Under the Moon

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Has nothing to do with Outcast.

Do not read if you're under 18.(I never do these, I know :P)


The final bow was being taken on stage as the audience cheered. The opening night of the play had gone perfectly, and most of the actors and actresses were staying back to go to the after party that was being held in the gym. Two of the actors were leaving, however.

The male wolf- a wolf named Greg who had gorgeous black fur and uneasy green colored eyes. The tips of his ears were white and he had a semi-athletic build that came from dancing ballet and eating healthily- and a stallion- a strong looking dappled stallion named Jeremy that was on the football team as the lead quarterback with electric blue eyes that dazzled many people.

Jeremy pulled Greg behind him, heading out of the large auditorium and towards the doors that lead out to the parking lot where he unlocked his car. Greg got into the passenger seat laughing. "Where are we going?" he asked, smiling.

"You'll see," Jeremy said excitedly, starting the car and turning on the AC, because it was a rather hot night. He whistled to the radio as he drove towards the large park that was located at the center of the town, a place that he knew, for a fact, was among Greg's favorites.

Greg was anxious because Jeremy hadn't even hinted at what they were doing on their one-year anniversary, which just happened to be today. He saw the park looming up and was even more anxious when Jeremy pulled in. "What are we doing?" he whined at the big stallion and earned himself a chuckle.

"Just be patient and put this on," he said, handing Greg a blindfold.

"Why?" Greg said impatiently.

Jeremy grinned and said, "Just do it."

Greg sighed and tied the blindfold around himself and Jeremy smiled, "There, now was that so hard?"

"No," Greg said with a sigh.

Jeremy got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to open the door for Greg, who needed help getting out. Jeremy checked the blindfold before turning Greg around and taking his paws and holding them down to his side. "Walk forwards," he murmured into Greg's ear and Greg complied, starting to take slow hesitant steps.

They headed towards the forest that dominated the center of the park, but not onto one of the paths, so Jeremy had to make sure that his wolf didn't trip over any roots or fall in any rabbit or snake holes. It didn't take them long to get to their destination, a small clearing that was next to a lake, a lake that Greg loved.

Jeremy stopped and had to pull Greg back with an amused smile. "You can take the blindfold off now," he whispered lovingly into Greg's ear. Greg rushed to take the blindfold off, ripping it off of his head and looking at where he was.

He caught sight of the lake and gasped. He took a few steps to where there was a ten foot drop to the water and looked out across the half mile of water with the moonlight glinting off of it. It was beautiful. He turned around to look at Jeremy and saw the picnic that had been set up. He took a second to catch his breath. "It's beautiful," he said, looking at the two candles that had been set up next to the basket. "Who set it up?"

"Rebecca came out here and set it up for me," he said with a smile as he took a seat. "Join me," he said with a smile.

Greg walked over and sat down across from him, smiling widely, tears coming out of his eyes. "Why are you crying?" he asked.

"This is so sweet," he said, wiping the tears away from his eyes.

He leaned across the candles and kissed Greg softly on the lips and said, "Happy anniversary sweetheart." He opened the basket and smiled as he pulled out a bowl of salad, "And I've taken your strange diet into account and brought plenty of salad."

Greg smiled and said, "Thanks sweetie."

"Uh huh," Jeremy said, starting to unload the rest of the food, which included a large tupaware dish of pulled pork, potato salad, fruit salad(Greg is really big on healthy foods), and a few caramel apples.

"A lot of good food here," Greg said.

"Uh huh, and I made it all." Jeremy said.

"Oh..." Greg said, "Are you sure it's edible?"

Jeremy glared and Greg giggled, "I'm just joking sweetie."

Jeremy gave an exaggerated sigh and shook his head before saying, "I know you're just joking sweetheart, but tonight, can we not joke?"

"Oh alright," Greg said, leaning across the two candles to kiss Jeremy on the lips softly, "I won't joke."

"Thanks sweetheart." Jeremy said.

Greg got one of the plastic bowls out of the basket and started to put some salad into it, drenching it in Ranch before starting to eat it. Jeremy shook his head and went straight for the pulled pork, spooning some onto a bun before beginning to pile some of the rest onto his plate.

Greg took a big bite and ate it slowly, making sure every leaf crunched before winking at Jeremy, who leaned across the candles to lick some Ranch off of Greg's muzzle, who blushed. "I love the way you eat," Jeremy murmured into his ear, "You always have something that needs to be cleaned."

That made Greg blush deeper and let out a nervous giggle as well. Jeremy smiled and patted his cheek before going back to his own food. After a bit Greg said, "This is good."

Jeremy smiled and said, "I know it is."

Greg smiled and said, "So, do you have anything else planned for tonight?"

"Nope," Jeremy said, "I was planning on a full out romantic moment."

"That's good," Greg said, "That's all I could ever ask for, is to spend a nice romantic night with my strong stallion."

Jeremy beamed at the words 'my stallion,' even though Greg said it almost daily. They finished eating and then they moved over to the side of the lake, letting their legs dangle over the side as they sat, Greg leaning happily into Jeremy, getting his arm rubbed.

After a bit Greg started to notice the tent in Jeremy's pants and he looked up at his stallion to smile. He moved his paw onto the bulge and started to rub it gently and said, "Sweetheart," he hesitated for a moment before saying, "Do you think we're ready for our first time?"

Jeremy blushed as he looked down at the wolf and said, "I think we might be."

"If you want," Greg said, "I'm ready."

Jeremy and Greg pulled a few feet back from the edge where Jeremy put his paws on the sides of Greg's head, their lips meeting passionately as they got ready to take each other's virginity. Jeremy, caught up in the heat of the moment, pulled away first, moving his lips down Greg's jaw line to kiss at his neck, sucking on it and making Greg give out soft moans. Jeremy started to pull Greg's shirt off, stopping his attentions long enough to pull it over Greg's head before moving down to his lover's chest, nibbling on one of his nipples before moving down farther, kissing the wolf's stomach.

Greg stopped him and smiled as he pushed Jeremy back gently so he could take off Jeremy's shirt. He started to kiss his stomach, nuzzling at the still clothed bulge before undoing the button and fly. He licked the large bulge through the now pre-stained boxers that Jeremy wore.

Jeremy groaned softly and said, "Come on sweetheart, stop being such a tease."

Greg giggled and pulled Jeremy's boxers down and flinched when his cock sprang up and hit him in the cheek. Greg blushed softly before looking up at Jeremy hesitantly. "Go ahead sweetheart," Jeremy cooed.

Greg took the eleven inches of stallion meat into his paw and started to stroke it, licking the tip a few, hesitant times to get the taste of it before moving to the base and licking at his sack a few times before moving back to the large cock in his paws. He started to lick at the base, trying to get the entire base soaked before moving up, lapping at every centimeter of it, trying to figure out which spots were sensitive and which weren't.

Above him, Jeremy was groaning in pleasure from the attention that his cock was getting for the first time. Greg moved up and took the tip into his muzzle, licking at the pre-cum that was flowing out of the cock. He enjoyed the taste of his lover and started to take more in, but could only take in about four inches before it hit the back of his throat and he had to stop. "Don't push yourself, sweetie." Jeremy cooed down at him, "Just take whatever you can."

Greg started to lick around Jeremy's cock, drooling over it so it would be nice and slick for when Jeremy decided to take it to the next step. Jeremy groaned loudly in pleasure, moving his paws to the back of Greg's head and starting to guide him up and down the small amount of his cock that was actually in the wolf's muzzle. "Oh god sweetheart," Jeremy moaned, "you're tongue... so warm... so moist."

Jeremy started to pant and buck his hips into Greg's muzzle. "Sweetheart," he groaned, "I'm about to... cum."

Greg pulled off of Jeremy's cock then, smiling as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, moving up so he could press his lips to Jeremy's, making sure that he could easily position himself over Jeremy's cock. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jeremy whispered into his ear as he lowered himself, letting himself rest on the tip of Jeremy's cock.

"I'm more than ready," Greg said, smiling at his strong lover.

Jeremy put his paws on Greg's hip, caressing them as only a lover could do. Greg started to put more weight into Jeremy's paws, allowing him to guide Greg gently onto his cock. Greg grimaced as the Jeremy's head popped into his tail hole, whimpering softly. Jeremy held him up, whispering, "Are you alright?" softly into Greg's ear.

"Yeah," Greg muttered softly, trying to fight against the stretching pain in his tail. "Give me a second."

Jeremy sat patiently, waiting for Greg to be ready to move on. Greg took a deep breath after a moment and said, "Alright hun, I'm ready."

Jeremy started to slowly lower him onto his cock more, fighting the urge to just ram it all the way in. Jeremy stopped every five centimeters or so so he could let Greg adjust to the thick girth and length that was invading his tail hole for the first time. Even with the pauses it still wasn't long before he was sitting in Jeremy's lap, panting and leaning against his stallion's chest.

Jeremy started to shift until Greg was lying on his back with Jeremy in between his legs. "Are you ready for me to go?" Jeremy whispered softly, wanting nothing more than to be able to start humping into his lover's tail hole.

Greg took a deep breath again and then smiled up at Jeremy, nodding his head.

Jeremy started to pull out slowly, stopping when he was halfway out before reversing and starting to push in. Greg closed his eyes and tried to relax his tail hole as best he could, taking deep, gasping breaths to deal with the now small amounts of pain.

As his tail hole loosened slowly Jeremy started to thrust a little fast, but using shorter strokes, trying to get Greg used to it and trying to give his little wolf as much pleasure as possible. Greg opened his eyes and looked into Jeremy's, a big smile coming across his face as he put his paws on the back of Jeremy's head and pulling Jeremy's lips down to his.

Jeremy started to increase the speed, depth, and power of his thrusts, causing Greg to start moaning into the kiss. It didn't take long for Jeremy to get into a fast, hard pace, getting as deep as possible with each thrust and rocking Greg's body back and forth through the grass. Greg finally broke the kiss to throw his head back and howl out the moon, his cock throbbing as he hit his orgasm, brought on by the feel of it rubbing against the short fur on Jeremy's stomach as he fucked him.

Jeremy whinnied loudly as Greg's tail hole tightened around his thick girth, triggering his own orgasm and causing the stallion to bend his head down and start to kiss Greg's neck lovingly as he filled his wolf up with his seed for the first and certainly not the last time.

Jeremy lowered himself carefully onto Greg, kissing the top of his before rolling over so Greg was on top. "I love you," he whispered softly, the words seeming to caress Greg's ears as they reached them.

"I love you too," Greg said, still trying to catch his breath as he laid his head on the stallion's neck.

After Jeremy's cock had softened down and retreated back into his sheath they sat up again, Jeremy holding Greg in his lap, keeping his back tight to his chest as he scooted over to the edge of the drop off again, dangling his legs over the water as Greg curled up against him. "What a way to have your first time," Jeremy said.

"Under the beautiful moon," Greg agreed, smiling at the full moon. There wasn't a cloud in the sky to block it out either.

"I'm looking at something that's even more beautiful," Jeremy murmured softly into Greg's ear and Greg couldn't help but smile at the big stallion. "What would you do," Jeremy said softly, "if I proposed to you, right now?"

"I would squeal in delight and say yes," Greg said, rubbing his head under the stallion's chin.

"So you will marry me?" Jeremy said.

"Were you proposing?" Greg asked.

"Yes," Jeremy whispered, nuzzling the wolf's neck.

"Then yes," Greg said, "I'll marry you."

Jeremy smiled up at the moon. "A romantic night under the moon, our first time, and proposal. What a wonderful night."

And they sat silently, staring at the moon, until Greg broke the silence. "I just thought about something hun."

"What?" Jeremy asked, smiling at his fiancé.

"I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow, right?"

"Yes," Jeremy said, a wicked grin coming across his face now.

"And I'm also going to have to dance in the play..." Greg said, waiting for the stallion to catch on.

"Oh." Jeremy said. "Oh shit."



Did you enjoy? I figured I might as well end it with some comedy ;) Feedback please. Oh, and this is my first horse story, as far as I'm aware, so :P lol.

And I know, this was so totally rushed.