Coyote Secrets

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#27 of Diapers

Richard, the coyote, poses as a nurse at Tulip Gardens to escape from using his diapers. He has a bit of an adventure and makes a new friend along the way.

Thanks for reading. I love writing, and getting a full-length story out there was nice. Please tell me what you liked or didn't by commenting below.

Coyote Secrets

By Zrathie

Anticipation was the worst part. Richard had a view of the wolf in the bed opposite him. The wolf had soft charcoal fur. He was bound in a tightly strapped canvas straitjacket and strapped to the medical bed with thick solid straps.

Two nurses from Tulip Gardens were softly tormenting him. The two nurses were an otter named Dilan and a lion named Tom. The pair were washing the wolf's foot paws. Double teaming him, taking one-foot paw each. Their torture implants were washcloths, scrubbing brushes, toothbrushes and sponges. The bound wolf was moaning into his gag. His nostrils flared open as he huffed breaths in and out of his nose.

The wolf was enjoying his torture. His diaper bulged upwards, coming to a blunt bulge. He was rock-hard. The pair splashed a sponge or a brush in a water bowl and brought their tools down to the wolf's sensitive pads. The wolf's paws were held at their ankles in cuffs, so they stayed in place no matter how the wolf tugged them away.

"MMMth! MMurt!" screamed the wolf behind his gag.

His diaper bulge twitched as he blew his load into the waiting padding.

"Looks like our paw slut made a mess," said Dilan.

"Yeah, but it's not the kind we're after," said Tom.

The two creatures brushed and blotted, dipped and scrubbed over the pads. The wolf was shown no mercy.

"Muruth!" yelled the wolf.

Richard had the best view of the wolf's diaper as a yellowish stain began spreading from the bulge of the lupine erection, still hard after his orgasm. A new mess began to spread. The wolf was pissing himself. Richard could see the wetness lines blur as his padding began to absorb his morning piss. The wolf's arousal had been the cork in the bottle holding back his hot lupine piss.

Suddenly the lion nurse, Tom, whipped back Richard's blanket. The coyote was exposed and now the next prey item for the pair. The lion and then otter looked over Richard's bound form.

Richard was wearing a medical gown and an all-through-the-night disposable diaper. His padding was extra round thanks to the soaker pad his diaper had been lined with the night before. He was staped to the bed in nine-point restraints. Richard needed to pee, but not as much as the wolf had. Considering all the sounds of sloping water that had come from that side of the room, he was doing okay.

"We have another dry one," said Dilan, the otter.

Sure, Richard was dry, but he estimated he would only last an hour or two longer.

"Do you need a wee-wee?" asked Tom.

Terry could try to bullshit them, but instead, he nodded his head; the wolf had lied and paid the price; perhaps they would show mercy if he didn't lie to them.

Dilan ran and hand paw over Terry's foot paws.

"Of course you do; those clammy paw pads are giving away how desperate you are." He said.

"Can you give me a paw with this coyote?"

The lion began unstrapping Richard from his bed. The otter did the same. Once he was free, they helped him to his feet paws. Dilan took Richard's hand paw and escorted him from the ward.

"Since you didn't try to sucker us, I'm going to be gentle," said Dilan.

The otter led the coyote inside a small waiting room. They were the only creatures there. Richard sat down on a bench seat and made himself comfortable.

"I brought you here so you can use your diaper in privacy and peace. You're free to take as long as you'd like. When you need a change, come back into the ward," said the otter nurse.

"Thanks," said Richard.

The coyote was dubious about this setup, but he waited, and Dilan left the room. Richard waited for about a minute before he stood up. He crept to the doorway and peeked out into the hall. He half expected Dilan or Tom to be standing right there. He looked left and then right, but he didn't see anyone.

If he was going to make a move, he didn't have long; he walked out of the waiting room and trotted towards the closet he had spotted in the hall. He tried the door, and it was unlocked. The coyote slinked inside and shut the door behind him. Richard looked around the room and saw it was a storeroom with shelves full of nurses' scrubs and uniforms. An idea hit him, and he quickly stripped out of his patient gown.

He looked down at his crotch and the thick adult diaper taped around his waist. It was still unused and clean and dry. The coyote quickly debated taking it off but kept his diaper on. He had no way of getting a new one when he had to change back. He then changed into a set of male nurse's scrubs.

He had three goals: finding a toilet, using it, and changing back into his patient uniform. He kicked his patient gown under a supply shelf to get later and poked his head into the corridor. It was empty. He stepped out and swiftly made his way away from his ward. He didn't know where he was going but knew he needed to escape from the staff who would recognise him.

Richard rounded a corner and nearly ran into a group of around ten nurses. An African wild dog nurse seemed to be in charge. The coyote stood there for a few moments deciding what to do.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go inside," said the African wild dog nurse.

The group walked inside what turned out to be a small classroom with about twenty school desks and a large television at the back of the room. Richard had to go along with the student nurses until he could escape. He took a seat in the back row closest to the door. He now needed to pee quite severely, but he would have to hold it until he could get out of there.

"Hello, class, I'm Jacob. Today we have a bit of telelearning," said the African wild dog nurse.

Jacob walked over and turned on the large television screen, and soon a show began to play. The title card said, "The Purple Swimsuit." The scene changed to that of a swimming pool with several coyote ladies swimming laps. A close-up shot of a striking purple and gold coyote filled the frame. It looked like she was hurrying and walking towards the pool's locker rooms.

The coyote entered the locker rooms. There was another coyote lady; she was a more tan-coloured one. She seemed jittery and nervous. The show soon showed Richard why. There was a close-up up-skirt shot of the second coyote's panties. Her panties were tight, so much so her vulva was outlined.

"Hi Kate, I've got to go; I forgot something at home," said the second coyote.

The crotch of the panties on the screen darkened as a two-second burst of pee leaked into them. The vision changed to a reaction shot of the lady's face before she quickly walked past the purple coyote.

"Okay, don't let me hold you up," said Kate after the damp coyote had left.

It was now evident to Richard and the other students nurses were watching a fetish porn show. He didn't mind but wanted one less focused on wetting and water. Having no opportunity to empty his morning bladder made him desperate to wee.

Kate had put down her duffle bag and walked towards the ladies room.

"I better pee before I change," said the voiceover in Kate's voice.

Kate entered the bathroom and found a set of toilets and wash basins without stalls.

"What the hell, I'll hold it then," thought Kate.

Kate returned to the changing room, where Richard was treated to a titillating changing scene where Kate stripped out of her tank top bra, skirt and panties before slowly gliding on a metallic purple one-piece swimsuit.

Richard was doing okay until the scene where Kate was swimming laps. He had to bring his thighs close together and squeeze his diapered, bulky crotch closed. The vision was from underwater, showing her swimming in the pool. The sounds of the paddling splashing and underwater effects were making him quiver. Kate climbed the ladder out of the pool.

"I'm going to wet myself, but if I walk around wet and do it slowly, no one will notice," thought Kate.

The camera cut to a close-up of Kate's crotch, and she began squiring pee into her bathing suit. She had a two-second jet of piss and walked forward several steps before repeating the process.

Richard couldn't stand it and let out a three-second burst from his bladder. He regained control and panted and clenched his fists and curled foot paws. He thankfully stopped the flow. He had much more to give but didn't want to let the other students know he was secretly wetting a diaper. He felt the moisture near his sheath and the thirsty padding soak up the leak.

"Woo, that's better. I don't think anyone noticed except for you over in Tulp Gardens," said Kate.

This got Richard's attention.

"Goldenflow Productions and Tulip Gardens have teamed up to make a short educational video on Omorashi," said Kate.

His diaper had wicked up the wetness, but still, he trembled and huffed as he watched.

"Chances are you will encounter patients with an omorashi fetish or those you want to make wet themselves for whatever reason," said Kate.

The vision changed to a top-down shot of Kate floating on an inflatable raft in a now-empty pool. She was still wearing her one-piece, only it was dry. Sounds of a waterfall were dubbed in on the soundtrack.

"Hydration is the first step; keeping your patients overly hydrated will prime their bladders and reduce holding time to more manageable levels,"

The scene changed to Kate pouring water from a pitcher into a glass. This vision made Richard release another squirt of pee. It took longer to stop, but he only held back because he didn't trust the video to mask the sound of his wetting.

"Strong tea and cranberry juice have a pronounced diuretic effect."

Richard gasped and panted as the leaks he had already made into his padding encouraged him to let more coyote pee flow. The coyote knew he wouldn't make it out of the room dry. He finally lost control. He let loose, feeling the pee fill up around his crotch before the padding swelled, taking up his flow.

By the end of it, Richard could feel his padding tightly hug his sheath and balls. He looked around the room, and none of the other nurses were paying him attention. Richard sat through the rest of the video. Kate went out to describe some techniques to make a creature wet themselves. One section focused on a paw-washing technique and another on what looked like a baby bouncer but for adult patients.

It wasn't much longer after that that the show ended, and the student nurses began filing out of the room. Richard thought he was in the clear until he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned to see Jacob smiling at him.

"Hey, I want to show you something out in the garden," said Jacob.

Richard was again trapped, so he followed Jacob, following him downstairs and eventually out into the garden. Richard had not been in the massive walled garden before and had to marvel at the planters and the tulips that the institute was named after.

The African Wild Dog nurse led him past other patients, often diapered in various states of use. Richard could feel the river stones under his paw pads, and his tail twitched behind him as he went. They came to an entrance to a hedge maze.

"This is our latest bit of gardening, the hedge maze," said Jacob.

Richard and the nurse entered the hedge maze. The hedges were much taller than the coyote, and he could not see over them even if he stood on his tiptoes.

"We put in this maze to have fun with bladder and bowel holders. There's a toilet/changing room at the centre of the maze to give the patients an incentive to explore," said Jacob.

Richard took note of this. It might be his ticket out of this wet diaper and perhaps even a chance to empty his bowels into a toilet.

"After a point, most of our holders are bowel holders. It's no surprise, considering it's a kink too far for most. So we have to get creative with dealing with them," said Jacob.

The nurse was right; he didn't want to use his diaper for that if it could be avoided.

"Our chefs have perfected a diet to promote bowel movements. A combination of high-fibre and laxative fruits to keep patients ready to go," said Jacob.

The coyote had to admit the bowel-stimulating breakfasts were primarily why he was near desperate. He was pretty full and needy and could quickly push out a soft load into the seat of his diapers and was only holding out until he found a toilet.

"The patients we need to watch haven't opened their bowels in 48 hours. They are most likely to buck the system. Speaking of which, I spotted one down there," said Jacob.

Richard saw a snow leopard's tail slip behind a corner of one of the branching parts shear of them. The African Wild Dog became alert and licked his chops.

"I'll leave you be," said Jacob.

The African wild dog slinked after what Richard assumed to be one of his patients. It was the coyote's chance to find the toilet. Richard walked down several branches and had to double back once or twice, but he ended up walking down a new path. There was an arched doorway with a door marked unisex toilet at the end of the path.

Richard had fooled the nurse and found the toilet. He approached the door and saw it had a green label marking it as unoccupied. Pressed a button to open the door. The auto door swung outwards, and he stepped inside.

It was a small cube-shaped room with a stainless steel toilet and a washbasin set inside the wall. On the other side of the room was an adult-sized changing table. Richard didn't see any diaper storage, but he would worry about that afterwards. The door shut behind him, and he saw a wall panel with buttons. The top was labelled open, the middle button was labelled lock, and the bottom button was labelled close.

Richard pressed the lock button and heard a snap as the door locked behind him. He dropped his pants and stepped out of them. He could not help himself and checked his diaper. The front of his diaper was slightly yellowed, and it drooped lower under the weight of piss it had absorbed. He was about to go for the tapes of his diaper when there was a voice.

"Welcome to Super Loo. Scanning for Tulip Garden's Patient ID. Welcome, patient Richard.

The coyote gulped.

"I have detected you are wearing a wet diaper that needs changing. Switching to mandatory assisted changing mode," said a voice through a hidden speaker.

Before Richard could react, he felt his body lifted into the air. He had been placed down on the changing table. A pair of mechanical arms had grabbed him, and another set came out of trap doors in the ceiling, spreading his knees, bending them upwards and grabbing his thighs. His arms were pinned above his head, with a firm but comfortable mechanical grip.

"I'm doing a mandatory gastrointestinal health scan," said the voice.

Classical music began to play over the speaker. A touch-like object lowered down from the ceiling suspended on a mechanical arm. Blue laser displayed a grid over Richard's white tummy fur.

"I have detected you have high levels of faecal matter that are consistent with a patient that has been holding their bowel movements," said Super Loo.

Something in the machine turned on, and a fan and humming noise sounded.

"Direct bowel stimulation authorised. In addition, I have updated your meal plan to include a dose of Carnivore Helper laxative at meal times," said Super Loo.

Richard's bowels began to cramp up and grow much more needy. He gritted his teeth and struggled. The machine was somehow stimulating his bowels. His lower intestines began to cramp, and the contractions grew harder and closer together. He thrashed in his bonds, the machine refusing to let him go.

"The patient is resisting the urge to defecate. Increasing inducement strength,"

It was so unfair he had found a toilet but had been robbed of using it. He clenched his tail hole but could feel the machine add pressure bit by bit. It became too much, and Richard began to shit his diaper. He rolled his head to the side and had a clear view of the toilet from which he was only metres away.

He squeezed out thick logs of coyote shit into his diaper as the torch-like bowel-stimulating device retreated up into the ceiling. Richard continued to void himself even after the induced urgency was gone. It was all over after a few more moments.

"The patient has finished their bowel movement, beginning diaper change," said the Super Loo

Richard was helpless as yet more mechanical arms came down and untapped his diaper. It was balled up, and a hatch opened in the wall. The used diaper was thrown inside, and the hatch closed.

The device began to clean him with two small hoses, one for water and the other for liquid soap. As yet, more mechanical arms appeared from under the changing table armed with towels and scrubbing brushes.

First, it wet his rear and crotch, then it sprayed soap over him, and then the arms began to scrub and wash his genitals and rear at the same time. This took several minutes, and Richard relaxed and let the machine do its thing. He was glad that he had been instantly changed after soiling himself and that no one else had seen him do it.

Next, the machine began rinsing him off. He was then dried with several towels, each on their arm. The washing arms retracted under the table, and a new set with tune of cream, a bottle of talc and an unfolded diaper replaced them. The cream was added to his sensitive bits before a dusting of talc. The diaper was slipped under his rear and taped around his waist.

Richard had suspected that would be the end of the treatment, but a "plop" sound drew his attention to his diapered crotch. A ball of sludgy rubber had landed on his crotch. The ball began to spread out in all directions. It grew smaller as it smeared itself over his crotch and crept behind him as well. Rubber sludge became transparent as it smoothed out and morphed into a diaper cover.

"Your non-compliance risk profile has been elevated due to the following activity: Attempting to access a toilet without authorisation. Adding plastic pants smart clothing to prevent diaper tapering," said the Super Loo.

The rubber-like material grew taut and squeezed down over his diaper, shrinkwrapping it to his body. The diaper cover left openings for his waist, tail, and legs but was tightly wrapped over his diaper. Finally, a section at his crotch, the barrier turned opaque, forming a sizeable black padlock symbol.

The mechanical arms released their grip on Richard and returned to their hatches, disappearing inside. Richard jumped up. His hand paws went for his diaper cover and traced over it. He was in deep shit because even if he somehow flubbed his way back to the ward, he wouldn't be able to explain this new addition to his outfit. He was slightly panicked when he discovered this diaper cover was tamper-proof and much more robust than it was seemingly made from. His claws squeaked over the material as he attempted to cut it, and he couldn't even work a claw tip into the waistband without painful tugging on his fur. Defeated, he put on his stolen pants and exited the Super Loo.

Sneaking out of the maze took much longer than he had suspected. So, Richard was glad to run into Jacob and another patient. It was the snow leopard from before. The snow leopard was wearing a canvas straitjacket and a heavily wet diaper.

"Hello again; I was just showing Van the importance of staying hydrated," said Jacob.

Jacob was carrying a water bag with a straw and offered the fluid bag to Richard.

Richard took a hesitating tiny sip at the straw.


The straw had puffed out, drawing itself inside his maw. It expanded into a spongy mass that locked behind his teeth. It was an inflatable gag made by morphing its size and shape instead of filling it with air.

"Don't panic; it's one of our newer toys, and we must try them out, too," said Jacob.

The bag of water began to contract, and Richard could feel the water saturate the spongy gag and leak out everywhere inside his maw. The water pooled across his tongue, and the coyote had no choice but to swallow or seemingly drown. He gulped down the first mouthful, and another replaced it. It took a couple to establish the pace.

"These are so cool. See how you're forced to swallow? You can't spit it out or remove the tube once inside." said Jacob.

Richard then remembered he was playing along as a student nurse and nodded.

"They are part of our growing arsenal of devices. This one's about forced hydration. It's a bit of a passion of mine. You know, the whole omorashi thing," said Jacob.

Richard continued to drink the water, and Jacob walked him out of the maze. They had left the shy snow leopard behind. The poor guy was shy. As they returned to the main building, the water bag released its gag and let the coyote take it from his maw.

"These things are quite effective," said Richard.

"Hey, I want you to assist me with a patient discharge," said Jacob.

The coyote followed. It seemed he had Jacob fooled. They walked towards the kinky entrance. Richard remembered it from his arrival. A few creatures were there, and Jacob gilded him to a control station. A couple was leading a deer of bear orderlies. He wore a medical model bio-suit, a gleaming white latex-like patient uniform.

Richard watched as the bear orderlies began restraining the deer. Bear orderly secured his upper arms and wrists into cuffs above his head on the Y fame and his thighs and ankles into cuffs. The deer soon stood helpless in a Y position as Jacob positioned a cylindrical device on an arm. Richard recognised the device was like the one he had encountered inside the Super Loo. The African wild dog lined it up with the deer's belly.

Jacob walked back over to the control console.

"Press the master power button," said Jacob.

Richard looked to where Jacob was pointing and obeyed, pressing the button.

A fan came on, and a humming sound came from the control console. The screen turned on. A blue laser grid was projected from the touch-like box onto the deer's lower abdomen.

The coyote saw a few new options appear on the screen. The machine scanned the buck's bowels, and a graphic displayed how full the machine thought they were. It appeared the buck needed to go, as the machine reported his bowels were quite full.

"Not signing up for diet modification means he's very constipated. Use the left dial; it'll break up his faecal matter. See how it's red on the screen? We want it green. If it changes to blue, you've done it too much and given him diarrhoea," whispered Jacob.

Richard watched the graphic of the buck's intestines change from red slowly to orange, yellow and then to a shade of green. Suddenly, the coyote felt Jacob's hand paw guiding Richard's, lowering the dial to zero.

"You don't need to view the scope to see we've started the ball rolling," whispered Jacob.

The captive deer's body began to tense up, and he sucked in the air. His face contorted into a pained expression.

"H-hey, how long will this take?" asked the deer.

"A few minutes," replied the African wild dog.

"That's it, he's feeling it," said Jacob in a calm, excited tone.

"Look at the deer. See if you can tell if he's holding back," whispered Jacob.

The muscles of the deer's lower abdomen tensed and contracted. The crisp white bio-suit was skin tight on the buck so that Richard could see the micro-movements. The buck's foot hooves scrapped across the tiled floor. He gasped before biting his lower lip.

"Could you please hurry this along?" asked the deer.

"We are going as fast as we can. Is there somewhere that you need to be?" asked Jacob.

"Turn the right dial to about fifteen," urged Jacob.

Richard carefully turned the dial to the indicated position. Richard saw on the screen a yellow bar had filled up on the right of the monitor. It was labelled inducement strength. It was reading fifteen.

"I kinda need to use the restroom," said the buck.

Richard needed the restroom, too. His bladder was starting to twinge again.

"That's true, and I can see that on the scope here. You're pretty backed up. When was the last time you opened your bowels?" asked Jacob.

The deer groaned and tugged at his bonds. He looked across the way at the lobby and freedom.

"Before I got here. I'm not using the bio-suit for that, and I'm about to check out," said the deer.

"That explains why you were so constipated," said the African while dog.

"Up it to thirty," whispered Jacob.

Richard gulped but slowly moved the dial higher.

The buck grunted, struggling in the straps. The exposed fur of the deer had broken out in a light sweat that only worsened as the minutes passed.

"We'll let him sweat for a minute or two, then I tease him," whispered Jacob.

Richard watched as the deer. He was trying to keep his composure, but the sheen of sweat didn't sell that image. He looked more twitchy and panicked as more time passed.

"That's a nice shine you have. You're sweating profusely," said Jacob.

"What are you doing to me?" asked the buck.

"The machine has softened your stool. We can't let you leave this constipated; it's not healthy for you," said Jacob.

The buck huffed and panted as sweat dripped down his brow.

"He's trying to hold back. It's embarrassing shitting themselves in front of others, but there are creatures out there who love being humiliated," whispered Jacob.

Richard felt a little bad for making the buck suffer but had to keep up his act. It wasn't lost on the coyote that the buck had a semi-chub going in at the crotch of his pristine white bio-suit.

"You can't keep me here. I demand to be let down at once," said the buck.

"We still have you under the consent contract you signed until one o'clock," said Jacob.

Jacob leaned in close to Richard.

"Turn it up to fifty," whispered Jacob.

The coyote slowly turned the dial up to fifty.

Richard could see the buck's abdominal muscles tense and contract under the cramps he must be feeling. The tight rubber looked painted on, so it hid nothing.

"Please stop, I'm going to shit my pants," pleaded the buck.

The buck gritted his teeth and thrashed in his bonds for several seconds before going ridgid. A message appeared on the console screen. It was saying that the patient was defecating. Richard turned down the inducement dial and watched as the humiliated buck was shitting his bio-suit.

"You don't need full power when they're this backed up. We could have just used the stool softening mode if we had more time to play with him," purred Jacob.

The buck's bio-suit contained his mess and took it to the processing centre on the suit's back. Richard could glimpse a rubber ball containing the buck's faecal matter. Richard might not have been as reluctant to go number two if he had chosen the bio-suit option.

Four bear orderlies walked into the space, and two began to unshackle the deer who had just finished his business while the other two took up positions behind Richard and Jacob. The buck was blushing, but his now full erection showed at least part of him enjoyed the procedure. The buck was escorted past Richard and Jacob and into the reception area of Tulip Gardens.

The two bear orderlies suddenly grabbed Richard. One pulled down his pants to expose his locked-on diaper.

"It's your turn, my cheeky coyote imposter," said Jacob.

The bears stipped him out of his stolen uniform, leaving him only in his diaper.

"How long did you know?" asked Richard.

"The whole time, but we wanted to play it out for a bit," Jacob said.

Jacob took another water bag from a nearby table and placed the tube into Rachard's maw.

The pair of bear brutes strapped him where the buck had just been and made quick work of the straps. Soon, Richard was bound and at the African wild dog's mercy. The bears adjusted the strapping until Richard was forced to stand on tiptoes. It left the primary pads of his foot paws helplessly exposed. Jacob thankfully moved the bowel inducement machine away.

"You poor 'yote. You haven't been keeping up with your fluids. It's going to be okay. I'll take personal care of you," purred Jacob.