Seven Inches a-Shrinking

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#6 of Twelve Days of Yiffmas

New roommate turns out to be a bigger handful than Abby expects... a whole lot bigger!

We've hit the halfway mark! Yip Yip, Yooray! I'd like to thank myself, my fellow kobolds, and the dragons who take care of said kobolds. Anyways, enough rambling--enjoy the story and leave a little comment for me to know what you enjoyed!

On the Seventh Day of Yiffmas, Jakealope Wrote for Thee...

Seven Inches A-Shrinking

It was so incredibly fucked. My entire life was so incredibly fucked. No doctor could explain it, nor do anything about it. My family was entirely unhelpful, in their overly protective way. It was tiring. It was annoying. It was embarrassing! And the most TIRING, ANNOYING, and ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSING thing had to be when my mother needed to explain my condition to someone--much like she was doing now with my new college roommate, a tall and slender Doberman, in very excruciating detail.

I wanted to suffocate myself in the cushions I sat on. But I can't.

I can't do half the self-deprecating things I wanted to do in that moment. I had to keep my calm, like I had to throughout all my life, otherwise...

"So, anything can set her off, err, make her shrink?"

I cringed at the disbelief in my roommate's voice. Of course it's impossible to believe that someone would shrink at a whim.

"Well, not everything!" my mother clarified. "That'd be ridiculous! Just anything stressful."

"Uhm... isn't that basically everything?"

I piped up from where I was slumped on the couch, "Mom, please stop making it out to be like _any bit of stress_is bad for me."

"Well honey, stress is bad for you. I know you've gotten it under control, but--"

"Mom! Really, I can handle myself."

"Better safe than sorry," my mother chided. She went on and on, talking about my precautions and medications, all while I sucked myself deeper into the depths of the cushion's crevices.

"...and this one's 'use as needed', which she typically shouldn't. Any questions dear?"

"Eh... I don't think so?" my roommate hesitantly said.

"Good! Of course you can always call me if there's any trouble with my daughter--"

"She won't need to!" I called out.

"--and, if you don't mind, could I get your number? Oh, and what was your last name again?"

"Oh, it's Durmont. Katie Durmont."

Typed keys were audible from my mother's phone. "Katie... Durmont... okay. That's it then! Abby, honey? Did you need anything else?"

I stirred from my plush coffin. "No mom, I'm fine."

"Okay... give me a call tonight, will you? And don't forget to check in periodically with us. Oh--and don't forget your medication today!"

"Yes, I'll remember my medication that I've been taking for the last four years..."

With a hug and kiss on my cheek, my mother was finally out the door, and I was finally able to breathe again.

"Am I being bullshitted or...?"

I turn back to Katie, still at the kitchen bar where she'd been sitting with my mother. "Do you think I'd be carrying around all of this--" I pointed to the dozens of pill bottles set on the counter. "--if it wasn't the truth?"

"Fair enough," she said, voice still airing a little on the skeptical side. "Do I gotta walk on eggshells around you because of your... condition?"

"Look, if I can survive my mom explaining everything to you while I'm in the room, then I can handle almost anything." I began to pack away my medication. "I've learned how to handle it, and the drugs help, too. It's not gonna be a problem but like, once a month. Maybe less, as long as I stay away from the worst triggers."

"Worst triggers?"

"Things that make my stress level go from zero to a hundred. Something really shocking or embarrassing could trigger it. Also, sometimes it happens in my sleep."

"What happens then," Katie asked, leaning into the counter. "Like, do you just stay shrunk until you take something to unshrink you, or...?"

"No, nothing can reverse it besides waiting; an hour or so usually does the trick, as long as the trigger is gone."

"Okay. Can you shrink right now?"

The question drew my full attention back to her, "Uhh, what do you mean?"

"Well, I gotta know that it's real. Show me. Shrink."

Katie's voice, already having a richer tone than mine--which was the most to-be-expected thing ever, since she was the larger Doberman, and I was the smaller rabbit--was deadpan enough to let me know that she was being dead serious. She wanted me to shrink. Right now. In front of her.

"Well, I-I don't think th-that's necessary. You'll just have to take my word for it," I told her, laughing it off as best I could.

"Hmm... No."

No? Did I hear her correctly? Did she mean to say something else?

Katie elaborated, "I need to know what it looks like. I need to know now, so that I know how to act later. Like you said, a little shrinking isn't a big deal."

Had I said that?

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." I was coming to terms with what she was asking, and it wasn't the worst, most outlandish thing someone has ever said to me. "...I can get away with a little shrinking. Just to show you how it looks. Okay, I just need something to trigger it--"

Katie, without my knowledge of her presence, was leaning down to me, and suddenly I felt her mouth on mine. And then more than that; a tongue pushed past my lips. Before my brain had time to reboot, I was being frenched by the Doberman. This went on for longer than I care to admit before I was able to kick back into motion.

I backpedaled away, easy enough to do without her holding onto me, and our mouths were separated. "Ahh. Uhm. Uhh..."

"Mmm, you have a good taste. Though, your kissing game could use some work."

"That--I wasn't... You--"

"What are you stuttering on about? Did I really fry your tiny brain that much?" Katie smiled as something popped into head. "Hah, tiny brain. If you really did shrink, you'd have an itty-bitty brain."

"It doesn't work like that..." I muttered. I couldn't force myself to look her directly in the eyes.

"Doesn't work like what? That's the only way it would work, stupid. If your body shrinks, so does your brain."

"No, I meant that I wouldn't get dumber--"

"Whatever, I don't care," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "What I do care about is if you've gotten any smaller, and so far ain't nothing has happened."

"Sometimes it can take a bit to--to kick in."

She was unimpressed with my excuse and, as more time ticked by, beginning to question my sanity, judging by her raised eyebrow. Of course my condition would get stage fright right now, of all times. Perhaps I needed to...

"Oh, thank goodness," I said, releasing my held breath. "it's finally happening."

"...finally happening? You want to be shrunk?"

"No, no! I just meant--"

Katie cut me off once again, "Hey, it's not my biz to yuck someone else's yum." She stepped closer to me, and closer... until her filled out chest was stealing the majority of my vision. "Hmm. I don't see no difference. You sure that you actually shrunk?"

"Yes, I really did! Here--" I tore through my bag, searching for something that'd convince her. My fingers clasp around my target, and I pulled it out to show her, extending the yellow tongue a few inches. "We can use this."

She eyed my tape measure and snorted. "You want me to measure you?"

"It's the only way to know for sure. Look, my driver's license says five foot five inches, so if I'm smaller than that, then we'd know if I've gotten smaller."

"...Fine, give me it," said the Doberman, extending her open palm. I did so, then straightened up where I stood, but she shook her head. "Against the wall, over here. And shoes come off."

"Uhh, okay. Like this?"

"Yeah, like that. Alright, hold still... How do you read this fricking thing? Is that five-foot right there?... Oh, no, that's five-foot, so you are... five-foot... three?"

"See? I'm two inches shorter now. That's proof."

"Maybe," she said, her tone suggesting otherwise. "Maybe you just never been measured right. Maybe they been counting extra inches from these--" She flicked a finger at my right ear.

Honestly, it'd been an excuse I'd heard my entire life. Both my ears were adding several inches to the top of my head, and when my shrinking had been more out of control, there'd been a lot of incorrect guesses at what my true height was. Like, a LOT of incorrect guesses.

And now Katie had the gall to do the same, stirring up one of my biggest pet peeves.

"You don't think I know my own height?" You don't think that the girl who shrinks doesn't know how tall she is normally?"

"I know you're not trying to get pissy with me right now!" Katie growled.

"Maybe I am!" I spat back at her.

"Oh hell no! I ain't gonna get bossed around by no pipsqueak bunny!" She stuck her elbow up under my chin, pinning me against the wall before I could react. Her face hovered dangerously close with teeth bared. "You don't raise your voice at me, and we ain't got no problem. Or do you want there to be a problem?"

Oh fuck. Maybe I'd made a mistake picking a fight this quickly with my roommate.

"Sorry! No problems, please--choking!"

"Better not be, squirt."

She released my body just as easily as she'd restrained it, showing just how much a difference there was between our bodies. Even at my normal height, it would've been hopeless to overpower her.

A tingling sensation ran up my spine, and I knew what that meant. "Fuck, it's happening again..."



I knew Katie's interest was locked on me again, as much as she tried to hide it. I got used to gauging people's interest in my condition. It helped to know who I could call on for help, and who to avoid at all costs.

Right now, my head was a clamor of a dozen different alarm bells. Katie was definitely not the helpful type.

Katie readied the tape measure. "Let's check again," she said, but I knew that was totally unnecessary. This was a larger spurt of shrinkage, surely I'd lost more than a few inches this time. She had to have noticed from up close.

Still she went through the act of confirming my height loss. The metal tip of the tape measure was stuck under the arch of my foot and, upon reading the numbers by the side of my head, something appeared to dissatisfy her, her frustrations vocalized by tiny grumbles under her breath. Her free hand was lifted to my face, and then set across my face, covering both eyes and enveloping most of my snout.

"Hold still," Katie instructed.

How could I when she was twisting my head sideways against the wall?! She was not gentle about it either, with her claws digging in a little more than I thought necessary--to which I think the necessary amount is none, no digging of claws at all!

"Are you done?" I asked, my voice squished as much as my head was.

Her head pulled back as she released her grip on me, a grip I'd never even tried to shove off. Why hadn't I tried to get away? And her eyes were different. Now there was a distant look to them. She must've been deep in thought, but what about?

The creeping smile on her lips told me it was nothing good.

"Well?" I asked, "What did you get?"

Katie perked up, like she just remembered I was in the room with her. Focusing her attention on the tape measure in her hand, I did the same. It read--

"Four-foot ten."

With how many--and I mean many--times I'd shrunk in less-than-ideal places, I should've felt enough humiliation to become immune to it. And I had, for the most part. There were still some situations that couldn't be immunized, and this was quickly becoming one of those situations. I needed to get it under control, now.

"One sec," I muttered to the towering Doberman, skirting out from under her smoldering gaze and overbearing boobs. She didn't stop me, thank goodness, and so I was able to reach my medicinal bag in time before things got any more out of hand. I fished out a tiny, plastic baggie from a very small compartment on the inside sleeve.

"Is that what I think it is?" Katie piped up rather loudly.

"Yes, it is," I answered, my focus staying on the joint I was beginning to pack. "Medicinal marijuana. Weed. Whatever you prefer to call it. It's to help with my shrinking."

"Really? And it works?"

I gave a single nod. "Better than anything else in that bag. Mom doesn't know about it, and I prefer to keep it that way."

I looked at her when I said that, and she shrugged. "Sure, I ain't gonna rat ya, long as you share."

"I don't have much right now, you'll have to wait until I get more."

"What if I don't wanna wait?"

I heard her, but not wholly, focused on what I was doing. Just need to finish sealing it... Voila. One joint, ready for smoking. Now I only had to light it--

The joint was snatched right out of my hands.

"Hey!" I yelled at the Doberman. "I need that! Give it back!"

"If we sharing the same apartment, we sharing the same roll."

"But it's not meant for that!"

"Doesn't mean it can't be." Katie countered. "If you want it back, you gotta light me up, bun."

"Come on. This is serious! Please give it back."

She didn't budge to my pleads. "Is keeping your roomie happy not as serious?"

"Not compared to shrinking uncontrollably!"

"Light it, or lose it. Your call, bun. And don't think about rolling another... unless you want me to have another."


I can already feel another tingling sensation starting. None of my other pills will do anything for me, not for at least a few hours. I didn't have a choice, at least not a good one, so I had to do something.

"Argh! Fine! Here."

I hold the lighter out and give it a single flick, sparks bursting into a single flame. She waits for me to do anything else, and when I don't, she leans forward to light the joint between her lips. A long drag was all it took to complete my part of the bargain. I irritably watched Katie enjoy herself to my weed while I could do nothing about it. She held it in for a few seconds, parting her lips to release a small cloud afterwards.

"Not bad stuff, runt," she commented between a few straining coughs.

"Can you quit it with the nicknames? It's not funny."

"Not meant to be funny. I'm testing out what fits you. Squirt. Shrimp. Pipsqueak. Tiny. Worm. Got any preferences?"

"No, I do not," I shortly answered. My nerves were about shot. "Can you pass it already?"

Her head cocked a tiny bit sideways. "I didn't hear a please."

"Please. Pass the joint, please."

"Another hit first."

"No! You only get one!"

"I'm bigger than you." She smirked at that, which I knew was dig at my rapidly diminishing height. "About twice as big. So, if we trying to be fair about this, I'm gonna need twice as many puffs."

"I'm not trying to be fair about any of this you bitch! I just need a smoke, so I don't--don't... uhh..."

Welp. I was fucking screwed.

"What did you say?"

"I uhm. That came out wrong, I didn't--"

"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?"

She was looming like a mountain over me, pushing my back to the counter. Nowhere to run, and imminent death ahead of me. "I'm sorry. It was an accident...?"

The joint was fixed between her lips again, and she pulled extra hard, burning down the roll significantly. Her exhaled cloud was directed right in my face, making my eyes water.

"You got some fucking nerve, ant. What give you any right to be calling me a bitch? Big goddamn mistake."

"Y-yeah. You're right, you're right! Big, big mistake. Won't happen again, I swear!"

"I know it won't," she agreed. Her body pressed against my front as the edge of the granite top dug into my back. "There won't be another mistake when I get done with you."

"...You're gonna shrink me, aren't you?"

"All the way down, bug." She smiled extra wide. "Bug. I like that one. Bun for now, bug to be."

I was sweating. I was shaking. I was frozen, terrified, and helpless. Not even a half-hour from my mom leaving, and I was facing my families worst fears.

Another draft of down smoke hit me in the face. "Take it in bun. I'm trying to share with you. Isn't that what you got all worked up about--me not sharing? Should be thanking me for being so nice; a bug like you deserves nothing at all from this joint--not while I'm around."

She picked up the baggie I'd set on the counter. "Less than a quarter in here now. Enough to last me through the week. Maybe. Thanks for letting me have it, bug."


Her hand immediately wraps around my snout, completely smothering my protests. "What was that? Were you saying something?"

There was no hope of getting more than muffled noises through my clamped jaws, so I shook my head side to side instead.

"Good girl. I can reward you for that."

She took another drag, and instead of blowing it my face, her lips meet mine--an effort to bend on her part, as I'd been slowly shrinking the whole time we'd been talking. She exhales directly down my throat, forcing me to breathe in her secondhand air.

"Mmm. I hope you liked that, freak. I'm gonna make you my shotgun buddy from now on. The only way you ever get high again is through me."

I was too busy coughing up Katie's borrowed smoke to even think of a rebuttal. But what would I have said anyways? I was shrinking away beneath. Literally beneath her. My face was getting ground up on by her cooch, and still I felt the tingle that meant there was more to come.

"God, I ain't ever felt like this. You got me worked up, bug. I'm a lucky girl to have nabbed you first. Did you really think you were gonna sneak around without nobody knowing? Nuh uh. No way you lastin' a week on campus. Somebody was gonna grab you up, but not anymore. Not without me knowing 'bout it."

She yanked me up on the countertop, because she could easily do that now; she probably could've before, but it was too easy for her now. She could handle me any way she liked, and it was only getting easier.

Another hit of the thinning joint. Another passing of her smoke into my lungs. Another few inches lost in the time it took me to recover my breath.

"Closer and closer to being a real bug. What am I gonna do with you then?" She took a smaller puff, this time not shared, as she pondered what hell she could put me through. "Shit. I could do a lot of things. Tuck you away in places you ain't gonna see the light of day from. I got plans for you, bug, and I ain't running short of 'em anytime soon."

I was back below her breasts again. Couldn't have been more than two-foot even, and still I spiraled uncontrollably downwards. The weed wasn't strong enough, not that the high would've stopped Katie's onslaught. This was an inevitability. The worst of my worst triggers. I was doomed the moment I meant the Doberman bitch. She was the bully I never got to experience in grade school. Homeschooled to avoid this exact scenario, and my unbridled optimism that college would be different. Look where that got me; on day one, hour one of being here, I was facing my worst nightmare.

Katie Durmont would be my worst nightmare.

I started shriveling up then. I couldn't help it. The world was caving in on me, and without my family--and my mom--I was far past the point of despair. I began bawling my eyes out, sobbing like I'd never expected.

This wasn't how I planned it.

I was a fucking idiot to think any different!

"Oh damnit. I went too far, didn't I?"

A finger, giant as her hand not ten minutes back, attempted to wipe off the tears from my cheek. "Shit. Abby, hush, shh... It's alright. I ain't doing nothing to ya."

I choked on a few guttural sobs while I watched her kneel on the kitchen floor, bringing her back to eye level with my one-foot frame. I found it hard to look her in the eyes again, but when I did, I immediately noticed the difference, and thank God for that. There was normalcy in her look, her posture, her voice. All of that scary titaness from before was gone--besides that there was still a titaness in front of me. Her mouth that once had teeth bared at me was only a short distance away, but it wasn't standing my fur on end.

She played with my thumb-sized ears, rubbing them delicately between two fingers. "That's on me. I dunno what got into me. I thought you was into it. The weed, the backtalk, it was getting me going, and I thought you was getting it too." She chewed at her lip before continuing, "Look, I misread things. We can chill out until you big and sober again. What'chu need from me? Name it and I gotchu."

"I-I could use some water."

"Done. Nothing else?"

"M-maybe another hit to calm me down."

She gave me a funny smirk. "Guuurl. Of course you can get some! Might be a bit tough for you, since you small and all."

She held the nearly finished joint out to me, but I shook my head. "I didn't mean that way."

The Doberman's head tilted in confusion, then understanding lit up her face. "You mean...?"

"If you're nice about it, I'm okay with it. It's easier to do than me having a smoke now, plus... I... I kinda liked it, actually?"

"Mmm. Sweetie, you can get whatever you want."

She flipped the joint back her way, and in between her lips it went. I could see in astonishing detail the movements; mouth open for just a moment for me to see the pink, slimy depths, then her lips puckered around the paper, and the rush of air sucked through the joint, igniting the burning end.

She held the smoke as she looked down at me. A quick nod of my approval gave her the go ahead, and she leaned in, stopping short of her nose bumping into my chest. Jaws capable of holding my whole body inside opened wide enough to get an even better view of her textured tongue, and the dark opening of her throat beyond. Out from that opening rolled a wave of smoke, rushing towards the entrance, towards me.

It smothered me just as before, without even needing to kiss her to do it. It was thick on my fur and in my lungs. There was a key difference in smell from this perspective. Not only was I being hit with a potent stink of weed, but I was also getting an even more potent dosage of Katie's breath. It clung to the cloud that enveloped me, and so it clung to me as well. It wasn't exactly horrible--seemed like she was doing well at cleaning her teeth--yet it wasn't rose petals either. It was simply doggy breath. There was no other way to describe it in my brain.

Her breath gusted over me for what felt like a weirdly long exhale, to where I questioned if it was done on purpose, until Katie finally closed off the saliva-coated cavern my eyes had been transfixed to. I stared even a bit longer at her lips, the image of what awaited behind still fresh in my mind, before I finally acknowledged her gaze.

"That do enough for ya?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. That was great, hehehe."

"Glad to hear it little bun."


Katie cocked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I'm uhm... wondering--" Wow this was hard to say. "Is--is bug still okay?"

Eugh. That felt wrong. Was I wrong for asking that? Maybe I should backpedal while I still had the chance...

"Hehe. Looks like you're all mine, bug."

Or... maybe not. That was some easy convincing.

"But you still not lookin' like a bug yet..." She whipped out the tape measure beside, getting a reading much easier from my diminutive size. "Seven inches. Still got a ways to go down."

"Oh, whoops... I forgot to mention that this is about as far as it'll go."

"Aww, that so?"

"Yeah. Six inches is my smallest recorded."

"Bummer. Ain't a big deal, just need to find other ways to treat you like a bug--if you want that."

"We can certainly try!" I responded.

And maybe sometime later, when I could fully trust Katie's protection, I could admit that was a lie--or a half-lie; I can't shrink under a half-foot, unless I choose to do so. And there's the second part of truth I wasn't yet willing to reveal: I can shrink myself on-demand.

Not exactly something I tell new people. Actually, it's not something I've told anyone. Not my doctors. Not my family. Not even mother knows that little tidbit. I figured it was best kept as a close-guarded secret.

Much like the newest secret I was withholding about her doggy breath, and how incredibly hot I found that experience to be. Needed to do some self-reflecting on that one before I confiding anything to Katie. It was a first for me, and I'm beginning to think there was more than just doggy breath catching my interest; like, what things can that tongue do to me at less than a foot tall, or better yet, less than an inch tall?

Seems like my next stage of life was going to turn out alright after all. Maybe a bit messier than I'd expected, except that was what college was for, right?

Eight Minutes a-Milking

_On The Eighth Day of Yiffmas, Jakealope Wrote For Thee..._ Eight Minutes a-Milking "Please master... no more... no more..." Leo's body tremors within the bitch-suit. He is an absolute mess; throat raw, ass a tender, lubed up mess, and thick sheens...

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Nine Days Denying

_On The Ninth Day of Yiffmas, Jakealope Wrote For Thee..._ Nine Days Denying Is today the day? _God, I fucking hope it is_. The thought of sweet, sweet release was really all I'm thinking about anymore. Wanting to get off. Wanting to get out of...

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Ten Paws a-Licking

_On The Twelfth Day of Yiffmas, Jakealope Wrote For Thee..._ Ten Paws a-Licking "Blindfold on, slut." You stare down at the black cloth in your hand, and at that moment, you consider yourself equally lucky and unlucky. The unlucky part only has you...

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