Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#8 of Love not Lost

Leo's bike rumbled to a stop inside the garage of the small white house, soon followed by the kickstand grating against the paved floor as Leo and Aidan dismounted, then headed for the door.

Aidan walked nervously behind the lion, his paws behind his back, fidgeting. He almost jumped when Leo's mother, a short, brown furred lioness, appeared after they entered, greeting them with a thick Hispanic accent. Aidan was surprised, and almost mentioned it to Leo, but decided to hold it off until later.

"Hey Mom, this is Aidan." Leo said, indicating the nervous friend beside him.

"Oh Aidan, Leo's told us so much about you!"

"Hey. Umm, what has he said?" Aidan replied nervously.

Leo nudged Aidan gently, "Oh, just what parents should know." He said with special emphasis.

Aidan relaxed a little, "Oh, well, glad to hear that." He said, only realizing a second later that that almost sounded suspicious.

But Mrs. Lightmane didn't seem to notice, and as she bustled off to the kitchen, asked, "Is he staying for dinner?"

"Yes, Mom."

Leo beckoned Aidan forward, into their living room, where Leo's father sat on the floor, watching tv. "Hey Dad." Leo said as Aidan noted the large gut and graying golden fur.

"Hey Leo, who'd ya bring home this time?"

"Oh my friend Aidan." The cat waved.

Small talk resulted, in which it was established that yes, Aidan was staying for dinner, and that he'd also spend the night, and general conversation continued until dinner time arrived.

Leo's mother stood in the doorway and yelled to everyone to come and get food. Leo sprung up and ran into the kitchen, followed by Aidan less quickly, and Leo's father, who took a long time to stand, his back in obvious pain.

By the time Aidan had entered the kitchen, Leo had already grabbed the largest steak, and was heaping rice onto his plate. "Hungry, Hon?" Aidan asked as he walked to the plate of steaks and picked for himself, then moved to the rice and corn.

Leo started walking back to the living room, when his mother stopped him and spoke quick Spanish to him, gesturing toward the dining table. The teen lion nodded, and turned to the dining room, where he sat at the slightly dusty table. Aidan came in next and sat beside his beau. Not long after, Mrs. Lightmane entered slowly, followed lastly, by Mr. Lightmane, who very gingerly sat at his chair, taking great pains to avoid hurting his back.

Leo ripped into his steak, as Aidan sat by nervously, wondering what to say to the eating family.

Leo's mother looked directly at her son's friend, and asked politely, "You and Leo good friends?"

Aidan misswallowed what he was chewing, and responded with a suppressed blush, "Oh, yes, quite good."

"So what are you studying in school?"

"Uhm, just the basic, starting out the school year, here are the rules stuff. Nothing special." He replied, before shoving a large forkful of corn into his mouth, hoping to thereby stall questions.

"So, has anything interesting happened in school that Leo hasn't told us?"

Aidan carefully took his time to chew and swallow, considering what exactly to tell her and what not to. He even swallowed slowly before speaking, "Um, well, one of our friends got beat up." He offered.

"Ay dios mio! Is he okay?" She asked, seemingly interested.

"Uh, well, he got a dislocated arm, but other than that, just a few bruises and stuff."

"What happened?"

Aidan looked to Leo, unsure of what he could say. "The kid thought that Aidan had not given him some money that he owed him, that's all and then Ryan decided to help Aidan. So instead of Aidan getting beaten up, Ryan did." The lion quickly interjected.

Leo's father swallowed, "Over something as stupid as that? Stupid kids."

Aidan nodded as he shoveled more food into his muzzle. Man, Leo's mom was a good cook. He hoped that he could stay on her good side.

The rest of the evening passed rather uneventfully, Leo and Aidan sat down with Mr. Lightmane in front of the TV for most of the rest of the evening, until Leo's mother came in and began to nag Leo in Spanish.

When Leo and his mother had finished their soft argument in Spanish with each other, Aidan leaned over and whispered, "What was that about?"

"Oh, she just wants us to go to bed."

"Oh, I see. Well, we can..."

"Oh, she just bugs me about this a lot. But we can if you like."

Aidan stood, yawning and stretching making sure to raise his tail in front of Leo's face, "Sounds like an idea." Leo smirked and stood, and they walked to the lion's bedroom.

However, before they can enter the boudoir, Leo's mother stops her son, scolding, "Ah ah ah ah, Viase a bañar."

"Pero mama!"

She shrugged and turned away. Leo growled, "Okay, I'll go bathe."

Aidan walked into Leo's room and began to look around to kill time while his mate showered. But then he heard the door close, and smiled, "That you Leo?" he asked, looking over a collection of Lion King Memorabilia.

"Uh huh." The lion answered behind him.

"Wow, you have a nice room."

"Thanks." Leo responded from behind.

Aidan turned around to say something else, but stopped, open mouthed as he spotted his lion already shirtless with the button on his jeans undone. Before he could respond, he was pounced and knocked onto the bed by Leo, whose muzzle then locked around his. Instantly horny, the cat kissed back, purring and running his paws over the golden back.

Leo broke the kiss, leaving his cold nose pressed to his lover's, licking the soft pink lips below his, "So, how did you enjoy dinner?"

Aidan purred, placing a paw on the back of his lion's neck, "Oh it was delicious. But it looks like dessert might be even better." He said as his other paw groped the firm lion rump.

Leo showed his fangs, growling playfully, "Oh? And who says you're gonna get dessert?"

Aidan smirked and rubbed his naughty paw over the lion's jean-enclosed cheeks, "Oh, I guess I was just assuming that the lion might have a rather tasty dish for me."

Keeping his nose pressed to Aidan's, Leo began unbuttoning the kitty's shirt, "Well, I don't think that meat qualifies as a dessert."

The cat replied with a purr, "Oh, but I think cream does." As he unzipped Leo's fly and used his hind paws to push the jeans down Leo's strong legs.

Leo locked muzzles with his mate again, sliding his paws into Aidan's sleeves to slide his shirt off, then tracing his paws down the now exposed white sides, until they encountered the cat's jeans and began to unfasten them as his tongue slid into the smaller muzzle.

Aidan gladly took the intruder into his muzzle, wrapping his tongue around it, suckling on it, closing his eyes as his paws worked around the elastic to Leo's underwear. The lion lifted his waist so that Aidan could slide the undies down the golden thighs, exposing the hard lion cock beneath it.

Leo pressed back down against his mate, giving a deep purr, causing his soft mane that pressed against Aidan's bare chest to vibrate, further arousing the kitty until he slid his paw between Leo's butt cheeks. Aidan could feel the muscles move as Leo lifted his tail, allowing

Aidan to run his fingertips over the tight pucker that lay underneath.

Leo broke the kiss and gasped, then pressed his body firmly against Aidan, nuzzling his cheek. Leo laughed as his hips pressed down, and he felt the hard on his kitty had through the open jeans, and sat up to begin working them and the boxers off.

Aidan giggled as his pants slid down, moving his paws instinctively to cover his body.

Leo pushed the small black paws aside, kissing his lover gently as he cupped the kitty cock,

"There's no use, I already know that you're excited."

Aidan blushed and laughed, and just kissed Leo again in response.

Leo purred and gripped the two members in his paw, pulling up their shafts until he reached

Aidan's head, pulling the kitty's foreskin up his member, yet still leaving about half of his own untouched. Inside his head, Aidan laughed at how much smaller he was, whilst outside he moaned and bucked into the paw.

Leo purred as he felt the smaller male's body jerk into his, and continued to slowly move his paw up and down the shafts until he felt Aidan's pre slicken the middle of his pride, all the while Aidan jerked and purred and moaned beneath him.

Leo broke the kiss, and looked down, seeing the pre glisten on the middle of his cock and on his kitty's head. The lion purred and began to climb up the mattress, dragging Aidan along under his arms so that his tail scooted along the bedclothes. Aidan just purred beneath his lion, giggling a little as he was dragged up to the pillows.

Leo rested his lover's head and shoulders on the pillow and softly stroked the soft white chest before leaning over him, and turning him onto his stomach, then lay on top of him, carefully nesting his ten inch pride between the soft white cheeks.

Aidan purred beneath the lion, feeling his hot breath on the back of his neck, then the slightly weaker breath as his mouth opened, and the warm wetness of his tongue began to lick at his neck at the base of his head, making Aidan shudder in anticipation. Instinctively he spread his legs, moving his tail to the side out of his mate's way.

Leo's arm slid under to hug Aidan's belly, the other moving to the soft white side as his hips rose, letting the lion aim his member as Aidan readied himself.

Leo's pointed head pressed against Aidan's pucker, already slick with pre, eliciting a soft moan from the smaller male, who pressed back up against it, causing the head to pop in. The two lovers moaned in unison, Aidan held a pillow from the pile that he rested on gently as he continued pressing up, whilst Leo laid his head down on Aidan's neck, just below his head, his hot breath going along the clean white shoulder as his lover continued pressing up, sliding the hot meat slowly in until finally his cheeks bumped against groin, causing Leo to flare the barbs of his cock, which made Aidan groan and pump back up against it.

As Aidan began to lower his rear, sliding the barbed meat out of his hole, he felt Leo's teeth begin trying to grab at his shoulder, occasionally picking up the skin only for it to snap back down. Aidan moaned in pleasure as the barbs grabbed at his insides, causing more pre to leak out of his cock onto the bedspread, all the while Leo's deep purrs gently vibrated the two.

As Aidan's cock again pressed against the bed, he could feel Leo's paws move up to his shoulders, followed by the lion pumping slowly in and out of the kitty, letting him feel every inch of cock as it moved through him, making him moan and grasp the pillows tightly, his head tilting up.

Leo slid all of his cock into Aidan at once in one quick move, making the smaller male's claws grip at the pillow, then almost all the way out, just to thrust all back in and make Aidan bite the pillow lightly to keep from making too much noise.

Leo seized Aidan's shoulder in his maw, his fangs pressing against the flesh as he began to pump in faster, making the kitty beneath him grunt and moan and bite at his pillow.

Leo grabbed Aidan's paws in his, yanking them to be over the kitty's head in the pillows as the pumping continuously picked up speed, making Aidan bite harder and harder down on the pillow to try and keep down the increasingly louder pleasured noises he kept making, his claws raking into the cheap fabric.

Leo began to growl and snarl as he held the kitty's shoulder in his mouth, the warm feel of Lion drool dripping down Aidan's shoulder to pool on the bed as he began to thrust back up against the lion's groin. He could feel the barbs in his body flaring rhythmically, like a metronome counting out the tempo of his lover's heartbeat for him and him alone. The white cat could feel this constantly leaking seed squish into his fur as he pumped up and down over the growing sticky pool.

Leo's teeth felt as if they were about to rip Aidan's flesh as the hot breath went in and out over the white fur from his mouth, his claws digging into his lover's paws as he began to piston hard in and out of the tight pucker, making it feel to the small cat as if his insides were being ripped out. Aidan's body began to twitch and convulse beneath the lion, biting down hard on the fluffy white pillow.

Suddenly Leo gave a roar, muffled by the flesh in his maw that vibrated with it, and thrust hard his whole cock into the tight passage, filling it with floods of lion seed as the male beneath him shook and came, covering the sheets under him in kitty seed, Leo still giving shallow thrusts within his partner's tightened rear as his sack emptied into it.

Aidan lay on the bed, panting as he felt his own ejaculate squishing into his fur, Leo put his full weight down on top of him, panting hard. The lion pulled out slowly, his cream dribbling out from Aidan's rear after it., then rolled off of his lover, petting his back.

Aidan smiled at him, "Heh, odd way you have of bathing."

Leo smirked back, scratching under his lover's chin, "Heh, never said that I would bathe right now. Besides, I know you enjoyed it."

Aidan giggled, "I think now I'm the one who needs the bath." He said, indicating his sticky body.

"Nah, it looks good on you. Besides, I don't wanna get caught."

"Heh, okay. You know, you never told me that you were Hispanic."

Leo shrugged, "I didn't think it mattered. I'm only half Hispanic."

Aidan half shrugged, "It doesn't. Just surprised me is all. You don't look like your mom at all."

Leo rolled to the side of the bed, sat on the edge briefly, and stood up, "Well, I guess I'm full of surprises, then." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be back."

"Oooh, just wish that I could join you," Aidan purred, rolling on to his back and tilting back his head, so that the room and the lion were upside down.

"No, kitty, I already said, even if you do need it more than me." Leo returned with a smirk.

Aidan giggled, "Remember me when you're away." He said melodramatically.

"I'm only going to take a shower. Besides, I don't want it to take too long."

"Haha, okay, Dear, have fun."

"It's just gonna be a quick shower." Leo stated, walking out of the room with an extra flip of his tail from under the towel at the kitty.

Aidan laid on the bed and purred as he felt his lover's seed dribble from his rear and studied the walls of the small chamber. He glanced up, and wondered why exactly so many feathers dangled from the ceiling around that dream catcher. Oh well, he'd ask Leo later. Hmm, a photo of a vixen on a beach. Maybe he could cover that later, hrrmm. A model of the month calendar sat directly across from the bed, presenting for September a tigress smiling unusually brightly and seductively down on Aidan. He didn't want that to stay, either, but he doubted that he could get away with changing that.

Aidan was concentrating on hating that calendar, when the sound of the door opening made him jump. "Oh hey honey," he said almost guiltily.

Leo smiled at his kitty, "What were you doing, Fuzzbutt?"

"Excuse me, what did you call me?"

"Just Fuzzbutt. It's true, you have a fuzzy butt."

Aidan threw a pillow, hitting his mate's face as Leo tried to catch it. "Don't call me that!"

"Heh, okay Cumbutt."

Aidan gave a frustrated sigh, and threw another pillow, which Leo caught this time, "That's worse, much worse!"

"Okay, then what do you want me to call you?"

"Call me Aidan, call me Sweetie, Dear, Honey, whatever, just not those."

"Okay........ Fuzzbutt."

"Ugh!" Aidan proclaimed, jumping up and hitting Leo with a pillow on the head. Leo tackled

him, then picked him up and carried him around the room on his large shoulders. Aidan kicked and struggled, "Put me down!" he laughed.

Leo reached up and smacked the white rear that flexed over his shoulders, then threw his quarry down on the bed, pouncing down on top of it with a toothy smile. Then he leaned down, and kissed him. "I love you, Aidan." He said, pressing his forehead against his lover's.

Aidan purred, pressing his forehead back up against Leo's. "I love you too, Leo." He said hugging his still damp lion.

Leo hugged back, then, after a few seconds, pushed away, "I'm gonna hafta take the floor, tonight, Hon, you can have the bed."

"Huh? But why?"

Leo rubbed his nose against Aidan's, "'Cause I don't wanna get caught, dear. My parents wouldn't understand two males in the same bed."

"Okay," Aidan sighed, "I guess that you're right. I love you dear." He added with another hug.

"Love ya too, Hon," Leo said, kissing his mate before sliding gracefully to the floor. "Sleep well." He muttered from the carpet.

Aidan sighed, "Ya, as well as I can alone here."

Aidan waited in the dark room until he heard Leo's breathing slow, then slid off the bed, and under the sheets next to his lion.

Leo turned his head to look at the kitty and muttered sleepily, "What are you doing? I told you we couldn't get caught."

"I know, I just wanna... well, just for a little while."

Leo smiled, turned, and hugged the small white body to his, "Okay, just for a bit."

Aidan just purred and snuggled into the warm embrace, wrapping his arm tightly around the one that enclosed him.