Absol-utely In Love Chapter 1: A Single Step

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#1 of Absol-utely In Love

A man's Absol best friend, colleague, and roommate asks him to be her very first lover. Cuddling, talking, fluffiness, and (eventually) sexytimes result.

You yawn as the alarm clock goes off, smashing the off button as you roll out of bed. Yet another day in the life of Samuel Wills, foreman machinist and general layabout. Goody.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually you've tamed your wild hair, brushed your teeth, and are hunting for your work uniform. That's when the bedroom door slides open and your Absol partner and best friend Abby walks in. She hops onto the bed, then lays down and stretches. She's on vacation this week for... lady reasons, else she'd be coming to work with you. You didn't think she'd be up at all this early; you've been just giving her a goodbye skritch in the morning the last few days as she snoozed on her Pokebed.

"Sam," she says, her speech perfectly intelligible to you. "Can I ask a favor?" You frown, turning to reassure her that you're happy to do whatever she needs, only to freeze.

You've lived with Abby for years and know her very well, having seen her in a lot of situations. Never have you seen her as she is now. Her eyes are moist, pupils dilated. Her mouth is slightly open as she pants as though she's run for miles. Her cheeks are dyed a pale pink. Her tail is twitching back and forth in a peculiar pattern, first flat against one hip and then the other. Her horn is glistening with that particular strand of Dark energy that she deploys only to sense disaster. And she's trembling badly enough that she looks like she's caught a chill.

"Abby, what is wrong?" You ask, urgency in your voice as your work clothes slither out of your grasp.

"S-Sam," she stutters. "Can you call work? Tell them you need a sick day. I need to talk to you. T-talk to you lots." She sees your expression. "And no, it can't wait. Please...?"

You aren't one much for taking time off work, but you have plenty of sick days to burn and using one for Abby is no hardship. The bigger question is what's happening. She's almost always cool, calm and collected when she isn't joking with you or mock-flirting when you feel down.

There's been some changes the last few weeks, to be sure. She's stolen your computer and wiped the internet history after use. Her reading patterns have completely changed, which in a bibliophile like Abby is huge. And you've heard strange noises from the direction of her bed when you've come home the last few days that have cut off abruptly when the door opened.

Calling work and leaving a voicemail to let them know that you won't be in today due to vague illness doesn't take you very long. You put your cell phone down again, turning to face her. "Abby, what's this all about?"

The blush in her cheeks only intensifies as she slowly rises to her feet. "You like me, Sam, right?"

You blink in confusion. "Abby, you're my best friend. How could I not?"

"A-and you'd do anything for me, right?" She asks, tail agitation only increasing.

"Anything," you promise. "Just talk to me."

She slowly turns, leaving you with a view of her rear and her face looking back over her shoulder at you. Then she gracefully leans forward, folding her forelegs down onto the bed and hiking her plush moon to the sky. Something tangy brushes across your nose as she presents herself to you, folding her tail to the left instinctively to bare the swollen maidenhood under her tail, gleaming with the moisture of arousal. She looks back at you, then tries to form what is likely a coy face.

It appears to be the sort of expression useful for terrifying small children during Halloween celebrations instead.

You turn bright red as it becomes obvious what she's doing. She's muttering under her breath trying to find words, obviously some sort of come-hither phrase from her romance novels, and something in you stirs. You never thought about Abby this way before, but no straight man is immune to the sight of a woman presenting herself to him and all but begging for him to take her right here, right now. Your loins heat, but above them your stomach ties into horrid knots.

Something in your face must have betrayed that fear because Abby's face suddenly falls and she melts down into the bed, sniffling. She looks utterly heartbroken and her eyes start to glisten with tears. Cursing yourself, you hasten to sit at her side, hunting frantically for words that might resolve this... disaster.

"Sorry," she murmurs. "I just..."

Her side presses against your hip as she lays her head on your lap just like she's done a thousand times. And just like you've done a thousand and one times, you stroke her sleek head gently.

"Just?" You prompt her.

You feel something wet drip down your leg as she sniffs piteously. "I... I've been planning this for weeks, and now that it's here I can't feel this moment in my horn." She looks up at you and you can see the tears. "I always know when something will go wrong. But now I can't tell. I keep seeing visions that don't make sense. I know you'd never hurt me no matter what my horn says. But you're here and you're listening to me and I just want to ask you for things and I'm afraid I'll get hurt. Or hurt you."

Your heart speeds up a little bit. Fear or longing, you can't tell. "I would never hurt you." You cup her cheek, raising her head to face you so you can look into those sorrowful almond eyes. "Abby, I meant what I said a minute ago. Anything you need. Anything. Please. Just tell me what it is."

She takes a deep breath, rises to her paws with one swift motion and flows into your lap. A part of you registers the feeling of over a hundred pounds of Absol weighing down your lap as she leans forward to press her mouth to yours. Her eyes are squeezed tight and without a last second course correction by you she would've hit your cheek instead. Absol lips mash to Human ones as she... vigorously licks your face?

It's utterly adorable how hard she's trying to seduce you and you struggle not to laugh. "Abby. Use your words. Talk to me."

An eye flutters open and she attempts a sultry expression. It makes her look cross-eyed instead. "Sam, I want you to fu-" Her cheeks go pink and she starts coughing.

"Not those words!" You feel her flinch and hastily continue. "Abby, I know you've been eating romance novels like candy lately, but you can just talk to me about this like you would about anything else. What is it that you want?" You reach down to take her paw, running your fingers across the smooth toe beans. "Whatever it is, dearest, just tell me, and I'll do it."

She grips your hand in her paw and you can feel her shudder. "T-to start, I wanna kiss you." She stammers. "AndIdon'tknowhow."

The stammering, honest request makes your heart flutter in your chest. "Okay, easy enough." You say quietly and lean forward. "Just follow me."

Both lips meet and this time you tilt your head to meet hers, encircling the back of her head with a hand and pulling her onto your shoulder. She trembles as you gently prod at her lips with your tongue.

She doesn't taste of the sort of silly notions that a virgin might expect, like some sort of exotic spice or lemonade or something equally stupid. Just Pokechow, acid, and stress. Her own tongue is hesitant and you respect that, tangling it gently with yours. Slowly she presses back against you, her body melting against yours as she awkwardly takes the lead from you in your kiss. You don't resist, reaching up to stroke her head. She leans into it and then goes rigid as your fingertip brushes her horn.


You pull back, breaking contact as you cringe inside at your error. "Sorry, Abby," you apologize. Absol horns are no-go spots; they're very sensitive.

Her eyes open and you realize how dilated her pupils are as the delicate skin of cheeks crimsons for a moment. "N-n-no," she stutters. "Do it again."

You run a finger down the wicked curve of her horn, smiling at her as you thrill at her arousal. "Like this?" You ask, teasingly, but your stomach twists. Are you taking advantage of your best friend?

"More!" She begs, her forelegs folding under her as she shudders. You hold her against your chest, pressing a kiss to her nose, and stroke her horn only once before pulling away. She whines piteously.

"Why did you stop...?" She whispers.

The chasm in your stomach yawns open as you tread its edge with caution. "Because we should talk about this," you say carefully. "It's a big step and-"

"Didn't you just say you'd do anything for me?" She asks, her eyes liquid. "This is something that I need. Please, Sam..."

You tamp down the adrenaline that echoes across your body, desire and fear mixed in equal measure. The struggle must be obvious because she peers at you with concern. "Sam, what's wrong?"

Opening the shame to her in the moment is hard. You struggle with the words. "Abby, you're the one constant in my life. On the paperwork I'm your trainer. You live in my home. I-I don't want to take adv-"

She interrupts you, voice dry as the desert as for a moment she reverts to normal. "Yes, yes, the man who rescued me from a Pokemon shelter, housed me, fed me, and got me a job and has been my best friend for years is only doing it all because at long last he's gonna demand I give up my wet absol pussy." You choke, feeling your groin surge, as she squeaks out the last few completely uncharacteristic words and her cheeks turn absolutely bright red. But it does shock you out of your self-doubt and you concede the point.

"We could just find you a nice boy Pokemon, maybe another Absol if you want," You say. "It's not like they're going to turn you down right now." The primal part of you really doesn't like that idea, but Abby is her own Absol. Not your plaything. As much as you'd love to ask her to take that position again and- no. Not going there. Not even in your own thoughts.

She looks away. "Y-yeah, I could, I just..." Her tail swishes. "I talked to a few and they just wanted to brag about how they're going to rut me so hard I can't walk afterwards and how big their penis is and--" She breaks off, looking rather tearful again.

You take her face in your hands, raising her muzzle to face you. Your fingers find her favorite soft spots under her jaw and you skritch lightly as you look into her eyes. She relaxes into you like she always does. "Take your time, Abby," you say quietly. "I'm here. Just like always."

"I just want someone to take care of me while they show me how it's done," she whispers at last. "Someone who will take it slow and listen to me and will stay afterwards and hold me because they like me for me. T-those boys..." She squeezes her eyes tight, looking so ashamed and vulnerable that your heart aches in sympathy. "When I told them that I wanted a first, they... they treated me like some sort of trophy to hang on their collar. One of them even started bragging about another Absol girl he'd 'made a female' last year. I don't want to be just another ball on someone's belt, Sam."

Tears begin to run down her muzzle as she trembles in your arms, and your heart aches for her. You can't be having that, and brush her nose with a soft kiss. Her eyes creep open and she opens her mouth, asking with eyes and expression for more. You oblige, kissing her gently until the tension in her muscles eases. You pull back, feeling your heart soar as she looks at you with affection in her eyes. "You deserve to be more than that, Abby. Do you think I can be a gentle lover for you?"

She laughs. "You can barely raise your voice to yell at the apprentices when they're about to completely screw up a job, Sam. I don't think you have it in you to hurt me."

You can't help but smile. You are a softy, and even if you weren't, Abby is special. "What about us, though?" You ask, forcing out the words. "Sex... changes things."

She raises her head to look you in the eye. "Our relationship has changed already, Sam. It changed when I decided that my first was going to be with you this morning. We can't just go back to how things were." Your heart ignites at those words. "Besides..." She winces, eyes narrowing slightly. "You're the only male I know who's given me objective proof of their ability to please females. Remember when Christie--"

Her voice cuts off with a squeak as you run a long, quick stroke down her horn with your palm and she shivers. "One of the more important rules of the bedroom, dear," you tell her as you run the same stroke in reverse and her body convulses. "Don't bring up exes and one night stands."

"I'll... remember that," she grits out between shaking fits, then abruptly moans loud and clear as you lean forward and trail a line of light kisses down her horn. "Sam, holy-"

"Just relax and enjoy this," you ask of her, and she goes limp in your arms as you survey her head. You enjoy the tension of anticipation as she offers you her body once again, trusting you with her entire self. Stroking her horn to make her quiver, you explore under her thick fur to find her tiny ears. You lean forward to give her a gentle bite to one of them, making her yip and shudder even harder when you do it in tandem with a horn rub.

"Kiss?" She asks shyly, and you oblige. She returns the favor with surprising vigor, pressing against you hard and fighting your own tongue back into your mouth. Her tail slaps your legs repeatedly as she attacks your mouth, only becoming more passionate when you curl an arm around her head so you can rub circles in her horn base with your thumb.

She slides back in your lap, pressing her rear against your leg.You hiss into the kiss as she rubs something soft, swollen, and dripping with wet heat over your knee. She turns scarlet again, pulling back from the kiss. "S-sorry, Sam," she says contritely, grinding herself against you again despite herself and panting. "Just... everything you do makes me ache back here." Her eyes squeeze partially shut in embarrassment as she cringes, almost as though she was expecting you to be angry at her for it.

"Hey," you say softly, trying to ignore how much her passion has gotten through to you as your heart hammers and your length aches for her. "Nothing to be ashamed of. C'mere." You sit yourself back farther onto the bed, laying down and pulling her next to you. She ends up on her back as you roll on your side to face her, holding her tight to your chest with your right arm as she pants and shivers. You look down at her as you run your left hand down her fluffy belly, stroking her stomach like you've done many times before. She tenses, drawing in a deep breath of anticipation with widening eyes as your hand gets ever closer to her sex. "Relax..." you whisper softly. "It's okay. We can stop if you want."

"Sam," she pants, "If you stop I will murder you in your sleep, do you-hngh!"

You tweak the little nipple between thumb and forefinger. She temporarily loses the ability to speak and reverts to whining, licking your forehead as her tail beats a pattern into the bedclothes. She has six teats, you know from previous grooming sessions, and you make sure to tease each of them until they're hard before moving onto the next one. By the time you get to the third you can smell something tangy in the air that you'd only caught hints of before, and by the time you let go of the sixth the scent has filled the air. She's panting and moaning as she stares at you, begging with wordless voice and body for you. "Good to know that works on humans and Absols alike," you murmur to her, and she gasps.

"You t-t-tease! Don't you dare stop!"

Her arousal stokes your own, and you grit your teeth, setting aside the desire to free your throbbing member from your pants. She humps her rear up against the air instinctively as your hand traces a path down to the shock of white hair between her legs that hides her treasure from you. You kiss her nose as her eyes half-close, hazy with desire, and whisper, "May I touch you, Abby?"

Her legs part instantly. "P-please touch me, Sam!" She begs, cheeks heating and her rear hiking into the air as she searches for your touch. You can just barely see the black folds beneath her tail, moist and swollen with a hint of pink where all three triangles meet in the middle. You settle your left hand over the mound and she hisses as you trace the little "Y" between the flaps with your index finger.


The hiss converts into a full-on scream as you slip the finger through the folds, followed by a stream of moans as she bucks up against you. A circle of impossibly strong Pokemon muscle clamps down on you as you press the finger down into her past the first knuckle, then the second, and almost crushes your finger as you hilt it deep inside her.

Arceus, that is beyond hot. "Still okay, Abby?" You ask.

"Yes, yes, yes," she gasps, her heated depths milking at your finger as you rub her a little. "So good..." She trails off, pressing up against your hand, and you smile, enjoying the sensation of the pleasure that you're giving her.

"Can you relax that grip, please?" You ask and she takes a deep breath. The pressure slackens off as she grits her teeth, trying to do the opposite of what she wants and you withdraw your finger slightly.

"Why...?" She asks with a whine, and then goes absolutely rigid as you slide in a second finger in one smooth motion and bottom both of them out deep inside of her. "Sam!" She gasps as you twist your hand slightly, hunting for what you know is there, and you smile as the ribbed patch you were searching for inside crosses your fingers. She spasms as you brush it, crying out, "Please, Sam! T-there!"

Got you.

You crook both fingers, rubbing the perfect spot deep inside her, and her paws flail as words fail her again. She fills your ears with her moans, eyes begging you for more. You stroke that little patch a second time. A third. By the time you reach five she's bearing down on your fingers in time with each stroke, the hot silk rope of her femininity wrapping you in a tight coil of lust as you finger her. By the time you've reached ten strokes she's yipping and growling with each one. By the time you reach fifteen she's twisted herself to the side so she can grab you with her forepaws and get more leverage, bucking against your fingers with each stroke. "S-Sam!" She moans, eyes wide and trembling in sudden fright.

"Yes, Abby?" You ask gently, slowing your strokes slightly.

"I-I don't know what's happening," she cries. "I feel like- like I'm going to-"

"It's okay Abby," you rub behind her ears with your other hand, trying to soothe her. "Just trust me." You give her a few quick strokes to break the rhythm and she arches against your hands, face red as fire. "Let go," you whisper, and she closes her eyes tight, pulling you against her fluffy chest and thrusting against your hand.

You can feel her tightening around your fingers as her orgasm creeps closer. Each time, she relaxes a little bit less as the tension builds. You tease her folds with your thumb to lubricate it, then probe the upper fold a little as you explore for something you know is there. Nothing... nothing... nothing...

Found it.

Her eyes shoot open at the sensation of you tracing her clitoris with your thumb and she half-screams in ecstacy, trembling. "Please!" She begs.

You rub your thumb over the hidden little button and she jerks once. Twice. The third time you stroke it her entire maidenhood goes rigid, squeezing down onto your fingers with almost-literal bonecrushing force, and she screams for you at the top of her lungs.


She descends into incoherent screaming intermixed with your name as she thrusts against your stroking fingers for what seems like an eternity. Warm liquid flows down your fingers as she orgasms, your own self throbbing in frustrated sympathy. Eventually her climax subsides into panting for air and she goes completely limp against you.

Your fingers slide out of her and you lick them clean, enjoying the strange tangy-sour-bitter taste that's unlike anything you've tasted from a woman before. You take a few panting breaths yourself, willing your arousal to slumber, and then you take hold of her with both arms. "You okay, Abby?"

Her eyes are unfocused and dilated, her tongue is hanging limply out of the side of her mouth, and she has the muscle tone of jello. Your ego swells a little bit-- reducing a female to quivering ecstasy is always fun, and doing so that quickly is even more of a rush. "Yes..." she pants. "I-I-I didn't realize..." She shakes her head. "Oh, Sam, that was amazing. I didn't know t-that I could feel so good."

"That was something, Abby," you admit, and she stretches, yawning. She looks at you with soft eyes and your heart skips a beat at the trust and affection she's beaming at you.

"Can we cuddle?" She asks, quietly. "I just... don't want to let go of you for a while."

You press against her, forehead to forehead so you can kiss her muzzle. "Of course we can cuddle. I think someone needs a nap before I rail her silly." It's only half a joke. The day is young, and maybe she'll want more later, but... now is for you to take care of her.

She tries to glare at you, but the effect is somewhat reduced by her dopey grin and the musky smell of her sex. "Pervert," she says with a groan, and you smile.

"Whenever and whatever you need, dearest. Just like I promised."

My first forey into writing in years, and my first into smut, period. This will be a small, slice-of-life romantic smut series that gets updated when I feel like it. Being backed up on SoFurry now that I have a presence here.

Thanks to several folks for inspiring me to write seriously again after years off.

Borne of Caution/Fuggman, which led me to the Hive of Degeneracy Discord server and kickstarted my writing again

Bobbles and DJ Firefox, for (intensive) editing

Jade, for inspiring the shitpost that eventually became this fic.