The Meat Market pt 2

Story by Rekhit on SoFurry

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Private commission for Damien666

The Meat Market Part 2 by Rekhit

It wasn't often that Hugo ever came to this part of town when off duty, though it had been a while since he'd walked the sidewalks as a street cop. Here the buildings were run down, dirty; many were boarded up, broken windows poking through the gaps. Hugo rode down the garbage infested road on his bike, though he wasn't alone; the throwaways and homeless of the city littered the streets like the rubbish discarded by those who lived there.

He pulled up outside his destination, gunned the engine loudly and switched it off, dismounting. Tonight he was just in his casual wear, the t-shirt stretched precariously over his large chest, the nipples visible. Taurus Inks, a tattoo parlour situated in the middle of set of derelict buildings. Unlike the others it was bright, clean and open, the neon lights piercing the glum. A massive bull's head split the sign in half, glaring over anyone who came near. Hugo was sensing a theme here.

It was more evident on the inside. At the desk stood a tall bull with upswept horns, dressed in only a string vest and vinyl pants. The most striking points were that a huge gold ring hung from his nose, and his entire body was covered in sweeping tribal tattoo designs. He looked up from a magazine and let out a little snort. "Can I help you?"

"Zach in?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, do you have an appointment?"

Taking out a pen and a calling card from the desk, Hugo jotted out a quick message and handed it over to the bull. "Give him this."

The bull simply raised an eyebrow then disappeared through a door. Waiting, Hugo looked around the small waiting area. It was clean, very white, with posters and samples of the kind of work that was done here. Hanging from the walls were also photos of various figures with tattoos and even here, every single one was a bull. This Zach obviously had an obsession with bovines it seemed.

The door opened again and the bull motioned for Hugo to go through. Bowing his head to avoid scraping the door frame, he was a little surprised to find not another bull sitting in the room but a wolf. Grey furred, wearing a black tank top and cameo pants, he seemed very normal. Quite muscular without being too huge, he grinned up at Hugo.

"So, you want to find the Meat Market?" Zach asked.

"Was told you know where to find it," Hugo asked, leaning against a counter. He could feel the predator like gaze of the wolf on his, drinking him in.

"I might," the wolf replied, looking the bull up and down. "But information like that is not cheap." Hugo had been prepared and took out his wallet. A chuckle from the wolf stopped him. "Don't be so crass, money isn't the only payment."

The bull raised an eyebrow. "So what's the going rate?"

Zach grinned broadly, licking his lips. "Well let's see... how about you let me tattoo you and... also tell me your deepest darkest desire. And don't worry, nothing can shock me."

His deepest desire and a tattoo? That was the going rate? Something wasn't right about this; Hugo's cop sense was tingling. Yet there didn't seem to be anything untoward going on here. It did take a few seconds for Hugo to pluck up the courage to tell this total stranger something he would probably never admit to himself. Besides, he'd always fancied the idea of getting a tattoo done, but so far had never gotten around to it.

"I can't seem to be satisfied anally," Hugo admitted. "No matter how big or thick, nothing I stuff up my ass seems to get me off."

The wolf tattooist seemed satisfied with Hugo's admission and said that he did indeed know where the Meat Market was. He even promised to take Hugo when the next meeting happened, which was in a couple of days. So the bull left the tattoo parlour, complete with a new tribal design going down his upper left arm, wondering what was in store at the infamous Meat Market.

The night came and Hugo arrived back at the tattoo parlour, decked in his full leathers. Concealed in his jacket was his police issue firearm, for emergencies. Parked outside was a large SUV, black with tinted windows. A door opened and out stepped Zach, wearing more or less the same attire as before. "Leave your bike here, you can come with us." Hugo got in and sank into plush leather.

One of the bulls from the shop drove the pair through the deserted streets to the eastern side of the city. Built up with several large factories and warehouses, it was a stark contrast to the towering buildings that signalled the power of the city. Nestled down a side street was a towering warehouse, worn brick and painted over windows. Oddly, unlike the others around it, there was not a single spot of graffiti or even any damage.

The SUV stopped and the two passengers got out. Down the side was a single door manned by an imposing bear in a dark suit. Unlike most bears Hugo knew, there was not an ounce of fat of his frame. The bear stared at Hugo as he entered, though the bull didn't notice the small that crept across the ursine's muzzle.

The wolf disappeared down a small corridor, but motioned for Hugo to go through a set of doors. He took a deep breath and opened the doors, instantly the loud bass of music and the smell of anthro and sex and leather, assaulted his senses. No wonder the windows were blacked out, it was a literal circus of perversion inside! Everywhere he looked he could see anthros, and even humans, dressed in leather and rubber, while others were completely naked.

The door closed and he found himself inside fully. From the centre came the loud music, a mixture of hip-hop and rap. Two dogs were on stage in the centre, shirtless, pants riding low, rapping as a crowd moved and danced, anthros of every species rubbing and grinding against one other. The smell of sweat and sex filled Hugo's nose and his lowed deeply, feeling his cock shift in leather pants.

He wandered, mingled, watched and was groped. As he passed through crowds of the perverted paws rubbed across his chest, his ass and over his cock, which was grew down one of his pant legs. The attention was electrifying, as was the sights that invaded in eyes. A skunk pulling two humans by chains. A wolf naked, cock pulled out and a ring between his crotch and knot being forced to lick the boots of any who came past. An otter bent over, ass spanked by paddles. Two bears decked in tight rubber, bellies wobbling, getting serviced by a parrot.

And it wasn't just the random encounters. Scattered around the periphery were stalls, like some insane market, where masters and tops showed off their bitches, pups and slaves. Several even charged for the privilege of others to use them, literally prostituting their property to anyone willing. And there were so many willing.

Hugo stopped and took out a cigar and was about to find his matches when a small sheep, wearing only a collar and bow-tie, appeared almost out of nowhere and offered a light. Holding the cigar close, Hugo puffed it into life and blew a cloud of smoke into the sheep's face. The sheep breathed deeply and smiled broadly. "Thank you sir," he said and disappeared back into the crowd.

Sucking the smoke deep into his lungs, Hugo snorted it out his nose and wandered. There didn't seem to be any sign of the auction. Maybe it happened later. Until then, Hugo would keep an eye open and enjoy the sights. And what sights! He watched as some kind of canine - it was difficult to work out since the poor creature had been shaved - was suspended inside a metal ball, with wires leading from a machine to various parts of his body. The machine had a slot and anthros were feeding quarters into it. Every quarter sent an electric shock into the wires, making the shaven canine grunt and twist in his bondage. Though for all his discomfort his cock didn't stop dripping.

Further on was a pony strapped to a pool table. A game of pool was being played, except that the balls were being pushed one by one into the pony's ass. The equine whined around a ball gag, straining at the ropes securing him down. Near by were fisting benches with many a bottom bent over, asses high and gaping. Hugo rubbed his cock and rumbled deeply as the sight.

The bull walked past a raccoon being lowered slowly on a traffic cone, the large plastic object opening his anus. The raccoon panted heavily but showed no signs of wanting to stop. Around him stood several anthros stroking their erect cocks, the raccoon's own bouncing and dripping copuious amounts of pre onto the stone floor. Slowly the submissive anthro was lowered down, the cone disappearing further inside his greedy hole.

Along the back wall were urinals, except that under the drains were anthros with mouths open wide, catching the piss of the many others who used them. Next to this was a door leading into another room. Hugo was about to enter when a bear and a white fox opened it to go through; the distinct smell of excrement hit the bull's nose and he gagged. There were some limits even he wasn't willing to explore.

Turning he bumped into something large and rubber clad. "Dom or sub?" came a sultry voice. Looking up, Hugo found himself staring at the face, and boobs, of a huge giraffe. Except that down below was the tell tale bulge of a cock and balls.

"Er... what?" Hugo stammered, taken aback by the stranger in front of him.

"Are you dominant or submissive," replied the giraffe, face layered with make-up.

"Dominant I guess," Hugo replied.

The giraffe snorted and then smiled. "I'm sure you are honey," and disappeared into the crowd, though Hugo could see him, or her, easily as he, or she, towered over everyone else.

Puffing on his cigar the bull came across what looked like a huge box, though on side was a piece of glass. Looking through Hugo watched as a lizard was strapped to a table and two felines, a lion and a tiger, who looked rather familiar, took turns fisting him. The felines were dressed in leather version of policemen uniforms, and indeed the room looked just like an interviewing room. The window was clearly two way glass.

As he watched his gut clenched; he KNEW the two felines! I was Henry and John from his department. The uniforms were actual leather version of their actual uniform! What the heck were they doing here, and in such a situation? Hugo had never even considered the two to be into such extreme sex, let alone gay. Something wasn't right here. The sense that all cops develop was tingling and the sudden urge to escape grew.

Quickly he made his way through the crowd towards the door he came through. Only one rapper was singing now, the other down on his knees sucking the other off. The crowd grew frantic and acts of unbridled sex broke out among the audience. It took every ounce of strength to reach the door, but just as he took hold of the handle a pair of huge paws grabbed him.

"What the fuck!" he bellowed, thrashing. He tried to reach into his jacket and retrieve his gun, but those paws grabbed his wrist and removed the gun, disarming him. The bear from outside and an elephant with dozens of piercings in both ears took hold of the bull, arms and legs and carried him through the crowd. Eyes watched and tongues licked lips as Hugo was carried back the way he came, back towards the room. And it was only then that something else struck him; there were no other bulls present anywhere.

He was carried through the door and slammed onto the table. He struggled but the two bouncers were stronger. They chained him down, and then the bear pulled out a knife, quickly ripping off the bull's leathers, leaving him naked and exposed. Through the two way window he could feel eyes watching him. Struggling, he bellowed loudly, but the chains were heavy and the table was bolted to the floor. To anyone watching he was just another "willing" participant.

"Well, look what we got here," came a deep purring voice. Hugo bent his head to the left and watched his two comrades enter, stroking each other's cocks. "Looks like someone's rustled us some cattle," said Henry, shaking his huge mane.

"Heh, yeah, whose been a bad bull," John sneered, letting go of the other big cat's dick and pulling on a glove. "We have reason to suspect you have in your possession illegal substances and we're going to fuckin' search for it!"

Hugo thrased madly. "Guys, what's gotten into you! Why're you here?"

"We could ask the same question, 'cept we ain't interested," Henry growled. "You're our toy now."

They moved. Henry grabbed hold of the bull's head, pulling it past the edge of the table so it was bent downwards and shoved his cock down the bull's throat. Snorting, Hugo choked from the sudden thrust. Yet it wasn't the only thing he was being subjected too. John was smearing and probing the bull's tail hole, sliding a finger deep inside, wriggling it and pulling out, only to slide back in again.

It was only to prep him. Hugo watched as the tiger took hold of a nightstick and greased it up. Knowing what was going to happen, the captive bull thrashed but it was in vain; with one thrust it was rammed into the bull's ass, causing the bovine to bellow around the cock down his throat. It was thrust violently, so much so that the end could be seen poking upwards through the flesh of Hugo's abdomen. It went on for several minutes before the nightstick was pulled out and tossed to one side. The stick was replaced by fingers as they explored and stretched the abused anus.

Despite the situation Hugo groaned around the cock in his mouth, louder as another finger was added. Only once had he been fisted before, many years ago, and now it seemed he was about to get a repeat performance. Another finger went into his hole, stretching it wider, bit by bit. Hugo had fisted many a hole in his life, watching his paw disappear into some eager ass. He knew what it was like, what it did to a hole. A fourth finger was added.

The thumb stroked around the outside of his ass. This would be the final push. As much Hugo resisted this, deep down he wanted it. But he kept his ass tight. The tiger simply grinned to his partner, who took out a bottle of poppers and stuffed it under the bull's nose. Two things happened at once. Hugo's eyes went wide as the stench of the poppers filled his nose and made his brain go fuzzy, and the other was John curling his thumb under and with a shove stuffed his whole fist up the bovine's tight ass.

Again Hugo bellowed. The fist was twisted in his hole, pulled out and rammed back in again. Pulled out and the other was pushed inside. That was pulled out, leaving Hugo's ass gaping wide, red and black, before the tiger's tight fist thrust inside that dark loosening hole. The tiger pistoned his arms back and forth, a heavy slurping sound joining the sound of Hugo's snorting and groaning. Despite his best efforts, his bovine cock throbbed and full mast, drooling clear pre across his stomach.

"My turn," rumbled the lion, pulling from the bull's maw, trailing spit across the floor. He didn't bother to glove up, just got paws full of grease and rammed himself in. There came another bellow from the bull, as well as swearing and promises of violence. But it was all for naught, the two felines kept at it, taking turns to fist the bull deeply.

"What's this?" came the tiger. He pulled his fist out and in the paw, covered in slime, was a condom filled with white powder. Hugo looked up, eyes wide. How the hell did they do that. "Seems you've been a very naughty boy Hugo. Carrying drugs is a serious crime. Especially for a COP!"

The two grinned at each other and from the door came four burly anthros, four bulls, with nose rings and heavily tattooed. They gripped his limbs, undoing the chains and carrying him from the room. Hugo panted, too tired from the fisting, all the fight having gone out of him. They carried him into a room that was much like a jail cell, filled with the anthros who had been subjected to the kinks of the two felines. Again he was fastened, into a sling this time.

"You can stay here until we decide to interrogate you later," said one of the felines, slamming the cage door. The inmates were on him like animals. Cocks were shoved down his throat, fists and cocks into his ass. His own bull member was bitten, slapped and sucked as well.

The last image Hugo had was a familiar face leering over him. The equine muzzle grinned broadly as a huge horse cock was shoved violently into his abused rectum, followed by two paws that stroked it inside of him. Cum dripped from his ass, his mouth, from every part of him and before he lost consciousness, overwhelmed by the scent of seed, Jason's face appeared close to his and said "Pay backs a bitch ain't it..."


It was the brightness that caused Hugo to stir from his sex induced stupor. Flicking his eyes open, he found bright lights illuminating his body. Around him was utter darkness and complete silence. Stretching, he found himself lying on a large bed, his dark body contrasting with the white silk covers. He stretched, every muscle screaming and then some. His head swam with what he'd been subjected, yet looking at his body he realised he'd been washed. His fur was soft and smelt slightly of grapefruit, which was weird. Moving his paws over his body, he found a thick collar around his neck. The bull was not out of trouble yet.

Stretching his now tattooed arm, it brushed against something on the bed with him. Turning his head, he noticed what looked like a picture. Taking hold of it, he realised it was of him. And there were more. Dozens in fact, scattered around his body like some obscene rose petals. They showed his prone body being used by anthros of different sizes and species, and some were of close ups of his anus. It was blooming outwards, a partial prolapse of the rectum, a perfect rosebud of flesh.

Sliding a paw down, Hugo found his anus in a state he'd never experienced before. The rim of his ass was extremely puffed up, swollen from so much use. Pushing down it opened up easily and his fingers rubbed against the inner flesh that blossomed. He groaned from the intense sensation as he rubbed against his rectum.

There was an explosion of light and Hugo found himself surrounded by wanton eyes. Dozens of anthros, some in business suits, others in leather and rubber attire, watched him lustfully. The rubbered giraffe sat in the front row and winked at him. The bed was on the stage where the rappers had been, the dance floor now cleared of their attendance and filled with sits.

A badger walked up behind a podium and announced that the exhibit was going for $1,000. Voices shouted. Numbers were called, prices in fact. Like an auction... Hugo realised the extent of his predicament; THIS was the Meat Market and he was being sold off like some kind of object. Why did that suddenly turn him on? Everything about this was wrong. He sat up, finding that a chain from the collar kept him on the bed. Had he the strength he would have torn the chain and bolted, trying his luck with the bouncers, but all he could do was lay and wait to see who won. What choice did he have?

Something big moved at the back of the crowd. "$250,000!" it shouted. Everyone turned, stunned at the price.

"Sold!" called the badger, slamming his hammer down. The massive walking mountain stomped down aisle between the chairs, taking up the space between the two sides he was so big, and Hugo could only watch as the furred creature approached him. It was impossible to tell his species since he was wearing a gas mask and leather kilt. He undid the collar and replaced it with a big leather one with studs, connected a leash and led the bound bull from the stage. Paws slapped his ass and groped his balls as he walked past, though his "owner" didn't seem to mind.

He was lead outside and bundled into the back of a van. The ride was uneventful but there was no windows so Hugo couldn't guess where he was taken. They arrived and he was lead out by a couple of bulls into a large building. Taken down a plush corridor he was lead into a room that looked like it was more at home in an Arabian palace.

Lying on a bed of cushions was the large fur. He looked bigger here then before. Hugo was left to the creatures devices as the bulls retreated from the room. "You're not for me," said the anthro, taking off his gas mask and revealing his hyena face. He idly flexed his right arm, running a paw over a double bicep bigger then Hugo's head. This was the body of a power lifter, huge arms and legs, bulging pecs and round but rock solid gut. But what made Hugo stare was the hyena's nipples. They were the biggest, the thickest, Hugo had ever seen. Bigger then his own in fact. Just looking at him made Hugo low deeply, his cock starting to rise.

"My name is Brutus, but you will call me 'Daddy', is that understood?" Hugo nodded. "I didn't hear ya?"

"Yes... daddy," he stammered.

"Good. Now come and suck daddy's cock like a good slut."

Hugo obeyed. There was something about his creature that pushed his buttons and he knelt in front of massive mountain of muscle. Brutus grabbed his head and moved it under the kilt. Facing him were the most perfect set of balls, low hanging, round, filled with seed. He traced his tongue across the furry sac as the kilt was lowered, trapping his head. The scent of the dominant anthro's musk drove him wild and he licked across the soft sac and sheath.

The thick cock dropped from it and Hugo swallowed it greedily, listening to the grunts from above him. He nursed it like a calf, sucking it down his throat. It just kept growing! Taking it both in paws his bobbed his head along the thick shaft, feeling it swell between his fingers. Stale sweat and nature musk filled his nose, making his cock rise between his legs.

He licked and slurped and moved his mouth across that thick hyena cock, tasting the pre that poured from its tip. The bug hyena grunted and rubbed Hugo's head through the kilt, humping a little, saying words like "harder" and "yeah bitch". But before the hyena could cum Hugo was pulled out from that musky den and up to that huge chest, to one of the big nipples. "Suck."

Hugo obeyed once more, sucking firmly on that big nub. It was almost as thick as his cock, and there had been times when Hugo had sucked himself off. He moved his tongue over the thickness when something splashed against it. Swallowing he realised it was milk and looked up in surprise at the hyena. "I ain't the Daddy for nuthin'" came the reply.

All Hugo could do was groan and sucked hard, drinking down the sweet milk that came from the hyena. It was wild, bizarre and so depraved and Hugo loved every second of it. The warm milk splashed down his throat, filling his belly. There was so much! He couldn't get enough of it, and his stomach expanded slowly, growing wider and rounder as he drank.

With a pop he was pulled away and as he opened his mouth to complain he let out a massive belch. Hugo clamped a paw to his mouth as Brutus chuckled, who then lifted him up and carried him through a door into a play room, placing him into a sling, securing his wrists and ankles.

"A little bird told me something about you," Brutus said as he took out a tub of grease, pulled a seat towards the end of the sling, towards Hugo's once again exposed hole. "I was told you can't get satisfied from fucking. That true boy?"

Hugo stared wide eyed at the big anthro. "How... how did you know that Daddy?" the word felt so natural.

Brutus grinned. "I have my ways." He greased up his paw and slid it without effort into Hugo's hole, who groaned deeply, arching his back. Slowly that big arm began to move into his hole. He was not going to be fist fucked, there was only one direction it was going; inwards.

It was a sensation beyond anything else and Hugo had to fight to keep his sanity. His hole stretched, his innards moved and that thick arm continued to fill him. Hugo could feel it worming its way through his guts, pressing up against his milk filled belly. There was a twist and the bull grunted, pissing himself involuntarily. Brutus just grinned, wrapping his lips around the bull's cock and drank deeply, lewdly, letting some dribble down over his chest.

The elbow disappeared and Hugo bellowed, arching his back, burying his cock down Brutus' throat, who sucked it as the piss slowed to a stop. Hugo fucked the big hyena's face as his ass with filled with that big arm. Inch after inch went in, it snaking around, moving his intestines, filling him beyond anything he could imagine. He looked down and saw the hyena's entire arm buried in his body, up to the shoulder.

Then the bicep flexed.

Lights exploded in Hugo's eyes and his mind was blasted. He opened his mouth to bellow but nothing came out. Every nerve ending seemed on fire as he orgasmed heavily, shooting thick bull seed down Brutus' throat. Over and over he fired as his body jerked and withered. As soon as he started coming down from the orgasm it fired off again, over and over, his body shaking with desire. The sensory overload was too much and Hugo's mind turned itself off, saving his sanity from oblivion.

His body was being lapped softly as Hugo awoke again, the second time he's been sent in darkness from sex. He found himself between two huge bovines, both muscled and covered in tribal tattoos from the neck down. Gold rings hung from their noses. They were licking his neck and chest gently, and Hugo barely noticed as they slide their cocks into his ass, so stretched now he felt he could fit an 18 wheeler up there without any problem.

Surrounding him were many other bulls, some asleep, others fucking each other gently. There was no urgency to them, just like the ones in his hole. It wasn't fucking to orgasm, it was fucking to be close, to enjoy each other. On the opposite side of the room was sat Brutus, naked this time. There was a bull sucking each nipple, milk dribbling down their chins, one sucking his cock, one licking his balls and another had his arm deep in the hyena's ass, fisting him gently. The hyena grunted and moaned, cuddling the two at his chest against him.

Someone moved and Hugo turned. It was Zach, the grey wolf from the tattoo parlour. He too was naked, his canine cock hard. "Hello Hugo," he said as he came forward.

"You... what..." Hugo stammered. Then he saw himself. The tattoo now extended down his pec and side.

"Yes. You see, there were no abducted bodybuilders," Zach explained as he stood over Hugo, the two bulls still nursing and sliding their cocks in his abused hole. "You see, I love the bovine form. The power, the elegance. Daddy helps me collect bulls for my harem. I knew I had to have you as soon as I saw you."

"Why me?" Hugo asked.

As he spoke Zach straddled the bull's crotch, holding onto his cock and slowly lowered himself down, impaling his tight wolf hole. "You're the most sexy bull I've seen in a long time, and I knew you'd be perfect for my harem. And as it's my birthday Daddy said he'd get you for me." He looked at Brutus. "Thank you Daddy!"

"Happy birthday son," Brutus replied.

"So... all this, the thing with Jason, the tattoo parlour... it was all a trick?"

Zach nodded. From under a nearby cushion he pulled out a box on top was a ring. "Yes. I'm not asking you to accept it yet, but you will want for nothing here. All I ask is that you please me whenever I wish and in return you will live a life of paradise. I'll cover you with tattoos and you'll work out everyday so you can be the biggest bull in my collection." He held up the ring, a nose ring. "When you accept me as your lover and owner, you'll want this to symbolise our love. Until then..."

He opened the box which was filled with big cigars. Taking one and cutting it, Zach put it into his mouth and lit it, puffing it to life. Taking a big drag, he pressed his lips to Hugo's and exhaled, blowing the smoke into the bull. Hugo excepted it and exhaled it from his nose.

They smoked the cigar together, kissing deeply, feeding each other the smoke. Soon Hugo's paws gripped the wolf's ass and fucked it gently, as gently as the bulls fucking his. The four orgasmed one after another and as they lay there, with the wolf snoozing on his chest, Hugo realised that maybe being someone's pet wouldn't be too bad after all.

The Meat Market pt 3

Private commission for Damien666 The Meat Market Part 3 by Rekhit Lights flickered in the dark beyond the heavily illuminated stage. Voices murmured among the flashes. There was movement as the first figure stepped onto the stage. The...

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The Meat Market pt 1

Private Commission for Damien666 The Meat Market Part 1 by Rekhit With a gun of the throttle, the massive bull brought the motorcycle to a stop, a wild stallion resting from a long ride. He kicked out the stand, letting it rest gently...

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Alien Seduction

Private commission for Hasani Alien Seduction by Rekhit When Hasani opened his eyes the bright light flooded his brain and he was forced to close them again. He'd not even been aware of being unconscious. Slowly he re-opened his eyes...

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