Sean's New View

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#196 of Commissions

Commission for shy001

It's Sean's birthday again, his boyfriend Sylen has things planned for him, including an "evolution" of their relationship along with a Leomon named Zeo along for the ride!

"Sean's New View"

"And it's another scorcher here in the metro area; temperatures expected to reach the highs of eighty-three; a record high in the month of October..."

"I know, Jam. It's not every Halloween that we get to go out in shorts and a tanktop"

"But speaking of tank-tops looks like the new wave by Sylen has hit record highs too!"

"It is insane, and just think, he is based in our proud city..."

The sounds of Jam and Ollie woke Sean up from a deep sleep. The thought of this week had been plaguing him for several months now, the fact that people would take the time out of their everyday lives to celebrate their birthdays had always eluded him. But the husky learned; in particular last year when his boyfriend surprised him with a ludicrous weekend orgy, that celebrating his birthday wasn't always a bad thing when it came to being involved with his friends. He'd hoped Sylen would have learned that hiring other people to do his "fun" work was usually a fool's errand, and that Sean would want to be with him on these special days, no matter what he could afford.

Sean sighed and rolled over onto his belly to stare at the clock on the bedside table. It was already nine-thirty and he was already feeling a little anxious for the day. He knew that starting tomorrow, he would be off and he already knew Sylen would overdo it like he always did, but this time he would be ready for it. He made his way across the room and stepped into the bathroom. As he got into the shower, he heard someone knocking on the door. He poked his head out. "Sy. You don't have to knock..." He said aloud as the garurumon opened the door slowly.

"Sorry, just checking to see how you were doing." He said.

"I'm doing good." Sean replied as he put his face under the shower of water, letting the heat sear into his fur straight down to his flesh as he guided the water down over his plump figure. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason."

"That's a pretty weird thing to say. Are you okay?"

Sylen sighed and leaned against the sink across from the shower, watching Sean's form move about from one end to the other. "Yeah, I mean tomorrow's your birthday. Right?"

"Yes, and before you say anything, yes I am off work tomorrow." Sean said, sputtering as he washed his face off and reached for the shampoo. "I mean after last year, how could I not?"

Sylen chuckled nervously. "Oh, yeah." He said. "And it's all week this time right? No skipping out to do work for your ungrateful bosses or anything?"

Sean's soaked face appeared through the curtain. "No." He said before retreating back into the shower. "How about you? Any big record deals you're heading out of town for?"

"No, no." Sylen crossed his arms and looked down at his feet as he leaned there. "My agent said they're giving me some time off, at least until the next album is ready."

"Well, I'm glad I'm not an inconvenience this time." Sean teased.

"Come on, S. You know it's not like that."

Sean smiled. He rather enjoyed when Sylen got all defensive like that, it took all he had to keep from laughing aloud. "Alright, I'll hopefully expect you at my birthday dinner tomorrow then?"

"Who says I don't already have plans?"

"Sy, you don't make plans, love. You"


"Besides, don't worry. I've got it all laid out, you don't have to lift a single digit to come to my rescue for dinner. We'll just have it here."

"We will?"

Sean nodded. "Trust me."

"And what if I told you I had something set up already?"

"I wouldn't believe it..." Sean said with a half-joking chuckle.

Sylen was silent for a minute and also gave a half-hearted laugh back. "Yeah well, you know me..."

Sean pulled the curtain back, turning off the water as he stepped out onto the tile floor and grabbed a towel. "Oh, shit. Did you have something set up?"

"Well I guess you'll have to find out tomorrow, won't you?"

Sylen groaned and slumped his head as Sean left. He stood in the dimly lit hallway with his back against the apartment door until he was sure the husky had departed for the day, and he quickly went to work. Sean read him right, he'd had no plan. Until that morning he had forgotten the husky's birthday was coming up so fast. After last year, one would think he'd have a plan together. But with two album releases and a million tour dates and premieres hitting him, the year had basically melted away and suddenly Sean was another year older. He had to make him happy, he loved him and he wanted to make sure everything would be perfect. He knew who he could call, and get set up to give his partner another birthday to remember.

He dialed the familiar number, a friend of his who also had some "night" work business on the side. He was good, he was fun, he was reliable: "Nnnhello?" The voice on the other end slurred.

"Oh shit, Zeo. I'm sorry man I completely forgot the time in my hurry to give you a call."

"Sy? I-it's fine...what's up?"

"Not much, hey listen... are you gonna be busy tomorrow night? I've got a job for you, I just need you to give me a hand with my boyfriend..."


The morning passed into the afternoon, and into the evening before Sean finally had a chance to wrap things up at his job. Looking out the window, he was almost disappointed to see that the sun was setting; he'd hoped to actually make it out early today, but instead he was stuck and stacked with a bunch of work at the last minute. Unlike his work with the students, being a logicsitcs coordinator was very taxing. There were days that Sean thought about taking up Sylen's offer to simply leave his work and settle into his financial security. But there was a stubborn streak to the husky, he wanted to make his living on his own terms. His own terms be damned as he turned off his computer monitor and saw the reflection of his boss walking up behind him.

He turned around and was face to stomach with the massive bear that was his director. He swallowed and looked up into his boss' eyes. "Hey boss. What's up?" He asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"So... I'm grateful for all the work you've been pulling, staying after hours and pulling your weight. And I know that this week is supposed to be your week off, right?" He checked a convenient note. The bear huffing a laugh. "Right." He said. "But I wanted to know if you could do me a favor and come in tomorrow for a few hours."

"Well, tomorrow's my birthday and--"

"I can have a cake brought in if it's that important."

Sean groaned a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well..."


The sun was peeking through the blinds of the living room when it caught Sylen's eyes, he winced and blinked, snorting awake as he sat up. The TV he'd been watching the night before had been turned off, the light from the lamp was off and he'd noticed a blanket had been dropped on him. Had Sean come home and he hadn't even realized it? He checked the clock, it was already quarter past eight in the morning. Sylen huffed into his palms and shook himself awake, he'd been asleep for almost ten hours. As the garurumon slid off the leather sofa, he could hear the sound of running water from the bathroom and made his way into the hallway. He knocked on the door.

"Sean? Is that you?"

"Oh hey, good morning!" He heard the husky from within between splashes of water over his face. "You finally up?"

"Y-yeah...did you leave me on the couch?"

"You were sleeping like a stone, I don't think a nuclear blast would've woken you up, so I just let you sleep."

Sylen rubbed his eyes. "Oh hey you should have woke me up, we could've rung in your birthday with a glass of wine."

Sean laughed. "I tried, nothing was waking you up."

"What time'd you get in?"

"Uhmm..." Sean pondered for a moment. "About one? It was pretty late."

"Love, those asshats in your office are going to take advantage of you until you stand up for them. That's what, the fourth night this week they had you work hours past your shift? Are you even getting paid for it?"

"Not yet. But hey. I might be up for a promotion!"

Sylen smiled, though his worries weren't exactly relieved. "That's...great!" He said, trying to push the enthusiasm in his voice. "I'm glad they're finally starting to acknowledge you, why don't we talk about it when you come out?"

"Oh...sure!" The husky said.

Sylen had moved away from the door by the time Sean had responded, he'd had the perfect morning planned for them to get things started, but he had fallen behind. Stumbling toward the bedroom, the wolf had already removed one of his socks and discarded it to the floor when he reached the bed. He pulled his other sock off and stripped down as he rolled onto the mattress. Laying on his side, he kicked his underwear off into the floor and waited.

As Sean exited the shower, Sylen's cock was already beginning to anticipate some early morning fun with his boyfriend. He waited--and waited...until he could finally see the husky appear from the darkness of the hall. "Happy--birthday?" His voice fell off in surprise as Sean was already fully dressed in a maroon polo shirt and a pair of blue jeans. His hands were occupied with a phone in between them, and he almost didn't look up as he entered the room.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, stopping for a moment as he saw Sylen's naked, muscular body in front of him. "Wow...very hot."

"I...was thinking we could have a little fun and...and what is this?"

Sean looked at himself, he looked very much like he was getting ready for work; a taboo that he'd learned didn't fly with Sylen last year. "Oh!" He uttered again. "Oh, no. No no I--"

"Are you kidding me with this? You're planning on going to work again? After all we went through last time?" Sylen said, growing frustrated. "How could you?"

"No!" Sean asserted himself. "No, I wasn't going to go to work! I promise. My boss told me he wanted me to come in for a few hours this morning, but I told him to stuff it. I wanted to spend my birthday off."

Immediately, it seemed Sylen's frustration and confusion had worn off. "Oh..." He said, unintentionally imitating the husky. "Well... ahem... is that so?"

Sean chuckled and sat on his knees on the bed, ruffling his hand over Sylen's head. "Yes that's so." He said with a snarky attitude as he settled himself warmly up against Sylen's front, their crotches touching each other. "I was just dressed because I was planning on heading to the store for something to make for dinner tonight, that's all."

"Oh, heaven forbid I even let you leave the house..." Sylen replied in a whispered tone as their lips drew closer together.

"Heaven forbid." Sean repeated as the two kissed each other.

Sean's hands folded around behind Sylen's back, his arms being rather impressively able to make the entire trip around so his hands would lock together in a tight hug. Their tongues mingled, then tangled with each other in their crossing muzzles as Sylen expanded his chest and pushed his body closer. It took several minutes before he could muster the strength to pull away. He huffed a hot breath of air. "So... your boss not like your decision?"

Sean rested on Sylen's thighs, straddling them gently as he shrugged his head back and forth. "Well, he tried to fire me. But I did get in touch with human resources, they assured me my job is safe. In fact they said if his boss didn't like it I might actually get a pay raise and the promotion I've been wanting for ages!" He growled in enjoyment and leaned into Sylen. "Now...where were we?" He said.

"Actually, I think building up an appetite would be a good idea." Sylen said. "But first... I want to give you your other presents first."

"My other presents?" Sean asked. "I thought I'd already unwrapped my best present?"

"Oh for sure." Sylen agreed. "But first thing's first...let's get your other presents out of the way, shall we? Starting with your bank account."

"My bank account?"

The dubious sound from Sean's voice made Sylen smile, after all this time sometimes Sean's lack of trust amused him. He simply nodded in the direction of Sean's phone. The husky quickly grabbed it and pulled up his bank app. As the light on the screen switched to his account balance, his eyes shifted to Sylen's smiling face, then back to the screen. "S...Sy?"


Sean looked at the garurumon with a dumbfounded stare. "There was a deposit of two-hundred thousand dollars dropped in my account?"

Sylen smiled, pleased with himself. "Sean, you don't sound too pleased..."

"I--I just don't know what to say! I ...Sylen..."

"Look, with how much you mean to me, this is just a drop in the ocean. I've been wanting you to take time off from your stressful job. I mean, after today I thought it would be the perfect time to--"

"You didn't have to..."

"I know. Nothing I get you today is something I feel required to get for you, it's something I've been wanting to do for you all year. You ready for your second present--?"

"How--how many presents are you giving me today?"

Sylen smiled. "Just two...and a half more..."

Sean had tears welling in his eyes at this, his hands were shaking. "Why--?"

Sylen produced a blindfold and gently slid it over Sean's eyes, catching him somewhat off guard. He leaned back and his hands touched the garurumon's soft, fuzzy legs. With hardly a thought, Sylen remembered how very, very naked he was and slipped on a pair of shorts to maintain his decency and escorted Sean from their condo apartment. Sean was completely in the dark, stretching his hands out before him as they walked to the end of the hall. He heard the familiar whirring of the elevator as it ascended toward their floor, then that ding as it reached them and he was escorted inside. After about two minutes, the elevator reached its destination, and another ding exited them toward the echoing sounds of the parking garage. All the while, Sylen's hands were planted firmly on his shoulders. He was getting a little nervous.

After about a hundred paces, Sean was stood still and Sylen removed the ribbon from over his eyes. Before him sat a beautiful, brand new Range Rover; it was a deep ocean blue color with a metallic finish to the paint job. Shiny and standing a good head above his own ears, his jaw dropped when he saw the bright orange bow tied around it. His jaw dropped as he took a step back, right into Sylen's chest, who wrapped his arms around him. "I got the model right, yeah? I know that blue's your favorite color, but I forgot what kind of car you wanted."

"S-sy----Sylen..." The words had trouble leaving Sean's mouth. "I don't know what to say...this is too much!"

"You keep saying that, but I don't think it means what you think it means." Sylen said cheekily. "Look, believe it or not, your boy's doing alright for himself. Please do me the favor and appreciate the things I do for you okay?"

Sean looked at Sylen and opened his mouth as if he were about to object, but it slipped into a soft smile and he inhaled sharply, letting his tears vanish. "Okay then. Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts, Sy." He was practically bursting when a look of discomfort suddenly turned his expression into worry as he put his hand on Sylen's chest. "Sy? Are you okay?"

Sylen shuddered, his body flickering strangely with a warm glow that escaped every couple of seconds. "Oh, well. That happened quick." He said as he took a step back, his body now starting a layer of glow from his toes that quickly spread up throughout his body. "Another present of yours, Sean..."

Sean didn't have much of a chance to absorb what was going on, he took a step back and watched as Sylen surged with energy. His height increased by at least six inches and his body grew bulkier. This caused the shorts that Sylen had put on before to split almost perfectly even down the center. Sean watched Sy's chest poof out a bit, and then his pectoral muscles gained a life of their own, popping outward along with an increase in his nipple size which instantly distracted the husky. Sy bent forward and growled in anticipation as his feet gained a more human-like shape, so instead of being a garurumon standing on digitgrade legs, he now looked more like a weregarurumon on plantigrade feet.

Sylen's thighs expanded suddenly, causing the shorts to begin tearing at the cuffs and it forced him to bend his knees unexpectedly, causing them to tear apart completely, and a thick, hefty digimon cock now dropped into view as he shredded all of his clothing off his body. Sylen spread his arms out in a semi-flexing pose and his biceps and triceps instantly doubled...maybe tripled in size right in front of him. His eyes narrowed, his ears grew, but the extra feathery appendages on his back went more central to his back the glow was even brighter now, even blinding as Sylen's body delivered a shocking change.

He was almost completely unrecognizable as a Weregarurumon, though his coloring hadn't changed much, he was much more muscular than he had been, his arms flexed out to either side, but with his elbows pressed against his ribcage, he showed off a toothy grin and flexed his naked, thick body to the shocked husky whose jaw had just about hit the floor in surprise.

"It worked!" Sylen exclaimed, punching his fists together.

"Uhm...hello?" Sean remarked in a clueless tone.

"Sean, it's me!"

Sean took a step back and stared at the werewolf in front of him, he definitely looked like Sylen, but he'd never seen a digivolution in person and had no idea what to expect. "Sy? What happened?"

"Well this is that half present for you I was telling you about. I took a pill that sped up my digivolving process just so I'd have a chance to spend your birthday with you like...this!"

Sean placed a hand on his head as he stared, gobsmacked at the musclebound wolf. "I-I..." His voice trailed off. He'd never been rendered speechless before. And this occasion really took the cake. "You have no idea how bad I want you right now." He topped off the sentence with exactly what Sylen wanted to hear. The wolf grinned. "Well then let's go work up an appetite. I'm pretty sure the second half of this present will already be waiting for us upstairs."

Sean was nervous as the pair of them made their way back up to their apartment, and as the elevator door opened an interesting sight was standing before them; a big Leomon, almost as massive as Sylen had gotten as far as muscle tone. Deep blue eyes, a wild and long golden mane, a red tanktop that barely clung on for dear life upon his chest, leaving far more midriff than the husky thought possible. It felt like the husky's heart was about to stop.

"Zeo! I'm glad you made it." Sylen announced.

"Am I too late for the party? You already look a little naked."

Sylen laughed. "Wardrobe malfunction, I didn't realize this potion was supposed to take effect this quickly, I thought we had more time." He took the keys from Sean's hand and inserted it in the lock. "Come on in, I think it's about time we worked up an appetite." He turned the key and made his way into the apartment.

Almost immediately, Sean felt a pair of large hands grab him by the shoulders and push him over to the couch, he stumbled as Sylen took the extra care to make sure he landed by the center, and Zeo was instantly on top of him. Sean could feel the lion's heart beating through his shirt, he could see the lion's nipples even through the fabric as it felt almost paper thin and unexpectedly, Zeo began to ravishly kiss him.

Sean was taken aback, but was also pretty thrilled at the more assertive lion pinning him down. Their tongues tangled, and Zeo began to lift Sean's shirt, his nails dragging deep lines through the fur of his belly from it to his chest, practically ripping his shirt apart. Then, Sylen joined in as Zeo took a short break to crossarm lift his shirt up over his head, discarding it onto the living room floor. Finally the lion climbed on top of the husky, his thick legs straddling Sean's crotch. Sylen broke their kiss briefly before making his way around and wrapping his arms around Zeo's now naked body. Both canine and feline were hard as rocks and as Zeo leaned forward, his nipples fell directly over the husky's face. He couldn't resist and Sean immediately took advantage, wrapping his lips and swirling his tongue around the lion's pierced left nipple. Zeo growled in pleasure, it was his only pierced and he'd expected Sean would go for it first. He hissed in approval and grabbed Sean by the back of his head, pressing his muscled pectoral deep into Sean's mouth, letting him suck hard on it. His own thick, dripping cock dragging along Sean's chest as Sylen pulled his pants completely off, tossing it across the room as well. Sean took a deep breath as Zeo's grip loosened somewhat and he switched to the other nipple. Fleshier, and without the taste of metal that was in the first. But just as ample, just as alluring. He didn't know where Sylen had found this man, but he was definitely appreciating it. His toes were curling in excitement as he then felt the lion's ass begin to rub along his own cock; teasing him, taunting him to thrust his hips just a little bit more and more as his leaking precum was beginning to soak the lion's ass. His gasp allowed the lion's nipple to slip from his mouth, and it was just long enough for Zeo to lean back, sliding his ass against the head of the husky cock and despite the tightness he seemed to slip it in just fine. Sean let out a howl of pleasure and the lion rested his hands on Sean's chest.

"Oh you were right, Sy. This guy is ambitious isn't he?"

"You haven't seen anything yet." Sylen teased as he leaned down from the other direction and gave Sean a somewhat upside down kiss. His kiss eventually began to slip down Sean's neck, growing closer and closer to his chest.

Sean felt his entire lower body buck up and press deep into Zeo's ass, the lion moaning and grunting as he slowly raised his body, then lowered it with more force onto the husky's shaft. All the husky could see was an ocean of muscle over his head, and he gave off a loud moan as Sylen found his sensitive dark nipples. He leaned up and grabbed one of Sylen's between his lips and began to pull and suck on it as well, much like Zeo, Sylen's chest had become muscular and pretty taut. He felt Sy lean down on him harder. He felt Zeo's cock slap against his stomach going almost clear up to his chest as it came down as well as Sylen's head and mouth slobbering along his torso. He wasn't as muscular as they were, but they were all over him, he couldn't help but enjoy every single moment of this.

After a time, Sean realized that Zeo's riding was having a big impact on him. He slipped his mouth from treating Sylen's nipples and gave off a growl, then a fierce grunt as he began to cum hard and deep into Zeo's ass. Zeo grinned and rolled his hips back slower, letting his precum drip down the husky's waist. "Oh, fuck...quite the fill..." He moaned softly. After a few minutes, both lion and werewolf slowly climbed down off of the husky.

"F-fuck...that was hot..." Sean panted, clearly enjoying the afternoon so far. "I'm starting to get a little hungry.

"I bet you are." Sylen said before dropping to his knees and leaning over onto his arms, waving his backside at the husky. "But we've got a few more things to do first."

Sean sat up like a bolt and stared at Sylen's large, muscular ass. Instantly the idea of being 'spent' was lost on him, and he felt a resurgence of energy. He grabbed Sylen's ass and began to knead the muscle slowly. Sylen moaned and wagged his ass at Sean, grinning at him as he did so. "Come on, Sean. You know you want to." He said coaxingly. Sean needed little convincing as he rode his cock up the cleft of Sylen's new body and began to grind his shaft into it. He wanted nothing more than to fuck him like he'd fucked Zeo. He looked at the lion now edging himself nearby; watching the spectacle happening before him, his own tip drizzling with almost sparkling white precum. Sean moved closer to Sylen, aiming his tip directly into the small dark spot of flesh between Sy's legs and thrust in with one fell blow.

"AHH! Fuck!" Sylen grunted, not expecting such a hard thrust. He didn't bottom often, and he'd forgotten how thick Sean was despite their obvious size difference.

Sean thrust in and pulled out to the tip and back in again, his orbs slapping firmly against Sy's as he mounted him. Sean rested a hand on Sylen's back, while his other arm reached around and began to play with his nipples from the other side. He leaned in close and the pair kissed passionately as Sean fucked him. The air was filled with the smells of sex and the sounds of flesh on flesh echoing through the room. Sylen began to thrust back, getting into the groove as well, puffing his chest out and giving his boyfriend something fun to tug and push on as they enjoyed several minutes of this action.

Finally, Sean let out a trembling sigh and growled as he climaxed for a second time, flooding Sylen with his seed to the point where it was bursting from the sides, flooding Sylen's legs and wetting the floor under them. Sean really seemed to be pent up for one reason or another, and as their kiss lingered for a few seconds, Sylen smiled and appreciated the husky.

"So--now what?" Sean asked at last as he relaxed on Sylen's hips for a moment.

"Now...we've got one more surprise for you." He said, slowly slipping from his boyfriend's clutches; and without little warning, Zeo scooped his arm under Sean's right arm and Sylen lifted him by his left, hoisting Sean off the ground as the two carried him into the bedroom. It wasn't much of a trip before Zeo released the husky and Sylen laid him on top of himself on the bed. The thick, massive weregaruru-cock slapping up against Sean's ass as the pair laid down.

Sylen kissed Sean, his tongue ravaging the husky's mouth, then his neck, then down toward his nipples as he pulled up on the husky's butt and began to prod at it with his flesh. Sean at first was enjoying how eager Sy was getting, but then as he felt Zeo move in and press his own flesh to Sylen's, the husky grew a bit more wary.

Again, there was little warning as Sylen's cock slipped past the ring of Sean's hole, followed almost immediately by Zeo's rough fleshed cock as well. Sean howled in shock, in pain, and agony. Then he moaned in bliss as he felt their cocks both push in deeper and deeper. Sean couldn't help but drool a little bit as he was taken by the two muscled digimon. Their bodies pressed together while the husky's hole stretched apart as the pair went deeper and deeper; eventually hilting their balls deep inside Sean. Both of them moaned and grunted, Sylen taking control by holding onto Sean's hips, he rode Sean, using his momentum to thrust both of them in again and again. By this point, Sean's toes were curling he was feeling so very hot now and his cock was drooling precum like it was a faucet he couldn't turn off he kissed Sylen and Sylen continued to grab and rub the husky's ass.

"Y-you...guys are going to make me hard..." Sean warned, his body getting closer and closer to its climax. Precum dripping out heavily, making the playing field more slippery by the moment.

"Nnnhhhh." Sylen grinned as he growled and looked into Sean's eyes. "Good."

Suddenly, Zeo was the first to make an unannounced cum shot, crying out loudly and giving off a roar that shook the entire apartment before unleashing his geyser into the husky's ass. This cum spilled over, began to flood out of Sean and began to coat Sylen in its warm, sticky mess. Sylen and Sean felt the flood and couldn't help themselves before suddenly unleashing heavy storm torrents of their own. Sean covering Sylen in his seed while Sylen climaxed and mixed his cum with the lion's deep inside his partner. It was several minutes before any of them could see straight again.

"Nnhhh uhh... fuck..." Were iterated in various ways as Sylen clutched Sean and Zeo practically collapsed on top of them.

"So..." Sylen said, as he and Sean lay in bed together, his finger slowly stroking the husky's furry arm. "What did you think of your presents this year...?"

"Oh, pretty good."

"You guys will have to invite me for the next one." Zeo teased, chuckling lightly as he laid with Sean between them, his head cutely resting on the husky's shoulder.

"There's just one problem. "Sean admitted, prompting Sylen to look at him.

"Oh? What's that."

"I am fucking starving. That really worked up an appetite. Let's say we clean up, go eat up, and then come back for round two?"

Sylen chuckled. "That sounds like an amazing plan..."