Thick Thighs & High Tides | P2: Hips on Fire

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#2 of Thick Thighs & High Tides (Windborn Collab)

Stranded naked in the Siroonian forest, harsh internal struggles arise between a Windborn's frustration, an avin's lust, and a mammoth harpy's wrath.

Art, characters, and the vast majority of the lore by BassyBefuddle.

Bassy's Upload:

Part 2

Hips on Fire

At first, I envied Gael. He was more of a forager than I ever was. When I stumbled or took one step too far, he'd stop me and let some furry, four-legged beast gallop by. Always from the corner of my eye. Constantly searching, the forest never intimidated him. It was like watching the early days where the Windborn like him scoured the forests in the nude and survived by their wits and winged arms. Smashing rocks together for distracting carnivores, building tools, tiny weapons with one use, hiding behind the fin-leafed bushes that didn't sway, he said, "because anywhere else is suicide." Broad, bronze and open, back muscles tense with a careful ear to the sky. At times, he wouldn't move for ages. Even as the last of his kind with winged arms (though that of his left had been burnt off), the forest blew the stress of a child in him.

To me, he left the spear we'd taken from the soldier I killed. It wasn't a hard argument--I was trained by the Giran Guard, after all. I just hadn't fought naked. Always I wished to go back to the ashes of our settlement and hope by some miracle our clothes survived the flames, but that would be giving ourselves to the Kreeg army. I was constantly aware of my vagina, and the unforgiving Breezes against my back. Gael understood and walked backwards when the trees opened up to an enclave, a pit, or a field...then tripped over an exposed root and scared us both out of it. I may have laughed, but I was wrong, as this was no laughing matter. Sometimes you have to take the signs when they come.

Learning to blend in was humiliating. My body was covered in bright red and orange feathers, and my one weapon couldn't be missed. Combine that with my pussy out in the open and I'm a prime target for anyone. Gael suggested I rip up some dirt and cover myself in it, but they would hear that, too. Through disadvantages, I learned to brawn my way through the troubles. I practiced holding my spear to be ready for grounded and aerial attacks, always ready to skewer a foe. I had some close calls, once in a while. Gael was the first to admit. Yet I still envied him.

Three days, it was like this. Three days straight, with the thrum of our sex lingering on. Three days of us being alone and naked in the Siroonian forest. Our feet ached. Our throats, drier than bone. Direction was almost impossible. We trained ourselves to spot the little puffy ferns in the greenery or else lose the track to Oanta with our lives soon to follow. Some were easy while others blended in the background. Even then, it took effort. The hissing berry bushes made us take bounds with a leap over a step.

My curves were tender from fear, so Gael put a hand on my shoulder. "Please," I said, lowering it to my tit, "here, instead." This would be our midday break. A berry bush and his thumbs circling my areolas as I sat against a boulder, pinning me. I couldn't function without it. I needed moments of him kneading my boobs like dough. And the desperation on his face told me he needed it, too.

At night, we'd huddle up in ditches and make crude firepits to warm our bodies. This was when he'd rest his brain. He'd stand tall. Staring motionless into the flames, its orange tongues highlighting the long viper between his legs, its head dwarfing the width. It hung where his drooping arms' middle fingertips would be. I'd still be on watch. And sometimes, I was right. Stabbing a fanged animal in the chest who'd swung from an earlier branch. That knocked him out of his trances.

We'd have to cuddle to sleep. I cherished those moments. Warmth being traded between us, nuzzling my vulva against his feathers. Usually, he'd laugh. Then grow bigger. Until he was lifting me up from between my legs.

Not a night went by that wasn't like this. I'd have his ass on the ground, clasp his hands and ride his massive cock for the whole forest to see. My squatting thighs tensed and shook as they lowered themselves onto this behemoth. I teased the head, then took in an inch. Then another. He'd nip at my breasts by now, but I'd have other ideas.

I looked him dead in the eye and smashed my stuffed pussy into him, bucking in circles. I didn't want sex. I wanted to obliterate him. Picking up the speed, I wanted to see that weakness in his eye. And just when I thought I did, I was the one who was shaking.

"Here, I'll help you," he said and held my hips while I kept riding. It was hard to keep myself from moaning with all that warmth on his shaft. Hard to think with it penetrating so deep. I was heaving my chest, now, beak open and squawking. My mind was fuzzy and my hips hurt, but I couldn't even register any of that. His dick made me feral! I felt like I could burst! And when he started messing with my chest, that's when it happened. I moaned out, came again all over him, and dug myself in the dirt. Not a night went by that wasn't like this.

The smell of sex followed us through to the morning. I suddenly realized, I hadn't drank in days. Gael warned me not to look around. What was I supposed to do? Die of thirst?

I was by a bush cramming whiteberries down our throats with a downed tree beside us. Its juices were so tangy it burned and the texture was chewy as peanuts, but I needed it badly enough to let it slide. It probably wasn't ripe is all. Besides--I was becoming connected. At times when the temperature was right and the day was slowly dying, I'd feel it. I'd stop for a rest and just stand, arms out in the emptiest phase. We were the Winds, themselves, and so Siroon had it out for us. I knew Gael felt it, too. The brawn in his posture improved every day, it seemed. Though he hadn't shown it when I stood back up.

"Amara, are you okay?"

It was mid-afternoon, I think, when it caught up to me. The sweat stinging my eyes, the hot salt in my mouth. My head was fuzzy and meandering, and the forest was a blur of green and brown. , the rest caught up. Numbness flashed from my head and sent pins in my tits, Like dropping a pail of water on my head, my legs now feeling it, too. I inhaled, but each time hurt more and more. I could blink once, and it would be lights out. It was all over when an exposed root twisted my ankle and let Avia fall down with me.

Seconds passed.

I was looking up at a worried Gael, rough gaunt in his crimson eyes, light bordering his blurred face.

"We should rest," was said from miles away, and then blackness.

The Winds of waltz sit still. The last words of Guidance Pamal before he passed. We still talk about what he meant by "waltz." When I woke up, I had an idea.

Blackness. Pitch blackness. I couldn't move a muscle. I was half-alive, my organs in knots while I lay against the slope of what could've been a tree. Somewhere in the corner of my world, a small fire gasped its deathrattle in a bundle of sticks. I couldn't take my eyes off two trees in the distance that seemed to bend into each other, like a gateway with no gates. When something emerged from it, My skin flinched, as if converting my thoughts to sensations--but it was only Gael, a leaf pouch in his hands, dripping on my cheek, and this look of worry and relief. When he knelt I commanded my body to accept what was coming. The water poured down my throat, my gag reflex stifled, and still I hadn't moved an inch. Gael asked me something, but it was lost in the Winds.

Feral birds and snapping branches creaked the night. Gael whipped his head around. His claws were out instinctively and a big wave of pins suddenly situated around where he'd pinned me. Some uncanny warmth overtook the Winds as Gael took a stand. He'd noticed something I couldn't. I tried to scream--I thought I had--and nothing came loose, his brown feathered body disappearing into the darkness. Then, nothing. Silence. Until there wasn't. My body, mind and eyes all experienced a sunset as long as a blink of an eye. The waves of pins crept up my neck. A nearby brush withered and shook, like a creature moving on its own.


A thrash of golden wind killed the firepit. All that's left is thundering footsteps and his body colliding into me; I grunted, and I was shocked I could even make the sound. We lay there as the Breezes thinned and died, the rustling of bushes growing to clamors. No light aided us, but it was clear by the shivers down his naked spine. Our glade was filled and collapsed by a mass of steel reflections, their spear tips blotting out the moon. A long crack sounded before the smash. The sound of our firepit toppling over.

Metal boots hit the soil. No commands barked, not a word was spoken. Gael's heart was screaming out of his chest against my breast. His breath was like a child weeping. Far too lethargic to scream, I instead sank inward, sandwiched between earth and man. That's when I remembered it. The Winds of waltz sit still. The only thing I could do was breathe in that place. So I breathed and hoped it'd hit his ear. If our chests were pierced, we could perhaps become one with the Breezes. This was the offering. The Winds of waltz sit still.

Some two-legged figure was coming close. Gael clutched my hand. Weakly, I squeezed his fingers. Step, step, step. Cold silence loomed above. Three more steps. Softer. Slower. It wasn't anything we had done. A conversation was forming across the glade.

Now all the boots were retreating. The forces beyond this soldier were fading somewhere deep into the forest. He had to follow, having no choice but that. Winds had blessed us. When I could feel my face, I turned my head to the side. They hadn't even taken our spear. When we couldn't believe our luck's luck, we waited. On and on, we waited. And even as the clamor died, we waited. And rain fell. And we waited.

All the resources we'd saved up were gone. An icy glaze coated our bodies through to the next morning. On we marched in silence. I tried using this as an opportunity to test my eyes for the next curling exalta.The next were easy. Would've been four. Gael trailed behind, exhausted. Rainwater still glistened his body. I think there was beauty to the way his body retained it, turning his smooth feathers to a thin gloss. I thought about his dick, but clearly he wasn't in the mood.

"Who do you think they were?" I asked, not knowing what to expect.

"They reminded me of someone," Gael said. "That kind of skirmish...I used to know someone who did that."

"What do you mean?"

"It was a girl named Draya. We knew each other growing up. I hadn't seen her in years until the fall of the Nigidesh. So many avin were called to arms, it was hard to tell the difference of anybody. But I never forgot those green eyes."

"Did you see any green eyes, Gael?"

"No. Like I said. Just a feeling."

So long as it didn't cut us off course. I constantly had to remind him to look forward. Twice before midday he was wandering off to "get berries" when we could have been separated permanently. I didn't know what to do with him. If I hadn't left so many claws marks in his back from a previous night, he'd have nothing to remind him.

I tried to stay cool and lead the way. Though I knew there was an easier route to his mind. I swayed my hips a little wider.

It happened in a flash. His butt was against the tree as my throat became tight around his hard cock. An animal with claws digging the dirt skated by. I didn't tell him. Tears formed, but his body was so hot, I couldn't close my eyes.

Still, I couldn't make him finish. That's when he pulled my head in for my tongue when I should've been showing him my swallow. He was bucking into me, yet nothing came. I sat there sucking his dick for what felt like forever, yet he wouldn't relax. "Let's move," he said, and I took the reward and ran.

In another quarter sun turn, our trek led us to tougher grounds. The earth was rough and chunky, unkind to our bare feet. Somehow, we never got each other off our minds. Sucking his cock wasn't enough; we were constantly touching and probing each other against trees and boulders. Gael was constantly at my clit until my body flashed and my legs locked, dripping from my thighs into the ferns. This happened over and over. I was his toy. And it would only get crazier on our rest periods. At our last one, he was a lot more distracted. During our rest, Gael seemed to mind less.

He made the forest full. A valiant dick that bounced up and down while his long limbs climbed a boulder.

"There," he said at the top, pointing east, his one-wing shielding his eyes. "The sky opens up there. I'll bet we'll find the best vegetation there.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Navigate that well. You let your finger do the work?"

"You're still horny, aren't you?"

"I'm fine. It's you that hasn't cum yet since we got here! Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just not prioritizing it."

"Well, then show me what it's like to be a priority!"

That sly smirk. "Good. I've been saving this."

I'd never brag about this in public. Gael held the spear since I couldn't. We trekked through a skirmish of extended branches fanning us uphill while his hand was under my butt, digits just before my anus and knuckle-deep in my vagina. It felt so vulnerable walking around like that; and he knew it, too, smacking my ass when I least expected it. My cheeks blushed. Drips fell from high up. When one landed on my chest, he licked it. It was getting me so hot and bothered that I could hardly keep balance! The further we trekked, the more I was nearing climax in a valley of strange animal calls. An ego boost for him, a call to action for me. Damn tease!

He pushed me along by the cunt until we came to a large wall of rock. Going around would put us in the deep, so we climbed it. That was a mistake. Our energy was sapped, and our leg muscles were sore, both of us resorting to using our arms in the last stretch. At the top, it veered off to a ledge, and we learned quickly how uphill we'd walked. Over that cliff was a territory-dwarfing sight so high it made the rest of the forest look like grass. Down below, we saw shapes swing and dart in and out of the great canopy. The mountains of Koumul were like Winds' pupils, the sun risen high in a cloudless sky, and we'd realized how lucky we were to witness such natural beauty beyond measure as I lay belly-down on the dirt shaking my ass at his face while he spread my cheeks wide and let his tongue make a mockery of my self preservation.

"Like the taste?"

"Can't get enough." Didn't even pick up his tongue, circular licks covering my full vulva. Windborn are sluts.

"Have another."

I flipped myself over and aimed to drown him with my pussy. Squatting myself deep into the inside of his beak, I was moaning before his tongue even reached me. When he did, he went deep, sharp beak just over my navel, then he licked around my vulva, dashing my clit, then going back. His long beak prodded just above my navel as I lowered my pussy into his entire mouth.

His blush radiating on my legs, then cold, as his clawed arms hugged each of my thighs, thrusting me into him. That's the trap. They came snapping around his head, the vein of his temple trembling on my knees. Moaning, himself, he clenched the fatness of my thigh and shook with pleasure from his face to his cock. That supple bliss in his half-eyes begged me to enjoy the show he was bringing. My body was tingling, agreeing he was tipping the scales. My entire world folded. My hot body pulsed in great cannons, nothing but expanding warmth between my walls. And when my vulva felt him one last time, I yelped so hard I was sure even the grasshoppers could feel it!

I had just made his beak a cataract. The grits on my back made it feel so raw. Now he was stealing me, the way he messed with my clit like no tomorrow. He kept eating me out until I was huffing and puffing, bucking my hips, begging to cum over and over again on that Windborn face! I sent juices flying to the nearby patches of soil, nurturing all the seeds. It made me think of his, next.

That's when we realized the sun was setting. Beautiful sight. Reminded me of the cliffs. He pulled me up by the thighs, heart beating out of his chest: "Hey. I want to hold you." I leapt into his arms, my tits mashing against his chest, and waited for his massive, leaking cock to rip me to shreds. But it never came. I could see the disappointment in himself in his eyes. Somehow, he'd gone soft.

"You alright, babe?" I asked.

"Sorry. I'm just...I must've lost it."

After some awkwardness, our stomachs rumble together. We looked at eachother and realized the exact same thing.



"Have we eaten today?"

I had my spear in hand. If there were larger animals like squibs, drosophilas and fruit-nabbers, we were close to a bush. We'd have to get there fast before it was too dark to see.

The light blue air was already growing on the path ahead to the menagerie of bushes. Again and again I drew my beak through my shoulder feathers. My chilled body was a wet Koumulian avalanche that began at my pussy and spread throughout my feathers, as if I'd been a rag for tears. Gael trailed behind, hugging himself, his eyes aglow and darting. And yet, even in this temperature, his thick dick stayed long. Does he even get shrinkage?

He dove for a bush by my right hip, and picked the black berries off of it. They were brought to a pouch of sticks and leaves in his palm.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

Gael shushed me. "Not so loud."

I heard it, too. The scattered chirps, and a subtle, tiny yelp. Rustlings from somewhere in the deep. Gael's fingers trembled, a few thorns sideways in his feathers. I got down on my belly and peered through the spaces in the bush. The sun was setting fast. Tension destroyed me so much I flinched in remembrance of those damned last words. Then it slowly faded away. If the enemy was camouflaged, they'd be in the faraway ferns, but no movement voided it out. After what seemed like forever, we rose up. By instinct, I smacked him.

"Ow!" he yelped.

"Sorry. There was a spider on your dick."

He seemed annoyed, but I thought he should've respected the fact I might have saved his life. Giving head is hard enough with a beak, why should I have to suck the venom out?

I said, "Anyway, we've got about an eighth of a sundial before the nocturnal creatures come out. Let's leave soon before they see us near the berries."

Gael was plucking at a rapid pace until his pouches were plump and oozing a stitchline of deep purple. The leaves seemed to have an uncanny refusal to dampen, and that's when I saw the layer of aloe between them.

"You can do that?" I asked.

"Well, you can make anything if you have the resources."

The resources, he said, like it was a universal concept. Resources, like anybody could craft the same items in the same way. Maybe it was just the heat and the sweat, but I was convinced if Gael ran Gira, he could reinvent the whole economy down to the water carrying systems.

I pointed to his pouch. "How long did you have to be out there to learn that?"

"A long time."

"Can you make us clothes?"

He frowned. "No."

Okay, it's definitely the heat. "Why not? I would've thought you'd have to do it multiple times by now."

"No, it's something about the way it folds and bends. I can't ever get the stitches right. Plus, you get one disease and soil them for good. There was one time I did, though. It was at a tailor's shop in Xianra. I was fifteen or sixteen looking for a place to start in life. Plus I was dealing with the realization of how different I was because of my wings. That and puberty hadn't intertwined well. I didn't know what to do except put on a long sleeved shirt and walk all over the place talking to folks."

"So they'd respect you before anything happened?"

He looked confused. "Maybe. Anyway, I did it mostly at night, when only the lunatics in that particular part of town were awake. Let's just say that we did some dumb stuff and it involved me with my pants down in the back of some old woman's house. When the poor woman found us, she couldn't believe it! Neither could I; I thought it was too late for her to be up. Worse, the girl took off so fast she didn't realize she was holding my pants!"

"So I wasn't the first, huh?"

"I still resent you for that incident. In a sexual way. So anyway, I begged the old woman not to tell anybody, or else my dad was gonna kill me. Instead, she beckoned me inside. I was standing in an old stranger's house in my underwear, and I had the audacity to try the tea she made me."

"No wonder you're the survivor in this group."

"Heh. We had a talk over tea that I still remember every word of to this day, and in the end, she handed me a sewing needle. She made me sew myself a pair of pants before I walked home. I'm not kidding."

"That's a bit of courtesy, at least."

I was still hung up on the fact that Xianra was on the other side of the continent. So much distance, only to be stuck naked in the forest with me. I suddenly realized how amazing my ass must be.

He said, "Yeah, thank the Breezes she didn't alert the authorities. That's when I realized, sometimes it's just your fault and you need to take matters into your own hands. By the time I climbed through my window, the sun was up, and I had about five minutes to sleep until flying practice."

"Did you ever get rid of them?" I asked.

"No. You did."

We lingered on that.

"Hey Gael," I said, my curiosity getting the best of me, "that girl you fooled around with, was that...what was her name again? Draya?"

"Don't talk about her," he blurted. "I have you, now. That's all that matters."

I wish he hadn't put it like that.

Two more sundowns passed, and the next was on the way. The space between the guiding curling exaltas and forestry grew further apart, and the lack of rain made our throats bone dry. The environment was a thick, humid mess. Periodically we had to brush the bugs out our feathers over piles of marigolds, moss or dung. Gael once even had a massive tick chewing on his inner thigh. He hated ticks. He pleaded me to be the one to get it off, until he realized at some point during our trek the tick was horrifically bludgeoned by the mass of his swinging penis and immediately died. At least I'm not alone when I say I can't get it off my mind.

Though the leafy branches were longer, you could see through the trees like empty skeletons. Feeling the relief, we chose now to take a break, and of course, things got heated.

"You look happier today," I complimented. He was slowly caressing both my outside thighs while we made out. I felt the warmth of his breath starting traveling down my body.

An unfamiliar cold breeze hit us from the right, when all the rest had been from the left. My expression turned from relaxed to uneased. The Winds were growing stronger--further. A long croon sounded over the leaves and threw us onto our backs.

I tried yelling, "What was that?!" but Gael shushed me, expecting it. Through the treetops, it screeched again, this time like the hiss of a boiling pot, every pop a hyena's laugh. Both echoed as though the forest was a canyon. Gael tried to stand and a loud SWOOSH! blasted straight over us from the treetops to our hair. Spider webs in upper columns fluttered. Squirrels and raccoons burrowing in their dens humiliated our sanctity as our bodies embraced the wet sediment. Now the sun was exactly in our eyes, and closing them only made our hearts race.

Again, a triangle pattern:SWOOSH! WOOSH! FWOOSH! A maelstrom of leaves descended. In the middle of its dispersion sailed a wide, jagged knife of red at the base and blue at its tip, floating weightless. Gael's face fell (and so did mine) as he gave the most terrifyingly honest, "No." I've ever heard.

To our battle stances. The noise passed over and echoed. A few patters of paws, and then nothing. Was it the beast? Then, from the back, our ears split. A screeching caw. A wind distortion. Chaos.

A violent gust rushed above our heads and scared us onto our bellies. We held hands, Gael looking paler than ever. I squeezed his harder. He nudged my shoulder and gave me his confused and disturbed of, "Give me the spear." When I did, he stabbed its butt parallel with the soil and hid it beneath the bed of ferns, still holding it.

In the space of a flinch, a taloned foot thrice the size of him seized his torso rising him in the Winds as he choked on his own air. I cried his name and threw the nearest rock, but it missed by a mile. His wings cut the air with golden slashes, but it's as if the monster was only thrown off course, its lost feathers trickling teal in the golden light. Faraway grunts and struggles as they rose higher and higher, until my calls couldn't be heard.

As they reached the ceiling, Gael reached out and tore a branch. Arm shaking, he aimed at the base of its wing and rammed it as hard as he could. The huge bird cried out in pain and released--a fifty foot drop that made both our hearts shiver. I ran out to catch Gael as he swiped his one wing to break his fall. He still fell on top of me, the spear _thok-_ing into the ground a few feet away.

When it turned, the Winds themselves changed course. Its eyes were white circles in black pools dive bombing at my neck with a scimitar beak. If I hesitated for a moment, my psyche would take control--my life would flash before my eyes instead of my years of training letting me tug my arms forward. No time for fear. My mind cleared and I lunged, the ground rupturing as a cloud of dust around it. I could feel its blade dig deep, then stop--yet somehow, there was no blood. I held my ground as it thrashed in pain and unleashed another caw that I swear to the Winds blew out the sound of Avia itself. It set us in a frenzy, my grip loosening, suddenly falling back. I knew immediately to cease movement until it was over. Gael instead tackled the bird, clawing at its wings, reaching for the spear lodged in its chest.

It was no use. Winds became violent with the swing of its wing smashing into Gael's side, sending him sailing in a whistling corkscrew. Without him or the spear, it locked itself onto me. The Winds swirling, I ran to the nearest big tree on legs that felt like steel, until I ducked halfway, its talons drawing cuts in my back. I'll never forget that impossible feeling. The screams I subdued, as if tasting my own blood. Each attack this creature did seemed to question my presence, each strike speaking, "Leave this place." I didn't know how. And somehow, as I bled in those bushes, I wished I could tell the beast.

It swerved in the canopy, my spear still in its chest, its wingspan covering over three full treetops end-to-end. The patch on its right wing--it was exposed skin, not feathers. And these ferns--they're making my body itch. The back wounds felt sealed, even though they were open. I had an idea. I plucked some by the stem and smashed them in my palms, its juices burning. Then it descended. I rolled to the other side, canyons of soil where I used to be. It was grounded, now. I only approached when it was sure I was somewhere else. In the blink of an eye, I pulled, the spear finally coming loose with a satisfying "sss-puh", then immediately slashing its eyes. I missed, and it bolted towards me, pecking me between my breasts. My chest bone was on fire, three more strikes on my rib cage, blood lubing my hands as panic set in.

Strong gusts blew me back into the bushes--Gael's wind. He threw whatever he could find to distract the beast as I shook squashed berries and thorns off my body. I collected the spear again and ran to Gael. He was backing up slowly, the beast's wings ten times his size. There was only one thing to do. I ran, aimed, ignoring the pain, held the spear backwards and threw it like a javelin. You could hear the steel head whisper in the Winds. And when it smashed into its skull, we both covered our ears in its shrieks.

Gael balled his fist, hopped thrice and swung a huge, golden wave into its face. The spear came falling. I ran, grabbed it, then rolled away as it fell. Blood came from its skull. Its toes twitched, the legs stuck upward. We met in the middle.

"Is it dead?" Gael asked.

I didn't answer. The beast twitched in disturbing, inordinate places. Its voice was so shrill and the wingspan could envelope a pack of wolves. Apana would never forgive me.

Soon, the twitching came faster. More erratic. The huge wings were bending upward.

I patted Gael's back: "Go, go, go!"

We ran off to the only place we could: the darkest shades of the canopy. Right underneath the harshest shades, and onwards, away from all light. As plantlife grew scarce, so did our semblance. Another caw. We threw ourselves down a ditch before it could rear its ugly head. Storms could be heard from far, far away, acres, perhaps. We sat there, hugged each other in a ball, and waited.

"Until nightfall," Gael muttered, and for once, I didn't mind being cold.

The only reason we could trek at all was because of my night vision. I held Gael's hand as he hobbled along, feeling our way through the shadows. It was a long, slow trek, pausing at every feral call. A wave of crickets gets interrupted by a shriek, followed by a mass of squeaks behind a bush with something tickling our ankles. Gael tugged, saying he stepped in moss. I thought it was a childish complaint until he said that moss always pointed north. Away from Oanta. Our stomachs dropped. How long had we made this mistake? The canopy was so thick it was impossible to see even in daylight. It felt as though we were going nowhere fast. I couldn't tell the animals from the shadows, so all I did was follow a pale dot and pray to the Breezes.

Relief came when we parted that final bush. At a single skylit point, the great canopy let a column of moonlight down, shining as bright as a star above. It was all pointed down to an old tree, surrounded with a field of tiny, brown stalks for trees. The pale white behemoth itself crawled with mammals and small creatures, all respecting the privacy of others. Did carnivores not find this place? It had no leaves, save for a few branches, and its pale bark was though it had forgotten the concept of water and grown on raw willpower.

"Six thousand," Gael muttered. "Six thousand five hundred years. That's my guess."

"That's before the Nigidesh."

"Plenty happened then. Much more than trees."



"Do you think this is Phyris?"

After a while, "Don't say that." He saw me disappointed. "Hey. Don't look so upset. There's water to drink."

The soil was tough, like rocks, descending in a crunchy cereal to thick mush. My foot dipped violently. I writhed and choked back a yelp, expecting quicksand, but took a closer look. Sparkling in a circle and canopied with lily pads, grass blades and leaves was a river. That's when I dove down, shoveling as much as I could into my beak, before Gael pulled my out by my neck.

"Stop it. You'll get wet."

"I'm thirsty!"

"No! You're being incredibly stupid! Listen to me. More avin have died from hypothermia in the wild than starvation. You don't want to get wet in the forest. You'll freeze."

He was right. We both took it slow, mud collecting in between the feathers on our shins.

Despite that, we were panting bodies in the circle. We'd made a campfire just by the old tree. It took a while to wade through the darker branches for that fire, but the struggle was well accepted. One thin wooden sprout stood a bit away from it. Its form called to us: simple and innocent, tiny branches. I suddenly remembered I was naked--_really_remembered, not just seeing the lack of defense. The vulnerable reminder of the Breezes sliding over my anus and curling my feathers all the same. All it ever did was tease.

My curves were soft; everything was my vulva. I made some mistakes. Stretched out on all fours, pushing my butt to his direction. Turned around, propped myself up by my elbows and spread my legs. Stretched out my back. Fell. Only my tits got wet. He was only a little mad.

I lay with him, feeling the heaviness of my tits to either side, his cock resting over his thigh. A cloak of peace washed over our fully spread bodies under a curtain of stars.

"What do you think they mean?" Gael blurted.

I hesitated. "Not much. Perhaps other suns. Or maybe reflections of Avia. Whatever that means." This wasn't something Gira thought about often. We were too busy looking down: crops, weapons, community, the lot. No one wanted to look at the sky after the Nigidesh.

"I see the stars, and I think...maybe that's them. The rest of the Windborn."

"They existed before the stars, did they not?"

"They're gone now for a reason."

The stress in his voice was palpable. I know this funk he gets into. In the hut back in Gira I would've given him more space, but out here, any lethargy that isn't sleep could be fatal. The night was only getting colder. Even the water was still burning with cold in my throat.

I caught his sight on my hand, my fingers drumming the air around him. He watched them hover over his body to his chest. I ran my hand over his abs, over his navel, gently dusting his muscles. I ran my fingertip once below his lowest set of abs and watched him twitch. A small moan of pleasure got caught his throat.

I hushed, "You like it when I do that?"

"Mm, yeah. Oh, Amara..."

Those half-lidded eyes. Touching a man is any woman's hobby, but touching Gael was an addiction. His hushed breath brought me back to more peaceful times where the fields were just quiet enough to be private but not enough to not be public. We'd watch the Argonic white eared rabbits hop between the trees and get ideas.

I circled a finger pad over his nipple, his penis twitching. Wait for the wing to go down. As he relaxed, I took his big dick with both hands and milked him, twisting my grip. His heart skipped when I climbed on top of him and laid it across my belly, showing him how deep it goes. And yet, he was hardly growing any bigger. Even as the minutes passed, something was walling him off. The stress! It was still with him. Not that I bought the composure act. It's bound to break, eventually, so you do it through his cock. That's when I began to notice the trees around us, and that one singular spire in the middle kept beckoning my feathers. Gael has a way of pulling out my creativity.

"Hey, wing boy. Look here."

The light and soul transcended through his eyes. He saw me, three tiny lily pads stuck to me: two at the nubs of my breasts and one at the slit between my legs. The sounds of the forest, the clicks of cicadas, grasshoppers, rhythmic calls of the feral birds, branches snapping and falling--percussion. My two hands clutched the tree as I let my hips swivel through a squat. My ass shook in a crescent, cold wind between my splayed legs. I closed my eyes and humped the air, grabbing the pole as I did. Gael sat up, alert as ever, taking a seat on the log for this performance. I giggled. He looked as though I couldn't tell he was touching himself.

I turned, swiveled and pivoted. When my back was to him, I looked naked. The wind current shifted right, and my hips tilted with it. My ass swiveled, small circles, slowly, then faster, bigger ones, squatting down low, then up, repeat. Placing my fingers underneath my right cheek, I played with it, celebrating what he loved to mess with. I could tell he liked seeing my back more than my front. His length had fired up faster than a crossbow bolt. I swiveled my hips once, twice, pulled apart my cheeks and snapped them back. A stream of pre came from him. Even my body knew it, moving on its own, adrift with the curling Breezes, dipping, yearning, waiting.

Gael watched with wide eyes, a lucid state of half-awe, his feathery digit creeping around his hardening length. A rhythmic twitch between his legs, a slow stroke, a halftone for my dance. Pinching his digits over the volcanic head, drenched now, dripping to his balls. I felt my legs, my hips, my waist. Creeping towards the vulva. Middle and index plunge within the lake, juice sailing in an arc as I reached back upward. I let my fingers roll over my face and down my neck, painting a G with the juice. I brushed my hands over my hair, flowing in a curve, and looked him straight in the eye, beak down.

Then it reached my left breast. Pinch. He felt that from a mile away. The lily pad peeled halfway, revealing the areola. Inch by inch, until it was off. I flicked it off to him, and it spiraled within the wind. I reached for the right one with my mouth, piercing the top with my beak. Both hands on the pole, squatting, legs open. As if they were a piston, it came off, too, faster this time, now jittering in the Winds. They were with him, now. I felt his heat, and his weakness. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I played with my breasts, rolling my fingers over them, letting them jiggle, fall, jiggle, his phantom cock between them, leaking onto my neck. Those big hands. Feeling me with the Winds. Every last feather was checked. I felt a tiny corner between my legs unfold.

One step forward. Then another. Gael jolted when he realized what was happening. I approached him, hands framing my obliques. I felt long and sexy, the moonlight following my every step. And when my legs spread right before his eyes, a long string of pre hit my hip. I stood there, holding my hip, my pussy at his eye level, and thrust to him, ever so close. His beak was halfway open as his trembling, feathered fingers took an edge of the lily pad. Gulp. And then, peel. He watched the fluid string off my vulva, arcing down, painting streaks on his penis. It pulsed and writhed so hard it needed to cum on command, but he'd have to do something for me, first. On cue, I turned, bent out and presented my candy apple to his face

"Come on. Finish what you started."

He took me by the waist to my belly button, hesitating but joyful like a gift he struggled to accept. My heart fluttered as he spread my cheeks, exposing both holes to the Winds. Moments after, his tongue found its place. Swirling around my opening, lapping over my vulva, the boy was desperate for breath but too endeavored to let himself have it. I found myself humping into his face, moaning just to let him know I loved it.

A moan down my uterus, and a two-handed grip latched my waist. Tingles sizzled throughout my body, only amplified by the Breezes' chilling caress. My bosoms fell erect, my pelvis rocking, forgetting everything that had happened beforehand. Thoughts fell that I could only describe as a waterfall of sweat, all glistening like tiny jewels melded to a streaming shower at the bottom. A connection so thick that in that moment, Gael's entire world was my pussy, his passion and aspirations were making me cum, right here, right out in the open, where everybody could see. I was his.

It all flared in me from hips to tits. All that stress boiling up, the night of the Kreeg, the unsung wanderer--it all blasted in a hurricane in his mouth. Gael let out something between a moan and a choke while I was squawking into the night sky, humping him, fucking the fluids into his face until it was dripping to his neck. And just as quickly as it came, we were calming down, catching our breaths, a wild howl sounding from miles away.

"That was amazing," Gael hissed, one palm covering his eye.

"You seemed to enjoy that a lot, huh?"

"Breezes...I can't believe how hot you are, sometimes."

"Do you wanna go again?"

"Yeah. Definitely. Or, maybe...I was thinking..."


His face still between my legs, admiring what he'd done. I giggled at that. I turned around, put my hands on my hips and kicked him playfully in the chest. Once he was bent over, I hovered my pussy over his face and watched him fluster all over again.

"Get those words out your mouth, or I'll put it to better use."

Stammering now, "I was thinking, maybe, I don't know...I'd try the whole dancing thing? For you, I think. I just don't know if I can do it as well as you."

I held my gaze despite my extreme surprise. "Go on ahead, Gael. I'm sure you'll do great."

He had to remember how to walk again. I took my seat and felt the empty air fill with his unsuredness. A butt that slowly moved, pre dripping on his toes. Trembling fingers as he reached for the pole. The next Breeze interrupted his stride, and suddenly Gael forgot how to move.

"I don't know."

"What's that?"

"I don't know where to start."

"Just don't think about it."

Gael was silent before he chuckled, which I realized was the last plea of his masculinity to hold on. He'd still have it, of course, but the forest was getting the best of us. Tail feathers clutching his thickness, buckled knees. Earlier we'd been attacked on sight. Now here I was rubbing myself in full view, watching as he clicked the nicks of his form in place, the question of where on Avia to even start feeling solved. This is what it looked like to let the divide into our heads.

He buffed out his chest to me, feeling along his abs. He glossed his two hands over his shy face to neck, shoulders, chest-pinch!-rolling over to his hips. The waning crescent darkening all the grooves separated each muscle as its own broad, sexy strength. I watched as he lowered and blushed as another stream of his pre leaked out the tip. He was enjoying it. I noticed his hard cock barely moved with all the swaying. His pivots were slow, methodical. Figure 8's of precum, shoulder shimmies, a crimson bravado stare. Every emotion, like a window. Time to put the house to test.

"Turn around, Gael," I said. "Show me that big, strong man-butt."

"I don't know. It's kind of embarrassing."

I giggled at him, "You've been showing it to everyone else, right? Why not give me a try?"

When he looked away, the shy expression on his face was a look I'd never forget. The jarring thrill endeared him to turn around. I think he almost tripped, but he caught himself with those strong arms. Squatting like me, jiggling more than he probably realized. I could see around him, he was jerking off.

"You wanna finish for me?" I asked.

This time, he was more than sure. He was ready, willing and able. So he turned towards me and showed the dick that had been inside me dozens of times, brought me to hundreds of orgasms, and jerked it off like he meant it. To anyone else, it'd be obscene, I think. To me, it was the pinnacle of body love. A showing of self-worth that Gael rarely ever let leak out for Breezes only knows how long.

"A-ahh, Amara, I'm gonna--"

White ropes into the moonlight painted all there was to see.

Finding his way to his feet, moonlight on his back, the dying firelight flickered his brown body. Glistening white streaks claw marked his abs, a wet-tipped swaying cock slowly catching on to their trajectories. Eyes wide open, without fear, wondering what had just happened, I think. It's a rare sight to see the wild Windborn broken out of his stress, naked, defenseless against the Breezes. Most would be legendary to see half of it. It would only be appropriate to approach him on all fours.



"You shouldn't be wet in the forest."

I drew my tongue from his chest to abs, curling to his waist. I ran it over his cock and tasted his balls, all over until he was dry. Afterwards, we lay together in our arms, the half-lit fire twinkling feet away. Heartbeat against my chest, still fast, but slowing. I could feel the thorny darkness crinkling away from him, deep into the soil. I felt it in every muscle that relaxed, every drowsy eyelid twitch to make sure we were still lost in each other's gaze. I could only hope that a part of me was right. That he'd stop thinking about the Kreeg and set eyes on the trail. As I did, Gael fell asleep before me. Satisfied and unstressed, I hoped. In the morning, it would all come back. So would we.

A lesson had been put in our view. You realize, nothing here was built for us. Our hearts in the constant threat of harm's way, trekking through their territory, and without a moment's thought, fucking in front of them. Each deep cut felt a little deserved. All mistakes were a certainty. Yet we still got to share this moment. Warmth and peace with my breasts squished on his chest and his dick nuzzled in my fat thighs, unfair to the animals who wouldn't make it through the night. Too slow, too brittle-legged. Not enough chirps, feathers or colors to find a mate. That's why I stopped envying Gael. We were both luckier than we knew.

I looked back to the hole in the canopy. Winds, I thought, what had I shown him today? I let it soak in. I was naked, so was he, and somehow, by dumb luck, we were going to make it.

Thick Thighs & High Tides | P1: Carved Out

So this is something I've been working on for about eight months, now. It's a five part survival erotica between BassyBefuddle and I about two lovers who have to survive naked in the forest after their city-state is attacked by extremist...

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Hidden for All to See (BassyBeFuddle Collab)

And we meet again, my dear audience. Here be the story to yet another erotic tale, the first of many collaborations with [![avatar?user=565274&character=0&clevel=2](

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Project X-Posure (May 2022)

Final winner of the Patreon poll! Thank you to [alfa995]( for the characters! * * * Project X-Posure Queen "Hey, Doe! I'm back! Why was...

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