Times & Tribulations of a Succumouse pt 13 THE END

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#13 of The Succumouse

This is an adult story. If you are not 18(21 in some Evil palaces) I must insist you close this now. KC Times & Tribulations of a Succumouse pt 13 THE END * * *

(The Room Between Worlds) "Eliana, tell me again why were doing this?" "Because I have an idea. HE said there was a way out of the deal I just have to figure it out how. So were going to relive the day I signed the dame thing, over and over until I fined the yiffing loop hole." "I got that, why did you pull me in here too?" "I can't pull up my own memories, remember? I need some one else to do it." "Right, so what am I looking for in your head, exactly? I don't want to end up on the receiving end of Kevin's ass raping." "Just think fox, that should get you there...eventually." "Eventually! Any memories of him I should try to avoid?" "umm...yes, avoid me yiffing him, okay?" "You What!" "Long time ago, long story, before we ever got together." "..." "Stop giving me that look." "Let's get this over with." * * * The memory of Eliana's tryst with the fox plays. Much to Nara's enjoyment and Eliana's embarrassment. "Dame it!" "Sorry, it just popped up." "You did that on prepuce." "You still look flustered. ~laugh~" "~mumbling~ bitch" "I herd that Eli." "Try aging!" * * *

(Some time in the past) The room between worlds has not changed just its occupants. Eliana sits naked and scared on the floor across form a large desk. Behind it sit's the smug fox. He is telling Eliana what just happened and were she is. The old seen plays on the two go about the actions of the past leading to the same ending. The since freezes. "You dint tell me you could pause it like that." "Wasn't sure if I could" "umm...Were am I? I can't move." "Your umm...in my head" "I'm were!" "Reliving thru my eyes, but I paused it so your still there and I'm operating the body sorry was not sure if it was even going to work." "How in the hell dose this help us!" "Easy the contract is sitting here on the desk, I just need to figure out how to read it. Who knows I'm a demon know maybe I can." "Your doing all this on a maybe?" "I was thinking a wing and a prayer but that works too." "No time for jokes" "Calm down you sound like me." "..." "I know that look even if you don't have a face Nara." * * * Ok let's look at this then... "Cool, I can hear your thoughts" Okay, lets look at this, can I do that miss lookie loo. Wow, can you see this Nara? "No, I see red marks in very odd patterns" Ok then ill just have to read it out. This paper is odd fells like skin. O wait it is skin. "Aw sick." Nock it off, let's see. The party of the first herein to be know as the dammed... well shit this thing really dose read like a lawyer wrote it. This things going to give me a head ach I know it. All right moving on, dose here by certify and agree that upon his or her death on the mortal plan his or her sole along with any in its poses... "The yiff did you just read!" "Not now Nara!" "Yes now that thing said all in its possession that means me and Jaden, dame it don't you read that thing before!" "No, I didn't read it before! He just skimmed over it you heard him, I quit I know you can't read a word of this so let me paraphrase." "..." "Nara?" "Read the dame thing and fined the loop hole dame it." Shit, dame a furson to an eternity of pan and suffering and they get so prissy. "I can still hear your thoughts!" Dame it. Ok, ok. In return the party of the second herein to be know as the giver shell supply the dammed with one incubus tactical, ok that's disturbing. No wait it gets worse, it was unwillingly given. don't bother Nara I'm sure they grow back for demons. Also the dammed will be granted sister hood into the order of the succubus for training in her new craft. The dammed shell use said craft to enact revenge on nine fursons herein listed and henceforth to be know as the sacrificed. Kevin w. O'Donnell, Mark f. Smith, Luis m. Bright, Stacy c. Powers, Nara t. Brooks, Chester c. Rice, Anthony s. Sheften, Markus w. Mc'Valin, Emily s. Pom. "Eliana, how many of them have you crossed off that list?" "umm...Eight." "Eight! Who the hells left?" "Well...Emily, she moved and I don't know were she is or id have likely killed her second day." "What did she ever do to you?" "You don't want to know and I don't what to think about it okay. She's never being crossed off the list anyway. Now let me finish." The dammed must complete this list with in the allotted time, from the signing of this document to her twenty fifth birth day. In the event of refusal to complete said deal she will be forced to comply only with in the closing days of this contract may that action be taken until then she is an autonomous life. The giver may not interfere with in the choices of the dammed on a physical or spiritual level, unless his or her activities jeopardize the foundation of power before this deals signing in the realm of the giver. "That's it." "What's it, Elian?" "The Answer. I'm strong enough now, I can resist his mind tricks. He can only effect my mind Nara not my soul, not until I'm dead, and if I go kicking off before this thing complete, I win." "That your super plan, die! I want to live Eliana!" "Your only seeing the small picture. If I kick off I'm no longer his charge and I forfeited my ability to arise, my soul is demonic not only that its almost as powerful as HIS brat. And what did he do when he died." "You have lost what little remained of your mind." "We shell see my love, I forbid you from coming near me, you, Jaden, and Markus. Now leave me." * * *

(Eliana's Room) My book, you are my only companion now. Its been seven days since I forced Nara to leave and banned all from entering this house. The fox has been here twice iv held him off. I've never seen him this angry, in fact I've never seen him lose his cool, before now. He actually ordered me to go feed, it was hard but I said no. Simple and blunt, it got the job done I just have to keep thinking it when ever he shows up, sooner or later he will try dragging some one with him into my den I must stay strong. It hurts so bad, I don't know if I can do this. When I passed the three day mark I still felt normal, but now...Now every thing hurts and I cant control my body. I'm stuck in my demon form, my wings ach constantly, my head feels so heavy I never realized how much these horns must weigh. Is early morning, I'm starting to feel tired...I haven't felt that in two years. An angle came this morning, just before I picked up this book, he said nothing just sat there on the bed and smiled. It was not the same one as before yet I knew who he was, I wanted him to speak I wanted him to tell me something anything, he only smiled and flashed away. Luis, give me strength...my tears dot pages I've written, how much longer, I always thought time was agents me but I never dreamed id beg it to go faster. * * * Twelve days, he offered him self to me, just an hour ago. God, this hurts so much...I can fell it my body's braking down. I'm having tubule hearing, there's a constant ringing sound. My furs starting to falling out, there's bald patches, gray fur all over, even some violet is mixed init. Owe my paws are so sore, I have to keep writing I have to it blocks out the pain, just a little...just...a little. He came back, little Luis. I felt his paw on my head, I looked up at him from my chair here, this chair I don't have the strength to get out off. He said something...something that hurt so much more then this dame pain...he said, I forgive you. * * * Just let me die... * * * How many days. The marks in this wall say thirty eight, but I stopped making them weeks ago. I cant see out of my left eye, and I'm about death. When it first started fading in and out I tried to make noises, then I stopped hearing them one day. I hate that yiffing merrier. I should have turned it when I still had the strength to stand I tried and I cant get off the floor, I miss that dame chair. I can't pull my self back up. It took days, just to knock this book off the desk. I cant describe my self, I can see it in my remaining eye, why hasn't death taken me. Were are you reaper, are you afraid of me. I who have turned my back apron my master, I who have done your task with pleasure, I who refuse sustenance form immortal flesh. How many times has the demon come he no longer comes as the fox. He is cruel and sly, he came as my love... I am no fool not anymore, I know his tricks I shell be free I wil-- * * *

(The Room Between Worlds) --l be free! "What, no, nooo. Send me back! You bastard!" "Eliana, were going to sit here until you have decided to feed, and to be sure this dose not happen again iv brought someone for you to meet." The small girl is naked and afraid, she is held tightly in his cold grasp, her eyes filled with a terrier I know all to well. This is Emily, however here in this timeless world away from my dieing body I am only a thought, there is no pain here, he is getting desperate I must be near death. "You fool, you think you can tempt me here, with her. I have dreamed of causing her pain since long before I ever believed in your existence. Yet I know she has changed, she got help when they took her away. I'm a smart girl remember fox. Emily s. Pom I forgive you for the capsaicin soaked tampon." * * *

(Eliana's Room) Dame it, just die. Shit being dumped back was intense. ~coughing~ o shit, I'm coughing up blood. So then soon it will end, so tired...so very tired. "Eliana, its Okay sleep." * * * Luis! Were I'm still in my room, shit. Come on, whets a girl got to do to starve to death around here. Wait, it's gone. The ringing, the pain, and so is the rest of me. Great I'm a floating orb. My body turned back. I cant see this it's. "DO NOT LOOK AWAY." Who's there, show your self. "AGAIN YOU ASK THAT OF ME. ELIANA, CHILD YOU HAVE DONE AS I KNEW YOU WOULD. YOU ARE FREE, AND FAR MORE DANGEROUS THEN YOU EVER WERE BEFORE. I KNOW YOU WILL NEVER BE WHAT HE WANTS. I KNOW THAT ONLY BECAUSE WHAT HE WANTS IS UNOBTAINABLE. YOU HOWEVER NO LONGER ARE WITH IN MY SCOPE OF POWER, YOU ARE SOMETHING ALL TOGETHER UNIQUE. I HAVE A TASK FOR YOU DEMON OF EARTHLY TEMPTATIONS. I SHELL GIVE YOU, ONE, LIFE AND THIS TASK. IF YOU ACCEPT YOU MAY RETURN TO EARTH AND LIVE ON FOR AS LONG AS TIME EVERLASTING. IF YOU REFUSE YOU SHELL NEVER HAVE EXISTED AT ALL, THIS WILL NOT PUT YOU WITH IN MY SCOPE ELIANA YOU WILL BE YOUR OWN, WHAT YOU WILL BE IS STILL TO BE SEEN. NOW CHOSE." Chose what you never told me the task. "DOSE IT MATTER. THE ALTERNATIVE IS NONEXISTENCE, YOU AND YOUR TWO COMPANION'S SOULS. I, WILL NOT ASK AGAIN." How is this any different form being his slave. "CHOSE!" I accept. I chose Nara, what will become of Jaden. "HE SHELL BE GRANTED, FORGIVENESS. THAT SHELL BE YOUR NEW TASK, SEEK OUT THE LOST WHO NO LONGER LOOK UP WORD OR DOWNWARD FIND THE ONES IN THE MIDDLE GROUND AND MAKE THEM YOURS IF NOT THROUGH ME THEN THROUGH YOU THEY SHELL FIND SAFETY FROM THE ETERNAL FIRE OF THE DAMMED. HUNGER YOU STILL SHELL, DAUGHTER OF MY FIRST DAUGHTER YOU ARE EVERLASTING. YET HOLD NO DELUSION YOU ARE NEVER MY EQUAL REMEMBER THAT WORDING AND HOW I PERCEIVE TIME." How do I go back? What am I supposed to do? "THAT CORPS THERE IS NOT FIT FOR LIFE ANY LONGER. I SHELL CRAFT YOU A NEW ONE I CAN NOT FORCE YOU WITH COMPLEX DEALS TO KEEP YOUR PROMISE IT IS ONLY YOUR WORD I TAKE. THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU FOR RESISTING, HIM NOTHING MORE. NEVER AGAIN ASK OF ME ANYTHING NOR SPEAK MY NAME AS OTHER MORTALS DO, TO YOU I AM ONLY, HE WHO IS CALLED, I AM!" Wait please just grant me one thing, its nothing just please I want to sleep again. Please I want to be able to wake next to Nara after a night of sleeping in each others arms. "THAT IS ALL THEN. ENJOY YOUR REST, NOW AWAKEN." * * * I'm starving. that's not fair, I just wake up and I'm starving. that's not funny, I just starved to death you know. I should be grateful. "Yes you should be." "Luis?" "Hay, I know this is a little strange what with me being dead an all." "I was just resurrected this is not strange." "One last time Eliana, one last meal from me. so that no life is taken in your rebirth." Are muzzles touch as h allows his robe to slide off his shoulders. His tail wraps around mine as I fell the pleasure of his sex pressing through my new virginity. Pain and pleasure, explode through me as this my new body's first time is experienced. I feel the fire burn and my bones crack as the change takes hold. "Your forms not so scary with out the horns." His paw runs though my head fur, violet strands sway in front of my eyes as are muzzles touch again in one last patient kiss before my bodies need forced me to pull him into me deeper. His thrust never become strong he never was the toping type yet still I can only wish he would still be hear when my wings opened again. Swiftly they snap closed holding the two of use together the ever existing energy of his very soul seeps into me I can feel the tears well in my eyes as he whispers good bye, my wings open flopping agents the carpeted floor the glowing light that hangs above m shimmers and shines and in a flash it is gone, back to the place ill never see, take care of Jaden Luis he will need you now. * * * Hello Book! I fell fantastic. I'm off to find Nara and Markus, Nara is mine for ever and Markus will be my first convert. Even if it kill's him. I'm not coming back in fact iv got all your other volumes already layer out on the floor around my old body. To think with this a small ember this will all go away I will right again but not in you, my story will be one of hope of the hopeless, not f sadness and pain. With this match I bid you farewell, there shell be no more tribulations for me. But I have plenty more time!

Fate's Game

\*This is an adult story, if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now, thank you. KC\* Fate's Game I remember it like it was yesterday, things were different then. For one I still lived on Earth. My name is Irena...

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Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 12

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now, thank you. KC)\* ^Note: Normally I hate the uses of "SHOUTING" however in this part I have a being of such power he disserves to be noticed if you haven't...

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Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt 11

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered)\* Times & Tribulations of a Sucumouse Pt 11 Lucky I love you "I am a demon, cursed...

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