The best kind of workout

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#18 of Commissions

Commission completed a while ago (like all the others) for Vanrixie ( and that just now got in my mind so I'll upload it. It's a lovely casual smut fuckfest, the usual Sexyvegetable stuff that you're all very familiar with.


The best kind of workout

"So, how's the four legged life turning out for ya, Maya? Having trouble with all the extra bits or are you settling in nicely already?" Over the wall of a rather homey part of the lab that split the room in three large compartments appeared the horned head of a dragon who looked down on the occupant of that section. He was just about tall enough for him to not have to stand on his toes to look over the dividers and enjoy breaching privacy, yet it had never proven to be a problem for the other workers of the lab. Yet.

"AHCK!" Maya yelped, just barely holding onto a vial with a pretty bubble-gum pink liquid that was very clearly bubbling, her legs stumbling to find some footing left and right, her tail shooting up in the air for additional assistance while her upper torso bent at a very awkward angle, her lab coat fluttering wildly to add to the comic value of the scene. "TOM! What the hell? I almost dropped the sample!" The flustered chee-taur retorted with a loud and harsh chirp, eyeing the deep blue scaled muzzle looming above her like a disembodied spirit sent from hell to annoy her at the worst possible time.

"Aight, aight, I'm sorry, I'll treat you to a nice coffee later, ok?" Tom smiled, a half apologetic half not-at-all-sorry smile that meant he'd do it again the second he had the chance. He kept on looking, mesmerized by the way Maya had to deal with her lower half, stepping in a rather uncoordinated way just to get her paws back where they belonged and her upper torso pointing up rather than sideways. "Cat reflexes, what a wild thing."

"Shush, this is ten thousand dollars' worth of lab property in exotic reagents, if I drop it, it comes out of your wallet, got it?" She huffed and put the damned vial down in a secure rack, put the rack in a cabinet, closed the cabinet, locked it and put the key in a drawer. Then, finally, she had the time to straighten herself: with nimble albeit awkward movements, the chee-taur stood up in all of her six feet of glorious feline height, carefully manoeuvring around the rest of the equipment in her section of lab. "I just got used to having four legs and you want to startle me like that? For shame." Maya rolled her eyes and then the rush of adrenaline vanished and a coy smile appeared on her muzzle. "Anyways, yeah, I am getting quite the hang on all this "extra" stuff attached to my body."

"MMmh I can definitely see that you are getting a hang of all the extra stuff hanging out." The mischievous dragon smiled and pointed at the taur's back half where the long coat no longer covered her nethers and, much to his eyes' enjoyment, Maya's junk was starting to flop out of her sheath, treating Tom to a wonderful set of twin flared horsecocks that were growing harder by the second, two juicy spiny lengths stacked on top rather than side-by-side as nature might suggest. "It is indeed extra stuff."

"Oh yes, very extra." Without a hint of shame, Maya let out a soft purr and curled one front paw, giving her shafts a nice squeeze, her immensely soft pads rubbing wonderfully against the dozens of spines, earning a thick, dense, abundant spurt of precum that ended up all over her paw but mostly on the floor, a good amount that spread as more dripped out of her cumslits. She might have decided to go for the wonders of a horsecock for the upgrades to her junk, but her cat dna had decided to be a little stubborn and showed up, giving her a far more hybridized look than what she'd initially opted for. She did not complain, however, not when they felt so good at the touch, not to mention when inside a tight hole. "Bit of a handful but it's such a good feeling."

"I don't doubt it at all." He licked his lips. "Think RIXANA's transformative department is still searching for volunteers? I'd loooooove to get me some of what you have." Tom just couldn't get his eyes off the chee-taur's ever fattening cocks, his own junk swelling in his pants, hidden behind the divider and pants. "You are lucky taurs have no requirement to wear pants or underwear in the labs, I'd give a horn to be able to do the same. Damned be the company and it's weird rules and regulations for workplace conduct."

"As if everyone hasn't been enjoying the freedom to masturbate and have sex in public places thanks to other very lenient company rules." Maya rolled her eyes and took off the lab coat, letting it hang on a hook on the wall while her cocks stiffened and hung like a pair of meaty, drooling slabs of heaven, each growing to a good thirty inches long. "They gave you the fattest nuts around and the ability to whip it out to empty them everywhere, don't complain." Fully naked now, the taur stretched her entire body, yawning and letting all the jiggly bits do what they do best in full view of the spectator above her. Her watermelon-sized nuts jostled and tensed, her taint bloated as she stretched a little too much and spilled shot after shot after shot of pre in stray directions as those fat cum pipes were aimed left and right. Heavy thumps echoed with each spurt landing on metal cabinets and left ropes of jizz splattered across the floor or on rather expensive equipment. "I might be able to pop a boner without anyone bothering me but I can't exactly do anything about it till I get home or find a public bathroom because of how much I put out. Yesterday I had to walk a mile like this cause Sarah sent me some saucy pics. I've got to wear condoms whenever I start leaking heavily until I find some place where I can dump everything, and they're such a bother to put on"

"Oh yeah right, Sarah, how's she doing? Did she end up getting taur-ified as well or?" The dragon huffed and reached down with his hands, unzipping his pants and letting his cock out, a fat, uncut, drooling beast of a slab as thick as his forearm that thickened even more as he began to fap openly without a care for privacy.

"Nah, just some accessory stuff, wanted to get in contact with her more feral self, as she put it, but didn't feel like going all the way. She had RIXANA whip up a nice 'extra tits' serum and the fattest spade you'll ever see on an anthro." As she said that, the chee-taur's shafts slapped against her belly, leaving a wet, lewd cockprint on her fur, flaring at the zenith of their ascent and firing denser wads of pre that splattered even harder on the cabinet where the expensive vial was resting. "Damn, I need to go home and empty my nuts or I'll keep making a mess everywhere."

"Shame, I'm... mhhhh... going to enjoy my privileges and then get back to work." On the other side of the divider, Tom was busy double pumping his meaty cock, his fingers barely touching in the middle as the immensely thick prick gushed absolutely massive amounts of pre all over the divider. "Maybe I should get taur-ified as well, don't you think? I think going nude at work would be far more pleasant and interesting having four legs and donning a rubber or two." With a grunt, the horny dragon reached his climax, tongue lolling out, each cumshot making the plastic divider rattle and shake while all the fruits of his little break spread in a huge, musky, warm puddle on the floor, forcing Maya to walk through the hazard zone and get her paws all sticky with dragon spooge. "Big full condoms sloshing with cum and pre left and right..." He huffed and groaned at the thought, clearly showing what his personal kinks were without care.

"Whenever you decide to go for it, call me, I'll introduce you to the company staff and help you get acquainted with life on four legs." Maya chuckled and left the lab, waving hello to the rest of the lab personnel, her paws leaving a cummy trail behind her for several yards until her twin cocks were the only thing that was marking her passage through the halls of Building 203 of the RIXANA compound, home of her lab and where she spent most of her days.

With a pep in her step, Maya rushed ahead, cocks bobbing and slapping against her belly, gushing and spilling nice fat wads of goo all over the floors, the trail of slick and slippery stuff now several dozen yards long. She was so eager to get out that she barely noticed how her trail of pre had caused somewhat of a slipping hazard for all the other employees, yet she was present enough in her skull despite her wanting nothing else other than getting her cocks wet and her balls drained to hear her name being called.

"Miss Monroe! A word if you please." A short petite fox marched through the puddle of pre, huge red tails swishing behind her, bigger than her actual body was, something that was hardly a challenge considering that she was just about four feet tall when standing on her tippy toes. Toes that were now very covered in cheetah precum. Aylissa Vantae, head of the R&D department looked at the taur from her not-so-high position from under the fringe of hair that covered her eyes, the biomodded tails swishing lazily behind her like huge fluffy pillows one could get lost in. "I understand you might be free to be naked but I'd recommend wearing condoms to avoid any workplace incidents related to slipping in precum."

"Y-yes miss..." Maya blushed heavily, yet her erections refused to either soften or make less of a mess even with the one responsible for their existence staring at them so intently. If anything, the chee-taur felt her cocks get harder and stiffer, her balls pumping out twice as much pre as if being in the presence of their creator was reason to show off and parade their wonderfully juicy, ripe and messy selves. "S-s-sorry I was just about to get out and find someplace to unload."

"I know, I know, new body, new needs, new wants..." Aylissa guestured and sighed, yet she had a big smile upon her muzzle. From a pocket she fished out two huge condoms still wrapped in their pretty bubblegum-pink wrappers, tearing them with her fangs. "Stay still for a sec dear." Maya stuttered and huffed as her boss slipped under her belly and in between her throbbing cocks, putting a condom on the uppermost shaft and, with the experience of someone who had put on a million condoms on a million cocks, slid the entire silicon sheath from flare to base. "And one..." Within half a second she was already working on the other shaft just below, sliding the condom over Maya's stiff, musky, slippery flesh until those dainty fox hands were touching her stretched sheath. "And two. All set."

"Th-thanks?" The chee-taur stepped back, gently caressing her boss' muzzle several times with her condom-clad shafts, an offence that the fox did not take to heart, not when her own cock was stiff, jutting forth from her crotch and already sporting its own cosy silicone sweater with a nice phat sloshing balloon of pre dangling from it. "Uhm, sorry about the floors..."

"Ah it's fine, no biggie, it happens from time to time to everyone who gets mods or enhancements, but we still must keep OSHA regulations in mind, ok? Be lewd and messy on your own time. Don't be a fool, wrap your tool before we have to wrap someone's leg in a cast." The fox admonished her employee before turning around in a flurry of tails and then disappeared inside one of fifty doors in the hallway.

With her tools now fully wrapped and her deluge of precum no longer a concern for her colleagues, Maya resumed her journey back to her quarters. The ghostly, almost ethereal touch that Alyssa had was very clear in her mind, like the little fox was still caressing her spined horsecocks, eliciting a much more abundant flow of pre filling up the condoms' reservoirs. Shot after shot, the condoms got heavier and sagged lower, their weight noticeable by the time Maya had reached the housing block of the RIXANA compound, where all sorts of furs who'd gotten upgrades of their own lived and shared tips for how to live with new junk, bigger bodies, stronger bodies or just with a slew of cosmetic changes to their appearance. All mostly naked of course. If there was a place where furs could enjoy the freedom to be themselves and not be caged by clothes, it was within the RIXANA compound, its walls protecting the rather prudish members of society from the happy, liberated and enhanced employees and volunteers of the world-famous pharmaceutical company. The pay was good, the job was good, the compound was nice and one could enjoy the 150 (and counting) masturbation/sexual relief spots to unload or have sex whenever there was time, provided the spot you chose hadn't a ten-person orgy already going on. The chee-taur slipped past a modded couple of huge hares busy going at it, her paws splashing in the cum puddles already spilling past the soaked grass around the path, leaving a new messy trail while she headed up the stairs towards her apartment unit. Waiting right in the open doorway was someone who Maya knew very well, the same wolf that she'd mentioned to her horny dragon friend back at the lab. Sarah was standing on her toes, her body completely naked save for what looked like an overcomplicated bondage harness already strapped to her body, her six tits, her six huge soft tits, framed oh so nicely by the leather straps like a lewd cage meant to make them look bigger than they were already. The wolf's cock was also on full display, stiff and leaking much like her feral spade, her thighs completely stained with layers of still warm pussy juice that now was all over the floor.

"Hello Maya, how are we doing today?" Sarah's knotty cock jumped and twitched as if it was an eager puppy, more eager than its owner whose ears and tail shot up upon seeing the chee-taur approach.

"Tired, horny, sweaty so... the usual." Maya chuckled and eyed her friend. "My my, someone's eager today." The taur approached and grabbed Sarah's chin, drawing her in with soft scritches under her jaw, making the wolf moan and whine as her sizeable fourteen incher jumped with even more eagerness. "Up for some walkies?"

"Ohhhh fuck gods yess..." Sarah whined again, tapping her foot as she was pet and teased. Getting in touch with her feral side had been by far the best choice she'd ever made and it came with such wonderful new perks: multiple tits, a fat juicy spade to stuff and tease, so fat it just showed through every pair of panties she owned, a bigger knotted cock to play with and, best of all, a far greater appreciation for belly rubs, scritches and the greatest activity to ever grace her life, walkies with friends. "MMh plllleasssseeeeee! I've been good so pleassseee let's make walkies very long today... please?" She put on her best puppy eyes, framing her muzzle in a rather flattering way only made more alluring by the sextuplets of fat tits on her belly and her puppycock throbbing just beneath, glazing her breasts in ropes of pre every other second.

"You didn't even need to ask." Maya chuckled and gave her a few pets, stepping past the eager wolfess and slipping inside the unit. "Give me a sec to 'undress', alright?" Given that the taur had nothing on her body but the now overstuffed condoms, there wasn't much to remove from her to consider her fully undressed. She merely reached down with her lower front paws, grabbed the condoms and pulled them off, not even bothering to tie those huge tubes of latex and tossing them past the bathroom door, where they leaked all of their contents wherever they landed. "There we go." One and two and then she was fully naked once again, the leaking pre from the cocksleeves adding a nice new layer of scents to the musky, messy apartment, the stench of cock so thick it was almost palpable in the air. "Mhh nice..."

Freed from what little she had as clothing, the taur picked up a harness of her own that was hung on the wall where any other fur might put a coat or a jacket. Slipping inside it, the harness shook and made soft trills as metal bits collided, until all of it was secured, especially her balls and cocks which took a bit more effort to cram inside their respective holes. Maya purred and stretched, lifting her rump high in the air much like she had done back at the lab to check if the harness had been indeed put on correctly and if it would slip during brisk movements, only this time there was someone behind her, a very curious, horny and needy someone.

"Sarah, what did I say about shoving your muzzle in my ass?" Her wide, toned cheeks were sandwiching the wolf's muzzle, guiding her wet, cold nose towards the warmest spot in between those glutes.

"MMhh... that you love it and that I can do it whenever?" Sarah replied, still inside her friend's rump, sniffing, huffing, kissing the chee-taur's sweaty donut and her pussy with wild abandon.

"Good girl." Maya purred and her lengths slapped against her belly, adding yet another sweaty, messy cockprint to her fur as they splattered pre all over the floor. "Mmh that's a good doggo, yes..." She huffed, rubbing her spiky horsecocks with a paw, smearing pre on their flesh and giving them a nice shine. "But you know that you have other things to do when we get ready to go on walkies, don't you?" The taur smiled, still groping and stroking her malenesses with gentle paws, kneading them as if she were polishing their sweaty lengths. Sarah whined, entranced by the smell and texture of her friend's tailhole, her lupine instincts demanding that she sniff and snort and drink in that musky ass scent to her heart's content. Yet other parts of her demanded far more fun activities and thus she had to obey.

"Ffffine... but after you have to sit on my face." The attempt to coax Maya into granting her another boon was met with a naughty, lewd 'maybe' that was barely audible from where the wolf was.

"Come on, get to work, we've got much to do today and I'd hate to do it in a rush just because your slutty nose can't seem to be willing to part from my ass. Furthermore... isn't after-walkies ass huffing much, much better?" The chee-taur chuckled and teased her friend, swaying her hips left and right as her balls acted as a lewd pendulum right underneath her sopping wet muff.

"Alright, alright, no need to be so... teas-y." The wolf huffed and knelt and crawled from where she was to Maya's underbelly, the taur's cocks throbbing above her. Strands of precum dripped down along Sarah's back, the heat wafting from those meaty spires was incredible as was their ripe, juicy, mind-breaking smell. For a wolf, this was heavenly, for a slutty wolf like her however, this was far better than heaven. Her harness jingled with each movement, her six breasts touching the floor and making her moan as she licked and kissed her way to Maya's front before stopping. "Readyyyyyy..."

"MMh what took you so long..." The taur huffed, her spiny horsecock twitching and belching pre like broken faucets as her nuts dangled heavy behind her swollen sheath. Compared to when she'd left the lab, they felt almost twice as big, ripe melons ready to let out all of their juice over someone's muzzle or inside a wet hole. "Brace yourself!" Maya pushed forward, one cock finding and kissing her friend's wet spade, the flare mashing against that gash as pre spilled from the tip directly inside Sarah's pussy, the other slipping right beneath, smearing fluids over the moaning wolf's furry orbs. "MMhhh that is... mmh tight."

Sarah didn't just have a fat pussy, to call what she sported between her legs merely fat was not only an understatement but a crime: the wolf's pussy was phat, meaty, sloppy, wet at any and all times of the day, ripe like a watermelon oozing with juices. If there ever was a way to see the quintessential phat pussy, one needed to look no further than what Sarah flaunted with pride. As the taur's flare kissed that godly muff, both moaned and huffed, spongy-yet-hard cockflesh meeting a wet, warm, pliable spade. The kiss was so sloppy both heard it as Sarah's lower lips made out with Maya's flare as if it had been her mouth to do that, a kiss that screamed of need as the wolf's spade held that thick cock in place with suction force alone. Fluids spilled in ungodly amounts, lubing much of the taur's shaft in slimy and dense pussy juice while precum was spilled in huge messy shots, helping glaze the wolf's gash even more than it already was. The cock that went beneath that muff receiving far more than its twin, spreading all those fluids all over Sarah's sack and her knotty red rocket, smearing both frotting lengths in a wonderfully ripe mix of dicksweat, pre and pussy juice alike.

"You're just thick and hugeeee...!!" Sarah was almost tempted to complain about her friend complaining about her tightness, but the second Maya pushed again and the flare making out with her messy spade started to slip in, every word she had melted and disappeared under a deluge of gooey pre. The second kiss was even sloppier as heat spread from hard to soft flesh, from cock to spade, precum and other lewd fluids spilled in even greater amounts. "OOhhshs!! Ssso big!" This wasn't the first time that the two had done this, yet Maya's flares were always the hardest part to cram into Sarah's pussy, they were huge, juicy, soft and spongy yet somehow they resisted most attempts to be pushed inside any hole as if expressing a desire to be seen and looked at all times. And every time Sarah's spade attempted to swallow those immense flares with the hunger of a starving lion, or rather, of a starving feral wolf of old. "MHHH!"

Sarah came from the mere sensations of being spread as the fat horsecock spread her muff, stretching her oh so wide, making her feel the silhouette and each single detail of that thick fat swell of horsecock, the heat it oozed, the precum it spilled, the sheer girth and stiffness, the way it turned her spade into a lewd O... push after push, the wolf's muscles lost the fight, tight yet unable to stand their ground against such a relentless onslaught of kitty-horsecock, the spines all over that slab of dick only making it tougher to resist and put up a fight. Maya pushed, grunted, huffed and mrowled, fighting against a wonderful kind of grip as Sarah wanted her to go deeper and fill her like a glorified condom but her pussy clamped down on her shaft like a vice, squeezing and massaging her in wonderful ways that only made the chee-taur get harder and belch far more precum in her depths than before. Push after push, grunt after grunt, tugging and gripping, pushing and pulling, moaning and howling, Maya's huge fat flare slipped past Sarah's meaty, fat and drooling spade lips, popped inside and slid several inches deep within her tunnel. The wolf's overworked prostate was kissed by the flare for but one moment before the massive lump of spiny flesh slipped past it and kissed her cervix as the next push crammed it even deeper. Sarah came, spilling her load on the ground, her vaginal muscles twitching and squirming, their grip no longer quite as strong, allowing the taur above and inside her to get even deeper. Maya's second cock sandwiched hers like a stiff mattress, pushing it up against her own belly, spines stimulating it over and over like a bigger, harder, slicker masturbation wand, both shafts welcomed by the wolf's soft cleavage, each spanning at least two rows of tits as their wet flesh left lewd marks on her fur.

"HHhhuff... that's the gooooood stuff, eh?" Maya expected no reply as she pushed her friend down with her front paws, keeping the wolf in place as she humped lightly, making sure to stretch that pussy nice and wide for her cock, turning it into a most suitable sleeve to sheathe her length for the foreseeable future. "Now... the harness..." As Maya moved to get the harness, her cock slid deeper inside Sarah, the flare making out passionately with the wolf's cervix and filling her even more than it already was, eliciting a moan, a grunt and a nice load of cum splattered between Sarah's many many tits that dripped down her nipples. "Mhh." Perverted, intimate, lewd kisses were exchanged by flare and cervix over and over, precum belching from the taur's fat, swollen nuts into the wolf's heated, hungry womb.

The taur had to kneel to get to the whole harness, weighting down on her friend who, as it turns out, didn't mind too much being squeezed by several hundred pounds of cheetah with a thick cock in her pussy and another cock rubbing against her own and her tits. With a few clicks and a few clacks, magnets and buttons were secured, then the straps and voilà, Sarah was safely bound to her friend's juicy cock, dangling beneath her in a comfortable-yet-impossibly-perverted reverse saddle. The ungodly pussy grip helped keep Sarah in place as Maya moved about, those muscles clamping down on the invading cock even more than before, yet with all the wetness, all the precum, that titan grip merely helped stimulate the taur even more like an eager massage done by a billion soft and slick hands.

"Well then, you're all strapped in, I just need some stretching before the run and then we're good to go." The answer was pretty much incoherent rambling mess since Sarah was busy acclimating to having her pussy stretched by such a thick cock and her own length teased by an identical copy slapping against her belly but Maya took it for a valid one. "Mhh..." The taur slowly stretched all her limbs, tensing muscles just enough to get them warmed up, making sure that she'd not pull any of them during the long, long 'walk' she had in mind.

Underneath her belly, Sarah was being jostled and pulled by gravity with each movement, her pussy stretched, filled, teased, tugged as the thick cock inside it rubbed against her flesh, her cervix and all of her most sensitive spots with all those wonderfully juicy spikes that dotted its surface. Maya made sure to thoroughly drag her stretching on and on, teasing her friend for long minutes before she'd even give a hint that she was ready to go on the long awaited walkies. By that point, the ground underneath the chee-taur was a sopping mess of precum and pussy juice as the little wolf leaked freely and without shame over the floor tiles, her spade puffy and sensitive beyond measure.

"I'd say we're ready to go... what do you say, hmm?" Maya didn't wait for a reply, not that she needed one as Sarah clenched her pussy down real hard, using her body to do what her mouth and brain couldn't achieve now that she was strapped and stimulated to the point that her body was a huge fleshy, squirming condom for her friend. With a pleased murr, the taur flexed both cocks and purred loudly and proudly, her balls tensing, twitching and churning as she began to cum at the exact moment she opened the door and walked out. "MMMhhh this is going to be a rather nice run..." Cum spilled from her twin shafts without stopping, her paws a little unsteady as the pleasure of cumming whilst walking and being half buried inside a wet hole made the mere act of putting one paw in front of the other a tough challenge. Splatters of spunk surged from her spires, half soaking into Sarah's soft fur, half landing on the floor outside the taur's apartment from the freely bouncing cock whilst the one making out with the wolf's cervix belched all of its batter into her sopping wet muff, painting her walls white as the swollen lump of flesh grew even fatter. "Ooohh that's the stuff..." Maya's toes twitched and her hips humped the air and the wolf attached to her belly before she finally found the focus and the strength necessary to walk and cum and not get lost in the pleasure.

Cum rushed out of the chee-taur's fat nuts in great pumps, each rope juicy and thick and warm, a good litre dumped entirely within Sarah's heated womb past her greedy, slutty cervix and another litre spilled and wasted on the floor, though neither cared about the lost 'milk' that now gave the hallways of the building a nice new layer of musky goodness for anyone to enjoy. A few furs that were just returning from their shift greeted Maya as she exited the housing unit, not even bothering to say hello to the moaning puppy under her belly since Sarah's moans and murrs of pleasure were hardly indicative of a willing conversation partner. After a long orgasm that lasted a good couple minutes and after dumping what was enough cum to make her friend's belly swell a little, just enough to look as if she'd been having quite the feast at the cafeteria, Maya decided to trot over to the open-air gym rather than just walk. The instant that she began to pick up speed, the little wolf under her felt the massive kitty-horsecock push against her cervix with twice the eagerness, almost breaching past that far too small opening to blast her womb directly with a nice thick load of chee-taur ball batter. Yet the best part was not that, rather, all the jostling, moving, swaying, jumping, frotting and grinding, all of those wonderfully unchoreographed movements mixed together in a lewd harmony that made Sarah cum on the spot with such strength that her entire being tensed up and squirmed. Her puppycock was being rubbed all over by a bigger, fatter shaft, spines dragged outside along her flesh, between her six tits as those heavy mounds bounced and pleasured herself and her friend, but also inside her, along the wet, slick, heated walls of her sopping wet pussy. Both herms murred and bit their lips as the stimulation brought forth another orgasm for the trotting chee-taur barely five minutes after her first one.

Much like feral felines, Maya's genes had been spliced with such perfection that it allowed her to cum dozens and dozens of times a day back to back with hardly any refractory period as long as she was in the mood or had any cum left in her kitty sack. And, with all the extra modifications she'd done, her balls were always full, always brewing a nice batch of fresh hot cum, her cocks always eager and ready to slide into something wet, her flare and spines keeping herself stimulated even when she wasn't buried inside Sarah's muff just by rubbing against each other. Cum spilled from both spined flares once again while Maya broke into a gentle run, a trail of fresh spunk spilled behind her, leading anyone horny enough to follow along the winding paths of RIXANA's recreational sectors. Furs waved at them as they stopped fucking, sucking, sniffing and rutting for short precious moments before returning to their own little musky corners of pleasure, moans echoing all around the chee-taur as she marched through the gardens and eventually reached the gym with its shiny equipment, racks of weights, benches and mass of sweaty, horny, naked staff members and employees huffing, grunting and sweating.

Cocks stood proud as horses, bulls and dragons lifted huge dumbbells, bench-pressed their own weight or squatted all the while other furs teased them, sucking cocks or placing their stiff lengths right under a sweaty tailhole the moment its owner squatted low enough to sink down on it. For that reason, the appearance of the chee-taur with her friend bound to her belly and stuffed with cock was hardly cause for the horny masses to stop and stare, though the howling and moans of pleasure were more than sufficient to bring a few of them to the edge and bust a nut here and there. Maya stopped at the start of the circular race track, taking a short breather as her cocks stood to attention now that more than a few eyes were focused on the new arrival. With a purr, she resumed stretching, bending even more and with much more slenderness now that she'd been properly warmed up. Her cock reached deeper still inside Sarah's muff, almost hilted within that sopping wet passage, sheath barely three inches away from making out with the wolf's spade. Unfortunately, either Sarah wasn't spacious enough or Maya was just that big and thick to fit even in a wolf's modded pussy. Either way the result was pleasurable and thoroughly enjoyable regardless.

As she stretched, the chee-taur felt herself reach another orgasm, her nuts tensing and releasing their creamy cargo without her stopping or even worrying about being watched or where her cum would end up, certainly not even thinking about Sarah since the entire point was to have the little wolf strapped to her cock so that she could enjoy being taken for a run and filled to the brim. Little jets of cum spilled around Maya's thick cock, her flesh bathed in white spunk as the pussy she was buried in couldn't quite take much more cum: already a good few litres were sloshing inside, giving Sarah a nice paunch, good few months pregnant though not enough to hamper Maya and her running. Rivulets dripped down onto the wolf's balls and then onto the racetrack, mixing with the ropes that were being shot by both herm's free and throbbing cocks. The red rocket's spurts were lost as it was buried in soft tits and hidden from sight by a far fatter and thicker shaft that was absolutely drenching Sarah in shot after shot of thick kitty batter.

"Oh hello dear, how are you doing today?" Before Maya could get running, a familiar maned wolf walked onto the track as well. Everyone stopped to salute the tall, slender herm for she was none other than the owner of the entire company, the one who had made RIXANA what she was and the one who had granted the wishes of every fur around the compound. Even without the status of owner of the company, she'd stand out in the crowd anyway considering how tall she was. At nearly eight feet, mostly legs, the maned wolf was a titan and definitely not ashamed of flaunting it. "MMh Maya, right?" Luciana smiled and licked her lips, adjusting her sports attire which consisted of a single-piece tracksuit with the company logo, sporting a rather oversized bulge at the front containing a good couple feet of juicy cock spilling from its owner's sheath.

"Uhm... ye-yes ma'am, pleasure to meet you... again." Maya blushed, still cumming like a firehose inside and outside Sarah who was too busy moaning and cumming herself to notice that the Big Boss was in front of her and currently stepping in the puddle of spunk spreading under the taur's paws.

"I remember you, radical taur hybridization with some... wonderfully ripe equine genitalia added on top of the baseline feline form." The maned wolf licked her lips again and slowly, sultrily unzipped the front of her suit, letting out a lewd puff of sweat as if she'd just come out of a sauna. The fat, immense horsecock she was gifted with bounced for a few seconds before stiffening before Maya's eyes, drenched in a lovely mixture of sweat and precum, so much so that the entire length was glistening with fluids, shining as if bejewelled or lubed. "Man it's hot today... wish I hadn't worn this suit but then again... it's hard to deny how lovely the bulges look in such tight clothing..." That slab of horsecock was so hot, quite literally, that it steamed in the relatively cooler air around the maned wolf, prompting its owner to fan it with a hand in a rather vain attempt to make a difference. The only effect it had was making her nipples stiff and turgid, both the pair cupping her average D cup breasts and the four vestigial ones right beneath, beads of sweat covering them like tiniest hills and mountains ready to be climbed. Her cock was big enough to nestle right in between the two rows of nipples and then her tits, flare almost locking it in place as it spilled load after load of pre onto its owner's rack. "I can always appreciate when someone goes for one of these bad boys."

Luciana grabbed her now three foot long cock and gave it a nice stroke, milking a massive dollop of pre from the long, slick, musky spire from base to plate-sized flare, the steam still rising from that slab of dick. Maya gulped, wondering just how hot it was and whether she could use it as a warm pillow to sleep and hug as she slept. The dollop of pre dripping from that flare suddenly looked like the most enticing drink she could get in the entire department.

"Oh sorry, I must be holding you from your run, don't mind me." She chuckled and walked behind Maya, the wolf's stiff length bouncing up and down. Suddenly, Luciana slapped the taur's rump and squeezed it, her paws groping and exploring the feline hybrid's taut glutes. "Mh, good muscle density... nice fur..." Both paws descended upon it and squeezed again, making Maya purr and cum a little harder, dumping a fatter load inside Sarah and all over the racetrack. "I'd love to... discuss your satisfaction with this body in a far more thorough manner when you're free... maybe over some drinks and a nice meal... or even in private." She huffed. "It has been a while since I've had a taur around my cock." Maya felt that ungodly hot dick press against her cheeks and slide right in-between, slathering her pussy and donut in precum and sweat and collecting more than a little bit of kitty pussy juice to add to the layers of fluids upon its flesh. "Have fun, dear, and feel free to call me whenever you want to feel just how deep a taur's pussy can be filled..."

"I-I will..." One moment the owner and founder of the company was sloppily dragging her cock up and down her ass, the next she was gone, yet the feeling of such a fat, meaty slab of uncommonly heavy horsecock was still strong. Maya purred and freely unloaded the rest of nut she'd been holding while in Luciana's presence. "Oohh boy that was..." The taur felt her balls squeeze down and dump shot after shot of cum inside her friend's sloppy pussy with all the strength they had, the jets escaping from the seal of her girth splattering loudly onto the running track's surface for long long seconds. She huffed and then took a deep breath, taking in both air and the stench of sweat and cum around her. Under her belly, Sarah was moaning and squirming as her pelvic muscles spasmed and pushed out all the cum her poor little womb couldn't take until all that was left once again was a decent bump that might have been mistaken for a lavish meal instead of a raunchy display of kitty-cock batter dumped straight inside her. "Now... shall we get to it?"

Of course, there was no need to ask for confirmation: Sarah had been ready from the moment Maya's flare had slipped inside her pussy and made itself home in there, from then on, the wolf couldn't have been any more willing than she was. Without doing any more stretches, Maya just started trotting, slowly and carefully, remembering how to get the hang of running with someone hanging from her belly. The added weight was not negligible either, which made things a little tougher and a little more tiring than necessary, yet those two drawbacks were hardly worthy of mention when put in front of the fact that she was running with one of her cocks throbbing inside a wet muff and her other shaft bobbing, bouncing and slapping against three soft racks of wolf tits and one singular stiff wolf cock.

Cum oozed out of Sarah's spade, dripping down in thick wads as the taur's kitty-cock rubbed her flesh, scraping her walls with those juicy spines, the far juicier flare slipping back and forth in a lewd, perverted dance with her cervix, kissing her innermost barrier over and over and over again, always belching more pre to lube its endless throbbing and digging inside her. Cum leaked out of Sarah's twitching red rocket, her stiff length supported by its muscles and Maya's own far bigger slab of dick right beneath. The two cocks frotted and rubbed against each other, making a mess of her wonderful fur as fluids leaked in absurd amounts and mixed with sweat and dicksweat alike. Cum leaked from Sarah's triple rack, spent seed caking her tits in thick layers as each gush from the freely bouncing kitty-cock added more and more goo until her breasts were little more than jostling cock-warmers and beyond-soaked rags to wipe cum from slick flesh.

Maya's body was slowly starting to steam visibly in the warm air so hot she was getting, all the fur on her hindering her ability to run as hard and for as long as she wished to. Yet she did not stop, she continued putting one paw in front of the other without fault, gritting her teeth with determination to get a few more scraps of energy from her reserves. One minute, two and then four, Maya continued and did not stop, yet fatigue was closing in on her like a feral cheetah unburdened by any horny wolf strapped on their belly. Closer and closer it came, forcing the chee-taur to focus on something beyond her aching muscles, something wet, warm, sloppy and tight, but also something soft, warm and jostling. Her mind emptied as her thoughts converged upon the sloppy pussy her upper cock was buried in and the rack of tits her lower cock was nestled between and suddenly, there were no more sore muscles or anything. Maya purred and came, unloading her fatigue and her fourth, or maybe was it fifth load inside Sarah's pussy and all over Sarah's tits.

Shot after shot after shot spilled forth from her nuts, through her long spiny shafts and then out of her thick flares, splattering against the racetrack or against the wolf's inner flesh in dense, syrupy waves. Then one particularly heavy trot, Sarah felt it, one of the spines of the cock "popping" past the tight ring inside. Then, in rapid succession over the next few seconds, more of those juicy spines popped past into the inner sanctum like a chain of firecrackers, sending blinding jolts of pleasure through Sarah's mind. And throughout that wonderfully perverted chain of little pops of pleasure, the whole flare finally surged past the wolf's last barrier in a cacophony of pleasure, now comfortably settling in the mildly cumflated womb, kissing the back wall with its blunt tip. The bulge it made was such that it was visible through her stretched hide and each throb made it swell and jump like a living being. Sarah's meaty canine spade was stuffed with the thick median ring of flesh marking Maya's meaty fuckstick, tightly wrapping around it and the additional kitty spines that crowned such a wonderful product of gene splicing. The shaft, finally granted vast real estate sank ever deeper until sloppy canine puss met with the equally sloppy and loose skin of Maya's sheath with a messy and lewd kiss, cushioning Sarah's travel down the hybrid chee-taur's spire.

Sarah finally reached the climax she had been waiting for, she shuddered with pure bliss, eyes rolling back, mouth hanging loose as the sensation of being penetrated so deeply overwhelmed her. While she was busy moaning earlier, now nary a coherent lewd sound escaped from her mouth except mindless groans of pleasure. The sudden change in sensation and lack of moans, yips and barks of pleasure seemed to catch Maya's attention at long last, distracting her from her jogging tempo and allowing her to notice that the tip of her cock felt oddly loose, as if it was moving freely in the sloshing balloon of cum that was Sarah's womb, the spiney tips of the flare occasionally brushing against the walls of her rounded out puppy-chamber. The newfound clearance around the flare of her cock now meant that the only resistance was Sarah's vaginal passage and cervix hugging Maya's upper shaft, and every trot had the utterly cock-stuffed wolf bouncing and sliding up and down the length. The realization that she'd finally breached past the last barrier and that now she had truly managed to hilt herself inside her friend was more than enough to not only keep the taur out of her focused state, but also to send her straight into a massive, lewd, abundant orgasm right then and there.

Every motion downward ended with the blunt equine tip of Maya's cock smushing itself against the back wall of Sarah's womb, the impact slowed by the stretch the herm wolf's canine spade had to make to accommodate the median ring. Every slide upwards meant that those spines around the median ring would drag against the walls Sarah's canine vagina in just the right ways, at least until the thick median ring popped back out again like an oddly shaped yet absolutely delightful equine version of a canine knot, which further highlighted Maya's hybrid nature. Then the spines of the flare had their turn, crashing into the opposite side of the cervix and teasing it apart yet again but from the opposite direction, halting Sarah's slide upward, and sending her back down again, repeating the lewd cycle over and over and over again. And during every little cycle, Maya painted her womb white with shot after shot of ball batter injected straight into that hidden chamber, the flare acting as a far too effective seal, making sure that nothing but extreme pressures would allow her loads to escape from that sloshing cum-stuffed womb.

People turned to look at the running chee-taur and its moaning companion, licking their lips as the trail of cum beneath the two grew more pronounced and fresher, admiring how, at the next lap, Maya's paws slipped in the dozens of puddles she'd left behind but a minute earlier. Musky, sweaty and cumstained pawprints began to dot the lane the taur had picked for herself, each soft bean marked oh so clearly in white spent cum. Sarah howled as she bounced and bounced, as she got filled and as she leaked kitty spooge with every other step. Oh how wonderful was the feeling of being crammed full of cum then feeling it ooze out of her spade, the stream of spent seed lapping at her swaying nuts. How magnificent the feeling of Maya's turgid cock slapping against her belly and tits was. How gloriously perverted the sensation of the taur's fat, heavy, sloshing nuts spanking her own puppy sack over and over and over again was. Barely five minutes after the last load, Maya came again, purring softly as she unloaded more and more and more spunk without stopping for a single second. Each shot was timed with a step, one two three four, shot after shot after shot after womb-filling shot until the newest batch had no more space to go but out of her spade and onto the track. Compared to earlier, Maya's orgasms were twice as messy now, for every pump of her kitty-cocks were dumped far deeper inside her friend's womb and now shot fully outside those wonderful six tits as the flare jutted from the first rack rather than nestling in between. It had been so long since the two had first gone on walkies yet this was the very first time they'd been able to accomplish what was the true, carnal, perverted goal of this activity: to have Sarah completely impaled on Maya's cock from sheath to flare and forced to take each and every last droplet of kitty-goo.

"Having fun?" Right as she was completing the tenth lap, another taur joined Maya, though this one was a far more traditional horsetaur rather than a feline-based one like her. The new arrival was of a deep chestnut brown with the prettiest white splotched muzzle and haunches ever, though the wonderful fur pattern was eclipsed by the gigantic rack of tits on her upper chest, the knee-touching pair of balls, a singular cock so fat and massive it might as well have been a fifth leg nestled in-between two juicy teats that leaked milk with each stride. "Where did you get the harness? I've been meaning to get one myself now that I've gone taur as well..."

"Oh, uhm..." Maya was broken out of the focused state she'd slipped in earlier, waking up just in time to get a nice look of the horsetaur's immense tits and cum for the seventh... or was it the tenth time already? "Uhm... oh yeah I got it at the supermarket north of Lab #42." Her brain worked hard to get back into a condition more suitable for a conversation while her nuts worked twice as hard to dump their latest batch of kitty-goo inside Sarah's pussy with all their might. The wolf moaned and mewled, squirming and yipping rather vocally beneath the chee-taur's belly, eliciting a neigh of approval from the horsetaur and a nice, lewd, loud throb of that singular horsecock that slapped her belly with incredible force. "Nice place, they sell taur-specific stuff for post-transformation needs: I've gotten a couple of breeding mounts to make sure I didn't ruin my housing unit during the first month or so and a bigger bed too. Not to mention all the XXXL condoms, fleshlights, back scratchers, fur brushes with the telescopic handle and bulk fur shampoo..."

It took but a couple of minutes for the two taurs to strike up a quick yet rewarding friendship: Maya discussed her experience as a base-feline taur and Donna, for that was her name, hers as a base-equine taur. They shared tips, tricks and advice for the other without holding much back, discovering new tricks to scratch an itch that couldn't be reached, a new brand of condoms that could hold enough cum without bursting when research couldn't be stopped and neither could a most rewarding nut and much much more. The conversation proved to be a rather effective way to distract Maya from her running just as much as focusing entirely on the sloppy pussy she was buried in. As a matter of fact, it was so effective and natural that Sarah felt the cock making out with her womb spill far more cum than before: each new gush was denser, thicker, heavier and more potent than before, far more frequent too. The five minute average refractory period was cut down almost in half, barely three minutes between orgasm and hefty deposits of kitty-goo. Donna didn't let this casual display of virility go unchallenged of course, yet without the aid of a wolf to milk her cock, she was left with nothing but a far more traditional way to masturbate whilst running: each flex of her cock marked one stroke, each stroke perfectly timed to three strides at first then two and then one, every single step accompanied by a lewd slap of flesh upon fur until the horsetaur whinnied and let out her own load. The entirety of the second taur's ball batter was spilled over the racetrack, litres and litres and litres of it gushing from a flare one and a half times bigger than Maya's own, splattering with such power that the wet musky marks were easily several feet wide. The next lap Maya would step on it and her paws would get twice as messy and covered in spent cum, Donna's hooves would splash in the puddles and leave arches for yards after wards. And throughout it all, Sarah bounced back and forth along the immense fuckstick that was her friend's meaty kitty-cock, sliding up and down, inches sliding in and then sliding out as the medial ring popped past her spade over and over again, cum dripping between meaty sheath rim and meaty pussy lips, sliding in between grooves of flesh or simply dripping down onto their balls as those heavy orbs smacked and kissed with every other stride.

This continued lap after lap until the two lanes of the racetrack were nearly completely covered in white cum from the two taurs. By that point, Maya was beyond tired, her body steaming and trembling as the fatigue finally caught up to her despite being distracted by a wonderful conversation partner like Donna. Yet part of her wasn't tired at all and as Maya stopped and took a breather, arching her back to relieve some of the accumulated tension, her kitty nuts swelled, sloshed and twitched right before dumping load number fifteen inside Sarah's beyond-stuffed pussy and womb. Not a drop was able to fit in and all the cum simply spilled outside, dripping down their crotches as Maya's other cock gushed freely, its thick pillar of white spunk mixing with Donna's potent stream as the horsetaur came yet again in synch.

"Ooohhh heavens... I'm beat." Maya groaned and took a swing of her water bottle, dumping the rest on her muzzle to cool herself down somewhat. Donna instead stood there, steaming and stinking up the place with a wonderful mix of sweat, cum and the unmistakable stench of a horny and very musky horse. ""Longest run yet... those last laps were supposed to be my recovery jog but... damn... worth it."

"How the... man I'm so sore..." Donna groaned loudly, uncaring of the slightly negative attention her complaints were giving her. "I've never run this much nor this hard..." Another grunt. "I'm... congrats... I'm supposed to be the long-distance runner amongst the two of us... yet you were running before I arrived and kept up until I gave up... and this is just your recovery jog?" Donna fanned herself, her tits swaying left and right, nipples pert and dripping with beads of salty sweat, her cleavage absolutely drenched in the stuff. "You've got extra weight to boot!"

"I've been training as taur for longer. Give yourself a couple weeks and you'll match me without too much effort." Maya took a deep breath and then relaxed, her cocks twitching one last time before stopping and resuming their idle throbbing, frotting and kissing Sarah's womb. "Next time, how about getting one of those mobile masturbators? It's got a wonderful mechanism that matches your gait and basically jacks you off while you walk, no batteries or anything. It's excellent for walking and unloading a good dozen orgasms without having to put effort in."

"Mhh I dunno, I like hearing and feeling this bad boy slap against my belly. It feels so..." She marked the small pause with a few slaps and a soft moan. "... masculine... you know? It's hefty, it takes effort to move... it feels like I'm being cockslapped by a stud too..." Donna blushed and giggled, continuing with her feral-style masturbation without missing a beat. "But I'll give your idea a try."

"Excellent! Do tell me if you liked the idea. If not, maybe my friend downstairs is interested in helping you out at some point..." Maya lifted a front paw and gave Sarah a couple pets with her cum-soaked, sweaty pads, leaving a lewd mark on her muzzle. The wolf howled as she instinctively moved her snout to those sloppy beans, burying her nose in a heaven of cummy softness that she sniffed and licked, moaning, huffing, whining, yipping without any shame for her sluttiness or open debauchery as if being turned into a living condom for a hornier and bigger herm wasn't enough to brand her as a 'living cock-sock' to the entire RIXANA corporation. "I'll see you around then!"

The two taurs parted ways, having already made plans for the next time they'd meet on this same racetrack. Maya headed back to her housing unit and Donna decided to hit the public breeding mount to unload a few more times before dinner. The place was a mess of cum all over yet no one complained about the state of the shared space, not when the show they'd gotten was so wonderful and pleasant to look at and smell. With tired strides, Maya took twice as long to get to her apartment, her sore muscles begging her to call one of the inter-compound cabs and have herself be delivered to her quarters. She braved her way back despite desperately wanting to get some rest. As soon as she was back home, she immediately rushed to the bathroom and began warming up the shower, water slowly turning into steam as the seconds trickled by.

"Your new friend seems nice." Sarah chimed up with actual words after what must have been an eternity.

"Look who just woke up from her cock-coma." Maya stepped in the shower, not even bothering to ask her friend if she wanted to get down from her saddle. Her paws splashed in the warm water and within the next fifteen seconds, the taur was drenched and wet, her muscles soothed and finally able to relax. Under her Sarah was a little less wet yet soon the dripping water got to her too. "Ohhhh this is godly... never before I've been so happy to take a shower."

"Mmh yes, agreed." Sarah gave her friend a few scritches. "You stink like a locker room after an orgy." Without shame, as per usual, the wolf buried her muzzle in wet chee-taur fur and sniffed. "We need to do that more. Your taur friend definitely wants to go for another run and maybe some other kinds of sweaty activities." Under Maya were a few bottles of soap that Sarah passed up to her friend. "From where I am I had quite a while to get a nice look at her junk and boy, that horse got some serious dick strapped to her groin." She huffed and moaned, squeezing on Maya's cock once again, feeling it kiss the back of her womb. "Wouldn't mind being strapped to her next time around."

"We already agreed you would." Maya chuckled. "I know you and your love for riding taurs in the wrong and right ways."

"Awww thank you. That is so sweet of you." The wolf cooed and thanked her friend by using her footpaws in what little way they could be moved to give the taur's fat, sweaty, drenched nuts a few squeezes.

"Ooaahhah!!" Maya twitched and jumped a little, her cock throbbing and belching out a few spurts of pre that splattered on her flare and onto the shower walls. The way she squirmed and flexed wasn't the same as usual, but rather one of restraint. "Mmh sssstop Sarah... I need to take a wicked piss and I can't do that until you're not stuck to me." As she spoke, the chee-taur began to push Sarah away, her median ring popping out of the wolf's juicy spade with a pop muffled by the flowing water. Inches and inches of cock were washed as she slipped out, bit by bit, slowly so that she'd not stimulate herself too much and just barely fast enough to make sure she'd get the wolf off in time. "Ffffck I drank wayyyy too much today." The flare proved to be a rather tough customer to get out of Sarah's womb, in part due to its rather hefty size and in part because the slutty wolf's equally slutty womb was tugging and trying to keep that slab of kitty-dick buried as deep as it could be. It took a dozen, two dozen tugs maybe for Maya to finally get her soft, spongy, spiny womb-plug out of Sarah's chamber, each tug increasingly more hurried and desperate as the taur danced on the tips of her toes to keep herself from unloading her bladder right then and there. "C'mon..."

"Oh, you need to take a leak? Just... go, I don't mind at all, I might even like it." Sarah shrugged.

"Wh... really?" Each second wasted was a second closer to losing control of herself. "Cause I reeeeally can't promise I'll manage to get you off the saddle before I actually..."

"It's ffffineeeee... just go, I enjoy a golden shower just as much as a regular one anyway..."

"Oohhhhh thank you thank youuuuu..." Maya shivered from snout to the tip of her tail as she relaxed the last few muscles that kept her from unloading her bladder where she stood. Both of her cocks twitched, throbbed and then released all of their golden cargo barely two seconds later: a splash from below joined the rush of water from above, mixing with the frothy waters. "Mmh this is goooooood..." The taur purred, feeling her piss collect around her flare inside Sarah's pussy, backing up ever so slightly in that well-stretched, well-filled and rather overstuffed canal until the pressure grew too much and the acrid stream started flowing back along her shaft, jets of gold spilling from the sides of her medial ring to join its matching stream from her free cock. "Heavens this is fun."

"Mmmhh!!!" Sarah mewled and licked her lips as she felt her friend dump her bladder's contents directly inside her pussy as if she was a cheap toy that could be filled with whatever its owner wanted. The warm, prickly feeling of piss filling her tunnel made her cum and squirm and then caused a similar reaction within her own body. "MMH!" The wolf began to wet herself as she was being stuffed with taur urine, her cock and pussy releasing twin flows. One mixed with Maya's torrent and the other joined the backflow from her spade and bathed both of their balls in hot hot piss.

"Naughty puppy." Maya chuckled, slowly getting the hang of taking a leak whilst hard and inside someone, humming to herself as the flow barely slowed despite litres of waste having being spilled already down the drain. Instead she pushed, her golden flow surging with greater strength and power as she began to unfasten the saddle keeping Sarah stuck to her, latch after latch and button after button until, without warning, the wolf slid off her cocks from the pressure. The wolf slipped and fell onto the shower basin, Maya's cock popping out of the well basted and overflowing spade and slapping against it's owner's belly, both cocks now sending warm arcs of fluid raining down over Sarah out of their throbbing flares. "Ooops sorry!" With both her lengths finally free, the taur huffed and hissed, flexing her muscles to make sure nothing was stuck to her spires and then continued with her bathroom break, her waste giving Sarah a raunchy shower. Twice the amount of dick, twice the strength of the taur's impossibly abundant, warm and oh so lovely stream of pure gold.

"It's fine..." The wolf lay there for a bit, cum and piss leaking out of her spade, her back fur soaked with urine, her belly sloshing with spent cum as she waited for the taur to stop pissing all over her. As the flow slowly, slowly, so very slowly grew less strong and abundant, Sarah heard Maya's stomach gently grumble and groan, clearly empty and begging for some good. "Someone's hungry, eh?"

"Once we're done with the shower I'm going to order some snacks. The good kind." Maya licked her lips and imagined stacks of chips and all sorts of less-than-healthy foodstuffs to scarf down.

"So much for going running to lose weight, you can have your snacks, but I think I have the perfect meal already in front of me while you wait for yours." Sarah reached to pull both of Maya's shafts towards her, giving each a quick kiss on the top of their flares as the final streams trickled out of them, splashing over her neck and running down the crevasses of her multiple cleavages.

Sarah rolled to the side, getting more of her fur soaked in mixed fluids before sitting up. As soon as she got to a kneeling position, a rush of spent cum flooded out of her spade, splattering loudly and lewdly on her thighs and then down the drain, earning the wolf a quick, satisfying orgasm right then and there as the wolf' cock shot it's load in sympathy once more, it's warm ropes painting Maya's foot as she braced herself against the chee-taur, moaning as her womb emptied itself of the lewd cocktail of fluids onto the shower floor. Chuckling at the sight, Maya affectionately pet the head of the orgasming white wolf.

"Guess that means we'll have to go running again, eh?"

Growing Love

# Growing love A "The Fountain" sequel Keelie had succeeded in his goal, in the mission that had been bestowed upon him by greater forces than he could imagine: to take a particular gem where it needed to be to bring back the Fountain...

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Hal's paws

# Hal's paws The ground quaked with every mastodontically heavy step that the towering, or better yet, mountainous dragon, took: at well past six hundred feet tall after the latest burst of growth he'd experienced, Hal was...

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A special Bunny in the big city: a very special event

# A special Bunny in the big city: a very special event Judy grunted loudly, drawing the attention of the other officers in the room once again as the now familiar sound of cum splattering on the floor and the lockers in front...

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