Quite the Pickle

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Brian wakes up on the couch delirious and confused. He finds himself in the company of a rather handsome border collie whom he has no memory of meeting. The fellow is very persuasive and acts friendly towards Brian, goading him into exploring a side of him he didn't know he had.

Commission for Anonymous.

Brian's first cognitive thought came when he recognized the voice of a commercial salesman on the TV. It came with the sudden swell of volume commercials were infamous for when they transitioned from a program. It woke him up, or made him alert, at least. Was he already awake? He stared into the glowing box of changing images, trying to remember something, anything. Where was he? What time was it?

His paw closed around the familiar upholstery of the living room couch. He was on his side atop the far-left cushion with his head sitting on the armrest. The room was dark, lit only by the chaotically waxing and waning glow of the television as its bizarre products would flash on screen temporarily, that ecstatic salesman describing it in terms Brian couldn't yet decipher.

It's late, he thought. I'm drunk. I should sleep somewhere else. Turn the TV off. He meant to lift his head and look for the remote. Holding him in place was a wooziness that ladened his muscles. He tried remembering what he had drunk. A dry martini perhaps, maybe more than one. But there was no taste of alcohol in his mouth, nor the identifiable haze of inebriation in his mind. This was a disorientation of some other kind, a loss of lucidity he'd never encountered with a substance.

He licked his lips and rubbed his forehead, trying to conjure some memory of the day he'd had, but nothing came up. His gaze remained locked on the TV screen. The commercial ended, faded to black, then was replaced by another. Did I fall asleep watching TV? What was I watching?

"You're up. Any dreams, sleepyhead?"

That voice, cheeky and effeminate, materialized from the other side of the couch like a ghost, startling Brian into whipping his head around to see who said it. There on the opposite side, sitting with one leg crossed over the other, was a border collie smiling at him. He sat leaning his elbow on the armrest with his head propped on his fist. A handsome face was half-illuminated by the TV. Such a comfortable position meant he'd probably been there for a while.

Brian blinked a few times. He did not recognize the dog. Was he an intruder? If he was, he seemed awfully complacent. The way he smiled at Brian made him think they'd spent the night together sharing secrets, and yet Brian had no memory of him whatsoever. "Uhh..." was all Brian could muster at the moment. He rubbed his eyes and blinked again, just to double check that the border collie was real. He was, and he continued to smile at Brian.

"How's your head?" the border collie asked.

"My head?" Brian asked in a choked voice.

"Yeah. You look a little woozy. How are you feeling?" It almost sounded like it was out of genuine concern.

"Ahh..." Brian snorted and sat up slowly. The disorientation lingered, but his faculties were clawing back slowly. "Yeah. I'm good. I, uhh..." He dragged his paw down his face and squinted at his guest. "What happened?" He meant to ask him who the fuck he was but didn't quite have the energy for such a demand.

"You said you wanted to rest and watch TV," the border collie told him. "We sat down and you fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you. You look cute when you're sleeping." His bushy black tail did a small flick and thumped on the couch cushion.

Brian didn't know what to make of that. "Uhh... thanks. What..?" Brian pinched his nose. Every syllable he spoke was a colossal effort. "Oh God. I'm sorry."

"Take your time, sweety."

Sweety. Had another man ever called him that? In any other state it would've made him uncomfortable, but whatever he was experiencing now wasn't. He cracked a bashful smile. "Uhh, yeah. Sorry. I meant to ask... God, this is embarrassing..."


Brian stopped. "What?"

"Pickles. My name is Pickles."

Pickles. Pickles Pickles Pickles. There was a bell to be rung, but nobody had a hammer. "Pickles. That's right." Fuck. How drunk did I get? I don't remember anything.

"It's OK, Brian. We had a long day. A whole lot happened, and I don't remember it all myself. I'm just glad I got to finish it with you."

Brian felt his stomach churn. If he ever "finished a night" with someone, it was never with another man. Regardless, his response came automatically. "Yeah, uh... Me too." What am I saying?

Pickles' smile deepened before his eyes traveled the length of the couch and into Brian's body. "Y'know, it's not that late. I'm sure there's something else we can do to wrap the night up."

Brian felt his gaze like a burning hot laser. It fell in his lap, urging him to close his legs. He failed to do so, instead feeling some kind of queer flattery that such a good-looking purebred would admire him. I'm way too drunk right now. I shouldn't be acting this way. His conscious thoughts did not reflect any discomfort. Appropriate, seeing how he didn't actually feel any. "Oh yeah? What... What do you wanna do?"

Pickles was silent. Another commercial started and his tail thumped on the couch before he spoke. "I think you know."

Brian did. "Yeah?" he asked, in a vain attempt to play it stupid.

Pickles nodded. "Oh yeah." He sat upright and leaned towards Brian, his white-socked, sinewy arms reaching out in front of him and holding him up on the cushions. In his first act of resistance, Brian leaned away. The armrest held him back, and he was left awkwardly bent over the side of the couch. Pickles held his advance, though he did not reel it in. He kept himself aimed towards Brian in a position that oozed intent. That fluffy black tail of his and its white tip blurred through the air as he wagged it. "What's wrong?" he asked nonchalantly, saucy stare unwaning.

Brian realized what awkward position he was in. He eased off the armrest, hoping to match Pickles' suave demeanor. "Nothing. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Come on, you seem tense. Didn't that nap relax you?" Pickles laid on his stomach and rubbed the cushion in front of him. His pink paw pads whispered across the upholstery as it swung in a broad orbit. "Lay down. Get comfy for us. Let me juice out all that stress."

"Juice" was not a word Brian wanted to hear in any context at that time, and yet it was the driving factor towards his gradual shift on the couch. He lied on his back, head on the armrest, feet towards his silver-tongued couch partner. His heart went into a fury, ready to rip out of his chest. He noticed how Pickles' handsome face framed his scrotum. He was mortified to see the rosy tip of his penis already peeking out of his sheathe. His jaw hung open to say something. All that came was a soft gasp.

"There we go," cooed Pickles. His paws slid towards Brian who did not pull himself away. They came onto his left foot paw, grabbing it by the bridge and sinking his thumbs into the doughy pudge that was his pad. A shiver clawed through Brian's flesh. He felt the fur of his back burst into a fluff while another gasp stuttered its way into his lungs. Pickles began kneading his sole with that cheeky smile. "My, my. You are stressed. I can feel it." He dug his thumbs in deeply and rolled them around. "How long have you been walking on these like this? Here. Let me take care of you, sweety."

That word again. It did not arouse any suspicion like the first time. Brian bathed in its warmth. He let himself rest deeper into the couch. "OK..."

Pickles maintained his sensual massage, all while maintaining eye contact with his lover. Brian looked back only tepidly, as if he would see something he didn't want to see in those colorless irises, dark like onyx. But he did see something. A glimmer, a certain shade of color that flashed across the retinas before vanishing. It was a flicker of something else, something he knew about but the existence of which he denied. Something he secretly hoped to discover but didn't know what he'd do when he did.

Now it was here in front of him, giving him a foot massage while he did nothing but let it happen.

Pickles squeezed his foot by the bridge and twisted it, wrenching the tenseness out of it. "You have nice feet," he said, drawing his focus on Brian's paw pads.

It wasn't a compliment Brian ever thought he'd get, but he appreciated it all the same. "Thank you. You... you know how to massage pretty well."

A giggle from Pickles. "Mmhmm, I've rubbed my way through some paws, and I think yours are some of the finest I've seen."

A pleasant murmur in Brian's chest. "Oh yeah?"

Pickles nodded. "Mmhmm." Those eyes drifted again, this time to Brian's loins. "And there's something else I see that I like."

Another stir in Brian's chest, albeit less identifiable as pleasant or not. This isn't real. This isn't happening. He repeated those thoughts to reassure himself. And yet he did nothing to stop Pickles once he buried his snout into the sole of Brian's foot, jolting him with his ice-cold dog nose. A heavy whiff sucked through Pickles' nostrils, dimpling them until his lungs were full. A haughty exhale sighed out of his mouth.

"So good," Pickles murred, then licked Brian's foot.

Brian shivered hard. Both his feet curled, bracing for more doggy kisses. Pickles gave them slowly, his glistening, pink mouth paddle lathering up the bridge of Brian's foot from heel to toe. He did not break eye contact, assuring that each and every lap of the tongue was deliberate and dedicated. Brian saw more of his penis sliding its way out of its sheathe. The glans, conical and sharp, broached the fuzzy white coffin and maintained a gradual ascent into an erection.

Pickles noticed too. It was his intent, after all. He purred. "Mmmm, enjoying this, aren't we?"

No point in lying. "Y-yeah. I..." His face was getting hot. His heartrate accelerated, bringing his growing boner along with it. His paw went towards it, whether to stroke or stifle, he did not know.

Pickles stopped him with a paw on his stomach. "Ah-ah. Let me, sweety." Brian retracted his arm, mesmerized. Pickles set his foot aside. One paw that it was attached to it ran the full length of Brian's inner leg, past his knee and into his groin. It slid up his pelvis palm-down, then right onto his junk. Brian thought he would gasp again, or that another shiver would throw his fur into a funk, and yet he remained placid. He watched with a sort of detached amazement as Pickle's fingers closed around his pole, now halfway free of his sheath. This is real. This is really happening. The first pang of delight found him when his knot came into the air and Pickles' pinky finger grazed it. Brians jaw fell open, and he began to control his breathing.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Pickles asked.

"Y-yeah," Brian said in a volume just above the muted choke he'd spoken with since waking up. Pickles' touch was bringing him to life. His toes curled and his tailhole puckered. The hand on his gut clenched at his fur, both an attempt at warding off his pleasure as well as signaling that he felt it dearly.

His erection was complete. It stood out of him full strength, that bloody red shaft beset with veins towering proudly out of his knot muscle, not yet burst. Helping its apparent stature was Pickles' dainty paw clung to it by the shaft, just below Brian's cock head. His strokes went more slowly now, grip tightened, looking only to tease Brian now that he was as hard as he could be.

"My, oh my~" growled Pickles. "Look at you. The ladies must love you."

Brian laughed. "Ahah... It's alright, I guess."

A soft chuckle from Pickles. "Let's find out just how 'alright' it really is." He scooted closer into Brian so that his snout loomed within the region above his manhood. There emanated an aura of masculinity, a saline odor groaning with sweat and dog musk. Pickles went right for the source, diving his snout into Brian's purse, right between the orbs. He helped himself to another gratuitous sniff, even deeper this time. Sniiiiiifffffffffffff. He followed it with a supremely satisfied groan. "Ahhhhhhhhh~"

Brian felt his cock throb. Just the smallest poke of Pickles' nose into his privates would make his arousal flare. He envisioned Pickles' fellating him, that sultry expression wrapped around his pecker, bobbing up and down. He squirmed with anticipation. His jaw was starting to jitter. "Are you..." He had to clear his throat. "Are you gonna suck it?"

Pickles tilted his head inquisitively. "Do you want me to?"

"I mean... Heh. I do if you do."

"Oh, I want to alright," he said while resuming a steady stroke on the shaft. "Question is, do you want me to?" The answer was towering right in front of his face. He just wanted to hear Brian say it.

Brian was hesitant. Though it was clear that he wanted it, and that Pickles knew, expressing as much would prove difficult. This is gay. I'm not gay. I like women, not men. So he told himself, yet in stark conflict with how badly his body yearned for more of Pickles' touch. To deny himself that any longer was torture. Fuck it. This is too good. Nobody else has to know.

Brian smiled. "Yeah. I do."

A purr from Pickles. "Mmmmm... I like the sound of that. Just you relax, sweetheart. Let Pickles take care of you." He angled Brian's penis towards him and lifted his face to the underside of the glans. His lips puckered and delivered the tiniest peck over where his sensitivity lay.

That alone was a lightning bolt of delight. A sharp inhale dropped Brian's jaw and made his torso bend. "Ah! Ah!" His claws raked at his stomach. Following Pickles' order to relax was going to prove impossible.

Pickles certainly didn't mind. He knew exactly how Brian was going to react, thus he continued kissing that sweet spot until he escalated to using that dexterous tongue of his. His jaw fell open again, that wet tongue lolling forth and dragging itself up Brian's cock. A shivering sigh fell out of Brian, followed closely by the first throb of precum. The oily sex juice did not have a chance to ooze down before Pickles swept it away with a hearty lick. He let its taste well in his mouth and stain his taste buds. There was more to come, a lot more. He was just going to have to work for it.

Eyes locked with Brian, he kissed his way up the shaft until he was back at the summit. There his mouth parted and closed around the head, swaddling it in a moist cocoon of lip and tongue. It electrified Brian, instantly earning a series of sharp gasps that burst into his lungs. His every exhale was either a sharp sigh or an abbreviated moan. This was better than any head he'd ever received before, and Pickles hadn't even really started. His mouth was only around the head still, though his tongue made quick orbits around the shaft which bulged his lips as it went.

Then his head came down, and more of Brian's pecker went into his maw. Brian had to grab onto the cushions as more of that white-hot buzzing zoomed throughout his cock, knot, and balls. Pickles' cold dog nose nipped the topside of his knot, putting an end to his stoicism. "Heeeuuugghhhhhh~!"

The corners of Pickles' mouth rose into a smug grin even as it was wrapped around Brian's penis. He drove more out of him by swinging his head up and then dropping down, repeatedly gliding that pulsing member through the full length of his mouth and bringing it to the entrance of his gullet. The occasional throb would bring more precum, intensifying the flavor and urging Pickles to go faster. He brought one paw to Brian's balls, cradling them in his palm and gently rolling them between his fingers. Whenever his mouth was all the way down, he would slip his tongue free of his mouth and sweep it across the knot.

Brian writhed and vibrated beneath him, a sign of his good work. "Oh God... Hahhh... Fuck! That's... Uhhhhhh..." His chest rose and fell while his teeth sank into his lip. It broke apart to unleash another moan, his head falling back and bumping the armrest. "God... Pickles... Ahhhh... I think I'm gonna cum. Yeah, I'm close. Fuck!" He lifted his head from the armrest to see Pickles at work. Looking back at him were those devilish eyes, flickered once more by that mysterious glint. That was the breaking point. Brian seized. A succession of shrill gasps blew into his O-shaped mouth, rising in pitch with the ferocity of his ecstasy. "Huhhhh! Huhhhh!!! HUHHHH!"

At his peak, Brian's orgasm unleashed itself upon the inside of Pickle's mouth in a series of sharp spurts cadenced by the clench of his cock muscle. He grabbed the top of Pickles' head on reflex, jamming it down his pole and thrusting his hips skywards. Pickles bore his thrust heroically, even as it plugged his throat and directed the eruption of cum straight down his tube. Without flinching he pursed his lips tighter around the root of Brian's penis, suckling him for every drop of cum that he could spare. The knot exploded into a fat, double-orb of muscle, sprouting a highway of veins that throbbed mightily.

"Haaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!" groaned Brian. He was sliding off the zenith of his ecstasy, though it remained as a bright afterglow that quivered and shook throughout his leg muscles. His eyes were crossed in their sockets, within a face contorted by an overload of feelings both physical and emotional. He balled his fists on the top of Pickles' head, holding him there throughout the duration of his orgasm. When it was finished he let go and slumped back on the armrest, panting hard. "Huhhh... Huhhh... Huhhh... Oh my fucking God..."

Pickles pried his lips free with a wet schllllp and licked them clean. He rubbed Brian's pecker with his paw, feeling it go soft while the knot stayed hard. "How was that, big guy? That was quite the load. I take it you enjoyed it."

Brian's mind was lost in a storm of dopamine more intoxicating than any possible narcotic. His head lolled about on the armrest, eyes uncoupled in their sockets. Only when he was able to gather his breathing and focus on the dog rubbing his penis did he even remember what had happened and where he was. "Hahhh... Fuck yeah, I did. Oh my God."

Pickles cooed and began lapping up the one pearl of cum that had stuck on Brian's tip. "You cum like a champion. Think you can deliver another one for me?"

"Ah, yeah. I think so. I just gotta get hard again first." He sniffled. "Don't know how long that's gonna take me."

"Don't worry. I'm patient. But..." Pickles scooted back from him and knelt upright, unveiling his own erect phallus. It was smaller than Brian's, but by no means insignificant. It pulsed needily, the many blue veins standing out amongst its rosy pink color. "There's something I need you to do to return the favor."

Brian's stomach tightened. "Oh. Um... OK. I'll... Um..." He cleared his throat. "I don't know how good I'll be at that." He chuckled. "Won't be as good as you, that's for sure."

Pickles just smiled. "Oh, honey. I'm not asking you to blow me."

Brian frowned. "You're not?"

"No, but I am asking you to service another part of me." Before Brian could ask what that was, Pickles slid off the couch, took a step closer to Brian, then remounted the couch so that he stood over him, facing away. He cocked his tail up, showing Brian the deep crease in his buttocks, his chubby backsack, and the pink star that sat below the root of his tail. He looked down his back and smiled. One paw pulled his haunch apart from the other, offering a better view of how he winked his tailhole. "Hungry?" he asked.

Brian stared at the rosy crater above him. The raunchy smell was already making his nose twitch. He chopped his lips and nodded. "Yeah..."

Pickles thought so. "Good." He came down and knelt astride Brian's torso before plopping his rear end square on Brian's snout.

"Mmf!" His nose went straight up Pickles' crack. He felt the leathery skin of his backdoor shiver as his cold dog nose twitched against it. Brian grabbed his thighs and hugged them to his chest, pulling the weight of his lover down on him as tightly as he could. Those furry glutes hugged his snout tightly. The tail was pasted to his face like a mask, merrily wagging across his visor. The first whiff sucked through his nose on accident. He suffered the brunt of Pickles' aroma, something equally foul as it was heavenly. That small whiff quickly escalated into a deep huff which drew in more of that delightful stink. His eyes crossed, and the moment he finished the next groaning exhale he followed it with another nostril-shrinking whiff.

"Mmmmmm, there we go," Pickles teased. "Get yourself a good noseful, big boy." He began swerving his hips side to side, dragging Brian's hole face along with it. "Come on. Do us both a favor and have yourself a taste~"

"Nnnnnnnnnnn..." Brian didn't hesitate, letting his tongue loose on Pickles' tailhole. He felt it jerk on his touch. That musty taste swarmed his mouth, making it water. It delivered a cloud of heat deep into Brian's maw, down to the throat. He shivered hard and clung to Pickles tighter. A muffled moan sounded out from Pickles' backside. "Oh God." He started lashing his tongue, driven mad by the need for more of that taste.

Pickles shivered too, each drag of the tongue bringing with it a sharp jab of delight throughout his insides. He grinned maniacally, tongue hanging out of his jaws as he began grinding his keister back and forth on Brian's snout. In a tone more sinister than what he'd given before, he goaded Brian. "Mmmmmm, come on. You can do better than that, gay boy. Stick that fucking tongue up there and eat up." He looked forward and saw Brian's penis, currently slumped over the bottom part of his stomach. It was getting hard fast, but not fast enough. "And jerk that cock for me. Get it hard so we can fuck."

Brian obeyed immediately, drilling his tongue into the gummy tunnel beyond Pickles' tightly wound rim. There his barbaric flavors were at their strongest, pinning to Brian's tongue as it began to dig itself deeper and lash about. At the same time he snapped one paw to his pecker and gave it a rapid tug. He grunted and wheezed between Pickles' cheeks, making sure not to relent his mouthy assault on that fleshy hole. Sweat was beginning to accumulate around his features and within the glutes latched to his face. That was lapped up too as well as huffed on to accelerate his arousal. It was at the peak soon enough, standing tall in Brian's paw which he continued to pump up and down.

Pickles stopped him by calmly grabbing his wrist and prying his ass from Brian's face. Brian gasped, a fume cloud of breath and ass funk billowing off his sweat-moistened face. Pickles' asshole hovered just inches above, slightly dilated and glistening with spit. His nuts sat on Brian's collar, hot and heavy. Pickles looked back at him, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Well, that worked quicker than I thought it would. You like eating booty, huh?"

A pathetic moan from Brian, almost a pout. "Huhhh... Yeah..."

"I can see that. I felt it too. You were ravenous. But enough of that." He crawled off Brian towards the opposite armrest. He laid his chest on it and spread his knees. His tail sagged to one side as he turned his head to look back at Brian one last time. "Come on, big guy." He reached back and pulled his buttock apart, inviting Brian with the sight of his moistened back door. "You know what to do."

He certainly did. Brian all but charged forward, getting on his knees behind Pickles with his dick bouncing in front of him wildly. He grabbed it with one paw and aimed it at Pickles' hole. The other paw grabbed Pickles' hip to hold him in place, though there was really no need. He wasn't going anywhere. Head swimming, heart racing, Brian inched his way forward until the tip of his penis met that vulnerable crater. Hot flesh collided, and both men shuddered hard. Brian's jaw was hung as he panted. He pushed forward, gaping the ring of muscle until finally it dilated to the breadth of his cock head.

"Hahhh... Hahhh... Hahhh..." Firmly in place, he could hold Pickles' hips with both paws. Part of that move was to hold himself up as an iron grip of flesh milked him of all his delight. His legs jittered beneath him. Joy contorted his vision like he was already cumming, and he wasn't even all the way inside yet.

"Easy, now," warned Pickles. "Don't burn yourself out just yet. You got a whole lot ahead of you."

"Hah. Hah. Hah. Sorry. Fuck. It's just... Huhhh... So good."

"Mmmmmm, I think so too. Here. Let me take care of things." He pushed back on Brian, impaling himself further. He felt himself stretch around it, his inner walls strangling the shaft so that he could feel its every pulse and throb. It glided past his boy spot, making him gasp with delight. At last, he was down to the knot where he began rolling his hips to and fro, that fluffy tail swaying gaily. "Mmmmmmmm, so big~"

Brian would've better appreciated the compliment if he was not already drowning in good feelings. His knees were starting to buckle. Every inch of him felt like it was deep within a socket of electric joy. He could hardly bring himself to start moving, and yet his arousal demanded it of him. After a moment to collect his breath he reeled his hips back, withdrawing his pecker to the head before humping forward to the knot. It struck Pickles' backside and for the first time they moaned together.

"Hahhh~" sighed Pickles. "That's it. Keep it up."

"Hnnnnnnnn..." Brian managed to repeat, and soon he had something of a rhythm. His haunches would clench and unclench to deliver a series of uncoordinated thrusts. With a woman he would make sure to keep his thrusts long and even. Deep within the throes of Pickles' bodily influence, however, he could not help but begin fucking with reckless abandon, slapping his knot on Pickles' cheeks.


Regardless of fluidity, Pickles enjoyed the effort and enthusiasm. His back steepened into an effeminate arch, the lumbar suffering the brunt of Brian's impacts. He wagged his tail incessantly, brushing across Brian's belly and chest. "Yes... Yes. Oh, that's it sweety. Ohhh... Fuck me harder~"

Brian's face crinkled with emotion. An agonized growl rumbled through his teeth. "Hnnnnnuuuggghhhhhhh~!" He humped harder, slamming his knot into Pickles almost painfully. Whatever the consequences, he couldn't have stopped if he wanted to, not with that otherworldly pleasure blossoming through his loins while Pickles goaded him.

"Huhhhh! Yes! Oh, that's it! Hahhh! Yes... Mmmm! Yeah... You like that. Huhhh... You like fucking this ass, don't you?" Mixed with the O-shape of his mouth was a conniving smile. Precum oozed from his cock, surges of it coming with each of Brian's humps.

"Hrrnnnnnnnnn yes!" squealed Brian. "Huhhhhh! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" He sounded on the brink of tears, his emotions as inflamed as his nethers.

"Hahhh... That's it, big boy. Cum for me. Mmmm! Deep inside!" Suddenly his body was receiving the same memo. That glowing feeling of having his buzzer slammed repeatedly was quickly turning into a firestorm. "Huhhhh... Oh fuck... Yes... Yes!"

Brian was at the edge. With a rapid deterioration in his leg strength, his last few thrusts were stilted and awkward, though they hit home as hard as he could give them. With one final heave he shoved the entirety of his manhood into Pickles' backside, tying the knot. His entire body bent backwards, heads thrown back with his snarling teeth aimed at the ceiling. The loud groan he let loose started off as a low growl before quickly melting into a girlish squeal. "HRRRRNNNNGGHHHHEEEEUUUUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~!!!"

Pickles came right alongside him, his climax immediately triggered by the induction of Brian's fat dog muscle. He let loose a howl of his own, drowned out by it was by Brian's caterwaul. His penis spat a load onto the couch cushions, each rope smacking the upholstery until a sizeable puddle had been built beneath him. His muscles seized, all of them beset with a supernova of delight only a hunk like Brian could deliver. Underlying it all were the jabs he felt inside of him from Brian's cumspurts.

Even when their orgasms had died away, they could not move themselves. Pickles was slumped over the armrest, panting with a smile. Brian was stuck behind him, grabbing his ass just to keep from falling over. He was hunched forward, jaw slack, letting loose some soft whimpers as his leg muscles continued to spasm and shake. The afterglow's hold on him was strong, refusing any removal of his tie with Pickles, not that either of them wanted that.

Least of all Pickles, who purred with content and wagged his tail. "Sooooo good. Better than any woman you've been with, wasn't it?"

Brian groaned like a zombie. "Huuuugghhhhhhh..."

Pickles chortled. "That's what I thought." Very carefully he began twisting his body counterclockwise so that he could face upwards. It took a few moments of awkward shuffling given the huge knot lodged in his ass, but finally he was on his back, looking up at the sex-drunk stud who had bred him. He motioned him over. "C'mere, sweety." Brian collapsed on top of him, fitting between his knees with his head on Pickles' shoulder. Pickles patted his back and chuckled. "There we go. Let me look at you." He lifted Brian's head so that their snouts were touching. His tongue came out and lapped at Brian's lips, delivering what was the start of some very sloppy doggy kisses. There was the taste of Brian's breath and his own ass, a raunchy mixture that he ventured for around every corner of his maw. Brian returned the favor weakly. His tongue hung loosely so that Pickles could have his way with it. Their breaths mingled with columns of slaver piling off their lips, soaking those halves of their faces.

Pickles relented only when he'd had enough. He parted mouths with him with a haughty sigh, then let Brian rest on his shoulder again. He massaged his back and hummed. "Mmmmmm. That was incredible. Don't you think.]?"

Brian licked his lips before answering. "Fuck yeah."

"Better than any woman, right?"

"Oh yeah."

"Think you'll ever go back to women?"

That required some thought. Sure, this was way better than any sex he'd had with a woman, but was it good enough to replace them entirely? Was sex with guys always this good? He was straight, right? I'm not attracted to men, he thought as his knot was buried in Pickles' behind, when the taste of ass had not left his mouth, and when he was still lost in a high he would be chasing for the rest of his life. He lifted his head to look at Pickles and saw him smiling patiently, a handsome look he wouldn't mind seeing for the rest of his life.

Finally, he scoffed. "No. Definitely not."

To that, Pickles' grin widened. "I thought so." Then he gave him a kiss.