House of the Rising Son

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New Orleans, 1929. Julian has been sent to bring his father home from the RISING SUN, a notorious gambling den deep in the French Quarter of the city. But the House always wins. If Julian and his father want to clear the debt owed to the House, they'll have two choices: pay off a huge sum, or submit themselves to a shameful and taboo display for the Rising Sun's proprietors.

Fair warning, this story has a bit of kink in it ;) The initial vibe is very much based off the Alt-J version of the song, House of the Rising Sun. I really love that song, and something about it kinda grabbed me for this. And yeah, the title is a ridiculously shameless pun!

Also this story actually features me! Julian is my own 'sona, so that character is sort of based off that a little (though I'm not 18, from New Orleans, or anything like that lol). I wrote this story for a friend of mine - a talented artist named Joe! So the kinks in here are shared by both of us, and he wanted to see something featuring us together. This is a first for me, haha, writing a story featuring myself and someone I know.

Please go find Joe on twitter and check out his art:

I love writing short yiff stories, and getting to explore kinks in a free and fun way. Plus it's really hot to write and imagine. I hope you like it as well, and pls let me know if you found it... um... 'enjoyable', haha. Always very nice to hear someone got off to your smut, that is the point after all. Funny how you can write a story featuring kinks and porn this graphic, but then feel a little shy about saying you get off to it. Tbh, I find it kind of exciting people reading porn I wrote, maybe moreso since it features... me (or a character loosely based off my sona).

I actually met Joe through my bio on this site, and now we're great mates who er... well. Anyway my point is, come chat to me on telegram, just if you're friendly but also if you have hot/lewd story ideas! My @ is on my main bio page. But enough talking.

Enjoy HOUSE OF THE RISING SON, I hope it turns you on ;)


New Orleans. July, 1929.

There was a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun. It had been the ruin of many poor a soul, and now, Julian's father, was one.

The lithe dingo stood at the gates to the great plantation-style manor, staring up with trepidation. The House stared back at him like a spider in a web, patiently waiting. There was a borderless quality to it, as if the House defied restriction, spilling out in every direction until it completely dominated your thoughts and view. It was a thing of dark wood, not quite black but not quite purple, instead a vague oily blend of the two. Great bay windows on the ground floor leered out at the French Quarter streets, the veiled curtains permanently drawn. A few older gentlemen rocked in little chairs along the patio, smoking their pipes and sipping lemonade, the suspenders on their pinstripe pants hanging flaccid by their legs.

The House had allure, that much couldn't be denied. It was a question begging to be answered, a furious unknown. All the boys in Julian's class whispered of it, and when they thought he couldn't hear, they laughed about his father, utterly seduced within the depths. Charlie Laurent came home to his family, sometimes. Sometimes he even worked, too. But lately Julian noticed his father spent more and more time at the House, angry when he was home, excited when he left. That wasn't a pleasant feeling, Julian had quickly realised, seeing your own father eager to leave.

"It's actually rather cool inside, you know." Julian flinched as he realised someone was standing next to him, leaning across, a sly grin plastered on their narrow face. A rat, light creamy fur with a pink nose, queer pieces of silver metal glinting from his ear and nose, green eyes shining in the sweltering summer air. "Might not look like it to you, but they keep the place chilled. Top notch insulation. Few would rather sweat too much, eh?"

"I..." Julian hesitated. "I'm not here to... for anything like that."

The rat cocked an eyebrow, paws digging deep into his long coat. How he could wear something like that Julian could never know, the heat was downright oppressive. The humidity was so thick he could scarcely draw a breath - it was the kind of heat his mother called bathwater.

"Sure you're not, kid, sure. Nobody comes here for things like that." Whiskers twitched. There was a foreign accent to the rat's words, something Julian couldn't quite pick out. Playful, almost sing-song, but very faint. Everyone Julian had ever known spent their whole life in New Orleans, foreigners usually kept to themselves. His Uncle said things was better that way, but the dingo had never been sure of that. After all, go back a couple generations and the Laurents were French.

"Really," Julian insisted, clearing his throat. "I've just come to collect my father. My Mama says it's time he made home."

The rat whistled, looking up at the House, squinting through the light. The House was like a mirage, warped and bubbling in the heat, almost swaying in place. Julian was half-sure that if he blinked, it might suddenly disappear. It's just a house. Just a house.

"Your Ma sounds like a wise woman, a wise thing to listen to her now. This House eats foolish people, you know?"

Julian bristled, frowning. "Hey, look, my father's no fool, alright?"

"Is that so?" The rat asked.

"That is so, and I don't think it's called for to make those kinda comments, pal."

"We're pals now, huh?"

Julian stammered. "Well... er... No! Look, I er... best get going, I ain't got anything more to say to you."

"Oh, young man, people always have things to say to me." The rat grinned, clapping Julian on the back. "Don't take it all so personally, eh? Keep at that chip on your shoulder, and pretty soon it'll crack you in two, huh?"

Huh? Eh? Was everything this man asked a damned question? Julian had half a mind to smack some sense into him.

He'd almost thought of something clever to say back when he realised the rat was gone, halfway-up the brick path to the House's gaping maw, giving a slight nod to the tall muscular lion guarding the way.

"You're the fool," Julian hissed under his breath. Always a little too slow on the uptake, he was. He rubbed at his eyes, painfully dry despite all the damn moisture in the air. When he blinked back into focus, the House was still there. "It's just a damn house, it can't hurt you."

His mother was expecting him to bring his father home, and Julian needed him back too. Without Charlie around, the larger share of the man's work had fallen onto his shoulders. He didn't mind helping, but his friends were all out seeing shows and skipping classes, while he was stuck taking care of his brothers, clearing the garden, fixing the gutters. Fine at first, but he was getting right sick of it.

Fine, forget it, I'm going in already! His feet didn't move. Why was this so hard? Even the thought of walking up made his stomach turn, his intestines tying themselves up in a big knotted ball. Just a House. Just a House. Better to do it than think about it. Balling his paws into fists, Julian threw himself forward, marching down the bricks and almost knocking a distracted man aside as he went, stomping up the steps meaning to barrel right on through the ornate double doors.

His paw was inches from the door handle when another belonging to that muscular lion slapped down flat onto his chest. Julian froze, following the muscles up to an unimpressed cat, staring down at him.

"Howdy," the lion said, voice thick with a New Orleans accent. He wasn't no foreigner. "Where ya fixing to make now, kid?"

"I'm not a kid," Julian replied defiantly. He had half a mind to slap away the lion's paw, but on second look at the muscles rippling beneath his fur, he thought better of it. "Look, I'm just here for me father, alright?"


"Can you let me in?"

The lion inhaled slowly, rolling the thought around his mouth. "How old're you, then?"

"Nineteen." He lied. Only by one year, who was to know?

"Uh-huh. Sounds like a kid to me."

"Driven a car, don't I?"

"And you're here for your Da."

"Mama says it's time he made home."

The lion sighed, rolling his eyes and finally pulling his paw back. Julian grinned, reaching again for the doorknob. He flinched as the big cat grabbed him about the shoulders, leaning in close. "Listen here, kid. You heard what they say about the Rising Sun?"

"That it... eats people?"

"That's right," the lion said, nodding. "There are three rules. Don't make trouble. The party stays inside. And the House always wins. I don't want you stayin' long, alright? You getcha Da and leave. No drinkin', no foolin' around, or I'll come in and rustle you out myself. Got it?"

Julian's head was empty. The lion was... so big, it made him quiver slightly. "Y-yes sir."

"My name's Troy, I ain't ever forget a face. You ain't out soon, I'll come in after ya, and ask anyone - Troy ain't afraid of makin' no scene."

"Got it, sir."

The lion - Troy - jerked his head inwards, finally releasing Julian. The dingo scrambled to get away, tugging the door open and slipping into the lobby. He felt stupid already. He had as much right to be here as anyone, he wasn't a damn kid. If he hadn't been on a clock, Julian woulda gone back outside and told that thug exactly what he thought. What was he really gonna do, after all? But... he had to get his father.

With Charlie gone so much lately, Julian had done a lot of growing up. He was practically the man of their house, and he mighta been sick to death of it already, but that's what being a man was he reckoned. Doing things you didn't like, because they had to be done. Responsibility. Being a diplomat with Troy, that was responsible, not cowardly. Any other day of course, or if Julian was just a bit bigger, wasn't nobody gonna talk to him that way. But... responsibility. He had things to be doing. Big idiot got off light this time.

Shrugging away the lingering pressure of the lion's grip from his shoulders, Julian turned his attention to the lobby. His jaw fell as he fully took it all in.

This was the belly of the beast, and Julian was like Jonah trapped within the whale. Gleaming white tiles stretched across the floor, polished so brilliantly Julian could practically see his own face in 'em. Ladies heels clicked and snapped against the ceramics, men's boots scuffing and clunking. It was sick with people, crowded almost as bad as the saturday markets, every Tom, Dick, and Harry crammed up like a sardine against his buddies. It was a room with high ceilings and overly-decorated cornices, five or six archways opening up like great pits in the wall, no doubt leading off to further debauchery and decadence. A butterfly staircase curled upwards at the end of the lobby like a spine, though it seemed most of the guests chose to ignore its presence, and Julian saw only the occasional guest coming and going down the steps. The chandelier above gave off a dim enough light that you could see by, but not one so bright that it was easy to make out anyone's features. Julian figured the folks that came to a place like this appreciated discretion.

The noise was a terrible racket, he couldn't imagine being able to stand it for more than ten minutes at a time, certainly it would be impossible to make any conversation. The constant chatter rolled like waves, slamming side to side, intercut with the high peacock-laughs of working girls in lacy clothes, and the braying guffaws of the fools drooling over them. Beneath it all, a set of noisy roughshod instruments plucked away like nerves in a body. Everything swirled together until it was one great big sound, no definition, just a solid thing packing them in even tighter.

"Pardon me, hon!" Julian tried not to frown as one of the busty vixens slid on past him, a tray of iced drinks raised in one paw. He could see so much of her legs, enough it would make the other boys at school sick with it. Personally, Julian had never seen what all the fuss was about. They were just legs, after all.

Inhaling deep to help collect himself, Julian began to wade deeper into the Rising Sun's ground floor. The music hummed and bumped, the people shifted, laughing, crying out all together. Paintings of the empty New Orleans swamp dotted the walls, an artist rendition of a great orange sun rising up behind the bayou trees and buildings. It looked hot even in the pictures.

He was desperate to get out of the lobby mixer. Coughing from the smoke and perfume stench, Julian picked an archway at random and pushed inside, ears splayed back, eyes wide as saucers as he stumbled through into a gaming floor.

The band played a furious song in the back corner, hooting and hollering as they banged drums and plucked at some cheap-looking guitar. All the while the wide open parlour room was filled with card tables and dice games, men gathered around them screaming and crying as they won and lost and won and lost. There was no species monoculture here, there were foxes, cats, birds, dogs, wolves, even a few lizards slinking about. Julian had never seen so much cash in his life switching between the rainbow of paws, spittle spraying out as the poorer of the losers refused to take it well.

How could anyone get lost in all this noise? He wondered. All he could think about was how fast he had to leave. The place seemed bitter and sweaty, not at all exciting or opulent like he'd expected. In fact, the harder he looked at the little decorations and purple wallpapers, the more Julian realised that the whole place felt a bit... cheap. It was like a poor person's guess at what a mansion might be like, more like a funhouse than a real place of business. Dad, you damned idiot.

Well. There was no point gawking any longer. Who would know best the comings and goings of a man like Charlie Laurent? Would it even be possible to recognise anyone in here, through the smoke and booze fumes? Nothing for it but to try. Sucking in a breath, Julian found one of the table dealers and tapped him on the shoulder, the hawk immediately shooting him a sharp glare.

"Excuse me sir, I'm just-" the words weren't hardly out of Julian's mouth when the hawk cut him off.

"I'm in a game son, find somewhere else to chat."

"I..." Fine. Huffing, Julian turned about, leaving the hawk to deal another round of cards. Only one question, did nobody here have any manners?

"Twenty-two, bad luck batter," the hawk cried, earning a collective groan from his small audience.

Julian had almost made it out of earshot when he heard someone cry out. "Hey! Kid!"

He glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see a fat wolf shove through the crowd, eyes red and his breath sour.

"Sorry, I-" Julian was again cut off when the wolf shoved him back up against a wall, teeth bared and hackles up.

"You distracted the dealer! This is fixed, ain't it? I lost my game, all cause of you!"

Julian started. He should smack this guy across the nose, how rude could you be? "I'm sorry, I didn't realise I-"

"I-I-I-I Um!" The wolf mimicked, shoving him back again. "You think I'm a fool? This is a joke? Gonna come in here and cheat at my table, don't you know who I am kid?"

"No, I'm not cheating!" Julian insisted. "I ain't even playing!"

"Oh yous playing alright," the wolf said, huffing harder and harder. He scrunched up the front of Julian's shirt, pinning him to the wall and lifting up a closed fist. "You gonna give me my money, or I'll take your teeth, your choice baby boy!"

"I don't have your money!" Julian cried, flinching away just as two other patrons saw the commotion, crying out for a bouncer as they grabbed hold of the stumbling wolf, dragging him back as he kicked and growled.

"Let me go! Let me! He RUINED IT!" The wolf cried, straining uselessly against the two men.

"Just go kid, get outta here!" One of the guys cried, and as Julian saw Troy push inside to the gaming floor, he figured it was as good an idea as any.

Slipping back into the on-looking crowd, he bolted for the other side of the room, pushing through people and cutting his way across until he finally crashed into a waist-height bar, shoving himself back upright again, out of breath. The crowd had moved on, already Troy had the belligerent wolf nearly out the door. Nobody paid Julian any mind, thank goodness. Close on.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Julian turned back to the bar, taken aback as he realised he was now eye-to-eye with the same rat from the gate.

"I..." Julian gaped. "You!"

The rat grinned, whiskers twitching. "Me!"

The dingo didn't know what to say. Instead, he looked back into the crowd, where Troy had already closed the front doors behind them. Shouldn't have let him talk to me like that. It was only cause he was caught by surprise, why... if Julian had'a been ready he would've definitely kicked that idiot to the curb. Then what would he say?

"You look like you need a drink, kid," the rat said behind him. Julian whirled back, eyebrows pinched together.

"But..." He watched as a small tumbler of what he assumed was whiskey was poured out before him. Surely it would be rude to point out the laws in a place like this? "But... I mean to say..."

"Don't sweat it," the rat chuckled. "I know all the prohibition officers in the Big Easy, hey? They know better than to come here." He slid the glass closer towards Julian. "Look around, everyone's gamblin', drinkin' - c'mon, just drink, you gotta loosen up."

Paw shaking slightly, the dingo reached down, picking up the glass and swirling the amber-brown liquid inside. It smelled like gasoline. Ears burning hot, still half-sure it was a trick, he knocked the glass back like he'd seen his Uncle do, swallowing the small mouthful in one fast go.

Fire burned in his chest and he instantly coughed, sputtering back as he choked on the taste, which was about as good as the smell. "Why..." Cough. "Why would anyone drink that?"

The rat laughed, pouring a second. "You get used to it. I knew you was young."

Sure, but Julian couldn't imagine wanting to drink enough to get 'used to it'. Would take a full truckload of the stuff.

"So then," the rat continued, hefting the unmarked whiskey bottle in one pink paw. "You end up finding your Dad yet, eh?"

"Not yet," Julian said, looking back to the crowd. "I don't even know where to start."

"He's a wolf too then, skinny as you are?"

"Dingo!" Julian snapped, turning back. "We're dingoes, not skinny wolves."

"I hit a nerve? Right, sure, whatever, dingo. What's his name? Be a strange man if he came here and didn't say hello to me."

"But..." Julian sighed. "You arrived at the same time I did. He's probably been here for hours." Days, practically.

"But I know the regulars, don't I?" The rat narrowed his eyes, leaning in as he lowered his voice. "And I am supposing here that he is indeed a regular?"

Julian picked up his second whiskey, sipping it and scrunching his face up at the taste. Still, he wanted the rat to know he wasn't messing around, he wasn't scared. Hell, he was the man of the Laurent house now.

"His name's Charles," Julian said finally. "Charlie Laurent. Little taller than me, maybe a bit wider. Big arms and a big stomach, too. Darker fur but still orange, definitely don't look like no wolf."

The rat's face grew sombre, and he nodded slightly, rubbing at his chin. "I see, I see. Yeah... I know old Charlie. I know him pretty well, even you might say. He's mentioned you too, actually. Said you're a good kid, Jules... am I right?"

"You..." Julian blanched. "Yes. Julian."

"Right, right. Old Charlie he's... been here a lot these past few weeks." The rat heaved his shoulders, as if he had to do something distasteful.

"Can you just tell me where he is, so I can bring him home? Mama's getting antsy, and nobody likes it when she's mad."

The rat paused. "Your Ma is working by herself, and all the while old Charlie's down here pissing away your money, am I right? What's your mother do?"

"She's a... tailor. She sows jeans."

"You came all the way down here to fetch old Charlie, even though you must hate him. You're a curious fellow, Jules."

Julian bristled. "My father is a good man, I don't hate him at all." The rat cocked an eyebrow, clearly suspect. "Look. Growing up, times was rough. Dad did right by all of us. Mama always said, plenty of guys could'a up and left her as soon as the soup got hot, but he didn't. He stuck around, and ain't never hit us half as hard as my friend's Dads did them. No... it's this place... I dunno what it is, but there's something ain't right with my Dad. It's not him. It's like a sickness and I know he can't help it. So... What I mean to say is, don't you be saying any cruel things about my father now, buddy, because you... you don't even know him." Julian sniffed, taking another sip of the whiskey. The burning pain was almost nice. "I'm the man of the house, but I'm gonna take my Dad home and... and give him a right piece of my mind. I'll tell him what-for. And he'll stop coming here to this terrible place. That'll be that."

The rat braced his elbows on the bar, peering studiously at the young dingo. Julian looked away, blinking, unsure why he suddenly felt like he might cry. After a moment, the rat offered up an open paw. "You seem like a good fella, kid. I like a lad with his head screwed on straight. My name's Joe."

Unsure what the game was, Julian shook the paw right back. "Julian. But you... already knew that."

Joe shrugged. "Nice to be formally introduced though, isn't it?" He wiped at his nose, then poured out another whiskey. "I got good news and bad news for ya, kid. Up to you what you like first."

"Is he here?" Julian asked, leaning in.

"That's the good news. Old Charlie is indeed here in the Rising Sun, I know where he is. I can take you to him." The rat averted his eyes, and Julian felt his stomach plummeting. Something was wrong, and the maybes of it gnawed at him. "The bad news is... he owes the House a great deal of money. Truth be told, I take no pleasure in it, especially after your story. But the Rising Sun is a place of business. He wanted credit and we gave it, seen it happen a hundred times before. Charlie kept trying to win himself out, but all he's gone and done is dig the hole deeper."

Julian felt his heart sink, staring right through the rat at some invisible point a million miles away. His mother had given him some cash, hoping to buy Charlie out of whatever pit he was stuck in, but from the way the rat was talking, he could already tell it wouldn't be enough.

Why? He just wanted to bring his father home.

"This place..." Joe continued. "You understand, we can't just let that kind of thing go, eh? It's a service here, people pay for entertainment and to let loose. The Rising Sun was started because the owner was sick of being dictated to all the time, of living inside the small cage of polite society. We allow patrons to do as they like, but it's a sorry truth that not everyone can hold their liquor, so to speak."

Maybe Julian was just being naive, but looking at Joe, he did actually seem genuine. At the least, he was a far cry from the kind of figure Julian would have imagined coming out of a place like the Rising Sun. "But this place is illegal."

"Lots of things are illegal that shouldn't be, and too many are legal that should, don't you reckon?"

"I suppose." Julian slumped his shoulders.

"Look..." The rat hesitated, glancing past him. "Kid, you seem like a decent lad, alright. And Charlie... he's a foolish man but he ain't ever caused any kind of trouble here. So what's you say if I offer you a bit of a deal, tie this thing over?"

"Isn't dealing how my Father got into this mess in the first place?"

Joe laughed. "Sure. I'm thinking less chance this time around though. What I'm saying is, if you can pay off his debt or most of it to me, because I like you, I'll ban him from the House."

"You..." Julian blinked in disbelief. "You'd what?"

Joe shrugged. "I'd make sure he ain't allowed back in. Even put in a word with the other houses around the city so they do the same, light a bit of fire underneath old Charlie to keep him on the straight and narrow."

"You'd do that? Thank you, please, that would be amazing." Julian's heart raced, imagining. His father, locked out of all these places. He'd always figured Charlie just needed a break, some time to clear his head and remember what was important. "I will find the money. I swear to you, I can pay it back somehow."

"Of that, I am certain. C'mon," Joe said, slipping out from behind the bar, his pink paw brushing across Julian's back as he led him on. "Good there, kiddo?"

"I'm fine, fine," Julian promised. "Where are we going?"

"Don't ask so many question, huh?" And he shoved Julian forwards into the crowd, quickly slipping by to lead him through. Joe was like an icebreaker in the arctic, diving through the throng and glad-handing as he went. Seemed everyone wanted to know Joe the bartender. He shook paws, gave grins, made little in-jokes with what felt like every second patron, all the while swirling past them like a summer breeze. Most of them ignored Julian, but on the off chance one did glance his way, they stared with a nervous kind of energy. Like they knew something he didn't. Like he was a meal.

It took Julian a moment to realise the rat was talking back at him, leading them into the lobby and towards those swooping butterfly stairs. "...everyone with a story, you know? That wouldn't be fair to just let 'em off."

"No... I guess not," said Julian. He felt like a pup with grubby paws as they climbed the steps, painfully out of place.

"But I like you, Julian," the rat called back down at him. "You got fight in you, a chip on y'shoulder. Reminds me of myself, even." Julian wasn't sure he wanted to end up like the rat, but he'd take it. "I gotta sense about people, you know? Work in this business long enough, you get to be almost psychic, know what I'm saying?"

"I suppose." Julian muttered, as they reached the first floor. It was carpeted up here, slightly softer than downstairs, the small lobby area breaking away into many corridors and offices. Mercifully, it was quieter too. Julian had almost forgotten how intense the hum downstairs had been. "You're like some kind of gambling mystic."

"Oh no, I'm something better," Joe explained, shooting a grin at a cuddling couple on a big couch. Julian wasn't sure but he doubted the butch crocodile was that badger's wife. "Place like this? It's all about knowing people. About knowing what they want, about knowing how to help them relax."

Julian nodded absently as they wormed down one of the hallways. Behind each door he could hear muffled noises, cries and voices, even... moans. The thoughts made him blush, a small fan fluttering in his gut. With his Dad busy, and his Ma working, he'd never really had time to stop and consider anything like that. Sure, Julian had seen the girls at school but... maybe he was just too busy, they didn't seem nearly as exciting to him as they did to the other boys.

He was so distracted by it, Julian nearly crashed right into Joe, the rat having stopped against the last door on the left, leaning up against the frame.

"Whoa there, so eager," Joe chuckled. He licked his lips, whiskers twitching, and raised a finger to gently prod Julian in the chest. "Do you know what I see, when I look at you, kiddo?"

Julian swallowed. For some reason, he was almost scared. "What?"

"I see someone who's got a lot on their plate. A man of the house, maybe, who should be out foolin' around and instead is kept busy with stuff he ought not to worry over. I think it's tough. Being the strong one." He leaned in close, and as Julian breathed in he felt a catch in his throat. Something tickled at the back of his mind, and the rat's paw gently touched his hip. It sent tingles racing up his side, was he relieved? There was a lot going on, after all, he couldn't wait for things to go back to normal. "Am I right, Jules?"

"M-maybe... somethin' like that... I dunno." He shrugged, glancing away, cheeks hot.

Joe laughed, opening up the door.

Julian slipped past into a small, more tastefully decorated office. A painting of Joe hung on the wall, mounted up behind a modest wooden desk, lined with fancy pens and stacks of paper. It smelled faintly of incense, errant dust particles caught in the hazy sunlight beams reaching through the window slats. Two leather couches faced each other in the middle of the room, and hunched over his knees on one of them was Charlie Laurent.

"Dad?" Julian asked.

The older dingo glanced up, ears back like a wounded dog. His fur was a little darker than Julian's, and a slight grey played at his muzzle. He was leaner than a wolf, but had surprisingly thick arms and a round drum for a belly. His white shirt sat ruffled on his frame, sleeves rolled to the elbows, the top two buttons below his neck hanging undone. Charlie Laurent was sweating, in more ways than one.

"Julian," his Dad gasped, paws wringing. "What the blazes are you doing here?"

"I came to get you. Ma says it's time to make home." Julian's father only shook his head.

"Think I might be deeper in this swamp than you can go, son."

"Oh, Charlie," Joe said, gently shutting the door and dipping between them. "Don't be so dour. I'm a businessman, you're a man... we can come to an agreement, surely?"

"Hold up," Julian said, raising his paws. "Surely we need to wait for the owner, right?" Charlie and Joe exchanged a look, and a moment later the rat gestured up at the giant oil painting of himself on the wall.

"Son," Charlie whispered.

"Oh it's... I thought you were a bartender..." Julian mumbled stupidly.

"I am a bartender, but I am also this House. This game. I established it myself with scraps and an empty lot, not many people wanted to offer up a loan to some Swedish implant back in those days. I'm everything here, Julian, I am the Rising Sun." Joe gave a wan smile, proffering up a small roll of paper. Julian couldn't help thinking of old folk stories about the devil, tricking good-meaning people into selling their souls for trinkets. Gingerly, Julian accepted the note. "And that is what your father is, to this House."

He gasped, jaw falling. The number on the page was astonishing, more than twice what he'd make in a year probably.

"Dad? What is this?" Julian had half a mind to box his own father round the ears. Maybe that would knock some sense into the old fool.

Charlie shrugged. "It just spiralled, got away from me, y'know? I'm sorry, Julian, ain't you or your brothers or your Ma gotta take this on." He puffed up his chest, standing from the chair. Only now did Julian realise, he was almost his father's height. When had that happened? "This is my mess, y'hear? I'll be the one to sort it out now. No need for you to get all worked up in it."

Yet here I am, Julian thought. He'd rather nothing more than to just leave, go home, forget about this business. But he couldn't. Being responsible.

"What do you say, Julian?" Joe asked, leaning back on his desk. "Can we make all this go away? I'd hate to keep your Dad here washing our dishes for the next three years."

"I..." He stammered, defeated. "Joe, I'm sorry, I don't think I can pay this."

The rat stood, sniffing slightly. He approached the two dingos, father and son, stepping behind Julian. He was uncomfortably close. "Because... you don't have enough money?"


"Well, what if we came to... another kind of arrangement? You two could... do a bit of work for me, the unconventional sort."

"Joe, c'mon now," said Charlie. "Leave my boy out of this."

"Oh Charlie, he wants to help," Joe cooed, voice playful, and not just a little forceful too. His voice was right in Julian's ear. "Let me explain how credit in the Rising Sun works, kid. You have a debt. Each month, that debt goes up, and up. It's how money is made, you can think us crooks but it's the same way as the banks do it. Eventually, we make a profit on that debt. But that's a high number. And even if I offered you a low rate, of say, three-percent interest. I think it might just get away from you before you even start to make a dent. We can do that. Or, we can try something a little faster."

"What..." Julian felt the rat's long fingers dance on his hips, shivering as they poked about his waist. "What kind of work are you talking about?"

Joe's laughter tickled Julian's neck. "The Rising Sun, it isn't just for cards and drinks, you see. We do all kinds of things here, if it feels good, we sell it. Doubly so if you can't get it anywhere else." Julian felt locked in place as the rat's paws crept around his front, skittering over the waistline of his belt. Pins and needles raced beneath his fur.

"Joe, come now," Charlie said. He was frowning deeply, but made no move to leave. There was no other choice.

"There are some... discerning customers, who'd pay top dollar for a show..." Julian gasped as the rat's paw drifted down, pressing on the bulge at his crotch. The dingo knew he should throw the rat off, after all what kinda guy liked touching other men? But he was stuck. And he did need a way to get his Dad out of this jam. "...a show involving a father and his son."

"I..." Julian looked at his Father, who was wide eyed, similarly stuck in place. He tried to swallow, but found his mouth empty and dry. "I don't... I don't know quite what you mean."

"It would pay well enough that you two might actually make a profit." Joe was pressed fully up against Julian's back now. His left paw squeezed at the soft skin at Julian's hip, his right paw, still rubbing at the dingo's crotch. Much as he hated it, the private parts there were starting to respond. "I think you can imagine. In fact, I think you're gonna do what I say. I think you're gonna listen to me, because that's all you need to do, Julian... come along, and do what I say while a few people watch... then you can go."

"Joe, c'mon now," Charlie said for the fourth or fifth time. "This here ain't so right. This is my boy, but this money business it's between you and me. Jules, time for you to go and clear on home."

"It'd clear the debt, Dad," Julian said, the rat still rubbing at him. And Joe will lock you out forever. Part of him wanted to just give in. He was tired of making difficult decisions, damn it. He just wanted someone to listen to. Julian eyed his father, clearly Charlie wasn't going to be the decider on this one. Say what you want about Charlie Laurent, but the man wasn't good at making the hard calls.

Julian still wasn't sure exactly what the rat had in mind, but with the paw over his privates, he could half-guess. "Um... Does it... does it have to be with my Dad?"

"That kind of taboo is where the money comes from," Joe explained. He squeezed a little tighter, and Julian flinched. He tried to squeeze his thigh muscles, hoping to all there was that his damned prick wouldn't start acting up now. The actions felt weird, but there was still a little kick in him, a small pinwheel dialling through his chest, the same feeling he felt when all the boys showered together after gym. "They won't know who you are, Julian, it's all very private, that's part of the deal. But it has to be you and old Charlie here."

"Dad?" Julian asked.

Charlie seemed to suddenly find the floor extremely interesting. "I dunno. It would really clear the debt?"

"And then some," Joe chuckled.

"But..." Julian sighed. "It's my Dad."

"Oh, shy?" Joe sniffed sharply. "You'll see, it isn't so bad once you get started." Before Julian could reply, Joe's fingers deftly slipped at his belt. The leather opened up and his jeans came undone. A moment later those slender paws had pulled the waistband of the jean and the undies right down, allowing Julian's plump sheath and balls to flop out, hanging there for all to see.

"Hey now, Joe!" Charle cried, averting his eyes. The dingo half shoved forward, but stopped there. "Jules, you listen here now, you ain't gotta take this! You can leave!"

"I... hey!" Julian said, trying to squirm. Joe held him tight, shushing gently.

"No, be still, just wait." His typically-svelte voice was now like iron, and it sent a million little spiders racing up Julian's spine, practically forcing him to obey. "You want that debt wiped, don't you?"

His sheath was half-swollen, the red tip of his prick poking free of the orange-cream fur bunched up there. Joe reached down, squeezing around the base. His slender fingers were ticklish, warm and soft to the touch. "Ah..." he couldn't stop the gasp. Julian had never had anyone touch him there, not like that anyway.

"See?" The rat offered. "It ain't so bad, once you get over that initial discomfort."

Julian's limbs were trembling, shaking in place. His skin was on fire, but he was deeply cold at his core. This was exciting but- no, he didn't find this fun. How could he? What kind of freak would actually enjoy his father seeing him naked? No, no, not at all, this was just... the clearing of the debt. It was all about the House.

"Oh..." Julian gasped, as Joe stroked him slowly.

"Charlie," the rat said, his voice taking on that commanding edge once more. "Step forward, and touch your son."

"Look here," the old dingo said, brows furrowing. "I ain't never agreed to-"

"Charlie," Joe snapped. "Do as I say. Think about what you owe me."

That shut Charlie right up, his teeth clicking loud as he clammed up again. Reluctantly, Julian's father stepped forward, shortening the space between them. Licking his lips, fidgeting in place, he stared down at his son's sheath.

"I just gotta touch it?" He asked, his eyes finding Julian's. "Son, you're sure this is what you wanna do? You can leave me to it now, just say the word."

"Only for a moment, Charlie," Joe whispered. "Come Julian, he's shy, be a good boy and tell him that you want him to."

"Dad..." He felt so light in that moment, like he might drift away any second. His body moved automatically, almost relieved to just give in to the shame and embarrassment and simply do as the rat commanded. "Dad, I want you to. Think about the debt."

Closing his eyes, and exhaling sharply, Charlie stuck his paw out forwards. Julian grunted as his father grabbed his sheath, squeezing roughly, thumb pressing into his balls. His heart froze painfully still in his chest, throat closing. It felt good, but he obviously knew it was wrong too. Julian hated it, his own father, another man? If they didn't owe this rat so much money he would never have considered something like this. Never.

Not in a million years.

"Keep holding, keep," Joe ordered. "Julian, tell your Dad you like it."

"Dad... I like it."

"Charlie, are you going to tell your son that you like seeing him naked?"

Charlie's eyes burst open, staring right through Julian and into Joe. He was shaking, but his paw remained clamped almost painfully tight around his son's cock. "I..." His eyes darted down. "I... like seeing you... naked... son."

"Very good, very well done to my good boys," Joe said. Quickly as it started, Julian was released by them both. Sucking down stale air, the dingo quickly stuffed himself away, doing up his jeans. As he did the belt back up, it was almost impossible to believe that had actually happened. Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you leave?

Why didn't he now?

Whistling, the rat moved to the office door. "Shall we, gentlemen?"

"So... we're done?" Julian asked, pins and needles prickling down his neck.

Joe almost burst out laughing, but shortly composed himself. "My, no. Like I said, Julian, there is an audience for you and your Dad. That was merely a warm-up, breaking the ice. If you want to leave old Charlie here, so be it, you are free to go but I will do with him as I please. If you'd like to go through with our deal, and walk away slightly richer... meet me on the top floor in a few minutes."

And with that, the rat was gone, leaving Julian alone with his father.

"Oh boy," Charlie said, rocking on his heels.

"It all..." Julian shrugged, not sure what to say. His cheeks felt hot enough to fry an egg on. "...happened so fast." Charlie's paws were shoved deep in his pockets, one of them the paw that had been holding Julian's sheath only seconds earlier.

Did that really happen?

Would his father thank him for coming? For helping? Joe had said it, the debt wasn't his, Julian could just leave his father to it. Or... he could submit himself to humiliation, in front of an audience no less. Who knew what that man was capable of?

But Julian couldn't just leave him here. And besides, this would be the end of it. He'll cut Dad off, and the other houses will too. They respect the Rising Sun, they'll do as it says. One act of embarrassment, a bit of nudity and maybe some touching, and Julian would save his father. How many sons could say that? Surely it was worth it. Surely this was the responsible choice?

Besides. Joe didn't really seem like a bad guy. For all the showmanship Julian really did think the rat was sincere in what he said. And Charlie. Dad. He wouldn't blame me if I left. He'd probably be glad I did, doesn't want to admit how bad he needs my help.

"Are we going up then, Dad?" He heard himself ask.

"I..." Charlie's mouth fell, and he shrugged. "I guess there ain't no other way to make it right, huh?"

"Seems like you're getting off easy," Julian replied. "Let's just get it over with. In all honesty it weren't the end of the world now, was it?"

The old dingo shrugged. "I guess not, son. If that's all there is... well... nothing to do but get to it, I reckon. If you're certain." Julian was.

The two dingos made their way back out, returning to the stairs and continuing on up to find Joe.

"You got a girl, Jules?" Charlie asked, as they went. He was never known for his smooth conversation. Charlie was a straight-talker, a plain man really, that's why everyone liked him - you got what you saw.

"Nuh," Julian said, eyes up as he led them to the top floor. "Ain't had time, Dad. Too busy with Ma and the house."

"Right, right of course but... I mean to say..." They came to a stop at the top of the stairs, and Charlie cleared his throat. "You're grown up now. Have you... ever done anything like... like with anyone else before or...?"

"Oh," Julian's face flushed. Was his Dad asking if he'd gotten with a girl? If he was a virgin? "Um. No. I haven't... done that before. This is my first time."

"Right." The air was a void between them, silent and empty.

"Boys!" They both turned to see Joe, beckoning them from an open doorway. Sucking down sour air, Julian stuffed his anxieties deep and followed the rat into a small, plush room.

"You've made the right choice." Locking the door behind them, the rat grinned, pulling off his coat. He was wearing tight trousers and a waistcoat over a tie and shirt, sleeves rolled. "A moment alone, to prepare and go over the rules."

"Rules?" Julian asked.

"Yes, of course," Joe said. "These are paying customers, and I am in turn paying you. I expect to enjoy myself, and you two better make sure I do, if you hope to get paid." Julian's teeth grit together, but he kept his composure, nodding slow. If it wasn't for the debt he'd knock the rat out, surely, just you watch. Joe seemed like a nice guy, but this was getting dodgier by the minute. "So no complaining, understood?"

"Alright then," Julian said.

Joe held a finger to his face, wagging it back and forth. "Uh-uh. Rule one. You answer yes sir."

"I..." He bit his tongue. This would pay the debt off. Save his father. Julian kept reminding himself of that. The debt. The debt. The rat held all the power over them, he was helpless. "Yes. Sir."

"Good boy." The rat nudged them closer together. "Now. Once we go inside, you are both to obey the commands. If you refuse, even once, the deal is off. If the audience does not enjoy themselves, the deal is off. If you find yourself so displeased you cannot continue, you may leave at any time. Nobody is being forced here against their will... but there will be no deal if our performance is not completed. I won't be questioned, you're going to obey the commands I give you. Aren't you?"

Swallowing, Julian nodded, his father mimicking. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now strip for me, both to your underwear."

Charlie sucked in a breath, as if to argue, and the rat swiftly cut him off. "Now-now, Charlie, remember our rules. I am giving up a lot of money by forgiving your little problem. You're going to make sure it's worth it."

Blowing air from his cheeks, the older dingo nodded. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt, undid his jeans, and dropped them all in a pile by his side. Julian did the same, unable to keep from shaking. The further along they went, the more real this became. He was going to be naked with his father. He was probably going to have to touch his naked father, and who knew what else?

Surely he won't go too far... right? Julian couldn't imagine the people watching. Who would want that? Who would actually want to see their own father naked, and touch him, and have him touch back, and smell the sweat from his intimate areas. Julian's heart raced. But he didn't want to. Of course, he didn't want to.

Who would?

Eventually the two men were standing in only their tight briefs. Julian couldn't help a glance, and already he could tell his father's bulge was larger than his own, a sizable presence hiding behind the white fabric.

Joe stepped up to Julian, inches from him. He took the dingo's paw, dragging it down to his own crotch and holding it against the swelling there. Julian blinked, slightly dazed, as his fingers felt the clear outline of a thick cock.

"You want that, don't you boy?" Joe whispered.

"Yes sir," Julian said.

"Good answer. You're gonna do whatever I want, aren't you?"


The rat's eyes flicked down to Julian's undies. "Pretty small, aren't you?"

Julian's ears burned. Some of his pals had said the same thing after gym. "Yes. I am."

"But your Daddy's big, isn't he?"

Julian peered over the rat's shoulder, and nodded. "I think so, sir."

"You want your Daddy's cock?"

"Joe-" Charlie said, but the rat hushed him, turning back to Julian.

"Yes, sir, I want..." He swallowed. The debt. For the debt. What other choice did he have? "My ...Daddy's... cock." Such a vulgar word.

"Good boy then, I think we're all good to go." Joe crossed the room, unlocking a second door on the opposite side. "Remember the rules now, and please, try to enjoy yourselves."

The door swung open as Julian and his father were ushered into a large, cavernous ballroom. It was over-sized, over-decorated, and no doubt over-priced. The air was surprisingly cool, with shaded windows and a small unlit fireplace to the far side. In many homes it would be used as a dining hall for entertaining a dozen or more guests. In the House of the Rising Sun, there was no great table, just an open clearing in the centre.

Figures, dressed in all manner of clothing, surrounded the clearing in chairs. They wore masks, renaissance ball-style eyelets, nothing ostentatious but enough to conceal their identities. Julian wished he had one too.

Joe walked out before them all, paws clasped before himself. "Ladies and gentlemen of the eve, thank you for your patience and welcome to our exclusive event." The crowd remained silent. There were maybe fifteen to twenty of them, watching quietly. Julian hadn't given much thought to the idea of an audience, but now as several glanced his way, he couldn't help feeling inadequate. Like they were judging him. "Due to a unique circumstance within the House, tonight's entertainment has become something... alternative. I present to you, Charlie and Julian. Father... and son."

A faint gasp rippled through the encircled crowd, murmurs passing between them all as they politely clapped. For their part, Julian and his father merely stood, paws hanging by their sides. Julian felt incredibly exposed, standing there in nothing but his jocks. He felt lanky and young, not like a man of the house at all, but instead like some idiot kid who didn't know what the hell he'd gotten himself into. The hidden eyes made him feel more naked than a lack of clothing ever could.

He was quickly starting to regret agreeing to this. Damn it, he didn't even know what they were agreeing to in the first place. Why did you do this? So eager to go and take charge, save Dad, and instead you've blundered into a huge mess. What would Joe have done if Julian had just said 'no', and smacked him down, marched out of their with Dad in tow?

Could still leave. The door was behind him. Joe had said they could. But the debt. Hung over them like a guillotine blade, waiting to drop. If he left his Dad here, Charlie would drown. As much as Joe said they had a choice, both of the Laurent men knew the truth.

Joe circled them, sniffing derisively. "As for you two... You'll just pretend our audience isn't here. Look at me, alright? I am all that matters to you." He pointed two fingers at his eyes, whiskers twitching. "Julian, why don't you go and kneel in front of your Father?"

Julian breathed in deep, trying to stop himself from shaking. "Yes... sir." He stepped across the polished wooden floor, feeling the weight of twenty sets of eyes on his back. It was so quiet. Moving slow, he lowered himself before his Dad, knees pressing into the hard ground, looking up to find himself eye-level with Charlie's tight white briefs. The shape of his Dad's sheath was far more noticeable now, curving outwards and hanging low.

Joe circled behind him. "Lot bigger than yours isn't it?" Julian nodded, trying not to imagine how many people were watching. What were they thinking? Were they all thinking he was small? They'd know for certain once his undies were off. All those strange people. Looking at him and his Dad, naked, afraid, and obedient. It made his stomach tighten up and twist around in circles.

Joe dropped to a squat behind him, chuckling. "Smell him." Julian sniffed slightly, but Joe put a paw on the back of his head, pushing his snout into the crease of his father's bulge. "No, like this."

Julian closed his eyes, inhaling deep. He was hit with a heady scent of musk and sweat, slightly salty, but strong. He hadn't realised his father had such a strong natural smell. By the side of his nose, he felt a slight twitch in his father's sheath.

"Son... I..."

"Do you want him, Charlie?" Julian pulled back slightly, craning his eyes to look up at his father. From down here he seemed like a giant, his stomach poking out wide, the fur around his chest and thighs grizzled. Unbidden, Julian raised his paws, gently grasping the sides of his father's legs, squeezing gently. He couldn't stop from shaking, he had to hold onto something or he'd fall out completely.

"Charlie," Joe cooed, leaning in.

"Yes..." The older dingo finally relented, sighing heavily. "Yes, damn it, I want the boy." Murmurs echoed around the captive audience, and Julian couldn't deny finding the excitement infectious. Part of him wanted to just hurry up and get it over with, even if it really meant seeing his Dad... like that. Which he didn't want. Of course.

"Well then..." The rat called, giggling.

Julian knew what they wanted to see - a part of him even wanted to give it to them. Tail wagging gently behind himself, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his father's jocks, sliding them down to reveal his sheath.

Charlie's cock was big. The sheath was thick, with low, round balls swinging below. The fur was cream, and as the undies fell Julian had to blink for the strong scent that hit him, nearly three times as potent as his first sniff. "Dad..." He whispered, noticing that his Dad's red tip was nearly halfway out of the plush fur.

"Jules, it isn't..." Charlie grunted. "It's the attention, I can't help it."

"Give the people a show then, pup," Joe said, leaning back, his own cock clearly hard in his trousers.

Julian nodded, ready to obey the rat. This wasn't about him, and despite the shame pumping through his body, he allowed himself to relax into the role. It was like pretending. He was just doing what he was told, he didn't have to make any decisions, didn't have to think. Just had to obey. Part of him was relieved.

Unfortunately, none of that stopped the thrum of wrongness coursing through him. The instincts and urges bombarding him with a million signals at once, telling him how he couldn't possibly do it, this was his Dad after all.

Even so, Julian's paws slid up through the fur. They caressed over his Dad's hips, reaching slightly around to hold his ass cheeks. He'd heard his pals talk about people doing this kind of thing with girls, but Julian had never imagined actually doing it himself. Especially with a man. Especially with his own father. You're a freak, aren't you? In his undies, his sheath stirred, as if confirming the thoughts.

He felt the room breathe in as his maw opened, eyes closing.

"Now, my rapturous audience, Julian is a fresh virgin of eighteen. Everything is new for him," Joe explained. "Go on now, Julian, taste your Father."

"Come on, boy," Charlie asked, finally getting the memo about what they wanted. He rested his big paw on the back of Julian's head, urging him inwards.

Keeping his eyes shut, Julian let himself lean in, the scent of musk overwhelming as he went. A warmth brushed his lips and then a slick texture graced his tongue. Julian let his mouth close around his Dad's cock, breathing through his nose as he tasted it. Charlie led him, pushing him down and grunting, thrusting shallowly into his son's mouth, then slowly inching him off.

"That's good son," the older dingo sighed, as Julian's lips closed around him once more. "Very good... Mmf, ah... yes."

It was awkward at first, but eventually Julian found a nice rhythm, curling his tongue to allow his Dad to slide nicely along it, coaxing the rest of his length from the sheath. Charlie began to pick up the rhythm too, flowing with his hormones, slowly thrusting in and out of his son's maw. Julian tasted his Dad, exploring his shape, tongue lapping at the underside of his glans, poking along the length and dipping inside his sheath, allowing the thick length to slide further and further into his mouth.

"Are you getting excited down there, Julian?" Joe asked, again stepping around them. Julian paused his motion, reaching a paw down absently and feeling at his own jocks. He was surprised to feel a wet spot, along with a firm tent. At first he almost panicked, lightning striking in his chest, panic sending him sliding through the floor. The reality he'd been ignoring crashed into him.

All those people. Strangers. Staring at him, hard as a rock and with his own Dad's dick in his mouth. For a moment he couldn't breathe, the heat and shame in his face paralysing. Then Joe's words came through, ice cold, commanding.

"Julian." He spoke slowly. "Stand up, turn around, and let your Daddy slide those jocks off now."

The commands cut through the hesitation. Julian grabbed onto them like a liferaft, he wanted to let go. To just be whatever Joe and these people wanted him to be.

Releasing his father's prick, Julian stood as he said, turning in place. He saw some of the audience members had lowered their trousers now, rubbing at their own genitals, murmuring and even moaning low. It was exciting, knowing they were enjoying his performance. Standing upright, Julian's own erection was even more obvious.

His father's rough fingerpads touched his belly from behind, climbing down his tender pelt. Julian sucked in a breath as they reached his waist, strong and large, thumb rubbing across his ass cheek a moment before they hooked into his undies waist. The jocks slid down, revealing Julian's cock poking up free, surrounded by the orange fur of his crotch, balls already tight beneath him.

"Oh my," Joe called, laughing behind a pink paw. "You are quite small. Charlie, come around now, stand next to your boy so we can really see."

Julian looked down as his father moved, the audience all oohing as they saw the comparison. Shoulder-to-shoulder, Julian saw his Dad really was much larger than him. At least twice, maybe three times wider, and almost half again as long.

The rat walked right up, roughly seizing Julian's cock and squeezing it hard. "Can you even use this pathetic thing?"

"Er... I..."

"No, I didn't think so." Joe smirked. Julian's chest felt empty, he wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. "You've never had the chance before, anyway. Pathetic, really. I told you I can read people, didn't I, pup?"

He swallowed. "Yes sir."

"Know what I see in you? I see a boy pretending to be a man. I see someone who wants nothing more than to be told what to do, to be used, and kept on a lead, and have an empty head used for nothing more than serving others. Am I right?"

Julian nodded, jaw trembling. "Y-yes, sir, that's right sir."

"This thing?" Joe shook his dick, fist still clamped on tight to it. "Good for nothing, so small you can hardly even see it for the fur." Julian knew he was exaggerating, but it still stung. Despite all the insults, stifled laughter, and strangers jerking off around him, he remained harder than ever inside the rat's grip.

Was it true he could... actually enjoy this?

"Pathetic," he stretched the word, emphasising it so everyone could hear. "You loved getting to taste your Daddy's cock, didn't you?"

"Yes sir."

"And how about you?" Joe looked at Charlie, wiggling his eyebrows. "Your son is pretty, you liked fucking his face then? I bet you dream about him all the time, right?"

"That's right... sir..." The words were clearly an effort for the dingo to say, but he forced them out. "I... want you to use my son."

"You both belong to me, isn't that right?"

Julian nodded furiously. He did. "I do. I'm y-yours, sir, anything you say."

"I say get back on your knees." Julian obeyed, kneeling down in front of Joe. The rat undid his own belt, flopping out a long, light pink cock. It was half-hard, and as Julian watched, he rolled the foreskin back slowly, revealing the head. A set of huge round balls hung low beneath Joe's cock, the fur covering them short and soft. "Charlie, I want you to go wait right behind him. You're gonna watch what I do to your boy."

Julian glanced back, meeting his Dad's eyes. "Um..."

"No," Joe ordered, tugging him back by the chin. "You look at me." Julian nodded, as the rat shifted his weight, aiming his cock towards the kneeling dingo. "Now be quiet. I'm gonna make sure that everyone here knows who you belong to."

The rat sighed deeply, and a moment later, warm piss began to flow from the tip of his cock. Julian barely had time to react as it splashed onto his chest, instantly hot and steaming, running down his front and across his stomach, dripping along his cock and balls and messing the fur on his thighs. The audience loved it, moaning intermittently, their paws busy inside their trousers, each captivated. Feeding into that, Julian pushed the disgust from his mind, embracing the role. He was just here to satisfy them, to obey Joe. No thoughts, no goals, nothing but obedience.

Reaching up, Julian began to rub himself. That much he had plenty of experience with. As Joe's piss trailed over his paw he continued to stroke, up and down his own length, shoulders and back tingling from the knowledge at how wet he was getting. It squelched in his fingers around his cock, Joe's marking.

"You like it, don't you?" Joe asked, inching forwards, raising the tip of his cock. Piss splashed upwards, to the top of Julian's chest, wetting his neck and splashing near his chin.

"Yes, yes sir, I want it so bad," he whined, actually feeling disappointment as the stream began to wither. Eager to obey, Julian leaned forward, taking the tip of Joe's prick and closing his lips around it. The last few drops of piss spurted onto his tongue, and the dingo quickly swallowed, wincing at the stinging taste.

Groaning, Joe stroked his ears, slowly sliding his cock from the dingo's lips and stepping back, stripping his clothes as he strode about. "What a good boy you are... now Charlie?"

Still dripping wet and already cooling, Julian absently played with his own cock, squeezing inside the fur where his knot remained buried. A moment later, he jumped as he felt another stream hit him suddenly - coming from his father behind. It sprayed onto Julian's back, running down his spine and trickling over his shoulders. Similarly, it trailed down his arms, running over his paws and flowing even more hot piss onto the dingo's cock. The warm stickiness felt so good, and Julian leaned into it, stroking himself as the audience gasped at the display.

Finally, it drew to a stop. Julian had really only knelt in place, but he was still left panting. He craned his neck, leaning back to kiss at the tip of his father's cock, lapping up the last few droplets before pulling back.

A firm paw descended on his shoulder, squeezing tight. Julian looked up to see his Dad, leaning over him. "Are you alright, Jules?" Charlie whispered, eyebrows furrowed. "This is... I dunno. We can leave."

"Went this far, didn't we?" Julian said, shaking his head. He paused, checking on Joe. The rat was busy stroking his cock, speaking to some of the guests. "Are you... I mean... how are you finding it, Dad? Is it awful?"

Charlie paused, shifting in place. "I dunno. You're my boy, ain't you?"

"What's that mean?"

The older dingo shrugged, squeezing him again. "This ain't so bad, I can see you're enjoying yourself."

"I..." Julian coughed, another wave of shame smacking against him.

"Boy!" Joe cried, walking back over, his long pink cock bouncing. "I think you'd like to have your Daddy inside you, wouldn't you now? Would you like all these people to watch as he breeds you?"

"Joe..." Charlie began, but the rat quickly shushed him.

"Charlie. Listen to me. You're going to lie back now." The rat stepped past Julian, slender fingers forming a cage. "You'll stay hard, and tell your son what a good boy he is. After all. You want to breed your son, don't you?"

"I..." Charlie's cock throbbed, and he looked back at the younger dingo. "I do, yes sir." Julian let out a breath. The debt. The obedience. It all needed to go right.

Joe leaned in close to Charlie, pointing at Julian's crotch. "He's all wet now, marked by both of us. What do you think of his little dick?"

"It's..." Charlie shrugged. "It's small. No two ways about it. Can't believe a son of mine would have such a tiny... thing."

"Can it even finish?" Joe wondered, leering at Julian. "You're such a disgusting freak. I can tell. You actually want your Daddy inside you, don't you?"

The dingo shifted as he realised - Joe was right. He did want to get with his Dad. The body was just right, larger, heavy set, like his own but bigger in every way. Even though Joe was charismatic, there was a controlled air to him. This was a show, and he seemed to know just what kind of thing Julian needed to hear to stay hard. Life outside was too difficult, it was easier to just embrace it.

Charlie laid back down on the ground, grunting as Julian climbed down on him, straddling his own father. "All these people are really gonna watch your first time then, son?" He asked.

Julian nodded. "I... I actually do want it."

"Alright then."

This part he was completely inexperienced with, and so he allowed his Dad to lead. Charlie grabbed his hips, bodily manhandling him, sliding him back. Something about how strong his father was had Julian's cock twitching even more. He yipped as he felt his father's cock slide through his ass cheeks, long and hot, slick with pre and leftover piss. Joe watched on, stroking his cock, whispering little platitudes.

"You want your Daddy to fuck you, don't you? You small cock slut, you little sex slave. Good for nothing but filling up with seed."

"Yes sir," Julian replied, closing his eyes as his Dad lined up the tip of his slick cock with his own tight ass.

"Breathe, son," Charlie whispered, and Julian nodded.

Without delay, Charlie sunk himself inside his son's asshole. Julian cried out loud as he was spread open by nearly a third of his father's dick, the thickness stretching his walls, pain shooting through him. Gasping, he fell forward, bracing himself on his Dad's barrel chest, panting heavily.

Charlie slid out again, then rocked forward, part thrust with his hips, part his paws sliding Julian down. "Yes.... there we go Jules... Ah... Good boy... Good..."

"Mmmfff..." Julian mewled, fingers curling in his Dad's fur. "Ah... Daddy, please... fuck..."

Joe cocked his head, chuckling slightly as he rubbed his own long dick. "Good boys."

Charlie began to slap, again and again, thrusting hard into his own son, almost unable to resist the urges. Julian just held on for dear life, barely able to think for the size filling him up. It hurt, but he allowed his father to keep going without complaint, grunting in time. This was what they needed to do, Joe had ordered it.

"Keep going, ah, y-yes, fuck... please Daddy..."

"Mmf, you're so... tight son... ugh, damn!"

"Yes," cooed Joe, stepping around behind Julian. "Keep going now, just like that."

Julian winced as he felt something new - at his entrance, another warmth. A moment later, Joe's paws clamped down on his shoulders, holding fast. He felt the rat's whiskers tickling his ear.

"You like Daddy inside you?"

"Yes sir."

"Tell me the truth, you like being humiliated? You want to be a pathetic slave for me, don't you?"

"Yes... Ah... yes, I do!"

"Tell me how badly you want it." Joe's cock slid near Julian's already-full ass. "Beg me for it."

Julian blinked, his father still thrusting slowly into him. "I... I need it. I just want to be bred. To... ah... oh... fuck, it feels... so good. Please, please sir, my Dad... agh..."

"That's right, good boy." Julian locked up as Joe quickly pushed inside him, moving in tandem with his father, the second cock stretching him out wider than he ever thought possible.

For a brief second, all Julian saw was white. It was agonising, and then it relaxed, blissful relief rushing through him like a torrent, moans and whines and drool escaping his lips. He was going mindless, feral, the waves of pleasure and intensity rushing through him.

All notice of the watching strangers had faded. Julian was lost, two men deep inside him, his father grunting in short grating gasps, Joe thrusting with swift, sharp breaths. Four claws dug into Julian's hide, Dad at his hips, Joe at his shoulders and ribs. He was being used, pulled back and forth, rocked atop the two dicks. It was growing to become too much, the pleasure was eclipsing Julian's senses, and turning to a kind of beautiful agony.

"Ah, sir... I'm... ah..." Charlie grunted, between clenched teeth. "I'm getting closer..."

"Don't stop!" Joe ordered. "Deeper, deeper, I want you to breed your son, and you want that too, don't you boy?"

"Please, Daddy, please!" Julian cried, letting himself go.

"Gah, agh, ah... God... Fucking... Mmf," Charlie grunted. He heaved like an animal, pounding into Julian's asshole, the two dicks rubbing against one another, pushing him outwards, stretching him in every direction.

Julian felt his Dad's pattern change, switching from fast thrusts to slow, methodical slams. Slap, his balls smacking against Joe's.

"I can't hold on!" Charlie cried, arching his back even with the weight of both of them atop him. "I'm gonna... ah, son, take it, fuck, take it son!"

Charlie stopped at his apex, roaring with pleasure as his orgasm hit. Julian cried out as his Dad's paws dug painfully deep into him, feeling shots of pleasure race up his father's cock, filling his asshole with hot, thick cum. His inside felt tight, plugged up, seed squirting out between the two cocks inside him and dripping down his thighs.

"Son... I.... Agh..." Charlie rolled in place, orgasm finally dying as his cock slid out limply, the dingo collapsing beneath him.

"Thank you, Daddy," Julian said, gasping for breath.

"I'm not done yet," Joe barked, grabbing Julian by the scruff of the neck. His other paw slipped around his waist, squeezing Julian's small cock. "How about this? You want that little thing to get some use, huh?"

"Yes, please sir!"

Joe shoved him forward onto his Dad, picking up his own pace. With Charlie's huge dick out of the way, the rat began to jackhammer Julian's tight virgin hole. It was all the dingo could do to hold on, mewling with pleasure. The sound was wet, sloppy, cum squelching and churning inside Julian's hole and between his thighs, dripping down onto his father's half-hard dick.

"Ah - Ah - Oh - Yes - Joe - Please - Sir!" Julian wailed, as the rat drove even deeper, reaching out parts of himself he didn't know were there. Waves of excitement shot through him, his head totally empty of any coherent thoughts, there was nothing but obedience and desire. He'd been fucked by his Dad, and now this strange man was breeding him even harder, and in front of all these people.

"Son, wow," Charlie said. Between his thighs, Julian felt his Dad already growing hard again. The older dingo reached his paws around his boy, squeezing him tight, caressing him, smelling him. "Feels good, you like that?"

"Ung - Yes - Daddy," Julian moaned.

"Charlie!" Joe barked, between thick gasps of effort. "Hard again? Come now, in me."

Julian's eyes popped open as suddenly his ass was empty, Joe's cock suddenly vanished. "No, wait, sir, please!" He craned his down, looking between himself and his father's body. They were a mess of orange and cream and pink, all drenched now in piss and cum, stinking of sweat and sex. As he stared, Julian saw Joe lift up, sliding his own ass down over Charlie's cock in one smooth motion. The rat shuddered from the sensation, adjusting himself and rocking in place for a moment. He bobbed on the spot, and Julian saw a flash of red from his Dad's cock - a second before it was swallowed up by the rat's hole.

"You gonna gimme the knot then, Charlie?" Joe asked, panting as he sunk low.

"Mmf, yes sir." Charlie grunted again, pushing up. Joe paused, twisting slightly as something stretched. He held his breath, moaned deeply, and then released it in one big go, sighing as he sunk low, Charlie's knot filling him up.

"Good, ah," Joe said, licking his lips. "Good boys, nice and obedient." Around them, the strange audience had removed everything but their masks. They were busy sucking and fucking one another, looking and leering at the three person display on the floor. "Now, one more."

He slapped Julian's ass. The dingo yelped, falling forward as the rat seized his hips, dragging him back and shoving his cock inside - hard. There was no pretence of gentleness now; Joe was breeding him. He grunted and growled as he thrust, still rocking on Charlie's knot, the big dingo breathing and groaning heavily beneath Julian's body.

"You want me, huh?" Joe asked. "You and your small cock, you want a big thick one, like me, don't you?"

"Yes, yes sir!" Julian cried, burying his face in his Dad's chest. "Pleeease!" He whined.

The rat obeyed. He fucked harder and harder, building to a peak, slamming back loudly, roaring with each pound. Julian felt it build.

"C'mon then," Joe hissed. "Yes - Ah - Little slut, slave - fucking love your Dad fucking you, don't you? Oh - I'm gonna - good boy - don't move - fuck - fuck - ah - unf - yes - yes - yes-yes-yesyesyes! GAH!" He cried out, grinding himself deep into Julian's hole.

The dingo pushed back as much as he could, squeezing his ass tight around the rat's dick. He felt the shots of cum lance through the cock, filling him up inside. One, two, more than before. So much more.

Julian blinked as it kept going. Again and again, he could actually feel it now, pressing out his insides, swelling him.

"Aaah, yesss..." Joe moaned, as rope after rope of thick, heavy cum shot from his tip into the dingo's insides. Julian leaned up a little, putting a paw over his stomach as it tightened, feeling the excess cum spitting out around Joe's thick cock, sliding down his cheeks and thighs, pooling around the base of his Dad's knot.

It was too much, the heavy load inside Julian, his Dad, the sense of it all. His own orgasm hit even as Joe was still cumming. The tightness wound all up along his prick, bundling into a tight ball at the very tip, aching. Just as it became too much, the floodgates opened and relief shone through Julian, spearing the muscles in his thighs and hips as cum jetted from him. It sprayed onto his Dad's chest, some of it even hitting the older dingo's chin.

The orgasm faded and Julian collapsed, Joe's own finally beginning to decline, the heavy load sloshing around inside Julian's inflated belly.

As it did, the three of them gasped for air, all lying in a great heap, totally spent.

They remained there, lying still as the audience finished their own business, cumming and moaning around one another. Once they'd finished, they made quick work of collecting their clothes and leaving, perhaps embarrassed by what they'd seen in the end.

"I expected..." Julian said, still a little out of breath. "To hate myself, after this all cleared."

"You don't, then?" Charlie asked, looking down at him. They were all so sticky, every movement was an effort. "Wasn't... all bad?"

"No... not at all," Julian said, grinning. "What is wrong with me, huh?"

"Nothing, kid," Joe said, pulling out of Julian's ass, and tugging himself off of Charlie's knot with a slight pop. "You gotcha head screwed on straight, after all."

After offering them both a bath and another drink, Joe walked the two Laurent men to the edge of the House gardens.

"Please, consider your debts paid in full," he said, bowing slightly. "With my regards." He offered up a small envelope, passing it to Julian.

"Thank you, for... considering alternative options." If Joe hadn't had given them this choice, it would have taken years to pay off what Charlie owed. Maybe longer, considering interest. In the end, Julian had maybe actually enjoyed what they did too. Something about giving himself over like that had been oddly cathartic. Though his ass was very sore, and his stomach was still swollen with Joe and his father's loads. I really am a freak.

The rat looked to the older man. "Your son is a good person, Charlie. He respects you a lot, and I think you should do what you can to live up to that, huh?"

"Yeah," Charlie said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm... yeah."

"Also. Please consider yourself barred from play on any Card House in this entire city," Joe said, smiling wanly. "I would love to see you both again, but perhaps under... less transactional circumstances?"

Julian scoffed. "Is the Rising Sun planning on putting on more alternative shows?"

The rat winked. "I'm game if you are, kid."