Mother and Daughter

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I'm baaaaack! With a short one this time. Just a little romance scene between a busty goat woman and her daughter (with some sloppy kissing). Sapphic incest is probably my favorite thing to write. Age gaps have me droooooolingggg. Anyway, enjoy!

If you'd like to support me, please favorite and leave a comment! Check out my commission info and my Patreon on my profile! If you wanna commission me to write more about these characters, let me know. :3

Daisy rummaged through a cardboard box, listening to the distant chirping of birds. Her paws finally grasped a ragged bundle of scarves and sweatpants. She then held it to the light, rousing dust from within its folds.

"It's gonna suck putting all of this away," Daisy pouted. "I don't even wear most of this stuff anymore."

Her mother, Iris, stood across the room. The muscled goat toyed with a half-finished bed frame, her slitted gaze eagerly scanning the cheap wood. Slight wrinkles crept along her eyes and cheeks as she pursed her lips in thought. Long, floppy ears trailed onto her wide shoulders and curled along her plump breasts.

Iris said, "It will all be done soon, hun. This place will be our own little paradise."

Daisy chuckled exhaustedly, folded her clothes. She said, "Yeah. It'll be amazing." A sigh then fell from her lips as she added, "I'm just nervous about college, and moving, and... yeah. There's so much to think about. I can barely focus."

Iris hummed, sauntered to Daisy's backside. The goat gently wrapped her chubby arms around Daisy and said, "I know, honey. Moving to a new place is tough. Just remember... you're the strongest girl I've ever known. And I'll always be here for you."

Daisy giggled, gingerly held her mother's paws against her chest. She said, "Thanks, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too," Iris cooed, and planted a kiss on Daisy's head. The hyena's tiny ears flitted excitedly aside her mother's soft lips. Daisy then turned to face Iris, savoring the huge goat's paws on her slim waist.

Daisy's heart raced as she met her mother's gaze. Those piercing violet eyes enraptured her, melted her into Iris's loving embrace; the soft warmth of Iris's gray fur made Daisy's head spin. The little hyena's tail wagged, her jaw hung open, as she struggled to form a coherent sentence.

"S-sorry," Daisy sputtered, looking askance. "It's just, um... I can't speak when you look at me like that, haha."

Iris raised an eyebrow. She said, "If you're really intent on hiding our relationship in college, you ought to get better at it. That is, unless you want other students to see you ogling at your mom."

"O-ogling?!" Daisy replied, blush rising to her spotted cheeks. "I don't ogle at you!"

"Yes, you do."

"No, I dooon't!" Daisy pouted.

Iris smacked her lips, let loose a playful scoff. "Do you think I don't see you sneaking peeks at my ass when I bend over?" she teased. "Or at my boobs, hm? You're not subtle, honey. No offense."

Daisy gasped, stumbling over her words. She then buried her head in Iris's bosom, and her voice emerged as a pathetic squeal. She stammered, "W-well, you're just so... hot! I can't, like, not look! It's impossible!"

The little hyena sighed. She could feel herself turning beet red. All of her desperate excuses were rendered null under her mother's scrutinous gaze...

Because, in truth, Iris was right. Daisy had been ogling her mother for years. She still remembered waiting for her mother to come home from an afternoon jog, feeling lust stir in her chest as Iris walked through the door. Daisy would stare at her mother's chubby tummy, her plush thighs, savoring the way her large, dark nipples poked through her sports bra. Iris's every word, tinged with the slightest hint of loving condescension, made Daisy's head swim.

Breath caught in Daisy's throat. She watched helplessly as a smug grin then spread across her mother's maw, revealing her sharp incisors.

Iris teased, "You're such a little dork. Really can't keep your eyes off me, huh?"

Daisy shook her head, gulped. She muttered, "I guess I can't, haha. I just... have always loved you this way, mom. I can't help it."

"Mmm." Iris hummed, pulled her daughter flush against her bosom. Daisy's ears rested comfortably against the goat's buxom chest, listening to her mother's heartbeat. Iris gently combed her paw through Daisy's hair.

"I love you so much, baby,' Iris cooed. "More than anything, I love you."

"I love you too," Daisy replied. "I can't believe I'm so lucky to have you. When you hold me like this, I just feel like I'm dreaming. Or walking on air. It makes me all shaky..."

Iris chuckled and teased, "What? Thinking about sucking on mommy's breasts again?"

"Mmmmmph!" Daisy whined, writhed against Iris's grasp."You're so evil!" she cried. "I can't focus on unpacking if you keep flustering me!"

Iris laughed and grasped Daisy's back, easily containing the hyena's little show of rebellion. Her daughter shook against her chest as she cooed, "Aw, honey. It's okay. You can just tell me when you're horny. It's my duty as a mother to make sure my little girl is taken care of, after all."

"Sh-shut up!" Daisy whimpered, and finally wriggled free of her mother's eager arms. "I'm trying to get our house ready, you demon."

Iris waved her paw, a smirk adorning her maw. "Fine, fine," she said. "But really, honey. Whatever you need, emotionally or otherwise, you let me know. This is going to be a big change. I want to be there for you. Okay?"

Daisy nodded, and her wagging tail came to a halt. She then thought for a moment, glancing quietly out of a nearby window. Glossy cars drove along the wet, crumbling street outside.

"I know, mom," Daisy said. "And I... appreciate that. A lot. Stuff like this is always easier with you around." She then sighed and added, "I just hope I'm able to make some friends in college."

Iris frowned. She said, "Of course you will, honey. You're wonderful."

"I-I know. It's just..." Daisy looked downward, shuffled her feet. "I'm just afraid to be me around them. I'm weird and autistic and... I mean, they probably won't like that I'm dating my mom."

Iris huffed, folded her arms. She said, "Baby... if these people don't like you for you, then they're not worth your time."

"Yeah, I guess," Daisy muttered, and rubbed the back of her head. Her stance was crooked, awkward. "I guess I'm just kinda desperate to please."

Her mother sighed. "Just like I was at your age," she said. Then, a moment of silence. Love and pain mingled in Iris's stare as she saw herself reflected in her daughter. An overwhelming desire to protect the little hyena bubbled in Iris's chest.

Frankly, Iris could hardly believe that her daughter had grown into such a wonderful woman. She was struck with further disbelief when those feelings bled into the incestuous. Everything from Daisy's high-pitched voice, to her dumb cackling, to her spotted chocolate fur made the old goat swoon. She had at first tried to suppress these feelings, but she soon found them... irrepressible. In truth, Iris knew no greater euphoria than to claim the girl as her own.

"Love... just know that you never have to try and please me," Iris said, her eyes pleading. "I love you so much. Just as you are. And I don't want you to ever change for someone else. Not for me, not for anyone."

Daisy's chest fluttered at the remark. She couldn't quite find the words to respond. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes - as if all the stress of moving, picking classes, and saying her goodbyes came crashing down at once.

"I-I love you, mom," Daisy sputtered. "Thank you. I... don't know what I would do without you."

Iris flashed a warm smile at her daughter and replied, "I feel the same, my little flower." She then stretched her arms wide. "Come hug your mom, hm?"

Daisy didn't hesitate. She eagerly jumped into Iris's arms, meeting her mother's tender gaze and pressing herself against the goat's plump chest. The couple's maws then softly entwined. Iris's thick tongue slipped inside of her daughter's mouth and swabbed along her tiny fangs.

"M-mom..." Daisy squealed. "Mom, I love you so much. Please don't leave me."

"I could never," Iris replied. "You are the light of my life, honey. Now and forever." And she pressed herself inside her daughter once more.

The Feminine Dragon

Nerai shuffled his feet, his maw pulled into a tight-lipped frown. His half-lidded eyes worriedly traced along his newfound outfit in the mirror. Sterile white lighting shone from above...

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Spiraling Together

Nerai's claws clacked on the flimsy keyboard as his eyes scanned the laptop's screen. His pink tongue lolled absently from the tip of his maw, his foot tapping to the soft jazz rolling...

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