Subject Alpha Returns

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#3 of Campfire Recipes

Researcher Larch's work at the Patias Nature Reserve continues. With sections of the old hideout closed off to him, the job is proving more dangerous than he had initially bargained for. Not helping matters is the powerful Mightyena, who has returned after her last fateful encounter. It seems that time and distance has not made her any less focused on poor Theo.

Words: 7542

Established Canon (Pokemon)


Male/Female (Feral)

Written as part of National Novel Writer's Month, 2023








>APPEND LOG "Campfire_Recipes;Personal_TL"


I need to stop writing reports into this log. I've already had to keep another "fake" diary, three different kinds of "observations" and "experiments" tabs, all to provide cover for what is slowly turning into the largest text confession ever written by mankind. How many words have I put in here? How many different ways can you cook things over a fire? Are there more theoretical recipes in the world then there are Pokemon in this region who might express an interest in humans?

I'm not helping the file size, here.

Things have been quiet, after... the last incident. I haven't seen Subject Beta since our last meeting. For a few days, I would walk outside to find out somebody had left berries on the ground, nearby. I'm sure that's a coincidence. Just like I'm sure I imagined the fond, possessive way he behaved as he walked me back home. But, like I said, I haven't seen the Absol, lately. It's the other Dark type Pokemon I have to worry about.

The other day, I ran into Subject Alpha, again. She knows where to find me, now, and she seems to be getting better at figuring out where I'm going. I kept working to demolish some of the buildings on the outskirts of the Reserve (because I had thoroughly learned my lesson, the last time I went for the central compound). I had just managed to take a chunk of wall out from a rather dangerously leaning shed, and was walking around it in preparation to merely push the thing over, when I saw the Mightyena staring at me from over a hill. For a moment, we locked eyes. She took a step forward. I put my hand on the whistler, ready to activate it, as I shook my head at her. She just took another step forward, so I switched it on.

Subject Alpha flinched. Her sensitive ears could pick up frequencies in the harshly keening device that I couldn't, and even I found the noise to be tough to be near. She snarled, ears flat against her head. But, she didn't retreat. In fact, she only took another step forward. Her expression hardened, but never looked away from mine. Another step. She shook her head, as if trying to throw the sound off of her body. I probably should have gotten away, but I was transfixed, dismayed at her bloody-minded insistence. It wasn't until she was right at my feet that I realized she had gotten too close. She looked up at me, defiant and annoyed, a full ultimatum in her eyes...

I wasn't even really aware that I had turned the whistler off, but its absence was almost deafening. For a while, we stared at each other. Then, Subject Alpha made a noise and a motion reminiscent of sneezing, before stepping forward and bumping her head against my hand. Uncannily, I watched as her demeanor changed, from intense and determined to something closer to the family Herdier, we had when I was a kid. She followed me around, seemingly trying her best to stay in front of me, at all times. I wasn't sure why she would do that, but considering how reluctant I was to have a creature like her somewhere where I couldn't see her, it seemed to me that that would have been a strangely reassuring reason.

At one point, I had my hands on the shed. It had been a few minutes, but so far my efforts to push the thing over had met with no real success. I bit back the urge to lament my weakness. After all, if it wasn't falling over, it was because I had not yet done enough to weaken the structure. As I contemplated the logistics of pulling out the hammer again, finding another chunk of wall to crack, I saw a black blur on the edge of my vision. Suddenly, Subject Alpha was in the air, crashing into the wall with a violent thud. She kept going, as the shack shuddered and fell beneath her. Landing on the now leaned over wall, she rolled off into the dirt, pulling herself up and shaking herself off in the same motion. She looked over at me, chattering happily and looking inordinately proud of herself.

Looking down, I noticed the cut on her leg. I asked her if she was okay. She seemed... almost chagrined, as she noticed what I noticed. Then, slowly, she turned and lifted her paw, licking her wound with an air almost of furtiveness. I was still confused, about this whole ordeal, but to be honest I found something strangely charming about her behavior. She was easier to read than a great many human girls, I had known. Perhaps. I could very well have been imagining the whole ordeal, attempting to gauge personality out of a creature who, whether I liked to admit it or not, knew me in a way that was far more intimate than all but a very scant few humans.

And, I suppose, an Absol.

I'm... going to stop writing, now.












>APPEND LOG "Campfire_Recipes;Personal_TL"


I have to hope, now, that the Professor doesn't read anything too suspicious in my wildlife reports, on top of worrying about whether she finds my constant updates of my recipe book suspicious. Subject Alpha followed me to one of the blinds. She was able to find me, even when my scent was hidden by chemical neutralizers.

To be honest, I had nearly forgotten about her. She wasn't there, this morning, so I thought I was in the clear. For a while, my focus was on doing my little distraction walk in the direction of the observation post. Perhaps she knew that some strange, Theo-sized bipedal creature in a suit made of fake grass was seen walking down the routes that led up to my cave? If so, that would suggest that she's far brighter than most in the League would want to give her credit for. A point of fascination, no doubt.

It was too bad that that cleverness manifested in her worming her way into my blind, just as I was settling down to begin my observations. For a moment, I froze, feeling her body as it slid up along the side of mine. Beneath the hood of the Grass Suit, my expression must have been one of a rather amusing flavor of terror, because her only response was a smirk in the eyes. Then, she flopped down onto her belly, while I also lay on the ground. Looking out of the little viewing hole, she seemed delighted to discover that my little hiding spot had such a good view of the river. She no doubt had walked past this place several time, on her travels, and seeing it from the inside gave her a clear idea of how well-hidden it had been.

Before a certain Researcher unwittingly showed her what fake bush to crawl under to get into the blind, that is.

She joined me in watching the creatures that wandered down to the river to drink. Odds were almost certain that her scent was going to scare away certain kinds of Pokemon. Then again, she was in essentially a grass box, alongside me and my scent-neutralizing spray, so perhaps this was all right. What wasn't all right was Subject Alpha's rather short attention span. Understandably, she had no real stake in lying in one spot, marking off Pokemon as they arrived. I would say she only stayed still, for about an hour, before she started to get restless. Standing up, she began to circle around the blind, testing its area. Some sharp eared Pokemon heard that, and decided to make themselves scarce, but Subject Alpha wasn't in a position to notice, as she circled around behind me.

I tried to tell her off. Or rather, to try and find words that would tell her off, that wouldn't be treated as hostility towards a still dangerous wild Pokemon, who was stuck in very close quarters with me. Unfortunately, it took me a while to find a way to thread that verbal needle. I don't know that I ever could have done it. Before I could even try, I found myself recoiling as something warm and solid bumped its way into the point between my ass and my balls. The noise I made was apparently at just the right frequency to send bird Pokemon scattering out of the trees. Either that, or I was just that noisy. When I looked back, it was only to see the Mightyena with her head bowed. Her blunt nose was pressed into my taint, and even through multiple layers of fabric I could feel the tug of her breath as she took in big, forceful sniffs. Behind her, her tail began to wag. I could see her red eyes, dancing just over the top of my leg.

She lifted her head, eyes half-lidded and her mouth open in a luxurious looking pant. I found it strangely arresting. It was as if I was looking into the eyes of a human, who was in the process of indulging a very specific fetish. In fact, when she finally realized that I was looking, the way in which she suddenly affected normalcy, returning to lay down beside me and taking an incredibly keen interest in the outside world, seemed almost perfectly like what one would look like, when they were suddenly caught acting on their very specific fetish.

We spotted nothing else of note, that day. Subject Alpha made it a point to disappear, shortly afterwards, leaving me to walk back to my cave, alone and confused.







Welcome to the Pokedex (v. 9.3.46)

Please select your Dex configuration.


National Dex accessed. Please enter the ID number of the Pokemon whose data you wish to access.


ND #262: Mightyena. Confirm?


You are now in the directory of information for Mightyena, the Bite Pokemon. Type ">HELP" to see a list of information subheadings, or type in the subheading you wish to read about.


Accessing information in the DIET subheading. Printing information to be delivered in your Personal Item System.


Accessing information in the SENSES subheading. Printing information to be delivered in your Personal Item System



Accessing information in the BREEDINFO subheading. Please hold...

Mightyena is listed in the Field subgroup of compatible Egg types, alongside many other mammalian Pokemon. Population surveys have revealed that the Poochyena line has a roughly even distribution of male and female Pokemon. Mightyena mating has been observed by Researchers as having the elements expected of canines, Dark type Pokemon, and Pokemon of above average physical aggression (see: Effort Value Attack in the glossary for further details about the latter). With the help of their sensitive noses, Mightyena learn information about prospective mates, including their...

* * *


>APPEND LOG "Campfire_Recipes;Personal_TL"


I did something unwise today.

Subject Alpha has been waiting for me outside my camp, in the mornings. Well, on half of the mornings, anyway. It seems like she no longer wants to follow me when it's an observation day. For a while, I wasn't sure why. As much as having her close to me was making me scared and uncomfortable, she seemed far more willing to get closer, during observation days. She was clearly used to the smell of Repel, strong enough to where being close to it for long periods didn't make her feel sick. But, I could tell just by looking at her that she didn't like it.

Then, of course, I remembered the thing that happened, the day she joined me in the blind. The neutralizer would have worked to mask most of my scent, but she could clearly still smell something on me. In my defense, I never planned for any Pokemon to get as incredibly close as she did, so maybe I skimped out on spraying it around my junk. That stuff is cold, you know.

Getting off topic.

The point is, I had an idea that perhaps she was avoiding me. Avoiding my scent, anyway. Not really sure why, though I can take a guess and I don't like what that guess suggests. Mightyena are canines, and canines have a well-developed sense of smell. Perhaps something about my scent is throwing her off. If so, I thought I could use this information to try and convince her to back off. Hence my unwise decision.

Today was a deconstruction day. As with any deconstruction day, I'm supposed to spray myself down with enough Repel to keep wild Pokemon away. Or at least, most of the wild Pokemon away. So far, that has been a matter of mixed success. In any case, I decided, for the moment that I would skip that step. No Repel, no neutralizers, none of that. When I stepped out onto the mountain path, that morning, I smelled of nothing more than morning shower and whatever I normally smell like.

The effect it had on Subject Alpha was... disappointing. At first, I thought I was onto something. Her ears perked up, as soon as I got near, and I could see her nose, twitching and flexing as she took in my scent. For a brief moment, I thought it might be working. But then, her tail started wagging, and her expression became... I don't know how to describe it. Heated? Aggressively fond? It felt as though she appreciated my decision, which was something of a backfire, as far as I was concerned.

For a few hours, she stayed very close to me. I decided to just go about my work, even though it was obvious I was not going to get the result I wanted. Then again, I'm not sure I was clear about what I did want. I will be honest: I don't know how I expected all of this to end. I haven't really felt like things have been normal, ever since


I'm back. I'm not going to retread this ground. I'm not going to re-litigate what it all means, that I've been fucked by a Pokemon. By two Pokemon. I just need to stop thinking about this.

My work went by, as normal. Subject Alpha, as I said, stayed close, but she didn't try and help me the way she did, the last time. For a while, I was kind of enjoying the work. It felt so much easier, now that I didn't reek of chemicals. I guess I'm also just getting stronger. I've been at this for... a month, now? It feels like a month.

I was attacked. It's funny how I nearly forgot about that. I was attacked, today. An Electrike came bounding out of the brush, yapping and snarling at me. I honestly panicked a bit. It's embarrassing, but I had gotten so used to the Repel and it's ability to stop these sorts of things before they could start, that the sight of something bounding towards me without fear or hesitation froze me in place. I honestly don't know if I could have gotten to my whistler, in time, or turned on my Silph Scanner to figure out a way to dodge what was coming.

But, as the green dog had gotten about halfway towards me, it was intercepted when Subject Alpha careened into it from the side, sending the both of them tumbling to the dirt. The Mightyena had the Electrike by its back leg, and with a snarl she hurled the beast back towards the bushes. The Electrike rolled, yapping in fear and pain, and in a trice was back on its feet, limp-dashing back into the safety of the leaves.

I stood there, confused and only now processing the danger I had been in. Subject Alpha pulled herself up onto her feet, shaking the dust off her fur, and she gave the rustling bushes a few harsh and intimidating barks, for good measure. When she turned to look back at me, the expression on her face was not what I would call "concerned." It was more like... you know like in the comic books, when the superhero is floating over somebody they just caught a flying car to save? It was like that, but... how do I put this? A superhero looks like that because they're a superhero. Subject Alpha gave me a look like she wanted to be treated like a superhero, or whatever the equivalent would be in a Mightyena pack.

Oh, fuck me sideways, I just figured it out. I just figured it all out. Mightyena are matriarchal. Their pack structure is all about them being dominant over the males. She was being fucking chivalrous, for Mew's sake! Oh, fuck me and fuck this whole expedition. What the hell have I walked into?


This log is over. I'm done.







Welcome. Please enter the ID Number of the item you wish to requistion


Item no. 79342111: Ilubeat brand electric lantern (manual-rechargeable configuration). Confirm?


This item comes with instructions and safety documentation. Please read all materials carefully, before using.

Item no. 79342111 is being sent through the Item PC System now. Do you need to requisition any further items?


Please enter the ID Number of the item you wish to requisition.


Item no. D-742: Wooloo wool blanket (standard issue). Confirm?


Item no. D-742 is being sent through the Item PC System now. Do you need to requisition any further items?


Please enter the ID Number of the item you wish to requisition.


Item no. F-M-015: League issue canned meat. Confirm?


Item no. F-M-015 is being sent though the Item PC System now. Do you need to requisition any further items?






>APPEND LOG "Campfire_Recipes;Personal_TL"



I had a date last night. That last sentence is probably not too accurate, but fuck me, I just had to keep the computer from shutting down. Sorry. I'm writing now, so let me go ahead and explain myself.

Over the past couple days, Subject Alpha has taken to sleeping outside my cave. Apparently, she makes it a point now, to be near me when I do my deconstruction work. The problem, if I haven't fully illustrated it at this point, is that my cave is nestled in the middle of a rough mountain path. Hardly any undergrowth can be found there. The whole area is rock, with maybe a smattering of soil blown in from downhill. And, while I know it was probably not advisable, I sort of felt bad, knowing that there was a creature sleeping on rocks, out in the middle of nowhere. So...

Okay, cool, fuck it. Career destroying confession time.

Last night, I pulled a spare blanket from the Lab's req program. I set it up outside, folding it so it was a little thicker and weighing down the corners with nearby rocks. The Mightyena was watching me do this, the whole time, and at first she seemed confused. I'm sure she could have figured it out, all on her own, but I decided to speed things along by demonstrating. I sat down on the blanket, patting the open space I left for her. I could see the gears turn in her head. I could also see the look of delight, as she finally realized what I was doing for her. Much like Subject Beta, there was something in her mannerisms that reminded me of the family Herdier, back from when I was a kid. It would have been incredibly endearing, were it not for... you know, everything that had happened up until that point.

She slid in to the open spot on the blanket, showing a distinct lack of care when it came to respecting my personal space, in the process. I think she turned around in such a way as to jam her hindquarters in my face, on purpose. Collapsing to the blanket in a tangle of limbs, she panted contentedly. We made eye contact for a while. She seemed pleased with this turn of events, but also there was an air of...expectation? As in, she expected this to be how it went, and she was excited to see what else I'd had planned for her. Specifically, she turned her eyes to my Bag.

Look, I need to make something clear to any sort of future me that might be reading this. I know that what I was doing was not great. In fact, it distinctly violated the rules of the job that I was here to do. I also know, especially now, with the benefit of hindsight, that what I've done tonight might be easily mistaken by a Pokemon as nesting behaviors. That wasn't what I was going for. I just wanted to thank Subject Alpha for saving me. Plus, if she insists on following me around, I'd rather her not have to suffer for it. Also, I am fully aware that I am stalling, again. I do that, a lot.

I had a tin of food, and a plate to put it on. Not exactly the best kind of food for a Pokemon, but specialized kibble would have set off warning bells if I tried to ask for it through the req system. Subject Alpha didn't seem to mind, however. As soon as she confirmed with her nose that it was edible, she was immediately eating it. Despite myself, I found the guileless way she tucked in to be disarming. Like many animals, she ate as though she hadn't eaten in days, or that she was sure someone was going to come and steal whatever she didn't scarf down, right that second. I took in the sound of her frankly violent breaths and growls, and the gentle whistle of the wind down the path. Despite everything that had happened, things felt... good? Normal?

I don't know. Maybe the struggles of living out here, alone, for weeks, had finally caught up with me. I spent those next few hours just talking to Subject Alpha. Well, talking at her, apparently. Even after she had finished her meal, she spent half of that time with one ear on me, and the rest of her face on the world around us. Not that I needed to look into her eyes. To be honest, I spent a lot of my time staring out at the woods, at the bottom of the hill, taking in the setting sun. Maybe if I had looked at her more, I'd realize what I was doing was weird and I would have stopped.

I told her a lot of things. I think it started with a few banal observations about food, how much she seemed to be enjoying her meal. It had been a bit since I had actually made something that was anything other than serviceable, capable of staving off the hunger. Then, the memories came back to me of that little corner store I used to basically live in, between classes at the university. The one that made their own Poffins for people's partner Pokemon and also had the shopkeeper with the almost fetishistic devotion to making good cups of coffee.

I admit, I might have gotten a bit nostalgic, after that. As soon as I started talking about my life, back home, I couldn't stop. All of a sudden, I'm talking about air conditioning and television and people... just... being able to talk to people. I didn't even think I cared. I was perfectly happy to take this job. I still am, mostly. But before I really knew what was happening, it was dark out, and I'd honestly gotten a little heavyhearted. At some point, Subject Alpha had sidled closer. I could feel her weight against my flank, and I realized that I had put my arm around her.

I don't know why I thought it was appropriate, but I apologized. To the Pokemon. She responded by getting up on her feet and starting to walk off. Confused, I thought this might have been her deciding she had something to do. I was about to get up, myself, but then she turned around. Snapping her jaws at the air in front of me, she glared. I immediately understood that to mean that I should stay put, and so I sat back down. Her expression brightened at that, before she bounded off to somewhere slightly uphill. Confused, but maybe slightly curious, I reached back into my bag and produced the lantern. Luckily, I had assumed that she would have come around in the night, like she had during the incident, and so I was prepared for sundown.

In a few minutes, Subject Alpha came trotting back towards me. In her mouth was a branch, ripped off of a bush, somewhere, loaded down with berries. She placed it down in front of me, tail wagging, as she looked at me expectantly. Very quickly, something dawned on me.

"So you were the one who's been leaving food outside my door," I asked her. She yapped in the affirmative. Cautiously, I pulled one of the things off of the branch and took a look. It was safe. I'd spent enough time thumbing through the guidebook to be able to tell that, after a careful inspection. It was going to be sour, however, which I didn't exactly relish. Nonetheless, I had the feeling she wasn't going to accept me turning away her little gift, so I ate one, in front of her. "I didn't think it was you, to be honest," I told her. "I thought that Absol was the one who was leaving me these things."

In retrospect, that was probably a mistake. At first, I was worried that mentioning the other Dark type Pokemon might have inspired some kind of jealous reaction. However, her response to being reminded about Subject Beta's existence was... not encouraging. She seemed amused, to hear me talk about him. Considering her meeting with the Absol was immediately after he'd mated with me, that particular reaction was unexpected to the point of almost being demoralizing. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to parse what that might mean, because suddenly she was approaching me.

At first, I wasn't really sure what she was doing. I'd had dogs put their front paws on my lap, before, but never so... deliberately, so slowly and with ceremony. It didn't help that she had an expression on her face that caused my heart rate to spike. Those eyes... sweet Mew, they are like an open book, sometimes. As I leaned back, she leaned forward, until I could go no further back without falling. Her snout found its way into the collar of my shirt. I felt her breath in warm, concussive pulses, as her nose took in my scent, her tail wagging lazily. Then, I felt her tongue on my skin. I braced a hand on the blanket behind me, trying to retreat, but she persisted. I felt that hot, wet thing snaking along my chest, the inside of my throat.

I think I was about to break away. At the very least, I was thinking about doing so. However, seemingly as the thought entered my head, I suddenly felt teeth on my flesh. I froze, as they pressed against me, rumbling with the low growl coming out of Subject Alpha's mouth. She didn't press down, mind you. In truth, I think she was just trying to warn me off of moving. Even so, I was


I was scared. Okay? I was scared. I was out in the open, with no whistler and no Repel. A Pokemon was on my body and her jaws were against my throat. I was terrified. Of course I was terrified. Why would I have been anything else?


So, anyway, Subject Alpha didn't seem to have any problem noticing my erection. It tented my pants and pulled at one of her forepaws. With her teeth still pressed against my skin, she let out a deep, sultry vocalization that sounded, for all the world, like a chuckle. Her head was too close to mine, angled too low for me to see it. Even so, I could almost feel her lips curling up, as she carefully lifted that paw up, and put it down slightly to the left. She pushed her weight forward gingerly, trying (I think) to apply gentle pressure to my crotch. It wasn't entirely successful; she was deceptively heavy and dexterity wasn't her strongest suit, even if she wasn't already latched onto me. Still, she wound up applying just enough pressure. Not enough to hurt, too badly, but definitely enough to drive the point home that I had gotten sensitive.

She pulled her teeth off of me and gave me a few slow, heavy licks against what was now slightly raw skin. Again, that chuckle rumbled out of her throat. With her other paw, she held my knee open, and then pulled back to look down at my crotch. I could now see the look on her face, the quietly simmering mask of droll desire. She seemed to have no illusions of what was about to happen, and if I allowed my imagination to run away with me, I think she rather enjoyed watching me squirm. Without preamble, she stepped off of me and lowered her face down. I felt her jaws search around, trying to clamp around my pants.

That was enough to get me to protest. I had replaced those pants just a few days, previously, and I was not keen to have to requisition yet another one because of the antics of a horny Pokemon. Subject Alpha, seeming to understand, instead looked up at me, with sardonic expectation. My face all but burst into flame, as I realized where this negotiation had gone. If she couldn't take my pants off, she wanted me to do it, myself. I must have given her a look that was too incredulous, because her next move was to ever so slightly turn up the intimidation. She flattened her ears, showed a bit of teeth, even as pure mischief danced in her eyes.

I am going to reiterate that I was scared. That was the only reason I complied with what she wanted. It just has to be. Even so, I hesitated. I was still outside, after all. That hadn't been a problem, last time, but just like last time it felt a little bit different, when I knew something was watching. In the end I could only commit to undoing the button of my pants, opening my fly and fishing it out into the open air. Never since my high school days had I known my penis to be such a shameless traitor. If the danger and exposure of the situation were doing anything to it, it was making it even harder.

This seemed to please Subject Alpha, but not entirely. Stepping forward, she put her paws on my chest, forcing me onto my back. For a second, I thought she was going to try and mount me again, the way she had that first night, when she was in heat. She didn't. Not this time. Instead, as soon as I was on the ground, she pulled away, nudged my inner knee with her snout. Confused, I spread my leg a bit. She took a few steps back, turned around. For a few moments, she just... looked at me. Licking her lips, her tail swishing to and fro behind her, her expression was one of intense satisfaction.

It was around that time that I remembered tidbits from the breeding info on Mightyena. Apparently, male Mightyena, when erect, will show the females their genitals as a way of signaling submission by displaying vulnerability. I was being recruited into her mating rituals. And, of course, parts of my body were clearly fully on board, with that idea. Perhaps it was a small comfort, knowing that she decided to skip the part where she beat me in a battle and simply elected for, shall we say, soft pressure. Would she have stepped up to greater violence, if I wasn't already so compliant? Was it a mixed blessing that something about her behavior was clicking in the back of my mind, as surely as if she had been a human woman acting in such a charged manner?

I'm not going to entertain that thought, anymore.

Subject Alpha was not as... rough, as she had been that first night. Understandable, perhaps, since she had been squarely in the middle of her heat, at the time. Even so, she was gentler even than what the write-up in the Pokedex would have suggested. She lowered her head and began to paint my cock with gentle, almost ceremonial licks. I felt her breath on me, soft growls coming out of her throat that clearly spoke of desire and restrained impatience. She had clearly decided to take solace in the fact that my own mouth was making encouraging noises, all on its own. The expression I saw in her eyes was the same as the one I saw, last month, still that same heady mixture of need and confidence. Just... perhaps, a more tolerable level of it. It only made me shiver, instead of completely freeze up.

She stopped her ministrations just as I was approaching the point before the point of no return. Licking her chops, she gave me perhaps the smuggest look I'd ever seen on something other than a human. Once again, she stepped on my now exposed, even more sensitive member. Her rough paws slid up my length with something approaching skill, making me moan. She seemed to be asking me with her eyes whether I had a good explanation for being so shamelessly arranged, in front of her. Perhaps I was imagining the question, but the blush that came over me, at the thought, seemed to amuse her to no end. Looking down, she snarled at my member, as if she was mad at its existence. Or, more specifically, what its existence was inspiring. I could see small wet spots on the ground behind her, that spoke to that.

For a moment, I thought she was going to climb atop me, once again. Indeed, I think I saw her body shift in that direction. However, on an impish impulse, she pulled back suddenly and turned around. I was given a full look at her hindquarters, at her puffy, spade-like vulva. While nowhere near as volcanic as the last time I'd seen it, it was obvious that she was very much ready for what came next. For another moment, I thought she'd meant for me to mount her, like a proper canine. However, even before I'd begun to move, she had a conflicted look on her face, and very quickly she was changing her mind, again. Now, rolling onto her side, and then onto her back, she lay there with her hind legs spread, forepaws curled in front of her chest. The expression on her face, however, made it abundantly clear who was still in charge of this situation.

I was still compliant. I was still scared. But I think, given the opportunity, I was still hesitant to do the thing she clearly wanted. At least one part of me really wanted it, too, but I was doing an okay job of ignoring that. Instead, I put myself between her legs and reached down, brushing my fingers against her inflamed sex. Subject Alpha felt different from what I expected. I'm not saying that I've felt a lot of vulva in my time. Or... you know, any vulva. There were parts I was expecting: the slickness, the heat, all of that was stuff that I had experienced before.

What I wasn't expecting was the... what's the word? Pliability? It just seems childish to say that her sex was squishy, but that's honestly the first word that came to mind. As I drove a finger into her, my palm lay on top of her vulva, and the whole thing seemed to mold around my hand like it were made of clay. It was bizarre, but strangely compelling. I found myself almost marveling at the way it... squished. Okay? It squished under my hand, and I've spent too much time trying to be artistic about it. I found myself indulging in curiosity, and also maybe getting a bit excited about it.

It was around this point that I heard Subject Alpha give a strangled sort of whine. Looking up at her face, she seemed momentarily surprised at herself. Then, she took a very keen interest in the nothing off to her right. Was she... embarrassed? Once the idea entered my head, it was hard not to see her expression as anything other than her trying to play it cool, even as her lower body squelched and drooled, beneath her. Given what I knew about mating rituals, she probably felt a bit exposed, lying back like this. So why would she have agreed to do it, unless she was getting off on it?

I think at some point, her patience wore thin. Her patience, not mine. I was certainly not the one instigating, not the one who decided that my fingers needed to be replaced. It's just that... I don't remember her ordering me to do it. I only really remember her looking around furtively, as if worried that somebody was going to see her in such a vulnerable state. But, she had to. That had to be the way this shook out. Anyway... the way she was arranged was awkward, but suitable for some kind of missionary position. So, that's what wound up happening.

Even when it's a Pokemon, that first touch of hot and wet around your member always feels amazing. She was almost friction-less, and just as impossibly warm as I remembered. She must have had a similar thought to me, about how that first penetration feels, because her response was to loll her head back and let out a darkly satisfied groan. We stayed like that a moment, while she adjusted and while I tried to process what I had just done. However, it wasn't long before my hips were joining my penis in being a horny traitor, and soon I was pressing into her warm, fuzzy body with awkward strokes. I'd never been the best at topping, if I'm being honest. Fortunately, for me, Subject Alpha seemed like she wasn't too picky about my technique.

For a while, it almost felt normal. Intimate. I closed my eyes, and I pretended I was somewhere else, and... to be honest it was great. I could almost pretend I was with a human woman, that the only real kink I was indulging in was the perfectly normal and understandable urge to fuck a girl in the middle of nature, where any old hiker could see. However, Subject Alpha pulled me from those thoughts quickly, when she growled and yapped at me and I felt her jaws snap at one of my arms. It seemed as though she chose this position because she really wanted eye contact, wanted to see the look on my face as I fucked her. And, while I wasn't too thrilled about losing my plausible deniability, it did mean I got to see them, again. Her eyes, the color of blood, caught the light of the lantern, and the sheer emotional content in them was... frankly arresting.

I could feel the dignity slipping out of me, the closer I got to orgasm. The thrusts I threw into her hips were awkward, almost teenage in their technique, but still Subject Alpha seemed to go for it. Her expression was encouraging, to the point where it actually felt a little condescending. It felt as if she saw my efforts to top her as... adorable. I felt a slight sense of insult, at that, and to be honest I might have responded by trying to fuck her harder. That seemed to please her, if her whines and the fluttering of her sex around me was any indication. But it did very little to wipe that smug look off of her face, which only incensed me further. Before I was really aware that I was pushing myself too far, I felt the tickle, the grim certainty that the obvious was about to happen. I didn't think it would come on this quickly, but... sweet Mew, this girl pressed buttons on me.

She gave a few growl-yips. My runaway imagination couldn't help but decode that as some kind of permission. Seconds later, I was putting the whole of my weight down on her body, as I filled her clenching depths with yet another hot load of seed. I kind of hate the noises I made, during all of this. The desperate whines and whimpers that came out of me were the sort of undignified noises I had only made once, in the presence of a girl. At least I wasn't so far gone that I said something embarrassing like "Mommy" as I came. This time.

Oh, we do not have time to unpack that.

Subject Alpha did not give me much time to bask in the afterglow. She wanted to be on her feet, wanted to remove herself from her embarrassing position just as soon as she had gotten what she wanted. And, judging by the dark patch she and I had left on the blanket, it was obvious that she had, in fact, gotten what she wanted. I don't think I mind, actually, since the sight of her cleaning herself off was enough to remind me to put my cock back in my pants and try to smooth myself out. Not that I could pretend things were normal, as I sat on that blanket and watched Subject Alpha licking the mess off of her still glistening sex.

Eventually, she noticed me staring, looking up from her work with her leg still in the air. I looked away, purely out of reflex, which caused her to chuckle. Before I was aware of it, she was on my lap again. This time, she placed soft, gentle licks on my face. Again, it felt almost intimate, if I forgot the fact that she was a Pokemon. And that her breath now smelled of our sexual juices. At one point, her tongue got in my mouth, which was the moment when I realized my lips had parted. That was the limit. I stood up after that, and prepared to make my exit. She had her sleeping arrangements now, I told her, so she could stay as long as she felt safe, out here in the open. I gathered up my things and pulled open the door to my cave, prepared to write this entry and just head to bed.

But then, I felt something barrel past my leg. Subject Alpha ran into my room, where she immediately hopped onto my bed. She made several very pleased noises, upon discovering the mattress to be far softer than the blanket I had set out for her, and despite my protests, she curled up into a little ball on top of it. She fell asleep almost immediately.

It's... midnight now. She hasn't woken up from her nap, and she's currently taking up a large portion of the bed, which had barely been large enough for me, as it was. Right now, my options are to either force her off and risk her getting mad, struggle to get into bed with her and sleep on whatever space she's left for me, or to sleep on the floor.

Or... I suppose I could just not sleep. That's always an option.

I'll think of something.





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