Heart and Claw Chapter 4

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#4 of Heart and Claw

Cooper would never expect to sleep peacefully in an abandoned mineshaft, let alone one that had been overrun by beasts, but here he was, clawing his way reluctantly out of his sleep, blinking in confusion as the light level barely changed when he opened his eyes.

The lone lightbulb by the exit emitted a soft glow through the blanket covering it, the passage beyond lit up in a brighter yellow. It was impossible to tell what time it was, but his body clock insisted that he'd slept in.

As he made to sit up, a gasp of alarm escaped his lips as he noticed the biggest hand he'd ever seen was sitting on his chest, the fingers made longer by the claws that tipped them. His heart soon settled as he remembered the events of the previous day... and night, his cheeks flushing as he turned his head to face his sleeping companion.

Pearl had draped the covers over herself at some point, obscuring all of her save for the arm currently keeping him flush against her chest. He peeked over her bulk to see her tail whipping back and forth across the floor behind her, and he wondered what she was dreaming about.

Cooper sat up, carefully lifting her hand by the finger and trying not to wake her. Her palm was nearly twice the size of his own, and that was to say nothing about her claws. Even in their sheaths, they were like meat hooks, curving slightly towards the end to give them a wicked edge. One wrong move or twitch on her part, and she'd have skewered him in his sleep, yet she could be oddly gentle for such a predatory creature, the fact he'd survived her attentions last night proved as much.

Speaking of which, he swept the covers off his legs, wincing at the sight of his crotch. Everything from the waist down was a mess of unidentifiable fluids, every strand of hair covered in a sticky, wet coat of something.

Double-checking to make sure Pearl was sleeping, the steady rise and fall of her torso confirming so, he slipped out of the nest, pulling on his borrowed shirt and pants as he hobbled towards the exit, his bare feet slapping on the stone as he moved down the passage.

As he walked around the next turn, Cooper had time to process on what had happened. He'd let a deathclaw give him head, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. A part of him called him out for his depravity, of letting this beast have its way with him. Part human, _half _human, whatever she was, she was still a monster, an animal, and her teeth had been dripping with his come.

But that was only a fleeting encounter, wasn't it? They hadn't gone all the way, she'd just offered him some relief that he'd desperately craved after so long being pent up, what was so wrong about that? He wondered what would have happened if they _had _gone further, did she possess the right parts to make something like that work? And if she did, would it be anything like her gullet, how her soft cheeks had sealed around him every time she took him all the way inside...

He shook his head and willed these thoughts away. It was done, he couldn't change what happened, and nobody but him would know, anyway. Still, he could have stopped it from happening, but he'd chosen to cross that line, which made him more than a deviant now...

He emerged back into the pool chamber, the miniature waterfall crashing away to fill the basin-shaped crevice on the floor, Cooper noting that a small tide carried the water towards a small hole in the wall, perhaps leading to the river that snaked through the valley. He tensed up when he noticed a humanoid figure standing off to one side, but relaxed when it turned out to be just the power armour frame, standing where he'd left it. Cooper set about undressing himself, doing a double-take as he realised he hadn't thought to bring a gun with him. If one of the pack had woken up, or were about to wake up, he'd have nothing to defend himself with. He'd been told the tranquilizer would knock them out for two days, but how long ago had he taken the pack down? Half a day by this point?

Pearl would come running if he cried out for help, and the thought made him chuckle at the absurd image of him calling on a beast for help. He stripped down until he was naked, then turned the portable heater on, the hot air and the cold water making the bathing somewhat tolerable as Cooper began to wash the grime from his crotch away.

After five or so minutes of washing, he felt the familiar sensation of being watched, and he turned around, seeing Pearl striding into the chamber, her frame outlined by the lightbulb shining behind her. She had donned her cloak once more, though the hood was pulled back to reveal her draconic features, her orange eyes shining like two coins.

"Morning," she chimed, raising a clawed hand in greeting. "Sleep well?"

"Y-Yeah," he replied, not quite used to having such a casual conversation with a deathclaw. He hurriedly stepped out of the water, pulling the towel he'd left there yesterday around his privates, turning his back on Pearl as he dried himself.

"I bet you did," Pearl chuckled. "Hey, don't cover yourself up, I've seen your junk in all its glory."

He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment, and he quickly splashed his face with water to cool them, wrapping the towel around his neck as he pulled on his shorts. "I know, it's just... I'm not in the habit of walking around naked."

"Like I am?" Pearl laughed. "I get you, I couldn't imagine walking around with my pecker flopping about in front of me. Male deathclaws can retract theirs once the blood flow slows down, in case you were wondering."

"I wasn't," he replied, wincing at the mental image. "I don't know where you got such a vulgar mouth from, Pearl."

"You weren't complaining about it last night," she answered, her cloak bundling up by her feet as she squatted by the pool's edge. "But I guess it comes from one of my human trainers, back during my Enclave days. She was a bit of a foul mouth too."

"Who was she?" he asked.

"Called herself Elizebeth, and she was part of the team that grew and tutored me. Took to her the most out of all the scientists studying me. She used to try so hard to not curse around us hyrbids, but she slipped up one too many times, because my first word ending up being a cuss."

"Which one?"

"Bollocks," Pearl replied. "Said it every chance I could, like I was a damned parrot or something. The looks I used to get from the others..." She closed her eyes in a way that came off as wistful, her chops widening in a smile. "It spread like a virus until every deathclaw smart enough to speak was repeating it. Elizebeth was furious with me, said I got her into trouble with the base commanders, but I think deep down she thought my cursing charade was cute, cause she spent more time with me than the others after that."

"Did she help you when you escaped?"

Her smile faltered, and she shook her head. "I never told her what we were planning. I wanted to, but the other hybrids talked me down, said if I told her our whole plan would be compromised. I was sure she wouldn't turn us in, but in the end, it was better that she didn't know, the Enclave would have hurt her if they found out she was somehow in on it. Apart from the tube I was grown in, she's as close to a mother figure as ever had. Coming to terms with the fact I'd probably never see her again was... difficult."

"Leaving family behind never is," he said. "but you did what you had to do. Staying would have been worse, might have even cost you your life. She would have understood."

"You're right," she said, her tail swishing behind her as she perked up. "She'd be proud of what I've accomplished. Conquered an old, smelly mine all for myself, what's not to be thrilled about?"

They shared a chuckle at that, Cooper folding the towel up once he was dried down.

"How's the water?" she asked, changing the subject. The satisfaction of their encounter last night had bled into the morning, and he didn't want to ruin it by talking about the past. He had an inkling Pearl had the same mindset.

"Cold as shit," he said, stepping to the side as Pearl made her way towards the waterfall. As she brushed passed him, she leaned down, brushing his ear with her scaly lips.

"Well if you need to find someplace warm, you let me know."

She giggled as his face went red, finally giving him some space as she searched for the bottle of body wash. As she walked towards it, she turned to gesture at him. "So what's the plan for today, Coops? You've finished your hunt, what's the next move?"

"I'm still working on that," he said. In truth it had slipped his mind entirely ever since he'd laid with her, too caught up in thinking about what his choice had made him.

"You could return to the lodge," she suggested, moving back to the waterfall. "But you'd be missing out! Bet they don't have cold showers, hot mineshafts, and more steak than you could possibly eat."

He could tell she was hinting that she wanted him to stay, and part of him was tempted by the idea. But he couldn't hang around forever, could he? She was an experiment, a hybrid, and he was a human, surely their cultures were bound to clash at some point. And what about his dreams of returning to civilisation a rich man?

"Suppose it'd be cheaper to stick around. For now," he added, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Cheaper? Twenty caps a night, then, please and thanks."

"Twenty for a night in an abandoned mine? That's daylight robbery."

She flashed him a grin, holding a hand out under the water and then shrugging off her cloak. "I'd ask you to scrub my back as a compromise, but I wouldn't want you to get stabbed by my thorns."

His eyes lingered as her powerful frame slowly revealed itself, the way her cloak sloughed off her shoulders bringing to mind images of disrobing models. Every part of her back from the shoulders down was bristling with thorns of various sizes, the biggest being as tall as his head.

She turned on the spot, reaching around her bulk to slip a finger between two thorns, her claw just able to reach her spine. She started to scratch out the grime, and he could tell it was an effort on her part.

"How do deathclaws usually clean up?" he asked, taking a seat on a nearby rock, politely looking away. "Is it hard with the claws?"

"Not if we do it communally. We bathe each other in the pool every night or two, help clean up the hard to reach places. The girls don't like the fruity smell of the lotions, but I think it's better than smelling like musk all day."

"If... you need help, I'd-"

"Would you?" she asked, her head whipping around. "Are you sure? Last night you said my appearance was... y'know."

The sparkle in her eyes dimmed, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of shame upon seeing it. He'd tried to see the least amount of her as possible, which was downright insulting on his part now that he thought about it. "That's true," he began. "but, maybe I could make that up to you now."

That seemed to cheer her up, and she waved him over. "Well come on then! Maybe your clawless fingers can get where I can't. And be careful. My thorns are as sharp as... uh, claws."

As he walked over, shedding his pants but leaving his briefs on, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. He really shouldn't be, not after last night, but maybe it was the fact her imposing body was in full light now, and there were no shadows to help him ignore her true form. He was still scared of her on some level, but maybe he could fight through it if he helped wash her.

"You're going to get those shorts wet," she said, letting the water wash down her face as she dunked her head.

"I know," he said, and he could see she wanted to ask him why, but the deathclaw merely shrugged, closing her eyes as the water rinsed down her neck.

"Kinda hoping I could get another eyeful of you again, but suit yourself, if that's the price I have to pay to get you to touch me, then so be it."

She passed him the bottle, Cooper upending the contents onto his palm as she got down on her knees. He rubbed his hands to form a lather, then started on her shoulder, feeling her muscles flex as he rubbed at her scaley skin. He'd expected her hide to be coarse, sharp, but instead his fingers seemed to glide across her body, her scales so flush together he barely felt the texture of the bumps between.

He worked his way towards her spine, feeling steely muscles press up through a surprisingly malleable layer of blubber, giving Pearl a pleasant softness. This soon ended as he reached her shoulder blades, where her imposing thorns took precedence. There must have been a dozen of them just below her neck alone, starting large and then growing smaller as they traced down her spine.

Cooper ran his hand across one, finding the texture to be as hard as rock. They were the same colour as the body wash, a deep purple that almost looked black, with wide bases and thin tips.. A deathclaw might have trouble wedging a finger between them, but Cooper had no such trouble, keeping himself clear of the sharp thorns as he rubbed the soap into the grooves.

"_Ohhh _yeah," Pearl moaned. "Could you rub the bottom of that one? Yeah, right there, that knot's been killing me..."

He dug his fingers into her skin, feeling the tense muscles beneath the scales relax, Pearl deflating against the wall with a sigh. He stepped over her leg as he worked on her other side, blinking at Pearl's strong reaction as she began to groan under her breath.

After cleaning her other shoulder, he moved lower, noting that the thorns on her spine got smaller the further down they went, creating a sort of V shape of spikes. His movements were tentative at first, but he slowly gained more confidence as he explored her body, becoming more curious about her anatomy.

His fingers roamed towards her soft hips, the rubbery muscles beneath them shifting as he spread more of the lotion. She was oddly lean, her flesh clinging enticingly to the wide span of her hips, tapering out as they connected to her powerful thighs.

He skirted the edge of her rump, too tentative to touch them with his hands, but not his eyes. It was shaped like a cut peach, dimpled with firm muscle and as big as melons. Her tail joined to her body just above her generous cheeks, the appendage dragging across the stones lazily. As he began to trace down the outside of her thigh, he felt the pointed end of her tail slap him on the back, Pearl pouting at him over her shoulder.

"Hey, don't forget the tail~" she said, sing-songing the last word.

He grabbed the base of the appendage in his hands, the thing so thick around he couldn't encompass it in his hands. Like her spine, the top of it was lined with little spikes, each one about as big as his palm. He ran his fingers along the squashy underside with one hand, while working the lather between the spikes with the other. It slipped out of his grip like a wet noodle as Pearl flicked it around with all the finesse of a finger.

"Keep still," he complained, trying to trap her tail under an arm.

"It's not me!" Pearl replied. "Your fingers are so damn soft, it's driving it nuts."

He dug his nails deep into the tail's underside, muscles as hard as stone meeting his grip. There was probably more strength in the appendage than Cooper's entire body, but it was covered in a thin layer of fat that gave it a pleasantly soft texture, Cooper admiring the way it spilled between his fingers, noting it got thicker as it neared her hindquarters.

He stopped his explorations when he heard an odd noise, looking up to see Pearl burying her horns into the wall, her eyes shut tight. "Are you... purring?" he asked.

"Nnnyep," she mumbled. "Seems like you found my weakness, little hunter."

"Maybe I should have opened up with this instead of the syringer," he joked, an amused expression on his face as Pearl nodded, sliding further down the wall, her horns the only thing keeping her from falling prone. He continued stroking her tail for a while longer, then told her to turn around, his words snapping her out of her trance.

She shuffled on the spot, her back to the wall as she watched him approach, pouring more lotion onto his hands, then placing them on her neck and shoulders. It put him almost face-to-face with her, and she watched work him with a big smile on her chops.

"What?" he asked, glancing at her as he rinsed his hand in the water.

"I never said anything about doing my front, Coops."

"Oh," he said, slowing pulling his hands away. Pearl was quick to stop him, her tail flicking up to coil around his arm.

"It's fine," she added, pulling his limb towards her. "You do you, Coops, I'll consider lowering your rent if you do a good job."

She shivered as he returned his hands to her skin, spreading the liquid soap down her chest. Her scales here were as flush as a tiled floor, so soft they felt like skin to him, her flesh taking on a creamier tone compared to her back.

Although she lacked nipples and breasts like a human woman, her bosom retained that distinct shape, two deposits of fat making her chiselled pectorals slightly more pronounced. Cooper tried not to think about them as bountiful assets as he took one in each hand, drawing circles on them with his soapy palms.

Pearl sighed through her teeth, bringing up a claw and starting to chew on its end. "Get it in deep," she cooed. "Dirt gets stuck in those scales all the time."

"How?" he asked. "I can't even tell where each individual scale stops. Doesn't even look dirty to me."

"Shush," Pearl snapped. "get your fingers back to work."

"What's this?" he asked. There was a little bud of scabbing flesh over her left pectoral, the browning flesh contrasting with the rest of her pink scales. There were more like it all over her chest, maybe eight in total.

"Don't remember giving me those?" she asked, reaching down to pluck one of the wounds. "Gotta admit, it's pretty scary getting shot, but good thing I've got thick skin, eh?"

"I'm... sorry about that," he stuttered, unsure what else to say.

"Apologise by giving them a good scrub," Pearl said. "Already took out the bullets before."

He did as she asked, splashing the wound with water and soap, chipping away the dead scales with his movements. Deathclaws must be highly regenerative if all his bullets had left was a mild scabbing.

Once he was done with them, he slid further down to her belly, her scales shining as the water clung to her hourglass figure. Her stomach was flat, but her core was as hard as steel, her developed muscles flowing down her sparkling hide. Her scales shifted from white to pink with every minute turn of his head, the deathclaw shimmering as though her skin was made from a thousand flawless gemstones.

He felt her breathing growing heavier as he traced her flexing stomach, Cooper too distracted by her body to notice his hands were bare of soap. She didn't have a belly button, her rows of abdominal muscles running down her torso uninterrupted, her creamy flesh creasing into a V shape as they neared her thighs. Her mound drew his gaze next, the scales thinning out until they were the size of his nails. Cooper averted his eyes before they drew lower, wrestling back his wondering mind and pulling his hands away.

"W-Why did you stop?" Pearl groaned, blinking her eyes as though she'd been dozing off.

"All out," he said, holding up the empty bottle. She grumbled something under her breath, then rose to her feet, taking the bottle and setting it down beside her.

"Might have some more in my room, but I don't want to get out just yet."

He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Cooper felt the same way, part of his mind nagging him to just keep running his hands over her body anyway. He wagered Pearl would be more than delighted if he did, but he felt as though if he showed her how much he was enamoured by her, he'd be admitting to his own deviancy.

He wiped at his brow, noting that he'd started to work up a sweat being in the direct path of the heater. He turned around as he made to pull off his shorts, hiding his burgeoning erection from his companion.

"Going for a dip?" she asked. "I'll be over in a sec."

As he submerged his groin below the water, he dunked his head into the pool, shaking out his wet hair like a dog and sending mist everywhere. Hopefully the icy waters would cool off his unwanted erection.

He couldn't help but peek over as Pearl washed her body of suds, squeezing her chest together with her biceps as she ran her claws over her stomach. Her eyes were shut, but he had a feeling she knew he was watching, the way her hands roamed slowly down her flanks, her hips rolling as she rinsed her tail, it reminded him of the strip-dancers in New Reno, their movements designed to entice. She turned on the spot, his loins twitching as she bent over, her hindquarters rising into the air as she let the water cascade down her shoulders. Maybe the cold water wouldn't be enough...

He forced his eyes away, splashing his pits with water. There was a quiet splash, and he turned back around, noting that Pearl was gone. He looked around, his heart skipping a beat as her face emerged from the water, everything from her chin down submerged. She lurked towards him like some beast of the sea, her amber eyes contrasting against the black water.

"Deathclaws are just as quick on land as they are on water, put that in your handbook," she said, demonstrating the fact as she zoomed up on him like a bullet, grinning when he recoiled. He frowned, splashing her and laughing when she sputtered water. She rose until her shoulders were above the waterline, then drew a circle in the air with her claw, Cooper watching her curiously.

"That means turn around," she explained. "I have some shampoo here for your hair."

He noted there was another bottle in her hand, he hadn't seen when she'd grabbed it. "I can do it myself," he said. She held it out of his reach when he tried to grab it, wagging a finger at him.

"No, no, you literally scratched my back, now I get to do yours, that's how it works."

He began to complain, then shook his head, arguing with her would just be a waste of time. Battling his instincts, he turned his back on her, the displacing water letting him know she was sidling up behind him.

Her bare chest pushed against the back of his neck, its softness somehow amplified compared to when he'd touched them, and he found himself leaning against her as she started rubbing his head.

He closed his eyes, her claws pricking his scalp as she ran her fingers through his hair. She traced the dimples in his neck and shoulders with her other hand, pressing the pads of her fingers into his skin, Cooper grimacing as she kneaded into a knot near his spine. She took handfuls of his hair, not hard enough to sting, rubbing it between her digits as though the texture intrigued her.

"You're supposed to use the shampoo," he said, opening an eye and glancing back at her.

"Oh yeah," she said as though she'd forgotten. He shivered as she upended the gel onto the top of his head. "Do I just spread it around like soap?"

"Yeah, add a bit of water until it's foamy, then rub."

She did as he instructed, being careful with her claws so she didn't butcher him, her claws raking along his scalp like the teeth of a comb, Cooper unable to suppress a sigh at the sensation. He'd washed his hair many times, how could having someone else do it feel so different, so incredible even?

He relaxed into her bosom, her flesh soft and inviting, lacking any kind of thorns or spikes. No wonder he hadn't suspected anything when they'd spooned out in the valley, with no visual medium, she had the shape of a comely woman, several, actually, her torso was wider than his shoulders and then some.

"You might have your magic fingers," Pearl began, Cooper shivering against her as she massaged his head. "you can rub, but I can _scratch, _I'd say that's better, wouldn't you think?"

"Mm," he mumbled, feeling her face lean closer.

"Speechless again, I see," she teased. "Another win for me. Your hair's weird, by the way. It's like web, but fuzzy. Not sure what the point of it is, it won't keep you warm in this weather. Feels nice, though, better than my thorns, let me tell you."

He relished the sensation of her combing claws, the world draining away until it was all he could think about. How could this beast be so gentle? Did the word beast even apply anymore? Every minute he spent with her chiselled away at his apprehension, which was obvious enough by the bizarre situation he was currently in. He was letting this apex predator cradle his hair, and he was loving every second of it.

A splash of cold water pulled him out of his trance, Pearl cupping water In her palm and washing his hair with it. When she was done with that, she slid her hands around his sides, water dripping from her digits as she began to rub his stomach. She pricked at his ribs with her claws, and he flinched, squirming against her chest as she traced the grooves of his muscular chest.

"A little ticklish, are we?" Pearl cooed, peering over his shoulder, her orange eyes flashing as she drank in his reaction. "Thought you were. You like it when I touch your ribs?"

"I'm not ticklish," he grumbled, sighing when she proved him wrong and traced one of his ribs with the tip of her claw.

She smirked at him, laughing to herself as she teased him a few moments longer, Cooper too distracted by her rhythmic movements to comment that she was long done washing his hair. Her hands roamed lower, Pearl testing the springiness of his abs, then one of his thighs as she trailed a claw over his waist.

Cooper felt his eyes lid, the steady rise and fall of her chest drawing him deeper into her cleavage, her chest as soft as pillows. She was exploring him, just as he had to her. The hand on his leg traced his muscles towards his crotch, and Cooper let out an unbecoming moan as she wrapped her fingers around his raging shaft. It took him a moment to realise this had happened, and with a start he crawled out of his daze, leaning away so he could look Pearl in the eye.

"W-What are you doing?"

She was breathing heavily, her warm breath washing over his chest in waves, and he had to repeat his question for Pearl to meet his gaze.

"What's it look like?" she shot back. "You're rearing to go again, in case you haven't somehow noticed."

"Here?" he continued. "Pearl, I... I don't know about this."

Her grasp on his genitals relaxed, and she gave him a confused look. "Why? You've already spent a night in my nest, what's wrong with a little more action? Didn't you like it?"

"Well, yeah, I did, but..."

"I don't want you to be afraid of me," she said, cutting him off when he opened his mouth. "no, let me finish. Every day, I have to deal with humans and deathclaws seeing me as some sort of... freak of nature. Just once, I'd like someone to see me differently, and I want that person to be you," she murmured, wrapping an arm around his chest and hugging him to her. "You're my only friend, Cooper, and I want you to be relaxed around me. Tell me how I can do that."

His heart tied a knot In his chest, her outburst so heartfelt compared to her usual carefree attitude. She'd called him friend, and he wanted to reciprocate, but he was still too shaken by her appearance to follow through with it. That was the problem...

"You can't do anything," he said. She deflated, her arms leaving his chest and floating on the water. "But I can," he added, turning round to face her. "let me get a little more used to you first."

She beamed at him, nodding her head vigorously. "Okay! Whaddya want to do?"

"Come over here," he said, taking her by the claw and leading her to the edge of the pool. He had her sit down, with only her legs submerged, her pink scales shifting hews to the shade that was her namesake.

He brought a hand to her hip, standing in the water between her legs as he drew closer. He'd gotten more familiar with her when he'd washed her body, and it seemed that touching her, exposing himself to her was the only way to bring down the barriers his mind had erected.

He traced the muscles in her powerful core with one hand, the flat rows of muscles enticing him, his gaze eventually lowering to her thighs. They were as thick around as his chest, the sides covered over in wide, flat scales that overlapped like armour, bristling with thorns not unlike those on her back. Her natural armour trailed down her legs, making her appear like she was wearing a pair of scaley shin guards, but he noticed the scales thinned out as they neared the inside of her legs, looking just as soft as those found on her softer underbelly.

Cooper hadn't had the chance to touch her at all during their encounter last night, but he was making up for it now, however, rimson the springiness of her thighs as he groped her legs. By the way Pearl's tail flicked back and forth behind her, she was enjoying his explorations as much as he was.

"See anything you like?" she asked, a bit of her usual cheek returning as his roaming fingers made her squirm.

"Couple things," he replied, glancing up at her. She was so tall from this position, and having to crane his neck to meet her eyes sent an odd shiver down his spine, one not born from fear, but something else.

His hands eventually picked up where he'd left off during the wash, his fingers resting about her hips, his eyes almost level with her crotch. Her mound was the same creamy colour as the rest of her belly, the scales flowing down her crotch to join with the base of her tail, leaving a tantalizing gap between her thighs. Pearl raised herself off the ground a little, sliding forward and bearing her womanhood for him to see.

Nestled between her stout thighs was a line of pink flesh, encased in a pair of puffy, scaley lips as white as bone. A wave of dizzying lust overcame him as he watched her lips twitch, a bead of her liquid excitement leaking to the stone floor. It was big, twice the size of any human's he'd seen, but not all that different visually, and the sight did wonders for his hesitance.

"Don't breathe on it!" Pearl complained, Cooper looking up at her. "It tickles!"

He made a point of exaggerating his next exhale, the way she trembled making him smile. She was so playful, so receptive, and on top of it all she'd been so accommodating, and all she'd asked in return was that he try to treat her as normally as he could. He had an idea of how he could do that. "Scratch my back..."

"W-What? What did you say- ohmygosh!"

He brought his lips to hers, cupping her hip as his nose brushed her mound. Her body temperature had been made cold by the water, but her swollen sex was fever-hot, the warmth it radiated reminding him of the portable heater currently whirring away behind her. Her opening winked in response to his tender kiss, and more of her juices spilled out, Cooper hesitating as he let it drool onto his tongue. His apprehension quickly melted away as he tasted her, dragging his mouth over her flexing labia in search of more of it. It had the consistency of nectar, with a somewhat sweet taste he'd never experienced before, the sensation making his loins twitch in excitement.

Where her body was armoured with scales that could resist bullets, here she was as soft as silk, Cooper delighting in how malleable her puffy lips felt on his tongue. He felt her scaley body shiver around him, looking up over her mound to see she had closed her orange eyes in delight.

"Th-This is... wow, you're pretty flexible with that tongue, Coops, shiiit...."

She gyrated her hips on the spot, her swaying waist distracting him as Cooper resumed his ardent mouthing, his strokes becoming more confident as time went on. She was sopping wet, from both the water and her own juices, his tongue gliding on these fluids as he circled her opening, every breath he took laced with her feminine scent.

"Y'know, I thought you'd h-hate how I- oh! -tasted," Pearl sighed, placing a hand on the ground behind her to steady herself. "Cause of the whole -ah!-_overgrown iguana thing I got going, but looks like I was _wroooongohmannnthatsgood..."

Her lean body wriggled with every stroke and brush of his tongue, Cooper admiring the way that her core flexed as her hips rocked, Pearl bucking her crotch to his face as though she was trying to fuck his tongue. He felt one of her hands delve into his hair, her palm big enough to cup his entire skull, forcing him deeper into her sopping loins.

Cooper reached around her waist to keep her steady, the deathclaw bucking and writhing to the tune of his tongue as he cored her out. Her hips were so wide his hands didn't meet on the other side, and he couldn't get enough leverage to hold her in place.

"Keep still," he muttered into her crotch, grinning as his warm breath made her tall body shiver.

"I'm working on it!" she said, raising a finger. "Still getting used to... human properties. Man, I should have sat on your face days ago, honestly. Think outdoor sex would work, or would the cold be a bit much? You ever made love outside?"

Cooper pulled back, but didn't answer, planting sucking kisses on either side of her entrance as he reached up, pulling one of her soft lips aside with his finger, splaying her vulva apart to reveal her tunnel.

The sides of her pink vent were lined with what looked like a hundred tiny tongues, curving up and out of view and narrowing towards the end, each one waving like stalks in a breeze. She looked familiar on the outside, but here she was slightly more alien than what he was used to.

The sight gave him pause, but he quickly shouldered away his reservations. He was already in the deep end, literally and figuratively, he might as well keep going.

"Hey," Pearl said, tapping him on the head. "What's the holdup down there? You put your face in a girl's pants, you better be ready to follow through."

He answered her by plunging his tongue into her depths, raking the nearest bristles lining her tunnel with his organ. He heard his reptilian partner wail as her vent clenched around him like a fist, her body freezing up as the nodules in her tunnel danced across his tongue. He pulled back, peering up over her toned belly to find she was hiding her face in a hand, gripping one of her sweeping horns in the other.

"You okay?" he asked, alarmed by her violent reaction.

"Y-Yeah," she breathed. "just... that kinda hurt, but... in a good way, y'know?"

He took that as a sign he should ease back for now, Cooper resuming his mouthing as he brought his lips to her mound again. For all her brawn, she was oddly tender down here, maybe it was something to do with the fact he had no jutting teeth or a snout, he could reach all the places a deathclaw would have trouble reciprocating.

His nose eventually bumped a small protrusion located higher on her lips, and he angled his neck up, Pearl's body once again going crazy as he gave the bud a tentative lick. He repeated the motion, and she bucked into his face, her thighs spilling over his shoulders as she squeezed her legs.

"OoooOOoohh gosh, Coops, right there, give Pearl some human lovin' right there..."

Cooper found it endearing that she could be quite the chatterbox in a time like this, redoubling his efforts as he lashed at her sweet spot with his tongue, alternating between placating strokes and hard, rough licks. Her bucking began to work in time with his deft strokes, her body dancing to its rhythm, her tail joining in as it swooped in lazy arcs.

Cooper's cheeks flushed at the lewd noises he made, chewing her out until his jaw started to ache. He held his face to her groin for a few moments longer, then popped away with a wet smack, a strand of her juices trailing down his chin and dripping to the pool.

Pearl lurched off the ground, giving him an annoyed look as she pulled his head back, Cooper batting her hand off his head. "What gives?" she mumbled. "I was really going there. Get that thing back in my oven."

"M-My legs are freezing," he said, blushing at her strange choice of words. "Lay back while I get out."

"Taking charge, huh? I like it."

Cooper lifted one leg out of the pool, errant drops splashing to the stone, then the other, pausing when he saw Pearl's tail sliding towards him. It curled up like a snake rearing to strike, the fat coils creasing like springs, its pointed tip reaching for his face. As dexterous as a finger, it stroked him across the chin, Pearl flashing him a warm smile as she laid down on her back. All the women he'd been with, and none of them had even come close to showing Cooper as much affection as Pearl was now, and a burning desire to please her overcame his thoughts.

His lower body was rife with pins and needles from the cold water, but Cooper didn't care, crawling across the floor between her long legs, taking a second to examine them before he resumed his work.

They were bent at an odd angle at the second pair of knees, her shins covered in little thorns and spikes that would prick his fingers if he wasn't careful, but her thighs were a different story. They were so thick around they were like the size of tree trunks, but that was to be expected for something that weighed seven or eight hundred pounds, but moved so swiftly when it needed to.

He sank his fingers into the inside of her thighs, blinking when they sank into her flesh up to the first knuckle. Their inner surface was layered over in a tantalizing amount of blubber, her softer, mosaic scales taking precedence while leaving their outer side hard and rough.

"Could you hurry it along down there?" Pearl asked, leaning on her elbows as she looked down at him over her chiselled stomach. "Momma Pearl's getting frisky thanks to you."

He planted a kiss on her left thigh, then mouthed at the other as he ran a hand from the back of her knee to her hip, admiring the way his fingers travelled across the pronounced curve of her rump. She shivered around him, one of her legs giving out and drooping to the ground.

"O-On second thought, take as long as you want," Pearl mumbled, throwing her head back. "Fuck, feels like I'm floating right now..."

He crawled his way up towards her womanhood, planting his knees on either side of her fidgeting tail, the appendage so packed with muscle it was like straddling a metal pole, the layer of fat it was sheathed in giving it a subtle amount of squishiness.

Her feminine, musky scent grew stronger as he neared her wonderfully smooth mound, Cooper running a hand over her abs and waist as he poised above her sex. A part of him was begging that he plunge straight back in and finish her off, her taste still fresh on his mind, but he wanted to savour their encounter a little, Cooper lapping at the edges of her labia, dragging his tongue over the pudgy flesh that connected her legs to her hips, Pearl arching her spine as she raised her hips to his face.

"C-C'mon, Coops," she breathed, a sigh hitching her speech as he gave her sweet spot a single, doting lick. "Don't make me roll you over and _make _you eat me out, cause I'll do it!"

Her 'threat' made him laugh into her loins, the sudden influx of air making Pearl squirm, her thighs pressing around his head and engulfing him in their bountiful flesh. She could have crushed rocks with her legs, but she was being considerate of his human limitations, even as he teased her and kept her pining for more.

He wanted to pay her back for the previous night, make her feel as good as he had when their roles had been reversed. She'd said that she liked him, was he starting to like her back? No, it was probably just his sex-depraved mind getting the better of him. He was simply returning the favour, that was all this was.

He eventually relented, plunging his tongue into her winking lips, shivering as her pleated, silky walls leeched onto his organ, the muscles contracting and pulling him deeper. She was so muscular down there, and his heart started to pound as he imagined what it would feel like to sheath his member inside her flexing walls.

He slid his hands beneath her rump as he alternated between eating out her depths and mouthing at her entrance. Her cheeks were firm and muscular, shifting as he groped her ass and pulled her closer, finding he could access more of her passage at this angle.

Cooper lapped at her vulva, moving up its splayed length towards her engorged bud, sealing his lips around it. He teased her with slow licks, occasionally planting a sucking kiss on it to keep her guessing, Pearl laying prone on the ground as she covered her face with her hands.

"Ah! _N-Not so hard," she breathed, her tail curling round one of his legs. "Man, human mouths are so great. Better than a deathclaw's, our teeth get in the way and boy does it hurt having your snatch getting nicked by a tooth let me tell you. Took all of my concentration to keep _little Cooper safe last night but we made it wor-"

Her voice cut off Into a whine as he filled her passage with his fingers, her walls clamping down on his digits with enough force that it almost hurt. He curled his fingers inside her, having to grimace with effort as her rippling walls fought against him. More globs of her nectar escaped her lips, wetting his fingers and trailing down his wrist, the added lubrication allowing him to slide inside her a little easier.

"... Ohmy... aahhaa..." _Pearl mumbled, her voice reminding Cooper of a drunk person's, giddy and slurred. _"Human... fingers... so good..."

As she started moaning about the benefits of a clawless digit, Cooper matched the movements of his fingers with her wriggling waist, the deathclaw arching her spine every time he plunged back in, her hitching breaths reaching his ears each time he glanced the furthest point of her tunnel.

Returning his tongue to her sweet spot, he resumed chewing on it, occasionally pinching it between his teeth, her tail shivering beneath him as he ate her out in earnest. He glanced up over her core, seeing that Pearl had draped her hands above her head, her eyes shut tight as she danced to the tune of his questing fingers and lashing tongue. She was powerful enough to lift him off whenever she pleased, but seeing her in such a state made him feel wholly in control.

"I-If you don't slow down, I'm..." She craned her neck back, a snarl escaping her mouth, one Cooper knew to be a show of arousal rather than anger. She didn't need to tell him she was close, he could see it in the way she writhed, her hips thrusting against his face with increasingly more strength, her claws pricking the stone hard enough to score it. He upped his pace along with her, chewing on her clitoris hard enough to leave his jaw craving for rest, sending her over the edge with one last kiss.

Her muscles seized around his fingers with enough force to cut off circulation, Cooper unable to withdraw them as her spasming lips contracted. Pearl's body contorted, her mouth opening in a silent wail as the first pangs of her climax overtook her faculties.

Cooper tried to pull his head away, but she sealed her legs around his face to stop him, her quivering flesh spilling over his shoulders and neck. He shut his eyes as a wave of her warm fem-cum spilled over his face, coating his mouth and chin in a slimy layer, the taste invigorating him to lick up as much of it as he could. He eased out another wave of ecstasy as he lapped at the edges of her labia, a loud purr filling the chamber as she rode out the tides of her orgasm.

With one last whine, Pearl slowly sank to the ground, Cooper's face still connected to her loins as one last ebb of pleasure rocked her. He slid his hands out from beneath her butt, then pried her knees apart, gasping in a breath of Pearl-free air like a surfacing diver. He tried to wipe away her juices on his face, but it was so thick that it clung stubbornly to his features.

He couldn't help but grin as he watched her tremor on the ground, his handiwork reducing the chatty deathclaw to a murmuring mess. As though she was waking up from a short nap, she opened her eyes, the two orbs peering up at him, growing more focused as she watched a string of her fluids break from his chin and pool on her leg.

"Looks like you've slain me, little hunter," she laughed, leaning on an elbow as she slowly got her breathing under control. "You've got me incapacitated at last, now what're you gonna do with me?"

"Maybe tie you up and drag you back to the lodge," he joked, caressing her wonderfully smooth thighs.

"Kinky, but I have a better idea..."

He felt her tail creeping up on him, and he looked down to see she was coiling its length around his waist, constricting him like a giant snake. His feet left the ground for a moment, Pearl depositing him in her lap. Her chest met his as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her cool scales pricking his skin as she held him close. Cooper shivered in her embrace, but not because she was cold, the sudden show of affection was sending pleasant chills down his spine.

"You're all wet," she chuckled, her tongue snaking out of her maw to lap at his shoulder. "I don't remember you dunking your head in the pool."

"That's sweat," he explained, laughing softly as she lapped at his bicep, apparently he was pretty ticklish.

"Ah, that's right, you sweat when you're hot, right? Suppose that's one way of warming up in winter, isn't it?"

He didn't answer, letting Pearl sample his chest and arms, her tongue gliding over his skin, Cooper closing his eyes as the sensation lulled him. Maybe it was a deathclaw thing, licking your partner, or maybe she though his sweat was tasteful. Either way, it felt good to be held, clawed hands or otherwise, and he returned her embrace, gripping the thorns on her back for purchase, Pearl beaming at him as she sensed his change in attitude.

"Looks like a certain someone's getting used to a certain other someone," she cooed, leaning her head down to whisper in his ear. "What say you and I go again? After some breakfast, but, I'm fucking starving right now."

"Maybe," he replied, his throbbing erection betraying his anticipation of another encounter. His length was squashed between their bodies, so it was hard for Pearl _not _to notice.

"I sense a bit of conflict of interest here," Pearl noted. He expected her to provide some argument or teasing remark, but instead she just placed her chin on his head, holding him close. "Take your time, Cooper, I'm not going anywhere."