Cursed... (part 8)

Story by yzmar13 on SoFurry

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#8 of Cursed...

I am so sorry for the delay, things aren't getting that good on my end, but I'd rather keep that to myself for now. Please, do excuse me. Only a couple of parts more and this story is as good as finished.

Also, a fair warning: (R18+)

Yes, this is an adult story, with male/male action (with mild drama squeezed in between for the sake of the story), bad language and mild violence (in yiff at times), so if you are disturbed by such things, or simply get a turn off by some, do yourself a favor and don't proceed. Consider yourself warned.


The weather started to get worse...

The doberman stared out his office's window, observing the tree branches bending and swaying. The clouds are getting thicker every passing day, Winter was so kind to give a warning before it arrives. Kicking the weather out of his head, he turned to his office, taking a couple of files in his paws. But his intentions to go over them got interrupted by a giraffe entering his office.

"Doctor Ix-"


"Oh!! I'm... I'm terribly sorry."

"Seriously, kid. How many times now? I lost count."

"... I'll-"

"I know I know, what is it now?"

"Oh, umm... the results are ready."

"The file?"

"Right here, doctor."

"Did the rate of the parasite decrease?"

"Considerably, doctor."

"And the samples?"

"Still in the lab."

The dog hummed to himself as he stepped closer, taking the file from his hand. He opened it on the spot and glared quickly at the pages, looking for something in particular. His eyes got narrow a bit, looking at one page in full attention.

"Side effects? Or..."

"I don't know."

"Which sample is this again?"

"You're looking at Sample A's report, doctor."



"Where's Sample B then?"

"Same file, doctor. After Sample A."

"Alright, I'll take a look at it once I have my paws empty. Thanks, kiddo."

"Y... You're welcome."

The new nurse closed the door behind him, leaving the doctor to his work. With one paw rubbing his face, Ix went to the window and stared out some more. A hum remained inside his muzzle. He took a big breather and looked again at his file, he knew something must have changed in those two, but the results aren't what he anticipated... not all of them at least.

He soon sat back on his chair behind his office, threw the file on the table in a messy way as he reached for the drawer. He snatched his office phone but he hesitated, just holding the phone in his paw and gazing at it.


"Yzmar... can I come in?"

Seeing as his mate didn't answer back, Turbo opened the door enough for him to peek inside. Yzmar was lying on the bed, with one arm hiding his eyes. He couldn't tell if he was asleep or not, since he sleeps quietly. Wanting to make sure, he called again as he stepped inside his room.



"... you awake, mate?"

"Yes, Turbo. Come in."

"What's wrong? I could tell there's something bothering you since last night, you ok?"

"It's nothing, don't worry."

"If you don't want me worried, then stop lying..."


The tiger drew closer, and sat on the bed, still gazing at him. A short chuckle bashed its way out before he goes on.

"You're so awful at it, you know?"


"Not that it's a bad thing, though. But yeah... I could tell it was a lie."

The human sat up slowly, staring straight at his room's toilet away from Turbo but still forcing a smile out.

"I'm just tired, I told you that."

The tiger shook his head at him, he crawled closer and sat near him on the bed. His paw almost automatically went to his head and brushed against his hair softly.

"Mate, enough lying already."

"... I'm not lying."

"Then should I say... enough hiding?"


"I could tell... perhaps you didn't notice, but your smiles aren't the same."

Yzmar didn't say anything to that. For some reason, this tiger is just impossible to fool or trick; he can pick the smallest of hints and analyze them all, or maybe he should have expected that from an ex policeman. His body can't lie as skillful as his tongue, and Turbo seems to be able to catch every single change.

"Something that has to do with your past?"

"... Turbo, please-"

"Mate, don't live in the past, it's ok to move on, right?"

"... I... wish I could. I've been running away for far too long, I'm tired."

"No, not running away. You need to face it, you need to accept it and live on."

"Accept it?"

"Believe me, I've tried running away, and it almost changed me... until I met you, Yzmar. I accepted my past and started anew with you, you can do the same."

"... I don't want to accept mine... I'm no longer..."

"No longer?"

Yzmar sulked down, his heart was about to stop from the horror. His mouth moved on its own, he had to deny those thoughts access to his tongue. Visions of those dark days lingered again, his body reacted to the memories instantly, his knees got bent up a little and his arms got shaken, thinking only to protect himself. But the paw moved to his far shoulder, pulling his upper body to the furry chest near him.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me anything, mate."

"... I'm really sorry b-"

"Shhh, it's not important. What really matters for me is you."


"I'm happy the way things are, with you by my side. If you're happy, I am too."

The human had to give a long dry sigh, feeling that paw rubbing his shoulder. He felt a muzzle getting close to his head too, rumbling in purrs. Although he himself didn't like keeping secrets, Turbo had to stay quiet about his nightmare last night. It has been the second time he had such a strange dream with that black thing in it, the way it stood in front of the human, raised its weapon, and woke him up in his bed gasping on the sight of his mate getting the blow directly. His fur was getting restless, worried if these dreams meant anything, but it was nothing that a can of beer couldn't fix.

The tiger soon moved away, standing slowly near him. He peeked at his face, still rubbing his shoulder more.

"Mate, I'm visiting my parents... you wanna come?"


"I didn't drop by last year, and I have yet to tell them about my soul mate."

"I'll be fine, you go on and meet them. Tell them I said hi."

"... you sure you don't want to come? I want to introduce you in person."

The human dropped his head down, his forehead kissed his knees and remained there. Turbo felt his heart pounding fast, what could possibly be the cause? He wanted to know, yet he didn't want to give him a hard time. His mate wasn't ready to tell him just yet, that's all... maybe he will later, the tiger needs only to trust him.

"Love, I'm always here for you, you know that."

The only answer he got back was a small nod, Yzmar closed his eyes now, and his face was still hugging his knees. Dreadful silence caught the tiger's muzzle, seeing him like this. Such difference between him now and when he was laughing on the beach. He left his side and walked to the door, stopping a couple of feet as he heard his mate's voice finally getting out again.


"I'm here, mate. What is it?"

"We'll... we'll make it, won't we?"


"This disease... I'll get it off someday... right?"

Turbo looked long at him, he's still the way he was, he didn't move, talking to him from behind his knees. The tiger chuckled, shrugging at him in puzzles.

"Mate, what's up with that? You should have a little more faith in us."

"I do, but it's-"

"I have faith in you, mate."

"... me?"

"You're strong, love. You just don't know it. If you can't have faith in yourself, then at least have faith in me, and we both won't let the other down. Sounds good?"

"... heh."

Suddenly, an electronic growl-like sound began to resonate softly. It was muffled, and made Yzmar raise his head a bit, puzzled at it. Turbo, however, smiled at him. He fished inside his pocket and took out his phone.

"Scared you?"


"It's a new ringing tune; hated that stupid classic beat I had earlier."

The tiger glanced at the phone's little screen. Ix was calling, must be something important. He winked at the human just to lighten him up a bit as he pressed the answering green button, turning around.

"Turbo here."

"Turbo! Where the hell are you?!"

"... yes, I'm fine, thanks for as-"

"Answer my bloody question, you big baloney!"

"Woah, what's with you guys? Am I the only one who had breakfast today?"

"It's... Fucking damn, you need to see this."

"... is this a prank?"

"Stop acting cool, you i... Wait... is Yzmar with you?"


"How's his feeling about a cure?"

"Don't worry about him, he's doing fine."

"Good, keep his hope strong, he shouldn't know about it yet."

"About what, doct-?"

"Listen, I can't tell you everything, you need to drop by."



"... for... hello?"

The tiger took a look at his phone, and the call got ended from the other side. The words of WTF almost appeared visible on his face. He turned back at Yzmar, who was confused in his turn, and shrugged again.

"God, is today strange or what, huh?"

"Who was that?"

"Doctor Ix."

"He hanged up?"

"He wants to see me, guess I'll drop by the clinic after seeing my parents. Which reminds me, does the pendant need refilling?"

"... I still have one shot in, I'm alright."

"Better safe than sorry, right?"

"... I... guess."

Yzmar stared at his happy feline face, and soon took off his chain and handed it to him. He observed as Turbo uncovered his wrist from his fur a bit and pierced his flesh with a muffled grunt, sapping yet another portion of blood into the pendant. A disturbing image of his father instantly presented itself, holding that needle in his arm and sighing slowly as the addiction pain calmed down again. The human turned away, feeling awful.

"I'm... sorry you need to go through all this trouble."

"What, this? It's no trouble at all, mate. It's somewhat... Romantic, you know?"


"Just think about it: wherever you go, a part of me goes with you, protects you."

"... I guess you're right."

"Yeah? When I think about it that way, I like the idea."

He returned the pendant to him again, giving him another warm smile.

"I might be out long but remember to call me if you need anything."

"... I will, thank you."

Then it happened again, and it still left the human with a shocked expression and a mild blush on his face whenever it happened. The muscled alpha rested one knee on the bed, just near him, and loomed forward, pressing with his left paw and arm against the human's back to bring him closer, bringing Yzmar's cheek to his strong torso. A tender hug was the result, a hug that - no matter how many times repeated - the human will never get tired of, always finds himself liking it more than before.

"Take good care of yourself, mate. I'll be back before dark."

"N... no problem."

"We'll make it."


His mind swam a bit away, remembering all those times he had such hope in finding his goal, just to get it in the face the hard way. But this time... this time...

"Don't you waver in doubt, just believe."

"... yeah... ok."

"Well, I'm off."

Turbo left the apartment, still bothered by this unexplained phone call from the damned dog. But soon, as he turned the car's engine on, his slow head started to work again. The way the doctor was, it looked urgent, important somewhat.

"Wait... did he..."

He took out a big sigh, trying not to jump to conclusions that fast and feel bad later if it turns up otherwise.

'Heh, I'm dropping by the clinic later, I'll know for sure after a bit.'


The café was oddly quiet this time, but that's just how the hyena likes it. He was sitting in one table, sipping his coffee calmly, warming himself up in this cold weather and reading whatever struck his fancy in the papers. News about major development the media is tracking from FEVA seems to always hit the first pages these days, alongside some other nameless stupid stuff. He brought the cup to his muzzle slowly, planning to have another sip, but suddenly got startled by the wall of meat surprisingly standing too close to him. He ended up burning his lips as he turned to the buffalo, completely annoyed.

"Fuck, dude, make a sound at least."

"... hello there."



"*Sigh~* what do you want?"

"You've been summoned by the master."

Zephyr remained silent a bit, eyeing that brainless barbarian for a good moment, then brought the cup up again to finish his coffee quickly. Leaving the café without a word, he made his way to the hideout, passing along many subordinates.

'Damn, to think that many people actually work under one zombie fox corpse.'

He eyed those guns fastened in everyone's belt, and grumbled for not getting one. Rules were there to be followed, and it seems that only those who win Amado's trust are permitted to carry a firearm. That alone was loud enough of how trustworthy he was to that damned fox, and maybe him being a new recruit is the main reason... he soon reached the nice, stylish and dim room. The foxy fox was sitting on his office, going about some files and documents with an office phone in his ear. Noticing Zephyr, Amado ended the call and smiled.

"Ah, you came rather quickly."

"Always aiming to please, master."

"At ease."


The fox stood up, taking his golden rode and walked around the office. Dressed, as usual, in his best, like the rightful owner of the whole planet. He took a purple book and handed it to the puzzled underling.

"This is to be sent to our... human friend's apartment at sunset."

"... isn't this his..."

"Is something wrong?"

"... no... nothing's wrong, master."

"Good boy."

Amado turned around, walking slowly back to his chair. But after he took a seat, he was surprised that Zephyr was still standing there. The hyena was staring at the book, quiet, but his eyes were focused.

"Zephyr, boy, is something on your mind?"

"Wha?! Err... no..."

"It's alright, what's eating you?"

"... you wouldn't mind answering your humble servant, would you, master?"

"Gracious, of course not. Ask away, my boy."

"You said at sunset, won't Yzmar be away by that time?"

"Ah, so you're confusing who's meant to see that in your paws."

"... I thought it was Ramzy."

The blue fox chuckled quietly as he leaned forward on the red table, putting both his paws in front of his smirking snout.

"Well, my boy... you just thought wrong, no shame in that."


"My good boy, don't bother yourself thinking outside the box, let me handle that."

The hyena smiled slightly, bowing in respect as he excused himself. Thoughts began to kill him again, this old geezer should be targeting the human, but he's about to lose him for a bunch of thieves. And now, instead of focusing on Ramzy, he's aiming for... Autumn's son? The hyena sighed, trying his best to see any connections, but there was none, no link at all. He stopped in his room, flipping his vibrating phone open. Zephyr picked up the call silently, throwing the purple book on the chair near the window, losing himself gawking at the tidy bed as he listened to the caller.

"Zephyr. Got any updates for me?"

"Nothing much, the damned ancient isn't aware of me yet... heheh."

"Things are getting strange here; Amado wants me to take his diary to the tiger."

"What?! But... d'oh, how would that help in getting Ramzy to his side?"

"I don't know..."

Zephyr loosened on his tie, throwing it aside on the bed as he prepared to end the call.

"No real threat yet, we'll carry on as usual."



Turbo kept staring at the graveyard, still standing near his car. The wind made the trees dance and hiss, and the clouds grew darker lately. Their thickness almost blocked the sunrays, Winter was just 'chilling' a bit but it was slowly engulfing the place, the atmosphere was almost that of a Zombie movie. Like when the hero enters a place symbolic to death, or the end of the world, and everything goes wrong...

Turbo dropped his head in a chuckle, he still can't kill his fears completely from such places. But why now? He was as courageous as a lion when he was... with Marcus and Ben. If his friends ever find out about him getting the chills easily like that, his reputation will change to Softy in an instant. A shock ran through his spine as a cat dropped off a garbage drum near by and the cover fell, making a sudden iron cling. Turbo kept staring longer at the entrance, wondering. But soon grunted, took his water-filled bucket and locked his car.

(Shit, I should have forced him to come, I hate to be here alone.)

He walked inside, passing a couple of graves and trees, going through the different pathways across the place. The path he took ended in a T junction, he reached one big epitaphs at the point in which all those rocky paths met, standing motionless in the strong wind. It still looked new... and surprisingly clean. Strange, he didn't drop a visit last year, so he expected it to be dusty a bit. Alas, he put the bucket down near him and began cleaning again, washing around the stone and scrapped letters:

Autumn and Aya Bosconovitch.

"Mom, Dad, sorry for not visiting sooner."

The tiger kept washing around, making sure nothing was dusting that slab of stone. His eyes issued a command for his entire body to stop, as it remained gazing at the letters of his parents' names. A tear was crying to get out, but got caged by his will to stay strong in front of them, he didn't want them to see him crying... didn't want them to see him weak. His jaw moved slowly, finally getting permission to speak.

"I've had a lot going on, Dad. I'm afraid I don't have the time to tell you everything now. But your cub is a big tiger now, no need to worry."

He placed two incense sticks vertically in their stand just in front of the epitaph, and lighted them using a lighter as he sat down bending his legs under himself.

"Mom, you're as gorgeous as I remember you. Please, take good care of Dad... I... damn it, I miss you both so much..."

He closed his eyes, remembering how he knelt near them, on their last parting breath. His mother touched his face softly back then, but her paw was so cold, the chill of death was engulfing the poor woman before she whispered her love and died at that name she gave her only son. He found his paw brushing slowly at that same spot he last felt her warmth, grief returned to his face. His right paw moved, covering his eyes as he took a big sigh full of effort. Everything's still fresh in his head, he still can't get used to it without them at times, but he's doing good; he should keep thinking that way, he has a...

"By the way, I have a mate. We just met like two weeks or so now, and we didn't really get along at first, but he's great. Dad, he's human, I think you were right all along... how can I explain this? He's... special, I can feel it. I'll tell you both all about him next time; I'll bring him here with me too, so you can get reassured, alright?"

He took out the flowers in his hand and was about to put them in the small jar, but noticed the flowers have been already replaced with new ones.

(... who...)

His nose soon caught that smell, he smiled; looks like he's still close by. He placed his flowers along in the jar. He brought both paws together on his lap and closed his eyes, as if praying... or maybe he was praying for them. He soon opened his eyes and smiled, not moving his sight from the grave.

"Thanks, old friend."

The penguin soon found it pointless to stay in hiding, he emerged from behind a tree, just at the tiger's back, and sighed as he placed both his hands in his pockets.

"Whenever I get caught by my smell, I wish I had such sniffy abilities myself."

"Thank you for attending to my parents."

"Don't mention it, man, they were the best of mentors to me. They're my 'family' too."

"... they didn't deserve this."

"No, they didn't."

"And not on his hands."

"I'm sure Marcus didn't want this too."

"... then what did he want when he became an outlaw, I wonder?"

Benjamin said nothing to that, he drew closer and stood near him, looking at those sticks for a bit then to his friend. Turbo still seemed to mourn their departure, it was clear on his fur; it was stiff, tension can be read on his face... but his eyes were different, there was almost no hint of hatred left in them, something changed this tiger greatly he doesn't seem to hold the same grudge from before. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be more understanding when he meets him.

"You know something, Turbo? I think they are closer than we think."

"... they'll always be close."

"Ya, I believe they are watching you and me right now, observing from Heaven, keeping an eye and protecting us from up there, you know?"

The tiger smiled slightly, it was a warm thought. He stood up again, looking some more at those flowers dancing with the wind. Then he turned to his buddy, thankful that he still have a friend in him. The penguin looked at him, and blushed a bit as he looked away.

"Y-Yo! What's with those looks?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just glad I met you, Ben. You're a fine friend."

"... c... c'mon, man. Cut it out, I did nothing here, this is embarrassing."

Benjamin soon turned serious again, looking back at his friend.

"By the by, are you free for a bit?"

"... what's up?"

"The guy I wanted you to meet the other day, remember?"

"... I'm afraid it will have to wait."


"Eh, I received a phone call before coming here, and I need to drop by the hospital after I finish here."

"... why, are you sick?"

"Oh no, not me... it's my mate."

"Is he alright?"

"It's complicated, Ben. He's really a special case, I ended up giving him a phone with a tracking device planted in it just to be safe."

"... dude, seriously?!"

"I know it's way over the red line, but... I worry about him gravely."

"Hmm, you still fret too much."

The bird soon shrugged in defeat again; Turbo isn't the type that you can argue with, of all the times he tried to change his mind on something, it just made the tiger more hard-headed to do what he wants.

"Ok, fine. But dude, don't delay it much further. It's somewhat important."

"Sure, I'll make it quick at the clinic and see you tonight?"

"I'd really appreciate that."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

"Ya, later~"


"You have an appointment, sir?"

"Not exactly, Doctor Ix phoned me and-"

"Ah, Mister Bosconovitch. Right this way."


Getting through one hallway to the other, the giraffe nurse led Turbo to the doctor's office. He turned the door's nod and entered.

"Doctor Ix?"

The doberman didn't move from his office. He was sitting on the chair, bowing his head down, holding the back of his head with both paws and rubbing slightly at it. The giraffe soon turned red, and bowed down in apology.

"I-I'm sorry, I promise I'll remember to knock next time!"

"... what is it, kiddo?"

"M... Mister Bosconovitch is here."

"Let him in... then close the door behind you and get lost."

Turbo walked in, looking in petty at the timid nurse closing the door. He turned again to the black dog at his office, he doesn't look like he's alright himself. The tiger drew closer and cleared his throat, but Ix didn't say a thing.

"Weren't you a little harsh on him?"

"... *sigh~*"

"Doctor Ix?"


"Hey, Doc."

"The hell were you?"

"I wanted to tell you but you hanged up, I was going to visit my parents."

"You could have told me."

"Like I said, you hanged up?"

"... you could have called me."

"I did, you didn't pick up."

"Did... did you call again?"

From the way Ix said that last sentence, the tiger had a stupid look on his face; the bastard didn't have his phone near him, which made sense. Turbo sighed, removing his leather jacket to reveal his short-sleeved brown trunk. Now that he's indoors, it made him a little bit too warm.

"I called like 5 times, but enough about that; I'm here now. What's the matter?"

The doctor instantly came back to life, he thought he'd never ask.

"About time, you asshole!"

"... are you testing my patience?"

"It was... damn, I can't just say it, you need to see it... come with me to the lab."

"Lab? What? It was what?"


It was supposed to be one in the afternoon, but the thick clouds made it feel like after sunset already. Yzmar was outside, sitting on the nearby bench chairs in the public park, shivering lightly whenever the wind decided blowing his way for a change. He needed to get some fresh air, and since this place is just near the parking slots that Turbo stops at, he'll know when he gets back.

'You were about to tell him, weren't you?'


'Well, you'll have to do it sooner or later. Leaving FEVA without any excuse isn't something you would do, you won't be able to hide it any longer than that.'


'After all, you do realize that you merely have days left, right?'

'Brain, what are you talking about? The disease takes much longer to-'

'Remember what Ix said? The Grim got stronger because of Turbo.'

'... but...'

'I hate to admit it, but the way I see it, Ramzy should snap out of it and seek Zephyr for a chance to get that-'

"That will never happen."

'... tch, just as I thought. Well, I grew tired of repeating myself...'

He stared at a good number of people dropping by the place; families with their little cubs, singles with their daily pet walks, little kids running around near the play grounds laughing and chasing one another... even animals and birds felt like they are hanging out and having a blast of a time together. Yzmar placed one hand on his chest, there was something furious inside, envy was about to cut his chest open in anger. He sulked a bit, feeling left out yet again. Why must this accursed disease pick him of all people? Why was he the only one out of all those people around him? Soon he shivered again, not because of the wind this time, he was surprised by himself thinking that way. Why not someone else? What a selfish thought that was...


The human turned to his left, recognizing the falcon's voice. Flok drew near him, finally getting his talons slower and stood still, shaking his sharp claws every now and then, feeling the need to move them a bit more before stopping. He took off his backpack and placed it near the wooden chair.

"What are you-*pant~* doing out here? You're so lightly dressed, won't the wind-"

"It's ok, I won't stay here long anyway."

"... *pant~* but you look pale."

"I'm... I'm fine."

"Mind if I sit-*pant~* down?"

"Oh, not at all. Please, go ahead."

Flok sat near his friend, puffing and huffing from all the laps he took around the place. He bent down and reached to his leather gear at his talons, rubbing around them as they started to feel uncomfortable.

"*Phew~* I'm gunna need a new gear down there, this one is kinda tight."

Yzmar said nothing, stealing a couple of glances at his friend as the later was still trying to catch his breath back, laying his torso back, placing both his elbows up on the bench and facing the clouds with closed eyes. It showed his formed body more clearly under his stretch long-sleeved cotton shirt. The human was amazed by his resolve, he sees him everyday running, just running. Flok was bigger than Kuma, but because of his body being taller, Flok seemed to have less fat and more muscles in him than the bear, like a perfect body for wrestling. Still, he always seems to do nothing but running around all day.

"Were you a wrestler before?"

"What? ME? *hard chuckle~* No... heh, what a random thing to say."

"You sure run a lot."

"Yeah... it makes me-*pant~* feel better."


"Well, *long exhale~* it takes my mind off the..."


"You know..."

"... know what?"

"Oh, the others know already, but since you're new in the group, I guess you don't."

The falcon turned at him and gave a weak smile, no matter how many times he decides to tell someone, it still feels a little bit thwarting.

"I used to take drugs."

"... weight-lifting?"

"*Chuckle~* I wish... No, my friend, I mean the not-so-pleasing ones. I was a junkie."

"For real? You don't look the type."

"Not now, no. But I almost lost my job because of it... or my life, so to speak."

"So you're... trying to quit."

"By replacing my desire to inject that poison in me with running. And it works."

"... wow... when was the last time you took drugs?"

"Can't remember, must have been years."

(Years... huh...)

Yzmar felt himself shiver, Flok just found a solution for his problem with ease. He turned his head forward again, sulking even more, thinking about himself. If only his problem was as easy as that... wait, easy? Who was he to judge? He closed his eye in shame, these were lame excuses he's making up. If it was easy, then his father wouldn't have given him such a cruel childhood. The avian looked at him in puzzles as the human spoke again.

"I seem to envy everyone around me, Flok. It annoys me a lot."

"What for?"

"I... maybe I'm annoyed at myself, actually."

"The Grim?"


The big falcon coughed immediately, embarrassed. There was no need for an answer to that question.

"But you have Turbo, right? I've heard his DNA is a natural remedy."

"... yeah."

"Turbo also told me that Doctor Ix is working on a cure, it's a matter of time, right?"

"Flok, I really don't know about that bit. I mean, I tried to find one ever since I was little and failed, what does Ix have that others before him didn't?"

"Well, Turbo has to be one of those things."


"Maybe this is the time."

"The time?"

Flok stood up, shaking his talons more to get used to the tightness of his gear at least for today. He looked back at Yzmar with one eye, shrugging.

"You never know when something new suddenly decides to show up; electricity, microwaves, wireless communication, spaceships and soon teleportation. The last is still getting looked at, but you never know, right?"


"Your case too, Medicine is no difference. Maybe this is the time for a cure to happen, but either ways, it will do us no good worrying about it. We must think about now-"

"Uhh, Ungh... ooh... *ssss~* Ah!"

Suddenly, just like that, a tiger's moans resonated near them, moans of pleasure and ecstasy. Flok's feathers buffed out, crept slightly by the unexpected groans. They both turned down, looking at the human's pocket, the sound was coming from there. Yzmar took out his phone, and it was actually his phone's ringing tone! Yzmar instantly blushed hard, his mate recorded his own moans and whines, like someone full of lust, and placed it as his personal tone.

"Say, Yzmar, isn't that... Turbo's..."

"That bloody fucker..."

Yzmar immediately picked up, annoyed by these uncalled-for embarrassing moments he always finds himself in. The tiger's voice blew happily.

"Mate, you actually picked up!"

"... and guess what? I also discovered how my phone rings."

"Oh, that only happens when your lover calls you, neat huh?"

"... you're so full of it."

"Where are you at? I hear a lot of wind blowing through, are you outdoors?"

"Not far, just at the park, I found Flok and we talked a bit."

"Everything's fine, right?"

"Don't... worry that much, everything's fine."

Flok turned at the human, wondering about that slight pause, and there it was again; the human's hollow look at the ground returned.

"I just finished with Ix a minute ago."

"What did he want?"

"I'll tell you all about it later... the thing I called you for is, well..."

"... go on."

"Something came up, and... ahh."

"What's up?"

"I'm dropping by Ben's place for a bit."



"... alright, take your time, man."

"I'm sorry, I won't be long, I'll come as soon as possible."

"It's ok, really."

"Love you, mate."

"Yeah, me too. Take care."

He ended the call, then turned at Flok. The later had his eyes locked at the phone in his hand, and Yzmar instantly gave out a pissed off glare away from him. It wasn't just the ringing tone, even the phone he's holding is awkward.

"Yes; as much as it embarrasses me to admit, it's actually 'my' phone."

"... I didn't say anything."

"Your face did."

"Er, who cares, right? A phone is a phone."

"Thanks for trying not to embarrass me, but I know it's a feminine model."

"If you ask me, it... somewhat suits you."

"... say that again, Flok, and I'll hit you so hard, knowing that it might hurt my hand more than your inflated rock-like body."

"Heheh, just kidding, relax."

The huge falcon sighed out as he stretched a bit and turned at his friend, smiling at him and getting his backpack up.

"Well, up we go."

"... huh?"

"You stayed out here long enough, I'll get you back to your apartment."

"Why does everyone treat me like a small brat?!"

"... ok, alright. Sheesh, I was just concerned, what's with the sudden burst?"

"... sorry."

"Heh, I'm taking one final lap, and after that-"

"Yes, I get the message, I'll return to my room by then, don't worry."

"I really liked that little chat we had."

The big falcon didn't wait for a reply as his talons sprinted off immediately. Yzmar kept thinking for awhile. True, nobody expected Ben Franklin to be successful in bringing electricity to the world, even that guy Spencer discovered the use of microwaves for heating up food by accident. Who knows? Yeah, that was a good way to look at it... who knows? The human found himself wondering about Furry culture now; who was the first furry who introduced electricity to the furry community? How did they get so advanced in science to reach us and know about the Milky Way? And to think that they were kind enough to 'live' side by side with Mankind instead of wiping them out...

A small wolf cub with a schoolbag, around 14, came close to the spacing out human. He sat near him on the bench, and kept gazing at his knees. The man didn't say anything, but the furry cub finally decided to do what he came here to do.

"Excuse me, mister."

The voice being so young and close to his ears broke the human's inner thoughts, he turned near him and was surprised by the sudden emerge of a kid near him.

"... yes?"

"Are you Yzmar?"

"... have we met?"

"I have a message for you."

Yzmar turned his face forward again, seeing as this small child won't be daring to look him in the eyes anytime soon.

"Kid, I have enough to think about, play your folly errands on someone else."

"M... mister, please, it's not like that-"

"Enough, kid."

The human stood up meaning to walk away, he felt the need to continue his thoughts in a more private place. But one word made him stop at the second step, one bloody word that he didn't want to hear from anyone... a name...


Yzmar stood two feet away from the bench, his eyes frozen in shock. It was strange enough that this little one knows his name, even more so that he has a message to him... but now... he even knows his...

The little wolf was shocked at how fast his eyes turned from neutral to hostile, maybe that's why they advised him to apologize as soon as he called his other name.

"I'm... I'm sorry, mister, they told me to call out that name should you walk away."

They... they who? Amado, maybe. The human silently returned to the bench, sat again and kept his gaze forward. The kid was panicking, it all brought back painful memories.

"Out with it."

"... what?"

"That message, let me hear it."

"I need to make sure first, that's what they want."

"Who're they? Make sure of what?"

The kid didn't reply, he placed a playing card on the bench between him and Yzmar. The human, without turning around, reached with his hand to the card and brought it to his face. His eyes opened wider and wider... it almost popped out of his skull. This was no joke... this was their...

"What do you see in the card, mister?"

Yzmar sat silently without motion, like a ghost. Flashes of memories rushed inside him in unbelievable speed, he started to see himself in that kid near him. The card was the Four of Clubs, printed in red instead of black. He knew what that meant, they always used him to hand over this card in order to summon one another, or give instructions for their targets, threats and blackmail. And the kid was simply waiting for him to spill out the code... just like he himself used to be doing.

"... Four..."


"Four in... a Clover..."



Yzmar slowly returned the card where it was between them.

"Not leaves, The Unseen."

He noticed the kid being more panicked, he was shocked that the answers Yzmar gave him were exactly the correct answers. This kid must be new to these things, a fresh recruit. The little wolfkin sighed heavily, trying his best to remain calm and went on. They both sat still, facing forward, not looking at the other as they carried on.

"They want you in a location written inside the card, sir."


"You need to split the-"

"Where are they now?"


"... they're watching, aren't they?"

"... y... yes."


"I don't know."

Yzmar took the card again and slipped it in his pocket.

"Kid, don't get involved with them again... you fucking hear me?"


"If they paid you for this, then promise yourself to never do it again."

"I'm... I'm scared, they had big guns and-"

"Go to the police, they can't harm you there."

"What kind of cops would listen to an elementary student?"

"Mention R.R. to them, they won't take it lightly, trust me. Just don't do this shady stuff, there are many better and legal ways to get money. They'll be busy watching me, lose their sight in the meantime; they won't bother looking for you if you're new."

The kid remained seated for a bit longer, wondering again why he accepted to do all this. Money was important for him, his dog needed treatment that he couldn't afford, and those bad guys looked like an easy way to pay the bills at first. They only paid him half what they promised, saying that he needs to get the job done before getting the rest. But then again, it's better to be on the safe side. He soon got up and turned at Yzmar who kept staring at the ground, the cub bowed and started to walk away.

As for Yzmar, his head kept pushing those images in front of his eyes. The bastards didn't change one bit; looking for younger people who had it in them to enlist and leech their freedom gradually. Though a lame name, The Unseen was a nickname the police gave them, simply because none of them is seen or known, using other innocent people - specially young ones - to do their biddings, they probably have a sniper locking his aim at him by now. They are like vile ants, no one is aware of their presence until they begin to make trouble when summoned. And there it was... the summoning card, the Four of Clubs printed in red, in the human's pocket.

(The Unseen, they found me here too... fuck.)

Yzmar stood up, not sure what he must do now. As if Amado alone wasn't enough, as if he can think of any outer threats other than this Grim eating inside him... now his childhood nightmares are starting to hunt him again. But it's too late to run now, once this card is handed to him, the prey already fell in the spider's web. His expression remained solid, bothered, pissed off.

Turbo mustn't know about these guys as well, it will screw everything up. He's ready to leave FEVA for their sake, for everyone around him. But he must deal with these guys in complete secret... no one should know about his relationship with them. His hands moved calmly again, taking the card and looking at it for awhile.

Flok finished his lap faster this time, he deliberately increased his running speed to catch Yzmar again. But by the time he finished his lap and came back where he left the human, Yzmar was already gone. Only a strange playing card was there, ruined as the face was split from the back, and tossed carelessly on the bench... but there was no sign of the human nearby.


He remained inside his car.

Even though he made it to Ben's house, Turbo sat still inside his car. What Ix showed him in the lab was so surprising and shocking. It's strange, things don't look as terrible as they once were, perhaps... just perhaps. He closed his eyes, thinking about his mate and how he was a bit down this morning before he left.

(Damn, there must be a lot going on in his mind. When will you open up completely with me, mate?)

He turned the engine off, got off the car and stared at that white peaceful house. Remembering the days he and Marcus came here and dragged Benjamin out of his bed from his hands to work. It made the tiger chuckle, a lot of funny memories happened here. His smile died shortly, though, his mind got down again at the memory of Marcus.

"Turbo! You came!"

The penguin came out, still in his uniform. Turbo was clearly puzzled at his appearance, but the bird shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"Eh, sometimes they call E ranks when they're off-duty, I just made it back."

"What's up?"

"Oh, just some minor stuff, don't worry... But forget about that, come on in!"

"If it's a bad timing, I cou-"

"Nonsense! You're not slipping away after coming here. Now, c'mon in, pal."

The tiger kept walking behind his friend. The house changed a bit, but was mainly left as it was. It's a lot of space for one penguin to live in, a bit of a surprise since he's no longer the father of the family that used to live here.

"Still alone in this big house?"

"I like it here; good neighbors, quiet roads... it does get a bit lonely though, but I like it for the most part. Maybe I'll start raising a pet or something, you know?"

Turbo kept thinking about how Ben must feel lately. Ben, although being the nosy type, never spoke about his problems to anyone, not even him and Marcus way before. But, thinking about it now, the penguin just lost his family that he worked so hard for to another person. He fought with her when she said she didn't want him to work as a policeman anymore, saying she doesn't want her children to lose their father in a gun fight. Benjamin wasn't ready to leave his life career so easily, maybe he had his friends in mind too, thought Turbo, but because of that she left him. Clearly, the ice-loving bird doesn't want to share his pain with anyone, gulping it inside.


Turbo broke his thoughts and stopped as a warm hand pushed his shoulder gently, Ben looked at him in front of a closed door and spoke in a low tenor.

"Wait here a bit, I'm making sure he's ready to meet you."

"... ok."

Ben opened the door, it was the door of the living room, but Turbo couldn't see who was on the couch in front of the TV since he stopped at the corridor like Ben asked. Ben greeted, but it seemed like he didn't get a reply back. Turbo watched him as he shook his head at whoever was sitting there, and said something that he couldn't make from the TV show's sound effects. Soon, though, the TV got turned off, and the tiger was able to make a third voice speaking.

"I don't want to meet anyone, Ben."

Turbo suddenly felt his pelt puffing in reaction to that voice, his mind didn't forget that voice. Hell, he couldn't forget the moment when his body dropped in front of him back then even if he wanted to. A strange veil of cold surrounding his body was all he could feel, remembering that voice...

(You know what I always say...)

(Marcus, don't do this.)

There's no way... he took a bullet in his head, a bloody bullet to the head, damn it! His feet automatically moved again, needing to get through that open door despite that bird's look at him and hinting not to enter yet.

But he did.

Turbo stood there, near the door, looking... staring in shock. A little further to his right was the couch facing the TV, and since that television was put next to the door, the tiger entered instantly inside the sight of the gray cat sitting on the sofa. It's him, the same fur he remembered for years, the face, the thin body with a fluffy tail that could fool everyone to be a gray fox... it was him.

"Damit, Turbo I told you to wait!"

That sentence, although exploding from his friend's beak, didn't make it through. The tiger was just standing there, face to face with the cat who seems to have been stoned as well. The furry cat's paw unconsciously let go of the remote as it slipped and fell down on the floor near him. There was a word on his maw, but it didn't come out; the sight of that tiger scared the hell out of his soul, it seems.



*Gun fire~*

Turbo's facial expression changed gradually, his paws turned to fists, his teeth were visible, his eyes brimmed and his irises grew taller and thinner. It was exactly the reason why Ben wanted to approach this matter carefully, but he didn't need to think twice to know that things got jumbled up already. He quickly rushed in the angry tiger's way, aware of the danger, and found himself swiped back to where he was standing, only this time dropped roughly on the floor with claw marks on his left shoulder cutting through his uniform's linen fabric.

"Gahh, Turbo wait!!"

The feline, sensing this anger that could only mean his demise, soon panicked. He dropped off the couch and started crawling away, cowering before him, heading to the stairs while shouting violently in fright. The tiger soon found his friend blocking his way again, but his mind and vision remained locked on his target all the while.

"Dude, stop! Listen to me!"


In a state of mixing up friends with foes, the tiger grabbed his friend's right arm and pulled him aside. However, Benjamin was ready this time; only his gun dropped away as he turned with his whole body, allowing himself to be led by the tiger's paw pulling at him, then quickly grabbed it in his turn and raised it to the tiger's back, caging it between their bodies. He quickly snaked his other arm up to his neck, making Turbo growl at the sudden sharp pain. His mind cleared out a bit, but not enough to chain and tame that monster of rage. The tiger reached for the penguin's arm at his neck, but breaking through an E-ranked restraining hold was harder than he thought.


"Turbo-*pant~* yo, calm down a minute-"


"Shit, contain yourself, man. I didn't bring you here to fight."


He stared at that cat still lying helplessly on the floor without moving, eyeing the tiger back in horror. The tiger's anger got even higher his breath became hot, fuming and almost casting fire out with the uncontrolled drool.


"I'll explain everything, just cool it, dude, c'mon..."

Struggling with his hands full to restrain his friend, Ben didn't see his gun on the floor, in which the gray cat instantly reached for and raised to Turbo's face. Only then did the penguin notice what the other was trying to do.

"Wait, Marcus, don't be an idi-"

Ben felt his heart stop momentarily all of a sudden; Turbo was successful in releasing his caged arm, the distraction of Marcus reaching for the gun was enough for this brute to turn, grab the penguin from his beak and throw him on the couch using only one arm. A grunt escaped his lungs as he almost fell back to the floor.

"Turbo... *pant~* knock it o-*gasp~* Shit, both of you, stop!"

"Stay back, Ben."

The penguin stopped for a minute, noticing how his friend's voice reverted back.

"Don't get in my way or I'll hurt you, and I don't want to hurt you."

"But Turbo, you mustn't-"

"Quiet, I'll handle it, don't you dare interfere."

Turbo kept staring at Marcus, as the later was still aiming at his head in panic. The tiger soon noticed something, Marcus didn't move his feet nor his legs from the start, he only dropped down then crawled. And now, even when it seems that he has the upper paw with a gun in it, Marcus was still using the other paw and only his right leg to crawl further away from him... dragging a dead left leg with him.

"You... you can't walk, can you?"

"Oh shit... shit, shit, shit, shit, FUCKING SHIT!"



The slow advance of the tiger halted for now, noticing how shaky that gun in his paws was. He was freaked out, a bullet could go wild should Turbo move closer. Marcus kept breathing fast, glaring in full alarm at him. His eyes watered a bit, not believing the situation he was in.

"Benjamin, you brainless idiot, why'd you bring him here?"

The penguin stood up slowly from the couch, this isn't how he wanted things to turn up, all his work got replaced with... this. He turned to look at that tiger's back, he doesn't seem to be huffing in rage anymore, but he was still tense, his claws were drawn out fully, ready to make shish kabob of whatever it touches, even steel.

"Fucking idiot, it's all your fault. I was this close, this fucking close to send Turbo packing... and now you..."

Ben took a deep breath and was about to speak, but Turbo turned back to him, and his eyes were warning enough. The tiger began moving closer again, sending another jolt up Marcus's spine.


"... can you?"


"Can you shoot me... Marcus?"

"... the hell are you..."

Seeing as it won't make him stop, Marcus quickly tried to think of another thing... Ben? No, he can't shoot Ben. Even though Ben didn't allow him to get imprisoned and pay for his sins, he knew damn well that Ben was trying to help him out. Who else can he threaten this tiger with... other than his own life?

Turbo's slow short steps soon halted, and Ben got even more panicked, shouting nervously at him.

"Marcus... oh shit, MARCUS DON'T DO IT!"

The cat kept staring at Turbo in the eyes, as the paw holding the gun moved slowly to its owner's head. That, thought Marcus, was threat enough, and for a moment he thought he was right since Turbo stopped in his spot... but the tiger soon sighed as he kept walking again towards him, his yellow eyes never leaving Marcus for a second.

"Wait... I'll-I'll shoot myself... I swear! I'll-"

"Tough luck."


Turbo was now kneeling near him, his snout was in front of Marcus's and his eyes were damp, hatred was there, oh yes there was a lot of it in there. But Turbo was calm, in control of his body again.

"Marcus, you're a big cowered, you 'cannot' kill yourself."

The paw holding the gun was still aiming at Marcus, his friend's words were challenging him to do it, he refused to be intimidated by his words... but he knew that Turbo was right. The tiger slowly raised his paw, so slowly that Marcus could have prevented him from reaching that shaky gun at his head... but - for some reason - those eyes felt like they have casted a spell on him, as if the upcoming move from the cat would be his last should he even think of moving. The orange paw reached the gray one, gently redirecting the muzzle away as Marcus felt like he wasn't ready to let go of the gun yet.

"T... Turbo, dude, what are you-"

"Remain silent, Ben."

The penguin began to slightly regret the whole idea about bringing Turbo here, but all he could do now was hoping for this to end fast... and peaceful. The tiger kept the gun's short barrel aiming away, still looking at those freaked-up expressions.

"What's wrong, Marcus? Weren't you ready to shoot me a second ago?"

"... if you wanna kill me, then do it."

"So eager to die, trash?"

"Just do it!"

"You bastard, you think killing you will bring my parents back?"


"Don't you ever point that thing at your head again, alright?"

The tiger's grip on the gun tightened, his eyes widened and his teeth appeared more. It made Ben worry, Turbo might become frenzied again at any moment.

"You want to just... disappear after ruining my life?"

"... tch."

"Tell me, do you have nightmares at night?"


"You're eyes are weak, you lack sleep."

"... just kill me, you son of a bitch! I'm not afraid of dying."

"No, you will not die, Marcus. You'll live, you'll simply live your life. You'll have them nightmares until they consume you, until they devour you, drop you inside a black whirlwind, UNTIL YOU FUCKING LOSE YOUR SANITY!"

The paw grew so strong on the gun it finally snatched the pistol from the half-broken handicapped furry in front of him, then threw it aside in anger and returned back to lock Marcus's neck in place. He brought his muzzle even closer, making sure his voice cracks through the cat's skull and out before it reaches his ears.

"Until that happens, Marcus, don't you dare die... I will never forgive you if you do."

Marcus suddenly felt that paw loosening gradually around his neck, slowly but heavily. The tiger simply let go after a bit, standing up again and walking away, giving him his back in revulsion.

Marcus remained there for a second, looking at nothing but void in despair while Ben looked from one to the other, not sure who he needed to cool down first. Ben gripped on Turbo's right wrist, but the tiger broke his grip even before the first word even make its way out to his ear.

"Turbo, wait."

Those two words, though it took everything from the penguin to utter, were not half enough to make Turbo reconsider leaving. His short firm steps soon led him to the door he entered from, and simply made his way outside the house. Ben stood still, looking back at that gray cat as he sat up again quietly, sulking down and looking at those feet... he couldn't walk ever since.

When he woke up on a hospital bed that day, with a bandage on his head in place of a bullet wound, all he was told is that the bullet actually 'cut' its way through his nerve system. It wasn't clear back then what the damages were since he was always lying on the bed, but when he finally got the green light to leave the cushions he simply fell near his bed, paralyzed in his mind as well... his feet didn't move. Soon his right foot returned normal, but the paralysis got worse on the left side, reaching his leg. Lately, he found himself wishing for that bullet to have been fetal instead.

"Damn you, Ben... you went too fucking far this time."

Benjamin went to the far side of the couch, taking his friend's forearm cane.

"I... I'm sorry, I never wanted things to happen this way."

"I know you want to help, but it's already too late, Ben... it was already far too late."

Ben returned to his friend, helped him up and gave him his cane to stand again. He looked at his face, but Marcus kept staring down.

"But why didn't you tell him, Marcus?"

"You don't get it, do you?"

"... what?"

"He moved on, didn't he?"


"That stench was abnormally strong on him."

"Yes... he has a mate now."

"If so, it would be easier for the both of us this way. Let him loath me and move on, at the very least, I hope he can regain the life I sapped away."

"But you told me at the hospital, Marcus, you didn't kill them, and he needs to know. Even though you were considered a law-breaker back then..."

"Me being a renegade is enough for him to hate me."

"... but..."

"Try to understand how he feels; I killed my friend's parents, Ben. I snuffed them and kept him alive."

"... stop blaming yourself."

"Benjamin, you can't imagine how painful this is. I was hoping he would shoot me back then when we aimed at one another. But once more, you screwed everything by shooting me, and are screwing things now as well."


"Arrest me, at least, let me free."

"How can you be free in prison, Marcus?"

"You still don't understand..."

Ben walked away at that point, realizing what Marcus was saying, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The cat called once again, hoping.

"Ben, I beg you... don't shack me in my nightmares like Turbo did, please."

Ben said nothing, walking out of the living room, closing the door behind him. The living room grew quiet, the tears in Marcus's eyes began to fill his vision with fog. It was like drowning in the sea. It's even worse than that; he was alive yet rendered in shreds... he can't make out anything right, not the room, not himself, not anything. Only that gun on the ground, the gun in which Ben so carelessly left there... a fully-loaded killing tool.

Ben got out of the front door, still on his home's doorsteps, looking at that tiger bending his whole body on his car with two arms across one another and his forehead resting on them. He was stone still, clearly mixing all those thoughts in a cup before gulping them down to oblivion.

"Turbo, listen. He didn't mean it when he said he wanted to kill you."

The tiger's flat ears stood up a bit, but the rest of his body didn't give a damn. The penguin walked through his property's front garden, stopping at his small mailbox. Ben sighed and tried another go at it again.

"Turbo, you still didn't hear why he-"

"I don't want to hear it."

"... what?"

"I'm fucking tired of all this crap."

Turbo turned around, still leaning on his car as he looked back at the Ben he thought he knew.

"It doesn't add up: my parents' last wishes, his disappearance, him not being able to shoot me back then, not being able to shoot me today too, and those tears that fought against falling from his eyes... it doesn't make sense at all."

"... it's because-"

"There is no, fucking, 'because' here, Ben. There is no bloody excuse for what he did."

"For how long, man? You've seen how fragile and weak he is, he was at this state ever since. How long will you hate him like this?"

"I can't forgive him. I don't think I can. I don't understand why my parents' dying wish was to stay friends with him... the thought itself makes me furious."

"Come back inside, if you hear him o-"



"Listen, I know you're a good guy, I know what you're trying to do. But me and Marcus... it's over. I told you I already have a mate."

"N-No, it's not like that! I just... Turbo, c'mon man, don't do this."

Turbo turned around his car, getting to the driver's side and sitting behind the wheel. The poor penguin remained there, looking at his friend's sad face as he drove away. It was a hard blow on him, it was a big blow on them all, even on himself.

(Idiots... both of you. You two think I'm not affected by any of this?)

Ben closed his eyes and sighed out heavily.

'It's not just about being a dependable father anymore, is it, darling? I fail in bringing my friends together, I'm a failure in everything other than my job.'

He stared up at the dark clouds, remembering the day she left, pulling those still barely-able-to-walk boys, each from one hand, as that bastard was waiting for her outside the house with his stylish racing car. Getting fed up with this misery, he reached for his pocket to get his motorbike's key, only then noticing that his gun wasn't there.

(Oh no!)

He turned to the house again, and his eyes went wild after hearing a gun fire. His mind instantly shouted inside his skull, almost breaking his head open for him to rush inside. He crushed the door open when he entered the living room, and stood near the door, looking at Marcus sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

Marcus was staring up at the ceiling, holding the gun with both his paws and pointing it under his chin, only slightly off to the front. The bullet rested up the ceiling, opening a small hole near the living room's light.


Ben rushed to his friend, sitting on one knee near him and caging the gun with both hands on the cat's paw. The gray cat's eyes began crying silently, and the sight of those helpless tears cooled the penguin a little. His paws relaxed again, dropping to his sides. His right paw released the gun feebly, as if hoping only for a miracle to happen.

"He's right, Ben... I... I can't do it."

"... Marcus..."

"I'm a coward, I've always been."


The car finally made it to the parking slots near the public park, and the tiger got off, staring up at the sky. A thunder roared faintly in the distance, looks like this is going to be another stormy night; all these black clouds are just waiting for the right moment to shower the place nonstop.

'Shit, this morning was so awesome, what the hell happened? I feel so down now.'

Pushing the recent events away from his head, he locked the car's doors and ascended to the fourth floor. He entered the apartment, and as soon as he did, he noticed how awfully quiet the place was.

'... Yzmar isn't here?'

He entered his room, and there was a note on the bed put in a way to catch his attention. The tiger walked inside, flipping the lights on and sitting on the bed as he reached for the note.

(Turbo, in case you came back before me, I'm out on some... matters? I'll be back shortly, don't worry. Yzmar... Hmm, so he's out.)

Strange, Yzmar could have just used his phone to tell him that, why a note? The tiger kept staring at the note in his paw, wondering whether if he should call him or not. He soon shook that idea off and laughed out loud, imagining how bothered Yzmar would be should he always sound worried about him. He left the note on the bed and went to the fridge, taking out a can of beer. The human said he won't be long, he should just relax and chill for a bit, give the human some free time.

'Damn, this is the last one, I should restock tomorrow.'

His happy face faded quickly, his mind just needed to think about what happened again. So Marcus was alive, and currently in Ben's house. Why can't he shake that image off? It's impossible for them to be together, Ben is straight, and he still feels a bit sensitive about how his wife left him not long ago. The tiger laughed suddenly at himself, puzzled why he would give a damn about any of that.

"Heh, it's not like Marcus is still the Marcus I once..."

Remembering the old days, he paused, growing silent and still. He chugged the rest of the can and threw it to the recycling bin, scoring from around three meters away.

'Damn it, I am NOT going to think like this again... screw that colorless jerk.'

Turbo turned at the apartment's door in puzzles as he heard the door bell buzzing.


No, if it was his mate, he'd already enter with his keys. Then... a visitor? At this late hour? Who could it be? He walked to the door in slow steps; something was odd here, or at least that's what his sixth sense told him.


The human kept walking across the poorly lighted streets, instructions were coded with him in a small note on where to meet. He stopped suddenly, forcing strong grunts out. His figure soon got down, almost kneeling. This burst was so aggressive.


He raised his head a bit, almost dying right there from the voice he heard. But he wasn't in that gloomy graveyard this time, the strange creature with the scythe was floating calmly in front of him right there. His breaths got quicker as soon as the mysterious cloaked entity reached his head with its bony white hand. He can feel it, the touch of those bones can be felt so clearly, it was cold. He gasped harder as he dropped himself back, still thrusting at his chest strongly to withstand the pain.

'Ramzy, it cannot wait any longer.'

"W-why the hell... are you here?!"

'It screams to be fed, Ramzy... soon...'

The figure disappeared again, replaced with a couple of reptilians looking at him in confusion. One of them extended her hand to help him up, while the other turned around herself, wondering why this human fell down and started talking to himself all of a sudden. Noticing that his clutch faded away too, he stood up, bowed in apology and walked away hurriedly to avoid any questions.

'Shit, hallucinations, it must be... there's no way... Crap, it felt so real.'

He finally reached an old crumbled building (seriously, what's with these guys and messed up places?) inside a quiet neighborhood, it seems they picked up a good place for a secret to be kept away from anyone's nose. He walked inside, looking for the stairs. Finding his way around the place, he started to take those steps up to the first floor. And - just as he remembers it - at the last step was a standing, shabby and beaten-up empty iron can. He picked it up and threw it hard downward. A ringing iron-like sound echoed in the bare walls, but that's all he did. He then walked around to continue going up.

Reaching the second floor, he did the very same with another iron can. And another one on the third floor, and again on the fourth...

(Bastards, they didn't change at-*huff~* at all.)

Reaching the almost-falling-apart roof, there were three cans now. He picked them all up, and walked to the middle of the roof, staring around himself at all those big pillars emerging from the floor below. Looks like there were plans for more floors past this one, but the building never got completed for some reason. He took one can, and tossed it carelessly in front of him, making a cling. The second one he rolled like a bowling ball, letting its iron sound continue for a bit longer. Then came the third in which he smacked down the ground just like the rest of the cans along the floors... only then did he hear a voice calling out.

"Who is it?"

Yzmar paused a bit; up until now he was still hoping for this to be just a coincidence, a stupid fool play. But it looks like he'll have to do what his mate told him, it's about time he face his problems instead of running away.

"Four in a Clover."

Suddenly, a number of humans and furries emerged from every object big enough to hide behind. Some faces were new, some were old enough that the poor human could still recognize, and some were old too but already disappeared from his memory. Ten... Fifteen... around twenty, to say the least, led by a black goat the human knew rather well; he was taller than Yzmar a bit, quite the bugger form, wearing a white sleeveless shirt, a fluffy military-like pants with leather boots and gloves. Though his pants were loose, a bulge was almost visible between his legs... the guy has some big balls... literally. The goat's face remained solid, appeared pissed off or bored. But then again, that's how Jacob always looked like.

"Been awhile, Ramzy Razorfen, or should I say R.R.?"

The human didn't reply, staring back at that cold gaze. How he hated thinking about this moment ever coming, the instant when they find him, when they run after this fleeing little rat to the corner. They remained motionless, looking at one another, nothing can be heard except for the strong wind at the 7th floor. They both were already fighting mentally to win over the other, just standing there... waiting for the other to make his first move. But Chess rules said the white-skinned frail human should play first, and leave the second-in-turn to the black goat who kept staring at him in the eyes, stroking down his short 'goatee.'




Turbo wondered as he unlocked the door, he heard this voice before somewhere. The hyena wearing the post office uniform took his hat off and greeted as soon as he saw Turbo. He stood up straight again and answered happily.

"Mail for you, sir."

"You're... that brat."

"Quite impressive of you, Mr. Turbo."

"You talk differently now."

"Oh, I just had to act like a slow nerd yesterday to avoid any... you know, hurting moments. Err-No hard feelings, right?"

"... acted, you say?"

"I'm an actor at heart, or something like that, but believe me; the harmless play part was true so don't worry. Oh, here's your mail."

The hyena flipped the cover of his giant mail bag and took out a small book. Before handing him the book, Zephyr gave him a clipboard with a pen.

"Would you kindly sign for receiving it?"

"So are you acting like a postman now?"

The tiger's fur buffed out in surprise as his ears ringed from the hyena's laughter. Zephyr looked at his face and winked, putting on a sarcastic attitude.

"Why yes! Actually, I am!"

"... psh."

"Anyway, I need you to sign here, please."

"... ok."

Turbo was still a bit bothered, something about him doesn't feel right, he even smells differently now, what's going on? Who exactly is this guy? He went about the formalities and checked the purple book; it had nothing on it except for one word.

"R... Ram... zy?"

"Yup, that's the name alright."


"Yeah, I think it's for my human friend since his name is on the cover... Well, then, see you later, mister."

"His name? Now hold on a second, his name is Yz..."

Turbo raised his head - and an eyebrow - up as the hyena was no longer standing there, rushing quickly to the stairs and leaving. The tiger sighed in boredom; this guy still sounds clumsy, maybe he mixed up this book with their actual mail.

He closed the door and stepped inside, feeling like crap more and more. Things just keep getting more stupid, now he has an extra task all because of that guy's mistake, he'll have to check on the post office tomorrow. He looked at the book in his paws, and his mind didn't stop bothering him with déjà vu. He remembers such a book but where? And just what is it that he remembers?

He entered Yzmar's room and placed the book on his mate's small reading table. The name was more like a human name indeed, if this book was a human's, then Yzmar might know the owner. It would at least save him the trouble.

(I'll just have to wait for Yzmar to come back and ask him.)

Before he leaves, his eyes remembered seeing Yzmar's name recently, seconds ago in a matter of fact. He soon got that feeling in which you remember seeing something so recently but get bother for you can't just put your finger on it. He looked again at the table, only the book he placed was on top of the table... and it had Ramzy on it, not Yzmar. But then, his eyes slowly shifted around, falling on the mirror, growing wider in shock as his brain finally worked the phenomenon out.

"The reflection!"

The reflection of the name Ramzy appeared like Yzmar. He took the book and held it upright near the mirror... no question about it, the letters appeared funny in the mirror, but his mate's name was clear. This was not a coincidence, no way in hell would this be just a twist in fate.

(Actually, this is the second journal...)

It soon hit him, this is the first logbook Yzmar was talking about back then, when he changed the subject as soon as Turbo asked him about its whereabouts. But why was his name written backwards? Why did it read Ramzy instead of...

(Unless... unless the name Yzmar 'is' the backward version?)

He gulped hard, not believing what he just discovered. He took the diary again in his paws and quickly began flipping the pages. There were white pages, not so many but quite a few... like one-third of it hasn't been used. Whoever wrote this didn't finish it up. For what reason? Losing it? Or maybe losing interest?

(I've been running away for far too long, I'm tired.)

"Running... away."

Those were his mate's words this morning... running away. It only helped in increasing the number of questions up the feline's mind. The tiger shook his head, a lot of things are happening so suddenly today, but he narrowed his eyes again, focusing on what he has in his paws. He kept skimming quickly along the pages, not bothering to read any... but he stopped on the page that carried a date he can never forget. The day in which his parents died, there was an entry on that same day, and he just had to read that one:

<They're everywhere, the police finally uncovered this stinking hideout, and they sent an entire platoon... I can hear those splattering sirens exploding outside, everyone inside is taking arms and standing near the windows, exchanging bullets was bound to happen. But if I don't make my escape at this very moment, I'm finished.

Diary, I'm afraid I'm going to take extreme measures this time. If I stay the way I am, they'll find me again even after I disappear. I need to change, I need to become someone else. I'll find my living some other way. I don't want anything to do with The Unseen again.>

For a moment... the tiger thought he read the last sentence wrong...

His eyes needed to analyze that sentence word by word, the meaning that his brain concluded was not accepted. His eyes returned from the very first word, reading again... no use, he's grasping the same meaning. The Unseen, the very same human scum that took everything from him. Escape? Was the diary owner one of them, simply wanting to escape the police?! Or... a captive maybe... trying to escape The Unseen in a time of chaos...

(What's... the meaning of this?)

His paws began to shake, and his left turned the page quickly, not to stare at those words any longer... but then regretting ever thinking of flipping the page; the next entry had the same date:

<Never again will I do it, never will I carry that... that stupid iron thing!

Damn it, I just shot someone... Fuck, I shot a policeman, fucking... a fucking policeman! He just dropped on the spot, he was eyeing me in shock when he did, he was alive still, I could tell, but only able to swirl in his spot. I had to run, I would have been dead if I didn't run... my God, I'll never be able to sleep for weeks, I'm sure... He'll hunt me, his eyes... shit, I can still 'see' his yellow eyes looking at me, uncertain why I pulled the trigger. I didn't mean it, I swear.

Shit, why am I even writing all this down?! I can't help it, I need to... I can feel my sanity slipping away, I'll go crazy if I keep such a thing to myself, Diary, and you're the only one I can talk to, I cannot burden anyone with this, not that I know anyone else. But I won't be bothering you again, I... Shit... SHIT, I killed a tiger policeman, why the fuck was I holding that gun with me?!>

The rest of the page was so messed up, not that any other words would have been recognized by his eyes anymore. Turbo's eyes turned feral, primal, his blood boiled as he discovered - not in a pleasant way - who Yzmar truly was. The writer was clearly one of them if he saw a policeman and shot him right away. And that cop he's talking about, there was no other tiger with yellow eyes that died on that day except...

His paws kept shaking, but now enraged rather than scared. If this is really his mate's... No, there's no doubt about it, it was as clear as day. Ramzy was, after all, the real name. His sharp teeth clutched against one another, as if the ones on the upper jaw were competing with the ones on the lower.

"No... why? FUCKING WHY?"

Remembering how he sat, near the already-lifeless body of his father, holding his mother's body as she smiled, parting with him seconds afterwards... the memories finally exploded inside him, reaching his limit, unable to remain calm anymore. Everything he felt these past couple of weeks vanished momentarily, replaced with pain he thought he'll never remember again.



'Not just humans, huh?'

It seems that a lot of things changed since he escaped. The furries almost equaled the humans in numbers now. The Unseen always used human candidates to do the 'dirty' illegal side of their job, but it looks like Jacob and other furries are here too. He returned his attention to Jacob, as the goat didn't make a move still, making do with just glaring back. The rest kept chuckling and shrugging at one another; the older ones feeling a little bit nostalgic to see their tactician again, and the newer ones underestimating this stick of a creature in front of them, doubting his abilities.

"Strange. Wasn't your hair dark green, R.R.? Your eyes lost their colors a bit too."

Getting bored - and finally decided to twist the rules of Chess a bit to have the black make the first move - the goat walked closer, getting a better look at his old... 'friend' while flailing his tail about just as clumsily. His glare was just as cold, but his voice was sarcastic. A frozen smirk couldn't stay hidden for long on the goat's muzzle, satisfied that they were successful.

"Aren't you glad to see us again, Razor The Reaper?"

The human's eyes narrowed, upset to hear all those codenames again.

"What do you want, J?"

"Don't act dumb, Ramzy..."

The goat reached with one hand at the human's chin, stroking his chin under his lower lip with his thumb softly as he brought it up a bit, looking at him with half-closed eyes, the same eyes he remembers from back then.

"You know 'exactly' what I want."

The furry's voice changed a little, reminding Yzmar of a lot of things, with just one smelly sentence brushing against his face. Jacob's pure white eyes were just as scary as he remembers them; a cold, nasty furry, relishing on his victim's pain, taking pleasure in inflecting misery on this kid for many long years...

"Welcome back to where you belong... between my legs, that is."

Yzmar's eyes couldn't stay silent to that, glaring at him in hatred. He took a step back, hitting Jacob's strong muscled arm away from his chin while the rest kept laughing at his reaction.

"Hmm? Something tells me you're not here to rejoin us, R.R."

The goat turned, giving the human his back as he walked away slowly in a thoughtful manner. And his hand returned to this short beard, stroking lazily.

"Hmm, you're not saying much, and yet your eyes are strong. You're not willing to join us again, and yet you came here."

He turned around again, looking at Yzmar's eyes with his face still as cold as ice.

"Ramzy, you're here for something I clearly don't like."

Yzmar looked away, out of cards to play already. Nothing, there's nothing he can do, he was able to flee that day because they had a handful just dealing with the cops. But now, it's a dead end... if he doesn't show up on his own, someone else will get hurt...


The penguin parked his motorbike near Turbo's car. He took off his visor and helmet, getting off and making sure once again that his gun is where it's supposed to be.

(There's no other choice, I have to try and talk reason with him now.)

Ben entered the apartment, getting a strange look from the guard there.

"My God, is something wrong?"


The penguin soon remembered that his uniform's upper section got trashed by Turbo's claws. He turned to the mouse and shook his head, running to the elevator. Finding out, the hard way, that the elevator wasn't working, he decided to take the stairs instead. But upon reaching the 3rd floor, a hysteric shout resonated through from the floor just above.

"That voice..."

Benjamin began jogging his way, up to the 4th floor and straight to the tiger's apartment's door. There were other furries staring at the door as well, the shouting continued, and was mixed with thrashing and crashing sounds as well. The penguin reached the door and flipped his badge to everyone, recommending them to stay in their rooms. He tried opening the door, and for his surprise it was open.


He entered the apartment, finding himself in a messed up living room; the sofa was swiped aside in a corner, with a lot of claw marks on it, the TV's screen was broken, there was not a jar that made it through without shattering into million bits, though it was a miracle that the glass table was still in its place without even a scratch.

The tiger's howls were coming from Yzmar's room. Ben went instantly for the open door of the bedroom, but didn't dare to take a step inside; Turbo was almost out of his mind, with his claws out swiping left and right. Everything, even the walls were torn to shreds, only the ceiling and the floor remained...

"Turbo, what's gotten into you?!"


His paws reached for the diary entitled Ramzy, and started shredding one page after the other, but soon left it alone and turned to something bigger to destroy, like the bed, shredding it for all its worth; messed up piles of deformed materials. The tiger stopped so suddenly, his breathing was racing the fastest of cars when he saw the pendant hanging on the bed's wooden corner. His muzzle kept fuming, and those claws didn't want to retract just yet, slicing up the wood as his paw took that pendant forcefully and pressed at it strongly.

"I'll kill him."

"T... Turbo? You-"

"I'll put a fucking bullet IN BETWEEN THAT FUCKER'S EYEBALLS!"

The feline sprinted, bashing his friend aside as he rushed to his room. He opened the drawer just next to his bed, taking the black flat box. He didn't bother taking the box along this time, opening it and snatching the gun inside in front of Ben's shock as the later stood up again.

"Wait, an electronic LCP!?"


"Wait, Turbo! Marcus is-"

Turbo didn't wait another second, moving quickly out his room. Ben, seeing that words won't make it to his brain at this point, stood in front of him again, praying for any godlike entities out there to help him in calming his friend down.



The tiger gripped hard at his friend's already-hurt shoulder, resulting in a hard twitch from the penguin, grunting in pain, then threw him to the wall outside the apartment where he sat there, stunned by his wound. Ben's mind worked quickly, 'get up' it screamed as his body tried so hard to move despite the pain. The tiger made his way down, and if he doesn't go after him...

'I didn't expect him to get this angry, Marcus could end up dead if... Shit, get up!'

Turbo got in his car, turned the engine on and remained seated in the driver's seat for awhile. His eyes are watering, he still can't believe how things ended up like this. Memories of Yzmar finally barged inside his vision, he would have been the perfect...

'I'll kill you, I'll kill you and... and... sick humans.'

He snatched his phone in his paw, going along the different applications in it and toggling up the GPS. Then, with several other clicks, he programmed his phone to scan for the tracker... and there it was. The location of his target's phone blinked in his GPS nonstop, all he needs to do now is drive his way to it and pull a gun's trigger...

Simple enough...

Ben, however, soon got out and observed nearby, waiting for Turbo to start driving out the parking slots for him to chase after his car. Moments later, the penguin who caught up miraculously on his target's tail realized something strange. The tiger wasn't driving back to Benjamin's house; in fact, he's driving away from that direction.

(What the hell... where are you going?!)

If he finds himself again in Turbo's way, he might not be able to stop him the nice way anymore. Maybe it's a better idea to have some support, it won't hurt if anything. Without thinking too much, the penguin reached with his right hand to the side of his visor, pressing a button. It didn't take seconds before a voice resonated in his helmet.

"This is HQ."

"E-ranked Ben here. Status: trailing a suspect. Location: Old Town. Intentions unknown. Requesting my personal unit for backup."

"Acknowledged. Tracking your visor now, your unit will be informed. HQ out."

His hand returned to focus more on driving his motorbike, making sure not to miss that crazy fast car in front of him as he made a sharp 90.

(... Turbo, what are you doing? What's going on?)


The skies cried once more, brimming faintly behind the pitch black clouds. Several separated drops of rain began falling here and there. Everyone's face was looking at that human in shock, not sure what's gotten into his head. Jacob stood there with the same bored look in his eyes, knowing that something like that would happen.

"What... are you doing, R.R.?"

Yzmar kept his eyes leveled with the goat's hooves, he was sitting on his back with his legs bent and crossed in front of him, and his hands pressed on his knees.

"Please, leave me alone, J. Just... stay out of my life."

"Your life? What life are you talking about, R.R.?"

"... I only ask of you to stop, let me walk away."

"Don't tell me you're a 'good' man now."


"You were and always will be our best tactician, we've done so much thanks to you."

"I don't want back."

"It's not a matter of 'want' anymore; you ran away, you're a loose end."

Jacob stopped a bit, shaking his head left and right.

"I don't buy this garbage, this isn't you."

Yzmar lowered his head, saying nothing, insisting on his decision. The rain started to increase, making a shower sound louder than the strong wind. He suddenly felt Jacob moving again, getting closer. The human didn't raise his head still, hoping that this might work. They should have no use of him if he's not willing, even though he was so good at what he did. But that idea faded shortly.

His head flung back from a blunt on his forehead, making him drop his upper body all the way to the ground, facing the crying skies tearing directly down his face. The goat returned his hoof back to the ground, gazing at that broken dead expression.

"Are you fucking with me, Ramzy?!"

"... *grunt~*..."

"It's either this or death, buddy."

Yzmar sat back up slowly, only then noticing the blood from his eyebrow scar, reminding him of the one thing he carried on from his father: a never-healing wound, a torture never-ending. He found himself fancying the memory a bit, how this scar never closed all these years, just because his clutches increased his blood pressure and kept bursting it open.

"What's it gunna be then?"

"Please... I have no intention to-"

Another solid kick left him from the ground and sent him 3 feet back, leaving him whine and curve his body, he almost heard his chest bones cracking; the bastard's hooves felt like cannon balls.

"Look at you, a whimpering dog. What 'life' are you talking about befits you better?"

The others began to circle around the two, wanting to get a better look, thrilled to see how this will end up. Jacob began to curse, his face was still bored but disappointment fueled his anger greatly. Yzmar huffed for a bit, then tried to pull himself together, standing carefully up on his feet again.

"So? Woke up yet?"


Jacob's eyes suddenly shifted away, looking back at the stairs. His eyes got more serious and his fists rolled up in punches.

"You can come out, you know. You're not as sneaky as you might think."

Everyone turned back at the stairs by now, except for Yzmar who was still thinking what he should do. A tiger was emerging slowly there, taking the rest of the steps up to the 7th floor quietly. The dim lighting of the place made looking at his face almost impossible, only his yellow eyes glowed faintly. The goat immediately caught the pants and blows this new comer was making, his chest rose and puffed out with every greedy grasp for air. He noticed something in his right paw too, but it was a little bit too late when Jacob finally understood the situation.

A bullet blasted an echo in the empty floor, sending the goat down to the ground with a bullet wound on his shoulder. And just as the rest were shocked, the tiger took that chance to make his dash. Yzmar looked back at the raging tiger and froze completely.

(No... why are you here? How did you-)


His paw quickly shot three times more, but that's the most he could do with it. Unexpectedly, Jacob pulled out his own gun and shot the tiger's gun, blowing it away from his paw, allowing no more than three casualties to be made.

"Well, well. A stray cat, I should have expected one in a place like this."

"Actually, two."

Jacob's eyes finally got wider, things aren't as he planned. He turned around, unable to make the location of that other voice. His hoof soon felt an object thudding against it, he looked down... and in a second he jumped away.


The bomb made an electric jolt before it shattered, but it wasn't fire, nor gas. The place only glittered a bit and that's it.

"A dud?"


"... psh, only cowards would attack from their hiding spots."

Ben finally appeared behind a crumbled pillar, wearing his helmet and visor as he walked closer. The rest of the crooks were already armed and aiming, but he kept walking calmly closer, stopping around five feet away from the crowd.

"I call it good-thinking, since I'm outnumbered."

"And who might this good thinker be?"

"E-ranked officer Benjamin Ray of the third troop."

"A cop? Here? Wait, alone?"

"My unit should arrive to this location soon, as a matter of fact, but might as well start the action."

Jacob smirked, grunting a bit at his hurt shoulder.

"You're too cocky to think of survival alone against these odds-"

"Me and that tiger there? I'm thinking of giving you guys a handicap already."


"I can make one thing clear here; you guys are from The Unseen. The codename R.R. you kept calling that human by, it's the same closing signature with every written threat we found regarding your activities."

Ben turned to Turbo, who was still huffing in rage beyond measures. The pain he felt in his paw should have awakened his mind a bit.

"Turbo, you in shape to kick some ass?"

"Must you bloody ask?!"

Ben smiled to himself; that response reassured him a bit, he won't have to worry about his friend. He turned back to the laughing goat, Jacob almost chocked on his own chuckle, not believing how calm these assholes are against them all.

"Get real, penguin. You have no hope of survival, because you see-"

The goat instantly raised his gun in a surprising motion, aiming at Ben and pressing on the trigger... but to his surprise the gun didn't fire. The penguin put out a hurt face and mockingly reached for his chest with both hands, grunting 'ooooh, you got me'. Jacob clutched against his teeth, trying again and again, he picked someone else's gun near him and tried again...

"... huh?"

Ben smirked on his turn now, taking out two iron knuckles from his pocket and attaching them to his gloves. Meanwhile, the tiger just made do with taking a lower pose, preparing himself to leap inside them.

"What the... guns aren't working?"

"That's an electric field bomb, yo. Meaning, electronic weaponry gets jammed for a bit, so you better loosen up and get ready to DANCE!"

Without further explanations, like that would help them in any way, the two sprang into action. The villains felt themselves powerless somehow; Turbo was so strong he could take on them threes at a time, and the cop penguin's movements were too fast for them to catch that whoever wanted to target him ended up delivering friendly fires or just punches and kicks to thin air, looking like idiots. The floor turned into a street fight... only one single human was standing still, not fighting, not being targeted...


Meanwhile, on another nearby building, Amado was sitting on a red sofa completely out of place, brought in just for his royal ass to sit on. The buffalo stood near him holding a binocular to his eyes.

"Master, it started."

"I see."

The door of the room got knocked gently twice before the hyena stepped in. He bowed near the door, and only moved closer after getting permission with a nod from the geezer. He came near and stood near the chair, a bit baffled as Amado raised his golden binocular to him.

"Everything's good, boy?"

"I did just as you asked, master. But-"

"Good boy, now take this and observe the fruits of your work."

Zephyr fell completely silent, taking that spying tool and kept looking through it behind the big window. The place of the meeting had Turbo in it alright, looks like the tiger just busted in and got himself in a crisis. He sighed, not believing how mindless Turbo is, dashing in without a plan.


The buffalo lowered his hands and turned to the fox, a look of uncertainty appeared on his face.

"There's someone else, a cop."

"Hmm, I didn't see that coming, can you tell his rank?"

"E-ranked, it seems."

Zephyr lowered his binocular by his turn, and turned calmly to the fox, handing it to him again so Amado could see.

"That visor he's wearing, it cannot be mistaken."


The fox hummed a bit, closing his eyes. That was unexpected, but if he studies the matter a bit, it doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. He snapped his fingers for a phone from another goon, dialed a number and gave orders to standby for the moment. He returned the phone again and smiled.

"Nothing to worry about, I believe the plan can still go smoothly."

Zephyr couldn't stay quiet any longer, the lives of Ramzy and Turbo were on the line just being there, he thought that Ramzy was getting what's coming for him sooner or later, and Turbo would either run after him or forget about him, which worked good for him at any rate. But now, there's a cop on the show; cops and criminals don't mix well together, and it would increase the risks.

"Master, I still can't grasp the point in all this. Aren't we after Ramzy?"

"Are you doubting me, my boy?"

"... you know what? I do. I'm not sure things will go the way we want."

The buffalo walked closer to the hyena, and without a word snatched his shirt's collar and raised it to an uncomfortable point, glaring at him with a look that dared him to say more. Just hearing those words felt like an insult to his master, maybe the warning he gave him wasn't enough in the lockers. Amado sighed, waving his paw for the volunteering bodyguard not to go any further than that, then he looked at Zephyr.

"You see, my boy, this is one of the reasons you don't have my complete trust yet."


"Still, I like those who think for themselves. I admire, honor and respect them highly."

The fox got up, taking his staff and walking closer to the windows. He put a paw on the cold glass, losing himself a bit as he kept checking how rain drops slipped slowly from the other side.

"But that's exactly the reason why I won't tell you."

"... what?"

"Let's just say, you'll be finding that out soon enough by looking over there. I'm sure you'll conclude your own answers."

He turned around again, walking slowly to the buffalo and patting on his arm.

"You too, my boy. I need you to watch that tiger closely, it will do you good. I will be back shortly."

With that, the blue fox disappeared out the room, his cane's sound growing weaker until it got swallowed by the showering sounds out the window. The buffalo didn't give Zephyr a hard time. Keeping his master's words in mind, he kept monitoring the fight. The hyena, however, wasn't so pleased with the reply that dusty furry gave him. His phone soon vibrated, alarming him to go outside, away from the buffalo as he seems to be caught up in the show.

"Just got instructions to standby, what's with that?"

"Yeah, better stay low; a cop is there."

"If anything seems dire, I'll wipe my ass with those instructions and interfere."

"Don't be hasty, Amado seems to have planned it all along, just keep an eye out and let's see where this goes for now... and find yourself somewhere to hide; the heavy rain might give you in."



Throwing the advantage in numbers out, it was a one-sided match. Jacob found himself sent flying many times, his body finally giving in to the pain and sat down with his back on one of the building's columns. It was just as Ben suspected, these guys aren't much without their toys. The downed goat sensed someone drawing near and raised his head, looking up with one eye at the silent human standing near him, while the rest of his underlings got their hide skinned by two bastards, only two fucking idiots who showed up out of nowhere.

The goat coughed a bit, then laughed lightly, while Yzmar got down on one knee, looking at him with strange eyes.

"What's with that look, Ramzy?"

"... why are you still with them?"

"Heh! What kind of shitty question is this, man?"

The goat reached with his left hand to his hurt arm, the bullet's wound started to burn somehow, it must still be inside. He coughed hard from a blow in his chest, still not believing that it took only two to...

"You know this is wrong, J."

"Who gives a shit, Ramzy? Tell me!"


"We were picked up by bandits, raised up by bandits, grew up like bandits, and lived like them bloody single-minded bandits... *cough~* who gives a shit?"


Jacob raised his eyes to him again, and smirked coolly, breathing slower to ease the pain on his body. It seems that he finally gave up in struggling, accepting the fact that he messed this one up... or maybe getting fucked up by a setup from the damn fox.

"Don't give me the puppy eyes, you bastard. You did what you thought was right, and I did just that. I knew I couldn't live any other way and I have no regrets, so don't mock me with those feelings."

The rain got heavier and heavier, the rush of the heaven's tear drops was everything he can hear now. He stood up again, still gazing at the puffing goat as he resigned to breathing now. He didn't notice Turbo pointing his LCP behind him, with eyes as furious as a monster that finally broke out of his leash.


Yzmar felt his head drum from his blood pressure, that was the tiger calling his real name, and he didn't sound glad at all. The tiger's paw shook strongly, but remained pointing the gun's muzzle at his mate's head from five meters away. Ben came closer to Turbo, he stood silently by his side, still not sure why his friend was so angry against this one human from all the other humans he knocked out. This guy does not seem to pick up a fight, nor was he even targeted by the crooks, yet he was called R.R. by them. He's one of them, that much the penguin could tell, but something strange forbad him from fighting back or helping the others. Soon, Ben's thoughts drifted elsewhere; things went on far better than he expected. They took them all on with little scratches and bruises, and they had no backup plans or escape routes whatsoever; did they really take them out of their guard?

"Fuck, I think I have the worst luck when it comes to mates, eh Ramzy?"

Ben shivered, looking back at his friend. Mate? Could... could this human be the mate he was talking about? A human?! Now things are starting to add up a bit, his rage at the apartment, it was because of his new mate, discovering this place and his link with The Unseen somehow. And it wasn't so strange now that he knows it was a human; his hatred towards them must have added to the shock.


Yzmar didn't move, he can feel his wound still bleeding; he almost laughed at the situation. It was so horrible his mind almost denied its reality, questioning his conscious. The tiger's eyes began to water, his other paw went to the gun to help him keep his aim. But his head kept showing him all those memories with Yzmar, making it more and more painful for him to believe all this. The person in front of him cannot be recognized by his eyes anymore; he looked like his mate but his hair was different, losing its colors to become light greenish, it appears more clearly now than when they were on the beach.

"Who are you?"

The human still didn't reply or respond with anything.

"Please, tell me this isn't happening."

Yzmar raised a hand to his face, swiping some blood trails making their way to his eye all thanks to the heavy downpour.

"Tell me it's not true."


"Look at me! FUCKING LOOK AT ME!"

Yzmar's chest grew tighter; the idea of someone else getting hurt because of him lingered again inside him. It ended up exactly the way he wanted to avoid, he doesn't know how this tiger found him here, let alone knowing about him so suddenly like that; he was careful in writing his second journal, it can't be because he read it. Should he did, he wouldn't grasp this much, he'll just know that he was running away from bad people who kept following his trail.


Yzmar finally turned around, half of his face was covered with trails of faint red lines. At that very moment, all he wished was for him to die out of excessive blood lose. He didn't want to go through it, there's nothing he can say to make this easier, but it was still strange. It was, until Turbo was so kind to talk again and explain a little.

"So you ran away... after shooting a policeman, you ran away and lived like nothing ever happened. And now you dare trick me!"

"H... how do you..."


"What?! Weren't you visiting your..."


"That tiger cop... back then... wait, it was an ac-"

His voice got interrupted when the skies decided to pick that very second to sneeze, lighting the dark city for a blink, and then continued their hissing rain. Yzmar didn't go on, though, what would it matter at this point? Another question reached his head on how and where Turbo got his paws on such a thing, but - again - what difference does it make? Ben didn't seem to be caught in the whole heart-breaking conversation, examining every downed criminal in there while being busy contacting his unit; the storm seems to toy with their signals a bit.

"So this was all a lie? You and me? "

The human lowered his head, already giving up... it was great while it lasted... yeah, lasted like a couple of weeks. It developed to far worse than when they first met. Turbo was no better, his paws slowly lowered the gun, his whole body was trembling hard, and his eyes didn't stop crying, remembering again the time they had together.

"... this can't be happening."

(Nothing will harm you anymore, you're safe here... in my arms.)

"Shit, why must it end like this?"

(I... *gulp~*... *sob~*... lo...)

(I know, Yzmar. I know you do. I love you too, Yzmar... so very, very much.)

"Fuck... FUCK!"

(I have faith in you, mate.)

(As long as your lungs draw air to breathe, I'm going to keep loving you.)


He closed his eyes shut, getting his left paw back from the gun to hold his head as it was about to explode. He didn't know what to do; his burning rage wants to avenge his parents and friends, yet his memories are always showing Yzmar with him. He always felt happy with Yzmar... he started to value that person's happiness more than his own, liked his view in life, and even helped him find a new meaning for it by being together. God, it almost sounded too perfect to stay like that, but the downfall was heavy; his strong love to him made it even more painful.

"Shoot me, Turbo, why won't you?"

Turbo looked again at that human with his face looking back. He held still, as if waiting to embrace a bullet with open arms. The tiger found himself more confused, he can't shoot even though he wants to, and his paw was everything but still in its aim.

"You want to die?!"

"... you want to kill me for what I did, don't you?"

"Do you even REALIZE what you did to me?!"

Turbo couldn't believe how the human was able to burst out a chuckle suddenly, he gritted his teeth even stronger than before, is this human that twisted?

"You psycho... worthless SCUM!"

"Just hurry up and be done with it."


Ben came near the tiger, patting lightly on his shoulder and shook his head.

(I doubt this is everyone.)


(You still want to avenge them, right? Just as much as I do?)


(From what that goat guy said, they came for him because they need him. If we keep this human as bait, maybe we'll get better chances in finding them, ending what they started.)

Turbo's mind kept begging him to shoot, his piled-up vengeance finally found the chance to snap. He grunted in rage as he pulled the trigger, frightening the penguin. The bullet flew straight to the human who kept his eyes shut, accepting the results without any complaint.

But the bullet flew past him, just an inch away from his head near his scar, and rang hard with the iron pillar behind him. Yzmar shivered, confused how he can still breathe, his feet so weak they were ready to drop his body as soon as he get that bullet... but he didn't.

"You... missed?"

The tiger needed some time to think about it, until his paw got relaxed enough to lower the gun down, his furious mind liking the sound of that. Yzmar, however, wasn't pleased, getting more scared. Turbo was getting calm, but the gravity of the situation almost crushed the human flat to the ground floor.

"... hey, why did you miss? How can you even miss, being this close?"

Turbo looked again at the human, signs of disgust and other mixed up feelings made replying to that question sound meaningless. He returned his LCP to his back pocket, turning towards the stairs.

"Wait... wait, Turbo. Where are you going? W-why won't you shoot me?!"

Ben came closer to the frozen-up human, taking out his iron handcuffs. Yzmar didn't resist, making the cop's job easier than expected. Soon, his visor echoed inside his helmet; it seems like his troops finally found the place and are waiting for orders. With a command for them to get to the top floor and arrest the rest, he turned to Yzmar, removing his helmet.

"You're under arrest, come peacefully with me to the police sta..."

Ben halted, witnessing those ghost eyes following the tiger slowly until he disappeared to the lower level. Those eyes... he saw those same eyes before, and the way he screamed for Turbo to shoot him reminded him even more of Marcus. It seems there's a lot going on that he doesn't know of. Just what's the story with this human and Turbo? Or better yet, why would Turbo pick a human?!


The fox was clapping softly by now, so delighted with the developments.

"Remarkable, simply outstanding!"

Zephyr felt his spine crack in chill, he thought the tiger would actually do it when he shot him. It was way too close, but his mind is actually making sense of all this as he lowered the binoculars. He turned to Amado, and the later was looking at him with an innocent smile.

"What's wrong, my boy? Still can't make anything of what you've seen?"


"Goodness, so astonished aren't you, boy?"

Zephyr started to clutch his fingers around the binoculars in his right hand; this fox isn't much for a person, but he sure got brains. He can hardly believe that it was all planned. First, Amado was aiming for Ramzy to either join them or leave FEVA. Of course, either way was good, but the human was so stubborn he didn't give in to their wishes. So Amado tried again by hurting his feelings, using others to make the human feel guilt and regret. No one would break fast by that, but - given Ramzy's history with pain - Amado made use of his 'scars' to his advantage.

Giving up on FEVA, the only thing in the way was his new found life. Arranging the scene was good enough, the rest took place naturally; all they needed to do was to wait for those idiots to meet up with Ramzy, and time it with leading the tiger here... they still don't know how that tiger found his way without Zephyr's help, the hyena was edgy about that since he couldn't show up once he saw Ben parking his motorbike near his car.

Alas, things went alright just because Turbo mysteriously found his way to Ramzy. Nothing was left for Ramzy to stay Yzmar anymore, that's what this slinky fox was aiming for all along.


"Excellent work, Officer Ray."

"Thank you, chief."

"But I hear you kept one of them in the station's cell."

"... yes, chief."

"Care to explain?"

"I intend to interrogate him. He seems cooperative enough and may have useful information about their whereabouts."

"We've been following their shadows for years, make sure to contact me if you need anything... and please, inform me in advance when you do that next time."

"Thank you, chief. Sorry for all the trouble."

The penguin closed the desk phone, bowing slightly to his lion college.

"Thank you for letting me use your phone."

"Dude, just hurry up and fix yours, alright?"

"Soon, I promise."

"... tch, no problem."

We walked away from the reception table, making his way through to the backside of the building, where the cells were. He entered the hallway, stopping at the only occupied cell in this police station. The prisoner imprisoned there didn't give them a hard time so far, it made the penguin more troubled. He can't stop the image of Marcus popping in his mind whenever he sees him, they are almost acting the same.

"Hey, you."

The human didn't respond, his eyes were open but chained to the empty space in front of him. The penguin called again, still not enough for the human to notice him there. Ben sighed, then became more serious.

"Even though I detest you humans greatly, I must be true to my job. To tell you the truth, I was hoping that bullet would rest in your head..."


Again, Marcus' face lingered in his mind, making the penguin more annoyed.

"Where are the rest?"


"The Unseen, where are they hiding?"


"Silent treatment, huh?"


"... useless humans."

Ben left the hallway shortly after, keeping the human back to his thoughts. He raised his still cuffed wrists, remembering Turbo's eyes looking at him in shock and aiming his gun. His eyes, there was sadness in his angry pulse, his yellow feral eyes wanted to know why more than what or who.

'Once more, you succeed in hurting someone else... Bravo!'

Ramzy returned his hands down, rested on his knees. His brain returned to torment him, kicking him while he's still down, but Ramzy didn't seem to mind now. Everything was lost; FEVA, his friends, his long-pursuit cure, his life... Ever since he was little, the term 'losing' was his second nature.

The penguin returned to his office in the station, finding Turbo sitting on the sofa with his head down in both paws, with elbows towering over every knee. A statuette, remaining in total stillness.

"It brings back nostalgic memories to have you here."

No reply came to Ben's attempt in lightening the mood a little, but the penguin knew that it might not work. He circled around his office and sat on his fluffy chair, still that tiger didn't move a finger.

"Turbo, you can go sleep if you want, it's getting late."


"I know this might be hard on you; I've already figured a bit of your relationship with him. But seriously, what did you expect from a human?"

The tiger looked at his friend with empty eyes, making Ben wonder again about what he said. But before he could throw out an apology, the tiger shook his head, returning his gaze to the ground in front of him.

"Sorry, Ben, wasn't with you..."

"... wow, is he that close?"


"The... human? Well, I was putting things together and-"

"I'm not thinking about my mate, Ben."

Turbo stood up, looking at his claws almost detaching out of his paw to have a mind of their own and have revenge. Revenge, the only word that was loud enough in his head right now. His eyes turned back to the avenger he once was, making Ben worry about him a bit.

"I was just thrilled, thrilled that I could finally end all this."

He left the office on his last remark. For the first time in his life, he can't really think of a way to control himself. He'll need to try and speak to Ramzy later, that much is inevitable, but why was he delaying it? Ramzy was just past the opposite hallway and through a couple of doors, and he's not going anywhere. He knew that talking with him with an enraged heart will make things worse, but - the way he was right now - he didn't think there was anything that can calm him faster than just... letting it sap away slowly out of him.


Ben came out of his office, concerned.

"Man, just take a break, you look exhausted."

"I can rest all I want once I die."

"... dude, that's not even funny at this point."

Turbo faced the window out at the dark streets from the lobby. He doesn't know if losing a family of wife and children to another asshole could compare with his pain, but comparing wasn't what bothered him right now. The truth about his new mate being another person called Ramzy was too much to gulp, it started to make sense why his mate decided against telling Turbo about his past on many occasions.

His pure yellow eyes widened out a bit; the lights suddenly went off in the lobby, rendering his eyes useless momentarily before adapting quickly to the dark.

"What the?!"

"Power shortage... but wait, there should be an emergency generator, why isn't that-"

Ben, however, wasn't as naturally-gifted as his friend, eating a quick jab in his stomach. Turbo was quick to be alarmed and sensed the presence of many people showing up suddenly, but he wasn't quick enough to warn Ben about it. The black silhouette was swift, unnaturally elastic to break free from two grips already from the tiger, he was wet completely from the rain, making it all the more easier to escape grabs. Turbo huffed in surprise as they stood facing one another with a penguin down the ground. The tiger realized it was only one person, his movements were too fast for him a moment ago that he thought there were several intruders.

"Sneaky bastard!"

"... hmph."

The stranger muttered in a muffled-up voice behind a mask, his whole body was covered in leather gear, black and thin to help him sneak his way inside unspotted. Some racket after a faint explosion can be heard from the main reception area; looks like this guy isn't alone. Turbo didn't think further and dashed forward, attacking with his claws and swishing away. His anger developed further, his opponent didn't break a sweat evading those blows at all.

"Stay still, damn it!"

"... heh."

"Son of a...!"

The burglar crotched quickly in a dashing motion, getting Turbo off his guard and raising his leg up, getting a clear kick to the tiger's neck and pushing him back a couple of steps. For the intruder's surprise, his foot trembled greatly as he stood up again, not believing how solid that neck was.

"You call that a kick? What are you, a little girl?"


The tiger sighed, rubbing his neck and cracking it lightly, keeping his eyes on him all the while. Getting enough time to recover a bit, Ben instantly pulled out his gun and held it up from the muzzle, shouting at his former partner.



The tiger took a long step back, to his downed friend, and snatched the gun that was kept ready for him. He turned quickly and managed a surprise shot, getting the stranger up his right hip, hearing a painful grunt. Seeing as the odds are slowly turning against him, he gripped on his bullet wound and jumped to the window, shattering it to bits with his body dropping out.

"Hey! Come back here!"

Turbo went towards the window, cocking his head out and glaring at the extending road... he vanished, not even muddy footsteps in the still pouring rain. In a situation like this, following the blood trail or his scent would prove useful, but the rain took care of those tinkles of blood, and the damp earth covered his scent making it impossible to trail anything without footsteps.

"Shit, it's like Nature is helping this bastard."

He quickly remembered Ben and returned back to him, helping him to sit up and rest his back to the wall.

"You ok?"

"*Cough~* just a quick punch, it's noth-Agh!"

Ben felt Turbo uncovering his uniform shirt a bit up, sensing his abdomen and examining it.

"S-stop it, man. *grunt~* Damn it, that hurts!"

"... that chicken shit, he must have used something hard; you have a bruise."

"I'll be fine, how's your neck?"

"Never better; his speed was his only advantage, it seems."

The tiger turned his attention to the hallway, still hearing some sounds of struggle.

"Shit, if only I had my visor on... I couldn't see a thing."


"Did you get a good look?"

"He was covered up in some kind of suit, couldn't tell."


"All I know is that he was a reptilian; his tail base was thick under the skinny leather, he can't be a furry; definitely a scaly."

"Reptilian... better than nothing, I guess... but why did he-oh shit!"


Ben coughed again, getting one weak hand over his friend's shoulder.

"Turbo, it's them! That guy was just buying time!"

"... them? Wait-already?!"

"Quick-*cough~* That explosion we heard! The cells! The human is there!"


The dust cloud was still twirling about the cell, a faint sound of the wall crumbling got mixed with the rain's splashes. A couple of coughs escaped the human from the dirt, and he started to make a shape standing in the place of the gradually-fading smoke. The hyena was standing still, looking at him silently and surprised a bit that the human didn't appear a bit shocked of the developing events.

Zephyr got disturbed by his looks a bit; it's as if the human didn't care anymore, he felt weak and helpless. He had doubts about it at first, but now he was certain: the human's hair and eye colors are starting to fade. The third phase of The Grim is finally putting its marks on him. He must have lost the ability of a couple of senses by now, he just hoped that 'seeing' and 'hearing' are still intact.

"Still denying Ramzy, aren't you?"

The human sighed with difficulty at that name, just hearing it brings loads of harsh memories. Zephyr came closer to him, extending a paw and offering it to help the human up from the ground. In response, the human just raised his eyes to that paw, his gawk questioning the meaning of all this.

"What are you hoping for, staying locked up and cuffed like that?"


"Come with us, Ramzy. With your help, we may just have what it takes to fix you up."

His conscious fought against the idea for a minute, but remembering how Turbo was furious with him once he learned the truth, he wasn't sure anymore why he would want to stay. He didn't know why was he giving a damn anymore; the secret of his identity was finally out, in a bad way, and the only thing that mattered to him was lost forever, replaced by enraged hurt feelings.

A minute later, a rushing tiger shower up, holding his friend's ID card and sliding it through all the doors in his face. His face grew more restless once he reached his cage; no one was there, and a blast rendered one of the walls to be like an open garage. He rushed to the back exit door of the station, making his way in the rain and spotting a limo. There they were!

A buffalo was helping a cuffed-up almost white-haired human inside the car, while a hyena opened the door on the other side, and spotting the shocked tiger in the distance.

"That... fucking hyena! YOU FUCKERS!"

The buffalo didn't even turn at the shout, closing the human's door and nodding at Zephyr. The hyena hesitated for a second, but then got inside and the limo made its escape while the buffalo rushed running to the opposite direction. Turbo stood there momentarily, not deciding yet who to follow. But once Benjamin showed up behind him, the tiger rushed after the buffalo, shouting back at his friend.

"Quick, get on your bike and trail that black limo!"

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

The tiger disappeared, not wasting another second. The two kept running; the prey deciding the route, and the hunter worried about shortening that space between them. His turns led them to a dark alley, making the tiger smirk to himself.

'Does this fucker even hope to lose me in the dark?'

Turbo aimed his friend's gun and tried to keep his paw steady while focusing at the same time on his running speed. It wasn't easy, but he got lucky with the first bullet and getting the buffalo's right foot, a little bit over the ankle. But for his surprise, there was no reaction, no grunt of pain, not even slowing down.

'Damn, this guy is a pro!'

Reaching an unexpected dead end between two walls and an iron fence, the buffalo stopped and turned back slowly to find the tiger blocking the only open side. He was panting; he left his job to work for FEVA and he wasn't as athlete as he was when he used to take the gym as a daily routine. It almost scared Turbo out that the buffalo wasn't panting at all, he showed no signs of losing breath, no pain at all from his foot that can be read on his face. The buffalo noticed the faint signs of blood between him and the tiger, and realizing - just now - that his own foot was bleeding.

"Ah, that gun shot just now... so you got my foot, eh? No wonder I found it a bit difficult to run at some point."

Turbo couldn't believe this guy, he wasn't even aware of his own wound?

"Fucking bastard, don't you feel a thing!?"

The buffalo turned his attention to his leg, raising his hurt foot to his hands and examining it. He sighed, returning his foot to the ground again.

"Damn you, the bullet is still inside, I'll have to work on that later."

Turbo couldn't help but feel weird, he aimed the gun at him, still huffing from all the running he was forced to work out.

"There will be no 'later' for you, buddy."

"... how about you fight like a real man?"

"What did you say, you bastard?"

"Throw that garbage aside, fight me with your fists."

The tiger gritted on his teeth in anger; the buffalo was taller a bit, his body was muscled but not as much as Turbo was. Even so, he was calm, handicapped by a bullet wound on his foot but still calm!

"Don't push your luck, burglar scum."

"... chicken?"

That one word ticked, it made the tiger throw his gun aside and uncover his claws and fangs in anger. The buffalo actually smiled at that, raising his hands in front of him and waiting for an opening.

"You ready, mister policeman?"

"I'm no cop anymore; I could end up killing you, you know."

"Just try it, then."



"Hey you."


Zephyr cocked his face near the inner window between the passengers and the driver seat on the front, looking at the driver who was still covering his face.

"Isn't it hard to drive like that? Lose the mask already, will you?"


"And what's with this blood scent? Are you ok?"

"Cut me some slack, fresh!"

"... fine, sorry."

Zephyr returned to his seat, glancing at Ramzy who was silent still, he didn't say a single word, and his eyes were fixed on his hand cuffs.

"Don't worry, we'll get them off as soon as we lose those bastards on our tails."

The hyena took something out of his jacket's inner pocket, handing it to the human. Seeing as he wasn't reacting to him in any way, he sighed and placed the phone in Ramzy's open hands. It was the phone Turbo gave him.

"Now I know how he found you; the phone had a tracker, I disabled it."

Tracker... the word swam in Ramzy's mind, he finally know how his secret got blown away. But why would Turbo put a tracker device in his mate's phone? Did he suspect him before the incident on the building? He found his hands gripping tighter on the phone, feeling another clutch on his heart. He grunted, but didn't do anything else, allowing this one clutch to do its worst, he was feeling like shit already and it was pointless to try and resist the pain anymore. Suddenly, a hand holding a small bottle was raised in front of his face. It's the same thing he tried in the beach that day!

"Have a sip."

The human didn't think twice this time, he opened his mouth slightly and sipped a bit from the angled bottle. As soon as it eased up, his dropped down and continued its gaze at the phone, spacing out.

"Heh, you do realize that this is a feminine phone, right?"


"Or... is that from him also?"


"... oh good, you still can talk. I was getting worried."

"Zephyr, who exactly are you lots?"

"We're the Unseen, Ramzy. You've been spotted and trailed off from the moment you first met the master."

The human fell silent again, still worried, doubtful. Seeing as he didn't give him his full trust yet, or just for the sake of conversation, Zephyr's tone became serious as he spoke again.

"Let me ask you something, Ramzy."

"... go ahead."

"When you have an object and you cast light on it, what happens?"


"A shadow forms up."

"... I don't get it."

"No matter what you do, light and shadow are two faces of the same coin. You can never have one without the other."

The hyena turned to the window, caught up in thought on the heavy rain in his turn as the limo slowed down. It looked like they were successful in escaping.

"We, Ramzy, are the Unseen, we're the other side of the coin, and we can help you."

Cursed... (part 7)

Ok, just before we go on in this part, I need to make something clear; hardship in life can get ugly sometimes, especially if you have a history of some sort. That being said, the story might take an unexpected leap into something entirely different....

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Cursed... (part 6)

Been awhile, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy (most of you will go 'yeah right' by now) and I've had the stupid computer bitching at my files and deciding there's a fatal error and cannot be opened (again... 'yeah right') But, still that didn't stop...

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Cursed... (part 5)

Part 5!! Wow, I didn't expect to reach this far in the story on such an early part! (maybe because every single part is 60 pages of A4 or higher, btw this part is 88 pages lol please don't hate me) I can safely say that I'm at the middle of the story...

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