
Story by argouru on SoFurry

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The following is a story about a new species I created. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's a lot different from most stories out there. It may not seem very furry to begin with, but here's hoping you enjoy it!


by argouru

A cold wind stirred among the trees, bringing with it the last chill breeze of a fading winter to a cold early afternoon. The spring was forcing its way across the land, melting the last of the prior season's snows, the cold water of the flowing river having shed its icy covering. To most people, it would bring a sense of anticipation... A sense that the world was newly reborn. But to the man behind the wheel of the struggling sedan, the hope and wonder were lost entirely. Frowning, he rocked forward and back, in the vain hope that by doing so, he could spur the failing vehicle into continued existence. The engine sputtered and died, bringing silence to the landscape as the car rolled to a stop.

He sat motionless for some time, just staring listlessly at the steering wheel without really seeing it before he finally sighed. *So this is it, huh?* he thought to himself sadly, *You got me as far as you could, but this is the end for you.* He stroked the steering wheel gently, silently saying goodbye to the car, and thanking it for its service. Honestly, it should've died weeks ago, but somehow, it had managed to hang on for longer than he'd had any right to expect. There was no fixing it, he knew. The repairs would cost money he didn't have.

But he'd known that from the beginning... He'd known that the old car wasn't up to long trips when he'd decided to make this journey. But with no job, no one who would help him, and no prospects at all, it had been the only choice he felt he could make. He reached over and opened the glove compartment, pulling out an envelope that was left unsealed.

Then, opening the car, he got out, closed the door gently, and placed the envelope under the windshield wiper with the writing on the outside facing outward. *I hope whoever finds you can help you* he thought sadly, sorry to have to part company with it, but a promise was a promise. He couldn't just abandon it without at least trying to give it a chance for a future.

The sound of the small river hidden off the left side of the road caught his attention, and he turned away from the car to find its source. Walking off the road, he traveled through the grass of the plain to the edge of a small cliff, and cautiously looked down. The cliff was only about ten feet above the surface of the river, which was about 25 feet or so across, and looked a bit deep here. Moving carefully to avoid falling, he sat on the edge of the cliff, admiring the flow of the water as it traveled south, and silently wondering where the river lead. He turned his head to the north, looking upriver, seeing it working its way out of the wilderness full of pine trees. Other than the road, there was no sign of life in any direction. He sat there at the cliff's edge, wondering what exactly he should do now...

Ardenus picked his way over a newly fallen tree, collapsed no doubt, after being weakened by the harsh winter now past. Ardenus was considered very handsome among his people, sporting the typical full dense beard on his squarish face.

He was getting antsy, and wanted to get home as soon as possible. Hopefully, one of his sons or a few of the hands would be there. If they weren't he'd either have to try a neighbor, drive into town, or else take matters into his own hands. Not the preferred outcome, but he wouldn't know until he got there. He was glad that winter was finally over. Soon, he wouldn't need all the bulky winter clothing he had to wear every winter. Ardenus much preferred to wear looser clothing that allowed him to move freely... When he did wear clothing, that was.

His thoughts were interrupted by a flash of color where there shouldn't be. He knew these lands well, as he'd lived here for most of his life, and the dark blue of a stranger's coat caught his well-trained eye. Moving slowly, he moved over behind a tree, carefully peering at the man sitting on the cliff at the opposite side of the river from him. Behind the man, sitting in the middle of the road, was a black four-door car.

Ardenus stayed put, heart thumping nervously in his chest. This wasn't good. Strangers were never a good thing, especially in these parts, and as the man wasn't anyone he'd ever seen before, that posed a serious danger. *Who is that? What's he doing just sitting there? Is he a tourist? Can't be, there's nothing for tourists here, and this region is too far off the main roads for anyone to just stumble upon us. Why's he just sitting there, staring into the river like that?*

His thoughts broke off as the man stood up carefully. Ardenus got a good look at the man's face as he gazed down at the churning river, and thought that face would be much more handsome if it didn't have that blank, emotionless look to it...

*Well...* he thought to himself as he stood, *I did make a promise. That once the car got me as far as it could, that would be the place.* Faces swam to the surface of his thoughts, all looking upon him with scorn and disgust. *You want me miserable?* he thought, tears falling down his face. *Well, you got your wish. Will this make you happy?* "Like anything would," he said under his breath, speaking aloud, "Fuck all of you." And he stepped forward off the cliff, plunging into the frigid waters...

*WHAT THE...?!?* Ardenus thought, as he watched the man plunge deliberately into the river, wincing as the stranger hit the water hard head first.

Instinct overcame shock, and he tore out of the woods, running towards the river as fast as his legs would carry him. He dove in, the cold water hitting his body like a slap to the face, but long experience in this very river had taught him how to handle the icy waters.

He surfaced, his clothing rapidly becoming cold and heavy from the river, and he spotted the man floating face down as the current caught him and began to sweep him downstream. Ardenus swam hard, using the flow to his advantage to catch up to the prone body. Grabbing an arm, he began to pull the outsider towards the edge of the river, his body protesting with every stroke at the cold, his muscles burning with effort.

"Dad? DAD!" someone shouted, and as he came within reach of the shore, strong hands helped him and his burden out of the water. Shivering, he looked up into the worried faces of his two older sons. They looked down at him with their thickly bearded faces full of fear.

"W-we gotta get t-t-to the h-house," Ardenus said between spasms from the cold, shock and exertion. "He-lp us."

"Whoa, Dad," the oldest of his children said, looking at the unconscious man his father had just fished out of the river, "We can't-"

"Later!" the parent said, cutting off his child's protest.

Grumbling and apprehensive, the boys aided their burdens back home...

"How is he?" Ardenus asked his middle son Davin.

"Delirious, and feverish," the young wiry built, bearded man replied. "Are you crazy? We can't have one of them here. If the others find out, we can get in a lot of trouble!"

"So what?" asked the father, "I should've just let him die? That goes against everything we believe! I taught you better than that!" he added angrily.

"No... It's just that... I..." The younger man sighed in fustration. "You're right. But it still stinks."

"I know. But whatever happens, I'll deal with it."

"Dad, you may be one of the elders, but you know how some folks don't like... People like him. You may not be able to talk your way out of this."

"I know, that's why we're keeping this quiet for now. He has a car near where you found us... On the road on the east side. Take Markano, bring it back here and hide it in the barn. Use the truck. If it won't run, tow it, but do it fast before anyone sees it."

"What about you? ... And him?"

"Kavarin can take care of us. Go, quickly!"

He watched his son leave quickly as his youngest son entered the bedroom to tend to his father. "Are you OK, Dad? You look a bit weak," the youngster asked in concern.

"I'm OK, Son," he answered kindly. "It''l take more than that to get me down. How is he?" he asked, nodding towards the guest room down the hallway beyond the door.

"He's pretty bad. I think he's pretty sick. He keeps ranting and mumbling to himself. I think he's really out of it."

"What kinds of things is he saying?"

"Strange things... He seems to be talking about someone... Several people, like he was scared of them, but... He kept talking about his Dad, and some others named Mom and Sis. He's not really making much sense..."

Ardenus groaned as he began to get up.

"Dad! You shouldn't! You need to rest up. Let me help you relax-"

"No, not now. I need to hear. I need to know why that man tried to kill himself."

"Da-" the son tried to protest.

"No! I need to know!" the father said, cutting of his offspring's protest. "Help me."

Frowning, Kavarin did as he was told, placing a thick house robe on his parent before taking Ardenus' arm over his shoulder and helping the adult walk out of the room and up the stairs...

"Nooo," the stranger groaned, tossing slightly within the guest bed, the blankets tossed off of his nude body as he tossed and turned. "Don't- ... I'm sorry... Nooo"

Ardenus looked upon the man in shock. *He's so thin... Even for someone like that... Malnourished?... He looks terrified! What happened to make him like this?*

There was no mistaking the fact that this man had been suffering, both mentally and physically for quite some time, and it was clear that the fall and shock of the cold river had very little to do with the state he was in now. This man - no, despite his physical age, the person thrashing in pain and fear upon the bed was more boy to Ardenus than anything else - was suffering deep within.

The pain and turmoil cut through Ardenus like a knife. *No one should have to suffer like this,* he thought to himself, feeling very sorry for the boy who had apparently felt that there was nothing left worth living for, and had sought an end to his pain.

"What's wrong with him, Dad? It's more than just a fever, right? What do we do?"

"We help him as best as we can," the father replied, slowly sitting down on the side of the bed near the stranger's head. He reached out a hand, and slowly stroked the short brown hair with a hairy-backed hand. "I don't know enough about medicine for outsiders to help him... But maybe... Well, he needs to be fed... So perhaps..." Opening his robe and moving onto the queen-sized bed, he propped himself against the headrest and slowly pulled the prone man up to him.

"Wait... Dad, are you-"

"I've seen them do this too, and you know it helps the injured. If it doesn't work, we'll need to call in the doctor... But I'd rather not if we can help it. I want to try this first. Maybe it can help him." As his son watched nervously, Ardenus pulled the boy's head up to his chest, and gently guided him into place.

He began to gently pet the stranger's head, murmuring gently to him. "It's OK... They can't hurt you now. I won't let them. You're safe now. Come on... Go ahead... It's OK..." He gently pulled the boy's strained face to his hairy chest, then with his other hand, slowly squeezed his right nipple as he brought the boy's mouth to it.

There was a moan, whether in confusion or surprise Ardenus couldn't tell, but then a wet tugging at his hairy pec and a gentle flowing sensation told him that his idea had worked out as he'd hoped it would. "That's it, take all you want, I've got plenty. You're safe now. I'll protect you..." He said gently, stroking the short brown hair of his charge.

"It's working," Kavarin said, loosing some of his worried expression.

"Good. I think he'll be OK." Ardenus rocked slowly as he petted the strange sad boy, who grew quiet, the tension slowly leaving his unconscious body.

Ardenus began to relax, and as he did so, the pleasurable sensations of the boy's mouth began to slowly reawaken the feelings that had made him want to hurry home in the first place. The intimacy of the act he was performing was more than he cared to resist, and his penis stirred beneath his robe, stiffening to erection and rising free through the parting in the front of his robe.

"Well now," he said, looking down at himself in amusement. "Here I am feeling the need, and not able to tend to it." He sighed good-naturedly.

A chuckle reminded him of his son's presence. Far from being embarrassed or disturbed, the boy was looking at his father's slowly throbbing erection with a smile. "Problems? Maybe I can help with that."

Kavarin sat slowly on the edge of the bed near his father, and lovingly took the stiff phallus into his hand.

Gasping from the feelings of pleasure coming from both his shaft and his nipple, Ardenus looked into his son's eyes through his own slightly drooping lids, his mouth open partially and a look of complete lust and anticipation on his face as his son drew nearer to him...

Markano and Davin returned awhile later. The elder brother entered the house first by way of the kitchen door to find his youngest brother waiting for them with a slight smile on his lips. Suspicious, Markano sniffed deeply. "Unbelievable! You and Dad are mating while we have to lug some stupid outsider's broken down car all the way here!"

Annoyed, Markano stripped off his shirt to reveal a sweat-drenched torso and arms covered with an incredibly thick layer of dark brown body hair that completely obscured the well muscled body beneath. The hair continued up his neck to merge with his thick, short-cropped beard. That same thick hair also surrounded his arms completely from shoulder to wrist, and even covered the back of his hands. The effect made him look more like he had a furry pelt rather than an all-covering layer of very dense body hair. He scratched the hair on the side of his neck and tossed the shirt to the table angrily, glaring at his brother in annoyance.

"Well," Kavarin replied sheepishly, "He was horny, and it's been awhile for me too, so I helped him out is all."

The eldest sighed in annoyance. "I thought you were supposed to be tending to his health, not his lust. He'll never get better if you keep draining his sack all the time! And what about-" He cut himself short, gesturing towards the guest bedroom where the unwanted intruder was being kept.

"Dad's with him. -He insisted!" the youngest sibling replied, cutting his brother's protest off before it could begin.

"Well what's Dad doing?"

"Nursing him."

"WHAT?!? Why?!? He's not like us! What's that dumbass old man thinking?"

"Well, it seems to be helping. At the very least he's not freaking out and moaning in terror like he was before."

"Freaking out-?" The rest of Markano's sentence was cut off by the entrance the The light brown-haired middle sibling, who spoke to them as he entered.

"Hey guys," Davin said, clutching a white envelope in one hand, and an unfolded piece of paper in the other. "I think Dad should see this..." He finished, looking down at the paper with a frown of concentration.

Ardenus sighed as he stood nude within the dining room with his three sons, having left his robe with their guest. Slowly, he lowered the paper to the dining room table. It was just as he'd feared.

"Dad, what's going on? Why would someone write something like that? It doesn't make any sense," Davin said, his eyes glued to the letter his father had just set down.

"It means he deliberately jumped into the river." He looked at his sons, all of whom had identical expressions of confusion. "He's suicidal," he added.

"Suicidal... What's that?" Markano asked.

"It means he wants to die. When a person is suicidal, they feel a very deep sadness and pain in their heart. It's so strong that they feel they can't bear it anymore, and long for death. Since it won't come, they do it themselves as a means of escaping from their torment."

The three sons stared at their father in shock and disbelief.

"That's ridiculous!" Markano cried. "Why would anyone ever want that? It's insane!"

"You've never known pain of the heart, Son. None of you have. Your grandfather died before any of you came along, and no one has died in the community since, so you've never known loss. I have... But this is different." Ardenus turned his gaze towards the guest room. "Something awful happened to him... Something so painful that he wants it all to go away...." He trailed off, becoming lost in thought with a sad expression marring his handsome and hairy features.

He sighed, scratching the outside of his heavily hair-covered left buttock. Like Markano, and indeed all his offspring, Ardenus possessed a body almost completely covered in dense dark body hair. His nudity in front of them was a non-issue. They often forswore clothing when indoors or outdoors when the weather permitted. The house was kept at 70 degrees at all times to accommodate this, so he wasn't even cold.

"Maybe he's lying," Davin said, picking up the letter. "'There's no point,'" He read aloud. "'My family doesn't want me, I have no friends, home or job, and nothing worth continuing on for. To whoever finds this car, I will it to you, as well as everything in it. I hope it proves useful to you. I no longer have any need for it.'"

"We need to find out what happened," Ardenus told his children, shaking his head. "But first, we need to help him recover." He moved to head back to the guest room.

"Where are you going?" Markano asked. "You need your rest."

"I'm fine. And stop worrying. Besides, He needs a proper feeding."

"Then let me," Kavarin said, moving forward. "I've got plenty of milk. You really could do with some more bedrest anyways."

"No, no. I'm the one who brought him here, so he's my responsibility." He reached forward to stroke Kavarin's sides gently beneath the ribcage. "Save your milk for pleasure, Son. I'll go easy, I promise." He kissed the boy gently on the forehead, then headed back to tend to his charge.

Markano let out his breath in a hiss of disgust. "Just great. We're going to be in for it big time if this gets out! And Dad's playing nursemaid to some dumb, crazy human!"

"That's not fair," Kavarin countered. "You didn't hear him, Mark. That guy..." He looked back after his father with sadness. "He sounded terrified... Like he was being attacked. It was... Scary."

Davin came over and hugged his younger brother in sympathy before pulling him into a kiss. But Kavarin pulled away gently.

"Sorry Davin, but I'm not feeling up to that at the moment. I don't think mating with ease anything right now."

"Wow, Kav! You really are bothered by this. You're not even a little horny?" Davin asked with shock.

Kavarin shook his head sadly. "Sorry. I guess I'm just too distracted right now."

"I'm not really aroused either," Markano added, sounding a bit worried.

"You too?" Davin asked. "You're not both getting sick, are you?" he asked in alarm.

"No," his elder sibling replied. "I'm angry... And really scared. What if the elders learn about this. I mean I can smell him from here!" he said, pointing his nose at the hallway entrance. "If anyone else comes by, they'll smell him too, and then we'll all be in trouble, especially Dad. His eldership could be revoked, and there's nothing we could do to stop it."

The trio lapsed into thoughtful silence. Davin noticed his arousal had faded as well, and he didn't like how doubt and fear was robbing them all of their natural urges. He didn't like it at all...

Two days later, Ardenus looked down as the boy suckled from his hairy pec, enjoying the pleasurable sensations as the milk was sucked out of his left nipple. The once sickly guest was almost fully recovered now. The healing power of Ardenus' milk had helped stave off infection and illness, and had almost completely reversed the malnutrition he had been experiencing.

Ardenus slowly stroked his erection, enjoying the sensations shooting through his body as he nursed the ailing boy back to health. He felt a sigh of contentment against his furry pec, and an interruption of the suckling. He looked down curiously at his guest, speaking words of comfort...

He came to bit by bit, everything hazy. There was a deep male voice speaking gently to him, telling him everything would be OK, and that he was safe.

Slowly he opened his eyes to see a very hairy chest before him. It was the hair on this chest that had tickled his face slightly, providing the stimulation that had finally awoken him. He suckled a bit more before he realized what it was he was doing. Shocked at his own behavior, he lifted his mouth from the stranger's chest, noticing that the nipple was wet, with some white fluid still seeping slightly from it.

"Hmm? Wha- what's going on?" he said, pulling free from his caregiver's chest as he finally came to his senses.

He rose up slightly to see a very handsome man smiling down at him. His heart skipped a beat as he realized how incredibly handsome the stranger was. The man had a strong square-cut jaw and prominent brow with flat cheeks and full lips. His features were vaguely Nordic in origin. All of his lower face was covered with a dense, short cut beard of dark hair, and soft, dark green eyes that smiled at him warmly.

Realizing he was staring, the man flushed in embarrassment as the full realization of what he'd been doing to the hairy stranger's chest came to him.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry! Really! I didn't... I mean..." He stammered, fear settling around him like a vice.

"No, please. Don't be afraid," the strange handsome man answered in a deep but gentle voice. "I offered myself to you freely, and enjoyed it very much. I hope you did as well. It did help you, didn't it? You've recovered much faster and easier than you might have otherwise."

"I... wha-... What's going on?" he continued in alarm and confusion. "Who are you, and where am I?"

"My name is Ardenus, and you're a guest in my home. We're only a few miles north of where I found you after you... -went-... Into the river. How are you feeling?"

"Why? Why did you do that?" he asked in a suspicious and vaguely accusory manner.

"Because I value life, and death isn't an answer... It brings no joy or healing. I wanted to help you, so I dove in after you. You've been unconscious for over two days now, but I'm glad to see you're better now."

"You shouldn't've done that," he said lowering his face. "You could've died."

"It was a risk I was glad to take."

"You wouldn't say that if you knew what I was," he answered sadly.

"What? A gay man?" Ardenus asked in amusement.

The man looked up at Ardenus in shock, but became confused at seeing the amused smile on the stranger's face.

"Have you forgotten what we were doing only a minute ago? In case you hadn't noticed, I was rather enjoying it," he finished, moving the arm that was behind his guest's back.

The guest startled as he felt something long and vertical thump thickly against his back a few times. Jumping slightly, he rose up to a sitting position and looked down to the man's groin to see what had slapped against him. His eyes bulged in shock...

Before him was the largest penis he'd ever seen on a man. It was roughly two and a half inches thick, and at least a foot long. The immense phallus curved slightly upward from the groin, and the uncut foreskin was pulled down to reveal a spear-like head, which was a deep reddish pink color as blood pulsed through it, and glistening with a clear, organic lube that was seeping slowly from the piss-slit. The massive member twitched in time with his pulse as it rose majestically from a forest of thick dark public hair that even covered the last inch of the shaft, and it rose above very hairy testicles, each the size of an orange.

He stared at it for the longest time before reluctantly pulling his gaze away to take in the rest of his host's unusual appearance. This person was without a doubt the single hairiest man he'd ever seen. The thick follicles of his body covered it completely so that the skin couldn't be made out beneath it. The nearly black hair was short, and hugging his body so well that the shapes of the well defined muscles beneath it stood out clearly. The nipples, he noted, were devoid of fur, but surrounded by an ocean of the thick, fur-like substance. The body hair almost completely covered his entire body. There was the path of skin around the eyes, the nose, ears and forehead that were clear, making him look like he had a full covering beard. But looking downwards, the man saw that the hair didn't stop at the neck like it should. It spread down the throat to merge with the hair of his torso, and spread over the shoulders and down the arms, even flowing down the back of the hands.

Ardenus held up his hand, letting the boy take it in his own and twist it around to see that only the fingers and palms lacked the thick growth of hair.

Looking down further, the guest saw that the hair wrapped around the sides of the torso and spread down the legs to cover the tops of Ardenus' feet, leaving the toes and soles free of fur. He looked like his hormones had gone crazy, growing his body hair into a virtual pelt of fur.

As he looked at the being before him, he released the hand, then reached out and ran his fingers in the soft hair on the man's stomach. He rubbed his fingers around as he noticed something was off, or rather, so well hidden that he couldn't feel it.

"What are you doing?" Ardenus asked in amusement.

"Trying to find your navel. Man, it must be buried pretty good in there."

"What? No, I don't have one."

The guest's hand stopped moving, and he looked up at his host's face in confusion. "That's impossible. Everyone has a navel."

Ardenus shrugged. "Not me, nor does any of my kind. We've never had them."

"But... That's not possible. Everyone has a belly button. It's how babies are nourished in the womb by their mothers."

"Ah... There's the issue..." Ardenus replied, pausing in thought. "What's your name?"

"What? Oh, it's Kyle." he answered.

"Kyle. I like it... Kyle," Ardenus continued. "I'm about to tell you something a bit shocking, but I want to be honest with you. What I'm about to tell you is a very deep secret. One that could put many lives at risk. It is a very deep trust I'm placing in you, and I hope you can understand the need to keep this secret. Can I trust you?"

"Why tell me? You don't even know me!"

"I think I do, I've seen a part of you I'll bet you've never shared with anyone. I know you're suicidal, and I now know that it's because you're gay and that your family and friends cast you out because of it. I've seen the pain you feel, and I've seen what you're like when you let your guard down. I've seen your true face, and it's one I believe I can trust."

"Why?" Kyle asked in a whisper.

"Because you know what it's like to be a victim of others' hatred... You were feverish, and talked aloud in your sleep. You spoke about your family and friends, and also about your fears. They disowned you for being gay, didn't they?"

Kyle nodded slowly, feeling sad and ashamed as he hung his head. But a gentle hand under his chin lifted his face to see the sympathy in Ardenus' eyes. "You've been treated unfairly, simply based upon the fact that you're different from most of the world. You're an outsider, and so am I and all my kind. That can create a bond that runs very deep. Also, I think that all you've ever wanted in life is to be loved for who you are, not what you are. I've met your kind many times in my life, and I've seen just how judgmental and irrational they can be. That's why I'm willing to trust you. Because all you want is to be wanted."

The more Ardenus spoke, the more a strong welling of emotion built up within Kyle. He began to tremble all over, and before he even realized he was doing so, he was sobbing uncontrollably. Horrified at what he was doing, he tried to stop. Crying wasn't manly, it wasn't right. Nor did it ever solve anything. Tears never solved problems, they only forced you to deal with all of the bad feeling that were better off avoided.

But no matter how hard he tried, Kyle couldn't get himself to stop crying. He didn't understand it, nor did he understand Ardenus' reaction. For the hairy man not only -didn't- respond negatively, he pulled Kyle's head to his chest, petting and rocking him gently, kissing the top of his head and resting his check against the top of the boy's head.

"It's OK. Let it all out. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. Not ever..." He continued in this fashion, offering verbal as well as physical support to Kyle.

After awhile, Kyle realized that Ardenus' chest was spasming as well, and that his host was crying too. He finally pulled away enough to see tears upon the man's face.

"Why're you crying?" he asked in confusion.

"Because I've never seen anyone who was as hurt as you are,"Ardenus replied. "I'm sad, and I'm angry that you were ever made to feel like this. No one should ever have to feel the way you do. Damn them! Why do they always treat each other like that?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked, confused all over again. "Is this part of your big secret? Is it something to do with why you don't have a navel?"

Ardenus sighed. "Well, you see, despite what I may look like, I'm not really like you. You or anyone else of your kind."

"What? Then what kind of man are you?"

"That's just it. I'm not technically a man, at least not in the way you'd define a man. That's because I'm not like you. I'm not a human."

A deep silence fell between them. Ardenus could tell the boy wasn't able to process what he'd just been told. "Wh... What?"

"I'm not human... My kind are called 'Hirsune'. We've existed on the fringes of your world for a very long time, thousands of years in fact. Once, a very long time ago, we coexisted alongside humans. But as human religion progressed, it became more and more fanatical. The priests of the human religions began to call us abominations of nature, and said that we were evil and corrupt because of our own beliefs differed from their own, as well as the fact that we mated differently from them. They wanted a god who they could see as being a person like themselves, one who controlled all of life, and had very rigid rules that they were forced to live by.

"Our own beliefs are very different. Our source of divinity isn't a person, but a force of nature. It is the very act of procreation... Sex. ...Without sex, no beings can exist anywhere, for without the act of procreation, there can never be future generations, you see. To us, the face of divinity is here."

Ardenus grasped his penis, and began to stroke it back to erection. "It is through the penis and the anal passage that we worship the very source and driving force of life: Sex. We need no narrow-minded rules to guide us. We follow our lusts, and explore them openly without shame. To us, this is the truest form of worship of that which gives us life, the act of procreation. All Hirsune follow this belief, for it brings great pleasure. We also possess much stronger sexual drives than humans, partially by design, and partially because we have such a low birth rate, compared to humans that is. At least, that's the theory."

"But that doesn't explain why you say you're not a man. I mean look at you, you're the most masculine man I've ever met!"

"Well yes, I do pride myself on my virility and masculinity," Ardenus said with a smile, flexing a muscular arm. "But I'm more what you might define as a hermaphrodite. I can sire children by another Hirsune, or bare offspring myself. My anal passage has two paths, one for waste, and another for bearing young. I can take a phallus deep within me to fertilize one of my eggs, then after about two months of gestation, I lay the egg. Around a month later, the egg hatches, and a new Hirsune enters the world. This is how I came to be, as well as my three handsome sons."

"You can do both?!?" Kyle asked in shock. "Whoa... Wait... You said your three -sons- right? So have you guys ever had daughters?"

"No, you misunderstand. Because we outwardly resemble human males, we took to referring to ourselves in the masculine sense in order to avoid detection by the humans who wanted to destroy us. It began as a measure of self defense and concealment, but has become so ingrained into us that we continue to use these terms more out of habit than anything else.

"But there is still a danger. There are still humans who would gladly kill all of us, in order to preserve their beliefs, which include that we are monsters and abominations that the world would be better off without. Now you see why I'm placing so much trust in you. This knowledge could destroy us if it were to become widely known. There are some who would accept us, but the human priests still hold more than enough power to wipe my kind from existence. They tried it once before, but we endured, and went into hiding to avoid becoming extinct. So, we remain in hiding still, living in small communities like this one. We keep the knowledge of our existence secret except to a very select few. My ancestors even went as far as to destroy all traces of our very existence from human history, so that we wouldn't even be remembered. If any records of our kind still exist, they are most likely little more than myths that have faded over time."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I don't have anyone -to- tell, even if I wanted to, so your secret's safe with me."

"Good to hear." Ardenus said, and brought the human's face gently to his own and kissed him deep and long, gently exploring the boy's mouth with his tongue. They were getting into the kiss more and more deeply, until the door opened slowly. Kavarin poked his brown furry face into the room.

"Dad? How's everything going?" Kavarin asked, and stopped in surprise as he saw his father kissing the human deeply.

"Just fine, Son. Our guest has finally awoken... Kyle, this is my youngest son, Kavarin, self-seeded."

"Nice to finally meet you, Kyle," the young man said, smiling sincerely. His features were young, giving him the appearance of a twenty-something young man with a full beard. His features were also nearly identical to his father's.

"Kavarin Selfseeded? That's a much different name then I've ever heard before."

"No, no, just Kavarin. Kav for short. Self-seeded is how I came to be."

Kyle looked confused at first Kav, then at Ardenus.

"It means he was born and sired by me alone," the father explained. Then, seeing the human's look of shock, he added "I seeded myself by plunging my phallus into my own anal passage when I came into my season, and fertilized my own egg. Kav is a child who's origin is solely of my own body. I am both Father and Sire to him."

"How is that possible?" Kyle asked. "Genetically, it shouldn't even be able to happen. Um... No offense," he added, turning to Kav, who shrugged to show he didn't mind.

"Hirsune seed is very potent," Ardenus added, with a small sense of pride in his voice. "Our seed can impregnate any Hirsune, if the circumstances are right. However, it can take many years of trying before one becomes pregnant."

He rose from the bed, his erection jutting forward proudly, curving upwards slightly. "Come on, I want you to meet my other sons..." He held his hand out to the human with a smile...

Kyle sat nervously in the dining room chair, completely naked and surrounded by the four hairiest people he'd ever met in his life. Like their father, Davin and Markano possessed a wealth of dark and thick, all encompassing body hair that covered well-muscled bodies that bore strong, vaguely Nordic features, with strong square-cut faces and slightly prominent brows. Unlike Kavarin, however, there were differences in appearance of the two from their father. Whereas Kav looked the spitting image of his father, Markano and Davin had subtle differences in the shape of the face that showed while they were clearly related to their parent, their lineage seemed somewhat different. Each looked slightly different from each other as well, suggesting that each brother had a slightly different lineage than each other, too. Markano was rather well muscled, with dark brown hair and yeys, whereas Davin was lean of build, with light brown hair and eyes that were so light a brown that they were almost orange in color.

"Kyle, these are my two other sons: Markano, the eldest," (who nodded coolly), "and my middle child Davin," (who smiled nervously.) "Each was sired by another."

"Sired?" the human asked.

"I was mounted by other Hirsune, who fertilized the eggs that produced them. Each of them as a different Sire, but I bore and hatched each of them myself, as they are my young."

"So there are other Hirsune besides you guys?"

"There's a whole town of us. This home is a farm is located at the far southern edge of the community," Ardenus explained as Kyle studied the two younger Hirsune before him.

Both were extremely handsome, but Markano's face was slightly marred by an expression of deep mistrust. Davin, at least, was being polite, smiling welcomingly... Even if the smile was tinged slightly with worry. He watched as the human studied the nude form of their father.

Kyle had been shocked to see the man display no shame at all at being completely naked in front of his family. Then, as the man turned around and began to root around in the fridge for a snack, Kyle saw that the same thick layer of body hair wrapped around the Hirsune's form to entirely cover his back, ass, arms, legs and neck, giving the figure a complete pelt of short, dark and furry body hair.

Ardenus bent low, and his dangling, fuzzy testicles came into view. Forgetting where he was, Kyle's hand strayed down between his legs. Suddenly realizing what he was doing, the human pulled his hand up and returned his gaze the others in the room in embarrassment. He was shocked not only at his own behavior, but at the middle son's reaction to it.

"Dad -is- a pretty sexy fucker, isn't he?" Davin replied, smiling at the human knowingly before gazing appreciatively at his father's furry buttocks.

Shocked and confused, Kyle turned away from Davin in time to see Ardenus wiggle his ass suggestively with a chuckle. Turning back away from the sight, the human saw with shock that all three of the sons were responding shamelessly to the display, each with a look of deep arousal in their eyes. Davin licked his lips appreciatively, Kavarin wolf-whistled, and Markano's had strayed towards his groin.

"But.. He's your Dad!" Kyle sputtered in disbelief at the way the trio was openly displaying lust for their own parent.

"So? What's wrong with that?" Markano replied angrily, glaring at the human for his rudeness and accusory reaction. "Of course we lust for him. If it wasn't for him, none of us would have ever been hatched in the first place!"

"Mark, he doesn't understand," Ardenus said sympathetically, closing the fridge with a leg of chicken in his hand. "Humans behave much differently than Hirsune, and have lots of backwards beliefs when it comes to sexuality."

He smiled at the human. "Never be afraid of showing your lust, Kyle. Lust is the driving force of life, and we display it openly, especially towards our own family members. Hirsune families are united in lust, and we worship openly in front of, as well as with, each other."

"But... You're talking about incest!" the human protested. "What if you somehow got each other pregnant? The kids would be all deformed and sickly!"

The three sons looked to their father in confusion, who sighed, nodding his head slowly in understanding as he sat at the table, finishing a mouthful of the chicken leg he'd taken a bite from.

"You're thinking of human standards and genetics, Kyle. Hirsune semen is much more potent than human sperm. One of our doctors studied the differences between our jism and a few human samples, and found that Hirsune seed contains roughly fifty times the amount of DNA that human seed contains. However, only one of those genetic strands can successfully merge with an egg. If the DNA is too similar, there's no bonding, and the egg goes unfertilized. Because of that, there's an almost infinitesimal chance of the child becoming deformed. With humans, there's a much greater chance for too similar DNA to bond, which causes the birth defects. That's why incest is taboo among humans, as they can easily produce deformities in their offspring. But among us Hirsune, those same deformities have a much lower chance of developing. Because of that, incest has never been seen as harmful to us, so family members openly share their lusts, and mate freely with each other without fear of producing sickly children."

"Oh," the human said, his face falling. "I'm sorry. It's just that things are so different here. I didn't mean any offense. I'm sorry."

Merkano studied the human's face, his frown fading. *Well, he -does- seem to be sorry. Maybe I'm being too paranoid...* "It's alright. I just can't believe how backwards human thinking is," he answered aloud.

Kyle looked at him nervously. "I... I'll try to be more understanding."

"Fair enough," the oldest child replied, softening his attitude slightly towards their guest, yet still unable to completely trust him. He sat silently as the others talked, studying the human. He had to admit, the human -was- fairly handsome, despite being nearly bald in the body. Slowly, he began to wonder just how good the human's sexual prowess was. It could be rather interesting to find out... But in the back of his mind, fear continued to prickle away at his thoughts.

Davin's worry, meanwhile, faded the more they talked with the human, shedding their guest's misconceptions of society and how human culture differed from Hirsune practices and beliefs. He had to admit that this human seemed much more openminded that he'd always believed them to be, and by the time the evening drew to a close, Davins' objections to the human's presence in their community had mostly faded.

*Here's hoping,* Merkano thought however, grimly to himself as he settled into bed beside Davin, *that the elders are as openminded as Dad...*

The next morning, Kyle awoke to find a strong arm wrapped around him, hugging him close to Ardenus' chest, which rose and fell slowly in sleep. His stomach growled at him, and feeling that the Hirsune wouldn't mind, Kyle nuzzled the masculine muscled hairy pectoral, licking at the nipple, which began to firm up at his attentions.

The human pressed his mouth to the fleshy nub, and began to suck at it. A warm wetness flowed forth, and he consciously tasted the milk that flowed freely from it for the first time. It was a heady, musky taste that danced sweetly on his tongue, tingling his human taste buds as it squirted into his mouth. The taste was fantastic, and he couldn't get enough as he sucked long and deeply at the Hirsune's nipple, drinking deeply.

As he continued to suckle, the human felt a deep sense of calmness and comfort come over him, soothing his nervousness and putting him to a state of blissful contentment. Euphoric chemicals within the milk eased his mind, and brought peace to the human's brain.

The hair of the firm chest stroked his face, and the deep masculine smell of his host pervaded his nose, relaxing him and making him horny at the same time. Without realizing he was doing so, he began to grind his hips against the furry thigh pressed against his stiffening manhood, moaning quietly at the feeling of the soft body hair against his member as he suckled freely and without shame.

After a time, he opened his eyes to look up at Ardenus' face, and discovered the being smiling approvingly down at him, his sleep-glazed eyes twinkling as he brought his hand up and petted his charge's head gently, pushing his nipple up onto the human's mouth and beginning to grind his own hips against the bare, furless torso of the lad.

Seeing the approval in those deep green eyes, the human continued to nurse for awhile, filling himself with the musky milk and easing his hunger. When Ardenus raised his arm to prop his head up slightly for a better view of the boy's actions, Kyle breathed deeply, and his head began to swim with a drug-like euphoria.

"Fuck!" He gasped quietly, letting go of the nipple. "What is that?" His head feeling pleasantly fuzzy with the strange sensations as he breathed deeply once again.

"My musk," Ardenus replied, smiling at the human's glazed expression. He moved his other hand to the back of Kyle's head, and gently guided the human's face to his furry armpit where the musk seeped out from the pores there. "You like it?"

Kyle groaned deeply in answer as his face was ground into the damp fur of the Hirsune's underarm, slathering his face in the damp sweaty musk there until it was entirely wet from the potent secretion. His mind exploded with lust, and his penis became fully and painfully erect. He had never felt hornier in his life, and he moaned loudly in sexual abandonment as his libido went into overdrive. It had been far too long since he'd had any form of sexual release, and as the musk filled his senses with strong, masculine pheromones, his sex drive went into lightspeed. Kyle chewed and grunted at the hairy pit, revelling in the feelings and sensations awakening within him. He ground his hips against Ardenus' furry body, loosing himself to his lust.

"Yes! Take my musk, let it fuel your passions!" Ardenus rumbled lustily, his voice becoming a deep sexy growl as his own lust arouse at the human's arousal. "Feel the power of penis! Let it flow through you! Indulge your lust with me!" His hands roamed lustily over the human's body, stroking him until his hand came to the boy's ass, stroking sensually along the divide between the buttocks. "Let the divine power of phallus fill you!" The human's ass was damp with sweat, and he easily slid his middle finder up Kyle's rear passage, making the boy gasp then moan in pleasure.

Feeling the bald ass wiggle against his hand, Ardenus began to fuck the tight passage with his long finger, rubbing the back of the prostate as he stroked the boy's hole. Kyle moaned as Ardenus bent down and kissed him passionately, shoving his tongue deep into the human's maw, their writhing tongues wrestling as the scent of the Hirsune musk became thick in the air.

He desperately wanted to fling the boy onto his stomach and slowly sink his straining erection deep inside the human's rear, but he didn't dare. Kyle's anal muscles were like a vice around his finger, even with the musk working away at his body, and he groaned in discomfort at the intrusion of the finger, yet was driven by his raging libido to accept it. If Ardenus' finger was giving discomfort, there was no way the long, thick phallus could safely enter him. The Hirsune felt vaguely disappointed. He wanted to mount the young man, but couldn't do so without injuring him. Humans were built differently, and his penis would cause serious injury or worse if he tried to mount Kyle.

Instead, he settled for what he had, grinding his long shaft lovingly against the smooth body pressed against him. He knew he would need to mount someone very soon thanks to this, but one of the boys would gladly volunteer for that later, he was certain. He growled lustily as Kyle worked his hand between them to take the massive Hirsune shaft into his palm, and slowly began to stroke it's length as best as he could, due to it's size and the fact that it was being crushed between their writhing bodies. Ardenus became more savage at this, his aggressively masculine tendencies merging with his lust as it often did when in extreme arousal. This was their first mating, hopefully one of many, and the initial thrill drove his lust into overdrive.

"Fuck yeah! Beat my meat!" he growled savagely, snarling at the boy in primal passion, his lust driving him to animalistic behavior. His face screwed up into a savage scowl-like snarl, he stared deeply into the human's eyes as he was stroked, nodding fiercely in approval.

Ardenus was vaguely surprised at just how aggressive he was becoming. This was a much deeper level of feral behavior than he normally exhibited, even with his youngest boy Kavarin, who enjoyed aggressive sex quite often as well. Was it something about this human boy that was triggering it? He didn't know... And was too aroused to care.

Kyle looked at the transformation of the being before him, and felt his own penis turn to stone. Ardenus had changed from a loving, gentle nurturer into a savage, lust crazed beast in humanoid form. He was like a growling, snarling werewolf, full of savage power and aggressiveness. Kyle was shocked, his mind reeling in disbelief at how a person could change so completely in mentality. And while he was afraid, his lust was screaming inside him. Kyle had never been more turned on in his life.

Ardenus saw how Kyle was affected by his savagery, and it only turned him on even more. He growled and snarled aggressively at the boy, feeling the human quiver against him in a mixture of fear and excitement. "Fuck yeah... YEAHHH!" he growled, snarling inches from the boy's excited face. He freed his arm from behind his head, flexing the bulging muscles of his arm to display his masculinity to the excited human, who began to shiver with ecstasy. "Oh yeah, stroke him," Arduenuus said, thrusting eagerly into Kyle's hand. "Don't stop. Built the power! The lust! Raise the might of Penis within me! Don't stop! Don't fucking stop!" He growled, then snorted in the boy's face like an animal, bringing a gasp of pleasure and shock from the human's throat, and the boy literally quivered with excitement. Seeing this, Ardenus gasped as a thick wad of precum squirted free, striking the side of the human's face, who gasped in surprise, but continued to beat the massive meat in his hand.

Seeing this, he quickly leaned forward, wrapping the flexing arm around the boy and squeezing them together as he leaned forward and nipped savagely at the human's chin, scrapping his teeth carefully, yet firmly along the boy's hairy chin, then then nipping and chewing long the line of his jaw to the side of his neck, growling and snarling fiercely as he went. He scrapped his fingernails diagonally across the smooth back of his charge, and Kyle groaned urgently...

"Oh fuck!" the human nearly shouted. "I'm g- I'm gonna-! AHHH!!!" he cried loudly, digging his hips against Ardenus' furry thigh, spewing his seed into the Hirsune's thick body hair. Excited by the boy's climax, Ardenus fastened his teeth to the boys throat, just below the skull, digging his teeth fiercely against the human's throat and feeling the groans of ecstasy travel through the taught skin, through his teeth and into his head as he chewed savagely, being careful not to break the skin or bite hard enough to damage the boy.

Kyle's entire body convulsed rapidly as his orgasm surged throughout his body, making him spasm uncontrollably. This was too much for the Hirsune, and he let go of the boy's throat and with a moan, and then he snarled at the top of his lungs as his own climax burst free, soaking them both in his musky spew as it gushed forth from his throbbing boner. "Fuck yeah! Hail Penis, Hail the power of lust!" He growled loudly, then snarled and snorted rapidly as his orgasm continued to flow.

Kyle came down from his own orgasmic high to see the hairy figure beneath him continue to thrash and convulse as his penis continued to spray it's thick seed, growling and snarling savagely, looking -with his furry body- like a werewolf in mid-transformation. Kyle began to pet him, stroking the hairy chest, turned on by the display before him despite being spent. He loved every second of the show before him, not even minding that he was becoming more and more drenched in the Hirsune's massive amount of spunk as his penis gushed forth huge torrents of white semen.

But as several minutes passed, Kyle began to grow concerned, for Ardenus' orgasm seemed to be showing no sign of ending. The Hirsune continued to moan and writhe for a long time, growling and snarling, and Kyle began to grow worried, fearing something was wrong.

Waves of lustful surges poured through his body, and Ardenus felt his aggressiveness fade away as he continued to let his orgasm fill him, revelling in the power his mighty phallus imbued within him. After awhile, he opened his eyes to see Kyle shaking him, a look of fear in his eyes. Startled at the concern he saw there, he reluctantly willed his orgasm to end.

"Wh-what's wrong?" he asked the scared boy.

"What happened to you? I thought you were going to cum to death! It wouldn't stop!"

"Huh? Oh... Sorry. It felt so good I decided to enjoy it for awhile." He saw Kyle looking at him in confusion. "We Hirsune can control our bodily functions. We can produce any fluids we wish for much longer than humans, and we can orgasm for a very long time if we want to. I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's OK," Kyle said, looking relieved. "I just didn't know is all." He smiled sheepishly in embarrassment. "Sorry if I cut your fun short."

"That's OK, I can always cum again later," Ardenus answered, slogging the flood of sperm off of his hairy torso onto the sheets without concern.

He sat up, smiling at the boy, when movement at the window sent a surge of alarm through him. Scrambling up from the drenched bed, he staggered to the window in horror, but it was already too late; he saw a young nude Hirsune boy from town running away towards the road that lead into town. "Oh fuck!"he exclaimed in shock and fear, as the boy ran towards the road, having clearly seen the older Hirsune and human mating through the open curtains of the window.

"Shit! SHIT!" Ardenus exclaimed, as the boy hopped onto his bicycle and disappeared around the bend in the road.

The bedroom door burst open suddenly as Davin came in, a look of fear on his face. "Dad? What's wrong?"

"That damned Evarni brat! He saw Kyle through the window! Bet the little punk was sneaking onto the farm to steal food again."

"What? Where?" the son asked, dashing to the open curtains to glare out the window in fear.

"He took off already! Little shit's making a beeline back to town. I gotta get there and try to head this off before he tells his father about this!" He began to frantically grab for clothes. "Kyle, stay here with Davin. Don't leave the house!" He turned to his son. "Where're your brothers?"

"Kav's fishing at the river and Mark went into town to mate with Narendus."

"Ok, if Kav gets back here before me, you both stay here with Kyle. Same goes for Mark, if I don't run into him. If I'm not back in two hours, the oldest of you still here comes looking for me, OK?"

"Dad! You don't they they'll... Do something, do you?"

"I don't know," the father said, hastily pulling on jeans, shoes and shirt haphazardly over his still cum-drenched body. "There's never been a situation like this within memory, so they may be willing to listen to me. Stay safe OK?" he said, kissing his son quickly on the forehead before dashing out of the room. They heard the door slam closed, and then Ardenus was visible through the window, dashing down the road at a full run.

"This is bad, isn't it?" Kyle asked, staring out the window at the road Ardenus had just vanished down.

"Yes, it is," Davin replied, leaning against the wall. "We have strict rules about dealing with outsiders, and Dad violated them by taking you in without notifying the other elders. I understand his reasons, but whether or not the council will feel the same? I just don't know," he finished, shaking his head in worry.

"It's my fault," the human said, horrified. "If anything happens to him, it'll be all my fault. I should never have come here! I didn't mean it... I didn't even know there was a town here, let alone that it was an isolated community." He dropped down onto the bed heavily with a wet squish, headless of the layer of cum covering the sheets and blankets. "He should've let me die."

"Hey! Don't talk like that!" Davin contradicted him. "This wasn't your fault! If that little jerk hadn't come sneaking around here, we could've developed a good story for you being here. You were in pain, and Dad only wanted to help you. If those morons on the town council can't see that, then they're even more narrow-minded that I thought."

He moved over to the human, placing a hand on his furless shoulder. "Don't blame yourself. We'll figure something out. And maybe it won't be as bad as we think..."

Ardenus reached town square, panting heavily from exertion, and saw the boy's bike abandoned on the steps of city hall. *Little punk didn't waste any time at all, did he?* He thought angrily as he lumbered up the steps, clutching a stitch in his side behind his right milk bladder, and made his way towards the mayor's office. As he ran through the building, he heard people muttering and saw them staring at him - some in worry, others in accusation.

Before he could reach the door, it burst open, the head of the town council, and therefore the leader of the community, stood before him, looking grave. "Ardenus? Well, if you're here, and in this condition," he added, taking in the exhausted state of his fellow elder, "I can only assume that what my son has told me is true. What have you done Ardenus? Explain yourself!"

"Pareus, please- let me *gasp* explain!..." Ardenus forced out between pants from fatigue.

"Alright, come in," the mayor sighed, stepping aside and gesturing for the farmer to enter. As Ardenus past him, the mayor caught the smell of drying semen. He frowned, as this only provided confirmation to part of his son's tale.

As the farmer entered, he saw Evarni standing in the corner, glaring at him defiantly. A surge of anger filled him. Despite being a lover and not a fighter, he wanted to punch the little brat, and the defiant expression on the boy's face only heightened that feeling. He throttled the impulse down. Getting violent now would only make things worse that they already were.

Pareus entered, then looked at the boy. "Out!" he said.

"But Dad! I-"

"Enough! I know exactly why you were sneaking around out there. Stealing food from others again! Go home! Now! You're grounded! And if you're not in your room when I come home, it'll be even worse for you!"

Shocked, the boy left quickly, closing the door behind himself. Pareus threw himself down into his chair. "I swear, I don't know where I went wrong with him. I try to raise him right, but that boy is so damned determined to have everything his way without the slightest concern for how it affects others..." He trailed off in disgust. "All right, explain yourself. Ev said he saw a strange human mating with you at your house. So, what's the story?" he finished, his face a neutral mask, betraying nothing.

Ardenus sighed as he finished recovering his breath, and began to tell his fellow elder the events of the last few days...

"So you see, I couldn't just let him die like that," he said to the mayor some time later. "He's just a hurt and lonely boy, no matter how old he is on the outside. I... I don't think he's ever had anyone who was really supportive of him. It's as if I'm the first person he could ever open up to... The first person who ever gave a damn about him. He has no one out there who wants him, and nowhere to go. I want to take him in. If I don't, he won't last a month. He'll try it again, and next time, there most likely won't be anyone there to stop him... I couldn't live with that, not after having given him some sense of hope only to have it dashed so suddenly. It'd destroy him."

"And very likely all of us as well. Humans can be very vengeful." Pareus sighed, putting his head in his hands. "If it were up to me, I'd say that we could take longer to figure this out, but that damned boy of mine made -that- option impossible. All the way in here he was shouting about your human guest. I'm sure word has already gotten out. I saw several people leave the building just after he came in shouting. By now, the rest of the council will be finding out... I'll have to call an emergency meeting, and I'll need you to stay here for now. You've violated our laws, no matter how good your intentions, Ardenus. Where's the human now?"

Ardenus looked up in shock, first that Pareus was basically arresting him, then feeling fear for Kyle's safety. "Wait! What're you going to do with him?"

"He'll have to be brought before the council. Arden, this will go easier for you if you cooperate with us." He saw Ardenus' determined face. "Look, I promise nothing will happen to the human without you there. That's the best I can offer you right now."

"He's at the farm," Ardenus said numbly, feeling defeated...

Kavarin heard shouting from the house as he approached, and dropped his fishing gear and catch, running to see what was wrong. He reached the house just as the town guards came out the front door, hauling a terrified-looking Kyle between them, a furious Davin following them as he shouted protests.

"You can't just haul him off like this," Davin was shouting. "He's still a person and he has rights! Are you forgetting my father is part of the town council?!?"

One of the large, burly guards turned to him. "Our orders come from the mayor himself! If you have a complaint, take it up with him!" They all but dragged the human into a city vehicle in the driveway.

"Then I'm coming too!" Davin said, following them.

"Davin, what's going on?" Kavarin asked, running forward.

"That stupid brat Evarni snuck onto the farm, saw Dad with Kyle and took off. Dad went into town to try to explain, but I haven't seen him since, and now these thugs are arresting Kyle!"

"Shit! What do we do?"

"I'm going with Kyle. Follow us in the truck."

Kav hurried inside for the keys, and came out to find the car already speeding away down the road. Cursing, he ran for the truck...

Markano stepped out the front door of his friend's house, giving Narendus a kiss of gratitude. "Thanks, I really needed that. It's been so stressful at home that I really needed to let out some steam."

"You sure you don't want to talk about it?" his friend asked with concern.

"No... I don't really want to talk about it yet," he replied untruthfully, his eyes sweeping the peaceful main street of the small town. "Thanks anyways-" he began, but was startled when one of the city's two official cars tore down the street quickly, passing them. "What the-?" He began before honking from behind caught his attention. He turned to see Kav speeding towards him in the family truck, coming to screeching halt near him.

"Mark! Get in!"

"What's going on?"

"They found out about Kyle and came for him. Dad came into town to explain but I haven't heard from him since!"

"Dammit!" the eldest sibling swore, dashing for the passenger side door...

It was nighttime later that day, and the leaders and involved parties were gathered in the town meeting hall, which also served as the courtroom for settling disputes. However, it had never been used for such a serious situation. The council, town guards, Kyle, Ardenus and his three sons were the only ones present. The rest of the community was being assured that the situation was under control, and the council would soon reach a decision on what to do. All Hirsune were worried. This was the most serious situation they had ever experienced, and some folks were nervous, while others thought it would be better to simply get rid of the human to ensure their safety. Everyone was awaiting nervously for the council's decision...

Six mature Hirsune sat at all but one of seven chairs placed in a row behind a long table set sideways at the back end of the room. The empty chair would normally have been filled by Ardenus himself. He was standing before them instead, this time, being the offending party. The farmer's three sons sat nervously in chairs in the front row facing the table. In the middle of the room, four large-muscled guards stood, two surrounding the scared and pale human, two on either side of Ardenus. The grey haired Hirsune sitting in the center seat behind the table cleared his throat.

"So, you're the human who's stirred up so much trouble for us," Pareus said, looking upon the pale-looking human, and rubbing his grey beard thoughtfully.

"Yeah," Kyle replied nervously. "Sorry about that," he finished sheepishly, feeling the need to apologize.

"You're sorry?!?" an angry-looking redheaded Hirsune on the left said. "Do you think this is a joke?!?" he shouted furiously, slamming his fist down upon the councilmens' table, sending a plastic cup flying off to the ground, where it bounced around, scattering water across the wooden floor.

"No, I-" the human began, almost stammering.

"Enough!" the redhead interrupted impatiently. "We all know what humans are capable of! I say we execute him and be done with it!"

"NO!" Ardenus shouted.

"Surely, not!" protested a bald headed Hirsune with a blonde beard and body hair on the right.

"QUIET, EVERYONE!" Pareus shouted overtop of them both, slamming his gavel on the table to bring order. "We will consider the matter -properly- before we come to a decision! And as we are a Democratic council," he added, glaring at the hostile redhead, "we will vote on the matter. Now we've all heard Ardenus' explanation: The human, feeling alone and suffering, tried to end his own life, but Ardenus saved him and nursed him back to health. However, before he could explain the situation to us, his fellow council members, the human was discovered and news spread before it could be contained. Ardenus. Do you have anything else to add?"

"Yes. I've seen what the human is like when he lets his guard down. I've seen what kind of person he truly is, and I trust him. I know that he won't betray us to other humans. He has no family, no one who cares for him. He's alone in the world, and-"

"All the easier, then!" the redhead cried, standing up and moving quickly around the table to grab the human by the shoulder. "No one will miss him. We'll kill him and then there won't be any need to worry about-"

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON!!!" Ardenus shouted furiously, his voice ringing off the walls; a look of ferocity marring his handsome features.

The entire room fell silent, everyone staring at the farmer with stunned expressions, who stood there numb with shock at what he'd just said. He then realized that he meant it.

"You heard me!" he said dangerously, glaring at the redheaded Hirsune, who had frozen in place, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"Let him go, Volnaro," the mayor said, regaining his voice.

Reluctantly, the redhead released the human's arm and stepped away.

Behind him, Ardenus could feel the eyes of his three Hirsune sons boring into him. But how could he explain how he felt? The human only wanted to be loved and accepted. During the time Ardenus had nursed the human back to health, he'd bonded with him, Father to Son, and the human had shown signs of accepting him as a father figure. He was beginning to see Kyle as a son just as much as his three naturally hatched boys.

The three sons stared at their father with shock at first, but then each thought hard about the matter, coming to their own conclusion silently.

*I can see why,* Kav thought to himself. *Dad feels responsible for him, and you'd have to be blind not to see that he really loves Kyle now as much as us.* He smiled slightly to himself.

*I hope Dad knows what he's doing,* Davin thought to himself. *I can see why, though. Kyle seems rather nice. I wouldn't mind having him as a brother.*

*Dad...* Mark thought, shocked more than his brothers at their father's behavior. *What does he see in this human that I don't?* Markano had always trusted his father's judgment in the past, despite his protests to the contrary. He had to admit, though, that Kyle seemed rather nice, once he'd gotten to know him. *Even if he -is- way too bald,* the eldest child thought with a misplaced spark of amusement. *But still...* he thought, sobering, *He's a human. Dad can't be serious...*

"You can't be serious!" Volnaro said in shock. "He's a HUMAN! You know what they do to our kind! Even if you did do what I think you're planning on doing... It's absurd!"

"Despite Volnaro's objections," said the bald elder. "He does raise a good point, Arden. What, exactly, are your intentions with him? Do you plan to Gift this human?"

"Gift him?" Ardenus said, looking at Kyle. "I... Honestly hadn't thought about that... I don't know... It's a possibility, I suppose... Only if he consents to it, though..."

"Well," Pareus said, sounding grave, "Regardless of your feelings, you violated our highest law and may well have brought danger down upon us all. As an elder and member of this council, you should know better than that. Therefore, we have little choice in the matter..."

"Wait!" Kyle said, pulling forward in protest.

"Kyle, don't!" Ardenus said, trying to keep attention away from the human in an attempt to protect him.

"You have something to say, Human?" Pareus replied. "I suppose it's fair, seeing as how this is all because of you... Speak."

"Please don't hurt him," Kyle begged them. "It's my fault all of this happened. I didn't mean to hurt anyone! Well... Not anyone else, that is... I only wanted to stop hurting... To stop being alone. I didn't know there was a town here! I was just looking for a place to die. Look, I don't care who or what you are. So what if a town full of hairy hermaphrodites want to fuck each other silly! What's the harm in that?"

"Well said," the bald elder muttered to himself, smiling slightly. Pareus heard the comment, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

"You can keep your secrets," the human continued. "I don't care. I came here to die... And if that's what it takes... Then I'll surrender myself to your judgment-"

"Nooo!" Ardenus moaned, straining against the guards holding him in protest.

"-But on one condition!"

"Go on," the mayor said, leaning forward in interest.

"Please spare Ardenus. It's my fault this happened. He was only acting out of kindness. He shouldn't be punished for showing compassion, should he?"

"Even if this means your death?" the mayor asked slowly.

"I came here to die anyways, so what's the difference? If it'll make you feel safer and spare Ardenus in the process, then go ahead."

"No," Ardenus pleaded. "You can't kill him. Please! This isn't our way! We value life, not destroy it! That goes against everything we believe!"

Behind him, his three Hirsune sons joined in with their own pleas and protests. The individual words indistinguishable as they echoed off the walls.

"No, you don't get it!" Kyle interrupted them. "It's OK. I wasn't afraid to die then, and I'm not now." He turned to Ardenus. "You gave me what I never thought I'd have: love and acceptance. Even if it was only for a little while, it's more than I ever hoped for." He had to stop then, as tears filled his eyes and emotion choked his throat. He hung his head. "At least this way," he continued with effort, "I can die happy."

A chair scrapping brought everyone's attention to the council table, where the bald elder stood quickly. "No, I cannot abide this!"

"Welvayan?" Pareus asked, looking to the elder who served as head priest of the community.

"Ardenus is right," the priest said. "We are lovers, not killers! I will not abide the killing of this human, not for any reason! Ardenus has spoken for his defense, and the human has offered his own heartfelt vow to honor our secrets. I know we haven't voted yet, but I say that Ardenus be granted mercy on grounds of compassion, and the human spared."

"I agree," said another, black haired elder thoughtfully, as he sat next to the priest.

"As do I," said the elder to the far left.

"I abstain from any punishment for now," said another gray-haired elder at the far right. "But I do feel that there should be a probationary period for the human to judge the sincerity of his words, and the possibility of Gifting addressed fully."

Pareus turned to the remaining silent elder. "Falmaru?"

"I will state now," said the remaining elder scratching his graying brown hair, "That I am uncertain as to the sincerity of the human... But as I'm outvoted, there's little left to consider. I'll abide by the vote of the majority."

"Volnaro?" Pareus asked, turning to the fiery-tempered redhead.

"I still vote for execution of the human, and that Ardenus be stripped of all rights and privileges!... But as this is a -Democracy-, my vote doesn't matter now, does it?" He finished, looking at those who voted favorably with open disgust.

"Very well," the mayor answered, shooting the redhead a dirty look. "I also vote for clemency-"

The three Hirsune youths cheered loudly.

"HOWEVER!..." The head of the council added, shouting over the noise, bringing instant silence from the boys, who suddenly looked fearful.

"The human is now your responsibility, Ardenus, and you will be held accountable for his behavior. He is to remain under your care while his trustworthiness is evaluated. Of course, if you should choose to truly make him your own, then the issue will, naturally, become mute. Also," he added, leaning forward gravely, "I must impress upon you the seriousness of your actions. Therefore, your voting rights within this council are hereby suspended for the course of one year. You may continue to sit on the council, but you will have little say, and your vote will only be considered in case of a deadlock." He turned to the rest of the elders. "Does my ruling agree with you all?"

Murmurs of accent came from all but Volnaro, who stood rigid and silent.

"Volnaro?" Pareus pressed.

"Fine!" the redhead snarled, and stormed out of the hall.

"Meeting concluded!" the mayor stated in annoyance, banging his gavel and glaring angrily at the departing figure's back.

The boys cheered as they rushed forward, the guards releasing Kyle and Ardenus.

"I'm sorry," Kyle said quietly to the father. "It's because of me you basically got demoted like that."

"What?" Ardenus asked in shock, looking at the boy in surprise. "It's only a year, Kyle. That's basically just a slap on the wrist. It's actually the best I could've hoped for, really." He looked at them all and smiled in relief. "Come on, let's go home."

As they walked out of the meeting hall, Markano gently pulled the human back. "Did you really mean that?" he asked in shock. "You really would've sacrificed yourself to save Dad?"

"Yeah," the human replied quietly. "I meant every word of it." He slowly walked away towards the exit.

Mark stood motionless, feeling a new respect, for the human as he watched Kyle move away slowly, as well as a growing guilt at himself, ... And yet, there was also sadness mixed in with it... For he had seen that along with the sincerity, there had been a haunted sadness and guilt in the human's eyes as he spoke...

Kyle rode in silence within the cab of the truck. With Ardenus driving while wrapping a protective arm around the human's shoulders, and Kavarin sitting on his right while the last two Hirsune of the family rode in the bed of the truck, Kyle felt as though he was surrounded by matched furry bookends, what with the almost identical appearances of the people on either side of him.

The human sat there numbly, trying to process what all had just happened.

He'd never been more afraid in his life when the two burly town guards had hauled him away. That Davin had gone with him had been a small comfort, but the human knew that there wasn't anything his host could truly do to help him.

But why had he been afraid? No one wanted him, his so called family and friends had proven that.

He was out one night for dinner at a restaurant with his parents, older brother and younger sister. The subject eventually wound around to asking Kyle why he still had not found a woman to settle down with. He'd had a rough day at work, and being badgered yet again about his endless status as a bachelor, that he'd finally told them the truth. He'd come out as a gay man to them.

He hadn't expected them to react warmly, but the way they had reacted had been even more painful than he'd thought. "I knew from t he start it was a mistake to keep you," his mother had said in a nasty tone, looking as though she had just bitten into something with too much pepper in it. His sister sat there looking as though she would rather be anywhere else, and refused to look at Kyle the rest of the night. His father and brother were worse, however, looking at him with such disgust and hatred that he was afraid they would leap from their chairs and attack him if they weren't out in public.

They had refused to even allow him into the car to go home to his parent's house where he had been staying the night. He'd had to take a taxi there, and arrived to find his possessions dumped into the garbage. They refused to answer the door or the phone. His family had disowned him.

The next day at work, he was so distraught that he dropped a case of expensive whiskey at his job at a liquor store. He offered to pay for them, which the manager accepted graciously with a sympathetic smile, then asked him why he seemed so put out that day. Tired of hiding who he was, he explained. His boss developed a closed expression, and walked stiffly into his office. Half an hour later, Kyle had been called in and told that the whiskey was too valuable a loss to simply ignore, and that he was fired.

He arrived home and met with his friends, a married couple named Bob and Alice, who lived two doors down. When he explained why he had lost his family and job, they had grown cold. "You should've told us you were a fag to begin with," Bob had said, as Alice looked at him uncomfortably. He was asked politely to leave, which he did, and the last people left in his life were gone from it.

He had tried to find another job, but after three months of searching without success and no income to pay rent, his landlord had evicted him. He'd had no one left to turn to, and was hurting so much from the betrayal of everyone he had known, that he not longer felt as though he could trust anyone.

Realizing how alone he was, he'd made up his mind. If this was the best life had to offer: pain, loneliness and eventual homelessness, then it was a life he didn't want. He'd longed to travel across America one day anyways, so he decided to make that his last action in life. He'd not worried about paperwork, or valuables; he'd placed into his car only what he had truly loved in life, making the car into a funeral barge. Then he picked a random direction, and drove. Anytime he reached an intersection, he'd picked a direction at random, traveling vaguely east. It didn't matter where he ended up as long as he could travel some before he died.

He knew he wouldn't get all the way to the east coast. The car was old, and his money low when he began the trip, so he'd promised himself that he'd go as far as he could. Then, once the car had gotten him as far as it could, that spot would be where he would die. He had a pistol and a few bullets, and had planned to shot himself.

When he'd reached the river, however, he had decided that the river would be a good enough way to die, seeing as it was so cold. Jumping into it had taken every ounce of willpower he'd had. All he had wanted was an escape, the pain to finally end.

But the river hadn't claimed him as he'd wanted it to. Ardenus had saved him instead. Kyle had been shocked at first, when he'd first awoken, and had then been horrified to find that he was bawling like a toddler before a complete stranger.

But then something strange had happened. Not only had the stranger not looked down on him with scorn for displaying unseemly emotion, but had shared in that pain. For the first time in his life, Kyle was with someone who had genuinely cared about how Kyle felt, and even expressed anger that others had made the human to suffer. Ardenus had not rejected him for being different, but felt pity for him for being cast out by everyone the human had ever trusted.

He had been shocked to find out that a completely different species of people existed in the world, and while these people were vastly different in so many ways, they had shown the human more respect and kindness than he'd ever had from even a single human.

Then, everything had fallen apart, and he had been drug away as a prisoner. He felt a deep sense of guilt that he had gotten them into trouble. When the court, or whatever they were, had went to pronounce their verdict, he'd felt the need to act. Others didn't deserve to pay for his own mistakes, especially those who had treated him better than anyone else ever had before in his life. He owed them.

The part of him that still wanted to die didn't mind this. He'd hated wanting to commit suicide, and while he knew he was doomed either way, at least he could repay them for their kindness by taking all of the blame onto himself. It wasn't nobility or heroism he had felt, but a deep sense of obligation. He had done this to them, so he wanted to make things right by his hosts.

But when the angry redhead moved forward and grabbed him, his fear overrode his feelings of obligation for a moment, until Ardenus had defended him, calling the human his son. Kyle still didn't know what to think of that. Here was someone he'd barely met, looking ready to kill to defend him.

Kyle was still in shock when he heard the court go to pass sentence, and had jolted out of himself. He did the only thing he felt he had left to do, he could thank Ardenus for his kindness by doing the only thing he had left to him to do, offer to take all of the blame, so that the person who had shown him kindness and defended him wouldn't have to share the blame for the human's mistakes.

But something odd had happened. They were given mercy instead. Kyle's willingness to take all of the blame had touched the elders, who had chosen to show mercy. Now Kyle was on his way back to the farm, not knowing what the future held, or even how to feel.

He was jarred from his reflection as they pulled into the dirt driveway of the farmhouse, and he got his first good look at the place.

The farmhouse was a large rectangular home of indeterminate style. Made of pine wood logs that were lacquered, the house had a golden wood color with dark brown trim and a large, walk on porch that wrapped halfway around the house with golden wood banisters. The upper floor of the house looked slightly different, as though someone had tried to copy the building style of the main floor, but had altered it slightly. The grey tiled roof was slanted down towards the front from the peek, with squarish window boxes jutting forward from it in three places.

As they got out of the truck, and walked towards the house in the evening light, Kyle walked as if in a dream, not certain what to think or feel...

Ardenus was in his own bed tonight, but with company, for he had asked Kyle to share his bed with him. Not for sex... At least not tonight, but for shared comfort. "Thank you," he said quietly, hugging the human close to him. "You have no idea how much it means to me... What you said... What you were willing to do for my sake..."

"I meant it," Kyle said softly into the Hirsune's hairy chest. "You gave me more that I ever had any right to expect. I never thanked you for that, Ardenus."

The Hirsune used a hand to gently turn the boy's head up to face him. "... Call me Dad... Please?" he asked, his voice thick with emotion.

Kyle stared up at him, his face unreadable.

"I meant it, you know," Ardenus said, "What I said back there in that room. You're mine, if you want to be. To me, you're now as much my son as any of my hatchlings. I'd be honored," he added, his voice growing thicker, "if you'd join us and become part of our family. Even if you are a human rather than Hirsune, you're one of us as far as I'm concerned."

Kyle thought about it for several minutes, Ardenus waiting in silent anticipation and hopefulness. "I want that too... Dad," he said quietly.

Ardenus felt his heart swell with happiness and love, and he kissed the boy, no, his Son, passionately, but gently until they fell asleep in each others arms...

Ardenus awoke to the pleasant sensation of being nursed on. He smiled sleepily to see his newest son suckling milk from his left nipple, moaning softly in pleasure. He reached up and gently stroked his human boy's hair, smiling down at him. "That feels good, Son. You know, though, that you'll have to eat proper food again sometime. Trust me, our cooking isn't too bad!"

"Sorry, Dad," the human answered with a sly smile, having fully accepted his role as adopted child to the hairy father laying next to him. "Your milk is just too fucking delicious! I can't get enough of it!" He sighed dramatically though and rose to a sitting position. "I suppose I should give you a rest though, before your nipples fall off!"

Ardenus grinned at his son in amusement. "I'm always here for you, though, whenever you want more. Of course, you'll have to share with your brothers. Pity I only have two nipples, though." He got up, stretching, then flexing his muscles, enjoying the look of lustful hunger his son gave him, watching the muscles flex and bulge. "Oh no," he added, seeing his son's reaction to the display, "We can mate later. For now, we need to share the good news with your brothers!"

They made their way to the kitchen, where the three Hirsune sons greeted them with smiles.

"Boys, I have an announcement. Kyle and I talked it over, and I've adopted him. Kyle is now an official member of our family, and your youngest brother."

"Really? Great!" Davin said, smiling encouragingly.

"I kinda figured," Markano added, with a thoughtful, yet reserved look. "Welcome to the family, Brother,"he said, but there was an odd expression in his eyes that the human couldn't identify.

It was the youngest of the trio, however, with the strongest reaction. "FINALLY! Fuck, you have -no- idea how hard it is to be the youngest!" he said to Kyle. "I've been hoping Dad would get around to laying another egg, so -I'd- stop being the hatchling, but this is just as good!"

"Don't go getting drunk with power now," Mark told him dryly, seeming to recover from whatever was bothering him.

Kav stuck his tongue out at the eldest sibling, then turned to Kyle. "But seriously... Welcome to the family, Brother."

The other two murmured their agreement and the three came forward to embrace him, hugging him tightly, then beginning to stroke the human's nude body, kissing him passionately and stroking his flaccid penis. Inspired, Kyle returned the actions, fondling his new brothers for the first time and without shame, all former protests against incest long gone from his mind. The four siblings huddled together, pressing against each other as their lusts awoke.

"Ah, ah, ah!" their father said, suddenly pulling the human away from them. "That's..." He winced, looking apologetic, "...one ground rule I need to set: You can't mate with him, at least not anally."

As he expected, this announcement was greeted with a storm of protests.

"Oh come on! You can't give us a brother and not let us fuck him!"

"That's not fair!"

"Why not?!?"

"Hey!... HEY!!!" the father shouted, and the trio went silent, looking mutinous. "Humans are built differently! They can't take our penises without getting hurt badly! You can masturbate with him and suck from his phallus, but no mounting him! It could literally kill him!"

That brought a shocked realization to them. They had no desire to harm their new brother, and so, mumbling slightly, they all agreed to their father's decree.

"Now come on," the father said, "let's have our first breakfast together as a family!"

Recovering with grace, the siblings began to cook their meal for the day...

As they sat there, sometime later, relaxing and digesting an excellent breakfast of ham, eggs, sausage, pancakes and toast with coffee and orange juice, Kyle sat there, staring in amazement at how much food the Hirsune had packed away. He had barely cleaned a single plate, whereas each of his new hairy relatives had polished off at least four plates each. Despite goodnatured teasing from his brothers and a healthy concern from his father, the human simply couldn't keep up with them. The single plate he'd had filled him nearly to bursting.

"Sorry. Guess I just have a smaller stomach than you guys," he said apologetically.

"Fine then," Davin replied with a smile. "More for me!"

As he sat there, the human remembered something from last night. "Say, Dad?"

Ardenus looked up from his plate, curious.

"During the hearing... People said something about 'Gifting' me. What did they mean?"

The father's chewing slowed thoughtfully, then he swallowed. "Well... It's old and rare, Gifting, and has only happened once before in our community, but that was before the person involved even moved here from out east. Basically if we did that, you and I, then you'd truly be my Son in every way."

"What do you mean?" he asked, his brothers having grown quiet to listen. "You already said I am your son now."

"Well, technically, you're an adopted son, meaning that you're an honorary member of our family by mutual consent. However, there's a way you can truly, physically become a member of the family, genetically speaking."

"What? Like some kind of blood brother ritual?"

"No, I mean you could be changed. You'd physically become a Hirsune that's genetically descended from me."

"...How is that even possible?" Kyle asked, staring at his new father in shock. Still, the idea sounded somewhat appealing.

"I don't know the process, but Roderal knows. He's a member of our community, but began life as a human like you. But he made the change many years ago, long before he moved here about twenty years ago. Harian knows too. He's the town doctor, so he'd know, too, and anything he doesn't know he can find out."

"I could become like you guys? Really?"

"Yes," Ardenus said, leaning forward. "That is, if you'd want to. We never force the change onto anyone. It's always their personal choice to become Hirsune. ...Would You want to? To become Hirsune?"

"I... Don't know. I never thought that would be possible. I'd want to know more about it before I decide... As well as know the differences between human and Hirsune and any possible down side before I made up my mind..."

The Hirsune lads looked back and forth between father and human brother, waiting with baited breath.

"Well," the father said thoughtfully. "We can talk with the doctor and Roderal and find out, if you'd like."

"Yeah, that sounds good." Kyle found himself growing more interested by the moment.

The three brothers just stared at them in shock and wonder, unable to think of anything to say, but smiling vaguely to each other...

Fortunately, both of the two people were available to be met with that day, and after calling each of them, arrangements were made to meet just after lunch at the town's medical clinic. Ardenus and Kyle left shortly before noon, the other three sons beginning to prepare the farm for the upcoming planting season with help from some of the local townsfolk who were regular farmhands.

As they left the house, Kyle blushed at the many pairs of eyes and whispers. They already knew the situation though, thanks to Markano having gathered them together upon arrival for the day, and explaining the full situation to the nervous townsfolk. Not all of the stares Kyle received were friendly, but most of them seemed more curious than hostile or scared. Kyle caught one of them cruising him shamelessly, rubbing his dick through his jeans and smiling slyly as the human walked by.

Ardenus chuckled as they got into the truck to head into town. "Oh boy! This'll be interesting! ...Nothing like fresh meat to get everyone worked up. You'll be beating them off with a stick if we're not careful!"

The drive into town was marked with more stares of interest, and Kyle grew a bit nervous. He remembered how irrationally angry the redheaded elder had been. Were there more people like him? Would Kyle be attacked by someone? Kyle grew nervous as they drove, and Ardenus, sensing the boy's fear, used his right arm to pull the boy to him in a protective, one-armed hug. Kyle felt his father's love and protectiveness wash over him, and sighed contently against the strong, furry arm, his tension easing.

As they went, Kyle saw that the town was a rather small one, and within only a mile or so, after driving past the last of the farm's planting fields, they turned onto the main two-lane road, one that divided the town in two along its length. They reached the business district after only passing a few residential blocks of homes. One more thing Kyle noticed, was the lack of any mainstream businesses. There were no familiar fast food restaurants, stores or gas stations. Every business in town seemed to be privately owned. The community truly did seem to be cut off from the rest of the world.

The town had a fair population as well, and all of them, at least as far as Kyle could see, were comprised solely of the hairy, masculine Hirsune, many of whom watched the truck pass by. Some waved in friendly greeting, but some turned their backs as the vehicle cruised by. The ones who looked seemed to be straining for a view of the human as the truck rolled by.

Ardenus sighed as yet another Hirsune glanced at the truck, then turned away, ignoring them. "Guess there's a fair number of pissed off people. Well, I can't really blame them. There's a lot of mistrust towards humans, and I -did- go and break our laws of isolation without consulting anyone..."

They reached the town's clinic, and went inside. There, they found an older Hirsune talking with another middle-aged one who possessed a bulging stomach, looking primarily as though he was a thin man who had suddenly gained a fairly sizable beer-gut in a very short time. The human stared openly. He'd recalled Ardenus' explanation of how Hirsune came into existence, but here was proof standing right before him: what essentially looked like a pregnant hairy man. He felt a little shocked, but not in a bad way. After a moment to process all of this, he stepped forward to join the three Hirsune in conversation. It was then that Kyle recognized the older one talking to the pregnant Hirsune as one of the elders from the trial. Not, incidentally, one of the ones who had voted favorably towards him.

"Ok, have a good day then, and remember, masturbation is fine, but no sex with others until a day or so after the egg comes forth, alright?" the non-pregnant Hirsune said to his patient.

"Oh alright," the pregnant one replied dispiritedly.

"Hey Zayvan," Ardenus replied, stepping forward. "How're you coming along?"

"Oh," the father-to-be said, turning to him with a smile. "Hey Ardenus. Pretty good. He'll be ready to come out in just a few weeks, it seems." He said, stroking his large stomach affectionately, then turned to the human with a smile of curiosity. "So you're the one everybody's talking about, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm Kyle." He stared openly at the Hirsune's bulging stomach. "So you really are pregnant?"

"Yes," Zayvan said with a smile, stroking his large belly affectionately once more. "I'd been trying for years now, but I'm finally going to be a father."

"Uh... How far along are you?"

"Five weeks now," He sighed goodnaturedly. "There goes my social life for the next two years though, what with egg-sitting for the next month after he comes out, then raising him once he hatches. But I'm not complaining... At least not anymore." He added, looking embarrassed.

Kyle looked confused, so the doctor stepped forward. "Testosterone poisoning occurs halfway through gestation. It... Tends to bring out a lot of... Hostility... In the parent-to-be."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that..." Zeyvan apologized. He saw the continued look of confusion from the human. "I... Well, ...I basically threatened to To tear Harian's dick off and beat him to death with it."

"Better than me!" Ardenus replied, chuckling. "Remember when I went to have Davin? I still haven't managed to replace everything I smashed!"

"Testosterone poisoning tends to trigger very aggressive behavior in the parent-to-be," the doctor elaborated. "It only lasts for about a day or so, fortunately, but the change in behavior can be a bit... Shocking... To someone not ready for it."

"Ow! I need to piss!" Zeyvan said. "Nice meeting you!" he said with a smile, as he hurried away to the bathroom, walking awkwardly from the combined problems of bladder pressure and his enlarged stomach.

Just then, the front door opened, and a light blonde-haired Hirsune entered, spotted them and walked forward with a wave. As he approached, Ardenus reached forward with his hand. Not to shake the newcomer's hand, but to openly fondle the stranger's crotch, who responded in kind. Kyle blinked in confusion at this unusual display. The two smiled appreciatively at each other before releasing the other and stepping apart.

"Kyle this is-" Ardenus began, then broke off at the shocked look that the human was giving them. "That's how we Hirsune tend to greet each other. Well... Normally, if we were a bit more formal, we'd display our penises openly so as to introduce ourselves properly, but we want to keep the meeting a bit brief today, so we settled for groping each other instead in greeting."

"Umm... OK," the human replied as his shock turned to embarrassed amusement, and he blushed slightly.

"Don't worry," the newcomer said, smiling warmly at him, "It took time for me to adjust to the social norms for Hirsune as well. I'm Roderal." He came forward, and slowly extended his hand forward at waist level.

Kyle stepped forward slowly, pressing his crotch into the offered hand and reaching forward with his own to feel the penis trapped within the handsome blonde person's jeans.

Roderal smiled gently. "See, it's not that hard... Well, not yet, anyways..." He ground his crotch into the human's hand, and breathed deeply, taking in the human's scent, then wrinkled his nose, his smile faltering slightly before he recovered.

"What?" Kyle asked.

"Sorry," the blonde replied. "It's just that humans smell a lot different is all. No offense intended."

"No, that's OK... I guess," Kyle replied, recovering from the confusion the remark had left in him.

They pulled apart after a few more moments, Kyle feeling his shaft stiffening in anticipation.

"Please," the doctor said, becoming them all into his office, everyone entering and sitting down. "So you want to know about Gifting. I've been studying it over the years, but don't have any actual experience with the procedure, so it's good to have someone here who's actually gone through the transformation," he said, turning to Roderal.

"Well, I don't really know much about it, other than that it's possible," Ardenus added. "Why don't we start from the beginning. How does it even happen?"

"With semen," Harian explained. "The one who will become the father mounts the human carefully, and fills him with as much semen as the human can take within his anal passage. This is repeated numerous times, with the semen being absorbed into the human's body, where it begins to slowly overwrite the human DNA with Hirsune genetic material, until the Hirsune genes become dominant. This slowly causes the transformation, as the seed is absorbed from the father by the son-to-be. When the transformation is complete, the new Hirsune will have DNA similar to his new father's as well as some change in appearance to match that of his parent, I'm told."

Roderal nodded. "I was told that too, but since I already looked so much like my Dad, I never really noticed much of a change to my face."

"You mean," Kyle asked with surprise, "that I'd actually look like Dad?"

Harian studied the human and then Ardenus. "Your faces are rather different, so yes, I think that the facial readjustment would be rather dramatic. You won't look completely like him, however," the doctor said the Kyle. "The effect would be more as if you had been sired by another, rather than being a self-seeded child. The Sire, would, in essence, be your human parentage."

Kyle sat for a moment in silence, thinking hard. Truth be told, he'd never really been happy with his appearance. He didn't consider himself ugly, but had always thought his face was rather plain. Undergoing such a drastic facial change didn't bother him in the least... In fact, it would be a bonus, as far as he was concerned. "Are there any physical side effects from the change?"

"Only during the change itself," Roderal replied. "The transformation is a bit slow, and not very comfortable. It took me two months to change, because my dad only seeded me twice a day. It could've gone a lot faster, but he was having a lot of work-related issues, and couldn't get away to devote as much time to mating with me as he wanted. The worst part was the internal cramping throughout the process as the internal organs changed and the new ones grew in."

"Yes," Harian added, pulling out a hand-drawn diagram of a Hirsune's torso that was open to show the internal organs. "The Hirsune organ system is much more complex than a human male's. Milk bladders, solem glands, ovaries, womb, and laying canal would all be developing within you body, as well as the changes to the siring genitalia." He saw Kyle look confused. "Your phallus and testicles," he added.

"What about... A continued mating?" Ardenus asked, stroking his penis through his jeans. Hearing all of this was getting him aroused, as he pictured the changes occurring in the human as he mounted him. "What affect would that have on the rate of change?"

"Well," Harian answered, "The more seed he receives, the faster the transformation would occur. That may, however, make the change more uncomfortable for the human."

"Oh," Ardenus said, sitting back. "I wouldn't want to hurt him though..."

"That's... Uh... One thing... I-..." Kyle's voice trailed off into a mumble.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said, leaning forward. "I couldn't make that out."

"I, uh..." Kyle blushed furiously. "... I'm not used to being fucked... And uh..." He glanced sideways to his dad. "He's... Awfully big. ... Much bigger that I've ever seen before.... I don't think I... Can... Take him..."

Ardenus smiled in amusement at the boy's embarrassment, then his face fell. "That's a worry of mine, too, Doc," he said as he turned back to Harian. "I want to mount him, but humans aren't capable of taking us inside them very easily. How can I mount him safely?"

"Musk works rather well as a muscle relaxant," the doctor answered, but Ardenus shook his head.

"We tried that, but he was still too tense."

"What about solem? It's much more potent. Perhaps even a combination of the two?"

"Solem?" Kyle asked.

"Anal lubricant," the doctor answered. "One form of it helps to cleanse the rear passage during defecation in order to leave the anus cleansed and ready for mating. The other variety lubricates the egg canal during mating, and is also a very powerful aphrodisiac. If that wouldn't loosed you up, then nothing will."

Kyle blinked in shock. That sounded too bizarre to be believed. He wasn't sure about eating something oozing out of someone's ass. Milk was one thing, but this?

"I would recommend, though," he said to Ardenus, "That you go very slow and use minimal penetration for at least the first half of the change. Once his body hair begins to grow in properly, that will be a sign that his anal passage will have changed enough for a proper mounting as the egg canal finishes developing. Do go easy, though, until the transformation has nearly completed, to avoid injury...

"Also, because of the nature of human anatomy, I would recommend a liquid diet during your change," he added, turning to Kyle.

"Liquid?" the human asked.

"Protein shakes mostly, or your father's milk. It will help ease and speed up the process of alteration, as well as leave your rear passage unobstructed for mounting."

"Actually, I've been nursing him steadily since I first found him." Ardenus replied. "I thought it would help him heal up faster."

"Wait a moment," the doctor replied thoughtfully, standing up and pulling a book from the shelf on the wall to his right. It was an old, leather-bound volume, and as he flipped through the pages, Kyle noted that they all looked as though they were handwritten. "Where...? Ah, here!" he said, speaking as he read from a page: "There's an account here from about two hundred years ago, where a Hirsune took in a human who was very ill, and nursed him back to health with his milk. He offered the Gift, which the human accepted. The transformation was much faster than normal, and they speculated that it was the ingestion of large quantities of milk from the father that was what contributed to the rapid change."

"Really?" Ardenus responded."Well, the boy's been drinking straight from the tap since I found him," the father said, tapping his chest lightly. "He's only had one meal of solid food since I took him in. Do you think that's enough?"

"I'm not sure... It doesn't say how long the human was nursed before his transformation, but it's possible. Hirsune milk does have a lot of genetic material in it - not as much as our semen, of course, but perhaps it works as a primer, easing the human's body into accepting the Hirsune genetics more quickly and easily." He shrugged. "We won't know until you try."

"I didn't nurse from Father much before I changed," Roderal added. "Only once or twice before, so maybe Kyle will change faster since he already has had so much DNA pumped into him by his dad through the milk."

"How will we know when he's fully changed?" Ardenus asked.

"Oh that's easy," Roderal answered with a smile. "He'll have an onam."

"Really?" Ardenus asked, leaning forward and all but literally drooling with lust at the answer.

"What's an onam?" Kyle asked, as all of the Hirsune virtually shuddered with lust at the thought.

"Well," his father breathed huskily, shuddering with arousal, and opening his jeans zipper and pulling out his firming penis in lustful abandon. "It's only the best orgasm a Hirsune can have. It's a full-body orgasm that lasts for around an hour. I've had one once. It was fucking amazing." He hung his head back, lost to his passions as he stoked his erection lovingly.

Kyle was struck dumb at his father's reaction, and looked around the room to see that Roderal and Harian had joined in by exposing their own erect members, stroking themselves openly without shame.

"It's... Very difficult for us to achieve onam," the doctor explained as he pleasured himself. "Anyone can achieve onam if they have enough self-restraint, but that's rather difficult for Hirsune."

Kyle watched the doctor masturbate slowly, his own arousal rising. "Why?"

"... Because it requires going without sex for at least three days... Ummm... And most of us just don't have that kind of self-restraint..." His voice trailed off as he became self-absorbed in giving himself pleasure.

"Come on, Son," his father said, gazing at him lustily. "Don't be shy... Join in with us. Let your passions flow freely."

That was all the encouragement he needed, and the human opened his pants to free his own straining phallus. His penis was nothing compared to those of the hairy men in the room with him, though, all of whom were roughly twice as long as his own six inches, and nearly three times as thick. The Hirsune didn't seem to mind, though, and watched as the human began to fondle himself. Slowly, they stood and began to strip, making an erotic show for the human as well as each other as they removed their clothing. Caught up in the display, the human did likewise, until the four of them stood naked within the office.

The three hairy figures began to approach him, moving together toward the human as they masturbated, joining together with him in a circle jerk as they each looked upon the various displays of penis with appreciation.

Ardenus moved closer to his boy, enjoying the show the human was presenting. As he stroked his long penis, the Hirsune reached his other hand behind him to squeeze his furry ass, slowly working his hand towards the dark-haired cleft between his buttocks.

Kyle was watching Roderal stroke his lengthly dong, milking precum from the tip, then licking it off his fingers. Ardenus grunted briefly beside him, and moved closer. The furry forearm brushing against him made him to turn to his father, who raised his free hand to the boy's nose in offering.

Kyle looked at his father's hand, which was slick with clear fluid. Detecting a strange, indefinable scent that heightened his arousal, the boy inhaled deeply, the smell penetrating his senses. His head began to swim, and Kyle groaned in pleasure as a euphoric, drug-like high clouded his brain. He moved forward, and licked the fluid from his father's hand. A tangy, musky taste exploded on his tongue, and he dove onto the hand like a starving man onto a juicy steak, slobbering the Hirsune's palm and fingers until they were licked clean of the unbelievably delicious and erotic substance.

"Fuuuuckkk! That tastes amazing!" he groaned into his dad's palm.

"You like that, Son? Good," his father growled at him lustfully.

"Fuck yeah! Your precum tastes and smells so damn good."

Ardenus paused, then smiled down at him. "That wasn't my precum. It was my solem."

Kyle paused, swaying slightly on his feet from the powerfully potent effect of his father's secretion. "What?" he asked, feeling a deepening sense of peace and arousal fill his mind and body, the pheromones drugging him like a strong dose of poppers, and also increased his sex drive.

"That's what solem is," Ardenus said, smiling lustily at the boy as the solem worked upon the human's will, lowering his inhibitions. "That's what can do for us. Do you like it?"

Kyle moaned quietly as he became high, the strong pheromones of the solem flooding throughout his body. He raised his hand in answer, stroking his way down the Hirsune's furry back, and sliding his fingers down the man's asscrack. Using his fingers, he spread those furry cheeks and cupped his palm to the anus he found there.

Ardenus gazed at the boy lovingly, his mouth open and eyes narrowed. "Yeah?" he asked, and at the boy's nod, bore down with a grunt of pleasure. A large handful of the clear substance gushed wetly into the waiting palm, and he watched in prideful lust as the boy brought it to his face, examining the fluid.

It was completely clear, but the scent wafting up from it was much more potent then the musky, tangy perfume that poured from the hairy figure's armpits in the form of his sweaty musk, and it acted like catnap on a kitten for the human, who eagerly shoved the whole handful into his mouth, where he swirled it around with his tongue, savoring the erotic flavor and groaning in ecstasy. His legs began to spasm uncontrollably, forcing Ardenus to grab the boy in his hands to hold him up as the solem worked on his son's system, until the boy's trembling stopped.

"Fuck yeah, Son. Give in to your arousal..." The father growled lustfully into the human's ear as he held him close, his hairy chest pressed against Kyle's back. "Let it consume you... Feel the power of Penis flow through you. Be with us... Join us in worship. Indulge your lust with us..."

Kyle let out a long, shuddering groan of lust, and began to shove his ass back onto the Hirsune's hairy thigh. He shuddered again, but retained his footing this time. His experience with his father's musk only yesterday was nothing compared to this. He'd never needed to fuck more badly in his life. The world was fuzzy and distant, even the office around them seemed miles away. He only knew himself and the three hairy figures that were with him. He felt an aching hunger deep inside, a need he couldn't ignore, and he let out a long, shuddering growl of lust.

Ardenus watched the boy in wonder, and when Kyle let out that sexy growl of need, Ardenus almost lost it and sprayed his seed right then and there, for while the human might not have known, such a growl meant only one thing. The proud father felt his heart and lust swell, his mind reeling, at the sound of that growl of need, the kind of growl that only a Hirsune in the deepest levels of lust would make.

"Fu-uu-uu-uu-uuckkkk!" he moaned, in a mixture of pride and lust, for this was the sexual equivalent to a hatchling's first word, and the Hirsute parent's mind reeled in a deep-set knowledge of lustful origin. HE! HE had done this to the boy! HE had awoken the full depths of the boy's lust! HIS lust had done this to Kyle! HIS raw masculine power had brought his Son's lust to full power! His mind exploded with pride and lust as he watched the boy grind back against him. Ardenus began to go feral with lust, losing himself to his sexual need, and he raked the boy's torso with his fingernails, biting gently on his shouldercap with his teeth as he growled like an animal. His excitement grow stronger as he felt the human quiver with lust from the raking and biting against his flesh.

Roderal and Harian stood there, stroking themselves excitedly as they watched the father and son in wonder. This was their moment, and the onlookers gasped in lust at the demanding, lustful need of the human, who at the moment, was behaving exactly like a Hirsune in heat. They knew to stay back. This was a family moment...

Kyle couldn't stand it any longer. He tore loose from his father's arms, and stumbled towards the doctor's desk, where he savagely shoved the contents from the desktop onto the floor, then turning, he lifted himself onto it face-up and stared at his dad as he raised his legs, his ass hanging in midair. "Please Dad... fuck me!... I need you in me. I can't stand it! Please!"

Ardenus mind exploded with need, but his fear of hurting the boy kept his lust subdued. "Y-y-you sure, Son? You know what that means?"

"FUCK YES!" the human snarled savagely in lust, impatient with the man for holding back. "If this is what it means, if this is what it's like to be Hirsune, then fuck me. I want it! I NEED it!" he begged, his whole body quivering with lustful need. "If this is what it's like to be one of you, then do it! Fuck me and make me yours. I want to grow up to be a big hairy fucker just like you, Dad! ...PLEASE!!!"

Letting out a bellowing, moaning growl of sexual abandon, the father stalked towards his son, who's anus had fully dilated in anticipation. Ardenus' erection oozed precum copiously, squirting through the air, and being flung left and right to splatter on the hard floor as the Hirsune's erection bobbed back and forth while he stomped towards his son, the need to plunge his phallus deep within that eager, waiting hole was too strong to resist.

Just as he reached the boy, however, strong hands held him back. "Gently, Arden! Gently!" Harian said, his voice quivering in lust, yet still containing sense and caution.

Roderal knelt on the floor beside Ardenus, grasping the base and middle of the father's footlong shaft in both hands as Ardenus pressed his exposed, oozing tip into the human's willing arse.

Ardenus began to trust slowly, and the lustful look of sexual bliss on the boy's face made him spasm in euphoric bliss.

Kyle closed his eyes, finally feeling a savage joy as he was filled, the longing emptiness within him finally fading. "Fuck yeah Dad! Fill me up!" he growled in lust. Opening his eyes, he watched the man looking down upon him with a savage, snarling smile of triumph, growling in lust as he stroked in and out of the boy's tight rear passage, hampered by the firm grip on his shaft that prevented him from going in too deeply. "Do it Dad!" he growled at his parent lustily. "Spray your jizz in me. Breed me! I want to be just like you! I want to truly become your son! I want to fucking feel like this forever!" he finished with a snarl.

Ardenus groaned in passion, seeing the savage, animalistic behavior being displayed by the boy. He wanted it too, and as the boy snarled, growled, grunted and snorted like a beast, he lost it. "Fuck yeah... fuck yeah.. fuck yeah, yeah, yeah. AHHHH FUUUUUCKKKK!!!" he shouted aloud, as his orgasm gushed forth into the human's rear passage.

Seeing the look of release on his father's face, and feeling the hot wet seed gush forth, the human climaxed from excitement alone, his own untouched penis pulsing as his semen squirted out, coating his torso in jism. The sensations were too much for the human, and he soon passed out from sensory overload.

Ardenus continued to orgasm for quite some time, continuing to fill the unconscious boy's ass full of semen, the human's body seeming to suck up the cum like a sponge.

For how long Ardenus bred Kyle, he had no idea, for he lost all track of time. He merely continued to pump his seed into the boy, who remained unconscious. It was a long time before he came out of his lustful euphoria and slowly regained his senses. Finally, reluctantly, he withdrew, noticing the scents of sprayed seed from multiple sources. He opened his eyes and looked around to see that the other Hirsune had entertained themselves in the meantime.

Harian was on the floor, suckling at Roderal's softening shaft while stroking his own spent, yet still erect penis. Sensing Ardenus withdrawing, Roderal released the father's shaft as the doctor came up off of the blonde Hirsune, licking his lips with satisfaction, then wincing in pain as he slowly got up from the hard tiled floor.

The father looked down at his boy with concern.

"It's alright, Arden," the doctor said, seeing the worried look on the farmer's face and examining the prone human. "It was just too much for him and he fainted. He'll be OK."

Ardenus sighed with relief. "Good, I was scared that-," he said.

"Don't worry," Roderal added."I made sure you didn't go in too deep."

"Thanks. I can't believe it though," Ardenus said, staring down at the boy. "I've never gone into heat like that with someone except my other boys or when I was in season. I thought humans didn't have such strong sex drives. He was acting like one of us!"

"Perhaps it's all the milk he suckled from you," Harian speculated. "It's possible that enough Hirsune DNA got into his system to begin a shift in behavior. The solem must've triggered it... Well then, that means he should be able to make the rest of the change well enough."

"I think so too," Roderal said thoughtfully as he looked down at the unconscious human. "You've got a good boy here, Ardenus. I envy you."

"No hatchlings?" Ardenus asked with surprise.

"Only one. He's a good, son, but he doesn't have a big wild side like this fella here has!"

Ardenus smelled a pungent scent, and saw the boy's drying cum still on his chest and stomach. He carefully collected some in his hand, and tasted it. He gagged, nearly retching. "Oh fuck that's nasty! Do humans really taste that bad?"

"Yeah," Roderal said with a sympathetic expression. "Don't worry, the taste will get better as he changes."

"I sure hope so," the father replied.

"Take him home Arden," the doctor said with a chuckle. "You both could do with some rest. Oh, here..." He opened a desk drawer and pulled out what looked like a long clear rubber tube with a wide flare at both ends. "Before you mount him again, put this on the base of you phallus. It'll prevent you from penetrating too deep if you loose control again."

The farmer sighed in relief. "Thanks, I was worried about that."

Ardenus got dressed, and, gathering the nude human into a cotton blanket the doctor provided, figuring he was too difficult to dress in his current state, and too hairless to withstand the cold air of early spring, he lifted the boy into his arms, and made his way out to the truck with Roderal's help.

"Call me if you or he have any more questions, OK?" the blonde former-human said quietly so as to not awaked the sleeping human.

"We will, and thanks."

"Hey Ardenus," a Hirsune said as he passed by. "Nice set of lungs on that boy." He walked away smiling, and the two Hirsune at the truck could only look down at Kyle and chuckle softly...

Ardenus grunted, stroking his full length deeply in and out of the warm, wet tunnel that hugged his meat lovingly, his loose balls slapping that youthful ass rhythmically. He groaned as his nuts firmed up, and he came deep inside the boy, who groaned in pleasure as his own orgasm dwindled, his spent shaft oozing thick white cum into the kitchen sink. Ardenus' anal muscles clenched rhythmically, squeezing the other shaft that was buried deep inside his own anal passage, milking it to orgasm, and felt the seed of his other son splash deep inside him.

"Fuck yeah," he said, nuzzling the ear of his second eldest boy in front of him lovingly. "Thanks, boys, I really needed that."

"Umm, hmm. Always Dad," Mark said behind him. "It's nice to know we're still desirable to you." He reached forward to give his father's torso a bear hug, his arm-hair mixing with those of his father and middle sibling, who was in front of their parent.

Ardenus sighed. "I'm sorry if you all have been feeling neglected. Kyle has just needed me so much that I've been focused entirely on him since he came here. I don't mean to make you boys feel left out."

"It's OK, Dad. We understand," Davin said, rubbing his bearded chin along his father's left shoulder affectionately. "He really needs you. Besides, we got a new brother out of it, didn't we?"

"Yes, but how much of a brother still remains to be seen." He sighed into the second son's hairy upper back.

"What do you mean?" Kav said, walking into the room to join his family, unconcerned that his fellow Hirsune family members were still fucking each other. "I thought he agreed to accept the Gift?"

"I want to make sure he still wants it," their father replied. "I want to make sure it's what he really wants, once his head clears up from the effects of the solem. I need to see if that's really what he wants, or if it was just the lust talking... Damn, I need to piss."

"So go ahead," Davin said huskily, looking back into his parent's eyes.

Ardenus smiled, and let go, bathing his boy's rear passage with his hot golden fluid. He smiled in satisfaction at the lustful look of bliss on Davin's face as his insides were washed in his dad's hot urine...

Ardenus knocked gently on the door of Kyle's bedroom. "Umm... Come in." He heard from within.

He entered to see the boy laying nude on his back, the thin bedsheet partially covering his groin, but nothing else. Ardenus thought he looked very sexy for a human, and he smiled as he entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "How you feeling?"

Kyle groaned. "Sore... I never fucked like that before! It was amazing..."

"So, what do you think? You enjoyed that?"

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to do that again! I felt like a savage beast, and loved every fucking second of it! Is it always like that for Hirsune?"

"Not always, but you seem to love animalistic behavior, and I was partially responding to it. The pheromones you were putting out triggered my wilder tendencies, and I just went along for the ride. So... You really want this then... To become Hirsune?"

Kyle turned his head to look at his reflection in the mirror attached to the back of the closet door. "You know... I never really liked the way I looked... I hate being like this... So hairless and scrawny..." He turned back to his father. "I was always so jealous of all those hairy guys out there, wishing I could be all buff and hairy too, but genetics dealt me a crappy hand. I don't like being human... Not at all. Now I know there's an alternative, and it's what I want. I really do want this. I want you to change me. Then you'll be my dad in every sense of the word, and I'll have the body I always wanted, along with everything else there is to being Hirsune. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll be a father too."

Ardenus smiled down at the boy in pride, "So how quickly do you want the change to take? Seems like we can go as fast or as slow as we want."

"The faster the better, but I don't want to burn you out. How often can you cum?"

"Well," the Hirsune said, scratching his bearded cheek thoughtfully, "Last time I went all out, I came for five days solid..."

"Whoa! Seriously?" the human said in disbelief.

"Well yeah. But I had to prepare myself properly in advance of course." He turned his head and shouted. "Davin!"

"Yeah, Dad?" the son said, running up the stairs and appearing at the bedroom door.

"I want you," he said, his eyes locked with Kyle's, "to make me the biggest meal you can."

"Alright, but why?"

"I'm going on a marathon!" the father said simply, smiling at the human in anticipation.

Smiling, Davin left the room, calling to his brothers for assistance.

Smiling still, the Hirsune moved closer to the human. "Get ready to have your brains fucked right the hell out of you." Ardenus then raised an eyebrow as the human's stomach growled loudly. "Well," he said, chuckling as he moved to lay down beside Kyle, "Harian -did- say you should stick to a liquid diet during the changing..." He said, offering his chest to the hungry human...

Kyle and Ardenus moved the The parent's room, which had the bigger, king-sized bed. The father fiddled with something, his back turned to the human, then turned to face him. Kyle smiled, his gaze lowering to the Hirsune's massive member, and blinked. "Um... What is that?" he asked in amusement.

Ardenus looked down at the restraint that covered the back half of his shaft. "Don't laugh. That's what will keep me from penetrating too far. If I did, it could seriously hurt you. This way, I can fuck you safely without hurting you, even if I loose control and go feral again."

He climbed onto the bed, and spread his legs slightly. He reached his hand to his ass, and bore down gently for a moment. Solem squelched onto his hand, and he raised it up in offering to the boy, who took it to him, first inhaling deeply, the gulping the fluid into his mouth to swish it around so that the potent pheromones could be absorbed into his bloodstream through his tongue.

They came together, kissing passionately as their hands each explored the other's body. After a few moments, Kyle began to moan lustily. Knowing the boy was ready, Ardenus turned him around and shoved Kyle face down onto the bed. He positioned himself carefully, his piss-slit oozing lubricating precum, and slowly worked his way into the human's arse.

He waited for the anus around his shaft to loosen up properly, then began to stroke gently in and out, mounting the human carefully despite the presence of the restraint. Ardenus tenderly kissed the boy's ear, nibbling on it, and breathing affirmations of fatherly affection and pride into Kyle's ear until his orgasm approached, and he began to breed the boy with his seed, letting it continue to flow freely for a very long time...

They fucked nearly non-stop for the entire day and night, sometimes twisting around so the boy could suckle his father's milk, sometimes laying together in silence and petting each other affectionately, other times talking, sharing details of their lives, their interests, and generally getting to know each other better. Occasionally, one of the Hirsune siblings would come in to check on them, offering water or protein shakes to keep their strength up, other times, trying to join in, but Ardenus was resolute. This was a task for him alone. Sulking, the sons always left with their heads hung low in disappointment and their eager erections fading with sadness.

As they talked, Ardenus began to get a better understanding of the boy, and liked what he learned. Kyle was smart, quick-witted and funny. He liked board, card and video games, and was an avid fan of TV including comedy and scifi, animation and Japanese anime'. Ardenus also finally learned the boy's age, which was thirty five. He'd been a bit shocked at that, having not realized the human was so old, by their standards at least. Thirty five was nothing to a Hirsune, though, and he explained as much to his new son.

"Wait... You're a hundred and twenty six years old?" Kyle asked in shock. "I thought you were in your thirties! At least that's what you look like to me! How did you manage to live so long?"

"Well," the Hirsune paused, grunting in pleasure as a short wave of orgasmic bliss flowed through him as he continued to ooze cum into the human's insides, "We Hirsune are very long-lived. I basically -am- the Hirsune equivalent of a thirty year old human. There's some who've lived up to three hundred and ninety years, so I'm roughly thirtyish now, from a human point of view."

"Wow!" the human replied in amazement. "Wait. What does that mean for me then? Will I age like a human, or a Hirsune?"

"A Hirsune," Ardenus replied, grunting in pleasure again. "Harian told me when he called to tell me more about Gifting. Your aging process will slow down to match your new Hirsune nature. I figure you'll live about three hundred more years or so."

"Huh..." Kyle said thoughtfully, then his thoughts broke off as his stomach growled.

Ardenus chuckled, offering his milk to the boy yet again...

Kyle awoke sometime later with a grunt of pain. His entire body was aching, as though he'd sprained every muscle in he had simultaneously. Even his face ached. Remembering that the doctor had said when he'd called to explain the changing further, he moved stiffly to his father's chest, and began to suckle once more. Harian had said that Ardenus' milk would not only nourish Kyle, but the enzymes in the milk would act as a pain reliever. As the hot milk flowed into him, he started to feel better.

Ardenus awoke soon after, ready to mount him again...

For two days and nights the pair mated, and Kyle's discomfort grew stronger as his insides began to cramp up. They were forced to take breaks, to give Kyle time to recover, but the intervals between fuckings grew shorter and shorter...

It was night again, the third, if Kyle recalled correctly, when he awoke yet again. Has he laid there, scratching a deep itch on his stomach, he realized that the cramping pains were nearly gone. There was only a residual dull ache in his torso and face. That wasn't what had awoken him though. The itching wasn't just confined to his stomach, but seemed to be coming from everywhere, and he began to scratch every part of his body he could reach, grumbling in annoyance. It was as he was doing so that he finally noticed that he'd grown hairier, way hairier.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ardenus asked, turning on the bedside lamp. He turned as he heard Kyle gasp in shock, and turning, let out one of his own, but his was a gasp of pleasure.

Kyle's entire body had begun to sprout thick, dark body hair. His arms, legs, neck and entire torso were covering with a dense thin layer of Hirsune body hair. The skin could still be seen beneath, but it wouldn't be much longer before the thick pelt of man fur would cover him completely.

Kyle was too busy scratching furiously at the growing hair to properly enjoy it though. Ardenus got up and went to the dresser, returning with a thick, stiff-bristled brush, and forcing the boy to lay down, began to brush his entire body thoroughly, both front and back.

"Ahhh... Thanks. That was driving me crazy!" the boy sighed in gratitude, rolling over onto his stomach so that his father could get the back half of his body, then rolled back over once his parent was finished.

Ardenus stared down at the boy, and smiled in pride as he took in the full extent of the changes to his son. The boy's phallus had changed almost completely. Whereas he'd been very short before, he now had a proper length to him. The father took the boy's new penis into his hand, stroking the flaccid length. As he stroked the boy, Ardenus noticed that Kyle had grown taller, having gone from just under six feet tall, to just over seven in height.

Kyle looked down at himself as his father manipulated his shaft, and stared wide-eyed at his penis, which now looked completely different. It was now about seven inches long despite still being flaccid, and was at least two inches across in thickness. The most shocking part of all, though, was the tip. He watched his father pull down the newly restored foreskin of his once circumcised penis to reveal a narrow, pointed head, which began to leak precum in a slow, steady trickle. Kyle saw that the head was growing redder as the shaft stiffened. Kyle glanced beneath the shaft to see that his testicles had swollen in size, and were now almost as large as Ardenus', roughly the size of oranges.

The proud father worked his son's transformed shaft to full erection, admiring the way it now curved upward gracefully, and was just short of a foot in length now. It seemed to be growing longer and thicker as he stroked it, and soon reached a length of thirteen inches. He looked up to his son's face, smiling to study the changes to it, then stared in shock, sucking in his breath in surprise.

"What? What's wrong?" the boy asked, panicking.

"Nothing," the father said, recovering with a smile. He gestured to the mirror on the closet door with his nose.

Kyle turned to see, and his eyes bugged in shock. Before him was a face he no longer recognized. Gone was the plain, rounded face on a head that seemed too wide for it. Instead, his face now closely resembled his dad's, with strong, squarecut features, firm jaw, and slightly prominent brow. He now resembled a cross between himself and Ardenus, and as he ran a strong hand over his now thickly bearded face, liking what he saw. After a few moments studying his reflection, he realized something else. Not only had his appearance changed, but it had a much younger look to it. He now looked like he was barely eighteen, despite having a full beard.

Ardenus rested his chin on the boy's left shoulder, comparing their reflections with a swelling of deepest pride. "There's my boy..." He breathed in his son's ear.

"Look at me," Kyle said in wonder... "I'm fucking gorgeous!"

"Not to mention modest!" Ardenus said, laughing quietly.

There was a soft knock at the door, and Markano entered, "Everything OK in here-" he started to ask, then stopped dead in shock at the transformed person before him. "Kyle...? Is that you?" he asked in wonder, his eyes bulging with a mixture of shock and arousal at the being before him.

"Hey," Kyle replied, smiling at his eldest brother who stared at him.

"Look at you!" the eldest son said. "You're amazing! You did it, Dad. He really is one of us now!"

"No, not quite, Son. He still has a ways to go yet, and he hasn't had the onam yet, either."

"Well..." Mark said as he studied the changes in Kyle. "His fur hasn't grown all the way in yet..."

"He's almost there. Just a bit more breeding and he'd be fully changed." Ardenus' erection had risen again, and feeling safe to do so, he finally removed the restraining chamber from his erection, tossing it aside and looking at Kyle eagerly.

Seeing the lust and determination in his father's eyes, Kyle laid on his back and raised his legs in anticipation, his anus dilating eagerly and a clear substance trickling from it.

"Fuck, you can control your hole now! ...And produce solem!" the father said, sniffing the air and moving forward as Mark watched them both with a smile. The father moved closer on the bed, positioning himself, the slid into the waiting boy's rear, who suddenly gasped, a glazed expression of deepest pleasure on his face as his father impaled him gradually with his massive meat. Ardenus felt a great joy fill him, as he realized his penis was entering the boy's new egg canal and not the rectum. He could now fuck the boy the right way, and he continued to slide in slowly.

Kyle sniffed the air, discovering that his sense of smell had increased drastically, and the scent of his own solem that he felt leaking from his widened anus, and the musk seeping from his hairy armpits made him horny. He joyfully accepted his father's shaft, the one that had opened a whole new world to him, and gasped in pleasure as Ardenus sank into him. Suddenly, he could feel every detail of that mighty phallus, every bump and vein, even the very texture of the shaft disappearing slowly inside of him.

Then he felt his father's tip pressing against something solid inside of him, and he gasped in sudden pain. "Ah, ow, ow, ow!" Reacting in pain, he shoved against Ardenus' chest to stop him from going deeper.

Shocked, Ardenus withdrew quickly, fearing that he'd pushed too far, even though he was no farther inside than he had been before, only about four of his twelve inches. "What is it? What's wrong?" he asked sharply, afraid he'd damaged the boy. Mark drew close to them in concern.

"I don't know. It felt really good, and then it started hurting when you pushed against something," Kyle gasped as the pain faded.

A dawning suspicion came to Ardenus, who had felt something solid inside the boy's passage, and he gently moved his hand to his son's entrance. "I want to check something, relax yourself."

Kyle did as he was told, and Ardenus' nimble fingers disappeared up his son's canal until he found what he was looking for. He looked into Kyle's eyes in wonder. "You have a naro!"

"A what," Kyle asked in confusion.

"He does?" Mark asked, surprised. "He's a virgin?"

"Yes," Ardenus answered, becoming visibly excited, "He does. Go get your brothers. It's time for Kyle to become an adult!"

Mark hurried from the room in, shouting for his brothers in excitement.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked his father.

"A naro," Ardenus explained, "is the wall that keeps out semen until a Hirsune is mounted for the first time. It'll hurt as I spear through it, but after that you'll be an adult, from a Hirsune standpoint. It's a long standing tradition among our kind. The father is always the one to take a boy's virginity and initiate him into manhood. This is the single most sacred and holy rite of initiation for us, just like a test to prove one's worthiness of being a grownup. This is our most sacred tradition, one I never expected I'd ever get to share with you. You have no idea how happy I am to be able to give this to you, Son." Ardenus began to tremble with lust at the act he was about to perform.

The three brothers entered, the younger two gasping as they took in the changed appearance of their youngest sibling, who now looked very much like them. Davin and Kavarin looked upon their newest sibling with joy, pride and wonder, feeling their lusts arise at the sight of how handsome a Hirsune he was becoming.

"Is it true, Dad?" Davin said, stepping forward. "Is he really a virgin, like we were?"

"Yes, he is, my Sons. Will you all bear witness to this holiest of all rites?"

Each son spoke in confirmation, shedding their clothes. Ardenus, meanwhile, turned back to the boy laying before him.

"My Son," he spoke lovingly, "Are you ready to become an equal among us? To experience the truest expression of lust and become one of us in adulthood? This is our most sacred rite, the most holy of all... The Great Rite is the loss of your virginity, and your entrance into lust. With this, you will truly become an adult among Hirsune."

Somehow, on some instinctual level, Kyle knew just what to say and do, and spoke clearly and strongly: "I do, Father of mine. I accept this gift from you with pride and lust. I eagerly await your entrance into me, which will bring forth my entrance into manhood." He turned to face his siblings. "Brothers of mine, bear witness and rejoice, for I am to join you in the journey of lust, and become an equal among you."

"Come to us brother," they said in unison, stroking there own erections feverishly as they gazed upon him. "Become one of us, as we bear witness. Become our equal, in pleasure and masculine power."

Kyle turned back to his father, who rose up and presented his erect penis to his son. "Pray to him, my Son. Pray to my Phallus, which will be the instrument of your deliverance into manhood. Pray to Penis, and ask for his blessings..."

The boy reached up to stroke the long, thick tube of muscle, caressing it lovingly. "Penis. Penis! You, oh mighty Phallus of my Father. You, the symbol of my new existence, and giver of my virginity. I offer that very virginity up to you as a sacrifice. I pray to you, oh mighty dong of my recreation, to thrust deep within me, taking from me that which I do not need, and make of me a man! Trust deep, and gush!..." He said with passion, his mouth imitating the actions of a penis spraying it's seed, "gush!... GUSH! The sacred semen deep inside of me! Spray your seed deep into the core of my being, and bless me with your orgasmic fury. Bring to me the fullest depths of lust, and enter me into your mysteries... Make of me an instrument of lust, passion, pleasure and masculine power! Please thrust into me... I need you, Penis! I want you deep within! Enter into me! I welcome you!" He kissed the piss-slit of his father's shaft lovingly, which pulsed, and a wad of precum splattered onto the lad's face, making him gasp in pleasure.

Ardenus stared in shock. He hadn't meant to do that, but his Phallus had acted on its own, and the proud father took this as a true blessing from Penis to the boy. He could feel its hunger. It needed that willing hole, and he surrendered to his passions as the power of Penis filled him with its holy lust.

He pulled back and positioned himself. "Receive the Penis of your creation, Son, and feel his power deep within you!" he cried, thrusting fiercely onto the boy, who screamed in pain as the head stabbed through his naro, ending his virginity and driving deep up his egg canal towards his womb, touching him in a place no one had ever entered before.

"Penis! Penis!" Ardenus cried, losing himself in religious passion. "Thrust deeper and deeper, my penis! Take the virginity of this boy you sprayed forth, and fill him with your masculine power! Shoot your holy semen into the heart of my son and fill him with the lust of phallus! Make this boy a man!"

He began to thrust back and forth, as Kyle groaned in agony for the searing pain within him. But he didn't want it to stop. Kyle wanted that penis to spray it's spunk inside him. He wanted to bear through the pain and show how strong a man he was that he could endure it. His furry face screwed up into a grimace of agony, he growled as his father pounded his insides, his hands twisting the bedsheets in his clenching fists. "Ahhh Fuck!"

The sensations and knowledge that he was able to truly initiate his new son into the ways of lust was too much for Ardenus, as he proudly watched his son bravely bearing the pain of his first true mounting. He noticed the fur on Kyle's body finish growing in, and the boy began to moan as the pain turned into pleasure. Ardenus felt his orgasm building, and looked deep into the boy's eyes as he saw the first stages of orgasm building within his offspring. This sent him over the edge, and he thrust all the way in, hilting himself in the boy, who gasped, looking up to his father with lust-glazed eyes, his passage beginning to spasm and clench around the spear thrusting deep within him.

"Of fuck, it's coming!" the father shouted. "Get ready Kyle! NO! ... KYLENUS!!! That's your name know, Son! You're mine now, and I hereby rename you as you become an adult! Prepare yourself to receive my seed, Kylenus, and become a man! Praise the power of Penis! Welcome to adulthood, Son!" He cried, gushing his seed deep into his son from his pulsing erection, filling the young man with the jism that had remade him, and ushering him into adulthood.

"Fuck, yeah!" the new Hirsune cried in passion. "Fill me with your power, Penis! Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah...." He cried, feeling an orgasm of immense power building up from within him, racing up his erect phallus as his body began to convulse as if he were having a seizure. "I am Kylenus! Son of Ardenus... AND... I... AM... A... MAAAANNNN!!!" he screamed, as his semen sprayed forth from his penis in a torrent of thick, hot white seed.

The new Hirsune finished his initiation into adulthood as his transformation concluded, and the power of the onam poured through him, making his body convulse wildly as the most powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced filled his body.

"It's the onam!" Kav cried, rushing forward to spray his seed onto his thrashing brother, the other siblings following suit. Their seed mixing with the almost literal torrent of jizz gushing from Kylenus' phallus, their father watching in pride as his sons coated their brother in their seed, everyone becoming drenched in the youngest member of the family's sperm, which splattered everywhere, soaking the bed, walls and his fellow family members for nearly an hour before it finally began to fade...

Ardenus looked upon his three elder sons with pride as they indulged their lust, writhing together upon the floor like oil wrestlers, using the massive amount of semen from their youngest brother for lube as they squirmed against each other, trading positions with one another as they moaned loudly in lustful abandonment, mounting each other. The proud father returned his gaze to his son... Kylenus... Who had passed out from sensory overload brought on by the strength of the onam orgasm. Exhausted, he slumped forward, his massive organ still leaking spunk up the boy's- No!- the Young Man's! - rear passage, and he dropped off into slumber, fueled by euphoric bliss...

Kyle, - No, Kylenus! - awoke slowly, aching deep inside, but only in a single place. He realized that spot was where his naro had been, before his father had destroyed it in lustful passion as he had initiated his youngest son into manhood. The young man rose up a bit slowly to see he was back in the guest room, naked in bed and feeling both happy and awful at the same time, as though he'd had the best experience of his life, and was now paying for it royally.

As the events of the evening swam back into his consciousness, he sighed in contentment. *Yeah, that'd pretty much sums it up,* he thought weakly with a smile. Then he looked down at himself in amazement, his mouth hanging open slightly in joyful wonder...

His entire body was now covered in a short, thick layer of dark body hair that hid the skin beneath, and completely covered his body. Looking into the mirror on the closet door, he saw a youthful bearded face resembling those of his father and brothers staring back at him. Turning his gaze back to his body, he saw that his penis was now seven inches long flaccid, and two inches wide, with a generous foreskin covering the glands.

Kylenus also discovered, as he rooted around his stomach with his fingers, that his navel had disappeared. There was no longer any trace that he'd ever even had one at all. He moved his hand up to stroke his nipple, squeezing it gently until a warm wetness spread onto his long and dexterous fingers. He squeezed again, drenching his fingers, then lifting them to his mouth to suck his delicious man-milk from his fingers, savoring the sweet, musky taste.

*It really happened,* he thought to himself in joy.* I'm really a Hirsune now! Just like Dad, Mark, Davin and Kav... And my name is Kylenus!* He wanted to whoop with joy, jump up and dance, feeling like a teenager, which in a way, he was once more. He wanted to flex his masculine muscles in the mirror and feel lust and pride at the display, and enjoy the pleasures of his new body, but as he tried to get up, the soreness in his egg canal gave him a painful stab of protest, and he reluctantly laid back down instead.

*Damn, I think I overdid it last night.... Maybe later...* Still feeling exhausted, he drifted back to sleep...

A knock at the door awoke him sometime later, and Kylenus sat up slowly as the door opened gently.

"Hey sleepy-head." Kav said, entering the room. "You awake yet?"

"I don't know. Am I still alive or did I cum to death?"

"No, you're alive." His brother's eyes traveled up and down his body. "Fuck... Just look at you! ...Kylenus... You're so fucking hot! I could hump you right here and now..." He added, his hand moving down his nude body towards his groin, then stopping himself with a frown. "but Dad said to let you finish recovering, first," he finished, looking deeply disappointed.

"Yeah, I'm still kinda sore at the moment, so I'll have to take a rain check on that. I'd say Dad ripped me a new one, but there was only the one naro in the first place!"

"I know," his brother replied in sympathy. "I remember my own Grand Rite. I was sore all next day. Hey," he added, studying his younger brother's face, "You look younger than me now."

"I know, I feel like a teenager again. It's like I went back in time or something. It's weird, but kinda neat at the same time!"

"You feel up to eating?"

"Yeah, I'm starving."

"Good, cause Dad said his nipples are too sore to nurse you any more for awhile, let alone anyone else!"

"Sorry about that, but the transformation kept me ravenous." He groaned from the residual ache deep inside him. "Help me get there, will you?"

"Sure... What're brothers for?"


Kav laughed as he moved forward to help his eggling brother to his feet...

"Look who's up!" he said, a few minutes later as they entered the kitchen and Kav set the younger sibling down gingerly into a chair, as everyone greeted him warmly.

"Hey, guys," Kylenus replied tiredly.

Ardenus walked over behind him, hugging his youngest hatchling affectionately. "How you feeling, Son?"

"Pretty shitty, to be honest. It feels like you tore my insides out... But in a good way."

"I'm sorry, but I've always felt it would be better to do it hard and fast and get the discomfort out of the way so you can enjoy getting fucked regularly as soon as possible. Don't worry, though. You'll feel better soon."

"I hope so, I want to start getting used to this new body and break it in properly," the young man said, tilting his head back to look up at his father.

Ardenus chuckled as he bent down and ground his bearded chin playfully against that of his son. "I'm so proud of you... You took it like a real man... My beautiful Kylenus." He kissed the youth deeply, letting the lad suck on his tongue as he chewed playfully on Kylenus' lips. "I can't wait to fuck you again," he breathed husky into his son's mouth. He reluctantly pulled away. "But for now, let's eat."

"Think you can keep up with us this time, Kylenus?" Davin teased.

"One way to find out," the former-human said, eyeing the food Kav and Mark were bringing to the table. There were steaks, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, corn on the cob, yams and rolls, with water and tea, and he eyed it all hungrily.

"So Kylenus," Mark said, "Can we still call you Kyle for short?"

"Well... That was my human name, and I don't really want that anymore... But you can call me 'Ky' instead."

Ardenus sighed in mock-fustration as he sat down smiling. "Impatient. Lazy. Ass. Kids." he said jokingly. He looked to each of them in turn, by order of seniority, trying hard to look serious, but failing as he talked. "I go through all that trouble to give each of you a perfectly good name, and you're all too damn lazy to say three lousy syllables. 'Mar-ka-no', 'Kav-ar-in', 'Ky-len-us', and' Dav-in,'" he said, ticking each name off on his fingers, then glanced back to Davin. "Which is only two, in your case, but still... Perfectly good names, but no, not for you little punks!"

"Don't lump me in with them!" Davin protested in mock indignation. "I, if you haven't realized, insist on being addressed by my 'full' name."

"You don't count!" Kav countered. "Dad just couldn't come up with a good third syllable for you."

Davin glared at his younger brother in annoyance.

"Fine," Mark said around a mouthful of meat. "We'll just Just start calling you 'Dav'. Happy?"

"Thrilled," Davin responded dryly.

Everyone chuckled as Davin rolled his eyes. "By Penis.." He muttered to himself, as everyone dug in.

'Ky' even managed to polish off a fifth plate of food before they all were finished with dinner, much to everyone's satisfaction...

Harian turned Kylenus' head from side to side, noticing the depth of the transformation in the youth's facial features.

Ardenus watched, feeling a sense of pride in his son as the doctor inspected the transformed person within his medical examination room at the town's clinic. Kylenus, having discovered that he was now a foot taller than before, had to borrow clothes from Kav. "Don't worry, we'll by you new clothes after we visit the doctor and grab some lunch," his father had said before they left home.

There was a vague scent of recently spilled semen in the examination room, which aroused the youth, as Kylenus sat nude upon the vinyl-padded table, smiling slightly as the elder's deft hands explored his new body.

"Truly remarkable," Harian breathed, stroking the young man's fuzzy jawline. "I hadn't heard of this aspect of the change... ...Age regression... Fascinating... Tell me Kyle, er, sorry, Kylenus... How old were you before the change?"

"Thirty five," the youth replied.

"Really? Well... There's no record of a human that old ever having been Gifted before. I'll have to share this interesting bit of trivia with my colleagues. You actually look about six years old to me."

Kylenus stared at him in shock, and the doctor addressed his confusion. "We Hirsune mature at a rate of about three times that of humans, so basically, you'd be just around eighteen to twenty years of age among humans. Now let's see," he continued, running a hand down to the young man's right nipple, and squeezing it tenderly until a small amount of milk squirted forth into his palm. He raised it to his face, sniffed, then licked it. "Hmm, very nice. Milk production is normal..."

The doctor moved his hand to the lad's arm, raising it up. "Produce some musk for me."

"How?" the former-human asked, uncertain what to do.

"Oh.. Well, " Harian explained, stroking the side of the torso just below the hairy pit. "There is a gland in here, contract your muscles in this area to put pressure on it."

Kylenus did so, and felt a sudden dampness in the hair of his underarm. His nose wrinkled in pleasure, his penis, which was already partially aroused from the doctor's touch, began to stiffen further.

The doctor breathed in the heady scent eagerly. "Yes, musk production is also going well..."

He moved his hand down Kylenus' furry stomach to confirm the absence of a navel, then further, inspecting the penis and testicles, pronouncing them fit, and then working down past the groin as his other hand gently pushed back on the youth's shoulder, urging him to lie back.

Kylenus complied eagerly, and spread his legs and putting his feet into the stirrups as he felt the medical professional's touch on the most intimate part of his body. Feeling the gentle probing of the elder's fingers, he consciously relaxed his anus, using his newfound ability to control those muscles. He smiled as the healer's nimble fingers gently probed his entrance, beginning to explore the opening that lead into his procreative passage.

"Bare down here," Harian said, placing a hand on Kylenus' torso, midway between the base of his shaft, and where the navel had once been.

The youth did so, and felt his solem squirt forth from his egg canal into the doctor's hand. Who raised it up to examine the secretion.

"Very good. Proper consistency," Harian said, rubbing it between his fingers, "Smell," he added, inhaling deeply. He licked it from his hand and shuddered slightly. "...And taste. Yes... Your solem gland has fully matured. I believe you'll enter your first season this year." The potent powers of the solem began to affect his senses slightly, and his cock tip poked forward through the fabric of his slacks, pressing gently against the edge of the open anus. The doctor looked down upon Kylenus, silently asking, who smiled sexily, nodding slowly.

Kylenus heard the doctor unzip his pants, which dropped to the floor. Moments latter, he sighed in pleasure as Harian's phallus slowly sank into him, inch by inch.

"Oh yes... Very nice... Nice and smooth..." The doctor said, using the sensitive nerve endings of his penis to aid him as he used it as a natural probe, exploring the youth's reproductive tunnel slowly. He stopped at one spot in surprise, turning to Ardenus. He had much experience in these matters, and instantly understood what it was that he was feeling deep inside the lad's insides.

"He... He had a naro?"

"Yes," the proud father said, stroking his long erection slowly; having enjoyed watching his son's body being explored outside and in, and had freed his penis in order to pleasure himself as he observed. "It must've grown in when the egg canal formed. We discovered it only just before his transformation was completed. Naturally, of course, I performed the Great Rite immediately as his brothers bore witness. Then... Mere moments after I bred him fully for the first time, he achieved the onam," Ardenus gasped, flexing his knees as a short burst of pleasure filled him, both from the pleasure he was giving himself, and at the lustful memory of the Great Rite he had performed on the young man.

Hearing this proved too much for Harian, and the doctor began to grunt as he mounted Kylenus, sliding his shaft deep into the lad's arse, making long, deep strokes until his orgasm rose, and his seed gushed forth into the hot wet tunnel of flesh that enclosed his spasming prong.

Coming back to his senses, the doctor ended his orgasm quickly, remembering he had other patients to see that day.

Slowly, he slid out of the youth, who gasped as that wonderful fullness emptied out of him, leaving Kylenus feeling hollow. He stroked himself rapidly, unable to resist, and his precum spurted free to coat the hair on his chest. His eyes locked onto those of his father, who slowly approached the son, speeding up the pace of his own self-pleasuring as he approached the lad, and stopped as they stared deep into each other's eyes.

"Umm..." The lad moaned in pleasure as he masturbated. "Fuck yeah..." He paused slightly at a hand on the tip of his shaft, and looked up to see the doctor smiling down at him.

"Bare down on the area inside you that's just behind the base of your penis," the doctor instructed.

When Kylenus did as instructed, and more clear precum trickled out of the gash on the tip of his dong, coating the head with more lubrication. He saw Harian examine the precum in the same fashion as with his solem, before smelling and finally tasting it.

The doctor nodded in approval. "Precum is fine... Now let's see the final product." He watched the young Hirsune lustily pleasuring himself upon the examination table.

Kylenus returned his attention to his own body, feeling the first prickling of an oncoming orgasm. "I can feel it," he breathed, his stroking increasing in intensity. "I can feel the power of Penis rising up within me..."

Ardenus was visibly moved by this, and stepped closer to his son, stroking himself feverishly. "Yes, Son. Embrace it. Let the power of fuck consume you. Give into your lust... And splatter your spunk all over yourself!"

"I will! I will!" the lad cried, gritting his teeth as he felt his orgasm rushing towards him like a freight train. "Pour forth, my Penis. Drench me in my own juices! Bathe me in my own spunk! Do it! Please! Yes! Yes! Yes! ...FUCK YEAH!" he cried, as his jism burst forth from his piss-slit, covering him in his own hot, sticky sperm. "THANK YOU, PENIS! THANK YOU!"

This proved to be more than the father could take, and he groaned in orgasm, beginning to anoint his son in the seed that had made him. His groan turned into a gasp, however, as Kylenus suddenly turned his head, diving down on his parent's gushing member, moaning as he drank his dad's sperm for the first time.

The father swayed on his feet, feeling his son's mouth upon his member for the first time, and only through an act of will did he manage to stay on his feet as the youth's talented tongue danced around his convulsing glands. His mind reeled, having had no clue that Kylenus had such a gifted mouth and tongue, and swooned in ecstasy as the lad pleasured his still-spunking rod.

As Kylenus, tongue plunged into the erupting hole at the end of his father's shaft, the elder convulsed wildly, and backed away out of the lad's reach, still cuming, pulling free from the young Hirsune's mouth with a snarl of surprise, quivering all over with sensory overload.

He leaned over, bending forward slightly at the waist in shock at the intensity of the orgasmic feelings racing through his phallus, and making him hunch forward. The effect made him look like a hulking, beefy Neanderthal, who's penis continued to gush it's seed onto the floor as it bobbed wildly up and down, contracting and releasing the muscles, making it bounce violently as it continued to spew it's spunk through the air to splatter wetly onto the floor of the examination room. His face screwed up into a silent growl of intensity.

His snarling face changed slightly, as he gazed through his fierce eyes at his son; a swelling of combined emotions coming to his face, mixing with the snarling ferocity: Shock, surprise, wonder and pride mixed into his facial expression at how his hatchling had driven him to such a degree of intensity.

He grasped his phallus, and screamed in fierce joy, dropping to his knees and stroking his still-orgasming tool, and his consciousness faded into the sacred state of cock-goon, lost in sensation until he knew nothing else. He collapsed onto his side, lost in his phallus, convulsing in a fetal position as his orgasm slowly faded over the course of several minutes, and leaving him a veritable drooling vegetable upon the cum-drenched floor.

Harian smiled down at his fellow elder, then turned back to the son without concern. He reached forward, scooping up some of the lad's cum to examine it. "Texture... Smell... And taste." He sighed, savoring the newest member of the community's seed upon his tongue. "So sweet and musky. Truly the cum of Hirsune." He smiled down at his patient.

Curious, Kylenus gathered his spend jizz into his hand, and sniffed to find the scent pleasing. He tasted it, and moaned in pleasure as his taste buds exploded from the rich, musky sweet flavor. He'd never liked cum before, but that was when he was a human. Now that he was Hirsune, he found himself craving the stuff, and began to eagerly scrape up as much of his semen as he could, feasting on it.

"Was there any pain or discomfort as I mounted you?" the doctor asked, and the lad shock his head in silent answer. "Good. Then you're fully healed, and can now mate freely as you wish."

Finally, once Kylenus had finished devouring his own spent seed, his gaze fell to the prone form of his dad curled up on the floor. "Is he OK?" he asked the doctor with concern, as Ardenus twitched slightly.

"He'll be fine," Harian smiled."He's just in cock-trance at the moment. He'll come out of it soon. Oh," he added, turning to the youth. "I'm on lemongrass, so no need to worry about me seeding you, despite the fact that you're not in season." At the young man's blank look, he elaborated: "Lemongrass serves as a natural contraceptive for us by interfering with the ability for genetic material to bond with an egg. Even if I hadn't, though, you still most like wouldn't get pregnant, seeing as you're not in season."


"Our reproductive cycle is similar to certain animals, and we can usually only breed successfully when our reproductive cycle reaches its peak and we go into heat, though it has been known to happen out of season on very rare occasions. The heat can come on at different times for different folks, however. Mine is in the early spring, so I've begun a regimen of lemongrass tea every few hours to avoid pregnancy. I should be there soon now, myself, but it can happen to some Hirsune as late as mid-summer. When that happens, our sexual impulses override all else, and all we do is take every penis we can get into us, which among Hirsune - who possess very prominent sex drives - that's never really been an issue."

He looked up at the wall clock, as Ardenus began to stir. "Well, I have another appointment soon, so I'll need to take my leave. You seem like a perfectly healthy young Hirsune, Kylenus, and came out very handsomely." He smiled. "And Kylenus... Welcome to the community."

He directed his attention to the shifting hairy form on the floor. "Take your time, Arden. See you later," he said to the father, who grunted in acknowledgement as the doctor left the room...

Ardenus let out a loud belch two hours later, as he and his son exited the town's dinner stuffed full of hamburgers, fries and chocolate shakes. "Ahh... I needed that. Cock-trance always makes me so hungry! I still can't believe it though," he said, turning to the youth with a huge grin. "I had no idea you had such a talented mouth. I'm gonna have to start making good use of that tongue of yours," He breathed, pulling his son into a deep, passionate kiss as they stood on the sidewalk in the sunlight, a few passers by smiling at the display of affection between father and son.

"This is strange, though," the former-human said as they broke the kiss. "We're acting like lovers, but I still think of you only as my Dad, and not like a boyfriend. I love you, but not romantically no matter how affectionate we are. It's a bit confusing."

"Well," Ardenus said, "We Hirsune are a non-monogamous species. We mate openly and freely. I could strip you down and fuck you right here in the middle of the street, and no one would complain. I can do the same to anyone walking by, and would you feel even a bit jealous?"

"No... I wouldn't," Kylenus replied, feeling surprised at the truth he felt in this statement. He realized he had not the slightest twinge of possessiveness towards his dad, and would gladly step aside if Ardenus chose to mate with someone else right in front of him. He knew that his dad felt the same way, and had already proven so with Harian, showing no need to even so much as give his permission for them to fuck. Sexuality was automatically a given for Hirsune. It was who and what they were as a species.

"But even though this isn't romance or possessiveness," Kylenus added, "I still feel a very deep love for you... And my brothers too. It's nice, but confusing."

"The closest thing a Hirsune has to a monogamous mate is his family. If my dad were still alive, he'd be the same to you as the rest of us. That's how it is for us, our bond of love is for our family as a whole. We don't need romance as long as we have each other to love and support us. That just shows how strongly Hirsune you've become, Son." He leaned down to kiss the lad again. "I know you're a man now, but I can't stop thinking of you as my boy. You don't mind, do you? If I still call you that?"

"I'll always be your boy, Dad," Kylenus breathed, Kissing his father deeply for several minutes.

"So!" an angry voice snapped at them, and they broke the kiss and turned in shock to see the angry, redheaded elder standing before them, looking furious. "You went ahead and did it, huh? Gave our sacred gift to one of those scum!" he spat in fury, his eyes nearly bulging in their sockets.

His protective instincts rising up, Ardenus placed himself in front of Kylenus, taking an aggressive stance. "Don't you dare try anything!" he said in a low, threatening tone.

"Look at you!" Volnaro shouted angrily, disgust plain in his voice. "Taking in one of those filthy things! Have you lost your mind?!?"

The few people in the street stopped in shock, staring at the tableau before them in front of the dinner.

"What I do is none of your business, Volnaro!" Ardenus shouted back. "Keep your narrow-minded prejudices to yourself. What happened isn't his fault, and you have no right to take it out on him! He's not like them!"

"What's all this?" the bald-headed Hirsune elder who served as head of the religious faculty for the community said, running forward from the temple to see what all the shouting was all about.

His sleeveless, vestal white robes with golden detail depicting gushing and urinating phalli upon it, and cut so that it sat open wide on his torso like a leather bar vest in order to display as much of his nude, furry body beneath as possible, trailed back from his body as he came jogging up to them, his penis sagging as he lost his holy erection from distraction. "What is going on out here? Volnaro, what's the meaning of this? Why are you making such a racket out here?"

"That's why!" the redhead shot back, thrusting an accusory finger at the lad behind the farmer.

Welvayan, the head priest, turned with confusion to the lad being shielded from harm, then started in surprise. He had only glanced at the youth as he had approached the scene, and thought it was the farmer's oldest son Markano, but looking back, he studied the unfamiliar face for a moment before understanding dawned on him. He felt a sexual stir of interest that distracted him from Volnaro's wrath, and he smiled gently at the lad, who smiled awkwardly back at him before returning his gaze to his accuser.

"So he Gifted the human. He was well within his rights to do so, and this solves everything now! The human is now one of us, and we are secure once more... I see no problem here."

Volnaro looked at the priest in shock. "You're crazy! Those things," he said, jabbing a finger at the lad, "are filthy murderers!!! I'm not going to put up with this insult!"

"Kylenus is my son," Ardenus said, his voice a threatening growl. "By seed as well as in heart, and if you even think of touching him again, I swear I'll rip your arms off and use them to send you to your forefathers!"

"Come now, Ardenus," the priest replied, shocked at the savagery of the display of protective instincts the parent displayed for his son. "There's no need for threats. I don't approve of Volnaro's behavior either, but there's no need for violence! Surely there's a better answer than dismemberment and bludgeoning!"

"I'm sorry, Welvayan, but I won't let him vent his fustrations on my boy!" the farmer growled threateningly.

"Volnaro!" another angry voice shouted. Everyone turned to see mayor Pareus striding rapidly towards them, looking furious. He drew up to the redhead, shoving his face into Volnaro's. "I thought we'd discussed this and settled the matter. What do you think you're doing? Are you seriously trying to do what I think you are? Even if you are the head of the guard, you have no right to countermand the council's decision and take matters into your own hands!"

"You can't seriously be thinking of protecting that monster! I know them! I've seen with my own eyes what they're capable of!"

"This has nothing to do with that! You're being blinded by-!"

"I KNOW!" the redhead shouted savagely. "I know exactly what they're like! All they do is hate and destroy!!!"

"What is your problem with me?!?" Kylenus said, stepping out from behind his father, who tried to hold him back. "No, Dad!" he said, turning to his father. "You took my virginity and made me an adult. I need to start acting like one... And that includes dealing with my own problems!" Kylenus had never felt angrier in his life, and dearly wanted to rip that nasty, scowling head of its owner's body and beat him to a pulp with it. He closed his eyes, his body trembling violently, and took deep breaths.

After a few moments, his temper faded slightly, and he was able to speak again. "You heard me! Why are you acting so hatefully to me? Why?"

"Ky-" Ardenus began, choked with emotion and worry, scared that Volnaro might hurt the boy, or worse, that Kylenus would haul off and hit the elder, which would look very bad indeed. But as he saw the lad get his aggression under control, his tension eased slightly.

Kylenus stepped forward, and seeing the look of worry on the mayor's face, held up a hand to the elder show he didn't want this to get violent. Relaxing visibly, Pareus nodded slightly, as more and more Hirsune who had heard the commotion gathered close to listen.

"Why?" Kylenus said, turning to Volnaro. "Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?" he asked, emotion choking his voice at the anger and injustice he felt.

"You're a human! That's more than enough for me!" Volnaro shot back angrily.

"And what's got to do with anything?" Kylenus snapped back, his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands.

"You killed my grandfather!" the redhead spat fiercely.

"WHAT?!?" the lad exclaimed in shock. "NO! I never killed anyone in my life!"

"I saw them! The humans who killed him! 1939, Portland, Oregon! We were traveling, my granddad and me, to get supplies. We traveled farther than we normally ever would've. We had to! Your kind were having their stupid 'World War' and supplies were hard to find! We encountered some humans during the trip. Granddad took a fancy to them and offered to share his passion. But those filthy things felt no lust at all! All they felt was rage and hatred! They hit him, knocking him to the ground, where they spat on him and called him a queer as they slowly beat him to death! I was still to little to help him, and couldn't do anything to stop them!" The redhead sobbed uncontrollably in rage."I could only hide in the bushes... Watching helplessly as they murdered him! That's why I hate you, Human! Your kind feel no joy, no passion! All you do is destroy!!!"

Kylenus listened intently to the elder's story, his feelings sliding towards that of being sickened, then angry once more. "Look at me! You remember what I looked like as a human, right? Then tell me one thing! Was I one of them?"

"W-what?' Volnaro, stammered in confusion, shocked by the question.

"Was I one of the two humans who killed your grandfather?"

"What? N-no, but-"

"Then why blame me, personally, for his death?" Kylenus' features softened, his anger fading. "You're talking about something that happened long before I was ever even born! I'm only thirty five, for crying out loud! You're talking about a tragedy from over seventy years ago! That's -literally- twice as long as I've been alive! ...Look... I'm sorry about what happened to you. I'm sorry that he died, and I'm sorry that you were forced to watch it. If you think I feel even the slightest sense of pride at being human, then think again. I was a victim of homophobia too! I lost my family, my friends, my job and my home... Simply because I didn't want to hide who I was anymore. I wanted to live openly and honestly, but when I tried, I was shunned, treated like a traitor and cast aside by everyone I knew, simply because I only liked other men. It hurt so much..." Kylenus paused, his voice thickening, "That I didn't want to live anymore. I came out here looking to die, and instead, found everything worth living for! And when my Father offered to make me like him, I gladly gave up my humanity! I hate them as a whole nearly as much as you do, but I always believed in being fair. The humans I hate are the ones who shunned me! But I know enough not to blame all of humanity for the crimes of a few! I only blame the ones responsible for my pain! And partially, -partially-, because of that, I didn't want to be a human any more, so I gladly accepted the offering. I'm a Hirsune now, and proud of it!" he finished, thumping his chest savagely.

He looked at Volnaro, who stood there looking stunned. "I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you, but there's nothing more I can say. If you want to live your life full of pain and anger instead of finding joy in what you still have, then go right ahead. But don't use me for a foil to get back and a pair of murdering bigots who died long ago. I don't deserve that. All I want out of life is as much pleasure as I can get, and to enjoy being part of a loving family... Like I always longed for."

There was a scattering of applause from the crowd, some of whom praised the lad with comments like: "Well said!" and "Hear! Hear!"

Stunned into silence, Volnaro starred at the ground... Then, as if in a trance, he slowly walked away down the street, disappearing from view without saying another word.

Pareus smiled at Kylenus, and the priest patted him on the shoulder. "Very well spoken." Welvayan said with a smile.

Ardenus grabbed the lad from behind in a gentle bearhug, kissing the top of his head. "That's my boy! I'm proud of you, Son!"

Kylenus sighed in contentment, as the townsfolk offered words of praise and welcome to Kylenus before the crowd dispersed...

"No way!" Davin said that evening, as everyone sat gathered in the living room. "Fuck! I'd give almost anything to have been there to see that! That shit canal Volnaro finally got taken down! I'm really impressed!" he said, turning to his youngest brother in appreciation.

"You should've seen him, he left Volnaro speechless!" Ardenus said, his voice thick with pride. "All he could do was hang his head in shame and walk away," the father finished, using his hand to illustrate the redhead departing.

Everyone congratulated the youngest member of the family, then stopped as their father cleared his throat loudly to gain their attention. The boys fell silent, as their parent slowly stood up.

"We have some family business to attend to now. Kylenus. The room you've been using is yours now, and I hope to be kept up late rather often from the sounds of the bedsprings as you make good use of it." (the boys chuckled.) "But while you are officially my son, and officially an adult, there is one thing you are not... Not yet, anyways..."

Kylenus' face fell with shock.

"You must be initiated into the family properly, and because of recent events, we never had a chance to do so. But Doc Harian says you're perfectly well now, and recovered both from your transformation as well as from the Great Rite, so... I hereby formally lift all restrictions upon your sexuality. You are now free to fuck who, when, where and how you wish, as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties to the farm. You will learn the farming trade, unless you feel more suited to another job, and are free to live here for as long as you wish. This home is now officially yours, and we are your family by heart and by seed. We offer you the Rite of Union, which will be your formal initiation into this family. It is the second of the three Great Rites of the Hirsune. If you accept, you will henceforth be known as 'Kylenus, Son of Ardenus.' That will make you formally a member of this family and a true equal among us... Do you accept us as your family, and all that it entails?"

"Yes," Kylenus answered proudly. "I want you all as my family, my sexy Brothers," he looked to his siblings, "And my gorgeous Father. Make me one with you."

Eagerly, they all descended upon him, stroking and petting him, nuzzling and kissing every part of him they could each get to, what with all of the others in the way. They continued like this for several minutes, before Ardenus called a halt. His sons looked at him mutinously.

"We can't do the Rite properly here. Come my Sons, to the family temple."

Smiling, they all followed their parent to the stairway, heading down to the house's basement. As they went, Kylenus became curious. He'd heard passing mention of it, but he had assumed they meant the temple in town, not a privately owned one here on the property. Kylenus was intrigued as he descended, for he hadn't been to this part of the house before.

At the base of the stairs, Ardenus opened a double set of carved wooden doors, each bearing the image of an erect, spurting phallus.

Inside, Davin and Markano lit torches attached to the walls ever few feet by iron brackets, and which provided a high level of flickering light that filled the room and illuminated everything clearly. Looking up, Kylenus saw vents in the ceiling that channeled away the smoke.

The room as roughly twenty feet square, and ten feet high from floor to ceiling. The walls were made of blocks of pale grey stone, with a large stone altar table standing about waist-high in the center of the room. It was made of a six inch-thick slab of the same stone as the walls, and sat upon a massive block of solid, matching stone. The altar was twelve feet wide, and eight feet from front to back. There was a tapestry of white cloth and gold detail hanging on the back wall behind it, showing a mural of a massive Hirsune orgy in progress. The walls were hung with similar murals.

The floor was slanted lightly inwards to a point a few feet towards the door from the center of the room, with a covered circular drain set into the stone where the floor was lowest. Surprisingly, it was rather warm in here too, and Kylenus noted a radiating warmth coming up from the stone floor beneath him.

The room reeked of cum, sweat, musk, solem, piss, and other heady scents, all of with made the former-human's penis begin to rise in anticipation.

Walking up to the altar, Kylenus saw it bore only a single bronze chalice upon it, and the surface as carved with suggestive images. Ardenus pulled him back, though, and made him kneel upon the floor of the chamber, centered over the drain.

"The first step, Kylenus," the father said huskily, looking down upon his nude furry son as he stood there in all his naked, masculine and hairy glory before the boy, "Is for each of us to mark you as our own." He aimed his penis at the kneeling Hirsune.

"Receive this gift, Son, and know that you are now mine!" Ardenus growled lustily, and hot, golden urine gushed forth from his piss-slit, soaking the youth in his sacred fluids as it poured down his torso and covering him with his father's scent.

Kylenus lowered his head, opening his mouth, and took the musky fluid down his throat, swallowing greedily. He then bent his head low, letting it soak into his hair and flow down his back, literally bathing in the golden shower as his father smiled lovingly down upon him.

After several minutes, the flow trickled to an end, and Ardenus sighed. "Be welcomed, my Son." Then he stepped away as Markano approached.

The eldest brother took aim. "Make one crack about Mark marking you, and I'll slug you," he mock-threatened.

Kylenus bit his tongue, for that very thought had just occurred to him. He almost managed to keep a straight face as he nodded his agreement.

"Receive this gift, Brother, and know that you are now mine!" Mark said, then proceeded to drench the young Hirsune sibling in his piss, adding his scent to that of his father upon the lad's body.

Davin and then Kavarin repeated Markano's words, dousing him each in order with their own urine, until Kylenus was positively reeking from the combined fluids of each of his other family members.

When they were all finished bathing Kylenus in their sacred piss, Ardenus motioned him to rise, and then the father himself knelt down, the brothers following suit. "We offer ourselves to you, Kylenus. Mark us, as we have marked you."

"Receive my gift, Father," Kylenus responded, aiming at his dad's chest. "And know that you are now mine!" He groaned in satisfaction as his piss gushed free to splash onto the parent's chest. He didn't piss long, though, wanting to save some for his brothers.

His cockhead still dripping, he moved to Markano. "Receive my gift, Brother, and know that you are now mine!" Again his urine poured freely, anointing his eldest brother for a few moments.

He proceeded down the line, marking Davin and then Kavarin, until his golden cockwine was upon them all, marking each of them with his scent.

Once he was finished, they all stood up. "And now," the father said with a smile, "it's time for you to unite with us in lust." He turned to his three older sons. "I've had Kylenus many times now, and it's only fair that you all have a turn with your new sibling. However," he said, walking past each son in turn, inspecting them, "the question is... Who goes first?"

"Dad?" Mark's shoulders trembled slightly as he spoke up, only to be interrupted by protests from Davin and Kav.

Ardenus raised his hand for silence, and approached his eldest hatchling. "Well... You -are- the oldest, and therefore have first claim-"

"No, that's not it," he said, interrupting his father. "I... I owe him." Mark hung his head, unable to look his parent in the eye. "When he first came here, all I could think about was what would happen to us if he got caught. I didn't take Kylenus' feelings into consideration. But that's not all..."

Ardenus stared at his son in shock, afraid he knew where this was going. "Go on," he said with effort.

"I... Started to consider turning him in..." Mark said with effort. "I didn't, though... I couldn't go through with it. As scared as I was, I realized that maybe you were right, Dad, and I was wrong. I was going to tell you, but I was too ashamed. I didn't know what he was like. I judged Kylenus without even trying to get to know him. And then, when I heard that the guard took you, I didn't care what happened to him. I only cared about you.... And then... What he said... What Kylenus was willing to do to protect you, even though he barely knew you... I've never been more ashamed of myself in my life..." He looked up at Kyle with damp eyes. "I'm sorry."

Kylenus looked away, deep in thought. His gaze went to the altar, but his eyes were unfocused, his mind elsewhere. "I think I can understand where you're coming from," he answered quietly.

The rest of the family was silent, Ardenus' eyes on Kylenus, Mark staring at the floor as he listened intently. Davin and Kav stood motionless, their glaze flicking back and forth between the two siblings.

"Back when I was human, I didn't have anyone I cared for enough to want to protect. But then I came here, and met Dad, and then you guys... What I said in that trial... I meant every word of it. Dad is the first person I've ever been willing to die for."

He turned, and walked over to Markano, placing his hands on his eldest brother's shoulders. Mark looked up at him.

"But the same goes for the rest of you. All of you are my family now. " Kylenus said, looking at each of the before turning back to Mark.

"We all have dark impulses, Mark, even the best of us. Trust me, I wanted to take Volnaro's head off back there, but I didn't. Sure, it would've made me feel better, but I was able to control myself. You did the same... And you didn't know me. You were scared for your family, and I respect that. But there's one more thing that impresses me about you: You feel ashamed for it. That's better than me... I -still- want to go back and beat the shit out of that bigot, truth be told!"

Mark looked his brother in the eyes, lost for words.

"I forgive you, Mark. I just hope we can get to know each other better."

"But I still owe you, though. I want to make things right between us, so I want you to take me. I'm offering myself to you first to pay you back for what I almost did."

"Ok, but I don't understand how letting me fuck you will be repayment. I want to, and I accept your apology, but I don't exactly understand..."

"Dad's the only person I ever let inside of me, besides Priest Welvayan. I don't get fucked very often; I'm always the one mounting others. It's kind of a... Dominance issue with me. By letting someone else take control, I have to surrender myself to them, and that's not an emotionally comfortable position for me. I know it shouldn't be like that, but it makes me feel... Weaker... Like I'm not masculine enough, or strong enough... It's one thing with Dad. I don't mind with him as he's the head of the family, and can bring out the aggressive side in me... But no one else can make me feel... Right... Being mounted. So by making myself submissive to you, it's the best way I can make it up to you for thinking the things I did: submitting to your dominance."

"So, you're saying you want to be my first?" Ky asked him.

"First? I don't get it... Didn't you and Dad...?"

"Not yet, we didn't," Ardenus answered. "Kylenus needed me to mount him to receive the gift, and Doctor Harian mounted him in order to inspect his egg canal, but so far, it's only been him that was being penetrated. I was going to get around to letting him mount me, but it hasn't happened yet. I don't mind, though. If it means that much to you Markano, I'll yield his siring virginity to you. Besides, it's his choice to make, not mine."

"Virginity?" Kylenus asked, confused. "You said I wasn't a virgin anymore, Dad. I thought that's what the Great Rite was all about."

"Receptive virginity is the only type that counts towards adulthood. Receiving a phallus within you is what makes one an adult, but there's no specific standard towards adulthood when it comes to siring. It's considered one of the lesser Rites, and more an act of friendship or family bonding than anything else."

"Well, being the oldest son," Mark added, "I've always felt I had to be strong, so I could always look out for my brothers. Being mounted... Makes me feel lesser than I should be." He shook his head. "I know it's silly, and being mounted is perfectly natural, but... Well... It's always been a quirk of mine. So this really means a lot to me... Letting you inside... I'd be really honored to be your first."

Davin and Kav stood mute, seeing the depth of their brother's need to make amends, and silently withdrawing their protests as they allowed Mark to go first.

Kyle leaned in, kissing Mark deeply, pressing his body against that of his eldest brother. After several minutes of kissing, he pulled back at bit. "Well... If you insist," he said, kissing Mark again. Then, still kissing, he pushed Mark over to the altar.

Seeing what they were doing, Davin dashed forward silently to snatch the chalice from the altar before they could knock it to the floor, then backed away with it.

"Good thinking, Son," Ardenus said with a sigh of relief. "That chalice is the most expensive thing we own!"

Meanwhile, Kylenus pushed Markano back onto the altar, their lips chewing away at each other as they got awkwardly up onto the sacred stone table. Ky stroked Mark's chest hair eagerly, as Mark moved onto his back and spread his legs for his brother. He reached down, and let out a loud squelch, covering his hand with solem. He then brought it up in offering to Ky, who groaned in lust and did his best to swallow the offered hand whole. Their phalli hardened to full erectness as they kissed, petted and explored each other's bodies with their hands. Their musk rose in the air, mixing with the fumes of the solem and the piss that still covered them.

Ky moaned in lust as the solem heightened the experience for him, and he reached back to his own anus, discharging a handful of his own solem, giving it to Mark, who sucked up the clear aphrodisiac with relish, "Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!" Mark became eager despite himself, and began to thrust his hips upward against his brother, the solem making him feel a desperate emptiness within.

Feeling Mark's urgency, Ky moved into place, and slowly sank his penis deep inside of Mark's egg canal, entering another Hirsune for the first time... He thought he was going to pass out from pleasure. The sensations were beyond belief, as the sensitive nerves of his massive phallus picked up every detail of Mark's interior. Ky sighed in wonder... He could feel the warm wet tightness wrapping around his shaft, detecting every bump, every vein and blood vessel, even feeling the rhythm of Mark's pulse deep within his body as Ky slid deeper and deeper inside, until his hips pressed firmly against his brother's furry buttocks as he hilted himself inside his fellow Hirsune.

He looked into his brother's glazed eyes, who began to buck his hips, and Ky took the hint. He pulled out several inches, then slid back in, spasming with joy at the intense sensations flowing into his body from his penis. Shuddering, he worked himself into stride, stroking long and deep, his testicles slapping against Mark's ass with a steady beat.

The other three came close, watching them mate, enjoying the show and baring witness as Ky lost his final form of virginity.

Ky lost all track of time, losing himself in the intense feelings he experienced. For how long he stroked inside of Mark, fucking him long and slow, he had no idea. Their hairy bodies became slick with sweat as they fucked. He was too lost in bliss to pay attention to anything else around him, not even the discomfort in his knees as he humped the willing ass beneath him.

"Fuck," he sighed. "This feels so incredible! No wonder you always like to be the one mounting, Mark." He then lost himself in the feeling of power, being the one in control of the fucking, and feeling his masculine power throbbing through him as he rode his brother's hole.

Finally, some time later though, he looked down into Mark's face to see his brother laying there with eyes closed, a frown of concentration on his face. Remembering what Mark had said earlier about this not being easy for him to submit to emotionally, his enjoyment flickered. He then got an idea. Still impaling the older brother, he motioned gently to his side.

Opening his eyes, Mark looked up at him questioningly.

Grabbing Mark's shoulders, Ky rolled carefully sideways so as not to injure his sibling, yet forcing Mark to roll with him as he remained impaled deep within the older sibling. They rolled sideways across the altar until Ky was on his back, Mark on top of him and still riding the younger brother's phallus.

Mark was surprised, but became confused when Ky pulled up Mark's hand, and placed his wrist into it. It wasn't until Ky took his other hand and closed Mark's fingers around it, then placed his other wrist into Mark's other hand, that the older sibling began to understand. Ky was giving him back his sense of power and control. Growling lustily, Mark slammed Ky's wrists down roughly onto the altar, pinning the lad's hands down and slowly discovering how much control he had in this new position.

Mark had only explored a little with various positions, but never one where he was on top while being mounted. He experimented, discovering he had full control over how deeply Ky could thrust, and with the younger sibling's hands immobilized, he looked rather helpless. Mark growled in primal satisfaction, now moving his hips up and down, stroking Ky's shaft with his canal. He stopped, then teased Ky with partial strokes, and the boy grunted in irritation, trying to thrust deeper.

But Mark denied him, shoving his hips down and restricting Ky's movement, who moaned in fustration, bucking his immobilized hips futilely, unable to thrust.

Mark smiled grimly down at his helpless, desperate brother, who looked up at him, begging with his eyes for release, a release that Mark enjoyed not giving him.

But the older brother could see the pleasure in Ky's eyes. He was enjoying every second of this. Mark looked at him with gratitude in his eyes, and fierce smile on his lips. For the first time, he was enjoying being mounted by someone other than his dad... And for the first time, even though he was the one being penetrated, he was in complete control. He reveled in the experience.

Finally, Mark felt an orgasm building, stimulated by the thick penis stroking his insides, who's base had been grinding away against his prostate the entire time. Me moaned rhythmically as his orgasm approached, and just before it hit him, he released Ky's wrists, rolled them onto their side and began to convulse has his sperm burst forth from him, bathing both brothers' chests in semen.

Freed from restraint as they rolled onto their side, Ky bellowed like a bull and humped his brother's insides rapidly, his climax racing up his member until he screamed in triumph, breeding another Hirsune for the first time in his life. Finally, was truly no longer a virgin.

They came for several minutes, before recalling that there were other siblings awaiting their turn, and they reluctantly willed their orgasms to end by working muscles at the roots of their phalli to stem the flow of their seed. They looked deep in each other's eyes, feeling a deep brotherly bond form between them, the errors of the past washed away.

"Thank, you," Ky said, sighing in contentment.

"No," Mark countered. "Thank you... For everything." Mark felt a gratitude so deep he couldn't describe it, for now he had discovered a way to take the penises of others without sacrificing his sense of control. He then nuzzled Ky's neck, and clamped his teeth against the younger sibling's throat, growling softly in a quick display of dominance, Ky staying perfectly still, submitting to Mark's will.

Mark let go, and motioned for freedom. He gasped as Ky slowly withdrew from inside him, his penis glistening with a mixture of cum, precum and solem. Mark gently rolled into his back to see his family surrounding him, each showing love and forgiveness in their eyes as they smiled down on him.

"Next!" Mark said to them, gesturing towards Ky, who smiled, as the rest of the family chuckled.

Exchanging glances, Davin and Kav nodded in agreement. They had both waited long enough as it was, and moved forward as one to tag-team their younger brother, climbing up onto the altar as Mark vacated his position.

Ky rose to his knees as his brothers embraced him, kissing him passionately and stroking his hairy body. Ardenus stood there stroking his long meat as Mark joined him, stroking the hair of his own front, smearing his spent seed into his stomach fur to mix with the sweat and piss already there.

Each brother upon the altar was different in technique. Davin slowly explored Ky's body, whereas Kav went right for his penis, licking the spent member clean of the mixture of fluids on it before peeling back the foreskin and swathing the sensitive glands in his saliva.

Ky groaned at the attention, his arousal rapidly restoring itself. Davin moved his lips to Ky's chest, and licked and chewed at his nipple, before pressing his lips to the nub and sucking rhythmically. Ky gasped at the sensation, as he was nursed on for the first time. He could feel the milk flowing out through his nipple into his brother's mouth, nourishing the Hirsune with healing, protein-rich fluid. It was now that he finally understood why Ardenus had always enjoyed feeding him. It felt so blissful and relaxing, filling him with lust and pride.

The trio continued in this fashion for some time, before Kav pulled away. He turned away from Ky, resting on hands and knees, looking back pleadingly as his anus dilated, oozing a trickle of solem. The others saw this, and Davin pushed Ky encouragingly towards the waiting orifice. Already erect, Ky climbed onto Kav's back, grunting in pleasure as he sunk his meat all the way inside the eager hairy arse. He barely got settled, however, when he felt a weight on his own back, and a hardness poking at his buttocks. He sighed in pleasure, and opened himself, baring down to release his own anal lubricant in preparation. Davin found the hole, and dived in, causing Ky to groan in satisfaction as he was filled.

Sandwiched between his siblings, Ky moaned in lustful abandon and began to fuck Kav, feeling Davin begin to thrust in and out of his rear passage. But as he continued, he found it difficult to find a good rhythm. He wanted to stroke in and out of Kav in long, deep strokes, but there was Davin's shaft to attend to as well. He found it impossible to thrust back and forth properly, trying in vain to please both brothers simultaneously as they fucked.

Davin sensed Ky's fustration, and leaned forward. "Don't worry about me," he breathed into Ky's ear. "Just concentrate on mounting Kav. I'll take care of the rest." And sighing in relief, Ky stopped trying for the impossible, and devoted all of his effort to screwing Kav's brains out, who groaned in appreciation of the improved performance.

It didn't take long for them to achieve a sweaty climax. Davin, feeling the joy of fucking someone new, lost the battle first, and moaned long and deep as he sprayed his juice deep inside his brother's furry arse.

Hearing that long moan of release, Kav went over the edge, his seed spurting forth onto the altar stone beneath him.

Feeling the pulsing shaft deep within his insides, and the delicious tugging on his shaft as Kav climaxed around his maleness, Ky grunted in satisfaction as he orgasmed again, breeding Kav deeply. They all orgasmed for several minutes before pulling out of each other, and Davin and Kav climbed down from the stone altar as Ardenus approached.

The room now positively reeked from the scents of sex. Sweat, piss, cum, precum, solem, and musk: all mixed together in a heady perfume of passion that mixed with the scent of torch smoke and poured into Ky's newly heightened nose, making his head swim in euphoric ecstasy.

As he reached the focal point of the table, his youngest son still kneeling upon it, Ardenus saw the effect the various smells were having on the lad, and he smiled at the boy. "Feel up for one more time tonight?" At Ky's nod, he climbed up to join him, as the three older siblings observed, each feeling well spent, but able to go farther if they still wished.

Ardenus kissed the boy deeply, then looked at him. "With this final mating, you will be formally initiated into this family."

Ky nodded eagerly, bending backwards.

"No," Ardenus said, stopping him with a hand to his wrist. He then turned and laid face down along the length of the altar, raising his butt up suggestively, looking back over his shoulder at his son.

Kylenus looked down at his father, his lust rising once more as he realized what his father was doing... What he was offering... Growling lustily, he descended on the furry figure, nuzzling Ardenus' back and slowly working his way downward until his face reached the musky, hairy globes of flesh, the hair damp with sweat from the heat of the fire from the torches, and rubbing his nose deep into the crevice between them inhaling the musky scent of his father's insides that worked their way out of his anus.

Ardenus moaned in lust, having expected his son to merely climb on top and plunge into him without ceremony. This was far, far better though. He suddenly gasped in surprise, however, as the boy's tongue began to lick his anus, then bury itself inside his hole, licking and thrusting passionately into his anal ring of muscle, his face pressed hard against the man's furry buttocks.

Ardenus growled lustily, thrusting his hole back onto that probing tongue, clenching and unclenching around the invading tongue, squeezing it, and discharging copious amounts of solem with the intent of driving the boy wild with desire. It worked far beyond his greatest expectations, and the boy went feral, growling fiercely with lust, biting into those fleshy, furry globes deeply, stopping just short of breaking the skin, and Ardenus' mind exploded as his son snarled savagely, biting and chewing on every square centimeter of his father's furry buttocks for several minutes.

The three siblings were shocked and aroused simultaneously at this display of feral desire. The boy had gone wild with testosterone-fueled savagery. Whether he had merely held back with his brothers, or it was something about their father's body chemistry that triggered the change, they didn't know, but each began to masturbate as they watched their youngest brother begin to behave like a lust-crazed beast, their dicks becoming rock-hard with arousal. They realized now, that Kylenus hadn't been joking earlier. He probably -had- wanted to kill Volnaro earlier. That he had managed to avoid doing so, now that they knew just how aggressive their youngest brother could become, as a testament to the lad's self-control.

When Kylenus finally pulled away, the father felt a deep disappointment, but then cried out suddenly in shock as Ky unceremoniously stabbed into him, thrusting deep until the lad hilted deep inside him. As Kylenus began to thrust into him, fucking his father savagely, He growled, snarled and snorted, sounding like an enraged werewolf as he pounded away at his parent's insides.

Ardenus had never experienced this level of savagery before. While he'd had aggressive sex many times before, even as the bottom, this was the single most intense mounting he'd ever had in his life, and he loved every fucking second of it; pushing back eagerly onto the invading tube of fucksteak that was nearly shredding his insides. His own grunts, growls and snarls of lust filled the air, mixing with those of his boy.

Mark, Davin and Kav looked on in wonder as they masturbated. While they knew well that their father had a stronger than normal aggressive side, it had only come out occasionally before. Now they were witnessing the true depth of their dad's savage side, the darkest part of his lust. This display of masculine ferocity was far beyond anything they had ever witnessed before, and as their parent growled in lust, snarling in a deeper, gravely, sexy growl as he begged Kylenus for more, the son's libidos went into overdrive, and they felt their own aggressive tendencies rise up, as if summoned up from the depths of their subconscious by the actions of the two fucking aggressively before them. They grunted and growled lustily as they beat their meat harder and faster.

*SHIIIIITTT!!!* Ardenus thought silently in wonder, deep within the small part of his mind that was still rational. *I've created a LITERAL monster here! ... FUCK YEAH!!!* "Ah shit! Do it! Pound my ass boy!" he growled aloud in lust, snarling so deeply as he spoke that his words were barely understandable. "Tear me up! Slam my fucking hole! Pound the fucking shit out of me!!!" Ardenus surrendered to the full depths of his deep-seated savage nature. Something about the boy's pheromones was awakening a level of aggressiveness he'd never reached before, and he surrendered to it in fierce joy, loving the monster he was becoming as his canal was brutalized mercilessly.

Kylenus felt his mind almost dissolve into an animalistic state, and relished the experience. All that mattered was giving into that ferocity, and he embraced it joyously, slamming the body that enclosed his meat with long, hard thrusts that nearly broke his father's pelvis. As his father growled his words of lust, spurring the boy on, he abandoned all pretense at rational thought, letting his aggression rule his thoughts and actions. "FUCK YEAH!" he snarled deeply, his own speech nearly unintelligible. "TAKE MY FUCKING DICK!!! GIVE ME THAT FUCKING HOLE YOU FILTHY BEAST!!!! TAKE MY FUCKING COCK UP YOUR ASS!!!"

Just then, the level of savage passion overloaded him. "YEAH!!! YEAH!!! YEEEEEEAAAAARRRAAAWWWWW!!!!!!!" and he spasmed violently, roaring in triumph and filling the beast-like Hirsune beneath him with his hot spunk as he spasmed violently, then bit hard into his father's right shouldercap drawing forth a small trickle of blood as he continued to gush violently within the very core of his father's body.

The son's loss to orgasm was too much to take, and Ardenus exploded with a cry of release, roaring at the top of his lungs. He soaked the altar as well as himself as his seed poured from him like a raging river, roaring until his lungs screamed in protest.

As if the dual roars of achievement commanded them, the three moved quickly to the altar, where they came nearly in unison, each growling and snarling like their father and brother, who they drenched in their sperm as they orgasmed all over them and the altar stone...

Kylenus groaned in pain, rolling onto his back. He was back in his bedroom, with no memory as to how he'd gotten there. Late morning sunshine came in through the medium blue curtains covering the window. *I'd better be careful,* he thought to himself, bending his legs in order to reach his sore knees so he could massage them. *I'm starting to make a habit of this.* There was a knock on the door. *And that, too.* "Come in," he said aloud.

Davin poked his head in. "Good, you're finally awake. This is the third time I tried. I would've woken you up before now, but Dad said you might need some extra rest after last night, seeing as how you're not used to going on a bender like that."

He came in and sat down on the bed, nude as they usually were at home. "How you feeling?"

"Good," Ky replied. "But really sore in the knees." He turned to look at his sibling. "Would it be sacrilegious to throw a mattress up on the altar next time?"

Davin chuckled. "We tried that. It soaked up so much of our fluids that it started to mold, and we had to throw it out."


"Yeah..." Davin looked around the room. "We really need to decorate this place," he said, taking in the Spartan nature of the room. "Don't worry, we'll see about setting you up nicely, though it may take awhile."

"I'm not worried; Doc Harian basically said I've got decades ahead of me. He thinks I've regressed to the point of being a six year old, at least from Hirsune standards, that is."

"So you really are my younger brother then. Good, cause I'm only thirteen, myself."

"Huh," the former-human said, studying his brother. "You look to be in your early twenties, from a human standpoint. Oh shit," he thought, "I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from working... me too, for that matter. I suppose they need in the field, right?"

Davin shook his head. "Nope. Dad's not going to start putting you to work until next week. He said he wants you to have plenty of time to adjust to being Hirsune. As for me, I work in the house. I'm not as strong as the others, and have less stamina than them, so I run the house."

Ky noted that unlike himself and the rest of the family, who were all well muscled, Davin had a lean, thin look to him, giving Ky the impression of an otter to everyone else's wolfish appearance.

"I'm pretty caught up though, and lunch isn't for a few more hours, so I'm just relaxing at the moment." He placed his hand on Ky's furry shin, and began to stroke the furry leg sensually. "Wanna relax together?"

"Sure." he moved over a bit, making room for his brother on the bed.

Davin cuddled up next to him, and brushed his face up Ky's torso, inhaling deeply with a shudder of pleasure. "Fuck... I can still smell us all on you."

"I know, I don't want to shower. I want your scents on me forever."

"Well, we don't bathe often; only about once every week or so, or for special occasions where we don't want to be distracted by being too musky. Don't worry though," he said, moving up and brushing his lips against Ky's. "Any time you want a recharge, just ask."

They began to kiss, gently exploring each other's mouths sensually. As they broke the kiss slowly, Davin smiled. "One thing I should warn you about me: I have a major milk fetish." And he took Ky's nipple into his mouth and began to suckle, drawing forth the nourishing liquid from Ky's body through his chest.

Ky sighed in contentment and watched as his brother fed from him, loving the various sensations of tugging, warm wetness, and the steady trickle of manmilk from his nub. "Now I know why Dad loves feeding me.This feels so fucking good..." He laid there, petting his big brother's head as he was nursed on for awhile.

Finally, though, a thought occurred. "Hey Davin?"

"Hmm?" the sibling said, pulling away slightly from his brother's chest.

"One thing I don't get... We give milk, right? So why do we have male-shaped chests? I'd've thought we'd have boobs. Not that I want them, mind you!" he added hastily, seeing the shocked look on his brother's face. "It's just that I don't get why we don't, is all."

"What're you talking about?" Davin asked in confusion.

"You know... tits." He saw Davin looked at him blankly. "Sweater Meat. Major League Fun Bags. Built-in Flotation Devices.... Breasts! Those big lumpy things on women's chests."

"Oh, those!" Mark replied, finally understanding. "Why do they have those anyways?"

"Well that's were the milk bladders are... On humans, anyways."

"That's weird. I don't really know anything about women. As for Hirsune, though, our milk badders are here," he said, placing a hand on Ky's furry side, just below the ribcage. "We have one on each side, you see, each connected to the nipple above it. They wrap around your inner organs like this," he said, cupping his hand horizontally along Ky's torso. "See? I always wondered why human women had such deformed-looking chests. Personally, though, I like this better." And with a sly smile, returned to Ky's nipple to resume nourishing from him.

After a moment, though, he twisted upward onto his side as he switched to the nipple on the far side of his sibling's chest, then used his hand to pull Ky's head up to his lithe chest. Ky took the hint, and moving forward, took Davin's offered nipple into his mouth and began to suckle, drawing from his brother as he was drawn from in turn.

The two fed deeply from each other for awhile before breaking free. Each had become erect, and Ky looked from his hardened dong to Davin's face. "Hey Davin," he asked. "You're the only one I haven't mounted yet... Would you be OK if-"

Davin smiled and rolled away onto his side, facing away as he bent his upper leg forward to bring his posterior into a better position. Then he twisted his upper body to as to look at Ky with a lustful expression. "What took you so long? Slide on in, Brother," and he let out a wet squelch of solem.

Letting out a moan of deep need, Ky moved into position, and entered Davin for the first time, sliding in slowly. "Fu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-huck!" he groaned long and slow, gasping at the intense sensations coming from his schlong. "Oh shit that feels so fucking hot!... Thanks, Davin... Uh... You feel so good inside... I can feel every inch of you..."

"You're really getting to like mounting, aren't you? Good, cause I love to get fucked... And my ass is always here for you, Ky."

The younger sibling stroked long and deep, enjoying the sensations of his hyper sensitive phallus pistoning within Davin's canal, feeling peaceful and relaxed. "This... this isn't - uhh! - anything like with Dad. I feel so relaxed. I'm not acting all crazy and rabid. I love it... -ummm- ...but I don't know why it's so different this time..."

"It's our pheromones. Yours and mine are mixing together to make us feel this way. Each Hirsune's pheromones act differently on different people. Yours and Dad's seem to trigger an excess of testosterone, making you both go feral. With me, they seem to be having a sedatative effect instead. I always was told I was a very relaxing fuck. I like it though... Let's us be able to just lay here and enjoy it quietly. Go ahead, Ky. Breed me."

"Fuck yeah... I wanna squirt deep up inside you so bad..."

They fucked long and slow, taking their time, and it was the most peaceful mating Kylenus had ever experienced. It was quite some time before he came, spilling his seed far up inside Davin, and he sighed in relaxation as he came for over fifteen minutes, enjoying the tugging sensations of Davin's tunnel, which contracted and released rhythmically as he let forth his own juices quietly onto the sheets.

They laid there quietly for some time after, lost in the peaceful afterglow, Ky's head on Davin's shoulder.

An itch at Ky's torso suddenly made him aware of the consequences of having so many sexual fluids cover him for over a week without doing anything about it. He felt a matted chump just below his ribcage, and his face wrinkled with distaste. Reeking of various fluids was nice, but this was a bit too much for him.

"I feel really, really skuzzy right now. Much as I hate to get up, I think it's finally time to take a bath."

"Umm. Let me up," Davin said, and moaned in pleasure as Ky slowly slid out of him, the long penis flopping out of the older brother's hole wetly as it softened. Davin got up slowly, stroking his anus lovingly behind himself to savor the last tingles of intercourse. "Come on," he said, turning and offering a hand. "Let's go shower together..."

The bathroom was of a fair size, with a shower bath large enough to comfortably fit the whole family simultaneously. Ky noted an enema hose hanging from the wall below the shower head. "Why do we need this?" he asked, holding it up. "I thought solem came out with the shit in order to keep the anus clean for sex and egg-laying."

"We don't use it for that. It's for flushing hair down the drain."

"Oh," Ky said, seeing the sense of that. Without something high-powered to blast loose hair down the pipe, their furry Hirsune body hair would clog the drain very easily.

They stepped in, and as Davin fiddled with the knobs, Ky looked around to see many bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and long scrub brushes hanging on hooks.

"You like hot, cold, or middle?" Davin asked.

"The hotter the better," he answered.

"Good! Mark always wants it cold, and I can't stand it. Might as well jump in the river- Oop!" he turned quickly to Ky, looking alarmed and apologetic as he suddenly remembered what had happened to bring Ky here in the first place. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't've said that!"

"That's OK," Ky said with a shrug. "I'm over that, so no worries."

"Ok, good," Davin said, sighing with relief.

It took quite awhile for them to get clean, as Davin showed him how to make sure he cleaned himself fully by shampooing his entire body, rinsing, then using a separate conditioner for his hairy body.

"Why not just use a two-in-one? That way you can save time."

"Yeah... If you want to be a savage!" Davin teased.

Getting out, they dried themselves thoroughly with towels, then used some of a small army of blow-driers in the drawers to finish drying off.

"You know anything about cooking?" Davin asked as they finished, smelling handsomely from the herbal shampoo and conditioner.

"Not a lot, but some."

"Good, 'cause I'm drafting you to help..."

Several minutes later, Davin was pulling pots and pans down from hooks set into square frames hanging over the central island countertop as he called instructions to Ky as to what foods to pull from the pantry and refrigerator.

They then set to work, cutting up massive amounts of meat and veggies.

"Hey," Ky asked. "Where do we get all this meat from?"

"Oh, there's a big ranch on the other side of town," Davin answered. "They raise lots of cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens. It's the biggest business in town, even bigger than us. Hirsune physiology requires a high protein diet, so we trade fruits and veggies for meat. We raise some chickens and pigs of our own, but beef and lamb come from the ranch. We also hunt deer and moose out in the wilderness, from time to time."

As they worked, Ky began to notice that while the two-story house had a slightly different style of built than any home he'd ever been in, every one of the appliances were of human origin.

"Mind if I listen to the news?" Davin asked, and at Ky's shrug of indifference, switched on the radio, which picked up in the middle of a continuous news stream. After a few moments of listening, he realized it was a human news cast, then realized that there could hardly be a public Hirsune news cast, what with the need for secrecy.

As Davin stood there motionless, looking wistful, Ky asked "What's wrong?"

"I just hate this," Davin answered with a sigh. "I hate having to hide our existence like this. What I wish, more than anything," he continued, turning to the window, "Is to see what's out there. I want to see the Grand Canyon... The Statue of Liberty... Go out to a theater..." His expression turned sad. "But I probably never will."

"Why not? If you shaved your neck and the back of your hands, and wore clothes over the rest, you'd pass for human well enough."

"But what if it wasn't?" Davin said, turning to him with a look of fear. "What if something happens? What if I make a mistake and people found out? No," he finished, shaking his head. "It's safer here than out there. The risk isn't worth it. I haven't even laid any eggs yet."

Ky looked at his brother in interested.

Davin shrugged, more to himself than Ky. "I guess it's OK if you're the first to know. Just don't tell Dad I told you first, though... I've decided I want to become a dad. I've thought a lot about it, and when my next heat comes in March, I'm gonna start trying."

"Wow! Really? That's great! Can I be there... when he hatches? I've never seen something like that."

Davin looked at him with pity. "Actually, the hatching is a very private moment between father and son-to-be. Only the parent is there for the actual hatching." He saw his brother's face fall. "But I want you there for the laying. I want everyone in the family to seed the egg after it comes out."

"Seed it?" Ky asked in confusion.

"Once an egg is successfully laid, the father seeds it first by ejaculating upon it. Then the rest of the family comes forth to anoint the egg with their semen to mark the hatchling to come as bonded to them by seed. It's a very important religious rite among our kind."

"I'd be honored."

"We'll probably have to turn the storage room off the first floor hallway back into a hatchery. Dad used it for each of us, so that'd be the ideal place... Maybe we can put in a window. I've seen that there's this plastic stuff that turns glass into a two-way mirror. If it was light enough in the room, and completely dark in the hallway, then everyone could watch the hatching without interfering with the initial dad-son bonding. That's why we don't let others into the room during the hatching, you see, to make sure the emotional bond the child forms is with his parent."

"How long does that take, usually?"

"About two days or so, then the hatchling can be safely introduced to the rest of the family."

"Wow... I can't image what that's like, watching a Hirsune hatch..."

"Ask Kav. Dad set up a video camera to record both the laying and the hatching of him."



Ky lapsed into silence. To bring forth a new life... He'd never considered the possibility before. To have a child as a human, he would've had to mate with a human female, which had been impossible for him. The female anatomy had always been very repulsive to him, and even if he'd just donated sperm, it would've been the woman giving birth, so he's position in the child's life would always be secondary. Meaning he would've had to share the child with her. But now, a whole new world of possibilities were open to him. HE could now give birth -in a fashion- if he so chose. The child he would create would be truly his own, to be shared with the sire, but primarily his first... But wait... Wasn't Kavarin a self-seeded child? That meant that it was possible for him to breed himself, and create a child that was wholly his own, with no need to share with anyone...

But no, at least not yet. He was barely Hirsune now. He had yet to fully recover from the trauma of his human life. He had decades of pain to still work past. And it wouldn't be fair to the child to bring him forth to deal with a parent still dealing with his own issues. He hadn't told anyone in the family yet, but there had been a time or two still when he'd awoken to find himself crying in his sleep from nightmares where his old human family was still tormenting him for the 'choice' - as they had put it - of being gay. He needed to heal properly in his heart and mind before he would feel worthy of raising a son of his own. And time was on his side now. His father had brought forth Kav only eight years ago at the age of one hundred and eighteen. There was all the time in the world to do this right, so Ky was more than willing to wait.

Besides, he himself had only just begun to understand what it was to be Hirsune, so bring forth a son now would be unfair. He wanted to be able to raise his son the right way.

He came out of his thoughts to see Davin cracking eggs into a frying pan. "Um... No offense, but isn't that a form of cannibalism for us? Eating eggs?"

"No, not really. When you were human you ate animals that gave birth rather than laid eggs right?" (Ky nodded) "So this isn't really any different. Birds and reptiles come out of eggs, but you wouldn't compare them to us, right? That's how we view it. Besides, Hirsune eggs are much larger and a different color than chicken eggs, so we don't get bothered by it."

"Oh, OK," Ky answered with a shrug. "I can see your point..."

The family came in from the field awhile later and rinsed themselves off in the shower to remove the dust and dirt of the field. After drying themselves, they entered the dining room still smelling slightly of earth, which complimented the musky scents of them, making Ky desire their bodies. He managed to behave himself, though, as each looked ravenous. Food clearly being the only thing on their minds at the moment. As everyone sat down though, Davin cleared his throat for attention. Everyone turned to him, and Ky quickly shoved a small tomato into his mouth to hide the smile building there.

"Everyone," the second son said, clearing his throat. "I've been thinking about something for awhile now, and I've made a decision." He tured to look into Ardenus' eyes with a smile. "I want to become a father."

"Really, Son? You sure?" Ardenus said, and Ky could see that his father's heart was swelling with pride and excitement.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for the last few months, and I've made up my mind. I'm thirteen now, and well old enough to raise a hatchling properly, with all of you to help, of course. So when my next heat comes, I want to start trying."

Ardenus leaned forward to kiss his son deeply, smiling as he did so. "You're gonna make me a granddad?"

"Yeah," Davin said, kissing his father deeply once again as everyone offered their congratulations.

Everyone smiled at him, Kylenus included, and then they settled down to eat.

Markano ate ravenously, as though he was starving to death, going as far as finishing seven plates of food before anyone had finished their third. Then he sat there, motionless as he chewed listlessly on the remains of a carrot, staring at the center of the table without seeing it. Everyone was too excited at the news that Davin wanted to get pregnant to notice his odd behavior.

After awhile, though, Ky grew a bit worried. "You OK?" he asked quietly, not wanting to subtract from the joyous news from his older brother's earlier announcement.

"Fine..." Markano said vaguely, almost as if in a trance.

*Maybe he wanted to be the first in the family to get pregnant.* Ky wondered silently. If so, he wasn't clearly wanting a child yet, or he wouldn't've wanted to drink lemongrass tea tonight at dinner, which would counteract any possible pregnancy. Ky shrugged off his eldest brother's moodiness and continued to eat....

But near the end of the meal, Ky began to notice a strange, musky scent in the air, which steadily grew stronger. The unusual scent aroused him, making his penis arise into a state of full erection. He noticed his need to mate was growing stronger and stronger, and he didn't understand why.

Conversation faltered, and everyone went silent. "Markano?" Ardenus asked, looking to his eldest, who sat staring forward blankly in a trance.

"Mark?" Ardenus asked, his voice taking on a lusty, excited quality, and his son looked up into his eyes.

Mark looked at his father with a naked hunger, his eyes glazed and his mouth hanging open slightly, not answering his father. Slowly, Markano began to rise, and Ardenus responded by rising quickly from his place at the table.

Suddenly a powerful arousal hit Ky. He had to fuck Mark. NOW! Nothing else mattered except thrusting his penis deep inside his eldest brother and cumming deep inside him! He rose in preparation.

But Ardenus beat him to it, dashing around the table as Markano let out a deep, trembling moan of desire. The father flung him around and bent him forward over the island counter, and as Mark turned his head back to his father with an insane hunger in his eyes, Ardenus thrust into him, hilting himself within Mark's eager and dilated hole, then proceeded to fuck him rapidly, as Mark groaned in a sound of relief, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Ardenus thrust rapidly, grunting feverishly as he pounded his deranged son's ass until he roared in triumph, blasting his load far inside the moaning Hirsune man who pushed back eagerly to receive the gushing sperm.

Ky and his other two brothers came forth, each beginning to jostle aggressively for position, each determined to be next. Ky slipped ahead of them though, and shoved his aching erection roughly up Mark's egg canal, then fucked him fast and hard, obsessed with the need to cum deep inside him. He quickly reached a screaming climax.

He had little time to enjoy it though, as Kavarin seized him by the shoulder, and yanked him away roughly, ripping his penis from that hungry orifice, then plunging his own deep inside, humping his older brother rapidly.

Ky stumbled back, and would've fallen to the floor if not for his father standing behind him. Kav groaned as his orgasm hit, and his brother Davin followed suit, moving forward and impaling Mark just as Kav vacated the wet, sloppy anus. As he reached his own climax though, the door to the kitchen burst open, and a dark-haired Hirsune Ky didn't know came in, grunting like a bull. To Ky's fevered brain, he looked slightly familiar, but he didn't know from where.

The stranger looked at the Hirsune in heat, and bellowing like a bull, grabbed the front of his slacks in both hands and tore it apart, freeing a raging erection from within. He rushed forward, and roughly flung Davin to the floor to free the well fucked orifice of the waiting Hirsune, and eagerly stabbed into him, fucking long and deep, slamming the hairy ass around his shaft with savagery until he, too, reached a noisy orgasm.

Ky watched on disbelief as the stranger came deep inside his brother, and his senses cleared partially... Enough to form lust-fuzzed thoughts. "Wh-what's wrong with me?" he asked his father, who help him up with trembling arms.

Ardenus groaned in lust before answering with extreme difficulty. "Mark's in heat. Aw fuck! I knew it was coming soon, but it happened so fast! W-w-w-we n-need t-to get to-oo m-my bedr-roomm." He added, Mark's altered scent making him lust-crazed, making it difficult to speak.

As the stranger finished his climax, Ardenus staggered forward. "H-h-help me." He asked the room in general. Davin lumbered forward, his eyes glazed, but showing a vague level of sense, and grabbed Mark's arms as Ardenus grabbed his legs from behind. They quickly moved the half-conscious Hirsune in heat to the hallway, Ky noticing Mark had cum all over the counter as he'd been fucked - but by which one of them as it happened was a mystery - and moved towards Ardenus' bedroom, which was on the first floor, and not incidentally, had the largest bed in the house.

They were only halfway down the hallway when Ardenus groaned like a bull in need, and claimed by that very need, stabbed into his helpless son again while still holding him up by the legs, trying to fuck him as they moved down the hallway. He groaned in orgasm as they reached the door to the room, everyone else shoving each other roughly, each desperate to get into the room first and be the next to fuck Markano.

Kavarin won the tussle, and leaped onto his brother, thrusting deep within his sibling's rear passage. A moment after he screamed in orgasm, Ky shoved him away, fighting the stranger in the process, and plunged deep within, gasping in pleasure as he fucked Mark 'til he orgasmed, before being pulled away by another, he wasn't sure who, who took his place in mounting the nearly catatonic man who could only moan in lustful abandon as his aching hole was mounted again and again, his numerous partners driven by heat pheromone-crazed lust...

Sometime later, he didn't know how long or even how many times he'd mounted Markano, He found himself fighting the others for the chance to fuck his brother once again, and in fustration at being blocked by another, he lost his temper and punched the person trying to get in his way, hitting them hard in the face. Ky's new aggressive tendencies were rising, and he grew angry at having to compete for that willing ass.

The person (he didn't know who) that he'd hit cursed in a deep voice, and there was a smell of blood in the air. Then he felt strong hands seize him and drag him, kicking and screaming in protest, from the room. It wasn't until he was blinded by sunlight that he began to come to his senses, his head finally clearing.

Shielding his eyes from the sun, he finally realized it was his father standing above him, sporting a bleeding nose. "Wh-wha-...?"

"Deep breaths, Kylenus! Clear your lungs! Get it out of your system!" his father said, breathing deeply through his own mouth to clear his lungs of Mark's heat pheromones, his hand to his nose. "Shit, that hit fast! You OK?" his dad asked, looking at him in concern as he pinched his nose to stop it from bleeding.

"Yeah... What happened to you?"

"You did. You punched me."

"I did?!? Oh shit! I'm sorry! I-I don't even remember doing it!"

"It's OK, Son. You were lust-crazed from Mark's season. I don't blame you. ...Actually, If you hadn't done so, I wouldn't have had some sense knocked in me... Enough to get us two out of there, or we'd still be in there now, and you'd most likely be breaking all our faces for the right to hump him again!"

Ardenus checked his nose to see that the bleeding had stopped, then with a "Wait here!", he ran into the barn. He came back a few minutes later, wearing a rebreather gas mask over his face, covering even the eyes.

"I'm going in after Davin and Kavarin," he said, his voice muffled by the gas mask. "You wait here. If I'm not back out in five minutes, run to town and bring back Doc Harian. He'll know what to do. Take the truck - there's a spare key under the driver's side of the seat. Whatever you do, don't come back into the house. Your aggressive tendencies can be dangerous, and another fight might break out. Remember: five minutes!"

With that, the father stepped back into the house, Ky beginning to worry. Before the deadline, though, he returned, carrying a struggling Davin with him, who kicked and swore fiercely as he was manhandled. Once they got outside, Davin struggled, wrestling with his father, who slapped him hard across the face.

"Get a hold of yourself!" his dad commanded, and the second son seemed to come to his senses, breathing deeply. "Stay out here with Kylenus. I'm going back for Kavarin."

"W-what about (pant) Lamaren?"

"We'll trade off with him later in shifts. He's been through enough heats to have gained some level of self-control, your brother is too young to be able to handle it well enough yet. Stay here," he directed, using his palm to emphasize the command, and disappeared back inside.

He came back a few minutes later, a furiously struggling Kav in his arms. Ky was shocked at the viciousness his youngest brother was displaying, who, as Ardenus struggled, sunk his teeth into the man's arm, making the father yelp with pain. He threw Kav down, who struggled back to his feet, trying to make back for the house. Ardenus punched him hard in the stomach, driving the air out of the lad's lungs, and bringing the boy gasping and coughing to the grass of the yard, standing over him as Kav struggled for breath. Finally Kav showed signs of coming to his senses as his lungs cleared of pheromones.

"Is it always like this?" Ky asked Davin.

"Pretty much, but usually we have a bit more warning. Don't worry, you'll get another go or two at him before he's done this year. I saw him drinking lemongrass tea, so it'll be a full heat this time."

"Will I get like that when my time comes?"

"Yeah, but don't worry... You'll barely remember it. It's only bad in big families like ours, where there's lots of competition for mating rights. We'll only go back in one at a time, to avoid violent conflicts." He sighed. "Come on, there's a few beds in the loft," he added, nodding at the barn.

"There was someone else there, right? What about him? Who is he?"

"Oh, that's Lamaren... Mark's Sire... Come on, we'll need our rest."

"What about Kav? Dad didn't have to be so rough with him!"

"Actually," Davin said with a sigh, "He did. Kav can be really... determined... when it comes to servicing someone in heat... He'll be fine, so don't worry..."

Kylenus awoke sometime later to find that his father had joined him on the bed in the barn's loft. The low light level coming in from the open supply doorway where goods were winched up in a rope-crane assembly, showed it was dusk. There were only two beds up here, so the family had to share them in pairs. Looking over to the other bed, Kav and the stranger... Lamaren, if he recalled correctly, laid deep in sleep next to Kavarin. He felt a sigh on the back of his neck, as his dad roused from slumber and stroked his arm fur gently.

"You awake?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah. You OK?"

"I'm fine. I had another go at Markano a few hours ago, then came up here for some rest. We'll tackle him in shifts. You up for another go soon? We'd thought it'd be good for you to get used dealing with seasons, so you'll get at least another two rounds with him before he peters out for the year."

Ky shuddered, causing his parent to become concerned. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... I don't know how to feel about this. It's kinda scary, but at the same time... I really like it. I... Just don't understand all of this."

"Turn around," he said, and Ky did so to face his dad, who took him into a gentle, protective hug. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Kylenus. Going into heat is a perfectly natural part of being Hirsune. It's as much a part of us as our fur. It is the most sacred, holiest time of the year for us, when our lust becomes all-consuming. Never fear it... embrace it, and the joy it brings. Trust me, right now Markano is having the time of his life, and enjoying every second of it.

"True, it can be rather unsettling, surrendering all control, but it's also very liberating. Trust me, I speak from experience; I've gone into heat a hundred and twenty times now. It's a perfectly natural thing, and something that can't be avoided, no matter how much you try. But it's wonderful, Kylenus, oh so wonderful. When I go into heat next month, I want you to pound my ass through the floor!" he growled lustily. "Don't hold back, and don't run from it. Embrace the power of your masculinity and welcome each and every heat, yours and ours. It's our deepest gift to each other, it's the important time of the year for us."

A thought occurred to Ky. "Wait, you said you're a hundred and twenty six, but you've only gone into season a hundred and twenty. That means that it didn't first happen until you were six, right?"

"Yes, at age six, we reach our sexual maturity, and enter our breeding cycle at that time. After that, we go into heat that same time of year, each year, for almost all of the rest of our lives. Each year, around the same week, usually. I was going to tell you last night about Markano's upcoming heat, so as to prepare you, but it hit him sooner than ever before, and took everyone - him included, I'm sure - by surprise."

"But if Doctor Harian is right, and I'm six years old by Hirsune standards, then I might very well go into heat at any moment!"

"That's why I'm rarely from your side for very long. I want to keep watch over you, so I can see when it's going to happen. Oh Kylenus," the hairy father said, shuddering in anticipation, beginning to produce musk as his penis stiffened, trapping itself against Ky's own shaft, which responded in kind at the touch of the hardening meat. He hugged the boy close, nuzzling his ear affectionately, chewing on it gently and breathing hotly into it, making his son shudder in lust. "I can't wait. I want to make sure I'm there with you, when it hits you." He growled sexily into the lad's ear. "I want to see that naked, all-consuming, hunger of deepest lust within your eyes as you stare at me... begging me to screw your brains out without even saying a word. And then as your pheromones hit me, I'm gonna slam you down, bury my raging phallus up your quivering hole, and dig us a fucking tunnel to China using your hips as the sledgehammer to pound our way there! I'm not gonna stop until you're so bruised from fucking that you won't be able to walk right for a week!"

"Don't wait!" Ky moaned in lust, and throwing his upper leg over his father's hips, freeing the parent's erection. He eagerly grasped it with his hand, guiding it to himself.

Ardenus groaned in anticipation, and as he felt a mild spurt of solem splash onto his cockhead, he impaled his son, who sighed deeply in satisfaction as Ardenus began to piston rapidly within his canal.

"Why now?" Ky asked, panting in lust. "Why am I wanting sex now, even though neither of us is in season? I'm always horny, ever since the change. It's always there, even though I can't get pregnant except once in heat. So why be so horny all the time if I can't reproduce except at certain times? I love it! But I just don't understand..."

"I don't know..." Ardenus replied, panting heavy as he mounted the lad. "Maybe it's our low birthrate that keeps us like this, trying to make us breed out of season to compensate. Maybe our heat never really goes away... maybe it's always with us, but only spikes once per year. No one knows. It just is... It's who we are... It's what we are..."

"Ah yeah! I fucking love it! Let it come then. If this is nothing compared to being in heat, then I can't wait! I want to feel the full power of penis, the full force of my lust! ...When It comes Dad... rape me... rape me hard!" And with that, he bit hard on his Dad's furry shoulder in savage lust.

"AW FUCK YEAH!" Ardenus growled, going feral until his voice was barely intelligible for all of his snarling and growling. "YEAH!!! YOU KEEP FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME! BRINGING ME DOWN 'TIL I'M NOTHING MORE THAN A RAGING ANIMAL!!! I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!"

"YEAH, LOOK AT YOU!!!" Ky said, snarling fiercely into his father's own snarling visage, their noses only an inch apart. His own voice taking on that barely distinguishable growling and snarling quality. "YOU'RE LIKE A WEREWOLF! A FILTHY, SNARLING FUCKING WEREWOLF!!!"


"FUCK YEAH, DO IT! ...LOSE YOURSELF IN YOUR BEAST!!!" Ky snarled, nodding savagely at his dad. Then he gasped in lust as Ardenus lunged forward and fastened his teeth onto Ky's throat, growling lustily. Ky snapped hard at the air repeatedly like a wolf as he was held in those powerful teeth and his ass pummeled mercilessly. He rammed his hips frantically into his parent's thrusting loins, unable to get enough of this brutal treatment on his insides.

The stimulation as too much for Ky, who growled louder and louder, his snarls coming faster and more urgently until his cock spewed forth his seed, bathing both of them in hot cum. He snarled once more as his orgasm hit and his father released his throat, and sank his teeth savagely into Ardenus' hairy pec, sending the father over the edge, who came into his feral boy, snarling and roaring like the proverbial werewolf his son wanted him to be, roaring into the boy's face, who chewed fiercely at the muscled chest, their eyes locked together, blazing with sexual fury.

Lamaren and Kavarin had bolted upright, midway through the pair's mating, awoken sharply by the loud vocalizations of the two. Markano's sire sat there in shock, his eyes bulging and mouth open slightly at the sight. He'd mated with Ardenus many times, and knew the elder liked it rough, but this was far beyond anything he'd ever seen from his longtime friend. He knew of Ardenus' feral traits, but not once in all their years of living in the same town and fucking each other regularly had he ever imaged that such a monster laid deep within the beefy Hirsune he called friend.

"What's happening to him?" he asked his bedmate.

"They always seem to get like this," the third son explained to him. "It seems Ky has a really strong feral side too, and each of their aggressive tendencies feed off of each other sometimes. Dad always did like to be rough with me, but not like this. We normally just cuss each other out and spit on each other as we bare our teeth. Ky's like some kinda wolverine or something, and pulls the same behavior out of Dad, especially when they're excited. It's fun to watch, but kinda scary at the same time..."

"Damn!" was all the mature Hirsune could say, as he watched them snarl and growl as they continued to cum...

Over the next two days and nights, each of them had a chance to be alone with Markano for a few hours, enjoying the effects of the eldest son's pheromones, which drove them to mate with him non-stop. The rest of them would stay outside the house, killing time by chatting, mating and playing card games as they each awaited their next turn. When the time came, they would take in the gas mask, wearing it until they entered the room, then place it onto the one mounting Mark; letting the mask clear their head as the trade-off would let the heat-lust consume them, until they eagerly plunged into his ravenous hole...

Kylenus came back to his senses to find his penis spurting deep inside his eldest brother's ass as he continued to thrust back and forth, and as his conscious mind returned, he continued to fuck, enjoying the sensations on his dick, willing his orgasm to continue.

He looked up to see Markano smiling at him, the afterglow of sated lust still on his face, and the look of sense and awareness once more present in his eyes.

"Hey, Ky."

"Hi," he answered, still thrusting gently. "Oh," he said, looking down at himself. "I'll stop."

"No," Mark replied, with a smile. "Keep going. Don't worry, I'm always more agreeable when I first come out of season."

"Ok... Man that was intense! The look in your eyes... That glazed, insane hunger. It scared me at first, but after awhile I got to liking it!"

"Well enjoy it while it lasted. You won't see it again until next year."

"I know... Umm, I love fucking you. Pity you don't always enjoy it this much."

"You know," Mark said thoughtfully. "I think I'd be willing to experiment some more. I'd like your help on that... I never did properly thank you for what you did. You didn't have to, you know. I mean it. My hole was yours to use as you wanted. You didn't have to worry about my feelings. I did it out of submission."

"I know, but I wanted you to be happy too, and see that I had no hard feelings... Well, not that there wasn't something about me that wasn't hard, that is..." He smiled lewdly.

"Well, if you want to help me experiment more later, then sure... Besides, I still want to try your hole... I haven't gotten the chance to fuck you yet."

"It's just you and Kav who haven't. I've gotten to mount all of you already, so it's only fair to let you all inside me too."

"Ummm... I can't wait... We need to experiment with you... all of us. All I know about you sexually so far is that you like it when Dad acts like he's got rabies!"

"Fuck yeah! That's just so damned intense! I've never experienced something like that before. Davin said it's how the pheromones interact between two guys. With me and Dad, it seems to bring out our feral sides. With Davin, it was sedate... almost meditative. I still can't seem to figure out how yours and mine work together yet, though."

"We'll figure that out later. There's no way to tell right now, as my hormones are all still wonky after being in heat... Hey, that's right! I was your first heat, huh?"


"What'd you think?"

"It... was scary at first, once I got away from you and got my head clear. But when I came back, and then again once more... I started to like it. I started to relax and let the power of Penis consume me, and I wasn't afraid anymore."

"Don't ever worry, Brother. Penis always knows best. Let Him guide you, and you'll always feel joy. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ky responded, and gasped as his orgasm increased, painting Mark's passage more vigorously in white goo. "Oh fuck yeah! Hail Penis!" he moaned, smiling goofily at Mark.

"Hail Penis, Kylenus... Hail Penis..."

There was a tapping at the door, which opened slowly, and a gas masked figure peeked in. They turned and waved hi lazily.

"Ah shit!" Kavarin swore, tearing off the mask. "You're done? Dammit! I wanted another go at you!" he whined in annoyance.

"Sorry." Mark said.

"The only time of the year I get to mount you, and I didn't even get a good amount of fucking in..." He pouted. "Now I'll have to wait 'til next year."

"Maybe..." Mark said, smiling knowingly at Ky. "You'd better pull out," he continued, glancing with concern at Kav, "Before he really gets pissy."

Ky pulled free slowly, his boner twitching while Mark's canal gurgled wetly around him as he withdrew. As he pulled free, Mark's hole sputtered loudly, splattering Ky's groin and thighs with spent seed and solem.

"Uh, sorry," Mark said, frowning. "Didn't mean to flack all over you."


"Post-sex air expulsion, it usually has juices in it... Basically the egg canal's version of a fart."

Ky winced, scooping the mess off himself, then smiled wickedly. "No worries," he said, and flung the mess forward, splatting it against his older brother's face.

"Oh you dirty-!" Mark exclaimed, rising quickly, then froze in place, groaning as his insides gurgled loudly and wetly. "Urgh! I'll pay you back later, Little Dick!" He swore, dashing across into his father's private bathroom. He sat down on the toilet, and with a wet continuous farting sound, expelled what sounded like several gallons of cum into the bowl.

"You OK?" Ky asked, concerned for him. He peeked into the doorway to see Mark straining on the toilet. "You probably want some privacy..."

"Nah, come in." Mark said, grunting with effort.

"But... You're on the toilet!"

"So? It's just cum. It's not like I'm shitting or nothing." He grunted and strained again. "Hey, we were safe right?"

"Yeah," Kav said, casually walking in and leaning against the towel rack, treating his eldest brother as if he was sitting at the table or on a couch, rather than expelling three day's worth of spent jizz into the toilet. "I made sure we popped you some extract pills every twelve hours. We all took some too, just to be sure."

"Good. Uh! Let Davin be the proud dad. I'm not ready to be a father yet." Suddenly, with a alarmed look, he began to gasp. "Ah damn! Ky, help...!"

Panicking and wondering what was wrong, Kylenus ran to his brother who strained, and rose up partially, clutching his ass in shock with his far hand.

Ky grabbed Mark by the free arm, trying to help him up, when suddenly the hand at Markano's ass flung upwards, splattering a large amount of discharged cum into his sibling's shocked face.

"Told you I'd get you back!" Mark grinned, sitting back down.

Kav roared with laughter as Ky, sputtering in disbelief, began to stumble over to the sink, a look of disgruntlement on his goo-covered face.

"What's going on in here?" Ardenus asked, peeking into the room. "You guys making a mess of my bathroom?"

"Just a bit of horsing around, Dad." Mark said with a grunt, still draining his egg canal of semen.

Ardenus smiled with relief, first at seeing that his eldest was OK, and then noticing how well Kylenus was getting along with his brothers. *He fits into the family so well... I'm glad he came along...*

That evening, everyone was eating dinner calmly when Ardenus cleared his throat. "Kylenus?"

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Tenaro requested a get together with you tomorrow. I want you to sate your lust thoroughly before I take you to meet him."

"Who is he? And why do I need to get pleasure before I meet him?"

"He's the community elder in charge of education, as well as town historian. He wants to make sure you have your mind focused on what he has to say, hence the need to make sure you won't get too horny while you're with him. I think he's rather curious to meet you. Not only because you're from outside, but also because of your human background. Be ready to go by ten, OK?"

"Don't worry, Dad," Kavarin said, gazing lustily at his younger brother. "I'll make sure he's properly drained before then."

Ky smiled across the table at Kav, feeling his penis begin to stir in anticipation...

Kav invited Ky to his room for the night, and the youngest sibling followed, his erection bobbing in the air, leaking pre as he kept his gaze on Kav's furry posterior. As they entered, Kav closed the door. There were posters of human rock bands like Nine Inch Nails, and AC/DC on the walls, and an electric guitar on a rack over the long, low-set dresser, beside which was the equipment to power it. In one corner, there was a workout set bolted to the floor, with a weight bench. In the open doorway of the closet, a chin-up bar was mounted across the door frame.

"You like working out... And music too?"

"Yeah. I'd love to be in a band, but I seem to be the only decent player in town. Other guys try, but I have a good ear, most of them don't. Not much sense for rhythm outside of sex. I wrote a few songs, but no one except family gets to hear them. I'll play for you sometime if you like... But for now, I really should be a good son and do as Dad told me."

He walked forward, and ran his fingers through the fur on Ky's stomach as their lips came together. They kissed and petted each other for some time, before Kav pulled back slightly. "So... what'd you want to do? I'm pretty versatile and openminded. But we should see how our hormones mix and affect us before we go any farther. Here," he said, lifting his armpit to let forth a whiff of musk.

Ky leaned down to the offered region, and inhaled deeply, feeling the rush of popper-like endorphins enter his system through his nose. He rose up, and offered his own furry pit to Kav, baring down to let forth a squirt of his own musk into his already sweaty underarm hair. Kav bent down, taking a long draught of the heady secretion, moaning in pleasure.

"Not bad for a start," Kav said, as their eyes glazed over from the drug-effect of each other's musk. "Let's go for broke, though." And he moved his hand back to his anus, cupping it beneath him. "Come on," he said, "you too."

Ky mimicked him, and they let out near simultaneous wet squishes of solem into their palms, bringing them up in offering to each other.

Their eyes locked together, boring deep into the other's depths, as they first sniffed, then slurped up the potent goo. Each saw the other's eyes dilate in bliss, and they came together, kissing again.

Kav wrapped his arms around Ky, and lifted him off the ground slightly as they continued to kiss, showing the power of his muscles before setting him back down.

Not to be outdone, Ky followed suit, Kav sighing into his mouth in satisfaction.

As his feet hit the floor, Kav broke the kiss and pushed him away gently, feeling a strong need to show how powerful he was. Once Ky was a few steps away, He rose his arms, and flexed, showing the strong muscles covered in fur, displaying his power to his brother.

Seeing that this was a competition, Ky flexed his arms, showing the muscles there. While they weren't as detailed as Kav's, the brother watched in appreciation. Each had a massive erection, growing more and more aroused my the display of might from the other sibling.

They posed for each other, displaying their masculinity and their virility through the movements of their strong bodies. They flexed and posed, recharging their high with more musk and solem as they went, feeling their testosterone rising as they showed each other their prowess.

Finally they came together, giving smug, macho smiles as they continued to flex for each other.

Ky struck like a snake when Kav flexed his bicep, moving his mouth forward and squeezing the bulging muscle hard with his teeth, setting Kav's blood on fire. He bared his teeth, continuing to flex and relax his muscle as Ky bit it again and again, growling softly.

"Fuck yeah, Bro! Can you feel it? Can you feel the might in my muscles? Feel how buff I am!"

"I wanna feel your real muscle, though," Ky said, lifting his head and grabbing Kav's straining meat in his hand. I wanna feel you on the inside."

"Yeah? You wanna get fucked?"

"Yeah man, bury that big dick up my ass!"

Kav moved him over to the chin-up bar in the closet doorway. "Grab it!" he commanded, and Ky seized the bar, lifting himself off the ground. Kav lifted Ky's legs, and knowing what was wanted from him, the younger sibling hug from the bar and lowered himself slowly onto Kav's throbbing boner, impaling himself on it in midair.

Sighing in a guttural hiss of pleasure, Kav began to fuck, as Ky began to raise and lower himself, adding to the pistoning motions. They got into it, glaring fiercely into each other's eyes, feeling the need to prove their masculine power to each other.

They fucked up and down for some time, grunting and moaning, boasting to each other of their own strength and complementing that of the other, and egging each other on.

Finally though, Ky's strength began to wane, and Kav, seeing this, grabbed him, spun around, and while still sunk deep within his bro's strong ass, dropped them to the bed and resumed fucking him.

They stared deep into each other's eyes, mouths open lewdly, a slight snarl in their faces and a fire in their eyes as they fucked. Kav pursed his lips, and spat in Ky's face, and Ky's mind exploded in fierce joy. He spat back, hitting Kav in the well-muscled chest. They began flexing their muscles, spitting on each other in masculine affection and machismo, until Kav let out a moan, and shot his load deep up Ky's ass, gritting his teeth in fierce joy as he emptied his balls up inside his bro.

As Ky grabbed his dick, Kav grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "Wait," was all he said, and Ky, feeling somewhat cheated, could only lay there until Kav finished and pulled out.

Kav knelt on the floor, flexing his arm upwards across his chest, and motioned Ky to approach.

Confused, Ky complied, but understood once Kav placed Ky's throbbing dong into the crook of his elbow, and squeezing hard, moved the arm forward and back, stroking his brother's erection with his arm muscles.

Excited, Ky began to thrust, using the looseness of his uncircumcised skin to piston, trapped within Kav's arm, which acted like a masturbation sleeve as the older bro stared up at him with a scowling smile, which Ky returned with gusto.

It wasn't long until Ky came, spraying his seed all over Kav's massive, furry pecs, turning them slowly white with spunk...

The next morning, Ky got another mating in with Kav, who let his younger brother mount him as he laid on his back. The potent musk and solem drove them to another scowling and smiling display of their butchness, each glaring with fiery passion into the other's eyes as they fucked, flexing their muscles, baring their teeth, grunting in encouragement to the other, and spitting gruffly on each other's torsos and faces.

"Ah fuck! Feel the masculine power of my penis, Bro!" Ky groaned in a deep gravelly voice as he orgasmed, bringing his fists together in front of his stomach to display his strong muscles to his bottoming sibling. "Feel His fucking power! Fuck yeah Penis! Fill his ass!"

"Fuckin' A Bro! Flex those guns! Pour all of that hot-ass Penis power into me! ...I can feel Him squirtin' and thrashing around up in there! Ah shit, yeah!" Kav groaned in encouragement as he masturbated his own prick fiercely. "Ah yeah... I can feel it. Penis is gonna gush His sperm!" he cried huskily, looking down at his boner as it bobbed and thrashed around as he stroked it. "Ah fuck! Fuckin' A! Watch him, Bro! Watch Him pour out His power all over the place! Cum for us, Penis, show us Your power! Ffffuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!!!" He groaned loudly as he came, spewing punk all over the pair of them, and each Hirsune stared with inflamed eyes and fierce scowls full of machismo as they watched the cum pour forth.

"Fuckin' man-dong, spewing cum!" Ky growled lustily at the gushing phallus. "Pour your fucking masculine power all over us! Drench us both in it! Hail Penis!" he cried.

"Hail Penis!" Kav replied passionately. "Hail Penis!"

"Hail the masculine power of Penis!" Ky growled, then grabbing Kav's biceps, hauled him up into a fierce bearhug, which was matched by one of Kav's own. Their lips came together, chewing away at each other's mouths as they glared deeply into each other's eyes, the two continuing to spew man-cream from their meat...

Two hours later, Kylenus entered an office at city hall, having passed through the hallways where several other Hirsune slimed at him warmly, taking in his transformed body in looks of naked desire as he passed, with him responding in kind.

Tenaro was there waiting for him. Ky stepped forward, his hand held low to explore the crotch of the elder in the proper method of greeting, but the elder moved quickly behind his desk. "Good, Kylenus. Please be seated," he said, gesturing towards the chair in front of his desk as he took his own seat behind it. Disappointed at Tenaro's cold, professional manner, he sat down.

The elder kept his gaze focused upon the desk before him as he spoke: "Kylenus, I wanted to meet with you for a few reasons. First, as town historian and educator to new hatchlings, it will be my duty to To instruct you on our history, and how things work around here; especially in relation to our isolation from the human world beyond this community. We will meet together once a week, for six hours each day. You will be loaned history books that you will be required to read, and I will be testing you on the knowledge that you gain."

"Alright," Ky responded. He understood this, and had no objection. There was only one thing that had bothered him so far during this meeting. He understood that all Hirsune were very sexual beings, driven by their lusts at all times, as his own experience so far had shown. The elder's refusal to acknowledge his desirability bothered him deeply, as with the exception of Volnaro, every other Hirsune he had met had gazed upon him with a look of at least mild sexual interest.

That Tenaro wasn't doing so... ...irked him. It made him feel unsettled that he wasn't found to be attractive. He knew this was a business meeting, but his Hirsune instincts were perturbed at this blatant display of rejection from the elder, who continued to ignore his presence as a sexual being. Feeling that this was a challenge to be overcome, Ky found himself determined to get a reaction from the elder. For while it was true that he had fully sated his lust with Kav only two hours ago, his ever-present Hirsune sexual instincts took the older person's lack of interest as an affront to his ego.

"That sounds reasonable," he added, and lifted his arms slightly as he discharged a small amount of musk, trying to trigger a reaction.

"The lessons should only take a few weeks, and the workload will be kept down, so as not to interfere with your farming duties."

Again he refused to react, and feeling annoyed, Ky bore down harder, producing a stronger wave of musk, which began to fill the room. "Dad wouldn't like it if I spent all my time studying, rather than learning the art of farming, I suppose," he added, watching Tenaro closely for the slightest reaction.

"True. Excuse me," the elder said, and turning around, opened the window wide to let in the fresh air of springtime before turning back to the lad, who used every once of self-control not to show his reaction outwardly.

*HE'S BRUSHING ME OFF?!?* the boy thought in disbelief, both hurt and offended at the same time.

"Yes, your father will allow you enough time to finish your homework, which you will turn in to me at the beginning of your next lesson each time."

"Right," Ky replied briskly, annoyance creeping into his voice.

"Now for the other matter. There's a very important reason I wanted to meet with you... something that may well be the most important thing ever asked of you in your life."

Ky had begun to pout inwardly, but as the elder's words sunk in, he blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Let me show you," he replied, turning to the computer set on a side desk to his left. A few clicks of the mouse, and he pulled up a planetary mapping program of the earth, showing North America. He began to click inward, zooming in towards the northwest, then closer into Montana, then even farther towards the upper portion of the state, just below the Canadian border. As the satellite view of trees became more distinct, a small town began to appear. Tenaro stopped when the town became clear on the screen. "Do you know where that is?" he asked.

Ky's mind worked furiously, all thoughts of sexuality gone as the truth hit him. "That's here, isn't it?"

"Yes. You're looking at a birds-eye view of our town... On a human controlled network. That can mean only one thing: the humans know we're here."

"Wait, ...I think you're reading too much into that. It's only a small part of a satellite map. The people who took that image and added it into the mapping program probably aren't aware of the town's nature. They may very well just think that it's only a small town in the middle of nowhere. That's not enough to base any suspicions on."

"Normally I'd agree, but there's more evidence to support our concerns. Bertha was met at a truck-stop about a hundred miles west of here by some people who showed a very unhealthy interest in where she was going with a truckload full of supplies."


"One of our few human contacts with the outside world. She's the regular driver who brings in everything we need from the outside world. Things we can't make or grow on our own. Fortunately, she wasn't followed all the way here, but the strangers saw which way she was heading, and there's few routes one can take heading in this direction. Because of that, we can only assume one thing... That the humans have learned of our existence, and are beginning to grow curious. We may not be able to remain in isolation for very much longer. It is the belief of the council of elders, that we will be discovered in full very soon."

"Can't we leave? Just pick up and move elsewhere?" Ky asked with concern.

"Where would we go?" Tenaro asked, spreading his arms wide. "The humans have developed their technologies so rapidly within the last few decades, and continue to do so. In this way, the world is growing smaller and smaller, and we have nowhere to run where they will not eventually follow. We came to this continent over four hundred years ago, seeking escape from our persecutors, but they have followed us across the oceans. Even if we did run, we would still eventually become trapped. And then the humans may very well destroy us as we always feared."

He sighed, and rose, turning to gaze out of the window sadly. "Only the council knows of this besides you. You were the first outsider to find their way here, but you will not be the last. We don't want the townsfolk to panic. We want to protect them, and give them what little peace we have left... What time there remains until the humans come for us should be filled with happiness... Not dread."

"Why me?" Ky asked, shocked by this revelation. "Why tell me all of this? I'm not an elder... My dad is, yes, but me?"

"The council agreed... Well... -most- of us agreed... That if anyone can help us to prepare... To find a way to save us from the wrath of the humans... It would be you," he said, closing the window tightly.

"What?!?" ME?!?" he stammered in shock. "But you don't even know me!"

"I think I do," Tenaro replied, turning to stare deep into his eyes. "I was there, the other day when you spoke to Volnaro. I heard the passion in your heart, ...and The pain. You spoke a very deep truth, one that made us begin to think that perhaps not all humans think the same way. You were willing to die for the sake of one of us, after barely beginning to know of our kind. You have shown a wisdom and kindness unlike any we had ever thought capable of from your kind... er, your -former- kind, that is. You have taught us that not all humans are evil. That there may well be many more who think and feel as you do. Bertha is one of the very few humans we've ever had contact with, and we thought that she was a rarity among her kind. But if you, a stranger, were willing to shield one of us from harm's way, then there may be more. That is why I'm trusting you with this, Kylenus. The secret of our deepest fear, in hopes that you can help us avert a disaster that may wipe our people from existence."

Ky flopped down in his chair heavily. "How am I supposed to help? I'm nobody. I was a shut-in among humans! I had two friends, a crappy small time job at a liquor store and a family that spent all their time screaming profanities at each other! I don't have -anything- that could possibly help!"

"Yes you do," the elder countered. "You have lived as one of them for three and a half decades. You know their ways, as well as what they're likely to do, and may well know who among them may be willing to help us. Now think! Isn't there anyone you would turn to for help in protecting yourself from those who would oppress you for being different? I'm certain there must be some humans, somewhere, who feel as such. I refuse to believe there aren't such people among them."

Ky thought hard. Who would he go to? This would be the ultimate act of discrimination, so- ...discrimination! "Wait! Maybe there is a way... If we treated this as a discrimination case. There's organizations that specialize in anti-discrimination cases, 'Equality National', for one."

He stood up and began to pace the room, rubbing his bearded mouth thoughtfully. "Our differences from humans are primarily sexual in nature, as well as religious. If we treated the matter like a form of GLBT discrimination, we could get support from them."

"G.L.B.T.?" Tenaro asked.

"Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered. Basically humans who are attracted to others of the same gender instead of, or in addition to, the opposite gender; and people who undergo medical procedures to change from one gender to the other."

"But we don't have genders! We simply are what we are, with no such distinguishments among our kind."

"I know, but when I first got here, I kept thinking of Hirsune as gay men who could get pregnant. Plus, we use masculine terminology to describe ourselves."

"Only out of habit. It was originally meant as a form of social camouflage, which we continue more because we've done so for so long that it's become automatic for us to do so, than anything else."

"That might actually strengthen the GLBT angle of our case. All of them are discriminated against because of their sexuality. It's basically the same for us, as far as they'd be concerned. We'd be treated unfairly because we live our lives differently from the way they do. I'm not sure about the religious angle, since worshiping sexual expression is a lot different from the mainstream human religions, but if we can tie that in too, it might possibly gain us even more support."

"How can we do that, though?"

"We'll need to establish contacts with an anti-discrimination firm, one that specializes in GLBT cases. We'll want someone very high up in the chain of command... One with a high success rate in lawsuits involving GLBT issues. Also, we'll need proof to back up what we tell them. Humans are the 'show me' people. If you can't give them hard evidence, then they won't believe us."

"What kind of proof?" the elder asked, leaning forward.

"Do you have any original copies of historical documents? Old ones? The older the better."

"Yes... why?"

We need to prove that the Hirsune have existed for a very long time. We need time-aged documents that can be carbon-dated to verify their authenticity. If we can do that, then the humans will have evidence they can prove are of authentic origin and have been around for ages. I saw that Doctor Harian had an old medical book, one that looks like it's hundreds of years old. That would be an ideal choice, if he'd be willing to loan it out. Medical records including detailed descriptions of our anatomy will help verify that we're physically different from humans. Also, that bald priest... He's the head of the clergy here, right?"

"Welvayan, yes. He's the holder of our oldest traditions."

"Perfect. Religious leaders often have old histories and records, so I'd recommend talking to him as well. Any old documents he's willing to provide will help greatly. The more verifiable proof we have to show we've been around for centuries, the better. ...There's One more thing, too, but I'll have to ask... If that's enough for now, then, I need to get going, Sir."


"Home. I need to talk to my brother and Dad." He turned to leave.


He stopped at the sound of his name, and turned back to the elder. "Yes?"

"Thank you. I knew I was right to trust you. You see, though? How much you've been able to help us already?"

"Yeah... I guess I do. ...Oh, once we find reliable contacts who'll hear us out, I'd recommend a meeting in person... And also, ...once We're sure they can be trusted, of course... We should invite them to come here." He bit his lip nervously at that last part.

"Here?" the elder asked in shock. "Why?"

"They'll need to see us as a people. Once they see that we're an entire community, and not just a small handful of freaks, they'll be more open to supporting our claim, I'm thinking. They need to see us as an actual community, maybe even meet a hatchling, to see with their own eyes that we really are a people. Seeing a non-human child will definitely have a beneficial effect. Humans are real suckers when it comes to kids."

"I can try to talk to Almaran. He's about to drop his egg soon, and if he's willing to let his hatchling be exposed to the humans... You'd want them to see a young hatchling?"

"Yes, one who hasn't neared maturity would be more believable. Also, there's that thing I want to ask my family, so I should go."

"Very well, I'll have to make sure the rest of the council hears your proposal, so you'll need to appear before them to state your case properly; but I have a lot of pull, and will do my best to convince them to see the wisdom of your plan."

"Great! I'll be waiting for your call then." He turned to leave.

"Oh, and Kylenus?"

He stopped, looking back.

"For the record, I do find you very desirable, but we needed to concentrate on this meeting without being distracted by lust, so... Temple services are the night after tomorrow. Ask your father to bring you. I think it's time you got to know the religious side of Hirsune culture." His eyes traveled hungrily down the lad's body. "I'd very much like to see you there."

"Count in it!" Ky replied, smiling slyly at the elder before he left, his lustful ego feeling vindicated...

Kavarin stared at his younger brother in shock. "You want to show humans the videos Dad took of my laying and hatching?"

"Well..." Kylenus said, wincing. "Yeah."

Davin leaned forward on the living room couch towards Ky. "Why?" he asked, as Markano sat frowning next to him.

"Humans won't simply take our word that we're egg-laying people. They'll need to see proof with their own eyes. We can't guarantee that someone will be able to lay their egg while the humans are around, so a video is the next best thing."

"I don't know, Son," Ardenus said slowly, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Humans can do all kinds of funny things with images nowadays. What's to stop them from just saying the video is a fake?"

"The medical records from Doc Harian... And a medical examination of one of us by a human doctor," Ky answered. "I'll volunteer for that if it comes down to it. All of that combined will be more than enough to prove to them that we are what we say we are."

"Wait!" Mark said, leaning forward with a worried look. "You can't let them cut you up like a side of beef just to see what your insides are like! We won't let you!"

Ky held up a placating hand to his eldest sibling. "There's all kinds of medical equipment they can use, like cat scans and sonograms to see images of my insides without resorting to exploratory surgery. I'll be OK. But... Thanks." He smiled at Mark.

"Good," Mark replied, "Cause nobody's gonna hurt you, not if I have anything to say about it!"

The rest of the family added their words of agreement.

"Thanks guys... That really means a lot."

They all got up, gathering him into the center of a group hug.

"I just hope you're right about all this, Ky," Kav said as he hugged him.

"Me too," he replied...

Later, as everyone was winding down for the night, Kylenus stood nude on the front porch, leaning against one of the banisters and listening to the crickets chirping away as he stared up at the stars. The cool night air stirred the fur of his body and brought to him the scents of the farm and surrounding wilderness.

There was a heavy creak of the wooden floorboards behind him, but the familiar scent told his sensitive nose without looking that it was his father.

"Man..." He said, looking up in wonder. "I never knew there was that many stars up there. I grew up in the city... Too much light pollution there to really see very much at night."

"Yeah," Ardenus said, joining him, the porch light casting his shadow long across the yard beside his son's. "I always loved coming out here with my father to watch the night sky. We'd just sit here on the steps, gently stroking each other's dicks as we stared up at the sky for hours on end."

"I wish I could've met him."

"Me too, you and the rest of the boys. He was... A very great man. I miss him a lot, especially on nights like this..."

Ardenus sighed, and turned to him. "But we all need to move forward in life, and look to the future, not the past. ...Tenaro called awhile ago, told me everything you told him. You really think it'll work?"

Ky shrugged. "I don't know, but it's the best chance we have of surviving. Humans will come, sooner or later, and we need to be ready for them when they come. Meet them on our terms, not theirs."

"But what if they don't?"

"I don't know, but it may very well get ugly. I don't know what we'll do if it gets violent. There's just not enough of us to go to war with them, if that's what happens. They'd wipe us out easily."

"Could you actually do that? Fight humans?"

Ky looked at his dad, meeting his eyes. "I'm Hirsune now. What I was before no longer matters, except for the experience it gave me to use in dealing with them. I don't feel any sense of loyalty to them, not after all I've been through. If it does come to war, I know what side I'll be on. Ours. But let's just hope that this works. We have to try it, no matter what the outcome. It's the best chance we have of surviving."

"Damn. I know you're right, but it scares the shit right out of me. The world's too different nowadays. Humans change too fast. I never thought we'd have to deal with this during my lifetime, but here it is. But at least we have one thing now we didn't before: You."

Ky shivered with nerves, and wrapped his arms around his chest. Seeing the fear enter his son's face, he moved around behind him and hugged him close protectively.

"It scares me... Hearing things like that," Kylenus said. "You don't know what it's like... I was a nobody among humans. I was unwanted, unloved, alone and treated like a burden. Now I'm loved, wanted, surrounded by the loving family I never thought I'd have... And needed. I feel like everyone's going to want me to become some kind of savior or something. I don't really like the sound of that, truth be told. It's like people are going to start treating me all weird, like a messiah or some such. I always hated those kinds of stories. Things never seem to end well for people like that. They give me the creeps... And I never was the religious sort, as far as human religion went."

Ardenus kissed him gently on the back of the neck. "Well, I'll do my best to just try to treat you like my son, OK?"

He turned Ky around to face him. "I'm proud of you, you know? Here you are, not even having reached your first season yet, and already shouldering the burdens of an elder. It's OK to be scared, Kylenus. But always remember one thing... I'm always going to be here for you, alright? You don't have to face this alone. You'll always have me and your brothers to look out for you... No matter what."

Kylenus didn't feel like contradicting him. Ardenus saw him as a six-year old Hirsune youth, whereas in truth, he was technically thirty five, despite the age regression his transformation had wrought. But as Kylenus had never been truly nurtured as a human child, there were gaps in his mental and emotional development that had never been addressed properly, so who was to say that he wasn't a lad, rather than a grown man, when it came down to it? Perhaps Ardenus was right to think of him that way. And truth be told, he realized he liked being thought of in that way.

He wasn't stupid, not by a long shot, but he had never truly felt like a -real- adult until recently. Emotionally, he was a teenager again, albeit a rather mature acting teenager, and truthfully didn't mind being such. So let his father treat him like a lad just entering adulthood. Deep down inside, he found he really truly liked it. That was one of the most precious gifts he felt he had received from his new father, who to him, was the only parent that mattered to him anymore. Let the human family that had brought him to life originally fade away like dust, for all he cared. His -real- family was right here, and that's all that mattered to him.

Ky hugged his dad fiercely, beginning to cry silently as once more his father showed him how much he truly mattered. Ardenus held him silently, letting the boy work out more of his personal pain.

Ky looked up after awhile and returned the warm smile he found on his father's face, and kissed him passionately until they were interrupted by the growling of his stomach. "Damn... Sorry."

"Don't be, Son. I'll nurse you whenever you want. Even if you are a bottomless pit! Wanna share my bed tonight?"

"Sure... But let's go easy in the pheromones tonight. I don't think I'm really up for another raging werewolf session tonight, no matter how much I enjoy them. Maybe we can just fuck tamely tonight?"

"Alright, Son... Whatever you need, just so long as it's me..."

The father ushered his boy back to the master bedroom, their erections jutting forward proudly in anticipation...

The next day, Ardenus took Kylenus to town hall, where they met with the council in the same room where the trial had taken place in mere days earlier. The tone this time, however, was a bit different... But not by much.

The members of the council sat there staring at Kylenus, his father standing beside him. Of the elders behind the table, only Pareus, Tenaro, Harian and Welvayan looked as though they were willing to consider what the former-human had proposed.

The graying-haired elder Falmaru, who was head of the small builders union of the community stared at the lad as though he'd never heard of something so crazy in his life, and said as much. "This proposal of yours sounds far too risky to consider. What if these humans decide to betray us? What then?"

"Then," Ky said, "We'll have no choice but to go public... Fully. If they try to turn us in, we let humanity as a whole know about our existence."


Ardenus looked furious, as though with the slightest movement from the redheaded elder, he'd tear the man's head from his shoulders. Ky had known that of all the elders, Volnaro would be both first and last to reject this plan. His answer might has well have been carved into the face of the moon eons ago, predictable as it was. Ky himself had to throttle his emotions... Volnaro was raising the lad's new Hirsune-bred aggressive tendencies, and he wanted to joyfully turn this screaming asshole into a bloody mess upon the wooden floor of the meeting hall... But he needed to remain calm and explain himself properly first. The violence could wait... For now.

Counting to ten, he breathed deeply, mastering his emotions before he destroyed everything before it could begin. "Listen to me very carefully-" he began, his voice thick with suppressed anger.



Ardenus pulled him back, surprised at the strength of his boy's anger. He looked over at the council members. "He has a point! At least let him explain why he'd want to do that!"

"I can see where the boy gets his temper from," Falmaru said to the farmer. "He truly is your son!"

Ky glared at him furiously, but the elder held up a placating hand, showing he didn't want to get involved in the argument.

"Loud as his point was made, it -is- a valid one," Pareus said. "Kylenus?"

He held up a fist, turning away for a moment to avoid seeing the source of his rage glaring at him from among that reddish fur. "I'm sorry, but he's just pissing me off! ...I'll ...try To control myself... So long as I'm allowed to speak without interruption!"

"So be it," the mayor answered, giving the lad credit for trying to control himself. He turned to the guardsman. "Volnaro! One more interruption, one more threat(!) and your rights within this council will be suspended, and you will be removed! Do I make myself clear?"

Volnaro looked furious, but didn't want to lose his position, so he nodded curtly.

"Very well," Pareus added, turning back to the lad, who slowly turned back to face them, looking grim. "Explain, Kylenus. Why should we expose ourselves fully if betrayed?"

Ky began to relax, and spoke clearly: "Because not all humans are alike. There are those who do care about the wellbeing of all peoples, regardless of their differences... Yes, it's true that the more people who know a secret, the harder it is to keep that secret. But conversely, the fewer who know that secret, the easier it is to make that secret vanish. The more people who know the truth, however, the harder that truth becomes to hide. There -are- humans who will be willing to help us, but how can they help to save us if they never even know of our existence? How can they help save us if we're already gone before they ever have the chance to learn that we ever even were?

"When humans learn of our existence, life -will- change for us. There's no way to avoid that," the lad said, shaking his head slowly. "But if we take an active roll in the process, we can help to control -how- we are changed. We won't have complete control of the changes that will occur, it's true, but we can have a good measure of control over the process. We can keep our cultural identity and way of life intact, as well as survive as a species.

"But if we don't try? If we just admit defeat? Then we might as well kill ourselves right now, because that's basically the same thing. Please... Let us try this way first! By seeking help in protecting our rights and culture, we stand a much better chance of surviving discovery than if we wait for soldiers to come rolling in here one day and decide to turn this place into a smoking crater because of narrow-minded prejudice."

Falmaru sighed, looking very tired. "He's right. We all knew that the day will eventually come when the humans discover our existence, assuming they haven't already done so. At least this way, we won't be caught off guard. I approve of the proposal."

"All in agreement?" the mayor asked.

Everyone except Volnaro raised his hand. He stared deeply into Kylenus' eyes, which had lost their anger, and now looked sadly up at him.

"Hate me all you want, Volnaro," Ky said quietly. "But I -am- Hirsune, and I wouldn't change that for anyone or anything. My place is -here-, among my kind. My -loyalties- are here, among my fellow Hirsune. And if worst comes to worst, and we end up going down fighting the humans, I'll be fighting as Hirsune, -against- the humans. -That- is where my loyalty lies... Here with you... All of you! The Hirsune -are- my people...now And forever!"

Volnaro stopped, struck speechless once again at the sincerity of Kylenus' words and pledge of loyalty. He looked down, unable to meet the strength and determination on the lad's face.

"I..." He began, then paused. "Will abide by the majority."

"Then it's decided," Pareus said with a sigh. "We will try Kylenus' plan... And hope for the best..."

That evening, after dinner, Ky was standing at the kitchen counter, drinking a glass of hot lemongrass tea his free hand resting on the counter. He drained the cup, then set it down, lost in thought. A hand on his furry ass made him jump with a shout.

"SHIT!!! Dammit! Don't do that!" he all but shouted, turning to see Markano laughing at him lightly.

"It wasn't intentional. You were just sticking you ass out, so I took that as an invitation. Didn't mean to give you a heart attack."

"Sorry... I'm just so stressed out right now," Ky said, turning back to the counter.

"Well," Mark said, pressing his strong nude form up against Ky's naked body from behind, "I know a good number of ways to help you relax..." He nibbled in the back of Ky's neck, making the youth sigh in contentment.

"I don't know..." Ky said. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be a very good mate at the moment."

"We don't have to fuck, at least not yet. I could just give you a massage... Help you unwind that way. Come on, Ky... It'll give us a chance to bond some more, brother to brother. Come on... Come share my bed for awhile. We don't need to mate until you want to. I just want to spend time with you... In whatever way you want."

"Ok. Lead the way."

He followed his eldest brother up the stairs, and through the first door on the right, seeing Mark's room for the first time. As Mark brought the lights up low, Ky saw that the room was decorated in a Japanese style, with a weapons rack mounted on the wall above the dresser, holding a pair of black wooden-handled nunchucks and a samurai sword in a smooth black sheath above it. The bed was made almost painfully neat, and a Japanese flag bearing the rising sun hung on the wall above the pillows. The closet door was covered up in wood and rice paper to make it look authentically Japanese. The room looked like a dojo, except for the bed, dresser and carpeting.

"Please tell me you're not a rice queen." Ky asked in exasperation.


"Nothing," he said quickly, and Mark guided him down until Ky was laying face down on the bed. "Won't we mess up your sheets?"

"That's OK, I'll just straighten up in the morning."

"You're gonna hate my room, once I break it in. If my habits are anything now like they were before, mine'll look like a rat's nest. I always hated cleaning."

"No worries. I don't hold others to my stringent rules on neatness. I just like everything to be in order is all."

He began to slowly massage every part of Ky's furry body, one part at a time. He went slowly and tenderly, taking his time with each body part, moving gently, yet firmly as he kneaded the muscles, and Ky slowly felt the tension drain from his body.

Well over an hour later, Ky laid on his back and Mark had finished, now petting him gently. Ky felt himself relax further, and he gazed up at Mark's strong body above him, stroking his chest fur sensually. Their eyes met.

"You're the only one left," Ky said softly.

"Hmm?" Mark asked.

"I've mounted everyone in the family. And I've been mounted by everyone... except you," he said, sliding his hand down slowly as he spoke, until his hand reached Mark's phallus, which was partially stiff. He took it into his hand, and began to stroke it, feeling the length of flesh harden and lengthen as his hand slid along it. "Do you wanna?"

"Yeah? You feel up for it?"

"Umm hmm. It's been hours since I last mated. My hole is way too empty, Mark. Slide on in, and let me know what it's like to mate with you. Let's get to know each other, and how we mix together..."

Mark leaned in and kissed him long and gently. "I should warn you," he said. "I sometimes get very religious when I mate."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how much do you know about our beliefs?"

"Dad explained a bit, but not a lot. I've prayed to Penis some, his specifically during the Great Rite, but I don't know. It's kind of strange... Sometimes, I feel like my dick is almost separate from me in a way. Like I'm two people at once sometimes. Him, and me. It's kind of strange, but I like it."

"Well, there's two parts to all Hirsune's minds. There's the mundane person, and the Penis. Well, Penis is the part we refer to, as it's the main, outwardly visible manifestation of our sexual expression. However, we also mean the testicles, the anus, the egg canal, the nipples... all the parts of our reproductive systems are collectively referred to as being connected to Penis, and as Penis is the most prominent part of our bodies, that's the part of it all that we worship.

"In religious practice, we sometimes surrender control of the body to the Penis. In essence, merging with Him, becoming Him. In a form of role-play, we let Him speak through us, giving voice to His desires and feelings. The most holy union of all is two or more Hirsune, who each unite in the sacred act of indulging their lusts. We each channel Him, allowing Him to speak through us, and in the process, gain an even greater connection with our bodies, and reach new levels of heightened awareness of ourselves. That's the form of mating I always enjoy the most, but Kav's too aggressive... Dad too. So I have a hard time achieving that level of awareness at home, except for Davin, so I visit a friend in town who's like-minded. Only Davin can help me get there at home, but I want to see if you can do it too. Would you like to try, Ky?"

"What do I do?" he asked, feeling intrigued.

"Just focus all of your awareness on your phallus... Become Him... imagine that all you -are- is your Penis, and there's nothing else of you that exists. Keep to that state, and let your mouth become His instrument, speaking to my Penis as He fucks you."

Ky realized he had already done this, in part, before, when praying to Penis before while being mounted... But that had been his mind speaking, and not his phallus. The difference seemed small, and intrigued, he wanted to try playing along. The thought was actually getting him even more aroused, so he was open to trying.

Mark closed his eyes as his penis reached full mast. "Penis," he called. "Most Holy Penis, I hunger for release. I stand erect in all my splendor, for I am the Sacred Penis! I long to sate My hunger. To gush forth My seed. I long to bury myself deep within warm, dark depths, and feel it wrap around me. I long to pour forth my power... The power of my masculinity!"

Ky had opened his mind, indulging his lust, and imagining he was the throbbing Penis hanging stiffly from his loins. When Mark spoke as his Penis though, Ky suddenly felt his own conscious slip sideways, and his awareness of his surroundings faded until he could only feel a deep throbbing force thrusting forward from the core of his being... And then he suddenly WAS that pulsating tube of flesh, a masculine shaft of hungry meat, eager to spew forth that was calling out in deepest need, as it churned deep within his testicles.

A surge of testosterone flooded him with fierce strength, and as he became lost inside the most penetrative part of his body, in essence becoming it. He felt a deep masculine pride and hunger, wanting to show how tough and strong he was, He knew he could drain Himself dry, and wanted to do so. Moved by the strangely masculine sense of power flowing through him, he called out through his body's mouth.

"Penis, Penis, Most Sacred Penis. I welcome you, Brother, for I am the same; the throbbing erection longing to gush forth My hot spunk along with you. Let us unite in brotherhood and spray forth the Sacred Cum, and anoint each other in our essence!"

Mark-Penis moaned in lust, as he slid Himself along the length of Ky-Penis, feeling the masculinity of his kin. Ky-Penis moaned in lust, wanting that long rod of manflesh deep inside him.

"Beat yourself, Brother Cock. Stroke yourself inside me, and join me. Let us descend together into the dark depths of our lust."

Mark-Penis shivered with need, moaning lustily as he leaned down onto his fellow Penis-Brother. He rose up the ass attached to his Brother Penis to position it properly, and thrust deep within the waiting hole, shuddering in lust as he felt that erotic warm darkness wrap around him.

He began to make deep, long, slow strokes within that sacred passage, focusing all of his awareness into his phallus. As he did so, all he became was that thrusting shaft, the Holy Penis, stroking Himself sensually in and out. His senses focusing so intently upon that portion of his anatomy, that Markano began to almost feel the sensations along the entire length of his body, the smooth, warm canal sliding over his bearded face. His mouth fell open, and he began to drool with lust, his inflamed mind playing tricks on his awareness and making him think that his head was the tip of Penis, drooling precum as he slid back and forth, lost in a deep trance.

Kylenus was in a similar state. His conscious narrowed until it focused entirely upon his rear passage. He, in essence, became his egg canal, until all he was, was that warm tube of flesh that sucked in his Brother Penis, and he felt the other phallus thrusting rhythmically inside him. His senses seemed to heighten, until he could swear he was able to actually taste his Penis Brother as well as the sweet, musky tang of His precum. Ky hung his physical head back, open mouth drooling, and his senses imagined it was the solem that oozed copiously within his insides, making a warm, wet path of ambrosia to ease Brother Penis on his journey within. He began to believe that he could feel the head of Mark-Penis thrusting up his throat and slide along his tongue as they fucked.

They moaned deeply as they fucked, lost in trance, each feeling the other's sexual presence using their entire bodies, which now felt as though all that existed of each of them was their sexual organs. Their bodies poured forth sweat as they continued to fuck for minutes on end, passing five, then ten, then twenty. As they mated, they found themselves unable to form coherent words due to the intense feelings running through their bodies. They primarily moaned, grunted and sighed, gooning out on the pleasure they felt. Words weren't necessary anyways... all they were, was sensation, and the vocalizations they made served purpose enough to convey that they each felt unending pleasure from their deep mating.

All things come to an end, however, and they began to groan more and more urgently. Mark began to snort roughly, feeling the power build to a crescendo. Finally, he found his voice as he channeled the mind of Penis. "Behold, for I am the thrusting Penis! I plunge deep into the depths to bestow my liquid blessings... I surge with power... I thrust... And thrust... Until I explode!" Mark-Penis cried, filling the tight passage with sperm. "I am the gushing Penis! Receive my Blessings into the core of your being! Feel My POWER!"

Ky-Penis, driven into a deep religious fervor, called forth. "I am the Sacred Penis! I feel and acknowledge your masculine power. I drink deeply of your blessings, Brother Penis... And pour forth my own!" he cried, as his dick exploded forth its own fountain of sacred semen. "Be anointed in the evidence of My lustful power, for I am the Gushing Penis!"

Their mouths molded themselves unconsciously, their heads raised upwards on ther necks, which thrust forward rhythmically as they orgasmed, mimicking the tips of their phalli, and they could almost feel the cum gushing up out of their throats as they each poured forth hot cum from Penis.

The two continued to groan and call out to each other for several minutes, until their orgasms faded slowly, and rational thought returned as the cock-trances ended. Mark fell forward in exhaustion, splatting into the wealth of his sibling's spunk, which drenched their bodies.

"Hail Penis," he breathed.

"Hail Penis," Ky responded.

"Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis."

They praised Penis several more times until they feel asleep, Markano's shaft still hard and buried deep up Kylenus' canal...

Sunlight poured in through the window, stabbing Kylenus in the eye. Groaning, he turned around, pressing himself into the hairy pecs of his oldest brother with a groan of protest. The chest reverberated as its owner chuckled.

"You're gonna have to get up sometime, Ky."

"Uhg! Don't remind me!"

"Well, get used to it, 'cause life on the farm means getting up by sunrise at the absolute latest. We've been letting you sleep in, but it's time you start to adjust to living here. Farming is hard and long work. It takes more time than it should, because of all the fuck-breaks, so we need to make the most of all the daylight hours. Come on, lazy bones! I need to make my bed."

"Alright," Ky grumbled, rising and stretching, taking in the room a second time. "So," he asked, taking in the weapons rack once more. "You like martial arts?"

"Yeah, I always wanted to learn how to protect myself, and so for my twelfth Hatching day, I asked Dad for permission to built a dojo onto the back of the barn. Kav's workout-slash-music room is built right next to it."

"Hatching day? What is that, like a birthday, or something?"

"Hatching day is the day we come forth from our egg and enter the world, so if birthing is for humans something like animals who give birth, then yeah. It's a day of celebration, and we use that day to indicate that we've become a year older. There's usually a party, and gifts for them. Mine's April sixth, Kavarin's is two days later on the eighth, Davin's is May tenth, and Dad's is May twentieth. Let's see... You took three days to change, and some hatchings -have- been known to take that long... Since your transformation finished on March twelfth, then I suppose that'll be your hatching day."

"-My- Hatching Day? Really?"

"Well sure... If you want it, that is. Humans have birthdays, so if you still want to use that day, I guess I can understand-"

"Aw fuck -that- day!" Ky said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It was November thirtieth, and I always hated having it fall then. It was too close to the December holidays, so my gifts, what one's I never got myself, that is, were rather shitty. No... I like the idea of a Hatching Day instead. I -am- Hirsune now, after all, so why not?"

"Good!" Mark said with a smile, striping the sheets from his bed.

"Want help?"

"No, I got it. Thanks anyways, though."

Ky shrugged, and his gave was drawn once more to the sword. "That looks nice... kinda expensive too."

Mark followed his gaze, nodding. "Yeah, it was over $300. Dad got it for me last Hatching Day."

"I don't get it," Ky said, frowning thoughtfully. "How can you guys afford these things? Almost everything here is human-made, and that costs money. Where does that money come from?"

"Well, Dad made a lot of investments in the stock market. True, he lost a hefty sum early on when it crashed in the nineteen twenties, but he recovered rather well... Better than most humans did, that is. Before that, he and his father shaved themselves enough to pass for human, and traded between the Indians and the European settlers, slowly working up a sizable fortune. Dad does a lot of online trading, mostly technology-oriented, which is handled by one of the few humans we can trust. He's a lawyer, who handles all of the taxes, legal issues and such so that we don't have to worry or get directly involved. We also have one other contact: a farmer we sell our excess crops too for cash, which Bertha, our supplies-transporter, runs to the bank for us out in Columbia Falls. Everything else, we order from online, and have Bertha bring it in from the Columbia Falls post office for us once a week along with the rest of the supplies she brings."

"That's quite the setup!"

"Well remember, this town is over four hundred years old, and we've been here since before the human settlers came to conquer here. We've kept a very close eye on their civilization, working carefully and making contacts so as to make sure we could continue to operate as an isolated community without interference. The only thing we didn't plan on, was just how fast the humans would expand their own communities. We honestly never thought we'd have them breathing down our necks, but we blinked, and suddenly they're a lot closer to us, distance-wise, than we'd realized. That's why having someone like you, who has some experience with their ways, among us is so valuable. You know how humans think and behave, and that's the edge we've lacked up 'til now."

Ky groaned. "Please don't get into that! I'm still not sure how much help I really can be. The last thing I need is for everyone to start treating me like 'The Chosen One' or something."

"Come on," Mark said, looking at him with compassion. "It won't be that bad. Dad told us what you said to Tenaro, and that's more to go on than we've ever had before. It let us know what to look for, and now that we do, we can prepare ourselves. The elders are right. It's only a matter of time before the humans come. We need to make sure our rights as a people are protected."

"I thought only the elders knew all of this. How do you know?"

"Dad tells me everything. As the eldest, it's my responsibility to be ready should anything ever happen to him."


"We're not immortal, Ky. We can get sick, have accidents. We heal much faster than humans, true, but we can die almost as easily as they." Mark walked to the window, staring out across the field waiting for the end of the Springtime thaw. "Farming's a dangerous business. I almost lost a finger just last Autumn, trying to fix the thresher. Dad wants me to be ready... Just in case. He wants me to succeed him on the council some day, as well as take care of you guys."

"I... Never thought of that. When Dad told me how old he was, I was shocked. He still looks fairly young to me."

"Well, while we -are- long-lived, we do age and die eventually. With luck, we'll have Dad another two and a half centuries or so... But then he'll be gone." He turned back to Ky, smiling, which confused the youth until he spoke further. "But that's tons of time. Far more than most humans ever get, so no worries."

"Yeah," Ky said, thinking about that. "I guess it is. Thanks for last night. It... was really intense."

"You liked it?"

"Yes. I'd definitely be up for that again. I still want to see how our pheromones play off each other though..." He began to approach his sibling.

Mark stopped him with a hand on his chest, looking sorry. "I'd love nothing more, Ky, but Dad told me to send you to the barn ASAP. He's waiting there for you." He stroked Ky's chest fur affectionately. "But if you want to sleep together tonight again... My bed'll be here."

The elder sibling frowned then, noting the stickiness on Ky's chest. "You might want to rinse off, before you start matting up."

Ky groaned. "Man... bathing's such a pain now."

Mark shook his head. "Just rinse is all. We only bathe once every week or two. Haven't you noticed that we like to keep our scents free of artificial chemicals? We like to keep the way we smell natural."

"Yeah, I guess so. I actually prefer natural scents, truth be told."

"It's the same for all Hirsune. Just go scrape off the big chunks!" he said, and laughed at the look of revulsion on Ky's face as the younger brother headed to the bathroom...

Ky rinsed himself thoroughly, then, not wanting to take long, dried himself as best he could using several towels before going back to his room to get dressed. He pulled out jeans and a flannel shirt, slipping his large feet into the legs of the jeans, noting as they came out the ends just how much they had grown. As a human, his feet had been a size ten. The transformation of his body into a Hirsune had made them balloon out to a size thirteen wide. *Well,* he thought. *There's the old saying about the size of a guy's feet...* He took his massive manhood into his hand, giving it a few loving strokes, then sighed with regret as he tucked it down the left leg of his pants before buttoning them closed.

A few minutes later, after stopping by the kitchen for a hurried breakfast Davin had saved for him, Ky gave him a quick peck on the cheek of thanks and headed out to the barn.

His pace slowed as he neared the entrance, hearing grunts of pleasure. Smiling, he entered quietly, wanting to not disturb them and enjoy the show of watching his dad mate... probably with Kavarin, as Kylenus had yet to see the third son today.

He entered the barn, and approached the stalls at the back, the scents of the barn mixing pleasurably in his nose with those of lust. But the scent of Ardenus' mate was confusing to Ky's nose, and he didn't understand until he came around the retaining wall, his eyes bulging in shock.

Ardenus stood bent forward with his shirt rumpled and his jeans around his ankles. There was a look of satisfied pleasure on his face, his eyes closed as he was fucked.

The one fucking him was what was shocking. It wasn't Kav... It wasn't even Hirsune, or human either, for that matter... It was a male horse, humping his dad's furry buns rapidly, stomping on it's hind hooves and it's front ones over the low retaining wall on the far side.

Ky had heard rumors, back in his human days, of farmers having a rather kinky side when it came to animals; but here was proof positive of the concept. His mind reeled slightly in shock. He wasn't horrified, but rather, strongly surprised at the older Hirsune's actions.

As he stood there watching, though, the scents of Hirsune and stallion lust found his nostrils, and began to arouse him. Sighing and feeling the hunger of his yet-to-be-sated lust, which had been denied two times already as Davin had gently declined, saying Ky was needed by Ardenus in the barn, he opened his pants as his dad turned to face him and opened his eyes to smile at the boy.

"Enjoying the show?" Ardenus asked, as Ky pulled his swelling phallus free and began to stroke himself.

"Uh huh," Ky said, moving closer. "Fuck that's hot," he said, his lust overriding his shock. He had always been openminded as a human, and had even tried to suck off a dog once unsuccessfully. The dog hadn't been interested though, and respecting his feelings, Ky had stopped. Seeing that his Dad was far kinkier than he'd thought, he moved forward, climbing underneath his parent and kneeling in the straw to take the twitching Hirsune penis into his mouth.

Ardenus moaned as his boy's mouth wrapped around his pulsing dickhead, the tongue roving in slow circles around the glands that poked free from his foreskin, making him moan in pleasure as he was serviced from both ends. "Oh fuck yeah, Son," he moaned. "That feels so fucking good. Worship Him, Son, worship the dick that bred you. The Holy Phallus that re-hatched you as my boy. Worship Him... That's it... oh fuck, Kylenus! Your mouth... your tongue... You really know how to worship with them so well! Don't stop... keep going... He wants to bless you with His cream, Son. Suck Him until He bestows those blessings within your mouth. I want you to drink the sacred seed of His lust."

Ky sucked gently, his tongue doing a ballet across his father's meat, worshipping it in gratitude for what it had given him. He found his parent's words of religious passion invoking his own lust further, and he masturbated as his father rode his mouth with the tip of that mighty phallus.

Ky was finding that the more religious his family members were becoming about sex around him, the more he liked it. If this was their religion, then it was one he could gladly accept as his own. Each verbal passage of lust spoken to him by them made him horny, without any trace of shame, guilt or humor. Sexual worship was a very serious business to the Hirsune, yet also one of deep joy and passion. As his mind slowly adjusted to the Hirsune way of thinking, he was finding himself wanting to become more and more religious, and his thoughts echoed these feelings.

His mouth full, he spoke within his own mind, knowing Penis would hear him. *Penis! Oh mighty Phallus of my father! I thank You for the gifts You have given me, and the lusts You fill me with. I thank You for all that I have, and all that I feel. Bless me, Penis! Anoint me with Your white hot spunk. I offer my throat as a vessel for Your sacrifice, and beg for You to bestow your liquid blessings upon me... Let them spray across my tongue, and fill me with Your essence! Sate Your lust within me, and let the sacred joy of the Holy Orgasm course through me!*

Ardenus was lost in lust. The combined pounding of the long equine meat within, the sexy mouth of his hatchling... It was too much for him, and he loved every fucking second of it! That Ky wasn't bothered by this act of bestiality was a relief. Humans had a funny way of thinking when it came to sex, and there had been a chance the boy, who might've still been holding to his human ways, could've been offended. That he wasn't brought Ardenus satisfaction that the boy was truly learning to trust in his lustful feelings.

"Oh yeah, Buck," he sighed, pushing back onto the stud's prick, "Fill me up. Sate your lusts within me, fella. Pump me fulla horse sperm!"

The stallion grunted repeatedly, almost whinnying as he pounded the Hirsune's ass furiously, his eyes closing as he got close.

Feeling the stallion begin to twitch, Ardenus moaned, and as the stallion came, filling his rump with equine spooge, he felt his own orgasm approach. "That's it, Buck! Fill me up! Feel the power of Penis sated! Uh yeah... yeah, prepare yourself Kylenus. He readies Himself for you! ....Uhhh, uhhh, uhhhh! Receive His blessings, Son. Hail Penis!"

As his dad's spunk burst free and filled his mouth, Ky lost control. *Thank you, Penis! Thank you! Hail Penis!* He thought as he moaned, and his mouth received those blessings of Hirsune seed. With that burst of semen into him, his own phallus exploded, covering the hay between his legs, as well as his dad's legs, pants and shoes, with sperm. He greedily gulped down the offerings from Ardenus' phallus, letting it course down his throat. As he finally felt the orgasm of the Penis that had recreated him in the image of Hirsune wane, he kept the last of the blessings in his mouth, and pulled free. "Hail Penis," he moaned thickly around the seed within his mouth.

Seeing this, Ardenus bent towards him. "Share His blessings with me, Son." He kissed Ky, and their tongues danced, spreading the gift of Penis around in their mouths.

Ardenus pulled back with a gasp of shock, as the horse exited his hole and stepped away. "Ohhh," he shuddered, his eyes closed. "Ohhh fuck!" he moaned, rocking forwards and back, lost in bliss.

Finally, he got up and hitched up his pants, tisking at the boy for soaking them. "You need to work on your aim," he chuckled goodnaturedly.

"Sorry," Ky said sheepishly.

"Don't be, Son... I'm just teasing. So you're OK with that?" He asked, nodding his head back to the horse as they moved out of the stall.

"It was surprising... I mean, I've heard stories, but never thought they were true."

"Buck doesn't have much company. There's mares he breeds sometimes, but I like to help him blow off some steam now and then. Keeps him happy."

"Fine by me... Who knows? Maybe I'll give him a try sometime, myself."

"He's pretty good... But so are the sheep." He smiled at the boy as he led him further towards the back.

"Now," he came to a stop beside something large under a tarp. "You need to decide what we're gonna do about this." He pulled the sheet off to reveal what it hid.

"My car!" Ky exclaimed, looking at it in shock. "I'd given up on it. In all the excitement, I'd lost track of time. I thought it would've been towed or stolen!"

"Nope, I made sure we saved it. Mostly for secrecy, but once I took you in, I was glad we kept it. It -is- yours, after all. Everything's there... except the letter... I hope you don't mind, but I burned it. You didn't want it, right?"

"No, that letter was written by a person who was washed away in a river of cum. It's something better left gone." He turned and smiled gently at his dad. "Besides, I have all I could ever want, now." He turned back to the car. "Pity it doesn't run anymore."

"Yeah... your brothers gave me merry abstinence for having to drag it all the way here, but of course, that was before you joined the family."

It took a moment for Ky to work that statement out. Then he realized that for hyper-sexual beings, abstinence was the closest thing to Hell for them. "Thanks," he said simply.

Ardenus held up the keys, which Ky took, and unlocked the car. "YES!!! MY GAMES!!!" His heart swelled with joy as he saw all of his video games and equipment were still there. He ran to the trunk and unlocked it to see that the rest of his gaming collection, including rare and out of print board and card games were there as well and still unharmed.

"Your brothers had a fit when I wouldn't let them take these out. They seem to love them almost as much as you do." Ardenus smiled, seeing how happy Kylenus was at finding his possessions safe. "You'll have a war going if you don't share! But if you want to keep them to yourself, I'll put my foot down."

"No, no! That's OK. My friends..." A shadow pasted briefly across his face. "Well... They never liked to play games, so I just collected them, hoping I'd someday find someone to play with. If the others wanna play with me, then I've got no problems with sharing," he finished with a smile.

"Good!" the father said with a sigh and a smile. "One less thing to hear them fight about. They've been wanting at these for awhile, but I've been beating them off."

"With a stick right?" Ky asked, laughing.

"That too," Ardenus replied, laughing. "Come on. We'll bring them in later. I want to give you the grand tour first..."

The grand tour took quite awhile, and included the barn, yard, tool shed, a quick fuck break, the well, the chicken coop, the farming vehicles, another quickie, and a drive out to see the fields and wind turbines, where Ardenus bent his son over the tailgate, their moans of lust intermixing with the grinding sounds of the rotating blades that provided electricity to the farm.

"Damn," Ky said, panting as they finished, and Ardenus pulled out of him. "I can't believe how horny I always am nowadays!"

"Hirsune have much stronger sex drives than humans, Son. We replenish ourselves every few hours at most, even if we completely drain our balls. I'm fucking you more often in order to get you used to how we live our lives. I went easy on you at first, so as to get you used to it; but as your sex drive matures as you've entered the final stages of Hirsune puberty, your sex drive has increased, true?"

"Yeah, I'm always horny, even right after I cum, and the need's growing back up in intensity faster and faster after each time. How the fuck do we ever get anything done?" he asked, laughing.

"Don't worry. Son." Ardenus chuckled. "You'll cool down a bit in a year or two, after you have your first heat, then finish passing through puberty. Once that happens, you'll start to get a better handle on your sex drive; enough so that you'll be more able to restrain yourself somewhat, when you want to, that is. That doesn't cover going into season, of course, but anyways... I still feel the need almost all the time, but unlike you, I've learned how to push it aside when I need to. In time you'll develop that same level of control. But, I'm mostly getting you mentally ready for tonight..."

"Why? What's so special about tonight?"

"Friday is the most sacred night of the week, and that's when we go into town, to the temple for services. We've missed them the last few weeks, helping you to get adjusted, as well as dealing with Markano's season... So everyone's really looking forward to going. You'll be coming with us. Welvayan really wants to meet you, and I'm sure he'll love getting to know you."

He saw the lad's face fall. "Hey now, none of that. You've never been to our services. They aren't like in human religions. In case you forgot, Sex is our religion. ...You're gonna have a blast!"

That night, the family all climbed into the truck, with some bickering among the boys as to who would have to ride in back until Ardenus lost his temper, and decreed that choice of seats was to be determined by age. Ky and Kav grumbled as they were forced to ride in back, the other three in the cab, and they reached town later than they'd intended.

As they entered town, they stopped at a large white, square-shaped building that looked like an enclosed, windowless meeting hall. Passing through unadorned, gold-painted doors, they found an entryway with a second set of intricately carved doors - also in gold - which bore the images of Penis in many shapes and states of arousal. There was a strong smell of sex in the air, as well as piss, and Ky began to grow slightly aroused. On the side walls were cubbyholes, and each of them took off their clothes until they stood nude, placing their clothes into empty slots they found there. They then stood facing the doors, and Ardenus spoke for his benefit.

"We stand at the threshold of lust, ready to plunge deep within the dark depths, to embrace our passions. Penis! Bestow your blessings upon each of us!"

He motioned for Kylenus to copy him, his siblings moving automatically as they already knew what to do, waiting to do it in unison with Ky so he wouldn't feel awkward in being behind them in speech and action.

Ardenus pulled back his foreskin, and touched the palm of his free hand to his cocktip, then his forehead, his heart, then his ass. "Penis! We are one with you always, in mind, in heart, and in canal." Ky followed, doing and speaking in kind, then raised his palm like theirs to face the doors. "Hail Penis!"

"Let us enter the sacred realm of lust!" Ardenus finished, speaking in solo, then opened the doors, granting his sons entry to the temple within. The scents of sex grew stronger as they opened, arousing him further. They entered a large room that took up most of the building's interior. Ky had been expecting something like a human religious building, with rows of benches facing an altar and podium.

This temple was much different, though, with light, almost white gray stone walls carved intricately with scenes of sexual expression. Carvings of Hirsune in pairs, groups or solo, indulging their pleasures in three-dimensional images that covered all of the walls and ceiling, and torches in bronze brackets blazed on the walls, their smoke rising through vents in the ceiling. The effect strongly reminded Kylenus of the family temple down in the basement back home.

There were mattresses and cushions covering much of the floor, winding pathways between them; and couches, slings, padded benches and chairs around the outer walls. Near the center of the room of worship, stood a much larger version of the same altar in the family temple back home. This one was wider and longer, but also bore many carvings of Penis, and had upon it a large bronze chalice. The altar was made entirely of the same stone as the walls, and rose only about two feet up off of the floor.

The temple was filled with several dozen Hirsune of various ages from six upwards. Ky looked to a six-year old, who by human standards, appeared to be of sixteen or seventeen years of age, and just entering the bulk of puberty. He was looking around eagerly, stroking himself and eyeing everyone with naked lust and anticipation.

Kav stepped forward eagerly, but Ardenus snatched him back by the neck. "Etiquette, Kavarin. You know the rules! Wisdom, -then- pleasure!" the parent said, turning them towards a table near the door they had entered through. On this table were warm and cold pots of lemongrass tea, and upon plates, cookies and cakes made with lemongrass, and formed into the shapes of erect phalli.

The family ate and drank mildly, so as not to cramp up later, and then turned and walked into the room. The other Hirsune weren't engaged in sex, they all merely sat and talked, some cuddling with close friends or relatives. They all seemed to be waiting, biding their time until services began.

Davin, seeing a friend and waving, started to move away, until Ardenus stopped him.

"Dad!" the second son said in annoyance.

"You can go say hello later. You know that families stay together until after the priest gives the verbal portion of services. Once he's done, you can go greet your friend."

Grumbling in annoyance, Davin did as he was told, waving apologetically to his friend.

There was a large, circular cushion near the altar that was empty. Ardenus moved towards it, as though he'd expected this, and they all sat down in a circle. As they sat there, talking with others on the cushions around them, introducing Kylenus to them, they waited until a young man peeked out another set of golden doors at the opposite side of the room. Looking over the altar and seeing them, he ducked back in, closing the door.

Ardenus leaned close to Ky. "Arouse yourself, but don't cum... Just bring yourself to full erection."

Smiling as he watched them, he followed suit with them, stroking himself gently until his phallus was fully erect, then slow stroked it, keeping himself hard.

He looked around at the others gathered for worship, recognizing some of the faces. He noticed that the mayor was here, as were all of the other elders who were supportive of him. Only Volnaro was missing, but Ky wasn't too surprised at that.

A few minutes later, the head priest entered, bald head shining from the light of the torches on the walls. Ky noted that he was wearing the same robe as the day he'd intervened on Ky's behalf when Volnaro had confronted him on the street. The robe was white, sleeveless, and cut so that it was open like a leather bar vest, his nipples exposed. The robe was almost ankle length, and covered in gold embroidery depicting erect penises gushing their fluids. He was fully, gloriously erect, and wore a white cockring around his genitals. He smiled warmly to everyone as he walked towards the altar, followed by two nude and stiff-penised acolytes.

He moved towards the altar, stepped up onto it, grabbed the chalice from one of the acolytes, and rose it high over his head to a large carving of a cockhead on the ceiling that was aiming downwards and positioned directly above the altar, as though awaiting the carving to gush forth its fluids into the vessel. As he stood, the acolytes knelt at each of his feet, until, with the priest's bald head, they resembled an erect phallus and testicles. Ky realized this must have been intentional.

He felt hands on his penis from both sides, and looked down to see that Ardenus on his left, and Markano on his right, had reached over and grabbed his phallus. "You too, Son," Ardenus smiled, nodding at his own penis. Ky reached to his sides, and embraced the phalli of his family, until they all were united, each clutching gently the phalli to either side of them. He felt Ardenus' meat throb eagerly in his hand, and Mark rubbing his thumb along the top of Ky's length. He began to pet those objects of worship, and turned his gaze back to the altar.

"Oh Sacred Penis!" the priest cried out, "I invoke your lusts once again! Enter into this Holy Temple of Lust! Penetrate deep into the minds, hearts, and asses of us who worship you, and grant us everlasting lust! Gush forth the sacred fluids, and inflame our passions, that we may honor that with brings us both life and pleasure, for You are the The true wellspring of life and joy! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone cried, Ky included.

The priest spread his arms wide, smiling joyfully at all of them, turning to sweep the room with his gaze of lust and welcoming. As he turned, Kylenus saw that the back of the robe was cut upwards from the floor, leaving the backs of the legs and the buttocks uncovered, giving the effect of a robe-like version of white chaps.

"I greet you all warmly, and eagerly await your lust, my friends. But before we begin our worship in earnest, I ask for your patience this night, as a very special matter needs to be attended to...

"Ardenus," he said, looking to the farmer, "you bring before us something Sacred, for you have gifted us with a new vessel of Penis and Hirsune lust."

"I have," Ardenus said, rising to his feet, his erection thrusting forward. "My brothers, my friends, my comrades," he said, turning and gazing warmly around the temple interior, "I give to you my newest son, Kylenus!" He held down his hand to his son, and taking the offered hand of the boy, helped him to his feet before sitting down. Ky rose an eyebrow at the smiling parent, knowing that this must've been planned out in advance without his knowledge.

"Kylenus, Son of Ardenus, come forward," Welvayan said, smiling warmly.

Feeling his boner pulse with anticipation, Ky walked slowly forward, and stepped up onto the altar table to join the priest and acolytes.

The priest took Kylenus' phallus into his hand and spoke. "We offer you one of our most important Rites as you are initiated into this community. With this act, you will be welcumed among us as an equal of your fellow Hirsune. Through the sating of lust, you shall be forever known as one of us." He turned to the gathered people who were watching and listening.

"My friends," the priest said, as one of the acolytes took the chalice and moving to the floor at its foot, knelt and held it up at the level of a standing person's crotch. "Who of you will give your offerings of Penis in welcum? Who will becum vessels of lust and help to anoint this one into the joys of lust everlasting? Cum forth, and make your offerings."

He then turned to Kylenus and embraced him, their hands exploring each other's groins, kissing passionately.

One by one, starting with Ardenus and then his sons, Ky's family came forth and oozed precum, then ejaculated lightly into the offered chalice, following that with urine, then squirting small amounts of milk into the chalice from their nipples, and lastly small amounts of solem, which they wiped onto the rim of the bronze vessel.

Once they had finished, most of the Hirsune worshippers came forward, and added their own offerings to the chalice. Some merely urinated, others only came, but a few, including the town elders who supported Kylenus, came forward and offered both fluids, then reached back for a small amount of solem, which they wiped upon the rim of the chalice.

Once everyone was finished, The acolyte returned to the altar, where he and his partner offered precum, urine, cum, milk and solem, then touched the priest's thigh to gain his attention.

Showing reluctance, the priest broke away, and motioned for Kylenus to kneel. As the acolyte held up the chalice, the priest added his milk to the chalice, then the rest of his fluids, saving piss and cum for last. The vessel was held low, and Ky watched, his eyes riveted to the piss-slit of the priest, as his urine flowed forth.

"Behold the Sacred Wine of Cock. Let the golden nectar pour forth, and bestow the Blessings of Penis. May Kylenus never thirst!" The flow filled most of the remaining portion of the vessel, almost making the metal ring with sound as it was filled further, coming out clear and pale, and stirring the contents as it poured in and mixed with them.

He grabbed his penis, and began to stroke, masturbating before them all. "Oh Most Holy Penis! Fill me with your lust! Make of me a vessel for Your blessings, and pour forth the very essence of lust and passion! Channel all of Your masculine power through my being, and bless this lad with the substance of Your might! May Kylenus never hunger! Hail Penis!" he cried, his cum squirting forth into the chalice to mix with the contents already there.

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded.

Welvayan let his cum flow for several moments, babbling incoherently as he came, lost in the pleasure of his Holy Orgasm, until the flow of sperm finally abated. He leaned heavily upon one of the acolytes, recovering from the intensity of his orgasm. Finally, he stood, took the chalice in both hands, and held it up to the penis carving in the ceiling once more.

"Behold! This is the combined manifestation of our lusts and passions! The very essence of Penis!" He looked down to the kneeling lad, and held forth the chalice for Kylenus to see. "Breath deep, young Hirsune, and open yourself to the power of Penis."

Ky breathed deeply, and the fumes of the contents, primarily the solem, made his head begin to swim.

"Pour forth your Musk, and partake of your own solem, Kylenus. Surrender yourself to the full might of your lust!" the priest called out, and Ky complied, lifting his own arm to breath deep of the secretions of his underarm, then reaching back, he spurted his anal juices into his palm, bringing it up to breathe deep of it's fumes, and suck it off of his palm.

His head swam with the potent mixture, and he swayed slightly as they took affect. As he did so, the priest took a swallow of the contents of the chalice, letting it fill his body with the offered Blessings of Cock.

"Pray to Penis, Kylenus, pray for His power and blessings. Open yourself to Him."

"Penis! Penis!" Kylenus cried out. "I offer myself to You, the embodiment of lust and joy! I offer my body as an expression of Your Power and Passion! I welcum You into myself, and long to feel Your Might flow through me! I long to pour forth the sacred fluids of Piss, of Precum, of Cum, of Solem, of Musk and Milk, and revel in the heady, erotic pleasures You bestow! I am Yours Penis! To bestow your blessings upon myself and others! To feel You coursing throughout my being, to feel You thrust deep within my egg canal! Thrust deep and cum inside me! Anoint me within and without with all that You are! HAIL PENIS!!!"

"HAIL PENIS!" everyone called forth in passion.

"Kylenus!" the priest said aloud. "Receive these blessings; the offerings of your kith and kin, your fellow Hirsune. I baptize you in the name of Penis, that you may know His pleasures and power for all of your days!"

And with that, he lifted the chalice high, and began to slowly pour it's contents onto the waiting youth, who gasped in pleasure, bowing forward, then leaning back, and letting the fluids soak his body back and front, drenching his furry body in the combined fluids of fuck. As the fluids continued to pour forth from the bronze vessel, he laid on his back, and wiggled like a dog, grinding the spilled fluids on the altar into his back, then rolling onto his stomach and doing the same. He lifted his ass high, opening his anus wide, and the smiling priest poured the final portion down into his canal as the chalice emptied.

Welvayan, driven to the depths of lust, tossed the chalice to an acolyte, and crouching, plunged his phallus deep into the young Hirsune, proceeding to fuck him with long, firm strokes. "Receive the blessings of Penis, Kylenus, accept His offering of lust deep within, and feel His power bind you to him. Feel the power of Penis! Hail Penis!" He cried, cumming deep inside the boy, and feeling the sloshing anointment of the worshippers mix with his fresh load of sperm within the center of the lad, filling him with the most sacred essences of the Holy Phallus.

The priest withdrew, and gestured the boy to rise to his knees.

Smiling, the priest lowered himself to all fours and lifted his ass in presentation.

"Kylenus, Son of Ardenus, let your passions flow through your penis. Let the power of Cock consume you, and bring forth your blessings to Penis itself. I offer of myself, to be a vessel to carry forth those blessings. Plunge your Mighty Phallus into me, and spray forth the Sacred Seed, that I may give it unto that most Holy Force of Fuck, and your initiation into this community of Hirsune shall be complete."

Still reeling from the heady mixture of before, Ky moved forwards and buried his face within Welvayan's hairy ass, munching on his anus. Solem splatted forth, covering the face of the young Hirsune, who gasped in a mixture of shock and pleasure.

He moaned desperately, as it quickly took effect, driving his passions further as it flooded his nose and mouth. He scrambled up the elder's back, and stabbed into that eager hole with his aching dong, his fur-covered balls slapping the priest's backside rapidly, pistoning frantically until he came, shouting loudly as his seed burst free from his phallus.

"HAIL PENIS!!!" he screamed in passion.

"HAIL PENIS!!!" the Hirsune cried their own passionate responses.

"The rite is done, my fellow Hirsune," the priest called out to all as he was mounted, feeling and smelling the impatience and rising lusts of the townsfolk who waited eagerly. "Now spread your lusts, and revel in the Power of Penis!"

That was all anyone needed to hear, and the inflamed Hirsune fell upon each other in an orgy of lust, stroking, kissing, licking, biting and vocalizing their passions. Musk and solem poured freely from their bodies, and the room quickly swam with potent pheromones, driving the townsfolk wild with desire. The scents of lust and sweat became nearly overpowering, as they all enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh.

Welvayan pulled free, then turned and offered Kylenus his erection. He was curious if Ardenus' boasts were true. They were. As Ky took the priest's cocktip into his mouth and began to pleasure the elder, the priest swooned at the feelings being generated in his phallus by the lad.

"Oh Kylenus! Oh yes that feels so wonderful! Truly you are blessed! What prowess. What a gift! Truly you are touched by the greatest power of Penis! Ahhhh..." He stood there, enjoying deeply the talented mouth and tongue, unable to hold himself back. He came, spewing deep into the lad's mouth. "Receive the blessings of Penis! Be anointed once more with His blessings, for truly you are a Son of Cock!"

He came for some time, Ky eagerly drinking down the gushing sperm that was shot into his warm mouth, until the priest pulled free to finish his Holy Orgasm upon the youth's beard.

"Thank you Kylenus," the priest said, kissing him deeply in gratitude. "I hope to see you here often! I must leave you now, though I wish I didn't have to. But I must tend to the others, and bare witness to the sating of their lusts. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ky responded with a joyful smile at being praised, a surge of pride swelling within him at the priest's praise and gratitude.

As Welvayan rose and walked away, Ky went to rise, but hands fell on his back, forcing him back down. "Not yet," a slightly familiar voice said to him.

He looked back to see Tenaro smiling down at him. "I may not have actually promised anything," the historian elder said, "but I did want to see you here. So... Hi!" Without warning, he thrust forward into Ky's anus, making the lad gasp in pleasure, which melted into a satisfied, goofy smile of bliss as the elder began to fuck him...

All that evening, Ky was mounted and offered the chance to mount his fellow Hirsune, reveling in his lust. He came repeatedly, enjoying the sensations of his gushing phallus, his well-filled interior drinking in the hot white spunk of others, and losing himself to the power of Penis.

Services lasted the entire night, everyone sleeping occasionally. And each of them smiling in satisfaction, the family made their way home...

The next day, Kylenus had his first lesson with Tenaro, where he began to learn the history of his new people. The Hirsune had originated in western Europe, but after the persecutions began, they had scattered, fleeing by ship across the oceans, scattering as they went in hopes that they would escape to new lands. Some had made their way to Australia, and still survived, hidden deep within the outback. Others had made their way with the ancestors of this community to North America, but then went their separate ways. Some moved north, heading up into what became Canada, the few others spreading out across the country.

Sadly, not all of the Hirsune colonies had survived. Several ships vanished en route, and had presumably sunk with all hands on board. A few colonies died out, unable to survive the harsh conditions of the pioneer life, wiped out by Indian war tribes, or fell victim to plagues. Of the Hirsune that had once thrived in the hundreds of millions, now only an estimated single million survived, and only due to the frantic attempts to repopulate the species...

It was early April, and an older, but still attractive black woman sat at her desk in the Portland, Oregon offices of Equality National. Sighing, she reached for her mug of coffee, taking a sip. The phone rang, and she set down her cup before answering it.

"Equality National; Lilly Mathers speaking," she said professionally in a rich, sultry voice.

"Ah, good," a man's voice said a bit loudly into the phone. "Lilly Mathers, my name is Tenaro, and I'd like to request your assistance in an important matter."

"Please, Mr. Tenaro, Lilly is fine by me."

"Umm... No, no 'Mr.', Just Tenaro... Lilly." the voice said, uncertainly, as though he was unsure of how to speak over the phone.

"How can I help you, Tenaro?" she asked, feeling a bit confused. Tenaro sounded Japanese, but the man had a local dialect which possessed a slightly odd quality... A mild trace of an accent she couldn't place.

"I'm speaking on behalf of my community, and we want to take steps to ensure that our way of life remains protected from discrimination."

"What forms of discrimination do you expect to encounter?" she asked, intrigued at his phrasing.

"Well... primarily religious discrimination as well as that in relation to our sexuality. It would be very difficult to explain over the phone..."

"Well if you're not able to speak freely, perhaps we can meet in person, and discuss this in more detail?"

"That... would be a bit difficult. We're an isolated community, and I personally have never been beyond the limits of our town."

"Are you able to tell me where you are? Perhaps I could come there."

"Well... I suppose that's possible... However, there's a rather significant need to keep this private, as far as the rest of society is concerned.... Very important, in fact. Hence our need to ensure that our rights are protected."

"I can appreciate your desire for privacy, Tenaro. If I were to come, would I have your permission to bring along a trusted associate with me? One who's discretion will be guaranteed?"

There was the sounds of a few people talking on the other end. "Umm, yes... That would be acceptable."

"All right," Lilly said, reaching for a pad and pen. "Where are you located?"

Two days later, Lilly and her associate Ted Reyland entered the outskirts of the small town.

"I hope there's a gas station here," Ted said in concern as he eyed the gas gauge, which only read a quarter of a tank. He ran his hand through his balding brown hair nervously.

"I haven't seen one," Lilly answered, craning her neck. "That's odd... I haven't seen a single mainstream business here. Everything looks like it's privately owned..."

"That's not the only odd thing. Haven't you noticed something missing? I haven't seen a single woman yet, just lots of hairy men. What do you think? Segregated community?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. "There's the town hall," she added, recognizing the building from Tenaro's description.

There were several very hairy men standing at the door, waiting for them.

"Whoa!" Ted exclaimed as he looked at them. "Looks like their hormones when crazy!" he commented, taking in the very hairy state of the townsfolk.

They parked and got out, just as someone, another hairy man, ran over to them panting. Lilly listened as she and Ted approached.

"Hey," the young man said, catching his breath. "It's happening! Almaran's son is about to ha-"

"Lilly Mathers!" the gray-haired man in the center of the group said loudly, interrupting him, looking shocked and fearful at the other's statement. "How very nice to meet you! Please, this way-" he began to usher the lawyers away urgently.

"But Pareus-"

"NOT NOW!" the elder said, panicking.

"Wait," said a young man to the side, who looked to be deep in thought. Everyone turned to face him. "Maybe... They should see this."

"Kylenus! You can't be serious!" the elder protested, looking terrified.

"Yes I am. Look..., they won't believe us without proof, and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You brought me in as a consultant in dealing with them," he said, waving at the bewildered lawyers. "Please! They wouldn't believe us if we just told them. This is the hardest piece of evidence we could give them to support our claims... Please trust me in this."

"Well..." The mayor said weakly. "You're asking for a lot..." He glanced at the outsiders. "Very well, but you will bare full responsibility for any negative consequences!"

"What's this about?" Lilly asked, feeling confused.

The young man turned to them. "How would you like to be the first people from outside the community to see a rare event?"

"What kind of event?" Ted asked suspiciously. Lilly beginning to feel as though they were about to be scammed.

"If I told you, you'd think I'm crazy," the youth smiled sheepishly. "I think that it'd be better if you simply saw for yourself. This way, please."

Raising an eyebrow to Ted, Lilly followed him down the street and into the town's medical clinic.

"Where...?" the lad asked.

"This way, the room's just over here," a dark haired man in a white doctor's coat said, and led them all to a window set into the wall. "Please keep your voices down, so as not to disturb them," he said as they reached the window. Lilly saw it was actually a two-way mirror.

"Disturb who?" Lilly asked, peaking inside through it.

"That man's naked!" Ted exclaimed.

"Shhh!" the doctor scolded him.

Lilly and Ted looked through the glass into a small room with heavy padding covering the walls and floor. There was a nude, very hairy man sitting on his knees, staring unblinkingly at the object before him. It was a pale gray colored object that was about six inches around at the widest point, and stood about nine inches high.

"Is that an... egg?" Lilly asked quietly in disbelief.

As they watched, the egg wiggled, then shuddered. Suddenly, it tipped onto it's side and rolled about a foot to the side, the nude man shielding it with his hands to protect it from harm as best he could without touching it. As the observers watched, a crack appeared, then several more, and finally a split appeared.

"That's it, Son," the man said, encouraging the egg with a joyfully expectant expression. "You can do it... Come on..."

There was a rough motion within the egg, and a section of it broke outwards, letting in a rush of air. From inside, a tiny gasp could be heard. Then a smaller section broke away, followed by another as the egg rocked slowly. After several minutes, the hole was worked wider, and something flesh colored slid out onto the padded floor. It laid there panting, crouched on it's side in a fetal position with it's back to the window, slowly regaining it's strength, as clear fluid leaked from the hole in the egg.

Lilly's eyes bulged in their sockets, staring mutely at the small creature, which unfolded itself into a small humanoid form, looking like a somewhat miniaturized small boy with fully formed limbs. The new life looked around, blinking in confusion, then looked up at the man smiling down at him.

"Hey there... Wow, look at you! You're beautiful, Son. You're so handsome... You're name is Gavahan, and I'm your Dad."

Gavahan began to root around the padded floor, letting out grunts and whines of fustration.

"You hungry, Son?" the man asked, squeezing his nipple.

The new hatchling sniffed the air, and discovering it's source, scrambled forward, moving as best as he could on all fours, still unable to use his limbs properly. He reached the man, and dove onto the offered nipple, beginning to nurse greedily, as the man chuckled and began to pet and hug him gently.

"There you go. It's OK, Gavahan, take as much milk as you want, I've got plenty... I love you, Son... I love you..." He sighed, crying gently as he gazed lovingly down at his offspring, who sighed gently in contentment as he was fed.

"What? How? What's going on here?" Ted sputtered in shock.

Lilly pressed her hands to the glass, gazing in wonder at the spectacle before her. "Look at him..." she breathed in shock and awe almost smiling despite the shock of what she had just witnessed. Slowly she turned to the townsfolk. "What is all this? Who are you people?"

The mayor stepped towards her, looking at the woman pleadingly. "We are called Hirsune... And we need your help..."

Lilly sat weakly in one of the chairs in the clinic waiting room as she and Ted listened to these unusual people tell their story. As they talked, though, Lilly began to get a funny feeling that they were skirting something, some issue that she couldn't get the exact shape of. The more they talked however, the more she began to see at least the general nature of it. It seemed to have something to do with how they interacted with one another. Frowning slightly to herself, she leaned forward towards the council of elders who were speaking with her.

"There's something else, though," she asked. "What about social structure? For instance, what's family life like for Hirsune?"

"Well... um... Family is very important for us..." Pareus hedged.

Lilly knew she had him. This was one of the things they were very nervous speaking about. The simple statement seemed to have a much deeper meaning than usual. She sighed.

"Pareus... I'm going to tell you right now that I, personally, have already made up my mind to help you as much as I can."

The Hirsune relaxed visibly.

"However," she added, as they tensed up noticeably once more. "If I'm going to be able to help you effectively, then I need to know the entirety of what, exactly, I'm defending. I need to understand exactly all of why you feel the need to be protected. And I can't protect you properly if you keep me in the dark on sensitive issues. Trust me, I'm very openminded."

"Opemindedness has its limits, though," the young man Kylenus said, looking worried.

"Try me," Lilly said to him. She'd noticed that the elders seemed to be differing to this lad, a fact she found a bit odd. Odder still, was the fact that he seemed much more comfortable with the humans than everyone else among the Hirsune here, as well as knowledgeable about human attitudes. There was something different about this particular person. It was a mystery she wanted to unravel.

He sighed, wiping his hands on his jeans, and looking to the mayor, who shrugged, clearly feeling out of his element. The young man thought hard for a moment before speaking.

"You've dealt with a lot of different cultures, right? People who's ways were vastly different from your own?" (she nodded.) "Well, our ways are radically different from those of any human culture. We've existed as a species with much different attitudes and beliefs than those followed by modern human cultures, American culture especially, for thousands of years. Our culture hasn't changed very much in general principal or practice in all that time. It's those differences that will prove to be the biggest obstacles to us gaining equal treatment to humans..."

"How so?" she asked, Ted shifting uncomfortably in his own chair.

"We don't live our daily lives in the way humans do... There's a lot of aspects to our lives that humans would find... deeply offensive."

"Go on..." she prodded.

"Most of our differences are in our sexuality... And how we express it. Hirsune have very high sex drives, much stronger than humans, and in fact, much stronger than any animals on the planet. Sex is a major part of our daily lives. You'd probably classify it as a sexual compulsion, or maybe even an addiction... kinda like nymphomania."

Lilly had already noticed this. Several times during their narration, individual Hirsune would vanish for minutes at a time, and when they weren't, they seemed to strain themselves not to grope themselves through their clothing. "I think I've already noticed that. But there's more?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding with a pained expression. "Second... We're a non-monogamous species. We don't settle down with an individual mate to share our lives with. Some of the people we mate with are close friends... Kind of like fuck-buddies, who we get together with regularly."

"Some?" Lilly asked, raising her eyebrow.

He sighed, blowing air out of his lungs slowly, rocking slightly as he prepared himself to continue. He spoke with a pained expression on his face.

"The bonds between Hirsune families run very deep, so much so in fact, that we feel much closer to our families than anyone else."

"Wait a minute!" Ted exclaimed, rising to his feet. "You don't mean your talking about-?"

"Please!" Kylenus said, holding up a hand. "Let me explain our reasoning before you condemn us!"

"Ted, please," Lilly said, grabbing his sleeve. "Let him have his say!"

Ted looked down at her in shock. "Oh come on, Lilly! It's one thing to be built differently, but this?"

"Why is incest wrong, Ted?" the young Hirsune asked. "Can you seriously explain why that is?"

"What?" Ted replied, the question taking him aback. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I want you to literally explain to me the reason that incest is wrong. Why is it considered a bad thing?"

"Well everyone knows," the human stammered. "Children of incest are sickly... Deformed! Two heads, no eyelids, weakened immune systems, that kind of thing!"

"Among humans, yes, but not among us."

Ted stopped, looking at him in confusion.

"Among humans," Kylenus continued, "DNA bonds together very easily. A strong difference in genetics among the parents makes for a stronger, healthier child. If two people who are too closely related were to have offspring, then the resulting child could lack a strong enough diversity of genetics. The similar DNA strands would be a weaker mix, and birth defects could result, making for a less stable, more sickly child. The leaders of humanity discovered the cause, and wanted to make sure that future generations of humanity would be strong and healthy.

"The religious leaders and healers began to tell people that producing offspring with another member of your own family would be a very bad thing. They worked on the minds of the public to make them see incest as taboo, making it into a repulsive practice within their minds. That mindset has continued to this day, and now, when most people think of incest, they get offended without always considering why. That's why most humans always have such strongly negative reactions to the concept of sexual relations among family members, even if there's no chance for offspring, due to illness, injury or same-sex pairings within a family line.

"The Hirsune, however, are very different..." He turned and looked to Dr. Harian, who cleared his throat and continued the thread of conversation.

"We've had the opportunity to compare human and Hirsune DNA," the doctor said. "Including the differences in semen samples between the two species. Hirsune sperm contains roughly fifty times as much genetic material and diversity as that of human sperm. Because of this, the chances of birth defects are infinitesimal, with only one recorded case within the last eight hundred years. Therefore, we never felt the need to develop a taboo against incest. And because of this, as well as the deep emotional bonds each Hirsune forms with his family members, we see sex among relations as a very sacred and natural thing. To us, it's the most important bond we can have, and forms much of our religious structure."

Welvayan leaned forward in his chair, wearing a traditional white robe with sleeves and closed at the front and back. "Much of Hirsune religious practices consists of Rites shared by the family. As our sexuality and the worship of it is our religion, we love each other very deeply without shame. It is more than simply a part of our culture, it is one of the most sacred parts of our lives, as well as being the core of the family structure and interaction between them."

Ted groaned and placed his forehead into his hands. "That's all well and good for you, but what about the rest of the world? If you think my reaction is bad, then just wait until the GOP hears about this... or worse, the church! They'll have a field day with this!"

"Oh come on!" Kylenus exclaimed. "It's not like we're going to put a gun to the world's head and make them share our beliefs! These are -our- beliefs, and we don't ask everyone else to act and think the way we do. All we want is the right to live our lives in peace, the way we want to. Whatever humans do with their lives is up to them, so long as they just leave us alone. That's all we ask."

"But if word of that got out-"

"Exactly! That's why we don't want people to know... they'd never understand. That's why we keep that to ourselves. Humans will never support us if they knew we're an incestuous species."

"Well," Lilly said slowly, "I've heard of stranger things, and your reasoning makes a lot of sense, when you explain it that way. Dare I ask if there's anything else, apart from your religious beliefs? "

Kylenus looked around uncertainly. His father, Ardenus, placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. "It's up to you, Son."

The lad sighed, then got up and pulled a plastic card from his wallet, handing it to Lilly.

"A driver's license?" she asked, looking at it in confusion. The man in the picture was looking blandly at the camera, a hollow look in his eyes. The eyes looked familiar. She looked more closely, then looked up at the young Hirsune in shock. The face was different, but similar, especially the eyes. "It can't be..." she breathed, the truth dawning on her. "This is you?" she asked in shock and disbelief.

He nodded, a lump in his throat. He leaned forward, and began to tell the humans his story...

"... And I don't regret my decision," he said, finishing with a smile tinged with pain from relating his troubled past. "Even if it were possible to reverse the process and become human again, I'd refuse. I made my choice, and I'm happy with my new life." He reached up to take the hand of his father, which was resting on his shoulder. "I love this life, and my family... especially my father," he finished tilting his head up to look at his parent.

Ardenus smiled warmly down at the boy. "I love you too, Son." He leaned down, and kissed Kylenus warmly, then more passionately, his hand sliding down into Ky's open shirt front.

"Umm, umm," Ky vocalized, gently placing one hand over his dad's to stop the motion, the other gently pushing at his face, making the parent halt his actions slowly. "We should probably tone it down in front of the humans," he said, looking regretful.

"Oh, right... Sorry," the farmer said to the humans.

Ted was looking away and clearing his throat awkwardly. Lilly had a stiff back and a fixed smile, trying not to show her ingrained discomfort at the display of passion. She seemed to shake herself mentally. "No," she said, "Don't be. That's part of who you are, so don't let me get in the way."

"Well, we don't want you to feel too uncomfortable..." The lad said.

Lilly recovered, and smiled at him with a touch of amusement. "Well, that certainly explains how you seem to understand humans more that the rest of your people."

"Yes, and I hope you can see why it's vitally important that my nature remains a complete secret, as far as human society is concerned."

"Why?" Ted asked innocently, turning back to them.

"Some humans will see us as a threat, merely because we exist at all. But what if they discovered that humans can be transformed into us?"

"It'll be a nightmare," Lilly sighed, closing her eyes and bracing herself.

"Exactly! It won't matter how rarely or how special the circumstances have to be for a human to be Gifted. The fact that we can do so at all will be all the ammo the zealots will need to spread panic and try to have us wiped out in order to protect themselves from the threat they'll believe us to be, even though we're nothing of the sort!"

"You're right," she breathed, suddenly feeling very, very old despite the fact that she was only in her early forties.

"Above all else," Kylenus added, "We need to keep the knowledge of incest and Gifting under tight wrap. If anyone were to discover either of those things, we'd lose any public support we would get."

"Agreed," she said nodding, looking to Ted.

"You're correct. No one should know about those things, it'd only hurt your case," he said.

"So," Pareus added, "All we ask for is the means to protect our rights, should humans come here and discover our existence. All we want is the right to live alone in peace."

"But that doesn't address the problem Bertha had last month," Tenaro said, looking worried.

"Bertha is a human ally of ours," Pareus said, answering the confused look Lilly gave them. "She drives the truck that brings us supplies from the outside world, and carries away the food we sell to a human farmer outside the community."

"What kind of problem?" Ted asked.

"She was stopped on her way here," Tenaro explained, "by a pair of humans who showed a very unhealthy interest in where she was going, and asked her many prying questions. She believes that they were not tourists, as they claimed to be. I trust her judgment, and feel that her concerns are valid."

"That certainly sounds suspicious," Lilly said slowly. "The perhaps we should start setting things up as quickly as possible, just in case."

"Very good," Tenaro said, looking relieved. "The sooner, the better, in fact."

"Then we should get going," Lilly said, getting up.

"Umm," Ted began hesitantly. "I don't suppose you folks have any extra gas...?"

Over two hours later, the lawyers were nearing the junction with interstate ninety, when a man parked on the opposite side of the road waved frantically to them. He was dressed in slacks and a button front shirt, with a map in his right hand as he flagged them down.

"Looks like he's lost," Ted said, as they slowed down.

Lilly took a good look at the man, and her internal alarms rose sharply. Something was very, very wrong here. Something she rapidly identified. "Whatever I do and say, play along! I've been nagging you non-stop!" she said quickly as they got near.

"What?" Ted asked.

"Just do it!" Lilly ordered.

Complying, Ted adopted a deep frown as he pulled over and rolled down the window.

"Good!" Lilly said waspishly, taking the initiative. "Someone with a map! Maybe he has a better sense of direction that you do!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Ted snapped at her, easily falling into his assigned roll.

"So you were getting us lost on purpose, then? What a novel concept!"

"Uh... I'm sorry," the stranger said, looking confused. "I was hoping you can help me. I seem to be a bit lost here..." He said sheepishly.

"Well join the club, then!" Lilly snapped. "I just happen to have the president of it right here with me! Well," she shouted at Ted, "don't just sit there like a moron! Hand him some brochures! I'm sure he'd love to glean some valuable insight from your wonderful sense of direction!"

"Umm," the business man said, taken aback by their arguing.

"Look, it was a perfectly good road, and it was heading north!" Ted shouted back, sounding offended.

"Yes, to absolutely nowhere! Fifty miles of you saying 'don't worry, I know where I'm going.' If I'd let you have your way, we'd be half way to the damned North Pole by now!"

"You want to get to Moyle Springs, or not?" Ted shouted back.

"Yes, but I'd like to get there -before- the party ends! You know how long it took for me to get invited to one of Mildred's parties? If you blew my chance to get her to sign off on the deal, I swear I'll make your life a living Hell!"

"Like it isn't already?" Ted shouted, his face going slightly red.

"But," the business man said, trying to interrupt.

"Oh forget it, Pal!" Ted snapped at him. "I've got enough problems of my own!"

He hit the gas, spraying a rooster trail of dirt behind them as they took off, leaving him behind. They continued their argument until they'd left him far behind.

"You enjoyed that!" He accused, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards.

"So did you," she said, smiling nervously. "I never thought my acting class would pay off that well!"

"Why'd you do that, anyways. What's the deal?"

"That man wasn't lost," she replied darkly.

"How can you be sure?" Ted asked, feeling nervous.

"The car, his clothes, even the map were all new."

"So what? That doesn't prove anything."

"It wasn't just that. He was a soldier... I could tell."

"How?" Ted asked, looking at her in confusion.

"You don't grow up the daughter of a drill sergeant without getting to know how soldiers move and behave. That man was army, I'm sure of it."

"Dammit, Lilly," Ted spoke, looking pale. "What've you gotten us into?"

They drove in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. "They really are in trouble, aren't they?"

"Yeah, I think they are," she replied grimly...

Kylenus awoke alone in his bed the next day. Kavarin had once more offered to share his bed, but there was a downside that Ky had rapidly discovered: Kav had a very bad habit of being a restless sleeper who thrashed around during his sleep.

After being awoken two times the same night due to having an unconscious backhand to the face, then a heel to his knee, Ky had politely refused to stay after their next mating was completed. He was sure that if not for the dense layer of furry body hair he now possessed, he'd have large visible bruises on his body. Kav had pouted slightly, but after seeing the bruise on the left side of his sibling's face poking out halfway above the beard-line, he'd relented and apologized.

Ky stretched and sighed, arching his back so that his hairy chest rose up, grunting in pleasure. He got up, and studied his nude reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of his closet door.

He now stood at seven feet, two inches, and his body had the young, toned look that many fit teenagers possessed. The fur of his body was dark brown, and short, hugging his torso, neck and limbs, and allowing the shape of his body to show through clearly despite the fact that his fur completely hid the skin beneath. His beard and hair were short, and trim, his eyes a clear deep green beneath a strong brow, flat cheeks, and his jaw squarish in shape.

He took a moment to flex, admiring his body, but his face fell slightly. Kav had made him feel strong and muscular, but his body was more trim than buff. *Maybe I should take Kav up on his offer to help me bulk up,* he thought to himself, smiling at the image of himself sporting a set of well-defined muscles beneath the fur.

*How long have I been thinking of this as fur?* he asked himself silently, turning to admire the back half of his body in the mirror. Honestly, he couldn't remember. *My thought patterns are becoming completely different from what they used to be,* he noted... But there was no trace of concern. He liked the way he thought now.

Before, as a human, he'd been a rather glum and suspicious person, always waiting to be wronged. Now, however, he felt carefree and happy. The dull, hollow look was gone from his eyes, replaced by a sparkle of amusement and mischief. He'd meant what he'd said to Lilly. Even if it were possible to return to his former human state of being, he'd refuse. He also knew, from the small part of his mind that was still human, that the human part was as glad of the change as the rest of him. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy.

In truth, he felt like a teenager, restless and full of nervous energy. He looked at his face in the mirror, noting that he looked like a six-year old. *No, wait,* the remaining human part of himself corrected. *A very hairy eighteen-year old.* He frowned slightly, for an odd moment, as the human memories collided with Hirsune thinking. *Hirsune mature three times as quickly as humans, so I guess both are true. I'm six, but eighteen from a human perspective... Besides,* he continued, looking deep into his reflection's eyes. *I'm Hirsune now, so I need to start thinking like one. Therefore, I'm six. So shut it!* he thought, annoyed with the human thought-patterns that seemed to want to hang around and nag him about what should be.

He flexed a bit more in the mirror, displaying his masculinity to himself, but after a few minutes, he realized that he wasn't becoming aroused like he thought he'd be. *Maybe I don't do it for myself the way others do...* Frowning slightly to himself, he slipped into a set of overalls, suddenly realizing how very hungry he was.

He sighed, turning away from the mirror. That he still had this internal struggle bothered him. He wanted the human part of him to stop trying to contradict the Hirsune side. He found himself envying the rest of the family, who were free of such problems. *Maybe it'll fade away over time,* he thought, groping his penis idly through his overalls, worried that it wasn't responding to his attentions like it normally did. *Why aren't I horny today?* he asked silently, concerned that he wasn't. This was the first time since his transformation that his ever-present horniness was mute. It bothered him.

*Maybe something's wrong?* he wondered, feeling apprehensive. He considered talking to his dad about it. But could he help? Maybe this was something that Hirsune didn't deal with. Perhaps it was a fluke of his transformation. *I hope nothing's wrong,* he thought, frowning. *If I'm not horny again by tomorrow, then I should call the doc, or maybe Roderal... He'd probably be a better choice, since he's already gone through this. Maybe he can explain it.*

His stomach growled, demanding food with an annoying urgency. Rubbing his stomach, he went down to the kitchen, where he heard singing from below.

*Davin's doing laundry. Fuck it, I'm old enough to make my own meal,* he thought, digging around in the fridge.

He was so busy stuffing his face, that he failed to notice exactly how much food he was eating. A whole bundle of bananas, a pound of cooked ham, and twelve pancakes, washed down with a three-quarters of a gallon of orange juice, disappeared down his maw before his hunger abated. He drank two large cups of coffee to jolt himself awake, and headed out to the barn.

Ardenus was waiting for him in a pair of old, faded overalls, standing in the barn and leaning in a hoe with it's blade on the ground, holding it in both hands like a pole.

"There you are! I was about to come drag you out of bed!" the parent said, looking slightly annoyed. "You know we're up at dawn around here. You'll have to get used to that. Every moment of daylight is precious to a farmer. We can't go lighting up the fields with floodlights all the time because we want to sleep in, you know."

"Sorry, Dad," the lad said, looking crestfallen. "I'll try to work on that."

Seeing that his son was sincere, Ardenus' mood softened. "Ok, Kylenus. We'll see about getting you an alarm clock, OK? Now... How much do you know about farming?"

Ky looked down, poking the earthen ground of the barn with his big toe. "Well... dirt's this brown stuff, right?"

Silence greeted this, broken only by the sound of wood creaking slightly, and he looked up to see his parent standing with his head hung, and his knuckles whitening around the handle of the hoe as he squeezed it hard with both of his strong hands. After a few moments, he lifted his head, a pained smile on his face. "Yeah, Son. Dirt's the brown stuff..."

Kylenus went to work with his father, breaking up the earth that the horse and plow had loosened. As the sun shined down on them, they slowly worked their way down the row, Markano and a field hand from town named Nasharhan chopping away at the next row over. As he worked, Ky noted an odd ringing developing in his ears, and he was beginning to have a hard time concentrating. His world narrowed to the dull thuds of the hoe in his hands as the blade stabbed into the soil, the smell of the raw earth as he broke it up at his feet. He began to sweat, his vision getting blurry around the edges, and his breathing becoming rapid.

He wasn't panicking, though. His brain seemed to be going on autopilot, and a dull ache was beginning to grow in the pit of his stomach. His strikes with the hoe became half-hearted, growing weaker and weaker until he slowed to a stop. He leaned on the hoe, beginning to pant heavily without even knowing why, or aware that he was even doing so at all...

Ardenus began to notice something was wrong. Kylenus was slowing down, his shoulders heaving even though he didn't seemed winded. Ardenus stared at him for several moments, wondering what was wrong with him. It was then that the parent noted a slight fuzziness in his own brain, and a constricting tightness developing down below. He stopped working, realization dawning on him.

"Guys, get back!" he said, turning to his son and employee, tossing his tool aside.

"Dad?" Markano asked, "What's wrong?"

"Get back! Now!"

Markano and Nasharhan backed away quickly, looking alarmed.

Ardenus moved slowly, stalking towards his son. "Kylenus?" he asked. The youth didn't answer. "Son? You OK?" he persisted, feeling that he knew what it was. He moved around Kylenus to face the young Hirsune, who was sweating, staring blankly at nothing, the hoe held loosely in his hand. He moved closer. "Ky?"

The lad turned slowly to him, looking feverish. When their eyes met, Kylenus groaned in a shaky voice of deepest need, tossed the hoe aside, and flung himself at his father, trying to tear the overalls from the older Hirsune's body and letting out a wet sound from his posterior as his anus dilated and secreted solem.

Realizing what was happening, Ardenus went wild with need, striping the boy quickly, and taking a deep, long breath from Ky's body, his head rising quickly up the lad's torso to his face as he inhaled. Then moaning loudly with lust, he grabbed his son by the shoulders and spun him around, shoving him to the ground.

Ky fell to his hands and knees, lifting his open ass eagerly. Ardenus bellowed like a bull, dove onto the lad as his stiff phallus plunged eagerly into the gapping, lubricated hole, and began to fuck him hard and fast, possessed with the overpowering need to fill him with cum...

"Kylenus!" Markano exclaimed, smiling as he watched his brother come into heat, groaning and moaning incomprehensibly as their father mounted him furiously, who finally shouted with joy as he orgasmed deep inside his son. "Come on!" he said to his assistant, running to the barn before the heat pheromones could claim them as well.

All Hirsune knew the drill, and as Nasharhan rang the bell attached to the front door of the barn in a repeating, four clang rhythm, Mark grabbed a gas mask from several that hung from hooks inside.

Davin came running out of the house, his hand over his mouth, as Kavarin rushed over from the chicken coops. "Who is it?" Davin asked, looking confused. Everyone on the ranch knew that a four-bell ring meant someone had gone into season, and caution was required.

"Ky! It just happened!" Mark said, with an amused look of shock.

"Really?" Kav said, looking fit to drool, gazing around frantically. "Where? Where is he?"

"No you don't!" Davin said, seizing his younger brother's arm in a firm grip.

"Oh come on! I didn't get enough time with Mark! This isn't fair!" he sulked shamelessly.

"Dad's with him now, Kav. They're in the south field, not too far past the barn. Besides, Kav, you know Dad wanted him first!"

"Shit!" Kav swore. "Alright! Fine! But I get him next!"

"Ok, OK!" Mark said, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "But -after- we get Ky moved to the breeding room, and not before. Go take some lemongrass. Oh fuck!" he exclaimed in horror, turning to look back at the field. "Did Ky have any today?"

"I don't know," Davin said, looking concerned. "I never saw him this morning, but I thought I heard him rooting around in the kitchen."

"Shit!" Mark swore, and tore off for the barn. Fortunately, they were prepared for this. He ran to a large pill bottle, and opened it, shaking out two capsules of powdered lemongrass, and grabbing his water bottle from the table where he'd left it, running out as he pulled the gas mask over his face. He reached the pair, who were both lost in a world of passion.

He forced the pills into the protesting lad's mouth, then pushed the mouth of the water bottle to his brother's lips. "Come on, Ky! You'll thank me for this later!"

Mark breathed a sigh of relief as Ky swallowed the pills grudgingly. He then stood and moved back, watching his family members rut in the dirt. His hand strayed to his crotch, and he kneaded his tool through the fabric, sighing in lust as he watched them go at it.

"Fuck, Ky. That's so hot! Congratulations, Bro! Now you really are one of us! I can't wait for my turn to come around," he said, opening his fly, and pulling out his shaft, which oozed precum. He stood there, masturbating, breathing hard through the gas mask as he stroked himself. He masturbated rapidly, walking closer to his youngest sibling's face, Ky's eyes rolled back in his head, his mind lost to his lust.

Mark groaned as his orgasm came, and he covered his delirious brother's face in his sperm. He stepped back, letting his member soften before stuffing it back into his jeans. "Just you wait, Ky. When my turn comes, I'm gonna tear your ass up!"

Sighing in anticipation, he walked over to meet his gas masked siblings, who began to pleasure themselves as they watched the pair go at it...

Meanwhile, Kylenus was lost in a world of sensation, unable to form any coherent thoughts. All he knew was a burning, all-consuming need to take as much dick as he could. It was a ravenous hunger deep inside him that demanded to be filled, nothing else mattered. As his hole was savaged by the thick phallus that rode it, he felt an all-encompassing euphoria fill him, and he dug his fingers and toes into the soil, thrusting back frantically onto the shaft riding his egg canal, which screamed for more.

Finally the penis within him exploded, gushing cum deep inside of his body, and Ky finally knew a moment's peace, as a deep sense of satisfaction flowed through him. For a moment, traces of rational thought came back to him, and while he wasn't able to form words, even within his own mind, he realized that something had happened to him. A mental image of Markano, moaning with need as Davin fucked him on their father's bed swam to the fore, and his mind reeled as he realized that this must be what Mark had experienced. He understood what was happening to him, now.

Far from feeling afraid or confused, he felt joyful. No wonder Mark's face had worn such a blissful expression as he had been mounted repeatedly. Ky now knew the overwhelming pleasure his brother had felt then, and his heart swelled with pride as he realized he had entered the final stage of manhood. Now, he was truly an adult, and equal among Hirsune. If this was what it was like to be in heat, then he hoped it would last forever.

An instinctual memory of his conversation with his father in the barn, the second night of Mark's season came to him. He recalled begging his father to rape his ass when his heat finally was upon him. He felt a lust-fueled gratitude to the man for keeping his promise. As this realization hit him, so did the needs of his hormones. He began to thrust back onto that hard shaft stuck up his ass desperately, groaning with need. He heard a lustful growl, and the assault on his canal resumed, making him gasp in pleasure...

For the next three hours, Ardenus fucked his youngest son with a burning need and ferocity. His other sons stood a ways away, still wearing gas masks and waiting for the pair to ride out the wave of lust. Finally, the father collapsed onto his son's back, heaving with exhaustion as the pair laid in the dirt. Ky had already passed out from fatigue.

"Ok, let's go!" Mark said, and the three moved in and picked them up out of the dirt and mud, which caked their legs, hands, and Ky's front. They then proceeded to carry the pair across the field, heading towards the back of the barn to the isolated pair of rooms built next to Mark's dojo and Kav's music/workout room. Ardenus moaned, coming to slightly. He began to try to stand on his own, his weak legs moving feebly.

"Dad?" Davin said, looking at his father. "Dad! Did you take lemongrass today? Dad!"

"Huh?" the parent grumbled foggily. Davin repeated the question. "Ummm.. uhh, y... yeah... tea...."

"Good," The second son said, sighing with relief.

"Dad," Mark said, lugging his hormone-driven brother along by the arms as Kav held his feet. "You need some rest! Trade off!"

"But I promised..." Ardenus said thickly, drunk on pheromones.

"You can have him again later!"

"Dad, please!" Kav begged, his voice muffled through his gas mask. "I want him! Please!"

"Okfine..." The father mumbled, slurring the words together in his exhaustion.

"Yes!" the third son said in excitement.

"Did you have any lemongrass today?" Markano asked him.

"I'll have some later! Let's just get Ky-"

"NO, KAV!" Mark shouted angrily between pants of effort from carrying his burden.

"Oh come on!" Kav protested.

"You know the rules! We NEVER impregnate someone against his will, heat or no heat! You take some right now, or forfeit your turns this season! You know better then that! How would you feel if we knocked you up without your permission?!?"

"Ok," Kav said, looking shamed. "But if someone goes in there ahead of me," he said, as they reached the door to the breeding room, "I swear I'll take a two-by-four to the back of their head!"

With that, he ran around to the side door to the barn to grab some pills, as Davin set his father down on a bench several yards away so their parent could clear his head of the potent pheromones.

"Shit!" Mark swore, as he and his second brother heaved Ky into the room and onto the bed after brushing the worst of the soil off of his body, "You'd think Kav was the one in season!"

Davin just shook his head sadly, unable to come up with an appropriate response...

For over three days, the family tended to Kylenus' need to be fucked non-stop. Each of the family taking several turns with him, going in shifts.

Ky laid on his stomach, his father growl-chuckling with joy into the lad's ear as he rode the young Hirsune's eager orifice with gusto. Ky blinked, or seemed to - at any rate, and suddenly he was on his back, sunlight shinning in Davin's hair as he fucked his younger brother, his mouth hanging open in lust. Ky closed his eyes and moaned, and Mark was kissing him deeply, pistoning into him. The heat-driven youth hung his head back, then rose to get a better look at Mark, only it was Kav now mounting him, and moonlight showing through the window.

Ky lost all sense of time and awareness of his surroundings as his heat continued. Reality was a fluid, ever-changing thing, and all he could think of was how incredible this all felt, eagerly pushing his dilated, solem-oozing hole onto whatever penis was impaling him at the moment, and not caring who's it was, as a deep, lustful euphoria filled him, mixing with the insane hunger in his egg canal...

Ky sighed, breathing deep and moaning with satisfaction as a thick penis stroked slowly inside him, making his insides tingle pleasantly despite the sluggish fullness that seemed to take up all of his insides. He opened his eyes, to see his father smiling down at him lovingly.

"Finally coming around?" his parent asked with amusement.

"Oh fuck..." Ky moaned, feeling more alive than ever before, his whole body tingling. "Damn... I feel so fucking wonderful. Thank you Penis... And you, too, Dad!" he breathed, stretching as his father continued to piston gently inside him.

"I'm so proud of you, Kylenus," Ardenus beamed down at him. "Congratulations, Son. Welcome to the wonderful world of adulthood." He leaned down and kissed the lad passionately.

"Fuck! So that's what it's like... being in heat... Damn... Why does it only have to happen once a year?"

"Fuck yeah, my sexy little Pig Boy! " Ardenus said with lust and pride, driving his dick to the hilt inside Ky's canal. "Can't get enough, huh?"

Ky gasped in pleasure as his dad slammed back into him, gritting his teeth and snarling up with passion at his parent. "Ah fuck! Uh yeah..."

Ardenus snarl-smiled in response, enjoying watching the lad react to his masculinity. "Ok, Son. Time to let you up," Ardenus said, pulling out in one smooth motion, making Ky groan in pleasure.

Ky laid there, smiling at his dad, until a deep gurgling came from his gut. He looked panic-stricken.

"Over there! Go!" his father said, pointing to an attached toilet closet. Ky scrambled desperately to it, diving onto the bowl just before his canal began to disgorge three-plus days worth of spent semen.

"Oh Shit!!!" Ky shouted, as his body did it's best to try to turn itself inside out. The post-sex stimulation of his canal made him almost double over from the intensely erotic sensations that mixed with his violent need to empty his insides of gallons of cum. "Ohhh! Hohohohoho!"

"Let it all out, Son. Just relax and let go," the parent instructed, watching with pride as his boy clenched the seat of the toilet like he was about to be blasted off of it, like a rocket from a launching pad.

Ardenus smiled, watching his boy deal with the aftermath of his first season for several minutes. Kylenus emptied so much spent semen into the bowl that the auto-flush triggered, draining the toilet of some of the post-sex leavings he was discharging into it. But the sperm still continued to flow out of his overused canal even after filling the bowl completely.

Then, as Ky remained preoccupied, he walked over to a doorbell set inside the room, next to the door leading outside, and pressed it ten times, signalling the all clear. In the distance, the bell it was attached to rang out from it's place above the front doors of the barn, letting everyone know it was safe to approach.

Markano appeared at the window a minute or so later, looking inwards. Ardenus waited until Ky's attention was devoted to making sure his intestines didn't follow the discharge of cum out of his body, and gave a fast thumb up to Mark, who nodded and moved away quickly...

It was quite some time before the youngest son felt safe to arise from the can, feeling more hollow than ever before in his life and his egg canal sore from overuse. Yet at the same time, he was experiencing a deep contentment that couldn't be described.

"All done?" the parent asked, and Ky nodded as he moved gingerly out of the toilet closet attached to the room. "Don't worry, Son. You'll feel better in the morning. Come on, let's get you back to the house," he said, proceeding to offer his aid to the young Hirsune.

They slowly made their way to the back door of the house, which led into the kitchen. As they entered, Ky was startled by shouting.

"SURPRISE!!!" his siblings shouted, their father joining in, as the entered the kitchen.

Kylenus stood there in shock. A White paper banner bearing the words "HAPPY FIRST SEASON!" hung over the doorway into the dining room. A chocolate cake featuring an iced outline of a spurting erect phallus sat in the center of the table, surrounded by bottles of alcohol in several varieties, and a multitude of snacks.

He remained motionless, staring around him with wide eyes. His mouth tightened, and he looked quickly down at the floor.

"Ky?" Davin asked, disturbed by his brother's behavior. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The smiles faltered, as Ky's shoulders trembled. Finally, he looked up, his eyes damp. "It- it's just that... nobody's ever thrown me a surprise party before..."

"Then it's high time we did!" Markano, said, being the first to recover. His words seemed to break everyone out of their lethargy, and they added their words of agreement.

"Yeah," Davin added. "Come on, Ky. Seat of honor!" he added, pulling out a chair from the dining room table. He saw Ky hesitate. "Don't worry! Plenty of pillows!" he finished, showing them to him.

Ky sighed with deep relief, and gingerly made his way to the offered chair, sinking down into it with a groan. "Thanks," he said, offering Davin an expression of deepest gratitude.

"I know... I've been there several times already," he said, smiling sympathetically to his youngest brother and patting him on the shoulder.

The party went on for some time, each of them relating to Kylenus their own experiences from former seasons, sharing embarrassing stories of being in odd places or situations when their season struck them, and other funny stories of sexual encounters past.

"So," Ardenus said, "You know what to look for from now on: Your sex drive will hit the brakes, and your appetite will kick into overdrive. If you have both of those symptoms, then you'll be going into heat within the next eight hours. It looks like the last week of April or so will be your time each year. If you have enough time to recognize the symptoms, get yourself to the breeding room as quickly as you can. Warn anyone you see that it's coming on, too. Once you're in the breeding room, ring the bell several times to warn everyone within earshot, and we'll know what's going on, OK Son?"

Ky repeated the instructions, making his parent nod in approval. "Good!"

"Well," Kavarin added, "Good to see you're one of us now!"

"Umm hmm," Ky said, swallowing a mouthful of rum and coke, feeling pleasantly buzzed as his inhibitions faded. "Man! I can't believe I can feel something so intense! I've never felt anything even remotely like that! And I'm thirty five... No, wait... eightee-..." He paused, pressing the heal of his left hand to his forehead, his face screwed up in concentration. "Umm, no... six... Uh... Wait... um... I don't know..." He finished, looking thoroughly confused, and deeply bothered by being so.

"You, OK?" Markano asked in concern, rubbing his brother's back gently.

"Ye-uh... I just-... This is all so confusing! I'm thirty five, but I feel like an eighteen-year old, yet technically, from a Hirsune perspective, I'm only six! It ju-... I... I don't know how to think... My human memories tell me one thing, but my Hirsune body says something else. It's like listening to two people arguing at you all the time. I'm sorry, everyone... I don't mean to be a buzz-kill. I guess... I guess I still have a lot to work out in my head, is all. I'm still trying to sort it all out. I mean, am I a man? A woman? Both? Neither? It's so damned confusing... I like this life, really... But I just can't seem to sort it all out in my head, is all..."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Ky," Davin said, reaching forward and patting Ky's shoulder tenderly. "You were a human for a long time, but you've only been Hirsune for around a month now. It's going to take time for you to adjust."

"Yeah," Kav added. "Just try to be patient, is all."

"Yeah," Ky said, shaking his head slightly. "You're right."

"It's OK, Son," Ardenus said, looking soberly at his boy. "We're all here for you," he finished, with a slightly flat quality in his voice that his sons failed to notice...

Ardenus laid there, alone in his bed. He was wide awake, staring up at the darkened ceiling of his bedroom, the sounds of a light breeze, crickets and a few frogs floating to him through the open window.

*How could I be so stupid!* he chided himself mentally. *I screwed up... Badly!*

Restless and unable to sleep, he got up, and walked nude out to the front porch. He leaned heavily against the banister, and stared up into The Flow, which humans called the milky way, wishing his own father would come down out of it to him and slap some sense into his idiot of a hatchling. He felt a deep shame and guilt that wouldn't go away.

*Why didn't I see it before? I screwed up so badly! All I could think about was having another son! I love the boy, but I've failed him. What kind of father am I?*

And he couldn't deny those strong feelings. He was a failure. A blind fool who had turned a young man's life upside down without the slightest consideration of how it would affect him. The pain on Kylenus' face during the party had hit him like a ton of bricks. He'd simply assumed that Ky was adjusting just fine to his new life. But now, he saw just how difficult the transition was proving to be for the lad.

*I got used to thinking he was perfectly fine. Idiot!* he added, scolding himself. *I -know- how different life is for humans compared to us! I should've seen this before! I should've planned for it. I should've sat him down and made sure he was OK. I should've-*

But no amount of chiding himself absolved him of his crime. He was failing Kylenus as a father, and the shame of doing so was more than he could bare. He'd been treating Ky like an equal in experience to his brothers, acting as though Ky knew most of what life was like for the Hirsune... In essence, making the boy grow up faster than was healthy, at least as far as his mind went. He had gotten used to Ky being a self-sufficient person, based upon his many years as a human, without thinking of him otherwise. While Ky might be an adult among humans, he was still a fresh hatchling as far as Hirsune ways were concerned. Kylenus was his boy, yet technically a man, from a physical standpoint. It was his mind and heart that were behind, and the father felt guilty for not realizing so sooner.

He saw the pain the youngster was feeling, and recalled what Ky had said about his former family life. Ky was used to having to deal with things on his own, without any emotional support from others. His human family had only taken care of his physical needs, ignoring the mental and emotional aspects of his development. That he had been dealing silently with this inner turmoil made Ardenus angry at the boy.

*What's that dumb kid thinking! He has us! He should've said something if he felt so badly!*

He winced, hating himself the moment he finished that thought. It wasn't fair to the lad to think like that. Ardenus had no right to expect the boy to change his habits just like that. This was the way he was used to behaving, dealing with his problems on his own, and had basically said as much. Habits that deeply ingrained wouldn't just disappear overnight! He just needed more development, is all.

He blinked, wiping away the tears that had trickled down his face unnoticed until now. He kicked himself mentally. *Well then, dummy, GET him what he needs!* he said, bullying himself into action. *Go over it all from scratch and raise him right!*

He sighed, feeling better. This was something he could do. He could undo the damage he'd done by making sure Kylenus was raised to be a proper Hirsune. It might not very well fix everything, but maybe it would help. Plans began to form rapidly within his brain, and even though he felt tired, he also felt too jittery to sleep. He looked up with a jolt to see the first light of predawn tinting the horizon. He'd been up all night!

Too wired to sleep despite his fatigue, he dashed into the house, grabbed a set of overalls, wrote a hasty note to his kids, and grabbed the truck keys from the hook on the wall. There was someone he needed to see, and hopefully, they were already awake...

Davin knocked on his father's bedroom door, then entered slowly. "Dad? Lunch is almost ready. You getting up?"

"Uh, umm... yeah, Davin, I'll be right there," the parent said, rolling over and stretching.

"Where'd you take off to so early in the morning? Is everything alright?" the offspring asked with concern.

"Yes... I just realized something last night, is all. I'll explain it to everyone while we eat..."

An hour later everyone was finishing their food when Ardenus cleared his throat to get his childrens' attention.

"I've been thinking a lot on something, and I realize that we've been going about Ky's induction into the family far too quickly."

Everyone looked at him nervously, Kylenus, most especially. He turned to the lad.

"Ky, I've been trying to force too much on you too fast, and that was wrong of me. I haven't been very fair to you, without even realizing that I was doing so... And I'm sorry for that. You have a lot to work out, and you seem to need to do it for yourself, but always remember that we're all here for you. You don't have to face it alone."

His other children nodded and murmured their agreement. Ky smiled nervously at all of them in turn.

"However, you don't have much to base life on other than the few fragments of Hirsune ways you've picked up, along with your human upbringing... And those two things are just too different to fit together very well. Therefore, I've come to a decision..."

Ky looked scared and shocked, apparently fearing the worst.

"Now, now!" he added hastily, "It's nothing bad! It's just that I realized that if you're going to understand what it is to be Hirsune, then you need to be properly educated, is all."

Ky relaxed.

"So," Ardenus continued. "You need a formal education... More than just history. I've talked it over with Priest Welvayan, and he's agreed. I want you to go for formal religious studies at the temple in town. You'll stay at the temple, and spend a month of intensive training in our beliefs, getting the proper teaching that I feel you sorely need if you're to understand our ways. Welvayan wants to give you thorough training in our beliefs... Among other things."

"I'll live at the temple... Away from you guys?" Ky asked, looking apprehensive.

"Don't worry, Ky," Markano said, smiling. "We'll come visit."

"Besides, Ky," Ardenus added. "It's only for a month. After that, you're more than welcome to return. This is your home, and always will be. I know that you're developing the strong family-bond that all Hirsune possess, but this is a very important part of your development. And like, Markano said, we'll each come and visit you, to see how you're doing, OK?"

"Well, if you think that's best... Ok Dad, I'll do it..."

Kylenus and Ardenus entered the temple that evening, just as dusk began to darken the skies.

"Welcum, my fellows, welcum," the priest said, his arms spread wide as he smiled warmly at them, wearing his traditional open robes to show off his body as much as possible. "Please, enter into the Most Holy Realm of Lust, and be sated! Kylenus!" he added, beaming at the youth. "Make yourself welcum, my son. The temple will be your home away from home during the course of your studies."

"I'll leave my boy in your capable hands, Father. Kylenus, be a good lad, and obey the priest's instructions. I'll be back tomorrow to check in on you, OK?"

He kissed and hugged Ky deeply for several minutes, smiling warmly at him before he left, and Ky watched him go, feeling somewhat apprehensive despite the priest's friendly demeanor.

"Do not feel sad, my son, for when you return to them, you will be well acquainted with the arts of pleasure, and be capable of bringing them great joys." He turned Kylenus gently to face him. "We have met a few times, but always formally." He reached down, groping Ky's groin lovingly. "Let us get to know each other on a more personal level." He leaned in, and kissed the lad passionately.

Kylenus responded in kind, his tension and concerns melting away in that warm embrace, feeling disappointment when the kiss ended.

"Cum, my son," Welvayan said, ushering him forth with a gentle palm upon his buttocks. "Join me in my chambers, that we may become more deeply acquainted..."

Ky allowed himself to be steered into the inner chambers of the temple, his erection rising to point upwards as he walked, the priest's hand gently probing the furry cleft of his ass...

"You're acting like a complete ass!" Lilly snapped, infuriated with her boss.

Bad enough she'd had to wait five days after returning from her life-changing trip to Montana for a meeting to share with him what she'd discovered, but seeing Larry hedging like this was unbelievable.

Lawrence Tesweather sat behind his desk, looking at her with a pained expression on his face. "Come on, Lilly! A new species of hermaphrodite humans living in isolation in the Montana backwoods? -Incestious- hermaphrodites on top of everything else! The press will tear us apart!"

"These are -people-, Larry!" she said in exasperation. "They deserve protection. All they want is to feel safe in the knowledge that a bunch of clansmen won't come roaring in there and torch them all out of existence! And as for the incest... Well... It's their choice! They don't want to force the rest of the world to act like them! All they want is to be left alone! Is that really too much to ask for?"

"Well... No, I suppose not," Larry hedged.

"Besides, we don't have to even mention that part. All we need to do is to get their rights legally recognized. We don't need to go into lurid details about their personal lives."

"Oh come on, Lilly! An entirely new species? Everyone will want to know about them! Doctors, genealogists, ... Bigfoot enthusiasts! We won't be able to keep this a secret! The government will want to study them, for crying out loud!"

"That's a big part of it, Larry! These -aren't- a new people! They've been around just as long as humans, if not longer. On top of that, they've lived in America longer then we have! And they have verifiable proof of their history. I saw those documents. Some of them hundreds of years old, and in several different types of handwriting. I have one of them who's even willing to submit to a medical examination to verify they're not human. They have rights, and I'm going to fight for those rights..." she braced herself before continuing. "With you help, or without it."

"What do you mean?" Larry asked, paling visibly.

She moved closer to the phone on his desk. She then lifted her hand, and made a quick jerking motion towards it as she spoke: "My hand could just -slip- towards the phone, ever so slightly..." she said, feeling a quick moment of sadistic pleasure as his face spasmed briefly with horror when her hand moved.

"Lilly, please... You're not thinking what I think you are!" He began to tremble with fear, the color draining from his face completely.

"She made me a very good offer, you know," Lilly added conversationally, looking him deeply in the eye. "She made sure to say that it was a standing offer, too."

"Y-you wouldn't!" he wheezed, unable to speak clearly.

If there was one thing Larry feared more than anything else, it was losing more people to Her. Her, being his ex-wife Megan, who had stripped Larry's organization of most of it's best people after the divorce by making better offers to them than Larry was capable of providing at the time. Once the divorce was finalized, and her half of the company secured, she'd made her move. The marriage was bad, the divorce ugly, and Megan's lawyer ruthlessly effective. Larry had spent years rebuilding Equality National back up to a functional level.

Lilly wasn't lying, either. Megan had indeed made her a standing and very lucrative offer, but Lilly had refused, half out of loyalty to Larry, and half on general principle. *Plus,* she thought to herself, *'Maggie' is a greedy, heartless bitch!*

This was her trump card, the one she'd never wanted to use, and she hated herself now for using it. But she had promised to help the Hirsune, and Lilly Mathers was never one to go back on a promise, no matter what the consequences. Come Hell or high water, she was going to help them.

"You really would, wouldn't you?"Larry asked, staring at his best lawyer with fearful eyes.

"For this? I would. It really does mean that much to me."

"I don't know..." He said, frowning.

"Think about it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If we succeed, the renown will be astronomical. They may not be gay, or transgendered, Larry, but we pride ourselves on helping those with sexual differences from those of mainstream society to preserve their dignity and rights."

"The biggest human rights issue of all time... And they're not even human!"

"That's something everyone will have to learn to accept... That it isn't just humans who deserve those rights. Do I have your support?"

"Alright... we'll try... But I suppose I'm kissing away my career in the process..."

Lilly left his office several minutes later. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed. "Ted, yes... He said OK. Right, ...let's get to work..."

Kylenus awoke alone within a bedroom located at the back of the temple. The large king-sized bed he had shared with the temple acolytes was empty but for him.

*Speaking of empty butt...* he thought, remembering the sensual welcuming mating he'd received from them last night before sleep had claimed him. He rubbed his anus with a smile, and got up slowly, fighting free from the desire to just lay here in the soft bed longer. He could begin to see why the acolytes seemed to enjoy their roles within the temple's hierarchy so much.

Rising, he left the bed chamber and followed the hallway to his right as he exited, walking to the doorway at the end which led into the small dining hall for the temple's inhabitants. On the table were a bowl of fruit consisting of oranges, apples in both red and green varieties, and bananas, a loaf of homemade bread and butter, and a pot of lukewarm lemongrass tea.

He ate and drank until the edge was off of his hunger, then opened the doors that led into the main chamber of the temple. He found himself back in the very room where he'd had his first night of services, and saw Priest Welvayan receiving the phallus of one of the acolytes, moaning in pleasure as he sat atop the lap of his servant, riding the lad's phallus gently. His vestments trailed over the altar, and his nipples stuck out firmly from his chest along its open front, as the accolyte teased them gently with his fingers.

Welvayan sighed loudly, and pulled the lad's head up to the exposed tip of his phallus, plunging it into the willing mouth as he gasped in satisfaction. "Receive the blessings of Penis, my son... Let them flow through you," He breathed, his head hung back as he released his load into the acolyte's gullet.

The servant let out a series of muffled groans, rising in tempo and urgency. "Yes, my son," the priest called out passionately, "Bestow the Blessings of Phallus deep within me! Let them wash over the core of my being!" The acolyte let out a long, muffled moan of satisfaction, as his orgasm pulsed forth within the priest's canal.

Kylenus watched them, stroking his semi-hard member gently as he observed them as they enjoyed themselves.

"Ah," Welvayan said, seeing him and smiling. "You looked so peaceful sleeping that we decided to allow you to rest in some. Good morning, Kylenus. I hope your rest was pleasant?"

"Very much so, Sir. Thank you." Kylenus moved forward, gazing around the temple's main room of worship. He studied the torches on the walls, which still burned. "Doesn't it get a bit expensive, burning those all the time?"

"Yes... Fortunately we have a solution. Agarno!" he called.

The other acolyte appeared from the doorway leading back to the dining hall. "Yes, your worship?"

"Open the panels, lad. No need to waste precious fuel needlessly."

"Yes, Sir," the youth responded, moving back to the doorway, and taking hold of a pull cord.

"Kylenus, please help him," the priest added, and Ky moved to comply. Agarno showed him that there was another pull cord on the other side of the doorway, and at his nod, they both pulled downwards.

Ky watched as he pulled in surprise, as a crack of sunlight appeared vertically along the center of the ceiling, stretching between the two doorways at each end of the room, and growing wider slowly as they pulled. The panels had been mounted inside the ceiling, and let in the light as they opened.

Ky was surprised, however, as it wasn't the ceiling itself that moved, but panels set into it behind the intricate carvings cut into the surface of the temple's upper covering. As the light poured in from the widening gap, the carvings formed a shadowy mural of lust upon the smooth, unadorned floor, mirroring perfectly the images from above. The effect was eye-popping, and Kylenus gained a new level of appreciation for the high level of artistry that had gone into the temple's creation. "Wow," he sighed in wonder, taking in the stunning visual effect.

As the shutters in the ceiling rolled downwards into the side walls, the temple took on the lighting of a dappled forest on a sunny day. The rope pulleys reached their end, and he gingerly let go, discovering that there was a built-in counter-balance mechanism that held the shutters down. He walked forward, looking up at the hollow ceiling in appreciation of the high level of craftsmanship.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Welvayan said, beaming with pride as he saw the farmer lad's appreciative stare. "It took years to work out the proper method to achieve the effect, and several years of carving the ceiling into the desired shapes. But those efforts were well worth it, wouldn't you agree?"

Ky nodded in agreement, then noticed that the great Penis head over the altar was hollow, the urethra letting down a shaft of light that struck the center of the altar, Illuminating the priest's bald head and making his furry face and body seem to glow. It almost reminded him of a stream of urine anointing the altar's center. "This place is amazing! I never knew something like this existed... I didn't really get the best look at the place the other night... It must've taken forever to carve all of this!"

"About ten years of continuous work," Welvayan said, pulling himself off his acolyte's penis with a grunt of pleasure. "This temple has stood for over thirty years now. The old one before it stood on this very spot, but sadly, fell into deep disrepair." He let out a nostalgic sigh as he stepped down from the altar to the floor. "It was made of wood, and carved even more intricately than this one. But sadly, we lacked the resources to preserve the wood properly, and it began to rot. I was heartbroken to have to order it's dismantling, but it was too unsafe for occupation. We managed to preserve it's memory in drawings by a talented member of the community, so while it's gone, it's surely not lost forever in it's entirety. But I'm very pleased as to how this new temple turned out. It was more than worth the effort!"

"I can believe it," Ky breathed, studying the ceiling in detail, then the walls and altar of the temple's heart.

"Ah! Good!" the priest exclaimed, as another Hirsune entered. Kylenus turned and recognized Roderal entering the temple interior, cuming forth nude as was proper when entering the Sacred Home of Lust. "Roderal, I'm glad you came. Please, be welcum within these walls."

Roderal strode forward, his blonde fur shining in the sunlight streaming down through the skylight mural, his soft penis swinging side-to-side as he walked. Kylenus felt his lust rising from the sight, his shaft stirring slightly. Kylenus had thought him handsome back when the lad had still been human, but now that he was Hirsune, he found the blonde figure gorgeous.

Roderal moved up to him, reaching out gently with his hand extended low, Ky stepped into the offered palm of welcuming, responding in kind as their lips came together. The blonde Hirsune both tasted and smelled wonderful to him.

"I'll leave it to you, then, Roderal. Come my acolytes," he said, turning to the dining hall. "Let us attend to the daily chores and give them some privacy." With that, they moved through the doors, closing them softly behind them.

Roderal mumbled an acknowledgement around Kylenus' lips as the doors closed, then hugged the young Hirsune closely to him, exploring the youth's body which his hands, running his fingers through the fur on Ky's upper back, as the lad explored Roderal's arms with his own hands.

After several minutes of this, their erections were fully hardened, and they rubbed against each other's shafts with their own, moaning in pleasure as the throbbing phalli sent tingles of lust through their groins. Roderal moved a hand around to Ky's front to cradle his fuzzy testicles. Ky sighed into his mouth, pushing eagerly into Roderal's palm, a gush of precum squirting out of his shaft onto their chest fur, and Roderal grunted lustily, grinding into Ky's torso with his own, working the splashed fluid into their intermingling chest fur.

Finally, the blonde Hirsune pulled away slightly, looking at Kylenus for several moments with an appreciative smile. "Wow, look at you. You're beautiful, Kylenus. I'm glad to see how handsome you turned out." He smiled warmly at the young Hirsune, stepping back slightly to take in the lad's transformed appearance.

"Well," Ky said, smiling. "It's partially thanks to you that it happened. All the advice you gave and knowledge you shared really helped make it possible."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. I haven't had a really good chance to meet with you and see how things have been cuming along. As a matter of fact... That's kind of why I'm here." He looked deeply into Kylenus' eyes, his smile fading. "Your father spoke with me yesterday. It seems like you're having some problems adjusting to your new life?"

"Well..." Ky's face fell. "Yeah, somewhat... But it's no big deal," he added, shrugging it off, "It's just going to take some time to adjust, is all. I didn't really mean to worry anyone. Sorry if Dad was bugging you."

"Kylenus! Please don't treat this lightly!" Roderal said, looking at the lad with concern.

"What?" Ky said, starting to feel awkward. "So I'm a little confused is all. I'll work it out OK, so don't worry." He was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Forcing his problems off onto others wasn't something he wanted to do. It felt wrong, especially after what he went through growing up.

"Kylenus... Ky? Is it OK for me to call you that?"

"Sure," he shrugged.

"Come here," Roderal said, leading the way over to the altar, and sitting on its edge. Ky sat down beside him.

"My father, - my human one, that is, - was the only family I ever knew. My mother abandoned us when I was a baby, and we never saw her again. He did what he could, trying his best to raise me alone. It was when I was fifteen human years of age, that we first met the Hirsune living in the east end of Kansas. It was a nice fellow who's car had broken down on the way back home, and we helped him get back to his town. The elders weren't too happy with him, but after seeing how nice we were, and that we didn't mind their differences, they befriended us. My human father was fairly openminded about other peoples, and we hit it off with them. We stayed in touch after that.

"When I was sixteen, I had my first gay experience, really enjoyed it, and finally understood why I was never really interested in girls. I talked with my father about it, but that's when I discovered that his tolerance for differences had its limits. While it was OK for others to be different, he had very narrow expectations in regard to me. He didn't boot me out, but he stopped being friendly with me. It was like a wall went up between us, and that wall stayed in place until he died the next year of a heart attack.

"I had nowhere to go, and no relatives who would take me in, so our Hirsune friend adopted me, and brought me home to live with him. After a year of living among the Hirsune, and knowing about Gifting, I asked my foster father if he would make me like him. We talked it over for days before he finally agreed. The transformation was long and difficult for me, but once it was finished and I achieved onam, I knew I'd made the right choice. He was so happy to have me as a true son. He took my virginity, and I never looked back with regret over becoming what I am now.

"The change wasn't easy, though. There was a lot of ingrained human thought patterns I had to learn to get past. I was confused a lot in the early days, trying to make sense of it all. Dad tried to help as best as he could, but there were things that he, hatched and raised as Hirsune, could never understand. It took me several years of hard work and self-analysis before I was finally able to be truly comfortable with being Hirsune.

"The worst part of it was having to do it on my own. There were no other changelings that we knew of, so I was in uncharted waters, so to speak. I had to do it alone, but you don't have to. What I'm saying is... I want to be there for you... To help you in the way that I wasn't. Of all the Hirsune in this town, I'm the one who can truly understand what you're going through, because I've been there myself. The self-doubt, the confusion, not knowing how to think of yourself. The human hang-ups and programming that we changelings carry with us into our new lives. I've been there, and I would've given almost anything to have someone I could relate to... Someone who could offer understanding and experience, as well as emotional support. Ky... I want to offer that to you."

"But, how can I be an adult if I'm always leaning on others?" Kylenus asked, frowning. "How can I solve my own problems if I'm always running to other people to fix them for me? I have to do this for myself." He shook his head sadly.

Roderal gave him a pained smile. "Ky, you've got it all wrong. Wanting to confide in others, to want a shoulder to cry on, or someone to ask advice from doesn't make you any less an adult that going it alone. That's the -true- purpose of family! To have people who love and support you... Who're there for you when you're confused, or hurting. People who love you, and help you in any way they can, no matter how small... You've never really had that, have you? People who you could turn to in times of need? You've always felt like you were alone in your problems, haven't you?"

"Well," Ky said, hanging his head. "Yeah... kind of... They were never there for me in that way... I mean they were there to make sure I had clothes and food, even toys... But when I had problems, they were always too busy with their own... or maybe... They just didn't care at all in the first place... I'm not sure. All I knew, was that if I didn't solve my problems myself, then no one would..."

A clear drop fell from his face to splash onto the altar, followed by another. The pains of his past that he'd tried so hard to shove away came back to the fore, and his shoulders began to tremble.

Roderal saw him shaking, and grabbed the lad into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything they put you through..." He held the lad until Ky began to stop shaking with sadness.

He moved away slightly, lifting Ky's face to look deep into his eyes. "Ky... That was your past, but it doesn't have to be your future! You have a -real- family now. People who love and support you through good times -and- bad. They see your pain, and it hurts them to see you suffering like this. They want to help you, to make all of that pain go away as best as they can. But they can't help you if you refuse to let them in. It's not easy... I can see how hard it is for you. But always remember that we're not like the humans who always pushed you away. We'll always be here for you, offering you the love and support you need and deserve."

"We?" Ky asked, looking at Roderal in confusion.

"Well," the blonde changeling said, "I talked it over with your Father, and he likes the idea we came up with. If you're OK with it, then he gives his blessing. Ky... You don't have a human family anymore, and your new Hirsune family are all naturally-hatched folks who can't really relate to the unique problems you face as a Hirsune who was born as a human. The challenges we face in adjusting to Hirsune ways can be difficult. There's all kinds of human labels and mental programming instilled into us by their society that are at direct odds with the ways of the Hirsune. Learning to totally change the way we think and see ourselves is a very difficult process, and not something that just happens overnight.

"Unlike you, I never had the chance to interact with someone who went through those same trials. Therefore, I'm offering my experience to you, to draw upon whenever you need to. Since you have no human relatives left in your life, I'd like to offer to become a foster Sire for you. I'm offering to be a guide to you, and share my experience and understanding as you work towards adjusting your thinking, and finding a sense of balance and understanding of yourself in your new life as Hirsune. Let me be for you the one thing that I never had. A person who's been through what you're going through, who can truly know what it feels like to have all of those confusing, conflicting thoughts and habits.

"Among Hirsune, a Sire is like a godfather to a hatchling, offering his guidance and wisdom. I'd very much like to become yours.... If you're willing, of course..."

"I... I don't know... I'm not the best at opening up to other people. I like the idea... But I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good at taking you up on it very much..."

"Well, if need be, I'll push you a bit. Pry if I have to, if that's what it'll take to get you to open up. I don't mind if you don't."

"Well... If you think you have enough patience. I can be a real hard nut to crack sometimes. Like those dark brown shelled ones, you know, the ones almost shaped like a lemon wedge, with the pale whitish nut inside? What are they called?"

"Sorry," Roderal said, shrugging. "The only nuts I've ever really had an interest in are right here," he said, hefting his testicles in his palm.

Ky groaned, then looked him in the eye.

"So then you're my Sire now, huh? Is that what I should call you?"

Roderal scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Nah, that makes me sound like a classical knight or something. Just call me Roderal... Rod for short."

He hugged Ky close, kissing the side of his head above the ear. "Thank you, Ky. It really means a lot that you letting me become your Sire. I can't just stand by and watch you struggle through this alone like I did. I'll always be here for you, OK?"

"Thanks, Rod," Ky said, smiling.

Rod's hand rose and began to stroke the soft fur of Ky's belly. "Well, as your Sire, I suppose I should get to know you better... Find out just how good a lover my new Sireling is..."

They began to kiss and stoke each other's bodies, as they laid back upon the altar.

"So," Rod breathed, his penis stiffening, "What's your pleasure? You like to mount, or be mounted?"

"I really like both, but I've mostly been mounted... I don't know though... Does that make me more woman than man?"

"What?" Rod asked, looking confused and slightly bothered at the question, though there was a touch of understanding there as well. "No!" he replied with firm denial. "No, not at all! Being mounted is no less masculine than mounting another! That's one of the perceptions we need to free you from, Ky," Rod said, his expression softening with sympathy.

"Receiving a phallus is a natural part of who we are. To enjoy being penetrated by your fellow Hirsune doesn't mean submitting to them. By taking a hard shaft up inside your passage means that you show your love of Penis and your virility at being able to handle the rough pounding of another upon the most intimate part of your body. By doing so, you show just as much manliness as when you slam your throbbing cock deep inside of them. But if you don't believe me, then let's Gemini, and I'll show you what I mean."

"Gemini?" Ky asked in confusion.

Rod's eyes lit up with a lustful surge of surprise. "You don't know? Then you're in for a real treat! Lay on your back, and lube yourself both front and back."


"Oh, precum and solem... Let them both pour freely from your penis and anus. Get yourself semi-hard, but not fully," Rod added, twisting around.

Curious, Ky did as his Sire instructed, as Rod positioned himself face down, his head between his Sireling's feet, with his own on either side of the lad's head. After a moment of Rod positioning himself, he felt Rod's cocktip poke his anus, and slide in. Then, Ky felt his Sire's hand on his own phallus, aiming it down towards his feet, and gasped in shock as his penis was guided into his Sire's ass. The youth's mind reeled at what was happening... Both he and Roderal, were penetrating each other's egg canals... Simultaneously!

As Rod pushed his hips back onto Ky's, the lad felt his Sire's penis spear deep inside his egg canal, yet at the same time, his own penis buried itself deep inside the egg canal of his Sire, until their pelvises bumped together, and Ky's erection flared to full force as he felt the shaft of the other Hirsune firm up inside him.

Just as his shock began to fade, Rod began to pull away, then reverse direction. Ky moaned with lustful joy at the mind-blowing sensations of this incredible act.

"Oh fuck! I can't believe it! Rod! What we're doing! I never knew it was possible!"

"That's right, Kylenus! This is called the Gemini position, and it's one of my personal favorite ways to fuck! ...Can A woman do this, Ky? Huh?!? This is something only males can do! Don't you EVER think of yourself as a woman, or as weak! You're a man! And I want you to show me all your masculine power! Now give me that dick, boy, and take mine up your ass! Let's breed each other at the same time! I want us blowing our spunk up each other's asses simultaneously!"

Roderal slammed his hips down rapidly in an aggressive manner, using the motion and force to pound their holes in unison, feeling testosterone flooding his system, and smelling a similar reaction cuming from the lad...

Welvayan heard lustful grunts coming from the altar room, and his passions compelled him to take a peek at the proceedings. He opened one of the doors enough to look out, and his penis sprang to full attention at the sight, sounds and smells that he beheld. The two Hirsune were deep in lust upon the altar, locked into the Blessed Gemini. Welvayan began to breathe heavily, and his hand went to his phallus as Lust commanded him to indulge his passionate voyeurism, and bare witness to this most Holy Union of Penis. He stroked himself rapidly, his well trained senses picking up the subtle telltale signs of the pair's pheromones as they neared completion...

Rod and Ky grunted huskily, pounding away, their vocalizations becoming more desperate as their passions rose higher and higher.

"I feel it!" Ky shouted. "The power of Penis! He rises within me! Growling for release!"

"Oh, Fuck, Ky! I feel it too. Let the power of Penis flow through us both! Cum, Penis, Let us share our blessings with each other as one!"

"Ah fuck... fuck yeah! Ah Penis! Hail Penis!" Ky screamed in a gravelly voice, snarling as his shaft exploded deep up his Sire's ass.

"Yes... yes... Yes... Yeah, Penis! Yeah! Fuckin' spray it! Hail Penis!" Rod cried as his own orgasm came, filling his Sireling with his jizz.

"Fucking pulsing Phallus, Yeah!" Ky shouted with joy as his orgasm continued.

"Fuckin' spunk-sprayin' Dong! Ahhh!" Rod replied huskily.

"Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!"

They chanted back and forth, filling each other with their hot liquid white blessings, writhing with passion upon the altar...

The display of Phallic bliss, the Holy Union of two wielders of Penis, was too much, and the priest gasped and shuddered as his sperm flew free to splatter upon the intricately carved golden door, his eyes glued to the pair of lusty, furry Hirsune upon the altar. He stared at them lewdly, his eyes wide, his mouth wide open half in a moan, half in a smile. He held Penis in both hands, feeling Him spasm powerfully in his grip, the squirting semen slowly beginning to ooze it's way down over the carvings of lust upon the door before him...

Sometime later, the pair laid there upon the altar, snuggling and enjoying the afterglow of their mating.

"Thank you, Ky," the blonde Hirsune said, smiling as he nuzzled the top of Kylenus' head. "It means a lot to me that you've accepted me as your Sire. Any time you need someone to talk to... Any time you're having difficulties, feel free to talk to me. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks," Ky said, burying his face into Roderal's chest fur.

"Say," Rod added, "Once your religious training is complete, and you spend some time with your family, why not come spend a night at my home? We can spend some quality time together, and you can meet my son, Salaus. He's your cousin now, so you should get to know him too. I think you'll like him, he's kind of a smart ass at times, but a good kid."

"I'd like that," Ky said, smiling into Rod's chest.

"So... No more thinking of yourself as a woman, OK? Outwardly we resemble men, and just because we can create offspring, doesn't make us feminine. Testosterone is what drives us Hirsune, Kylenus, and we pride ourselves on our masculinity. While we may, technically, be hermaphrodites, we exalt the masculine, and see ourselves as such. Does that help you?"

"I think so..." Ky said, feeling some of his confusion easing. "But still... What about the age problem? Technically, I'm still thirty five, but when I look into a mirror, I see a teenager. Everyone says I'm a six-year old, though, and I just can't figure out what to think."

"Well, from a Hirsune standpoint, you -are- a six-year old. You feel like a eighteen-year old because your human experience tells you that that's what you feel like. As for your being alive for thirty five years, well... Why not think of it as being something like inherited memories?"

"Inherited memories?"

"Well yeah. Naturally hatched Hirsune have them more strongly than changelings like us, but all Hirsune have them. It's not really actual memories, mind you, but we have partial impressions of their parent's experiences and knowledge. It's like a vague deja vu type of feeling that the hatchling has. That's what allows them to learn things like language and walking so easily, as well as helping them to assimilate history and religious teachings so rapidly. Because it's almost like they've done it all before - in a way - so they learn very fast. My son was able to speak fluently after only eleven months from hatching. He got walking and such down after only six."

"That explains why I feel as though I've farmed before, even though I never have. But I have -actual- memories. I remember going to school, getting my first job, ...making The horrible mistake of kissing a drag queen with a face like a ferret. It's not quite the same thing."

"True, but that's part of what we need to accept about ourselves as changelings. We need to learn to live with the fact that we've had former lives that were completely different from the ones we have now. It isn't easy, but by treating my human memories as a former life, I found a bit of balance. That's what I'd recommend, Ky. Just try to look upon your humanity as a separate life that was before you became Hirsune."

"I guess that makes sense, when you put it like that. Thanks...I'll try."

"Good," Rod said, smiling and hugging him tightly.

"Umm," Ky said. "Much as I'm enjoying this, can we get up? My back's starting to kill me."

"Yeah, mine too..."

Chuckling, they rose slowly and painfully from the altar...

"Kylenus," Welvayan said as he gently shook the slumbering Hirsune to wakefulness.

"Huh? Wha?" he stammered groggily as he awoke.

"Shh," the priest said. "Don't wake the others. I want you to cum with me."

Grumbling softly, Ky untangled himself slowly from the slumbering embraces of the acolytes, and climbed out of the bed. He yawned hugely as they quietly shut the door to the sleeping chamber. "What's going on?" he asked thickly.

"Sorry to wake you so early, my son, but there's something I wanted to show you as part of your lessons. Follow me..." He said, leading the way.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Ky followed the priest down the hall to the back entrance to the altar room, Welvayan grabbing a thick robe from the dinning table as they passed it. "Here, put this on. It's rather cold outside this time of night."

"We're going outside?" the lad asked, noticing that the elder was wearing a thicker robe than usual, one that covered him fully.

"That's right," the priest said to the youth with a smile, leading the way.

As the front doors opened, the cold night air hit them, slapping away the last of Ky's lethargy. The town was pitch black and quiet, only a tabby-patterned cat could be seen darting away down the street, startled by the sound. It ran several yards, before its lamp-like eyes turned back, glaring at them reproachfully at scaring it, before it trotted away in a huff, its tail held high.

"What'er we doing out here in the middle of the night?" Kylenus asked in confusion.

"It's time for you to learn more about our beliefs, son. Look up, and tell me what you see."

Bewildered, Kylenus did as he was told, frowning slightly. "It's just the night sky. What's so special about it?" he asked, gazing with confusion at the twinkling lights scattered across the darkness above.

Welvayan pointed upwards. "Do you see the thick white band?" he asked, tracing it's path across the darkened sky.

"The Milky Way? Yeah, that's the rest of the galaxy."

"Ahh! But to us, it has another name. Our Hirsune ancestors first looked up into the skies, and when they saw that band, they believed it to be a vast stream of semen that flowed across the expanses of the The starry night. While scientifically, we now know otherwise, the symbology remains the same for us.

"We call it 'The Flow', and to us, it represents the times before and after our physical lives exist. See how it stretches from horizon to horizon? We see it as flowing from us, up into the sky, across the vast expanse, then back into us in a never ending circle of seed. It is where all life comes from, and it is also where all life goes after it's end. Within The Flow, the spirits of those who have passed on, as well as those yet to be, reside. We cum from The Flow, through the balls of our fathers and sires, live, grow, and then die. When we die, our essence returns to The Flow, where we begin our long journey through the night until we are ready to return, and then our essence enters into the testicles of the Hirsune who will bring us forth, waiting to gush forth and fertilize the egg-to-be, that we may live again, in a new life upon the world at a future time."

"You're talking about reincarnation," Ky said, glancing at the priest.

"Yes, I am," Welvayan said, smiling. "To us, the cycle of life and death is a long and intricate dance, with breaks in between for us to rest. We dance in and out, switching roles with our loved ones, taking on different portions of the dance as we are rehatched again and again. Our fathers become our sons, cousins, sires or good friends and we theirs. The bonds of love between Hirsune friends and families bind us together, that we may experience the joys of life and lust in countless different ways throughout the grand expanse of time."

Ky's face fell. "But what about me? I wasn't always Hirsune, I was born a human. How would I fit into that?"

Welvayan placed a comforting hand on the lad's shoulder, smiling at him. "Who is to say that this wasn't meant to be part of the dance for you this life? I feel that you are a Hirsune spirit born as a human, so as to gain valuable experience that would serve us in these times of change. This may be one of the most important portions of your part of the great dance, Kylenus. I feel that you were always meant to rejoin the Hirsune, after living for a time as a human. When you eventually die, you will enter into The Flow to rejoin the cycle of life and death among your kindred Hirsune. Do not fear, or feel that you are unworthy of the dance because you started this part of the dance differently from the rest of us. You -are- worthy, and you will always be one of us."

"Thanks," Kylenus said, his eyes moist as he starred up into the depths of The Flow for a very long time...

Life at the temple had was very interesting. Much of Kylenus' time was spent learning the ways of sex, which the Hirsune treated as the highest form of art. Numerous positions, techniques, and methods were taught to him as the days progressed. He became more and more proficient at the arts of pleasure, becoming eager to try them out on his family. Fortunately, they kept their promise, visiting him singly or in pairs each day, as did Roderal, and Ky enjoyed seeing the lustful looks of appreciation at his improved level of skills as they mated.

"Ah fuck, Son!" Ardenus exclaimed shuddering with residual sensations as Kylenus swallowed the last of his sperm from the father's still twitching penis. "And I thought you were a great cock sucker before!"

They laid in the large bed of the temple's sleeping chamber, hugging each other closely. Ky moved up to begin nursing on his father's milk, having missed the sweet musky taste for too long.

"I'm so proud of you, Son," he said, petting the lad's head tenderly as he fed him. "Hang in there a few more days, and you'll be ready to cum back home. Then we'll go to our own family temple, and have a nice welcum home orgy to celebrate your return to us."

"Ummm," Ky vocalized happily, smiling up at his Dad around the nipple that nourished him...

One thing about temple life that wasn't enjoyable was the cleaning duties. Kylenus stood there with a small bucket of water and a toothbrush, gently scrubbing the results of the previous night's services out of the detailed carvings on the west wall of the altar room. It was painstaking work, as he had to make sure he didn't damage the carvings as he cleaned them. He was frowning, working away at a rather detailed image of two Hirsune rimming each other, his penis only halfway hard as the level of concentration distracted from his arousal that the image gave him.

Suddenly, hands encircled his nude body, making him jump slightly with surprise. He had been so lost in his work that he'd failed to notice that anyone had entered the chamber.

"Working hard?" Davin purred in his ear, nibbling it gently, "or working -hard-?" he finished, his hand closing around his sibling's shaft, making it stiffen fully. Ky moaned softly, feeling his older brother's engorged phallus press against his back.

"Hey," Ky breathed, "What're you doing here? Wasn't last night enough for you?"

"I can't -ever- get enough," he chuckled, loosening his grip as Ky turned to greet his brother properly, their tongues diving eagerly into each other's mouths.

After a few moments, Davin broke away, his gaze moving to the carvings. His face wrinkled in disgust. "Oh crap! I -always- hated cleaning the carvings after services! Way too much effort, and way too time consuming!"

"Yeah, this isn't the kind of sucking I had in mind when I came here!" Ky replied, making Davin chuckle.

"Well, I wanted to pop in on my way to Xovarkam's, see how you were doing and all that."

Ky nodded in understanding. Xovarkam was Davin's Sire, a very handsome Hirsune with black fur who shared his Sireling's lithe build. He also had a rather sexy son of his own named Funaras. It was customary for Sirelings to spend one night of each week at the home of their Sire, when the Sire was someone outside the immediate family, that was.

"Oh," Davin said, smiling at him. "I heard the good news about Roderal. Happy Sire-ing... err ummm, no, um... Sireling... Sireling-ing... You know what I mean!" he added, waving a hand dismissively.

"Thanks. He's been by a few times now, and wants me to cum over after I get settled in back at home." His gaze drifted downward, still smiling. "It's nice, having someone I can relate to... With stuff, you know?"

He looked up to see David smiling sympathetically. "You know, until your surprise party, I never knew you were struggling so much Ky. Dad sat us all down and told us about how you have a difficult time opening up to others."

He placed his hands on Kylenus' shoulders, looking him in the eye. "You know we're all here for you, right? I can see it's not easy for you, after all you went through as a human, but we're here for you. Don't shut us out, OK? Even if we can't understand what you're going through, that doesn't mean we don't want to help in whatever way we can. Let us be there for you."

"I'll try to remember that. Feel free to remind me, from time to time."

"Always," Davin promised.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to cum in for a visit." Ky stopped then, realizing something. "That's odd, ever since I came to the temple for study, I've noticed something. Every time I say the word 'Come' C.O.M.E, I keep thinking C.U.M. Why is that?"

Davin lifted his arm, letting forth a wave of his musk. "Must be something in the air," he replied, smiling at Ky's lustful expression as it affected him. "I'll take the blame for you ditching work, if you promise to show me those new skills of yours everyone else's bragging about."

Ky dropped the brush. "Come on," he said with the urgency of his needs, and quickly led the way into the back of the temple as his raging phallus bobbing in the air before him...

Kylenus held the firm erection of the priest as he knelt before him on the white leather cushion before the priest's throne, set near the back of the altar room. Welvayan sat upon the throne, wearing his traditional robes cut erotically for the greatest display of his Sacred form.

Ky stroked the Holy Phallus of the priest slowly, admiring every detail of it as he pleasured the most masculine part of the furry priest's body. Precum oozed slowly, keeping the member slick and allowing the farmer's son to glide his hand up and down it's length leisurely, enjoying the heady scents of the meat in his hand.

"Your time at the temple has cum to an end, Kylenus. Although you will leave us tomorrow, know that you are always welcum within this Holy Temple at any time... Unless we're all asleep, of course. In which case you can piss off 'til morning!" The priest finished, grinning.

"WHAT?!?" Ky responded in shocked amusement, and they laughed together for some time.

"Well that's certainly nice!" the lad added, still laughing. "I thought I was the smartass in town!"

"Oh don't be surprised, Kylenus! You have several folks in the community who could easily challenge you for that title!" Welvayan said with a smile. "But for tonight, something more serious! You shall share my personal bed once more, and display your full prowess to me, to make sure that your training was successful. I want to see just how talented you are now in the arts of lust after all our efforts to enlighten you in the ways of Penis..." His breathing became erratic as his orgasm built. "But for now, be anointed in His Holy essence..."

Ky moaned softly in pleasure, pulling the shaft down until the piss-slit faced him as the priest's divine cum bathed his face, and began to drip down through his beard...

The next morning, Ardenus arrived at the temple just as dawn hit the horizon. Kylenus was waiting there for him, fully dressed and embracing the two temple acolytes passionately. Ky pulled free reluctantly, and turned to embrace the temple priest.

"I know you've already spent so much time with us, Kylenus, but I'm hoping to see you for services next Friday."

"Definitely!" Ky said, smiling and kissing Welvayan passionately as his father joined them.

"Ah, Ardenus! Your son has proven to be a very adept student. I'm sure you will deeply enjoy the benefits of my tutelage upon him."

"Thanks, Welvayan, for everything," he said, embracing the priest passionately for a few moments before turning to his youngest boy, greeting him in kind for several minutes, Ky feeling the hungry lust his father had for the lad. "Ready to go home?" he asked huskily as he slowly pulled back from his son's lips.

"Yeah!" Ky said, eager to hurry home to mate with his father.

"All rested up, I trust?"

"Well... Yes," Ky said, gaining a sudden suspicion.

"Good! We'll put you to work right away on planting when we get home," his father said with a smile.

'Can I live here instead?' Ky mouthed silently to the priest, making Welvayan laugh.

Chuckling, they got into the truck and headed back towards the farm.

"Don't worry," Ardenus said, hugging the lad close. "We'll start you off easy!"

"Good," Ky said, smiling at his parent, who turned his attention back to the dirt road leading to the farm, and Ky reacting in shock at the sudden, wide-eyed look of terror on Ardenus' face, who hit the brakes hard, grinding the truck to a stop.

Ky was thrown against the dashboard roughly before he could react, and he pushed himself away from it gingerly, his shoulder stinging, and looked out the windshield to see what had scared the older Hirsune.

Blocking the road was an army hummer. Four human soldiers stood there, assault rifles aimed at the truck.

"OUT OF THE VEHICLE, NOW!" one of them ordered.

Ky saw with fear that Ardenus was recovering from his shock, looking angry. "Dad, don't! You'll just get yourself killed! Please, just do what they say!"

Ardenus saw the look of fear on his son's face, and relented. They exited the truck, hands raised high.

The soldier who'd spoken touched his headgear, speaking into it. "Sir! We've got two more... Yes, Sir! Bring in the wagon."

A large army transport rolled up, and they were forced into it.

"Dad! Ky!" Markano shouted, reaching forward and pulling them in, Kavarin helping.

"What's going on, Ky?" Kav asked, looking around fearfully.

"I don't know," Ky said, shaking his head, then seeing that several others were already there in the back of the transport, all looking to be the farm hands from town. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No, we were all too shocked," Mark replied. "They just came out of nowhere and started rounding us up. I heard them say they were gathering everyone into town."

"Son?" Ardenus asked, turning to Kylenus. "Why are they doing this?"

"I'm not sure... Maybe they think we're terrorists or something... I just don't know."

"What can we do?" asked a scared farm hand, as everyone turned to Kylenus.

Ky sighed, looking apprehensive. "Well, for now we just do what they say. Don't give them any reason to hurt us..."

Tenaro was in his office at town hall, when he heard vehicles roaring up to the building. He ran to the window, and with a feeling of ice-cold fear, recognized them as the human army.

He knew what to do, and ran to the phone, dialing rapidly...

Lilly's cell phone awoke her with a nasty jolt, and she groaned with a curse, rolling over in her bed. *What asshole is waking me up at... five thirty in the morning?!? This better be good!* Grumbling, she reached over for it.

"Lilly Mathers speaking," she said groggily.


"WHAT?!" she shouted, bolting upright in bed.


The line went dead.

"SHIT!" she swore, hitting her speed dial feature.

"Uhh," Larry's tired voice on the other end answered. "Lilly! What's the deal calling me so early in the morning?"

"Larry, I just got a call from Tenaro, government soldiers are rounding up the Hirsune!"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, but the line suddenly went dead on us. We have to do something, and fast!"

"Yes, right! Ok, I'll meet you at the office in thirty minutes!"

"Ok," she said, hung up, then dialed Ted, throwing the blankets off her as she scrambled out of bed...

Pareus was dropped to the ground hard, his son falling down next to him. "Dad! What's going on?" Evarni cried, looking around in a mixture of fear and shock.

"I don't know, Son... Just stay close to me," the mayor said, watching helplessly as more and more of his people were rounded up in the center of town, made to squat in the middle of the town's main road by human soldiers with guns.

"LET ME GO YOU FILTHY HUMANS!" Volnaro screamed in rage, thrashing in the grip of several soldiers as they dragged him forward, trying to kick one of them. "GET YOUR STICKING HANDS OFF OF ME!!!"

"Volnaro, no!" Pareus cried.


"You're not helping anything! Just look around you! What do you expect to accomplish acting like this?"


"Volnaro! I'm ordering you to sit down right now!"


"Then you leave me no choice, Volnaro! As head of the council of elders, I hereby revoke all of you rights and privileges as a member of the council, and head of the community guard!"

"ARE YOU INSANE?!?" Volnaro screamed in rage. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!!!" He lunged for the mayor.

A soldier dashed forward, slamming the butt of his rifle into the back of the redheaded Hirsune's skull, knocking him out.

"Please!" Pareus pleaded with the humans. "He doesn't speak for the rest of us. He's acting out of blind prejudice from a loss in his past."

"I believe you," the soldier said. "But we'll have to lock this one up."

"I won't object," the mayor said, hugging his son to him protectively, as they hauled the unconscious Hirsune away.

A few minutes later, he saw a large vehicle pull up, and soldiers ushered out several more of his people, including Ardenus and his sons.

They were brought over to join them, as Tenaro was pulled out of town hall and brought over to join them all.

"Kylenus," the head elder said, turning to him. "What is all of this?"

"I don't know," Ky said, shaking his head. "Maybe it's a government crackdown, or something..."

"What do we do?"

"I don't know! If only we'd gotten a chance to call for help!"

"I did," Tenaro said, making everyone turn to him. "As soon as I saw the humans, I knew something was wrong, so I called Lilly. I didn't get to say much before the phone died on me, but I hope she heard enough."

Ky sighed, relaxing slightly. "Ok then. All we need to do is buy her the time to get some kind of intervention going on our behalf. We need to make sure we're still here when help arrives. No one do anything to antagonize the humans! Just stay meek, and do what they say."

"That's it?" a Hirsune Ky didn't know exclaimed.

"For now that's all we -can- do. Our goal is to stay alive, and hope Lilly can work fast enough..."

Lilly drove frantically, hoping that no cops spotted her speeding along the way. She hung up her phone, having made the final plans, and made her way to the office to put it all into motion. She turned on the radio in the middle of the morning news report.

"...And In regional news, The US army has released a statement that a chemical spill has polluted a section of the Montana wilderness approximately one hundred miles east of the Idaho border. The area has been quarantined, and the public warned away, until cleanup operations can be completed. In other news-"

Lilly shut it off, her stomach falling as she realized what it meant.

She arrived without incident, and ran into Larry's office where Ted was waiting with him for her arrival.

"The shit just hit the fan!" she said, winded.

"What do you mean?" Ted asked, looking worried.

"The army's trying to cover it up! They're claiming it's a chemical spill, and have the whole area locked off!"

Larry looked online for the latest news updates. "She's right."

"Well what do we do?" Ted asked.

Lilly closed her eyes, bracing herself. "We go to plan B..."

"I saw him come running out of the store, holding a big bag," an elderly woman was saying on CNN, describing how she had acted to stop a gang member from robbing the gas station behind her. "So I-"

"We have to interrupt this report for a breaking news story," the blonde newscaster said, interrupting the video and staring at the camera before her, "Of an apparent US army cover-up over a currently happening invasion of a small, isolated community in Montana known as River's Bend. The human rights organization Equality National is claiming that the members of this community have been arrested without explanation, and say that the reasons, allegedly, are due to religious and sexual discrimination. Equality National claims that the alleged cover story about a chemical spill in the area is a hoax, and seek a halt on all actions by the army in that region as they prepare to offer proof of both the community's existence, and the reasons for discrimination of those people..."

The private starred around at the prisoners, frowning slightly. He looked over the strange, hairy men, noting that there didn't seem to be a single woman in the lot. "What's going on here?" he asked his platoon mate, who shrugged.

"Don't know," the fellow private replied. "All I know is that the Col. gave an order to round these people up, and keep them under guard.

"But this ain't right," the first countered, glancing at them nervously. "I mean look at 'em! These are civvies! Just a buncha small town folks, like the kind I grew up around. Granted, they all could use a good shave, but come on! What's the deal?"

"I don't get it either," the first private replied, looking down at the prisoners apprehensively...

Some time later, the first private was walking along the line when he saw one of the townies clutching his son to his bare chest, patting his head. The private saw the kid's face pressed to his dad's chest, making suckling noises. He knelt down before them, smiling in a friendly manner at the kid, when he saw that the small boy looked very well developed for a kid, looking more like a very small four-year old. The private was startled by the boy's strange appearance, as well as the fact that he was trying to nurse on his father's nipple.

He recovered slightly, feeling sympathetic. "Poor little fella. He miss his mom?"

"His what?" the parent asked, looking confused.

"His mom," the soldier persisted. "He just looks hungry is all."

"Well yes, that's why I'm feeding him," the man said.

"You're what?!?" the private asked in shock.

Kylenus, who was two people away from Almaran and his son Gavahan, leaned over to explain. "There are no mothers here, or any women at all. We're not human, you s---"

Col. Alistare was walking down the line, taking in the freakshow before him and looking at them with open revulsion. He saw one of his men kneeling before one of them, holding it's demon-spawn, and strode forward rapidly. As he approached, he caught the thread of conversation, and became enraged. As the thing talking to his private reached the part about their abnormal nature, he lashed out with his fist, slugging the creature hard in the side of its face and sending it sprawling.

"Be quiet, you!" he shouted in fury...

Ardenus listened to his son explaining to the human why Almaran was feeding his son, when another human dashed up from the line and struck the boy hard in the face. Enraged, he went to leap up, but was restrained by his eldest son.

"No, Dad! No!" Markano shouted, trying to drag his father back down.

The human who'd struck Kylenus pulled his gun, aiming at the enraged father. "Give me a reason, freak!"

"Dad, stop!" Ky called out thickly, rising slowly with blood in his mouth. "I'm OK! Just don't do anything, please!"

"Dad, please!" Markano pleaded, and Ardenus relented reluctantly, glaring with open hatred at the human.

"And as for you," the human said, turning to Kylenus, "I hear you say one more word to my men, and I'll shut your mouth! Permanently! You hear me, sasquatch?!?"

Ky nodded mutely, showing he understood.

The Col. rounded on his man. "You breathe one word of what you saw and heard, and I'll have you scrubbing latrines for the rest of your days! Now get out of my sight!" he shouted, holstering his pistol.

The private took off, and Col. Alistare looked down on the bleeding creature with open hatred, pulling out his handkerchief to his hand to wipe off the filth he imagined was there...

Kylenus was afraid. He knew at least some of what was happening, and his fears filled in the blanks. How could the government have set such an operation into motion without anyone being aware? The town was completely cut off from the rest of the world. It would be very easy to make a small town of about two hundred people vanish without anyone being the wiser. He was afraid, and guilt-ridden. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to stop this very thing from happening?

Ky felt powerless, as well as useless. He couldn't help but feel responsible for what was happening. They had counted on him to save them from the very thing now happening. The pain in his face was horrible, but nowhere near as much so as the ugly, self-destroying thoughts that festered within him. He remained silent, tasting blood in his mouth, afraid to do or say anything more, for fear that he would only make things worse for the Hirsune he had already failed...

Col. Alistare sat in his tent, waiting for the last of the vermin to be rounded up. He thanked his lucky stars that he'd managed to discover this den of evil buried in the Montana wilderness. He'd stumbled upon it by accident, while playing around with a satellite map, looking for good places to go camping in the deep wilderness. When the town had remained unnamed on the map, he became intrigued, and tried to learn more about it.

But when he could only find minimal records of the town, his curiosity grew stronger. It took a lot of clout to get access to the Air Force's satellites through his connections within the AF, so as to get a closer look at the town, and the images had alerted him to the fact that he was dealing with something very odd. When he discovered that supplies where sent in, and food came out, he grew wary.

He'd used his vacation time to drive out there, and when he approached a farm on the edge of the community, sneaking up on it from the woods, and spying with binoculars, he saw the true nature of the 'townsfolk'. He watched in horror as two of the foul, hairy things indulged their perversions shamelessly out in the open field, rutting like beasts.

He had returned at night, moving by stealth through the sleepy town, and reached a window into the living room of one of the houses. There, he was horrified to discover two more of the things fornicating shamelessly on the floor... As one of their mis-shapen and hairy offspring sat reading and talking with them conversationally as they rutted. They were all treating the act as though it were nothing, like taking a leisurely stroll. They had not the slightest shred of decency or restraint. Not only that, but they were corrupting their own young by behaving so revoltingly right in front of them!

He then saw several pictures upon the mantle, showing the two fornicators standing side by side, one with a bulging stomach. The next had the two with a large white object that resembled a large egg. The one after that showed a misshapen creature emerging from a broken egg, and lastly, a final picture of them standing again, with the same youth who was reading, standing beside them, smiling at the camera.

It was then that the true horror of his discovery filled him. Not only were there amoral monsters fucking shamelessly in public in a hidden community within the borders of his own country, but they could reproduce, and spread their blasphemous ways to their young, like a cancer. He had to do something!

He could see that the things were unnatural. He saw them for what they were: a threat not just to the American way of life, but a blight upon the entire earth, and a severe threat to humanity.

He then snuck out of town, and began to build up his connections and resources to put the necessary plan into action. He had worked for months to set up this operation, and soon, the world would be safe...

Several hours later, the last of the Hirsune had been rounded up in the middle of town, Lt. Maven walking down the line, feeling very uneasy. He'd had to follow incomprehensible orders before, but never one like this. It made no sense to round up a small town of men and boys and line them up along the main road of the small community. He felt slightly sick, seeing the children, unable to justify to himself why this was happening.

While it was true that the lack of women was very strange, and the men looked rather odd, what with their very hairy bodies, it was seeing the several nude men that had shown him just how odd these people were, as the hair seemed to cover their entire bodies. And they all seemed to possess the kind of dicks he'd kill to have for himself. The ladies would go nuts over him if he had a tool anything like the ones these guys were sporting!

It was the children that shocked him the most, though. Some of the older ones were growing hair like crazy too, and the smaller ones looked very odd. They seemed, despite their size, to be much more physically developed than they should be. It was the presence of the children that bothered him the most. Why round up children along with the adults?

Once a full sweep had been made, and the last of them lined up, he made his way to his CO's tent.

"That's the last of them, Sir."

"Good," the Col. said, rising. "Get all the men together and have them ready their weapons."


"We'll execute the prisoners immediately. That's all, Lieutenant."

"But Sir! Why? These are just unarmed civilians... It-"

"I GAVE YOU AN ORDER, LIEUTENANT! NOW CARRY IT OUT!" the Col. shouted, looking deranged.

"SIr," a private entered, holding a field-op phone. "There's a call for you, Col."

"I don't have any time for calls, Private. Have them call back."

"But, Col., It's the Chief," the private said, then pulled the phone back to his ear. "Yes, Sir? Yes, right away Sir," he said into the phone, then pressed a button. A strong man's voice came out of the attached speaker on the phone that was used for conference calls.

"Col. Alistare, you are to stand down immediately."

"But Mr. President, Sir," Alistare stammered, shocked that the Commander and Chief would call him directly. "I'm acting in the best interest of national security! You don't know what those things are! If we let them run loose, they'll be a threat to the entire country!"

"That's not for you to decide, Col., nor was it your place to conduct a covert operation without authorization. You are to stand down immediately..."

Col. Alistare couldn't believe his ears. Surely the president couldn't be so blind as to not understand what they were dealing with! These were monsters, breeding immorally in secret, working to tear down the greatest nation in the world! He couldn't just stand by and allow that to happen! That was why he'd engineered all of this in secret, knowing that the bleeding-heart liberals would try to stop him from acting. They'd be too blinded to see these malignant creatures for what they truly were. It didn't matter what happened to him afterwards, so long as America was kept safe.

No," he said, moving forward. "I'm sorry, Sir, but in time, you'll see that I was right to do what I'm doing. I have to do this!"

"Col. Alistare, you are violating a direct order from your Commander and Chief. I order you to stand down immediately!"

"I can't do that, Sir. You'll thank me later for this, trust me!"

"Lt. Maven?" the president said through the speaker.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Place Col. Alistare under arrest, then have your forces stand down."

"NO!" the Col. shouted with rage, refusing to allow the plan he'd worked for months to get into place shattered by some idiot bureaucrat who hadn't the slightest idea of the danger he was so blithely ignoring. He pulled out his pistol. "LT. I'M GIVING YOU A DIRECT ORDER! EXECUTE THOSE THINGS IMMEDIATELY!"

The Lt. And private didn't obey, instead, they drew their own sidearms, aiming them at their commanding officer.

"STAND DOWN, COL.!" Lt. Maven shouted back. "DON'T MAKE ME FIRE!"

Col. Alistare took aim at his lieutenant's face.

Two shots rang out.

"Hello? Anyone! What's happening?" the president shouted through the speaker phone.

The private picked up the phone. "I'm sorry, Sir, but the Col. pulled his weapon on us, we were forced to fire in self defense..." He looked to the Lt., examining the Col. Who was slumped against the wall of the tent, then shook his head. The Private spoke into the phone. "I'm sorry, Sir, but the Col. is dead."

"Understood, Private. Lt. Maven?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I am hereby placing you in charge until help arrives. You are ordered to stand down immediately. Let the town's folk go about their business, and withdraw your forces from that town. You will retreat to a distance of fifty miles west of town, make camp, and await further orders. But before you leave, Lt., I want to speak to whoever's in charge of the community..."

"Sir?" the private said, approaching Pareus. "The president would like a word with you, Sir."

"The president?" the head elder said, looking confused and stunned.

"The President of the United States, Sir."

"I, uh... umm... I don't..." Pareus stammered, looking shellshocked. He looked around helplessly at the others, unable to speak. Not knowing what to say or do. He couldn't think or feel. He'd never been in shock this deeply before, and felt that he was far out of his element. Finally, his eyes fell on Kylenus, who was being examined by Harian. "K-Kylenus... C-could you..." He stammered, gesturing at the phone. If anyone could speak with a human under these conditions, it was the boy...

Ky moved forward slowly, feeling very awkward, and took the phone from the private reluctantly. "Hello?" he asked, wishing he was safe at home in his bed, instead of in the middle of town talking on the phone as everyone watched him.

"To whom am I speaking?" the voice on the other end said, sounding vaguely familiar to him.

"Uh, Kylenus. I'm... A son of one of the town elders. The mayor's not really up to speaking at the moment..."

"I can appreciate that, Kylenus. This is the president of the United States. I'd like to ask you to pass on a message to him, and everyone else in your community. Firstly, I deeply regret what has happened there."

"Then why did you do it?" Kylenus exclaimed, the tension and fear of the last few hours making him emotional. "We never hurt anyone. We're no threat to humans! All we Hirsune want is to be left alone! But you came anyways, dragging us out into the street, even the hatchings, and lining us up like you were going to kill us! What did we ever do to humanity, other than exist in the first place?"

There was a long silence on the other end. "What do you mean? Are you saying you're not human?"

"What?" Ky asked, shocked. "No, we're not human. Isn't that why you stormed our town?"

"The actions of Col. Alistare were conducted without the knowledge or approval of the United States government. We had no knowledge of your people, or that the Col. was acting against you. The army platoon has been ordered to stand down, and leave your community. You're all free to go about your business. Once again, I want to offer my heartfelt apology to your town for the events that have transpired. I would also request permission to send a small delegation to your community so as to clear up any misunderstandings between the US government and your people... The Hirsune, you said?"

"Uh, yeah, that's us... Look, we just want to live in peace, that's all. If you send someone to talk to us, make it a small group, about two or three, but no more!"

"Very well, Kylenus. You have my word... And once again, I'm very sorry."

Ky nodded silently, and handed the phone back to the soldier. He walked numbly over to Pareus and the other elders, and told them what he'd learned.

"You alright, Ky?" Ardenus asked him, seeing the shellshocked look on his youngest boy's face.

"I... I just want to go home..."

"Alright, Son. We can go."

Later, back at the farm, Kylenus sat in the shower, letting the hot water soak him thoroughly as he sat in a fetal position on the floor, the water raining down upon him. He sat there, staring blankly at the wall of the shower below the handles without seeing it, the left side of his face throbbing painfully...

"Ky, You awake yet?" Kavarin's voice came from beyond the door.

Kylenus pulled himself into a fetal position, his back to the door. He still didn't want to be around people.

"Ky?" Kav asked, entering slowly. "Aren't you hungry?"

He shook his head slowly, then winced with the pain the movement caused in his face.

Kav moved forward slowly, and sat down. "Please look at me."

Ky sighed, and rolled over slowly, his face wet with tears.

Kav looked upon the dark bruise covering the side of his younger sibling's head. "That jerk really got you good, didn't he?"

"No, he wasn't."


"He wasn't a jerk... He was a monster."

Kav stared mutely at his sibling, unable to think of what to say.

"I've been a real idiot!" Ky said fiercely.

"No you haven't! Why would you say something like that?"

"Because I was wrong... And Volnaro was right. Humans are evil... They only know how to hate and destroy!"

"That's not true, Ky, and you know it! You should know that better than anyone!" Kav said, angry that Ky was doubting himself.

"That's just it! I was going on and on about human kindness, but what do I know? Everyone I knew hated me, just because I was different! They all treated me horribly! And then there's that damned guy who punched my lights out! He wanted us dead, Kav! He wanted to exterminate us like roaches! I saw it in his eyes! It's like we weren't even people to him! I blew it! I was supposed to prevent something like this from happening, and it happened anyways! ...I'm A failure..."

Kav looked at him in shock, then anger. He lunged forward, dragging Ky up by the arms, forcing his brother into a sitting position, then shook him fiercely. "NO YOU'RE NOT, KY! WHAT KIND OF STUPID THING IS THAT TO SAY?!?"

"What's going on in here?" Ardenus said, rushing in, with Markano and Davin.

"Just Kylenus acting like a moron!" Kav snapped.

"Knock it off!" Ky shouted, shaking free of his sibling's grip. "I feel bad enough as it is without you rubbing it in!"

"Urgggg! That's not what I mean at all!" Kav shouted, his face reddening. "What I mean is, you're acting so stupid for thinking of yourself like that! You're not a failure, Ky! ...And If you say it again, I'll give you a bruise on the other side of your face to match the first one!"

"Kylenus," their father said, looking at his youngest in shock. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true," the lad said, looking away, unable to meet his parent's eyes. "I told the elders to trust humans, and look what happened! We almost got wiped out today! You shouldn't've trusted me. I'm so stupid, thinking we could live together with them!"

Ardenus, moved quickly, pulling Ky up from the bed into a fierce hug. "Stop it, Ky, please!" he said, his voice breaking. "You didn't do any of this! They were already going to cum here! They've been trying to get info out of Bertha for the last few months. That started this before you even came here. You can't blame yourself for the actions of others!" He pulled back a bit, looking his son in the eyes.

"Ky," Markano said, moving forward, "They weren't doing that on the government's orders. That was just one bigot acting on his own. There's been a public outcry against the people who engineered this. From what they're saying on the news, there's a lot of people out there who are taking our side on this."

"Besides, Ky," Davin said, stepping forward, "It's because of Lilly that word got out about all of this. The elders aren't really all that happy that humans now know about our existence, but they understand why Lilly told the public about us."

"Lilly?" Ky asked, looking stunned.

"That's right, Son." Ardenus added. "If it wasn't for her going public about our existence, no one would have ever known. That Alistare man would've killed us all, and no one would've ever been the wiser. When she told the world about our existence, that made the president aware of what was going on in time to stop him. Because of you, we got to know Lilly, and she saved us. We wouldn't have ever met her if it wasn't for you, Kylenus. So you didn't endanger us, Son... You saved us."

Ky felt weak, and sat down heavily on the bed. Ardenus knelt before him.

"You saved us, Son... You saved us all!" He hugged Kylenus fiercely, as the rest of the family came together to share the hug.

Ky no longer knew what to think or feel. The pain and self-doubt of the day overwhelmed him, and he cried uncontrollably onto his father's shoulder...

Later that evening, Markano asked to share Kylenus' bed with him. Ardenus had wanted to be the one, but Mark and Davin had talked him out of it. Ky and his father made for a rather aggressive mix of pheromones, and the older sons felt that a more smoothing presence would help the still emotionally fragile youngest son at this time.

Mark laid there, hugging his younger sibling protectively in Ky's bed, as they petted each other softly.

"We've been getting a lot of calls tonight, from almost everyone in town," Mark said. "The phone's practically ringing constantly."


"There's a lot of people who want to thank you for helping to save us. They're calling you a hero."

"What?!? That's ridiculous!"

"No it's not, Ky! If you hadn't told Tenaro who to contact, and if you hadn't told us to what to do when the soldiers came, then people could've died, all of us, in fact if Lilly hadn't gotten involved, and that was because of you, too."

"I still think that that's going a bit far though. I mean cum on! I wasn't out there fighting the humans, I just gave some advice, is all."

"And that advice saved many people from getting hurt. Therefore, everyone's grateful to you... Well, almost everyone."


"There's a few folks who're still outraged, saying that this is only the beginning. That more humans will try to kill us. That kind of thing. ...There's Even a few whackos who... think you're responsible. But don't listen to them! Just listen to the people who recognize you for the hero you are."

"Alright... But only if they get me a spiderman costume, or something else that shows off my ass... I always did like masturbating to him..." Ky joked softly. The mental imagery of that lycra-clad muscular body twisting into all of those kinky positions made his shaft stir.

"Looks like you're getting your arousal back," Mark said, taking the stiffening shaft into his hand and stroking it gently.

"Good, I haven't gotten off once all day. But let's go easy, OK? I don't think I'm up to a serious mating."

"Please!" he eldest brother scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Didn't you learn anything at the temple? Not everything's about mounting, you know."

And Mark bent his head down, peeled back Ky's foreskin, and licked the exposed cockhead slowly.

Ky gasped with satisfaction, letting his eldest sibling stimulate his glands tenderly, petting Mark's head as he was pleasured.

One thing they had discovered, was that Mark and Ky made a rather interesting mixture of pheromones. Ones that triggered a relaxed, sensual feeling in them both. The effect made mating rather Tantric in nature for the two of them, leading to long, slow encounters that made their bodies and minds tingle with sensual pleasure.

They let their musk fill the air, getting high off of each other, and sharing their solem despite the lack of penetration. They moved into the sixty nine position, rimming each other and gulping down the other's solem, letting it dance on their tongues, then pulled back a bit and began to suck each others penises.

Ky groaned in pleasure, as Mark impaled his throat on Ky's phallus, his nose brushing the younger brother's pubes. Ky had been rather shocked at this the first time. How Mark could swallow all of Ky's over foot long meat without gagging or suffocating was miraculous.

Ky tried to respond in kind, the painkilling medicine Doc Harian had given for him helping with the pain in his face, but it wasn't enough, and he winced as he quickly withdrew his mouth.

Markano sensed his brother's distress, and pulled off his shaft. "It's OK, Ky, just do whatever you can." With that, he resumed deep throating the throbbing boner before him.

Ky sighed, and used his hands to help him, compensating for the lack of facial mobility.

Mark was a very talented sucker, and he soon had Ky moaning as his orgasm hit, pouring his seed down his brother's throat. Mark groaned as his own shaft pulsed, and Kylenus drank down his sibling's spunk as it blasted free from the eye of his penis. They moaned deeply as their orgasms flowed throughout both of their hairy bodies, from their toes to the tops of their heads.

More groans of pleasure suddenly sounded from nearby, and Ky looked up just in time to see his father standing over them, spraying his sperm over Mark's furry ass and Ky's bearded face, smiling down at them.

"Sorry, Boys," the parent said, gasping in pleasure and grinding his hips in midair as he covered his sons in his spunk, watching them bred each other's mouths. "I walked in, saw you two going at it, and got too worked up to resist."

Mark pulled free, and looked up to their parent. "That's fine, Dad. Bathe us in the juice that made us. Hail Penis."

"Hail Penis," Ardenus breathed, continuing to cover his sons in liquid white.

"Hail Penis," Ky said thickly around a mouthful of Mark's sperm, smiling up at his father.

The three soon came down from the heights of their lusts, and Ardenus sighed. "Oh! Almost forgot why I came in here! Ky, Pareus said that the humans are sending government representatives tomorrow morning, and he wants you there for the meeting. Lilly called and said she'd be there too."

"Alright, Dad. But I still don't know what all I can do... Oh! Call everyone up and tell them to bathe and dress fully for the meeting tomorrow. Humans are squeamish about body odor and nudity. Also, no sex in front of them, and keep the shows of family affection to a minimum."

Ardenus looked a bit apprehensive. "Those last parts may not go over very well, Son."

"Well if they have to sate themselves, then tell them to leave the room. Find a broom closet or something. We need the humans to see us as more than just smelly nymphos."

"Where's the fun in that?" Mark asked, making Ky roll his eyes in annoyance, smiling in spite of himself for a moment.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but please, Dad. We need to make the humans feel comfortable if we're going to gain their support," he said to the elder that was his parent. "Oh, and make sure priest Welvayan wears his -full- robe, not his normal one!"

"Alright, Son. I'll go spread the word..." The father said, leaving the room...

Ky frowned, looking around at the crowd of both Hirsune and humans gathered in the town hall's meeting room.

*I'm getting real sick of this place,* he thought to himself with annoyance. *Maybe after the meeting I should grab someone and bend them over the councilmens' table. Build up a few -good- memories in this room!*

"Kylenus?" Lilly asked, threading her way through the crowd to reach him, dressed in a dark blue women's business suit and her hair pulled back unto it's usual meticulously tight bun on the back of her head. "We're about ready to start."

"Ok," he said, and began to move towards the center of the room to the councilmens' table. He had to make sure to look down as he walked, in order to avoid tripping on the power cables strewn across the wooden floor of the room, as the TV news crews readied their equipment to broadcast the meeting live to the world.

"Oh, Jason!" a female reporter said as he passed. "Make sure you get that one's bruise clearly on camera!"

Ky blushed slightly, embarrassed. *Great! Bad enough I look like hamburger, but now they want to glorify it for the whole planet to drool over! But still...* he continued as he made his way over to the table and took his seat in the extra chair set at the end, next to his father, *Maybe I can use it to invoke more sympathy for our cause...*

The humans from the US State department arrived, and everyone sat down for the meeting, introducing themselves. Lilly was serving as the legal representation for the Hirsune. The talks were long and tedious, with many back and forths. Kylenus added his input, as the cameras zoomed in on the bruised side of his face, the bright lights nearly blinding him.

The entire affair felt like it lasted for days. When they broke for a recess, Ky gratefully stepped outside into the cooler air blowing gently down main street. He didn't get any peace though, as reporters swooped down on him like vultures, harassing him with overlapping questions.

He turned left and right, answering them as best as he could, until a female reporter stopped him dead with her next question.

"How do you explain the open acts of incest among your people?"

"What?" he asked in shock, feeling the bottom of his stomach disappear.

"Well we've seen several people kissing and fondling each other in public. When we questioned them, they said they were directly related to each other. A father and son, and two brothers. How do you explain this?"

Ky sighed, realizing that it had been foolish to hope that this issue would stay under wraps until later. The lustfully open nature of Hirsune displays of affection were too strong to resist at times, and were an automatic part of their daily life.

Taking a deep breath, he started by explaining to the humans why they had such a strong phobia about incest. He made sure to explain it several times to them, running over the point from several angles before continuing onward, explaining the differences in human and Hirsune physiology and describing in detail why Hirsune lacked the same prejudice.

"...So To us, incest has never been viewed as something wrong or harmful. Since we have such a microscopically low rate of birth defects, we never developed a need to avoid sexual activity with our relations. To us, showing intimacy to family members is the strongest act of affection we can give. To us, it's really about family bonds, emotional support and affection. We love our relatives the same way that humans love their romantic partners, because to us, that's the closest thing we have to lifelong mates. To us, it's a vital part of our social structure.

"We're not saying that everyone should be like us," he said, shaking his head. "We understand that humans have a much different way of interacting with their families. All we ask, is that we be left alone, and our way of life be respected. We don't want to force our beliefs onto anyone else," he added, shaking his head as he spoke. "All we ask is that we be left in peace."

"But what about children?" a male reporter asked bluntly. "Don't you think it's unreasonable to force this kind of behavior upon them? Are you having sex with your children?"

"Are you trying to ask about pedophilia?!? NO!!! We don't do that!" Ky exclaimed, shaking his head again. He was making sure to show his feelings, as well as speak them. Ky knew well that there would be people who would try to re-edit the video footage to serve their own agendas, so he was being as careful as he could.

"A Hirsune doesn't become sexually active until they reach puberty. Once they do, we wait until the offspring begins to show interest in learning about sexuality. Once the Hirsune asks his family for instruction in the arts of pleasure, his relatives begin to slowly teach him about sexual relations, making sure that the instructee is comfortable with the process. It's always initiated by the son, and -never- against his will. The learning process is one hundred percent consensual."

"So you're saying that you don't indulge in rape in regards to your children?" the reporter asked rudely.

"Certainly not! And I find that implication highly offensive! We Hirsune NEVER commit rape! To us, the act of sex is a sacred and beautiful thing! For us, sexuality forms the basis of our religious beliefs and social structure, and is -never- conducted without mutual consent from everyone involved in the act! To us, sex is about mutual pleasure for everyone who wants it at the time. The very notion of rape is repugnant to Hirsune!"

Just then, the call to return to the chamber was given. "Excuse me, I need to get back inside," he said, pushing his way past the reporters gratefully...

The next day, Lilly, the town elders and their families were all gathered in Pareus' large living room, watching the footage of the prior day's events on CNN.

A reporter was on the streets of New York city, getting impressions from the crowd. He was talking with two women with long hair.

"I think it's kinda neat," one of them said with a smile. "I mean, a whole people who aren't human, hidden away for centuries? It's just so amazing!"

"Yeah," her friend said, smiling. "It's mind-boggling! And that one guy they talked with..."

"Oh, the one that was all bruised up?" the first gal asked, sounding pitying.

"Yeah... He was kind of cute! ...Buuuttt, I guess I'm not his type!"

The girls broke out in giggles. The view changed to a business man in a suit, who looked openly hostile.

"I think it's disgusting! I've heard all about those creatures! Fornicating out in public! Incestuous things! It's revolting! This isn't the kind of country our forefathers fought and died for! It's an insult!"

The view changed to a man with long hair and beard, who shrugged. "It's kinda cool, I guess. I mean, who knew? Hey! I wonder if they're related to Bigfoot?"

"And what about their incestuousness? How do you feel about that?" the reporter asked.

"Well, it's kinda freaky, ...but after hearing that Kyleness guy talking about how they don't have birth defects, and how it's all just the way humans think... I can kinda understand where they're coming from. So, ...to each his own, I guess."

Next was a wealthy woman dressed very expensively. "I've heard all about them," she said in a lofty manner. "Truly beastly creatures! Their habits are absolutely disgusting! Have you heard, Dear?"

"What exactly is it about the Hirsune that bothers you?" the female reporter asked.

"Meat, Darling! I heard that they're ravenous carnivores! It's positively revolting!"

"Oh," the reporter said, with relief. "I thought you were talking about their social habits. It almost sounded as though you were implying something else, such as they were inferior to us humans."

"Well I don't know about you, Dear. Tell me... Do you eat meat?" the woman asked her.

"Well yes, I had a chicken sandwich for lunch."

"Oh... Then you're no better than they are! Marsha, Dearling!" the woman being interviewed said, calling to someone off camera. "Loving the new outfit! You -must- tell me who your designer is! Ta ta, Darling," she said dismissively to the reporter before drifting away.

The program returned to the vid bite of Kylenus explaining more about how Hirsune viewed incest differently from humans.

"You handled that very well, Kylenus," Lilly said, leaning forward on the couch to pat him on the shoulder as he sat on the floor near her.

"Yeah, I hope so," he said, frowning slightly.

"Well, I won't pretend that I'm not happy that the public learned about the incest so rapid-idly," Lilly said, pausing with a stammer as she saw Markano's hand rubbing the bulge in Davin's jeans as they sat next to each other beside her.

"Sorry," Mark said, pulling his hand away reluctantly.

"No, please," she said, raising a hand. This is your town, and I just need to get used to seeing things like that, is all. Don't let me stop you... All I -do- ask, is that you don't start whipping them out in front of me."

"Damn," Kav said, pretending he was pulling his zipper back up, and laughing at the shocked look on the human's face.

Kylenus spun around and smacked Kav's knee with the back of his hand. "Can't you behave yourself for five seconds! And to think -I'm- the youngest!" he added, turning to Lilly.

She smiled sympathetically at him...

There were several more meetings over the intervening weeks, both with the government and reporters. Wolf Blitzer did an expose' on the town and its people, interviewing Kylenus, Pareus, Welvayan and Doc Harian. Everyone in the world seemed to want to know all about the Hirsune, and the video of Kavarin's hatching was played so many times he swore he'd figure out how to invent a time machine just so he could co back and break the camcorder before it could ever be used to film his hatching.

Volnaro was released into the custody of the town council, but remained banished from their ranks. He rapidly became a hermit, rarely leaving his home for the rest of his days.

Steven Colbert came to the town as well, offering the world a stern warning about the dangers of allowing people to be happy and free, and comparing the Hirsune to bears as the number one threat to society, simply because they 'looked too happy...' "...suspiciously happy." Everyone was alarmed and offended by this, until Ky, who'd always been a fan of The Colbert Report, explained the nature of the comedian's satirical style of news reporting. Not everyone was amused, but Ky defended the comedian's bit, saying that by poking fun at something, it became something not to be seen as dangerous.

The council continued to defer to Kylenus when it came to speaking with humans, and Ky's face seemed to be a part of every single broadcast, newspaper and magazine article relating to the Hirsune. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. It was very confusing for him to be the center of attention like this all of the time.

A month after the day he soldiers left town, there was a celebration and award ceremony for both Lilly and Kylenus, where they each were given a plaque to commemorate the occasion. Ky's had an erect phallus upon it, whereas Lilly's - much to her relief - had an image of a rising sun breaking over the horizon of a forest to symbolize the bright new future she had given them...

It was the end of May when Kylenus heard the bell ringing in the four-clang pattern. His excitement rose, as Davin came running towards him across the field.

"Ky! Dad needs you!" He ran up, shoving a lemongrass extract pill into his brother's mouth and handing him a bottle of water to wash it down, Ky doing so eagerly.

Kylenus flung down his hoe, and began running for the breeding room, desperately striping off his overalls and flinging them aside as he reached the outer door. His erection rising in anticipation, he passed through the storm porch-like entrance, then through the inner door, which helped to serve as a buffer zone for anyone entering the room, so that the potent pheromones wouldn't overwhelm them instantly. He entered to see Ardenus sitting nude on the bed, breathing hard.

"I'm here, Dad," he said, moving to his father.

"Ah fuck, Ky! I can feel it cuming on, ...like A fire inside me, growing hotter and hotter!" Ardenus said, his breathing getting heavier as be began to sweat profusely.

Ky moved to him, and burying his face in his dad's chest fur, inhaled long and deep. He moved up to the parent's face, their noses almost touching.

"Do it, Dad! Let the power of Penis consume you! I wanna see it! I wanna see it in your eyes as it takes you! Do it, Dad! Go into heat for me!" Ky said, his eyes locked onto his father's as their lips came together.

"Ah yeah... PENIS! Claim me with your power! ...Ah yeah, Ky... I'm glad you're first this year... Ah shit! It...It's cu...." His voice trailed off as they continued to kiss, eyes locked together.

Ky felt the pheromones begin to affect him, and his phallus became rock hard. His heart swelled with lust as he saw the reason fade from his father's eyes, replaced with an insane hunger.

Suddenly, Ardenus growled demandingly, yanking Ky down onto the bed, their lips still locked together. Ky surrendered to the demands of his father's lust-fueled season, and he plunged deep into that open and ravenous hole, letting the power of Penis consume him...

And then he remembered nothing...

"What do you mean they can't be here?" Lilly asked with annoyance.

"Well," Pareus said, "Ardenus went into heat, you see," he finished with a shrug, as though it were a completely natural thing - which for the Hirsune, was very much the case.

"Heat?" she asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"Hirsune breeding cycles occur once a year, and can last for up to four days. It's a very important time for family, so Kylenus, naturally wants to be there with his family, so as to help his brothers tend to their father's needs-"

"Alright! Alright!" Ted exclaimed, holding up a hand in alarm. "We get the picture!"

"Well..."Lilly said, struggling with his new aspect of Hirsune ways. "I guess we'll just have to go on without them for now. I'll go tell the representatives that we'll proceed without them."

Shaking her head in disbelief, she left the Mayor's office. *It's a good thing I don't have a heart condition,* she thought to herself.

In truth, however, she was a bit angry with herself for being so judgmental. Hadn't she devoted her life to defending GLBT rights. *Guess it's GLBT-H-, now...*

Lilly thought back to the reason she had changed her life, effectively doing a one-eighty in order to defend those who were different from mainstream society. It was because of Rachel...

Rachel was Lilly's sister, but had been born as her brother Robert. Being an open-minded person, Lilly was the only member of the family who had supported Robert when he came forward to them with his confession that he wanted to undergo gender-reassignment surgery. Lilly had known Rob was unhappy with his life as a man, and had been living as a drag queen for several years.

Lilly had been thinking of her sibling as Rachel for several years already, and was the most supportive person in her life. Rachel had moved to Portland, where she worked two jobs as waitress and drag show performer, while she saved up the massive amount of money required to pay for her surgeries. She had undergone all but the genital reconstruction surgery and was eagerly, but nervously, looking forward to it.

While walking home after a late-night shift at the diner, she had been assaulted by robbers who had decided to add rape to their crimes. But after receiving a nasty shock when they tore off her clothes, they became enraged, and stabbed her. Sadly, Rachel had died on the way to the hospital.

Lilly was devastated, and then enraged at her family when they refused to attend the funeral. She hadn't spoken to them in the twenty plus years since her sister's murder, and had little interest in doing so, as the few times she had met with any of them, they had shown anger at her 'willful choice to torpedo her promising career as a lawyer.'

Lilly had never regretted the choice, even now. She resolved to work harder on being more openminded of the Hirsunes' ways as she entered the meeting room of town hall...

The next several months were a blur to Kylenus. He remembered undergoing body scans at a government-run hospital, Doc Harian there consulting with the human doctors and biologists who were examining him. He recalled some officials cuming to town to verify the authenticity of the Hirsune's historical documents.

He'd had to take a few days' break however, as he was invited to help deal with Roderal's season, where he enjoyed giving his seed to his greedy Sire, who was lost in sensation. After the fellow Hirsune's season ended, he was drug back to his duties in service to the community.

Washington DC was in an uproar. Much of the GOP and religious right decried the existence of the Hirsune, and insisted the documents were forgeries even after historical experts and carbon dating proved their factual nature. The pope accused the Hirsune of slander and heresy for their revelation about the churches' attempts in the past to exterminate the Hirsune from existence. The general public of the world was divided on their support of, or anger against, the Hirsune.

Predictably, the practice of incest was at the top of the list of the things about the Hirsune that were most controversial. Child rights advocates insisted upon a full investigation of the Hirsunes' activities in regards to their young. Child psychologists grilled the furry youths, trying to find evidence of abuse, but as the Hirsune children had never been raped or mistreated, and were indeed both well adjusted and happy with the way they were treated, there was only the prejudicial views of the opposition to work with. There were a few ugly attempts to take the Hirsune children away from their relatives, but the hatchlings fought harder than anyone else to remain with their families.

Lilly became a major face in the fight for Hirsune equality, working tirelessly to preserve their rights, and keep their children from being taken away. The matter rapidly went from the Montana Supreme court, to the national stage, and the Supreme Court of the US deliberated for weeks on the issue of whether or not to grant the Hirsune equal status to humans, and allow them to retain custody of their children. The public went wild, some in opposition, but many more in support. The GLBT community embraced the Hirsune, bringing some of the strongest support for their rights, and the term GLBTH became widely used.

The entire affair rapidly consumed the word, and businesses, seeing opportunity, set to work on trying to get a foothold in the small community. Several businesses sprung up, but it was understood that the Hirsune themselves would have control of those new businesses, including staffing of them, under oversight by the companies themselves.

Much to Ardenus' annoyance, the FDA and Department of Agriculture began to enforce the same laws upon Hirsune farms that existed for human ones. He relented, however, when he saw that it was more to help protect people, than tell him how he was allowed to run the family business he'd inherited from his father. Fortunately, there was very little to find fault with, as Ardenus ran a very clean and healthy farm.

Finally, the Supreme Court passed it's ruling by the narrowest of margins. The Hirsunes' rights were to be legally recognized, based in strong part by the fact that they had lived in North America nearly twice as long as the European settlers.

The council of elders nominated, to a single one, that Kylenus would become the international spokesman for the Hirsune community. The vote was supported, to a lesser degree, by the other two Hirsune communities within the boundaries of the United States. Kylenus took to the road for the Hirsune cause, making appearances on many news and talk shows throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Knowing how much Davin had dreamed of traveling, Ky often asked him to accompany him on the tours, and while they were sad to have to be away from their loved ones for so long, they took up the challenge of educating the public about their people. He found a human agent named Murray to organize his appearances.

The other Hirsune communities of the world came forward to make themselves known as well, and the nations of the world came forth with their own voices of support or opposition, but in America, the matter had been decided favorably, despite heavy resistance from those who continued to view the Hirsune negatively...

"My fellow Americans, and all Hirsune who reside within the borders of the United States of America," the President said during an international address broadcast live on TV. "On Tuesday, April twenty sixth, a tragedy was narrowly averted. The Hirsune, a people entirely separate from humans, and living in the isolated community of River's Bend, Montana, were arrested without cause by an army platoon, acting under the orders of a rogue commander.

"These actions were engineered by a small group of individuals, within the United States government, acting without the knowledge or consent of the armed forces, or the rest of the US government. An investigation has been made, and those responsible have been brought forth to face charges. The Hirsune have existed in isolation, hoping to avoid the very events that transpired on the day in question. They feared for their very existence at the hands of people such as the late Col. Alistare, and they were right to do so.

"We must understand, that all peoples, no matter how different, are deserving of the same rights and protections as everyone else. These rights cannot just be applied to humans. The Hirsune are a people, different, but equally deserving of the same rights and privileges that we humans enjoy. They have a long history, and a rich and unique culture.

"There have been concerns expressed by many Americans about some of the traditions and practices of the Hirsune. Intensive studies of the Hirsune culture and practices have been made, and it has been determined that those practices have no negative impact upon the younger generations of their culture. The Hirsune have the utmost compassion and respect for their children, and therefore, their rights, beliefs and practices are to be protected.

"Now it is true that the differences between humans and Hirsune are great, and the Hirsune understand this. All they ask for is the right to live their lives in peace, their cultural heritage and traditions unchanged.

The Supreme Court of the United States, has studied all of the evidence, including verified documentation that the Hirsune have lived in this land for over four hundred years. It is the Ruling of the Supreme Court that the rights and freedoms of the Hirsune are to be protected. The Hirsune have also expressed an interest in integrating into the United States of America, under the condition that their religious and cultural beliefs and practices remain unchanged.

"We must all work together, both Human and Hirsune, to preserve the principals that this great country was founded upon. The Hirsune communities of River's Bend, Montana, Cutter's Fork Pennsylvania, and Green Field, Kansas that exist within the boundaries of the United States of America are hereby recognized as being under the protection of the United States government, their rights to be preserved..."

Almost a year later, Kylenus was waving goodbye to the applauding talk show audience, blinking away the colored spots from his eyes the bright studio lights had left there. Davin stood waiting for him.

"Not too shabby for the national spokesman for the Hirsune," he smiled.

"Yeah, I always did like John Stewart," Ky said, as the audio tech removed his microphone set from his shirt.

"So are we free now? Can we go tour the city? I want a bite of that big apple everyone talks about," he said, making the tech smile.

"It's the city that's called 'The Big Apple', and yeah, I told Murray we were going."

"I hate that guy! Can't you get a better agent?" Davin said, frowning.

"Hey! You're wounding me here!" Murray said, walking up to them. "Nice to see you too, Davin. Ky... What's all this about you wanting four months off? Barbara Walters wants an interview, and you're putting her off 'til June? It's Barbara-freaking-Walters here! You can't just blow her off like that!"

"She's a -woman- Murray! I wouldn't blow her no matter how famous she is!"

"Haha! Another sex joke. What's that make, fifty today so far?"

"It's been a slow day."

"Besides," Davin said, glaring at the human, "I'd've thought you, of all people, would be used to sex jokes by now."

Kylenus sighed. Murray and Davin got along as well as fire and ice lately, and he was getting a bit sick of the bickering, which had begun last week when they'd told the human agent their plans for the springtime. Murray was fit to be tied.

"Can't you just put it off? I mean come on, Ky!"

"Sorry, Murray," Ky answered with annoyance, "but breeding cycles don't have snooze alarms! Springtime is family time, I explained that to you when I hired you to be my agent!"

"Besides, I want to try for a kid, and Ky needs to be there!" Davin added defensively.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll make a fine mother," the human said dismissively.

"FATHER!" Davin snarled.

"Fine! Fine! Whatever!"

"Enough!" Ky snarled, mad at both of them. "Murray! June! Period!"

"But Barbara wants to do it in April!"

"Yeah, the -last- week of April... Right when I go into heat, Murray! Why not have her drag her whole crew into the breeding room while you're at it! I'm sure she'd love that! Won't be much of an interview, though, seeing as how I'm not much of a conversationalist then! I'm afraid I'll be too busy concentrating on getting my canal plowed continually to think properly!"

An intern nearby stared at Kylenus in shock, her eyes wide, and Murray winced.

"Do you really have to be so graphic about that?" the agent said, squirming.

"Yes!" Ky and David both said, almost in unison...

It was the second week of March, when Davin went into season, and each of the family was tending to his needs in turn. Markano was with him, and Ky was walking out the back door, a spare gas mask in his hand as he pulled another over his face, eager for his second turn. He was halfway to the barn when the bell above the barn doors rang ten times. Ky stopped in his tracks, staring up to it in disappointment, then did the math. It have only been just over a day since Davin's heat had begun.

*He ended early?* Ky thought to himself, pulling off the gas mask as Ardenus jogged in from the west field.

"He can't've ended so soon," the father said, looking perplexed for a moment, before his face lit up. "Come on," he said, smiling as he hurried to the breeding room.

They looked through the window to see Mark waving them in.

"Davin?" Ardenus said as they entered. "You OK, Son?"

"Yeah, I'm OK. What day is it?" he asked, laying back as the final effects of his pheromones wore off.


"But... Then it's only been a day!"

"I know, Son. I think you did it!" the father said, smiling with joy.

"Did what?" Ky asked, looking at them without comprehension.

"Well, Kylenus," their father explained, "When a heat ends prematurely, that's a good sign that the one who was in it is pregnant."

"So then, who's the Sire? You Mark?" Kylenus asked his oldest brother.

"Well," the eldest sibling said, looking down at Davin, "I think maybe so."

"You OK with being his Sire, Mark?" Davin asked, looking up at his elder brother with concern.

"Yeah..." Mark said, smiling slowly. "I think I am."

"Well, let's not get too into this just yet," Ardenus said. "We won't know for sure until tomorrow..."

They got their answer very quickly the next morning.

Ky was heading to the bathroom when Davin charged past him, diving head first to the toilet, where he began to retch


"You OK?" Ky asked, worried.

Davin didn't answer, except to keep mentioning someone named Ralph. Ky just stood there helpless until Mark and Ardenus rushed up the stairs, followed a moment later by Kavarin, who came out from his room, smelling of spent cum.

"What's going on?" Kav asked, wiping the last traces of his sperm from his beard.

Ardenus went to his ailing boy, helping him up into a sitting position. "You OK, Davin?" he asked, then brushed his hand lightly over the younger Hirsune's left nipple.

Davin reacted violently, as though in pain, and pushed the hand away quickly, shielding his chest without touching it himself. "No,don't!Don't!Don't!" he babbled quickly.

"Davin," the father said, his voice thick. "You're pregnant!"

"Wha- Really?"

"Yeah, Son. You've got all the signs! Heat ended early, morning sickness and sensitive nipples... You're gonna be a Dad!"

"But I can't be, Dad! This is only my first year of trying!"

"I know it sounds impossible, but you got pregnant the first try, Son! I'm so proud of you!"

"Wow!," Davin said weakly, "That's gr-"

Suddenly he vomited all over Ardenus' thigh.


"Happy Hatching Day!" Everyone cried, as Ardenus set an egg-shaped cake with white frosting which featured a large crack down the front from the narrow top end, in front of Kylenus. Upon it was a pink outline of an erect phallus gushing sperm, and the words 'HAPPY 1ST / 7TH HATCHING DAY!' in yellow icing. He stared at the wording, his brow wrinkled in confusion.

"First-slash-Seventh?" he asked.

"Well, Son," Ardenus said. We know this is your first actual Hatching day, but you're technically seven years old, so we combined the two together for you. We thought it'd be easier that way. Next year will just be your eighth, and we'll go on from there, OK?"

"Alright," Ky replied goodnaturedly.

"Presents!" Markano said, pulling a sheet off the end of the table.

"PRESENTS!!!" Ky exclaimed, reaching forward towards them from his chair and fake-drooling like a zombie. The motion was so sudden that everyone stared at him with shock.

He looked around at his family, pulling out of the zombie-pose. "What?"

Everyone began to laugh, recovering from their surprise, and Mark shook his head, chuckling as he handed a wrapped gift box to Ky.

The gifts were very nice. A chrome metal cockring with an enlongated portion to stimulate the prostate came from Mark, a copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 for his PS3 from Davin, the latest expansion for the Arkham Horror boardgame from Kav, and a mono-colored western hat with a flat brim from his dad that looked good on and fit him very well.

Those, combined with being surrounded by a loving family, made this the best holiday Ky had ever had.

They celebrated with an orgy, Davin limiting himself to masturbation, now that he was pregnant. Ky smiled up at Mark, as the eldest brother bathed the Hatching Day boy with his hot piss as Kav rode his canal, and Ardenus massaged Davin's ass as he stroked himself to cumpletion as they watched...

Markano took over the duties of running the house, Davin helping for as long as he was able. Within a week, his stomach had grown noticeably. Kylenus came into the second son's bedroom one morning to say hi.

He looked around the walls of Davin's bedroom, which were covered in posters, post card, and clippings from newspapers and magazines. The various images were of famous places from all over the world, and Ky noted that the several of them had a red check mark on them, which Davin had added when they got back each time after the younger brother's talk and news shows tours.

He sat down gently, as Davin smiled at him and handing him a bowl of shelled, hard boiled eggs. He watched the pregnant Hirsune devour them greedily, his condition heightening his appetite. "Aren't you worried about turning the kid into a cannibal?" Ky asked, smiling.

Davin shot him a dirty look. "I thought we covered the whole egg thing!"

"Sorry," Ky said, smiling still. "Congratulations once again, though."

"Thanks... Oh, um... I'm about halfway through gestation now, so I want to apologize... In advance..."

"For what?" Ky asked, confused...

Ky came into Ardenus' room a few days later with a plate of food. Davin had begun to have difficulty using the stairs to reach his own room, so Ardenus had switched rooms with his son until after his pregnancy concluded.

"What're you doing in here?!?" Davin snarled, looking at Kylenus with an intense hatred.

"I..." Ky stammered, shocked at the way he sibling was acting. "I'm just bringing you your lunch."

"Bullshit! You think I'm stupid!" Davin snapped.

"No, I..." Ky said, terrified at the look of deep-seated rage on his brother's face. "Why would you think that?"

"I know what you're up to!" Davin snarled.

"Davin, please! Just eat your lunch, OK? You'll feel better!" He held the plate forth nervously.

The pregnant Hirsune struck upwards with his hand, sending the plate of spaghetti flying upwards and spraying everywhere. "I don't need to feel better, Shit Canal! I need you to stop trying to sneak in here to murder my child!"

"What?!? No! I'd never..." Kylenus sputtered in horror, unable to understand why his brother would say such a thing.

Davin glanced down, saw the fork on the bed, and seized it, brandishing it like a knife.

Ky backpedaled in terror until he reached the door. He bumped into someone, and turned to see his father behind him.

"Davin, come on Son," the parent said, looking almost as scared as Ky. "Please don't do this! Everything will be OK."


"Son, please! We're not gonna hurt you or your egg! Please be reasonable!"

Davin lunged forward, halting a few inches from the door as Ardenus pulled Ky back out into the hallway and slammed the door closed behind them.

"AND STAY OUT!!!" Davin screamed through the door.

"Dad," Ky stammered in shock, "I swear I never-"

"No, Ky," his father said, cutting him off. "It's not you, it's just the testosterone poisoning, remember? Davin will be OK in a day or two. It looks like his protective instincts turned to paranoia. Let's just leave him be until it passes. Trust me, Son. It's all just part of the Hirsune breeding cycle. It's perfectly natural."

Something wooden like the nightstand, from the sound of it, struck the door hard from behind, shattering as it hit...

Davin came out the next evening, acting very timid, and sat meekly at the dinner table with his head hung down. "I'm sorry," he said quietly to them all, still looking downward.

"It's alright, Son," Ardenus said, smiling gently at his pregnant offspring.

"I'm sorry."

"Davin, it's alright. No one got hurt, and we know you didn't mean anything you said. It was just the testosterone talking, so don't worry about it, OK?"

"I'm sorry."

Davin spent the next day and a half apologizing so often, that the rest of the family rapidly grew tired of hearing him say those same two words again and again. Liberal use of duct tape was considered, and finally offered up as a threat if he didn't let the matter drop. Fortunately, that was enough to make him do so...

Kavarin went into season three days later, and Kylenus was allowed to go second. He entered the breeding room, wearing a gas mask and carrying a second one, to see Markano fucking Kav roughly, grunting as his phallus pistoned within Kav's eater canal. Ky fitted the gas mask onto Mark's head just after he came, when his resistance was low, and the eldest brother came around slowly, moaning as his orgasm faded, and rational thought returned. Kav laid still, having passed out momentarily from exhaustion.

"Good," he said as his head cleared. "I don't think I could've lasted another round! Just let me catch my breath... What day is this again?"

"Friday. Looks like we're missing Services again," Ky said with a slight frown, looking out at the darkening sky beyond the window.

"Damn... Oh well, this is just as good, so no worries. Ready for your turn?"

"Yeah," Ky said, removing his mask and handing it to Mark. He breathed deeply a few times, sighed with deep lust as the pheromones overcame him, and he dove onto Kav, who was beginning to awaken.

"Have fun!" Mark said, patting Ky on the ass, who thrusted into his rousing brother with a growl of lust...

Kylenus was feeding the chickens when a loud bell attached to the house began to ring continuously. This bell was slightly different from the Heat bell, but it could only mean one thing... He tore off to the house, seeing Ardenus come running in from the field.

Mark was helping Kav in the east field, but Ky thought he saw them moving rapidly towards the house as well. As he was the closest, Ky made it into the house first, finding Davin in the kitchen, panting and grunting in pain.

"Davin! What is it?"

"Ky, help me get to the hatchery. Shit! I think he's about to come out!"

Kylenus ran forward, draped Davin's arm over his shoulder, and did his best to help the laboring sibling down the hallway. They reached the door to the storage room, which had been converted back into a hatchery, and they entered, where Ky gently sat his brother down on the mattress pads that covered the floor and lower walls, legs spayed due to his massive stomach.

"Davin! Ky?" Ardenus shouted from the living room.

"In here!" Ky shouted, bringing their father to the room.

"Davin? You alright, Son? Is it time?"

The second son nodded rapidly, sweating. "Yeah, it's time..."

"Ky," their father said, turning to him. "Go get a large cup of crushed ice. Kav," he added, as the third son appeared. "Go get some towels."

Mark appeared, entering and kneeling next to his brother. "It's OK, Davin. We're here for you. Don't worry, I helped Dad with you and Kav, so just try to relax as best as you can, OK?"

Ky crushed the ice and scooped it into a large tumbler glass, then returned. "Here," he said, handing the cup to Mark, who offered a handful to Davin...

The process was slow, as Davin's rear passage dilated as much as possible, his other muscles beginning to contract.

"Ok, Son, you're as ready as you're going to be," Ardenus said. "Remember, the egg comes out wide end first, so it'll hurt like the dickens. When you feel the urge to push, push as hard as you can. Don't worry, the egg can take the strain, so just concentrate on pushing."

Davin nodded. Almost fifteen minutes later, he groaned in agony.

"Now?" Ardenus said, sitting between his son's legs.

"Now!" Davin shouted, and yelled with pain and effort as he bore down, his face twisted and eyes closed.

Ky was behind his father, and saw a light grey wall appear from his brother's insides, which grew larger rapidly. Davin yelled as the egg was expelled, popping out quickly once the widest part of the egg moved past the anal muscles. It slid out wetly, covered in solem that smelled of muted pheromones, and Ardenus held it gently in his palms, smiling warmly down at it as he cleaned it with towels, before raising it up for the new father-to-be to see.

Panting from his ordeal, Davin reached forward, placing a palm tenderly onto the side of the egg, looking at it with wonder.

"Congratulations, Son," Ardenus said, beaming with happiness to his offspring. "You did it. The worst part is over now. All you need to do now is keep him warm and watch over him until he's ready to hatch. We'll leave you two alone for awhile. Just talk to him, Son, he he'll need to get to know the sound of your voice for when he cums out, OK?"

"Ok," Davin said, hugging the egg gently and stroking the smooth exterior of it. "When do we do the Rite?" he asked.

"We'll give you awhile to recover, then we'll perform the Rite, OK?"

They got up to leave, allowing the new father time alone with his unhatched son. "I'm proud of you, Son," Ardenus said, kissing Davin on the forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"Hey in there," Davin cooed, rubbing the egg tenderly. "I'm your Dad. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, Son... I can't wait to meet you. I wonder what you look like in there..."

Two nights later, the rest of the family gathered outside the hatchery, where Davin continued to spend time with his egg, talking almost non-stop to the child-to-be who slumbered within. His stomach had already shrunk back down to normal.

"So," Kylenus asked nervously, still not completely sure as to what to do. "What kind of rite is this?"

Ardenus smiled at him and Kavarin, who was almost as in the dark as his younger brother. "Well, this is an old tradition passed down among the Hirsune, and dates back to the founding days of our beliefs.

"Each of us will offer the blessings of Penis to the egg, willing a long and happy life to the unhatched child. It's a simple rite, but one that's considered very important for Hirsune families. This is the first step in bonding a new Hirsune into the family unit through our lusts. We'll each have a turn. All you need to do is anoint the egg with your semen and offer a personal blessing unto the child. The blessing should reflect what you, personally, will offer to that child. Not lust, but the qualities you feel will help your nephew to grow up strong, smart, healthy, and most importantly, happy. Just speak from the heart, and you'll do fine. Make sure you enter slowly, and concentrate on cumming quickly, then leaving carefully. That way you won't risk damaging the egg, OK?"

The youngest sons nodded their understanding.

"Davin will go first, as the father of the child," Ardenus added. "Followed by Markano as the Sire, then Me as the progenitor of the father, then each of you. We'll go with you each by age, OK?"

"Fine by me," Ky asked, feeling a bit nervous. "But what if I trip or something?"

"Just enter on your hands and knees, and kneel in front of the egg. Davin will help make sure you don't damage it. Stroke yourselves away from the egg, and then move your phallus to the egg and hold still when you orgasm." He turned to the doorway. "Ok, Son, we're ready when you are."

Davin nodded, and knelt, staring at the egg and concentrating as he masturbated. After a few minutes, he leaned forward over the egg, and climaxed, covering it in his spunk.

"Child to be," He gasped as he orgasmed. "I, your Father, Davin, offer you the blessings of Penis! Be anointed with the seed of he who bore you, and may Penis bless you with happiness and pleasure for all of your days. I will always be here for you my Son. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone else responded in unison.

Markano crawled into the room, smiling first at Davin, then at the egg. He knelt, and pleasured himself with long, firm strokes along the thirteen inch length of his manhood. After about a minute, he leaned forward, bathing the egg in his jizz. "Sireling to be, receive the blessings of Penis! I, Markano, your Sire, offer to be a guide and mentor to you in your life, and I shall always offer you aid when you need it. May the power of Penis bless you with strength and happiness for as long as you live! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" the rest of the family said in reply.

With that, Mark exited the room carefully, making way for his father. Ardenus entered the room slowly, kissing Davin's forehead, then the spew-covered top of the egg. He rose to his knees, licking the traces of his two eldest sons' cum from his mouth as he began to masturbate, staring at the unhatched Hirsune in deep concentration. His breathing became erratic, and he growled lustily as he came, adding to the coating of semen that soaked the outside of the egg. "Grandson to be! I, your Grandfather Ardenus, offer you the blessings of Penis, the Penis who brought forth your Father! I offer my experience and strength to aid you whenever you have need. May the blessings of Penis guide you throughout your life, in all your endeavors. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" they all said again.

He spent over a minute liberally coating the egg, before ending his orgasm and backing out slowly with a smile of pride for his son. Kav entered next, moving slowly and carefully. He smiled nervously at his older brother, the rose up. He gasped, as his left knee slid a bit, and Davin's hand shot forward like lightning to steady him. "Sorry," Kav said nervously, the look of panic slowly leaving his face.

"It's OK, Kav," Davin said with a smile. "You wouldn't've hurt him anyways, but better safe than sorry."

"Yeah," the third son said with a deep sense of relief, then making sure he wouldn't slip again before he began to fondle his shaft, bringing it back up to erection after it faded some from fear. He looked hard at the egg, as though trying very hard to see what the Hirsune hatchling looked like through the wall of the egg-shell. He began to groan, and moved closer, Davin supporting him just in case. Kav sighed in satisfaction as sperm gushed forth from Penis, splatting onto the shell. "Nephew to be, I, your Uncle Kavarin, offer you the blessings of Penis, channeled through my body! I offer you my protection, and my expressiveness, that you may grow up happy and safe! May the blessings of Penis be with you forever! Hail Penis!"

Again the response came from the family.

"Your turn now, Kylenus," his father said as Kav backed out of the hatchery with a painful amount of caution.

Getting down on his hands and knees, Ky entered slowly, seeing the low-level light of the room shining on the damp egg. He knelt before it, smiling at Davin. "Thanks for letting me be a part of this," he said to his brother.

"You're family Ky, always!" Davin said, looking deep into his eyes. "It doesn't matter to me you came from a human instead of an egg. You'll always be my brother, and I couldn't bear to do this without you being included." He patted the side of the egg gently. "This is your nephew, and you, his uncle. Don't ever doubt how much a part of this family you are. Now cum on, Ky. Let the power of Penis flow though you, and bless my Son."

Ky smiled warmly at him, then began to stroke his length, willing Penis to possess him and use his body for pleasure and as a vessel for His blessings. As he masturbated, looking deep into the center of the egg, he pictured The Flow pouring into him through his anus, and building within his phallus. He knelt there, wondering what his nephew to cum would be like. Which would he look like, Father, Sire, or a mixture of the two? Would he be smart, yet calm, nurturing and strong at the same time? Ky was certain that mating with him would be a soothing experience, if his parentage was any indication. Ky was looking forward to getting to know his nephew, and wanted to offer everything he could to make the boy's life a happy and prosperous one.

But what could he offer? After a few moments of deep thought, he knew. As if Penis was waiting for him to reach this understanding, he felt his orgasm approach quickly. He pointed his phallus, and let the power of Penis flow through his body, washing the egg in his cream "Nephew to be!" he cried out. "I, your Uncle Kylenus, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my wisdom and wit, that they may guide you through your days and nights. May all these qualities of mine be ever yours to call upon. The power of Penis flows through me, as it does you and all Hirsune. Be anointed in His liquid blessings and power! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded again in unison.

He came freely for a minute or so, before allowing his orgasm to draw to a close. He smiled down at the glistening egg, then at Davin, and slowly backed out on all fours. He then rose to stand with his kin.

Davin wiped the egg with his hands, smearing and mixing the seed of the family members together so as to completely cover the shell, speaking as he rubbed it: "Hirsune to be! You have received the blessings of Penis, given freely and lovingly by all your kith and kin! May Penis bless you with a long and joyful life, full happiness and pleasure, guidance and aid, experience and strength, protection and expressiveness, wisdom and wit! May all these things and many more be yours for all of your life! Be bonded into this family, through love and lust, and always know that you are both wanted and loved! We will always be here for you, as Father, as Sire, as Grandfather, and as Uncles. May Penis be within you always! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone said, smiling.

Ky began to sniffle, wiping at his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Kav asked, wondering why Ky was misting up.

"It's just..." He said, smiling around them all, then at the egg. "This is the way I always felt families should be... It's... It's the way my human family should've been. Children should always cum into families that want them."

"Screw them, Ky," Mark said, smiling at him. "-We're- your family, and that's all that matters as far as that's concerned right?"

"Yeah," he said, looking at the egg. "And the family just got bigger."

"Well," Ardenus said, "Let's wait until he hatches to before we celebrate in ernest. Cum on guys, let's leave the two of them alone for now," Ardenus finished, ushering the others away so that Davin could be alone with his egg...

"Hey there!" Kylenus called out as he let himself into his Sire's house.

"Hey," he cousin Salaus answered from the couch, waving with his free had, the other wrapped around his erection.

"Oh brother! Are you getting off to Kevin Sorbo again?" Ky asked, seeing an episode of Hercules, the Legendary Adventures playing on the TV. Kevin, as Hercules, was pouring a bucket of water over his bare chest in slow motion.

"Why not?" his cousin asked defensively. "He's really sexy. Bald, but sexy!"

"He's not bald, look at all that long hair of his!"

"Yeah, but it's only on his head!" Salaus said, grabbing his stomach fur with his free hand. "Now stop breaking my concentration!" He turned back to the TV, stroking himself.

"Only if I can join you," Ky said, dropping his overnight bag, and beginning to strip.

Once nude, he sat down on the right side of the dark blonde-furred Hirsune, and began to pleasure himself to the scene as it suddenly skipped back to the beginning. Salaus, or Sal, as he liked to be called, had set the DVD to loop the scene over and over.

They sighed in pleasure, watching the scene again, stroking themselves. After a few minutes of occasionally glancing at his cousin, Sal reached over with his right hand, the left still on his phallus, and began to stroke Ky's fur-covered testicles sensually. Ky reached over with his left hand, returning the favor as he masturbated with his right.

The fondled themselves, and each other, as Roderal entered the room smiling. "Thought I heard you cum in," he said to his Sireling. "Mind if I join you guys?"

"Sure, Dad."

"Fine by me," Ky said. "Pop on a squatty."

"Huh?" Rod said, looking at his sireling in confusion. Sal stopped masturbating and looked at him in a 'what the fuck?' expression.

Ky patted the couch cushion beside him rapidly, indicating it's emptiness to his Sire. Shaking his head, Rod moved over and plopped down beside Ky. "You're really weird sometimes, Kid!" He sat down with a sigh. " I wish I'd known in advance," Rod said, sighing again as he finally saw what was on the screen, "that this would be the only disk out of the entire collection you'd be watching. I could've saved a lot on your Hatching Day gift by only buying the single season!"

"Oh, cum on, Dad! Just enjoy the show!" Sal said, as he resumed his stroking.

Rod shook his head goodnaturedly, and began stroking himself stiff, placing his free had on Ky's knee.

The three Hirsune pleasured their boners, watching the water cascade down the actor's pecs again.

"He does have a good body for a human," Rod said appreciatively.

"Umm, hmm," Ky answered. He moaned as Rod's hand came up, and the older Hirsune began to flick his sireling's right nipple lightly with his thumb.

Rod then leaned forward and down, taking the head of Ky's penis into his mouth. Ky let go, allowing his Sire's mouth to do the work for him as he stroked the blonde fur of Rod's back.

It wasn't long before Ky came, filling his Sire's mouth with his spew, convulsing in time with his boner's throbs of release. He heard Sal's moans of lust, and looked over in time to see his cousin release his load onto his furry torso. Ky smiled and leaned over, licking the spent cum out of Sal's fur as his own orgasm dwindled. He both heard and felt Rod's grunt of completion as his own member discharged copious amounts of sperm into himself and Ky.

After his climax faded, Rod rose up to a sitting position, and massaged his cum into their fur with his hands. "Glad you came, Ky... Oh, and glad you're visiting, too."

They all laughed...

It was three weeks since Davin's egg came forth, and the father-to-be was with Ky in the kitchen. Markano was watching over the egg, allowing his sireling's parent a chance to get out of the hatchery and stretch his legs. He was frowning, watching as his youngest brother was all but screaming into the phone.

"No, Murray!" the youngest of the siblings said, nearly shouting into the phone in his hand. "Because Davin's egg's about to hatch, and I'm going to be here to greet my new nephew! ...I Don't know, a few days, I guess! It's the last week before the hatching! ...No I can't cum next week, I still need time to meet him officially and get to know him! ...Yes, I know 'The View' wants me on, but if you tell them why I'm delaying them, they'll understand! ...Family is -not- bullshit, Murray! Just because you grew up in an orphanage doesn't mean everyone else has to go it alone! ...I'm staying here TWO! MORE! WEEKS! PERIOD!!!"

With that, Kylenus slammed the phone onto the hook so hard David was surprised that it didn't break. He watched his sibling fuming for a few moments, before Ky snatched the phone back up, and began to slam it down fiercely again and again with rage.

"Hey! Hey!" Davin said, rushing forward in alarm and taking the phone from the fuming brother's hand and setting it back down gently. "You're going to break it!"

"That's not the only thing I'll break!" Ky snarled as his aggression overrode his sense. Davin knew Ky was thinking of Murray - probably his face, to be specific. Davin didn't pity the human in the least, he still had a personal grudge against the agent for the way he treated Ky.

"Will who ever's doing that knock it off!" Mark said, poking his head out into the hallway. "You're gonna make my sireling shit in his shell!"

"Sorry!" Ky called out to him, looking embarrassed.

"Ky!" Davin exclaimed. "Why in the name of Penis do you put up with that guy? He treats you like a show piece without any concern for your thoughts or feelings. Why not just fire him and find someone better?"

"Because he works cheap, and every cent I don't have to pay him is another I can put into savings. He's a pain, but it's worth it."

"Why? What are you saving up all that money for, anyways? What could possibly be worth putting up with that greasy shit-smear?"

Ky turned to him, as his anger ebbed, and he looked like he wanted to talk, but stopped himself. "It's ... A project of mine."

"Oh ho! What kind of project? Cum on, tell me."

Ky hedged. "No... Not now."

Davin sighed with annoyance. "I promise not to tell anyone, if it's such a big secret! Cum on already, spill it!"

"I just... This is -your- time, Davin. I don't want to steal your thunder, is all."

"Ahh! You're the sweetest, Ky. But I'm not letting you off the hook! Tell me!"

"I want to tell everyone at once, but seeing as how you'll be a dad any time now..."

"Oh for Cuming's sake, Kylenus! By the time my boy goes to hatch, everyone will've forgotten whatever you want to say anyways, so just spill it!"

"Gee, thanks!" Ky said, glaring at his second eldest brother.

"I don't mean it like that! Ky... You put up with way more than I think is healthy for you, is all. I'm really worried for you. I want to understand why you're subjecting yourself to all of this. What could possibly be worth it?"

Ky sighed explosively. "You really aren't gonna drop it, are you?"

"Not on your egg-shell!"

"I never had one!"

"You know what I mean," Davin said, rolling his eyes.

"All right, but I want everyone to hear, so I'll wait until dinner."


"The only but around here should be yours moving away from me as you get back to your egg. Live with the suspense! They say it's good for the heart!"

"No it isn't! Who says that anyways?"

Ky shrugged. "Just some people I made up to get you out of my fur."

Shaking his head in disgust, Davin left the kitchen...

Dinner was almost finished when Davin cleared his throat. "Well everyone, I believe someone has an announcement to make, don't you Ky?"

Ky glared at him, the right side of his face twitching. He put down his fork, swallowed some tea, and cleared his throat. "I'm sure many of you wonder why I put up with Murray all the time... It's because he works fairly cheap, leaving me with a lot of money to stock away.That's the only reason I put up with him."

"Son," Ardenus said, looking at his youngest with concern. "If money's an issue, I'm sure we can work something out. You shouldn't have to torture yourself needlessly if you don't have to."

"No, it's not money concerns, if that's what you're thinking. It's just that I want to save as much as I can... For the future."

"Well, we are long-lived," Mark said.

"Yeah," Kav added. "But that's a long way off Ky. You're only seven years old!"

"No, it's not like that! It's not my future I'm concerned about... It's my Son's."

Everyone stared at him, and he blushed with embarrassment.

Ardenus leaned forward, "Ky?"

"After Davin made his announcement last year, I began to think about it, and I realized that I want to be a Dad myself. Not now, mind you, but someday. Maybe about a decade or so down the line, once I've gotten my head and heart together, and have a decent understanding of what it is to be Hirsune. I want to raise him right, you know? And part of that is making sure I have enough to make sure I'm not scrounging around to make ends meet. I don't want to just rely on what we take in from the crops, I want to have a nest egg for my egg, make sure he's never wanting for anything. Maybe he'll want to go to college or something, who knows? But I want to be ready in advance for when it happens.

"I was -going- to wait a few more months before saying anything," he added, glaring mildly at Davin, "But some people couldn't wait that long! Someday, I want to be a dad too. But I didn't want to distract for Davin's fatherhood. That's why I was holding off on saying anything, is all."

"Wow! Two second gen dads in the same family!" Kav said. "Any idea who'll be the sire yet?"

"Well... I was thinking... I'd do it myself, like Dad did with you Kav. I'll have future ones, if I still want more, by others. But I want the first to be wholly my own. One reason I never even donated sperm as a human was because I'd have to have shared the kid with someone else. This way, my Son will be mine and mine alone." He sat up straighter. "So enjoy the next several seasons, because once I go to have him, I guess I'll be riding solo."

"Well, Son," Ardenus said, smiling. "We'll all be here for you, and you won't have to raise him alone, or worry about his needs. We'll all pitch in to help."

Everyone murmured their agreement.

"Thanks, everyone, but let's get Davin's boy out into the world before we worry about any relatives for him... Hey," he asked suddenly, realizing something. "What relation would my boy be to Davin's? Brother? Cousin? Murderer?"

"Half-brother, is the generally used official term," Ardenus said, with a half-annoyed smile. "But 'Brother' is the general usage."

"Ok, good to know," Ky answered.

Everyone returned to their meal, their various thoughts on the next generation of Hirsune to cum...

Ky jolted awake as someone pounded on the floor beneath him. His bedroom was positioned above the hatchery, and the frantic sounds from below made him panic. He dashed from the room out to the hallway, and pounded on his brother's doors. "Wake up, guys, something's happening!"

He heard stumbling from Markano's room, and the door flew open a moment later. "What?" he said, looking alarmed.

"I don't know! Davin's pounding on the ceiling!"

Kavarin's door opened quickly, the third son trying to untangle his leg from his bedsheet. "Wha-?" he started to say, before their father's voice came up from below, interrupting him.

"Boys! Get down here! It's happening!"

Kav tried to force his way onto the stairs first, blocking Mark, but Ky grabbed his arm roughly. "Sire, first!" Ky said with annoyance, letting the eldest brother go down the stairs before he released Kav's arm. Kav bolted ahead, quick on Mark's behind. Ky was deeply annoyed, but followed, grumbling about his sibling's rudeness.

"What's wrong with you?" he whispered as they reached the hatchery window.

"It's my first Hatching," Kav answered.

Ky sighed and let the matter drop as he looked in through the long window, which barely gave each of them a clear view. "How long ago did it start?"

"About twenty minutes ago," Ardenus answered in a low voice. "We wanted to make sure it was really the Hatching and not him just fussing around before we called you all down."

"How long does it take, Dad?" Kav asked.

"Sometimes it can be a few hours or so, once a hatchling is ready to start seriously trying. He only started to seriously try to get out about a minute ago now."

Mark gasped as the egg rocked, then sat still a moment. Suddenly, it almost jumped, as the child inside struck the side hard.

"Whoa!" the granddad to be said with a chuckle. "Someone's a strong one!"

Davin guarded the egg, trying to keep it from moving around too much. He began to hold it firmly.

"Son, don't hold it too tight! You don't want to risk-"

"Ah!" Davin exclaimed, yanking his hands away as a crack formed.

"You OK, Son?"

"Yeah, just scared me more than anything. For a moment I thought I'd gotten cut!"

"That's why you keep your hands clear, Davin. Just stay close without touching the egg, OK?"

A large split appeared a few minutes later, then a violent motion broke a portion loose. A tiny voice could be heard inside, coughing as the liquid of the egg oozed out of the hole.

"Dad?" Davin asked nervously.

"Hold on..." Ardenus said, listening carefully as the coughing died out. "It's OK Son, he's just clearing his lungs, is all. He's fine."

Davin sighed in relief.

After a few minutes, the hatchling worked his way out, and laid gasping for breath for a few moments, recovering from the ordeal of escaping the egg. Ky noticed that there was a thick scent in the air. It smelled vaguely like a cross between a boiled egg and some type of red meat. The smell was interesting, rather than offensive, and he noted it mildly as he watched his new nephew uncurl and begin to move slowly, whimpering and snuffling around like an animal, blinking his small eyes.

"He's hungry, Son. Squirt out a little milk for him. Let him find it on his own, though."

Davin did so, and the small boy lifted his head, sniffing the air and whimpering urgently. He whined, almost crying in fustration as he snuffled around, unable to find the source of the delicious smell.

"Kinda stupid, isn't he?" Kav asked, then exclaimed in surprise as Mark smacked the back of his head hard.

"Don't call my Sireling stupid, dumbass!"

"Quiet!" Ardenus snarled in a low growl, looking furiously at them both. He turned back to the window, huffing in annoyance. He closed his eyes, calming himself back down before returning his attention to Davin and his grandson.

"Squirt some onto your finger, Davin, and use that to lead him to you."

Davin did so, putting his wet finger near his boy, who went wild as he tried desperately to get to the finger. Davin pulled it back as he laid on his side, guiding his new offspring to his nipple, then he squeezed it to leak out a small amount.

The boy latched onto the nipple, sucking furiously.

"Who-ha-ho!" Davin stammered as he was fed from. "Someone's pretty hungry!"

Markano chuckled, looking at the life he had helped to create. "Look at him go!"

"How long until we can meet him, Dad?" Kav asked.

"We'll let them have about two days to cement the emotional bond between them, then we'll introduce our clothing to him... let him get to know us by smell first. Then we'll each meet him one by one, starting with Markano. Davin? Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Well, I was thinking of Avaran for his name."

"That's a good name, Son... I'm so proud of you," Ardenus finished, as a silent tear made it's way down his cheek...

Kylenus entered the hatchery slowly on hands and knees, as Avaran stared at him, sniffing the air. Ky held forth his hand, letting his nephew memorize his scent before gently reaching forward and petting the side of the boy's head.

Avaran reacted poorly to this, smacking at the hand, and making Ky yelp with surprise at the stinging sensation on his forearm.

"He scratched me!" Ky exclaimed, looking at his arm and seeing that the fur had blocked any serious damage. He rubbed the area which stung slightly.

"Sorry, I forgot... You don't know about egg-teeth."


"Oh! Here, I'll show you. Avaran? Son? Come here a moment..." The new father called to his son.

The boy couldn't have cared less, though, as he started digging into the mattress-like padding of the hatchery floor, trying to see what was underneath, and completely ignoring his parent.

Davin sighed, and moved forward to pick up the boy, who began to squirm and whine. "Avaran! I just want to show him something, is all."

The boy squirmed in his father's arms, trying to get loose. "He's so damned hyper," Davin said, sighing and lifting his son's left hand.

Ky saw a tiny bone-like spike protruding from the hatchling's middle fingertip. It was only a few centimeters long, but was rather pointy. "He has one on the other hand, too. We loose them about a week or so after hatching. We use them to break our way out of the egg, then they fall off. See?" he said, holding up his hand to show Ky a dimple-like scar on the end of his middle finger.

Ky had noticed it before, but had never thought to ask. He looked down at his own finger, but was disappointed to see that he, himself, lacked a similar marking. "I don't have them."

"Maybe it's because you never came from an egg, so you never needed them. It's OK, Ky."

Feeling a bit crestfallen, Ky turned his attention back to To his nephew, who had broken free, and crawled over to him. "Hey Kid, I'm your Uncle Kylenus, but you can just call me Uncle Ky."

Avaran looked up at him, then moved closer, beginning to explore his Uncle's body with curiosity.

"Is there another Rite? Do we do anything now that he's hatched?"

Davin shook his head. "The next step for him on the path to Penis won't be until he hits puberty, and begins to express an interest in learning about mating. We won't hide sex from him, because it's important he know something about it, but he won't be actively involved in any mating until he's ready to ask for it himself. Then I'll begin to teach him and prepare him for the Great Rite."

A small vocalization, as if in query, made Ky look down at the boy curiously.

Avaran stared up at him, looking up to Ky's face, studying it, then he smiled, and Ky smiled back warmly...

Kylenus felt restless. IT was a year after Avaran had hatched. Ky'd already eaten and mated with Kavarin, who had accompanied him on this latest trip to Los Angeles, California for yet another TV show appearance. Kav was flicking through channels on the hotel room's TV as Ky stared out the window at the hot summer evening.

"Ug! I'm all antsy! Let's go out for a walk, or something," he said to his brother.

"Nah, too hot outside..." His sibling groaned listlessly. "I wanna take a nap." Kav clicked off the TV, and stretched out on the queen-sized bed.

"Ok, I'm going for a stroll then. I'll be back in awhile."

"Don't stay out too long. We have an early flight home in the morning."

"Alright, be back soon," Ky said, slipping on a pair of shorts and sandals before he left.

Many males were barechested this time of year in L.A., so the hermaphrodite, who outwardly resembled a human male, felt no shame in going out in such skimpy attire. Truth be told, he'd be walking around nude at home, even when out in town, as Hirsune had no objections to public nudity. Humans were different, however, and Ky reluctantly wore clothes so as to avoid being arrested for indecent exposure. He shook his head sadly at human hang-ups, as he reached the sidewalk, and began to walk along, taking in the world around him.

The dazzling lights of the city greeted him, and everyone looked at his furry humanoid body with various levels of interest as he walked along. A very hairy pair of men passed by him, cruising him openly, and he smiled back at them with interest as he continued onwards.

He was about two blocks from the hotel, when a man and woman approached him as they walked in the opposite direction. He stopped and stared at them in shock.

Seeing him staring at them, the older couple stopped as well, their faces screwed up in looks of open disgust. He stood there, staring at them, unable to think for several moments, then he took in their looks of utter revulsion. He suddenly realized that they had no clue as to who he was. To them, he was a Hirsune, and they clearly didn't approve of his kind.

*But, how can they not-* he thought in shock, seeing not even the slightest shred of recognition in their eyes, just blatant bigotry in their faces as they gazed at him, their mouths wrinkling in displeasure.

Suddenly, he both realized the answer to his half-formed question, and the fact that they hated him not for -who- he was, but for -what- he was, and he began to feel a deep hatred welling up within him. He adopted a look of complete disgust, and slowly began to edge around them carefully, showing that he found the idea of possibly touching them to be revolting.

They reacted with silent fury, outraged that he would feel that they, of all people, would be so repugnant. Ky felt a sadistic joy at the looks on their faces. He couldn't resist throwing out a barb as he passed them: "Fuckless bigoted humans! Absolutely disgusting!"

He stormed off, not giving them a chance to respond.

The rest of his walk was marred by his sudden black mood, one that persisted back to the hotel, where he would only say to Kav that it wasn't anything the sibling had said or done, and all the way back home...

Everyone was shocked at the sullen, brooding mood of Kylenus, who refused to say why he felt this way. He passed it off as jetlag, which Kav soon explained to them wasn't possible, as he'd been moody ever since he returned from his walk the last evening in L.A.

No one knew what to do, as even Ky's sex drive slowed down, suppressed by his seething emotions. He refused to talk to anyone, but volunteered to take up any task on the farm that would allow him to expend energy, such as chopping firewood, which he did so often, that he single-handedly exceeded their yearly requirements through next Springtime by a wide margin, hacking the wood apart viciously with the chopping axe.

Finally, several days later, Roderal came for a visit, and asked Ky to go fishing at the river with him. When Ky hedged, Ardenus made it an order, saying he wouldn't be let back into the house until evening, and that the fish would be for dinner. Sighing with annoyance, Kylenus relented.

He sat in a huff, almost impaling his thumb as he put the worm onto the hook, then flinging the line out violently into the water.

Rod watched him for awhile before speaking. "Everyone says you seem to be a bit pissed about something. Wanna talk about it?"

"No, not really," Ky said through tight lips.

"Ky, cum on. Please talk to me. I promised I'd always be here for you, no matter what. So cum on, what's bothering you?" the Sire said, sitting down near his Sireling.

"I'm fine! Why's everyone asking like I've done something wrong?" Ky all but snarled.

"Because something's clearly bothering you, and you won't let us help you with it." Rod answered smoothly.

"I don't want to talk about it, OK?" Ky said, feeling angry.

"Well... Maybe you should," Rod said, staying calm.

"Why? It won't change anything!" Ky said, jerking upward on the pole needlessly and with too much force, breaking the line. "Shit!" he swore, throwing the pole down fiercely.

"Start talking, Ky, before I sit on you and make you."

Ky knew Rod could do it, too. Roderal loved erotic wrestling, and Ky had never been able to beat him when his Sire put effort into winning. He let out his breath in an explosive hiss.

"I meet them... While I was out walking..."


"Them... My human parents."

Rod was shocked, but pressed onward. "What happened?"

"They just stood there, hating me for what I was."

"Did they say anything. Were they shocked at your transformation?"

"No, that's not it! They didn't recognize me at all! Maybe because I look so different now, but that wasn't the problem! They just hated me because I was different! Because I wasn't good enough for them! They treated me exactly the same as they always did, without even knowing it was me!!!"

"What did you do?"

"Gave 'em a taste of their own medicine! And you know what they did?" he asked with scorn, Rod shook his head. "They got pissed off that I was treating them the exact same way they were treating me! THOSE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!"

"Did you let them know it was you?" Rod asked.

"No! I didn't want them to even see what happened to their oh-so-unperfect-boy! I just insulted them and kept on walking!"

"And that's why you're angry, because they're so prejudiced?"

"No! It's not them I'm angry at! Not really..."

"Then who?"

"ME!!!" Ky shouted with fustration, leaping to his feet and pacing around in agitation. "Why in the holy name of fuck do I even care? WHY?!? They're gone from my life! They threw me out! I'm happier and better than I've ever been before, but I can't stop thinking about how much they hated me! And I can't figure out why it even matters at all!!!"

He dropped to his knees, punching the ground repeatedly with his fist, as his pain and aggression spiked higher. "WHY?!? WHY?!? WHY?!? WHY DOES IT MATTER?!? WHY CAN'T I JUST GET OVER IT?!?!?" His shoulders shook, as he began to shed angry tears into the grass. "Why...?" he sobbed, his fingers gouging the grass beneath his hands.

Rod set down his pole, and moved over to his Sireling. "Ky, can I share something with you? If I do, I want you to keep it to yourself. I don't even want you to say anything to Sal about this, OK? What I'm about to tell you is something I've never shared with anyone before."

Ky looked up at him, his tears halting. He nodded slowly.

"I miss my father... My human one." Roderal said, looking both sad and guilty. "I still feel sad that he's gone, but at the same time... I hate him. I still hate his memory, and there's times I wish I'd never even known him. When I came out to him, and the wall went up between us, I though he was the biggest hypocrite in the world! How could he be so openminded about the existence of non-human people, yet not accept his own son for being different? To this day, I hate him. I hate him because I love him, but his love for me was entirely conditional! He would only love me if I lived the way he wanted me to! I hate him because he didn't love me for who I was, but only for who he wanted me to be!

"I love my Hirsune father very deeply, and I wouldn't give him up for anything. Yet at the same time, my human father still matters to me, and I feel so sad about that. Sad... And guilty." Rod dropped his gaze to the grass, a pained expression on his face. "I should be grateful for what I have, but I still long for the love of my human parent. A love I never truly had.

He looked back up at his Sireling. "If you think, even for a moment, that still wanting the love of your human family is bad, then don't! I have it too! But Ky... That pain will always be there. I still have mine, and my human father has been dead and buried for over half a century, but it still matters to me. That kind of pain never leaves you completely. It'll always be there, like a scar. But you get used to it, like wearing a ring or glasses, or maybe even the loss of a limb, I suppose. It gets easier to live with, but it will always be a part of you..."

"Why won't it go away?" Ky asked sadly.

"Because it matters to you... And it always will. But look around you, Ky. Morn what you lost, but never ignore what you -do- have, OK? Don't focus so much on what you wish had been that you ignore what you've got right in front of you. You have us, and always will."

"I... I'll try. ...Sorry I've been acting like a jerk."

"That's OK," Rod said smiling. He walked over, knelt, and hugged Ky tightly for several minutes, then got up.

Ky stood, and walked forward to the edge of the river, staring down into it's depths. He sighed. "Looks like I scared away all the fish, huh?"

"Oh well," Rod said with a shrug. "They say that fishing's more about the experience than the results."

"Isn't that just something some lousy fisherman came up with to make himself feel better because he couldn't ever catch anything?"

"Probably," Rod said, chuckling. "Feeling a bit better?"

"Yeah... And thanks, Rod."

"Any time... Cum on, let's head back."

"Alright," Ky said, picking up his gear. "Dad'll be pissed we didn't catch any fish, though."

"Not really, Davin told me he was making chicken tonight."

Ky growled. "I'm gonna kill that jerk old man of mine."

Roderal chuckled as they walked away from the flowing river...

"Uh yeah, Do it! Pound my fucking ass!" Kavarin shouted, his voice muffled as it came up through the floorboards of Kylenus' bedroom. "Do it asshole! Rape the shit outta me!"

"Fuck you, you filthy little punk!" Ardenus responded in kind. "Take my huge dick up your smart-mouthed ass! Beg me for it, Fucker!"

Ky laid there, sighing. He was facing Roderal, who shared his bed tonight, and smiled awkwardly at his sire, who was wearing a look of shocked surprise as he was forced to listen to the diatribe of father and son rising up from below.

"Are they always like that?" Rod asked his sireling uncertainly.

"Not always, but yeah, they get like that a lot. It's like Dad's feralness mixes with Kav's competitiveness, and their matings become an insult contest. It's as if the shit their trying to screw out of each other comes out of their mouths. Trust me, this is actually a bit tame for them!"

Screaming moans came from below, rising in urgency, as they built to a climax.

Suddenly, a small boy's voice shouted "Will you two put a lid on it??!? I'm tryin' ta sleep!" Followed by the sound of a door slamming hard nearby.

Ky and Rod couldn't help themselves. They burst out laughing at the boy's outburst, rolling around on Ky's bed as they let forth their mirth at the situation. Avaran was nearly sixteen months old now, basically like a four-year old human, and not a big fan of noisy matings.

Finally, a long, moaning scream of triumph rose from below, quickly followed by another, and then all went silent.

"'Bout damned time!" Avaran shouted through the wall.

That only added to the hilarity, causing Ky and Rod to laugh so hard they almost hurt themselves.

"Quit shouting, Av! Cum back to bed!" Davin said, with an annoyed quality to the tone of his voice as he ordered his son back to the bed they shared. As Av was still little, and there no free rooms left in the house to make into another bedroom, the boy slept with his father.

Finally, Ky and Rod got themselves under control.

"Poor, Av," Ky said, still smiling. "He's just not a fan of sex yet. Kinda makes it hard to have any fun around here."

"Ah, give him a break," Rod said. "He's too little to have any interest in that yet. Wait until he's five, and he'll get interested in it then. Once he hits puberty, he'll cum around to the right way of thinking. For now, just put up with his moodiness. You know," Rod said, tilting his head a bit as he looked at his sireling. "That's something you'll have to get used to, once you have a son of your own. Most Hirsune kids seem to think that sex is just a big waste of time. Then, when they reach puberty at age five, their whole way of thinking turns upside down, and they become raging sex fiends like the rest of us."

Ky did the math in his head. A five-year old Hirsune was basically the same as a fifteen or sixteen year old human, both in physical development and in mentality.

"So for the first several years, Hirsune mature rapidly, about three times as fast as a human, right?" Ky asked, and Rod nodded. "So when does it slow down. I mean if Hirsune live for almost four centuries, and Dad's over a century old already, why does he only look to be in his thirties?"

"Well," Rod answered. "The rapid maturity peeks at about age nine, then it crashes to almost nothing. Most Hirsune will look virtually the same until the last ten years of their lives, when the body begins to burn itself out. The last ten years of life involve a fast rate of aging, bringing on senior citizenship. Finally, one day or night, the body just quits, just like with human elderly folks. That's what happened to my grandfather. I just saw him get older and older every day. Then he went to bed, and we found him there the next morning... He looked so peaceful, like he didn't have a care in the world. He wasn't afraid, or sad. He was just ready, I guess."

"Not too bad a way to go, I guess... So, I'm eight now, that means that next year I'll finish maturing?"

"Yep, but then you'll be virtually locked into that state for many decades to cum, so no worries."

"Sounds like a sweet deal to me. Good thing we don't let the humans know about Gifting, or everyone will want it!"

"Well, only men could be turned. Female anatomy is far too different. Plus, the high amounts of estrogen in the female body counteract Hirsune DNA. There've been a few who tried to experiment with interbreeding with women in the past, but the eggs of human women can't bond with Hirsune semen, and they can't be transformed, either. Only men can becum Hirsune, and only Hirsune eggs are compatible with Hirsune sperm. That narrows the field by quite a lot. Gay men are the only ones who are psychologically able to adapt to sex with Hirsune and becuming Hirsune themselves, which narrows the field even further, and not many men want to becum like us, so changelings are very, very rare. From what we've heard from the other Hirsune settlements here in North America, you and I are the only two humans to becum Hirsune in more than a century and a half."

"Maybe that's for the best then." Ky answered thoughtfully.

They lapsed into silence for a few minutes, beginning to pet each other, stroking the other's furry bodies.

"So," Rod breathed. "You feeling back to normal. Is Penis within you again?"

"Hmm, I'd rather it be in you, actually," Ky said quietly, feeling his lust rising.


"Yeah..." Ky said huskily. "Cum on, Rod... Open up for me... I need to get inside your body."

Rod rolled onto his back, and Ky placed a pillow under his hips. He looked down as the moonlight from the open window curtains bathed his sire in silver light, and Ky shuddered as he saw his sire's anus dilate and begin to glisten with solem. He bent down, licking at the open orifice, teasing the walls of Rod's insides with his long tongue, Rod gasping at the prickling sensation in his tender flesh from Ky's beard.

Ky began to tongue-fuck the blonde Hirsune, his tongue thrusting rhythmically into the eager hole, and the smell of Rod's insides increasing Ky's lust. He could taste the solem there, it's musky flavor making his tongue tingle was it slowly absorbed the potent pheromones. He stopped, pulling out his tongue. "Give me some," he said, opening his mouth wide.

Knowing what the lad wanted, Rod bore down, and a lump of solem burst free from his insides, splatting into Ky's mouth. He moaned lustily with deep satisfaction, working the The pheromone-laden lubricant around in his mouth. "More!" he said parking his tongue at the entrance to his sire's canal, cheeks pressed into those golden furred buttocks, and Rod replied, gushing another burst of liquid ambrosia into his sireling's waiting mouth, covering the thrusting tongue in the potent secretion as it entered his mouth. Ky's hands grabbed Rod's thighs, and his fingers dug into the muscles as his lusts rose in strength.

Kylenus moaned lowly, as the drug-like effects of the solem kicked in, and he rose up to share the latest batch of the heady concoction with the one who had brewed it. Their mouths came together, sharing the erotic elixir between them.

Rod pulled his mouth away just long enough to make a request. "Let's mix them together." Moving his hand to Ky's ass, who complied, letting out a large handful for Rod. Ky poured liberally from his ass, giving Rod two handfuls, wanting to bring his sire down to the same level of lust he was in. Their mouths came together again after the second handful, and they watched as the euphoria ignited their passions in the other's eyes while they kissed.

Ky couldn't wait any longer. Penis screamed to be used, to burrow deep within the canal of the other Hirsune, and he gladly submitted to the demands of Him, impaling Penis deep into his sire's body until he felt his balls resting against that golden ass that swallowed Him.

"Feel Penis within you," he whispered, in religious-fueled passion. "Feel Him deep within, and yield to His power," Ky added, as he began to fuck Rod in long, deep strokes. "Let Him use your body to fulfill His needs, and prepare yourself for His blessings."

Rod felt his sexual needs rise, and joined into the act of worship eagerly. "I welcum you, Penis," he whispered back. "I joyfully offer myself to You, to sate Your desires upon me... Within me. Fill me, Penis... Share Your Holy Power with me... Use me..."

Ky's mouth hung open, lost in the effects of the solem and his lust, letting his religious expression consume him. He moaned quietly at the intense sensations within and around his cock as he fucked Roderal, feeling his loose balls slap against Rod's ass repeatedly as he hit his stride. The warm tunnel that wrapped around Penis tugging gently at Him, adding to the erotic bliss Ky was experiencing.

Rod's hands rose up Ky's back, the fingernails raking his body upward, then back downward, making Ky shiver with pleasure. They stared deep into each other's eyes as they mated, letting the other see the pleasure therein. Their musk and sweat mixed in the air, tingling their noses and heightening their pleasure. Their lips came together, and they explored each other's mouths passionately as they fucked, sweat slickening their bodies and making their fur glisten in the moonlight.

Ky fucked Rod for a long time, minutes sailing by, and they lost track of time. They fucked almost silently, letting their grunts and moans be all the commentary required as the angle of the moonlight changed gradually.

Ky testicles began to burn as they tightened, and he moaned intensely as he began to near his orgasm, Penis twitching and spewing precum up Rod's egg canal as they fucked.

Ky began to gasp, his balls and dick feeling somewhat painful, but the lust within him drove him onward without heed. Suddenly, he began to shiver uncontrollably. Slightly at first, then building in intensity. He began to pant rapidly, then to gasp, almost hyperventilating. He didn't understand what was happening to him, but his lust negated any fear or concern. He gritted his teeth, as the power of Penis grew stronger and stronger, like a volcano building towards an explosive eruption. He moaned at the tugging feelings on his shaft as it slid in and out wetly inside of Rod's canal, the head tingling wonderfully.

Rod came out of his blissful revere of being fucked as he noticed something was different. Suddenly, as he saw the feverish look of deepest need on Kylenus' face, he looked up at the young Hirsune in shock. "Ky! How long has it been since you last came?" he asked, realizing what was happening.

"Huh, huh, huh! Huh! I... Huh! I dun-know... Huh! Huh! Oh fuckkkk!" he groaned, half-whispering as he spoke with extreme effort.

"Yeah, Ky! Do it!" Rod said, keeping his excited voice low only with sheer willpower. "Spurt the blessings of Penis deep inside me! Fill me with His essence, and feel His full power consume you! Let your onam engulf you in His power, and fill me up!"

"O- ...Ona-ahhhhhh!" He growled, burying his face in Rod's furry chest to muffle his cries of release, and his entire body spasmed violently, Rod holding Ky's face to his chest as he thrashed around wildly. The intensity of the onam orgasm, fueled by several days without sexual release, burned it's way through the younger Hirsune's brown-furred body like a firestorm, reducing him to a near epileptic state, his mind lost in cock-trance as he poured massive amounts of cum into his sire, his feet scrapping on the sheets as he tried to dig them into the mattress.

Rod lost it, and sprayed his jism up between their torsos, soaking the underside of Ky's head, moaning through gritted teeth as he surrendered to the intense need for completion that Ky's onam triggered within him.

For well over an hour Kylenus came, his thrashing - erratic and uncontrollable, slowly dying away. The orgasm lasted for nearly seventy five minutes before it smoldered down into embers, and Ky slowly regained control of his mind and body. He let out one final shuddering sigh of satisfaction as he passed out, his head covered in Rod's own spent cum where it laid upon his torso...

Ky awoke to sunlight trying to murder his eyes through impalement. He groaned in agony, trying to move his head, and finding he couldn't as it was stuck to something. He realized that something was Rod's torso. He tried to put free, and stopped at the severe pain that lanced through the side of his head, feeling like his beard was trying to tear itself off of his face.

"OW!" he heard, and hands grabbed his head. "Oh fuck!" Rod exclaimed in disbelief. "Wha- uh! Oh you gotta be kidding me!" he exclaimed in shocked disbelief as he realized what was wrong.

Ky tried to pull away, but grunted in pain and stopped. He began to half laugh, half cry as the full nature of their predicament sank in. "Oh shit! Don't tell me... are we-?"

"Yeah! It looks that way!" Rod said in shock, his voice trembling with emotion as he replied.

"Oh cum on!"

"No! No more! That's what got us into this mess!"

"He-el-el-elp!" Ky called out loud, half sobbing and half laughing at the ridiculousness of their situation. "Someone? Anyone! He-el-elp!"

"What's going on?" a boy's voice asked, entering the room.

"Av? Go get help!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Well," Rod said, his voice trembling with embarrassed amusement, "We're... kinda stuck together."

Avaran walked into the room until he was facing his uncle. "What? How?" He then saw the tried cum that had cemented the adults together, head to stomach, and his face screwed up in revulsion. "Ewwww! That's gross!"

"Don't just stand there puking on us!" Ky exclaimed in amused exasperation, "Go get us some help! Seriously!"

Letting out a groan of annoyance and disgust, the boy ran downstairs, shouting for help.

A few moments passed before Kavarin came running up the stairs. "What's going on in here! Av's got some stupid story that you're-..." He moved around to look at Ky's face. "You're..." He took in the full nature of the situation and burst out laughing, covering his mouth with his hands. "Are you serious?!? You're literally glued together with cum?!?"

"What's it look like?" Ky snapped, angry that his brother wasn't even trying to help. "Do something!"

"Like what?" he asked, snorting with mirth.

"Cum on! This isn't funny. At least not for us!"

"How...? Oh man, you're tight together. I don't think I can even get a knife in there to cut you guys apart!" Kav said, still smiling open-mouthed with glee. "I don't know what to do." He seemed beside himself with unbridled joy at their predicament.

"Then get someone who does!" Rod snapped, losing his patience.

"Alright! I'll go get Dad! Just wait here," he finished, giggling.

"Very funny! Just move your ass!" Ky snapped.

They had to wait nearly twenty minutes before Kav returned from the far end of the west field with their father.

Ardenus knelt there, looking baffled and amused. "How in the world did this happen!"

"Will everyone stop asking us stupid questions already!" Rod snarled. "Just do something! We can't stay like this forever!"

"Please, Dad!" Ky pleaded. "I love Rod, but absence makes the heart grow fonder... And all that. I don't wanna live like this!" he almost sobbed in exasperation at his plight.

Ardenus sighed, examining them closely. "Damn! There isn't even enough room to safely cut you two apart... Well, there's only one way then. We'll just have to soak you apart." He stood up, frowning. "Shame to ruin a perfectly good bed, though. Can you two move?"

"Not without nearly scalping each other." Rod sighed.

"Well then, we'll just have to move you as carefully as we can. Get you into the shower to soften up that cum enough to let you loose. We'll need help though. Kav, go ask a few of the hands to cum in and help us."

"Ok," Kav said, leaving the room with a smile.

"Oh great!" Ky groaned. "Now we'll never live this down!"

"How did this even happen!" Ardenus asked, baffled. "That's a lot of cum there!"

Rod sighed, and then explained.

"Well, Son. I'm glad you're back to normal, but next time, don't pass out on someone after having an onam, OK?"

Ky sighed angrily, and closed his eyes to throttle his temper down before he leaped up, regardless of the consequences, to throttle his dad.

They had to endure the laughter and teasing from everyone as the sheet was loosened from the bed, and gently lifted up as a makeshift stretcher to get them into the shower, where they were soaked in hot water until the dried cum softened enough for them to finally pull apart without loosing all of the hair on their face and torso.

"Sorry about this," Ky said, looking apologetic to his sire.

"Well," Rod said, looking awkward. "At least we gave everyone a good drinking story!"

Ky groaned in agony...

The early autumn of the next year brought a new round of tours, and Kylenus was not looking forward to this run. Davin was sick with a bad cold, and unable to travel. Worse still, Markano had taken a tumble in the fields and broke his leg in the process. With two sons down and the harvests cuming, Ardenus needed every hand he could get, so Kav needed to stay home to help gather the crops.

Murray, meanwhile, was scrambling to find gigs for Ky, and it was mostly talk radio and college lectures he was doing these days. Ky realized that his star was fading. The Hirsune were becuming old news now, and there wasn't the vast demand for his appearance on popular shows like there once was. That didn't distract the human agent, though. He feverishly worked to find any paying bookings he could get, determined to milk this cow for all it was worth.

Ky was sick of it all, and hated the whole business. He didn't want to go, but he needed every cent he could get to prepare for his future son. Also, he knew just how important it was to educate the world about the Hirsune, and he couldn't let his people down.

Kavarin was helping him load up the rental car he was using with the last of his luggage, Avaran helping as best as he could. Ky saw just how much Av had grown during the last time he was away, and felt a twinge of guilt, wondering just how much more the boy would have changed by the time he returned.

"Sorry I can't go with you," Kav said, looking somewhat sad as he closed the trunk.

"I know," Ky responded, "But I know how much the crops mean to our livelihood."

"I wish there was something I could do to make this tour easier on you," Kav added.

"Actually, there is," Ky said, and spun his brother around before yanking his pants down. "Open up," He commanded, as his phallus erected.

Kav smiled, and did as instructed, pushing his ass outward eagerly as Ky's dick sunk into him.

"Oh brother!" Avaran said, watching them go at it. "Not again!"

"Don't knock it, Av. Once you get old enough to feel the call of Penis, you'll understand," Ky breathed as he began to fuck his brother over the trunk of the car. "I know you think we're being silly, but the call of lust feels -so- fucking good! ...One day, you'll understand."

"Yeah, Av," Kav said, moaning as he was fucked. "This feels incredible! I can't wait for you to hit puberty... Then I can show you just how good this is!"

"Whatever," Av said, shaking his head as he watched his uncles mate in front of him without the slightest trace of shame. "But that's all you guys ever do. You just fuck each other all the time!"

Ky shuddered, and groaned in pleasure as he came, filling Kav's egg canal with spunk. "Trust me, Av," he said as he came down from his orgasm, "One day you'll be begging for this." He pulled out, turning to face his nephew. "But until then, don't worry about it so much, OK?" He went to tuck himself into his pants.

"You're not gonna clean up first?" Av asked, wrinkling his face in disgust at the spent cum and solem covering his uncle's shaft.

"Well," Ky said, turning to Kav. "He has a point. Get down there and clean me up," he said, shoving Kav down to his knees.

Kav grunted in exasperation as he got down, and began to lick Ky's dick clean. Once he was finished, he stood up, looking at his nephew. "There. Better?"

"Whatever," Av said, rolling his eyes, making Ky chuckle as he buttoned up his pants...

It was late winter, and Ky said goodbye to the sociology class at Georgia State University before leaving the lecture hall. He made his way out the back, and ducked into a bathroom without being seen. He was tired, and wanted a moment to himself.

He went to the sink, rinsed his eyes in cool water from the tap, and caught his reflection in the mirror. He was shocked to see how haggard he looked. There were deep bags under his eyes, and his mouth sat expressionlessly on his face. He was thin, and there was a dull, listless look in his eyes.

He knew why he looked like this, it was several things that worked to make him feel so miserable.

First, and foremost, he missed his family deeply. For the first time, he was traveling alone, and didn't have anyone to distract him from his thoughts. There was no one to sate his lusts with, and while he masturbated several times a day, it just wasn't as fulfilling as sex with other Hirsune. He felt very lonely, traveling by himself, as Murray always made his own travel arrangements, so he didn't even have the human for company. Not for sex, of course, but just to even have someone that he knew to talk to.

Second, he felt guilty in regards to his nephew. He remembered the promise he had made when he bestowed the blessings of Penis upon the egg that Avaran had lain within. He had promised to be there for the boy, but he was hardly ever around. So much of the boy's childhood had slipped by, and he was scared of how much more he was missing.

What Kylenus wanted more than anything, was to simply go home. He missed his family so much it hurt inside. He was a farmer's son who hadn't ever even finished a single full year's worth of crops. The family never complained, and said they understood why Ky had to do this. He was the national representative for the Hirsune, and an international figure for education and equality.

That brought him to the third and last of his troubles. He felt guilty for wanting to quit. He owed his people so much, and they needed representation. He felt inadequate to represent them, but they, obviously, felt otherwise. It was a great honor, and he was doing a lot of good for all Hirsune, but he still wanted out. Then there was his future son. Ky was doing all of this for his sake, more than anything. The guilt ate away at him, becuming more so over time, and now he hated himself for his selfishness.

He pushed it all down, deep inside of him. He had to keep going, for everyone's sake, no matter what his personal feelings may be. All that mattered was the future.

Making sure he looked fairly presentable, he adjusted his shirt, making sure it was laying right, and walked out of the rest room, then to the front doors of the building. As he exited, several of his supporters came forward, wanting to talk with him and shake his hand. He put up with it, plastering a hopefully sincere-looking smile on his face, greeting them with a warmth he didn't feel inside. He didn't hate them or anything, he just felt so tired and miserable inside that at the moment, he'd rather be left alone.

As the humans gathered in close, he caught sight of an angry looking man near the back, but was distracted by another student who wanted to thank him for the lecture. He lost sight of the man for a moment, until the man moved in closer, looking as though he had something to say.

Ky sighed inwardly. *Great! Another bigot wanting to tell me how horrible I am. Might as well get it over with,* he thought to himself, turning for a moment to another supporter and thanking them for their encouragement. This wasn't the first time he'd had people spew hate speech at him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. He turned back to see the man standing right in front of him. He waited for the man to speak.

The human wasn't a great conversationalist. In fact he only said four words. "DIE YOU FUCKING FREAK!!!"

Ky barely had time to register the fact that the man was aiming a gun at him. He never heard the shot, or saw the flash. All he experienced was a sudden impact, like a strong punch to his chest, which knocked him backwards off of his feet...

And then there was nothing...

Doctor Harian was alone at home, enjoying an early evening cup of hot chocolate and listening to instrumental piano music playing on his surround-sound stereo, when the phone rang. He turned down the volume of the music before he answered the phone.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Is this Dr. Harian?" a woman's voice replied.

"Yes, that's me. May I ask who's calling?"

"My name is Dr. Sandora, and I work at Emory State Hospital in Atlanta Georgia. I have a medical emergency. Kylenus is here and in serious condition. I need your help."

"What?!? What are his injuries?" the doctor said, recovering from his shock and going into professional mode.

"Broken ribs and possible internal damage, most likely to his right lung. Luckily he was wearing a bulletproof vest, but the gun was a strong one. The shock of the impact still did a lot of damage."

"What are his vitals?"

The human rattled off the stats to him. "Hmm," he said, frowning. "Temperature is not too far above normal, but the blood pressure is too high. I recommend a mild sedative in a low dose to help bring that down. It sounds like surgery will be required."

"I agree, and I'd like you to be here to assist during the operation."

"I want to be there, but that's a long way to travel, and I'm not sure I can be there in time to assist."

"What?" the woman asked to someone off the phone. "Just a moment," she told Harian. "Dr. Harian, the dean of the University has a private jet, and is offering to fly you out here. Is there an airport close to you?"

"Yes, Kalispell isn't too far away, they have one there."

The woman talked to the dean, then returned. "He says he can have you here within nine hours maximum. I think we can keep him stable long enough for you to arrive."

"I want to bring someone with me. His father has the same blood type, and if a transfusion is needed, he'd be the most appropriate person. He should be there, regardless."

"Alright, be at the airport in four hours..."

Ardenus stepped off the plane, Doc Harian close on his heels. There was a car waiting for them, and they sped off towards the hospital.

Thirty minutes later, he laid on the operating room gurney positioned next to his son. They had shaved Kylenus' chest so as to make room to operate. The lad's face was slack and exhausted looking as he laid there unconscious. Ardenus was shocked at the tired and drained look on his offspring's face, and noted the deep bags under his eyes. He looked terrible, and it seemed as though he'd been like this for some time.

*What's happened to my poor boy? What's been going on with him?*

"Ardenus?" a female nurse said, leaning over him. "I'll need to shave your arm some to hook up the transfusion."

"Screw it, it'll grow back. Just do what you need to..."

Hours later, Ardenus was wheeled into the same room where Kylenus would be brought later. He used the hospital phone to call home, letting the boys know what had happened so far. Then he waited.

Lilly arrived sometime later, much to his surprise.

"Markano told me where you were," she said as she sat down in the chair in the room.

"What're you doing here? It's good to see you, Lilly, but how did you know?"

"I was visiting an old friend down in Florida when I heard on the news about the attack on Kylenus. I called the farm, and your son told me what happened. I drove up here as fast as I could."

"Thanks for cuming. It's nice to have someone here I know."

"What're friends for?" she said, smiling kindly as she sat down to wait with him.

Awhile later they wheeled in Kylenus, who was still unconscious.

"How is he?" the father asked.

"We managed to fix the damage," Harian said. "Fortunately, the damage to the lung was minimal, and he should make a full recovery."

The father breathed a sigh of relief as Lilly relaxed...

Kylenus came to slowly, feeling terrible. There was something sticking up his nostrils, and a loud beeping sound. It was the sound that finally woke him. He moaned in pain.

"Kylenus?" a woman's voice said to him, one that was familiar.

He opened his eyes slowly, wincing as he looked up. Things slowly swam into focus, and he saw Lilly smiling down at him. "L-Lilly? What're you doing here?"

"Checking in on you, you gave us all a fright."

"Ky? You awake, Son?" Ardenus said from his other side.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"You don't remember?" Lilly asked. "What's the last thing you do remember?"

Ky thought back. "Well, I did a lecture at the University... Went to the bathroom... headed outside to leave, and there were a lot of people waiting for me. Somebody screamed at me, I think... Then I was here. What happened?"

"You were attacked, that's what happened!" Ardenus said with fierce emotion. "Some bigoted dickless human decided to use you for target practice! He shot you right in front of a crowd of students! It's all over the news!"

"If you hadn't been wearing that kevlar vest, we would've lost you," Lilly said.

"I... almost died?" Ky said, the color draining from his face.

"But you, didn't, Kylenus," Lilly said, patting his arm comfortingly.

Ky just sat there, looking shocked. He didn't know what to think or feel, except fear.

"Son?" Ardenus said, looking worried.

Ky was too shocked to respond.

They looked at him, worried at the expression on his face, when there was a knock at the door, and a police officer entered.

"Kylenus?" he asked, and Ky nodded. "We've arrested the man who attacked you. We need a statement from you, as well as whether or not you wish to press charges against him."

"Yeah," Ky said with difficulty. "I do..."

Dr. Sandora stormed into the hospital room to see for herself if the nurse's accusation was true, and entered to see Ardenus with his shirt off, rising up from Kylenus' face. She grew angry, now having seen for herself that it was true. The Hirsune were engaging in sex in the patient's room, violating several hospital rules in the process.

"What -are- you doing in here? This is a hospital, not Fire Island! You can't do something like that in here!" she said angrily, mad at them for their behavior.

"I'm just nursing my son is all!" Ardenus replied, shocked and injured at the human's behavior. "He needs nourishment, and my milk is the best source of that!"

They began to argue, Ky watching them go at it silently, looking as though he were developing a headache. It was in this state that Doc Harian found them all as he came down the hall from the bathroom, were he'd just finished sating his own needs within one of the stalls.

"Hey! Hey!" He shouted, getting their attention. "What is all this? Dr. Sandora, I'd have expected a bit more professionalism from you."

"ME?!?" The Hindi doctor said, looking affronted. "I'm not the one having sex with the patients! We do not put up with this kind of behavior in human society! This is totally unacceptable!"

"Har, I was only nursing the boy for Penis' sake!" the father defended himself, looking exasperated.

"It's alright, Arden, I'll handle this. Dr. Sandora, may I speak with you privately?" he asked the human.

"Fine," she said in a strained voice. "NO SEX!" she said to the parent, jabbing a finger at him to emphasize her point, before she led the way back to her office. They entered, and she plopped down heavily into her chair, gesturing impatiently to the empty seat on the opposite side of the desk.

Harian said down slowly, clearing his throat. "The reason why Ardenus was nursing Kylenus wasn't so much about sex, he was genuinely trying to help his son recover more quickly. For us, nursing is a very potent method of healing."

"But they're both adults! If it was a mother and her infant I could understand, but this?" She sighed heavily. "Look, I'm not a villain. My daughter is vegan, -militantly- vegan, so I'm used to extremes, especially working in the ER. But this is just too much to ask from me."

Harian smiled soothingly at the woman. "I can appreciate that this is difficult, but you must understand that our ways, even in medicine, are vastly different than human ways. For us, nursing another Hirsune back to health using our milk, regardless of the patient's age, is perfectly natural for us. Hirsune milk has healing and soothing enzymes that speed up the process of recovery. It's the most potent form of medicine we can produce most easily, and provides the patient with the proper nourishment at the same time.

"Nursing is also an important act of bonding between loved ones among our kind, and Kylenus needs that very much right now. Ky is still in a great deal of shock from his experience. I can see it in his eyes. He's aware that he nearly died. If he hadn't been protecting himself with that kelvar vest, we would've lost him."

"It's called Kevlar," she corrected him gently as she calmed down.

"Kevlar. ...If this was a human patient, I would gladly yield to your expertise, but Hirsune medicine is a good deal different from human. I'm asking you to please try to understand our ways, and in the meantime, I'll talk with them and make sure they don't take things too far."

Dr. Sandora sighed, rubbing her eyes with the fingers of one hand. "Just as long as they don't start pole dancing in there, ...I'll try to be more tolerant."

Harian chuckled. "I'll do my best..."

Awhile later, Kylenus was alone in his room. Ardenus and Lilly had gone off to eat, and Doc Harian was exchanging knowledge with the human doctors, leaving Ky time alone to think.

He still trembled as he thought about how he had almost died. He hadn't been this scared since the time Col. Alistare had hit him, and he shook with fear. *If I hadn't bought that vest...* he thought to himself.

He wanted out of here. He wanted to go home and hide in his closet for the rest of his life. He felt ashamed of himself at the same time, though, feeling less than manly for being so scared. He'd always been fairly masculine, even as a Hirsune, but at this moment, he was reduced to the level of a terrified child, and he didn't know what to think or feel except shame and fear.

He turned on the TV, trying to distract himself, but the CNN news feed came on, showing the latest news about the attack upon him. Someone in the crowd'd had a cell phone with a camera, and had recorded a video of the attack. He watched himself staring dumbly at his attacker, frozen with shock. "DIE YOU -bleep- FREAK!" the human shouted, pulling the trigger. Ky watched himself be thrown back by the force of the bullet, and people began to scream. Several people jumped the attacker, seizing his gun hand and dragging him to the ground. "PRESERVE AMERICA! PRESERVE HUMANITY! KILL THE MONSTERS!!!" the attacker screamed as the other humans pinned him to the ground. He saw the man snarling in rage at the camera, before the picture froze.

A news reporter came onscreen. "Kylenus is in recovery, having pulled through surgery to repair the damage the gunshot caused, and is pressing charges against William Sanderstand for assault and attempted murder. Sanderstand is being-"

Ky clicked off the TV, feeling sick inside. He'd always known there were people like this, but to have barely survived encounters with two of them now was earthshaking. He pulled in on himself mentally, wishing the entire world would just go away. He wasn't suicidal, and didn't want to die, but he couldn't deal with this anymore. He was tired, and all he wanted was to just go home. He was a farmer's son who had never even seen a single crop from start to finish, and he longed for that simple life now so much that he ached inside.

*I can't do this anymore...* he thought. *I just can't. I could've died. I barely know my own nephew, and what about having a son of my own? I just... I just can't do this anymore...*

There was a knock on the door, and he looked up to see Murray peeking around the door.

"Hey! You're up! Good to see you're OK!" the human said, entering the room.

Ky looked at him, seeing the relief on the agent's face. *Nice to see he does care after all,* Ky thought to himself.

"How you feeling?" Murray asked, entering the room.

"Like I was nearly murdered," Ky replied levelly.

"But you're OK, though. That's what matters. Good thinking with that vest, there! Hate to think what would've happened if you hadn't had it on."

"Well, I was always a bit worried about someone trying an assassination ploy on me, it's true."

The human looked taken aback. "Assassination? Isn't that a bit much? It was just one lone nut with a gun is all!" he answered, brushing the matter aside.

Ky got an odd feeling inside, but said nothing.

"So, how much longer you in here for? Gotta get you back on your feet ASAP."

"Why?" Ky asked, growing suspicious.

"Well we got more appearances for you. Got a schedule to keep, you know? Time waits for no man, er, person."

Ky stared at the human in shock, not believing his ears. "Murray! I almost died!"

"Well yeah," the human hedged, looking awkward. "But you're OK now, so the show goes on, you know?"

Ky saw his father enter the room slowly through the door, and he felt a surge of strength from knowing his father was here for him. Ardenus was looking at the human questioningly from behind as he entered.

"No, Murray, it doesn't... Not for me it doesn't."

"Kylenus?" the agent asked uncertainly, faltering, a look of worry on his face.

"Murray! I. Almost. Died! If I hadn't been wearing that vest, I -would- be dead right now! Doesn't that mean anything to you other than business? Is money the only damned thing you think about?!?"

"Hey!" Murray said, looking affronted. "That's a bit harsh! I came all this way to check up on you, and you're giving me accusations here!"

"Was it me you were worried about? Was it me, personally, that you were concerned for? Or were you just checking in on your investment?"

Ky saw a brief flash of guilt cross the human's face before he recovered. "Hey! I didn't have to fly all the way out here, you know, but I did. Stop treating me like a criminal here!"

Ardenus stayed back, letting Ky fight his own battle, and frowning at the human from behind.

Ky saw the human for what he was, and realized that he'd had enough. "Murray, all you care about is business, and I'm sick and tired of being treated like a prize show dog you can parade around and leech off of! You're a heartless, limp-dicked parasite! And you're fired!"

"What?" Murray said, taking a single step forward with anger. "You can't do that! We have a contract!"

"Yes, and I made sure to study that contract very carefully Murray. I found that there's no clause that says that I can't terminate said contract at any time I wish. So you're fired!" He winced with pain, and sat back in his bed. "Just get out!"

"Now you wait a damned minute! I didn't put up with this freak show just so you can insult me and brush me off like that-!" He said, moving forward until a hand came down on his shoulder. He spun around with shock to see Ardenus standing there, glaring at him threateningly. "Ardy! Didn't see you there."

"The name's Ardenus!" he snarled. "And if you even try anything to my son, I'll break every bone in your body! You heard him, Murray! Your -services- are no longer required, now get out!" He shouted, flinging the human from the room.

Murray stumbled out into the hallway, teetering on his feet. He recovered before he fell, adjusting his suit. "Alright! Alright, fine! I don't need to put up with some hairy hermo freakshow anyways!" He stormed off down the hallway, and out of their lives.

"Ky?" Ardenus said, moving to his son's side. "You alright?"

"Dad," Ky said, sighing. "I can't do this anymore..." His shoulders began to shake. "I just wanna cum home..."

Ardenus moved forward, taking his crying son into his arms, hugging him gently as his boy began to weep...

A reporter on CNN began his story: "In recent news, William Walter Sanderstand was found guilty today on all counts in the case of the attempted murder of Kylenus, spokesman for the Hirsune. Sanderstand was sentenced to thirty years in prison without the possibility of parole, on all charges, including attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, assault with a deadly weapon, reckless endangerment, and possession of a concealed firearm without a permit. The ACLU is declaring this a landmark victory, and a further step in the global recognition of Hirsune rights.

"In a related story, Kylenus has made a formal announcement today that he is retiring from his position as representative of the Hirsune. In a released statement, he said. quote: 'While the work I have done has been very important, it was also been very difficult for me. I have missed my family terribly, and I want to devote my time to being with them. I'm a farmer's son, and want to start acting like one. To all of my supporters and friends in the world, I thank you for helping me go as far as I have, and I am deeply grateful for your support. I hope you will understand and respect my wishes.'

"Balanaro, of Green Field, Kansas, has been nominated to replace Kylenus as speaker for the Hirsune, and has been quoted saying: "I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve my people, and look forward to enlightening the rest of the world about Hirsune culture.'

"In other news..."

Kylenus groaned in satisfaction, filling his nephew's ass with white cream, shuddering in bliss as he emptied his balls into Avaran's six-year old insides, still fucking that willing hole with long, firm strokes of his manhood. Av had reached puberty the year before,and was about to enter his month-long internship at the temple in town to undergo his own religious training.

"Gush! Gush! Gushin' Dong up yer hairy asshole! Fuck yeah!" Ky growled lustily as he came.

He pressed himself up behind the younger Hirsune, spooning him in the older Hirsune's bed from behind as his climax started to fade. He sighed into the fur on the back of the lad's neck, and reached forward and down, fondling his kin's erection, noting that it was only mildly damp from precum.

"You didn't get off?" he asked with surprise.

"Not, Yet," Av said in his now deep baritone voice, pressing back onto his uncle's shaft. "I want to save it for mounting you, if you're still up for some more."

"Sure, just let me relax for a few minutes first, though." He sighed with contentment, stroking the younger Hirsune's chest with his hand, brushing the right nipple slightly. "Thanks for sharing my bed tonight."


"So now you understand what I meant about sex, right? See how good it is?"

"Fuck yeah, I can't ever seem to get enough!"

"Ready for more?" Ky asked, pulling out and making his nephew gasp with pleasure as he was exited.

Av twisted upwards, looking up at his uncle with a sexy smile. "Yeah? You ready?"

"Oh yeah," Ky said, rolling over onto his other side as he relaxed his anus and lubed himself with solem. "Slide it on in." He shuddered with lust as Av's cockhead disappeared up inside him, sliding easily up into his egg canal. "Ah yeah... Fuck me, Av."

He felt Avaran's hot breath on his left ear, as he was mounted, moaning in pleasure as his nephew's phallus slid in and out repeatedly, filling his insides up with that hot, throbbing dong. Av hit his stride, sighing in pleasure as he mounted his uncle. "Uh yeah, take my fuckin' egg maker!" he sighed. "Feel Him dance inside you."

"Yeah, do it. Paint my insides white with your ball cream! Give me the Blessings of Boner!" Ky reached back to Av's ass. "Gimme some more solem."

Av obliged, covering his uncle's hand with his anal lubricant, who greedily slurped it up. Av pulled Ky's face back and kissed him, wanting some of his own aphrodisiac. They kissed as Av fucked him, sighing into each other's mouths as the solem drugged them up.

Their pheromones made for a pleasant mixture, making them want to fuck each other firmly as they spoke aloud in worship. They both found words like Boner and Dong very erotic when high together, and loved to share their religious expression verbally as they fucked each other, speaking macho sex talk to each other while they mated.

Av fucked Ky for several minutes before he felt his testicles firm up. "Uh yeah! Get ready for it, He's gonna cum!"

"Do it, Boner, blow that hot spunk all over my insides! Fill me up with egg cream!"

"AH! GUSHING BONER CUM! YEAH! FUCKIN' SPRAYING DONG JUICE... FUCK YEAH!!" Av shouted filling his relative's insides with jizz.

"AH FUCK YEAH!" Ky shouted as he came a second time, soaking the sheets before him. "FUCKIN' PUKE IT OUT, BONER! AH SHIT!!!"

They writhed in pleasure for some time before they came down from their high and their orgasms trickled to an end. Sweaty and tired, they laid there, chests heaving as they recovered from their efforts until sleep claimed them...

Kylenus awoke one morning in late April, seven years later feeling ravenous. He headed downstairs to join his family at the breakfast table and began to eat rapidly and greedily, devouring everything he could reach.

"Ky," his father asked, "You OK?"

Ky paused a moment, chewing slowly as he took stock of his body. "It's time," he said finally. "I'm going into heat today."

Everyone offered their congratulations to him.

"May Penis finally bless you with a son, Brother," Markano said, smiling at him.

"Here's hoping third time's the charm!" Ky said, looking worried. The last two seasons had been unsuccessful, as he spent the three to four days mounting himself. But both seasons had been unsuccessful ones, much to his sorrow.

"You feeling foggy, yet, Son?" Ardenus asked, studying his boy closely. Ky shook his head. "Good. Everyone, join together," the father said, reaching to each side to grasp the penis of Davin to his left, and Kavarin to his right.

The six Hirsune joined together, hands upon the phalli of their neighbors, joining into a circle of Penis.

"Penis!" Ardenus called out loud. "We call to the power of lust and procreation. We call to The Flow, to those who have gone before, and those who await to be reborn. One of us seeks to expand this loving family. He longs to becum a father. Bestow your blessings upon Kylenus, that he may conceive. Let one among you cum forth, to rejoin the dance with those who miss you dearly, and grace this family again with the egg of new life. We six long to becum seven, and we eagerly await your return. Empower his balls, and fertilize his egg, that we may welcum you among us once again. PENIS! ANSWER OUR PRAYERS! HAIL PENIS!"

"HAIL PENIS!" everyone cried out.

Ky gasped, feeling fuzzy-brained. "Ah shit... It's cumming!" He stumbled up from the table. "I gotta get out of here."

"Good luck!" several of his family called after him with their hands over their faces to shield themselves from his pheromones as he left the house.

Ardenus opened a drawer and pulled on a gas mask as Ky bolted out the back door, Ky not wanting to catch anyone up in his heat pheromones, and followed his son outside to help him get to the breeding room safely. He caught up with Ky a moment later, as the lad lumbered across the yard. One of the farm hands saw him and called out, asking if he was OK.

"It's his time," the father shouted across the yard. "Sound the warning."

As the bell began to ring, Ardenus caught Ky's arm, draped it over his shoulder, and helped the feverish Hirsune towards the breeding room.

"Fuck it's cumming on hard this year!" Ky breathed as they hurried along.

"Maybe that's a good sign," Ardenus said, his voice muffled by the mask. "We're almost there."

"Dad," Ky gasped, struggling to remain aware of his surroundings. "What if... What if I can't? What if I'm not able to?"

They reached the door to the breeding room, opening the outer one.

"Ky, listen to me," the father said, seeing the fear and doubt in his son's eyes. "Breeding isn't an exact science with Hirsune. We can take years of trying before it happens. It took me six years just to have Kavarin. Davin was four years in the making, and thirteen years to have Markano. Davin's pregnancy was a fluke. He's the first person I ever heard of who managed to get lucky his first year trying." He cupped the side of his son's face. "It'll take how ever long it takes, Kylenus, so just try to be patient, OK Son? May Penis bless you."

"Penis..." Ky said, his eyes glazing over "Pe-nis..." His hands went to his father's stomach, then moved down to Ardenus' jeans.

"No, Son!" Ardenus said, grabbing the lad's hands to stop him.

He opened the inner door, and pushed Ky inside quickly, using enough force to propel the feverish Hirsune onto the bed as his heat took hold of his mind. He slammed the inner door and locked it, trapping the lad inside.

It was standard practice for those who wanted to self-seed themselves. As long as anyone else was there with them, they would seek pleasure from others first and foremost, so locking them into the breeding room alone was the only way to keep them in the state where they would be forced to tend to their own needs.

He felt Ky pounding on the door, the lad moaning with need, and it took a strong act of willpower to not rip off the mask, hurry inside, and fuck his son silly. He waited until the pounding faded out, and then several more minutes for good measure. It wasn't until he heard a groan of release a few minutes later that he felt it was OK to leave. He closed and locked the outer door as well, just to be safe, then moved slowly around to the window as he heard moaning and groaning from inside.

Still wearing the gas mask, he peeked into the window, and saw a sight that drove his lust to it's fullest. There on the bed, Kylenus laid on his back with his ass in the air, shoving his semi-hard penis into his anus, using his hands to fuck himself with his own dick. Ky was lost to his needs, and no longer even aware of his surroundings.

Sighing with lust, Ardenus dropped his pants to free his own throbbing meat, and began to masturbate as he watched Ky satisfy his own arousal.

"Oh Penis!" he sighed softly, watching Ky with glazed eyes. "Let it happen this year. He wants a boy of his own so badly! Please, Penis, bless him with an egg! Let him succeed... Hail Penis!" He gasped, spraying his load onto the wall beneath the window, gasping with pleasure as he came.

He let his orgasm flow for some time before ending it. He then zipped himself up, and walked back to the house.

All they could do now was wait...

Kylenus came around slowly, feeling the last twitches of his penis within his own egg canal as his orgasm ended. He sat there, resting for several minutes before his phallus went limp, and oozed out of his interior. He sighed, feeling only partially satisfied, then got up. He waited for several minutes to make sure his heat was over, then sat up with another sigh of disappointment. He looked out the window to see that it was daytime, and reached for a bottle of water from several that had been left here for his use.

He rose, waiting for the internal convulsions that would signal the evacuation of his canal of his spent seed, and rang the all clear bell the standard ten times before going to the toilet. He sat there, waiting for his canal to convulse, when he heard the outer door unlock, then the inner one.

Ardenus entered, wearing a gas mask, which he removed when he saw his son wave to him half-heartedly. "I'm over it," he said listlessly as Ardenus removed the mask slowly. "So?" Ky asked, "Is it Thursday?"

"No," Ardenus said, looking at him oddly. "It's only Wednesday morning."

Ky starred at his father. "Isn't that a bit early?"

"Yes," Ardenus answered slowly, "Normally you last at least three days, but this was only two. That's not a clear signal one way or the other. It could just be that your season ended early this year, is all. There's no way to be sure until tomorrow..."

Ky awoke the next morning feeling perfectly normal, and horribly disappointed. Third time -wasn't- the charm, it seemed. He felt sad. He'd really hoped that this year would be the year. Despite his father's words about it taking years, Ky was finding himself beginning to wonder if it even was possible for him to get pregnant. He knew he shouldn't push himself like this, but three years of botched attempts was making him question his virility.

He worked listlessly that day, feeling glum, his work done poorly. Everyone seemed to understand his sadness, and gave him some space to deal with his sorrow. He barely spoke at all that day, ate lightly, and trudged off to bed alone, not wanting any company.

He was jolted out of a sound sleep just before sunrise, as his stomach recoiled horribly, jarring him to full wakefulness in an instant. He gasped at the pain in his insides, and tried to get up. Before he could make it, however, his stomach heaved sharply, forcing the contents of his gut out of his mouth, and he vomited over the side of the bed uncontrollably. He retched with agony, puking onto the floor as the door opened and the light came on overhead.

"Uncle Ky? What's wrong?" Avaran asked, entering the room.

Sudden rapid footsteps followed, and Markano entered the room behind his sireling, looking at Ky with worry. "You alright?" he asked.

Ky shook his head slowly. "I feel terrible," he wheezed. He rolled onto his back, wiping his hand down his face and chest until he reached his nipple, where the fur of his arm brushed against the nub. He writhed in agony as the oversensitive nerve endings there were overloaded painfully by the contact of his fur. "Ah shit!" he exclaimed, yanking his arm away quickly, gasping with effort. "What the... What the fuck's wrong with me?"

"Av, go get Grandpa, OK?" Mark asked, as Kav poked his head into the room his nose wrinkling with disgust.

"Augh! What's that stench?" he asked in annoyance.

"Kav, go get some towels, Ky threw up."

"Threw up?" Kav asked with revulsion, then realization came. "You don't mean-"

"Yeah, it looks that way. Now go fetch something to clean this all up with! Cum on, Ky," Mark said as he turned his attention back to his youngest brother, "Let's go get you cleaned up."

They were entering the bathroom when Ardenus and Davin, who had slept with their father tonight, came upstairs and Mark explained the situation. Kav grumbled, cleaning up the mess in Ky's bedroom as he listened. Ardenus came into the shower, which was set on lukewarm, and smiled sympathetically to his son.

"How you feeling, Ky?"

Ky shot him a dirty look. "Horrible, alright? ...Feels like my stomach's on fire!"

"Don't worry, the morning sickness will only last a week or so. But look on the bright side, you're finally gonna be a Dad."

Ky's features melted. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"I'm proud of you, Son," the smiling father said, leaning in to kiss his son on the top of his soggy head...

Being pregnant was far from enjoyable, though. Kylenus' appetite skyrocketed, his bladder began to fill almost every two hours, requiring frequent trips to the bathroom, and he found that he was more emotionally on edge that normal. Things that simply annoyed him before became major sources of hatred to him, and as his stomach began to grow, he felt a deep level of disgust with his appearance as well as stinging growth pains as his gut stretched out to make room for the growing egg. He was moved downstairs to Ardenus' bedroom, so that he could move around easier and have a private bathroom.

He stood before the mirror in Ardenus' bedroom one day, almost three weeks into his pregnancy, and frowned, half in discomfort from minor pains in his abdomen, and half at just how fat he was getting. *I look so fucking gross,* he thought, turning sideways and wincing at just how far forward his stomach now protruded. *There goes my sex life. No one will want to fuck me now,* he added, seeing that his belly was distending like a large bear gut.

His stomach growled at him, and he walked out to the kitchen for a snack, angry with himself for being hungry again so soon. *I just ate three hours ago! No wonder I'm turning into a porker!*

He fixed a few turkey sandwiches with pickles and green tea. He had to avoid the usual lemongrass tea so as not to interfere with the pregnancy, so green tea sufficed. He sat down, lifting the first sandwich to his mouth, when his bladder screamed at him suddenly for release.

"Oh for crying out loud!" he grumbled, tossing the sandwich back onto the plate in irritation, getting up awkwardly, and heading to the bathroom.

As his stomach grew, it got to be more difficult to sit or lie down comfortably, and even getting to his feet began to involve major effort. His back began to ache regularly as his weight increased, and he felt slightly nauseous much of the time. He was getting short-tempered with everyone, who gave him more and more privacy whenever he was moody. Things only got worse a month after his pregnancy began...

Markano knocked lightly on the door, then let himself into his father's bedroom with a plate of ham sandwiches for his brother.

"Hey, Ky," he said with a smile, looking at Ky who was squatting on the large bed with his back against the headrest. "Feeling any better?"

Ky just sat there, his knees up on either side of his stomach, and hands around his knees, glaring angrily at his brother.

Mark's smile faltered slightly with uncertainty. "You OK?"

Ky just continued to glare at his eldest sibling with open hatred, not saying a word, or even making the slightest movement beyond breathing. He just stared unblinkingly at Mark with an intense rage in his eyes.

"I got some food... You hungry?"

Ky said nothing. He just stared hatefully at his eldest sibling.

"Ummm..." Mark stammered, feeling deeply disturbed by his youngest sibling's frightening behavior. "I'll uh... Just leave it here for you, OK?" he said, placing the tray onto the dresser, then backing out of the room slowly. "Let me know if you need anything, alright?"

Ky said nothing, he just glared at Mark with a seething rage.

Mark eased out of the room, shut the door softly, and collapsed against the far wall, trembling with fear, deeply disturbed by the way his sibling was behaving...

It had taken every ounce of self control Kylenus possessed to remain in place on the bed. Markano had stood there with a plate of stinking ham sandwiches in his hand, the smell nauseating Ky's stomach, and wearing that smug, self-satisfied smile as he tried to talk to Ky. But Ky knew better. He knew what Mark must really be thinking. It was perfectly logical.

Markano hated him. He looked at Ky and saw a fat pig he could make fun of.

It was all right there, on his smug face.

It was only the knowledge that he might hurt his unlaid egg that had kept him from leaping to his feet and using his fist to wipe that smirk off of Mark's filthy face once and for all. Instead, he poured every ounce of his hatred into his eyes, willing the bastard to leave.

After the door closed, he stared at the food. He wanted it, but he didn't dare. There was no telling what Mark had done to the innocent-looking food, which smelled less horrible than before...

Ardenus entered the room slowly, having been warned by his eldest son about Kylenus' unusual behavior. He brought a plate of macaroni and cheese for his boy, figuring the lad must be hungry by now. As he entered, he saw that the sandwiches Mark had brought earlier had remained untouched.

He entered the room, and noted something tingling the inside of his nose, some odd, indescribable subtle scent he barely noticed. He ignored it, looking at his boy, who sat silently with his knees up and his arms wrapped around his shins as best as he could manage, and glaring at his father with open hostility.

"Aren't you hungry, Ky? You really should eat, for your child's sake if not your own. If you don't want sandwiches, I've got mac and cheese?" He asked uncertainly.

Ky just sat there silently, still glaring at him.

"These sandwiches are a bit old. Why don't I take them and just leave the pasta instead, OK?" he said with difficulty. He was having a hard time concentrating. His brain felt slightly odd, almost fuzzy in a way. He shook himself mentally, then sighed with annoyance. "Ky, please talk to me. What's wrong?" He breathed deeply, then sighed, trying to think of what he could do to help the boy.

Ky said nothing.

Ardenus began to get irritated. "Can you at least say hello? Something? Anything!"

Ky remained quiet.

Ardenus gritted his teeth, becuming angry. "Dammit, Kylenus! Eat already! You need to keep your strength up! You got a kid in there who needs all the nourishment he can get. Starving yourself will only hurt him. Now eat!"

Ky finally spoke, asking a question in a calm, level voice tinted with a dangerous edge of hostility as he spoke. He asked: "Did you poison it?"

"Pois- What?!?" Ardenus replied with shock, staring angrily at his son in outrage at the accusation.

"Did? You? Poison? It?" Ky asked with emphasis.

"Why the fuck would I do something like that?!?" Ardenus shouted, feeling deeply insulted, his anger growing in strength.

Rapid footsteps came from above, heading for the stairs.

"I don't know," Ky said, maintaining the same conversationally hostile tone with a shrug. "Maybe it's because you hate me? After all, I'm just some human fuck-toy you dragged out of the river, right? Made me more like you so you could stand to be around me. So I wouldn't stink quite so much, and hide my hideous body under all this fur so you wouldn't have to look at it. But now I'm all fat and gross, and you're sick of me, so you're trying to finish me off. 'Been there, done that' and such, right? You must really think I'm stupid!"

"Ky," Ardenus said with effort, feeling his mind go fuzzier and his blood rushing in his ears. "I didn't poison your food! I don't hate you, and you like fucking as much as any of us! You're not hideous, you're just fat is all!" he blurted out, unable to think clearly from the ringing that had begun in his ears.

"FAT?!?" Ky screamed with rage at hearing his own worst fear confirmed, "IS THAT WHY YOU'RE TRYING TO MURDER ME WITH TAINTED FOOD?!? BECAUSE I'M ALL FAT AND HIDEOUS?!?"

Ardenus' blood boiled with fury. "THAT FOOD IS PERFECTLY FINE, DAMMIT!" the farmer screamed, jabbing a finger at the plates. "NOW EAT IT BEFORE I SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR DAMNED THROAT!!!"

"Dad?!? DAD!!!" Kavarin said, rushing into the room. "What's going on in here?!?!"

"STAY OUT OF THIS, ASSHOLE!" Ky shouted at his brother, rising up and onto his knees with effort. "UNLESS YOU WANT TO PROVE JUST HOW MUCH OF A CARBON-FUCKING-COPY OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE!!!"

"What did I do?!?" Kav asked in shock, then shook his head as he noticed a tickling in his nose and a slight disorientation.

"HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BRINGING YOU TAINTED FOOD!!!" Ardenus screamed at the top of his lungs. The one thing no one in their right mind would ever do, would be to insult a farmer by saying the food they bore was bad. "YOU'RE GONNA EAT EVERY LAST BITE OF IT! EVEN IF I HAVE TO RAM IT DOWN YOUR UNGRATEFUL LITTLE THROAT!!!"

"Hey!" Markano said from the doorway, looking shocked. "Will you guys give it a rest?"

"WHAT'S WRONG -DAD-? NOT MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE ME BY YOURSELF?!? FINE!" Ky reached back, seizing one of the wooden poles in the headboard of the bed, and ripping it loose in an adrenaline-fueled rage. He brandished it viciously. "I'LL TAKE ON ALL YOU DIRTY PIG FUCKERS!!! COME ON!!!"

"DAD!" Kav shouted in shock as he understood what was happening. "We have to get out of here! NOW!!!" He ran over and grabbed his father's arm, who began to struggle against him. "Mark! Help me get him out of here!"

Mark ran forward, and the two clear-headed sons began to wrestle their enraged father out of the room.


"GO ON!!! RUN AWAY YOU PUSSY-ASSED COWARD!!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU FILTY HORSE FUCKER!!!" Ky screamed, as the two sons literally drug their father from the room. "AND IF -ANY- OF YOU ASSHOLES EVEN TRY TO COME BACK IN HERE, I'LL BASH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS IN!!!" He swung the wood in his hand hard, shattering a lamp on the nightstand beside the bed.

"LET ME GO!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!!" Ardenus screamed with rage, as his sons drug him all the way outside the house and into the yard.

"DAD! STOP!" Mark shouted, as they fought to keep their father from charging back inside, and pinned him to the ground. "DAMMIT! DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!!!"

Ardenus was crazed and enraged, unable to think of anything but getting back into his bedroom and smashing the boy's face in.

Mark had no choice. He drove his fist hard into his parent's guts, driving the wind out of his lungs. Ardenus choked and coughed, his lungs burning as he drug in deep gasps of air to fill them back up. He coughed and sputtered for several minutes, his mind clearing as his lungs burned with effort. Finally he moved to sit up slowly.

"Take it easy, Dad. You need to clear your system," Kav said, gasping from exhaustion.

Several of the nearby farm hands came running over, wanting to see what was wrong, but Mark waved them away. "It's all right," he said. "Everything's under control now. Everyone stay out of the house until we say otherwise."

"Oh Holy Fuck!," Ardenus said, still gasping. "What happened in there? I literally wanted to tear his head off!"

"I thought I smelled some pheromones in the air," Kav explained. "I think that's what set you off like that. Maybe his chemistry went all wonky from the pregnancy, and they went toxic."

"Ky's pheromones normally trigger levels of aggression, especially in you, Dad," Mark added, recovering his breath. "Maybe that aggression went into overdrive, making you both hostile. You know he doesn't meant it. He just can't help it, Dad. It's just the testosterone poisoning, is all."

"Yeah, yeah I know," Ardenus said, recovering and looking at the house as he continued to pant. "Kav, you and I need to stay out of the house until the TP phase passes, just to be safe."

"Good idea," Kav said, panting...

Kylenus stood there, two days later examining the shattered remains of the lamp, then trying vainly to put the wooden rod back into place in the headboard before he finally gave up. He lumbered to his feet, went to piss, then gingerly made his way out to the kitchen to find Davin sitting there drinking coffee.

"Hey!" his older brother said, smiling up at him uncertainly. "Feeling any better?"

"Somewhat," Ky said, easing himself into a chair at the table with difficulty. He sighed. "Please tell me I didn't accuse Mark and Dad of trying to poison me. Or that I threatened to bash everyone's skulls in! Shit! What was I thinking?" he asked, deeply ashamed of himself. "I wasn't even worried about my son, either," he said, rubbing his large stomach apologetically. "I just hated without reason. But the scariest part was how logical it all seemed at the time!"

"It happens to all of us, Ky," Davin said, shaking his head. "Remember how I almost stabbed you with a fork when I was pregnant? The important part is that it's all over now."

"All except for the apologies, that is," Ky said with a sigh. "At least the worst part's over."

"Actually, Davin said, wincing, "No. That's not the worst part of the pregnancy..."

Kylenus was standing in the kitchen a month later, looking out the window over the sink at the clouds in the sky. He was longing to get outside, and was also thoroughly sick of being house-bound. He turned to get a glass of water when a sudden, intense pain stabbed through his gut, making him gasp in shock. His knees almost buckled, and he clutched at the counter desperately, panting in agony until it stopped. He then noticed he was standing in a puddle of warm fluid, which was also soaking his legs and feet.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed, realizing what this meant. He panicked as he realized that he was alone in the house. Davin was out in the chicken coop, and everyone else was off tending the fields. There was no one here to help him. Another wave of pain struck, and he felt tears of pain in his eyes. He gritted his teeth, moaning until it passed. "Dammit!" He swore, and began to lumber his way to the hatchery as fast as he could, begging for his body to give him time to get there...

Davin returned a few minutes later, entering the kitchen. He slipped, loosing his balance and dropping several eggs, which smashed on the floor. "Shit!" he exclaimed, looking to see that it was a large puddle on the tiled floor that had made him slip. He barely had time to notice it when he heard Ky groan loudly in pain from the hallway.

"Ky!" he shouted, tossing the basket into the sink and running to find his brother leaning heavily against the wall, reeling in pain. "Cum on, you're almost there. Shit! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left the house!"

"Uhhhggg! Oh cum on, Dave, it's not like I had a countdown clock above my head or something. Oh fuck!" he gasped, as another wave of pain hit him. "I thought contractions came on gradually!"

"Maybe with humans, Ky, but not with us. And don't call me Dave!" He helped his brother into the hatchery and laid him down. "I gotta get help, I'll only be gone a minute, OK? What ever you do, don't push yet, no matter what!" With that, he took off, leaving Ky alone with his pain...

Ardenus swore as the older tractor sputtered again. The engine was acting up, and getting worse the longer he drove, hauling the sprinkler assembly behind him. He stopped, disconnected, the assembly, and drove onwards, making his way back to the barn, the vehicle fighting him all the way. He swore as it sputtered and died, several yards short of clearing the field.

Cussing a mean streak, he stomped down onto the ground, angry at the tractor for breaking down. He couldn't work on it here, either. If any fluids leaked out, it would not only ruin the growing carrots beneath the vehicle, but the spoil the land here as well with toxic chemicals.

He heard shouting, and looked up to see Davin running towards him, shouting.

"Dad! Dad, get in here! Ky just went into labor!"

Alarmed, Ardenus took off running, making right for the house, and his son's side...

"Ok, Son," Ardenus said as he knelt between Kylenus' legs. "Next time you feel a contract-" He was interrupted by Ky's scream of pain. "PUSH!" he shouted, and saw his son's anal opening expand further.

Ky gasped, drenched in sweat. He'd never experienced this much pain in his life, not even the time at age twenty four when he'd dislocated his knee. The worst part was that the damned egg wouldn't cum out. He pushed and pushed, but every time he ran out of strength and had to stop, the egg slid back inside, refusing to cum out all the way.

Another wave of pain hit, and he screamed. "Push, Ky, cum on!" his father ordered.

"I'm trying!" he snarled, angry at his father for telling him what he already knew he needed to do. He pushed hard, forcing himself to keep bearing down as long as he could, but his energy faded, and he had to stop yet again, panting with exhaustion.


Outside the room, Markano, Kavarin and Avaran watched helplessly as their kin struggled to lay his egg.

"Oh brother!" Kav said, laughing as he video taped the delivery. "That kid's gonna be sooo pissed when he watches this video!"

"Was this what Dad went through with me?" Avaran asked, looking upon his uncle with deepest sympathy for the ordeal Ky was enduring.

"Well," Markano said, looking worried. "You came out of Davin a lot easier than this. Ky's having a real difficult time of it, that's for sure."

Back in the hatchery, Ky relaxed again as he ran out of steam.

"Almost there, Ky!" Ardenus said. "Push! I know it's bad, Son, but it'll be over soon!"

"Oh shut up!" Ky snapped, his pain making him irritable as he waited for the next contraction. "How would you know how I'm feeling right now?"

"Ask your brothers!" Ardenus snapped.

Another contraction hit, but Ky was already prepared. He bore down hard, feeling like his ass was splitting in half. He screamed in agony, just wanting the whole awful experience to be over already. Again his strength faded, and he laid back gasping for breath.

"He's not cumming out! He wants to just wait until he can claw his way out of my gut like those damned aliens!" Ky sobbed in fustration as he laid there.

Davin was wiping his brother's brow with a towel, and offered him some more ice chips. "Ky, don't cop out on this! It'll be over soon!"

"Cum on Ky!" Ardenus said, looking at his son. "You can't give up. One more time! Cum on!"

Kylenus bore down again as his insides convulsed, his face going red. He groaned and screamed, the pain in his anus spiking sharply, and suddenly, the egg slid out, leaving a gaping, aching emptiness within him. He collapsed, feeling as though he wanted to pass out.

It was several minutes before he had regained enough strength to sit up, and saw Ardenus wiping off the egg with a large towel. He gently raised it up for Ky to see, bringing it around to Ky's left, between him and the window as Davin wiped the sweat from his face for him.

"Here he is, Son! Here's your boy!" He sat the egg down gently next to the new parent, who lifted a trembling hand to stroke the side if the egg slowly, feeling the heat radiating from it. He looked in the five inch wide egg an wonder and relief as he took in how wide it was.

"No wonder I couldn't get you out!" He breathed, resting his head on the pillow Davin put beneath it for him.

"We'll give you some time alone now," Ardenus said, after he used another towel to clean Ky's ass for him.

"What do I do?" Ky asked his father uncertainly.

Ardenus smiled down at the lad. "Just be really gentle with him. Don't move him around if you can help it, for now. Talk to him as much as you can, and let him get used to the sound of your voice. Keep him warm, and safe. I'll be back in a few hours, and we'll rotate him some."


"You have to turn the egg, from time to time, to help relieve pressure on him inside there. That way he won't develop any sores or flat spots. He's still growing inside there, but he's most of the way along. In about four weeks or so, he'll be ready to cum out and greet the world. Until then, we just have to be patient." He leaned down to kiss Kylenus on the side of his head. "I'm so happy for you, Son. I wish all the best for him. We'll do the Rite of blessing once you've recovered, OK?"

"Ok, Dad," Ky said, staring at his egg as they left the room and softly closed the door, leaving him alone with his unhatched son in the low glowing light of the hatchery.

Ky stared at the egg, imagining what the boy would look like. What will his favorite color be? Would he be a jokester like his father? Would he be clever?

Ky laid there, lost in the possibilities as he stared at the vessel that contained his child, feeling the heat radiating from it under his hand as he stroked it slowly...

Kylenus knelt there, masturbating as he visualized the life within his egg. He pictured The Flow pouring down into his balls, empowering his semen with the blessings of all the Hirsune.

"Penis! Penis!" he said in prayer. "I call out to you and ask you to use me to bestow your blessings upon my son-to-be! Let your power flow through me and into him! ...Son To be! I, your Father and Sire, Kylenus, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my strength and my love, my wisdom and my wit, that you may draw strength from them throughout your life. I shall always be here for you, my Son. May Penis bless you with a long life full of happiness and lust. I anoint you with the seed of the one who brought you life! Receive His blessings! Hail Penis!" He shouted, anointing the egg with his sperm, the seed that had brought this egg forth.

"Hail Penis!" his family cried out in response.

He sat back down slowly. Ardenus entered, smiling at him.

The grandfather knelt, and began to pleasure himself. "Grandson to be! I, your Grandfather, Ardenus, offer the blessings of Penis upon you, from the Penis that brought forth your father as he is, that he was able to bare you forth! I offer you my strength and my experience, to help you whenever you have need. May Penis bless you with the sation of your lusts, and happiness everlasting! Hail Penis!" He groaned as he bathed the egg bearing his grandchild with his spunk, letting it mix with that of his son.

The family replied in kind.

He smiled at Kylenus, kissed the egg gently, then backed out, licking the sperm from his beard as he went.

Roderal entered next, standing on his knees before the egg. He looked up at Ky and smiled. "Thanks for inviting me to be a part of this," he said.

"You're my sire, Rod. You may not be genetically related, but you're just as much a part of this family as everyone else. I wouldn't dream of doing this without you."

Rod smiled warmly as he took his shaft into his palm and began to stimulate himself. Finally, he moved closer to the egg. "Grandsireling to be! I, Your Grandsire, Roderal, offer you the blessings of Penis! I share with you my knowledge and sympathetic ear, for you to use and benefit from for all of your days! May the blessings of Penis pour forth upon you, and wash you in passion for all of your life! Hail Penis!"

Everyone sounded the response.

With that, he covered the egg with his liquid essence, adding to the blessings already there. He came for over a minute before he finished, then smiled as he left the room.

Markano came next, offering his own blessings of Penis: "Nephew to be! I, your Uncle, Markano, offer you the blessings of Penis! I offer you my power and compassion that you may becum strong and be supported throughout your life. May pleasure and joy be yours everlasting! Hail Penis!" he called out as his semen added to the mixture on the egg.

"Hail Penis!" everyone shouted.

Davin entered after Mark left, looking down at the egg tenderly. He offered his blessings, bathing the egg in white spunk. "Nephew to be! I, your Uncle, Davin, offer the power and blessings of Penis, which flow through me! I give you my gentleness and love to help nurture you. May Penis bless you with happiness and lust forever and ever! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" the family answered.

Davin smiled down at the egg, then at Ky as he backed out of the hatchery to make way for Kavarin. As the third brother and last of the child-to-be's uncles entered, Ky grew nervous, remembering that Kav had almost slipped and fallen during Avaran's Rite of Blessing.

Kav saw his brother's fear, and sighed. "Relax, I know what I'm doing this time." Kav knelt, making sure his positioning was secure before he began to beat his meat.

He leaned forward, cumming onto the egg. "Nephew to be! I, Your Uncle, Kavarin, give you the gift of spunk from Penis, and with it, all of His blessings! I give you my protection and expressiveness, that you may learn from them. Let Penis fill you with sexual gratification and prosperity for all time. Hail Penis!"

Everyone replied in kind once more.

Kav backed out very carefully, then, lastly, Avaran entered the room. Ky watched his nephew enter slowly and uncertainly, looking awkward. He knelt, looking down into the egg. He remained so for a very long time.

"Av?" Ky asked. "You OK?"

"I... Don't know what to do," he said, sounding ashamed of himself.

Ky smiled. "It's OK, Av. I didn't know what to do my first time, either."

"But... I can't think of what I can offer him," the young man said, looking down at the egg with concern and guilt. "Everyone already offers him so much," Av said, staring down at the egg. "I can't offer anything that someone else can already give him."

"Av," Ky said, smiling. "You've got it all wrong! This isn't a competition! No one can call dibs on talents or strengths. Do you think that your Uncle Kav or your Sire Mark are any less strong than your Grandfather? Is your Dad any less wise or compassionate than me? That Kav is any more witty than me? Or Mark is any less protective than Kav? That's not it, Avaran. We choose the things that we feel most define us as individuals. Even if those same qualities also define others. But that's not all of ourselves that we offer. We each give everything we have to each other, regardless of what it is. We say we offer certain parts of ourselves, but we really offer everything that's a part of each of us. Just say the things that you feel are the best parts of yourself, but give him your all, OK?"

Avaran thought long and hard as he stroked himself idly, then he seemed to cum to a decision, and pleasured himself seriously. His breathing grew rapid, and he moved forward to bathe the egg in his essence. "Brother to be, I, your Half-Brother, Avaran, offer you my blessings of Penis! I give to you my protection and compassion, to aid you whenever you have need of them. I offer onto you all that I am, that you may be strong and happy for all your life. I'll always be here for you, dear Brother... Always! Be anointed in the blessings of Penis! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone called out.

Av smiled, looking much more confident as he backed slowly from the room.

Kylenus smiled down at his son to be, and raised his hands to the egg, beginning to swirl the various samples of sperm together, combining the blessings of Penis onto the egg until it was completely covered in the seed of his family. "Hirsune to be, we give you all of our blessings of lust and happiness. Let all of the qualities we possess nourish and enrich you, to give you strength and joy and lust throughout all the course of your life. We welcum you into this family, and bond you to us, that you may always be loved and supported. Never doubt for a moment," Ky added, tears of happiness cuming to his eyes, "that you are wanted and loved by all of us. We will be here for you... As Parent -both Father and Sire, as Grandfather, as Grandsire, as Uncles, and as Brother to you. Let all the blessings of Penis be within you forever and ever. We Welcum you. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone said joyfully.

Ky looked around at his family, smiling with gratitude, then back to the egg, which glistened wetly in the light...

"Hey, Son," Ardenus said, two weeks later as he entered the hatchery. "How's it going in here?"

"We're doing good," Kylenus answered putting down the book he was reading, and rubbing his stomach self-consciously. It was much of the way back to normal now, having mostly shrunk back down from it's formerly inflated size.

"I gotta gift you You," Ardenus said, holding forth a flashlight. Ky recognized it as a stronger that usual variety of light than many of the cheaper kinds.

Ky stared at it, frowning slightly. "So which is it? You want to do some rewiring, or you forgot to pay the electric bill?"

"Don't get cute! It isn't exactly for you. It's for your son, dummy!"

"And how do you suggest we get it to him? That egg's like a vault."

Ardenus gritted his teeth. "Son, much as I love you, knock it off! 'Cause if you don't, I'll shove this flashlight up your ass!"

"Ooh!" Ky said, smiling widely with interest.

"Sideways!" his dad finished, glaring at him mildly.

"Ooh!" Ky replied, wincing painfully at the thought.

Sighing, the older Hirsune clicked it on, the light blinding his son accidentally, who yelped in pain, tensing his body instantly to avoid hurting his egg by thrashing around in pain.

"Sorry," Ardenus said apologetically, then placed the light behind the egg, shinning it through the walls as Ky blinked away the spots in his eyes. "Look."

Ky gasped in wonder, seeing his son for the first time as a shadow inside the egg. The form was tiny, curled into a fetal position inside as he slept away. He stirred slightly as the light struck him. Seeing the reaction, Ardenus moved the light so it wasn't pointing at the offspring's face, holding it down lower so as not to blind the unhatched child.

Ky placed a hand on the egg, gazing in wonder at the image of his child for a long time. "Oh wow! Just look at him! He'll be hatching soon, huh?" he asked.

"Yep," his father answered, looking at the shadow, then placing an ear to the egg to listen for the sound of his grandchild's heartbeat. "I can just hear his heart beating. Sounds good to me. Doc Harian will cum by tomorrow to check up on him, just to be sure, but I think he'll be OK. About two more weeks or so, and he'll be ready to cum out and greet the world."

Ky suddenly looked worried. Ardenus saw his face. "What's wrong, Son?"

"What if..." Ky asked in a low voice. "What if... He can't get out? What if he can't make it out of his egg? We won't just give up on him, will we?"

"What?!?" Ardenus whispered in shock, "You mean just let him die?!?"

"Well, if he's not strong enough to make it out on his own... That's the way it is with other egg-laying creatures, right? But I couldn't do that! He's my son!"

"Ky! No! We're not animals, we're people! We'd never do that! If he can't get out on his own, then we'll help him. I didn't give up when it happened to me, and I won't let that happen to your boy either!"

"You?" Ky asked, confused.

Ardenus sighed. "It happened to me once... Look, don't go around blabbing about this to anyone else, especially Kavarin. He doesn't know, and if he did, he'd never let his brother live it down. I love that boy, but he has not the slightest shred of sense... Don't say anything to anyone, OK, not even Markano. He'd never forgive me if he knew I'd told you."

Ky nodded in agreement.

"Markano..." Ardenus sighed slowly. "...wasn't A successful hatching. He couldn't make it out on his own. He tried and tried, but he ran out of air and nearly drowned in his egg trying to hatch. He opened the air pocket too early, maybe, or he just couldn't focus well enough to work away at a single spot. I don't know. It happens every once in awhile...

"Anyways, I had to carefully break his egg open, pull him out, and do CPR to bring him back from the brink. He's always refused to talk to anyone about it. I guess he's really embarrassed that it happened. But that doesn't make him anything less than any other Hirsune, even if he doesn't believe it himself. He's just as strong and capable as any other person, even though he couldn't get out on his own.

"Maybe that's part of why he doesn't like to be mounted. He always has to think of himself as strong and self-sufficient. Anything that makes him feel weak really bothers him. I try to talk to him, to make him see that he's not weak at all, but it just doesn't seem to be enough for him, I guess.

"So don't worry, Ky. We won't give up on him," he said, placing a hand onto the warm egg. "We'll never give up on him, no matter what, OK? It's true that it would be best if he can get out on his own, but if he can't, then we'll help him, Son."

"Ok," Ky said, smiling at his father with relief...

Kylenus awoke suddenly to a small ticking sound. The Hirsune rose up slightly, looking around, but there was nothing. He sighed, and settled back down to return to sleep. He was nearly unconscious again when another ticking sound brought him back to wakefulness once more. He then heard a slight rustling sound.

He sighed with annoyance, looking around as he sat up. *Damn mice in the walls again,* he thought grumpily to himself, scanning the walls to try to locate the source of the sound. He'd had the same problem in his bedroom upstairs, and resolved to make sure somebody picked up some traps next time they went into town.

He was sweeping the walls with his eyes, moving his gaze past his egg when a slight motion caught his attention. The egg had wiggled, ever so slightly.

Another tick, then a scrape, and Ky's eyes went wide with shock. He got up onto his hands and knees and crawled over to it, placing a hand upon the shell. He could feel the warmth of it under the comforter that covered it, pulled it away... And then he felt movement under his hand, vibrating up through the shell.

The egg went quiet for several moments, and Ky placed his ear to the side of the egg, listening closely. He heard a slight stirring, then a tiny muffled moan. He stroked the shell softly.

"Are you awake in there, little guy? Is today the day?" he asked softly, and was answered with another, louder tick, making the egg vibrate sharply.

Ky backed away carefully, got up, and moved to the door. "Davin?" he called outside the hatchery, and soon heard footsteps on the stairs cuming up from the basement.

"Hey." Davin said, entering the hallway. "What's up?"

"I think -he- is!" Ky said with a smile.

"Really?" the second son said asked with shock, then entered behind his sibling. "Let me see."

Davin knelt beside the egg, placing an ear to it and listening carefully for well over a minute.

"Well?" Ky asked nervously. "Is he just restless, or is he...?" He trailed off apprehensive and not wanting to develop a false sense of hope.

"I think maybe he's ready," Davin said slowly. "I better go get Dad. He'll know better than me about this. Wait here!"

He got up quickly and left, leaving his youngest sibling alone with his child to be.

Ardenus arrived about ten minutes later, smiling at his son. He got down beside the egg, listening and feeling it carefully.

He lifted his head, smiling with excitement. "This is it, Kylenus. Today's the day!"

"You sure?" Ky asked, kneeling next to his father.

"Yep, he's waking up, slowly, but surely, and will start hatching in ernest pretty soon now."

Ky suddenly realized something. "I need to do something!"

"Where're you going?" his father called out as he left the room.

"To make a few quick calls!" Ky shouted, running for the nearest phone...

Lilly entered the hallway of the farmhouse, squeezing her way in among the Hirsune.

"Glad you could make it," Ardenus said to her with a smile.

She smiled back warmly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Oh, you know Roderal, Kylenus' adopted sire, and this is his son Salaus," Ardenus said, making the introductions.

"Hi," Sal said, waving over top of Kavarin's head at her with a warm smile.

She nodded in greeting, then worked her way over to the open door. "Kylenus?"

"Hey!" he said softly, "Thanks for cuming."

"Well thank you for inviting me to this."

"You deserve to be here, Lilly," Ky said, smiling at her. "This child, and the rest of us, for that matter, wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you for everything you've done."

"You're welcome," she answered, smiling at the egg.

"Lilly?" Ardenus said. "We gotta close the door now."

"Right," she said, gave Ky the thumbs up, and left the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Everyone crowded up to the window with difficulty, trying to get a good look.

It was over an hour later that the egg began to shake sharply, the ticking and scrapping cuming more often until it became nearly constant. The egg rocked occasionally as the life inside began to stir. Everyone waited with baited breath. As the ordeal went on and on, Ky began to grow nervous. "Dad?" he asked uncertainly.

Ardenus listened closely. "He's OK, Son. If he was in trouble, it'd sound more like he was having a seizure. He's just having a bit of difficulty is all."

Ky's nervousness grew, however as the randomness of the movements inside the egg continued. He listened closely, then got an idea. He reached forward, and began to lightly scratch the side of the egg with his fingernail where he heard the most scratching.

"What are you doing, Ky?" Roderal asked him.

"Giving him directions, hopefully," Ky responded.

It seemed to work, as the scratching and scraping focused on the spot he was making noise at, and suddenly he jerked back his hand as a set of cracks appeared where his finger had been. The crack widened, and then a small hole appeared, letting the fluids within the egg leak out. The hole began to widen, and the scrapping inside the egg became more pronounced.

"That's it, Son," Kylenus said, watching the hole closely, "Cum on, you can do it!" he said firmly.

A small piece of the egg fell away, and there was a small coughing sound from inside, followed by a little gasp. Ky could hear his son panting with effort from inside the egg, but was no longer worried. There was fresh air getting inside now, and the danger point was past.

Outside the hatchery, Markano sighed quietly with relief, hearing the sound of his new nephew's breathing. *He'll be alright,* he told himself. *He didn't blow it like I did.* He relaxed greatly, knowing everything would be OK.

It was a few minutes before there was stirring inside the egg again. The child began to work away at the hole, grunting until he squeezed his head out of the hole, and let out a small sigh of satisfaction. The angle he was at didn't allow Ky to see the boy's face yet, but he didn't want to move around and risk startling the child.

The boy grunted, realizing he couldn't get out any farther as the hole wasn't big enough for his shoulders. He grunted again with annoyance, then tried to pull his head back in, only to find it was stuck. He began to whimper, tugging hard until his head finally popped back inside.

Ky watched patiently, letting his son fight this battle on his own, as was proper. He smiled at the sounds of fustration, and saw the egg suddenly tip over onto it's side, trapping the hole against the mattress and blocking his son's egress from the shell. He sighed goodnaturedly, and reached forward, rolling the egg carefully until the hole was free and facing him. He heard squeals of protest from inside as the egg was slowly rolled.

"Well, don't knock your egg over like that," Ky said with a chuckle, then pulling his hands away to let his son resume his efforts.

Tiny hands struck forward, bashing out the wall of the egg around the hole, widening it further. Then with almost a charging motion, the lad finally burst free of his prison, and laid there panting for a few moments. recovering from his ordeal. He rested for a bit, then rose up slightly, sniffing the air hopefully. Ky, knowing what the boy wanted, squeezed his left nipple slightly, wetting it with his milk.

The boy caught the scent, looked at him, then scrambled towards him desperately as Ky laid down on his left side as the boy reached him, diving onto the nipple and beginning to suckle greedily. Ky gasped at the pleasurable sensation of being nursed on, and reached forward to pet his new son's head gently, then leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

"Welcum to the world, Son. It's good to finally meet you," Ky said, his heart swelling with pride and joy as he looked down upon his offspring, who sighed in relaxation as he was fed, and closed his eyes, looking exhausted. The hairless boy seemed to look somewhat similar to Ky himself, but that was only because his face was still soft with the look of a child. Ky felt certain that the features would mature until they closely resembled his own.

Outside, Ardenus smiled, crying gently as he watched them begin to bond. He felt a deep pride and joy that he couldn't describe as he stood there. "Congratulations, Kylenus," he finally said. "You're a Dad... Just like your old man."

"Do you have a name for him, Ky?" Davin asked quietly.

Ky looked down at his son, still smiling. "I want to name him ...Darus."

"But that's only two syllables," Kavarin said, sounding confused and annoyed.

"So?" Davin asked defensively. "My name's only got two."

"But everyone else in the family has three syllable names. Ky's just being lazy!" Kav said, looking through the window at his brother and newly-hatched nephew.

"Lazy?" Ardenus said defensively. "This from the ungrateful brat who can never use someone's full name?"

"Just easier to pronounce, is all," Kav said, shrugging in self defense.

"Hey!" Ky said defensively. "There's nothing written down in stone that Hirsune names are legally required to have three syllables. Don't mess with me. I've got a lawyer right here to defend me."

"Don't look at me," Lilly said, raising her hands helplessly as she chuckled. "I'm not an expert on ancient Hirsune customs."

"That's a good name, Son." Ardenus said in defense of the new father, speaking through the window. "Dar-us. I like it."

"As do I," Lilly said with a nod of approval. "So? What does the name Darus mean? Is it something from your native language?"

"What?" Ardenus asked, looking at the human with confusion.

"Well, my name is the name of a flower. Some people are named after trees, or animals, or take their names from religious texts. So what does Darus stand for?"

"'One who's name sounds phonetically pleasing,'" Ardenus said with a smile, which grew broader at her look of confusion. "Hirsune names are always unique, and don't have any special meanings. We create names that sound pleasant to say and hear. There's not really anything else to it."

Lilly nodded with understanding, then turned back to watch Kylenus and Darus begin to form their bond as Father and Son. "Congratulations, Kylenus. I'm very happy for you."

"Thanks," he smiled warmly up at her, before returning his attention to his son.

"Alright, everyone," Ardenus said. "Let's give them time alone to bond properly. It's time for us to go celebrate!"

With that, the grandfather ushered everyone away, as Ky stared down lovingly at his son...

Kylenus spent the next two days alone with his son, getting to know him. Ky studied every feature of his son, memorizing his boy's face, examining his small hands and feet, including the tiny egg-teeth on Darus' middle fingers, which would brake off the second week, making his parent panic at the blood until he realized that the bleeding stopped fairly quickly. They were taken away by Ardenus to be put away as keepsakes, along with the egg shell. The egg was carefully flushed out so that the residual fluids wouldn't make the shell itself go rancid.

But before that minor crisis came along, Ky spent most of his time nursing the hungry boy and talking to him non-stop. Hating baby-talk, Ky spoke in a normally conversational tone to his son, who seemed to be only occasionally interested in the things his father said to him. Ky would either nurse Darus or watch him explore the room or his father's body. Ky spoke to Darus about his own life, his hopes and dreams for his son, and about the boy's new family.

Kylenus was learning that Hirsune hatchlings were more developed physically that human infants. Calling a newly hatched Hirsune offspring an infant would be inaccurate, as a Hirsune child was able to crawl around almost immediately, and acted vaguely animalistic at first, slowly developing a civilized manner as they began to grow and process the inherited memory fragments of their parent and sire into a working system through learning and experience.

Within four weeks at most the child would becum able to walk, and able to speak coherently after about three months or so.

Darus, when he wasn't rooting around the room in curiosity, liked to snuggle up to his dad, sometimes staring up into his parent's smiling face, and sometimes smiling back, making small vocalizations of contentment.

On the morning of the third day after Darus had hatched, each member offered a piece of well-worn clothing, allowing the boy to get used to the strange scents. The day after that, Ardenus slowly entered the room on all fours, sitting on the opposite side of the room as Ky offered his father's shirt to the boy as he petted him, teaching the boy that the new scent was a good one, then holding the hatchling as Ardenus slowly worked his way closer to them, until he was able to reach out and touch the top of his grandson's head, which had begun to grow hair.

Darus was very nervous at first, but as he slowly realized that this stranger wouldn't hurt him, he became curious, moving away from his father to explore his new person.

"Hey there, Darus. I'm your Grandpa Ardenus. Nice to finally meet you, boy. Look at you. I won't be surprised if you're nearly identical to you dad."

"You think so?" Ky asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, self-seeded hatchlings almost always look a lot like their dads. He might be a bit different, as the genes he has can cause subtle differences, like with me and Kavarin, but he'll most likely be the spitting image of you, Son."

Everyone else got a chance to meet the boy, starting with Roderal, then working downwards in age, leaving Salaus for last.

"You did good, Ky," Sal said, playing with Darus' fingers as he sat there. "You're going to be a great dad."

"Thanks," Ky said, smiling at them.

The next day after that, Doc Harian arrived to perform a medical examination of the boy, and pronounced him fit and sound. "He seems to be a perfectly healthy boy, Kylenus. Keep nursing him for the next year or so, and begin to introduce him to solid food very slowly once his teeth cum in. Keep talking to him as much as possible, and give him another two weeks in here before you take him out into the rest of the house. Keep him indoors for the first month so as to give his immune system time to strengthen, but let him get near windows in the last week in order to get him used to sunlight, OK?"

"Alright, Doc," Ky said, slowly fondling himself. He'd done without sex for days now, and was certain his next orgasm would be an onam again, but he didn't want to leave his son. Having another adult Hirsune in the room with him was making him horny, and his erection began to arise. He didn't want to make his son worry though.

"Hey Doc? How long until it's OK to duck out for some Penis time? It's been awhile, and I don't want Darus freaking out when I start thrashing around in orgasm right in front of him."

"Well, give it another day or two for him to get used to the rest of the family, make sure you give him a full feeding, then you should be OK to leave him in someone else's care for a few hours. Try not to be gone for too long though. You don't want to start weaning him from your continued presence for about three weeks or so. By then, the bond between you both will be strong enough to withstand more time apart. After that, you can let others watch over him so you can have some private time or mating time with others.

"As for exposing him to sex, wait until he's about three months along, then gradulally get him used to the idea that adults are sexual. That will make his transition into puberty easier. Don't let him becum actively involved in any matings, of course, until he reaches puberty. Once he develops an interest in experiencing sex, though, the sky's the limit."

"Right, I remember," Ky said, having given many speeches about sexuality and Hirsune offspring after learning about it from his family and month of religious training. "Thanks, Doc."

"Anytime," the doctor said, giving Darus one last smile before leaving...

Once Darus was big enough to walk around, he and Kylenus moved back into the parent's bedroom. Ardenus had begun to speak of plans to expand the farmhouse and add another bathroom and four more bedrooms. That way they could have a guest room again, seeing as the old one was now Kylenus' bedroom, as well as a secondary first floor bedroom for paternity use and rooms for each of the third generation of the family. The grandfather had wistfully spoken of longing to have his bedroom to himself again.

Avaran was very much for this, as he was tired of sharing the same room with his father, no matter how much he loved his dad, and wanted a room of his own. Davin was mildly disappointed, but realized he could now host mates again, rather than having to go to their rooms, so his sadness faded quickly.

Ky awoke one night with a raging erection, and not wanting to awaken anyone else, took matters into his own hands. He bent forward as he laid on his back, sucking on his own long glands, and enjoying the pleasure his tongue was triggering in his penis, when Darus awoke and stared at him.

"Sorry, Son. Didn't mean to wake you, but Penis wanted some attention." He began to masturbate, staring at his shaft as he stroked it. Darus sat there, watching his father curiously and looking as though he couldn't understand why his dad was so interested in a part of his own body.

Ky spun around slowly, moved his buttocks up against the headboard of the bed, then began to fuck his own throat, sighing in pleasure as he pleasured himself. It wasn't long before he came, pulling back so as to watch as Penis gushed cum into his open mouth.

He saw movement to his side, and glanced over to see Darus sniff at him with interest before his face wrinkled with distaste, and he let out a sound of disinterest.

Ky swallowed the mouthful of cum, then smiled at his boy. "Don't knock it, Kiddo. This is the very same stuff you're made of! One day, once you're old enough, you'll be begging for cum."

"Cum," Darus said.

Ky stared at the boy in shock, then nodded rapidly with a smile at his son's first word. "Yes, Darus, that's right! It's called cum! That's your first word! Wow... Congratulations, Son!" He beamed at the boy with a deep sense of pride.

"Cum," Darus repeated, seeing the smile on his dad's face. He moved forward to cuddle up to his dad, but the smell of the cum made him scrunch up his face with distaste. He stayed in place instead, sighing as he laid back down.

Ky gently spun himself back around, and cleaned himself of the last traces of sperm. "Don't worry, Darus. One day Penis will call to you, and on that day, I want to be the one to help you answer to His lust. And would it've killed you to have said 'Dad' first?" He joked goodnaturedly, then sighed deeply in satisfaction as he settled back down to sleep.

For now though, he was tired, and when Darus saw he was finished, moved over and snuggled close to his dad as they both drifted back to sleep...

Ardenus was walking to the barn when he heard the sounds of someone crying softly. The voice was young, and since there was only one child around here, he moved slowly into the barn to discover why his twenty two month old grandson was crying. He came around to the door, and his mouth fell open in shock.

"Darus?!? What've you done?!?" the elder exclaimed, looking on with the deepest levels of horror and shock at the nightmare before him.

Pieces were everywhere, strewn left and right, the parts of the carcass scattered about carelessly. Darus sat there sobbing with shame and covered in vital fluids. The boy was sobbing, trying to fit two of the wet pieces back together as he sat there, next to the empty corpse.

As if in a trance, Ardenus walked over to one of the parts, picking it up and blanching. How could the once nice and sweet boy be reduced... To murder?

"Darus, what ever possessed you to do this?"

"I-i-i-I j-just wanted to s-see what i-it w-was like! I-i-i-I w-w-wanted ta' fix it!" the lad wailed, looking deeply shamed.

Ardenus looked down at the piece in his hand, turning the lug nut over and over in his hand, then back to the dismantled remains of the secondary tractor that his grandson had murdered... By disassembly...

"KYLENUS! GET IN HERE!" Ardenus shouted, bringing the boy into the The house by the scruff of his neck and sitting him down at the kitchen table. "Don't you move, or I'll paddle your ass so hard the fur'll never grow in right on it!" He said angrily. "KYLENUS!!!"

"Dad! What are you shouting about?" Ky said, cuming up from the laundry room in the basement. He saw his father, standing there in overalls looking furious, and then saw his son sitting crying softly at the table, his nude body and face covered with grease and oil.

To make sure he could look after his son properly, Ky and Davin had switched places, until Darus was old enough to begin helping out in the fields. Next year, they would switch back, and Ky and the rest of the family would begin to teach the hatchling the ways of the farmer's life.

"I'll tell you what I'm shouting about... THIS!" he held up the lug bolt to his son.

"Darus? What exactly did you do?" Ky asked, looking at his son, who hung his head, sniffling.

"Your boy," Ardenus said through gritted teeth. "Went into the barn, picked up that fully adjustable ratchet set you bought for me last Yule, and used it to almost completely dismantle the old tractor, that's what happened!"

"The one we use to haul around stuff with?" Ky asked with confusion. He turned to his child. "Darus! Why did you do that?"

"I... wanted to see how it worked. I didn't mean it," the boy said, wiping his nose on his bare arm.

"Ew," Ky said, reaching for a hand towel and handing it to his son. "Don't do that, it's gross! Use a towel or something... On second though, scratch the 'or something' part." He sighed and sat down beside the boy. "Why'd you do that, Darus? That tractor is one of the main tools on this farm! Without it, our work becums a lot harder! Why'd you dismantle it in the first place?"

"Well," Darus shrugged, wiping his nose on the towel, then cleaning his arm off. "I did it with the swings, but they fell apart. I wanted to see if I could do better this time."

"Swings?" Ardenus asked, frowning. "There's no swings around here except that old tire swing on the old tree down by the river. What swings are you talking about, boy?"

"The ones I got in trouble for taking apart."

"Darus," Ky asked, leaning forward, realizing something. "The people who were mad at you about the swings, ...were They all humans? Think back and try to remember."

"I think so..." Darus said, looking up and his father in confusion. "Why?"

Ardenus looked at his son in equal confusion.

Kylenus sighed with a slight smile. "Well, Son, that isn't your memory... It's mine." He sighed, turning to his own father. "That was me who dismantled the swings. Everyone got really mad at me, especially the janitor when he had to reassemble it. I was banned from the playground for the rest of the school year. It looks like Darus inherited one of my strongest childhood memories so much that he confused it as his own."

"Oh," Ardenus said, still looking annoyed.

"Is that the only reason?" Ky asked his son, who shook his head.

"It's... It's my job to keep it running," the boy said, causing the adults' brows to wrinkle in confusion.

"What do you mean, Darus?" Ardenus asked.

"I remember working on them before. It was broke, so I tried to fix it, but I can't remember how," the boy said, looking guilty.

Ky blinked, unable to understand why the hatchling felt personally responsible for maintaining the tractor. He looked at Ardenus, who appeared to be just as baffled as his son.

"Well, Son, you did mean well..." Ky said, looking down on his hatchling, "However, that doesn't excuse what you did. We need that tractor, Darus! You fiddled around with something that wasn't yours without asking, so you need to be punished. Firstly, no dinner tonight."

"But Dad!"

"No! No dinner! Second, you're going back out to that barn as soon as we're finished talking, and search every inch of it for every single piece of the tractor and put it all next to it. If even a single piece is missing, you loose every dinner for a week! You're also going to spend as long as it takes to help your granddad put it back together! That means no wandering off, and no just handing tools to him when he asks for them! As an added incentive, you're on half rations until it's back up and running properly."

"Half rations?" Darus said, half in protest, and half in confusion.

"That means two plates maximum per meal, and no dessert!"

"What?!?" the boy shouted in protest.

"Want me to knock it down to one plate?"

Darus shook his head no, looking fearful.

Ky turned to his father. "Well, he's sorry, so that means something. Good enough?"

"Yeah, it'll do, Son. Alright, boy," he said, turning to his grandson. "You heard your dad. Get going. And remember, no dinner for a week if any parts are missing!"

"Ok," Darus said glumly, getting up from the table, and heading out to the barn.

Ky and Ardenus watched him disappear inside, and the younger father sighed. "Memories..."

"Did you really do that as a kid?" Ardenus asked.

"Yeah... yeah I did..." Kylenus replied sadly.

"I don't get it," Ardenus said, looking thoughtfully out the window after his grandson. "I never said any such thing to the boy, so why does he think that the tractor's his personal responsibility? I taught Markano how to work on them, but not anyone else yet. The only other person who ever worked on tractors besides the two of us was my father..."

"He said he remembered working on the tractor," Kylenus said, sounding hesitant. "But I've never worked on a tractor in my life! I don't ever remember doing anything like that. I remember a little bit about farming, thanks to the memories I inherited from you during my transformation, but nothing very clear, and -definitely- nothing about mechanical work. So where'd he get -those- memories from?"

"I don't know Son. I just know for a fact that it can't be from me through you. Inherited memories, even strong ones, never carry over past a single generation. Everything he inherited was solely from you. That's the way it works for us. It's literally impossible for him to have inherited those memories he's talking about from me. I haven't the foggiest notion as to where he's getting that from." Ardenus stood there, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ky shrugged silently, feeling just as in the dark as his parent...

Davin moaned softly as Kylenus fucked him slowly, gazing down at his brother lustily as he impaled his sibling on his rock hard phallus. Davin rose up, and latched onto Ky's left nipple suckling milk from his younger brother's body as he was mounted.

"Are you at it again?" Darus asked, walking in on his father and uncle, who continued to mate without shame in Davin's bedroom.

"Don't be a spoil-sport, Darus," Davin said, letting go of Ky's nipple to answer the boy.

"Yeah, Son," Ky said, gazing at his four-year old son as he pleasured his shaft deep inside Davin's insides. He smiled at the lad, who now looked like a human twelve-year old. "About a year from now, you'll start growing your fur in, hit puberty, and start begging for this kind of thing." Ky felt his penis twitch, the feelings building in strength.

"Yeah right!" the lad answered, looking skeptical.

"It's true," Davin said. "Just go ask your brother. He thought sex as stupid too when he was your age. Nowadays, he wants it all the time!" he added with a grin.

"I ain't asking him nothing! He's just as bad as the two of you!"

Ky chuckled. "Well, we choose to take that as a compliment!" He then shuddered and moaned. "Yesss... Prepare yourself, Davin. He readies Himself to offer you His blessings."

"Ahhh... Do it, Penis, fill me with Your essence. Pour it! Fill my ass up, Ky!" Davin said as he began to push his rear eagerly onto the erection buried within him.

"Ah! Ah! Hail Penis!" Ky gasped, as his boner began to pour hot liquid spew up inside Davin's egg canal.

Davin moaned, masturbating as he was filled, until his orgasm arose within him. "Yeah, yeah! Ah! Hail Penis! OH!" he gasped in surprise, as Kylenus dove onto the pulsing shaft with his mouth as it began to disgorge it's cream, sucking the white mangold down greedily, headless of his son, who just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking bored.

Darus had long ago gotten used to his father having sex several times a day, even right in front of him sometimes. He stood there, watching the blissful, half-open eyed expression on his uncle's face as he came, thinking that they were surely exaggerating. Sex couldn't possibly be -that- good a thing.

"Are you two done yet?" he asked with annoyance.

Ky lifted his head, looked at his son with slightly bulging bearded cheeks, then spat some of his brother's load at the boy, who jumped back in shock. It splattered at his feet, some of it getting onto his feet and legs. "Yeah, we're done," the father said with a smile.

"That's gross!" Darus said, wiping the stuff off of him with annoyance as they chuckled at him...

"...And Then Dad went and spat it all over my feet! It was disgusting!" Darus finished telling everyone, then took another bite of steak.

The family was eating dinner together, as was usual, and the boy grew annoyed when everyone chuckled.

"It's just sex, Darus," Ardenus said with a smile. "You'll be wanting it yourself soon enough."

"Everyone keeps saying that! What if I don't want it?"

"Well, Kiddo," Kylenus said, leaning forwards as he spoke. "No one will ever force you to have sex against your will. It's just that it feels so good, is all. And if it wasn't for sex, then you wouldn't even be here, let alone the rest of us. Sex is a perfectly natural part of life, Son. You may not like it now, but once you get older, you'll begin to understand why it's such a big deal for us adults. Don't be scared, OK? We won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, OK Kiddo?"

"Alright," Darus said, beginning to relax.

"Don't worry, Boy," Ardenus said with a sly smile. "About another year or so, and you'll start loving it!"

"Quit acting like an ingrown ass hair," Darus answered with annoyance.

Ardenus' fork slipped out of his fingers and clattered onto his plate, as he sat there looking at his grandson with shock. "Darus!" he asked, leaning forward with a look of utter disbelief on his face. "Where'd you hear that phrase?"

"I'm sorry," the boy answered, looking scared.

"No, no!" The grandparent said, holding up a hand in placation. "I'm not mad, I just want to know... Seriously, Boy. Where'd you learn that phrase?"

"I don't know... It just came to me, is all."

"You never heard anyone ever actually use that phrase with you?"

Everyone went quiet, not understanding why such an offhanded remark was making the eldest Hirsune of the family look so alarmed.

"No... I think I've said it to you before, though..."

"Really? When?"

"I don't know... I think I was on a chair or something, though... 'cause I remember looking down at you when I said it."

"Umm, oh... Alright then," Ardenus said, blinking rapidly and looking rather taken aback. "Well, um... Sorry I keep pestering you about sex. When you're ready, you're ready, so don't worry about it, OK?"

Darus just shrugged, and returned his attention to his food.

"Dad?" Markano asked, placing a hand on his father's forearm. "You alright?"

"Yeah..." Ardenus said, calming himself. "Just... Remembering something from years ago, Son. Darus just made me recall it, is all."

Everyone continued to look at the elder with concern.

"I'm fine, alright? Just a bit surprised, is all..." Ardenus said defensively.

After dinner, Ardenus and Kylenus cleared the table and began to prepare the dishes for the dishwasher. Ardenus was still looking distracted.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Ky asked, still worried for his father. "You've been acting weird ever since Darus made that ass hair comment. Talk to me!"

Ardenus sighed deeply, then looked his son in the eyes. "There's no possible way that Darus could've just invented that phrase... I haven't been called that in decades."

"By who?"

"'Ingrown ass hair'. It's something my own dad used to call me every time I annoyed him. I haven't heard that phrase in years..."

"Are you sure he didn't inherit it from you through me?"

"Not possible, Son." Ardenus said, shaking his head slowly. "Inherited memories only pass from one generation to the next in line, then peter out. They can't ever pass to a third generation because they're never strong enough parts of a person's mind to be passed on again. Think of them as echoes that fade over a distance. The echo can't reach beyond the first person to hear it. Besides, he'd only be able to inherit things that you, personally, consciously know. You've never heard that phrase, have you?"

"No, never," Ky said, shaking his head.

"Then he can't have gotten it from you or me... There's only one other possibility, but I've never witnessed it before, personally."

"What?" Ky asked.

"You remember your religious training? The part about The Flow?"

"Yes... Wait a minute! You're not saying what I think you are!" Ky asked, staring at his father in shock.

"It's possible..." Ardenus shrugged. "After all, reincarnation is a big part of our spiritual beliefs. That's the only explanation I can think of...."

"Are you sure this isn't just wish-fulfillment, Dad? Maybe you miss your father so much you're seeing more than is there."

Ardenus shook his head sadly. "I said goodbye to my father a long time ago, Son. I do miss him sometimes, but not enough to be looking for the smallest sign that he's cum back.

"Dad was the one who taught me how to work on the machinery around here. He could strip that tractor down and have it put back together in a matter of hours. Darus said he -remembered- working on that tractor before.

"And I know for a fact that no one around here could've told the boy that phrase. Everyone, me included, thought it was a really stupid thing to call someone, and Dad was the only one who ever said that. The one good thing everyone around here agreed on about Dad's death was that we'd never have to hear him call anyone that ever again. He couldn't have just picked it up from someone.

"And you heard what he said, he said he remembered saying that to me before, and he was looking down at me when he said it. Not only that, but he also said he remembered saying that to me before, but he never has. That was the first time I was called that since before my father passed away."

"So basically I did some weird Futurama thing, and gave birth to my own grandfather?" Ky asked in shock.

"What?" Ardenus asked, confused.

"There was an episode where the crew went back in time, and the main person got the man he knew as his grandfather killed, then had sex with his grandmother by accident, thinking it wasn't her even though it was, making him his own grandfather."

"No wonder you always sound so nuts!" Ardenus said, shaking his head sadly. "It's a wonder you're sane at all watching crap like that!"

"Well, I like it," Ky sniffed, sounding vaguely hurt.

"...Well, I'm not sure, but maybe that's what happened. It's possible, from a religious point of view."

"So maybe you did get your father back then," Ky said thoughtfully.

But Ardenus shook his head. "No, he's not my Dad, not anymore anyways. While there may be fragments of the man I remember, that's not him, at least not the same person I knew. My father is dead and buried, and our dance is over. He doesn't remember me the same way as before, so he's your son now, first and last. It's your turn to dance with him, Son. I'll just stand back and observe... Just think of me as a backup dancer."

Ky sputtered with indignation. "Dad? What's wrong with you?!? Don't you have any self respect?!?" (Ardenus held up his hands in confusion.) "A backup dancer?!? That's disgusting! Can't you be a security guard or something?!? At least security can get folks backstage! You need to learn how to love yourself," Ky said, looking at his father like the elder should know better than that.

"Son? What the blue blazes are you going on about?" Ardenus exclaimed, looking at his son even more confused than before.

"Scary Movie one?" Ky asked, but Ardenus shrugged even harder. Ky looked crestfallen. "Kav would've found that funny..."

Ardenus sighed, then leaned forward, kissing his son's head gently. "Boy, as much as I love you, you don't ever make a lick of sense!" He left the kitchen, shaking his head sadly, as Ky stuck his tongue out at him from behind...

Ardenus sat there in the temple's altar room, staring up at the shaft of light pouring down through the urethra of the central phallus, lost deep in thought. He'd wanted to get away from the farm, and sought the comfort of the holy shrine in order to sort out his conflicting feelings.

Was Darus really the reincarnation of his father, Baveyno? Did it -really- matter when it came down to it?

He'd meant what he'd said to his own son, Kylenus. That man he had known was gone. Darus might have some of the same memories and traits of the man Ardenus had been hatched and raised by, but there were also some strong differences. Baveyno had been stubborn, opinionated, and firm, yet still loving. Darus was open, inquisitive and sensitive, somewhat like his dad, Kylenus. It wasn't the same person, that was for sure, despite the memories and occasional personality quirks the boy had now.

In a strange way, it was comforting. Ardenus had always taken the concept of reincarnation with a grain of salt, not truly believing that it happened. But here, now, was proof to him that it did. He remembered looking up into The Flow one night, several years ago, and wishing his father would cum down out of it and smack some sense into him.

*Guess he took me up on the offer,* the farmer thought, smiling slightly.

"Ardenus? Feeling any better?" Welvayan asked as he entered the room from the back of the temple.

"Yeah... I think I'll be OK," he said slowly.

"Still dwelling on the past, though?" the priest asked, sitting on the edge of the altar next to his long-time friend.

"A little," Ardenus answered, staring up at the sunlight through the carvings in the ceiling. "But he's not my dad... Not anymore..."

Welvayan nodded slowly, his friend having told him the events regarding his newest grandson. "I've never heard of someone returning from The Flow during the same lifetime as those who had known them before, but anything's possible. My understanding of the process, however, is that we loose most of who we were before while we are up there. Perhaps he still possesses more than a normal amount of his past life because he returned so soon."

"So..." Ardenus said with a slight smile, "If I understand you correctly, Darus is possessed, and we have to destroy him?"

"What?" the priest asked with shock.

Ardenus shrugged. "That's just the kind of thing Kylenus would say, I suppose, or maybe an exorcist joke instead. I guess I'm spending too much time around that boy," he said, shaking his head sadly as he chuckled.

"Yes," the priest said slowly. "He does have a rather disturbed sense of humor, doesn't he?" the priest replied with annoyance, remembering how one time he'd entered the altar room during the lad's month of training to see him laid on his back on the altar, eyes open and covered in ketchup as he laid splayed over the sacred stone table like a ritual sacrifice. Welvayan had rushed forward in shock, shaking the lad with fear, who'd snapped out of the pose saying: "Can't a person get any rest around here?"

Needless to say, the priest hadn't been very amused. He came out of the memory with a sigh.

"Well, Ardenus," he said with a shrug. "The dance you had with your father has ended. Let it go, and enjoy this new dance with your grandson."

"I will," the farmer replied, smiling slowly...

Kylenus poured feed into the trough for the egg-laying chickens for the farm, lost in thought. Did it really mater if Darus was the reincarnation of his Hirsune grandfather? He'd never even met the man, who'd died decades before Kylenus was ever even born into this world. While it was interesting, how did it affect Ky personally? He didn't know what to think or feel.

He was worried for his father, who had known his own parent well, and seemed to be the most bothered by the revelation. *I hope he can learn to deal with this,* Ky thought, slightly worried. He sighed. *So what if I did lay my own grandpa,* he thought finally. *That doesn't really change the past, does it?*

"Oh, just what we need!' His memories of Futurama answered, as he recalled the episode he'd described to his dad, the character of Dr. Hubert Farnsworth shouting at him as though he were the main character Fry. 'A lesson in not changing history from Mr. 'I'm my own grandpa!''

His face spasmed in amusement at that, and he realized that to him, personally, it didn't really matter at all. Darus' past life was something Kylenus'd never been a part of. Their time together had begun the moment Ky had conceived his son, and that's all that mattered, that the boy was his son. Nothing else was important to him.

Ky returned to his work, feeling that to him, at least, the matter was finally resolved...

The family kept a covert eye on the grandfather for several days after that, but Ardenus had seemed to make peace with himself, and stopped acting strange around the youngest member of the family. He began to teach the boy about mechanics, which Darus showed a great passion and knack for, and it gave them something to bond over.

Things returned to normal at the farm, as Darus became old enough to help out in the fields, and Davin resumed control of the house as his sibling and nephew began to help out with the farming chores, teaching the youth the ways of the farm.

For the next many months, Darus grew, and his body began to grow the fur that would one day cover him completely like the adults. He stood there, late the following April, on the bench his uncle Markano had brought over to the window of the breeding room so that the boy could see what was going on inside.

Darus watched as his father laid there on his stomach, his face in a stupor as Ardenus fucked him roughly. The boy stared at his father's face, as the parent was lost in the depths of his season, moaning softly, then seeing the boy watching and made a fainted attempt to wave to him as he was mounted. Ky moaned and moved his head slowly upwards to face the wall behind the top of his head, gasping in pleasure as he was bred.

"So that's what going into heat is like?" the boy asked his older brother, who wore a gas mask on his right.

"Yep," the sibling said, rubbing his crotch slowly as he eagerly awaited his turn at his uncle, seeing as he was next in line to assist the older Hirsune with his season. "He was the same when he went to conceive you."

"But I don't have a sire, like you do. Who's mine?"

Markano chuckled to his left, and he turned to see Mark looking down at him, also wearing a gas mask to protect himself from the Hirsune-in-heat's pheromones, just in case. "Your dad bred himself. He took his own penis, and used it to mount himself. We had to lock him alone in the room, and sneak in whenever he passed out to feed him protein shakes to help him keep his strength up until his season passed."

"You know about your uncle Kav, right?" Avaran asked the lad, who nodded. "You're just like him. Your granddad is both dad and sire to Kav, and your dad is also your sire. Ky wanted a boy that was wholly his own, so he bred himself until you came along. He had to try for three years just to have you. He got lucky that it happened as easily as it did. But now, he wants to wait to make any other offspring, so you'll have to make do with just me for a brother, at least for now..."

Darus shrugged. "How cum I don't have to wear a mask like you guys?"

"Well," Mark answered. "You're not old enough yet for the heat pheromones to affect you, so you don't need the protection that we do. If we weren't wearing these masks, we'd be in there fighting with Dad and each other for the right to mount your father."

Darus looked back into the window, seeing the look of fulfillment on his dad's face as he as mounted. *At least he looks like he's happy,* the lad thought to himself...

It was late one night when Kylenus was shaken awake by his son. Groaning, he turned over to look at the boy, who was three months past his fifth hatching day. "Dad? Dad, wake up."

"Ummm... What is it, Kiddo?" he asked, tiredly.

"It won't go down," Darus said, sounding confused.

"What won't?" he asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he rose up slightly on his side, and stared at his son. "Oh wow!" he breathed, staring with wide eyes.

Darus sat there, looking down at himself, as his ten inch long penis rose majestically from his groin, fully erect.

Ky felt a surge of lust and excitement that drove away his grogginess has he gazed upon his offspring, who sat there looking nervously at himself. He moved closer, inhaling deeply, and shivered in excitement as his nose wrinkled slightly, The boy's pheromones were changing... He smelled nearly ready to mate.

"Is this your first time?" Ky asked softly, and the boy nodded, his eyes glued to his phallus. "Can I?" the father asked, his voice quivered with need and excitement. Once more, Darus nodded silently, and gasped in surprise at the sensations that came from his groin as the parent gently took the hard length of flesh into his hand.

"This is it, Son. The power of Penis has awoken within you. You're well on your way to becuming an adult now. Wanna learn how to use Him?"

Darus nodded, then frowned slightly as his father released his shaft. He watched as Kylenus rose up into a sitting position, his back resting against the headboard, and motioned for the lad to copy him. "Do what I do," Ky said huskily, taking his own erect manhood into his hand.

Darus mimicked his father, and they each began to stroke themselves slowly. Ky cleared his throat, looking intensely at his son's penis as the youth stroked it slowly. "Penis is a part of you now, Son. Let us call out to Him, that He may bestow pleasure everlasting upon you. Penis!" he called out firmly in a low voice so as not to disturb the rest of the family as they slept. His inherited memories from his father told him what to do and say, and he complied eagerly, wanting to initiate his boy into the ways of lust. "Penis! Another vessel awaits Your power and blessings. The penis of my creation stirs with lust, awakening to Your call, Enter into him, and rise up within..."

Ardenus rose slowly, not wanting to disturb Markano as the younger man slept. The elder wanted a drink of water, and slowly made his way down the hallway from his son's room, past those of his other boys, towards the bathroom. He stopped when he heard a voice, calling out in prayer.

He smiled to himself, wanting to check in on Kylenus, who's voice he recognized through the partially open doorway, but realized the lad might want some privacy... Until the actual words being spoken reached him, and he realized that Kylenus wasn't praying for himself. He recognized the meaning of this prayer, and his excitement arose, as did his erection, and he crept silently to the doorway to look inwards at his son and grandson.

He felt a surge of excitement and pride as he peeked in, seeing that his grandson sat there sporting a throbbing boner of his own, and he stood mutely as he stroked himself, bearing unseen and silent witness to the rising of his grandchild's lust for the first time...

Darus moaned softly as he stroked himself, not understanding until now why everyone had always looked so happy when they did this to themselves. He gasped, as his prick spasmed in his hand, and then he groaned softly as he rubbed the head of his penis the same way his dad was, reveling in the intense sensations flowing through him.

Ky, meanwhile, was staring at his son, watching with deep pride as the boy pleasured himself. He stroked the fur of his stomach sensually, watching Darus stroke his shaft until a burst of precum squirted out, splashing onto the boy's stomach, which was very hairy now.

The proud father gasped, seeing the clear fluid gush forth, and knew that Darus would soon cum for the first time in this life. "Watch Him closely, Son. Watch Penis as you pleasure Him. See what He does as you stroke Him, building Him towards orgasm... Can you feel Him, Darus? Can you feel His power rising within you?"

Darus nodded rapidly, not speaking. He moaned blissfully as an intense sensation arose within him, slowly building in strength.

"Arise, Penis, Arise!" the proud parent spoke huskily, his own lusts fully arisen. "Claim my son as Your own, and bring to him, Your Holy might! Fill Darus with Your pleasure everlasting, and awaken his lust for You. Make my boy a man! Cum, Penis! Gush Your sperm through his boy, and let him know You..."

Ardenus stroked himself rapidly, savoring the scene before him, moaning silently as he pleasured himself, feeling a deep sense of wonder and pride for them both as he watched. They were so lost in themselves that they never looked up, or even smelled his presence. He squeezed his sack, putting delicious pressure on his testicles as he masturbated silently...

"Don't take your eyes off of Him, Darus," Kylenus said, seeing that the boy's breathing was becuming irregular. "Keep watching Him, Son. I want you to see the moment that He first bestows His liquid blessings upon you."

Ky masturbated as he watched his son stroke his length, his orgasm building slowly as he bore witness to his son's first exploration of lust.

Darus began to gasp rapidly, his sense of urgency rising rapidly.

"Penis! Bestow Your blessings upon Darus, and usher him onto the path that leads to manhood. Pour Your power through his balls, and along his shaft, and gush forth Your essence, that he may embrace You. Cum, Penis! Cum! Cum! Cum!"

Darus convulsed, shocked at the intensity of what was happening to him, his eyes wide with shock as he looked at his cock, with twitched in his hand, and suddenly he felt an explosion within him, as his phallus orgasmed, and his semen shot forth from his piss-slit as he stared at it in wonder. He groaned loudly as he came, caught in the throws of his very first climax.

"Yes! Yes! Ah fuck, Son! Hail Penis!" Ky cried out, as his own orgasm hit him, triggered by the sight if his son gushing his spunk all over himself for the first time, and they both rode their climaxes in wonder, watching the lad's shaft disgorge it's hot white spunk onto his face and torso.

"Hail Penis, Son! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" Darus cried out, as he smiled goofily at his spunking rod...

Ardenus gasped with joy as he watched his grandson cum for the first time, his heart swelling with pride as he bore witness, and he sighed softly as his own orgasm burst free, spraying into the door to his son's bedroom. He gazed at them through half-lidded eyes, smiling with pride as he watched them...

Ky watched with pride as Darus writhed upon the bed, his eyes wide and glued to his erection as it discharged the seed from his balls all over him, and Ky sighed has his own orgasm began to fade.

Once his ended, he reached forward, and scraped some of his son's jizz off the lad's chest and brought it to the boy's mouth. Much as Ky wanted to swallow it himself, this was his son's essence, and the lad deserved to be the first to taste it. "Here, Son. Partake of the essence of Penis. Taste of His blessings, which He has granted onto you."

Darus leaned forward, sucking on his father's fingers, moaning as the heady flavor danced upon his tongue. "Wow! That tastes great!" the boy breathed, scraping up some more of his own and gulping it down greedily. Ky took a handful from the lad's torso himself, and brought it to his mouth, savoring the seed he had created. "Yes, Son. That is the essence of who and what we are as Hirsune. Embrace it."

He opened his eyes as he felt a hand on his torso, and he looked to see Darus scooping some of his father's cum off of the parent's chest. He raised it to his mouth, but Ky placed a restraining hand on the boy's arm. "Before you eat of my seed, gaze upon it, and thank Penis for it. Look closely at it, Darus, for that seed is the very same seed that created you within me. That seed is the same essence as you, and by consuming that Holy Sacrament, you are embracing the very source of your existence within this life. Partake of my sperm, and receive the blessings of the penis that created you, Son."

He shuddered with lust as Davin slowly brought the mouthful of his parent's spunk to his mouth, and ingested it. Ky gasped, his lust arising further at the mind-blowing realization that his son was eating that which had created him, and the older Hirsune gasped as a second, spontaneous orgasm flowed through him.

Still cumming for the second time, he took it as a sign, and rolled up and on top of his son, kneeling over the boy who laid back beneath him, and Kylenus bathed his son in the blessings of Penis, the very penis that had brought the lad forth.

"Hail Penis! Receive the blessings of the phallus that ushered you into life, Darus, my Son! He bathes you in His hot white spunk, that you may swim in the very wellspring of life from which you arose! Be one with His essence, and praise Him for bestowing you upon the world, and gracing us with your presence! Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" Darus cried passionately, rubbing his hands all over himself as his father covered him in the very same sperm that had made him, the boy driven to religious fervor from his own lust...

Ardenus gasped as he witnessed this, his knees almost buckling at the display before him as he continued to stroke his spent member. He finally came out of his revere several minutes later, and slowly crept away, not wanting to disturb the two in this most Holy moment of cummunion between father and son...

Kylenus finally felt his orgasm fade, and he moved to lay beside his son, who was covered in liquid white man juice. He leaned in to his son, gazing at him lustily, then moved forward, pressing his mouth to the lad's, and pushing his tongue into his son's mouth to kiss him passionately.

Darus felt his mind explode with passion as his father pressed against him. Up until now, the kisses the boy had received had always been platonic, a quick peck on the cheek or forehead, or a gentle pressing of lips to his head.

But this was different. This was a man's kiss, and he responded in kind, exploring his dad's mouth with his tongue, scraping the hairy mouth with his teeth, and enjoying his first ever kiss of passion, their eyes locked together to see the pleasure each felt with the other.

They kissed for almost fifteen minutes, and Darus felt a deep joy and gratitude to his father, who kissed him long and deep, exploring his son's body gently with his hands, until they grew sleepy, and drifted into slumber in each other's arms...

Everyone was very happy for Darus, who became very embarrassed at all of the attention he was getting. He kept flushing red every time someone congratulated or teased him.

Kylenus sat Darus down alone that evening, and explained to him about the Great Rite. "But it's gonna hurt, huh?" the son asked nervously.

"Yeah," Ky said, looking apologetic. "But if we do it fast, it'll be over with quickly. Then we'll let you recover for as long as it takes for you to heal up. Once that happens, it won't ever hurt again. Trust me, Darus, being mounted is a perfectly normal part of Hirsune life, and I don't want you to miss out on that. It'll have to happen someday, if you want kids of your own, but I'd be very honored to be the first..."

Darus thought about it. He'd broken his arm falling out of a tree last year, so pain wasn't too scary for him. "Ok, Dad... Let's do it..."

Everyone, including Roderal and Salaus, gathered in the family temple, and everyone gathered close to bare witness as the youngest member of the family became an adult. The rest of the family stood there, stroking themselves as they silently observed the most important moment of Darus' life.

Leather cushions were placed upon the altar, and Darus joined his father on it. Kylenus kissed his son deeply, letting the boy feel his father's love for him, as their phalli began to stiffen. Ky shuddered in anticipation as he stroked his son's body, feeling the hair growing there. It was mostly grown in now, and the skin beneath could barely be seen. Soon, the boy would be cumpletely covered in the furry pelt that would distinguish him outwardly as a grownup.

Ky broke the kiss, and gently guided his offspring down until the lad was laying on his back. He smiled down at Darus, seeing the boy's nervousness. "Don't be scared, Kiddo, I'll be quick. Thank you for letting me be the one to usher you into manhood." He placed his hand low on the lad's stomach. "Here is your solem gland, located towards the back. Relax your anus, then bare down on the gland to produce solem. It'll lubricate you and make the experience more pleasurable. Produce enough to cum out of your canal."

Ky held his hand to his son's opening as the youth did as instructed. The proud father gathered the secretion into his hand, and brought it up to Darus' face. "This is the substance of lust, of masculine power. Take it back into yourself, and feel the flames of lust engulf you..."

Darus licked the solem from his father's palm, and Kylenus leaned forward to watch his son's eyes closely, seeing them begin to dilate as the pheromones of the boy's solem went to work on his system, and the boy sighed in wonder as it took effect. Ky moved his hand to his own entrance, and discharged some of his own lubricant, then offered it to his son, letting the stronger and more developed solem of the parent add to the mix, heightening the young Hirsune's pleasure.

Kylenus willed his penis to full erection as he watched, and began to leak precum slowly in preparation. When he felt that Darus was ready, he rose up, presenting to the lad the erection that had given him life. "Darus, behold the Penis that brought you this life, the phallus of your father and sire. This same cock shall take you to the next step in life, as it shall claim from you your virginity, and make you an equal among us. After life itself, this is the second most sacred gift He can give to you, Son, and I offer it to you with pride and lust. Pray to Penis, Darus. Pray to the penis of your father, that He may bestow upon you the first experience on the journey of lust that is to cum for you."

Darus took the erection of his parent into his hand, feeling it pulse within his grip, and stared into the eye of the shaft that had created him. "Penis! I pray to you, throbbing phallus of my dad, and thank you for the life you gave me. I am ready for you to take me further, and welcum you within, that you may make me an adult. Take my virginity, as you gave it to me, and bred me long and deep... Enter within me, Penis. Please... Give me Your blessings." He leaned forward, kissing the tip of his father's prick, which drooled precum onto his chest. He sighed in anticipation as he released it.

Ky pulled back, and positioned himself against the opening that led where no one had ever gone before, pouring precum copiously. "Darus, my son, with this act, you shall becum a man. Prepare yourself." He waited until Darus nodded his readiness. "HAIL PENIS!" Kylenus shouted, thrusting all the way into his son, and ripping through the lad's naro, and continuing to thrust inward until his hips slammed against his son's buttocks.

Darus screamed with sudden pain as he was violated, nearly sobbing as his naro was pierced by the quivering rod that impaled him. He felt mild relief when he realized his father was holding still, looking down at him with a mixture of pleasure at the act, and apology for the pain he was causing the lad.

Seeing Darus writhing in agony wounded the father, and he held still for as long as he could, maintaining his erection while allowing his son to recover as best as he could. Ky moved his hand to his ass, and then offered Darus more solem, which helped to dull the pain. He waited for several minutes, allowing Darus to find some relief from the pain, and has he saw the lad start to relax, he began to fuck with long, hard strokes, making the boy moan and groan with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

As he fucked his son, Kylenus looked down at the lad with pride and lust. "Fuck yeah, Darus... Look at you. You're a man now, taking my big dick up your canal... I'm so proud of you, Son! You feel so good around my cock! Feel the power of Penis as I fuck you... You feel it, Darus? Can you feel how incredible it feels to be mounted by another Hirsune?"

"Oh yeah, Dad!" Darus cried out, feeling an incredible bliss mixing with the deep pain he still felt within. "Don't stop! I can feel all of you inside of me. Oh fuck it hurts! ...But It feels so good too!"

"Don't worry, Son. This'll be the only time it will hurt. We'll let you heal up properly before you're mounted again... Oh fuck... Thank you, Darus. Thank you, Son! You have no idea how amazing this is for me! I brought you into this world. You're my son, and now I'm the one fucking you for the first time! Oh yeah, fucking my own son! Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah! Oh shit this is so hot! Take me, Son! Take my thick penis up inside you! I'm gonna fill you up, Boy! I'm gonna cream my load deep inside you, and fill you with the same spunk you're made of! Oh fuck!!!"

"Uh yeah, Dad! Do it! I want you to breed me! Fill me up, Dad! I wanna feel Him spewing up inside me! Do it, Dad! Cum! Cum!"

"Yeah?" Ky asked, as his penis began to spasm in preparation deep inside of the lad. He felt it building up to explosion. "Oh fuck yeah, Son! Yeah! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Ah yeah! Oh fuck! FUCK YEAH! TAKE IT, DARUS! TAKE YOUR DAD'S SPUNK UP YOUR ASS! FUCK YEAH!!!" He came long and hard, spilling his semen deep inside of Darus' canal, ending his virginity. "YOU'RE AN ADULT NOW, SON! HAIL PENIS!!!"

Darus' mind and body overloaded with sensation, and his own phallus erupted without him even touching himself, coating him in his own ball juice, which poured freely all over him. "FUCK YEAH! HAIL PENIS!!!"

The rest of the family cried out in kind, letting their own sperm fly with lust as they welcumed their youngest relative into adulthood...

Darus was allowed to recover for two days in order to make sure he had enough time to heal properly from the trauma to his egg canal from losing his virginity. Once he had done so, Kylenus began to teach his son about sex, helping him to explore the various methods of pleasure he could give to and received from others.

It was nighttime, and Kylenus and Darus were together in the father's bed, kissing and fondling each other.

"You feeling OK, now?" Ky asked.

"Yes, It doesn't hurt anymore." Darus said, sighing in relief.

Ky noted just how much his son had grown, as well as how the lad's voice was deepening to a sexy baritone. He smiled at the lad.

"Sorry I did it so rough, but I thought that it might be better if we got it over with quickly. Now that you're all healed up though, you can be mounted safely without any pain. ...However," Ky said, taking his son's swelling penis into his hand, "Who says that you're the one who always has to be mounted?"

"You mean-?" Darus asked eagerly.

"Wanna try it?" Ky asked with a smile. "There's technically two forms of virginity for Hirsune. Being mounted is the formal way, and there's no Rites for siring, but it's still an important part of becuming a sexual being. I'd be honored to be your first, Son..."

"Really? Ok..." He leaned over, kissing his father passionately.

Darus seemed to love kissing, and Ky felt the same, so they spent time exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. As they did so, Ky began to produce musk to heighten the experience. Darus broke away and moved his face to his father's armpit, lifting the arm to get to his dad's secretions and breathing deeply.

Ky moved to his own son's underarm, which was only mildly damp. He placed his hand just beneath it along the ribcage. "Bare down here," he instructed. Darus did so, and Kylenus moaned as he buried his face in the lad's dampening pit, getting high on his son's musk pheromones. He growled softly as he began to chew on the damp, fur-covered flesh there, reveling in the taste and smell of his offspring.

Their bodies began to sweat, and they slid against each other, the perspiration mixing with the musk and swirling headily in their noses. They tasted each other's sweaty fur and flesh, their tongues tingling from the flavors of the other's body. Ky produced solem, and the scent of it inflamed both of them further, Darus moaning and growling with need.

Finally, the lad couldn't hold back any longer, and he moved backwards, took his firm phallus into his hand, aimed at the open orifice that led into the most sacred part of his father's body, and thrusted in, moaning blissfully at the hot, wet, slickness of his father's canal that wrapped tightly around his length. Darus gritted his teeth, feeling a fierce savage joy as he entered his father, and their mixing pheromones triggered a change in his personality, making him feel more aggressive.

Ky looked up at his son, snarling with fierce joy as the lad entered another Hirsune for the first time, wanting to see the look of erotic discovery on the young man's face. Darus' eyes were closed, his mouth hung open as he was lost in sensation. Then he began to move, and Ky let out a growling sigh of satisfaction as he felt the penis he had created begin to piston within his canal. He pushed upwards rhythmically, meeting the lad's strokes within him in contentment. Kylenus gritted his teeth, his ferocity rising just like with his own father and youngest brother, as their pheromones mixed, triggering his aggressive side.

"Darus..." He growled, and his son opened his eyes to look down at his parent. "Look at you, Son. You're a man now. Look at you, fucking another Hirsune... Sliding in and out of his canal... Fuck, your dick feels so good inside me! Mount me, Son! Breed your dad! Feel the force of your lust, the power of Penis! Fuck me, Son! Fuck your dad! Keep fucking until you blow your load inside me! I wanna feel your hot spunk gushing up inside me! Bestow the blessings of Penis deep inside the man who gave you life! Give back to me the seed I gave you!"

They moaned, snarled and growled as they mated, Darus feeling that hot tube of flesh sucking him in and squeezing his throbbing dong as he fucked that hot wet hole, Ky reveling in the intense sensations as he felt every detail of the hard boner thrusting in and out of him. Darus' furry balls slowly drew upward as he fucked, slapping Ky's furry butt with a steady beat. The bedsprings squeaked in time with their motions, adding a background beat to the rhythm of their mating.

Darus leaned forward, kissing his dad passionately as they continued to fuck, then rose up. Ky saw his son's sweaty chest, and lifted his upper body, taking one of Darus' nipples in his mouth. As he began to nurse from his child, tasting the lad's milk for the first time, Ky growled in satisfaction. Darus gasped as he was fed from for the first time, and snarled fiercely as he felt his orgasm begin to build.

"Oh fuck, Dad. It's cuming! I can feel it building! Ahhh..." Darus pistoned rapidly as his climax neared, his breathing growing urgent, his feral vocalizations becuming more and more desperate.

Ky released his son's nipple. "Look at me, Son. I wanna see it! I wanna see it happen in your eyes!"

Darus stared into the depths of his father's fiery eyes, seeing the excitement and desire there, along with the pride.

"Do it, Son! Spray it! Pour that hot liquid spew up my ass! Breed me!"

Darus growled again and again, the pitch and sense of urgency rising each time, then he roared in triumph as he came, and spunk out of Penis washed his parent's canal in his creamy essence. Their eyes were locked together, sharing this most Holy moment of union, their faces frozen in silent, bestial snarls of triumph.

Seeing the moment when his son lost his final form of virginity was too much for the adult, and he grabbed his raging phallus and masturbated furiously, his hand a blur of motion until he came, gasping with release as he poured his jizz all over the lad's torso, covering him in the same egg gravy that had made him, staring deeply into Darus' eyes and gritting his teeth from the intensity of the moment.

They both came for some time, before collapsing in sweat-drenched exhaustion... And fell asleep in each other's arms...

Kylenus looked down at his boy, who knelt before him in the family temple. He took aim with his penis, and let forth a long gushing torrent of piss, marking the lad with his cock-wine. "Receive this gift, Son, and know that you are now mine!" He growled lustily as he bathed his son in his golden flow.

Darus gasped as he was drenched, then moaned in pleasure as he was anointed in his dad's hot urine. The flow ended, and Kylenus backed away, his piss-slit still dripping, and smiled at him with pride as Ardenus moved up to him, brandishing his own soft member.

Four days later, they all went into town for temple services, where Darus was offered the blessings of Penis from his family, the council of elders, and many others in the community.

The following year, in early April, Darus went into heat for the first time, and Kylenus was both the first and last to help the lad sate his hormone-driven need to be bred...

Life went on peacefully for the family, and Kylenus watched his son grow to full maturity, becuming a strong, handsome and gentle man. Ky went on to have two more sons, Vanaon by his cousin Salaus, and Cersomal by his second brother Davin, as well as siring Waymenar by Kavarin, and Haneus by Salaus...

Kylenus, now forty nine years hatched, stood nervously next to his dad, looking in through the hatchery window as his son stood there, watching his own egg closely. Ky felt his father's hand upon his shoulder, squeezing gently with pride.

When the boy finally made it safely out of the shell, Ky let out the nervous breath he'd been holding. He watched in wonder as his grandson rose up and began to wine with hunger. Darus knew what to do, however, and let forth some of his milk to lure his newly hatched son to him.

Ky watched his boy with pride, as the man nursed his own son gently. "I'm going to name you... Kirmaynen. You like that, Son?"

"Way to go, Darus," Kylenus said. "I'm very proud of you, Son..."

Kylenus followed his father out of the house, and into a clearing in the woods at the edge of the farmlands, their path illuminated by the silvery light of the full moon, which shown down upon them this warm summer's night. They reached their chosen spot, a clearing in the woods at the edge of the farmlands, and a place where Ardenus liked to cum sometimes, ever since he was a hatchling. They stroked each other affectionately, letting their musk pour free.

"I'm proud of you, Son. First a dad, and now a granddad. You're continuing the family line very well, Kylenus."

"Thanks, Dad, but let's just concentrate on us for tonight."

"Grrr!" Ardenus growled lustily, as Ky bit into his father's furry pec. Out here, they could role-play their shared fetish as much as they wanted without disturbing anyone, and the wilderness setting enhanced the fantasy.

They produced musk and solem, getting high off of themselves and each other, letting their pheromones mix in the normal fashion. The began to growl, first softly, then more and more fiercely as their aggressive tendencies rose more strongly.

They dropped to the grass as the silver light of the moon washed over them, and Ky shivered uncontrollably as his father's fingernails scraped through his fur, raking the skin beneath.

"Ah fuck yeah! Claw me up, Alpha!" Ky snarled savagely, losing himself in his role.

"Fuck yeah!" Ardenus snarled, baring his teeth at his son. "My fucking little wolf pup wants it ruff, huh?"

"Uh yeah! Show me just how much of a fucking monster you can be!" Ky growled back, snarling into his father's face, then biting his parent's shoulder hard, knowing it would drive the elder wild with desire.

Their werewolf role-play fetish had persisted throughout the years, becuming their favorite sexual fetish. Ardenus had amped up the role-play by introducing Kylenus to this clearing, which enhanced the imagery of savage wolves mating ferociously out in the wilderness.

Ardenus spun the lad around and shoved him down to the grass roughly, then dropped down onto him, biting his way down from Ky's shoulder, down his back, and to his ass, chewing on the boy's buttocks fiercely with iron teeth, shaking them roughly in his teeth until Ky's leaking solem drove him to a frenzy, and he leapt up the lad's back with a snarl to drive his twitching meat up the pup's ass with a growl of satisfaction.

Ky growled lustily as he was mounted, pushing his ass back eagerly onto the invading phallus, wiggling it slightly for added sensation. He felt his father's hot breath on the back of his neck as Ardenus began to fuck him on all fours, and he dug his fingers and toes into the grassy turf of the clearing, snarling lustily as he was bred.

The father huffed and puffed as he fucked his son, no, his pup, with savage strokes, tilting his head back to gaze at the fullness of the moon as it hung in the cloudless sky. He looked back down to see Ky's head hung low, and lunged forward, tilting his head and biting hard on the back of the pup's neck, growling into the lad's fur.

Ky snarled in shock, fire filling his veins as his alpha dad bit into him, showing the boy his superiority. Ky's dick twitched in the air, spurting precum in long streams into the grass as it puked it's lubricant copiously. He growled demandingly, ramming his hips backwards into the pistoning hips behind him with an almost insane hunger.

Ardenus took the hint, and fucked harder, making Ky's canal burn despite the liberal amounts of solem he was secreting. Sweat pored from his body, mixing with his musk and excess solem that leaked out around his father's speeding prong which stroked rapidly in and out of his anus with brutal force.

The alpha leaned down heavily onto his pup's back, and raked the lad's underside with his unclipped, almost claw-like fingernails, enjoying the way the pup spasmed with intensity from the sensations, his growls of lust sputtering eratically. His penis spasmed inside the boy, precum squirting out into the canal, making it even slicker, and he fucked that eager hole greedily, wanting to fill it full of wolf spunk.

He slowed down briefly to fill his hand to overflowing with solem, bringing it around quickly to splatter it all over his son's face, then rapidly doing the same to himself. The potent pheromones took affect, and they went wild with lust, snarling, growling and biting any part of the other they could reach.

Ky growled fiercely, almost believing he was actually transforming into a real werewolf as he was mounted by his dad, his alpha wolf. He could just about feel his face push out into a muzzle full of sharp teeth as he was fucked roughly, and gasped when he felt Ardenus' hand wrap around his shaft and begin to masturbate him rapidly.

Ky grunted and growled urgently as his orgasm rocketed along his shaft, and he howled like a wolf as he came, spurting his Hirsune jizz all over the grass, his hands, and lower arms.

Hearing his son's lusty wolf howl of release, the Hirsune dad growled urgently until he came, releasing the lad's neck to howl up at the full moon, joining his son in the mock wolfsong of their sated lusts...

Kylenus walked down the road, and crossed the bridge over the river. He walked along for about half a mile, until he found the place he was looking for. He walked off of the road, approaching the ten-foot high cliff over the river, and carefully sat down on it's edge, looking down into the flowing waters in reflection.

It had been a hundred and one years ago today that he had sat in this exact same spot, feeling as though his life were at an end. He sat there, trying to remember how he had felt back then, but couldn't. The memories and pain had faded away to vague echoes of emotions now long gone.

He took that as a sign, and got to his feet, striping off his overalls and boots, then standing nude before the raging waters. He reached down, pleasuring himself. He called silently to Penis to fill him with lust, and gasped as he came, squirting his Hirsune semen down into the flowing river, where it was swept away. He came for a long time, letting his seed flow freely from him, saying goodbye to the sad human Kyle, who he had been long ago.

He dressed, and made his way home for lunch. He arrived just in time, and stood there silently in the doorway, smiling to himself as he watched his family.

After a few minutes, Ardenus saw him standing there. "Son? You alright?"

"I'm fine," Ky said, smiling wider, and moved to join his family at the table...

Kylenus entered his father's room one summer morning. Ardenus had grown elderly after the two hundred and thirty three years since Ky had first met him, and required aid to get up in the mornings now. He threw open the curtains to let in the morning sunlight. "Cum on, Old Man, time to start the day," he said, turning to his father's bed and pulling back the covers. He reached forward with a smile, seeing the slight smile on his dad's face and gently shook him.

The smile died instantly as he felt the coolness under his hand. "Dad?"

There was no response.

"Dad? Dad?!?"

But the truth was undeniable. Ardenus had passed away quietly in his sleep during the night. Ky sobbed uncontrollably, weeping onto his father's chest.

Markano came in a few minutes later to find him still crying...

The family gathered in the back yard one evening, two nights after Ardenus had passed, all dressed in white for the funeral. White was the symbol of life, lust and the afterlife for Hirsune, and as head priest Agarno spoke, Kylenus looked down as he felt Darus take his father's hand into his own. They looked at each other, and Ky felt his sadness easing. He looked up at the white shroud that wrapped Ardenus' body, which laid peacefully upon the funeral pyre.

The wind caught the shroud, making the section over the body's hips flap rapidly for a brief moment, and Ky nearly choked. He coughed some, causing his son to pat him on the back until it passed. For a moment, it had almost looked as though Ardenus had farted beneath the shroud.

*Why in the holy name of fuck am I thinking something like that now?!?* the Hirsune thought to himself with annoyance that muddled his grief momentarily. *Maybe it's a coping mechanism, or something,* he added sadly. He sighed, then smiled weakly at Darus, shaking his head to show it was nothing.

"We are gathered here today," priest Agarno said, "To release the spirit of one who has passed. Although this portion in his part of the great dance has ended, let us draw comfort from the knowledge that we shall each meet him again someday. We release his spirit back into The Flow, that he may return to the wellspring of life. There, he shall rest and reflect, and meet once more with those who have gone before him. Let us remember him for who he was, and celebrate the life he had, the lusts he sated, and the joys he gave to all who knew him. Through flame we release your essence, Ardenus, Son of Baveyno, and send you on your way. Rest now, and prepare for the time when you shall rejoin us, and dance once again. Through the power of Penis did you cum to be, to The Flow of Penis' blessings, we return you. Hail and Farewell, until we meet again. Hail Penis!"

"Hail Penis!" everyone responded, as the wood was ignited. They watched as the fire spread, engulfing the body of their father, ther grandfather, their great grandfather, their great great grandfather, and their friend. The smoke rose up, stretching up into the sky, rising towards The Flow.

As Ky watched the fire consume the body of his father, he cried sadly, until he turned to look at his eldest son, who looked sad, but nowhere near as much so. Kylenus remembered what Darus was, what he had been to Ardenus, and Ky felt his grief lifting. Not completely, for he was still saddened by their loss... But the pain became bearable as he realized what Darus represented, and they held hands, watching until the fire burned away to ashes...

Kylenus stood on the porch of the farmhouse. It wasn't the same porch that he had once stood on with his father. The old farmhouse had aged to the point of disrepair, and had needed to be torn down so that a newer, stronger dwelling could be built. Ky leaned against the banister, looking up into The Flow, remembering his father, until Kavarin walked out slowly to join him.

"I can't believe he's gone," the third son said sadly.

"Not forever, though," Ky said.

"I don't know," Kav said, leaning heavily against the banister next to Ky's. "I never really put much stock into reincarnation."

"Well, you were never the most religious one among us, anyways," Ky said, shrugging. "But I know he's up there, waiting for the days when we each join him there."

Kav looked over at his sibling in shock, and saw the firm conviction there. "How can you be so sure?" he asked in confusion.

Ky turned to face him, then looked into the house, where Darus was passionately kissing his eight year old son Kirmaynen. "I just really believe, is all," Ky said, smiling slightly.

They had never told anyone else in the family that Darus was the reincarnation of Baveyno. Darus knew, but no one else did. It was Darus' choice, and Ky respected it.

Kav shook his head sadly. "I don't know..." He finally said, sounding skeptical.

"Well then, let's bet on it... If I'm right, I get to be your dad next time around. If you're right, you get to be mine."

"Ky, that doesn't make any sense!" Kav said, smiling at his brother in amusement.

"We've known each other for over two centuries, and you still haven't realized that -nothing- about me makes any sense? You really are slow!" Ky said, chuckling as he walked back into the house.

"Hey!" Kav shouted after him in amused indignation...

Ardenus was gone, but life continued. Kylenus helped run the family farm through the decades, watching as His sons became fathers, and then grandfathers. Hirsune went out into the world, becuming musicians, authors, actors, and even porn stars, but mostly in gay or Hirsune-only pornos. He watched the human world advance in technology, and the first space station becum established on the moon, though no Hirsune wanted to go, seeing as how it would take them too far away from their relatives on Earth. Gay rights, as well as Hirsune rights, reached full development. The humans went to war with North Korea, then Iran, then China, and then Ubenway, a young African country that arose in the late twenty two hundreds. Ky saw it all through the media, as his successors as spokesmen for the Hirsune came and went.

Finally, after over three hundred and seventy years after he had becum Hirsune, he began to age rapidly, becuming a senior citizen. His sex drive began to diminish, as did his energy and strength. Roderal died fifty years to the day after Ardenus had passed on, and Kylenus grieved his loss as much as his father's. Markano died next, followed by Kavarin, then Salaus, and lastly Davin. In the end, Ky became the oldest living member of the family. He wasn't sure anymore how old his father and older brothers were, now that they were all dead and gone. It was good that they had been burned, so that their zombies wouldn't make for awkward family meals, or so he told himself in his more lively moments.

He sat there, watching his great great grandson playing in the living room, until he dozed off, feeling rather tired. He was startled awake by Darus, who offered to take him to bed. Kylenus had taken over the master bedroom of the house, and his eldest boy eased him into bed.

"Hey Darus, can you ask Vaneon and Cersomal to join us in here?" he asked his lad.

"Ok, but why?" Darus asked, looking at his dad.

"Just indulge an old man's fancy, will you?" he said with a smile.

Darus shrugged, and called them in.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Van asked, looking at his father with concern.

"You OK?" Cer asked, cocking his head a bit to the side.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you all for a few moments."

Kylenus looked at each of them, Darus, who looked nearly identical to him, Vaneon, who with his light brown fur and gentle nature, reminded Ky very much of his cousin Salaus, and lastly to Cersomal, who with his wiry built, and dark fur, seemed to be a hybrid of both Ky and Davin, even though he was always the first to argue, but also the first to calm down and try to reason.

"I know I've said this to each of you before," he said, smiling warmly to each of them, "But I never want you to forget how very proud I am of each of you."

"Dad?" Cer asked fearfully. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, no!" Ky said, waving a hand dismissively. "It's just that I hate putting off saying the things that should never go unsaid. It took me decades to learn how to open up to others, and now you can't ever seem to shut me up when I've got something to say!" He smiled with amusement. "I just want you all to know how much I love each of you, and how very proud I am of you all."

"You sure you're OK, Dad?" Van asked, still sounding worried.

"I'm alright. I'm just feeling a bit nostalgic tonight, is all." He turned to his nightstand, where projected images inside clear pla-steel frames showed centuries old photos of a young Ky with his brothers, father, cousin and sire. "I just miss them more tonight than normal..." He reached over, brushing the image with his fingertips. "Sorry if I'm worrying you boys. I really don't mean to."

They rose some time later, after talking further, Van and Cer exiting the room, but Darus stayed behind.


"I'm fine, Darus," Ky said, smiling.

"Dad? Cum on..." The son persisted.

"I haven't cummed in several years now, Son, but thanks for the offer," he teased.

Darus looked his father in the eyes, but Ky merely shook his head slightly. An understanding seemed to pass between them. He leaned forward, kissing his father on the lips, brushing them briefly with his tongue. "Good night, Dad."

"Good night, Son," Ky said, then snuggled back into his bed as Darus dimmed the lights and closed the door softly.

Kylenus laid there for a long time, staring at the images of his family and smiling, before he drifted into sleep...

Darus was the one who found him there the next morning, his face looking very peaceful, with a slight smile there. Darus cried at the loss of his father, but knew, as his dad had known, that they would meet again one day...

Kylenus rose up, casting his attention sadly back to his sobbing family as he rose up into the night, lifted by the flames that consumed his body. He watched them with a bit of sadness before turning his gaze upwards, and he soared high into the sky, past the stars and onward into the night, until a comforting whiteness surrounded him. It wasn't light... It felt almost fluidic in nature, and he moved through it easily as he traveled.

After several moments of moving forward, he sensed someone approaching him, and felt a deep, all encompassing joy when he realized that the person approaching him was the person he had known as his father Ardenus. They had no arms to hug with, but they embraced in a fashion, and the one who had been the human Kyle, and then the Hirsune Kylenus felt his former father's love surround him. They began to travel together, and others approached. The people who had been Markano, Davin, Kavarin, Roderal, Salaus, Welvayan, Tenaro and Pareus were there, waiting for him, and he embraced each in turn. Then, they traveled onwards together, through the seemingly endless whiteness.

As they traveled, talking without words about their experiences in the last life, as well as many others before, the person who had been Kylenus began to remember long forgotten memories and lives, and learned that he and those around him had shared many lives together. He joked with the one who had been Kavarin, reminding him of their bet, and the one who had been Kav yielded gracefully with amusement.

After a time, he felt a pull from behind. Knowing that it meant, the others waited there for him, as he traveled back. There, he waited patiently, until the one who had been his son Darus arrived, and greeting him warmly, 'Ky' led him back to join the others. He went back two more times, ushering forth the ones who had been his other sons, and they all traveled onwards, going back occasionally for those who had recently passed from life.

After an endless time, 'Welvayan' embraced them all, and sped on ahead into the distance. They watched him go, feeling vaguely sad, but knowing what was to cum. 'Markano' went next, then 'Ardenus'.

Finally, 'Kylenus' said his goodbyes for now to those who remained, embraced 'Kavarin' and 'Davin', then zoomed ahead through the whiteness, until it faded away into darkness...

'Kylenus' awoke in the darkness, hearing someone calling to him, and he pressed hard against the wall the was before him. He dug at it frantically, desperate to break through it. Suddenly it gave away, and there was light and air before him. He coughed, and struggled through the wall, suddenly feeling slightly cold, as well as very tired and ravenously hungry. He looked around, blinking, unable to do more than feel thoughts in the form of images and ideas, although some of his memories were with him still.

He looked around in confusion, his neck and limbs feeling weak, and saw a rectangular hole in the wall with several people staring at him through it, smiling down at him from high up. For a moment, he was confused, thinking that he knew them even though they looked different. The moment passed quickly though, as his hunger consumed him, and he began to look around desperately for nourishment.

Outside the room, Mavaen, who had once been Welvayan smiled down at his newly hatched grandson, his hand on his other grandson, Haerton, who in a previous life had been called Ardenus, as the lad watched his new brother root around for food.

In the room, 'Kylenus" memories began to fade quickly as he hunted for something to ease the hollowness in his tummy. "You hungry, Son?" a deep and kindly voice asked, and suddenly a delicious smell was in the air. He rapidly tracked it to it's source, from the large person watching him in the room, and scrambled desperately towards, him, diving onto the offered nipple, suckling greedily.

He felt strong and gentle arms wrap around him, giving him warmth and keeping him safe as he fed, and he sighed in relief. "How about, Jonaro? That a good name, Son? You like it?" He sighed into the furry chest of the man who held him, feeling safe, and loved. He glanced upwards, seeing the face of the man smiling down at him lovingly. For a moment, the face of Markano smiled down at him. But just as that realization came to him, it was gone. He then remembered 'Davin' and 'Kavarin', his own sons-to-be, in reverse order, who were waiting patiently for their times to return, but that thought also faded away to nothing and was forgotten.

All he knew was that he safe, warm, being fed, and offered love. And that's all that really mattered to him.


One of Them

One of Them by argouru My name is John, and this is how I came to be the way I am... It was dark out, but the light of the nearly full moon was bright enough to see things clearly. I wandered among the trees, making my way aimlessly through...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.11 -

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.11 by Argouru (M/M, oral, anal, transformation, touching, tail-fucking \*'cause you know I love it!\*) {Weredragon, werewolf, werebull, stallion-morph, centaur, werefox} [Author's Note: More plot and...

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10

:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.10 by Argouru (M/M, oral, anal, 69, tailfucking, group sex) {Werewolf, werebull, werebear, Siamese-morph, sex plant, many others.} [Author's note: One REALLY long scene this time, hope you enjoy it...

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