thought it was going to be nice Sunday morning."

He stuck his phone back into his trousers, turning off the TV. He thought about his plans for a moment.


Cage had nothing against the bright and warm weather, in fact it was something he cherished. The issue was that it was barely ten o'clock in the morning and he barely managed to suppress his exhaustion from the other day and the blending sunshine didn't make it much better. Even though the walk was only about ten minutes through the city it was still a pain for him.

The morning itch hadn't left him either, and he had planned to get rid of that problem by jacking off after watching TV but thanks to his cousin he felt obligated to leave his plans and help her out. It was just the kind of friendship they possessed. Even though he hated her dominance he just couldn't dump her.

There it is...damn, how long has it been? I haven't worked out in like two years...but then again, I don't give a particular shit about that.

Cage reminisced shortly in front of the large building, standing in the large field that was meant for soccer. Sports was just a thing that he didn't have time to pick up, he preferred his laid back lifestyle.

After entering the center he slowly approached the reception, being surprised to see a lot of people running in and out of doors, up and down the stairs. His moral couldn't comprehend the fact that people would sacrifice their free time for something like the Sports Center.

The wolf was greeted by a pleasant smile.

"Morning, how can I help you?"

Cage couldn't answer immediately, there was just something that held him back every time he would see a gorgeous female. He was reminded of the fact that he swore to himself to score with a Zebra once.

"Eh...I..." He moved his gaze from her chest to her eyes. "..was wondering where I could find Chloe Stark."

He placed his elbows on the counter, giving himself a small rest. The Zebra, keeping the smile, proceeded to pick up a a phone on her desk.

"One moment please..." she said. Cage turned to watch some hyper active kids in swim suits goofing around.

After some talk the female put down the phone, winning back the wolfs attention.

"She's on the Second Floor in Room 23."


"No problem. Have a nice day!"

The wolf made his way up the big stairs, reaching the second floor. The walls seemed to vibrate the shouts and cries of all present, but he was used to it, being a regular visitor a couple of years ago. He finally made it to his destination.

Well, she should be in here...

Waiting some time after knocking, the door was opened by someone familiar.

"Hey Cagey! What're you doing here?"

It was Meleny, a Vixen, and also a good friend of his cousin plus his classmate. Cage was a little surprised to see her in a swimsuit, but he acted ignorant as usual. It was just his image that he had built up in school.

He wasn't too bad in school, but it wasn't one of his strong points either. But what nobody could deny about him was that he possessed something no other male did, some kind of attractive trait that made him popular with the girls. He wasn't a playboy, but he also wasn't somebody who would pass on some good sex either.

" Chloe here?" the wolf asked, sounding tired. The Vixens eyes brightened up.


"Meleny, what's the problem?"

A white furred wolf appeared, wanting to know who the stranger was. Cage could never mistaken her for anybody else, it was his cousin Chloe, looking as neat and elegant as ever. Funny enough of all women he'd like to see in a swimsuit, she didn't wear one. Instead she simply wore a blue t-shirt and a black skirt. There was one trait she possessed that Cage personally adored, and that was her big red hair ribbon that held her brown hair together.

After realizing who it was, she only smirked.

"Hey, took you long enough..." Chloe smoothly said. Cage sighed, she was the same as usual. Knows everything better, acts cold, is cold and never shows any kind of weakness.

"Yeah, yeah just get on with the issue already. What do you want?" he just wanted to skip the usual dialogue he would endure with her. He was too tired anyway. The female now extended her grin to a smile.

"Come on in, I'll explain later."

And with that, she disappeared back inside, followed by her female friend. Cage also stepped inside the not too big room, closing the door behind him. This was the Swimming Teachers office, he knew that, and the fact that Chloe had access to this room due to her authority as Swimming Team president was also no new information for him.

And there, in front of the teachers table, eight girls in their swimming gear stood in a row, waiting for their president to return to her and give out orders. Noticing the newcomer, some of them started to feel uneasy, and it wasn't easy for Cage either regarding the fact that he still possessed that cursed morning itch.

It was some kind of pleasant coincidence some would say but no, it actually wasn't. This was the female swimming team and this was their teachers office, it was actually quite normal.

"Chloe, what's Cage doing here?" And so started the quarrel....

Never thought NOT jacking off would be my biggest mistake someday...

"Quiet down girls..." Chloe said, and somehow the request showed results. She gave her cousin a devilish look.

"First of all he's got no interest in any girls except his girlfriend and second of all you're all going down to the pool to start with your training." she explained. One of the females didn't understand something.

"And what about you? The teachers not here today."

"I know." Chloe immediately replied. "That's why I'm here. Sadly, I'll only be able to watch today and before that I'd like Cage to help me out with the migration of the office furniture. So you can go on ahead and start without me."

Chloe didn't waste any time and clapped her hands, making the swimming team slowly leave the office. Some girls were still a bit suspicious due to the fact that Chloe rushed things so much but obeyed nevertheless. Cage patiently stepped to the side while catching a glance of some aspects he was interested in.

"Make sure your eyes don't detach, you sick pervert." The female grinned, closing the door and moving back to sit on the teachers chair.

"Shut it..." Cage grunted, sitting himself on the chair in front of the table. Chloe made herself busy with some paperwork. Cage knew that she did this to provoke him, but it actually gave him time to admire her large erotic bubbles in front of his eyes. He didn't like to admit it but she was without a doubt way over average regarding looks. There wasn't one guy he knew at school that hadn't told him what kind of things they would like to do with his cousin.

"So...I've got to move some furniture?" he asked, wanting to get done as quickly as possible so that he could leave and watch TV. He hated wasting his Sunday like this. Chloe didn't even bother looking at him.

"Yep...everything you see in here has to be moved to the minus one floor to Room minus 12. I suggest you start with the shelves in that corner and leave this table here until the end." She continued writing, making Cage observe the circumstances himself.

"Oh, and don't forget those carton boxes..." she added.

The more heavy objects he noticed, the more his desire to do something melted away.


"Ah man....that was a killer."

Cage was exhausted. It didn't take to much time, only about an hour. This was also thanks to a male friend of Chloe's who worked at the Receptions Office who was kind enough to help with the really heavy and big furniture.

Cage threw himself onto the chair in front of the teachers table. He experienced no problems with the positioning of the furniture because oddly enough the rooms seemed exactly the same, the walls and the floors being pretty much the only difference.

After taking a short rest, he looked at his watch while sticking a cigarette into his mouth.

"Don't you dare smoke in here you idiot."

The door was closed shut, and Cage unwillingly took the cigarette from his mouth. Chloe stood in the middle of the room for a while, admiring her cousins efforts. It was a rare case that she would say something nice but this time she was obliged to do so. The white wolf smiled.

"I knew you were the one to call. Good job." She said, sitting onto the desk in front of Cage. He never knew what to think of her smile.

"So, how've you been?" she asked, sounding unusually kind compared to some seconds ago. Cage didn't give her change of attitude much thought. He knew her all too well.

"Don't you have a class to attend to?" he asked, sounding rather uninterested in her questions.

"I do...but I thought I'd check on my little cousin for once." Chloe remarked, playing with her feet. Cage move his head around for a while, relieving his neck. He then abruptly stood up.

"Alright I'm done. If you don't need me anymore then I'm leaving." Cage made his way to the door, making sure he hadn't forgotten his accessories. He couldn't afford to waste his free time on Sunday.

"Wait. Since we're here already, don't you want to have some fun?" Chloe said, sounding provocative. Her cousin knew this other attitude of hers, also, all too well.

Cage stopped, turning around. Chloe stood up, revealing a well known, grinning expression on her face.

"Or are you scared to do it in such a public place?"

Cage was about to respond but it was too late, his cousin had already made the move and embraced him passionately into a wet kiss. This was quite direct, even for her.

"Maybe...mmm...Lucy will find out. Hehe...I wouldn't mind you know." She provoked, knowing how easy it was to tease her cousin.

Yes, this was the type of relationship Cage shared with Chloe. Living so close to each other all these years resulted in this. She was also his first, and vice-a-versa. And due to the fact that Cage lived alone this "fun" would be repeated a few times per week.

Chloe's paw slowly unbuttoned Cages trousers, reaching his boxer shorts. The wolf couldn't help but gulp at the sudden sensation he felt as his cousin touched his gender, playing with it. His penis reacted instantly by growing hard.

"You know I always thought...what would happen, if...say...everyone found out that you and me fuck so much? Even more than with your dear girlfriend...." The female seductively whispered into his ear.

Cage place his arms around the white animal, looking into her lustful eyes. He never understood this sudden change of heart she had.

"Chloe, you talk too much." he smirked, trying to keep cool.

Suddenly a not too painful pressure built up between his legs.

"Did you say something?" she asked.

Knowing that further arguments would result in something drastic, he preferred not to argue. Though he kind of admired the feeling.

"I guess not...."

"Better so..."

They continued their kiss, and Cage noticed that Chloe was being rather aggressive, shoving her tongue into his mouth while letting out quiet moans of pleasure.

Cage, without second thought, saw this as a great opportunity to take care of his excited friend. Still experiencing an intensive kiss he gently guided his love-friend to the table, making her sit. Chloe grinned once noticing his intentions.

Cage carefully lifted her shirt, breaking the kiss to find out that she was wearing nothing underneath. This was a rare case.

Seeing the confused look on his face the female chuckled.


The wolf didn't bother giving it more thought and kissed his cousins neck whilst fondling her perfectly formed tits that he so adored. This resulted in a series of lustful moans, and Chloe arched her back in pleasure, feeling the wave of satisfaction once again ride through her body. It was just something different when he did it, yes her cousin, there was something about him that always made her want more.

"You're rather gentle today...something on your mind?" she teased him, knowing that he hated it when she said stuff like that. She knew all to well that Cage only hid his sentimental side.

Cage reacted by gently biting Chloe's neck. He kept his grip, playing with her erect nipples. He could figure that she was desperate, but he kept his suspicion. He knew she was a Sex-Addict but straight out proposing sex in the middle of the day at a sport center wasn't her style either.

"Uhh...bite me baby..." Chloe couldn't help but fidget in excitement.

The wolfs member was close to eruption, there was no other way to describe his built up desire. He didn't hesitate and pulled down his boxers to reveal his hard on. Chloe's eyes widened while she experienced a moment of curiosity.

"It's so big...every time..." she exclaimed, stroking her cousins hard cock. Cage couldn't withstand the temptation, touching Chloe's legs while giving her a desperate look.

"Are you ready?" he asked, receiving a moan in response. The look in her eyes made the lust all the more unbearable.

Cage rushed to help Chloe take of her skirt and underwear, throwing the clothes to the side. Her pussy was all exposed, and Cage could feel the drug-like scent fill his nose turning him, even if only for some seconds, into a wild animal of lust. This was it, this is what he wanted, the whole world lost its meaning. The love juices produced by her need of sex were already making their way through the females white fur.

"Do you want to fuck me Cage?" she asked teasingly, touching her slit. Cage placed his paws on Chloe's hips. He then desperately guided his hood to her pussy, entering with he help of her paw. She yelped as all the nine inches filled her shaft without mercy.

"AH!! God...yes..." Chloe placed her legs around the black wolf, feeling every bit of sensation greet her. There was nothing like it.

Cage grunted silently as his itch forced him to start humping at an unusually fast pace. It was weird but he had the feeling that if he stayed in this condition that he would blow any second. He tried to calm down his mind, knowing that pleasing Chloe was a priority for future needs. He somehow managed to keep a normal, calm pace. Of all the women he had boned, Chloe was one he couldn't treat rough, no matter what.

" me like an animal!"

Chloe couldn't describe the ecstasy she felt every time Cage hit the spot. She squeezed her legs around him as if to signify her will for him to go harder. The wolf responded with a harder motion, trying to go even deeper exploring parts of his cousins shaft that she had almost forgotten.

Chloe couldn't describe her thoughts. She placed her arms around his neck to stabilize herself. Cage responded by massaging her breasts again, enjoying the soft feeling and the moans he got in return.

Forgetting his tradition of being nice, and after smelling the lust-scent of his relative: Cage's mind blurred. He didn't care anymore, he needed to fulfill his desires. After returning his paws back onto Chloe's hips, he gave it a hard thrust.

A scream filled the room as the female thought she was being split into two. Cage roughly pounded at his mates shaft, feeling dominant. It began to feel tight, feeding his urge to release but he wasn't finished with his prey yet. After biting her, this time roughly, into her neck he grunted to let her know that he was going to give it his all.

Chloe happily accepted the painful, but overall satisfying motions. She let out a loud cry that could easily be heard outside the room, but Cage didn't think about holding back anymore. The atmosphere was getting hot and the combined love juices leaked onto the table, providing the room with a strong mating scent that would provoke any animals lust.

"Fuck...FUCK ME CAGE!!" Chloe screamed, feeling the climax rise unusually fast. "FUCK!!!"

The wolf didn't need to be told twice, thrusting with all he had, making it hard for his mate to breath.

"Shit- I'm coming...Chloe..." Cage grunted, trying to hold back a little.

"Come with me!!" Chloe yelped, concentrating on the orgasm that was building up.

"Shit-!!" Cage couldn't hold back much longer.

The female gave out a deep moan as her climax robbed her of all understanding. Her body seemingly dumped all senses for a second as she felt the most intensive orgasm she had had in a long time. Her liquids cloaked Cages still thrusting cock for what it was worth, gushing out to tickle her tail hole and then to continue expanding on the table.


Cage took out his hood, pressing it against his cousins slit while serving her everything he had. His balls twitched as he released his cum all over Chloe's belly, making a complete mess of her fur. His partner only panted with tired eyes in response as he tried to calm down after the last wave.

"Man..." Cage fell back onto the chair behind him, trying to regain his composure whilst Chloe giggled, tasting Cages cum off her belly. It was everywhere.

They rested for a minute.

" way above your average amount..." Chloe remarked, smiling. She gently touched her slit in a yet again, seductive way. "Did it feel so good?"

Cage figured it was due to him not jacking off in the morning but was impressed himself. He grunted, closing his eyes.

His sex-friend didn't hesitate to get a towel and clean herself of all the mess. She quickly put on her clothes and admired herself in a nearby mirror.

Cage could feel his senses return, satisfied that he could suppress his needs.

Fuck...I need to get out of here, I'm still tired as hell...this just made me even more exhausted.


Cage instantly opened his eyes, feeling something warm engulf his member. His cousin was kneeling before him.

"Eh?....I just fucked you...aren't you satisfied?-AHHH" The wolf moaned, forgetting his will to resist. Chloe slid her whole tongue across Cages hood, and to his surprise he slowly got hard yet again. This too, he knew all too well. She had probably heard or read about something she wanted to try out and there was no stopping her intentions then. He could feel dominant all he wanted, but in the end it was her who knew no end.

Chloe lifted her head shortly, holding her hair with her right paw.

"Mmm....did you say something? Uh..." she took in most of her partners length, brushing her tongue against his glans. Cage leaned back against the chair, trying to keep calm. Sometimes he couldn't understand her will to have sex, because that will knew no boundaries. Back at the time, when he was fifteen, it was far worse because he was kind of hesitant to ever say no. And even now he knew that it was only because of his girlfriend that this beast held back. It wasn't as if she always and only wanted him no, that was definitely not the case, it was just that if Chloe did it, then she did it with no remorse.

"'ve never done this-.....Oh...god..." he expressed his pleasure. And as if that wasn't enough the female quickened her movements, only stopping shortly to passionately circle the tip of her tongue around the top of Cages fully erect penis.

His member was already wet enough from all the action, but Chloe still kept her initial speed. Her tongue explored every bit of Cages cock, going up and down while consuming it with her warm saliva. The black wolf couldn't hold back. If there was one thing that made him cum fast, then it was his cousins mouth-work. He felt an extreme urge to blow.


Chloe didn't hesitate to swallow every ounce her mate had to offer while letting out a moan of pleasure. Cage felt his sack twitch painfully as he served Chloe everything he had, milking himself dry. He desperately pushed her head with his paws against his crotch, making sure he released every last bit. And as if it was still not enough, the female continued to suck on his limp penis while the black wolf panted for his life. Chloe released his member.

After finishing up and cleaning her muzzle with a tissue, she grinned as if nothing ever happened. Cage just gave her a tired gaze, wanting to smoke badly.

"Now then, you can clean up the mess on the table. I've got work to do."

And with that, she abruptly left. Cage turned around to say something but the only response he got was the sound of a closing door.

Damn...I'm still enjoying the afterglow here! Fuck...that was just like...the best blowjob I ever had...shit....

The black wolf couldn't believe her at times. He slowly turned his head towards the door, feeling exhausted.

"What a...fucking bitch."

Normally one would be mad to be left behind like that but Cage honestly didn't care. He was used to her, and so was Chloe used to him. It was just her way of acting, trying to show her cousin that he was nothing more then a sex toy she admired to use but Cage knew better. He didn't know what but something kept making her come back to him, it was weird to explain, relative love, normal love, need of sex, good friend, something in the mix of those things.

He slowly proceeded to button up his trousers, eventually cleaning up the mess they both made a while ago. He felt tired but at the same time, he felt awesome. After lighting a cigarette, he sat back onto his favorite chair to think about his plans. Somehow, totally coincidentally, he remembered his TV.

"Damn...I probably missed Tenjo Tenge....fuck..."