Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 9

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#10 of Third Arc

Chapter 9.0: Divide and Conquer

Crosstown Motel

Let's recap, shall we?

I'm a part-time superhero and fulltime author/editor. I frequently get little paper cranes that are given to me by some mysterious entity I have yet to meetand they always lead me to people who I am meant to save from the clutches of Death. My most recent mission involved me stepping into a world of werewolves and vampires cleverly disguised by the presence of a film of the same genre.

I fell in love with one of the stars of the movie and in the processes, found out that not only was he a werewolf but that he was part of a pack of gay werewolves that was at war with the vampires.

And... in the process of coupling with my boyfriend... he turned me into a werewolf.

Needless to say, I was pissed.

And you know what the best part is?

Because I didn't have a 'smooth transition' like Chad, my body was in hell.

I lay down in my bed, sweating profusely and with a damp towel on my forehead. Every breath I took was a heavy, ragged gasp like the air was filled with chainsaws that ripped open my throat as it buried itself into my lungs.

Pearce hovered over the side of my bed while Michael and some other werewolves were scattered all over the room. Chad was nowhere in sight. I hadn't been very nice when I realised what he had done. I had given him a condom and he just tossed it aside because he wanted to 'be with me forever'. And how did he achieve that? By injecting me with his cum and tying with me so I had no escape!

Now, I was suffering through hell because of him.


Pearce took the towel from my forehead and dunked it in the icy cold water resting in a bowl beside him. He refreshed the cooling touch of the towel and placed it once more on my forehead. I'll admit, the frigid kiss of that towel did sooth my fever... for about two seconds!

"You'll suffer through three symptoms," Pearce said, his voice seemingly disproving but I could detect the edge of victory in the undertones of his words. "The first is this fever. Your body will feel like it's on fire as ever cell in your body is reformed thanks the semen Chad injected you with."

"Great..." I grumbled.

"Don't try to talk," Michael - that grey wolf that had knocked me off the cliff - said comfortingly. He patted my paw but I pulled it away and growled menacingly. I wasn't mad at him particular. I was just mad and as a result, I was lashing out at everyone. Michael whimpered and stepped back.

"The next is great hunger," Pearce continued. "The fever should last for a few days. Three at the most. After that, you will feel so incredibly hungry that no amount of food will suffice. This will aid in growth of your muscles."

Now that I thought of it... That sort of explained why Chad ate so much when we first met. Maybe that stomach ache he suffered when I was first conscripted was because of the fever.

"The last is..." Pearce paused and his ears flicked towards me. "... a hyperactive libido."

"Oh great..."

"You'll need to control yourself," the Alpha wolf intoned. "It is during the last stage that you start to become infectious. After that stage finishes, you will be a fully fledged werewolf and should be able to control yourself." He gave me a smile. It was far from benign however. "But we're here to support you. You're part of our pack now. We're your family."

"I have a family..." I grumbled, averting my gaze from him. It felt like every vein in my body was filled with fire and every muscle was slowly getting cooked from the inside.

"Jacob... Once you fully turn, you'll understand. What we do here is far more important than anything you could have imagined even as a superhero." His smile broadened. "And here, you'll finally have someplace to belong."


Huh... Sounded so weird when used to refer to me...

"We'll leave some of our own to see to your needs just in case."

"Chad...?" I groaned.

Pearce shook his head. "I fear not. I don't think you want to see him right now."

Of course I wanted to see him.

I wanted to see him whimpering like a pup while I beat him with Tony.

Exhaustion hit me hard and my vision quickly blurred. I heard people leaving and I heard some vague, muffled instructions being spoken but that was about it. I'm not sure if my eyes actually closed or not just that when I next became aware of myself, I was lying on the bed, the sheets soaked with my sweat and alone in my room.

The fire in my veins had subsided somewhat but it seemed that the missing parts had all funnelled into my joins where they throbbed and burned. Grunting softly, I pulled myself from my bed, feeling the stickiness of a body lying down on sweaty sheets for too long.

Every movement hurt like hell and my mind was hazy.

I was suddenly aware that my stomach rumbled in protest. I felt bile rising up my throat and I bolted for the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet bowl where I lay hunched over, losing the contents of my gut rapidly.

Again, my mind just blurred as my body went into autopilot.

I wasn't sure how long I was vomiting for but by the end of it, I felt weaker than a newly born pup.

I collapsed onto the cold, tiled floor and I think I passed out.

When I next became aware of my surroundings, someone was lifting me to my feet, my arm flung over their shoulders. I moaned softly and I heard my helper winced.

"By the Almighty, not even I would kiss you now, Worldrider."

Great... Nova...

I think I said, 'What do you want?' but I'm not sure. It came out mostly as 'Whadyant?'

Nova wrinkled her nose as we reached my bed. She waved her free hand and the bed was suddenly pristine and clean. Gently, she set me down on the bed and lay me across my back. She hovered above me, her cold, hard, purple eyes regarding me with a mix of curiosity and... lust?

Oh great... I was weak, delirious and another chance like this probably wouldn't come again for the horny Goddess...

And just the thought of her naked body...


"You're thinking that I would take advantage of you in your state."

It was a rather blunt statement to which I answered with a grunt and a prompt rolling over to my side, averting my gaze from her.

"I only take pride in victories earned through hard work and fair combat," she said with an uppity edge. "Considering your current state, it would hardly be fair. Plus, you have Eclipse's taint in you."

"I thought the werewolves were under your command..." I managed to murmur.

"They are but they were still created by Eclipse." I felt her weight shift the bed slightly as she sat down behind me. "Your regeneration seems to be accelerating the process. You will have approximately three days before you become a fully fledged werewolf and one of Pearce's pawns."


Nova sighed and placed her paw on my shoulder. Her touch seemed to ease my fever slightly. I always knew she was an ice-cold bitch. But it did help... I wasn't about to tell her that though.

"Pearce has undisputed control over the other werewolves," she said softly. "He has a powerful mental link to them where anyone who falls under his pack must obey his commands."

I growled. That was another thing Chad forgot to mention when he screwed me. I was basically going to be Pearce's little puppet! What? Was I going to be his daily ego stroke? Was he going to tell me to bend over and lift my tail as he fucked me because I'm clearly more powerful than him but he has command over me!?

"Can't I challenge him for Alpha status...?"

"Alpha status isn't given through some sort of 'lupine democracy', Jacob." Nova sighed softly. "It's a hereditary title that can be passed down through a bloodline. Village chiefs are the only ones that can become Alphas. Vincent was the first Alpha... and now, Pearce, as the 'chief' is Alpha."

"Great..." I muttered grimly. "But I didn't think Vincent had any children..."

Nova chuckled. "He did, remember? Vincent II."

"Not what I meant."

"I know." She chuckled again. "I'm just taking advantage of the fact that you're weak as a puppy and can't really fight back for once."

I groaned, basically giving her the signal to continue her explanation.

"Remember that power of the werewolves has given to the tribes people by their ancestors. Ultimately, it is they who choose who will become Alpha. While Vincent's bloodline will always remain the most dominant Alpha, other Alphas have been named and passed to fill the voice. Should Vincent or an ancestor of Vincent ever return, they will have proper rights to the throne."

So it was essentially like there was a long list of temporary chiefs ruling the pack in the absence of the true leader...

... and that may just be my ticket out of this mess!

"Can an Alpha dismiss another wolf from their pack?"

"If the need is great enough but it has never occurred. Apart from those born within Crosstown, Michael was the only one to be transformed in the same way as you. He had a slight rebellious streak but apart from that, he is mostly content because he has found a world where he belongs to and is not afraid of his sexuality.

"The others were indoctrinated through the subtle manipulation that was employed on your love. The gradual transformation affects more than the body. It slowly twists the mind and soul as well. Where the immediate transformation changes the body rapidly, the gradual allows time for the victim to consider what is happening to them, to grow into the transformation."

Even without looking at her, I could sense her smiling.

"I guess you could draw a graph of it. The quicker you are transformed, the more freedom you obtain from the Alpha. The slower, the more the Alpha has a grip on you."

I guess I could draw that association. It was like when someone was being tortured slowly in some horrible rape - sorry, 'raep' - dungeon. The pain and agony was only Phase 1 of the torture process. After torture and physical pain, the best way to break a mind was to start offering peace and solitude, offer a comforting paw or a helping hand. Essentially, bring up someone who the prisoner could associate with and perhaps even fall in love with.

Hope was a deadly weapon when used. It could empower the weakest or it could lead them directly into the paws of their enemies.

Devious bastards...

"I don't suppose you came here with a cure, did you?" I grunted.

"I cannot undo Eclipse's curse. Only she has that power and she is unwilling to relinquish her potential grip on you. She is convinced that even if you do become a werewolf, your rejection of their lifestyle and desperation to have your condition cured will lead you to her and thus she can have you do her bidding whereas no other God can claim the same."

I always knew the Gods were goddamn assholes.

They don't care about anyone else but themselves.

"So why did you come here?" I growled.

"To warn you..." she sighed softly. "As proud as I am that I managed to take the werewolves from my sister, I do not believe these werewolves to be the same as those ones in eons past. There is something... different and off-putting about them. Whatever the case, though I loathe to admit it, perhaps you should consider the other side of this battle before you jump to conclusions."

I sat up and whirled around to face her. "Oh really? You want me to see if the vampires that just tried to turn me are really cool? What kind of reverse-psychology-shit are you trying to pull!?" I roared ever word, shaking the room. "You want me to consider what it'll be like to be a vampire so I'll hate them and turn to you instead so I can be your puppet!?"

Irritation flashed before Nova's eyes.

I instantly regretted my words.

Like I said, I was pissed. I was lashing out at everyone.

God and mortal alike.


"Take my help or leave it, Worldrider," Nova scowled, rising to her feet and towering over me. "Yes, I may have held some scant hope you would have turned to me but I can see now there is little hope for that. However, my motives are different..."

She frowned slightly and gazed out the window, her eyes suddenly filled with fear. "While Eclipse will not admit it, I can see that she too senses something is amiss with these supernatural creatures... Those vampires are not... right... Some other force is at work here, Worldrider. Forces greater than werewolf and vampire alike..."

Now I was scared...

I had an inkling I knew exactly what that 'force' was... but I needed proof...

But first, I needed several other things done...

"Thanks for the warning," I grunted, sitting back up. "Now I gotta make a phone call."

Nova left me to my own devices and as I reached for my phone sitting on my bedside table, I passed out. I think I was just too tired and the fever was literally tearing my apart from the inside.

It was about one in the afternoon the next day after my disastrous mating session with Chad when I finally had the strength to pull myself out of my sweaty bed. I woke up about an hour before but my limbs were overcome by I definitely felt better. The fever had rapidly subsided but I still felt really hot. All the heat had focused down into my stomach which constantly churned and gurgled.

I was making constant trips to the bathroom to spill the contents of my stomach. Anything I ate went straight back out and I was starting to feel really hungry. I wondered if that was Stage 2 of my transformation kicking in... In which case, I basically had only another day before I started humping anything with a pulse and then one more day before I was a fully fledged Howler.

Michael came in from time to time to bring me some food but as I said before, anything I ate I expelled in a gooey mush of bile-covered residue.

It was at my fifth trip to the bathroom where he finally came in and held my head up as I threw up into the toilet bowl.

It felt like an eternity of heaving and panting before I was finally able to stop.

"It was like this for me too..." the young wolf sighed. "It'll feel like hell for a while but when it's over, you'll feel stronger, faster and accepted. I know you feel angry because of what Chad did but you got to understand he did it because he loves you."

I gagged before I could actually speak. "Right... He loves me so much that he jammed his cock up my ass, sprayed his infectious cum into said ass and tied with said ass despite knowing the repercussions which were recited - urf - to him not moments - ack - before... Oh god..."

I turned back to the toilet and a fresh burst of vomit spilled out of me.

Man... where did it all come from...?

"He was just afraid that you'd leave him," Michael responded. "I mean, he said you've gotten the mating bite a lot over your life and you've gotten that same jolt when you got it. That hook that pulls you towards your mate. That urging where you're compelled to do anything for the regardless of whether or not it makes you happy. Right?"

Just how much did Chad tell the others in the brief time that he was turned and he chased down Vladimir for kidnapping me?

And... I guess it sort of was my fault in the first place...

I did give him a mating bite after all...

Besides, in retrospect, it was pretty romantic that he had sex with me and I turned into a werewolf for it. Wasn't that the premise of most porn movies and homoerotic stories involving werewolves?

"He could've asked..."

"Would you have said 'yes'?"

"Of course!"

"Then why are you mad?"



Goddamn psychoanalysing, twinky werewolf who also happens to be arousing...

"I just... I just feel like he's broken my trust," I grumbled, my stomach heaving a little. "I mean, okay, he did it out of love... He was convinced that we couldn't be together since he's a werewolf and I'm a superhero. He wanted us to be together and turned me into a werewolf in the process..."

I angled my muzzle back towards the toilet. Just seeing the thick gunk at the bottom was making me sick and I shut my eyes.

"I guess I can understand that," Michael said. "You done?"

"Yeah," I grunted after a few moments. Nothing else was coming up so I staggered to my feet. Michael slipped my arm over his shoulders and led me back out into the room. He sat me down on my bed but I didn't feel much like lying down.

After all that vomiting, my stomach felt terribly empty.

"You must be pretty hungry," Michael said. "Let me get you something to eat."

The young werewolf slipped out the door and exchanged a few words with the two guards that had been placed outside my door. They were keeping everyone - even Rob - from seeing me. Their excuse was that I had contracted something terribly contagious - which was true for the most part - and that to prevent anyone else on the production crew from falling ill, I had to be quarantined.

The logical thing to do would've been to take me to the hospital but apparently, logic failed everyone recently.

Especially Chad... and even me...

As I sat there, contemplating my situation, I realised that... well... I can't really blame Chad for what he did. A mating bite is a powerful thing. Like I said, amongst lupines and canines, it's essentially a proposal. Chad must have been driven by his loyalty to me to me and I guess I can't fault him for that.

It was a mistake...

... but not something to tear our relationship over.

I guess some people would be raging and ranting over the fact that their mate had infected them against their will but now that the moment was over, I was starting to think logically again and I reasoned that if I had been given the choice, I wouldn't have denied Chad the opportunity to turn me. Hell, being a werewolf might actually be a little fun.

... then again...

I picked up my phone off my bedside table and dialled my dad's number directly.

"Jake!"_came the cheery voice from the other side. _"You'll never_guess what! There's some pretty saucy fanfic being written about you and Chad -"_

I decided to stop him before it escalated to how much space on his computer he had taken up downloading porn concerning Chad and myself... or how much porn he had made concerning Chad and myself...

"Dad, I'm turning into a werewolf."


There was a pause on the other end.


"Does your cock get bigger!?"


You know, someone else would be horrified at that... but oddly enough, I was okay with it.

"Yes, dad. At least from what I've seen. And I don't know yet. It's a three-day process and I'm only in Day 1 right now. Going to Day 2."

"Take pictures?"

I rolled my eyes. I was too tired from the fever to be cynical... and hungry. "Tell you what? I'll make you a whole movie out of it and I'll even bang my boyfriend on camera for you if you can make me a cure."

There was some slight shuffling on the other end and I wondered if that was my dad sticking his cock back into his pants. I swear, the guy is bi and my mom enables him mostly because I bet she gets turned on at the idea of me and my dad doing it.


"Hmmm? Oh sorry, I just switched you off speaker phone. People at work were giving me weird looks."



"What? I'm at work!"

I sighed and ran my paw down my face. My forehead didn't feel as hot anymore but I was still quite feverish. "Okay... Fine... Dad, can you make a cure?"

"Hmmm... I think while your current DNA is in the transitional stage, I'll be able to synthesise a cure... Yes. I still have copies of your DNA structure from your previous adventures and those times I secretly milked you while you were asleep -"


"You WHAT!?"

"Don't sound so surprised, Jacob. After all the times you get transformed, I thought I should have some fresh samples on hand."

"Don't you have my genetic code written down somewhere!? In a file!? What do you need 'fresh samples' for!?"

My dad coughed. "In other news, I'm going to need a blood sample and a nice heaping batch of fresh genetic material."

My ears flatted and I gave my dad a Death Stare through the phone. I'm not sure if he actually felt it or not but apparently, I inherited it from my mom. It was this terrible stare where we both purse our lips, lower our heads, flatten our ears and glower so intensely that anything caught in the range of our stare spontaneously combusts. Everyone else gets first-degree burns.

"No, dad."

"Awww, come on, please? Whenever am I going to get a fresh batch of werewolf cum?"

"Dad, my cum will be infectious in another day or so. If anyone gets their paws on it -"

"Even better then! If your cum is a method by which the werewolves infect one another, then a sample of that very substance will help synthesise the cure!"


It killed me to think that he was right.

Especially since aside from proper propagation, that was the only way the werewolves could multiply...

"Fine..." I growled. "But I won't be infectious until I get to the horny stage in my transformation."

"There's a horny stage_!?"_

Bad choice of words around my dad...

"Send me a syringe will you?" I muttered. "...and a container to catch my... Um..."

"Sure! Does your load get bigger when you transform? I don't want to miss a single drop! You know, for scientific purposes."

"Scientific purposes my ass..." I growled and hung up.

I couldn't believe I'd be willingly collecting my cum for my dad... Talk about creepy...

Thankfully, I wouldn't have to do that until tomorrow night at least. I had until then, I had time to tell Chad I was sorry for getting mad at him and find out what in the hell was going on here.

The door sprang open and Michael walked back in with a tray of food. The smell of hamburgers and crisp, fresh salad filled my nostrils and instantly made my stomach growl in anticipation.

"Feeling better?" he asked, setting down the tray on the bedside table.

"I'm not vomiting if that's what you're asking."

I gingerly picked up the hamburger and took a bite out of it. It was good. After not having eaten for a good twenty-four hours, I was seriously starved. The taste of meat - albeit heavily processed and rife with innuendos - was simply heavenly. I wasn't sure whether it was my food-deprived state or some side-effect of my lycanthropic transformation but every hint of taste in the burger was accentuated a thousand fold.

I could taste the sweet tang of the mustard, the sugary-sour blast of the tomato sauce, the savoury juices of the hamburger and the soft, buttery punch of the bread.

I don't think I had ever had a better hamburger.

Well... except for that one time when I poured mustard and tomato sauce over a then-boyfriend's cock and placed it between two buns, gently nibbling at it but that's entirely different.

It held a salty tang from the cum... sort of like...

I stopped chewing and regarded the burger for a moment... Then I turned my gaze to Michael was starting to blush deeply.

"You didn't..." I began, my muzzle full of the burger...

"I thought it might help the transformation if you... You know... Ate some of my cum... I mean, that's how we helped Chad. We came in his food and then -"

I suddenly felt sick again...

Chapter 9.1: Conquer and Cum

Crosstown Motel

After that little incident, I realised I couldn't trust any of the werewolves with my food requirements. No doubt they hoped by adding their semen into my food, it'd help with the transition... and probably brainwash me...

Perhaps I was being cynical but these werewolves just seemed to find any excuse to ejaculate.

At about three in the afternoon - after I kicked out Michael for that stunt - I caught the two werewolves guarding me making out and passionately 'mating' with one another. It was an eyeful alright and I really wished that the cum I had spent then could've been used for my dad's research.

The syringes arrived in that time through my travel bag. It had a secret molecular transporter unit attached to it that would allow me to send and receive small items from my parents. It was actually quite common technology for government agents especially Rillotian spies. An easy way to transport bits of equipment from headquarters to the spies in the field.

I used the syringe to extract some blood from me - two whole samples - and sent it back. In short notice, my dad sent me a container aptly named 'Jake's werewolf semen'.

It was sort of creepy how he specifically labelled it with my name. I had contemplated jacking off Chad or maybe even Michael to get some of their semen into the mix but... well... You can't fight a label.

The label is law.

So... It had to be my cum...

I had hit the hunger stage well into that hour but I had no intention of devouring anything from the werewolves. I was famished but I wasn't an idiot.

Thankfully, after my trip to the Cross Residence, I had deposited several crystals along the way.

But the werewolves didn't know that.

Michael came in to check on me every hour and the instant he left at 4 o'clock, I threw my food in the trash and flashed to one of the farthest crystals I had deposited. I was suddenly in the thick forest around Veranti and free of the wolves.

Okay, maybe that was an understatement considering how in less than 48 hours, I'd be one of them.

But in those 48 hours, I had a checklist of things I needed to do.

The first was to get something to eat.

And with Grim unable to track me for at least a couple more hours, I was free to use my powers.

I jumped at the nearest tree and bolted up the trunk. Once I was near the top, I launched myself off and jumped from branch to branch, closing in on Crosstown at high speeds. It only took me five minutes to cover the thirty miles or so that separated my original exit point to the town.

Once there, I headed straight for the diner that the movie crew frequented, gave a sigh of relief when I saw no one from the production crew or the werewolf pack was there, and ordered myself two T-bone steaks with all the trimmings, a large cola, three full sized double chicken burgers with a side of fries each, something called 'The Cross Special' and the large spaghetti.

It took fifteen minutes for the food to arrive.

I didn't so much eat as I did 'gorge'. I tore through the T-bone steak like an animal, slurped down the spaghetti like it was nothing and ordered drink after drink after drink. I don't even know what happened to the burgers and fries.

The Cross Special turned out to be some cleverly designed meatloaf that had meat on the outside and a cross-shaped pork loin on the inside.

I spent two seconds looking at it and marvelling at how it was pretty cool.

By the first second, it was already in my muzzle.

By the second, it was all gone.

None of them really touched my tastebuds except when I used my tongue to help shovel the food into my muzzle.

After a good twenty minutes of senseless devouring, I was only mildly sated. It was that weird kind of state where you're not full but it's not as if you're desperate for food either. Kind of like you can sense the hunger gnawing at your door.

I was tempted to order more food but I didn't have the time.

Michael would be checking up on me soon.

"You're looking much bigger."

I glanced up as I was chewing at the bone of my steak.

Kristine - all alone - sat in the booth opposite to me reminiscent of that first scene we did.

"I just ate enough for five men," I grunted, setting down the bone. I was instantly hit by the need to chew something so I picked it up again and began gnawing at it. I felt like a goddamn pet dog. "I think I put on a couple of pounds..."

She reached over the table and squeezed my bicep. "In muscle."

I blinked... and regarded my bicep... Huh... I did look bigger...

I guess that explained how Chad looked bigger after his own little run-in with the fever and sickness.

I swatted her hand away. "Come here to gloat?"

Her eyebrows rose. "About what? About how your boyfriend ended up turning you into a werewolf?"

I could see the snide comments now.

'This is what happens to gays. They transmit disease from one another that wind up ruining their lives.'

'Serves you right for letting some other guy fuck you up the ass.'

'This is why the Gods invented diseases like AIDS!'

No matter. I had a whole set of ammunition ready to take her down if she so much as lifted a self-righteous, conservative finger at me.

"No..." she said at length. "I didn't come here to gloat. I didn't come here to taunt you Jacob. I think you understand now what I was hoping would happen between you and Chad..."

I narrowed my gaze at her. "That I would somehow sweep Chad off his feet and take him away from this mess so he wouldn't get turned?"

"Yes..." she whispered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Regardless of what you may think, Chad is still a friend of mine and I wouldn't want him to be dragged into the war."

That was certainly a possibility... Or she could be siding with the vampires and had hoped that I would take out one more werewolf for them. I wasn't about to give voice to my thoughts, however. Kristine seemed to genuine... then again, she was an actress...

"Just what are your stakes in this war, Kristine?" I asked, leaning back casually against my chair.

"The lives of my friends and the lives of the people I care about," she answered sternly. "I don't want to see Dennis hurt but every night he goes on out patrol to ensure no werewolves rip apart any civilians in their bloodlust -"

Whoa... Wait a second...

"Hold up," I interrupted, raising a paw. "According to the werewolves, your vampires are the ones killing people to sate their unholy hunger."

Kristine sat up and bristled, her curly fur fluffing out lightly. "That's a lie! Dennis or any of the others would never hurt a living being! They take their... nourishment from the hospital."

The emphasis on the word 'hospital' reminded me of how the 'good' vampires in Rob's original plot merely took their blood from blood packs. There was a strong temptation to call the vampires liars seeing as one of the vampires tried to kidnap and turn me... but then I remembered Nova's warning...

Someone else is pulling the strings here...

"Did you ever get proof of the werewolves attacking civilians?"

Kristine nodded grimly. "Yes, of course. Back when we were first filming the movie, two campers were slaughtered. When the vampires investigated, they found paw prints in the area. Big ones. They also detected the stench of the werewolves around the area."

"But no confirmed sighting."

She popped her jaw from side to side. "No..."

So the war was based on assumptions... A dangerous pretence...

I checked the time.

Five minutes before Michael checked up on me again.

"Set up a meeting with Dennis or some other vampire," I told her. "Not tonight. Tomorrow at about this time. Somewhere the werewolves won't catch sight of us."

Kristine nodded grimly. "Something is wrong here... I never spoke with any of the werewolves personally. They always avoided me because I was associated with Dennis and he's... their enemy..."

"I gathered," I chuckled, rising to my feet. "Remember, tomorrow. I need to speak with the vampires before I completely 'wolf-out'."

Her hand lashed out and seized my paw. "Whatever you're planning, Jake, do it fast," she said urgently. "I've seen wolves do a complete personality change once they 'wolf-out'. Michael used to be very open and outgoing. But when he turned, he suddenly became timid and shy. I don't want that befalling another friend."

I gave her a wry grin. "Don't worry. I've got people working on it."

I exuded a confidence I didn't feel. I somehow doubted my dad would be able to synthesise a cure before I completely turned. At the rate I was going, I'd have about a day after I hit the horny stage and then I'd be a fully-fledged werewolf. My trust and faith in my dad was great but even I doubted he'd be able to come up with something to reverse the effects in 24 hours.

But I had lots to do before then.

I paid for the food, thanks the waitress and headed outside where I slipped behind a dumpster. There was a crystal I had planted inside my room for just this occasion and quickly flashed towards it. Nothing had been touched and I was three minutes ahead of Michael.

I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes.

There was an odd sensation of fear, curiosity and longing inside me. I feared what I would become and what freedoms I would have to sacrifice. At the same time, I was curious about how it would feel to become a werewolf. Lastly, I longed to be with Chad again.

I missed him and I wanted to tell him that, yes, I was still mad but I wasn't going to bite his head off. Maybe pseudo-rape him for it but it'd all be in good fun.

Oh god... Was I getting to the horny stage already!?

My fear intensified and I quickly sat up. Hunger was starting to eat away at my stomach again but at the same time, my loneliness was intensifying and devolving into a more base, primal need for sex. I just kept imagining Chad and I was suddenly very hard.

Grunting, I went to my travel bag, pulled it open and pulled out the small container that was reserved for my cum. I decided that - for purely scientific purposes - if my dad got some semi-transformed semen, it'd help him.

I slammed the bathroom door shut as my body suddenly became very hot again... but for a totally different reason. The hunger was eating away at me again but my need and lust overtook it. Panting, I tore off my shirt and threw aside my pants. My foot-long, black cock sprang up, already dripping abundant amounts of precum onto the bathroom tiles.

There was some kinky part of me that thought that if I orgasmed, I'd spurn on the transformation, accelerating it rapidly to the point where I'd be a horny, 500 pound werewolf within seconds. That same part kept whispering, 'Do it, Jake! Do it!' and was sending vivid imagery into my mind of me collapsed all in the corner of the bathroom, swimming in my own semen and rubbing it all over my hot, muscular, transformed body.

Oh Yarf...

The other part of me just rejected the idea.

I needed to hold out until I spoke with Dennis and Kristine... I had to be as un-werewolf as I could be...

But it was so hard...

And I'm not talking about the task of resisting my temptations...

With a lot of effort, I tore my gaze away from the cock...

... Bad move.

There was a full-body mirror in our bathroom... and it was standing right in front of me.

I've never really thought I looked good... but damn I was smokin'!

I had lean muscle before but now... I was simply ripped! Okay, my abs were great back then but now, I had a defined eight-pack! My pecs were nice, round firm and I could actually bounce them just like Chad! When I lifted my arm and flexed a bicep, the bulge was huge!

"Oh wow..." I whispered.

Tentatively, I ran my paws down my chest... full of disbelief that my body was just so... so muscular. I was a bodybuilder! I twisted around and checked out my back in the mirror. There were so many mounds there that it looked like a field of fur-covered hills!

And my ass!

Nice, round and bubble-shaped!

The sexual beast in me roused and I turned back towards the mirror, grinning lustfully. I seized my member with one, large paw and flexed my other arm. I kissed my bicep and found my lips gently touching a pulsing vein. My tongue pressed against it and followed its length up my arm.

I shuddered and moaned as more of my precum lathered my paw. I was stroking myself without even consciously doing it!

I was just so hot!

Another pair of lips suddenly found purchase against my shoulder and I snapped open my eyes.

I smelled freshly watered grass...

... Chad.

His paws slipped around my waist, running back and forth against the muscles of my abs and gently sliding down the treasure trail of my golden fur before resting at the base of my cock.

"Let me help you there," he whispered softly.

"Chad..." I moaned.

His lips slipped around my jaw and wrapped around my muzzle. All my resistances melted in that instant and I leaned back into his strong body. I was about as big as him, maybe a little smaller around the shoulders but muscle-wise, I was definitely just as defined.

"I'm sorry," he said, breaking the kiss and pressing his muzzle against my shoulder where he had bitten me. "I turned a perfectly romantic moment into something that was just all about me... I wanted you to be with me forever, Jake. I wanted you to be part of my life. You shared your secret with me and I wanted to share my secret with you. Can you forgive me?"

I felt his arousal pressing against his shorts. Gently, I looped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer to me. "No... Because there's nothing to forgive. I guess you could've asked me first but the answer would've been the same. I would still have said 'yes'."

Chad hesitated a little and pulled away from my about an inch. "Really? Because yesterday you... um... I think you called me a 'selfish, brainless puppy who only thought with his cock and whose intelligence dropped down to the negative numbers after I orgasmed all my brains out in a shower of cum.'"

He wasn't exaggerating.

I did call him that.

I had more choice words for him since we were tied together for at least an hour. Honestly, I was tempted to clamp down on his cock and then flash away, ripping that member of his right off.

Thank the Gods I didn't.

"Well, you are," I replied with a snicker. "But you're also a sweet, sensitive, caring and very passionate person. I just forgot that."

Chad slipped around in front of me, coming nose-to-nose with me. I was surprised when I had to dip my head slightly. I was actually quite a bit taller than him.

"So you really don't mind that I turned you into a werewolf?"

I wanted to say, 'Of course not because my dad is going to find a cure and turn me back.'

But then I realised that with the mental link the Alpha had, that information could easily be slipped back to Pearce. His trickery had revolved around me becoming a werewolf but I still had no idea why. I knew I couldn't trust him... and while Chad was a werewolf, I couldn't divulge all information to him either.

It killed me keeping a secret from my mate...

... but I had no choice.

Just as Chad essentially had no choice when he turned me. He loved me... and he turned me because he wanted to preserve that love.

"If the tables were switched," I answered, "I would've done exactly the same thing."

It was true... If I were the werewolf, I'd turn Chad in a heartbeat. The irony was, the tables were sort of switched and I was doing exactly the same thing to him. There was a secret I had that I was forcing him to be a part of without asking for his permission.

The thought left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Call it vengeance, call it payback.

I called it disgusting.

It hurt me even more when Chad gave me his bright, cloud-parting grin. "So... You liking your new body so far?"

I managed to lift my biceps and flex them for him. "I've gotta admit, it's got its perks."

"You're gonna be one hot werewolf, Jake." Chad licked his lips as he took in my form, shamelessly running his eyes hungrily across my entire body. His paws found my thighs and squeezed them tightly. "Man... I can't wait to see you in your Lupine form. I bet you'll be bigger than me..."

I raised my eyebrows at him and lowered my biceps. "And if I am...?"

Chad blushed deeply and averted his gaze. "Well... I was... Um... that is to say... I had hoped... you'd... um... maybe consider... perhaps... if you wanted to... you could..."

"Mount you?" I finished, a devilish grin crossing my lips. I poked my nose at his nose and he pulled back, blushing even more deeply. "Chadstone West likes it up the ass... Wait until my dad hears about this."

Chad started. "Oh... Uh... Well... It's just that when I was turned, I needed Pearce to... err..."

"Fuck you?"

He coughed. "Yeah... And... It's cool and stuff... just... I wanted my... my mate to do it..."


That word both lifted my spirits and smashed it to pieces.


Of all the cruel things to happen to me!

I start falling in love with my mate all over again just when I conspire to bring down his very way of living!

My acting prowess came back into full motion as I bent my neck towards his jaw and licked his fur gently. "Would you mind if I tied with you?"

Chad's full-body shudder was enough answer for me.

"H - H - Hey..." he stammered. "Wh - What c - changed your mind about being mad at m - me...?" He moaned the last word as I groped his crotch.

"A certain werewolf who knocked me off a cliff," I replied, kissing his thick neck. A new thought crossed my mind and I knew a sure-fire way to make Chad ridiculously hard. "You know... You mentioned you wanted to pups right? Both boys? One's name is Tony. What's the other's name?"

"I - I was kinda hoping th - that... My p - p - partner would name him..." Chad stammered. He pressed down on his shoulders and his weakened knees brought him kneeling right in front of me, my cock bobbing in front of his muzzle. "It... It'd be fair..."

"I think I got a name."

His eyes were placed firmly on a large drop of precum which was slowly running from the underside of my cock. His tongue immediately lapped it up and I shuddered at the touch.

"You... You want Michael?" he stammered. By the prominent bulge in his pants, it was obvious he'd been having the same idea.

"Sure," I growled lustily. "He'd make a fine pup." I wasn't playing anymore. I could seriously see myself, Chad and Michael as our own little 'pack'. The two 'daddies' and our 'pup'. All werewolves. All riding each other's brains out every night, howling as we climaxed and holding each other in a warm, loving embrace while glued together with our cum...

Oh yeah...

Oh holy hell that was major yarfage right there...

Chad's eyes widened and he whimpered softly. "Oh man... Jake... That's... That's so hot..."

I leaned back and supported myself on the sink. Slowly, I pressed my foot against the bulge in his pants and he groaned.

"Jake..." he groaned. "I... I..."

Chad suddenly threw back his head and let out a loud mixed cry of agony and lust. Veins popped all over his body, his muscles bulging rapidly. His biceps just tore right through his shirt, leaving him with a tight-fitting sleeveless top that were pressed hard against his bulging pecs and rapidly growing abs. His cock just -


Burst out of his shorts, ripping them to shreds and shooting out to its full foot and a half length. His spine stretched upwards and his body widened, shoulders ballooning out into huge watermelons and his balls pumping with insurmountable amounts of cum that they practically pushed his thickening thighs apart.

A massive paw lashed out and seized my arm, instantly pulling me towards him.


I slammed hard against his iron-corded chest, my ears pressed against his pecs. I could hear him breathing heavily and I could feel the muscles bubbling and churning as they filled with more muscle and more mass. The blood that flowed through his veins pulsed against my cheek as I felt his strong, ox-like heart pounding against my ears as if trying to burst from his chest.


The remnants of his shirt tore away from him as his entire body reached the climax of his transformation.

In his Lupine form, Chad hugged me tightly around his chest, his huge hips bucking beneath me as he desperately wanted release.

"Jake..." he grunted, rolling back on the floor while still clutching me. "I love you so much, Jake..."

And I truly believed that.

"I love you too, Chad..." I moaned. My cock was pressed up against his abs and touching the base of his pecs. Those tight muscles were so big that they were literally compressing my cock in their crevasses. Each abdominal muscle was as big as an average man's bicep!

He was huge!

And I wanted to be that huge... if only briefly.

"God Chad..." I moaned, prising his massive arms away from me. I licked his pecs and he bounced them for me one at a time. My eyes rolled back into my head as I found his nipples and suckled on them. My paws roved his entire body, finding huge, hot, pulsing muscles that were all mine.

Every part of him was rock-hard and the veins that popped against his fur were a massive turn on!

I felt something huge, wet and hot slap my back and I spun around.

The tip of his pointed cock slapped my nose... It was simply that big!

Grinning, I straddled the base of his cock with my thighs and pulled that massive member against my body! It was it had to be huge now... Way bigger than a foot and a half. I wasn't sure how anyone could take such a massive piece of meat especially as it easily reached up to my collarbone, dripping so much precum onto me that I might as well be bathing in it!

His thick, musky scent was everywhere and it just dulled everything else.

I was in SEX MODE!

I wrapped my arms around his engorged cock, barely managing that feat. I kept running my paws around its thick, vein-covered length, squeezing with my thighs and pressing my lips against his cumslit. My tongue drew circles around the tip, easily slipping into the hole and I was rewarded by a fresh blast of thickening precum every time.

My own cock was pressed up against his, dwarfed by the massive member but I could feel his pulse through it and every little twitch of his member was like a handjob on its own against my cock! I rubbed myself against his long, slick phallus, grinding my groin against that thick meat.

"OH, Jake!" Chad cried, his voice so deep, so sexy.

He suddenly grabbed the side of my head and turned me to face him. His much bigger muzzle slipped over mine, almost completely consuming my muzzle. He ran his tongue all over my face, lathering me in his saliva while lapping up all the precum he had spilled onto me.

I squeezed me entire body around his cock and he pulled back in sheer ecstasy, letting out a faint how that rattled the walls.

I felt a large, growing bulb pressing against my thighs. I looked down his bright red cock that was covered in his precum and purple veins. His knot had to be wide as my shoulders!

How did he fight in this form!?

Not that I really cared anymore.

He was all mine and goddamnit, he was sexy!

I felt the world move for me as Chad suddenly pulled himself up to his feet. In an amazing feat of strength, he pulled up his enormous engorged cock and me with it! I was sitting on his knot and he could take my weight!

"One of our best weapons," Chad chortled, pulling up his cock and compressing me between it and his godly chest. "Bigger gun means we're more likely to hit something!"

I guessed there had to be a reason why when I first saw him in this form and we made love at Point Edge his cock was smaller. I suppose that it was some sort of other transformative edge they had used for converting victims.

Though, again, I doubted any victim could take something this big!

I just chuckled as I rubbed myself against his cock, literally sliding up and down his pole. I could feel his cum pumping up from his huge, watermelon-sized balls up his member. Some of it was drooling out of the tip. I buried my muzzle against that tip, lustfully anticipating the geyser that would burst forth and coat me in its molten contents.

"Come on, Chad!" I growled. "Come on! Cum for me!"

"Oh... Oh Jake...I'm gonna... Oh god... I'm... I'm gonna -!"

Chad threw back his head and let out an ear-splitting howl.

I didn't really hear it.

Because at that moment, all his cum blasted forth from his cock and drowned me. It was like getting hit by a firehose. I heard absolutely nothing except for the whooshing noise of all that cum pouring at me and I saw nothing but white. There was a faint cracking noise that I heard over the blast but that was quickly drowned out.

So much of that cum blasted down my throat and I drank it all up without a car. My hunger demanded it. I took long gulps, took heavy laps and gasps of it. Some of it went up my nose and I even breathed it a little, causing me to gag.


I felt the world tip backwards and Chad shudder underneath me.

The torrent of cum subsided -


... then burst forth again as Chad jerked and more cum poured out of him. My entire body was soaked in his sizzling semen. I could almost feel his little sperm crawling all over my fur and burying themselves into my every pore to infuse me with his essence.

Not that I cared.

I loved him.

I wanted to be part of him... I wanted him to be part of me...

And at that moment, more than anything, I wanted to be a werewolf alongside him.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, cradling his hyperphallic cock against me but at one point, the flood of his semen had subsided where I could wrap my muzzle around the tip of his member and drink directly from the source.

Eventually, the semen flow trickled down to nothing and I pulled back with a contended sigh, my hunger completely sated.

I glanced over my shoulder at Chad who had completely collapsed behind me, asleep.

There were shards of glass and tiles scattered around us. When I looked up, I saw the ceiling dripping with semen and the plaster cracked. The full-body mirror had also been smashed and was covered in Chad's seminal fluids.

Damn... he orgasmed hard.

I guessed werewolves needed to. If they were about to turn someone who was running away, they needed to add distance and force to their shots.

Chuckling, I grabbed my own cock which was still throbbing with need. I shuddered as my own orgasm hit me, my outpour of cum absolutely nothing compared to my mate's. My semen joined the titanic pool that was quickly creeping towards the door leading to the rest of the room. No doubt, it'd soak into the carpet but that'd be something we'd worry about later.

I sighed contently and nestled in against my messy, cum-covered mate, ready to head off to blissful slumber.


Then an idea hit me.

I was covered in come.

Full-werewolf cum.

I didn't think any further.

I silently slipped off Chad and picked up the small container. I held it under Chad's still dripping cock and filled it within seconds. His penis was literally still like a running tap even if he had just finished orgasming!

And to think... I'd have that cock one day...

I shook the thought from my head and left the bathroom quickly. I grabbed a pen and crossed out the label, instead writing 'Chad West's Cum Sample'. Quietly, I stuffed it into my travel back and texted my dad that I had just sent him a semen sample of a fully fledged werewolf and not to ask how I got it. Just in case, I told him to send another container for some of my semen when the time came.

Once done, I opened the case to make sure that the sample was gone.

It was.

Guilt gnawed at me as I returned to the bathroom and lay down on top of my mate, settling against his cum-soaked, muscular, furry chest.

I wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do... I felt like I was using Chad...

... I prayed that my actions would ultimately lead me to a happy ending...

... because the last thing I wanted Chad to think was that I had harvested his cum just to hurt him...

I never wanted to hurt him...

... but sometimes, you have to hurt the ones you love...

Because if they're stuck looking into their fantasylands and never seeing the downsides of their actions...

... then the only option was to hurt them by bringing them back to reality...

... or risk losing them forever to their fantasy.

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 10

**Chapter 10.0: I just wanna Cross Reference: Is his Ass Hot?** **Crosstown Motel** By morning Chad and I had sufficiently cleaned up. And by that, I mean we washed all the cum off ourselves and off the tiles in the bathroom...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 8

**Chapter 8.0: Forks** **Crosstown Motel** A soothing melody played in my ear. It was one of my favourite songs. Canon in D Minor. My mother played it on the piano for me when I was younger and I grew up loving it....

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 7

**Chapter 7.0: I Wuv Yoo!** **Crosstown Motel** I've been in love. Plenty of times. At least... I _thought_ it was love those times. But here's the thing you should know about love, kids: it's a two way...

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