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#7 of Snowdrift Tales



Snowdrift Glazer

Part 1


FSS Draconus.

The tired hermaphrodite tigertaur walked back to hir room, glad that the shift was over, and shi can get back to raising hir cubs. Lunablaze was growing up fast, but the terrible trio was a pawful. Especially Vortex with hir telekinesis, able to move objects with only hir thought, and it didn't help that all hir cubs knew hir ability of Optical Camouflage. At times it got too much, and shi found hirself yelling and growling at them to behave. If it wasn't for hir 2 denmates, Solarblaze and Sundawn, shi figured that shi would do something drastic and unforgiving. Luckily, they knew how to quell the mischievous cubs and get them behaving like little angels.

Reaching the sleeping quarters, shi let out a sigh and braced hirself for what ever assault shi may endure. Opening the door, shi was pounced on immediately by 3 small furry cubs, all 5 years old and eager to hug, lick or tickle hir to submission. Shi immediately rolled on hir side and let the terrors have their way with hir. One grappled hir from behind and proceeded to ride hir back, while another one clung to hir hind leg. The third, Vortex, held onto hir from the front and proceeded to nuzzle hir breast, eager for some milk, even though shi had been weaned from it since shi was 3.

Snowdrift pulled down hir top, exposing hir teat to the cub, who started nursing. The cub started purring as milkwater flowed from the nipple.

"Sorry to say hun, but the taps dry." Shi replied, as the cub meowled in disappointment.

"Maybe I can help in that department sweety?" Solarblaze offered, as shi stepped from the kitchen, one breast exposed.

"No Mommy, I want Daddy's milk." Vortex complained, using hir ability to pull Solarblaze's top back up.

Solarblaze just chuckled.

"Sweety, what Mommy was going to do, is offer me some of hir milkwater, so that I can start lactating again, do you know what that means?" Snowdrift said, looking at hir daughter in hir eyes.

"Thick yummy milk?" the cub chirped excitedly.

"Yes hun, milk for you and your sisters to drink."

"Yay, milkshakes" Nightbreeze exclaimed, as shi placed hir hands around Snowdrifts waist from behind and started shaking Snowdrifts breasts up and down, making them jiggle, to the amusement of hir denmate.

"Ok, ok you little terrors, let Snowdrift relax, shi's been hard at work and in need to recharge hir batteries." Sundawn replied, making hir presence know from the lounge room, patting the vacant spot on the large mattress beside hir.

"Thanks love, I do need to relax." Shi replied, prying Nightbreeze from hir ears, who was trying to find the opening for the batteries.

All 3 parents settled themselves on the mattress together, each holding a cub. Snowdrift still holding Vortex, Sundawn took charge of hir daughter Nightbreeze while Solarblaze started nursing Sandshift.

Snowdrift nuzzled Solarblaze's breasts, who offered the pert dripping nipples to hir denmate.

"Is my kitty thirsty for milk?" Solarblaze teased, rubbing the tits across the tigertaur's nose and whiskers, making hir moan and Snowdrift growl in frustration.

"Yes hunni, please let me drink your sweet warm milk." Shi meowled, nipping playfully at the squirting teats.

"Ooooh yes, you are eager my sexy kitty, ok. You can have it babe, coz I know that you want to nurse Vortex. Look at hir, shi's drooling from hir muzzle." The yellowed furred chakat giggled, as a string of liquid trickled from the cubs muzzle and down hir chest.

Snowdrift finally latched onto hir mates tits, drinking and tasting the sweet unique chakat milkwater, which would make hir start producing the rich flavoured milk hirself.

Sundawn was nursing Sandshift, offering hir rich full cream milk from hir lactating breast, then shi was joined by Nightbreeze.

"Well, it looks like these 2 cubs are satisfied, now all we need to do is quench this little ones thirst."

Vortex made a funny mewing noise, as shi watched hir sisters drinking, jealous of them, until Snowdrift offered one of hir breasts to hir, already oozing full cream milk, as the liquid from hir mate's bosom started the lactating process. The cub launched hirself onto hir father, and started suckling away; causing the tigertaur to flinch in pain, then started purring.

Shortly, 3 little bundles of fur was purring and snuggling with their parents, Vortex with Snowdrift, who was petting and cooing soft words. Sundawn was cuddling Sandshift, who was plucking and tweaking at the nipple, making hir mom blush. Solarblaze was busy playing with Nightbreeze, tickling hir feet and belly.

"So, the cubs are fed, what about the adults?" Snowdrift enquired, as hir belly rumbled.

"Sorted hun, I prepared dinner just before you got home, I'll have PAL serve the meals." Sundawn replied, and before shi could utter the command, 3 plates of delicious looking food appeared in front of them.

[I took the liberty of serving before your order sir, anticipating crew actions and verbal commands are part of my sub-routine.] the disembodied voice replied, apparently from all around them, as the ship AI computer teleported the already cooked and prepared meals into the lounge room.

"Thank you PAL, you are such a great help." Snowdrift replied, already a mouthful of chicken.

[Pleasure to serve you Lt Snowdrift.] PAL said again.

Once the parents had finished eating, the cubs became restless, wanting a story.

"Ok you little scamps, what would you like to hear?" Sundawn replied, laying Sandshift down with hir siblings, who got comfortable and waited.

"What about the time I defeated the nasty Human First's on the Island?" Solarblaze offered.

The cubs moaned, and Sundawn gave hir a playful punch in the arm.

"We already heard that story mom." Vortex grumbled.

"Yes hun, and I for one don't want our cubs to have nightmares from hearing that horrid tale, to much bad memories." Sundawn growled at hir mate, resting hir forehead on hir mates, looking hir directly in hir eyes.

<Yes... sorry hun... I keep forgetting> Solarblaze replied, telepathically.

"So? What would you cubs like to hear?" Snowdrift replied, settling hirself down between Sundawn and Solarblaze, deliberately breaking the eye to eye gaze.

"You daddy, we wanna hear about you. When you were a cub." Vortex chirped, hir tail wagging.

The other cubs also nodded, waiting patiently.

"Well, I don't know, It's all very boring. Is there anything specific you wanna hear?" And instantly, shi regretted asking that question, as the looks the cubs gave each other, and the snickers and giggles meant that shi was in for an embarrassing time. It seems like they had this all organised.

"Well?" Snowdrift asked, deciding to get it over with.

Vortex looked at hir dad, blushed and spoke with a nervous but clear voice.

"We wanna hear about the first time you... umm had your first..."


"HEAT!!" they all chirped at once, making Snowdrift blush.

Even Solarblaze was unprepared for this turn of events, as shi choked on the drink shi was sipping.

Sundawn just started giggling.

"Really, you cubs should be ashamed of yourself." Snowdrift scowled, but the triplets were persisted.

"PAWEASE!!! WE WANNA KNOW." The cried, looking at hir with cute soulful eyes.

"It looks like you're out foxed, so to speak hun." Solarblaze replied, wiping the drink from hir top.

Giving a sigh, Snowdrift got comfortable and started remembering, back, to when shi was a teenage cub, which was not so long ago, 19 years ago to be exact, and when shi was female.

"Ok you little terrors, but if I tell you this story, promise me that you'll go straight to bed afterwards, and that you'll keep it within this family?"

"PROMISE!" they cried, crossing their heart.

"Ok, now. The year was 2342, I was still a female tigertaur, and I was still held captive of those nasty human scientists and soldiers from Russia. My brother was still alive..."

"Brother?" Vortex replied, confused and excited.

"Yes, brother." Snowdrift answered, a single tear drop from hir eye.

"Go on dear, continue." Solarblaze replied, hugging hir mates' shoulders and using hir ability to install calm and happiness.

"Ok... now... I was still a cub, in my mind, but my body was growing faster than my intellect would...

The young teenage tigertaur cub woke with a start, she was feeling strange, her head was pounding and her stomach ached, with a need she didn't understand. Also, there was this itch, deep within her private part, something she wished would go away, but couldn't. Sandstorm woke up as well, he whimpered and sniffed the air, a strong aroma assaulted his senses, making him quake and shiver, and then he pinpointed the source. It was his twin sister, the smell was coming from her, from between her legs.

"Did you do a pongy?" he asked, sniffing again, then realized that his nether region was twitching, and he blushed with embarrassment when his pee pee emerged, hard and oozing clear liquid.

"Ewe Sandy, if you're going to pee, don't do it in front of me." Snowdrift exclaimed.

"It's not pee sis... it's something else, and... I think your smell is the cause of it." he mewed.

Snowdrift also caught a strange smell as well, of Sandstorms musk, so strong and overpowering, and some how she knew that he could help with her itch, but she didn't know how. Sandstorm saw his sister raise her tail high, and saw the source of the scent that was making him feel strange. Her pee pee hole was dripping clear liquid as well, and the smell made his pee pee twitch and grow larger and harder with each sniff.

"Sis... you smell..." he started.

"Yes bro... you too... you smell so..."

Just then, the doors burst open, and the red fuzzy laser bars went off, as soldiers and scientists entered the room and quickly and forcefully separated brother and sister, Sandstorm meowled and hissed at the intrusion, and Snowdrift struggled, but was shocked into unconsciousness buy her collar.

When she awoke, she found herself in another room, brightly lit, with a big comfy mattress, which she was laying on. She also noticed that she was not alone. Kevin, her human handler, and the only one she trusts with her life, was sitting on the chair, watching her.

"KEVIN!" she cried, running towards him, hugging and nuzzling him. He returned the hug and the nuzzles.

"Snowy, sweet Snowy. Shh it's alright hun. I'm here to take care of you." He whispered, stroking her head and ears.

Snowdrift started purring and kisslicking him, relishing in his scent and touch, not even stopping to realize that he was naked, which was strange, as he always wore the white garments. But she didn't mind, those things got in the way of his scent and the feel of his skin and small amounts of fur that he had.

Finally, she became aware that the feelings that awoken her, was still present, but stronger than ever. She meowled and broke away, pacing and scratching at the door, hir tail high and the female vaginal juices dripped on the floor, leaving puddles where-ever she went.

"Snowy, sweety. Come lay on the mattress." He replied, getting off the chair and laying down on the mattress, patting beside him.

Snowdrift paced abit, brushing up on table corners and chairs, once she lay down and started licking her vagina, which gave her some relief, but not much.

Vortex: "Is he going to mate you?"

Nightbreeze: "Shhh sis"

Sandshift: "Yeah, quiet sis."

"Snowy, please lay with me, and I'll explain to you what is going on." He purred, getting her attention, and she finally lay down next to him, resting her head on his lap, her soft fur covering his genitals.

Kevin gave a soft moan, then started stroking her head, petting her ears, rubbing her neck, until she started purring and closed her eyes, relaxing to his touch.

"Ok Snowdrift, every once a month, you will experience what the animals go through, and what we humans have named "heat". It is a time when the female species of the animal kingdom are ready to mate and have cubs, do you understand this?" he said, stroking her back, up and down, making her purr louder.

"I think so Kevin, but why do I want my brother so badly?" she asked.

"Because he was giving off pheromones that makes you want to mate with him." He explained, now rubbing her belly, which she had rolled over and spread her legs, exposing her femsex to him, so wet and eager for a cock, to scratch that itch, to breed her, to quell the yearning heat inside.

"But he's my brother, that is so... wrong." She meowled and purred, rubbing her head on his crotch, aware of something happening there.

"What do you mean Snowy?" he groaned, rubbing her nipples softly, massaging her budding young breasts.

"Isn't family members having sex wrong?" she purred, a hand reaching up and rubbing his arm and shoulders.

"If you mean Incest, then yes, if it was humans that did it, but you are not human, you are part animal, and animals are always mating with family species to keep the species going, if there isn't any others." He sighed, now rubbing her wet hot opening, making her quiver with pleasure, as his fingers found her clit and rubbed it, making her juices squirt.

"Ohhh that is so good... but why did the scientists pull us apart?" she meowled, moving her head back and forth, sensing that this is what he likes, and was rewarded with a groan and something hard poking her head.

"Because we didn't want any premature pregnancy during your training, no distractions, but we knew that your heat would be a factor, that is why we organised this union." He whispered in her ear, delving deeper inside her quim, feeling the heat and the thin membrane of her hymen with his fingers.

"Wh...What do you me... mean union?" She stuttered at the intrusion of his fingers, and clenched them, wanting them deep inside, scratching and rubbing that burning hot itch.

"Humans are incapable of getting morph's or taurs pregnant, but you still need to be mated and breed and loved, your heat stated, other wise you will get sick, mentally and physically. And you may die, if you don't get sexual satisfaction."

Kevin gasped, as Snowdrift moved her head and started licking the hard throbbing flesh that was his cock, tasting his pre, which was tangy to the taste.

" like the taste?" he groaned, as her rough tongue gave him untold pleasure, making him squirm and shake with a new feeling.

"Hmmmerph" Snowdrift slurped, as she slipped his cock inside her muzzle, bobbing her head up and down slowly, remembering the porn videos that she had watched a few weeks ago.

"Ohh God... can I taste you sweety?" he moaned, rubbing her ears, and reach down and rubbed her tits.

Snowdrift didn't reply, as her muzzle was full, but she showed her willingness to be licked, by moving herself so that her rump was over Kevin's head, her dripping snatch drenched his face in her juices.

To Be Continued....

Lost Innocence Chapter 3.

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