Chapter 3 - Unbelievable Truths! Bitter Rivarly Between Men! (Part 2)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#6 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my close friends from YC. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Do not use in your stories without consulting me first or I will come over there and kill you myself! :P So keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read ;)

That day, I can only remember parts so clearly....the time I spent with the three dragonesses were times of joy, but because of me they suffered. I lost who I was to that bastard, and I'll make sure that they won't get hurt this time...They have to live while it is my duty to ensure that, even at the cost of my life...for that is my job. The Dragoon of Fire.

**Date - October 25th, Unknown year.

Location - 10 meters from Rizan's house, towards Gashway Woods

Time - 2:10 am**

What a night for Michael, first having a nightmare followed by an ambush by a dragon who had his eyes set on his life. The dragon's mouth flared up with a red light, then quickly firing a smoldering ball of fire right at his prey. Michael dodged by rolling to the side, getting knocked away by the explosion and sliding across the grass with a grunt.

There was no time to rest, as he saw another one heading right at him, "Oh crap! I'm not Eurasia!", he shouted, rolling away again but not fast enough. The explosion threw him into a tree but not breaking it. He gave a groan of pain after smashing into the tree, having landed on the arm that had been recently healed as he held it tight. The pain was so intense, he was stopped in his tracks, "Ugh!...this arm...she told me to take it easy. I might have to actually fight this dragon, but at what cost?...", he thought to himself, looking over to notice that he wasn't attacking.

Zachure wanted to take a closer look at this human first, to ease his mind of something that had been bothering him. He jumped at him with all his weight, grabbing him by the leg before he could escape. Michael was not able to roll away in time, being held into the air upside down while still holding his arm.

"Now then, let me just verify one thing before I take your life. That one smell coming from your crotch area which is very familiar to me.", said Zachure, pushing his snout against Michael's pants and sniffing closely. This was incredibly embarrassing for him, wiggling his body around to get free, "H-hey! That is a violation of my--STOP IT!", he shouted suddenly, seeing him slip his tongue past his pants and beginning to wrap around his penis.

The feeling was just slimy and icky, nothing like what he felt Rizan do to him, nor the other dragonesses. Michael began to feel sick in his stomach while he felt the tongue poke past the foreskin of the penis and getting a rough lick. Zachure's eyes wondered for a bit while he tried to identify the flavor he tasted, actually admiring the male taste that came from this human. The flavor was tangy like lemon yet bitter, but it was a bit strong in flavor.

Michael had enough of the privacy breach, revving up his arms to get his attack ready,"You freak! STOP LICKING ME WHERE YOU SHOULDN'T BE!", he shouted, giving his violator a strong punch to the stomach.

The punch was hard enough to make Zachure retract his tongue, drop him and step back in pain. Michael managed to crawl back enough to stand back up, shivering from the now wet feeling dripping down his pants. It was just too disgusting for him to ignore, never expecting something like that to be done to him.

Zachure rubbed where he punched him and snorted smoke out his nostrils, growling at Michael and showing his sharp claws, " stopped me before I could get a perfect read out. Now I can't be 100 percent sure of my findings, but one thing is for sure. Your human cock tastes like Rizan, and two other dragoness flavors. It may be nearly three days old now, but my tongue can taste it and faintly smell it. There's no doubt now Eurasia, you can't deny any longer that you're not Rizan's mate!", he shouted, firing an extra strong fireball at him with anger.

With the fireball coming, Michael was ready to avoid it and go on the offensive. He noticed however that Rizan's house was behind him, and moving would mean her house would get the blast. There was only one thing to do he thought, raising slowly his right arm that was in pain. It began to glow red, along with smoke coming from it as well, "I don't care what you say, I'm not Eurasia!", responded Michael, punching the ball of fire, making it flare up and vanish into nothing.

Rizan's house was safe, but Michael wasn't yet. Zachure chuckled and clapped for his human opponent, "Bravo, well done. I knew that I'd see you try to protect Rizan, I was just wondering how. Now lets see how you handle this!"

Michael prepared himself whatever was coming, seeing Zachure just slice the air. At first he thought that he bluffed, but he saw something coming, something invisible. This was far more dangerous than that simple fireball, knowing that he can't block something like this so easily. Quickly, he covered his head with his arms to try to deflect as much of it as possible.

The force of the blow struck him in the stomach, cutting him horizontally in three places. His stomach, his chest and his arms were all cut, the blood splattered out while Michael gasped in pain while falling to the ground. The cuts were not deep, but they were incredibly painful as Zachure wanted.

On the ground, Michael finally released his arms from his head and breathed in deeply. The pain would have to wait until later as he got up rather quickly. Zachure expected him to be a bit weaker from such a hit, "Hmm...for a human, you're pretty tough. That should've sliced you into 3 pieces from the waist up. But something tells me you're far from normal...with the way you did away with my Torch Breath with just one hand was a show of your power. Stop holding back!", he shouted, jumping at him again and bringing down his tail on him.

With one hand, Michael caught the tail and stopped the attack before it could hit. Zachure just fell to the ground with an enormous crash, grunting from the impact. Michael pulled back on his tail and began to spin him around. The spinning began to quicken, eventually leading to the dragon being spun around in the air, then being throw face first into the forest and a couple of trees.

"Look, I don't want to fight you. Lay off!", shouted Michael, hearing all the trees break apart and fall to the ground. He then fell to his knees, panting furiously from the use of energy. A warm hand was placed on his shoulder, looking up to see that it belonged to a certain dragoness completely naked. For a moment his heart stopped, but he had to remain focused. His eyes looked up to her face to see that she seemed very unhappy.

Rizan looked pretty annoyed, shaking her head in frustration, "Ugh...who would've thought that he would've gone after you...but you held your own against him, nice work Eurasia.", she said, helping him get to his feet. Michael sighed and looked up at her with exhausted eyes, "Rizan, I told you that I'm not Eurasia. What will it take for me to convince you?", he asked, getting tired of the accusations that hes not Eurasia.

She just growled and shook her head, taking a hold of his right arm. Michael flinched just a bit, his arm hurting still while he looked at her. At first he didn't understand why she lifted it up, but everything soon made sense. She pointed out something that was on the top of his hand, a red sphere embedded into his hand.

"Unless you can explain why you have a dragoon spirit, especially one thats the exact color and energy that Eurasia had, you won't convince me. Why are you trying to hide who you are? I waited for you for fifty years...and now that you're back I see you do not even want to let me know that you're back.", she said, her voice breaking up from the sadness covering her heart.

The sorrow that she felt crushed her heart, her hands covering her face as she began to cry. Michael didn't know what to do now, his own heart feeling heavy for making Rizan so sad. He kneeled down and pulled her back up, pulling her hands away from her crying face. A piece of his worn down shirt was ripped and held in his hand as he looked at her crying gaze glistening in the moonlight, "Rizan...its not that. I'm really not Eurasia...but what Eurasia used to be. I wanted to tell you, I really did. But I didn't want to involve you in the fight against mean too much to me. Perhaps everything to, Shyranrya, and Hamelis are the most important to me along with my friends. Please...stop cry---!?..."

The piece of cloth was dropped to the ground, along with Michael's explanation. Rizan could only look in shock to see her human lover impaled by five long and sharp claws, then coughing up blood onto her chest. Michael's body was then lifted into the air, "Its over dropped your guard down and its going to cost you your life...and after I kill you, I'll kill your children. I'm going to enjoy violating her in every area of her hot body. Only after I'll make sure that she is pregnant with my children!", shouted Zachure, his body covered in splinters and bruises.

Michael's body twitched while raised in the air, gasping for air as his breathing felt far heavier. Rizan couldn't stand to sit still any longer, letting instinct take over and pouncing Zachure down. She scratched him deeply, making him roar in agony while his scales were torn apart. The body of Michael was thrown into the air, then caught by Rizan as she lept into the air. She cradled him in his arms, feeling the blood drip onto her body. His heartbeat was still strong, a sign that he would survive if he was given treatment quickly.

He was given a light kiss to his lips and set down on the ground gently, "Eurasia...please wait here one moment. I'll make sure that he doesn't bother us again.", she whispered in his ear, getting up and cracking her knuckles. Zachure couldn't stop rolling around from the torment of having his chest cut open, feeling his blood drip to the ground.

Rizan calmly walked up to the fallen Zachure, holding her hands together palm to palm and raising them to eye level, "Dragonic Way of Bind!", she chanted, summoning about four gold spikes to float above her target. The spikes forcefully slammed down and pierced through his hands and shins, piercing through his scales, bones and flesh, the sound of his flesh ripping filled her ears, causing a toothy grin to crack across her scaled lips.

Zachure's roar of pain rocked the whole house, the shock of getting his body pierced was too much for him to handle, "AHHHHH! YOU WITCH! FUCK THE MATESHIP, I'LL KILL YOU!", he shouted, putting all of his indignation into a blue fireball and shooting it at her from his mouth. Rizan just stood in front of him, seeing the ball of flame come right at her. She span around twice, letting her tail do away with the ball of fire and knocking it back at his face.

Again he roared, his face now charred and burned while being pushed backed against the ground, dirt getting pushed against his sensitive burning flesh, his scales crackling against the dirt. Everything was now set Rizan thought, kneeling down around his waist around and taking firm hold of his shorts, "Death is too good for you...I'll make sure this is the last time you'll threaten to rape me or harm any of my dear friends."

Her claws did quick work in tearing apart the fabric, looking closely at crotch area to spot the slit. Within it was something that she wanted. Zachure's eyes were still shut, clenching shut from the pain he was enduring. Something felt awkward, feeling as if something was wiggling inside of him. Slimy, warm and thin is what it was, until he really did feel the shock of what it was. He managed to open one of his eyes to see what hes always wanted to see, just not in this situation. Rizan's snout was actually poking into his slit, and her long tongue managed to grab a hold of his soft internal member.

Although the pain was overwhelming, he could feel the soothing pleasure while she fished out the semi dragon cock. Arousal started to take his body, the feelings of hate vanishing and turning into feelings of lust. He tried to resist it, but it was futile as her wet tongue licked up and the shaft, getting it to full size. Her guess is that it was about 11 inches, very small for a dragon who bragged a lot about it. She grabbed it with her left hand, jerking it nice and slow.

The art of gripping dragonic cock had to be handled a different way. Unlike the human cock that shes handled with Eurasia, the prehensile dragonhood had to be treated differently. The thin and slender form along with the freedom of movement made it hard sometimes to give up in some dragonesses. Her tongue circled around the urethra opening, her forked tip giving a gentle poke before sliding right in.

Having a sensitive tongue at this moment was such a horrible thing. The taste this dragon gave her nearly made her gag, but she continued probing while her hand kept it firm and straight. Zachure actually began to shiver in delight, looking at her with a slight grin, "Raping me I see...if only I wasn't pinned down--wait..what are you doing?! DON'T DO IT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

Blood began to drip down his leg, along with a piece of skin from his supposed perfect cock,turning his green scales a bloody crimson tint as the liquid coated his leg. Rizan kept her tongue still and as deep as it could go while slicing away another piece of his member, the sound of her claws slicing away at the skin like a small meat cleaver. Again he roared and struggled to get free, ending all the pleasure he had and bringing back the hatred he had for her. His hands and legs started to go numb, a sign that he had lost a lot of blood by this point.

Slowly Rizan peeled it away like an apple, tossing aside the pieces to the floor and ignoring the blood on her claws. About half of the Zachure's original thickness remained, all bloody, torn, and throbbing from the abuse. Rizan retracted her tongue, spitting out the horrible flavor that plagued her mouth. The blood on her claws she wiped on his lower thigh, and got to work on the last thing that had to be done. The limp piece of flesh was pulled off, stretching like bubble gum before finally snapping off.

She dropped it quickly and saw it bounce around like a fish out of water. Her hand made quick work of, squashing it into a splash of blood. Rizan had hoped for a scream but actually got nothing. When she looked up, he saw him just laying back. She stood up and pulled out the spikes from his body, then spat on his bloody chest, "Lets see you pass on your "perfect" genes now...bastard."

At first she thought that she had killed him, but it turns out that Zachure just passed out moments before. Caring for Eurasia was now a priority, quickly turning around and going back to him. He was still on the ground with his eyes closed, breathing far calmer than before. She jogged back and checked the wounds on his chest, seeing that the bleeding had stopped but the holes still remained. A claw was placed gently gently to feel for any internal bleeding, which was actually a shock to her, "What?...its all gone. Eurasia had a large amount of internal bleeding! Eurasia...why do you call yourself Michael..I need to find out.", she thought to herself, making a clean check all over his upper body.

A red light caught her eye, pulsing from Michael right hand. The dragoon spirit embedded into him was blinking, as if it feed energy into its host body. Rizan decided she should just heal up the holes that were still needing treatment, lowering her head and licking the wounds carefully. A few minutes passed before she realized what she was doing, shaking her head and giving her face a light slap with both hands.

She placed both hands together on his chest and began a rejuvenation spell, focusing everything on his chest area as well as the rest of the body. Both their bodies glowed yellow, a noticeable flow of yellow going to Michael's body could be seen. The bright light caused by the spell lit up the whole area, before finally fading back to nothing.

The exhausted Rizan then picked up her human and carried him inside, leaving the battered body of Zachure to rot outside.

  • The Next day

Sometimes, meeting someone who you haven't seen in so long is always heartwarming. But when you're gone for fifty years, you're in for it, especially if you left someone with children to raise. The hardest part is explaining to them that their father isn't even their species...

**Date - October 25, Unknown year

Time - 1:24 pm

Location - Rizan's House, The Guest Room**

Everyone were talking silently, waiting for Michael to wake back up. Rizan stood guard to make sure that there weren't anymore unwanted guests for the whole night. Lucky for her that even her children helped out to make sure that Michael was safe for the rest of the night.

Slowly, everything began to come back to him, his eyes opening slowly. At first he thought he saw something pink, but as things came into focus, he was met by the eyes of a little pink dragon sitting on his chest and looking at him. He nearly jumped when he heard her cute but loud squeal of joy as she leaned over and gave him the most adorable smile ever, "Momma! Momma! Hes awake!", she yelled, jumping off the bed and running past the open door into the other room.

The light made his eyes squint just a bit, but that was a good thing. It meant that he was still alive and feeling a bit sore but in one piece. Rizan in all her glory walked in, wearing an orange type robe. She closed the door and walked over sat on the bed where Michael was laying all snugged up in a black blanket. Michael smiled and pulled his hand out to give her a wave, "Hi there Rizan...good day to you. If you're here and I'm here...did we get him?", he asked curiously, giving a slight yawn.

Rizan patted him on the head and moved her claws through his deep brown hair, "Yes we did...but hes still alive. After I took you inside, I went to check on his body to see where to dump him. Turns out that the body had vanished, without a trail of blood to follow or even a scent. But I made sure that he won't have children anymore...but thats not important right now. I want the truth now Eurasia. I know that you're really Eurasia, and I won't let you leave until I find out why!", she growled, shifting her body and sitting on him.

He winced just a bit, his body still not 100 percent. It seems that the jig was up for Michael, sighing just a bit as he turned his head away, "Rizan...I-I...I didn't want you to know for your own safety. N.D. nearly got us and when I finally got you and Shyranrya out of the danger...I don't want anything to happen to you two! He would've killed you along with us if I didn't teleport you to this hidden dimension!", he replied, leaving his head turned away from Rizan's eyes.

"So you're saying that we can't protect ourselves...a lot has changed in the fifty years that you've been gone Eurasia. Both me and Shyranrya are more than capable of handling ourselves in battle now. If you were watching what I did to that idiot Zachure, you would've seen more than enough....and now that you mention it. How did you survive? You don't look like you've changed a bit from when I last saw you.", she asked, grabbing his face and turning it towards her.

The claws were poking into his skin, enough to cause some discomfort in Eurasia, "Owww....wait. Fifty years?! Thats how long that I've been gone?! Impossible...that doo--no, I can't say it. Rizan, can I give you the details another time? I have a mission to do before I can rest easy."

Both of Rizan's hands grasped his shoulders, shaking him gently and pouting, "Eurasia, is that all that matters to you now? I've waited patiently for you and now that you're back you can't even spend time with me or your children? Shyranrya cried many nights for you and feeling guilty!"

The stinging spike of guilt struck his heart, putting a hand to his face to cover his shame,"....I see.'re right. I'm sorry that I sounded uncaring...I just didn't think that this much time had passed since we last spoke. Let me just get one more thing and I'll take it easy for awhile. Just one last thing that is very important and I'll stay here with you. they know that I'm their dad?..and you sure that I'm the father? I didn't think that I could impregnant you...even Zachare told me that it was impossible.", asked Eurasia, now throwing away his false name of Michael.

Rizan let go of Eurasia's shoulders and blushed just a bit, holding her cheeks and nodding very slowly, "Oh yes I'm very sure were the only male I had...well done anything for years. After you left, I didn't touch any other males who lived here, as all they cared is for me to bore their young. I felt the real pain that you left within me a few years after. That tummy full of eggs was a real pain! I should give you a sample of what I had to feel when I had to lay the eggs...although I do admit that I was confused as well. Until I remembered that Humans and Dragons are compatible, just not so easily. Some dragons today come from a small amount of hybrid parents, and I'm one of them. The proof is right here sweet Eurasia...", she cooed, dropping the top part of her robe and showing him her the breasts on her body.

That was an eye opener for Eurasia, watching her squeeze them together then lean over to give him a eye full of her boobs. The view lasted only for a moment as she pulled back and covered herself again while giggling, "Hee-hee...thats all you'll get for now for hiding yourself from me. Normally we dragons lack breasts, but a bit of human genes changed that. I don't mind, it feels great having them..."

Eurasia just blinked and cleared his throat while having a shade of red appear on his own cheeks, "Errm...I'll hold you to that one my loving dragoness. Before I do a thing however, is there anything I can answer for you? I can't explain how I'm here yet, but I'll tell you anything else that you want to know.", he asked, turning over just a bit to avoid having her feel a surprise underneath her. Rizan then got up and stood in front of Eurasia with a grin on her face.

The blanket that covered Eurasia was lifted for a moment by Rizan, revealing Eurasia's naked body. Eurasia himself yelped and covered his lower parts while Rizan dropped her robe and got into the blanket with him. He turned his body opposite to Rizan while she held him close, pinching his nipples gently with her claws and licking his neck with a loving murr, " can start by telling me called yourself Michael. Then You can tell me what you have to do so you can settle down in my home. Shyranrya would love that as well I'd imagine..."

Shivering, sweating, lightheadedness and a hard pounding chest were signs of one thing. The security and loving feeling gave Eurasia the familiar aroused feeling he thought he wouldn't experience, "Mrph!..c-careful Rizan. M-Michael is my real name...Eurasia is my last name. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I'm not an official dragoon anymore and I don't abide by their rules anymore..but when a dragoon is recruited, your old identity dies and you have to change your look to something newer..and that is handled by the dragoon spirit you receive. My hair and eyes are really brown, but I'll change my hair back soon."

Her claw trailed down his chest, while her tail wrapped around his leg and lifted it up just a bit. Eurasia gave a bit of resistance, but stopped when he felt her leg slide between his. The claw twirled around his belly button, poking it before continuing downwards, "Ahh...I see. It doesn't matter how you look'll always be the same human in my eyes. I'll always remember your scent, and so will any other dragon that cares for you. Now tell me what you have to do so I can keep you right HERE!", she said, emphasizing the last word when she came to contact with what shes been wanting to feel for so long.

What she preferred over dragonic cock, the fleshy feeling of a human penis in her hands. She felt that he wasn't fully hard, pulling back the foreskin and rubbing the slightly moist head which made Eurasia jump just a bit. A groan escaped his mouth, feeling his pounding chest and his erection coming to life, "I-in...information on...N.D.'s whereabouts...", was all he could say, finding it very hard to focus as she began to jerk it nice and slow.

The rod was gripped firmly in her hand, the throbbing member as if happy to receive this treatment. Rizan knew that what Eurasia wanted was dangerous information, pulling her other hand away from his chest and cupping his bare bottom, "I see...what you want cannot be found anywhere hun. Only one place probably has that information, and I think I can help you get there. Let me just get one thing from you before that time...", she cooed, letting everything go and disappearing under the blanket.

He cold feel the thumping of her body, then the warmth of her scales as she placed a hand on her thigh. For a moment, he felt complete bliss when something wet and slimy made its away onto his member, but just as fast as it came, it left along with some coughing, "Ugh! What is that horrible flavor!?", she shouted in disgust, her voice sightly muffled under the blanket.

Eurasia hoped that he didn't offend her, but actually feeling like he should be feeling insulted. Rizan's head popped up from under the blanket and looked at him curiously, "Eurasia...did...someone lick you down there or something?...Something is ruining your normally delicious flavor."

At first he didnt know what it could be, knowing that he didn't let anyone touch him down there since he was last with her. The images of him being violated by Zachure painfully reminded him what the source of the taste maybe, shuddering from the feeling during that moment, "Ugh...great, now I remember. That dragon Zachure slid his disgusting tongue into my pants...and licked all over! I swear that was the biggest invasion of privacy ever...such a horrible feeling."

That answered the question Rizan thought, pushing the blanket off and putting on her robe again, "Ah, well we should fix that. Lets get you cleaned up, then we can get you to find that information. I have a special shampoo that rids a body of all scents a dragon can smell out, so lets go. The sooner we have you back in our lives the better.", she said, opening the door and looking outside. Eurasia carefully climbed out of the bed with the blanket covering his body. The bare feeling still did not agree with him, needing some type of clothing to cover what others shouldn't see.

His hand was grabbed and his body picked up by Rizan, being carried like a school lunch as she dashed past the living room entrance and the stairs. Before Eurasia could panic, she put her hand to his mouth until they reached the bathroom. She quickly shut the door and lock it, putting down the luggage and giving a sigh of relief, "Phew...everyone is out doing their business. They don't know that their father is human...I just couldn't tell them. I hope you don't hate me Eurasia..."

Eurasia shook his head and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Of course not, I should be the one saying that...I left you alone to raise four kids all on your own.", responded Eurasia, taking a look at the average looking bathroom he was in. It was covered in white tiles, had two toilets, one normal and one larger, a sink and a shower area. There were two glass walls and a glass door that slid open into the area. He slid open the door and proceeded to the shower area. looked up at the abnormally high shower head, far too high for him to reach. With the crack of a whip, Rizan slapped him on his rump with her tail and made him jump up in pain.

She laughed and pulled him into the shower area while he rubbed his now pink buttocks. She closed the shower door and turned on the water. The cold wave of water didn't make her flinch but made Eurasia yelp, "C-c-cold!"

The water was then made warmer, warm enough that steam could now be seen. The shower area was larger than Eurasia thought, more than enough space for them. Soap, shampoo and other various shower time items were perched on the side shelves. Rizan brought her human lover back to this world by pressing her lips against his and forcing her tongue into his mouth. Eurasia's tongue was wrapped around and squeezed tightly against Rizan's thin and long forked tongue, pulling it into her own maw for her own amusement.

The water pouring on them glistened the blood red scales that Rizan had, the hands of Eurasia grabbing and fondling each of her breasts. Gripping tight the manhood of her mate, she wanted to make him feel wonderful and loved. Both of them moaned into each other, feeling the touch of love and lust being passed through their fingers. The water slipped through his fingers as he rubbed them together, pinching her nipples to get them nice and hard.

Throbbing and hard was Eurasia's manhood now, thanks to Rizan jerking it around in her hand. Pulling back the foreskin, she proceeded to wipe away his cock of all less satisfying tastes so she may partake of the prize. The water ran through the head to the sack full of wonders, her hand lathering up with a special soap. With a playful bite to his tongue, she pulled him back and gasped for air, not having felt such a rush in years, "Ooooh Yessss! I missed you so much Eura...", whispered Rizan, bringing him close for a warm wet hug.

Eurasia was actually getting a bit nervous, noticing that Rizan was being a bit rougher than normal, "I missed you too Rizan...but can you be a bit more careful?", he asked weakly, feeling his body freeze up when she groped his sack. Rizan shook her head and lowered herself down on her knees, catching some water in her hands and rinsing the erect rod, "Mmm, come on're a man. You can handle a bit of a rough fun can't ya?...Oh, and think fast.", said Rizan quickly, doing a handstand and grabbing his head between her legs while her arms wrapped around his waist.

His automatic reaction was to hold her tight so she wouldn't fall, looking down to see what he missed for so long. Swollen and dripping with a white liquid was what he saw, wincing as the wet sucking motion gripped and pulled his cock forcefully. He could feel a light pinching feeling, something sharp graze against his skin. At first the thought he was being cut, but he decided to ignore it and began to lick across the slit and tailhole.

Delicious and sticky were a few of the many words to describe Rizan's flavor. Best Eurasia could compare it to was a combination of cherry and lime but mixed with bitter vinegar. The tongue was pushed right in, and greeted by the loving embrace of her vaginal muscles. They clenched tight around it, Rizan herself giving a low meep and beginning to stick her own tongue into his urethra.

It was a very tight fit, not going in very deep since she thought it would really hurt him. She pulled back and pushed forward, sucking hard and slurping all the pre that came her way. One of the hands she used to hold on to his body was removed and used to couple his ballsack yet again, juggling them through her fingers before feeling a very strong shock to her system.

Her clit was being attacked by teeth and sandwiched by two of them. Stimulation which made it hard to control her body. Eurasia himself was having trouble focusing, leaning his back against the glass wall as he continued to press his tongue on her clit. It began to get a bit too much for him with all the ecstacy with the wall holding back his climax weakening to near nothing. Eurasia pulled back a bit and lifted one of the hands holding his loving dragoness, cracking his fingers and using them to spread the snatch open. His tongue licked along the underside of her tail, bringing shivers to Rizan and enough to cause smoke to come out her snout.

"MOTHER! AREN'T YOU DONE YET?! I HAVE TO GO POTTY!", shouted a little girl's voice followed by knocking. Both lovers came to halt and stopped what they were doing. Rizan wiped her mouth and cleared her throat, "Pearly, mommy is showering. Go to mommy's room and use my bathroom. You have my permission!"

Pearly was jumping up and down, giving a groan of discomfort while she heard what her mother had to say. She was a bit shocked that she was allowed to use her personal bathroom, as she never lets anyone touch it, "Okies momma!", she shouted, running away and going to the other bathroom. The two breathed easy and Rizan gave a light lick to Eurasia's throbbing penis, "Damn...we should hurry this up...give me all ya got hun!"

The head was taken into her mouth while her hand grabbed the rest and jerked it. So sudden, the rush was a bit too much for him to take, "Mpmh!...Riz...urraaah!", groaned Eurasia, throwing his head back. The salty taste perked her tongue, spiting out his manhood and letting the cum splash on her face. The next burst splattered on her snout, closing her eyes as she murred in delight being covered in her lover's warm gooey frosting.

Eurasia grunted as the next flow of his sperm hit right on her neck, while the next few died down. Rizan took a hold of it and sucked out the remainder like a straw, then finally letting it go. The exhausted Eurasia helped turn her right side up and saw a very satisfied grin on Rizan's face, along with his mark.

Rizan's tongue lapped all over her snout while using her hand to smear it all over her neck, "That was delightful lets get cleaned up. But can you tell me one thing? Why is your...seed pink?"

Chapter End

Tune in for the next exciting installment - Eurasia's Secret! The Infiltration of Vanaxxis Castle! (For those who can't pronounce that, its Van-Axe-Iss)