Cassie's Seaside Adventure

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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Warning: Adult Content

Cassie's Seaside Adventure 09/09/2006

By: Killenor

Cassie flew over Dragonland, visiting all the spots where she and her friends had played as children years ago. She sighed nostalgically as she passed the Rainbow River, Crystal Canyons, the field near the School in the Sky. Something was wrong. She couldn't help but feel out of place in the places she knew so well. It had been quite a while since Max or Emmy visited. All of the other dragons had new things to do and never really wanted to play anymore.

She had a sudden inkling, the answer to all her childhood dilemmas, 'Ask Quetzal'. She giggled inwardly at the notion, thinking of even more things that came to mind because of that. She pulled a quick wingover and headed back to the schoolhouse.


Quetzal sat in his large chair, asleep. All of the young dragons had left for the day and he was simply trying to take it easy. What a surprise for him when there came a sudden knock at the schoolhouse door. He sprang up, grumbling and groggy, and headed to the door. His mood brightened immediately when he saw the small, pink figure of Cassie.

"Hi Quetzal, there's something I need to ask you."

"Nino! I mean, Cassie. What a surprise to see you!"

He motioned for her to enter. Just seeing her again made him feel young. Well younger at least. He motioned her to sit and as she did, joined her. He sat smiling at Cassie. She still looked so much like the young dragon she had been in his class, but now she was more mature and even more attractive. Time had been good to her so far. But he also knew her look of concern all too well, and seeing it now written all over her face caused him to worry what was wrong.

"Please Cassie, tell me why you stopped by" He said in his friendly, caring voice.

Cassie perked up at hearing his familiar understanding tone. "Well," she started softly; "I have been feeling that something is wrong with me."

Quetzal suddenly felt a pang of anxiety, the last few times Cassie had stopped by feeling something was "wrong" with her... well he was getting a bit old for that. But he held his uneasy feelings in check, after all it had been quite a while since he saw her last.

"I've been feeling like I don't belong here anymore," Cassie continued, "I've been going to all my old play places and wishing I was still young so I could play with my friends."

Quetzal heaved a sigh, "Oh Cassie, it's natural to think that way. In fact, about the time I was your age I left my home to do some adventuring and I eventually I ended up founding this school. I had done much and this school helped me keep in touch with youth. Perhaps what you need is an adventure of your own. Maybe you should go out into the world and find what you need to be happy."

Cassie stared in awe at the wise old dragon. He had summed up a solution after only a few seconds. No wonder she loved him so much. She had eighty-five siblings now, and her parents barely had time for any one of them. She never had anyone to really talk to at home, and rarely saw her friends anymore. But here was this caring dragon that had time for all the children he ever taught. Truly there was something special about him.

As she stared into his deep caring eyes she barely even noticed her claws drifting to his, just wanting to hold them. The claws that held hers through her first days of school. Through her first problems with other dragons. Through her first acts of passion. He had always been there good and bad times alike. She didn't notice the heat in her heart building. She didn't even notice how close she had drifted to him until their lips met.

Quetzal's eyes flared. He was quick taken aback by her advances. Here he had just been trying to help her and now she was kissing him across the table! Something about this stirred up the old cinders in his heart. Suddenly he was kissing her back, holding her shoulders, and rubbing her back. He wanted her close to him. He lost himself for just a moment it seemed, but really it had been long enough to end up holding Cassie on the rug right near the table. She was still kissing and caressing him, and he was still returning her fervent actions. Suddenly they broke lips, and before Quetzal knew, she began kissing his neck. Kissing his chest scales. Kissing his stomach. He looked into her eyes as she trailed her feathery kissed lower and lower upon his body.

Quetzal suddenly felt apprehensive. This was what he'd worried about, but then he remembered why he had directed things to the floor as he had. He had just the cure for his age worn body. He reached behind him to the shelf, selecting a diamond shaped bottle of clear sky-blue liquid. The bottle was labeled "Viaqua". He quickly and quietly popped the cork and in a swift motion as Cassie looked down for another kiss, downed the liquid inside and tossed the bottle into the next room.

Suddenly he noticed Cassie was kissing the junction between his legs. She rubbed him with her soft palms and at last freed his stiffening dragon member from its protective sheath. Her gaze met Quetzal's; his face was a gentle smile. With barely a nod of acceptance she leaned down and began slowly, gently, licking his shaft. She heard him groan happily as she slowly and firmly brought her tongue up the bottom and circled his penis-head before slowly taking him into her mouth.

Quetzal's eyes rolled back as he felt Cassie's warm moist lips pass the head of his swollen member. He groaned softly as Cassie used her nimble tongue to tickle his pole as she slid his meat down her throat. Cassie let her tongue hang lewdly as she opened her throat to allow full access to Quetzals scrotum. She bobbed her head as best she could, letting Quetzal get the most out of her warm wet mouth. She flicked and curled her tongue all about his balls and trailed it up his shaft.

For his part, Quetzal was holding out well, trying to prolong his orgasm as best he could. He stroked Cassie's head and held on. He could feel it coming on, the tension building, but he fought it. Finally, the second before his will gave out, he gently directed Cassie off his cock. She looked up at him, eyes inquisitive, and was about to ask why, though Quetzal's gaze reassured her. Before any word was spoken, he had assured that the fun wasn't over yet. He sat up and kissed her soft pink lips, and then directed her to lay back, kissing her lower and lower as she lied down on the carpet. He kissed and licked down her belly, right over her mons, and then lowered himself between her legs.

Cassie gasped as Quetzal's warm tongue flicked out over her clitoral hood, and let out a long slow moan as she settled into the pleasure. She and Quetzal had done this quite a few times before and so he knew exactly where and how to lick. In no time at all he had Cassie squirming and writhing. Her legs wrapped around his head and pushed his muzzle deeper into her crotch. She panted heavily as his tongue flicked around inside her and his lips played with her labia. He could feel her tensing and knew it wouldn't be long before she came. Suddenly she cried out, clenching her muscles as an intense orgasm swept through her. Quetzal paid heed and worked her through her orgasmic bliss, making sure it was as pleasurable as could be made. Finally Cassie collapsed fully on her back, panting and shuddering. Only then did Quetzal look up to regard her prostrate and positively glowing form. He wiped his sticky wet muzzle and smile at her, knowing the best was yet to come.

Cassie propped herself up with her elbows and let out a long sigh. "You sure haven't lost your touch Quetzal, I just hope you can still keep up with a youngster like me" She flexed her brow at him and giggled.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that Cassie" Quetzal said, smiling and sitting up to reveal his draconian pride, still rock hard and ready to ride. He smiled even wider as Cassie's eyes lit up.

"Wow Quetzal," Cassie said, quite impressed, "Not many other males could keep going like this without getting off yet." She grinned the craftiest grin she could manage. " I'll have to try harder."

Without another word she went to him and hugged him, positioning herself as she did. Quetzal held her close as she guided herself down onto him. She felt the tip penetrate her and did not hesitate, but sank slowly into Quetzal's lap. They both sighed and smiled at each other, happy in their closeness, and then wordlessly began to move in an almost preternatural rhythm. It started slow and gentle and over the course of several minutes was built to a steady, powerful pace.

Quetzal was sweating slightly at his exertion, but thanks to his potion, he would be able to keep this pace up for quite a while. Cassie was panting as well, having not been mated like this in quite some time. They both held out their strength, intent solely on pleasing the other. Cassie climaxed first, as she was still sensitive from her last orgasm. Meanwhile she noticed Quetzal, while sweating was still steadily working himself inside her, not even showing signs of nearing climax. She had little time to contemplate this as another shockwave of ecstasy rolled through her.

Nearly two hours later the two dragons finally parted. They just lay there, Cassie on top of Quetzal, breathing heavily and soaked with the sweat of their exertions. The both glowed in absolute contentedness and held each other as they drifted to sleep.

* * * * *

The next day was a brilliant, cloudless day with just enough of a breeze to make flying wonderful. Cassie had spent the night before packing what she wished to take with her and arranging for other things to be stored. She left that afternoon, heading out with the cheers of her friends who attended to give her a send-off. For an hour she just closed her eyes and let the wind guide her while her worries were left behind. After a while she felt the winds change. She smiled to herself and shifted her flight with them, knowing that whatever happened she would find a great adventure wherever she landed.

* * * * *

Cassie had flown all through the day, and had landed at night in a soft patch of grass to sleep. She hadn't seen where she had flown and so had no idea where she was. All she knew was she was spent from a day of flying and wanted to sleep in peace.

The next morning Cassie woke with the sunrise. She felt totally refreshed, better even than any sleep she had back home. She sat up and stretched, inhaling the crisp salty morning air. Suddenly she paused. Salty? Where did the air smell salty? She strained her brain as best she could to think of anywhere in Dragonland that smelled salty. She stood up and looked around. As she turned to look behind her she was taken aback by the great expanse of water that lay before her. Somehow that whole day of flying had lead her out to the ocean!

For a while Cassie simply stared out at the great expanse of water. She had traveled the sky and looked down at the world from mountains and clouds, but it could not compare to this. It was almost half an hour before she started exploring the cliffs she was on, not bothering to fly about, just wanting to get the lay of the land from the ground. It was a nice lightly forested cliff overlooking a beach. The salty sea air was accented by wild flowers. The whole effect of it made this place seem almost like a dream to Cassie. She climbed down the cliff onto the beach. The sand was already warm in the morning sun and Cassie sat and looked out over the waves.

She had been sitting peacefully for a while before she noticed another sound on the breeze. It was the sound of sadness, sobbing. Someone was crying nearby. Cassie craned her head around to the cliff walls and looked at the many crags and caves that dotted the face. Silently she crept up the beach toward the noise. She peeked her head into large cave the sound was coming from. She silently walked into the cave. Finally she came upon a curled up green scaled form. It was obvious after just a second that this was a sleeping dragon, for some reason crying in his sleep. She was about to leave but as she turned her claws bumped a loose rock.

"J-Jackie?" the dragon said suddenly. His green head jerked up and his eyes scanned the darkness. "Who's there? Is that you Jackie?"

Cassie gritted her teeth. She hoped that this dragon wouldn't be upset at her intrusion. She moved into obvious view. "Umm... H-hi... I'm Cassie. Sorry to intrude Mr. Dragon. Please don't be mad" Cassie began to shrink out of nervousness, "I just heard someone crying... and."

The dragon looked over his small pink visitor. He dried his tears and smiled a little. "Well h-hello Cassie. Don't worry, I haven't had a visitor in a long time, and I suppose you are welcome to stay for a little while if you like." He got up and walked over to take her hand. She noticed that unlike a lot of dragons she had known, this one wore a bow tie and almost looked like he had a suit formed from his torso scales. Then their eyes met as he placed a chivalrous kiss upon her hand. She blushed at his etiquette and returned to her normal size.

"Hello, My name is Puff," said the handsome green dragon.

Cassie giggled and took on a formal tone; "Nice to meet you Puff, my name is Cassie."

Bolstered by her forthcoming Puff decided he would like to get to know this new dragon. He thought of the best way to introduce a newcomer to his home.

"Would you care to join me for a flight around the beach and, perhaps, some tea afterward?" Puff said with a debonair smile. He offered his arm to the still blushing Cassie.

"Why certainly," Cassie replied, taking Puff's arm and walking out to the cave opening.

The lovely morning had turned into a beautiful afternoon. Puff and Cassie took off into the warm sea air. After a while of admiring the breathtaking views they just flew idly about, stretching their wings. Cassie noticed that Puff would often look out toward the horizon with a dreamy stare. Finally she worked up the courage to ask him, "Um, I just want to ask... Why were you crying back there? Who is Jackie?"

This snapped Puff out of his reverie. "Well, it was some time ago. I had a little human friend named Jackie. He would come visit with me and we would have adventures and stuff. I helped him when he was having problems and he helped me." Puff sighed deeply, "Well after a while he just stopped coming... I've been so sad and alone since then. I still dream about him sometimes." His eyes began to well up with tears, "I miss him so much..." He wiped his face and then looked at Cassie. Her face was a picture of concern. "So, um, why did you decide to come here? I didn't know there were any other dragons around. Not for a long, long way anyways"

Cassie looked away and stared out to the horizon. "I came here for pretty much the same reason. I used to have friends who would come to Dragonland to be with me and have adventures with me too... they grew up and went their own way. I felt alone and unfamiliar too. But then an old friend helped me to realize I needed something new. A new adventure, a new scene, even new friends. Maybe... maybe we were meant to meet each other."

"I'd like to think so." Puff said with a smile, "I have wished for a new friend for a long time."

Puff was silent the rest of the flight. Cassie decided not to press the matter for now, though she couldn't help but wonder if this was all just coincidence.

Later, after the flight, Cassie and Puff landed in the cave once more. Cassie sat down at a smallish table while Puff put on some water to boil. Cassie couldn't help but watch as Puff prepared two teacups and the kettle. She found herself mesmerized at his every move. She felt drawn to him and she knew it was more than mere chance. She shook herself away from her thoughts as Puff pushed a steaming cup toward her.

"Here, it's my favorite." Puff said happily and drank from his own cup. He stared into Cassie's eyes as she too watched her drink. He couldn't help but notice how alluring she seemed. He was so intent on her that he forgot his own tea. Eventually, Cassie noticed Puff's eyes on her. She smiled, blushed a bit, and returned Puff's soft look.

"Will you stay here with me?" Puff blurted out suddenly. The weight of the unexpected question shocked Cassie.

"Stay? B-b-but we've only just met! I... I..." She stuttered as thoughts whizzed through her head and tears welled in her eyes. Puff looked on with apprehension, his cheek scales betrayed a flush of embarrassment at his sudden question. He had been so lonely that he could not contain his joy at this new meeting. He knew he had to say something or else he might scare Cassie off altogether.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so lonely. I want to get to know you so we can be friends." He moved closer to her and hugged her. "I just got excited."

Cassie hugged him back and clung on. She hadn't been this confused for a long time. She looked up into Puffs gentle eyes and felt comfort. She saw in him someone who needed her as much as she needed someone new. Her thoughts finally sorted and she new that, at least for now, she wanted to be with him. She leaned up and kissed him. It was a quick and gentle kiss but it felt so right.

Puff looked with wonder at this new friend he had found. With a simple gesture she had confirmed that now, she would be with him. They continued their hug for a short while. Finally they broke and settled back on their seats. Cassie was full of giggly girlish thoughts that hadn't crossed her for some time. She smiled freely with these new feelings. They sat for an hour discussing arrangements and feelings. Finally the came down to sleeping arrangements. During this discussion it became clear to Cassie that Puff had never slept with another dragon before. She was, between so many siblings and previous exploits, and expert at sleeping arrangements. It therefore simply fell out of her mouth as Puff was explaining his rooms and furniture.

"Why don't I just sleep with you?" Cassie interjected. Now it was Puff's turn to be surprised. He simply couldn't find the words to respond. He swallowed the lump of nervousness that had developed in his throat.

"W-w-w... with me? Y-you'd sleep with me?" He stuttered, causing Cassie to giggle yet more.

"Sure, I have 85 brothers and sisters, it's not like I've never slept with another dragon before." Suddenly she blushed as erotic thoughts of her past flooded by. Yeah she had experience, but she'd better not let that out to this innocent dragon... just yet.


That night, Cassie and Puff sat out and watched the stars. It was a beautiful moonless night and every star over Honah Lee sparkled like diamonds. Cassie sighed and cuddled up to Puff. What a wonderful day it had been, a late afternoon picnic, a walk across a flowered hillside, a nice dinner prepared by Puff himself and eaten at sunset on the very cliff where they now stargazed. He was a perfect gentleman the whole day. They shared stories of their magical adventures over the years. Their sorrows faded as their newfound joy in being with each other took over.

At last they retired to the cave. They were getting tired but they couldn't stop themselves from wanting to share just one more adventure. Cassie decided that this was a perfect time to keep the night going. She produced from her pouch a small wax paper envelope filled with her special blend of dragonberry tea. This was just the thing to make sure the night went on uninterrupted. She smiled inwardly as she prepared the tea, thinking on all the fun she would show her new friend. Normally there was no way she'd think of doing what she planned with a stranger, but somehow she knew this one was special.

Soon after the tea, Cassie directed Puff to the bedroom. Puff was now wide awake and really jazzed about this very pretty, very forward new dragon who so willingly and mysteriously came to be with him. It had been the most marvelous day he'd had in years. Part of him wished it could go on forever but the other part anticipated what more would come.

Cassie sat down on Puff's bed, noting how it was much larger than she was used to. She could have been sitting on pins and needles for all her nervousness, it took all her effort just to remain her normal size. She gave Puff a wink and patted the bed beside her. He came and sat down and looked at Cassie. Cassie met his eyes and saw his inexperience... his utter innocence... and her courage simply left her. She had played out romantic scenarios in her head all afternoon but suddenly she couldn't continue.

"I had a wonderful day today Cassie." Puff said with a soft smile of total contentedness. "I never dreamed a day could be this much fun without Jackie."

Cassie hugged Puff gently. How she wanted to be with him. He was so sweet, such a nice dragon. She finally decided to act. She wanted to. She had to!

She moved towards Puff and as their lips met, Cassie's dragon badge began to shine. She smiled and held him close to her, her small frame pushing him down onto the bed and meeting no resistance. It seemed like forever before they broke for air. Puff stared at this wondrous new dragon, amazed at how she continued to make him feel happier.

"Wow," Puff said, unable to contain his huge grin, "That was the best kiss I've had in so long." He stroked Cassie's head-scales. "I didn't know you liked me this much."

Cassie was taken aback. Apparently she had read him all wrong! She knew this was right and she wasn't afraid anymore! Her badge now lit up the whole room as she moved up to him. Kissing him more and more, starting to lower herself. Over his neck, his chest scales, lower each kiss. Just as she crossed his belly scales he gently took hold of her head and moved her to look up at him. She was about to question this but his explanation came first.

"I've dreamed about this for years, it has to be perfect," He stated simply, "and besides, any gentleman knows, ladies first." With that, he kissed her and worked himself lower on her lovely little body. He loved her pink scales, they were so pretty to him, but there was another pink that he desired now. He lowered himself off his bed and gently pulled Cassie's legs to rest on his shoulders.

Cassie shuddered as she felt Puffs warm breath on her most intimate of places. She was positively dripping with anticipation when Puff's tongue finally made contact with her labia. It was a long, slow, tentative lick from bottom to top. And after deciding he liked the taste, he quickly began another stroke with his long supple tongue. As he continued his licking with varied strokes Cassie gripped the bedsheets and settled in to the sensation. Puff reached up and spread her lips apart gently with his fingers to gain better access to her lovely cunny. He began focusing his licks around the small hood he found at the top. Cassie squealed with delight as Puff found her sensitive clit. She reached down to pet his head, hoping to encourage his focus. She was so close to cumming already, and yet it had only been a few minutes. She had just thought about the time when she felt a puff of intense heat in her nethers. She watched a lick of flame come from between her legs. It was so intense that her claws sheared trough the sheets as her orgasm hit. It was incredible, overpowering, amazing, she saw stars! Best yet, it seemed to go on forever! She screamed out her joy

As she finally came down, she noticed Puff looking at her, smiling as her juices dripped from his chin. She was speechless, still tingling from the aftereffects.

"Did I happen to mention, I'm a magic dragon?" Puff said with a wry smile.

"I... don't... doubt it..." Cassie said, clearly out of breath. "What did you do!"

"Dragon's trick, just a little blast of flame, not enough to hurt, just to excite"

Cassie was awestruck. "Mmmm, show me more my magic dragon."

With that, Puff stood up. Cassie's eyes widened as she beheld for the first time his proud dragon member. She had never seen one so perfectly formed and desirable. She had to have it in her. She grabbed her legs and spread herself wide, unable to take her eyes off Puff's magnificent tool. He moved up to her and slowly, lovingly sank into Cassie. They both moaned at the newfound warmth of their togetherness. Neither could recall any moment being as perfect as this, both holding each other, the rush of new love and great feeling, the knowledge that they would feel this moment echoing through them the rest of their lives and the feeling would only get better. They started to move with unheard rhythm. A primal urge of closeness swept their minds clean of everything but this one union.

Puff pistoned inside Cassie as if he were pure force and motion. Cassie's vagina grasped him at every stroke, walls of pure velvety pleasure. Their kisses resounded with their moans and hums of pleasure as their hand caressed every inch. Several times they changed positions, inspired by their want of pleasure and need to please. Their nerves ablaze both felt as if they should shine to light a thousand suns. A tidal wave, a volcano, a hurricane! None of these things could compare to the sexual force of nature that Cassie and Puff had become! They felt as if each thrust, each kiss, each motion carried them higher until they could do no more!

Suddenly, their orgasms ripped through them. Cassie screamed as Puff flooded her with his joy. Puff grabbed and held for dear life as Cassie's vice like pussy sought to drain his every drop. They clenched to each other afraid to let go, fearing they would be swept away by the massive tsunami of pleasure. Finally their pleasure subsided, laying them on a proverbial beach of total exhausted satisfaction.

Puff was still inside Cassie when he finally looked up. They were both collapsed on the wreckage that had been his bed. He glanced down at the beautiful sleeping dragoness beside him and was content. As he lay his head back down beside Cassie he swore he could hear an ethereal tune playing in his ears.

A dragon lives forever, and so too will his love.

Sorrow ends, he'll find a friend, she'll come down from above

One fine day it happened, Puff was alone no more

Cassie his new dragon friend, can play forevermore

O, Puff and his friend Cassie

Live by the sea, and frolic in the autumn mists

In the land called Honah Lee

Puff and his love Cassie

Live by the sea, and frolic in the autumn mists

In the land called Honah Lee...

The end.

All characters portrayed herein are assumed to have reached consensual age according to Dragonland Law 41a-0182- Subsection F. No Dragons were actually harmed in the production of this story, unless they wanted to be. This is a work of PURE FICTION!

Zak's Switcheroo

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