Hunt and prey

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#3 of Discovered life

Home invaders of the giant kind, these have a habit of raping and transforming anyone they come across these days.

Hello! This was a fun Sunday project for me, surprising my self by breaking out some 3000 words of prose. Although this is a might be shy of that now. Let me know what you think of this one! It's a continuation of this strange transformation series that is coming out of nowhere. But soon they go to war. Sluttty slutty war. lol

Any way, i now present,

Hunt and Prey

Ba-bam ba-bam. Jonny could feel his heart trying to break out of his chest. Ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam. He had lost his nerve, and he was afraid to die. Ba-bam. Ba-bam. Ba-bam.

Currently he hid in he walls of his own home. Or, well, at least his parents home. Not much older then 18, the 5'3" squirrel was using the hidden passages in the house to keep away from the monsters that had invaded. All over 7 feet tall, the largest of which towered over 12 feet. And spending their time fucking each other.

Ba-bam, ba-bam, ba-bam.

It had started a few hours earlier. The report from the evening news had been of some kind of sex virus that was spreading. He and his parents had just brushed it off as some new type of std. Oh how wrong they had been.

Within the hour of the report on the news, a loud banging started on the door.

The house butler, Ronny, a burly Rottweiler that doubled as a body guard, answered it. While relaxing for the evening, Jonny heard the loud commotion from the living room. At first he tried to ignore it with his head phones. His father soon ran past however, and he decided to find out what was going on. With the headphones off, he could now hear the sound of shouts and barking yips.

Cautiously Jonny crept down the hall to see what was going on. He was filled with shock at the sight of his squirrel father, bushy tail being held high in the air, as he was violently rapped by a Rottweiler that stood at 10 feet tall. In the entryway also stood a skunk, matching in height and build to the Rottweiler.

In his fear Jonny fled, terrified of suffering the same fate as his dad was at the hands of these intruders. It wasn't until after he had already entered the panic box his family had that he realized he didn't have his phone on him. He couldn't call for help.

The panic box connected to a network of tunnels and secret hall ways that lead to every room in the house.

The house predated the squirrel family's ownership of the it. The old turtle that previous owned it had been driven to paranoia, and built the tunnels in the walls. Jonny never guessed he would actually need to use them, but today they were his only way through the house.

His first worry was for his mother, who would likely be next on the list. Jonny crept through the walls, making his way to this parents room. Once there, he saw that he was to late. He could hear her... moans?

Looking into the pep hole built in the wall, Jonny saw his mother, on her back, being fuck by 8 foot tall beast, with a giant fluffy tail. Jonny guessed he missed this one at the door? . The longer he looked however the more he recognized that pattern of fur on the assailant. And then it stuck him, the Rottweiler from earlier also had a familiar pattern. Then it clicked into place. This squirrel that was rapping his mother, somehow was his father.

Jonny examined the rest of room, where the Rottweiler and skunk stood, sniffing the air. They looked for something with their noses, their movements a hunt for prey. Jonny froze up. He was that prey. The two grew closer to the wall he hid in, the sounds of his mom's pleasure a distraction from the current circumstances. Suddenly his father bellowed, drawing Jonny's eyes back to the bed.

Jonny could see the force of the cum moving through his dad's new body. The whole body jerking as each spurt went from him into the female squirrel. She started to change then. Her whole body rippiling in a spasm, her body growing rapidly, until she too was a well toned giantess. In seconds her body had grown to match the size of the rest, matching her husband at 8 feet.

Jonny could only admire her beauty. She was so stunningly beautiful that he couldn't help but feel envious. Her body was a perfect blend of curves and muscles, bringing out the best quality's of both. In his pants Jonny felt his cock expanding.

His mind snapped back into reality as the snott of the transformed butler suddenly filled the peephole. Jonny stumbled back, and fled back towards the panic room.

He had time to reflect on what was happening. Terrified to leave the panic room again, he stewed in everything he had seen. His arrousal confused, the sight of his transformed mother, her beauty, her presence and body. Was he attracted to his mother?

No... it wasn't that he wanted her. He realized he wanted to be her. Too be beautiful like her.

The feelings hadnt been that new to him. His mind often driffeted to what life could be like if he was born a woman. Silly thoughts, made sillier by everything that was happening.


Over the next few hours the house got louder and louder, more uninvited guests showing up. By time Jonny felt brave enough to see what was going on out there, it sounded like hundreds of people could be in the large house.

His first stop was the living room. From the pep whole he could see that 6 of the giant creatures were using it. None of them were his parents. Two were dog breeds, a Doberman woman and a border collie male, the former of who was the center of attention for the room. The border colli male and a mink held the Doberman in an Eiffel Tower, roughly fucking her. A calico cat women stood to the towers side, making out with the dog. Her hands exploring the dogs toned body. To the side, a par of linx twins stroked each other's shafts, eyes fixated on the passionate display.

Jonny left the display, moving off to the next room. In the kitchen there were four more of the beasts. Ronny the butler was being fuck in the ass by a male bat, both of them had glassed over eyes, their lust having completely taken over their minds. With them a pair of cat women made out on the counter, their crotches pressed together in a scissoring action.

Jonny could barely think. His mind was overloaded with everything. He could smell them. Sex and sweat filled the air.

In his own bedroom he found a squirrel girl being dicked down by the skunk. It wasn't either of his parents, but the pattern did seem familiar. She was attractive, curvy, but still relatively petite in the enormous body.

Jonny was confused. He was arroused, his cock stiffer then it had ever been from the visual stimulation. But he didn't want to fuck the girl. He wanted to be her. To feel the skunks cock glide into her. Turn her insides into playdue.

He wanted to be curvy, to have a body so pleasing and arrousing. To catch the eye of others. And be wanted.

The skunk exploded into the squirrel girl, Jonny watching her body spasm in her own orgasm, her stomach expanding under the pressure of cum that inflated her up. The skunk only waited a few seconds after releasing the load to start up thrusting again, forcing the excess cum to squirt out around his cock and spray the room.

Eventually Jonny stumbled his way back to his parent's room, and peaked into it. His parents were still fucking each other. Their bodies in a race to orgasm. By now the entire house was filled with the overpower scents of sex and ejaculate. Jonnys couldn't take it any longer. Couldn't handle the pain his cock pressing against the inside of his boxers made.

Before he knew it, his pants were already on the floor. He stroked furiously, the sight of his transformed parents driving his arroused body forward. He wasn't thinking. He couldn't think. He only made it a few seconds before he plastered the walls passageway with his own semen. It didn't help. He managed a few seconds of mental clearity before he was stroking again. He couldn't take his eyes off them. Off his own mother being dicked down, moaning, reveling in the pleasure a woman could feel.

And Jonny wanted it.

He got sloppier and louder as his second orgasm rocked through him. In the force of it he lost his balance. He slipped in his own seman, crashing through the hidden door and into the room itself.

Regardless of whatever willingness he had for what came next, he wouldn't have had a chose. His mother quickly snatched him up by the nape of his neck, hauling him over to the bed. She never let up, controlling Jonny like a toy.

His mother had never been the dominate one of the relationship, but in this knew form she was domineering and forceful. His father waited on the bed, foot and a half long cock pulsing and throbbing.

By now Jonny's mind was lost to lust. He craved the cock in front of him. Despite never having interest in men, despite the cock belonging to his own dad, despite not even being pushed onto it, Jonny started lapping at the head of the penis with his tongue. The pre that spilled out of it was addictive and delicious.

His furver picked up, the strange substance begging him to consume more. His mind was lost. He was only meant to lap up the delicious precum. That was until his mother pushed him further onto the cock. It filled his mouth completly. Not enough for his mother however, she continued to push him down further, the cock gliding deeper and deeper down his throat.

Jonny was in heaven, his body in a rut that needed to be sated. The cock, by some miracle, actually fit all the way down his throat, his nose now up against his father's crotch. He couldn't breathe. Couldnt think. Everything turning black.

Then suddenly air rushed into his lungs. Drool poured out of his mouth, Jonny confused at the lack of cock in him. It was beautiful, standing tall before him. And it was what he needed. He couldn't think, but he knew he needed that cock.

His wish was granted when he was pushed back on the monsterous cock. Up and down, he realized after a bit that he was now doing the actions on his own. Behind him his mother had let go of his nape, and had positioned herself behind him, taking his small cock in her large hands. She played with him idly, his attention being taken up far more with the cock in his throat then the one he had.

His mind railed against even having it. He should have been born a women. Then he could truly please this cock. Could please every cock.

But she continued her attack on the organ. Expertaly sending pleasure through its length. Without worning she suddenly licked his rim, sending a July up his body. Soon the squirrel was tongueing her son's asshole, its enormous size quickly overwhelming his brain.

Then he felt it, the cock in his throat swell up and explode into him.

Jonny knew his body was changing. Felt the way his muscles shifted around his abdomin, reshaping. In his heart he knew what was coming. He exploded at the touch of his mother, and the effect she was having on his prostate. his orgasm melted into the changes of his body. The more cum that spurted out of him, the more deflated his penis got, until finally it shrank down completly. Into him a vaginal channel opened up, the new nerves zapping Jonny with pleasure. She was growing, the cock in her mouth growing relatively smaller. When it was over, she still quivered on her hands and knees, letting the cock slip from her lips.

Jonny felt... awake. Her mind was actually kind of clear. She slipped off of the bed, staying on the floor and crawled over to the standing mirror in the room. And she saw herself. Tall, as the others. But feminine.

The many hours of thought to how she would look. And here she was. Beautiful. Devine. And her.

From a young age, she never knew how to say it. The feeling she had, that something was wrong. That life wasn't ok. She never knew what words to say for it. But it was this. It was the wrongness at not being herself. Of fighting who she was at any turn of a thought. At the lifetime spent afraid to dare to be.

She did not know what she would call herself, but she wept. Because she felt whole.

Unaware to her, her parents had returned to fucking each other on the bed. It was not for some few hours that they remained until the skunk walked by and noticed the skunk girl in front of the mirror.

He approached, finally getter her attention when her gently guided her chin so she faced him. In a deep baritone he spoke.

"You think?" His voice was laced with a low growl, but the question was playful otherwise.

She was having trouble thinking at the moment, but none the less she nodded her head, his hand still resting under her chin.

"That is a first" it seemed to her that he might be having trouble doing that himself. "Others, fuck. Hunt and fuck. You.." he forced her chin up higher, leveling their eyes, "think."

Her mind was thinking. And right now it thought on the growing need of her new sex. Broken from her revelry of her new body, she now smelt the wonderful smell of mating in the air. It rapitdy took her, but not completly.

"I think. And i may do some other things toO. How did you call it " her mind was getting drunk with the smell of the surprisingly very close and available cock of the skunk "Hunt and fuck?"