Taking It Slow (Nick Wilde x Judy Hopps)

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#3 of Fanfic

Originally posted 15 December 2018 on FurAffinity

Sometimes when subtle hints come to light, a conversation can lead to so much more. Flirting is one thing for some, but you can't help but betray deeper feelings every so often. A simple date night turns into much more as Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps finally come to terms with what their relationship is. It's been months in coming, and when things escalate so unexpectedly, the only thing to do is take things slow, right?


A NSFW story of Nick and Judy a while after the events in Zootopia. I don't own the characters and all that. I've wanted to write a Zootopia story like this for a while, and it was a lot of fun! Took way longer than I wanted though. Enjoy~


"I can't wait for tonight, Judy."

Those words stuck for the entire night. Judy Hopps was hearing them play again over and over and over again in her head. Every little detail about them sticking out to her. The tone. The speed. The words. Almost as if she wanted to make sure she heard it all correctly. Yes, there was no mistaking it.

"I can't wait for tonight...Judy."

"I can't wait...Judy."


It was a simple night. They agreed to grab a burger and see a movie. It was the first time Judy and Nick Wilde would spend time together alone after work since Nick was hired to the force. She didn't think it was that big of a deal, but that single line kept playing over and over in her head as she drove the two of them across the central sector of Zootopia. She absent-mindedly watched the cars around her with the streetlights passing by, Nick leaning against the window and humming to the music playing softly in the background. She chanced a look his way, watching his body language...his appearance...his demeanor. All of it.


The restaurant was one they went to pretty often with coworkers. There was nothing fancy about it, just your typical burger joint in the city with booths, a jukebox, a 50s vibe...there were probably ten like it within twenty blocks, but Judy loved the way they cooked the veggie burgers to give it extra flavor - more than your typical veggie burger. Nick pointed that out when they were figuring out where to go, so they both agreed it was the right choice. They shared a casual dinner, both of them laughing and joking and teasing each other just like they did every single day of work. Judy would smile, Nick would give her that look...it was a nice feeling. Just the two of them, talking like when they first started on that mission so long ago, but in more casual clothing. Nick wore a simple light green button-up and jeans, and Judy wore some casual khaki capris and one of her favorite light blue tanktops. It was a very typical day...at least, it should have been.


The movie was the typical summer box office show that everyone wanted to see. A typical story, hilarious characters, and everyone's favorite actors and actresses. The theater was moderately full, and they sat in the very top row. Judy remembered Nick making a few comments during the first ten minutes or so, but afterwards, he went uncharacteristically quiet. His eyes were trained on the screen as he leaned against the arm rest, their arms just barely brushing up against each other. She could have sworn she saw his gaze moving down to her hand every so often...before she realized her eyes were watching him and not the movie. She felt flushed most of the film, ears flicking every so often as she tried to focus on the screen, but finding Nick's attention to be distracting her. Was there something on her fur? Did she spill her drink on her lap? Was there something that was pulling his attention down toward her hand? Those questions lingered in her mind, even now.


Even now, as she was driving him in the car back to his apartment...there was something almost different about his body language. He was always so loose and carefree, but he'd been acting strangely in some way. Almost more relaxed...more casual in a way if that were even possible. She gripped the steering wheel a bit harder as she tried to shake the thoughts from her mind. She had to be overthinking it...right? But at the same time, her intuition rarely failed her. He was definitely being more open with her, and to top it all off, he said it. For the first time ever, he chose not to call her-


His voice brought her out of that temporary reverie, turning to Nick as she tilted her head with a light hum. "You missed the turn. It was right on Oak. What's going on, you've been a real space cadet all day."

"I've been a real space cadet?" She teased with a chuckle, nudging the fox with her elbow before she turned down the next street. "Please."

"...please what?"


"Just...that's it? No witty comeback? You've always got a snarky response or two up your sleeve." He was right. Something just didn't seem right about the usual response. Their banter could go on for minutes before they actually got to the conversation, but maybe...tonight wasn't the night for that. The first night he called her Judy...banter just didn't seem to fit like it used to.

"...no, I'm just..." She started, her right ear starting to droop a bit as she looked away with her eyes still on the road. What words could she use to ask? It had to be direct, but at the same time, what would he say? Meanwhile, Nick turned his head and inched a bit closer in the passenger seat, giving her a confused look.

"Just what, Carrots? Is everything ok?" His voice softened in a way she'd only heard three times before. The first was on that cable car above the Rainforest District. The second was when she slipped up and pointed the finger at all predators for the crimes they were investigating. The third...was when they made plans to hang out. Nick was emotional with her so rarely, but when he was...she saw a spark of something she almost didn't recognize. Something that she wanted to see more of. Something that she...

"...You called me Judy yesterday." She said slowly, feeling some of the tension release from her shoulders as she kept driving. She could see Nick's ears perk out of the corner of her eyes, a light flush appearing on his cheeks as he did his typical song and dance. He laughed, shifting back in the car seat in an overly comfortable position.

"Did I? That doesn't sound like me. Maybe it was the 'June Lee' movie that's coming up. She's a pretty good actress - actually conned her once when-"

"Nick, just..." She cut him off, taking Nick by surprise as his muzzle hung open for a moment. She chanced a look toward him at a stop light, bringing the car to a halt before shifting around in her chair. "...tonight was a date, wasn't it?" A simple, yet straightforward question that took the fox surprisingly off guard. He shrank back for a moment, expression almost as if he'd been cornered as he just paused. They stared at each other for a moment, the light turning green as a car honked and drove past them. There was no movement. The two of them were still and silent until Nick finally shifted his hands around with a sigh.

"Not a date...exactly. But...Carrots, we've both been flirting with each other off and on for so long and I wanted to...it's like we're already a thing without being a thing, and I hate the formalities of...we've spent so much time together without actually being 'together' that I..." He was talking himself in circles, the meaning behind the words getting more and more lost as Judy leaned in a bit closer. He cut himself off, the words hanging on the air before his shoulders slumped. "...what I'm trying to say is - yes. Yes, I'm into you, Carrots. Have been for a while, but we never get the time together like this. I didn't want to overcomplicate it or anything since everything about...well, 'us' is already so confusing. We're the most unlikely pair on the police force, your family isn't too keen on foxes, and Zootopia doesn't exactly like predators and prey getting all buddy buddy like this, but..."


"...but I don't...care. Really. We've shared a lot of really special things together and I just want to...ah...haha, look at that you sly bunny. Getting me to open up like that." He let out a somewhat fake laugh, ears splayed to the sides as he turned to meet her eyes with a soft smile. Judy's heart stopped for just a moment, this vulnerable side of Nick catching her completely off guard. She hadn't expected him to be so forward, so...intimately sincere. All she could do was return a smile in kind, letting out a soft laugh as the stoplight flashed from green to yellow, the two of them surprisingly not holding up much traffic at all.

"Nick, that's...really sweet of you. I never knew you felt that way. I always thought all your talk was just ego and an overly sensitive defense mechanism."

"I mean, could be that, too. But I put myself out there and you're just sitting there saying how 'sweet and adorable the big bad fox is.' Throw me a bone here, carrots." He nudged her in the side with another playful laugh, that defensive attitude and humor emerging once more before Judy smiled and nudged him back.

"You're the only one of us who puts on that show. Yeah, I...I like you too, Nick. I just wish you would do this more."

"What, take you to the movies? You know there's nothing good showing aside from-"

"No, no you dumb...be open. The first time I knew I was falling for you was on that cable car ride when you started talking about you as a kid. It felt like I was seeing...well, you. For the first time. You're such a sweet guy, Nick. I wish you'd show it more."

He sat there with the red light suddenly flashing in the car, at a loss for words for the first time in quite a while. He opened his muzzle to speak, pausing before it closed again slowly. It took a moment before he gave her a genuine smile, moving a hand to rest on her leg just above the knee and give it a light squeeze. Judy looked down at the gesture, the heat rising to her cheeks while her ears flicked back a bit. She could feel her lips stretching into a smile of her own before resting her hand on his own. "Carrots...Judy. I've gotta lot of baggage I've been working through, so it takes me a bit longer to open up. But...if that's what you want, I can give it a shot. Slowly. I don't want to rush into anything and scare you off."

"Oh of course, Nick. Relationships take time. It's not like we snap our fingers and suddenly we're a thing." She gave his hand a quick rub, his pads feeling warm against her thigh as they both stared into each other's eyes as if they had just met. "Want to talk for a bit back at my apartment? I can put some coffee on and we can get to know each other a bit more personally." Nick smiled a little wider, his eyes seeming to light up before he gave her a quick nod.

"Yeah, that sounds great! That is, if you're ok with a big bad fox coming to your-"

"Oh stop it you big oaf." They laughed together, hands squeezing each other as they both seemed to relax just a bit more. "I think my neighbors are out this weekend, too. No loud yelling, so it'll be quiet. The perfect chance for us to just talk and take things slow."

"Yeah." Nick leaned in a bit closer, one of his claws lightly tracing through the fur on her finger as the green of the stoplight suddenly flashed across their faces. "Slow."


The door of Judy's apartment burst open, Nick's arms wrapped around Judy's body while he held her close, their muzzles locked in a deep, passionate kiss as they both fumbled to close and lock the door behind them. Nick was holding her in the air, breathing heavily as Judy let out a soft but exasperated pant. Her ears were flicking like crazy, batting against Nick's as he was working to unbutton his shirt. They made their way over to the bed, tripping over a pile of clothes as they both let out a sudden yelp. The pair tumbled onto the comforter, hardly breaking the kiss as Nick's bright white chest fur was groped and kneaded by Judy. Suddenly her eyes opened and she pushed back from the fox, blushing hard before wiping a bridge of saliva from both of their muzzles.

"Th-this is...hardly what I'd call slow, Nick. Sweet mercy, that was..." She let out a long breath, lying on her back as Nick was resting over her, his hands on either side of her shoulders as he was breathing heavily.

"Heh, right right. Guess I, uh...don't exactly know how to take it slow." He smirked down at her, moving a hand to lightly pet down her cheek. She leaned into the light touch, smiling with a soft breath before gently squeezing at his hand.

"Just...this is..." She looked back up at Nick, their eyes meeting as she trailed off. The sentence was gone, Nick's expression slowly softening as his muzzle hovered just above hers. They stared at each other, lost in that moment while the silence said more than words ever could. Judy's ears flicked softly, Nick's shirt brushing up against her paw as she gently grasped the collar. With a light squeeze, she pulled his head down toward hers, slowly and carefully until their lips met in a soft kiss. Her head shifted to the side, a long breath escaping from her as she relaxed into the bed with the weight of his warm body pressing lovingly against her.

The feeling was...nice. That warm embrace of the fox on top of her, enveloping her in his warm, fragrant fur...running her paws along the soft, firm curves of his body...it was all so wonderful to Judy. A world she'd never imagined as her nose twitched against his own. Their lips locked tight in that embrace, his tongue slipping between her lips and eliciting a sudden gasp from the rabbit. Her back arched slightly into her body, their eyes both shut tight as Nick explored her muzzle carefully...tenderly...sensually. The two of still on the bed, their muzzles and paws all that were moving as they gingerly explored each other's bodies for the first time. Her digits grasped his warm, bushy pelt of fur as she traced a line up his sides toward his shoulders. Almost without thinking, she started to push the shirt off of his shoulders, sliding the inconvenient fabric down off of his arms and back on the bed.

Nick opened an eye gently, noticing the slow undressing before closing his eyes and pressing into the kiss a bit deeper. The moan from Judy told him everything he needed to know as the shirt was gently nudged onto the floor. Judy's body shifted under Nick, her legs brushing up against one of his ankles to lightly stroke a digit against his fur. The reaction was almost instantaneous, Nick letting out a low hum into her muzzle as she pulled her in closer against his body. His hands were grasping against her back, stroking and massaging the fur he could get around her tanktop. Slowly...carefully, he rubbed down her body until his fingers were at the brim of her pants. It took him no time at all to unlatch the button, opening her capris before pulling them down slowly to her knees. Judy didn't mind at all...her body shifting instinctively while her legs helped her pants move down and off her feet. Her light blue panties caught Nick's eyes as he opened them for a brief glimpse, betraying too much of his interest as he pulled back from the kiss to stare. Noticing the sudden change in pacing of the evening, Judy's eyes opened to instantly notice Nick's attention.

"My eyes are up here, Nick." She teased, petting up his back as her dull claws made their way through his fur. His head instantly snapped up, ears flicking back as he let out a bit of an embarrassed chuckle.

"S-sorry. Just...curious fox thoughts, is all." He winked before leaning in to kiss her again, his tail noticeably wagging behind him as Judy's nose twitched from the scent in the air. She pressed back into the kiss somewhat weakly, her thoughts shifting for a moment before she shifted her head to the side for Nick's muzzle to lick and kiss at her neck.

"...You've been with a lot of women before, right, Nick?" He paused. His body was still just a brief moment before he went back to lavishing attention on her neck and shoulder.

"...yes. A fair number. But that doesn't-"

"So you know your way around a woman's body pretty well...right?"


"Well..." She said quietly, swallowing while her breath came out in soft staggered breaths. She picked her words carefully, trying to hide the blush under her grey and white fur. "...I've been with a few guys before, but...none of them ever did anything other than-"

Her words were interrupted by a sudden shock rushing up her spine, a gasp escaping from deep within her throat as lights exploded in front of her eyes. The sudden pressure slipping around her panties as Nick teased two digits along the fur covering her lips. He traced his claws along her vulva gently. Teasingly. Achingly slowly in a way Judy had never felt before. Her whimpers were impossible to hide, biting down on her lip as she shivered and pressed her body back against his hand. Nick continued to lick at her fur, his muzzle trailing up her cheek before he nosed against her ear and gently whispered to her. "You know the difference between all of them and you?" His voice was soft and airy, almost a different Nick than the one she knew. Judy just barely managed to shake her head with a weak whimper, legs shifting to the sides to give him better access to her body.

"It feels real with you."

The words were punctuated with a sudden press against her lips, two of his fingers rubbing and stroking the outer edges while a third pressed in suddenly. The gasping moan from Judy came out unabashedly, her body rolling on the bed as she ached for more. Fireworks exploded in her head as for the first time, she felt someone wanting to give her pure and wanton pleasure. Her eyes shut tight, the bedroom filling with her cries of delight as Nick's fingers explored her intimately. She pressed her head back hard onto the bed while she opened her legs for his ministrations, fingers dancing along her body while his other hand reached up her shirt to gently grasp at her breasts. She moaned again, letting him explore every inch of her in a way she never felt before.

"A-ah gods, Nick." She huffed out into the air, hands grasping suddenly at the sheets as she pulled them up and almost tore holes into the fabric. "Th-this is...N-no one's ever...not like this." She managed to get out through ragged breaths, Nick raising a brow as his fingers danced around expertly inside of her. He smiled softly, shifting down her body as he took off her top and threw it to the side of the bed.

"Carrots...Judy, you've never played around before sex?" In her panting gasps, she could barely answer, Nick's fingers rolling and exploring her sex as she grasped the sheets beneath her. Dressed in only her undergarments, Nick's paw was practically buried in her panties before he started to pull them off of her body. They rolled down her legs toward her footpaws, Nick taking them in one paw before tossing them to the side. "Well then, tonight's gonna be a special night for you. That is, if you're ready for this, Judy. We haven't been together like this for long, and I-?!"

His words were suddenly interrupted by a pressure between his legs, his ears perking as his attention shot down to his crotch. Judy's footpaw was pressing up between his legs, rubbing gently as Nick's tail began to wag of his own accord. A soft growl escaped from his throat, his paw freezing over Judy's vulva as he felt her light massaging along his shaft. "J...Judy." He said with a soft huff, his muzzle opening in a light pant as he had to press his free paw against the bed at her side. The blushing expression on her face said everything as he loomed over her, watching as she took the reigns before he shut his eyes and bit his lip gently. "Mrf...h-have you eve-"

"Nick." She said somewhat bolder than he was used to hearing, her voice stopping him with how direct and firm it was. His ears flicked back, the only sound between them was the rubbing of her footpaw against his jeans. "It doesn't matter to me who you've been with, what you've done, what you thought. I just...hearing what you said, I..." She hesitated for a moment, looking down as one of her hands brushed idly against his chest, playing with his soft, creamy white fur. They shared that moment in silence, half dressed and sharing their first intimate experience together. Something about the way she was rubbing against his body, wearing only her bra beneath him made Nick pause. He stared down at her, for the first time truly admiring her body as he could feel his arousal growing by the second. He thought back to that first mission together. That first time they truly had a moment in that tram car. The first time they went on a date together. It all came flashing back before his eyes as he enjoyed that tender moment with his love.

"This hardly seems fair..." Her voice brought his attention back to reality. Judy had shifted a bit lower on the bed, making Nick look around for a moment before another sound made his ears perk high. The soft sound of metal on metal as Nick suddenly felt a pressure relieved as Judy pulled the zipper of his jeans down, his pants slowly sliding off of his legs as he worked to kick them off. The stiff bulge at the front of his mint color boxers with the soft, wet patch at the front said everything Judy needed to know. "I mean...all I have on is my bra. Figured we should level the playing field a bit."

"...Judy..." Nick huffed out, stroking a finger along her cheek as he smiled down at her. Judy returned that same soft, sweet, sensual glance, her ears splaying back against the bed as Nick's gaze softened. Suddenly, his arm was around her waist and pulling her closer. She hardly had the time to react before her body was whipped around. She twirled on the bed before she was pulled against Nick, feeling the pressure of his shaft against her leg as their muzzle's met. His nose pressed to hers, warm breath against her cheek as they laid there for a moment in an intimate embrace. "...leave the seduction to the pro." He teased with a smirk, his paw fiddling at her fluffy tail before the other flicked a finger against her bra, suddenly unhooking it as Judy lay nude against him. She let out a light gasp, blushing hard in the arms of her lover before inching in closer and giving his neck a gentle kiss.

"Nick..." She breathed out his name into his fur, peppering soft kisses all along his neck and shoulder and cheek while her paws roamed across his warm, inviting fur for the first time. It all felt so right...so natural as the fox started to gently knead and stroke along her exposed breasts. Their moans and pants mixed in the air, the fox's scent getting more and more noticeable with each passing second. Nick closed his eyes as he had one paw to her breast and the other slowly moving down her body to part her lips once more. The resounding muted cries of pleasure made Judy arch her back against Nick, that shaft throbbing from under that thin layer of fabric and against her fur. Their bodies intermingled, arms and legs intertwined in a lover's embrace as the showered each other with unbridled affection. Finally, Nick was the one to pull back with a light trail of drool dripping from the edge of his muzzle.

"H-hey...do you wanna-"

"Bottom drawer, N-Nick. Please, now."

Her sudden interruption took him by surprise, but they were both far too pleasure-stricken to think twice about it. Instead, Nick rolled over to the edge of the bed and opened the drawer on the nightstand. The second he saw the objects of Judy's attention, he smirked heavily before pulling the bottle of lube and a condom out from the drawer and handed them to his lover. "The bottle's half empty, Carrots."

"Call me anything but Judy for the rest of the night and the only magical night of wild hot interspecies sex you're getting is with your hand."

Judy's words all came out in heavy huffs, her stare cutting through that laid-back attitude as he instantly understood how this moment was different. The two of them shared something special...something more than just another hookup as Judy took the condom from Nick's paw. She gently grasped the brim of his boxers, hesitating for a moment before pulling them down slowly to let Nick's crimson red shaft twitch in the air. It took her some time to calm herself, eyes locked on his shaft for the first time as her hand hovered above it. Nick took a moment to observe, watching the nervous excitement as she remained perfectly still in that pose. He wanted to say something...wanted to hold her and pet her and kiss her, but he didn't want to ruin this moment for her. And so he just laid there and watched with a loving smile, tail wagging in muted excitement at what was to come.

Finally, Judy let out a soft breath before carefully ripping open the condom wrapper. She pressed the cool latex against the tip of his cock, Nick taking in a soft breath as he shifted around on the bed. Her paws moved slowly and with practiced ease, rolling the protection along his length while he moaned from the attention. He smiled at his lover, handling the fox so very carefully before she picked up the bottle of lube and slowly held it over his sheath. The cold liquid spread along his shaft before she stroked gently, carefully, slowly over every inch she could reach. She repeated the same between her legs, squeezing the bottle carefully before rubbing along her lips with a moan that joined Nick's. For the next few moments, the intimate silence was broken only by their breaths and soft groans of pleasure. Judy continued to stroke them both, the anticipation building with each passing second.

"J-Judy...I know you wanted to take things slow, but I...I, uh....this is..." He mumbled awkwardly, his ears splaying back a bit as the usually word-savvy fox found himself stuttering. Judy stopped her paws, looking over at Nick before inching a bit closer. He bit his lip, looking away before clearing his throat a bit awkwardly. The sight was...cute, Nick's reaction making Judy tilt her head with a light smile before petting along his cheek carefully. The touch made Nick sigh, visibly relaxing before he grasped her paw and looked straight into her eyes with a glance filled with all the love and devotion he had. "...I love you, Judy. So much, and...I wouldn't want to be spending this moment with anyone but yo-"

He didn't finish the sentence before her lips pressed hard against his, Judy wrapping her arms around his in tight as Nick's eyes widened in surprise. His shock only lasted a moment before he pulled her in closer, their eyes shutting and heads tilting as they laid against each other sharing that deep, intimate embrace. They were motionless in that hold for what felt like ages, the sound of their lips brushing against each other all that could be heard on the air before Nick's tongue lightly slipped against Judy's lips. She inhaled quietly, the two of them making out as their bodies shifted in ever closer and their paws slowly started to move across their bodies. Claws brushed through fur, shivers running down each of their spines as the kiss deepened with each fleeting touch. The heat of Nick's stiff shaft pressing against her hip was impossible to ignore, their bodies rolling against each other as they explored their deep, new, passionate love with every passing breath. His cock twitched every time Judy's tongue flicked against his own, Nick's hips starting to rub against her body as he started grinding against her leg. He adjusted his body carefully, that kiss locking them together as the tip of his crimson length started to brush up against her lips with a long, aching moan from Judy. That warmth and closeness was something she craved so very badly.

Slowly, Nick's hips started to thrust more insistently against Judy. His shaft teased along her lips over and over, but it still didn't press in. For what felt like hours to Judy, she teetered against the tip of that length, aching to feel it inside of her as she started to let out soft gasps between the kisses. And yet, Nick kept her waiting. He opened one eye to study her expression, watching as she kept wrinkling and contorting her face in pure need. She wanted it. She wanted him. She was moaning his name in between kisses, her hands pulling his fur to bring his body directly against hers. "N-Nick, please. Gods, Nick, I..." She whimpered as Nick used every ounce of self-control to hold back. Truth was he wanted it so badly, too. He loved Judy more than anyone else on that planet and he wanted to share that close feeling with her...but he knew how important this moment was for her. He wanted her to have the best night of her life, but as he ran his paw up the back of her head...he couldn't wait any longer. His hips pulled back slowly, and as he lined himself up with Judy's body, he shifted closer to her...

...and the sudden heat and pressure immediately made them both cry out in pure bliss.

Judy's back arched slightly into the air as she felt that firm pressure sliding between her legs, eyes opening as she let out a low moan of shock and pleasure. Nick was careful...and so very insistent as he stroked the back of her head and shifted his body for his shaft to slide between her lips. Slowly and carefully she could feel that thick cock pressing into her, her legs spreading out to the sides as her breath caught in the back of her throat. She'd been with others before, but never anyone she cared for as much as Nick. Sharing that moment, feeling how carefully he was holding her, knowing this was the first time of many they would have sex...it was more than enough to overwhelm Judy with pleasure and emotion. She grasped at his sides, holding tightly to his fur as she moaned and felt her body tightening with every slow push between her legs.

"R...r-relax, Judy..." Nick gasped out gently, his ears splayed back as he panted warm breaths against her ear. His words were no softer than a whisper, Judy doing her best to take deep breaths and calm her body down. Nick could feel the difference as he let out a light sigh, pausing in his ministrations for a brief moment before letting out a light chuckle. "Th-thanks...don't force the feeling, just...l-let me show you." He nosed against one of her ears, his tongue slipping out to lick against the edge before drawing down with hot breaths against her cheek. She couldn't stop her weak moans, his hips rolling into her body as more of his shaft gently slid deeper. Her maw opened in a gentle gasp, pleasure making itself known with every weak, breathy moan. Nick's eyes shut, shifting his paws just beside her shoulders to steady himself on the bed. Judy laid out below him, looking up into his eyes as they gently opened. They laid still there in that moment, lost in each other's gaze before Nick felt a pressure along his hips. Judy's legs wrapped around his waist, her paws rubbing along his lower back as she pulled him in with every thrust. The sudden jerks Judy was giving him made his back arch in the air with a low moan as he flicked his tail and started to thrust faster.

Nick's breath started to grow ragged as he rocked back and forth into his lover, the slick sounds of their sex all that could be heard around their breaths and moans. Judy kept pulling Nick in with every shift of his hips and Nick kept petting and scratching and nuzzling against Judy every chance he got. His breath was getting harder, his knot swelling as it bounced between her legs with each pass. "J-Judy..." He huffed out, gripping the bed a bit harder. His body was starting to shake a bit with his ears flicking against his head, gritting his teeth before nipping at her neck. It was strange to see Nick so enamored...but as Judy let out a soft cry from the nip, she paused for a moment before suddenly grabbing at Nick's sides. His eyes opened as he felt the world turn around, finding himself on his back with Judy planting her hands flat on his chest.

"H-here, let's..." She started at a whisper, still resting with his shaft between her legs as she started to pull her body off slowly. Her whole body moved, getting off of his shaft until only the tip was hovering between her glistening fold. She paused for a moment, mentally preparing herself before sliding back down to that knot with a sudden jolt of pleasure throughout her entire body. Their resounding moans came out in unison, Judy's eyes closing while she bit her lip and felt her whole body shiver. Nick replied with his own gasp, legs spreading out as his hips slowly pushed up into the air to meet hers. His knot stood in the way, more of the lube and their mixed arousal threatening to let it in as Judy lifted off of the shaft again. Her body started to work its way up and down his length as Nick laid there with his fur standing on edge. His tail flicked repeatedly against her back, pressing back against the bed and grabbing at the sheets with every pass on his shaft. He wasn't used to others taking control, and as he looked up at Judy and just appreciated how much he loved her in that moment, he just laid back and let her take over.

They were both head over heels enraptured by their pleasure. Nick became notably more vocal as Judy rode him faster and harder, her body bouncing up and down, over and over while threatening to take that knot with every shift. They were both pushing their limits each time Judy's body connected with his. Her hands brushed down her body, ears and nose twitching and wiggling as her paws pushed down to press her body back into the air. Each time she came back down, her lips spread a bit more along that knot. Nick's breath was catching in the back of his throat, the blood pulsing through his body with the rising heat he felts between his legs. He twitched and bucked back at Judy as her body met his, that moment punctuated by their mixed breath, the scents of their arousal, the cries of their weary and love-stricken bodies as Judy pounded and bounced on that shaft. Again and again and again, she pressed down on that knot until with one last press, an extra grind, and a thrust from Nick up in the air, they both let out a sudden cry in unison.

And his knot slipped inside and tied the two together.

The second Nick was tied with Judy, she fell down onto his body with her voice high and breaths coming in rapidly. The pressure was far more than she imagined, and feeling the tug and pull of her body along his knot made Nick yelp and whimper as the pleasure spiked suddenly. He wrapped his paws around her, both holding her closer and pushing her back down against his sheath as their bodies writhed and mixed with each other to elicit every last ounce of pleasure from their very beings. Thrust after thrust after thrust after thrust, the humid heat of their love on the air as Nick could feel his limit getting closer and closer. Judy was practically the same, feeling the heat rushing between her legs as each pulse of that shaft inside her brought a new whimper of delight. Their paws explored each other's bodies. Claw grasped fur. Paw stroked leg. Nose nuzzled cheek. They were wrapped up in each other's very being as their breath mixed in the air. Their moans grew. Their bodies trembled. Their breathing increased. The pressure between the two of them was almost too much to handle as they kept going harder and harder and harder. When they were both at their absolute limits for what the could take, paws squeezed arms and heads threw back as they both howled out with their orgasm.

Nick's hips bucked hard as he could feel his cock twitching, his seed shooting out into the condom as he moved faster than he had all night. Judy arched her back and pressed her stomach down hard against Nick's body, her inner walls clenching tight along that knot as the heat filled both their bodies immediately. They rolled around against each other, muscles tightening with every slight movement as their climaxes took over every bit of their attention. Their cries filled the apartment, Judy's body on fire as Nick's thrusts were out of his control. That knot continuously tugged against Judy's lips, holding the two together as their paws reached out for anything they could grab. They grabbed and pulled at fur, muzzles open and moaning against each other in a weak, sloppy kiss while they rolled in the peak of their climax. Controlled movements turned to erratic twitches as instinct took over for both of them. Seconds turned to minutes, the pleasure seeming to last for an eternity before their bodies suddenly slowed down. Judy laid flat against Nick's chest, both panting against each other with their eyes staring at nothing in the room. Their chests heaved, Nick's legs spread to the sides while trying to keep as still as possible.

They laid there in silence, hardly moving as they tried to catch their breath. Nick's paw weakly started to rub along Judy's side, his claws gently scritching his lover while she shut her eyes with a quiet hum. They stayed like that for minutes, lightly shifting as their fur intermixed in their passionate embrace. It was finally Judy who broke the silence, one hand teasing along Nick's chest and rubbing in slow circles. "...that was..." She started, hesitating as she lightly shook her head against the fox's fur. "...so much more than I could've hoped for." There was no response from Nick. His hand stopped for a moment, slowly resuming his scritching as a smile started to spread across his face. His nose even twitched, unseen to Judy before he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her gently.

"I love you so much, Judy." His voice rasped in a quiet whisper. Her ears twitched in response, Nick looking down for a reaction but finding only a light curling and grasping of his fur. The shift in her body made Nick take in a sharp breath, followed by a breathy chuckle. "B-be careful. Knots are k-kinda sensitive after sex." There was no reaction for a moment...followed by a sudden grinding from Judy. Nick opened his muzzle in a loud and sudden gasp of pleasure, the aftershocks rippling through his body before Judy looked up at him with a teasing smirk.

"I love you too, Nick." She responded, keeping her body still as she planted a soft kiss flat on his lips. They both smiled, arms wrapped up in each other as they shut their eyes and lightly shifted around. It wasn't much longer until they both dozed off, hardly minding their tied status as they shared that special night together.

The first of many.

Proud Like A Lion...King (M/M, M/F Lion King Self-Insert)

"So you've seriously never been to the Pride Lands??" The two feral lions casually padded down the savannah, side by side as they had a calm conversation. One of them seemed somewhat familiar, his deep, olive colored fur and spikey hair...

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Head in the Water, Feet on the Ground (Otter TF)

"Marigolds! Corn and victuals for the selling!" Eli's voice echoed throughout the marketplace, attracting customers from every corner of the village. The clank of gold passing from hand to hand was the source of...

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Divine Bonds (Wolf Link x Amaterasu)

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that guy's actually a human??" The small flea-like creature spoke in disbelief as he bounced on the back of a pure-white wolf, crimson markings all along her body in an...

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