Got Ya Cock

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Commission for PokemonManic3595

Colton is an adventurer who finally found the treasure of Nyatholp. Taking it home, he realises he has made an error and should have listened to all the warnings previous adventurers have given him. Now, he has to hold on tight, or be taken.

Thank you for commissioning me! This was such a fun write :D I love writing dark shit <3


by Alice Clawford

Commission for PokemonManic3595

"Yes! This is it! The lost chest of Nyatholp!" A cheering cry echoed in the deep cavern. A cavern empty of life, of light and scenery. That was, until Colton Bredsole, stallion adventurer, followed the scent, rumours and intuition, and found the treasure chest he had been after. Many warned him, spoke bad things about this chest, a Pandora's Box of sorts they told him, but he believed they were hiding it for themselves.

"An item from Nyatholp is an item best left to rot and be buried." The rattlesnake he'd spoken to had told him from the nearest town over. However, Colton remained steadfast. He'd heard Nyatholp was an Old God worshipped by thousands, his followers falling head over heels to please him, an Old God who wielded sex like a weapon. A feat Colton himself often liked to use, a weapon or a bargaining chip. He thought highly of his cock, his lengthy girth that hung and intimidated some, and brightened others' days, brought pain and pleasure at his disposal depending on who he was dealing with. If an Old God had a powerful weapon that Colton could use to better his performance, then he would chase down the planet for it. And he had done. Finally, after searching for weeks, he had found it.

Down inside a deep, almost pitch black cavern, with walls made of jet stones that made it almost impossible to see, even with a flashlight.

He'd planned his escape well, having tied a rope around his middle to find his way back, knowing he'd be diving in almost pitch black, and having to carry a chest back with him.

Feeling satisfied, Colton knelt down, only to see that the chest had a lock on it. An inconvenience, but not something that would stop him from getting what he desired. Bringing out his Greatsword, he swung it mightily down, smacking it against the lock and breaking it easily. With a grin, he grasped the lock, throwing it aside and almost went to open the chest.

However, he stopped. Then shook his head. No, he wanted to savour his prize. A power that comes from Nyatholp would be strong. So, with a heave, he lifted the chest onto his shoulder, easily managing to bear it's weight, and began his trek back out of the cave.

It took him but ten minutes to escape and find his cart. And once he loaded his cart, it took him only an hour to make it back to the house he was currently boarding in. He'd known to come to the town nearby, but hadn't wanted to be too close, in case he came across a dead end, and the city that he dwelled in currently had more women than the small town. It was not an outrageous assumption, nor accusation, to say that Colton was sex obsessed. In fact, he was proud of that fact. He loved sex, would always make a woman scream his name and never let her think of another man whilst he thrust his cock deep into her. He was sure him being a stallion helped, sometimes known for their huge members, and Colton was no different. If he could, he had multiple women at a time, and his favourite was with a pair of sisters who kept fighting over his attention, and he sat back and watched as the two women licked, sucked, devoured and sunk themselves down onto him, and there was no work required on his end.

He hurried the chest into his house, and made his way quickly to his bedroom, chest in tow.

Colton rushed, dropping the chest as soon as he was able to and made it to the privacy and safety of his room. He closed the curtains, checking he hadn't been followed and that nobody else had spotted his treasure. Then, with a snicker and a chuckle, he turned to the chest in question.

It was a marvel to behold. Flecks of dirt fell off as it began to settle, and Colton took in it's beauty. It was almost as dark as the walls of the cave, the light doing very little to show off the intricate design, the small cuts and swirls carved into the box, and the dark silver bending around it, giving it the lock and keeping the stone together. It also gave it character, and very easy to hide in a cave of complete darkness.

Unable to resist any longer, Colton reached forward, and yanked the chest open.

Smoke filled the room, odourless, but frightening all the same. Colton neighed slightly, the small noise of surprise and shock believing he had opened a trap, just as the snake had told him. Yet, he didn't choke, nor found any difficulty breathing. Nor was there a sudden burst of heat, like fire. Instead, the smoke seemed to shift and move. Down. Colton gaped in confusion, then alarm as the gaseous form swirled and engulfed his crotch, before gaining substance within his pants. Colton threw himself on the bed, quickly ridding his pants and boxers off, to see a writhing slate grey mass oozing around his cock, having engulfed it. For now, he felt only the weight of it around him, like a blanket or a bag, but he instantly worried about the effects of this thing being around his cock. The fact it engulfed it whole marvelled and worried him, for he had length and girth to boot.

"What the fuck!?" Colton let out a shout, feeling slightly violated, and a little cheated. He had been promised treasure, something beyond his wonder, and yet he got a slime thing curled around his cock? When he could get women aplenty?

A snicker in his ear had Colton twisting his head, this way and that, but seeing nobody else in the room with him.

"Who are you? What are you? Arsehole, come show yourself!" The stallion threatened, his ears moving and twisting in directions to pick up where the laugh had come from.

"You've already peered down at me and looked at me with disdain. You're rather arrogant, so full of yourself, aren't you?" The low voice taunted.

Colton thrust his head down, his mane flying up a little, as he glanced down at himself again. That slate grey blob swirled and pulsed, leaving the stallion to flinch as the thought of worse things to come entered his mind. Yet, he felt anger hit first. How dare this thing criticise him, of all people!

"Says you. You make it sound like you're better than me. What a joke, you're a slime, a blob. I could flush you down the toilet." With a sneer, Colton sat up, ready to do just that, when there was a tug at his cock that had him sit right back down with a grunt. It was a slight pull, but enough that he had trained his equipment well enough, with the many one night stands he had taken and been given, his cock already began to rise in anticipation.

A dark chuckle rumbled in his ear. "Oh, this will be a fun challenge for the both of us. I am Nyatholp's curse, ones for those as arrogant as yourself. Try and defeat me. If you can survive my trial, then you shall carry on, as you were. Fail, cum under my ministrations, and I shall take your cock, forever."

Colton felt a shudder down his spine, though he wasn't sure if pleasure or fear won the round, as the slime began to twist and curl against his penis. It rose higher, growing harder and the horse found it impossible to keep his legs closed. He spread them slightly, then the words sunk into his mind.

"Ha, it'll take more than that to make me cum!" Colton growled, standing up on his hooves and walking fast out of his room. Naked from the waist down, he moved into the living room, then closed the curtains there and turned to the test dummy he had standing not far away. A living room was what it had been once, but Colton had pushed all the furniture far to the side, keeping just a wooden stand in the shape of a humanoid shape standing there. He also had weights, or what worked for weights he could gather, to help him train. This was a hobby he enjoyed, and it also help him let off steam when he needed to.

"Are you sure I'm going to be so easily ignored?" The voice taunted him, but Colton huffed and grabbed a short sword. Then swung it towards the dummy, slicing the head of the wooden standee clean off. He winced, having not meant to be so rough, but he did feel slightly better.

Then, the horse doubled over, letting the sword drop from his hoof tipped fingers as his cock was suddenly being pulled at. No, not pulled... sucked off. His mane fell forward and Colton moaned, eyes fluttering as the gelatinous substance changed shape into what seemed like a tube, covering his whole cock from tip to his crotch. It was better than any mouth, for one able to devour his entire cock without trouble or struggle, and it wasn't too warm, with any annoying fangs getting in the way, grazing his skin. It was all smooth, wet and cold, cooling his throbbing penis.

"Aw shit..." The stallion breathed, then shook his head. "No, I won't lose." He threw his head back, getting up quickly to his hooves again and left his sword on the ground.

"Are you sure you can outlast me?" Another chuckle, playful yet dangerous.

However, Colton was not as dim as he appeared.

"Outlast you? Don't tell me, midnight, like all the fairytales?" When silence was his answer, the stallion grinned and laughed. "Ha! Twelve hours! I can do that. Good luck, demon, you have met your match." He crossed his arms and laughed, wincing slightly as the shadow being yanked him once again.

"I would not be so cocky." The voice was not amused, in fact it almost sounded pissed. However, Colton found he could not care.

With that in mind, Colton did his best to distract himself by any means necessary. He put clothes back on and went hunting. He never caught anything, as the evil being would laugh and twist against his dick and he'd find his sword or bow and arrow flopping to the ground uselessly, whilst he hung on for dear life to not cum. More than once, he'd almost felt himself go, so much so sometimes that he felt pain. Yet, he couldn't allow himself to lose. The humiliation would be too much for him. On and on, for hours, Colton went up the nearby hills, keeping himself moving and busy, ignoring all the ministrations the shadow blob was giving him. Sucking, pulling, twisting, yanking, he fought through it all. He didn't look, didn't want to look, knowing that his penis was probably purple beneath the slime and shadow. Still, he only had a few hours to go. Luckily, every so often, he got a break to breathe and recover, as the creature didn't have endless energy.

When it finally began to grow dark, Colton got back home, cooking dinner quickly best he could, before he would try his best to relax somewhat, however much the monster would allow him to. Eating it was challenging enough, and a portion of the food he'd spilt onto the floor. He had been grateful that he had the forethought to sit on the floor, rather than the sofa where he usually did, knowing that the stains would be a nightmare to get out.

There was only an hour left of the day, and Colton felt the strain in his body and will almost giving up. He fought hard, walking anywhere painfully as his balls hung heavy, his cock straining against his trousers that he was sure was an unhealthy colour now. He tried his best not to think about it, focusing instead of humiliating and laughing in the face of the shadow creature when it finally was defeated. He grinned at the thought, laughing and fighting it back, being rid of this curse, a curse put on by an Old God no less! How he could add that to his achievements, his feats as an adventurer.

Colton yawned, then got ready to head to bed. First, he headed to relieve himself, knowing that if he didn't first, then he'd want to later as soon as he got comfortable. The shadow had been quiet for a while, having barely been moving, as if it had finally admitted defeat. It finally gave Colton the edge he was looking for, some time to recover, but he knew it would be a bad idea to try to sleep before midnight. He needed to outlast this, 60 minutes was a short enough time to waste.

Without much thought, as he never put much thought into this, Colton went to the toilet, dropping his trousers and boxers as he lifted the toilet seat ready. He closed his eyes, aimed-

A strong jab of pleasure and pain thrust into him from behind. A long, slender tendril of shadow slithered and shot up into his anus, probing and striking his prostate with scary accuracy. Colton yelled in ecstasy, as his knees gave way, falling forward and closing the toilet lid in the process. He fell against it, glad to have something cold against his body as it burned and shook. White lights blinked in and out of his vision and he felt a release of pressure, a huge relief falling over him as the pain at his crotch finally disappeared.

Then, a sickening feeling at his stomach. He felt a wetness beneath his knees, the cold metal soothing his burning dick, and yet he knew he had just lost. He'd cum. The shadow had finally gotten him. The shadow had beaten him. Suddenly, he felt as cold as the toilet, his soul near escaping him as he felt a chill in the air. Then, laughter. Horrid, evil laughter that grew louder. The room dimmed, the light unable to pierce the artificial darkness, and Colton turned around to see the shadow had left him. It flowed in a circle, growing slowly in size with a triumphant cry.

"Now, I will take your cock for my own!"

Colton looked down in horror, watching as the shadow continued to grow, lifting up and gaining shape.

At his crotch, Colton watched in horror as his cock slowly began to shrink. First, he felt tingles and he opened his legs further to watch and witness the change. He grasped at the area, as if to stop it from happening, yet he found himself powerless as slowly but surely, his length shrunk shorter and shorter. A moan left him, he felt pins and needles at his chest as his nipples rose slowly, rounded flesh growing even as he grasps and pushes against them.

"You're... making me a woman!?" Colton wailed, distraught as his hand lifted the slowly shortening cock, watching with wild and disbelieving eyes as the rounded head that dribbled with spent cum was growing smaller. His chest grew outwards, breasts growing and aching as he felt a weight that wasn't there before. It began to ache, nerves being formed that normally weren't there, or weren't so sensitive, and the touch from his hand helped it somewhat.

His other hand felt drools of fluid drip between his fingers, the hard head of his cock disappearing, swallowed up inside of himself, and leaving behind a newly formed clit. The moment he touched it, his knees near buckled and a gasp of surprise and slight pain left, as he'd near jabbed at it in his anxious rush.

A hoofed hand lifted his head up. There, in front of him, he saw a familiar head. One he had never seen at this angle before, but one he had touched often enough to know what it should look like. But the colour was all wrong. Obsidian, a dark black that didn't shine much in the light, a bead of pre-cum glistening in said light. A cock, his that was stolen from him, was now attached to the black stallion. His doppelganger, his demon that had bested him.

Colton's head was craned up to meet said shadow's eyes. Red, shining, playful, grinning, winning.

"Now, I think you're going to enjoy being on the other end of all the girls that you love to play with. Think of this as a humbling lesson, perhaps?" White teeth shone bright against the black skin as the shadow grinned, then it was gone as Colton's head was dropped. He... she panted, slowly coming to terms with what had happened to her, what was going to happen to her. And she felt nervous, a little terrified even. Her heart staggered and banged against her chest, as the shadow's arm wrapped around her waist and she was lifted up into the air. She kicked, she struggled, but to no avail.

She found herself thrown onto sheets, her legs immediately parted and she gasped as cold air hit her centre. She'd never felt like this before, shaking, filled with tension and nervousness, and yet she could not send the shadow away, even if she wanted to. Her body shuddered and shook, in both anticipation and dread. She felt paralysed, unable to stop what was happening, unsure if she wanted to, and so she lay there and allowed the shadow to continue. To be impaled by her own cock though... the image was stuck in her head, and she found herself panting. Even if it was not attached to her anymore, it still felt like it was hers.

"Be still, and I shall try to make it as pleasurable as I can for you." A whispered warning, given moments before she felt a slight sting at her centre. She moaned in pain and pleasure, as the shadow pushed a finger into her, easing it in her wet cavern, slowly circling and exploring, whilst preparing her. It was all new, all different, tingles of nerves and sparks of pleasure Colton never and could never have felt before. Her hands clenched into the sheets beneath her, as another finger was inserted, stretching her further, then another. She felt a dribble of liquid leave her, and she wriggled at the discomfort, and yet she wanted more. Her body earned for it, for more, for deeper, but all that left her mouth were moans and cries, wordless noises that made no sense to her.

And finally, when her own cock breached her flesh, feeling it inside of her, she yelled in ecstasy. Every nerve set alight, white dots filled her vision and she found them closing soon after, unable to handle the pain and pleasure as the cock drove into her. It stretched on, reaching further into her, until it finally came to a halt. Her walls clenched, unable to let go, not wanting to let go of what was once hers, yet knowing it was lost to her. This was the closest she could get to her cock, her punishment for taking everything for granted, for not caring for those women she had once slept with without any consideration of their feelings. Now, she knew what they felt like. Wanting this cock to push into her, over and over again, and it did so as if listening to her wants and wishes. Faster and faster it moved, deeper, almost painful as her walls clenched and shuddered around it.

Then, a spurt of cum, from her and from the shadow, and it was all over. Yet, she wanted more. Her breasts still tingled from wanting to be touched, wanting to be paid attention to. And she found that she earned for it again, and again, but remembering how he had always left the women behind. Once was always enough for him, never mind what the lady wanted.

Yet, the shadow grinned with delight, as he remained where he was.

"You're not getting out of this that easily. I'm still earning for more."

A fear that, luckily, Colton didn't have to voice. A fear that Colton could safely ignore for another time.