A Taste Of Honey

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#9 of Love not Lost

Aidan woke, purring gently, something warm and fluffy in his arms. It took a second for him to remember where he was, but when he did, he hugged the lion next to him, and began to nuzzle into the mane, when he heard something that made him jump. Approaching pawsteps. Shite. He sprung from the floor onto the bed, yanking a sheet over himself, then, after noticing that his lion had a slight erection, he tossed another blanket down over him, then threw himself flat onto the mattress as the doorknob turned.

Leo's mother entered the room and roared, "Wake up if you're going to church!" which made Aidan jump despite already being awake.

Even Leo jumped slightly, and rubbed his eyes with his palm, "Alright, I'll get up."

When she left, the lion smiled up at his mate groggily, then lifted his sheet, looking down at his groin, "Well. I'm awake."

Aidan laughed and rocked back, "Yeah, I saw that. That's why I gave you the sheet."

"So how long exactly were you lying here, even though you said, 'Just for a little while?'"

"Umm, heh," Aidan blushed, "Well, we didn't get caught, now did we?"

Leo glared at the cat, "So you slept, all night, next to me."

"Well.. yes. But," Aidan pointed down at the area where the sheet now tented, "Looks like you enjoyed it anyway."

Leo stood, letting the sheet hang from his cock, paws on hips, "Well, I'll let it slide." He said as the towel began to slip.

Aidan watched the sheet intently, tongue flicking out across his lips, until Leo caught the bed linen. "Aww, why ruin the show?"

Leo turned and flicked his tail up, so that his pink pucker was exposed to his mate for just a second, "Because I can."

"Well, that's not nice."

Leo just smiled and walked over to his dresser, then began searching for his clothes, his tail staying raised as he searched, which made Aidan creep off the bed and try to sneak up behind his lion, which of course was when Leo turned around, "Well, Hon, you should probably go take a shower. You smell strongly of ," he sniffed the air, "Me."

Aidan purred, and as soon as the lion had turned back to searching for a tee shirt, he slid up behind him and slid a finger into the pink lion hole. "Sounds like a good idea."

The dresser rocked as Leo pressed forward against it, moaning as his claws on his hindpaws ripped the carpet and his ring tightened around the intruding finger.

Aidan smirked, "Oh, does lion like that?" he asked as he slid the finger in further.

Leo replied with a moan and pressing back against his lover's paw, which elicited another smirk from Aidan as he carefully slid in a second finger. "I'll take that as a yes."

Leo shivered as he knees began to collapse, forcing Aidan to try to catch him, unsuccessfully, as the larger male fell to the floor, his chest and head laying flat against the carpet as his claws raked through it.

Aidan squatted behind the raised rear and slowly retracted his fingers, then pressed his cockhead against the ring, "May I replace them with something a little larger?" he asked confidently as a drop of pre rubbed into Leo's fur.

Leo looked back at his cat and purred. He pressed back against the cock, and Aidan pressed forward, until the head popped in, pulling back the kitty's foreskin. Leo began to claw and rip at the carpet again, moaning.

Just then, Leo's mother roared again. They both jumped and looked at the door. Leo sat up quickly, popping his lover's member out from his rear.

"Damn her! Curse your mother. Damn her damn her damn her..." Aidan muttered as he stood up, grabbed his pile of clothes and stalked off toward the bathroom. "I'm gonna go shower." He said, tail lowered over his matted rear.

Leo sat on the floor, spread his legs, and began to paw off, "Okay, I'll be thinking of you."

Aidan looked at him and groaned, "Now that's just not nice!"

Leo smiled, then tilted back his head, his paw working hard up and down his long shaft, lips began to mouth something as he squeezed his eyes shut and a bead of pre dribbled down the barbed pride.

"Damn you." Aidan muttered before closing the bedroom door and running, having just realized his nudity, to the bathroom and closing the door, his clothes held against his drippy cock to hide it the whole time.

Aidan clambered into the shower, and turned on the water, standing away from the spray as it warmed up to a more agreeable temperature. He did start showering normally, but dammit, he was too yiffy. So within seconds his paw was grabbing his hard kitty cock, squeezing and pumping up and down, hard and fast as he quieted his moans, whispering Leo's name instead. He began pumping into his own paw as it worked more and more over his member, his eyes squeezed shut so hard that he was seeing colors. Finally, he bucked his head backwards as his orgasm rocked his body, his hips thrusting forward as kitty cream painted the dark blue tiles in jets that shook his body, leaving him leaning against the wall and panting for a second as he recovered.

In a minute or two, he felt good enough to stand up straight again, and then he threw on some soap, and rinsed it off as fast as he could, then jumped out, toweled almost sufficiently, and walked quickly out of the door, buttoning his shirt.

He strolled into Leo's room as casually as he could, "So, Leo, are ya ready?" he asked, looking down at the last button on his shirt as he pushed it through the proper hole.

Leo began to button his shirt, then looked up at the cat and smiled, "I like the wet fur look on you." He said, whipping the kitty's butt with his tail as he exited the room.

"Hey!" Aidan shouted, jumping and grabbing his rear before he turned and followed the lion out of the room. "So, are we getting some breakfast?" the cat asked, grabbing a lion butt cheek as soon as he got close enough behind.

Leo purred and looked over at him, "I dunno, depends on whether or not my mother's cooked anything."

They reached the kitchen, only to find that she had not, but instead rushed them out the door.

"It's okay," Aidan said, "We can just get some cereal at my house.

"Okay, sounds good to me. And from there, we can ride my bike to church."

"Uh, well, Dad is coming, and he's gonna pick up Sarah, and I really don't get to talk to him much anymore, sooo, I thought that maybe we could go ride with him again."

"Oh, well, okay then, I understand."

"Sounds good," Aidan said as he strolled beside his lion down the street toward his house.

They arrived a few minutes later, and each got himself a bowl of cereal and chatted with Aidan's family until his dad arrived, late. Ms. MacReynolds was in the middle of trash talking the paternal cat at the very second that he began to knock, cutting off her insinuations as Sarah ran to open the door.

"Hey girl!" The father cat exclaimed as his enthusiastic daughter ran and jumped into his arms, then got twirled around by her father.

Aidan was a little less exuberant with his hug, settling for just the arms around the chest. He noticed that he was getting taller than his old man now.

"Shotgun!" shouted the youngest cat as she ran out the door to the waiting station wagon, Aidan tailing behind with Leo beside him. Chris stayed inside for a few minutes, talking to his ex about something, probably money.

He rejoined the rest of the troupe after a minute or two, and they all piled in to go to church.

"So, guys, how's school going?" the father cat asked after they'd driven down 249 for a short while.

Sarah answered first with, "My English teacher sucks!" which was enough to occupy the conversation for a while. Her dad lecturing her about judgment and fairmindedness, Aidan giving Leo apologetic looks, and Leo trying to be comfortable in the family car.

Finally, after they were about fifteen minutes away from their destination, Aidan's dad asked, "So, how's your senior year, guys?"

Leo looked over at Aidan, "It's, very intresting."

Aidan nodded, "Yes, intresting."

"Well, what're ya'll doing?"

"We're building a birds' house in shop." Aidan volunteered.

"Oh, okay. Sounds good. Is it an interesting birdhouse?"

"Uhh, well no, not really. Not yet at least."

"Ah. Okay then. Anything else? How are you doing, kiddo, we never talk?"

"I'm, uh, doing good. Nothing bad happening."

Aidan's dad sighed and turned into the church parking lot. "We're here."

They parked, and clambered out, each heading their own way to their respective Sunday schools.

"See you at the service, kids!" Chris shouted at the retreating figures as he turned to run and catch the bus that took him to his class.

Aidan sighed, then gave an exasperated look over at Leo, "Some reconnecting, huh?"

Leo tousled the top of the smaller teen's head, "Ah, don't worry about it, I'm sure your father and you'll reconnect sometime."

Aidan watched his paws carry him forward across the parking lot, "Yeah, I guess. I hope."

Leo glanced around the parking lot, then bent down and gave Aidan a peck on the cheek, "Don't worry, I know it will."

Aidan purred, "Thanks hon." And cracked a smile.

Up on stage a few minutes later, the rather flaming panther that led the high school group services before they were split into class groups was singing and dancing around the stage in his bright pink shirt. Aidan was expectedly uninterested. However there was something right next to him that was of infinitely more interest.

"Um, Leo, why are you fidgeting so much?"

"I'm, uh, just trying to adjust." Leo said as his paw moved around a rather noticeable erection in his shorts.

Aidan blushed, "Do we need to go to the little boys' room?"

Leo looked over in shock, "Aidan! We're in church."

"I was just joking. Heh." Aidan said nervously, shrugging.

Leo continued fidgeting, "Well, I kinda need to adjust myself anyway."

"Okay, I'll save your seat." Aidan said, bending to pick up his bible from the floor.

Leo lifted his shirt slightly, revealing to Aidan his bulge, with the top few inches of his cock showing out from under the waistband.

"Oooh," Aidan said, setting his bible back down, "Suddenly, I feel the need to go to the restroom too."

Leo smirked, "Okay." Then stood, and worked through the crowd of jubilant teens,

Aidan close in tow. The others didn't even seem to notice as they sang along with the figure on stage.

Once they were in, Leo pulled Aidan to him and kissed him as he began to unzip his jeans so that he could adjust. He started to walk toward a stall, pulling his kitty along by the lips, then closed and latched the door behind them.

Once the lion's cock was free and standing at full attention, his paw moved its focus To Aidan's khakis, unbuttoning and unzipping them as the cat was pressed backwards, so that just after his pants fell he was forced to sit down on the toilet.

Leo broke the kiss and nuzzled his head down Aidan's chest, purring and groping the kitty's bulge.

Aidan moaned and leaned back his head, petting through Leo's mane just as the lion's nose brushed against the front flap of his lover's boxers, then slowly inched them down the white legs, exposing Aidan's full hard member.

The cold conditioned air hit Aidan's meat and made him gasp, just as Leo's hot breath across it made him purr.

Leo slipped the head past his lips, suckling on it gently and running his tongue over the pointed tip. Aidan moaned and pressed downward on his lover's head. Leo abidingly slid the cock in to the halfway point and began to roll his tongue underneath the hard member.

Aidan twitched and giggled softly, "That tickles."

Leo tried to continue, but Aidan continued giggling and squirming, until finally the lion took his maw from the kitty cock, "You know, you're not making this easy."

"I'm sorry," he breathed out, "I didn't know that it felt this way. It really does tickle." He took a few deep breaths, "Okay, I think I'm fine now, please go on." He asked pleadingly.

Leo smiled, "Alright.' He said, giving a long lick up the shaft before slipping the whole length back into his mouth. Aidan squirmed a little, but managed to settle down, still giggling alongside his moans as he pet his paw through the lion mane.

He could feel the rough leonine tongue work under his shaft as Leo began to bob his head up and down, his fangs lightly scraping and catching on the kitty's foreskin, making the kitty twitch and moan louder, only giggling occasionally now as the tongue slid over his member.

Leo's head raised a little, allowing his tongue to slide in under the foreskin, pressing rough, warm, moist pad against the sensitive head. Aidan had to resist the urge to thrust in as he began to mutter under his breath, "Oh God, Leo," a resistance only made harder as the lion began to run his tongue in circles inside the flap of skin, encircling the sensitive tip again and again.

Just as his moans were really starting to crescendo, Aidan's ears picked up the sound of the latch turning, as someone walked in. He bit his lip, holding back his noise as he tried to silently push the lion head off, listening carefully as the footfalls rang through the empty tiled room. But Leo refused to be removed, and instead pushed his head down until his nose bumped against Aidan's pubic fur, his hot breath tracing through it as his tongue worked over the cock.

Aidan wanted to cry out in pleasure loudly, had to bite his lip and squeeze shut his eyes, not before identifying those paws as the student minister's, but certainly before he heard the zipper undo as the pastor began a long wee at the urinal right by their stall. He shouted a prayer in his head over and over as Leo continued to work over Aidan's cock, making suckling noises that Aidan hoped would go ignored, now milking out heavy loads of pre as the kitty's repressed noises filled him up inside toward bursting.

Finally, he heard the zipper again, the footfalls trace across the tile, no! He was washing his paws. "Oh God, please don't let us get caught here!" he shouted silently to the deity that he was disobeying as Leo began bobbing again, faster this time, seeming to be enjoying the torture that his kitty was going through.

Aidan forced his eyes opened to look down pleadingly at his mate as the pastor pumped out soap, only to catch site of a flicker of golden tail beyond the stall door. He knew that he couldn't whisper to Leo, because if he parted his lips, he'd make way more noise than he wanted, so he tried signaling, but Leo was too intent on his job to notice.

Finally, Aidan heard the door close again, and his mouth sprung open, releasing a loud, purring moan that he was sure had to have been heard by the preacher anyway, but that no longer mattered to him as he grabbed the lion head and shoved it all the way down, bucking his hips so that Leo's cold wet nose was flat against his groin, and shot huge gobs of hot kitty seed deep into his lover's muzzle, his body spasming with the orgasm as Leo purred and used his claws to squeeze Aidan's perfect white rump.

After Aidan stopped panting enough to get out words, he glared down at his lion, "You bastard, you almost got us caught."

But Leo did not seem to notice this complaint. His head lay on his arm in Aidan's lap, and he was panting rather loudly himself. Finally he raised his head, at first it looked as if he was looking up at Aidan, but then he roared, thrusting his hips forward as Aidan felt light splashes of something sticky against his leg.

"Heh, looks like you had fun, too." Aidan said to his panting lion, before looking down. "Oh damn!" he exclaimed, "You came all over my undies! Who's gonna clean this up?"

Leo looked up and smiled, "I dunno, but maybe it'd be fun to wear them like that."

"But it could show through!"

"Oooh, it won't." Leo stood, his limp pride hanging in front of Aidan as he began to pull up his jeans.

"Weeeell, maybe if I get a tailhole in consolation, I might agree to it." Aidan suggested smirkingly, unknowingly licking his lips at the sight of the lion cock.

Leo turned around so that his tail whipped the cat across the face.

"Hey now! That's not nice!" Aidan said, rubbing his cheek where the tail struck.

"Oh I'm sorry, did my tail do that?"

"Yes it did," Aidan said, trying to press his cock against Leo's rear, but the lion had already pulled up his pants the rest of the way and was unlocking the stall. "Spoil sport." Aidan muttered, then sighed and bent down to pull up his own pants. He hesitated a second, then as he heard the faucet turn on so that Leo could wash his paws, he pulled them up quick and belted them, grimacing slightly. "It's cold and squishy." He said as the lion load meshed into his fur. "Ooooh." He groaned.

Leo laughed behind him, "You know you like it."

"Don't make me come over there," Aidan threatened meaninglessly.

Two minutes later, both cats walked out of the restroom, first Aidan, then, after a minute, Leo. They tried to secretly rejoin the crowd, but a pigeon who liked Aidan ran up to him as he and Leo were trying to blend, "Hey, where'd you and your friend go? You missed the whole sermon. Today it was about sex." She said, bolstering her chest, to the bewildered, and now blushing, teen.

"Uh, well, we were," Aidan began to stammer, when the chapel bells began to ring, drawing in their congregation, "Oh, time for church!" Aidan declared as he strode away quickly.

The pigeon turned to Leo, who quickly replied, 'Umm, yeah, I'm with him," And ran to catch up.

Leo and Aidan were walking through the parking lot, when suddenly Aidan felt the lion's paw cupping between his legs, "You know, you're kinda moist under here." Leo brought his lips very close to Aidan's ear, and whispered, "And it shows."

Aidan jumped, "What! Oh dammit, Leo!" he untucked his shirt and tried to pull it down low to cover the mess, "Well what do I do now?"

"Well I could loan you my shirt, but that would leave me shirtless."

"In any other occasion, I would find that remark both sexy and funny, but now is not the right time. Is there anything that I can do?"

"Well, you could try just keeping your legs together."

"Yeah, I think that's my best option." The cat sighed as he began to adjust his stride to a more awkward one.

Leo wrapped his arm around his kitty's neck, "Come on, we might as well just get this over with."

Sigh, "Yeah, you're right hon. Just don't walk too fast."

Fortunately no one noticed Aidan's mess, or seemed to at least, and when everyone was returning to the car, Aidan's dad asked, "So, Leo, how do you like our church so far?"

"Welp, the instructor's.. intresting."

"Glad you like him." Replied Aidan's dad as he started the car and switched on Prairie Home Companion.

"Dad?" Aidan asked of the man in the front seat.

"Yes Aidan?"

There was a pause, "Uhm, nothing. I thought at first that this was a rerun." The teen finally said with a noncommittal wave of his paw in the direction of the radio.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Leo's bike rumbled to a stop inside the garage of the small white house, soon followed by the kickstand grating against the paved floor as Leo and Aidan dismounted, then headed for the door. Aidan walked nervously behind the lion, his paws behind...

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Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey

Leo knocked thrice on the large, imposing door, and then waited for an answer. Aidan shifted uncomfortably next to him, "You never told me it was this big." "Hm, you never asked." "Well, I mean..." but the cat was cut off as the tired looking...

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School of Hard Knocks

Aidan woke with a start. The spot beside him was empty except for some wrinkled bed clothes. It occurred to the cat that maybe he'd dreamed Leo coming in, he'd had similar waking dreams before. But then he saw a few specks of mane on his pillow, and...

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