The Meat Market pt 1

Story by Rekhit on SoFurry

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Private Commission for Damien666

The Meat Market Part 1 by Rekhit

With a gun of the throttle, the massive bull brought the motorcycle to a stop, a wild stallion resting from a long ride. He kicked out the stand, letting it rest gently against the ground, The smell of exhaust lingered in the air as the leather clad bull dismounted from the huge bike, breathing deeply through his nose, coldness clinging to his body. The bike had been warm but that warmth was dissipating rapidly. It was a clear night, though the smell of waste hung almost palpable. It was quiet except for the muffled din of heavy metal.

Hugo reached into the breast pocket of his leather shirt and brought out a huge cigar, long and just over an inch thick. He cut and prepared it as he looked at his destination. The Devil's Den. Like everything in the city it had once been home to a human biker gang. However, after the anthros had gained control the bar had been left empty until a short while ago. Males still came, but not simply to hang out.

Putting the cigar between his lips, Hugo struck a match and held it to the end, sucking down hard so the flame disappeared into the end. Smoke slowly filled his mouth, smooth and warm. It jetted out at the corner of his mouth, thicker with each pull. The flame rose and danced, highlighting the huge muscled frame clad in form hugging leather; shirt, jacket and trousers it reflected in the steel of his big boots. The smoke drifted upwards, curling over the brim of his peaked cap.

Satisfied it was lit, Hugo took a huge pull right down to the lungs, lifted his head and snorted it back out through his large nostrils. Already the mellow feeling was flooding his brain. His hooves crunched on stone and broken glass towards the bar, where heavy music thundered before him. Surrounding it were empty warehouses, still abandoned and falling apart. It was the only inhabited building here, secluded and away from prying eyes. Privacy was paramount here, indeed all the windows were boarded up and painted to match the outside.

The loud music and the scent of sweat, smoke and alcohol assaulted Hugo's senses as he opened the door. It was small, built for humans, and Hugo had to bend his head just to get inside. Still, his horns scratched slightly along the ceiling that bore many similar marks. No one seemed to care. There were scant few in here, all anthros. A bear in the corner clad only in a harness and jockstrap caught his eye then nodded. A top could easily recognise another top. Hugo tipped his hat and marched to the bar, leaving a trail of thick smoke in his path.

The bartender, a reptile of some description, came over and looked over his new customer. "What'll it be?" he asked, barely audible over the loud music.

"Beer," Hugo ordered. The drink arrived promptly and money exchanged hands, allowing Hugo to lean against the bar and look around. The one he was after wasn't here, but then from what the bull had heard time keeping wasn't high on the agenda. In fact, his target didn't even know anyone was after him this evening.

An otter appeared next to Hugo, looking up in awe and adoration. "Hello sir," he said loudly. "Are you looking for a sub to use this evening? I have few limits."

Breathing out thick smoke around the otter, Hugo replied "Sorry kid but I'm waiting for someone. That bear over there looks like he could do with some company." The otter smiled, thanked him and walked over with a swish of his tail. Damn otters, Hugo thought. Sometimes he wondered which species were the bigger sluts, otters or foxes.

The bull sat and smoked, taking time with his cigar, pausing only to drink from the big tankard of beer. The bar was small to him, but then Hugo was a big bull. Hours in the gym had honed a body as broad as it was built and there were few bulls that could compare to such a physic. Of course, his job helped too, and being built helped in that respect.

There was a blast of cold air as the door opened and Hugo's ears pricked up as his heard the heavy clop of hooves on the wooden floor. He allowed himself a casual look around and saw who he had been waiting for. The stallion was muscular though had the look of neglect. Dark fur splattered with white showed through the minimal clothing the horse wore, which was for obvious reasons; he expected some action and didn't want to have to waste time stripping. A brightly dyed Mohawk stuck up from his head, reaching down to the nape of his neck. Only a leather jock stood between his privates and the world. Around both ankles and wrists were cuffs, all ready to be secured. This horse screamed submissive, yet with a cocky air.

Yes, this was defiantly the horse Hugo had come to meet. And judging from the scent of sex oozing off him, it would be not be too difficult to get him out of that jock, and give Hugo the information he was here for. That was the most important part of this; the up coming sex was just a bonus, though a very welcomed and horny one at that.

Strutting over to the bar, the stallion turned and gave a look over the patrons. He glanced at the bear and otter in the corner, the latter now on his knees and sucking on the huge bear cock presented to him. Others in the bar were either watching them or content on their own pleasure. A cloud of smoke suddenly appeared and the stallion turned, Hugo getting his attention.

The lust burned in those brown eyes as soon as the stallion turned. "Well, ain't you a pretty sight," the horse said, grinning broadly, showing yellowed teeth. "New ain'tcha."

Hugo nodded, taking a deep suck from the cigar. "Yeah, I heard there was a slutty horse around these parts that had an ass worthy of a bull's cock. That you?"

"Maybe. Name's Jason. Who's asking?"

"I been told you know something I want to know." Hugo leant forward and whispered so it was barely audible over the music. "The Meat Market."

Jason nickered and stared at the bull. "How the fuck... I mean, don't know whatcha talkin' about dude. Never heard of the place."

"Cut the shit horse," Hugo growled loudly. "You know where it is and I wanna know where it is too. So, you tell me where."

Jason looked at the bull and nodded. "Okay, but I don't just tell anyone you know. Gotta get to know them first, see if they are... the right person for the info. So, why don't you n' I get... acquainted." He turned and headed towards the bathroom, his dark puckered hole winking. The stallion's lower back caught Hugo's attention however; just above the base of the tail, in heavy stylised script was a tattoo that read "HARDER", The bull grinned to himself and lowed deeply, rubbing his crotch. Draining the rest of the beer and following the horse. Despite the reasons for being here, he was going to enjoy this.

Like a pair of wild animals the two were on each other no sooner had they entered the men's room. Lips mashed together, tongues battles, throbbing crotches pressed against one another. They kissed lewdly, slurping as their muzzles pressed together. Thick bovine tongue invaded equine mouth, and was pushed back as the equine tongue counter-invaded. Spit dripped between their lips and down onto fur the leather, neither caring.

Hugo broke away and took a deep draw on his cigar, then gripped Jason on the back of his neck and pressed those lips to his again, exhaling deeply down the horse's throat. Jason panted and broke away, exhaling, grinning broadly. He took the cigar from the bull and puffed heavily, snorting the smoke from his nose as he puffed. Holding onto it, Jason took three heavy draws from the cigar then let the smoke curl from his large nostrils.

Not wasting time Hugo sucked the smoke deep into his lungs, and after the horse had finished kissed him again, breathing the smoke back into Jason. They sucked from the cigar, passing the smoke between them until the air in the bathroom was foggy. But the stallion was itching for more, so taking the cigar and putting it down, he grabbed hold of Hugo's leather shirt and pulled it open, the press studs popping loudly.

"Fuck..." he swore, staring at the bull's chest. It wasn't simply because the bull had the physique to rival those of professional bodybuilders. It was his nipples. Black against his dark brown fur, they stood up proud, thick and juicy. Jason had never seen such huge nipples before and it took every effort not to throw himself onto them and suck them to oblivion.

Hugo was proud of his nipples. For many they would have to spend years pulling and twisting and even pumping them to get them so big. Not Hugo. They were natural to him and he liked nothing more then to have them played with and sucked. The stallion was getting the right idea and took them both between thumb, index and middle finger, squeezing and rolling them.

The big bull lowed. "Harder," he snorted. The squeezing turned to tugging, his big nipples being pulled firmly by thick fingers. Hugo let out a deep moan from the pleasure and his cock thick cock, having swollen from the pleasure of the kissing and smoke play, made the crotch of the leather pants bulge obscenely, the length travelling down one leg. The stallion certainly knew how to treat a male's nipples and the pressure increased. Pleasure ran through the bull's body, making his cock throb as it started to grow hard. He pulled down the zip to give himself some room.

Leaning forward, Jason took a nipple between his lips and sucked it. Damn it tasted good, of the bull's musk and sweat. He suckled on it like a colt to a mare, running his tongue over the meaty nub. Bringing his blunt teeth down, he chewed on it gently, getting hornier by the second from the sounds coming from the bull. This was one horny bovine. Becoming uncomfortable Jason pulled the front of the jock to one side and freed his heavy hanging member, the flare coming to hang between his knees.

A hand landed on Jason's shoulder and he was pushed to his knees, then another hand on the back of his head thrust his nose into the deep musky bush of the bull's pubic fur. It was over powering, and Jason let out a loud nicker before pushing his snout back in. Slipping his tongue out between his lips, Jason pushed it past the teeth of the zip and lapped at the thick cock in there. Its taste danced on his tongue.

"Pull it out," came the command and Jason wasted no time. The bull's cock was huge! While not as long as the stallion's it was almost as thick as his arm, the end tapering to a tip, the shaft red and heavily veined. Nickering again, Jason ran his tongue across the length before taking the tip in his mouth, pushing his tongue between the thick foreskin and the hidden glans. The bull snorted and mooed loudly as the horse sucked, taking half the shaft into his wet and hot mouth.

Hugo grabbed hold of the horse's ears and fucked that long face, his thick cock sliding between the horse's soft lips. He could hear the horse struggling to breath around such a monster, but this turned Hugo on even more, ramming that thick meat home. Jason's mouth was wet, and the tongue teased his shaft as he all but raped the stallion's maw.

The tip hit the back of Jason's throat and he choked, making a loud hacking sound. Hugo pulled out as the stallion coughed, but not out of concern. He wanted more. Before Jason could recover he was pulled to his hooves and then turned to be bent over the wash basins. "I'm gonna fuck you hard horse," Hugo rumbled, thrusting his thick shaft between those firm cheeks. "Gonna rip that hole wide open for ya."

Jason panted. As much as it was daunting, he wanted that cock in him. "Fuck me good daddy bull," he squirmed. "I want that cock so bad."

"Yeah I bet you do, you want daddy bull's cock in you because you're a slut, aren'tcha?"

"Yes," came the whinnie in reply. "I'm such a slut for your cock daddy bull. Please shove it in me. I don't care if it tears me I need it in me now!"

Hugo spat on the horse's hole and rammed a finger inside. The sphincter flexed, tightening in reflex but Hugo worked that hole, pushing a second and third finger inside, all the while Jason snorted and tossed his mane. Here was where so-called civility disappeared. When it came to two lust filled anthros there was nothing except the need to fuck and be fucked. And that's what Hugo was about to do.

He gently probed the horse's puckered hole with the tip of his cock, the easiest part. The hole flexed around it and Hugo mooed deeply. But this was no gentle session of making love. They weren't even going to have sex either. Both of them, bull and stallion, were here to fuck.

And without further ado, Hugo rammed half of his thick bovine meat straight into the horse's ass.

The neigh was so loud that even those in the bar heard it. They turned their heads towards the men's bathroom, smiles growing on their faces. Someone just got stuffed by something they couldn't handle, but judging from the loud grunts that followed it was clear neither were about to stop.

Jason had taken his fair share of big things in his ass but nothing could have prepared him for the bull's brutal assault. Only in two thrusts did the entire beef stick get lodged in his guts, sliding along his innards like some strange parasite. But despite the pain, despite being held down by a creature bigger and stronger then him, Jason loved every second. He had actually came from the initial thrust, painting the wall under the basins a sticky off colour white, the orgasm causing him to shake and quiver his toned muscular body.

Hugo snorted with each inward thrust, lowed with each outward pull. The horse's ass was tight and hot, and it gripped him like a drowning man to a lifeline. He fucked the stallion with all his might, driving his thick cock inwards. Looking down the tattoo stretched over the muscular back and Hugo bellowed in lust, using the word as the single instruction from the stallion. The low hanging sac swung between his legs, bouncing off the horse's butt. Lewd slurping sounds came from the ass that Hugo was deforming, it stretching obscenely around his thick black cock.

Sweat poured down his chest as he fucked the slutty equine under him, running down his chest and off his huge nipples to drip onto his fuck toy. Sweat too glistened on the horse as he nickered and bucked against the bovine cock that was ravaging his hole. It felt so loose back there, but the pleasure from it was over whelming.

A thick arm snaked around Jason's neck and a sweaty pit was forced into his face. The scent of bull musk flooded his nose and Jason nickered, slurping up the sweat. It literally poured down his throat, so much there was of it.

"Where is... the meat market?" demanded Hugo, thrusting as hard as he could. He moved his arm to allow the horse to spoke.

"Fuck... what makes you think... I'm gonna tell ya!" panted the stallion, the pit rammed back against his nose and mouth. It was hard to breathe and Jason grew dizzy on the scent.

There was a snarl above him and the fucking got more erractic. The bull was close. "I want to know where the meat market is fucker, and you're gonna tell me!"

Again the arm moved and Jason breathed deeply. "That place ain't for pussies," he spat, gripping the basins tightly. "And I ain't convinced you got the balls. It's... extreme."

"You want extreme do ya!" came the bellow. Hugo snorted loudly and snaked his arms under the basin and grabbed the stallion's legs. With bovine muscles bulging Jason was lifted up, still impaled on the bull's cock, and carried towards one of the stalls. The door crashed open, the bottom hinge breaking and Jason found himself on his knees, still being fucked.

He head was grabbed in a huge meaty paw and shoved into the bowl of the toilet. The previous occupant had not flushed but thankfully they hadn't gone for a crap, so Jason only found himself snout deep in piss water. He struggled and neighed, inhaling the water up his nose for the most part, all the while that cock ripped his hole open.

As he struggled his wrists were snagged and pulled towards the u-bend, where there was a click as cold metal was snapped around them. The pressure on his head was released and Jason lifted his head, only to find himself handcuffed to the toilet. He laughed and spat out the filthy water. "You call this extreme?" he snarled, wriggling hopelessly.

"No," Hugo mooed. He pulled out, stroked his cock a couple of times then bellowed, spraying the horse with thick ropes of bovine cum. The first few spurts landed in his mane and trailed down his back, the rest were shot around his stretched hole. He flexed it, feeling the hot cum splash against his sphincter, imaging that it must look very puff and red. It certainly felt sore and very open.

With a crack he slapped that big muscular ass, causing the horse to grunt. Again Hugo slapped it, over and over, moving his paw from one cheek to the other. The grunts became ragged as the pain increased and through the fur the bare flesh started to gain a deep redness. The cheeks looked as puffed up now as the anus between him. The stallion was ready.

Hugo dropped to his leather clad knees, his cock drooling the last of its cum across the floor. He was far from done. If the stallion wouldn't give up the information unless subjected to something extreme then so be it. "I'll let you go only when you tell me where I can find the meat market, and since you won't give me it unless I prove how extreme I can be..." scooping up the excess cum from the stallions back, Hugo smeared it over his right paw and started to slide his fingers into the ass before him.

The rim was severely stretched and puffed, but opened up easily as Hugo pushed in four fingers. Curling his thumb under, he pushed forward, driving his entire paw into the stallion's rump. Again there was a loud neigh and the loose anal ring gripped his wrist surprisingly tight, but then his arm was much thicker then his cock. Hugo still wasn't done. He forced his arm further, the wrist disappearing with a lewd slurp.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck," came the panting chants of the stallion as he quivered, his cock shaking under him. If the bull's cock had been thick, his arm was beyond that. Pure muscle slid until he felt the huge elbow hit his rump. Then it was pumped, the fist ramming into his guts with what felt like the bull's full strength, though something told the stallion it wasn't even close.

"Tell me!" Hugo roared as he fisted the horse deeply, pistoning his arm. Keeping his fist clenched he punch fucked the horse, who was whinnying from either pain or pleasure, it was difficult to tell and Hugo didn't care either. It was disgusting, dirty and degrading and Hugo loved it. He grabbed Jason by the mane and stuffed his head back into the bowl, ramming away with his arm.

Under him the stallion's body shook and he came heavily, spurting thick horse seed across the floor of the stall and along the bowl itself. Over and over he pumped his load, adding to the mess around him. Hugo pulled the horse from the bowl and let go, slowly pulling his arm from that tight rump. It would be some time before the stallion would be able to sit down without wincing. It bulged outwards when Hugo pulled his arm free, gaping open lewdly, a rose bud of anal flesh forming briefly before being sucked back in.

"Shit..." Jason swore, panting heavily. "Shit that was... shit."

Hugo stood and went over to the basin to wash his paws. Thankfully the water was clear and cool despite the run down nature of the bathroom. "Now, my info."

"Yeah, your info." Despite having his slutty nature exposed, Jason blushed. "Ya see... I don't know where it is."

Hugo's eyes narrowed. "You motherfuc..."

"Wait, said I didn't know where it is, but I know someone who does." Jason turned his hand and rattled his wrists, but Hugo stood defiant, arms crossed. "Fuck. Okay, his name is Zach. Runs a tattoo parlour down on the southside, Taurus Inks it's called. Only works at night, go round in a couple of evening's time. He c'n tell you. Now..." lifting his arms up.

Hugo chuckled. "Yeah, I did promise didn't I? 'Cept I said I'd let you go when you told me where it is. You didn't, so you can stay there."

Jason neighed loudly. "Fucking prick, let me go!"

"Nah, think you can stay there for a while. Here, something to remember me by." Grabbed his cock, Hugo let a golden stream of piss splash onto the wriggling stallion. He moved the spray, drenching the stallion to the skin with the musky piss, making sure to spray the stretched hole too.

With the yells and swearing of the bound horse Hugo zipped up and grabbed the cigar, re-lighting it before going back into the main room. All eyes watched him as he went over bar and slapped down a key. "There's a stallion in there who needs some looking at. All yours boys." Turning to leave he watched as several furs, the bear included got up and went into the bathroom. The last Hugo heard were the loud neighs as the stallion was forced to pleasure everyone else.

He arrived back at his apartment shortly after midnight. He threw his bike keys into a bowl and flopped down onto the couch. Damn, what a time it was. Resting his hooves on the coffee table, Hugo let his mind wander back to the horny sex he'd just had, and despite himself grew hard again.

Going to the bedroom he pulled off his clothes and lay on the bed. Lubing his hole he grabbed one of his thick dildos and worked it into his ass, stroking his meat as he did so. Hugo bellowed as he fucked himself firmly, the toy penetrating deep inside his body. Mooing he came again, covering his fur in a sticky mess, orgasm mainly from the stroking then the dildo. No matter the size, Hugo couldn't seem to enjoy penetration as much as he used to. Maybe he just needed to find the right dildo. Or the right guy with a huge cock.

Tossing the dildo to the floor, Hugo's eyes went to his bedside cabinet, to his gun and to his badge. Seems like this case was going to be more complex then he first thought. Since his department wasn't interested in the information about some missing bodybuilder's Hugo decided to track them down himself, but it was proving to be more difficult then he first thought. Sighing deeply Hugo started to drift to sleep, mind on finding this tattoo parlour and the meat market. At least he had a lead now, this mysterious Zach. And if Hugo had to fuck him too, then so be it.

The Meat Market pt 2

Private commission for Damien666 The Meat Market Part 2 by Rekhit It wasn't often that Hugo ever came to this part of town when off duty, though it had been a while since he'd walked the sidewalks as a street cop. Here the buildings were run...

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Alien Seduction

Private commission for Hasani Alien Seduction by Rekhit When Hasani opened his eyes the bright light flooded his brain and he was forced to close them again. He'd not even been aware of being unconscious. Slowly he re-opened his eyes...

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Hidden Desire

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