
Story by Charlieshorseluv on SoFurry

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"Does everybody understand the homework?"

A mixture of voices sounded out, but one stood out among them all. The high pitched voice of the only female horse in the room. She raised her hand in an attempt to get the teacher's attention, but the teacher had already headed back to her desk.

"Mrs. Kinnian? I have a question!" Her little girl voice spoke out once more. It fell on deaf ears for the bell had just started to ring. Cleo let out a quiet sigh and shook her head. The little, frustrated horse started to gather up her things as a young, male fox approached her.

"H-H-Hey Cleo!" Michael looked at her and smiled then looked away. "You looked a little lost after that last part."

Cleo blushed a little, reddening her white cheeks. She looked up at Michael and nodded. "Yep! Totally lost and she didn't even let me ask a question! Urg! This is so frustrating!" Cleo stomped down a hoof just to prove her point.

"Hey, you know...." He paused for a moment, unsure how to ask next. "You could... I could help you if you need it? Like maybe you could come over to my house and then I could help you and we could maybe play some games and then eat some food and do more work then play more games and..." Michael kept going on for a little while longer, stuttering out random bits of useless information.

"Michael!" Cleo shouted at him and nudged him in the side. "Gosh, do you ever know when to stop talking?" She let out a high-pitched, squeeling laugh. Her stuff was all packed away in her bag and it was hanging from her back. "Before you say something else ridiculous, I just want to say yes!" She let out another laugh and headed out the door, with Michael following close behind.

"Don't you have to tell your parents?"

"Nope! Don't need to. They're out of town for the week and my brother doesn't care at all. Plus, we're only like three blocks away. I probably know my way to your house better than you do." She giggled quietly and crossed the street.

"In that case maybe you can spend the night!!" His voice sounded a little too excited. It would be the first time have a girl over to his house, and if he could turn it into a sleep over, it would be the best night of his life. Of course, he doesn't know what is coming his way.

She looked up at the sky a little, biting her lip. Cleo brushed the blonde hair out of her eyes, planting it behind her hair. "Well... I don't know... Stay the night? I've never slept over at a guys house before, but I think that sounds awesome!" Cleo's face lit up as she looked at Michael. The crush she's had on him for the longest time might just get a chance to blossom.

"Sweet!" He didn't really know what else to say. They walked a little further until they arrived at his house. The two children entered the house through the back. "So I forgot to tell you, my mom's on her honeymoon with my father. They're gone for the weekend. We have the entire house to ourselves!"

"No way! Like we get to do what ever we want? This is going to be so awesome!" She jumped onto the couch, tossing her bag to the side. Unlacing her shoes, she leaned back and stared at the ceiling. Cleo rubbed her feet into the white carpet, getting the wonderful feeling of softness back into her feet.

Michael ran towards the horse and nearly landed on top of her.

"Hey watch it you!" Cleo pushed him off of the couch and then rolled off on top of Michael. "Have you ever jumped on your parent's bed?"

"Are you serious? I wouldn't dare! They said their room is off limits!" He paused for a moment. "It's a big bed though... You want to try it?" Michael asked eagerly, still trying to remove her from his body. The more he thought about it, the less he wanted her off of him. He didn't know what that feeling was, but he kind of liked it.

Cleo rolled off to the side just laughing into the air. "Come on, before I pee my pants." The two of them got up and went to the room. "You should see my parents bed! That thing nearly takes up the entire floor. My bed is so tiny, but it's got pretty humans with horns coming out of the top. Do you believe in humans? I certainly don't! They're disgusting!"

Michael just kept laughing, not sure what to say. "I..."

"And then, they try to teach us that we once came from humans?!"


She interrupted again. "Urg, it just aggravates the heck out of me." She let out a a little breath. Winded, she sat down on the soft bed. "Sorry about that. You ready to try it out?" Cleo smiled at him and kicked her feet out against the bed.

"You bet! I never get to do this on my own." Michael jumped on the bed first, landing on the far end bouncing Cleo into the air. Squealing, she landed on her back and rolled into a back flip. The white horse undid the pony-tails in her hair, letting it fall down to her shoulders.

Cleo jumped up and started bouncing back and forth along the bed. The springs squeaking underneath each bounce. "Come Michael! Don't get pooped out already, we've just started!" She grabbed his hands and helped him to his feet. In his hand was a remote for the stereo. He turned on some tunes and the two of them started jumping like crazy.

About an hour later the two rapscallions were sweaty and out of breath. Cleo had taken off her pants and pulled off her jacket. Her tight t-shirt clung close to her young body.

Michael was shirt-less now, laying on the edge of the bed with his head hanging off the side. "Wow that was exhausting!" He glanced over at her. Seeing her sweating legs and tight clothes seemed to excite him. Cleo's round curves and perfectly white skin. I wonder what she looks like completely naked with her firm bottom and that flat chest. Images of every girl he's ever seen he now imaged them shirtless. Naked girls' breasts. Their round boobs. Oh how he now wanted to just see them for real. There was a stirring now in his groin. His penis was starting to peak out of its sheath. What's this? You never come out except for when I'm waking up?!

"Man Michael! I am tired." She made an attempt to slow down her breathing. "So... What now? You want to go through your parents things and see if they've got any cool games they don't show you?" She asked innocently. Cleo truly didn't know about anything the parents might be doing, for she was a very sheltered child.

"You really want to invade my parents privacy like that? Oh my gosh... That sounds like fun! What if they were hiding some presents for Christmas or my birthday?" He started fantasizing about remote control cars and new games. "Where should we start?" Michael slid of the bed and landed softly on the carpet. He army crawled to the nightstand on the far side of the room.

Cleo hopped off the bed and walked over to it, squatting and waiting for Michael to get over there. She pulled out the drawer and peeked inside.

"See anything?" Michael said, staring up at Cleo as she looked down into the drawer. She didn't respond and kept digging though various items. She pulled out some blank looking dvd's, a bottle of lotion, and a round, purple stick with a black end to it.

"Nothing really good, just a bunch of junky stuff." She said while frowning and dropping to her knees. "How about the closet?"

"This stuff isn't junk! I once walked in on my parents while they were busy with this stuff. My mom was screaming and my dad was so focused they didn't even notice me. So I just walked out." Michael said.

"Wait, your mom was screaming? What were they doing?" Cleo said with curiosity. This was intriguing.

Michael paused for a second. "Ummmm, I wasn't exactly sure. My dad had this purple thing and they kept calling it a toy, and he put it in her mouth like a sucker, and wow did it go pretty deep. And then he stuck it in her privates. You know...." He whispered. "Vagina....."

"No way!! I saw my parents doing that a couple times before, and they even let me watch... Except my dad put his..." She said the word penis very quietly. "into my mom and then she started moaning and yelling out his name. I had no idea what they were doing and my mom never bothered to explain it." She glanced down at Michael.

Michael look up at Cleo. Both of them beginning to get the same idea. "You want to try it for ourselves? It wouldn't hurt!" Michael was starting to get a little excited now and got up and sat on the edge of the bed. His palms were sweaty and his tail was wagging ferociously.

Cleo blushed a little, letting her mind wander. "If our parents love it enough, it's gotta be good!" She walked over to him and laid down on the bed. The feeling between my legs has been getting stronger... I just want to... Rub it? Cleo brought her hand down between her legs, but pulled back quickly and bit down on her lip. Why couldn't she do it? I just want to take me hand and press hard down on it.


"Yes Cleo?"

"Can you help me take off my shorts?"

"Of course I can." Michael face lit up as he turned to face her. "So just, grab them and pull them down? I've never taken off a girl's clothes before...."

"Oh just take them off already you big baby!" She teased at him.

"Right away!" With shaky hands he brought them to her side. His furry fingers hooked the edge of her shorts. He pulled on the elastic, feeling it stretch against his fur. Sliding it down was easy enough, until he took a peak at her pink panties. His eyes went dark for a moment and his breathing grew heavy. Taking a long swallow, he finished the job. The pink panties slide down the rest of the way against her soft flesh, and finally falling to the floor.

Cleo started giggled and spread her legs wide, getting in a lengthy stretch. "I don't know what this feeling is, but do I love it! Can you hand me a pillow?" She rubbed the inside of her thighs, then up her stomach to her chest and finally rested her hands right behind her head.

Michael mindlessly grabbed her a pillow, and tossed it at her. "So how do we get this started? Cause think I'm already ready to go!" To emphasize his point he rubbed his groin. His went wide as he did. "Holy crap that felt good! Let's get started!"

Cleo wasn't listening, she was busy pushing the plump pillow into her vagina. Lying on her back she pushed her hips up and pressed her legs together. Her tail was hanging down slightly off the bed. She grabbed the pillow with her hands and kept pushing it harder and harder into her center.

"Michael... This feels.... So good!" Suddenly, she flipped over and had her hips laying on the pillow. Cleo sat up and scooted forward. The bottoms of her feet were facing upward and she was on her knees, like reverse cowgirl style! Moans filled the room as the bed began to shake. The pillow was getting the full onslaught of her playtime. Her tight, virgin pussy sliding back and forth against the pillow. Every ridge and bump pressing into her clitoris and every push making her a little more wetter.

Michael kept watching and hastily took off his pants and tossed them to the side. Seconds later his briefs were reunited with its companion in the corner of the room. The fox named Michael jumped onto the bed, his young boy cock bouncing up and down as the bed settled. Once again he was lost for words, so he decided to get lost into the moment. His red penis was already revealing itself, hanging from from his hips. He took his silver paws and gripped a hold of it and let the feeling sink into his body. Gripping it tighter, Michael started stroking it back and forth. The young cock slid back and forth against his hand. The flesh throbbing harder every stroke he took. "God Cleo! I hope we're feeling the same thing, because is... just... " He closed his eyes and rubbed his right leg against the horsey's body next to him. His young boy parts throbbed as his fur touched her warm, soft flesh.

What was that word mommy always said when she did this with dad? Oh yeah! "Oh fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" Cleo screamed into the room. Her faced turned towards Michael and watched him stroke his cock. Pumping her hips harder into the pillow under her, she rubbed her hands all across her body. "Fuck Michael! I can't believe our parents don't do this all the time!" Her eyelids shut and she imagined Michael touching her. His soft, furry hands running along every crest of her body. And then he touched her vagina...

Iron-clad fist around his cock, Michael closed his eyes and stroked harder. For reasons he couldn't explain, the gray fox moved his other hand to his small, furry balls and massaged them in his grasp. Cleo sat there, completely naked, in his imaginary fantasy world. His mind saw her seductively taking off her top, pulling at the straps and slowly unclasping from her shoulders. The straps fell to the side, but the bra held firmly in place. Imaginary Cleo gave him a smile and winked at the little boy. Did she look older? Her body spun around, flinging the tail across his middle. A tight skirt wrapping around those petite legs of hers. Yet it did nothing but show the plump bottom of her flawless body. Cleo giggled and shook her bottom trying to tease him. Her hands grab a hold of her rear and she squeezes every bit of the between her fingers. Oh that looks sooooo good!

Cleo pulled up her skirt, letting her butt hang out and she lifted her tail, exposing her tight asshole. She bent over and pretended to fix her sock, letting him get a full view of the goods. Her puckering ass was asking to be played with. Her white pussy lips were moist with her dew. Shaking her butt one last time she turned around and walked his way. Cleo made sure her hips swayed side to side, showing off her glorious body. She got closer and closer to him. Michael smiled and went to go touch his hard member but couldn't move. He glanced at his hands and legs. He was chained?? Rattling came from his direction as Cleo came to him. Without saying a word she took hold of his hanging penis. As soon as she touched him the entire world went black...

Time came and went and shortly after, many hours had arrived at the young animals' doors. The first to awake was the female horse. She lifted her face off of Michael's crotch. "Uh... ah.... My head hurts so bad..." What had she been sucking on earlier? Oh, she giggled to herself, it was his cock! She leaned down and gave his sheath a little kiss. And another. And another. and one for his cute balls. Finished, she stretched herself out and sat up on the edge of the bed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the time. "Oh no!" she spoke out loud. "I'm so totally going to be killed!" She peeked a look at Michael and smiled. He was so cute just laying there exposed. She let out a quiet laugh and walked over to him. Her legs spread and planted her pussy into his face. It was still somewhat moist so she smeared what ever was left on his muzzle. Satisfied, she quickly put her clothes back on and left Michael alone to sleep the rest of the morning away.

Just An Average Morning

Beep... Beep... Beep Beep.... Beep Beep... Beep Beep Beep... Beep Beep --- _Slam!!_ The alarm didn't even get a chance to finish. The horses hand landed ontop of the clock with a thud. It slid the clock off his stand and it fell onto the floor, where...

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Rise N' Shine

With the two foxes close together, it seemed the weather will change for the better. The wind stopped howling and even the temperature rose a few degrees, which began the thaw of the grass. The sun rose from the west, it's rays of light barely breaking...

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The Next Morning

The following morning was a chilly one. The wind had picked up, and a minor frost was set upon the ground. The leaves of the trees also seemed to be affected, their color changing from a dark green, to a light green, even some of them going yellow....

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