Meal of the Day

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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It was a bright day on October 17th Kay walked along the street as he glanced at some of the trees with there falling leafs. Kay's paws made a soft sound as he walked on the pavement of the sidewalk as he headed home to his fox house apartment. He sighed as he unlocked the door and walked in to the room as he saw some of his gay porn pictures on the all of a tiger getting eaten by a python and some other sexy vore pictures he loved. For some odd reason he thought it was kind of hot to see some one get eaten by another fur.

Kay walked to the bathroom and then looked at him self in the mirror. His long red hair and a well built body made him pretty good looking for a small fox. Except the small scar that ran down his right eye, he sighed as he took off his cloths and then stepped in to the shower as he turned it on to very warm as the water spread on to his fur. He murred lightly as he felt the warm water droplets on his fur as it went flate and smooth.

Kat sighed deeply as his stomach growled to it's self. He was realy hungry and there has not been any fur willing to be his snack, he rose off his sofa and glanced around the room as he then looked inside a small hole which was led to the next door fur's bathroom. He saw the fox taking a light shower. He glanced at the fox for a long moment as he saw the smooth body of the fox which was well built for one his age.

Kay hummed lightly to himself not knowing of the lions eye looking at him, as he finished with his shower he stopped the water and grabbed a towel from the hanger and then dried him self off. He walked back to the mirror then looked at himself once again only this time he was naked. "Man for a fox I look pretty taste." He laughed to himself at his own joke.

The lion sighed as he herd his stomach growl again. He looked back at the other door where the fox lived, he wonderd what he will think if he could eat him. Of course only if they could come back out...Wait he thought for a moment. "My new trick might just work to where they can come back out alive with no harm done of course I never tried it before but hell its worth a shot. " He said to him self as he smiled and then walked to the foxes door and knocked on the door.

Kay looked at the front door as he herd it knock and when he looked throgh the eye hole he saw the next door cat, he looked at him again as he saw the nice strong muscled body and the sexy mane he had. He opened the door and allowed him in. "Ah good day Kat." He said with a smile on his face as he then saw him looking at some of the pictures on the wall.

The lion was impressed of these pictures as he looked at the ones with the python eating the tiger, he most realy love vore and he knew at once that this might work out to be a night to remember but he thought he might take it slow. "Hey man mind me hanging out with you for a while nothing to do much at my place." He said as he sat down on the sofa as there was the TV remote.

"Uh sure man." Kay said as he then sat down next to the large lion and took the remote and began to flip throgh some TV channels. He looked over at the lion as he saw his tail swish from left to right.

"So I see your in to vore a lot?" He asked as he looked back at the portrait's trying his hardest not to get a boner over any of them for they were pretty good.

Kay nodded. "There my own peaces of work, but I always wonder what it will be like to be inside some one and how it will feal to slip down inside of them and then come back out the other end." He said as he sighed.

Kat looked at the fox for a while as he nodded lightly, he wondered what the fox would have said if he asked him if he could eat him after they yiffed. "Hey um..Kay I was wondering would you like to go in to the room alone with me and maybe have" He asked a little shy as he sat there and looked at the male fox hopping for the answer he has been wishing for.

Kay glanced at the lion shocked at his question, he sat there and thought over it. He was still a virgin and he always wonderd what it would be like to have sex with a lion, he also wanted to see if he can get eaten and come back out the other end by Kat. The fox meeped a little as he blushed and nodded lightly. "yes I think that will be OK." He said as he then got up and walked to the bathroom. "I will get ready make your self at home." He said as he closed the door. His heart was thumping madly agenst his chest. He never had yiffed some one besides online that was.

Kat grind lightly at how easy that was, he walked in to the bed room as he saw no windows in it. "How odd wonder what the little one does in hear." He asked himself as he then took off most of his cloths and found a bathrobe to put on, he then saw some candles and light them. He wanted this night to be kind of romantic for the fox for it was his first time with another male, he could tell for the way he herd his heart thumping. Well he did not blame him at all for it was his as well.

Kay walked out of his bathroom wondering what awaited him in the other room, he walked to the door and open it lightly as he saw a dim light of burning candles. He blushed at the sight of the large lion on the bed in a bathrobe all naked.

"Why hello" Said the lions rumbling voice as he smiled at the fox. "Please come in." He said as he laid there on the bed his tail twitching with happiness.

Kay took in a deep breath as he then walked in to the room with a towel wrapped around him as he had took another shower to make him look a little hotter. "Why hello sexy." He said as he smiled and laid on the bed with the lion.

Kat smiled widely, as he made room for the fox as he saw him lay next to him. He then desired to make his first sexual move. He wrapped one of his large paws around the sexy fox body and then began to make out with the fox's muzzle.

Kay was a little shocked at the kiss as his eyes went a little wide but lightly closed as he kissed with the lion as his paws fallowed to the lions sexy body as he leaned in to the kiss. He allowed his paws to wonder around the lions strong body as he murred lightly.

Kat murred lightly as he felt the fox's paw wonder his muscular body as he then lightly began to kiss the fox's sweet neck as he moaned lightly his cock getting hard.

Kay grind lightly as he then began to kiss lightly at the lion's neck, he murred lightly as he kept kissing the soft mane of the neck of the lion as he then went a little lower and lightly began to lick the right nipple of the lion.

Kat closed his eyes lightly as he felt the soft kisses of the fox's muzzle as he laid back letting the robe slide off of him showing off his naked hard cock body as he then took the fox and kissed his muzzle very deeply and slowly as his toung slide inside the fox's muzzle.

Kay moaned lightly in to the kiss as he then closed his eyes in lust as he then went to go and lick at the lions hard cock, as he licked some more on his body he loved the smell of the lions must as he went a little lower and lower as he then got to the hard sheath as he licked at it some before he took in the hole cock and sucked on it lightly.

Kat's eyes went wide as he moaned loudly leaning his head back as he felt his hard cock get sucked on, his body shoved with delight as he moaned more and more. He slowly began to buck his hips in to the fox's muzzle as he laid there. "Oh god yes I want to eat you up." He moaned as the words escaped from his muzzle in his moans.

Kay looked up at Kat with a grin. "Oh do you now?" He asked with a grin on his face as he smiled.

"Yes I do want to eat you." Admitted Kat as he laid there, he then rose up and leaned on the board of the bed. "Do you want to be eaten?" He asked as he looked at the sexy fox.

Kay sat there and thought it over, this is what he always dreamed of and this was happening now. He nodded lightly as he rose his muzzle to the lions moth. "Yes I would love to be eaten." He said as he waited for the large mouth to take him in.

Kat grinned as he unhitched his jaw with a loud pop as he then went to the fox's head as he then slowly took it in as his mouth opened up wider as he felt the head of the fox enter his mouth as he slightly began to drool as he then sucked in some more of the fox as he licked the neck of the fox.

Kay moaned lightly as he closed his eyes feeling the lion take in his head, he rose his arms high around the lions mouth as he felt the large leathery tongue lick around his neck as he moaned letting the large predator eat him.

Kat then took in more of Kay's body up to his shoulders as he loved the sweet taste of the naked fur of the fox. His maw dripped with drool all over the foxes body as he then took in some more as his neck slightly began to bulge with the fox's head inside of it.

Kay slide in some more in to the lions sweet mouth as he moaned aloud opening his eyes, he saw drool and the inside of the lions mouth which was a large cavern kind of with the voice box and every other thing in it.

Kat took in some more of the fox as he was at the waist of his meal as he pawed him self off to this for it was so hot, he felt more of the fox's body slide in some more as he loved the taste of the fox his neck was still bulged more as he ate some more as then there was only the feet of the fox and the tail as he sat on the bed moaning as he felt his belly bulge as he then felt pre on his cock as he kept pawing off.

Kay was almost there he felt his cock rub against the inside of the lions mouth as it was realy hard, he felt himself slide down inside of the lions tummy as he pawed himself off inside as he moaned lightly as then a large load of cum shot out. He watched it flow down and out the lions tail hole.

Kat moaned very loud as he shot his own load as he then looked down at his hole as he saw the cum of the fox come out as he moaned, his tail hole lightly began to open up.

Kay saw his way out as he then wriggled lightly to where he saw the small hole as his head slowly began to come out of the lions tail hole as he caught his first breath of fresh air as he moaned lightly and began to come out some more.

Kat helped him along as he pushed some more in his body as he saw the fox's head appear as he smiled lightly moaning some more as he pushed out some more. He felt like he was taking a crap but realy was only letting his friend out of his stomach as he watched the large bulge lightly begin to shrink.

Kay moaned a little more as he got his arms out as then he was at his waist that was now ready to come out, he sighed with pleasure as he then was back on the bed a little messy from being inside of the lion. "Want to take a shower we are both a little dirty." Said Kay as he giggled a little.

Kat loved the idea as he got up to his feet and picked up the fox as well and they both walked together to the shower. He smiled and turned on the hot water as he then closed the door and they both walked in to the shower.

Kay giggled a little as then they both walked in to the shower as he murred lightly feeling the warm water wash away the slime off his fur as he then felt the arms of the lion wrap around his body.

Kat smiled lightly, he wanted to ask Kay out but he was kind of shy and they only just had vore. He thought it over as he then took some of the bath shampoo and put some in his paw and then began to rub the fox's fur as he smiled up at Kay.

Kay moaned lightly as he felt the large lion paws begin to slowly rub his body as he felt the warm water wash the soap away making his fur lightly as he murred and leaned against the large lions body.

Kat smiled lightly as he felt the fox lean against his chest as he felt his mane soak in with the water as he went on washing the fox as then his paws went a little lower and began to rub the fox's sheath as he moaned lightly as his was growing hard again.

Kay gasped in pleasure as he felt the lion's paw begin to gently rub his sheath, he closed his eyes moaning to himself as he laid in the mass of the lions body as he then felt the large cock agents his ass. "Oh..god..fuck" He said as he panted with lust and pleasure as his cock was all the way out of his cock .

Kat moaned with lust as he herd the fox's plea of wanting to be fucked as he then took some more shampoo and got it on his finger as he then went to the fox's ass as he then poked some in to it as he then cleaned it out with his tongue

Kay gasped as he leaned against the panel of the shower as he moaned with pleasure as the ruff young of the lion licked at his ass, he closed his eyes moaning lightly as he pawed at his own cock "Fuck yes...oh god put that cock in to me." He moaned as he pawed himself off.

Kat moaned lightly as he smirked then rose back to his feet as the fresh water fell on his face as he then grabbed his own cock and then slowly inserted it in side the fox's tight ass, he moaned very loud as he felt the soft inside of the fox as he then began to fuck him hard as the water sprayed on both of them making this a lot more fun. He got some shampoo and rubbed the fox's cock for him.

Kay moaned as he felt the cock slide in to his ass, he let out a moan of plasure as he then felt the cock go inside and out side of his ass. He panted hard as he put both paws on the wall as he panted. The lion was rubbing his cock with shampoo and he was loving all of it as pre began to slowly mix with the shampoo.

Kat murred lightly as his eyes closed and he nibbled at the fox's neck lightly, he loved all the fox gave him as he kept stroking the fresh cock in his paw as the other one was rubbing agenst the soft musclur body. He panted a little as sweat rolled down his face.

Kay noticed the lion getting a little hot. "want me to put it on cold?" He asked. As his paw reached for the knob of the shower that had the temperatures on it.

"Please." Said the lion in reply not willing to stop as he kept mating the fox, he felt a little more cool as then cool water began to splash on them both. He moaned some more as he stopped and got more shampoo in his paw as he then went on stroking the cock as he grunted in pleasure.

Kay smiled as he moaned some more as his face clinched, he felt himself ready for another orgasm as he was getting fucked. More pre dripped from his cock as he moaned. "Oh god I think I'm about to cum." He panted as he then said. "Fuck me harder!" He yelled,

Kat grined and slammed harder and went faster as he then saw spurts of cum from the fox's cock fly out and hit the wall as some dripped in his paw as he growled low and then moaned in pleasure and tied with the fox as he felt his cock throb in pleasure as he then shot our his load as he panted and moaned shaking a lot from the pleasure.

Kay panted heavily as he then turned the shower head off, he then relaxed a little and felt his cock slowly creep back in to its sheath. He allowed Kat some time for his cock to go out of his ass. When he was released he smiled and grabbed a yowl and washed off. He smiled up at Kat and then yawned very tiredly as he looked at the window and saw that the sun was setting.

"Tired my love?" Asked Kat as he warped his arms around the young fox, he was going to ask if he wanted to be boyfriends when they both laid in bed together.

"Ya lets go to bed." He said softly as then they both began to walk to the bed room and Kay took the time and blew out the candles and then they both laid in bed together. Kay was in Kat's large arms as he murred.

"um..Kay?" Asked Kat as he took in a deep breath. "Well I was wondering we known each other for some time sense you moved in the apartments." He said laying there. "And we had a blast today so I wanted to ask if you wanted to be with me?" He asked as he looked in to the foxes eyes with a smile.

Kay glanced at the lion, he had never asked to be any ones lover before. He laid in the lions arms thinking. Some one in the house with him, some one to sleep with at night, and a lot more fun more often. "I would love to be with you." He said in a whisper as he then genly fell asleep in the lions arms.

Kat smiled lightly and petted the fox's head, he was so glade that the fox said yes. He wanted to show all of his love for the fox. He loved him dearly. He got up and then walked in to another room and closed his eyes and made a small ring with his magic. The ring was a garnet one and the ring was of silver. He smiled to himself as he then sneaked back in to the room and slipped it on the paw of the fox.