Dragon Age Furry- Chapter 2: The Destiny of those who live...

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Age

Dragon Age: Furry

Chapter Two: The Destiny of those who live...

A day pass after Odin, a Grey Warden, help Tigz and Rowan escape and now have arrive at a large ruin which the walls of the ruin seems to be breaking down and vines growing into the brick walls. Odin looks towards his left which is facing the seemingly endless forest called the Hidden Forest. Tigz looks at the entrance of the ruins to see that there are a group of furs standing guard up front and two archers on what seems to be a handmade tower.

"Wow, guarded enough isn't it?" Rowan says as he rubs his right arms gently, feeling uneasy.

Tigz looks around and sees that there are five archers hidden within the trees as they seem to be well hidden, but not for the Tigz's enhance sight. "Well, seems like you guys have a good handle on things, but then again I guess if you guys did you wouldn't need more Grey Wardens to finish the job" the black lupine says with his right paw touching the red stone brick wall "And the walls seems to have a magical shield around it that is hidden to the untrained eye" Tigz continues to say as he walks through the entrance.

Odin stares at Tigz for a moment as he feels somewhat amazed by Tigz's sight as Odin walks through the entrance and Rowan follows right behind him "You're very good seeing it seems Tigz, I must say who you got that from? You're mother Aura or your father Hiro?" Odin asks as he stops and looks at Tigz ahead of him.

Tigz stops cold, a sudden feel of uneasiness fills his body as he turns around slowly and looks into Odin's eyes "My mother...how do you know my parents names Odin?" Tigz asks sharply as he stares at him.

Rowan looks at both of them as Odin stares back at Tigz "Your mother and father were both Grey Wardens at their ages and they both fought very well" Odin responds as he starts to walk and then pass Tigz.

The black wolf uneasiness quickly turns to a deep hatred, his eyes flaring from hellish rage within him. He turns to face Odin dead in the eye "So that's why you wanted me to join, because my parents used to be some damn ass warden with something inside of their blood that makes them so strong?!" Tigz yells out with rage as he fights the urge of wanting to shoot down Odin in that second, but knowing he would have no chance as he would be shot down by the other wardens around him.

Odin slowly nods as he walks into the camp "You two can look around the camp if you like and meet everyone here, but please meet back at the entrance before sundown...and Tigz you are in titled to your family to do what they done to protect everything, now you must do it, it's your fate as a son of a warden" Odin says as he walks to his tent and opens it, then walks inside.

Rowan walks to Tigz and smiles, saying "Well, I don't buy it but if you turn it down your chopped meat right? Best to do it to save your fur, and hey it can't be all bad right?"

Tigz looks at Rowan, making a slight growl towards him as he then turns away from him and starts to walk into the camp "You know something, yes being a damn ass warden is bad, you would do yourself a favor and never join. At least the Circle of Magi is better than this piece of shit" Tigz says, walking off within the camp area.

Rowan would blink and say "The Circle binds you up and takes away your freedom right? Nothing is worse than taking away someone's freedom, especially an otters..." as he follows Tigz, nodding to those they pass.

A young male lion sees the two walking pass as he walks towards them "Hey you two, are you the new guys I been hearing about?" the male fur ask as he walks along side him.

Rowan shrugs and says "Maybe, I don't know. We just got here, how would everyone know already?"

Tigz looks at the lion and sighs as he can tell already how the fur knows "Well Odin been telling us for about a week about a mage and rouge who will be willing to join us" The male lion says as he smiles.

Rowan's jaw drops as he says "A week, how could he have known it a week ago!?"

Tigz turns his glaze towards Rowan, putting his left paw on Rowan's right shoulder "Easy, he has been watching us this whole time, he is fast and last but not least he is hard to spot, so in other words he just been waiting for the right time for us to have problems" Tigz says as he lets go of Rowan's shoulder and turns his body to the right towards the statue of the Maker.

Rowan closes his mouth, and thinks for a moment. He then says "So wait, this guy got pass all the other farmers and watched me to learn when I'd be in town? I didn't even know I was going with..." His voice trails off as he remembered the coldness his father showed him yesterday.

Lupine turns his head to the left towards Rowan again and shakes his head "A good scout knows how to watch every detail that people make, their movement, their normal way of living, their time where they need to get something, all is taken into account when choosing a worthy candidate for a army. " Says Tigz, crossing his sleek black fur arms as he, then begins to walk towards one of the camp fires a few feet from the statue of the Maker.

Rowan stays quiet, watching Tigz as he walks. After a few moments he would say "I guess so, I'm lucky it was that guy who found me and not the Chantry or the Templars. I couldn't stand being locked up in that stuffy tower, I'd kill myself first." He says as he then follows behind Tigz to the camp fire, seeing as Tigz is the only one he kind of knows here at the moment.

The male lion blinks for a second, following them both after a few minutes of wondering within his lone mind. They reach the camp fire to see that Odin is there, holding a paper within his right paw, Tigz looks at it with irritation in his eyes. Odin puts down the paper on a log by the orange lit flame, as he then looks at Tigz and Rowan "You two shall be taking a test, to gather the necessary materials to take the Joining ritual." Odin says with his silver eyes glowing from the orange flames and the descending night which merges with the slowly fading light of the sun.

Rowan tilts his head to the right as he asks "Test, I've never taken a test before. Is it hands on, or written?"

The black wolf sighs as he then looks at Odin with his blue eyes shining a bright blue from the flames from the camp fire, his arms crossing together "Let me guess, we hunt down some darkspawn and do something to them?" Tigz ask with his right paw gently rubbing his left under part of his arm.

Odin grins lightly from Tigz's response, his light silver armor glowing light orange from the flames as he nods "To Rowan's question this will be hands on and to Tigz's question yes you both need to hunt and kill five darkspawn and take a vial of their blood." Odin says as he sits down in front of the camp fire, the flames nearly seem to hiding his figure.

At the mention of blood Rowan would wince, making a face of disgust as he said "Just have to get the blood right?"

The idea of getting blood from the darkspawn runs through Tigz's mind, his ears staying sharp "Alright, that's all? Where do we get this blood Odin?" Tigz ask as he uncrosses his arms, his right paw against his right hip slightly and his head tilt slightly to the left.

The male lion rubs the back of his head with his golden yellow left paw "That I can help you two with, I am going to be guiding you two to get them and we come back here when we have it." The young feline informs the two, his golden eyes reflecting with the dancing flames of the fire.

"I see, well before anything how about you tell us your name buddy?" Tigz ask as he fixes his light leather armor a little, his head now tilting back to the middle.

The loin blushes lightly, forgetting his proper introductions "I'm sorry, my name is Luke Fable, I am a royal guard of the king, but now I serve as a grey warden." Luke says as he leans against a pillar near the camp fire and relaxes slightly.

Rowan nods and says "King Alexander's guard? Dad always complained how they didn't do anything right, neither did the king but I never saw it for myself so I can't judge for myself." As the light of the flame reflects on his ice blue eyes, showing his innocent nature.

Tigz blinks a few times to get his mind back to reality as he looks at Rowan with a surprise "Um, dude that is the late King, the new one is King Lamia, a tiger and shark hybrid, who rules over the lands of Jo Geo." Tigz says, shaking his head from even saying the words "The Maker really loves me to send a otter who knows nothing of the outside world...Fuck you Maker!"

Rowan blinks a few times and shrugs saying "I haven't been off the farm before yesterday, and Dad never kept up with the workings at the castle except to complain about how bad things where. Not my fault I don't know what Grey Wardens are or who the current King is."

Tigz sighs, turning to his backside to Rowan as he then walks a little from the camp fire "Ugh...We should get going while it's still light out" Tigz says as he sees a gate up ahead that seems to lead to a forest of memories.

The lion looks over at Rowan and then at Tigz, knowing that he has a point in the matter "Yes, we should get ready to go, please both of you meet me at the gate and we will hunt down some darkspawn." Luke says as he nods to Odin, and then slowly walks to the gate leading to the forest.

Rowan would get up and look to Odin, then Tigz, then Luke. He'd sigh, and say "Can you offer me any kind of equipment against these things? Yes I'm a mage, but I don't know much and I only have this basic farm knife that's honestly ready to rust away." as he tugs on the light farm tunic he was wearing.

The snow wolf laughs softly as he stands up from log, he raises his left arm and points out to a nearby merchant "You can get a free staff and a rode of a mage, which is the best I can do for you Rowan for the time being." Odin says as he walks to a tent that has a sign saying 'Warden Leader's tent'.

He'd nod and run to the merchant, grabbing the mage staff from him. He'd then catch up to Tigz and Luke, holding the staff in his right hand. "Ready, I guess. So how are we going to get the blood?"

The yellow loin walks up to the three guards at the wooden gate, waving his left paw to them as the guard on the left side of the gate pulls a switch which opens the doors of the wooden gate and from the point they are standing, they see a dark shadows of the trees merging with the grassy ground. "We get the blood by draining the blood into a small vial" Luke says as a guard walks up to Luke and gives him a silver long sword with a black handle. He walks through the wooden gate and into the dark forest with the leaves on the trees gently sway from the smooth winds of the air.

"W-wait, drain the blood. Does that mean we have to kill them!?" Rowan said, gripping the staff tightly.

Tigz sighs as he looks at Rowan "Maker I fucking hate you...We have to fucking kill them so you better make sure you fucking hit them!" Tigz says as he crosses his arms together.

Rowan would nod, gulp, and look the staff over that he got. It was a basic wooden staff that had some metal intertwined towards the top.

Tigz and Rowan follow behind Luke a few inches apart from one another, Tigz looks over their surrounds, taking each detail carefully through as the wind flowing through the trees seems to halt without any warning "Wait. The wind stopped, someone or something is here" Tigz says as Luke and Rowan stop in their tracks. The shadows move slightly from their original position, catching the corner of Tigz's right eye "Shit, there is a few behind the trees guys!" Tigz yells out as he pulls his twin iron draggers from side's holders and puts them in front of his face in a fighting position.

Rowan would turn, holding his staff at the ready. He'd look around, keeping an eye around the trees that Tigz mentioned, going over the spells he knew in his head.

Luke pulls out his silver long sword and gets into a fighting position with the sword aiming at one of the trees "Ok, there is four of darkspawn around us, strike them down, but wait for a opening and don't let them see one in you" Luke says as he swings his silver long sword through one of the hollow trees, a darkspawn falling from the shadows of the now cut down tree.

The black wolf quickly moves to the left side of the tree, swinging his dragger from his left paw down on a darkspawn hiding in the shadows of the tree "Wow, that is way too easy" Tigz says as he looks over at Rowan, hoping he can handle himself as two darkspawn come out of the shadows of the trees and run towards Rowan with their short swords.

Rowan would close his eyes a moment, and hold his hand out. A funnel of lightning shoots out, striking the two darkspawn that rushes towards him head on. The two darkspawn would both fall back, but stand back up, looking a little for the worse. Rowan would then send a single bolt of lightning at the one on the right, striking it down dead as the other raises it's sword to strike Rowan down.

The darkspawn moves a few inches closer, its eyes shining black with a darkness within. The darkspawn slowly starts to fall to its knees, the life within its eyes fades away, slipping as it falls to the cold ground, its blood coming out under its body as a dragger is seen through its back "You know, you are lucky I have good aim" Tigz says, slowly pulling out his dragger from the darkspawn's back and then puts it back in the holder on his side.

Rowan would nod a little, and look to Luke. "How did you know how many there were when you couldn't see them?" He'd ask.

Luke puts away his silver long sword on his back, taking a breather as he pulls out three vials from his side pocket, kneeing on the ground and carefully picks up a little blood in each vial from the dead bodies, standing up and looks over at Rowan and Tigz "It's a skill you learn once you are a grey warden, for now we need to get back to the camp. The longer we are out here, the more darkspawn will be here and we won't be able to handle it ourselves." Luke says as he walks pass Rowan and Tigz.

Rowan would nod vigorously and follow Luke close behind, holding his staff ready in case.

Tigz nods as he follows behind Rowan and Luke, sighing as he puts his arms behind his head "Man, this day has been one whole annoying trip." Tigz says, looking up at the sky, the crystal blue night lit sky seeming peaceful, yet Tigz feels uneasy of the calm night like the calm before the storm.

The three walk through the wooden gate into the camp, seeing that most people are asleep or resting near the camp fire by the statue of the Maker. Luke walks over to the Warden's Leaders tent and softly moves the curtain slightly "Odin, we have returned, shall I have them take the final part now" The feline ask as he looks over at Odin.

Odin lifts his head, his silver eyes slightly open from the tiredness "Yes Luke, please make sure they take it and tell me of the results." Odin says as he lies back on his silk blanket.

Luke nods and waves at the two to follow him to an open area, as he does so the two follow behind him a few inches between. Tigz looks around and sees a statue of a warden, the name engrave in the stone saying 'First Warden' "I guess this is where we take our final test Luke?" Tigz ask as his eyes focus on Luke's right paw with the vials of blood inside.

The young loin nods slowly, turning away as he slowly leaks the vials into a silver cup, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath "Yes, you two must take your final test, you must drink the blood of the darkspawn" Luke says, his paws taking lightly.

Rowan's mouth would drop as he looks at Luke dumfounded. "D-d-d-drink it!?" he'd say, looking a little sick.

Tigz nods and extends his right paw out to the silver cup "Ok, I already knew this would happen, darkspawn are not something you can train yourself to feel, unless the blood of it is inside of your vary being" Tigz says as he looks into Luke's eyes.

Luke blinks for a second, noticing Tigz's senses seem far more than just fighting. He looks at Rowan and slowly nods to him "You two must do it if you want to join us, otherwise I can only say that you must die for this is a secret no one is allowed to know" Luke says as he moves the silver cup towards Rowan's direction.

Rowan takes a gulp, and takes the silver cup in his paws. His paws where shaking, as he closed his eyes. He took a drink of it and handed it back to Luke quickly. Rowan begins to move around a little, his mind blending together the sight he sees together as he places both of us paws on his head, his eyes turns pure white as he slowly falls down to his knees, trying to reach out to Luke as he hits the ground. Tigz looks at Rowan, shaking his head as he takes the silver cup from Luke's paws and begins to drink the little that is left within the cup. Tigz feels a burning sense within his body, the cup falls from his right paw as he collapses to the ground, his eyes turning white as his vision fades away slowly, nothing but darkness fills his eyes as he says something quietly "Arch demon..." he says as he then slips away, the darkness taking over, fading into nothingness...

.Hack//Furry-The Return- Chapter three

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Dragon Age: Furry- Chapter 1: Chances of Luck

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.Hack//Furry-The Return- Chapter two

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