A Thief's Trials: The Samebito's Rubies

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#2 of A Thief's Trials

---What's a samebito? It's a Japanese mythological beast. But to help you out, here's an image I found of how I imagine they'd be. http://smirkylurk.deviantart.com/gallery/8379472#/d1mhu8s and as for what it's bits look like I based them off Tojo's work http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3812693/ And away we go!

Tenja woke up slowly the next morning to unaccustomed warmth and the feeling of a soft thick mattress that molded to her body. Her first reaction was to snuggle deeper beneath the down filled cover and close her eyes again before her mind started to sharpen from its lassitude and the memories of the day before erupted. She pushed herself up from the oversized bed and focused her eyes on the vivid gold and red of the room, the scent of cedar and lavender assaulted her nose almost immediately. She didn't know if it was day or night, the lack of windows and doors sealed out even the strongest light.

The room was the same as the night before, though now the bed's fine sheets and coverlet had been put into a state of disarray from her sleep. The only difference lay in the soft brown wool tunic that had been laid out over the chair and matched an equally plush looking set of black pants. Her shoes and clothing from the night before were nowhere to be seen. It was from the clothing that the scents of cedar and lavender wafted from; they had obviously been in storage before now. She slid from beneath the covers and emerged from the bed to sink her bare toes into the warmed carpet.

The thief ran her fingers against the clothing and it felt almost as soft as kitten's fur to the touch. If she were being punished for her transgressions it certainly seemed the oddest punishment she could have envisioned for herself. The tell tale steam that curled pass the bathroom door hinted that her jailer had arranged for her to clean herself. For a moment she felt affront before she looked down at herself and the streaks of soot that marred parts of her body. Well, she wasn't going to gain anything by protesting his offerings. She gathered the clothing and held it away from her body as she padded into the bathing room. She both dreaded and hoped that today would bring her answers.


Illthar padded back and forth in his sitting room ignoring the tea that he had brewed in his newly restored tea set. His breakfast remained beside the tea barely touched. He hadn't slept well the night before, his dreams ravaged into nightmares of what he intended to do. The girl's slender body torn apart by an enraged creature, her bleeding body sprawled out on the floor of his home. Even in dreams he had wrestled with what he intended to do and he could only hope that what he accomplished would absolve himself of these sins.

"She has finished bathing and nearly finished her breakfast, Mage." The Salamander's hissing voice came from the fire where he watched his Master pace back and forth. Whether Rufus felt pity or not the Mage couldn't tell, only that it had remained quiet through his torment and offered no other advice on the matter.

"Ah, yes well. I should meet with her then and prepare her to go on her way." He glanced towards his own forgotten breakfast and shook his head roughly. "You will of course stay near her in case she is in danger?"

"I will." Distaste heavily tinged the creature's words. A creature of fire, it despised water and everything to do with it. "Do not worry, you underestimate the girls resourcefulness."

"For your sake, I hope I am." The mage straightened his outer coat self consciously. It had been years since he had taken pains with his appearance. If the girl was to do what she was set to do, then it was imperative that she respect him and his normal garb was hardly inspiring.


Tenja had barely swallowed the last of her tea when she heard a quiet hiss in her fire place. Her eyes instinctively found the, now somewhat familiar, form of the Salamander staring back at her. The flames fluttered around its body and burned more hotly so that she wanted to move back away from the fire. An eerie blue-white glow spread through room lending it ghostly light. A breath behind its appearance she heard footsteps behind her and she stood up fast enough she toppled the empty tea cup against the table.

"I trust you slept well." The Mage's voice was soft and measured. Had she not recognized a certain look in his eyes she may well have thought him another person entirely. He wore a silk cream blouse that hung loosely over his torso and gathered into a pair of what looked like leather riding pants. He wore a rich burgundy coat with dark obsidian colored lapels over the blouse that was tailored to his body. His hair had been freshly combed and pulled back against his head so that she could see the lines of age in his face. He was far more what she had expected to find in this lonely place then he had been yesterday.

"Well enough for being in such a pretty cage." She responded letting her disapproval tinge her tone.

"I suppose I could have Rufus clean out the cellar if you would find that more preferable?" He arched a white brow up sardonically and she stifled the urge to obstinately state that she would prefer it. "Now that you have been freshly bathed, fed and rested, I believe it is time for us to discuss your penance for attempting to rob my home."

"And what would that be?" She felt a sudden tremor of fear in her stomach that made the food she had just eaten feel heavy. Was he about to tell her she was to be his whore? His concubine? To her amazement he snorted with almost laughter and flicked his fingers at her.

"Girl, I am old enough to be your Grandfather. It's been decades since I saw a comely lass that I wished to pursue." His very words made her flush with shame and suddenly felt years younger than she actually was. "Have you ever heard of the Twelve Labors of Hercules?"

"I know who Hercules is, but no, I don't know about his labors." She tilted her head and felt a wave of frustration. It was like he was toying with her and enjoying her fearful suspense. Illthar gestured towards the chair she had recently vacated and she slowly perched on the edge of it. The mage lowered himself across from her with a care to his aching bones.

"To gain his place on Mt. Olympus Hercules was required to perform twelve impossible labors. Each one were feats no man could hope to match and could have often been deadly. Some were meant merely to show him humility and others to prove he was worthy to be a god." He leaned back into the chair and looked down at the fire, "Your punishment will not be as deadly or as heroic as what Hercules accomplished, but the idea is much the same. You are overly bold and reckless to have come here and you must learn a measure of humility. Yet you are a skilled thief, and while I cannot condone that profession, I can use one of your trade to accomplish what I need done."

"To what? You're obviously well off, what do you want me steal? Break into the homes of other Mages and steal away their secrets?" She raised her voice a bit incredulously, "I couldn't get past more than your second floor and you want me to attempt it with others? Or is your intention just to keep me trying until one kills me!"

"No, nothing as crass as thieving from my associates," Illthar's eyes shifted up to meet her own. "You will gain your freedom only after you have gone where I have sent you and retrieved what I need. You will not go unaided. I have enough magic to ensure you can blend seamlessly into the places I send you."

"What sort of places? What do you want me to steal?" Tenja's suspicion spilled into her tone and she tensed up slightly. Her hands, which rested on her knees, curled down to dig her fingers into her pants legs. What could a Mage possibly want stolen?

"Rufus." He addressed the Salamander that watched from within the hearth before turning to her. "Far in the East, past the ocean there dwells a creature that the locals came to refer to as Samebitos. They were held as sacred creatures for they guarded the ocean and were once the only guardians to the dragons that dwelled in the sea."

The thief's attention flickered as she glanced towards the flames to see the view change from tongues of fire that leapt upwards, to an interconnected series that made an oval. Within it she saw the shimmer of blue fire before she saw a view of the oceans. A dark creature twisted through the water and for the span of a heartbeat she thought she was viewing a shark until it turned in profile. It's body was shark-like, but the head was broader and the neck seemed to turn more like a thick human neck might. There was a set of frills ran along the curve of its jaws and they flared out to look almost like a beard. A set of broad fins guided it through the water and they seemed almost unnaturally large as they moved and twisted to guide the creature through the sea.

"They were invaluable to any who came across them. They guided many shifts through safe waters and if grieved their tears fell as dark crimson drops that did not disperse into the water around them. Instead they hardened in to smooth rubies that hold magical properties often sought after by my people. They were the start of rumors about the fabled philosopher's stone and in that rumor there was a grain of truth. A jewel could extend one's life many times what a human should normally live."

The samebito twisted through its home and now that she recognized what it was she could see that it differed greatly from other sharks. The fore fins were more agile and curled as if they could be used to grip and hold if the beast had a mind to. The body twisted and moved more gracefully then any shark ever could, it almost had a serpentine grace about it. Two fins of smaller length rested lower on its body and it seemed to use them to control its direction and hide a set of smaller thinner arrow shaped fins that were held against his stomach. The powerful tail lashed back and forth as the beast was driven from the illusion.

"You want me to steal one? One of the rubies?" She turned her head with a look of disbelief, "I can barely swim and you want me to find that things rubies or make it cry?"

"I told you that my magic would help you. That samebito is the last of its kind in all the oceans, when it dies there will be no others. He's grown aggressive and violent with any that dare to enter his waters, so I will give you the shape of another samebito so you can retrieve his rubies. He will have them hidden in the midst of his territory and I can send you when I know he will normally be away hunting. Even if he comes back it is unlikely he will attack you."

"W-wait, turn me into that thing!" Her voice shot up a notch, "There's no way! Even if I did go down what would I do? Carry them in my mouth?"

"Don't worry, Tenja, there are other places to hold them and I trust you are clever enough to figure that out. You have no choice in the matter, I'm afraid. Rufus will ensure that if you are in true danger you will be extracted. I need those jewels." The mage leaned forward and gave a sad sort of smile. "Do not fail me, I know that you can do this."


There was a moment of intense pressure and darkness enveloped her. She opened her mouth to scream into the nothingness that surrounded her only to feel the sudden warmth of water splash against her back. The moment in the darkness seemed almost a fluke as she surfaced from the salty ocean water and pushed her hair back from her face. She worked her arms and legs in a frantic manner to stay afloat in the warm water and shook her hair back from her face. She looked over the rough waves of the sea and vainly searched for a splash of tan or green, even hard grey rock. Some glimpse of land she could paddle herself too.

In a moment of despair, she realized that as far as she could see was the lapping waves of the ocean. Not even a sea gull called above her. She stifled the fear of what might happen to her if she couldn't find land and concentrated on the slow movements of her arms and legs through the water. The worries of what to do and where to go were solved by a sudden rush of fire inside of her veins, it started in her stomach and spread outwards towards her extremities. The flush of heat made her call out before her head dropped down beneath the surface of the water.

The fire raged through her body so that even the ragged kicks of her legs were torture. It was only a force of will that she was able to crest the surface of the sea again and gasp in a great lungful of air. Her skin seemed too tight for her body and even the swirling waters that slid over her agitated the more sensitive nerves. With shock she moved her hand and watched as her fingers started to melt together; the skin stretching between them to form crude webbing. Her arms drew back closer to her body until she was forced to rely on the kicking of her legs alone to keep her above the water.

Tenja had no air to spare to scream out her fear, her entire world had turned into a focus of kicking her legs and keeping herself from drowning. Her shortened arms pulled against her body before she felt her head start to throb and her vision blur. Her nose pushed outwards and her mouth stretched, what vision she could manage could make out the blunt darkening skin of her nose. She thrashed within the water before she dropped beneath it again, her leg no longer kicking as they seemed to stiffen and pull together.

A heart beat of terror. A moment of soul-crushing fear overwhelmed her. The dark water closed over her head and she began to sink into the oceans embrace. The fire of her body was forgotten in her struggle to reach air again. Her lungs burned and ached for the air she could see just above the gleaming surface of the salt water. She opened her mouth to scream out and as bubbles spilled past her lips she drew in a breath instinctively. The water flooded her mouth and a stabbing pain erupted against her neck before she felt something change inside of her. The burning need for air slipped away until she was sucking in water raggedly.

The thief's body changed even as she marveled at the ability to breath beneath the surface of the water. She could feel her neck thickening and her vision refocused, though it seemed to strangely be set to either side of her head. As she twisted her legs pulled together and what had been her feet turned into a power set of fins on either side of elongated body. It was her tail bone that was afire now and as she twisted her body to watch she saw it draw out and meld with her thickened body before a massive finned tail formed at the end. The tapered peak of it rose up in the water while she thrashed and tried to gain control of her form. Pain ripped through her back so that her jaws spread in a silent scream as a dorsal fin rose up from her body to slice through the air.

For a handful of breaths Tenja was still in the water, unable to grasp what had happened to her and also savored the sheer relief from pain that she felt. She never realized how much of a blessing simply feeling normal felt until the fire that had raged through her veins was extinguished. Only after she had hesitantly moved her tail did she explore her body. From what she could see her form was a sandy brown and seemed much like the samebito she had viewed in the Mage's fire. Her fins fanned in the water hesitantly before she gave her tail a sweep back and forth. The simple motion propelled her forward half a dozen feet before she stopped herself. Her mouth felt the strangest. No longer did she have supple and pliable lips, but they felt stiffer and her tongue could feel the outline of sharp serrated teeth.

She drew in water that filtered through her gills and turned her head to look over the world she had entered. Her mind tried to come to terms with what she was, but years of being a thief had made her adaptable. Her goal was clear. Find the samebito's rubies and steal some to return to the Mage. The idea of how she would accomplish it or how she'd return would be put to the side for now. With a powerful sweep of her tail her new body rippled through the water at speeds she had never experienced before. The delved down in the darkened waters that outlined canyons and ridges that boasted colors to rival even the flowers of the land above it.

As her new form slipped through the oceans currents she twisted in and out of the reefs, watching as the fish life fled from the shadow of her passing. Her gills filtered the water and to her shock a strange sense almost like smell could be processed. It was heavy with an acrid scent that her body recognized and she puzzled out to be male. It could only be the male that Illthar had told her of. So she followed it and dropped deeper into a green lit world where her body barely was able to slide between the crevices. She saw the scrapes that marked them, the rough edges of the rocks worn smooth by years of a form like hers passing by them.

The Mage had known well where to place her, she only realized this as she twisted her form and saw the glint of something blood red that caught the weak like of the surface. She turned her body as she came upon the oval gems that were piled with care beneath a heavier outcropping of coral. The sand had been pushed up along the edges of it as if to care for them as if they were eggs. Over two dozen of them rested there, each one smoothed down like polished glass and were as large as a goose egg. She felt a rush of greed run over her, just one of them would leave her witch beyond her wildest fancies. Just one.


The samebito swam his waters with powerful thrusts of his tail and skimmed just below the surface so that at times his dorsal fin rose up aggressively to breach the surface world. His territory had grown in recent years until he no longer recognized any boundary or barrier. He'd already easily caught two large fish that had sated his hunger, but it would never sate the hatred that nourished him far more than any flesh. He thrived on his hatred and rage, it was all that allowed him to continue living.

Years ago, so long that it seemed a dream, he and his people had been greeted gladly by the naked two legged creatures that set out on their logs to fish the oceans. The sight of his fin would have brought up the familiar sound of a paddle hitting the water until he came to greet them. Always they had offered him fresh meat of a kind he could never find in the oceans. Rich and red so that the blood stained the waters around him as he swallowed it down. In return he and his kind had guided them to where the fish ran deep and thickly. They had believed him a creature of luck and benevolence. To be singled out by one of his kind was a great honor.

The two legged beings had short memories. It had started when he no longer saw others of his species as often. His borders were no longer challenged by young bulls that wanted to make a territory of their own. More disturbingly, he no longer came across females of his own species as they crossed through a gauntlet of bull's territories. The last he could recall with painful clarity. She had come into his territory already swollen with another male's eggs, her pheromones triggered into the richness of her fertility. It was the way of his kind; a female was driven to carry more than one set of genes forward.

When a female game into season she set off and travelled through each territory to mate with the male there. Each one passed on his fertilized eggs into her body before she travelled on to the next. Some females could boast half a dozen males that had impregnated them before they settled to lay their eggs. Yet each mating season fewer females sought out the males, and the stain of the samebitos blood stained the oceans and brought that violent scent back to the few remaining of creatures left. When she had entered his territory he had rejoiced and danced attendance upon her. Her hide dappled with grey and blue and she had challenged him for his passion and eggs.

The samebito twisted in path through the waters and his tail gave a violent lash that sent him arrowing faster and nearly arched out of the ocean. It had been a time of joy and creation. He had mated her often and she had reveled in his rough breeding of her. Each glance at the swell of her belly spoke of hope for his kind to continue. Days of plenty had reigned over them and he had not begrudged the extra time he had to spend to keep both of them well fed. The scent of her on the waters had only fueled his desire to impress. His kind would grow plentiful again and soon it would be common again to find females gliding through his territory. The hope had been short lived.

They had come on swift boats, the two leggers entered his territory as they had before but when he and the female had circled to receive tribute they were not met with glad shouts. Screams had erupted and he had watched the two legged creatures scatter over their strange log. The female had come closest to it and nudged the boat with her nose to demand their attention and that was when the nightmare began. He remembered vividly the first spear that had come from the two leggers, the wicked sharp metal sliced through the water and struck into his female.

She had thrashed and hot salty blood erupted into the water as she tried to dive away from the pain. The spear had lodged in her side. He had driven himself to the surface to aid her, but too late. A second spear had been fired and he, but a few feet away, had watched the glittering metal burrow itself through her wedge shaped head. Her egg swollen body had thrashed in water that turned red with her blood. Her tail whipped back and forth in her death throes, all the while the humans had pulled on the spears ropes to drag her closer to the boat. When the last twitch of her tail had died down, the last vestige of sanity had left him.

He remembered little of that day past the death of the female. He had watched the eggs he had planted inside of her be gutted out by the two leggers as her lifeless body had been hauled to the side of the boat. Then all was fury and darkness. The wood had splintered around him and the hot coppery taste of rich red meat had flooded his tongue as he destroyed the creatures in his rage. Their bodies and the remains of their boat littered the waves as he had nosed and tried to revive the drifting females body. It had all been in vain.

From that day he had allowed no boats to pass his territory. They were no longer greeted and befriended. Each time he saw a haul glide through the waves he attacked with little warning to smash into its side and send it back down into the sea where its corpse could join the wreckages of others. He had no purpose then his vengeance, no hope other than to free his ocean of the savages. As he passed through his territory today he felt contentment that it was free of even a hint or scent of man having passed here. His obsession in finding even a glimpse of trespassers almost made him miss the strange salty-sweet scent of his own kind floating on the currents. The scent of a female.


Tenja had tried to carry the gems in her strangely formed jaws, but the lack of lips made it impossible. The moment she had tried to return to the surface the jewels had spilled free from her hold to drift back down onto the sand. She contemplated swallowing them and dismissed the idea immediately. If she ate them, she couldn't pass them naturally and the only other option might be to cut her open to retrieve them. Would the Mage truly have enough magic to remove them from her? She wasn't sure if he cared enough that she might die if he had to retrieve them the other way.

She dropped her body until it hugged against the sand and used her hind fins to push the gem back towards the pile. She had found the fins more agile then they appeared; she could even bend them and grip the gems with the tapered tips to pull up against her body. For a moment she was entranced with the simple actions of lifting the stone upwards before she got a shock. Muscles tensed beneath her and she felt the set of clasping fins that rested on either side of her loins shift down to grip the orb. The movements made her go still as they seemed to have a mind of their own and drew the gem up to press against the genital slit that ran between them.

She spread her jaws for a moment as the clasping fins pulled the gem harder against the opening and to her shock she felt it start to spread open. Her first instinct was to bolt and drop the gem. The very taboo nature of it repulsed her! Yet, she could carry the gems that way. It was possible and it wouldn't be as damaging to push them back out again. She controlled her own emotions long enough to pull around the gem harder until the rounded edge pushed and wedge against her lips. The flesh parted reluctantly around the polished surface and the tapered short fins on either side helped build the pressure up.

Tenja gave into the urge to move her tail back and forth, the foreign feel of the gem as it spread her own sent ripples down her spine. The inner flesh wrapped around it and she felt a moment of thankfulness that the jewel was round and smooth. Contractions ran through her internal passage and clamped around it. Using the muscles to pull and draw it in deeper as her body lubricated itself with more than just the oceans water. A slight cloudy spill came from the pink gaping lips as the last hint of the jewel disappeared into her, giving into the demands of the shifted thief's body.

She shuddered and then moved her tail to propel herself forward towards the pile of jewels and felt how even that small movement pushed the gem in deeper. She felt it as a weight inside of her, holding her flesh apart uncomfortably. She ignored it in favor of dropping her lower body down over the jewels and worked the clasping fins to pluck at them and finally get a hold of another. As her vent spread open to wrap around the precious stone, she felt the first come against some sort of barrier inside of her. Her body arched and she moved her primary fins up to grip against the edge of the reef to brace herself.

The internal muscles seemed to be well aware of what to do, they wedged and spread the bud of an opening wider. The body warmed stone yawned the flesh open until it was a tight ring around the unyielding orb and she gave a full bodied shudder. Another contraction rippled through her passage and the bottlenecked opening to her uterus gave a clench that forced the gem inside of her. Tenja felt a wave of relief run through her before the muscle spasms started drawing the second gem deeper into her passage. It drew closer to its goal of her uterus as her reddened folds stood out in sharp contrast to the sandy colored hide of her belly.

The feelings that overwhelmed her also distracted her to what the motions of her body were going through. The cramp she felt inside of her was dismissed as the abuse she was putting her body through when the truth was far different. Inside of her the fully functional ovaries reacted to the penetration to her womb by forcing out the thick gel like eggs to slither down along her fallopian tubes. Her body's glands started to secrete pheromones from her very skin that was stolen away on the currents of water that passed by her. Her concentration was too focused on the feel of the second gem being pulled up against the waiting cervix and wedging against the already sore muscle.

The changed thief twisted her form in the water and her tail jerked her lower body down in half a thrust as she felt the thick ridge of muscle being opened up again. Her muscles forced the stone inwards until it was opened up to the widest point. The girl opened her jaws wider and her tongue slid out as she contracted down around the unyielding crimson gem. Her cervix finally succeeded as it snapped down over it and let it fall into her uterus to join the other in the plush padding of her inner body. The bottle neck of an opening squeezed down again, but not all the way, it remained partially spread in her unknowing fertility.

Relief swelled inside of her as she succeeded and felt her passage close down on its own smooth muscles, but even the relief couldn't chase away the humiliation of what she'd done. She thrust her tail to swim away from the pile of enchanting jewels, the sight of them repulsed her after what she had done. Her body felt strange and heavy with the riches she had taken and even the two jewels were enough to show a pronounced bulge along the trim swimmers line. She had done it, she could only pray that the Mage had a way of letting her find him.


The male samebito powered his way through the water at such speeds that it often caused narrow misses as he twisted and ran through the channels of the reef that made up his home. Each time he drew breath and filtered the water out he could scent her. HER. A female of his own species had come to his territory. He would even have welcomed a male if only to know that he was not alone and not the last. At first he had thought it was only his memories that had brought that scent to him, but the closer to drew to her the surer he became.

The scent had simply been female at first, untried, unbreedable. But female. The closer he came to the source of the scent it had changed into one he had never dreamed he would taste again. Fertile pheromones that he ran through his gills and felt his own body charge in response to it. His blood ran faster and hotter through him. He lost all sense of caution as several times his sides scraped roughly against the maze that made up his home. Heedless of the scrapes to his tender hide or the possibility of a trap, he came to where he spent most of life. The wreckage of the boat that had slain the last female he had seen still sat in silent testament to his wrath.

The female was as tan as the sands that ran beneath the ocean, her form smaller and slimmer than his bulky body. Had she been down against the sea bed he might have missed her. His eyes drank in the sight of her. Her dorsal fin curved in a seductive arch above her body and though her movements seemed almost clumsy they appeared the most erotic of dances to him. For her stomach showed the bulge of another male that had already seeded her, proving to him that she was fertile and on the search for on such as he to add to her burden.

In years gone by he would have seduced her. He would have given a show of his prowess and power to enamor and entrance her into mating with him, to get her to reveal the vulnerable stomach to his touch. He had no such restraint left to him, the chance that she might flee or reject him overrode any need to seduce. The biological imperative to pass on his genes, to ensure another generation of samebito graced to ocean blinded him to her youth and obvious unpracticed body. His tail gave a mighty thrust behind him to speed up and he crashed against the females side while his fore fins moved to grip her.

She struggled in his grasp and thrashed as if in panic. Her tail whipped against his own as she tried to pull away, but he could scent the rich pheromones on her hide. They were being released stronger and stronger, a proclamation that she was ready to be bred. Perhaps she wanted to be seduced, but his need wouldn't allow it. Already his vent had spread open to reveal the purple-black spire into the waters while he moved his jaws in to clamp just below the females gills and tightened the hold of his fins against the sides of her body. His teeth clamped into the thick hide of her neck and he felt it give slightly and hold against the nerves found there.


Tenja's world exploded in the form of bruising pain against her side and bubbles that half masked her attacker's body. She felt rough sand paper like hide scrape against her before the bubbles cleared enough to see the dark hide of the creature she had seen in the Mages fire. The flashing eyes inches from her own as the fins grabbed at her sides and pulled her closer to him. She saw her own death in the span of a heart beat and adrenaline when his jaws came near her. Her entire body twisted as she slashed her tail towards him in an effort to break herself free before he could kill her.

The only thought in her mind was that he must have come upon her just as she had pushed the second jewel into her. He'd kill her to get it back, rip her open. Illthar had said that the beast was aggressive and deadly to anything in her territory. Somehow she forgot what form she was in. The jaws closed down around the thickest portion of her neck and clenched down hard enough she could dimly feel an ache where they broke skin. Her hide was thick enough that the teeth couldn't do more than partially penetrate it. The pressure gripped against the muscles of her neck until it triggered her body to relax and her tail to drop back downwards away from battering at his own.

He was going to kill her, the grip on her neck would soon turn into a hard shake that would snap her spine and end her life. Her body tingled and tried to remain tense for it and for a moment she heartily wished that she had tear ducts. Yet the bite and shake never came, instead she felt the disturbing sensation of the smaller fins lower on his body tapping and touching against her sides. She tried to struggle and managed to give a jerk before the powerful bite forced her still again through the examination. His tail brushed against hers as he came in close.

The male seemed to ignore the currents that moved them along the ocean, his lower fins touched and then hooked against hers. She was drawn belly to belly with him and she felt the muscles of his tail ripple when he shifted it so that his form rolled her over to float on her back. It wasn't until the grippers along either side of his groin came up and latched against her own did she realize she was in trouble. Despite the hold she found the pure panic to thrash and try to pull herself back away from him. The effort did little good as something that at first she thought was a fin probed her already exposed folds. The moment it pushed she realized what it was and the hold of the beast tightened as his muscular lower body thrust forward, piercing the cone shaped tip into the warmth of her body.


The samebito reveled in the way the female struggled against him, even past the point that he had gripped her neck to subdue her. His fins locked against her lower fins and he used his weight to push her to her back before he found her entrance. It was warm and already exposed with her season, that simple fact alone told him she was ready and eager for him to take her. He probed against that opening and felt her body start to thrash again. Was she protesting that he did not seduce her?

The first brush of heat around the cone shape of his tip sent an almost crazed desire for her through him and he bucked his tail down against her own and speared into her body. His glans slipped in easily before it spread out and the ridges rubbed along the silken inner walls. The squeeze of her muscles sent a tremor through him before he thrust again and dimly felt the females teeth snap against his neck as she writhed. His vent disgorged more and more of the purple black shaft into her body, the salt water around them growing cloudy as bursts of pre escaped from inside of her.

She was as hot as he remembered his last female, her walls closed around his own in a contraction that made him grip harder with the fins on either side of his vent. He locked her body against his own and gave a harsher thrust that sent the ridges slamming deeper into her body. Once she was past those his girth grew smooth again and slipped into her passage. Her body forced to wrap wider around him as the pair started to rise closer to the surface as neither seemed to care for trying to maintain their depths.

It was ecstasy and heat both, his body rubbed upon her as he burrowed between her folds with his cock, the hard thrusts of his tail made her form jerk against him. He released her neck only to snap down lower and twist to the side to control her frantic struggles. He could feel the swell of her womb against his belly, he knew she was ready, he could scent it and all he needed to do was ensure that she left him heavy with his own young as well. He drew his body back and slipped almost entirely from her before he bucked forward and drove the slender cone shape of his tip against her naturally dilated cervix.


Tenja's mind blanked the first thrust of the animal's cock inside of her body, the feel of it pressing into her was nothing like the gems. It spread her open and left a slimy feel behind as it excreted precum inside of her. She tried to thrash away as the tail pushed closer and the entire beasts form rubbed against her own. The strokes grated against her and worse aroused her further, her passage growing slick with more than the strands of precum. The ridges slipped along her outer lips and made her arch her back just before they sank deeper.

She could feel her body wrapped around them, squeezing them with contractions so like with the gems that she shuddered. The moment the samebito's jaws moved away from her neck she struck against him. Her teeth snapping in her effort to get away and soon felt her fins lashing outside of the water as the pair had drifted to the surface. She needed to make him stop! The draw backwards sent a tremor of pleasure through her before he slammed forward again. The tapered tip nudged her cervix which hadn't completely closed from when the eggs had passed through it.

The formidable form started to thrust in hard brutal strokes of his body, the ridges seemed designed to pull out the lubricating wetness from her body until it formed a thick lather around the base. She could feel how it ran along her vent, thick and creamy with his precum so that the salt water couldn't wash it away. The harder he drove into her, the sharper the thrusts that rammed into her body, the more that was forced out. She snapped her jaws just against the rise of the fin that held her side and tried to tear at him. Thankful she didn't have a voice to scream with as the beast seemed intent on ravaging each part of her body.

The male drove himself forward and her grip on his shoulder relaxed as her jaws gaped in a silent scream. The cone shaped tip wedged itself into the tender flesh of her cervix and forced it for a single painful moment to squeeze open around him. Then he'd pulled back, the moment of relief gone when he slammed forward again inside of her and this time one of the ridges plucked past the dilated opening. Her tail smacked against his own, hitting and battering at him as she tried to free her body from the painful mating. And to her secret humiliation the pleasure that was running through her, even to herself she couldn't admit the gripping fins at her vent were latched as hard to him as he was to her.


The Samebito took the female in a way to prove his virility, his strength, and his experience. What he lacked for in seducing her, he attempted to make up for in the way he flaunted the way he bred her. His tip leaked out a heavy precum that shot out in thick globs along her passage and rubbed along the internal muscles. When it mixed with her own arousal it started to form at thick creamy froth around his cock. The moment he felt it start he began to take her harder and faster. The lather would grow and spread until when he was done and pulled out the last of it would harden into a gel to seal her until his own genetics were fully rooted inside of her. Only then could another male have his turn.

He felt and probed at her cervix, that opening that he knew he needed entrance too. The moment he started to hit against it and stretch it he felt her react. She never ceased her struggles, but her fins locked with his in the age old mating ritual. He roughly stretched her, the tip of him probed and then felt the glassy smooth muscle open up to welcome him. Another thrust had him pushing the first ridge, careful not to simply tear into her. The roughness of his mating was designed to prepare her body, even now he knew she would be dropping the rich ova into position for him. And her womb secreted nutrient rich fluids with which to keep them healthy and growing.

He felt the ridges of his base pushed up against the female's vents and he tightened his grip on her neck to the point of almost injuring her. Her own teeth held his skin as well, she knew what he was about to do. He was sure of it. He thrust up until he felt the resistance of the cervix to his tip and the female lashed and twisted in his grip. The ridges around the thicker part of the tip popped into her cervix and grew swollen and sensitive. He held himself there while the base shoved entirely into her body before the rush of pleasure flooded him.

The samebito's cock bloated not with sperm rich semen, but with another substance all together. It grew larger as heavy clear strands of his own nutrient rich gel splattered out into her womb and the vein of his cock grew swollen and stood out along the underside. A series of bumps rose up and were forced up along his shaft while he gave another hard thrust against her vent. The opening of his tip spread wide as the first slippery egg was pushed out of his bloated cock. The slit yawning open as it dropped into her body.


Pain and pleasure were all that Tenja knew, where one stopped, the other began until it was a vicious circle. Humiliation and embarrassment warred with fury and outrage which warred with the heights of pleasure she had never dreamed herself capable of. The cock battered and bruised her cervix over and over, her body twisted and writhed in his grip so that great showers of foamy sea water was cast into the sky while the pair of beasts mated. Her body was stretched to its as she felt the lewd slickness of mingled juices cling and stick against her stretched folds. Even the water could not wash that feeling away.

In a moment of blinding pain the samebito shoved forward and pierced into her cervix, her back arched in a way that made her drive against his own vent. The two textures for hide rubbed together as she felt as though she were being split in two. The moment of blind pain marked a sudden eruption of pleasure that started in her stomach and spread outwards to her extremities. Her walls clenched down to feel the ridges at the base of him channel her release and the viscous wetness to her outer lips. Each muscle worked with one goal, to pull around the shaft to help it impregnate her.

There was no rush of cum, no hot flood of fluids save something gooey that splattered her womb before she felt the cock seem to grow small knots. They rose up under the skin and pushed past her spread folds as they followed the line of his member. A rough thrust made her thrash her tail and squeeze hard that pulled along them. They stroked over her muscles in ways she couldn't begin to describe. The velvety skin of the cock rising and then falling as it propelled the orb inwards to push up against the cervix. It was a struggle between the pair of shark creatures, the female struggling to control her body and the male intent on breeding her.

Her cervix clenched down to stop it and the male released her shoulder to bite her neck again in the same spot as before. For a moment she relaxed and felt something wedging her cervix open just a touch wider before the weight spilled out into her womb in a rush of fluids. The samebito held her neck in an uncompromising grip as it started to push the next orb up and a third. The ridged the cock out so that she could feel each of them so close together they almost touched. In the passage of the eggs she trembled with pleasure. Her walls suckled around him, pulled and demanded more from him.


The samebito raged for a moment when the female clenched the opening to her womb shut, the bite he administered forced her to relax as the first egg was pushed into her body. The thin slimy membrane of the orb let it bump and tumble against her body and greet her own eggs. Though it rested against a gem at first it soon came to find one of the compatible ova that the female had ovulated. The shells touched and meshed together as the males viscous precum washed over them and triggered a chemical and hormonal reaction.

His body was rich with gel and eggs, and only when she relaxed did be begin to pump into her body with a relief keen enough to make him tremble. The vein that ran along the base of his cock was bloated with the swells of his own eggs as he pushed them up with the force of his gel. The female's body milked him and pulled at his cock. No matter how she might protest she reacted to him with all the eagerness of any breeding female. The excess gel was pushed back along his cock, mixing with her own fluid and guided from her body by his ridges.

Each time he drove in another of his orbs the female twisted in his grip, from the moment the egg wedged into her cervix and he felt how it strained her open. His tip ached as it pushed it out to drop into her body to follow the first, only given a hot glob of enriched gel before the next was being squeezed up along her channel. His movements steadily slowed into the golden feel of mating, the female seemed to quiet as well. Her tail giving feeble twitches each time an egg was deposited inside of her.


Tenja tried to not think about what was happening to her, but the sharp reality was driven into her. Her new body was being taken in a way she had never dreamed of. The hot gel spilled out inside of her as another egg strained her already bruised cervix and the pull back from the male used her own muscles against her as they pulled around his cock tip. The weight of it dropped into her body before he pushed forward again. After each orb was shoved into her a hot wash of slimy wetness accompanied it, though not all remained in her womb. She could feel the hotter fluid exiting her body.

She finally forced herself to hold still, her mind awash with shame and horror at what was happening to her but unable to escape it. The bumps of the orbs finally slowed, how many she couldn't count. Only that her stomach felt taut around the mixture of her own bodies ova and the samebito's eggs. She had no way of knowing that even as she was held against him that his eggs were meshing against her released ova. The gel he had pumped into her had weakened the barrier around the fertile sparks of life and allowed them to mesh together. The shells overlapped each other to become thicker and larger than they were alone.

The male finally pulled himself away and the fins released her after what felt like years. The ridges of the cock pulled out along her passage and the tip slowly popped out from her cervix. She twisted away with a sudden violence from the beast that had raped her and gaped her jaws as the ridges from the tip spilled out of her painfully. With its exit a spill of his own gel and her juices leaked from her body to mesh with the lathered precum from their mating. The salt watered hardened the substance until it was tacky and sealed her vent shut completely.

Tenja refused to be caught again, her body twisted around and her powerful tail thrust behind her to send her speeding into the oceans embrace. She didn't turn to see if he followed, her entire mind screamed at her to leave, to be gone. Though her once slim form now had a bulge of the samebito's eggs and two precious gems that were locked within the life that was growing inside of her. Both only had one way to leave her.


The male behind her didn't give chase, his purple-black cock pulled back slowly into its vent as he watched her leave. She'd carry his eggs and lay them, there'd be life again with his kind or she would seek out another male to increase her swollen womb. In either way he would savor her scent for days to come and the memory of her body trapped against his own. All was right in his world.


The Mage watched with his cheeks showing two high points of color. The circle of flames had done nothing to stop him from viewing what had happened to the girl in the samebito's grip. There was nothing, save killing the beast, that he could have done to stop it. And the creature was the last of his kind. Illthar could not bring himself to kill it. He swallowed and rubbed his face as he sank back into his chair.

"What have I done..." He murmured to himself.

"She carries his eggs, Mage. Fertile samebito eggs." Rufus hissed softly from within the fire. "In two days they will be viable and she can lay them safely in the reef and retrieve the gems."

Illthar jerked up at those words and looked down at the fire in disbelief. A slight smile came to his face through the blackening guilt he felt on his soul. She would live, she was unharmed physically. If she could lay those eggs then what the Salamander had said was true. Once again the samebitos kind would live in the seas again. What had withered and died off in the seas would be given new life from the sacrifice of the thief. He would summon her in two days to retrieve the gems and with luck and hope see the first samebito eggs lain in a century. What had started out as a half thought plan was quickly becoming reality. Could he with the unlikely help of the thief return the world back to what it was together? It no longer seemed like a foolish old man's dream...

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