Nightworld 08: All Our Gods Are Martyrs

# NIGHTWORLD # # 08: All Our Gods are Martyrs Southern France, 1998 "Yo wolfie, are you writin' an actual letter?" Jaro jumped in his seat, glancing back to see a large, shirtless bull striding into his little nook. The newcomer's navy blue hide...

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Nightworld 07: Lady of the House

# NIGHTWORLD # 07: Lady of the House Three Black Tongues sat lounging around the pier, two wolves and a deer. A small fire pit with smouldering coals laid to one side, and the three seemed to be mumbling amongst themselves as they passed around a...

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Nightworld 06: Deadlands

# NIGHTWORLD # **06: Deadlands** Rural Hungary, 1997 Jaro let the laundry door swing shut behind him, kicking off his muddy boots and stepping into his slippers. Sniffing away his runny nose, he hung up his raincoat and dried his paws, before...

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Nightworld 03: The Source

# NIGHTWORLD # 03: The Source Rural Hungary, 1995 "Now, kneel down," Sandor instructed, breath misting before his muzzle. Jaro obeyed, pressing the rifle's stock to his shoulder. His father pointed through a narrow slip of withered branches. "Look...

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Nightworld 05: Still Alive

# NIGHTWORLD # 05: Still Alive "We're running out of daylight," Kadir said, without looking back. Jaro couldn't resist, looking back to the vampire's castle, looming in the distance. The Godhead's Lament stood silhouetted by the sun, flocks of...

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Nightworld 04: Godhead's Lament

# **NIGHTWORLD** # # **04: Godhead's Lament** Jaro plodded along behind Kadir, his mind fighting and his body obeying. The vampire's words permeated everything, an unignorable command beckoning him forth. It was the most he could manage to look...

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House of the Rising Son

HOUSE OF THE RISING SON New Orleans. July, 1929. There was a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun. It had been the ruin of many poor a soul, and now, Julian's father, was one. The lithe dingo stood at the gates to the great...

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Nightworld 01: Arriving Somewhere

NIGHTWORLD One: Arriving Somewhere Rural Hungary, 2003 Make the choice that scares you. Jaro blew sour air from his cheeks, the buffeting gale from the window of his 4WD rental snatching it in an instant. It was a two hour drive from the nearest...

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Nightworld 02: The Prey Dynamic

# NIGHTWORLD # 02: The Prey Dynamic Jaro drifted. His dreams were groggy and grey-spattered, foreign voices filling his ears, and foreign faces glaring down at him. The words came fast, difficult to distinguish, broken up with spotlights and beeping...

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