Chapter 4: The Forsaken

Story by Nosmo on SoFurry

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#4 of Nosmo & Kerbey

_ Warning: This chapter is pretty graphic and may be highly disturbing to some of you... it contains sodomy, necrophilia, sadomasochism, castration, cannabalism and other sexual themes you may find highly disturbing. You have been warned. _

Chapter 4: The Forsaken

Kerbey and I were walking hand in hand through the beautiful meadows... this is possibly the first serene place I have seen for quite some time on my journeys through this harsh and unforgiving world. A wave of horniness struck me all the sudden. And not to far off I saw a nice hot spring. I pulled Kerbey towards it.

"Ahh, hehe. I know what you're thinking, you bad boy you!" Kerbey smirked.

"Wanna?" I asked him.

He shook his head yes. I grabbed his hand and we ran over to the nice warm spring. Both of us stripped totally naked and threw our clothes to the side. My cock was nice and hard, as was Kerbey's.

"Well, someone is happy to see me." I said.

Kerbey blushed.

"We both are you sexy dragon."

I was overcome. I dove right into him and started kissing. It was one of the best kisses of my life. I was nice and wet. My tongue was traveling around the inside of his mouth like a snake in a garden patch. I started slowly massaging his cock as I kissed him.

"Hey baby, fuck me." Kerbey said to me.

"Are... you sure?" I asked him.

He shook his head and approved. I then took my 9 inch cock and slowly pushed it up his widening anus. He yelped a bit.

"Ah yes. Push it in harder baby."

I complied. I slowly pushed it in more and more. I was getting pretty deep in now.

"Oh yes, sweet pain I love it so. Push harder!"

I pushed in the rest of my 9 inch cock up his anus. I don't think I could go any further if I tried. I held onto him tightly as my cock went in and out of his ass, all 9 inches at a time.

"Go very fast! Make me bleed baby!"

I had never been with such a masochist before, it kind of turned me on. I fucked him very fast, my cock going in and out of his anus constantly over and over. I then noticed a mixture of blood and pre on my cock as it came out.

"Oh baby. You are the best." he said to me.

Soon enough I came. My dick ripping his anus each time. As I removed my dick it was covered with a mixture of blood and cum. His ass was dripping.

"Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I asked.

"Just a little bit... but I came in the water. So you tell me." he responded.

I then fell into his arms and fell asleep in the hot steamy spring. I haven't been this relaxed in ages. Hours went by. After a bit it went from hot to cooling. When I opened my eyes again the sun was starting to set. Kerbey and I got dressed.

"So we are heading towards that town, correct?" I asked Kerbey.

"Yes... who knows. Some people might recognize us." he said.

"Isn't it weird though, that nobody is outside? It is a nice evening!" I stated.

"I don't know. We will find out."

We started walking towards the town... eerie thing is the closer we got to the town the darker it became all the sudden. And then it even started to rain. It soon very dark. Thunder rolled across the valley. As if giving us a warning of sorts. Like something terrible lied ahead. I was still weakened and in pain from our encounter with the hermaphrodite werewolf. My head was pounding. Kerbey and I held hands as we walked into the town. A big lightning bolt planted itself right in front of our path. Almost like a final warning. We then walked into the town. The town was totally deserted It was a fairly decent sized town too. But there was nothing... nothing there at all. Everything was destroyed. The buildings were all decrepit and falling apart.

"Wh-what happened here!?!?" Kerbey stuttered.

"It's totally... destroyed!"

Kerbey was clearly distraught.

"All my family was here... this is where I grew up. And now, it's nothing! It's all gone!"

Kerbey fell to his knees.

"Aww, sweety... are you sure this is the right town?" I asked him.

"Yes! 100% sure as a matter of fact! I recognize everything here! But it... it is totally... GONE! Everybody is gone..."

Just as Kerbey said that a wind bellowed from the sky and knocked us both down.

"We warned you.. The forsaken ones will never rest... in this once glorious place." an otherworldly voice stated.

"But, what happened here?" the voice never answered back.

"I think maybe we should get the hell out of here." I said to Kerbey.

"But Nosmo, the only way out is through this town. It's a gated town. The gates go on for hundreds of miles. Don't ask me why. They just do. It doesn't make sense... but they just do." We then walked inside the gates. Immediately the gates closed shut. Then we heard demonic hellish like screaming.

"Oh my god..." I screamed.

"What?" Kerbey asked.

"This is the town that was destroyed by my brother!" I told him.


All the sudden all around us... where these hideous zombie like creatures. They looked like furs. But they were decayed. Bones showing. Flesh and meat hanging from their bodies. Stripped bare and naked.

"Felix! You will pay!!!" They were all screaming at us.

"Who is Felix?" Kerbey asked me.

"My brother!"

As the creatures started charging toward us I looked around for any weapon at all. I had lost my sword back when we were dealing with the werewolf. I saw a large stick on the ground. I picked it up and attempted to fight the gang of zombies off. One of them simply ate the stick as I swung it at her.

"Hahaha!" the zombie screamed. I then started using my fists and feet. I kicked the zombie right in the gut. It fell apart instantly. Kerbey was fighting the other zombies. There were 12 in all. We both took on 6 each. As we both defeated the last zombie there was a demonic scream in the air. And then the zombies blew into the wind like dust.

"That was easy... almost too easy." Kerbey stated.

Yeah... it was rather easy. Hmm.

"Your brother destroyed this town... my town I grew up in?" Kerbey asked me.

"My brother, Felix destroyed many places. Felix is a jealous evil dragon. He is responsible for killing my entire family... more then likely he was influenced by his mother my stepmother. She was an evil terrible dragon too but she disappeared for awhile. My father left her for a reason."

I looked around and could not believe the ruin, absolute ruin that was before me. It was terrible. Disturbing to say the least. The buildings were all abandoned and there was rubble everywhere.

"Where do we go?" Kerbey asked me.

"Not sure." I answered back.

"Oh, I know! Lets go to my old house I grew up in! It's down a ways." he said.

"But are you sure that is such a good idea?" I asked him.

"I... just need to find something out." he replied back.

I shook my head in approval.

"But where is it?" I asked.

"Just follow me." he said.

I had my guard up. Anytime something could come out and try to attack us again. We walked quite a distance. The landscape was black. The ground was dark and dusty. The clouds were black and hung low. The whole place felt of evil, unrest, and death. As I looked in the skies beyond the clouds, there were no stars... just a moon. The moon actually had a face though. I just kept following Kerbey. As we kept going on it seemed we were heading towards a field. As we walked by this field a cold chill struck me. It struck right down my spine and sent a shiver of terror up my back.

"Woah... cold." Kerbey said.

As we drew nearer the house the door was closed. Kerbey went to open it, and it nearly fell on us. We looked inside. The windows were all wide open. Wind blew through them. Kerbey looked around the deserted home. It looked like a tornado had been through here. The stairs to the upstairs were totally demolished.

"My home... what happened..." Kerbey stuttered.

As I was walking towards the windows I stepped upon a news clipping. In it was a family photo. It looked like it might be Kerbey's family. But under the photo I saw a very upsetting caption.

"Father slays own family. Three children and wife were all found dead. One of the children are missing. Authorities are investigating further."

I dropped the clip with my mouth wide open. Kerbey looked back at me.

"What is wrong?"

I picked the clip back up and handed it to him. He read it.

"Kerbey... I... never knew this happened. I..." he stopped me.

"This is not what I was looking for... but yes. My father... he went crazy one day. He was yelling and screaming at my mom. They argued back and forth. My father had just lost his job, was in financial ruin, in tons of debt, and his marriage with my mom was failing. She had demanded a divorce..."

The sound of thunder echoed throughout the skies as the rain patted against the wall.

"He was panicking. He was losing everything. My mom had threatened to take me and my siblings to her mother's house... one night... he just went... I-I woke up. I went to go to my Mom and Dad's room... and... then..."

Tears filled his eyes.

"I... saw him. With an axe. He had it high up in the air and dropped it down on my mother... my poor mother. She was screaming. After 5 times she became quite. My mouth dropped. I could not say a word. I went back to my room. I hid under my bed. Then I heard footsteps... loud footsteps. I heard my brother and sisters scream. The sound of my father... hacking away... hacking that axe upon my sibling's heads... there was blood all over the floor. He took the bloody axe, and left the room. Screaming my name. I got out from under my bed. My sisters and brother were laying there on the floor. Chopped up to bits. I held my youngest sister in my arms. I heard him coming back up and I jumped out the window... I ran and never looked back."

He was in my arms crying at this point.

"Looks like we both lost our families." I said to him as I held his weeping form. I was crying too. On the night stand I noticed a family portrait. He walked over and grabbed it.

"I miss these days."

In the portrait his mom and dad were arm in arm and all the kids were smiling. As I grabbed it I noticed that his father in the portrait had an evil grin on his face... an axe appeared and he hacked Kerbey's moms head off, and held it in his other hand. I screamed and dropped the picture.

"What's wrong?" Kerbey asked.

All the sudden right behind him was a ghost like entity. It was holding a large axe above Kerbey's head. I dashed out and pushed him out of the way. The ghost then looked Kerbey dead in the eye. A look of pure terror was upon him.

"I have found you my son..." the ghost then disappeared.

"I think we should leave, Kerbey."

We ran out of the old dilapidated house. As we ran through the fields I saw something terrible beyond all words to my left. I stopped cold. It was a humongous cross. It was burnt upside down. A girl was pinned to it. Kerbey walked back to see what was wrong and his jaw dropped. It was a wolf girl. Her fur and skin slowly burnt off exposing her skeleton then it blew into the wind.

"Kelsey Rhodes... a small girl who was nailed to a cross by her own mother. Her mother burnt her alive, believing that burning the girl would save her from damnation in hell. She was a real religious nut job. It was her only child. It was one of the worst atrocities to take place in this town. It shocked everyone."

I wanted to collapse but I was too scared. I wanted to believe I was just hallucinating, but it was becoming obvious that this was a haunted ghost town. As I was walking a tripped over what appeared to be a hand sticking out of the ground. It scared the hell out of me. I kicked at the hand and it went back in the ground.

"This town has been cursed..." Kerbey said.

"Your brother put some sort of terrible spell over this place after he destroyed it. This just isn't right." I scratched my head.

"What was his motivation?" Kerbey asked.

"His motivation? He is a cruel, heartless, beast. THAT is his motivation. He is an asshole on a grand scale. He doesn't care who he hurts, who he kills, or who he deceives."

We walked through the wretched terrain searching for a way out. The clouds soon poured rain asunder. Thunder clapped the sky. A blast of wind blew us from behind. As we looked back off in the distance Kerbey's childhood home was struck by thunder. Kerbey screamed loudly. I picked him up and we ran far away from the area. Things started to rise out of the ground. Hands... like they were trying to reach something or someone... death like moans filled the air. The corpses one by one rose from out of the ground.

"Get... the... dragon!" they were all screaming.

Clearly, we were fucked. We had to get out of there. I then grabbed Kerbey and threw him over my shoulders and attempted to fly into the air. He was heavy. I didn't last long. The wind and rain caused me to lose balance and fall to the ground. As I fell to the ground I lost Kerbey. I looked around. He was surrounded. I got up and grabbed him once again, carrying him over my shoulder. I ran with him. Looking for an exit. Any exit to get out of here. But then the zombies started to pop up out of everywhere. There must have been hundreds. I tripped and fell to the ground with Kerbey on top of me. He rolled over.

"We are fucked..."

With a last ditch plea I begged.

"Please... I am not my brother. We are two different people. I would never do this to you."

As they inched closer a burst of lightening struck out of the sky. I then blacked out. I soon would awaken in what appeared to be a chapel. There were graven images of holy figures all around. The room was lit red, almost the color of blood.

"I used to go to church here as a child." Kerbey pronounced.

"Ahh yes, young Kerbey." a crackling voice said.

In front of us was what appeared to be a wolf. His fur was dark as midnight, and it seemed he was missing an eye. He was wearing a black robe with red lining. It represented a Satanic priest.

"Pas... Pastor Domo? What, happened... to you?"

The pastor approached us. We were the only ones in the room. No zombies, just us... in this small chapel with him.

"After the bastard dragon wiped out this city it was cursed. He cursed these lands. I tried to bless this place but with his single bear claw he plucked my eye right out of my skull. I was in great pain. He sealed my eye and cursed me to live forever in this desolate town. I have not seen a living soul in years. I used to be a servant of God... but I have turned to the dark arts. A Satanic cult I started with the damned and forsaken ones of this village."

I just stood there. Kerbey was starting to cry.

"You were my biggest idol as a child..."

All the sudden chains encased us to two chairs in the back. Four decayed zombie wolves entered the room. All dressed in similar garb. It then all started to make sense.

"You, Pastor Domo... you resurrected all of these people yourself! Didn't you!"

The pastor let out an evil cackle.

"Your brother cursed me and killed my home... he cursed these lands... that they would not again prosper and flourish. I learned a bit of necromancing... the dark art of resurrection of dead people. They now serve my needs..." he proclaimed.

"What needs?" Kerbey shyly asked him.

"You'll find out..." he replied.

The pastor tore of his robe and all his clothes. He then went up to one of the zombie wolves and tore his garb off as well. He bent the zombie over and put his dick inside the dead wolfs ass. Kerbey and I just stared at astonishment and disgust. He was anal fucking the dead cold ass of this wolf.

"I like em nice and cold... feels better against your cock. Ah yeah..."

The pastor then screamed. Indicating he had let loose his seed into the dead wolf. He then took the dried up shriveled black cock of the dead wolf and forced it in his ass. The cock broke off inside his ass and he pushed it up in as far as it would go.

"Aww yeah, nothing like a dead decayed cock in your ass."

He then went put the dead wold at eye level and engaged in skull fucking him. He put his cock in the eye hole and inserted it in and out constantly. As he fucked the wolf his dick touched the brain and his cock became covered in blood and brains. He became more and more forceful. As he was doing this he shit out the dead cock.

"I want to throw up but I am too scared." I stated.

"This is just so wrong... is so many ways." Kerbey said.

The pastor then threw the corpse onto the floor.

"When you haven't seen a living soul in years you will do anything for a good fuck." he proclaimed.

"Suck my cock." the pastor said to Kerbey.

"Excuse me?"


Kerbey looked over at me for approval.

"Just do it, I want to stay alive. I know you don't like it darling."

Kerbey opened his mouth with great reluctance. The wolf stuck the cock in his mouth that was covered with brains, blood, and puss. Kerbey's eyes opened wide open and he gagged. He threw up all over the wolf.

"Oh yeah" the wolf muttered. He then licked Kerbey's puke up off the ground and licked it off him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked him. "You're fucking disgusting!"

The pastor began to laugh manically. The other zombies just stood their staring without a thought in their head. I heard the church bell toll. The doors of the chapel opened and zombies poured in and littered the pews. Pastor Domo went to the front of the chapel behind his pulpit.

"The time is now! The brother of the one who forsake us all is back there! Chained and ready for feasting! Will we let him get away with this!" he shouted at his undead congregation.

"Listen to me!" I screamed. They all then looked back at me.

"I did not do this to you! My brother didn't even do this to you! PASTOR DOMO DID THIS TO YOU! He forsake you all with his own hands to use you at will!"

The pastor's eyes dropped. All of the zombies started getting up out of their pews.


"You call NECROPHILIA GODLY!?!?! Listen to me, everyone. Please. Who is the one who promised you freedom? Life? The chance to see your loved ones again? And who never delivered those promises and forsake you for all of eternity!" The zombies raised up... they came back towards Kerbey and I and untied us.

"You all SERVE ME! Remember that!"

The zombies then went towards him. He tried backing away from them. But they got closer and started to devour him. A scream escaped him but he breathed no more. They devoured him piece by piece. The sound of crunching bones and the smell of rotting meat filled the air. Kerbey and I took an opportunity to escape the chapel. Off in the distance we saw a gate that was opened. We ran towards it as fast as we could. As soon as we passed through we shut the gate tightly and locked it. We sat down to regain our breath. The skies were gray but not dark like before. A sigh of relief escaped us having survived such a terrible place. Kerbey let a tear escape from his eyes.

"Are you ok darling?" I asked him.

"I will be... but I feel like I have lost so much from here... that man back there was my idol. My hero. He was a second father to me."

I reached over to hug Kerbey.

"Come on, we best get away from here. Lets go."

We held hands and followed the path onwards... we clearly had a long way to go.. Wherever we were going. Hopefully we could settle soon. Walking hand in hand leaning on each other we followed the road wherever it may have taken us. The road less traveled. The road to freedom.

Yeah, this didn't take place in a nightclub like I had originally planned. I like the way it turned out. It is gory and quite weird but I like to experiment and go the road less traveled as far as yiffy writing is concerned. I am not sure when Chapter 5 will come or what it will be about but I am gonna tone it down a bit compared to this chapter that much I am sure.

Chapter 5: The False Preacher

**_Chapter 5: The False Preacher_** Escaping that dreaded town of haunted memories was no easy task... physically or mentally. Some of the things we saw were enough to disturb even the strongest of constitutions. Kerbey was still clearly shaken...

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Chapter 3: Fear Of The Dark

**Chapter 3: Fear Of The Dark** I was scared out of my mind. I could smell something being cooked. It was a disgusting stench of rotting flesh combined with cooking oil. I was scared to find out what that sizzling noise possibly could have been....

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Chapter 2: Nemesis

**Chapter 2: Nemesis.** The rain fell down with unforgiving lament. The moon howled in the sky as the stars glimmered in a chorus of extraterrestrial light. It has been 2 weeks now since we have been out on our on. We were walking down a secluded...

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